SI25726A2 - Three color window shade to control room temperature - Google Patents

Three color window shade to control room temperature Download PDF


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SI25726A2 SI201900091A SI201900091A SI25726A2 SI 25726 A2 SI25726 A2 SI 25726A2 SI 201900091 A SI201900091 A SI 201900091A SI 201900091 A SI201900091 A SI 201900091A SI 25726 A2 SI25726 A2 SI 25726A2
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Djordje Kovačević
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Djordje Kovačević
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Application filed by Djordje Kovačević filed Critical Djordje Kovačević
Publication of SI25726A2 publication Critical patent/SI25726A2/en



    • E06B9/00Screening or protective devices for wall or similar openings, with or without operating or securing mechanisms; Closures of similar construction
    • E06B9/24Screens or other constructions affording protection against light, especially against sunshine; Similar screens for privacy or appearance; Slat blinds


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Blinds (AREA)


Izum je na področju človeških potreb uvrščen med pohištvo, še posebno na področje opreme za vrata in okna. Predmet izuma so tribarvna okenska senčila, še posebno zavese in žaluzije, ki omogočajo nadzor temperature v prostoru zaradi svoje posebne barvne zasnove. Bistvo tribarvnega okenskega senčila za nadzor temperature v prostoru je v tem, da ima dve lameli, glavno in rotirajočo, pri čemer je rotirajoča lamela dvobarvna, tako da je ena stran svetla (običajno bela) in odbija svetlobo, druga pa temna(običajno črna) in absorbira svetlobo. Glavna lamela je poljubne barve glede na želje uporabnika in je vedno obrnjena v notranjost prostora. Glavna in rotirajoča lamela sta povezani s poljubnimi povezovalnimi elementi, prednostno z magnetom, utori, zakovicami, ali ježki, tako da sta obe lameli med seboj vedno vzporedni, s čemer je zagotovljen prostor za kroženje zraka. Senčilo po izumu je lahko oblikovano na različne načine, prednostno kot običajne navpične zavese, žaluzije, beneška senčila, notranjapolkna in podobno.The invention is classified as furniture in the field of human needs, especially in the field of equipment for doors and windows. The subject of the invention are three-color window blinds, especially curtains and blinds, which enable control of the temperature in the room due to their special color design. The essence of a three-color window shade for room temperature control is that it has two lamellas, a main and a rotating one, where the rotating lamella is two-colored, so that one side is light (usually white) and reflects light and the other is dark (usually black) and absorbs light. The main lamella is of any color according to the user's wishes and is always facing the interior of the room. The main and rotating lamellas are connected by any connecting elements, preferably with a magnet, grooves, rivets, or hedgehogs, so that both lamellas are always parallel to each other, thus providing space for air circulation. The blind according to the invention can be designed in various ways, preferably as conventional vertical curtains, blinds, Venetian blinds, interior shutters and the like.


Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoruTricolor window shade for room temperature control

Področje tehnikeField of technology

Izum je na področju človeških potreb uvrščen med pohištvo, še posebno na področje opreme za vrata in okna. Predmet izuma so tribarvna okenska senčila, še posebno zavese in žaluzije, ki omogočajo nadzor temperature v prostoru zaradi svoje posebne barvne zasnove.The invention is classified as furniture in the field of human needs, especially in the field of equipment for doors and windows. The subject of the invention are three-color window blinds, especially curtains and blinds, which enable control of the temperature in the room due to their special color design.

Ozadje izuma in tehnični problemBackground of the invention and technical problem

Okensko senčilo kot so zavese in žaluzije je običajno premičen kos tekstila ali umetnega materiala nameščen pred oknom z namenom kontrole prehoda svetlobe v notranji prostor ali z namenom blokiranja pogledov iz zunanjosti v notranjost prostora. Obstajajo številne oblike, materiali, barve in vzorci okenskih senčil, med temi tudi takšne zavese, ki zagotavljajo odbijanje svetlobe za preprečevanje pregrevanja notranjega prostora ali absorpcijo svetlobe za višanje temperature. Večinoma so znane zavese in tudi žaluzije, ki so običajno nameščene pred oknom iz zunanje ali notranje strani s podobnim namenom kot zavese, energetsko neučinkovite. Glede na barvo in letni čas so znani modeli zaves ali žaluzij neprilagodljivi, zaradi česar so stroški ogrevanja in hlajenja prostorov višji.A window shade such as curtains and blinds is usually a movable piece of textile or plastic material placed in front of a window in order to control the passage of light into the interior or in order to block views from the outside to the inside of the room. There are many shapes, materials, colors and patterns of window shades, including such curtains that provide light reflection to prevent overheating of the interior space or absorption of light to raise the temperature. For the most part, known curtains as well as blinds, which are usually installed in front of a window from the outside or inside with a similar purpose as curtains, are energy inefficient. Depending on the color and time of year, the known models of curtains or blinds are inflexible, which makes the costs of space heating and cooling higher.

Tehnični problem, ki ga pričujoči izum rešuje, je konstrukcijska rešitev okenskega senčila z izboljšano energetsko učinkovitostjo, in sicer tako, da bodo v ogrevalni sezoni stroški ogrevanja nižji, v poletni sezoni pa stroški ohlajanja nižji. Obenem mora konstrukcija senčila omogočati tudi prilagajanje barvni shemi prostora, v katerem se bo senčilo nahajalo.The technical problem solved by the present invention is a design solution for a window shade with improved energy efficiency, so that in the heating season the heating costs will be lower and in the summer season the cooling costs will be lower. At the same time, the construction of the blind must also allow it to adapt to the color scheme of the room in which the blind will be located.

Stanje tehnikeState of the art

Okenska senčila obstajajo v različnih izvedbah, med katerimi je kar nekaj takšnih, ki naj bi bila energetsko učinkovita. Običajno so to t. i. izolacijske zavese sestavljene iz štirih plasti:Window blinds exist in various designs, among which there are quite a few that are supposed to be energy efficient. Usually these are t. i. insulating curtains consisting of four layers:

- osrednja plast iz pene z visoko gostoto, ki zagotavlja toplotno in zvočno izolacijo;- a central layer of high-density foam that provides thermal and sound insulation;

- zaščitna plast, ki preprečuje peni absorpcijo vlage;- a protective layer that prevents the foam from absorbing moisture;

- plast reflektivnega materiala, ki odbija toploto nazaj v sobo; in- a layer of reflective material that reflects heat back into the room; in

- zunanja okrasno plast.- outer decorative layer.

Uporabni model CN201551125 opisuje učinkovito in energetsko varčno tekstilno zaveso, ki je narejena iz poliesterskih vlaken ovitih v polivinilklorid, pri čemer so dodane plasti polifluortetraetilena in aluminijeve paste. S takšno strukturo je zagotovljena odpornost zavese, filtriranje svetlobe, toplotna izolacija in posledično boljša energetska učinkovitost.The utility model CN201551125 describes an efficient and energy-saving textile curtain made of polyester fibers wrapped in polyvinyl chloride, with the addition of layers of polyfluorotetraethylene and aluminum paste. Such a structure ensures curtain resistance, light filtration, thermal insulation and consequently better energy efficiency.

Patentna prijava US4307768 opisuje strukturo okenskega senčila za znižanje toplotnih izgub ali gretja okna, pri čemer se lahko senčilo raztegne ali zloži. Sestavljeno je iz dveh nasprotujočih si sten iz tankega, fleksibilnega materiala, ki sta med seboj povezani z množico povezovalnih linij, tako da vmes nastane množica kanalov. Le-ti omogočajo boljšo izolacijo.Patent application US4307768 describes the structure of a window shade for reducing heat loss or heating of a window, wherein the shade can be stretched or folded. It consists of two opposing walls made of thin, flexible material, which are interconnected by a multitude of connecting lines, so that a multitude of channels is formed in between. These provide better insulation.

Opisane rešitve se od pričujočega izuma razlikujejo po strukturi in materialih.The described solutions differ from the present invention in structure and materials.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of the solution to the technical problem

Bistvo tribarvnega okenskega senčila za nadzor temperature v prostoru je v tem, da ima dve lameli, glavno in rotirajočo, pri čemer je rotirajoča lamela dvobarvna, tako da je ena stran svetla (običajno bela) in odbija svetlobo, druga pa temna (običajno črna) in absorbira svetlobo. Glavna lamela je poljubne barve glede na želje uporabnika in je vedno obrnjena v notranjost prostora. Glavna in rotirajoča lamela sta povezani s poljubnimi povezovalnimi elementi, prednostno z magnetom, utori, zakovicami, ali ježki, tako da sta obe lameli med seboj vedno vzporedni, s čemer je zagotovljen prostor za kroženje zraka. Senčilo po izumu je lahko oblikovano na različne načine, prednostno kot običajne navpične zavese, žaluzije, beneška senčila, notranja polkna in podobno.The essence of a three-color window shade for room temperature control is that it has two lamellas, a main and a rotating one, where the rotating lamella is two-colored, so that one side is light (usually white) and reflects light and the other is dark (usually black) and absorbs light. The main lamella is of any color according to the user's wishes and is always facing the interior of the room. The main and rotating lamellas are connected by arbitrary connecting elements, preferably with a magnet, grooves, rivets, or hedgehogs, so that both lamellas are always parallel to each other, thus providing space for air circulation. The blind according to the invention can be designed in various ways, preferably as conventional vertical curtains, blinds, Venetian blinds, interior shutters and the like.

Glavna lamela je lahko iz različnih materialov, prednostno toplotno odpornih materialov, vključno s tekstilom, lesom, plastiko, aluminijem, kompozitnimi materiali, medtem ko je rotirajoča lamela izdelana iz tankih aluminijastih plošč. Ena stran je v beli ali drugi svetli barvi, druga pa v črni ali druge temne barve. Spreminjanje barve rotirajoče lamele je odvisno od letnega časa. Poleti mora senčilo v čim večji meri odbijati sončne žarke in tako zmanjšati pregrevanje zavese ter posledično notranjosti prostora. S svetlo barvo kot je bela ali bež se sončni žarki učinkovito odbijejo, prenos toplote v prostor pa je zmanjšan. Nasprotno mora pozimi zavesa omogočati absorpcijo svetlobe in s tem dodatno gretje prostora, saj zavesa postane toplotno telo. S temno barvo kot je črna, rjava, modra ali temno siva se toplota nabira v zavesi, oddaja pa se lahko tudi naprej v prostor, zaradi česar se gretje lahko zniža. Obračanje rotirajoče lamele se torej izvede dvakrat na leto, in sicer na začetku in koncu sezone ogrevanja. Obračanje se izvede tako, da se povezovalne elemente, prednostno magnete, odklopi, rotirajočo lamelo obrne in nato ponovno pritrdi povezovalne elemente.The main lamella can be made of various materials, preferably heat-resistant materials, including textiles, wood, plastic, aluminum, composite materials, while the rotating lamella is made of thin aluminum plates. One side is in white or another light color and the other in black or other dark colors. Changing the color of the rotating lamella depends on the time of year. In summer, the shade should reflect the sun's rays as much as possible and thus reduce the overheating of the curtain and consequently the interior of the room. With a light color such as white or beige, the sun's rays are effectively reflected and heat transfer to the room is reduced. On the contrary, in winter the curtain must allow the absorption of light and thus additional heating of the room, as the curtain becomes a heat body. With a dark color such as black, brown, blue or dark gray, heat accumulates in the curtain and can also be transmitted further into the room, which can reduce the heating. The rotation of the rotating lamella is therefore carried out twice a year, at the beginning and end of the heating season. The turning is performed by disconnecting the connecting elements, preferably the magnets, turning the rotating lamella and then reattaching the connecting elements.

Senčilo po izumu je lahko oblikovano na različne načine, prednostno kot običajne navpične zavese, žaluzije, beneška senčila, zebra zavese, panelne zavese, notranja polkna in podobno. Lahko se uporablja za širok spekter stanovanjskih in poslovnih objektov, zlasti za stavbe s steklenimi fasadami. Prednost izuma je prihranek energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje, s čemer se znižajo tudi emisije ogljikovega dioksida.The blind according to the invention can be designed in various ways, preferably as conventional vertical curtains, blinds, Venetian blinds, zebra curtains, panel curtains, interior shutters and the like. It can be used for a wide range of residential and commercial buildings, especially for buildings with glass facades. The advantage of the invention is the saving of energy for heating and cooling, thereby also reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po izumu bo v nadaljevanju natančneje opisano s pomočjo izvedbenih primerov in slik, ki prikazujejo:The three-color window shade for room temperature control according to the invention will be described in more detail below with the help of embodiments and figures showing:

Slika 1aFigure 1a

Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki zavese v sezoni ogrevanjaSide view of the curtain-shaped window shade in the heating season

Slika 1b Figure 1b Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki zavese v poletni sezoni Side view of the window shade in the form of a curtain in the summer season Slika 2a Figure 2a Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki beneškega senčila v sezoni ogrevanja Side view of a window shade in the form of a Venetian shade in the heating season Slika 2b Figure 2b Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki beneškega senčila v poletni sezoni Side view of a window shade in the form of a Venetian shade in the summer season Slika 3a Figure 3a Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki rolo senčila v sezoni ogrevanja Side view of the window blind in the form of a roller blind in the heating season Slika 3b Figure 3b Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki rolo senčila v poletni sezoni Side view of the window shade in the form of a roller blind in the summer season Slika 4a Figure 4a Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki notranjega polkna v sezoni ogrevanja Side view of the window shade in the form of an inner shutter in the heating season Slika 4b Figure 4b Stranski pogled na okensko senčilo v obliki notranjega polkna v poletni sezoni Side view of the window shade in the form of an inner shutter in the summer season

Na vseh slikah je konstrukcija zavese glede na okno prikazana v stranskem pogledu oziroma prerezu, kjer je leva stran notranjost prostora, desna stran pa zunanjost. Sončni žarki so ponazorjeni s puščicami.In all pictures, the construction of the curtain in relation to the window is shown in a side view or cross-section, where the left side is the inside of the room and the right side is the outside. The sun’s rays are illustrated by arrows.

Slika 1 prikazuje izvedbeni primer okenskega senčila po izumu, ki je zasnovano kot običajna zavesa, prikazuje postavitev v sezoni ogrevanja, ko je temna (črna) stran zavese obrnjena proti zunanjosti in absorbira sončne žarke, zaradi česar je notranjost prostora toplejša in je potrebna po ogrevanju znižana. Slika 3b prikazuje postavitev v poletni sezoni, ko se proti zunanjosti obrne svetla (bela) stran, ki odbija sončne žarke, zaradi česar ne pride do gretja prostora in je potreba po hlajenju znižana. Zavesa 21 po prvem izvedbenem primeru je torej nameščena pred oknom 11 v notranjosti prostora, med tem ko sončni žarki prihajajo od zunaj in padajo na okno 11 ter zunanjo površino rotirajoče lamele 211, ki je v sezoni ogrevanja temna površina 211 a (slika 1a), v poletni sezoni pa svetla površina 211b (slika 1b). Glavna lamela 212 je obrnjena v notranjost prostora, z rotirajočo lamelo 211 pa je povezana z vsaj dvema magnetoma 31 nameščenima blizu vrha in dna zavese 21.Figure 1 shows an embodiment of a window shade according to the invention, designed as a normal curtain, showing the layout in the heating season, when the dark (black) side of the curtain faces the outside and absorbs sunlight, making the interior warmer and needed after heating. reduced. Figure 3b shows the layout in the summer season, when the bright (white) side, which reflects the sun's rays, faces the outside, which prevents space heating and reduces the need for cooling. The curtain 21 according to the first embodiment is therefore placed in front of the window 11 inside the room, while the sun's rays come from outside and fall on the window 11 and the outer surface of the rotating lamella 211, which is a dark surface 211 a during the heating season (Figure 1a), in the summer season, the bright area is 211b (Figure 1b). The main lamella 212 faces the interior of the room, and is connected to the rotating lamella 211 by at least two magnets 31 located near the top and bottom of the curtain 21.

Slika 2 prikazuje drugi izvedbeni primer okenskega senčila, kjer je le-to zasnovano kot beneško senčilo, slika 2a prikazuje postavitev v sezoni ogrevanja, slika 2b pa v poletni sezoni. Beneško senčilo 22 je nameščeno pred oknom 12, senčilo 22 pa je sestavljeno iz večjega števila plošč 22a, ki imajo notranjo lamelo 222 obrnjeno v notranjost prostora ter rotirajočo lamelo 221, katere zunanja površina je v ogrevalni sezoni temna površina 221 a (slika 2a), v poletni sezoni pa svetla površina 221b (slika 2b). Obe lameli sta tako kot v prvem izvedbenem primeru povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma 32, odbijanje oziroma absorpcija žarkov pa deluje po enakem principu kot pri zavesi na sliki 1.Figure 2 shows another embodiment of a window blind, where it is designed as a Venetian blind, Figure 2a shows the layout in the heating season, and Figure 2b in the summer season. The Venetian blind 22 is installed in front of the window 12, and the blind 22 consists of a large number of panels 22a having an inner lamella 222 facing the interior and a rotating lamella 221 whose outer surface is a dark surface 221 a during the heating season (Figure 2a), in the summer season, the bright area is 221b (Figure 2b). As in the first embodiment, both lamellas are connected to at least two magnets 32, and the reflection or absorption of the rays works on the same principle as in the case of the curtain in Figure 1.

Slika 3 prikazuje tretji izvedbeni primer okenskega senčila, in sicer v obliki rolo senčila 23 pred oknom 13. Slika 3a prikazuje postavitev v sezoni ogrevanja, ko je temna (črna) stran rolo senčila obrnjena proti zunanjosti in absorbira sončne žarke, zaradi česar je notranjost prostora toplejša in je potrebna po ogrevanju znižana. Slika 3b prikazuje postavitev v poletni sezoni, ko se proti zunanjosti obrne svetla (bela) stran, ki odbija sončne žarke, zaradi česar ne pride do gretja prostora in je potreba po hlajenju znižana. Tako kot beneško senčilo 22 je tudi rolo senčilo 23 sestavljeno iz večjega števila plošč 23a, ki imajo notranjo lamelo 232 obrnjeno v notranjost prostora, rotirajočo lamelo 231 pa proti oknu, pri čemer je njena temna površina 231 a obrnjena proti oknu v sezoni ogrevanja (slika 3a), njena svetla površina 231 b pa je obrnjena proti oknu v poletni sezoni (slika 3b). Obe lameli sta povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma 33.Figure 3 shows a third embodiment of a window blind, in the form of a roller blind 23 in front of the window 13. Figure 3a shows the layout in the heating season, when the dark (black) side of the roller blind faces the outside and absorbs sunlight. warmer and required after heating reduced. Figure 3b shows the layout in the summer season, when the bright (white) side, which reflects the sun's rays, faces the outside, which prevents space heating and reduces the need for cooling. Like the Venetian blind 22, the roller blind 23 consists of a plurality of panels 23a having the inner lamella 232 facing the interior and the rotating lamella 231 facing the window, with its dark surface 231 a facing the window during the heating season (Fig. 3a), and its clear surface 231 b faces the window in the summer season (Fig. 3b). Both lamellae are connected by at least two magnets 33.

Slika 4 prikazuje okensko senčilo po četrtem izvedbenem primeru v obliki notranjega polkna 24 pred oknom 14, in sicer slika 4a v sezoni ogrevanja, slika 4b pa v poletni sezoni. Tako kot pri prejšnjih izvedbenih primerih je tudi v tem primeru odbijanje oziroma absorpcija sončnih žarkov izvedena na enak način, in sicer z obračanjem rotirajoče lamele večjega števila plošč 24a, ki poleg okvirja sestavljajo polkno 24. Vsaka izmed plošč 24a ima notranjo lamelo 242 obrnjeno v notranjost prostora, rotirajočo lamelo 241 pa proti oknu, pri čemer je njena temna površina 241 a obrnjena proti oknu v sezoni ogrevanja (slika 4a), njena svetla površina 241 b pa je obrnjena proti oknu v poletni sezoni (slika 4b). Obe lameli sta povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma 34.Figure 4 shows a window blind according to a fourth embodiment in the form of an inner shutter 24 in front of the window 14, namely Figure 4a in the heating season and Figure 4b in the summer season. As in the previous embodiments, the reflection of the sun's rays is carried out in the same way, by turning the rotating lamella of a large number of plates 24a, which form a shutter 24 next to the frame. Each of the plates 24a has an inner lamella 242 facing inwards space, the rotating lamella 241 facing the window, with its dark surface 241 a facing the window during the heating season (Figure 4a) and its light surface 241 b facing the window during the summer season (Figure 4b). Both lamellae are connected by at least two magnets 34.

Claims (8)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru, značilno po tem, da ima dve lameli, glavno in rotirajočo, pri čemer je rotirajoča lamela dvobarvna, tako da je ena stran svetla, prednostno bela, in odbija svetlobo, druga pa temna, prednostno črna, in absorbira svetlobo; in sta glavna in rotirajoča lamela povezani s poljubnimi povezovalnimi elementi, prednostno z magnetom, utori, zakovicami, ali ježki, tako da sta obe lameli med seboj vedno vzporedni in da se lahko rotirajoča lamela obrača na temno ali svetlo stran.A three-color window blind for controlling the temperature in a room, characterized in that it has two lamellae, a main lane and a rotating lamella, the rotating lamella being two-colored, so that one side is light, preferably white, and reflects light and the other is dark, preferably black, and absorbs light; and the main and rotating lamellas are connected by any connecting elements, preferably with a magnet, grooves, rivets, or studs, so that the two lamellae are always parallel to each other and the rotating lamella can be turned to the dark or light side. 2. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je glavna lamela je poljubne barve in je vedno obrnjena v notranjost prostora.Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to Claim 1, characterized in that the main lamella is of any color and is always facing the interior of the room. 3. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po zahtevku 1 ali zahtevku 2, značilno po tem, da je glavna lamela lahko iz različnih materialov, prednostno iz toplotno odpornih materialov, vključno s tekstilom, lesom, plastiko, aluminijem, kompozitnimi materiali, medtem ko je rotirajoča lamela izdelana iz tankih aluminijastih plošč.Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to Claim 1 or Claim 2, characterized in that the main lamella can be made of various materials, preferably heat-resistant materials, including textiles, wood, plastics, aluminum, composite materials, while when the rotating lamella is made of thin aluminum plates. 4. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po kateremkoli izmed predhodnih zahtevkov, značilno po tem, da je oblikovano na različne načine, prednostno kot običajne navpične zavese, žaluzije, beneška senčila, zebra zavese, panelne zavese in notranja polkna.Tricolor window blind for room temperature control according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that it is designed in various ways, preferably as conventional vertical curtains, blinds, Venetian blinds, zebra curtains, panel curtains and interior shutters. 5. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 1 do 4, značilno po tem, da je zasnovano kot običajna zavesa, pri čemer je zavesa (21) sestavljena iz glavne lamele (212) obrnjene v notranjost prostora ter rotirajoče lamele (211), kjer je v sezoni ogrevanja njena temna površina (211 a) obrnjena proti zunanjosti, v poletni sezoni pa je proti zunanjosti obrnjena njena svetla površina (211 b); pri čemer sta glavna in rotirajoča lamela (211 in 212) povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma (31) nameščenima blizu vrha in dna zavese (21).Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is designed as a normal curtain, the curtain (21) consisting of a main lamella (212) facing the interior of the room and a rotating lamellae (211), where in the heating season its dark surface (211 a) faces outwards and in the summer season its light surface faces outwards (211 b); wherein the main and rotating lamellae (211 and 212) are connected by at least two magnets (31) located close to the top and bottom of the curtain (21). 6. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 1 do 4, značilno po tem, da zasnovano kot beneško senčilo (22), sestavljeno iz večjega števila plošč (22a), ki imajo notranjo lamelo (222) obrnjeno v notranjost prostora ter rotirajočo lamelo (221), katere zunanja površina je v ogrevalni sezoni temna površina (221a), v poletni sezoni pa svetla površina (221 b); pri čemer sta obe lameli (221 in 222) povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma (32).Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is designed as a Venetian blind (22), consisting of a plurality of panels (22a) having an inner lamella (222) facing in the interior of the room and the rotating lamella (221), the outer surface of which is a dark surface (221a) in the heating season and a light surface (221 b) in the summer season; wherein both lamellae (221 and 222) are connected by at least two magnets (32). 7. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 1 do 4, značilno po tem, da je v obliki rolo senčila (23), ki je sestavljeno iz večjega števila plošč (23a), ki imajo notranjo lamelo (232) obrnjeno v notranjost prostora, rotirajočo lamelo (231) pa proti oknu, pri čemer je njena temna površina (231 a) obrnjena proti oknu v sezoni ogrevanja, njena svetla površina (231 b) pa je obrnjena proti oknu v poletni sezoni, pri čemer sta obe lameli sta povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma (33).Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is in the form of a roller blind (23) consisting of a plurality of panels (23a) having an inner lamella (232) ) facing the interior of the room, the rotating lamella (231) facing the window, with its dark surface (231 a) facing the window in the heating season and its light surface (231 b) facing the window in the summer season, both lamellae are connected by at least two magnets (33). 8. Tribarvno okensko senčilo za nadzor temperature v prostoru po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 1 do 4, značilno po tem, da je zasnovano kot notranje polkno (24) sestavljeno iz okvirja in večjega števila plošč (24a), ki ima vsaka notranjo lamelo (242) obrnjeno v notranjost prostora, in rotirajočo lamelo (241), katere zunanja površina je v ogrevalni sezoni temna površina (241 a), v poletni sezoni pa svetla površina (241 b); pri čemer sta obe lameli (241 in 242) povezani z vsaj dvema magnetoma (34).Tricolor window shade for room temperature control according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that it is designed as an inner shutter (24) consisting of a frame and a plurality of panels (24a) each having an inner lamella (242). ) facing the interior of the room, and a rotating lamella (241), the outer surface of which is a dark surface (241 a) in the heating season and a light surface (241 b) in the summer season; wherein both lamellae (241 and 242) are connected by at least two magnets (34).
SI201900091A 2018-04-30 2019-04-26 Three color window shade to control room temperature SI25726A2 (en)

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