SI25660A - Stretchable packaging and container, the process of its use and the process of its manufacture - Google Patents

Stretchable packaging and container, the process of its use and the process of its manufacture Download PDF


Publication number
SI25660A SI201900186A SI201900186A SI25660A SI 25660 A SI25660 A SI 25660A SI 201900186 A SI201900186 A SI 201900186A SI 201900186 A SI201900186 A SI 201900186A SI 25660 A SI25660 A SI 25660A
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side wall
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Puhar Miha
Original Assignee
Puhar Miha
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Application filed by Puhar Miha filed Critical Puhar Miha
Priority to SI201900186A priority Critical patent/SI25660A/en
Publication of SI25660A publication Critical patent/SI25660A/en
Priority to PCT/IB2020/058447 priority patent/WO2021059070A1/en



    • B65D1/00Containers having bodies formed in one piece, e.g. by casting metallic material, by moulding plastics, by blowing vitreous material, by throwing ceramic material, by moulding pulped fibrous material, by deep-drawing operations performed on sheet material
    • B65D1/32Containers adapted to be temporarily deformed by external pressure to expel contents
    • B65D21/00Nestable, stackable or joinable containers; Containers of variable capacity
    • B65D21/08Containers of variable capacity
    • B65D21/086Collapsible or telescopic containers


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Ceramic Engineering (AREA)
  • Packages (AREA)


Pričujoči izum rešuje tehnični problem znižanja volumna embalaže in embaliranih izdelkov v času embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportiranja, distribucije, dostave in prodaje izdelka ter hkratnega nudenja dovolj velikega prostora embalaže za dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin v času priprave izdelka za končno uporabo. Opisana je konstrukcija embalaže s fleksibilno raztegljivo in skupaj stisljivo stransko steno, prednostno v smeri vertikalne osi posode.The present invention solves the technical problem of reducing the volume of packaging and wrapped products during the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and sale of the product, while providing a large enough packaging space to add one or more other ingredients during the preparation of the product for end use. Describes the construction of a container with a flexible extendable and collapsible side wall, preferably in the direction of the vertical axis of the container.


Raztegljiva embalaža in embalažna posoda, postopek njene uporabe in postopek njene izdelaveStretchable packaging and container, the process of its use and the process of its manufacture

Področje tehnikeThe field of technology

Pričujoči izum se nanaša na področje embalaže, kije raztegljiva, in na področje postopkov njene uporabe ter njene izdelave.The present invention relates to the field of stretchable packaging and to the processes of its use and its manufacture.

Opis tehničnega problemaDescription of a technical problem

Embalaža za prehrambene, farmacevtske, fitofarmacevtske in različne kemijske izdelke, prednostno za izdelke, ki so embalirani v pred-pripravljenem stanju, pogosto vključuje veliko praznega prostora v fazi zapakiranja in embaliranja izdelka med drugim na primer v času skladiščenja, transportiranja in dostave tako na strani proizvajalca, prodajalca kot potrošnika, v času distribucije, v času prodaje na primer na prodajnih oziroma razstavnih policah ter v fazi priprave prehrambenega, farmacevtskega, fitofarmacevtskega in/ali kemijskega izdelka za končno uporabo oziroma aplikacijo izdelka. Ta prazen prostorje namenjen bodisi za dodajo druge sestavine za pripravo takšnega izdelka za končno uporabo ali pa zgolj za namen pakiranja oziroma embaliranja.Packaging for food, pharmaceutical, plant protection and various chemical products, preferably for pre-packaged products, often involves a large amount of empty space during the packing and packaging phase of the product, for example during storage, transport and delivery, both on the page the manufacturer, the seller as the consumer, at the time of distribution, at the time of sale, for example on the sales or display shelves, and at the stage of preparation of a food, pharmaceutical, plant protection and / or chemical product for end use or application of the product. This blank space is intended either to add other ingredients for the preparation of such an end-use product or solely for the purpose of packaging or packaging.

Takšen prazen prostor v embalaži se na primer najpogosteje pojavlja v pakiranju oz. embaliranju prehrambenih izdelkov, ki se jih konzumira s hitro pripravo hrane in ki so zato najbolj prednostno v pred-pripravljenem stanju in jih je potrebno pred zaužitjem, kar je najpogosteje direktno iz same embalaže, še pripraviti tako, da se jim v času priprave za zaužitje v ta prazen prostor doda drugo sestavino kot na primer tekočino, najpogosteje vodo, sok, mleko, omako, preliv ali drugo podobno tekoče ali pol-tekoče živilo, lahko pa tudi živilo v trdni obliki. Podobno se takšen prazen prostor v embalaži uporablja tudi v pakiranju oz. embaliranju farmacevtskih izdelkov, fitofarmacevtskih izdelkov in nekaterih kemijskih izdelkov.For example, such empty space in the packaging most often appears in the packaging or packaging. packaging of food products consumed with rapid food preparation, which are therefore most preferably in the pre-prepared state and must be prepared before being ingested, most often directly from the packaging itself, so that they can be prepared at the time of ingestion Adds an ingredient such as liquid, most commonly water, juice, milk, sauce, dressing or other similar liquid or semi-liquid food, to the empty space, and may also be solid food. Similarly, such empty space in packaging is also used in packaging or packaging. packaging of pharmaceuticals, plant protection products and certain chemical products.

Ta prazen prostor pomeni dodatni volumen embalaže in izdelka v vseh življenjskih fazah izdelka in prispeva k povečani porabi surovin in materialov za embalažo, predvsem za njeno zaščitno ovojnino na primer tekom skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije in dostave, in s tem k višjim stroškom pakiranja oz. embaliranja ter predvsem k večji porabi prostora in višjim stroškom tekom embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportiranja, distribucije, dostave in prodaje tako pakiranih oz. embaliranih izdelkov.This empty space means additional volume of packaging and product at all stages of product life and contributes to the increased consumption of raw materials and materials for packaging, especially for its protective packaging, for example during storage, transport, distribution and delivery, and thus to higher packaging or packaging costs. packaging, and above all to greater space consumption and higher costs during the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and sale of packaging or packaging. packaging products.

Zato si tukajšnji izum zastavlja nalogo rešiti tehnični problem zmanjšati prazen prostor v embalaži in s tem zmanjšati porabo surovin in materialov v proizvodnji embalaže in zmanjšati porabo prostora ter s tem prispevati k znižanju stroškov tekom embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportiranja, distribucije, dostave in prodaje pakiranih izdelkov, ki so med drugim prehrambeni, farmacevtski, fitofarmacevtski, kemijski in drugi podobni izdelki.Therefore, the present invention seeks to solve the technical problem of reducing the empty space in packaging and thereby reducing the consumption of raw materials and materials in the production of packaging and reduce space consumption, thereby contributing to reducing costs during packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and sale of packaged products , which are, inter alia, food, pharmaceutical, plant protection, chemical and other similar products.

Opis stanja tehnikeDescription of the prior art

Na trgu nismo našli rešitev pakiranja oz. embaliranja prehrambenih izdelkov oziroma živil, farmacevtskih, fitofarmacevtskih, kemijskih in drugih podobnih izdelkov, ki bi omogočale znižanje volumna zapakiranega izdelka v času embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportiranja, distribucije, dostave in prodaje tako pakiranih oz. embaliranih izdelkov ter hkrati nudile dovolj šen prostor oziroma volumen embalaže za dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin v času priprave izdelka za končno uporabo.We have not found packaging solutions on the market. packaging of foodstuffs or foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, plant protection products, chemical and other similar products that would allow the volume of the packaged product to be reduced during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and sale of packaged or of packaged products and at the same time provided sufficient space or volume for the packaging to add one or more other ingredients at the time of preparation of the end-use product.

Patent US 8556099, objavljen 15.12.2011 in podeljen 15.10.2013, opisuje teleskopsko raztegljivo oziroma zložljivo posodo oz. lonček, prednostno za pijače, kije sestavljena iz več horizontalnih obročastih segmentov oz. obročev, ki so en spodnji cilindrični obroč, eden ali več srednjih cilindričnih obročev in en zgornji cilindrični obroč, kjer je vsak segment oz. obroč, ki se naloži preko drugega, širši od drugega segmenta, ki v zloženi fazi posode nalega pod širšim segmentom. Natančno naleganje in fiksiranje teh segmentov v zloženi in povsem raztegnjeni fazi se doseže z zarezami in z zaklepalnimi zaponkami na površini teh segmentov. Opisana posoda je bodisi iz plastičnih materialov, papirja, kartona ali pa iz materialov, ki so bodisi trpežni in za dolgotrajno uporabo. S takšno konstrukcijo se doseže znižanje volumna posode z zložljivostjo tekom skladiščenja in transportirani a, vključno z uporabnikovim prenašanjem posode v žepu obleke ali pa v torbi, pa tudi tekom zavrženja za znižanje volumna odpadkov, ter s povečanjem volumna posode tekom uporabe. Prednostno je opisana posoda v dimenzijah, ki se prilegajo v držala za kozarce in plastenke v vozilih.Patent US 8556099, published December 15, 2011, and granted October 15, 2013, describes a telescopically extendable or foldable container, respectively. preferably a beverage container consisting of several horizontal annular segments, respectively. rings which are one lower cylindrical ring, one or more middle cylindrical rings, and one upper cylindrical ring, where each segment or. a ring loaded via another wider than the second segment, which lies below the wider segment in the folded phase of the container. The precise alignment and fixation of these segments in the folded and fully extended phase is achieved by notches and locking buckles on the surface of these segments. The described container is either plastic, paper, cardboard or durable and durable materials. Such construction achieves a reduction in the volume of the container by folding during storage and transported a, including the user carrying the container in a suit pocket or bag, as well as by throwing it away to reduce the volume of waste, and by increasing the volume of the container during use. Preferably, the containers are described in dimensions that fit into the jars and bottles in the vehicles.

Patent US 3131845, objavljen in podeljen 5.5.1964, opisuje vsebnike z odprtino, ki so v obliki lončkov s stransko steno, ki se razprostira navzven od dna lončka navzgor do odprtine. Namenjeni so za enkratno uporabo za pitje pijač ali kot vsebniki, pokriti s pokrovčki, za hrambo pijač, sladoledov in podobnih proizvodov in so izdelani iz sintetičnih plastičnih materialov kot n. pr. polistirena. Ker se takšni vsebniki pred uporabo pogosto transportirajo zloženi eden v drugega, se pogosto med seboj zagozdijo, predvsem stranske stene. Ta patent opisuje konstrukcijo lončka z dnom, ki ima v sredini izboklino različnih oblik, segajočo navznoter v prostor lončka, in po potrebi z dodanimi oblikovnimi elementi ob izboklini ter z določenim kotom nagiba stranske stene izbokline glede na ravnino dna lončka, kjer takšna izboklina preprečuje zagozdenje lončkov. Eden izmed izvedbenih primerov prikazuje lonček s horizontalno valovito oziroma rebrasto nagubano stransko steno v delu zgornje polovice lončka z namenom ojačanja lončka.US Pat. No. 3,131,845, published and granted May 5, 1964, describes containers with openings in the form of pots with a side wall extending outwards from the bottom of the pot up to the opening. They are intended for single use for drinking beverages or as containers, covered with lids, for storing beverages, ice creams and similar products and are made of synthetic plastic materials, such as n. BC polystyrene. Because such containers are often transported stacked into one another before use, they are often wedged together, especially by the side walls. This patent describes the construction of a bottom crucible having in the center a bulge of various shapes extending inwardly into the crucible space and, if necessary, with the addition of molding elements along the protrusion and with a certain angle of inclination of the lateral wall of the bulge relative to the plane of the bottom of the crucible, where such a protrusion of pots. One embodiment illustrates a crucible with a horizontally corrugated or ribbed sidewall in the upper half of the crucible to reinforce the crucible.

Patent US 4492313, objavljen in podeljen 8.1.1985, in patent US Re. 32379, objavljen in podeljen 24.3.1987, opisujeta zložljive oziroma stisljive plastične vsebnike, prednostno plastenke, izdelane iz zelo močne fleksibilne plastike kot n. pr. iz akrilonitrila in podobnih plastik, odobrenih s strani ameriškega Urada za hrano in zdravila (angleško: Food and Drug Administration, kratica: FDA), ki imajo dno, vrh z odprtino in cilindrično stransko steno, ki povezuje dno z vrhom, kjer stranska stena vsaj delno sestoji iz množice zaporedno nanizanih cirkularnih gub oziroma gubnih obročev izmenično večjega in manjšega premera, ki so oblikovani s steno nižje debeline, kot je debelina stranske stene, ter s koničastimi odseki, ki vključujejo izmenično krajše odseke in daljše odseke, kjer imajo krajši odseki večji kot nagiba in daljši odseki manjši kot nagiba glede na vertikalno os vsebnika. Nadalje takšen vsebnik vključuje še dodaten vsebnik, kije pritrjen na dno stisljivega vsebnika in sega navzgor do določene višine stisljivega vsebnika z namenom zadržanja stisljivega vsebnika v stisnjeni fazi in hkrati zagotavljanja trdnosti vsebniku. Opisani vsebnik je v vertikalni smeri stisljiv do okoli 50 % volumna vsebnika in to zaradi stiska gub skupaj oz. nagubanja gub. Cilj takšnega znižanja volumna vsebnika je prvenstveno znižati zračni prostor pri vrhu vsebnika zaradi konzumiranja pijače v vsebniku, kar je ključno pri gaziranih brezalkoholnih pijačah, kjer v nekaj urah po odprtju vsebnika v pijači raztopljen ogljikov dioksid izhlapi iz pijače v zračni prostor nad njo, zaradi česar pijača izgubi prvotni okus. Dodatno se s stisljivostjo vsebnika zniža tudi skladiščni volumen praznih vsebnikov pred vrnitvijo v reprocesiranje. Opisan je tudi postopek izdelave takšnih vsebnikov, ki vključuje dvo-stopenjski postopek oblikovanja vsebnikov ter dodatni postopek za gubanje stranske stene. V dvo-stopenjskem postopku sledi postopku vbrizgalnega ulivanja pred-oblike vsebnika v obliki plastičnih epruvet postopek segrevanja pred-oblik nad temperaturo toplotne deformacije plastike ter vpihavanja in raztezanja vsebnikov do končnega volumna v kalupu vsebnika. Po tem raztezanju se pred odstranitvijo vsebnika iz kalupa izvede oblikovanje gub stranske stene tako, da se v vsebnik naenkrat vpiha dodatni zrak ali pa dušik z visokim tlakom, kar povzroči, da se raztegnjena stranska stena potisne v vdolbine kalupa, s čemer se oblikujejo gube stranske stene. Nenadno povišan tlak dodatno razteguje stransko steno in jo tanjša, še posebej preko notranjih krožnih robov kalupa, kjer se tvorijo pregibne točke oz. pregibni odseki stranske stene. Zaradi takšnega gubanja stranske stene se vsebnik z lahkoto in hitro zguba, ko se iz njega odstrani tekočina. Gube stranske stene omogočajo tudi, da se vsebnik lahko nagne bolj na eno kot na drugo stran in s tem simulira obliko cevke za lažje vlivanje tekočine vanj.U.S. Patent No. 4,492,313, published and granted Jan. 8, 1985, and U.S. Pat. No. 32379, published and published March 24, 1987, describes folding or compressible plastic containers, preferably bottles made of very strong flexible plastic, such as n. BC Acrylonitrile and similar plastics approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) having a bottom, aperture top, and a cylindrical side wall that connects the bottom to the top, with the side wall at least it consists partly of a series of successively strung circular folds or folds of alternately larger and smaller diameters formed by a wall of lower thickness than the thickness of the side wall, and with tapered sections including alternately shorter sections and longer sections where shorter sections have larger tilt angle and longer sections smaller than tilt relative to the vertical axis of the container. Further, such container includes an additional container which is attached to the bottom of the compressible container and extends up to a certain height of the compressible container in order to keep the compressible container in the compressed phase and at the same time to maintain the container. The described container is compressible up to about 50% of the volume of the container in the vertical direction due to the compression of the folds together or. wrinkle folds. The aim of such a reduction in the volume of the container is primarily to reduce the air space at the top of the container by consuming the beverage in the container, which is crucial for carbonated soft drinks, where dissolved carbon dioxide evaporates from the beverage into the air space above it within a few hours of opening the container. the drink loses its original taste. Additionally, the compressibility of the container also reduces the storage volume of empty containers before returning to reprocessing. A process for manufacturing such containers is also described, which includes a two-step container design process and an additional process for folding the side wall. In a two-step process, the injection molding process of a pre-shaped container in the form of plastic tubes is followed by a process of pre-mold heating above the temperature of thermal deformation of the plastic and blowing and extending the containers to a final volume in the container mold. After this expansion, before removing the container from the mold, the formation of the sidewall folds is carried out by injecting additional air or high pressure nitrogen into the container at one time, which causes the expanded sidewall to be pushed into the recesses of the mold, thereby forming lateral folds. the walls. Suddenly elevated pressure further extends the lateral wall and makes it thinner, especially over the inner circular edges of the mold where folding points or joints are formed. lateral wall folding sections. Such wrinkling of the side wall makes the container easily and quickly lost when liquid is removed. The folds of the side walls also allow the container to lean more than one side to the other, thus simulating the shape of the tube for easier pouring of liquid into it.

Patent US 3850361, objavljen in podeljen 26.11.1974, opisuje plastičen lonček za enkratno uporabo, ki sestoji iz notranje stene in rebraste zunanje stene, kjer se rebra nahajajo v srednjem delu višine zunanje stene lončka in imata tako zunanja kot notranja stena na prehodu iz dna lončka v stransko steno stopničasto obliko. Navedena rebra zunanje stene in stopničasta oblika so namenjeni za olajšanje prijemanja lončkov in za preprečitev zagozdenja lončkov, kadar so zloženi eden v drugega.Patent US 3850361, published and granted Nov. 26, 1974, describes a disposable plastic crucible consisting of an inner wall and a ribbed outer wall, where the ribs are located in the middle of the height of the outer wall of the crucible and have both outer and inner walls at the passage from the bottom pot in the side wall step-shaped. These outer wall ribs and the step shape are intended to facilitate the gripping of the pots and to prevent the pots from getting stuck when stacked into one another.

Patent US 3434589, objavljen in podeljen 25.3.1969, opisuje raztegljivo in hkrati stisljivo posodo oz. vsebnik za farmacevtske tablete, peletke ali prašne granulate, v katero se v raztegnjenem stanju vlije voda. Narejena je iz odpornega plastičnega materiala in namenjena za prenašanje v ročnih torbicah in za enkratno osebno uporabo. Opisana posoda ima dno in odstranljivi pokrovček ter obročasto steno, prednostno je iz polistirenskega, poliuretanskega, polietilenskega ali polipropilenskega filma ali pole, ki se jih izdela s postopkom brizgalnega ali vakumskega oblikovanja, vlivanja ali pa vbrizgavanja. Posoda ima krožen prečni prerez. Njena stranska stena se vertikalno bodisi raztegne ali pa stisne in pri tem tvori harmoniki podobne gube. V stisnjeni obliki jo drži prekrivni trak. Opisana posoda je lahko brez vgrajenih tablet, lahko pa ima v pokrovčku posode, in sicer v njegovem dnu dve vdolbini z vgrajenima topnima tabletama ali peletkama.Patent US 3434589, published and granted Mar. 25, 1969, describes an expandable and compressible container. a container for pharmaceutical tablets, pellets or powder granules into which water is poured in the expanded state. It is made of durable plastic material and is intended for carrying in handbags and for single personal use. The described container has a bottom and a removable cap and an annular wall, preferably of polystyrene, polyurethane, polyethylene or polypropylene film or sheets, which are produced by injection molding, vacuum molding, injection molding or injection molding. The container has a circular cross-section. Its side wall is either vertically stretched or compressed, forming harmonics-like folds. The compressed form is held in place by a cover band. The described container may be without built-in tablets, but may have two wells in the bottom of the container, with soluble tablets or pellets embedded in its bottom.

Patentna prijava US 20050258225, objavljena 24.11.2005, opisuje papirnat lonček za enkratno uporabo, ki ima cilindrično obliko, dno in odprtino na vrhu ter stransko steno posode, izvedeno z vertikalnim cik-cak nagubanjem z namenom toplotne izolacije lončka za varno prenašanje lončka, v katerem je vroča ali hladna vsebina, tekočina oz. pijača kot n. pr. kava. V lončku je vsaj ena površina vlago-odbojna, bodisi prevlečena s polietilenskim filmom, prednostno notranja za tesnost na tekočine, ali pa tudi zunanja. Gube so v vrhu in dolinah bodisi zaobljene ali pa priostrene in enakih dolžin krakov gube. S takšno konstrukcijo se doseže minimalni stik uporabnikove roke z lončkom, kateri je samo preko vrhov gub nagubane površine lončka, kjer se med zunanjimi vrhovi in dolinami gub pretaka zrak, kar nudi dodatno toplotno izolacijo. Opisan je tudi postopek gubanja papirnatih ploskev za izdelavo lončkov, pri čemer je izbran papirnati material, ki je odporen na temperaturo do okoli 93,3° C.Patent Application US 20050258225, published November 24, 2005, describes a disposable paper crucible having a cylindrical shape, a bottom and an opening at the top, and a side wall of the container, made by vertical zigzag folding for the purpose of thermal insulation of the crucible for safe transport of the crucible, in which has hot or cold contents, liquid or. drink as n. BC coffee. In the crucible, at least one surface is moisture-repellent, whether coated with a polyethylene film, preferably internal for fluid tightness or external. The folds in the tops and valleys are either rounded or pointed and of equal length of the folds of the folds. Such construction achieves minimal contact of the user's hand with the crucible, which is only over the tips of the folds of the folded surface of the crucible, where air flows between the outer tips and valleys of the creeks, which offers additional thermal insulation. The process of folding paper surfaces for making pots is also described, with paper materials having a temperature resistance of up to about 93.3 ° C being selected.

Patentna prijava EP 287170, objavljena 19.10.1988, opisuje vertikalno oz. aksialno raztegljiv in stisljiv vsebnik oz. posodo ali plastenko za shranjevanje snovi, ki se nahaja v takšnem vsebniku (kot n. pr. skoncentrirani sadni sokovi, zamrznjeni koncentrati sokov, delna talina zamrznjenih koncentratov, koncentrati v obliki suhega prahu kot n. pr. čajev), v stisnjenem vsebniku in nato razredčevanje snovi v raztegnjenem vsebniku. Vsebnik je skonstruiran za lažje stiskanje in raztegovanje in ima po en ročaj na dnu in na vrhu vsebnika. Ključna pri tem je nagubana stena vsebnika s posebno obliko gub, ki so zaobljene oz. zaokrožene z zaobljenimi oz. krožnimi kraki gub za razliko od podobnih vsebnikov iz prehodnega stanja tehnike z nagubanimi stranskimi stenami, skonstruiranimi iz ravno-krakih gub. Poleg tega so gube oblikovane tako, da se njihovi premeri ožijo zaporedno navzgor ali pa zaporedno navzdol vzdolž osi oz. vertikale vsebnika, ter so med seboj konfigurirane z odseki med gubami tako, da v povsem stisnjenem stanju vsebnika gube manjšega premera nalegajo v gube večjega premera. S takšno obliko gub se doseže bolj enakomerna porazdelitev polimernega materiala tekom oblikovanja vsebnika ter večja odpornost na vertikalne sile. Vsebnik je različnih oblik prečnega prereza telesa, prednostno krožnega. Narejen je iz polietilena ali polipropilena, ki omogočata skladiščenje tako embaliranega izdelka v hladilnikih in z zamrzovanjem, ker ostajata trdna, odporna ter fleksibilna pri temperaturah zamrzovanja in hkrati pri sobnih temperaturah. To je ključno za takojšnjo raztegnitev vsebnika, razredčenje s tekočino in konzumiranje vsebine vsebnika takoj po odstranitvi iz zamrzovalnika. Prijava opisuje tudi postopek izdelave vsebnika s postopkom vlivanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem.EP 287170, published October 19, 1988, describes the vertical or axially expandable and compressible container or. a container or bottle for storing a substance contained in such a container (such as concentrated fruit juices, frozen juice concentrates, partial melt of frozen concentrates, dry powder concentrates such as teas), in a compressed container and then dilution of the substance in the expanded container. The container is designed to be easier to squeeze and stretch and has one handle at the bottom and top of the container. The key to this is the pleated wall of the container with a special shape of folds that are rounded or. rounded with rounded or. Unlike similar containers of the prior art with circular sidewalls constructed of straight-wing folds. In addition, the wrinkles are shaped such that their diameters are narrowed in series up or down in series along the axis. container vertices, and are configured with sections between folds such that, in a fully compressed state of the container, the smaller diameter wrinkles fit into the larger diameter wrinkles. This wrinkle design achieves a more even distribution of the polymer material during container design and greater resistance to vertical forces. The container is of various forms of cross-section of the body, preferably circular. It is made of polyethylene or polypropylene, which allows storage of both the packaged product in refrigerators and freezers because they remain solid, resilient and flexible at freezing temperatures and at room temperatures. This is key to immediately stretching the container, diluting it with liquid, and consuming the contents of the container as soon as it is removed from the freezer. The application also describes the process of making a container by the process of casting plastic material by blowing.

Patentna prijava EP 611700, objavljena 24.8.1994, opisuje vsebnike za tekočine, ki vključujejo fleksibilno telo vsebnika z ne-krožnim prečnim prerezom telesa, skonstruirano iz niza več gub, nanizanih horizontalno glede na os vsebnika, in rigidni del vsebnika ob odprtini zgoraj, kjer sta oba dela integralno oblikovana. Ključna pri tem je ne-krožna, prednostno pravokotna oziroma oktagonalna oblika prečnega prereza fleksibilnega dela telesa vsebnika. Takšna oblika telesa omogoča, da po stisnjenju tega dela skupaj vsebnik po spraznitvi tekočine iz njega ostane v stisnjenem stanju in se ne raztegne nazaj. S tem se prihrani prostor skladiščenja praznih vsebnikov. Vsebnik se izdela s postopkom vlivanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem in se uporablja za embaliranje tekočin, prednostno tekočin za razvijanje fotografij.EP patent application 611700, published August 24, 1994, describes containers for liquids comprising a flexible body of a container with a non-circular cross-section of a body constructed from a series of several folds horizontally aligned with the axis of the container and a rigid portion of the container at the opening above, where both parts are integrally formed. The key to this is the non-circular, preferably rectangular or octagonal, cross-section of the flexible body part of the container. Such a body shape allows the container to remain in the compressed state after it has been compressed, and after the fluid has been emptied, it will not be stretched back. This saves storage space for empty containers. The container is made by the process of injection of plastic material by blowing and is used for packaging liquids, preferably liquids for photo development.

Patentna prijava WO 88/02726, objavljena 21.4.1988, opisuje stisljive votle izdelke oz. vsebnike cilindrične oblike telesa kot n. pr. plastenke ali tube iz plastičnih materialov z vsaj delom stranske stene v obliki stisljivih gub, ki imajo izboljšano konfiguracijo in geometrijo gub. Tako imenovani notranji deli gub, ki s krakoma segajo navznoter v prostor vsebnika za razliko od zunanjih delov gub, ki segajo navzven, imajo posebno obliko z dodatnim kotom v obeh krakih gub, kjer takšna oblika krakov omogoča, da se v stisnjenem stanju nagubanega dela vsebnika kraka gube povsem zbližata in stisneta skupaj. S tem se doseže boljša stisnjenost in stabilnost nagubanega dela vsebnika v stisnjenem stanju. Takšna geometrija razširja uporabo linearnih plastičnih polimerov visokih gostot za izdelavo stisljivih vsebnikov, ker pomaga znižati ali preprečiti nastajanje kristalinih fraktur in oslabitve stene vsebnika ob notranjih krakih gub ob prvem stisnjenju skupaj in hkrati ohranja lastnost gubanja ter stabilnost stisnjenosti nagubanega dela vsebnika. Izboljšana geometrija gub v primeru vsebnikov iz plastičnih polimerov nizkih gostot, elastomerov in iz gume omogoča, da stabilno ostanejo v stisnjenem stanju.Patent Application WO 88/02726, published Apr. 21, 1988, describes compressible hollow articles. containers of cylindrical body shape as n. BC plastic bottles or tubes with at least part of the side wall in the form of compressible folds, which have improved configuration and geometry of the folds. The so-called inner parts of the folds extending inwardly into the space of the container, unlike the outer parts of the folds extending outward, have a special shape with an additional angle in both arms of the folds, where such a shape allows the compressed state of the container to be folded the folds of the wrinkles are completely brought together and squeezed together. This achieves better compression and stability of the pleated portion of the container in a compressed state. Such geometry extends the use of high density linear plastic polymers for the manufacture of compressible containers by helping to reduce or prevent the formation of crystalline fractures and the weakening of the container wall by internal wrinkles at first compression together, while maintaining the wrinkling property and compression stability of the folded portion of the container. Improved wrinkle geometry for low density plastic, elastomer and rubber containers allows them to remain stable in the compressed state.

Patentna prijava EP 850842, objavljena 1.7.1998, opisuje stisljivi vsebnik z nagubano stransko steno s posebno geometrijo in konfiguracijo krakov gub, kateri imajo posebno oblikovane vdolbine ob zunanjem vrhu gub in/ali ob notranji dolini gub. Takšna oblika omogoča boljše kontroliranje stisljivosti vsebnika, da zadrži povsem stisnjeno ali pa delno stisnjeno obliko vsebnika.EP 850842, published 1.7.1998, describes a compressible container with a pleated side wall with a special geometry and configuration of wrinkle arms, which have specially shaped recesses at the outer tip of the folds and / or along the inner valley fold. This design allows better control of the compressibility of the container to retain the fully compressed or partially compressed form of the container.

Patentna prijava WO 2016/162868, objavljena 13.10.2016, opisuje stisljiv lonček za medicinsko diagnostiko, kateri sestoji iz nagubane stranske stene iz niza krožnih gub v horizontalni smeri glede na vertikalo lončka, ki so povezane med seboj z vmesnimi obročastimi deli, iz baze lončka in odprtine zgoraj. Takšen lonček zavzema minimalni volumen v fazi stisnjenosti gub. Prednostno je pri takem lončku premer lončka zgoraj od odprtini večji od premera pri in na dnu lončka. Ob odprtini je lonček oblikovan pol-konično, da se prepreči odboj in brizganje v njem vsebovanih tekočin navzgor in iz lončka in da se po potrebi nanj namesti pokrovček.Patent Application WO 2016/162868, published October 13, 2016, describes a compressible crucible for medical diagnostics, consisting of a pleated lateral wall of a series of circular folds in a horizontal direction relative to the vertical of the crucible, which are connected to each other by intermediate annular parts, from the base of the crucible and openings above. Such a crucible occupies a minimum volume in the compression phase of the folds. Preferably, in such a pot, the diameter of the crucible above the opening is larger than the diameter at and at the bottom of the crucible. Along the opening, the crucible is semi-conical in order to prevent the liquid from flowing up and out of the crucible and from spraying it and, if necessary, to fit the cap.

Patentna prijava WO 2017/052475, objavljena 30.3.2017, opisuje posebno oblikovan stisljiv vsebnik za razsuti tovor, sestoječ iz fleksibilnega vmesnega dela, ki sega med spodnjim delom in zgornjim delom vsebnika, kjer je fleksibilni vmesni del sestavljen iz niza horizontalnih gub, ki oblikujejo obliki harmonike podobno nagubano steno, ki omogoča vertikalno raztegnitev ali stisnjenje vsebnika pod delovanjem vertikalne sile na vsebnik. Opisani vsebnik vključuje še dovodnik oziroma dovodno vodilo z odprtino v zgornjem delu vsebnika za dolivanje vsebine v vsebnik, ki se ga zapira po izboru, in odtočnik oziroma odtočno vodilo z odprtino v spodnjem delu posode, ki se ga odpira po izboru za izlivanje vsebine iz vsebnika. Spodnji in zgornji del takšnega vsebnika imata še posebno odprtino, v katero se vstavi palica, s katero se omogoča nalaganje takšnih vsebnikov v stisnjenem stanju enega na drugega za čim manjšo porabo prostora.Patent Application WO 2017/052475, published 3/30/2017, describes a specially designed compressible bulk container consisting of a flexible intermediate portion extending between the lower portion and the upper portion of the container, wherein the flexible intermediate portion consists of a series of horizontal forming wrinkles an accordion-shaped pleated wall that allows the container to be stretched or compressed vertically by vertical force on the container. The described container also includes an inlet or inlet guide with an opening in the upper part of the container for filling the contents into the container which is closed by choice, and a drain or drainage guide with an opening in the lower part of the container which is opened by the choice for pouring the contents from the container . The lower and upper portions of such containers also have a special opening in which a rod is inserted to allow such containers to be compressed one on top of the other for minimum space consumption.

Opis skic izumaDescription of the sketches of the invention

Slika 1 shematsko prikazuje stranski ris oziroma pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kjer ima ta posoda obliko lončka in v stranski steni en odsek, kije konstruiran z nizom raztegljivih gub, tako da je ta odsek stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiv in po potrebi stisljiv. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi nagubanja oziroma stisnjenosti nagubanega dela stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi stisnjenosti embalažne posode.Figure 1 schematically shows a side view or side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention, wherein the container has a crucible shape and a section in the side wall constructed with a series of extendable folds so that that side wall section is in the vertical directions of the container are preferably extendable and, if necessary, compressible. Such a container is shown at the stage of folding or compression of the pleated portion of the side wall of the container and thus at the stage of compression of the container.

Slika 2 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode po Sliki 1 v smislu tega izuma. Ta posoda ima obliko lončka in v stranski steni en odsek, kije konstruiran z nizom raztegljivih gub, tako da je ta odsek stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiv in po potrebi stisljiv. VFigure 2 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of the container of Figure 1 of the present invention. This container is shaped like a crucible and one section in the side wall constructed with a series of extensible folds, so that this section of the side wall in the vertical direction of the container is preferably extensible and, if necessary, compressible. V

Sliki 2 je prikazana embalažna posoda v fazi raztega nagubanega dela stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi raztega embalažne posode.Figure 2 shows the packaging container in the phase of the expanded pleated portion of the side wall of the container and thus in the phase of the expanded container.

Slika 3 shematsko prikazuje pokrovček embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma po Slikah 1 in 2.Figure 3 schematically shows the lid of the packaging container of the present invention according to Figures 1 and 2.

Slika 4 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kjer ima ta posoda obliko lončka in v stranski steni dva med seboj ločena odseka, ki sta konstruirana z nizom raztegljivih gub, tako da sta ta odseka stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiva in po potrebi stisljiva. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi popolnega nagubanja oziroma popolne stisnjenosti nagubanih obeh izmed dveh delov stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi popolne stisnjenosti embalažne posode.Figure 4 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention, wherein the container has a crucible shape and two separate portions in the side wall constructed with a series of extendable folds such that these portions are side walls in the vertical direction of the container preferably extendable and compressible if necessary. Such a container is shown in the phase of complete folding or total compression of the folded two of the two portions of the side wall of the container, and thus in the phase of complete compression of the container.

Slika 5 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kije embalažna posoda, kot je prikazana v Sliki 4 in ki je v tem prikazu prekrita z dodatnim zunanjim ovitkom iz kartona, kjer ta ovitek v celoti prekriva stranske stene lončka ter ima perforacije oziroma perforacijske lininje za odtrganje obeh odstranljivih delov stranske stene tega ovitka, katera prekrivata raztegljiva odseka lončka v nagubani fazi.Figure 5 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of a container according to the invention, the container of which, as shown in Figure 4, is covered in this view by an additional outer cardboard cover, where this cover completely overlaps the side and has perforations or perforation lines to tear off the two removable portions of the side wall of this cover, which overlap the extendable portions of the crucible in the folded phase.

Slika 6 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na embalažno posodo v smislu tega izuma po Slikah 4 in 5, kjer ima posoda obliko lončka in dodatni zunanji ovitek iz kartona s perforacijami za odtrganje odstranljivih delov tega ovitka, kjer ta ovitek prekriva tako ravne dele stranske stene kot oba skupaj stisnjena raztegljiva odseka lončka v nagubani fazi. Za namen prikaza ovitka v kombinaciji z embalažno posodo in v naleganju nanjo Slika 6 shematsko kaže vertikalni odrez in odstranitev ovitka v levi vertikalni polovici, tako da se vidi leva vertikalna polovica lončka v povsem nagubani fazi obeh fleksibilno stisljivih odsekov stranske stene, na desni strani slike pa se vidi ovitek s perforacijskimi linijami.Figure 6 schematically shows a side view of a container according to the invention of Figures 4 and 5, wherein the container has a crucible shape and an additional outer carton with perforations to tear off the removable portions of this cover, where this cover covers both straight portions of the side wall and both together extruded stretch portions of the crucible in the pleated phase. Figure 6 schematically shows the vertical section and removal of the cover in the left vertical half so that the left vertical half of the crucible can be seen in the fully folded phase of the two flexibly compressible portions of the side wall, on the right side of the figure. however, a cover with perforation lines is visible.

Slika 7 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na embalažno posodo v smislu tega izuma po Slikah 4 in 5, kjer ima posoda obliko lončka in dodatni zunanji ovitek iz kartona s perforacijami za odtrganje odstranljivih delov tega ovitka, kjer ima ta ovitek odstranjena oba odstranljiva dela, tako da se vidita oba fleksibilno stisljiva odseka lončka v nagubani fazi ter preostali deli ovitka, ki ovijajo in prekrivajo ravne stene lončka.Figure 7 schematically shows a side view of a container according to the present invention according to Figures 4 and 5, wherein the container has a crucible shape and an additional outer carton with perforations for tearing off the removable portions of this cover, where the container has both removable parts removed, thus to see both flexibly compressible portions of the crucible in the pleated phase and the remaining portions of the crucible wrapping and covering the flat walls of the crucible.

Slika 8 shematsko prikazuje tloris dodatnega zunanjega ovitka iz slik 5, 6 in 7 embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kateri sestoji iz dna in stranske stene ovitka s perforacijskimi linijami.Figure 8 schematically shows a plan view of the additional outer cover of Figures 5, 6 and 7 of the packaging container of the present invention, which consists of a bottom and a side wall of the cover with perforation lines.

Slika 9 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, ki ima obliko plastenke z dnom, telesom plastenke s stransko steno in vrhom, konstruiranim v obliki vratu z navoji in z odprtino zgoraj. Stranska stena prikazane plastenke ima dva med seboj ločena odseka, ki sta konstruirana z nizom raztegljivih gub, tako da sta ta odseka stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiva in po potrebi stisljiva. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi delnega nagubanja oziroma delne stisnjenosti nagubanih obeh izmed dveh delov stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi delne stisnjenosti embalažne posode.Figure 9 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention having the shape of a bottle with a bottom, a body of a bottle with a side wall and a top constructed in the form of a neck with threads and an opening above. The side wall of the bottle shown has two separate sections which are constructed with a series of extensible folds, so that these sections of the side wall in the vertical direction of the container are preferably extensible and, if necessary, compressible. Such a container is shown in the phase of partial folding or partial compression of the two of the two portions of the side wall of the container and thus in the phase of partial compression of the container.

Slika 10 shematsko prikazuje povečan pogled od strani na odsek stranske stene embalažne posode v obliki plastenke po Sliki 9, kjer ta odsek vključuje ravna dela stranske stene plastenke pod in nad fleksibilno nagubanim odsekom stene in med njima ležeči naguban odsek iz treh zaporednih in med seboj direktno stičnih ravnokrakih gub.Figure 10 schematically shows an enlarged side view of a portion of the side wall of the container in the form of a bottle according to Figure 9, where this section includes the straight portions of the side wall of the bottle under and above the flexibly pleated portion of the wall and between them the pleated portion of three consecutive and directly adjacent of contact with straight wrinkles.

Slika 11 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kjer ima ta posoda obliko lončka in v stranski steni tri med seboj ločene odseke, ki so konstruirani z nizom raztegljivih gub, tako da so ti odseki stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljivi in po potrebi stisljivi. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi popolnega nagubanja oziroma popolne stisnjenosti vseh treh nagubanih delov stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi popolne stisnjenosti embalažne posode.Figure 11 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention, wherein the container has a crucible shape and three separate sections in the side wall constructed with a series of extendable folds such that these sections are side walls in the vertical direction of the container preferably extendable and compressible if necessary. Such a container is shown in the phase of complete folding or complete compression of all three folded portions of the side wall of the container and thus in the phase of complete compression of the container.

Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem

Pričujoči izum rešuje zastavljeni tehnični problem s konstrukcijo embalaže in prednostno embalažne posode, ki omogoča znižanje volumna zapakiranega izdelka v času embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportiranja, distribucije, dostave in prodaje takšnega izdelka in ki hkrati nudi dovolj velik prostor oziroma volumen embalaže za dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin v času priprave izdelka za zaužitje oz. konzumiranje in tekom konzumiranja izdelka.The present invention solves a technical problem with the construction of packaging and preferably packaging containers, which allows to reduce the volume of packaged product at the time of packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and sale of such product, and at the same time offering a large enough space or volume of packaging to add one or more other ingredients at the time of preparation of the product for consumption or consuming and consuming the product.

Predmet tega izuma je embalaža in prednostno embalažna posoda, kije skonstruirana tako, da je ta embalaža oziroma embalažna posoda raztegljiva. Raztegljiva embalaža oz. raztegljiva embalažna posoda po tem izumu vključuje dno posode in stransko steno posode ter ima zgoraj odprtino posode, pri čemer navedena stranska stena vključuje vsaj en del, kije fleksibilno naguban v horizontalni smeri glede na vertikalo, to je na vertikalno os posode, tako da v tem delu stena sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več gub, pri čemer se pri povlečenju oziroma raztegu posode v vertikalni smeri navedena guba razpne oziroma se navedene gube razpnejo v vertikalni smeri in se s tem nagubani del stene in s tem embalažna posoda raztegne v vertikalni smeri. V najbolj prednostni izvedbi izuma stranska stena raztegljive embalažne posode vključuje vsaj dva ali več delov, ki so fleksibilno nagubani v horizontalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode. Kadar je nagubanih delov stranske stene embalažne posode več, so ti razporejeni tako, da se med nagubanimi deli nahajajo ravni deli stranske stene embalažne posode.It is an object of the present invention to provide packaging and, preferably, a packaging container designed to be stretchable. Expandable packaging the expandable packaging container of the present invention includes the bottom of the container and the sidewall of the container, and having the container opening above, said sidewall comprising at least one portion flexibly folded horizontally relative to the vertical, i.e. to the vertical axis of the container, such that part of the wall consists of at least one or more wrinkles, whereby when pulling or extending the container in the vertical direction, said wrinkle is cracked or said wrinkles are stretched in a vertical direction, thereby folding a portion of the wall and thereby extending the container in a vertical direction. In the most preferred embodiment of the invention, the side wall of the expandable container includes at least two or more portions which are flexibly folded horizontally with respect to the container vertical. When there are more wrinkled portions of the side wall of the container, these are arranged so that the straight portions of the side wall of the container are located between the wrinkled portions.

Prednostno je predmet tega izuma raztegljiva embalažna posoda, ki vključuje dno posode in stransko steno posode, katera poteka vzdolž vertikalne osi telesa posode med dnom in vrhom telesa posode, ter ima zgoraj odprtino posode, pri čemer navedena stranska stena posode vključuje vsaj enega, vsaj dva ali več delov, kije fleksibilno naguban oziroma ki so fleksibilno nagubani v bolj ali manj horizontalni smeri ali v bolj ali manj diagonalni smeri, pri čemer navedeni nagubani del stranske stene sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več fleksibilnih raztegljivih gub, kjer glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali navedene gube potekajo pod kotom od vključno 90°, to je v povsem horizontalni smeri, do vključno 40°, to je v diagonalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode, in kjer je navedena guba stisnjena skupaj ali kjer so navedene gube stranske stene stisnjene skupaj z nagubanjem skupaj tekom in/ali v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom in kjer se navedena guba razpne oziroma se navedene gube razpnejo v vertikalni smeri in se s tem nagubani del stene raztegne v vertikalni smeri posode, da se poveča volumen embalažne posode.Preferably the object of the present invention is a extendable packaging container including the bottom of the container and the side wall of the container extending along the vertical axis of the container body between the bottom and the top of the container body, having the container opening above, said lateral container wall including at least one, at least two or more pieces flexibly folded or flexibly folded in a more or less horizontal direction or in a more or less diagonal direction, said pleated portion of the side wall consisting of at least one or more flexible stretchable folds, wherein, relative to the vertical of the container, said fold course or said folds extending at an angle of 90 ° inclusive, ie in a completely horizontal direction, up to and including 40 °, ie diagonally with respect to the vertical of the container, and where said crease is pressed together or where said sidewall folds are compressed together by jointing during and / or during the packing, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale phases e packaging containers themselves or such packaging containers containing the product contained therein, and wherein said wrinkles disperse or the said wrinkles extend vertically, thereby extending the pleated portion of the wall in the vertical direction of the container to increase the volume of the container.

Najbolj prednostno raztegljiva embalažna posoda v smislu tega izum vključuje dno posode in stransko steno posode, katera poteka vzdolž vertikalne osi telesa posode med dnom in vrhom telesa posode, ter ima zgoraj odprtino posode, pri čemer navedena stranska stena posode vključuje vsaj dva ali več delov, ki sta fleksibilno nagubana oziroma ki so fleksibilno nagubani v bolj ali manj horizontalni smeri ali v bolj ali manj diagonalni smeri, pri čemer vsak navedeni nagubani del stranske stene sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več fleksibilnih raztegljivih gub, kjer glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali navedene gube potekajo pod kotom od vključno 90°, to je v povsem horizontalni smeri, do vključno 40°, to je v diagonalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode, in kjer je navedena guba stisnjena skupaj ali kjer so navedene gube stranske stene stisnjene skupaj z nagubanjem skupaj tekom in/ali v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom in kjer se navedena guba razpne oziroma se navedene gube razpnejo v vertikalni smeri in se s tem nagubani del stene raztegne v vertikalni smeri posode, da se poveča volumen embalažne posode.Most preferably, the expandable container according to the invention includes the bottom of the container and the side wall of the container extending along the vertical axis of the container body between the bottom and the top of the container body, having the container opening above, said lateral container wall having at least two or more parts, which are flexibly folded or flexibly folded in a more or less horizontal direction or in a more or less diagonal direction, wherein each said folded part of the side wall consists of at least one or more flexible stretchable folds, where said crease or said wrinkles extend at an angle of 90 ° inclusive, i.e. in a fully horizontal direction, up to and including 40 °, ie diagonally with respect to the vertical of the container, and where said crease is compressed together or where said side walls are compressed together with the crease together during and / or during the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and / or sale phase of such e packaging containers themselves or such packaging containers containing the product contained therein, and wherein said folds are cracked or the folds are stretched vertically, thereby extending the wall portion in the vertical direction of the container to increase the volume of the container.

Navedena guba oziroma navedene gube enega ali več odsekov stranske stene raztegljive embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma ima oziroma imajo smer, ki glede na vertikalo posode poteka pod kotom 90° oziroma v povsem horizontalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode, t. j. glede na vertikalno os posode. V alternativnih izvedbah tega izuma navedena guba oziroma navedene gube enega ali več odsekov stranske stene raztegljive embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma ima oz. imajo smer, ki glede na vertikalo posode poteka pod diagonalnim kotom od vključno 89° do vključno 40° glede na vertikalo posode. V posebnih izvedbenih primerih znaša takšen diagonalni kot navedene gube ali navedenih gub bodisi 87° glede na vertikalo posode ali 85° glede na vertikalo posode ali 80° glede na vertikalo posode ali 75° glede na vertikalo posode ali 70° glede na vertikalo posode.Said crease or said creases of one or more portions of a side wall of a stretchable container according to the present invention have or have a direction which extends at an angle of 90 ° with respect to the container vertical or in a completely horizontal direction relative to the container vertical, t. j. relative to the vertical axis of the container. In alternative embodiments of the present invention, said wrinkle or said wrinkles of one or more portions of a side wall of an expandable packaging container of the present invention have, respectively. have a direction extending from a diagonal angle of 89 ° to 40 ° inclusive with respect to the container vertical with respect to the container vertical. In specific embodiments, such diagonal angle as said folds or said folds is either 87 ° relative to the container vertical or 85 ° relative to the container vertical or 80 ° relative to the container vertical or 75 ° relative to the container vertical or 70 ° relative to the container vertical.

Stisnjenje raztegljive embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma na primer vsaj tekom in/ali v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom, ko je ta posoda v stisnjenem stanju fleksibilnega nagubanega dela ali fleksibilnih nagubanih delov stranske stene, omogoča in predstavlja prihranek volumna od vključno okoli 20 % do vključno okoli 80 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode, prednostno od vključno okoli 30 % do vključno okoli 70 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode, še bolj prednostno od vključno okoli 40 % do vključno okoli 60 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode ter najbolj prednostno 50 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode.Compression of a stretchable container according to the invention, for example, at least during and / or at the stage of packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of such container itself or such container when contained in the compressed state flexible pleated part or flexible pleated portions of the sidewall, enables and represents a volume saving of from about 20% up to and including about 80% of the volume of said container in the fully extended phase of the side wall of the container, preferably from about 30% up to and including about 70% of said volume packagings in the fully extended stage of the sidewall of the container, more preferably from about 40% up to and including about 60% of the volume of said container in the fully extended phase of the sidewall of the container, and most preferably 50% of the volume of said container in the fully extended phase of the sidewall of the container .

Nagubani del stranske stene embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma lahko prekriva od vključno 10 % do vključno 90 % površine stranske stene posode od celotne površine stranske stene posode v povsem raztegnjenem stanju posode, kjer je nagubani del horizontalno razporejen v stranski steni gledano na vertikalno smer oz. os posode.The pleated portion of the sidewall of the container according to the present invention may overlap from 10% up to and including 90% of the surface of the sidewall of the container in the fully extended state of the container, where the pleated portion is horizontally arranged in the sidewall in terms of the vertical direction or . the axis of the container.

Prednostno nagubani del stranske stene embalažne posode, kije horizontalno razporejen v tej steni glede na vertikalno smer posode v smislu tega izuma, prekriva od vključno 20 % do vključno 80 % površine stranske stene posode od celotne površine stranske stene posode v povsem raztegnjenem stanju posode. Še bolj prednostno nagubani del stranske stene embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma prekriva od vključno 30 % do vključno 70 % površine stranske stene posode in najbolj prednostno od vključno 40 % do vključno 60 % površine stranske stene posode od celotne površine stranske stene posode v povsem raztegnjenem stanju posode.Preferably the pleated portion of the sidewall of the container, which is horizontally disposed in this wall according to the vertical direction of the container according to the present invention, covers from 20% up to and including 80% of the surface of the sidewall of the container from the entire surface of the sidewall of the container in the fully extended state of the container. Even more preferably, the folded portion of the sidewall of the container according to the present invention overlaps from 30% to 70% inclusive of the surface of the sidewall of the container and most preferably from 40% up to and including 60% of the surface of the sidewall of the container from the entire surface of the sidewall of the container in a fully extended the condition of the container.

V smislu tega izuma se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma se nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v katerem koli delu stranske stene vzdolž vertikale stranske stene oziroma vzdolž vertikale embalažne posode. V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov po tem izumu se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v srednjem delu vertikalne višine stene posode, v drugem izvedbenem primeru se en nagubani del stranke stene nahaja v zgornji polovici in drugi v spodnji polovici vertikalne višine stene posode ter v tretjem izvedbenem primeru se en nagubani del stranske stene nahaja v zgornji tretjini, drugi v srednji tretjini in tretji v spodnji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.According to the present invention, the pleated portion of the sidewall is located or the pleated portions of the sidewall are located in any part of the sidewall along the vertical of the side wall or along the vertical of the container. In one embodiment of the present invention, the pleated portion of the side wall is located, or all the pleated portions of the lateral wall are located in the middle part of the vertical height of the container wall, in the other embodiment, one pleated portion of the side wall is located in the upper half and the other in the lower half of the vertical the height of the container wall and, in the third embodiment, one pleated portion of the side wall is located in the upper third, the other in the middle third and a third in the lower third of the vertical height of the container wall.

V enem izmed alternativnih izvedbenih primerov po tem izumu se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode. V drugem alternativnem izvedbenem primeru se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v srednji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode. V nadaljnjem alternativnem izvedbenem primeru se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v spodnji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.In one alternative embodiment of the invention, the pleated portion of the side wall is located, or all the pleated portions of the lateral wall are located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall. In another alternative embodiment, the pleated portion of the side wall is located, or all the pleated portions of the lateral wall are located in the middle third of the vertical height of the container wall. In a further alternative embodiment, the pleated portion of the side wall is located, or all the pleated portions of the lateral wall are located in the lower third of the vertical height of the container wall.

V še nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru embalažne posode, ki ima dva ali več nagubanih delov, sta nagubana dela oziroma so nagubani del stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del ali več nagubanih delov nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in da se drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli nahajajo v srednji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode. V nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru z dvema ali več nagubanimi deli sta nagubana dela oziroma so nagubani del stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli v srednji tretjini stranske stene vertikalne višine stene posode. Nadalje v izvedbenem primeru z dvema ali več nagubanimi deli sta nagubana dela oziroma so nagubani del stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli v spodnji tretjini stranske stene vertikalne višine stene posode.In a still further embodiment, a container having two or more folded portions, the folded portions, or folded portions of the side wall, are arranged with one another flat portions of the lateral wall so that one folded portions or several folded portions is located in the upper third of the vertical height of the wall and that the second pleated portion or other pleated portions are located in the middle third of the vertical height of the container wall. In a further embodiment, with two or more pleated portions, the pleated portions, or the pleated portions of the side wall, are arranged with one another flat portions of the lateral wall so that one pleated portions are located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall and the other pleated portions or other pleated portions in the middle third of the side wall of the vertical height of the container wall. Further, in the embodiment, with two or more pleated portions, the pleated portions or the pleated portions of the side wall are arranged with straight flat portions of the lateral wall so that one pleated portions are located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall and the other pleated portions or other pleated portions in the lower third of the side wall of the vertical height of the container wall.

Posamezni fleksibilno nagubani del stranske stene embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več gub. Takšna guba ima bodisi ostro oblikovan vrh in ostro oblikovana kota ob stiku z ravnino stranske stene ter ima tako v prečnem prerezu obliko trikotnika. Bodisi ima guba zaobljen vrh in zaobljena stika gube z ravnino stranske stene ter ima tako v prečnem prerezu obliko polovice krivulje bolj ali manj sinusoidne krivulje ali drugih podobnih krivulj z zaobljenim valovom podobno obliko. Posamezna guba ima vrh gube, ki sega iz ravnine ravnega dela stranske stene embalažne posode in to bodisi navzven od telesa posode, kar tvori tako imenovano zunanjo gubo, ali pa navznoter v telo posode, kar tvori tako imenovano notranjo gubo. Kadar fleksibilno nagubani del stranske stene sestoji samo iz ene gube, tedaj ta s svojim vrhom sega v notranjost embalažne posode po tem izumu in oblikuje notranjo gubo.Each flexibly folded portion of the side wall of the container according to the present invention consists of at least one or more folds. Such a crease has either a sharp-shaped tip and a sharp-formed angle upon contact with the plane of the side wall, thus having a cross-section in the form of a triangle. Either the wrinkle has a rounded tip and the rounded contact of the wrinkle with the plane of the side wall, and thus in cross-section has the shape of a half curve of a more or less sinusoidal curve or other similar curves with a rounded wave-like shape. An individual crease has the tip of a crease extending from the plane of the flat part of the side wall of the container, either outwards from the body of the container, forming the so-called outer crease, or inwardly into the body of the container, forming the so-called inner crease. When the flexibly folded portion of the side wall consists of only one crease, then its tip extends into the inner container of the present invention and forms an inner crease.

Guba v smislu tega izuma sestoji iz vrha gube, ki ga oblikujeta stikajoča se kraka gube, in iz dveh krakov gube, kjer je spodnji krak gube bliže dnu posode in zgornji krak gube bliže vrhu posode. Kraka gube in vrh gube segata iz ravnine stene posode bodisi navzven iz posode in tvorita tako imenovano navzven usmerjeno gubo oz. zunanjo gubo ali pa kraka in vrh gube segata iz ravnine stene posode navznoter v prostor posode in tvorita tako imenovano navznoter posode usmerjeno gubo oz. notranjo gubo.The crease of the present invention consists of the top of the crease formed by the connecting arms of the crease, and of the two creases of the crease, where the lower crease of the crease is closer to the bottom of the container and the upper crease of the crease is closer to the top of the crease. The folds of the wrinkles and the top of the wrinkles extend from the plane of the wall of the container either outwards from the container and form the so-called outwardly directed fold. the outer crease or the arms and the tip of the crease extend from the plane of the vessel wall inwards into the space of the vessel and form a so-called inwardly oriented crease, respectively. inner fold.

Z namenom da se v stisnjeni fazi raztegljive embalažne posode po tem izumu čim bolj zmanjša volumen te posode, se v prednostnem izvedbenem primeru vrh gube, kadar je guba ena, nahaja oziroma se vrhovi vseh gub, kadar je gub več, nahajajo pod ravnino stranske stene in/ali največ v ravnini stranske stene embalažne posode in vrh nobene gube ne sega navzven iz notranjega prostora embalažne posode in s tem navzven izven ravnine stranske stene embalažne posode. V takšnih izvedbenih primerih tega izuma, kijih prikazujejo na primer Slike 1, 2, 4, 9 in 11, ima embalažna posoda vse gube konfigurirane tako, da se nahajajo v notranjosti prostora posode, to je navznoter od ravnine stranske stene posode, tako da se vse gube, to je gube z vrhovi, usmerjenimi v notranjost posode oz. notranje gube, in gube z vrhovi, usmerjenimi navzven iz posode oz. zunanje gube, nahajajo znotraj prostora posode. V alternativnem izvedbenem primeru, prikazanem v Sliki 4, so vse gube nagubanega dela stranske stene gube z vrhovi, usmerjenimi v notranjost posode, kar se doseže s konfiguracijo gub z vmesnimi kratkimi ravnimi odseki stranske stene med zaporednimi gubami. Takšne izvedbe nagubanih odsekov stranskih sten so namenjene za čim večji prihranek prostora embalažne posode v fazah embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportirani a, distribucije, dostave in prodaje.In order to minimize the volume of the container according to the invention in the compressible phase of the expandable container according to the invention, in the preferred embodiment, the top of the fold when there is one fold is located or the tops of all folds when there are more folds are below the plane of the side wall and / or at most in the plane of the side wall of the container and the top of any crease does not extend outward from the inner space of the container and thus outwards from the plane of the side wall of the container. In such embodiments of the invention, for example, Figures 1, 2, 4, 9 and 11, the packaging container has all the folds configured to be located inside the container space, i.e. inwards from the plane of the side wall of the container so that all wrinkles, that is, wrinkles with tips pointing to the inside of the container or. inner folds, and folds with the tips pointing outwards from the container or. outer folds located inside the container space. In the alternative embodiment shown in Figure 4, all the folds of the pleated portion of the lateral wall are folds with the tips directed toward the inside of the container, which is achieved by the configuration of folds with intermediate short straight sections of the lateral wall between successive folds. Such designs of pleated sidewall sections are intended to maximize space savings in the container during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and sale phases.

Posamezna guba pri ostri izvedbi robov in kotov gube, kot na primer prikazujeta Sliki 1 in 2, tvori kot β ob vrhu gube in s tem med krakoma gube ter hkrati kota med krakoma gube in ravnino stranske stene posode, ki sta kot a med spodnjim krakom gube in ravnino stranske stene posode, t. j. kot ob kraku gube, ki je bližje dnu posode, ter kot γ med zgornjim krakom gube in ravnino stranske stene posode, t. j. kot ob kraku gube, kije bližje vrhu posode. V prednostnem izvedbenem primeru v smislu tega izuma sta kota a in γ med seboj enaka in ima tedaj prečni prerez posamezne gube obliko enakokrakega trikotnika. V zaobljeni izvedbi robov gube posamezna guba tvori zaobljen vrh gube in približno kota v območju od okoli 0°, prednostno od okoli 45°, do okli 90° ob stiku gube z ravnino stranske stene posode odvisno od stisnjenosti gub. Navedeni koti tako v izvedbi gub ostrih krakov kot zaobljenih gub so odvisni od stisnjenosti gub. Bolj kot so gube stisnjene ena ob drugi, večja sta kota a in γ ter se približujeta kotu 90° in manjši je kot β ter se približuje kotu 0° in se hkrati stisne večji del stranske stene v obliki gub ter se s tem odvisno od deleža nagubanega dela stranske stene embalažne posode prihrani več embalažnega prostora posode v stisnjenem stanju.A single crease, when sharpened by the edges and angles of the crease, as shown in Figures 1 and 2, forms an angle β along the top of the crease and thus between the crease arms and at the same time the angle between the crease arms and the plane of the side wall of the container, which are an angle a between the lower crease. folds and plane of the side wall of the container, t. j. the angle along the crease arm closer to the bottom of the container and the angle γ between the upper crease arm and the plane of the side wall of the container, t. j. as at the crease, which is closer to the top of the container. In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the angles a and γ are the same, and then the cross-section of each fold has the shape of an equilateral triangle. In the rounded design of the edges of the crease, the individual crease forms a rounded tip of the crease and approximately an angle in the range from about 0 °, preferably from about 45 °, to about 90 ° at the contact of the crease with the plane of the side wall of the vessel, depending on the compression of the creases. The angles indicated in both the design of sharp wrinkles and the rounded wrinkles depend on the compression of the wrinkles. The more the wrinkles are compressed side by side, the greater the angles a and γ, approaching the 90 ° angle, and the smaller the β angle, approaching the 0 ° angle, while compressing the greater part of the lateral wall in the form of folds, and thus depending on the proportion the folded part of the side wall of the container saves more container space in the compressed state.

Oblika in dimenzije embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma so lahko poljubne. Embalažna posoda ima na primer obliko, ki ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode obliko, ki je izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik. V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih ima embalažna posode vzdolž telesa oz. vzdolž vertikalne osi posode bolj ali manj enako obliko, to pomeni da ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode enako obliko, kije izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik. Dno takšne embalažne posode ima na primer krožno, elipsno, kvadratno, pravokotno, šestkotno, osemkotno, trapezno, paralelogramsko, trikotno ali katero koli drugo obliko. Takšni obliki dna posode sledi tudi prečni prerez telesa embalažne posode vzdolž stranske stene embalažne posode po tem izumu, tako da imata tudi prečni prerez na sredini višine telesa embalažne posod in vrh embalažne posode, to je odprtina oz. ustje embalažne posode, obliko, kije enaka obliki dna posode.The shape and dimensions of the container according to the invention may be arbitrary. For example, a container has a shape that has, at the bottom of the container, at the top of the container and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container in horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container, a shape selected from a circle, an ellipse, a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a parallelogram , trapezoids, orthogonal shapes and / or any other more or less circularly rounded shapes or any other more or less angularly shaped shapes and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes. In some embodiments, the packaging containers are provided along the body or the body. along the vertical axis of the container more or less the same shape, that is, it has the same shape at the bottom of the container, at the top of the container and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container in horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container, selected from a circle, an ellipse, a triangle, squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, orthogonal shapes and / or any other more or less circularly rounded shapes or any other more or less angularly shaped and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes. For example, the bottom of such a container has a circular, elliptical, square, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, trapezoidal, parallelogram, triangular or any other shape. Such a shape of the bottom of the container is also followed by a cross-section of the body of the container along the side wall of the container according to the invention, so that they also have a cross-section in the middle of the height of the body of the container and the top of the container, i.e. the mouth of the container, a shape that is the same as the bottom of the container.

V drugih izvedbenih primerih ima embalažna posoda obliko, ki se spreminja vzdolž telesa posode, t. j. vzdolž vertikalne osi posode. Takšna posoda ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode obliko, ki se spreminja vzdolž vertikale posode in je takšna oblika posode na dnu, na vrhu in med dnom in vrhom posode izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik.In other embodiments, the container has a shape that varies along the body of the container, i.e. j. along the vertical axis of the container. Such a container has, in the bottom of the container, at the top of the container, and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container in a horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container, a shape that varies along the vertical of the container and is such a shape of the container at the bottom, top, and bottom vessels selected from a circle, ellipse, triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, orthogonal shape and / or any other more or less circularly rounded shape or any other more or less angularly shaped and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes.

Tako ima embalažna posode v posebnih izvedbenih primerih telo posode, ki ima v prečnem prerezu obliko, ki se razlikuje od oblike dna posode in po potrebi tudi od oblike odprtine posode zgoraj. Takšna oblika telesa posode v prečnem prerezu telesa je lahko drugačna od oblike dna posode bodisi v sredini višine posode in/ali pri, ob in/ali na vrhu posode, to je ob ustju posode, z namenom, da se zagotovi lažje rokovanje in prijemanje posode in/ali lažja priprava vsebine, ki se nahaja v takšni posodi, ter konzumiranje vsebine iz posode. Takšno rokovanje, priprava in/ali konzumiranje med drugim vključuje pripravo izdelka v posodi v pripravek za konzumiranje n. pr. z dolivanjem tekočine in/ali dodajanjem ene in/ali več drugih sestavin v posodo pred končnim konzumiranjem pripravka iz vsebine posode in primešanih drugih sestavin, konzumiranje pripravka vsebine posode, bodisi pitje in/ali drug zauživanja pripravka vsebine oz. izdelka iz posode v smislu tega izuma, prelivanje vsebine oz. izdelka iz posode in/ali katero koli drugo apliciranje tega pripravka iz posode n. pr. s priborom za zauživanje prehrambenih izdelkov vključno s slamicami, ustniki, dudami in z raznimi drugimi pokrovnimi in/ali aplikativnimi elementi, ki se namestijo na takšno posodo, da se prepreči izlivanje in/ali brizganje pripravka iz posode v primeru nagibanja in/ali tresenja posode, bodisi drug način apliciranja pripravka iz posode kot n. pr. s priborom za nanos pripravka v primeru vsebine oz. izdelka v posodi, kjer je ta izdelek za farmacevtske, medicinske, kozmetične, fitofarmacevtske, kemijske, čistilne, barvilne, barvalne in/ali lakirne barvalne namene, bodisi n. pr. s kapalko, z brizgo, z različnimi drugimi vrstami aplikatorjev kot n. pr. dozirne žličke, nanosne palčke, čopiči in/ali druge podobne vrste aplikatorjev, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo na navedenih področjih izdelkov, t. j. na področju farmacije, medicine, kozmetike, fitofarmacije, kemije, industrije čistil, industrije barv, barvil in lakov ter na drugih podobnih področjih.Thus, in specific embodiments, the containers of the container have a container body which has a cross-sectional shape that is different from the shape of the bottom of the container and, if necessary, the shape of the container opening above. Such a body cross-sectional shape of the container may be different from that of the bottom of the container either in the middle of the height of the container and / or at, at and / or at the top of the container, that is, at the mouth of the container, in order to facilitate the handling and holding of the container and / or facilitate the preparation of the contents contained in such a container and the consumption of the contents from the container. Such handling, preparation and / or consumption includes, inter alia, the preparation of a product in a container in a preparation for consumption n. BC by pouring the liquid and / or adding one and / or more other ingredients into the container before finally consuming the preparation from the contents of the container and mixed other ingredients, consuming the preparation of the contents of the container, or drinking and / or ingesting the preparation of the contents or. a container product according to the present invention, pouring the contents or. the container product and / or any other application of that container n. BC with ingestion of foodstuffs including straws, mouthpieces, pacifiers and various other cover and / or applicator elements which are mounted on such a container to prevent the product from leaking and / or splashing out in the event of the container tilting and / or shaking , or any other method of administering a preparation from a container than n. BC with the device for applying the preparation in case of contents or. product in a container where the product is for pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, plant protection, chemical, cleaning, dyeing, dyeing and / or lacquering purposes, or n. BC with a dropper, with a syringe, with various other types of applicators than n. BC dosing spoons, applicator sticks, brushes and / or other similar types of applicators as are known and used in the prior art in the aforementioned product areas, t. j. in the fields of pharmacy, medicine, cosmetics, plant protection, chemistry, the cleaning industry, the paint, dye and varnish industry and other similar fields.

Posoda po tem izumu je prednostno v bolj ali manj cilindrični obliki in najbolj prednostno v obliki lončka, v posebnih izvedbenih primerih pa tudi v obliki plastenk z vratom.The container of the present invention is preferably in a more or less cylindrical shape and most preferably in the form of a crucible, and in particular embodiments also in the form of a neck bottle.

Nadalje ima takšna embalažna posoda zgornjo odprtino pokrito vsaj z enim pokrovčkom ali z več pokrovčki, kateri omogoča zaprtje posode tekom in/ali v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje, po potrebi pa tudi tekom priprave v posodi embaliranega izdelka za končno uporabo.Further, such packaging container has an upper opening covered by at least one cap or multiple caps that allows the container to be closed during and / or during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale phase, and, if necessary, during preparation in the container end-use product.

V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih se prečni premer vzdolž dolžine telesa embalažne povečuje glede na prečni premer dna posoda tako, da znaša naklonski kot zunanje stene glede na vertikalo oziroma na vertikalno os telesa embalažne posode, ki predstavlja višino telesa embalažne posode od dna posode in do njenega vrha, od kota 0° do vključno kota 80° ter prednostno od kota 0° do vključno kota 45° ali od kota 0° do vključno kota 30°, še bolj prednostno od kota 0° do vključno kota 20° ter najbolj prednostno od kota 0° do vključno kota 15°. V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih znaša naklonski kot zunanje stene glede na vertikalo oz. na vertikalno os telesa embalažne posode, od kota 0° do vključno kota 10° ali pa od kota 0° do vključno kota 5°.In some embodiments, the transverse diameter along the length of the container body increases with respect to the transverse diameter of the bottom of the container so that it is inclined to the outer walls relative to the vertical or vertical axis of the body of the container, representing the height of the body of the container from the bottom of the container to its top. , from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 80 ° and preferably from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 45 ° or from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 30 °, more preferably from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 20 °, and most preferably from an angle of 0 ° up to and including an angle of 15 °. In some embodiments, the inclination angle of the outer wall is vertical or vertical. to the vertical axis of the body of the container, from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 10 °, or from an angle of 0 ° to and including an angle of 5 °.

Vrh posode in vrhnja odprtina posode po tem izumu imata nadalje ustje posode izvedeno v različnih oblikah in konfiguracijah. Tukaj je stena posode nekoliko zadebeljena in je njen zgornji rob oz. rob ustja posode prednostno zaobljen navzven in ima ob tem zgoraj ravno površino debeline okoli 1 mm za naleganje in pričvrstitev pokrovčka. V drugih izvedbenih primerih ima ustje posode v smislu tega izuma med drugim obliko bodisi povsem ravne ploskve bodisi nekoliko teksturirane ravne ploskve s teksturami različnih oblik za lažjo pričvrstitev pokrovčka posode na ustje posode in s tem za zaprtje posode zgoraj ali pa ima ustje posode bolj ali manj zaobljeno obliko za lažje pitje pripravka izdelka iz posode, kjer je bodisi ustje delno in polkrožno zaobljeno ali pa je celotno ustje krožno zaobljeno in kjer ima po potrebi zgornji del tako zaobljenega ustja nekoliko izravnan del za gladko naleganje pokrovčka, ki se pritrdi bodisi s privaritvijo in/ali pritalitvijo ali pa adhezivno z nalepitvijo z različnimi lepili, ki se uporabljajo za embaliranje v prehrambeni industriji, v farmacevtski industriji, v fitofarmacevtski industriji in kemijski industriji zaobljeno. Kadar je ustje embalažne posode izvedeno v obliki ravne ploskve, ta leži v ravnini, kije bolj ali manj pravokotna na vertikalno os posode ali pa je glede na navedeno ravnino rahlo nagnjena bodisi navzgor za kot od vključno 0° do vključno 30° bodisi navzdol za kot od vključno 0° do vključno 30°. Kadar je takšen nagib ravno oblikovanega ustja navzgor, potem se oblikuje kot ravnine tega ustja navzgor glede na vertikalno os posode in znaša od 0° do vključno 60° ter tedaj nalega na njo pričvrščen pokrovček posode konkavno navzgor. Kadar je takšen nagib ravno oblikovanega ustja navzdol, potem se oblikuje kot ravnine tega ustja navzdol glede na vertikalno os posode in znaša od 0° do vključno 60° ter tedaj nalega na njo pričvrščen pokrovček posode konveksno navzgor.The top of the container and the upper opening of the container according to the present invention further have the container mouth made in different shapes and configurations. Here, the wall of the container is slightly thickened and its upper edge or. the edge of the mouth of the container is preferably rounded outwards, having a flat surface of about 1 mm in thickness above it to fit and secure the cap. In other embodiments, the container mouth according to the present invention has, among other things, either a completely flat surface or a slightly textured flat surface with textures of various shapes to facilitate attaching the container cap to the container mouth and thereby closing the container above, or having a container mouth more or less a rounded shape for easy drinking of the product preparation from a container, where either the mouth is partially and semicircularly rounded or the whole mouth is circularly rounded, and where necessary the upper portion of the rounded mouth has a slightly flattened part for a smooth fit of the cap, which can be fixed either by welding and / or by adhesion or by adhesive bonding with various adhesives used for packaging in the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, plant protection and chemical industries. When the mouth of the packaging container is in the form of a flat surface, it lies in a plane more or less perpendicular to the vertical axis of the container or slightly inclined either upwards from an angle of 0 ° to 30 ° inclusive or downwards with respect to that plane. from 0 ° to 30 ° inclusive. When such an inclination of a straight molded mouth is upwards, then it is formed as planes of that mouth upwards with respect to the vertical axis of the vessel and ranges from 0 ° to 60 ° inclusive, and then the container lid attached thereto is concave upwards. When such an inclination of the straight molded mouth is down, then it is formed as the plane of that mouth downwards with respect to the vertical axis of the vessel and ranges from 0 ° to 60 ° inclusive, and then the container cap attached thereto is convexly upwards.

Embalaža oz. embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma nadalje vključuje še pokrivalo posode oz. pokrovček, ki nalega preko odprtine posode. Navedeno pokrivalo posode oz. pokrovček je izbran izmed pokrival posod oz. pokrovčkov in izdelan iz materialov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v embalažni industriji in najbolj prednostno v embalažni industriji za živila, prehrambene proizvode in/ali za farmacevtske proizvode ter v drugih izvedbenih primerih tega izuma v embalažni industriji za fitofarmacevtske proizvode in razne kemijske proizvode kot n. pr. za različna čistila, detergente, topila, razkužila, barvila, barve, lake in podobne proizvode.Packaging or. The container of the present invention further includes a container or container cover. a cap that fits over the opening of the container. The specified cover of the container or. the cap is selected from the covers of the containers or. caps and made of materials as are known and known in the art in the packaging industry and most preferably in the packaging industry for food, food and / or pharmaceuticals, and in other embodiments of the invention in the packaging industry for plant protection products and various chemical products as n. BC for various cleaners, detergents, solvents, disinfectants, colorants, dyes, varnishes and similar products.

Na posodo v smislu tega izuma se pokrovček nanese, pričvrsti in pritrdi po postopkih, kot so poznani in se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v embalažni industriji, najbolj prednostno v embalažni industriji za živila, prehrambene proizvode, za farmacevtske proizvode ter v drugih izvedbenih primerih tega izuma v embalažni industriji za fitofarmacevtske proizvode in razne kemijske proizvode, kjer takšni pokrovčki omogočajo tesnost zaprtja odprtine posode kot n. pr. termična pritrditev oz. privaritev pokrovčka na rob vrha stranske stene ob odprtini embalažne posode ali pa adhezivna nalepitev pokrovčka z lepili, kot so poznani in kot se uporabljajo v stanju tehnike na navedenih področjih industrij. Po potrebi je takšen pokrovček izveden z navoji na notranji površini pokrovčka, ki nalegajo na navoje ob ustju embalažne posode, zaradi česar ima v takšnih izvedbenih primerih tudi embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma navoje ob zgornji odprtini posode. Najbolj prednostno, je takšen pokrovček po tem izumu za namene embalažne industrije za živila, prehrambene proizvode in za farmacevtske proizvode izdelan iz polipropilena ali pa iz aluminijaste folije.The lid of the present invention is applied, fastened and fixed according to methods known in the art and used in the packaging industry, most preferably in the packaging industry for food, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and other embodiments of the invention. in the packaging industry for plant protection products and various chemical products, where such caps allow the container opening to be sealed as n. BC thermal attachment or. welding the cap to the edge of the top of the side wall adjacent to the opening of the container, or adhesively affixing the cap with adhesives as they are known and used in the prior art in the aforementioned industries. If necessary, such a cap is made with threads on the inner surface of the cap that rest on the threads at the mouth of the container, and in such embodiments, the container of this invention also has threads at the upper opening of the container. Most preferably, such a lid of the present invention is made of polypropylene or aluminum foil for the purposes of the packaging industry for food, foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals.

Kadar sta pokrovčka dva, je notranji pokrovček prednostno narejen iz različnih plastičnih materialov in/ali aluminijaste folije ter drugih podobnih materialov, kot so poznani v stanju tehnike, ter je pritrjen na ustje zgornje odprtine embalažne posode in/ali na vrat posode v obliki plastenke in je bodisi adhezivno nalepljen, pritaljen, privarjen in/ali pritisnjen.When the caps are two, the inner cap is preferably made of various plastic materials and / or aluminum foil and other similar materials as are known in the art and is attached to the mouth of the upper opening of the container and / or to the neck of the container in the form of a bottle and it is either adhesively bonded, pressed, welded and / or pressed.

V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih v smislu tega izuma, kot ga prikazuje n. pr. Slika 9, ima embalažna posoda v zgornjem delu telesa in na vrhu posode vrat, kateri ima manjši prečni premer od prečnega premera telesa posode med dnom in vratom posode in/ali od prečnega premera na dnu posode. Takšen vrat posode se v nekaterih izvedbah nahaja v zgornji petini višine telesa posode, vključno z vrhom posode, v drugih izvedbah v zgornji desetini višine telesa posode in prednostnih izvedbah izuma v zgornji dvajsetini višine telesa posode. Embalažna posoda s takšnim vratom ima prednostno obliko stisljive plastenke in se uporablja na primer za embaliranje koncentratov izdelkov v tekoči obliki, pol-tekoči obliki, po potrebi pa tudi v prašni obliki, ki se jih nato v raztegnjeni fazi posode po potrebi pretresa z namenom boljše priprave končne oblike v takšni posodi embaliranega izdelka z dodajo eno ali več drugih sestavin k izdelku, da se doseže njegova boljša raztopitev, mešanica in/ali porazdelitev v eni ali več drugih sestavin. Zgornjo odprtino na vratu ima zaprto z enim ali dvema pokrovčkoma. Pokrovček je pritrjen na različne načine, izbranih izmed v stanju tehnike poznanih načinov. Med njimi so n. pr. pokrovček z navoji na notranji površini pokrovčka, kjer ima tedaj tudi zunanja površina vratu navoje za navitje takšnega pokrovčka, na vrat privarjeni, pritaljen, adhezivno nalepljeni in/ali pristinjeni pokrovček. V primeru dveh pokrovčkov je notranji izveden iz različnih plastičnih materialov in/ali aluminijaste folije ter drugih podobnih materialov ter pritrjen na ustje zgornje odprtine plastenke bodisi z adhezivno nalepitvijo, s pritalitvijo, privaritvijo in/ali s pritisnjenjem.In some embodiments of the invention as shown by n. BC Figure 9 shows a container in the upper part of the body and at the top of the door container, which has a smaller transverse diameter than the transverse diameter of the container body between the bottom and the neck of the container and / or the transverse diameter at the bottom of the container. Such a container neck is in some embodiments located in the upper fifth of the height of the container body, including the top of the container, in other embodiments in the upper tenth of the height of the container body and preferred embodiments of the invention in the upper twenty percent of the container body height. A container with such a neck preferably has the form of a compressible bottle and is used, for example, for the packaging of product concentrates in liquid, semi-liquid form and, if necessary, in powder form, which can then be shaken in the expanded phase of the container for better purposes. preparing the final form in such a container of a packaged article by adding one or more other ingredients to the article to achieve a better dissolution, mixture and / or distribution in one or more other ingredients. The upper opening in the neck is closed with one or two caps. The cap is attached in various ways, selected from the prior art. Among them are n. BC a threaded cap on the inner surface of the cap, where the outer surface of the neck then also has threads for winding such cap, welded on the neck, glued on, adhesively bonded and / or a fitted cap. In the case of two caps, the inner one is made of various plastic materials and / or aluminum foil and other similar materials and is attached to the mouth of the top opening of the bottle either by adhesive bonding, by pressing, welding and / or by pressing.

Dimenzije volumna posode v smislu tega izuma, premera takšne posode na dnu, na vrhu in/ali na delih telesa med dnom in vrhom posode ter vertikalna dimenzija oziroma višina telesa posode po tem izumu tako v stisnjenem stanju kot v raztegnjenem stanju fleksibilno nagubanega dela stranske stene posode kot tudi dimenzije debeline stene dna posode in vrha posode ter dimenzije posameznih elementov ustja posode in/ali debeline stranske stene v ravnem delu in/ali nagubanem delu so poljubne in odvisne od namena in načina uporabe oziroma načina končnega konzumiranja izdelka, kije embaliran v takšni posodi (glej kava espresso, kakav, čokoladni napitek, čaj, napitki, juha, raztopine kemikalij, škropiva, barve, laki).The dimensions of the container volume of the present invention, the diameter of such a container at the bottom, top and / or body parts between the bottom and the top of the container, and the vertical dimension or height of the container body of the present invention, both in the compressed state and in the extended state of the flexibly folded portion of the side wall containers, as well as the dimensions of the thickness of the bottom of the container and the top of the container, as well as the dimensions of the individual elements of the container mouth and / or the thickness of the side wall in a straight and / or pleated part, are arbitrary and depend on the purpose and method of use or manner of final consumption of the product packaged in such container. containers (see coffee espresso, cocoa, chocolate drink, tea, drinks, soup, chemical solutions, sprays, paints, varnishes).

Dimenzije volumna posode v smislu tega izuma v raztegnjenem stanju stranske stene znašajo od minimalno vključno 20 ml ali cm3 do maksimalno vključno 1500 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 4 ml do maksimalno vključno 300 ml. Prednostno znašajo dimenzije volumna takšne posode v raztegnjenem stanju stranske stene od minimalno vključno 50 ml do maksimalno vključno 1000 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 10 ml do maksimalno vključno 200 ml. Najbolj prednostno znaša volumen takšne posode v raztegnjenem stanju stranske stene od minimalno vključno 100 ml do maksimalno vključno 600 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 20 ml do maksimalno vključno 120 ml. V primeru uporabe embalažne posode za različne napitke znaša volumen posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno 150 ml do vključno 300 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 30 ml do maksimalno vključno 120 ml, v primeri kavnih napitkov kot n. pr. espresso ali pa različnih sirupov od vključno 30 ml do vključno 50 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 10 ml do maksimalno vključno 40 ml. V primeru uporabe embalažne posode za različne vrste hrane znaša volumen posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno 200 ml do vključno 600 ml ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 40 ml do maksimalno vključno 480 ml.The dimensions of the container volume of the present invention in the expanded state of the lateral wall range from a minimum inclusive of 20 ml or cm 3 to a maximum inclusive of 1500 ml and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum inclusive of 4 ml to a maximum inclusive of 300 ml. Preferably, the dimensions of the volume of such a container are in the expanded state of the sidewall from a minimum inclusive of 50 ml to a maximum inclusive of 1000 ml and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum inclusive of 10 ml to a maximum inclusive of 200 ml. Most preferably, the volume of such a container in the expanded state of the side wall is from a minimum inclusive of 100 ml to a maximum inclusive of 600 ml and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum inclusive of 20 ml to a maximum inclusive of 120 ml. When using a container for different beverages, the volume of the container in a stretched state is from 150 ml up to and including 300 ml and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum of 30 ml up to and including a maximum of 120 ml, in the case of coffee beverages as n. BC espresso or a variety of syrups from 30 ml up to and including 50 ml and in a maximum compressed state of at least 10 ml up to and including 40 ml. In the case of the use of a container for different types of food, the volume of the container in a stretched state shall be from 200 ml inclusive to 600 ml inclusive and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum inclusive of 40 ml to a maximum inclusive of 480 ml.

Embalažna posoda v obliki plastenke z vratom ima tudi poljubni volumen. Prednostno je takšen volumen posode v povsem raztegnjenem stanju nagubane stranske stene od vključno 100 ml do vključno 2000 ml, prednostno od vključno 200 ml do vključno 1500 ml in najbolj prednostno od vključno 300 ml do vključno 1000 ml. Takšna posoda v obliki plastenke se uporablja na primer za embaliranje različnih vrst pijač in/ali napitkov kot n. pr. koncentratov sadnih sokov, sirupov, čajev, kave, kakava in drugih pijač, pa tudi razkužil, fiziološke raztopine, čistil, detergentov za pranje, za pomivanje ali za čiščenje, pralnih praškov, mehčalcev, barv, barvil, lakov, škropiv ter drugih podobnih izdelkov na področju prehrambenih izdelkov in pijač, farmacevtskih izdelkov, kozmetičnih izdelkov, fitofarmacevtskih izdelkov, različnih kemijskih in drugih podobnih izdelkov.The bottle-shaped container with the neck also has any volume. Preferably, the volume of the container is in the fully expanded state of the pleated sidewall from 100 ml inclusive to 2000 ml inclusive, preferably from 200 ml inclusive to 1500 ml inclusive and most preferably from 300 ml inclusive to 1000 ml inclusive. Such a container in the form of a bottle is used, for example, to pack different types of drinks and / or beverages than n. BC concentrates of fruit juices, syrups, teas, teas, coffees, cocoa and other beverages, as well as disinfectants, saline, cleaning agents, detergents for washing, washing or cleaning, washing powders, plasticizers, paints, colorants, varnishes, sprays and other similar products in the fields of food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, plant protection products, various chemical and other similar products.

Vertikalna dimenzija oziroma višina telesa posode po tem izumu v raztegnjenem stanju in v stisnjenem stanju stranske stene je lahko poljubna in odvisna od namena in načina uporabe in konzumiranja v njej embaliranega izdelka. V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih višina telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju stranske stene znaša od minimalno vključno 3 cm do maksimalno vključno 50 cm ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 1 cm do maksimalno vključno 20 cm. Višje dimenzije višine telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju in v stisnjenem stanju se uporabljajo n. pr. na področju kemije in fitofarmacije, nižje pa na področju prehrambene industrije in farmacije. Za napitke, pijače, prehrambene izdelke in/ali farmacevtske izdelke, ki se konzumirajo v manjših ali srednje velikih volumnih, znaša višina telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno minimalno 3 cm do maksimalno vključno 20 cm in prednostno od minimalno vključno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 15 cm ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 1 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm.The vertical dimension or height of the container body of the present invention in the expanded state and in the compressed state of the side wall may be arbitrary, depending on the purpose and manner of use and consumption of the product packed therein. In some embodiments, the height of the container body in the extended state of the side wall ranges from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 50 cm inclusive, and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum of 1 cm to a maximum of 20 cm inclusive. The higher dimensions of the height of the container body in the extended state and in the compressed state are used n. BC in the field of chemistry and plant protection, and lower in the food industry and pharmacy. For beverages, beverages, foodstuffs and / or pharmaceuticals consumed in small or medium volumes, the height of the container body in the expanded state is from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 20 cm inclusive and preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of inclusive 15 cm and in the maximum compressed state from a minimum of 1 cm inclusive to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive.

V primeru uporabe lončka za embaliranje in nato konzumiranje kavnega napitka espresso znaša višina telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno minimalno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 1,5 cm do maksimalno vključno 9 cm ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 2 cm do maksimalno vključno 8 cm.In the case of a pot for wrapping and then consuming an espresso, the height of the body of the container in the expanded state is from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum of 1.5 cm to a maximum of 9 cm and preferably from a minimum including 2 cm to a maximum of 8 cm inclusive.

V primeru uporabe lončka za embaliranje in nato konzumiranje kavnega napitka cappuccino in bela kava ali pa čajnih napitkov in/ali sadnih sokov znaša višina telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno minimalno 8 cm do maksimalno vključno 15 cm ter v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 1,8 cm do maksimalno vključno 9 cm ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 2 cm do maksimalno vključno 8 cm.In the case of a pot to be used for packaging and then consuming cappuccino and white coffee or tea drinks and / or fruit juices, the height of the container body in the expanded state is from 8 cm to 15 cm maximum and 15 cm max. , 8 cm to a maximum of 9 cm inclusive and preferably from a minimum of 2 cm to a maximum of 8 cm inclusive.

V primeru uporabe lončka za embaliranje in nato konzumiranje različnih vrst juh in/ali različnih vrst testenin, riževih jedi, koruznih jedi in/ali jedi iz drugih žitaric ali pa stročnic znaša višina telesa posode v raztegnjenem stanju od vključno minimalno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 20 cm ter prednostno od vključno minimalno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 15 cm ter znaša v maksimalno stisnjenem stanju od minimalno vključno 1,8 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 2 cm do maksimalno vključno 8 cm.In the case of a pot to be used for packaging and then consuming different types of soups and / or different types of pasta, rice dishes, corn meals and / or other cereals or legumes, the height of the container body in the stretched state is from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 20 inclusive. cm and preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 15 cm inclusive and in a maximum compressed state from a minimum of 1.8 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive and preferably from a minimum of 2 cm to a maximum of 8 cm inclusive.

Dno takšnih posod znaša v prečnem prerezu, kadar je dno krožne oblike, od minimalno vključno 2 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm, ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 3 cm do maksimalno vključno 9 cm ter najbolj prednostno od minimalno vključno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 8 cm . Kadar je dno takšnih posod kvadratne, pravokotne ali druge ortogonalne oblike, znaša daljša dimenzija prečnega prereza dna od minimalno vključno 3 cm do maksimalno vključno 15 cm, ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm ter najbolj prednostno okoli 8 cm.The bottom of such receptacles is in cross-section when the bottom is circular in shape, from a minimum of 2 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive, and preferably from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 9 cm inclusive, and most preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 8 cm inclusive. . Where the bottom of such receptacles is square, rectangular or other orthogonal shape, the longer cross-sectional dimension of the bottom is from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 15 cm inclusive, and preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive, and most preferably about 8 cm.

Vrh takšnih posod oziroma odprtina na vrhu posode ima v prečnem prerezu, kadar je vrh oziroma vrhnja odprtina krožne oblike, premer v območju od minimalno vključno 4 cm do maksimalno vključno 12 cm, ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm. Kadar je vrh oz. vrhnja odprtina takšnih posod kvadratne, pravokotne ali druge ortogonalne oblike, znaša daljša dimenzija prečnega prereza vrha oz. vrhnje odprtina oz. ustja vrha posode od minimalno vključno 3 cm do maksimalno vključno 15 cm, ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 5 cm do maksimalno vključno 10 cm ter najbolj prednostno okoli 8 cm.The top of such receptacles or the opening at the top of the receptacle shall be in cross-section when the top or top opening is circular, with a diameter ranging from a minimum of 4 cm to a maximum of 12 cm inclusive, and preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive. When the top or. the upper opening of such vessels of square, rectangular or other orthogonal shape is the longer dimension of the cross-section of the top or. cream openings or. the mouth of the top of the container from a minimum of 3 cm to a maximum of 15 cm inclusive, and preferably from a minimum of 5 cm to a maximum of 10 cm inclusive, and most preferably about 8 cm.

Debelina dna posode znaša od minimalno vključno 0,3 mm do maksimalno vključno 2 mm ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 0,4 mm do maksimalno vključno 1 mm. Debelina stranske stene posode znaša od minimalno vključno 0,05 mm do maksimalno vključno 0,8 mm ter prednostno od minimalno vključno 0,1 mm do maksimalno vključno 0,6 mm.The thickness of the bottom of the container ranges from a minimum inclusive of 0.3 mm to a maximum inclusive of 2 mm and preferably from a minimum inclusive of 0.4 mm to a maximum inclusive of 1 mm. The thickness of the side wall of the container ranges from a minimum of 0.05 mm to a maximum of 0.8 mm and preferably from a minimum of 0.1 mm to a maximum of 0.6 mm inclusive.

V najbolj prednostnih izvedbenih primerih ima embalažna posoda v raztegnjenem stanju v smislu tega izuma volumen, ki znaša od vključno minimalno 150 mm (oziroma cm3) do vključno maksimalno 300 ml, kadar se takšna posoda uporablja za tekoče napitke in pijače, ali pa volumen od vključno minimalno 200 ml do vključno maksimalno 600 ml, kadar se takšna posoda uporablja za pripravo hrane.In the most preferred embodiment, the container in the expanded state of the present invention has a volume ranging from a minimum of 150 mm (or cm 3 ) to a maximum of 300 ml when such a container is used for liquid beverages and beverages, or a volume of including a minimum of 200 ml and a maximum of 600 ml when such a container is used for the preparation of food.

Po potrebi je embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma nadalje na zunanji strani dodatno ovita z zunanjim ovitkom, na katerem so podani podatki o izdelku, ki se nahaja v embalažni posodi.If necessary, the packaging container of the present invention is further wrapped on the outside with an outer cover, which provides information about the product contained in the packaging container.

Dodatni ovitek lahko od zunaj prekriva in pokriva celotno embalažno posodo, to je dno, stransko steno in pokrov embalažne posode, lahko pa prekriva le del embalažne posode kot n. pr. stransko steno in dno posode, stransko steno in vrhnji del posode skupaj s pokrovčkom, samo stransko steno ali pa del stranske stene. Prednostno dodatni zunanji ovitek ovija in pokriva le stransko steno posode.The extra cover can cover and cover the entire packaging container from the outside, that is, the bottom, side wall and lid of the container, but it can only cover part of the container as n. BC the side wall and bottom of the container, the side wall and the top of the container together with the lid, only the side wall or part of the side wall. Preferably, an additional outer sheath wraps and covers only the side wall of the container.

Takšen dodatni zunanji ovitek je izdelan iz materialov, kot so poznani in se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v embalažni industriji za živila, prehrambene proizvode in za farmacevtske proizvode. Prednostno je izdelan iz papirnih materialov kot n. pr. iz različnih vrst kartona različnih debelin in/ali iz celuloznih materialov in/ali iz različnih drugih polimernih materialov, ki so izbrani izmed polimernih materialov, kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v embalažni industriji ter so izbrani izmed zgoraj navedenih polimernih materialov in poleg tega po potrebi še izmed konvencionalnih plastičnih polimerov kot n. pr. polivinilklorid (PVC), polietilen (PE), polipropilen (PP).Such additional outer jacket is made from materials known and used in the packaging industry for food, food and pharmaceutical products. It is preferably made of paper materials such as n. BC of different types of cardboard of different thicknesses and / or of cellulosic materials and / or of various other polymeric materials selected from polymeric materials as used in the art in the packaging industry and selected from the above polymeric materials and, where appropriate more from conventional plastic polymers than n. BC polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP).

Dodatni zunanji ovitek po tem izumu ima vdelano vsaj eno ali več periodično prekinjenih perforacij, najpogosteje v obliki linije in v nadaljevanju imenovana kot perforacijska linija, tako da omogoča odtrganje in odstranitev celotnega dodatnega zunanjega ovitka z embalažne posode ali pa le dela tega ovitka. Kadar se z embalažne posode odstrani le del dodatnega zunanjega ovitka, se odstrani del ovitka, ki se nahaja med navedenimi perforacijskimi linijami, to je tako imenovani odstranljivi del dodatnega zunanjega ovitka. Navedeni odstranljivi del dodatnega zunanjega ovitka je prednostno del ovitka, ki prekriva fleksibilni nagubani del stranske stene embalažne posode po tem izumu. V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih ima takšen ovitek kartonsko in/ali drugače izvedeno papirnato dno, ki tvori zunanjo plast dna ovitka, in je znotraj prevlečem s polipropilenskim filmom ali s polipropilensko folijo.The additional outer sheath of the present invention has at least one or more periodically interrupted perforations embedded, most commonly in the form of a line and hereinafter referred to as the perforation line, so as to tear off and remove the entire additional outer sheath from the container or only part of that sheath. When only part of the extra outer cover is removed from the container, the part of the cover located between said perforation lines is removed, i.e. the so-called removable part of the additional outer cover. Said removable portion of the additional outer sheath is preferably a part of the sheath that covers the flexible pleated portion of the side wall of the container according to the invention. In some embodiments, such a cover has a cardboard and / or otherwise made paper bottom that forms the outer layer of the bottom of the cover and is coated with a polypropylene film or a polypropylene film inside.

Predmet tega izuma je nadalje postopek uporabe embalaže oz. embalažne posode po tem izumu. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po tem izumu, kije skonstruirana po tem izumu in je v stisnjenem stanju fleksibilno nagubanih delov stranske stene, je namenjena za povečanje svojega volumna z raztegom stisnjenih nagubanih delov stranske stene, s čemer se poveča volumen embalažne posode in ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo. Prednostno se pri uporabi stisnjene embalažne posode po tem izumu z raztegom skupaj stisnjenega fleksibilno nagubanega dela ali takšnih delov stranske stene posode, prednostno v smeri vertikalne osi, poveča volumen embalažne posode in nato ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo.It is further an object of the present invention to provide a process for the use of packaging or packaging. packaging containers of the present invention. The expandable packaging container of the present invention, which is constructed according to the present invention and is in the compressed state of flexibly folded portions of the sidewall, is intended to increase its volume by expanding the compressed folding portions of the sidewall, thereby increasing the volume of the container and preparation in the container of the contained product before end use. Preferably, when using a compressed container according to the present invention, by expanding the flexibly folded part or such portions of the container side wall, preferably in the vertical axis direction, the volume of the container is increased, and then this increased volume is used for preparation in the container of the contained product before end use. .

Takšna priprava v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo vključuje dodajo tekočine in/ali dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin, kjer je takšna tekočina izbrana izmed vode, mleka, sirotke, kefirja, sadnega soka in/ali čaja. Prednostno je takšna tekočina voda. V nadaljnjem izvedbenem primeru uporabe embalažne posode po tem izumu je takšna tekočina mleko.Such preparation in the container of the contained product before end use involves the addition of liquids and / or the addition of one or more other ingredients where such liquid is selected from water, milk, whey, kefir, fruit juice and / or tea. Preferably such a liquid is water. In a further embodiment of the use of the packaging container of the present invention, such liquid is milk.

Takšna embalažna posoda se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka in/ali za pripravo takšnega izdelka za končno uporabo, kjer je navedeni izdelek v skoncentrirani tekoči, poltekoči in/ali trdni obliki. Takšen v embalažni posodi vsebovan izdelek je v obliki, kije koncentrat tekočine izdelka, sirup, gel, granulat, tableta, kapsula, peletka, luska, prah, kristalina oblika izdelka in/ali zamrznjena oblika izdelka.Such packaging container is used for packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and / or sale in the packaging container of the contained product and / or for the preparation of such product for end use, where said product is in concentrated liquid, semi-liquid and / or solid form. Such product contained in the packaging container is in the form of which the product fluid concentrate, syrup, gel, granulate, tablet, capsule, pellet, flake, powder, crystalline product form and / or frozen product form.

V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih se takšna embalažna posoda uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo prehrambenih izdelkov, prehrambenih dodatkov, napitkov in/ali pijač in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo, pri čemer so nadalje navedeni izdelki izbrani izmed juh, omak, prelivov, testeninskih izdelkov, izdelkov iz stročnic, prehrambenih zelenjavnih izdelkov, prehrambenih sadnih izdelkov, prehrambenih proteinskih izdelkov, čajev, kav, kavnih napitkov, čokoladnih in/ali kakavnih napitkov, mlečnih napitkov, proteinskih napitkov, multivitaminskih napitkov, sadnih in/ali zelenjavnih sirupov, sokov in/ali napitkov.In some embodiments, such packaging containers are used for the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and / or sale of food products, food additives, beverages and / or beverages and / or for the preparation of such products for end use, which are further specified products selected from soups, sauces, toppings, pasta, legumes, edible vegetables, edible fruit products, edible protein products, teas, coffees, coffee beverages, chocolate and / or cocoa beverages, milk beverages, protein beverages, multivitamin beverages , fruit and / or vegetable syrups, juices and / or beverages.

V drugih izvedbenih primerih se takšna embalažna posoda uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo farmacevtskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo in nadalje za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo fitofarmacevtskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo: Še nadalje se takšna embalažna posoda uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo kemijskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo, pri čemer so navedeni izdelki izbrani izmed kemikalij, topil, čistil, razkužil, detergentov, pralnih ali pomivalnih detergentov, mehčalcev, barvil, barv in/ali lakov.In other embodiments, such packaging container is used for the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and / or sale of pharmaceutical products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products and further for packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of plant protection products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products: Such packaging containers are still used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of chemical products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products, whereby those products are selected from chemicals, solvents, cleaners, disinfectants, detergents, washing or washing detergents, plasticizers, colorants, paints and / or varnishes.

Pri uporabi takšne embalažne posode se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo, kjer navedena priprava vključuje dodajo tekočine in/ali dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin. V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih je takšna tekočina izbrana izmed vode, mleka, sirotke, kefirja, jogurta, sadnega soka in/ali čaja. Prednostno je to voda ali pa mleko.When using such a container, the expansion volume of the container is increased by extension, and this increased volume is used to prepare the container of the contained product before final use, where said preparation involves the addition of liquids and / or the addition of one or more other ingredients. In some embodiments, such a liquid is selected from water, milk, whey, kefir, yogurt, fruit juice and / or tea. Preferably it is water or milk.

Raztegljiva embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma se uporablja med drugim za prehrambene izdelke in/ali živila, vključno z različnimi vrstami pijač, kjer se takšni izdelki pred zaužitjem in/ali serviranjem pripravijo bodisi z dolitjem tekočine kot n. pr. vode, gazirane vode, mleka, čaja, zelenjavnega in/ali sadnega soka ali druge podobne tekočine, kjer je navedena tekočina bodisi hladna, mlačna ali vroča, in/ali z dodajo druge sestavine kot med drugim n. pr. jogurta, kislega mleka, kefirja, sirotke in/ali podobnih drugih prehrambenih izdelkov v tekočem, trdnem in/ali poltrdnem stanju, kar vključuje bodisi dodajo ledu, sladoleda in drugih podobnih zamrznjenih, delno- in/ali pol-zamrznjenih izdelkov bodisi dodajo različnih začimb in/ali moderatorjev okusa, barve, vonja, gostote, teksture in/ali temperature pripravka za zaužitje.The expandable packaging container of the present invention is used, inter alia, for food products and / or foods, including various types of beverages, where such products are prepared before being ingested and / or served either by pouring liquid as n. BC water, aerated water, milk, tea, vegetable and / or fruit juice or other similar liquid, where said liquid is either cold, lukewarm or hot, and / or by the addition of ingredients such as, inter alia, n. BC yoghurt, yoghurt, kefir, whey and / or similar other food products in liquid, solid and / or semi-solid form, including the addition of ice, ice cream and other similar frozen, semi-frozen and / or semi-frozen products, or added to various spices and / or moderators of the taste, color, odor, density, texture and / or temperature of the ingestion preparation.

V nekaterih izvedbenih primerih se embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma uporablja za embaliranje in pripravo prehrambenih izdelkov, živil in/ali napitkov za hitro pripravo ali instant pripravo, kateri so v obliki prahu, granulata, v drugih oblikah trdnih delcev kot n. pr. v obliki kosmičev, različnih musslijev, otrobov, manjših in/ali večjih trdnih delcev kot n. pr. kroglic, kock, tako imenovanih školjk, piškotov in podobno oblikovanih delcev, v obliki tekočine, pol-tekočega, tekočega ali prašnatega koncentrata, kjer so takšni izdelki namenjeni za hitro in/ali instant pripravo, za hitro in/ali enostavno konzumiranje in/ali za konzumiranje na poti in/ali na drug podoben način. Med drugim so n. pr. takšni prehrambeni izdelki namenjeni za hitro pripravo različnih vrst juh in pirejev, vključno z instant juhami, predvsem juh s prilogami kot n. pr. juh z različnimi vrstami rezancev, cmokov in/ali z različnimi vrstami testenin. Poleg tega so takšni prehrambeni izdelki namenjeni za hitro pripravo različnih vrst instant kosmičev (n. pr. čokolino) in/ali drugih oblik kot n. pr. čokoladnih kroglice (angleško: chocoballs), školjk (angleško: shells), piškotkov (angleško: cookies) in/ali musslijev, ki se n. pr. pripravljajo z mlekom ali drugimi podobnimi tekočinami, za hitro pripravo različnih vrst žitaric za zajtrk in/ali za druge obroke (n. pr. otrobi, koruzni kosmiči).In some embodiments, the packaging container of the present invention is used for the packaging and preparation of food, food and / or beverages for the rapid preparation or instant preparation, which are in the form of powder, granulate, in other solid forms than n. BC in the form of flakes, different mussels, bran, smaller and / or larger solids than n. BC beads, cubes, so-called shells, biscuits and similarly shaped particles, in the form of liquid, semi-liquid, liquid or powder concentrate, where such products are intended for rapid and / or instant preparation, for rapid and / or easy consumption and / or for consumption on the go and / or otherwise. Among other things, n. BC such foodstuffs intended for the rapid preparation of various types of soups and purees, including instant soups, in particular soups with accessories such as n. BC soups with different types of noodles, dumplings and / or with different types of pasta. In addition, such food products are intended for the rapid preparation of various types of instant flakes (eg chocolate) and / or forms other than n. BC chocolate balls (English: chocoballs), shells (English: shells), cookies (English: cookies) and / or mussels that are n. BC prepared with milk or other similar liquids, for the rapid preparation of various types of cereals for breakfast and / or for other meals (eg bran, corn flakes).

Nadalje so takšni prehrambeni izdelki za hitro pripravo različnih vrst krem, pudingov, nadevov in/ali omak ter prelivov, vključno z instant kremami, pudingi in/ali nadevi, kjer so ti bodisi sladkih, slanih in/ali mešanih okusov. Poleg tega so takšni prehrambeni izdelki za hitro pripravo različnih vrst dodatkov in/ali dopolnil k prehrani in/ali nadomestkov hrane, vključno s pripravki proteinov in/ali aminokislin, ogljikovih hidratov, maščob, mineralov in/ali vitaminov ter pripravkov za hujšanje in/ali nasprotno za hitro pridobivanje telesne teže.They are furthermore foodstuffs for the rapid preparation of various types of creams, puddings, fillings and / or sauces and toppings, including instant creams, puddings and / or fillings, where these are either sweet, salty and / or mixed flavors. In addition, such food products are for the rapid preparation of various types of food supplements and / or supplements, and / or food substitutes, including protein and / or amino acid, carbohydrate, fat, minerals and / or vitamins and weight loss preparations and / or the opposite for quick weight gain.

Nadalje so takšni izdelki za hitro in/ali instant pripravo različnih napitkov ali pijač, med katerimi so n. pr. različni čaji (zeleni, črni, zeliščni), različni kavni, čokoladni in/ali kakavni napitki, kjer so ti napitki/ pijače po potrebi aromatizirani z mlekom, z različnimi aromami, s sladkorjem, s stevio, z brezovim sladkorjem, z natreenon in/ali z drugimi nadomestki sladkorja ali pa so brez navedenih moderatorjev okus. Nadalje so takšni izdelki za hitro in/ali instant pripravo lahko različni drugi prehrambeni izdelki, vključno s super živili, prehranska dopolnila, dodatki k prehrani, prehranski nadomestki in/ali farmacevtski izdelki, med katerimi so n. pr. različni vitaminski (n. pr. vitamini A, kompleksa B, C, D, E itd.) ali multivitaminski pripravki in/ali mineralni (n. pr. kalcij, magnezij, kalij) ali multi-mineralni pripravki, različni proteinski, aminokislinski, ogljiko-hidratni in/ali maščobni pripravki, različni energetski napitki ter različni drugi napitki in pijače, kjer so takšni izdelki n. pr. v obliki v prahu in/ali gelni ali koncentrirani tekoči obliki.Furthermore, they are products for the rapid and / or instant preparation of a variety of beverages or beverages, including n. BC different teas (green, black, herbal), different coffees, chocolates and / or cocoa beverages, where these beverages / drinks are flavored with milk, with different flavors, with sugar, with stevia, with birch sugar, with sodium and / or with other sugar substitutes, or are flavored without the moderators listed. Further, such quick and / or instant preparation products may be various other food products, including super foods, nutritional supplements, nutritional supplements, dietary supplements and / or pharmaceuticals, among which are n. BC different vitamins (e.g., vitamins A, complexes B, C, D, E, etc.) or multivitamin preparations and / or minerals (e.g., calcium, magnesium, potassium) or multi-mineral preparations, various protein, amino acid, carbohydrate and / or fatty preparations, various energy drinks and various other beverages and beverages where such products are n. BC in powder form and / or in gel or concentrated liquid form.

V drugih izvedbenih primerih se embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma med drugim uporablja na primer za pripravo različnih vrst izdelkov, ki so v embalažni posode embalirane v koncentriranem stanju, in se s pripravo pripravijo za končno uporabo bodisi tako, da se razredčijo in/ali raztopijo, bodisi tako, da se jim doda in/ali primeša vsaj eno ali več drugih snovi, spojin in/ali sestavin. V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov je tako embalirani izdelek fiziološka raztopina, kjer je v posodi po tem izumu sol natrijev klorid v trdnem stanju in se nato z dodajo točno določene količine vode, kije bodisi sobne temperature ali pa višjih temperatur za hitrejše raztapljanje soli, v raztegnjeno embalažno posodo po tem izumu ta razredči do točno določene koncentracije raztopine, kije prednostno 9 g/1. V drugih izvedbenih primerih so v embalažni posodi po tem izumu pakirane v skoncentriranem stanju različne vrste razkužil, različne vrste farmacevtskih in/ali fitofarmacevtskih pripravkov, različne vrste čistil, barv, barvil in/ali lakov in drugi podobni izdelki, ki se po odprtju embalažne posode z odstranitvijo pokrovčka raztegnjeno s potegom posode v vertikalni smeri tako, da se raztegne fleksibilno nagubana stranska stena bodisi tako, da se gube raztegnejo bodisi popolnoma ali pa deloma in se s tem poveča volumen te posode tako, da se v njo dolije in/ali doda ena ali več drugih sestavin, kot n. pr. voda in se s tem v posodi embalirani izdelek raztopi, razredči in/ali se iz njega pripravi mešanica z eno ali več drugih sestavin v tako raztegnjeni embalažni posodi in se nato tako pripravljen izdelek uporabi in/ali aplicira.In other embodiments, the packaging container of the present invention is used, for example, for the preparation of various types of articles which are packaged in a concentrated state in a packaging container and are prepared for final use by either being diluted and / or dissolved , either by adding and / or mixing at least one or more other substances, compounds and / or ingredients. In one embodiment, the product so packaged is a saline solution in which the container of the present invention contains the solid sodium chloride in a solid state and is then added to a well-defined amount of water, either at room temperature or at higher temperatures for faster dissolution of the salt. this container is diluted to the specified concentration of the solution, preferably 9 g / l, according to the present invention. In other embodiments, different types of disinfectants, different types of pharmaceutical and / or plant protection products, different types of cleaners, paints, dyes and / or varnishes and other similar products are packaged in the concentrated state of the present invention in a concentrated state after opening the container. by removing the cap by pulling the container vertically so as to extend the flexibly folded side wall either by extending the wrinkles either completely or partially, thereby increasing the volume of the container by adding and / or adding therein one or more other ingredients than n. BC water and thus dissolve, dilute and / or prepare a mixture of one or more other constituents in the container so stretched in the container, and then prepare and / or apply the product thus prepared.

Prednostno je embalaža oz. embalažna posoda po tem izumu namenjena za enkratno uporabo. Najbolj prednostno se embalaža oz. embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma uporablja za prehrambene izdelke oziroma živila, za različne napitke in pijače, za prehrambene dodatke in/ali dopolnila ter za farmacevtske izdelke.Preferably, the packaging or a disposable packaging container of the present invention. Most preferably, the packaging or The container of this invention is used for foodstuffs or foodstuffs, for various beverages and drinks, for food additives and / or supplements, and for pharmaceuticals.

Po tem izumu oblikovana in konstruirana embalažna posoda s fleksibilno raztegljivo stransko steno, ki bodisi v različnih oblikah lončkov, plastenk in drugih podobnih oblik, je prednostno izdelana iz enega materiala v celotnem delu posode in ima dno posode na dnu in odprtino posode na vrhu, med njima pa stransko steno, katera ima vsaj enega in prednostno vsaj dva ali več odsekov stranske stene, ki so fleksibilno nagubani tako, daje tak del stene posode tekom embaliranja izdelka v posodi zguban skupaj in da se ta del stene ob povlečni sili, delujoči v smeri vertikalne osi telesa posode, ko se stranska stena s prijemom ob odprtini posode potegne navzgor in proč od dna posode in se s tem gube stranske stene razpnejo in bolj ali manj izravnajo, s čemer se posoda raztegne navzgor in s tem poveča njen volumen.According to the invention, a flexible container with a flexible extendable side wall designed or constructed, whether in different forms of pots, bottles and other similar forms, is preferably made of one material throughout the container and has a container bottom at the bottom and a container opening at the top, between and having a side wall having at least one and preferably at least two or more side wall portions flexibly folded so that such part of the container wall is folded together during packaging of the product in the container and that this part of the wall is actuated in pulling direction the vertical axes of the container body when the side wall is pulled up and away from the bottom of the container at the opening of the container and thus the folds of the side walls are expanded and more or less straightened, thereby extending the container upwards and thereby increasing its volume.

Predmet tega izuma je nadalje tudi postopek izdelave embalaže oz. embalažne posode po tem izumu. Takšna embalaža oz. embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma se izdela iz polimernih materialov ali pa iz papirnih materialov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo za izdelavo embalaže in embalažnih posod. Prednostno so polimerni materiali izbrani izmed polimerov, ki so termoplastični in ki pri temperaturah v območju nad temperaturno točko posteklenitve in pod temperaturo tališča polimernega materiala, postanejo viskozni in se jih zato pri takšnih temperaturah lahko oblikuje s postopki, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo in kateri so med drugim izbrani izmed postopkov brizgalnega vlivanja (angleško: injection molding /moulding), postopkov brizgalnega vlivanja s pihanjem (angleško: injection blow molding), postopkov brizgalnega vlivanja z razteznim in s pihalnim oblikovanjem (angleško: injection stretch blow molding) in drugih podobnih postopkov.It is also an object of the present invention to provide a process for the manufacture of packaging or packaging materials. packaging containers of the present invention. Such packaging or. The packaging containers of the present invention are made from polymeric materials or from paper materials as they are known and as used in the prior art for the manufacture of packaging and packaging containers. Preferably, the polymeric materials are selected from polymers that are thermoplastic and which, at temperatures above the glass transition temperature and below the melting point of the polymeric material, become viscous and can therefore be formed at such temperatures by processes known and able to form. techniques used and selected from, among others, injection molding / molding, injection blow molding, injection molding and blow molding (English: injection stretch blow molding) ) and other similar processes.

Prednostno se izbere postopek brizgalnega vlivanja s pihanjem (angleško: injection blow molding), kije dvofazen, kjer se v prvi fazi najprej brizgalno vliva v kalupe oz. modele pred-oblike izdelka in se nato v drugi fazi tako imenovanega raztezalnega oblikovanja s pihanjem te pred-oblike segreje in preoblikuje s pihanjem zraka ali drugega plina s povišanim tlakom, da se pred-oblika izdelka razteza v kalupu do končne oblike posode s teksturirano steno, ki ima odseke nagubane stranske stene končnega izdelka.Preferably, the injection molding process (English: injection blow molding) is selected, which is a two-phase process where, in the first phase, the injection molding is first molded or molded. pre-shape models of the product and then in the second phase of the so-called expansion molding, by blowing this pre-shape, it is heated and transformed by blowing air or other gas with elevated pressure to extend the pre-shape of the product in the mold to the final shape of the container with textured wall , which has sections of the pleated side walls of the finished product.

Za takšen postopek primerni termoplastični polimerni materiali so izbrani izmed polimerov, kot so: polietilen (v nadaljevanju kratica: PE), polipropilen (v nadaljevanju kratica: PP), polivinilklorid (v nadaljevanju kratica: PVC), polietilentereftalat (v nadaljevanju kratica: PET), polistiren (v nadaljevanju kratica: PS), polietilen furanoat (v nadaljevanju kratica: PEF), polihidroksialkanoati (v nadaljevanju kratica: PHA), polilaktid (v nadaljevanju kratica: PLA), polibutilen sukcinat (v nadaljevanju kratica: PBS), v alternativnih izvedbenih primerih pa tudi različni škrobni materiali in/ali mešanice zgoraj navedenih materialov v različnih kombinacijah. Navedeni papirni materiali za embalažo in embalažno posodo v smislu tega izuma izbrani izmed papirnih materialov, kot so poznani in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo v embalažni industriji in najbolj prednostno v embalažni industriji za živila, prehrambene proizvode in za farmacevtske proizvode. Prednostno so takšni papirni materiali plastificirani z različnimi polimernimi premazi in/ali s polimernimi folijami, ki in kot se v stanju tehnike uporabljajo za zagotavljanje vodotesnosti in tesnosti za druge tekočine ter za zaščito pred drugimi okoljskimi elementi. Nadalje je lahko embalaža oz. embalažna posoda v smislu tega izuma izdelana iz kombinacije zgoraj navedenih polimernih materialov, škrobnih materialov in/ali iz papirnih materialov.Suitable thermoplastic polymeric materials for such a process are selected from polymers such as: polyethylene (hereinafter PE), polypropylene (hereinafter abbreviated as PP), polyvinyl chloride (hereinafter called PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (hereinafter called PET) , polystyrene (hereinafter referred to as PS), polyethylene furanoate (hereinafter abbreviated as PEF), polyhydroxyalkanoates (hereinafter abbreviated as PHA), polylactide (hereinafter abbreviated as PLA), polybutylene succinate (hereinafter referred to as PBS), in alternative as well as the various starch materials and / or mixtures of the above materials in different combinations. Said paper packaging materials and packaging containers of the present invention are selected from paper materials as they are known in the art and are used in the packaging industry and most preferably in the packaging industry for food, food and pharmaceuticals. Preferably, such paper materials are coated with a variety of polymer coatings and / or polymer films which, as used in the prior art, are used to provide watertightness and tightness to other liquids and to protect against other environmental elements. Furthermore, the packaging may be. the container of the present invention is made of a combination of the above polymeric materials, starchy materials and / or paper materials.

Za razliko od konvencionalnih polimerov, ki se uporabljajo za različne plastične materiale in izhajajo iz fosilnih virov (n. pr. nafta in zemeljski plin) in se zato pogosto poimenujejo petrokemijski polimeri, so polimeri v smislu tega izuma najbolj prednostno polimerni materiali za tako imenovane bio-plastične materiale, ki so bodisi biološkega izvora in so hkrati biološko razgradljivi (angleško: biodegradable kot n. pr. PLA, PHA, PBS in škrobne mešanice) bodisi so biološkega izvora in niso biorazgradljivi (angleško: biobased kot n. pr. bio-PE, bio-PET).Unlike conventional polymers used for various plastics materials derived from fossil sources (eg oil and natural gas), which are often referred to as petrochemical polymers, the polymers of this invention are the most preferred polymeric materials for so-called bio -plastic materials that are either biobased and biodegradable at the same time (English: biodegradable as e.g. PLA, PHA, PBS and starch mixtures) or are of biological origin and are not biodegradable (English: biobased as e.g. bio- PE, bio-PET).

Nadalje so polimeri v smislu tega izuma prednostno naravni polimeri, ki so stranski produkti v poljedelstvu kot n. pr. različni škrobni polimeri (koruzni škrob), mešanice škrobnih polimerov in polimeri mlečno-kislinskega izvora. Po potrebi so takšni naravni polimeri lahko tudi različne vrste celuloze.Further, the polymers of the present invention are preferably natural polymers, which are by-products in agriculture as n. BC various starch polymers (corn starch), mixtures of starch polymers and polymers of lactic acid origin. If necessary, such natural polymers may also be different types of cellulose.

V prednostnih izvedbenih primerih se embalažna posoda izdela iz plastičnih materialov, ki so prednostno polimerni plastični materiali. V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov po tem izumu so polimerni plastični materiali prednostno izbrani izmed polietilena (PE), polipropilena (PP), polivinilklorida (PVC), polietilentereftalata (PET), polistirena (PS), polietilen furanoata (PEF), polihidroksialkanoatov (PHA), polilaktidov (PLA), polibutilen sukcinata (PBS), v alternativnih izvedbenih primerih pa tudi izmed različnih škrobnih materialov, različnih proteinskih materialov in/ali mešanice tukaj navedenih materialov v različnih kombinacijah. V nadaljnjem prednostnem izvedbenem primeru je polimerni plastični material polipropilen.In preferred embodiments, the packaging container is made of plastic materials, which are preferably polymeric plastic materials. In one embodiment of the present invention, the polymeric plastic materials are preferably selected from polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene furanoate (PEF), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) , polylactides (PLA), polybutylene succinate (PBS) and, in alternative embodiments, also from different starch materials, different protein materials and / or a mixture of the materials mentioned herein in different combinations. In a further preferred embodiment, the polymeric plastic material is polypropylene.

Embalažna posoda po tem izumu se prednostno izdela s postopkom, ki vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem, kije prednostno postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem v pred-pripravljeni kalup z vgrajeno teksturo nagubane stene. Nadalje takšen postopek izdelave embalažne posode vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihalnim brizganjem in raztezanjem plastičnega materiala, ki je prednostno postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihalnim brizganjem in z raztezanjem plastičnega materiala s pihanjem in raztezanjem v pred-pripravljeni kalup z vgrajeno teksturo nagubane stene. Za izvedbo tega postopka se uporabijo sestavljene naprave, ki vključujejo naprave in enote za izdelavo pred-oblike s brizgalnim vlivanjem in temu sledečim oblikovanjem v končno obliko embalažne posode na enoti za oblikovanje z raztezalnim pihanjem v kalupe s končno obliko posode. Primeri takšnih naprav so n. pr. stroji za brizgalno vlivanje in pihanje kitajskega proizvajalca z nazivom Victor Machinery, med katerimi so stroji za brizgalno vlivanje in pihanje z oznakami MSZ30 (proizvajalčev naziv: MSZ30 Injection Blow Molding Machine), MSZ50 (proizvajalčev naziv: MSZ50 Injection Blow Molding Machine), MSZ60S, MSZ70, MSZ95 in MSZ135 (proizvajalčevi nazivi: MSZ60S, MSZ70, MSZ95 oz. MSZ135 Injection Blow Molding Machine), ki se izberejo glede na volumne in druge parametre embalažnih posod.The packaging container of the present invention is preferably made by a process including a blow molding plastic molding process, which is preferably a blow molding plastic molding process into a pre-molded mold with an integrated pleated wall texture. Further, such a process for manufacturing a packaging container includes the process of forming a plastic material by blowing molding and stretching plastic material, which is preferably a process of forming a plastic material by blowing molding and by stretching plastic material by blowing and stretching into a pre-prepared mold with a built-in texture of the pleated wall. Composite devices are used to carry out this process, including devices and units for preform injection molding and subsequent molding into the final shape of the container on the molding unit by expansion blow molding into the final shape of the molds. Examples of such devices are n. BC injection molding and blowing machines of a Chinese manufacturer named Victor Machinery, including injection molding and blowing machines bearing the designation MSZ30 (manufacturer's name: MSZ30 Injection Blow Molding Machine), MSZ50 (manufacturer's name: MSZ50 Injection Blow Molding Machine), MSZ60S, MSZ70, MSZ95 and MSZ135 (manufacturer's names: MSZ60S, MSZ70, MSZ95 or MSZ135 Injection Blow Molding Machine), which are selected based on the volume and other parameters of the packaging containers.

Takšen postopek vključuje korake, kot so poznani v stanju tehnike za pihalno brizganje in/ali ulivanje plastičnih materialov ter prednostno polimernih plastičnih materialov.Such a process involves steps as are known in the art for blowing molding and / or casting of plastic materials, and preferably polymeric plastic materials.

V enem izmed izvedbenih primerov takšen postopek vključuje korake taljenja polimernega plastičnega materiala pri temperaturah v območju nad temperaturno točko posteklenitve in hkrati pod temperaturo taljenja izbranega polimera, kateri je prednostno v obliki granulata ali peletk. Temu sledi faza brizganja bolj ali manj viskozno tekočega polimernega materiala v kalup pred-oblike embalažne posode, kateri sledi druga faza, t. j. faza pihalnega raztezanja pred-oblike izdelka v kalupih, ki v stranski steni vključujejo teksturo gub stranske stene končnega izdelka embalažne posode. V tej fazi se pred-obliko izdelka v delu odprtine nasadi na podajalni nastavek, ki prestavi pred-obliko v razprt kalup z obliko končnega izdelka. Ta kalup je v fazi prestavitve pred-oblike v kalup razprt, da se vanj vstavi pred-oblika, nameščena na podajalni nastavek. Po vstavitvi pred-oblike se razprti kalup zapre, da s svojo notranjostjo daje oziroma določa obliko končnega izdelka s teksturirano stransko steno. Podajalni nastavek je hkrati tudi pihalna naprava, ki v svoji notranjosti vključuje cevko, ki vodi do pihalnih šob nastavka, kjer se po cevki dovaja in skozi šobe nastavka ven iz nastavka piha zrak ali drug plin pod povišanim tlakom in z ustrezno temperaturo, tako da se pred-oblika preoblikuje in razteza vse do sten kalupa in s tem preoblikuje v obliko končnega izdelka embalažne posode. S tem se predoblika iz polimernega materiala razteza do volumna in oblike kalupa, vključno z gubami teksturirano stransko steno. Pri tem se iz polimernega materiala oblikuje embalažna posoda po tem izumu. Temu sledi korak ohlajanja embalažne posode in nato njeno stiskanje skupaj do volumna in oblike stisnjenosti gub stranske stene.In one embodiment, such a process involves the steps of melting a polymeric plastic material at temperatures in the range above the glass transition temperature and at the same time below the melting temperature of the selected polymer, preferably in the form of granules or pellets. This is followed by the injection phase of a more or less viscous liquid polymer material into the mold of the preform of the container, followed by the second phase, t. j. the blow molding phase of the product preform in molds incorporating the texture of the side walls of the finished product of the packaging container in the side wall. At this stage, the pre-shape of the product in the part of the opening is planted on the feed nozzle, which moves the pre-shape into an open mold with the shape of the finished product. This mold is expanded during the pre-molding phase in order to insert a pre-mold mounted on the feed nozzle. After inserting the preform, the open mold closes to give its interior or shape the finished product with a textured side wall. The inlet nozzle is also a blower device, which includes a tube inside which leads to the nozzle nozzles, where air or other gas is blown out of the nozzle through the nozzle into the nozzle at elevated pressure and at an appropriate temperature so that the preform is reshaped and stretched all the way to the mold walls, thereby transforming it into the shape of the finished product of the container. This extends the preform of the polymer material to the volume and shape of the mold, including the wrinkled textured side wall. The packaging material of the present invention is formed from a polymeric material. This is followed by the step of cooling the container and then squeezing it together to the volume and shape of the side wall folds.

V alternativnem izvedbenem primeru ta postopek izdelave embalažne posode vključuje korake taljenja polimernega plastičnega materiala pri temperaturah v območju nad temperaturno točko posteklenitve in hkrati pod temperaturo taljenja izbranega polimera, kateri je prednostno v obliki granulata ali peletk, kateremu sledi ulivanje polimera v kalup s tako imenovano prekurzorsko obliko oz. pred-obliko izdelka, ki je prednostno oblika mini lončka ali epruvetke, nato pa se takšna predoblika izdelka s podaj alnim nastavkom vloži v pred-pripravljeni kalup s teksturo gub stranske stene, ki se jih v segrevalni komori segreva in nato izpostavi povišanemu tlaku ter pihanju segretega zraka ali posameznega plina, da se polimerni material razteza do volumna in oblike kalupa, kateri ima z gubami teksturirano stransko steno, da se iz polimernega materiala oblikuje embalažna posoda po tem izumu, čemur sledi ohlajanje embalažne posode in njeno stiskanje skupaj do volumna in oblike stisnjenosti gub stranske stene.In an alternative embodiment, this packaging container manufacturing process involves the steps of melting a polymeric plastic material at temperatures above the glass transition temperature and at the same time below the melting temperature of the selected polymer, preferably in the form of granules or pellets, followed by pouring the polymer into a mold with a so-called precursor shape or. pre-formulation of the product, preferably a mini-crucible or test tube, and then such preform of the product with a nozzle is inserted into a pre-prepared mold with the texture of a side wall that is heated in the heating chamber and then subjected to high pressure and blowing. heated air or single gas to extend the polymeric material to the volume and shape of the mold having a textured side wall with folds, to form a packaging container of the present invention from the polymeric material, followed by cooling the container and compressing it together to a volume and shape compression of the side wall folds.

Z embalažno posodo po tem izumu se zniža poraba materiala za pakiranj e/embaliranj e ter poraba prostora in s tem povezanih stroškov (n. pr. porabe energije, goriv, pogonskih strojev in/ali sredstev ter infrastrukture) tekom embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje same embalažne posode po tem izumu ali takšne embalažne posode skupaj z izdelkom, ki se v njo embalira. Porabi se n. pr. manj ovojnega materiala in/ali transportnega kartona zaradi bistveno manjšega volumna tako embaliranih izdelkov oz. blaga ter se posledično med drugim znižajo stroški distribucije transportnega kartona, palet, kontejnerjev itd. Poleg tega stisljivost stene takšne posode pomeni tudi bistveno manjši volumen pri reciklaži oziroma uničenju odpadne embalaže, saj se takšna posoda, posodica, lonček oz. plastenka po uporabi laže stisne in zloži skupaj. Hkrati je takšna embalaža praktično uporabna tudi za končnega potrošnika, saj ta rokuje s posodico, lončkom oz. plastenko, ki je malega volumna in se pred pripravo izdelka raztegne ter se vanjo doda druga sestavina kot n. pr. voda ali druga tekočina. Hkrati je takšna embalaža/ embalažna posoda na delu, ki je fleksibilno raztegljiv in stisljiv, hladnejša, saj zrak med stisnjenimi gubami dodatno izolira steno posode in jo po potrebi tudi hladi. Poleg tega je nagubani oziroma narebreni del stranske stene embalažne posode zaradi takšne konstrukcije manj zdrsljiv, kar omogoča boljši (o)prijemanje takšne posode. V primeru izdelave embalažne posode iz naravi prijaznih materialov se s tem dodatno zniža še količina škodljivih odpadkov.The packaging container of the present invention reduces the consumption of packaging / packaging material and the consumption of space and associated costs (e.g., energy, fuel, propulsion machinery and / or assets and infrastructure) during packaging, storage, transportation, the distribution, delivery and / or sale of the packaging container of the invention itself or such packaging container together with the product being packaged therein. Spend n. BC less packaging material and / or transport carton due to the significantly smaller volume of such products or packaging. goods and consequently reduce the cost of distribution of transport cartons, pallets, containers, etc. In addition, the compressibility of the wall of such a container also means a significantly smaller volume when recycling or destroying packaging waste, since such a container, a container, a pot or a container. bottle easier to squeeze and fold together after use. At the same time, such packaging is also practically useful for the end consumer, as the latter handles the container, the pot or the container. a small volume bottle which is stretched before the preparation of the product, and an ingredient other than n is added thereto. BC water or other liquid. At the same time, such packaging / container is cooler on the flexibly stretchable and compressible part, since the air between the pressed folds further insulates the wall of the container and also cools it if necessary. In addition, the folded or wrinkled part of the side wall of the container is less slidable due to such construction, which enables better holding of such container. In the case of packaging containers made of environmentally friendly materials, this will further reduce the amount of harmful waste.

Izvedbeni primeriImplementation examples

Izvedbeni primer 1 - Konstrukcija embalažne posode z enim fleksibilnim odsekom nagubanega dela stranske stene posodeEmbodiment 1 - Construction of a container with one flexible section of the pleated portion of the side wall of the container

Sliki 1 in 2 shematsko prikazujeta enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode po tem izumu v pogledu od strani. Takšna posoda ima obliko lončka s krožnim prečnim prerezom tako na dnu, v telesu posode in na vrhu posode. V stranski steni ima en odsek, kije konstruiran z nizom petnajstih fleksibilno raztegljivih ravno-krakih gub, tako daje ta odsek stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiv in po potrebi stisljiv. V Sliki 1 je prikazana embalažna posoda v fazi nagubanja oziroma stisnjenosti fleksibilnega nagubanega dela stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi stisnjenosti embalažne posode, v Sliki 2 pa v fazi raztega embalažne posode z raztegnjenimi gubami. Posoda 1 ima dno 2, vrh 3 z vrhnjo odprtino, izvedeno v obliki nekoliko zadebeljenega ustja 4 posode, ter stransko steno 5 z nagubanim delom 6, skonstruiranim iz niza petnajstih direktno stičnih zaporednih ravno-krakih gub G, kjer vsaka guba zavzema kot β ob vrhu gube ter kot a ob spodnjem kraku gube in kot γ ob zgornjem kraku gube, kjer so ti koti prikazani v Sliki 1. Guba G v smislu tega izuma sestoji iz vrha gube VG ob kotu β, ki ga zavzemata kraka gube, in sicer spodnji krak SKG (krak bližji dnu posode) in zgornji krak gube ZKG (krak bližji vrhu posode). Kraka gube SKG in ZKG in vrh gube VG segata iz ravnine stene RS posode bodisi malenkostno navzven iz posode in tvorita tako imenovano navzven usmerjeno oziroma zunanjo gubo ZUG bodisi kraka in vrh gube segata iz ravnine stene RS posode navznoter v prostor posode in tvorita tako imenovano navznoter posode usmerjeno gubo oziroma notranjo gubo NUG. Prikazani lonček je izdelan iz polipropilena.1 and 2 schematically show one embodiment of a container according to the invention in a side view. Such a container is shaped like a pot with a circular cross-section both at the bottom, in the body of the container and at the top of the container. In the side wall, there is one section constructed with a series of fifteen flexibly extendable straight-arm folds, so that this section of the side wall in the vertical direction of the container is preferably extensible and, if necessary, compressible. Figure 1 shows the packaging container in the folding or compression phase of the flexible pleated portion of the side wall of the container and thus in the compression phase of the packaging container, and in Figure 2 the expanded container container with stretched folds. The container 1 has a bottom 2, a top 3 with an upper opening made in the form of a slightly thickened mouth 4 of the container, and a side wall 5 with a folded part 6 made up of a series of fifteen straight contacting straight-arm folds G, where each fold occupies an angle β the top of the crease and the angle a along the lower leg of the crease and the angle γ along the upper leg of the crease, where these angles are shown in Figure 1. The crease G according to the present invention consists of the top of the crease VG at the angle β occupied by the crease legs, namely the lower the SKG arm (closer to the bottom of the tank) and the upper arm of the ZKG (arm closer to the top of the tank). The SKG and ZKG fold arms and the top of the VG fold extend from the plane of the tank RS either slightly to the outside of the tank and form the so-called outwardly or externally folded ZUG or the fold and the top of the fold extend from the plane of the tank RS inside to the space of the tank and form so-called inwards. container oriented wrinkle or inner wrinkle NUG. The pot shown is made of polypropylene.

Takšen lonček se na zgornji odprtini pokrije in zapre s pokrovčkom, kot je n. pr. shematsko prikazan v Sliki 3. Pokrovček PO ima krožno obliko, ki sledi obliki ustja zgornje odprtine lončka in ima ob zunanjem robu kolobarjast stični del SD oz. rob ter ob njem navzven moleč jeziček JP, ki služi za prijem pokrovčka z namenom njegove odstranitve in s tem za odprtje s pokrovčkom PO pokritega lončka. Pokrovček PO nalega na ustje zgornje odprtine posode ter se nanj namesti bodisi adhezivno s prilepitvijo, alternativno pa s privaritvijo ali pritisnjenjem pokrovčka na ustje lončka.Such a crucible shall be covered and closed at the upper opening with a lid such as n. BC schematically shown in Figure 3. The PO cap has a circular shape that follows the shape of the mouth of the upper aperture of the crucible and has an annular contact portion SD or. the edge and the outwardly protruding JP tab, which serves to grip the cap to remove it and thereby to open the lid of the covered pot with the cap. The PO cap rests on the mouth of the upper opening of the container and is fitted either by adhesive bonding or alternatively by welding or pressing the cap on the mouth of the pot.

Izvedbeni primer 2 - Konstrukcija embalažne posode z dvema fleksibilnima odsekoma nagubanega dela stranske stene posodeEmbodiment 2 - Construction of a container with two flexible sections of the pleated portion of the side wall of the container

Slika 4 shematsko prikazuje enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode po tem izumu s pogledom od strani na posodo. Prikazana posoda ima obliko lončka s krožnim prečnim prerezom in v stranski steni dva med seboj ločena odseka, ki sta konstruirana z nizom fleksibilno raztegljivih ravno-krakih gub, tako da sta ta odseka stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiva in po potrebi stisljiva. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi popolnega nagubanja oziroma popolne stisnjenosti obeh izmed dveh fleksibilno stisljivih in hkrati fleksibilno raztegljivih delov stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi popolne stisnjenosti embalažne posode. Prikazana embalažna posoda 1 ima dno 2, vrh 3 z vrhnjo odprtino posode z zadebeljenim ustjem 4 ter stransko steno 5 s prvim nagubanim delom 6P in z drugim nagubanim delom 6D, katera sta skonstruirana iz niza štirih zaporednih ravno-krakih gub G. Vse gube nagubanih delov 6P in 6D stranske stene posode imajo vrhove gub VG usmerjene v notranjost posode in s tem navznoter od ravnine stranske stene RS posode. To se doseže s konfiguracijo gub z vmesnimi kratkimi ravnimi odseki VRO stranske stene med zaporednimi gubami. Takšna izvedba nagubanih odsekov stranske stene je namenjena za čim večji prihranek prostora embalažne posode v fazah embaliranja, skladiščenja, transportirani a, distribucije, dostave in prodaje same embalažne posode ali takšne embalažne posode skupaj z v njej embaliranim izdelkom.Figure 4 schematically shows one embodiment of a container according to the invention with a side view of the container. The container shown is in the form of a crucible with a circular cross-section and two separate sections in the side wall which are constructed with a series of flexibly extensible straight-arm folds, so that those sections of the side wall in the vertical direction of the container are preferably extensible and, if necessary, compressible. Such a container is shown in the phase of complete folding or complete compression of both of the two flexibly compressible and at the same time flexibly extendable portions of the side wall of the container and thus in the phase of complete compression of the container. The packaging container shown 1 has a bottom 2, a top 3 with a top opening of the container with a thickened mouth 4 and a side wall 5 with a first pleated portion 6P and a second pleated portion 6D, which are constructed of a series of four consecutive straight-wrinkled G. All folds are wrinkled portions 6P and 6D of the side wall of the container have the tips of the folds of VG directed inside the container and thus inwards from the plane of the side wall of the container RS. This is achieved by configuring wrinkles with intermediate short straight sections of the lateral wall VRO between successive folds. Such construction of pleated sections of the side wall is intended to maximize the space of the container in the stages of packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and sale of the container itself or such container together with the product packed therein.

Izvedbeni primer 3 - Konstrukcija zunanjega ovitka embalažne posode z dvema fleksibilnima odsekoma nagubanega dela stranske stene posodeEmbodiment 3 - Construction of an outer wrapper of a container with two flexible sections of the pleated portion of the side wall of the container

Ovitek embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma po Sliki 4 je shematsko prikazan v Slikah 5, 6, 7 in 8. V Sliki 5 je prikazan pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma po Sliki 4, pri katerem je embalažna posoda prekrita z dodatnim zunanjim ovitkom O iz kartona. Ta ovitek O v celoti prekriva stranske stene lončka v povsem nagubani oz. stisnjeni fazi. Ovitek O ima dva odstranljiva dela stranske stene ODS1 in ODS2, ki se od preostalih delov ovitka ločujeta s perforacijami oziroma s perforacijskimi linijami PL, ki omogočajo odtrganje teh odstranljivih delov stranske stene ovitka OD Sl in ODS2. Ta odstranljiva dela stranske stene ODS1 in ODS2 prekrivata raztegljiva odseka lončka v nagubani fazi, kar je razvidno iz Slike 5, ki kaže pogled od strani na embalažno posodo, v celoti prekrito s takšnim ovitkom, in iz Slike 6, ki shematsko prikazuje vertikalni odrez in odstranitev ovitka v levi vertikalni polovici lončka z ovitkom, tako da se vidi na levi vertikalni polovici lonček 1 iz Slike 4 v povsem nagubani fazi obeh fleksibilno stisljivih odsekov stranske stene 6P in 6D in na desni vertikalni polovici lonček z nameščenim ovitkom s perforacijskimi linijami PL.The wrapper of the packaging container of the present invention according to Figure 4 is schematically shown in Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8. Figure 5 shows a side view of one embodiment of the packaging container of the present invention of Figure 4, wherein the packaging container covered with extra O outer cardboard cover. This O cover completely covers the side walls of the crucible in a completely folded or folded position. compressed phase. Cover O has two removable portions of the side wall ODS1 and ODS2, which are separated from the rest of the cover by perforations or perforation lines PL, which allow tearing away of these removable portions of the side wall of the cover OD Sl and ODS2. These removable portions of the side walls ODS1 and ODS2 cover the extendable portions of the crucible in the folded phase, as shown in Figure 5, which shows a side view of the container fully covered with such a cover, and Figure 6, which schematically shows a vertical section and removing the wrapper in the left vertical half of the crucible so that the crucible 1 of Figure 4 can be seen in the fully folded phase of both flexibly compressible portions 6P and 6D and on the right vertical half of the crucible with perforated PL lines.

Slika 7 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na embalažno posodo v smislu tega izuma po Slikah 4, 5 in 6, kjer ima posoda nameščen ovitek O tako, da ta prekriva le odseke stranske stene embalažne posode brez fleksibilno stisljivih oziroma raztegljivih gub oziroma le ravne odseke stranske stene posode. V tem prikazu sta od ovitka odstranjena oba odstranljiva dela stranske stene ovitka in se na teh mestih vidijo skupaj stisnjene gube obeh fleksibilno nagubanih odsekov 6P in 6D embalažne posode 1 v nagubani fazi ter preostali deli ovitka O, ki ovijajo in prekrivajo odseke lončka, kjer je stranska stena ravna.Fig. 7 schematically shows a side view of a packaging container of the present invention according to Figures 4, 5 and 6, wherein the container has an O cover so that it only covers portions of the side wall of the container without flexibly compressible or extensible folds or only straight portions of the side the walls of the container. In this embodiment, the two removable portions of the side wall of the cover are removed from the wrapper and at these locations are seen jointly compressed folds of both flexibly folded portions 6P and 6D of the container 1 in the folded phase, and the remaining portions of the cover O wrapping and covering portions of the pot where the side wall is straight.

Slika 8 shematsko prikazuje tloris dodatnega zunanjega ovitka O iz slik 5, 6 in 7 embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kateri sestoji iz dna ovitka DO, ki je krožne oblike, in iz stranske stene ovitka SO s perforacijskimi linijami PL.Figure 8 schematically shows a plan view of an additional O outer cover of FIGS. 5, 6 and 7 of the packaging container of the present invention, which consists of a bottom of a circular shaped DO cover and a side wall of the SO cover with perforation lines PL.

Izvedbeni primer 4 - Konstrukcija embalažne posode v obliki plastenke z vratom in z dvema fleksibilnima odsekoma nagubanega dela stranske stene posodeEmbodiment 4 - Construction of a container in the form of a bottle with a neck and two flexible sections of the pleated portion of the side wall of the container

Slika 9 shematsko prikazuje pogled od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma, kjer ima posoda obliko plastenke P z dnom DP, telesom plastenke TP s krožnim prečnim prerezom in s stransko steno SP ter z vrhom plastenke VP, ki je konstruiran v obliki vratu VRP z odprtino zgoraj OP in ki ima na zunanji strani navoje N za navitje pokrovčka. Stranska stena prikazane plastenke ima dva med seboj ločena odseka SPI in SP2, ki sta konstruirana z nizom fleksibilno raztegljivih in stisljivih ravno-krakih gub, tako da sta ta odseka stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljiva in po potrebi stisljiva. V Sliki 9 prikazana embalažna posoda je v fazi delnega nagubanja oziroma delne stisnjenosti nagubanih obeh delov SPI in SP2 stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi delne stisnjenosti embalažne posode. Pri tej izvedbi nagubanosti odsekov stranske stene vsak odsek oz. del SPI in SP2 sestoji iz niza treh horizontalno glede na vertikalo posode usmerjenih ravno-krakih gub, katerih vrhovi gub VG, tako notranji vrhovi gub NVG (v vsakem odseku dva v notranjost prostora posode usmerjena vrhova) kot zunanji vrhovi gub ZVG (v vsakem odseku po en navzven iz prostora posode usmerjen vrh gube), ne segajo navzven iz ravnine stranske stene posode, temveč se notranji vrhovi gub nahajajo pod ravnino zunanje stene in znotraj prostora posode ter zunanji vrhovi gub v ravnini zunanje stene RS posode.Figure 9 schematically shows a side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention, wherein the container has the shape of a P bottle with DP bottom, a TP body with a circular cross section and a side wall SP, and a VP bottle top constructed in the form of a VRP neck with an opening above the OP and having an N thread on the outside for winding the cap. The side wall of the bottle shown has two separate sections SPI and SP2, which are constructed with a series of flexibly stretchable and compressible straight-arm folds, so that these sections of the side wall in the vertical direction of the container are preferably stretchable and, if necessary, compressible. Figure 9 shows the container in the phase of partial folding or partial compression of the two portions of the SPI and SP2 side walls of the container, and thus in the phase of partial compression of the container. In this embodiment, the sidewall folds of each wall or section. parts SPI and SP2 consist of a series of three vertically horizontal straight-pointed folds of the container whose vertices are VG folds, both the inner NVG folds (in each section two vertically directed tops of the container) and the outer folds of the ZVG folds (in each section the top of the container is directed outwards from the space of the container), not extending outwards from the plane of the side wall of the container, but the inner tips of the folds are located below the plane of the outer wall and inside the space of the container and the outer tips of the folds in the plane of the outer wall of the container.

Odsek posameznih gub te posode iz Slike 9 je shematsko prikazan v Slika 10 v pogledu od strani na odsek stranske stene embalažne posode in v povečavi. Ta odsek vključuje ravna dela RD stranske stene plastenke pod in nad fleksibilno nagubanim odsekom stene in med njima ležeči naguban odsek NG iz treh zaporednih in med seboj direktno stičnih ravno-krakih gub Gl, G2 in G3. Iz te slike je razvidno, daje pri izvedbi direktno stičnih gub, spodnji krak SKG vsake vmesne gube, ki leži med njej ležečo spodnjo in zgornjo gubo, hkrati zgornji krak ZKG pod to vmesno gubo ležeče gube, in je zgornji krak ZKG vsake vmesne gube hkrati spodnji krak SKG nad to vmesno gubo ležeče gube.The section of the individual folds of this container from Figure 9 is schematically shown in Figure 10 in a side-by-side view of the sidewall section of the container and in zoom. This section includes the straight portions of the RD sidewall of the bottle below and above the flexibly pleated portion of the wall, and between them, the pleated portion NG of three successive and directly contacting straight-bent folds Gl, G2 and G3. From this figure it can be seen that when making direct contact wrinkles, the lower SKG leg of each intermediate fold lying between the lower and upper folds is at the same time the upper ZKG limb below that intermediate fold of the folds, and the upper SKG leg of each intermediate fold is simultaneously the lower SKG arm above this intermediate fold of the recumbent fold.

Izvedbeni primer 5 - Konstrukcija embalažne posode s tremi fleksibilnimi odseki nagubanega dela stranske stene posodeEmbodiment 5 - Construction of a Container with Three Flexible Sections of the Wrinkled Part of the Sidewall of the Container

V Sliki 11 shematsko prikazana posoda 1 v pogledu od strani na enega izmed izvedbenih primerov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma ima obliko lončka s krožnim prečnim prerezom, dno posode 2, vrh posode 3 z odprtino in z zadebeljenim ustjem 4 ter v stranski steni 5 tri med seboj ločene odseke, to je prvi nagubani odsek/del 6P, drugi nagubani del 6D ter tretji nagubani del 6T, ki so konstruirani z nizom fleksibilno raztegljivih in stisljivih zaobljeno-krakih gub, tako da so ti odseki stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljivi in po potrebi stisljivi. Vse gube odsekov 6P, 6D in 6T se nahajajo pod ravnino in največ v ravnini stranske stene RS posode, tako, da nobena guba ne sega navzven iznad ravnine stranske stene posode. S takšno konstrukcijo se doseže, da so ti odseki 6P, 6D in 6T stranske stene v vertikalni smeri posode prednostno raztegljivi in po potrebi stisljivi. Takšna embalažna posoda je prikazana v fazi popolnega nagubanja oziroma popolne stisnjenosti vseh treh nagubanih delov stranske stene posode in s tem v fazi popolne stisnjenosti embalažne posode.11 is a schematic side view of a side view of one embodiment of a packaging container of the present invention, in the form of a crucible with a circular cross-section, the bottom of the container 2, the top of the container 3 with the opening and the thickened mouth 4, and in the side wall 5 three. Separate sections, i.e., the first pleated section / portion 6P, the second pleated portion 6D, and the third pleated portion 6T, which are constructed with a series of flexibly extendable and compressible rounded-limb folds, such that these lateral wall sections are preferably in the vertical direction of the container stretchable and compressible when needed. All the folds of sections 6P, 6D and 6T are located below the plane and at most in the plane of the side wall of the tank RS, so that no fold extends outwards above the plane of the side wall of the tank. With such construction, it is achieved that these sections 6P, 6D and 6T of the side walls in the vertical direction of the container are preferably extendable and, if necessary, compressible. Such a container is shown in the phase of complete folding or complete compression of all three folded portions of the side wall of the container and thus in the phase of complete compression of the container.

Tukaj opisana raztegljiva embalažna posoda se lahko alternativno skonstruira, izdela in izvede ter uporablja z ustreznimi variacijami in prilagoditvami glede na vsakokratni namen embalaže in glede na njeno obliko, dimenzije in materiale, iz katerih se izdela. To vključuje različne alternative, modifikacije in variacije v tehničnih značilnostih tukaj opisane konstrukcije embalažne posode oziroma embalaže in tukaj opisanih sestavnih delov, elementov in materialov embalažne posode v smislu tega izuma ter tudi v tehničnih značilnostih tukaj opisanega postopka oziroma načina uporabe takšne embalaže ter tukaj opisanih postopkov in posameznih korakov postopkov izdelave takšne embalažne posode. Na podlagi tukaj opisanega lahko strokovnjak s področja tehnike v smislu tega izuma razvije tudi drugačne izvedbe takšnih embalaž, postopkov njihove uporabe in postopkov njihove izdelave, kar pa ne spremeni bistva izuma, kot je opisan in opredeljen tukaj ter definiran v zahtevkih.The expandable packaging container described herein may alternatively be designed, manufactured and executed and used with appropriate variations and adjustments according to the particular purpose of the packaging and to its shape, dimensions and materials from which it is made. This includes various alternatives, modifications and variations in the technical characteristics of the packaging container or packaging design described herein and the packaging container components, elements and materials described herein as well as in the technical features of the process described herein or the method of using such packaging and the methods described herein. and the individual steps of the manufacturing process of such a container. Based on the disclosure described herein, one skilled in the art of the present invention may also develop different embodiments of such packaging, processes for their use, and processes for their manufacture, which does not change the essence of the invention as described and defined herein and defined in the claims.

Claims (50)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda, ki vključuje dno posode in stransko steno posode vzdolž vertikalne osi telesa posode med dnom in vrhom telesa posode ter ima zgoraj odprtino posode, pri čemer navedena stranska stena posode vključuje vsaj enega, vsaj dva ali več delov, kije fleksibilno naguban oziroma ki so fleksibilno nagubani v bolj ali manj horizontalni smeri ali v bolj ali manj diagonalni smeri, kjer navedeni nagubani del stranske stene sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več fleksibilnih raztegljivih gub, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali navedene gube potekajo pod kotom od vključno 90°, to je v povsem horizontalni smeri, do vključno 40°, to je v diagonalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode, in daje navedena guba stisnjena skupaj ali da so navedene gube stranske stene stisnjene skupaj z nagubanjem skupaj v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom in da se navedena guba razpne oziroma se navedene gube razpnejo v vertikalni smeri in se s tem nagubani del stene raztegne v vertikalni smeri posode, da se poveča volumen embalažne posode.1. A stretchable container comprising the bottom of the container and the sidewall of the container along the vertical axis of the container body between the bottom and the top of the container body and having the container opening above, said lateral container wall comprising at least one, at least two or more flexibly folded portions or which are flexibly folded in a more or less horizontal direction or in a more or less diagonal direction, wherein said folded part of the side wall consists of at least one or more flexible stretchable folds, characterized in that said folds or said folds with respect to the vertical of the container run at an angle of 90 ° inclusive, ie in a fully horizontal direction, up to and including 40 °, diagonally with respect to the vertical of the receptacle, and said creases compressed together or said side walls folded together with pleats together in phase the packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, delivery and / or sale of such packaging container itself or such packaging container with the article contained therein, and that said crease is disintegrated or said creases extend vertically, thereby extending the pleated portion of the wall in the vertical direction of the container to increase the volume of the container. 2. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda, ki vključuje dno posode in stransko steno posode vzdolž vertikalne osi telesa posode med dnom in vrhom telesa posode ter ima zgoraj odprtino posode, pri čemer navedena stranska stena posode vključuje vsaj dva ali več delov, ki sta fleksibilno nagubana oziroma ki so fleksibilno nagubani v bolj ali manj horizontalni smeri ali v bolj ali manj diagonalni smeri, kjer vsak navedeni nagubani del stranske stene sestoji iz vsaj ene ali več fleksibilnih raztegljivih gub, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali navedene gube potekajo pod kotom od vključno 90°, to je v povsem horizontalni smeri, do vključno 40°, to je v diagonalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode, in daje navedena guba stisnjena skupaj ali da so navedene gube stranske stene stisnjene skupaj z nagubanjem skupaj v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom in da se navedena guba razpne oziroma se navedene gube razpnejo v vertikalni smeri in se s tem nagubani del stene raztegne v vertikalni smeri posode, da se poveča volumen embalažne posode.2. A stretchable container, including the bottom of the container and the side wall of the container along the vertical axis of the container body between the bottom and the top of the container body, and having a container opening above, said lateral container wall comprising at least two or more flexibly folded parts or which are flexibly pleated in a more or less horizontal direction or in a more or less diagonal direction, wherein each said pleated portion of the side wall consists of at least one or more flexible stretch folds, characterized in that said crease or said creases extend according to the vertical of the container at an angle of 90 ° inclusive, ie in a fully horizontal direction, up to and including 40 °, diagonally with respect to the vertical of the container, and that said crease is compressed together or that said sidewall folds are compressed together with the crease together in the packaging phase , storing, transporting, distributing, delivering and / or selling such packaging container itself or such packaging container in the articles contained therein, and that said crease is disintegrated, or said creases are stretched vertically, thereby extending the pleated portion of the wall in the vertical direction of the container to increase the volume of the container. 3. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1 ali 2, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod kotom 90°, to je v povsem horizontalni smeri glede na vertikalo posode.3. A stretchable container according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that, with respect to the container vertical, said crease runs or that said creases run at an angle of 90 °, i.e. in a completely horizontal direction relative to the container vertical. 4. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1 ali 2, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom od vključno 89° do vključno 40° glede na vertikalo posode.4. Stretchable container according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that said crease with respect to the vertical of the container or that said wrinkles extend at a diagonal angle of 89 ° inclusive to 40 ° inclusive with respect to the container vertical. 5. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 4, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom 87° glede na vertikalo posode.5. A stretchable container according to claim 1, 2 or 4, characterized in that said crease relative to the container vertical or said creases extend at a diagonal angle of 87 ° relative to the container vertical. 6. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 4, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom 85° glede na vertikalo posode.6. Stretchable packaging container according to claim 1, 2 or 4, characterized in that said crease with respect to the vertical of the container or that said wrinkles extend at a diagonal angle of 85 ° with respect to the vertical of the container. 7. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 4, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom 80° glede na vertikalo posode.Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2 or 4, characterized in that said crease with respect to the vertical of the container or that said wrinkles extend at a diagonal angle of 80 ° with respect to the vertical of the container. 8. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 4, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom 75° glede na vertikalo posode.8. A stretchable container according to claim 1, 2 or 4, characterized in that said wrinkle with respect to the vertical of the container or that said wrinkles extend at a diagonal angle of 75 ° with respect to the vertical of the container. 9. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2 ali 4, značilna po tem, da glede na vertikalo posode navedena guba poteka ali da navedene gube potekajo pod diagonalnim kotom 70° glede na vertikalo posode.9. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2 or 4, characterized in that said crease with respect to the container vertical, or that said creases extend at a diagonal angle of 70 ° with respect to the container vertical. 10. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in/ali 9, značilna po tem, da se vrh gube nahaja oziroma se vrhovi vseh gub nahajajo pod ravnino stranske stene in/ali največ v ravnini stranske stene embalažne posode in da vrh nobene gube ne sega navzven iz notranjega prostora embalažne posode in s tem navzven izven ravnine stranske stene embalažne posode.10. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and / or 9, characterized in that the top of the crease is located or that the tips of all creases are below the plane of the side wall and / or at most in the plane of the side wall of the container and that the top of any crease does not extend outwards from the inner space of the container and thus outwards from the plane of the side wall of the container. 11. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in/ali 10, značilna po tem, da se v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom, ko je ta posoda v stisnjenem stanju fleksibilnega nagubanega dela ali fleksibilnih nagubanih delov stranske stene, prihrani od vključno okoli 20 % do vključno okoli 80 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode.11. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and / or 10, characterized in that during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale phase such packaging containers themselves or such packaging containers contained therein when the container is in the compressed state of the flexible pleated portion or flexible pleated portions of the sidewall, saves from about 20% to and including about 80% of the volume of said container in the fully expanded lateral phase the walls of the container. 12. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in/ali 11, značilna po tem, da se v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom prihrani od vključno okoli 30 % do vključno okoli 70 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode.12. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and / or 11, characterized in that during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or the sale of such packaging container alone or such packaging container saves from about 30% up to and including about 70% of the volume of said container in the fully extended phase of the side wall of the container. 13. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 in/ali 12, značilna po tem, da se v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom prihrani od vključno okoli 40 % do vključno okoli 60 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode.13. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and / or 12, characterized in that at the stage of packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or the sale of such packaging container alone or such packaging container saves from about 40% up to and including about 60% of the volume of said container in the fully extended phase of the side wall of the container. 14. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in/ali 13, značilna po tem, da se v fazi embaliranja, skladiščenja, transporta, distribucije, dostave in/ali prodaje takšne embalažne posode same ali takšne embalažne posode z v njej vsebovanim izdelkom prihrani 50 % volumna navedene embalažne posode v povsem raztegnjeni fazi stranske stene posode.14. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and / or 13, characterized in that during the packaging, storage, transport, distribution phase , the delivery and / or sale of such a container, alone or such container, saves 50% of the volume of said container in the fully extended stage of the side wall of the container. 15. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma da se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.15. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that the folded part of the side wall is located or that all the pleated portions of the side wall are located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall. 16. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma da se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v srednji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.16. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that the folded part of the side wall is located or that all pleated portions of the side wall are located in the middle third of the vertical height of the container wall. 17. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da se nagubani del stranske stene nahaja oziroma da se vsi nagubani deli stranske stene nahajajo v spodnji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.17. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that the folded part of the side wall is located or that all the pleated portions of the side wall are located in the lower third of the vertical height of the container wall. 18. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da sta nagubana dela oziroma da so nagubani deli stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del ali več nagubanih delov nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in da se drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli nahajajo v srednji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode.18. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that they are folded parts or that they are folded parts the sidewalls are spaced apart from each other by straight portions of the sidewall such that one pleated portion or more of the pleated portions is located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall and that the second pleated portion or other pleated portions are located in the middle third of the vertical height of the container wall. 19. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da sta nagubana dela oziroma da so nagubani deli stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli v srednji tretjini stranske stene vertikalne višine stene posode.19. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that they are folded parts or that they are folded parts the sidewalls spaced apart from one another by straight portions of the sidewall such that one pleated portion is located in the upper third of the vertical height of the container wall and the other pleated portion or other pleated portions in the middle third of the lateral wall of the vertical height of the container wall. 20. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in/ali 14, značilna po tem, da sta nagubana dela oziroma da so nagubani deli stranske stene razporejeni z medsebojnimi ravnimi deli stranske stene, tako da se en nagubani del nahaja v zgornji tretjini vertikalne višine stene posode in drugi nagubani del oziroma drugi nagubani deli v spodnji tretjini stranske stene vertikalne višine stene posode.20. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and / or 14, characterized in that they are folded parts or that they are folded parts the sidewalls are spaced apart from one another by straight portions of the sidewall such that one pleated portion is located in the upper third of the vertical height of the vessel wall and the other pleated portion or other pleated portions in the lower third of the lateral wall of the vertical height of the container wall. 21. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 in/ali 20, značilna po tem, daje embalažna posoda v obliki, ki ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode obliko, kije izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik.21. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and / or 20, characterized by thereafter, the container is in a shape having at the bottom of the container, at the top of the container and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container, in horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container, a shape selected from a circle, an ellipse, a triangle, a square, a rectangle, parallelograms, trapezoids, orthogonal shapes and / or any other more or less circularly rounded shapes or any other more or less angularly shaped shapes and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes. 22. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 in/ali 20, značilna po tem, daje embalažna posoda v obliki, ki ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode enako obliko, kije izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik.22. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and / or 20, characterized by thereafter, the packaging container in the form having at the bottom of the container, at the top of the container and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container in horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container is the same shape selected from a circle, an ellipse, a triangle, a square, a rectangle , parallelograms, trapezoids, orthogonal shapes and / or any other more or less circularly rounded shapes or any other more or less angularly shaped shapes and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes. 23. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 in/ali 20, značilna po tem, daje embalažna posoda v obliki, ki ima na dnu posode, na vrhu posode in v telesu posode od dna do vrha posode v horizontalnem prečnem prerezu glede na vertikalo posode obliko, ki se spreminja vzdolž vertikale posode in kjer je takšna oblika posode na dnu, na vrhu in med dnom in vrhom posode izbrana izmed kroga, elipse, trikotnika, kvadrata, pravokotnika, paralelograma, trapeza, ortogonalne oblike in/ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj krožno zaobljene oblike ali katere koli druge bolj ali manj kotno oblikovane oblike in/ali hkratne kombinacije takšnih krožno zaobljenih oblik in takšnih kotno oblikovanih oblik.23. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and / or 20, characterized by wherein, in the form of a container at the bottom of the container, at the top of the container and in the body of the container from the bottom to the top of the container, in horizontal cross-section with respect to the vertical of the container, the shape varies along the vertical of the container and bottom, top and bottom and top of the container selected from a circle, ellipse, triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, orthogonal shape and / or any other more or less circularly shaped or any other more or less angularly shaped and / or simultaneous combinations of such circularly rounded shapes and such angularly shaped shapes. 24. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 23, značilna po tem, da ima embalažna posoda v zgornjem delu telesa in na vrhu posode vrat, kateri ima manjši prečni premer od prečnega premera telesa posode med dnom in vratom posode in/ali na dnu posode.24. Stretchable container according to claim 23, characterized in that the container has at the top of the body and at the top of the door container having a smaller transverse diameter than the transverse diameter of the body of the container between the bottom and neck of the container and / or at the bottom of the container. 25. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 23 in/ali 24, značilna po tem, da ima embalažna posoda v zgornjem delu telesa in na vrhu posode vrat, kateri ima manjši prečni premer od prečnega premera telesa posode med dnom in vratom posode in/ali na dnu posode, kjer se ta vrat nahaja v zgornji petini višine telesa posode, vključno z vrhom posode.25. Stretchable container according to claim 23 and / or 24, characterized in that the container has at its upper body and at the top of the door container a smaller transverse diameter than the transverse diameter of the container body between the bottom and the neck of the container and / or the bottom of the receptacle where this door is located in the upper fifth of the height of the receptacle body, including the top of the receptacle. 26. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 23, 24 in/ali 25, značilna po tem, da ima embalažna posoda v zgornjem delu telesa in na vrhu posode vrat, kateri ima manjši prečni premer od prečnega premera telesa posode med dnom in vratom posode in/ali na dnu posode, kjer se ta vrat nahaja v zgornji desetini višine telesa posode, vključno z vrhom posode.26. Stretchable container according to claim 23, 24 and / or 25, characterized in that the container has at the top of the body and at the top of the door container having a smaller transverse diameter than the transverse diameter of the container body between the bottom and the neck of the container and / or at the bottom of the container where this door is located in the upper tenth of the height of the body of the container, including the top of the container. 27. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 23, 24 in/ali 25, značilna po tem, da ima embalažna posoda v zgornjem delu telesa in na vrhu posode vrat, kateri ima manjši prečni premer od prečnega premera telesa posode med dnom in vratom posode in/ali na dnu posode, kjer se ta vrat nahaja v zgornji dvajsetini višine telesa posode, vključno z vrhom posode.27. Stretchable container according to claim 23, 24 and / or 25, characterized in that the container has at its upper body and at the top of the door container a smaller diameter than the transverse diameter of the container body between the bottom and the neck of the container and / or at the bottom of the container, where this door is located in the upper twentieth of the height of the body of the container, including the top of the container. 28. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 in/ali 27, značilna po tem, da ima embalažna posoda zgornjo odprtino pokrito vsaj z enim pokrovčkom ali z več pokrovčki.28. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26 and / or 27, characterized in that the container has an upper opening covered with at least one cap or several caps. 29. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 in/ali 28, značilna po tem, da se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in da ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo.29. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and / or 28, characterized in that the expansion of the container increases the volume of the container and that this increased volume serves to prepare the container of the contained product before end use. 30. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 in/ali 29, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka in/ali za pripravo takšnega izdelka za končno uporabo, kjer je navedeni izdelek v skoncentrirani tekoči, poltekoči in/ali trdni obliki.30. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and / or 29, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale in the container of the contained product and / or for the preparation of such product for end use, wherein said product is in concentrated liquid, semi-liquid and / or solid form. 31. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 30, značilna po tem, daje v embalažni posodi vsebovan izdelek v obliki, kije koncentrat tekočine izdelka, sirup, gel, granulat, tableta, kapsula, peletka, luska, prah, kristalina oblika izdelka in/ali zamrznjena oblika izdelka.31. Stretchable container according to claim 30, characterized in that the container contains a product in the form of which the product fluid concentrate, syrup, gel, granulate, tablet, capsule, pellet, flake, powder, crystalline product form and / or frozen product design. 32. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 in/ali 31, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo prehrambenih izdelkov, prehrambenih dodatkov, napitkov in/ali pijač in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo.32. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and / or 31, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of food products, nutritional supplements, beverages and / or beverages and / or for the preparation of such end-use products. 33. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 in/ali 32, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo prehrambenih izdelkov, prehrambenih dodatkov, napitkov in/ali pijač in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo, kjer so navedeni izdelki izbrani izmed juh, omak, prelivov, testeninskih izdelkov, izdelkov iz stročnic, prehrambenih zelenjavnih izdelkov, prehrambenih sadnih izdelkov, prehrambenih proteinskih izdelkov, čajev, kav, kavnih napitkov, čokoladnih napitkov, mlečnih napitkov, sadnih in/ali zelenjavnih sirupov, sokov in/ali napitkov.33. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and / or 32, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of food products, nutritional supplements, beverages and / or beverages and / or for the preparation of such end-use products, where the aforesaid goods are selected from soups, sauces, toppings, pasta products, leguminous products, edible vegetable products, edible fruit products, edible protein products, teas, coffees , coffee beverages, chocolate beverages, milk beverages, fruit and / or vegetable syrups, juices and / or beverages. 34. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 in/ali 31, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo farmacevtskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo.34. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and / or 31, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of pharmaceutical products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products. 35. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 in/ali 31, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo fitofarmacevtskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo.35. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and / or 31, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of plant protection products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products. 36. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 in/ali 31, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo kemijskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo.36. Stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and / or 31, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of chemical products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products. 37. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 36, značilna po tem, da se uporablja za embaliranje, skladiščenje, transport, distribucijo, dostavo in/ali prodajo kemijskih izdelkov in/ali za pripravo takšnih izdelkov za končno uporabo, kjer so navedeni izdelki izbrani izmed kemikalij, topil, čistil, razkužil, detergentov, pralnih ali pomivalnih detergentov, mehčalcev, barvil, barv in/ali lakov.37. Stretchable container according to claim 36, characterized in that it is used for the packaging, storage, transport, distribution, delivery and / or sale of chemical products and / or for the preparation of such end-use products, where said products are selected from chemicals , solvents, cleaners, disinfectants, detergents, washing or washing detergents, plasticizers, colorants, paints and / or varnishes. 38. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 in/ali 37, značilna po tem, da se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in da ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo, kjer navedena priprava vključuje dodajo tekočine in/ali dodajo ene ali več drugih sestavin.38. Stretchable container according to claim 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and / or 37, characterized in that the stretch increases the volume of the container and that this increased volume serves for preparation in the container contained product prior to end use, wherein said preparation includes the addition of liquids and / or the addition of one or more other ingredients. 39. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 in/ali 38, značilna po tem, da se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in da ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo, kjer navedena priprava vključuje dodajo tekočine, kije izbrana izmed vode, mleka, sirotke, kefirja, jogurta, sadnega soka in/ali čaja.39. Stretchable container according to claim 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and / or 38, characterized in that the stretch increases the volume of the container and that this increased volume serves for preparation in the container of the contained product before the final use, wherein said preparation includes the addition of liquids selected from water, milk, whey, kefir, yogurt, fruit juice and / or tea. 40. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 in/ali 39, značilna po tem, da se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in da ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo, kjer navedena priprava vključuje dodajo tekočine, kije voda.40. The expandable container according to claim 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and / or 39, characterized in that the expansion of the container increases the volume and serves to increase the volume of the container. preparation in the container of the contained product before end use, wherein said preparation includes the addition of liquids which are water. 41. Raztegljiva embalažna posoda po zahtevku 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38 in/ali 39, značilna po tem, da se z raztegom poveča volumen embalažne posode in da ta povečani volumen služi za pripravo v embalažni posodi vsebovanega izdelka pred končno uporabo, kjer navedena priprava vključuje dodajo tekočine, kije mleko.41. Stretchable container according to claim 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38 and / or 39, characterized in that the stretch increases the volume of the container and that this increased volume serves for preparation in the container of the contained product before final use, where said preparation includes the addition of liquids that milk. 42. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 in/ali 41.42. A process for preparing a stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and / or 41. 43. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 in/ali 42, značilen po tem, da se embalažna posoda izdela iz plastičnih materialov.43. A process for preparing a stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and / or 42, characterized in that the container is made of plastic materials. 44. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 in/ali 43, značilen po tem, da se embalažna posoda izdela iz polimernih plastičnih materialov.44. A process for preparing a stretchable container according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and / or 43, characterized by to make the container made of plastic plastic materials. 45. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 44, značilen po tem, da se embalažna posoda izdela iz polimernih plastičnih materialov, izbranih izmed polietilena (PE), polipropilena (PP), polivinilklorida (PVC), polietilentereftalata (PET), polistirena (PS), polietilen furanoata (PEF), polihidroksialkanoatov (PHA), polilaktidov (PLA), polibutilen sukcinata (PBS), različnih škrobnih materialov, različnih proteinskih materialov in/ali mešanice tukaj navedenih materialov v različnih kombinacijah.45. A method of preparing a stretchable container according to claim 44, characterized in that the container is made of polymeric plastic materials selected from polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene (PS) ), polyethylene furanoate (PEF), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), polylactides (PLA), polybutylene succinate (PBS), various starch materials, different protein materials and / or mixtures of the materials mentioned herein in different combinations. 46. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 44 in/ali 45, značilen po tem, da se embalažna posoda izdela iz polimernega plastičnega materiala, kije polipropilen.46. A method of preparing a stretchable container according to claim 44 and / or 45, characterized in that the container is made of a polymeric plastic material that is polypropylene. 47. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 42, 43, 44, 45 in/ali 46, značilen po tem, da vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem.A method of preparing a stretchable container according to claim 42, 43, 44, 45 and / or 46, characterized in that it involves a process of forming a plastic material by blowing. 48. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 42, 43, 44,48. A process for preparing a stretchable container according to claim 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 in/ali 47, značilen po tem, da vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihanjem v pred-pripravljeni kalup z vgrajeno teksturo nagubane stene.45, 46 and / or 47, characterized in that it involves the process of molding the plastic material by blowing it into a pre-prepared mold with an integrated pleated wall texture. 49. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 in/ali 48, značilen po tem, da vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihalnim brizganjem in raztezanjem plastičnega materiala.A method of preparing a stretchable container according to claim 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and / or 48, characterized in that it includes a process of forming a plastic material by blowing and stretching the plastic material. 50. Postopek priprave raztegljive embalažne posode po zahtevku 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 in/ali 49, značilen po tem, da vključuje postopek oblikovanja plastičnega materiala s pihalnim brizganjem in raztezanjem plastičnega materiala s pihanjem in raztezanjem v pred-pripravljeni kalup z vgrajeno teksturo nagubane stene.50. A method of preparing a stretchable container according to claim 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and / or 49, characterized in that it includes a process of forming a plastic material by blowing and stretching the plastic material by blowing and stretching -prepared mold with built-in pleated wall texture.
SI201900186A 2019-09-27 2019-09-27 Stretchable packaging and container, the process of its use and the process of its manufacture SI25660A (en)

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