SI25428A - Household machine in which water circulates - Google Patents

Household machine in which water circulates Download PDF


Publication number
SI25428A SI201700130A SI201700130A SI25428A SI 25428 A SI25428 A SI 25428A SI 201700130 A SI201700130 A SI 201700130A SI 201700130 A SI201700130 A SI 201700130A SI 25428 A SI25428 A SI 25428A
Prior art keywords
out drawer
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Slovenian (sl)
Marko Pečnik
Mitja Krajner
Đorđe Kojičić
Uroš Gril
Original Assignee
Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D. filed Critical Gorenje Gospodinjski Aparati, D.D.
Priority to SI201700130A priority Critical patent/SI25428A/en
Priority to PCT/IB2018/053067 priority patent/WO2018207058A1/en
Publication of SI25428A publication Critical patent/SI25428A/en



    • D06F39/00Details of washing machines not specific to a single type of machines covered by groups D06F9/00 - D06F27/00 
    • D06F39/02Devices for adding soap or other washing agents
    • D06F39/022Devices for adding soap or other washing agents in a liquid state
    • A47L15/00Washing or rinsing machines for crockery or tableware
    • A47L15/42Details
    • A47L15/44Devices for adding cleaning agents; Devices for dispensing cleaning agents, rinsing aids or deodorants
    • A47L15/4418Devices for adding cleaning agents; Devices for dispensing cleaning agents, rinsing aids or deodorants in the form of liquids
    • A47L15/00Washing or rinsing machines for crockery or tableware
    • A47L15/42Details
    • A47L15/44Devices for adding cleaning agents; Devices for dispensing cleaning agents, rinsing aids or deodorants
    • A47L15/4463Multi-dose dispensing arrangements


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Detail Structures Of Washing Machines And Dryers (AREA)


Gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, s sistemom za avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva s pripadajočim vsebnikom, in z dozirno posodo za sprejem pralnega sredstva, katera dozirna posoda obsega ohišje, v ohišju razporejen izvlekljiv predal in izplakovalni pokrov, ki pokriva izvlekljiv predal in ohišje, pri čemer ima izvlekljiv predal več kot en prekat za sprejem pralnega sredstva v praškasti in/ali tekoči obliki, pri čemer ima izvlekljiv predal dozirne posode vsaj en dodatni prekat za tekoče pralno ali/in negovalno sredstvo, ki ima v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino, in na zunanji strani svojega dna, potekajočo vsaj eno prioblikovano komoro v obliki kanala, ki tvori fluidno povezavo med dodatnim prekatom in avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom, razporejenim v gospodinjskem stroju.A household machine in which water is circulated, such as a washing or dishwasher, with an automatic detergent dispensing system with an associated container, and a dosing receptacle for receiving a detergent, which dispensing vessel comprises a housing, a pull-out drawer and a flushing lid, wherein the pull-out drawer has more than one chamber for receiving the detergent in powder and / or liquid form, wherein the pull-out drawer of the dosing container has at least one additional compartment for a liquid washing or / and a nursing agent having a detachable tray and a housing, at its bottom, an outlet opening, and at the outer side of its bottom, extending at least one shaped chamber in the form of a channel forming a fluid connection between an additional compartment and an automatic dosing system arranged in a household machine.



Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, z dozirno posodo za ročni sistem doziranja pralnega sredstva in vgrajenim sistemom za avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva.The subject of the invention is a household machine in which water circulates, such as a washing machine or a dishwasher, with a dosing container for a manual detergent dosing system and a built-in system for automatic detergent dosing.

Tehnični problemTechnical problem

Tehnični problem je zasnovati tak gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, s sistemom za ročno in avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva, ki bo omogočal sprejem pralnega in/ali negovalnega sredstva na enem mestu, neodvisno od načina doziranja pralnega sredstva in vrste pralnega sredstva, pri čemer mora biti doziranje pralnega sredstva za uporabnika enostavno, hkrati pa mora biti izdelava takega gospodinjskega stroja ekonomsko upravičena.The technical problem is to design such a household machine in which water circulates, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, with a system for manual and automatic dosing of detergent, which will allow the reception of detergent and / or care product in one place, regardless of the detergent dosing method. and types of detergent, the dosing of detergent for the user must be easy, and at the same time the manufacture of such a household machine must be economically justified.

Stanje tehnikeState of the art

Dandanašnji se v gospodinjskih strojih, v katerem kroži voda, zlasti pralnih strojih za pranje in negovanje perila, pogosto uporabljajo sistemi, ki omogočajo avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva. Z avtomatskim doziranjem naj bi se v proces pranja in/ali negovanja perila dovedla optimalna količina pralnega sredstva glede na parametre, kot so vrsta pralnega sredstva količina in umazanost perila,trdota vode in izbran pralni program. Tak način doziranja je zato ekološko sprejemljivejši saj se za pranje v povprečju porabi manjša količina pralnega sredstva. Kljub avtomatizaciji doziranja se še vedno uporablja in zahteva tudi možnost ročnega doziranja pralnega sredstva na klasičen način preko dozirne posode, saj marsikateri uporabnik še vedno želi imeti nadzor nad delovanjem stroja oziroma ima specifične potrebe, želje in navade glede pranja in negovanja perila.Today, in household appliances in which water circulates, especially washing machines for washing and caring for laundry, systems that allow automatic dosing of detergent are often used. Automatic dosing should bring the optimal amount of detergent into the laundry washing and / or care process according to parameters such as the type of detergent, the amount and soiling of the laundry, the water hardness and the selected washing program. This dosing method is therefore more environmentally friendly as a smaller amount of detergent is used for washing on average. Despite dosing automation, it is still used and requires the possibility of manual dosing of detergent in the classic way via a dosing container, as many users still want to have control over the operation of the machine or have specific needs, desires and habits for washing and grooming.

V primeru klasičnega, ročnega doziranja pralnega sredstva se le to vnese v pralni stroj preko dozirne posode, ki obsega ohišje, kije fiksno pritrjeno v pralnem stroju, v ohišju razporejen izvlekljiv predal in pokrovno-izplakovalni del, ki pokriva predal skupaj z ohišjem. Dozirna posoda je običajno nameščena na sprednji strani stroja, , da je lahko dostopna uporabniku. Izvlekljiv predal je lahko razdeljen na več prekatov , ki so namenjeni npr. za sprejem pralnega sredstva za glavno pranje, predpranje in negovanje perila. . Predal je skupaj s prekati zasnovan tako, da lahko sprejme pralno sredstvo v praškasti ali tekoči obliki. Take vrste dozirnih posod so splošno znane. Pralno sredstvo uporabnik ročno vsuje/vlije v posamezni prekat odvisno od izbranega programa obdelave perila. Doziranje posameznega pralnega sredstva je prepuščeno uporabniku, ki pred vsakim pranjem napolni dozirni predal s pralnim sredstvom.In the case of conventional, manual dosing of the detergent, it is introduced into the washing machine via a dosing container comprising a housing fixed in the washing machine, a pull-out drawer arranged in the housing and a cover-rinsing part covering the drawer together with the housing. The dosing container is usually located on the front of the machine so that it is easily accessible to the user. The pull-out drawer can be divided into several compartments, which are intended e.g. for receiving detergent for main washing, pre-washing and laundry care. . The drawer, together with the compartments, is designed so that it can accept detergent in powder or liquid form. Such types of dosing containers are generally known. The detergent is manually poured / poured into the individual compartment depending on the selected laundry treatment program. The dosing of an individual detergent is left to the user, who fills the dosing drawer with detergent before each wash.

V novejših pralnih strojih se doziranje pralnega sredstva izvaja avtomatsko s pomočjo t. i. avtomatskega dozirnega sistema. Pri avtomatskem dozirnem sistemu se uporablja tekoče pralno sredstvo, ki se nahaja v vsaj enem posebnem vsebniku. Vsebnik ima tolikšen volumen da lahko sprejme večjo količino pralnega sredstva za več pranj. Vsebnik je nameščen v pralnem stroju ali izven njega tako, da ga uporabnik lahko polni ali zamenja z novim, polnim vsebnikom. V primeru, ko je vsebnik nameščen v stroju, je njegova oblika določena in se lahko uporablja le predpisana oblika. Ne glede na to ali se vsebnik polni ali menja, je pomembno, daje nameščen na takem mestu, ki je uporabniku dostopen in enostaven za manipulacijo.In newer washing machines, the dosing of the detergent is carried out automatically by means of t. i. automatic dosing system. An automatic dosing system uses a liquid detergent contained in at least one special container. The container has such a volume that it can accommodate a larger amount of detergent for multiple washes. The container is installed inside or outside the washing machine so that the user can fill it or replace it with a new, full container. In the case where the container is installed in a machine, its shape is specified and only the prescribed shape can be used. Whether the container is being filled or replaced, it is important that it is installed in a place that is accessible to the user and easy to manipulate.

V EP 2478145 Al je prikazan avtomatski dozirni sistem, ki ima zgolj dozirno posodo za sprejem dveh vrst tekočega pralnega sredstva, ki se dozirata v kad pralnega stroja preko avtomatskega dozirnega sistema. Uporabnik nima možnosti, da bi uporabil ročni način doziranja pralnega sredstva niti nima možnosti uporabe praškastega pralnega sredstva.EP 2478145 A1 shows an automatic dosing system which has only a dosing container for receiving two types of liquid detergent, which are dispensed into the tub of the washing machine via an automatic dosing system. The user does not have the option to use the manual detergent dosing method nor does he have the option to use powder detergent.

Poznani so prani stroji z avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom, ki imajo dozirno posodo za ročno doziranje pralnega sredstva in dodatno dozirno posodo, v kateri je shranjeno tekoče pralno sredstvo v dveh vsebnikih določene oblike in velikosti. Ko sta vsebnika prazna, ju je treba zamenjati ali dopolniti z novo tekočino. Vsebnika sta nameščena v sprednjem, spodnjem delu stroja. Ker morata biti vsebnika dovolj velika, da lahko sprejmeta zadostno količino pralnega sredstva za večkratno avtomatsko doziranje, sta lahko nameščena le tik ob dnu stroja, ker sicer zaradi prostorske stiske v stroju zanju drugje ni prostora. Uporabnik do vsebnikov dostopa preko dodanih vratc, ki se nahajajo na sprednji stranici pralnega stroja. Če uporabnik želi zamenjati vsebnik ali dopolniti količino tekočega pralnega sredstva v njem, se mora skloniti skoraj do tal. Poleg tega sta vsebnika pokrita z nihajnimi vratci, katerih namestitev pomeni dodatno tehnološko operacijo. Ker ima sprednja stranica pralnega stroja dodaten izrez, je zunanji videz pralnega stroja estetsko neskladen, zlasti v primerjavi s sušilnim strojem. Dandanes je tendenca po usklajenem zunanjem videzu obeh strojev, ker v stanovanju pogosto stojita eden poleg drugega.Washing machines with an automatic dosing system are known, which have a dosing container for manual dosing of detergent and an additional dosing container in which the liquid detergent is stored in two containers of a certain shape and size. When the containers are empty, they must be replaced or filled with new liquid. The containers are located in the front, lower part of the machine. Because the containers must be large enough to accommodate a sufficient amount of detergent for multiple automatic dosing, they can only be installed right next to the bottom of the machine, otherwise there is no room for them elsewhere due to space constraints in the machine. The user accesses the containers through the added door located on the front of the washing machine. If the user wants to replace the container or refill the amount of liquid detergent in it, he must bend almost to the floor. In addition, the two containers are covered with swing doors, the installation of which means additional technological operation. Because the front of the washing machine has an additional cut-out, the external appearance of the washing machine is aesthetically inconsistent, especially compared to a tumble dryer. Nowadays, there is a tendency for the coordinated appearance of both machines, because in the apartment they often stand next to each other.

Znane je rešitev iz EP 2053154 Al, pri kateri se avtomatsko doziranje tekočega pralnega sredstva izvaja tako, da se v enega od prekatov po potrebi vstavi dodaten vsebnik s tekočim pralnim sredstvom, ki nato preko posebnega prožilnega sistema spušča določeno količino tekočega pralnega sredstva v dozirni predal in naprej v kad stroja. Slabost take izvedbe je v tem, da se z vstavitvijo dodatnega vsebnika v dozirni predal izgubi en prekat dozirnega predala. Tudi količina pralnega sredstva je zelo omejena.A solution is known from EP 2053154 A1, in which the automatic dosing of liquid detergent is carried out by inserting an additional container with liquid detergent into one of the compartments, if necessary, which then discharges a certain amount of liquid detergent into the dosing drawer via a special trigger system. and on to the machine tub. The disadvantage of such an embodiment is that by inserting an additional container into the dosing drawer, one compartment of the dosing drawer is lost. The amount of detergent is also very limited.

EP2340326 Al opisuje dozirno posodo z dvema predelkoma, pri čemer prvi predelek obsega en prekat za sprejem praškastega pralnega sredstva za ročno doziranje, drugi predelek obsega dva prekata, ki sprejmeta vsak svojo vrsto tekočega pralnega sredstva za avtomatski dozirni sistem. Dozirna posoda je prednostno namenjena za sprejem tekočega pralnega sredstva pri avtomatskem dozirnem sistemu. V primeru, da uporabnik želi prati na način ročnega doziranja, lahko uporabi zgolj eno vrsto pralnega sredstva v praškasti obliki, ne more izvesti načina pranja s predpranjem ali/in z mehčanjem perila, niti ne more uporabiti tekočih pralnih sredstev, ker ima na voljo zgolj en prekat. Zaradi omejenosti prostora, ki je na voljo v dozirnem predalu, sta prekata za sprejem tekočega pralnega sredstva za avtomatsko doziranje relativno majhna in ju je treba pogosto polniti.EP2340326 A1 describes a dosing container with two compartments, the first compartment comprising one compartment for receiving powder detergent for manual dosing, the second compartment comprising two compartments each receiving its own type of liquid detergent for the automatic dosing system. The dosing container is preferably intended for receiving liquid detergent in an automatic dosing system. If the user wants to wash by hand dosing, he can use only one type of detergent in powder form, he cannot perform the washing mode with prewash and / or fabric softening, nor can he use liquid detergents, because he has only one compartment. Due to the limited space available in the dosing drawer, the compartments for receiving liquid detergent for automatic dosing are relatively small and need to be filled frequently.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaSolution to a technical problem

Tehnični problem je rešen z gospodinjskim strojem, v katerem kroži voda, po izumu kot je opredeljen v prvem neodvisnem patentnem zahtevku. Dodatne značilnosti so opredeljene v odvisnih patentnih zahtevkih.The technical problem is solved by a household machine in which water circulates according to the invention as defined in the first independent patent claim. Additional features are defined in the dependent claims.

Po izumu ima gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, sistem za avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva z dozirno posodo za sprejem pralnega sredstva pri ročnem doziranju, katera dozirna posoda obsega ohišje, v ohišju razporejen izvlekljiv predal in pokrovni del, ki pokriva predal in ohišje, pri čemer ima izvlekljiv predal več kot en prekat za sprejem pralnega sredstva v praškasti in/ali tekoči obliki in vsebuje na zunanji stani svojega dna prioblikovano komoro in vsaj en prekat, prednostno dva prekata, ki sta preko prioblikovane komore v fluidni povezavi z avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom gospodinjskega stroja.According to the invention, a household machine in which water circulates has a system for automatic dosing of detergent with a dosing container for receiving detergent in manual dosing, which dosing container comprises a housing, a pull-out drawer arranged in the housing and a cover part covering the drawer and housing. the pull-out drawer having more than one detergent receiving compartment in powder and / or liquid form and comprising on the outside of its bottom a shaped chamber and at least one compartment, preferably two compartments, which are fluidly connected to the household automatic dosing system via the designed chamber. machine.

Od vsebnika do dozirne posode oziroma do dozirnega predala je vzpostavljena fluidna povezava v obliki cevi.A fluid connection in the form of a tube is established from the container to the dosing container or to the dosing drawer.

Gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, ima izvlekljiv predal dozirne posode, ki ima vsaj en dodatni prekat za tekoče pralno ali/in negovalno sredstvo, ki ima v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino, in na zunanji strani svojega dna, vzdolž dan potekajočo vsaj eno prioblikovano komoro v obliki kanala, ki tvori fluidno povezavo med dodatnim prekatom in avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom, razporejenim v gospodinjskem stroju.A household machine in which water circulates, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, has a pull-out dosing drawer having at least one additional compartment for liquid detergent and / or care product having an outlet in its bottom and on the outside of its bottom , at least one shaped channel in the form of a channel running along the day, which forms a fluid connection between the additional chamber and the automatic dosing system arranged in the household machine.

V izvlekljivem predalu sta dva dodatna prekata, ki sta razporejena v notranjosti izvlekljivega predala ob njegovi sprednji stranici, zaprta z nihajnima pokrovom in imata v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino. Vsak dodatni prekat je v fluidni povezavi s po enim kanalom.In the pull-out drawer, there are two additional compartments, which are arranged inside the pull-out drawer along its front side, closed with a swing lid and have an outlet opening in their bottom. Each additional compartment is in fluid connection with one channel.

Vsakokratni kanal ima svetlino, ki je bližja sprednji stranici predala in sovpada z vsakokratno iztočno odprtino dodatnega prekata, in svetlino, ki je od sprednje stranice predala oddaljena in se zaključi z izlivno odprtino.Each channel has a brightness that is closer to the front of the drawer and coincides with each drain opening of the additional compartment, and a light that is distant from the front of the drawer and ends with the spout.

Dno izvlekljivega predala je nagnjeno navzdol proti notranjosti stroja.The bottom of the pull-out drawer is tilted down towards the inside of the machine.

Ohišje dozirne posode ima na sprednjem koncu izlivni ustji s cevnim nastavkom za sprejem polnilne cevi, ki povezuje ohišje dozirne posode in vsebnika za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema.The dosing tank housing has a spout at the front end with a pipe fitting for receiving the filling pipe, which connects the dosing tank housing and the liquid detergent container of the automatic dosing system.

Gospodinjski stroji obsega fluidno povezavo tekočega pralnega sredstva med dozirno posodo in njenim izvlekljivim predalom in vsebnikom za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema.Household machines comprise a fluid connection of the liquid detergent between the dosing container and its pull-out drawer and the liquid detergent container of the automatic dosing system.

Gospodinjski stroj, v katerem kroži voda, po izumu omogoča doziranje pralnega sredstva na enem mestu ne glede na izbiro doziranja, to je ročno ali avtomatsko doziranje. Tak način doziranja je za uporabnika bolj prijazen in enostavnejši. Vsa potrebna pralna sredstva uporabnik vnaša v stroj na standardnem mestu stroja in ne zahteva njegovega sklanjanja. Kljub temu, da je v gospodinjski stroj vgrajen avtomatski dozirni sistem, lahko uporabnik koristi tudi ročni sistem doziranja pralnega sredstva brez omejitev za vse vrsta postopkov pranja in z različnimi pralnimi in/ali negovalnimi sredstvi v praškasti in/ali tekoči obliki. Tako ima porabnik možnost izvajanja raznovrstnih postopkov pranja/negovanja perila, ki mu jih na enostaven način omogoča ročno doziranje pralnega sredstva ali pa uporabo avtomatskega postopka doziranjaAccording to the invention, a household machine in which water circulates enables the dosing of the detergent in one place, regardless of the choice of dosing, ie manual or automatic dosing. This dosing method is more user-friendly and easier. The user enters all the necessary detergents into the machine in the standard place of the machine and does not require its removal. Despite the fact that the household machine is equipped with an automatic dosing system, the user can also use a manual detergent dosing system without restrictions for all types of washing procedures and with various detergents and / or care products in powder and / or liquid form. Thus, the consumer has the option of performing a variety of laundry washing / care procedures, which are easily enabled by manual dosing of the detergent or the use of an automatic dosing procedure.

Dozirna posoda in njen izvlekljiv predal v primeru uporabe avtomatskega sistema doziranja nista tvorjena kot vsebnik za pralno sredstvo ampak zgolj kot sestavni del fluidne povezave, ki je tvorjena med dozirno posodo in vsakokratnim vsebnikom za pralno sredstvo pri avtomatskem sistemu doziranja. Gospodinjski stroj po izumu vsebuje najmanj en vsebnik pralnega sredstva za avtomatsko doziranje, prednostno dva, lahko bi jih vseboval tudi več. Vsebnika za avtomatski sistem doziranja za tekoče pralno sredstvo sta lahko razporejena kjerkoli znotraj gospodinjskega stroja, prednostno tam kjer je prostor, in sta lahko kakršne koli oblike, ki je prilagojena razpoložljivemu prostoru. Ker ju uporabnik polni posredno preko dozirne posode, ni potreben neposreden dostop do vsebnikov z zunanje strani. To tudi pomeni, da v zunanji sprednji stranici stroja ni dodatnih izrezov, ki bi zahtevali dodatne tehnološke operacije in bi lahko negativno vplivali na estetiko stroja.The dosing container and its pull-out drawer in the case of using an automatic dosing system are not formed as a detergent container but only as an integral part of the fluid connection formed between the dosing container and the respective detergent container in the automatic dosing system. The household appliance according to the invention contains at least one container of detergent for automatic dosing, preferably two, and could contain more. The containers for the automatic dosing system for the liquid detergent can be arranged anywhere inside the household machine, preferably where there is space, and can be of any shape adapted to the space available. Because the user fills them indirectly via the dosing container, direct access to the containers from the outside is not required. This also means that there are no additional cut-outs in the outer front of the machine, which would require additional technological operations and could negatively affect the aesthetics of the machine.

Gospodinjski stroj po izumu poenostavlja postopek izdelave. Dozirna posoda, ki je vgrajena v gospodinjskem stroju po izumu, omogoča enovito proizvodnjo neodvisno od vrste dozirnega sistema. V primeru uporabe zgolj sistema za ročno doziranje pralnega sredstva je mogoče s praktično enakim postopkom in minimalnimi dopolnitvami orodja izdelati dozirno posodo za zgolj ročno doziranje pralnega sredstva, kar še dodatno ekonomsko upraviči izdelavo gospodinjskega stroja po izumu.The household machine according to the invention simplifies the manufacturing process. The dosing container, which is installed in the household machine according to the invention, enables uniform production regardless of the type of dosing system. In the case of using only a manual detergent dosing system, it is possible to make a dosing container for only manual detergent dosing with practically the same procedure and minimal tool additions, which further economically justifies the production of a household machine according to the invention.

Ker sta vsebnika za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema vgrajena v samem stroju in se ju polni preko dozirne posode s sprednje strani, lahko gospodinjski stroj stoji neposredno ob steni in ne potrebuje dodatnega manipulativnega prostora.Because the liquid detergent containers of the automatic dosing system are built into the machine itself and are filled via the dosing container from the front, the household machine can stand directly next to the wall and does not require additional handling space.

Podrobneje bo tehnična rešitev gospodinjskega stroja po izumu prikazana z izvedbenim primerom in skicami, ki prikazujejoThe technical solution of the household machine according to the invention will be shown in more detail with an exemplary example and sketches showing

Sl. 1 Shematski prikaz pralnega stroja v prerezuSl. 1 Schematic cross-section of the washing machine

Sl. 2 Dozirna posoda v eksplozijskem pogleduSl. 2 Dosing container in explosion view

Sl. 3 Prerez predalaSl. 3 Drawer section

Sl. 4 Predal s spodnje straniSl. 4 Bottom drawer

Gospodinjski stroj 1, v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, prednostno pralni stroj, ima v ohišju 2 razporejeno kad 3 in v njej koncentrično vrteč se boben 4, ki sprejme perilo. Kad z bobnom je uporabniku dosegljiva s sprednje strani stroja preko vrat 5, ki zapirajo kad4. Na sprednji stranici 6 stroja je v zgornjem delu upravljalno-krmilno polje 7 in dozirna posoda 8 za sprejem pralnega sredstva, ki je prednostno razporejena na levi strani zgornjega dela stroja. Znotraj ohišja 2 pralnega stoja je razporejen sistem za avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva 26, ki ni predmet tega izuma.A household machine 1 in which water circulates, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, preferably a washing machine, has a tub 3 arranged in the housing 2 and a concentrically rotating drum 4 receiving the laundry in it. The drum tub is accessible to the user from the front of the machine via the door 5, which closes the tub4. On the front side 6 of the machine, in the upper part, there is a control field 7 and a dosing container 8 for receiving detergent, which is preferably arranged on the left side of the upper part of the machine. Inside the housing 2 of the washing machine is arranged a system for automatic dosing of detergent 26, which is not the subject of the present invention.

Dozirna posoda 8 obsega ohišje 9 dozirne posode, ki je na znan in poljuben način pritrjeno na ohišju 2 pralnega stroja, v ohišju 9 razporejen izvlekljiv predal 10, ki ima več kot en prekat za sprejem pralnega sredstva v praškasti in/ali tekoči obliki, in izplakovalni pokrov 11, ki pokriva izvlekljiv predal 10 in ohišje 9 dozirne posode.The dosing container 8 comprises a dosing container housing 9 fixedly and arbitrarily attached to the washing machine housing 2, a pull-out drawer 10 arranged in the housing 9, having more than one detergent receiving compartment in powder and / or liquid form, and a flushing lid 11 covering a pull-out drawer 10 and a dosing container housing 9.

Izvlekljiv predal 10 je v bistvu škatlaste oblike in ima dno 10.1, ki ga obdajajo dve bočni stranici 10.2, 10.3 in sprednja stranica 10.4, kije v bistvu del sprednje stranice pralnega stroja 1. Na zadnji stani je izvlekljiv predal 10 odprt, da lahko pralno/negovalno sredstvo izteka skupaj z vodo iz predala v ohišje 9 dozirne posode in naprej v kad 3 pralnega stroja 1. Izvlekljiv predal 10 obsega v svoji notranjosti več kot enega, prednostno tri prekate 12, 13, 14 za sprejem pralnega ali/in negovalnega sredstva za ročno doziranje. Prekati 12, 13, 14 so lahko medsebojno vzporedno razporejeni in se lahko razširjajo po dolžini izvlekljivega predala 10. Velikost vsakokratnega prekata 12, 13, 14 je poljubna in je odvisna od vrste pralnega/negovalnega sredstva, ki ga sprejema. V izvlekljivem predalu 10 se poleg prekatov 12, 13, 14 nahaja vsaj en, prednostno dva dodatna prekata 15, 16 za tekoče pralno ali/in negovalno sredstvo za avtomatski dozirni sistem. Prekata 15, 16 za avtomatsko doziranje se nahajata ob sprednji stranici 10.4 izvlekljivega predala 10. Vsakokratni dodatni prekat 15, 16 ima v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino 15.2, 16.2 in je zaprt z nihajnim pokrovom 15.1, 16.1. Število dodatnih prekatov je enako številu vsebnikom za tekoče pralno sredstvo pri avtomatskem dozirnem sistemu.The pull-out drawer 10 is substantially box-shaped and has a bottom 10.1 surrounded by two sides 10.2, 10.3 and a front 10.4, which is essentially part of the front of the washing machine 1. At the rear, the pull-out drawer 10 is open so that the washable / the care agent flows together with the water from the drawer into the housing 9 of the dosing container and further into the tub 3 of the washing machine 1. The pull-out drawer 10 comprises more than one inside, preferably three compartments 12, 13, 14 for receiving the detergent and / or care manual dosing. The compartments 12, 13, 14 can be arranged in parallel with each other and can extend along the length of the pull-out drawer 10. The size of each compartment 12, 13, 14 is arbitrary and depends on the type of detergent / care agent it receives. In the pull-out drawer 10, in addition to the compartments 12, 13, 14, there is at least one, preferably two additional compartments 15, 16 for liquid washing and / or care agent for the automatic dosing system. The automatic dosing compartments 15, 16 are located at the front 10.4 of the pull-out drawer 10. Each additional compartment 15, 16 has an outlet opening 15.2, 16.2 in its bottom and is closed by a swing cover 15.1, 16.1. The number of additional compartments is equal to the number of containers for liquid detergent in the automatic dosing system.

Na zunanji strani dna 10.1 izvlekljivega predala 10 je po njegovi celotni dolžini prioblikovana vsaj ena komora, prednostno dve komori 17, 18 v obliki kanala. Vsakokratni kanal 17, 18 poteka vzdolž dna izvlekljivega predala 10 tako, da vsakokratna svetlina kanala, ki je bližja sprednji stranici 10.4 predala, sovpada z vsakokratno iztočno odprtino 15.2, 16.2 dodatnega prekata, vsakokratna svetlina kanala, ki je od sprednje stranice 10.4 predala oddaljena, se zaključi z izlivno odprtino 17.1, 18.1.At least one chamber, preferably two channel-shaped chambers 17, 18, is formed on the outside of the bottom 10.1 of the pull-out drawer 10 along its entire length. The respective channel 17, 18 runs along the bottom of the pull-out drawer 10 so that the respective channel brightness closer to the front side 10.4 of the drawer coincides with the respective drain opening 15.2, 16.2 of the additional compartment, each channel brightness distant from the front side 10.4 of the drawer, ends with the spout 17.1, 18.1.

Zaradi bolšjega iztekanja pralnega sredstva iz izvlekljivega predala, je lahko njegovo dno 10.1 nagnjeno navzdol proti notranjosti stroja tako, daje konec dna, ki je bližji sprednji stranici 6 stroja 1, višji, to je bližji vrhnjemu delu stroja, kot drugi konec predala 10, ki je obrnjen proč od sprednje stranice 6 stroja in gleda v notranjost stroja. Temu nagibu sledita tudi kanala 17, 18.Due to the better leakage of detergent from the pull-out drawer, its bottom 10.1 can be inclined downwards towards the inside of the machine so that the bottom end closer to the front 6 of the machine 1 is higher, ie closer to the top of the machine, than the other end of the drawer 10. is facing away from the front 6 of the machine and facing the inside of the machine. This slope is also followed by channels 17, 18.

Ohišje 9 dozirne posode, ki je pritrjeno na ohišju 2 pralnega stroja, v bistvu obdaja izvlekljivi predal 10. Ohišje 9 je na sprednjem koncu ob sprednji stranici stroja odprto, da je omogočen izvlek izvlekljivega predala 10. Ohišje 9 dozirne posode ima na sprednjem koncu izlivni ustji 20, 21 z vsakokratnim cevnim nastavkom za sprejem vsakokratne polnilne cevi 22, 23, ki povezuje ohišje 9 dozirne posode in vsakokratni vsebnik 24, 25 za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema. VsebnikaThe housing 9 of the dosing container, which is attached to the housing 2 of the washing machine, essentially surrounds the pull-out drawer 10. The housing 9 is open at the front end at the front of the machine to allow pull-out drawer 10. The housing 9 of the dosing container has a spout at the front end a mouth 20, 21 with a respective tube fitting for receiving the respective filling tube 22, 23, which connects the housing 9 of the dosing container and the respective container 24, 25 for the liquid detergent of the automatic dosing system. Container

24, 25 sta razporejena v notranjosti pralnega stroja, prednostno v spodnjem delu stroja med kadjo 3 in ohišjem 2 stroja. Volumen posameznega vsebnika 24, 25 je poljuben, odvisen je predvsem od razpoložljivega prostora v stroju in je vsaj tolikšen, da njegova vsebina zadostuje za več pranj. Med dozirno posodo 8 in njenim izvlekljivim predalom 10 ter vsebnikoma 24, 25 je ustvarjena fluidna povezava in naprej z avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom, ki ni predmet izuma.24, 25 are arranged inside the washing machine, preferably in the lower part of the machine between the tub 3 and the housing 2 of the machine. The volume of the individual container 24, 25 is arbitrary, depends mainly on the available space in the machine and is at least such that its contents are sufficient for several washes. A fluid connection is created between the dosing container 8 and its pull-out drawer 10 and the containers 24, 25 and further with an automatic dosing system which is not the subject of the invention.

Pri gospodinjskem aparatu, v katerem kroži voda, po izumu, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, uporabnik prosto izbira med ročnim sistemom doziranja pralnega sredstva ali avtomatskim sistemom doziranja pralnega sredstva. Izbiro sistema potrdi preko upravljalnega dela stroja. Če uporablja ročni sistem doziranja, izvleče izvlekljivi predal 10 in pralno in/ali negovalno sredstvo v praškasti in/ali tekoči oblik vsuje/vlije v posamezni prekat 12, 13, 14 odvisno od izbire pralnega postopka.In the case of a household appliance in which water is circulating, according to the invention, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, the user is free to choose between a manual detergent dosing system or an automatic detergent dosing system. The selection of the system is confirmed via the control part of the machine. If using a manual dosing system, it pulls out the pull-out drawer 10 and the detergent and / or care agent in powder and / or liquid form is poured / poured into the individual compartment 12, 13, 14 depending on the choice of washing process.

Pri izbiri avtomatskega sistema doziranja morata vsebnika 24, 25 ali vsaj eden od njiju, vsebovati zadostno količino pralnega sredstva. V nasprotnem prejme uporabnik informacijo preko upravljalno krmilnega dela, daje potrebna napolnitev vsebnikov 24,When choosing an automatic dosing system, containers 24, 25 or at least one of them must contain a sufficient amount of detergent. Otherwise, the user receives information via the control unit that the containers need to be filled 24,

25. Takrat uporabnik izvleče izvlekljiv predal 10 do njegove skrajne lege, kjer se vsakokratna izlivna odprtina 17.1, 18.1 vsakokratnega kanala 17, 18 razporedi nad vsakokratnim izlivnim ustjem 20, 21 ohišja 9 dozirne posode. Izlivna ustja 20, 21 sta preko cevnih nastavkov povezana s polnilnima cevema 22, 23, ki vodita tekoče pralno sredstvo v vsakokratni vsebnik 24, 25. Ko je vsebnik napolnjen do predhodno določenega nivoja, uporabnik dobi obvestilo preko upravljalno krmilnega dela. V primeru prenapolnitve vsebnika, tekoče pralno sredstvo iz dodatnega prekata oziroma polnilne cevi steče po dnu ohišja 9 dozirne posode, skozi izliv 9.1 in naprej v kad 3. Omejitev skrajne izvlečne lege izvlekljivega predala 10 je mogoča na različne načine Eden od možnih načinov je kombinacija magnet - magnetni senzor. Pri tem je lahko en del senzorskega sistema nameščen na fiksnem delu, npr. na ohišju dozirne posode ali pa delu ohišja aparata, drug del pa na premičnem delu, to je izvlekljivem predalu.25. At that time, the user pulls out the pull-out drawer 10 to its extreme position, where the respective spout 17.1, 18.1 of the respective channel 17, 18 is arranged above the respective spout 20, 21 of the housing 9 of the dosing container. The spout 20, 21 are connected via filling nozzles to the filling hoses 22, 23, which lead the liquid detergent to the respective container 24, 25. When the container is filled to a predetermined level, the user receives a notification via the control unit. In case of overfilling the container, the liquid detergent from the additional compartment or filling tube flows along the bottom of the housing 9 of the dosing container, through the spout 9.1 and further into the tub 3. Limiting the extreme pull-out position of the pull-out drawer 10 is possible in different ways. - magnetic sensor. In this case, one part of the sensor system can be mounted on a fixed part, e.g. on the housing of the dosing container or part of the housing of the apparatus, and the other part on the movable part, ie the pull-out drawer.

Gospodinjski aparat, v katerem kroži voda, po izumu, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, omogoča v primeru avtomatskega dozirnega sistema tudi uporabo zunanjega vsebnika za tekoče pralno sredstvo. V tem primeru so na zadnji stranici izvlekljivega predala 10 nameščeni ustrezni priključni elementi preko katerih vstopa tekoče pralno sredstvo v izvlekljiv predal, naprej v ohišje 9 dozirne posode in v kad 3.A household appliance in which water circulates according to the invention, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, also enables the use of an external container for liquid detergent in the case of an automatic dosing system. In this case, on the rear side of the pull-out drawer 10, suitable connecting elements are arranged through which the liquid detergent enters the pull-out drawer, further into the housing 9 of the dosing container and into the tub 3.

Razume se, da lahko strokovnjak s področja izvede tudi druge izvedbene primere, s katerimi ne bi zaobšel bistva izuma.It is to be understood that one skilled in the art can make other embodiments without circumventing the spirit of the invention.

Claims (8)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Gospodinjski stroj (1), v katerem kroži voda, kot je pralni ali pomivalni stroj, s sistemom za avtomatsko doziranje pralnega sredstva s pripadajočim vsebnikom, in z dozirno posodo (8) za sprejem pralnega sredstva, katera dozirna posoda (8) obsega ohišje (9), v ohišju razporejen izvlekljiv predal (10) in izplakovalni pokrov (11), ki pokriva izvlekljiv predal in ohišje, pri čemer ima izvlekljiv predal več kot en prekat za sprejem pralnega sredstva v praškasti in/ali tekoči obliki, označen s tem, da ima izvlekljiv predal (10) dozirne posode (8) vsaj en dodatni prekat (15, 16) za tekoče pralno ali/in negovalno sredstvo, ki ima v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino (15.2, 16.2), in na zunanji strani svojega dna, potekajočo vsaj eno prioblikovano komoro (17, 18) v obliki kanala, ki tvori fluidno povezavo med dodatnim prekatom (15, 16) in avtomatskim dozirnim sistemom, razporejenim v gospodinjskem stroju.A household machine (1) in which water circulates, such as a washing machine or dishwasher, with an automatic detergent dosing system with an associated container, and with a dosing container (8) for receiving the detergent, which dosing container (8) comprises housing (9), a pull-out drawer (10) arranged in the housing and a rinsing lid (11) covering the pull-out drawer and the housing, the pull-out drawer having more than one detergent receiving compartment in powder and / or liquid form, characterized by in that the pull-out drawer (10) of the dosing container (8) has at least one additional compartment (15, 16) for liquid detergent and / or care agent having an outlet opening (15.2, 16.2) in its bottom and on the outside of its bottom, passing at least one shaped chamber (17, 18) in the form of a channel, which forms a fluid connection between the additional compartment (15, 16) and the automatic dosing system arranged in the household machine. 2. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da sta v izvlekljivem predalu (10) dva dodatna prekata (15, 16), ki sta razporejena v notranjosti izvlekljivega predala (10) ob njegovi sprednji stranici in zaprta z nihajnima pokrovom (15.1, 16.1).Household machine according to Claim 1, characterized in that there are two additional compartments (15, 16) in the pull-out drawer (10), which are arranged inside the pull-out drawer (10) at its front side and closed by a swing cover (15.1). , 16.1). 3. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 2, označen s tem, daje vsak dodatni prekat (15, 16) v fluidni povezavi s po enim kanalom (17, 18).Household machine according to claim 2, characterized in that each additional compartment (15, 16) is in fluid connection with one channel (17, 18). 4. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 1 in 3, označen s tem, da ima dodatni prekat (15, 16) v svojem dnu iztočno odprtino (15.2, 16.2).Household machine according to Claims 1 and 3, characterized in that the additional compartment (15, 16) has an outlet opening (15.2, 16.2) in its bottom. 5. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima vsakokratni kanal (17, 18) svetlino, ki je bližja sprednji stranici (10.4) predala in sovpada z vsakokratno iztočno odprtino (15.2, 16.2) dodatnega prekata, in svetlino, ki je od sprednje stranice (10.4) predala oddaljena in se zaključi z izlivno odprtino (17.1, 18.1).Household machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the respective channel (17, 18) has a luminosity closer to the front side (10.4) of the drawer and coinciding with the respective outlet opening (15.2, 16.2) of the additional compartment, and a luminance is away from the front (10.4) of the drawer and ends with the spout (17.1, 18.1). 6. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je dno izvlekljivega predala (10) nagnjeno navzdol proti notranjosti stroja.Household machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the bottom of the pull-out drawer (10) is inclined downwards towards the inside of the machine. 7. Gospodinjski stroj po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da ima ohišje (9) dozirne posode na sprednjem koncu izlivni ustji (20, 21) s cevnim nastavkom za sprejem polnilne cevi (22, 23), ki povezuje ohišje (9) dozirne posode in vsebnika (24, 25) za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema.Household machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the housing (9) of the dosing container has a spout at the front end of the spout (20, 21) with a pipe fitting for receiving a filling pipe (22, 23) connecting the housing (9) of the dosing container and container (24, 25) for liquid detergent of the automatic dosing system. 8. Gospodinjski stroj po katerem koli predhodnem zahtevku, označen s tem, da vsebuje fluidno povezavo tekočega pralnega sredstva med dozirno posodo (8) in njenim izvlekljivim predalom (10) in vsebnikom (24, 25) za tekoče pralno sredstvo avtomatskega dozirnega sistema.Household machine according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that it comprises a fluid connection of the liquid detergent between the dosing container (8) and its pull-out drawer (10) and the container (24, 25) for the liquid detergent of the automatic dosing system.
SI201700130A 2017-05-10 2017-05-10 Household machine in which water circulates SI25428A (en)

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