SI24543A - Method for the isolation and selection of the bacterial strains, the bacterial strains and the method of their use - Google Patents

Method for the isolation and selection of the bacterial strains, the bacterial strains and the method of their use Download PDF


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SI24543A SI201300372A SI201300372A SI24543A SI 24543 A SI24543 A SI 24543A SI 201300372 A SI201300372 A SI 201300372A SI 201300372 A SI201300372 A SI 201300372A SI 24543 A SI24543 A SI 24543A
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Rogelj Irena
Bogivič Matijašič Bojana
Hacin Biljana
ÄŚitar Manuela
Ĺ tempelj Mateja
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MEDIS, farmacevtska druĹľba, d.o.o. Ljubljana
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Application filed by MEDIS, farmacevtska druĹľba, d.o.o. Ljubljana filed Critical MEDIS, farmacevtska druĹľba, d.o.o. Ljubljana
Priority to SI201300372A priority Critical patent/SI24543A/en
Publication of SI24543A publication Critical patent/SI24543A/en



  • Medicines Containing Material From Animals Or Micro-Organisms (AREA)


Predloženi izum opisuje postopek izolacije in selekcije novih sevov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium iz bioptičnih vzorcev človeške črevesne sluznice. Sevi so bili izbrani na osnovi občutljivosti za protimikrobne snovi, sposobnosti preživetja v simuliranih razmerah okolja prebavil in izkazovanja protimikrobne aktivnosti. Osnova za ta izum so tudi celotna genomska zaporedja Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386. Izum se nanaša na uporabo kateregakoli od teh dveh sevov ali obeh skupaj v proizvodnji probiotičnega ali farmacevtskega izdelka, predvsem pri preprečevanju in/ali zdravljenju funkcionalnih motenj prebavil in bolezni v območju spodnjega prebavnega trakta, kot so sindrom razdražljivega črevesja (IBS) in kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni (IBD) (Crohn-ova bolezen in ulcerozni kolitis).The present invention describes the process of isolating and selecting new strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium from bioptic samples of the human intestinal mucosa. The strains were selected on the basis of susceptibility to antimicrobials, viability in simulated gastrointestinal conditions and the demonstration of antimicrobial activity. The basis for this invention are also the entire genomic sequences of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386. The invention relates to the use of either of these two strains or both together in the production of a probiotic or pharmaceutical product, in particular in preventing and / or treating functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases in the area of the lower digestive tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis).


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Izum se nanaša na dva nova bakterijska seva iz črevesne sluznice debelega črevesa otroka in njuno uporabo kot probiotika, zlasti kot imunomudolatoma bioterapevtska sredstva.The invention relates to two new bacterial strains from the intestinal mucosa of the colon of a child and their use as probiotics, in particular as immunomudolatoma biotherapeutic agents.


Sluznica prebavil pri človeku je največja površina, na kateri poteka interakcija med gostiteljem in zunanjim okoljem, zato ima le-ta pomembno vlogo pri obrambi gostitelja. Je gosto poseljena s črevesno mikrobioto. Črevesna mikrobiota igra ključno vlogo pri delovanju imunskega sistema gostitelja, vpliva na prebavo in presnovo, in je vključena v komunikacijo med možgani in črevesjem. Tako je bistvenega pomena za vzdrževanje normalne črevesne fiziologije in zdravja. Črevesna imunska homeostaza je dosežena preko interakcije med epitelnimi celicami, makrofagi in dendritičnimi celicami (DC), ki je odgovor na črevesno mikrobioto, odraža pa se v diferenciaciji T celic. Komenzalna mikrobiota vpliva na razvoj in usposabljanje prirojenega in pridobljenega imunskega sistema, reguliranega z različnimi receptorji PRR (pattem recognition receptors), ki prepoznavajo bakterijske molekulske vzorce MAMP (microbe-associates molecular pattems). Sposobnost gostitelja, da razlikuje med patogenimi in zdravimi črevesnimi bakterijami, ki je ključnega pomena za toleranco normalne črevesne mikrobiote, je zagotovljena s Toll-u podobnimi receptorji (TLR), ki sodijo v enega od dveh razredov PRR, ki prevladujejo v črevesju. Mehanizmi tolerance omogočajo gostiteljskemu organizmu preprečevanje tako okužb, kakor tudi poškodb tkiv kot posledice prekomernega vnetnega odziva. Porušenje črevesne mikrobiote lahko vodi do zmanjšane tolerance za komenzalne bakterije in do nekaterih vnetnih bolezni, kot so na primer sindrom razdražljivega črevesja (Intestinal bowel syndrome, IBS) in kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni (Intestinal bowel disease, IBD).The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract in humans is the largest surface on which the interaction between the host and the external environment takes place, so it plays an important role in the defense of the host. It is densely populated with the intestinal microbiota. The intestinal microbiota plays a key role in the functioning of the host’s immune system, affects digestion and metabolism, and is involved in communication between the brain and gut. Thus, it is essential for maintaining normal intestinal physiology and health. Intestinal immune homeostasis is achieved through the interaction between epithelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells (DC), which is a response to the intestinal microbiota and is reflected in T cell differentiation. The commensal microbiota influences the development and training of the innate and acquired immune system, regulated by various PRR receptors (pattem recognition receptors) that recognize bacterial molecular patterns of MAMP (microbe-associates molecular pattems). The ability of the host to distinguish between pathogenic and healthy intestinal bacteria, which is crucial for the tolerance of the normal intestinal microbiota, is provided by Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which belong to one of the two classes of PRR that predominate in the gut. Tolerance mechanisms allow the host organism to prevent both infections and tissue damage as a result of an excessive inflammatory response. Disruption of the intestinal microbiota can lead to decreased tolerance to commensal bacteria and to some inflammatory diseases, such as Intestinal Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

Imunski mehanizmi vključujejo proizvodnjo citokinov. Peyerjeve plošče so specializirani limfoidni agregati, na katerih se nahajajo M celice, ki so razporejene po 2 « ··· celotnem tankem in debelem črevesu. Na teh mestih poteka predstavljanje luminalnih antigenov, vključno z bakterijami, kar povzroči stimulacijo ustreznih celic T in B, inducira splet citokinov in izločanje protiteles v prebavni trakt.Immune mechanisms involve the production of cytokines. Peyer's patches are specialized lymphoid aggregates on which M cells are located, arranged throughout the 2 «··· the entire small and large intestine. At these sites, the presentation of luminal antigens, including bacteria, takes place, resulting in stimulation of the corresponding T and B cells, inducing a web of cytokines, and secretion of antibodies into the digestive tract.

Citokin IL-10 je tipičen protivnetni citokin, ki ga izločajo celice Th2, Treg, monociti in makrofagi. IL-10 zavira izražanje vnetnih citokinov, kot so TNF- a, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 in IL-12. Šibka proizvodnja protivnetnega citokina IL-10 v črevesni sluznici bolnikov z IBD velja za pomemben dejavnik pri patogenezi IBD, zato je ta citokin zanimiv za terapevtsko uporabo. Na mišjem modelu kolitisa se je pokazalo, da miši (IL)-10(-/-) spontano razvijejo črevesno vnetje. Posamezni probiotični sevi, za katere je značilno, da dvigujejo nivo IL-10 in znižujejo nivo inflamatomega citokina IL-12 in vitro, so sposobni zaščititi živali pred razvojem kolitisa.The cytokine IL-10 is a typical anti-inflammatory cytokine secreted by Th2, Treg cells, monocytes, and macrophages. IL-10 inhibits the expression of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 and IL-12. Weak production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in the intestinal mucosa of patients with IBD is considered an important factor in the pathogenesis of IBD, so this cytokine is of interest for therapeutic use. In a mouse model of colitis, mice (IL) -10 (- / -) were shown to spontaneously develop intestinal inflammation. Individual probiotic strains, which are characterized by raising the level of IL-10 and lowering the level of the inflammatory cytokine IL-12 in vitro, are able to protect animals from the development of colitis.

Različne bakterije lahko izzovejo različni imunski odziv pri različnih imunskih celicah, vnetni ali protivnetni, odvisno od seva. Tudi različni sevi rodu Lactobacillus in Bifidobacteria lahko sprožijo različne citokinske odzive.Different bacteria can elicit a different immune response in different immune cells, inflammatory or anti-inflammatory, depending on the strain. Different strains of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria can also trigger different cytokine responses.

Mlečnokislinske bakterije {Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc in Pediococcus) in bifidobakterije se že stoletja uporabljajo v proizvodnji fermentirane hrane. Danes jih pogosto uporabljajo v živilski industriji, industriji živalske krme in farmacevtski industriji kot starter kulture v fermentacijskih procesih in kot probiotike.Lactic acid bacteria {Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc and Pediococcus) and bifidobacteria have been used in the production of fermented foods for centuries. Today, they are widely used in the food industry, animal feed industry and pharmaceutical industry as a culture starter in fermentation processes and as probiotics.

Probiotiki so opredeljeni kot "živi mikroorganizmi, ki ugodno vplivajo na gostiteljevo zdravje, če so zaužiti v ustrezni količini" (FAO/WHO. 2002. Smernice za vrednotenje probiotikov v hrani, London). Uvrščanje posameznih sevov med probiotike mora temeljiti na znanstvenih dokazih, ki potijujejo določen (specifičen za sev) učinek na gostitelja.Probiotics are defined as " living microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the host's health if ingested in an adequate amount " (FAO / WHO. 2002. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probiotics in Food, London). The classification of individual strains as probiotics must be based on scientific evidence that exerts a specific (strain-specific) effect on the host.

Lactobacillus fermentum je po Gramu pozitivna heterofermentativna vrsta bakterij iz rodu Lactobacillus. Ta vrsta je najpogosteje izolirana iz kislega testa ali iz fermentiranega živalskega in rastlinskega materijala, pogosto pa jo najdemo tudi na površini sluznice zdravih ljudeh in v materinem mleku (Jimenez, E. et al. 2010. Journal of Bacteriology. 192:4800-4800). Ta vrsta je po presoji znanstvenega sveta in enot Evropske agencije za varnost hrane (EFSA) vključena v seznam domnevno varnih (qualified presumption of safety, QPS) bioloških učinkovin, priporočljivih za uporabo v 3 • · hrani in krmi, (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:3020). Doslej (do oktobra 2013) so bila objavljena zaporedja celotnih genomov treh sevov L. fermentum (http://www.ncbi.nlb.nih.gOv/eenome/711. 10. oktobra 2013), to je CECT 5716, F-6 in IFO 3956. Lactobacillus fermentum CECT 5716 je sev, izoliran iz človeka, ki ima protimikrobne, protivnetne in imunomudolatome lastnosti (Jimenez, E. et al. 2010. Journal of Bacteriology. 192:4800-4800). F-6 je bil izoliran iz tradicionalnih mlečnih izdelkov, ki jih pripravljajo manjšine na Kitajskem, in ima nekaj dobrih probiotičnih lastnosti, kot so dobra odpornost proti nizkim vrednostim pH, žolčnim solem ter protibakterijsko delovanje. IFO 3956, izolat iz fermentiranega rastlinskega materiala, proizvaja kobalamin in reuterin (Morita, H. et al. 2008. DNA Research. 15:151-161).Lactobacillus fermentum is a Gram-positive heterofermentative species of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus. This species is most commonly isolated from sourdough or from fermented animal and plant material, but is also often found on the mucosal surface of healthy humans and in breast milk (Jimenez, E. et al. 2010. Journal of Bacteriology. 192: 4800-4800) . This species is included in the list of presumed safe presumption of safety (QPS) biologically active substances recommended for use in 3 • · food and feed, according to the Scientific Council and units of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), (2012. EFSA Journal. 10: 3020). So far (until October 2013), the sequences of the entire genomes of the three strains of L. fermentum (http://www.ncbi.nlb.nih.gOv/eenome/711. 10 October 2013) have been published, i.e. CECT 5716, F-6 and IFO 3956. Lactobacillus fermentum CECT 5716 is a human isolated strain having antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomudolatome properties (Jimenez, E. et al. 2010. Journal of Bacteriology. 192: 4800-4800). F-6 has been isolated from traditional dairy products produced by minorities in China and has some good probiotic properties such as good resistance to low pH values, bile salts, and antibacterial activity. IFO 3956, an isolate from fermented plant material, produces cobalamin and reuterin (Morita, H. et al. 2008. DNA Research. 15: 151-161).

Nekateri sevi L. fermentum se uvrščajo med probiotike in jih najdemo v probiotičnih izdelkih. Med komercialnimi probiotičnimi sevi najdemo L. fermentum PCC in ME-3. Bifidobacterium animalis so po Gramu-pozitivne anaerobne paličaste bakterije, ki se pogosto nahajajo v debelem črevesu večine sesalcev, vključno z ljudmi. Vrsta je po presoji znanstvenega sveta in enot Evropske agencije za varnost hrane (EFSA) vključena v seznam domnevno varnih (qualified presumption of safety, QPS) bioloških učinkovin, priporočljivih za uporabo v hrani in krmi, (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:3020).Some strains of L. fermentum are classified as probiotics and are found in probiotic products. Commercial probiotic strains include L. fermentum PCC and ME-3. Bifidobacterium animalis are Gram-positive anaerobic rod-shaped bacteria that are often found in the colon of most mammals, including humans. The species is included in the list of presumed safe presumption of safety (QPS) biologically active substances recommended for use in food and feed, according to the Scientific Council and units of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2012. EFSA Journal. 10: 3020) .

Več sevov te vrste, ki vsebuje podvrsti B. animalis ssp. lactis in B. animalis ssp. animalis, se uporablja kot probiotike. Med primeri uporabe te vrste kot probiotikov so zmanjšanje vnetja prebavil in s tem povezanih bolezni, kot so IBD (US 2012/0308523, US 2008/0107635), zmanjšanje abdominalnega oboda (US 2010/0303763), preprečevanje ali zdravljenje okužb gornjega respiratornega trakta (WO2013104783), učinkovito lajšanje poškodb jeter z alkoholom (CN102845528), delovanje proti patogeni Enterobacter sakazakii (KR20120107780), imunska stimulacija in prilagoditev črevesne mikrobiote (CN101260377) ter sinteza vitaminov BI, B2 in B3 (MD20020020).Several strains of this species containing a subspecies of B. animalis ssp. lactis in B. animalis ssp. animalis, is used as a probiotic. Examples of the use of this species as probiotics include reducing gastrointestinal inflammation and related diseases such as IBD (US 2012/0308523, US 2008/0107635), reducing abdominal circumference (US 2010/0303763), preventing or treating upper respiratory tract infections ( WO2013104783), effective alleviation of liver damage by alcohol (CN102845528), action against the pathogen Enterobacter sakazakii (KR20120107780), immune stimulation and adaptation of the intestinal microbiota (CN101260377) and synthesis of vitamins BI, B2 and B3 (MD20020020).

Do danes je bilo objavljeno celotno zaporedje genoma enega predstavnika Bif animalis ssp. animalis., to je seva ATCC 25527, izoliranega iz blata podgan (Loquasto, J. R. in sod. 2011. Journal of Dairy Science. 94:5864-5870), in enajstih predstavnikov B. animalis ssp. lactis, med katerimi je BB-12, ki je zelo razširjen probiotični sev ( oktober 2013). 4To date, the entire genome sequence of one representative of Bif animalis ssp. animalis., i.e. a strain of ATCC 25527 isolated from rat feces (Loquasto, J. R. et al. 2011. Journal of Dairy Science. 94: 5864-5870), and eleven representatives of B. animalis ssp. lactis, including BB-12, a highly prevalent probiotic strain ( October 2013). 4

Sindrom razdražljivega črevesja (IBS) je funkcionalna motnja prebavil, za katero je značilna abdominalna bolečina ali neugodje, neredno odvajanje blata in zaprtje ali diareja. Bolnike lahko razdelimo v tri podtipe glede na odvajanje blata: prevladujoča driska (IBS-D), pretežno zaprtje (IBS-C) ali mešani podtip (IBS-M). Simptome spremlja tudi visceralna bolečina. Pogosto so bili prepoznani tudi nekateri drugi simptomi, ki niso vezani na prebavila, kot so utrujenost, pekoč občutek, napenjanje, anksioznost in depresija. Skupaj bistveno poslabšajo kakovost življenja bolnikov. Patofiziologija ali etiologija IBS ni znana, in ni na voljo dokazano učinkovite terapije. Med možnimi dejavniki, ki sodelujejo pri razvoju IBS, so tudi genetski dejavniki, spremenjena Gl gibljivost in visceralna preobčutljivost, psihološki stres in motnje oz. spremembe v sestavi mikrobiote prebavil, kronična vnetja in bakterijski gastroenteritis. Bolnike z IBS se pogosto zdravi z moksonidinom in njegovimi farmakološko sprejemljivimi kislinsko adicijskimi solmi, ki lahko zmanjšajo visceralno občutljivost na bolečino. Ta uporaba je opisana v patentu US6300336.Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, irregular bowel movements, and constipation or diarrhea. Patients can be divided into three subtypes according to faecal excretion: predominant diarrhea (IBS-D), predominant constipation (IBS-C), or mixed subtype (IBS-M). Symptoms are also accompanied by visceral pain. Some other non-gastrointestinal symptoms, such as fatigue, burning sensation, bloating, anxiety, and depression, have also been commonly identified. Together, they significantly impair the quality of life of patients. The pathophysiology or etiology of IBS is unknown, and no proven effective therapy is available. Among the possible factors involved in the development of IBS are also genetic factors, altered Gl motility and visceral hypersensitivity, psychological stress and disorders or. changes in the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota, chronic inflammation and bacterial gastroenteritis. Patients with IBS are often treated with moxonidine and its pharmacologically acceptable acid addition salts, which may reduce visceral sensitivity to pain. This use is described in patent US6300336.

Spremenjena gastrointestinalna mikrobiota je redno opažena pri bolnikih z IBS (Kassinen, A. et al. 2007. Gastroenterology. 133:24-33 in Rajilic-Stojanovic, M. et al. 2011. Gastroenterology. 141:1792-1801). V študijah, ki temeljijo na uporabi kultivacijskih tehnik, so bile pri bolnikih z IBS koncentracije laktobacilov in bifidobakterij pogosto nižje, medtem ko so podatki o koliformnih bakterijah in enterobakterijah med študijami nasprotujoči. Mehanizmi še vedno niso pojasnjeni. Glede na to, da so interakcije med gostiteljem in mikrobioto dvosmerne, bi bilo lahko tudi mogoče, da so te spremembe prej sekundarne kot pa vzrok za bolezenski proces (Quigley, E.M.M. 2011. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Čare. 14:497-503). V zadnjem času opravljene študije z različnimi probiotiki kažejo pozitivne rezultate v smislu ublažitve simptomov, še posebej bolečin v trebuhu in napihnjenosti ter stabilizacije črevesne mikrobiote (Kajander, K. et al. 2008. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 27:48-57).Altered gastrointestinal microbiota is regularly observed in patients with IBS (Kassinen, A. et al. 2007. Gastroenterology. 133: 24-33 and Rajilic-Stojanovic, M. et al. 2011. Gastroenterology. 141: 1792-1801). In studies based on the use of culture techniques, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria concentrations were often lower in patients with IBS, while data on coliform bacteria and enterobacteria were conflicting during the studies. The mechanisms are still unclear. Given that the interactions between the host and the microbiota are two-way, it could also be possible that these changes are secondary rather than the cause of the disease process (Quigley, EMM 2011. Current Opinion and Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Charms. 14: 497- 503). Recent studies with various probiotics show positive results in terms of relieving symptoms, especially abdominal pain and bloating, and stabilizing the intestinal microbiota (Kajander, K. et al. 2008. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 27: 48-57).

Vse več je dokazov kroničnega vnetja črevesne sluznice in imunske aktivacije pri bolnikih z IBS. V primerjavi z zdravim človekom so pri bolnikih z IBS potrdili zvišano raven vnetnih citokinov, kot so IL-Ιβ, TNF-α, IL-6 in IL-8, v plazmi/serumu. 5There is growing evidence of chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and immune activation in patients with IBS. Elevated plasma / serum plasma levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-Ιβ, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8 have been confirmed in patients with IBS compared to healthy humans. 5

Zato so lahko probiotične bakterije, ki imajo zmožnost protivnetnega delovanja, učinkovite pri IBS. Imunomodulatomi učinek je bil pripisan tudi nekaterim probiotikom. Preko interakcije s celicami imunskega sistema lahko vplivajo na nastajanje posameznih imunoglobulinov (IgA) in citokinov (IL-10, TNF-α, IL-6).Therefore, probiotic bacteria that have the ability to have anti-inflammatory activity may be effective in IBS. The immunomodulatory effect has also been attributed to some probiotics. They can affect the production of individual immunoglobulins (IgA) and cytokines (IL-10, TNF-α, IL-6) through interaction with cells of the immune system.

Ulcerozni kolitis (UC), pouchitis in Crohnova bolezen (CD) so primeri kroničnih vnetnih črevesnih bolezni (IBD), za katere je značilno kronično vnetje v črevesju. Trenutno ni na voljo zdravila za IBD. IBD se zdravi na način, da se zmanjša vnetje in obvladuje gastrointestinalne simptome z aminosalicilati, kortikosteroidi in imunosupresivnimi zdravili, antibiotiki ali biološkimi zdravili. Spremembe v sestavi mikrobiote blata in črevesne sluznice so odkrili v obeh primerih IBD, pri Crohnovi bolezni in ulceroznem kolitisu. Ker je pojavnost IBD povezana z moteno mikrobioto in vnetjem, predstavljajo določeni probiotični sevi, ki imajo imunomodulatome sposobnosti in zmožnost spreminjanja črevesne mikrobiote, alternativo za zdravljenje IBD.Ulcerative colitis (UC), pouchitis, and Crohn’s disease (CD) are examples of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by chronic inflammation in the gut. There is currently no cure for IBD. IBD is treated by reducing inflammation and controlling gastrointestinal symptoms with aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressive drugs, antibiotics, or biologics. Changes in the composition of the stool and intestinal mucosa microbiota were detected in both cases of IBD, in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Because the incidence of IBD is associated with disrupted microbiota and inflammation, certain probiotic strains that have immunomodulatory abilities and the ability to alter the intestinal microbiota represent an alternative to IBD treatment.

Uporaba probiotikov za preprečevanje in zdravljenje IBS in IBD je predstavljena v različnih patentih. WO2011092261 na primer razkriva uporabo Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7484, Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7485 in Pediococcus acidilactici CECT 7483 za zdravljenje gastrointestinalnih bolezni ali stanj, kot so IBD, IBS ali abdominalna napihnjenost in napenjanje. WO2011051760 opisuje uporabo seva Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DN- 173010 za zdravljenje motenj, povezanih z želodčno-črevesnimi vnetji (CD, UC, IBS). V W00042168 predlagajo imunomodulatome Bifidobacterium longum infantis UCC35624 in Lactobacillus salivarius UCC 118, njihove mutante ali njihove variante za zdravljenje vnetnih bolezni, zlasti bolezni prebavil, kot so IBD in IBS.The use of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of IBS and IBD is presented in various patents. WO2011092261 discloses, for example, the use of Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7484, Lactobacillus plantarum CECT 7485 and Pediococcus acidilactici CECT 7483 for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases or conditions such as IBD, IBS or abdominal bloating and bloating. WO2011051760 describes the use of a strain of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DN-173010 for the treatment of disorders associated with gastrointestinal inflammation (CD, UC, IBS). W00042168 proposes immunomodulatomes of Bifidobacterium longum infantis UCC35624 and Lactobacillus salivarius UCC 118, mutants thereof or variants thereof for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, in particular gastrointestinal diseases such as IBD and IBS.

Predpogoj za učinkovitost probiotikov pri preprečevanju in zdravljenju IBS in IBD je preživetje mikroorganizmov pri prehodu skozi zgornji del gastrointestinalnega trakta, za katerega je značilen nizek pH (želodec), prisotnost žolča in encimov trebušne slinavke (dvanajstnik), do črevesne sluznice in uspešna kolonizacija črevesne sluznice. Probiotične bakterije so pogosto izolirane iz vzorcev blata, kot je opisano v patentih WO2011/092261, W02008/l 17266, WO2012126481 in mnogih drugih. Bakterije, ki se nahajajo v blatu, zagotavljajo preživelost v pogojih, ki so značilne za zgornji prebavni 6 sistem, ni pa nujno, da bodo te bakterije tudi kolonizirale črevesno sluznico. Možno je domnevati, da bodo imele bakterije, ki izvirajo iz črevesne sluznice, boljše možnosti, da kolonizirajo črevesno sluznico, potem ko jih zaužijemo kot probiotike, saj so bolje prilagojene okolju črevesne sluznice. Uporaba bakterijskih izolatov iz človeških bioptičnih vzorcev še ni bila opisana v patentni literaturi. Bakterije, opisane v patentu W00042168, so prav tako izolirane iz človeškega prebavnega trakta, vendar v primerjavi z opisanim izumom, so le-te dobili iz kosov črevesnega tkiva, pridobljenih z resekcijo, kar zahteva drugačno metodo za izolacijo in selekcijo bakterijskih sevov.A prerequisite for the effectiveness of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of IBS and IBD is the survival of microorganisms in the passage through the upper gastrointestinal tract, which is characterized by low pH (stomach), the presence of bile and pancreatic enzymes (duodenum), to intestinal mucosa and successful intestinal colonization . Probiotic bacteria are often isolated from sludge samples as described in patents WO2011 / 092261, WO2008 / l 17266, WO2012126481 and many others. Bacteria found in the faeces provide survival under conditions typical of the upper digestive system, but these bacteria do not necessarily colonize the intestinal mucosa. It can be assumed that bacteria originating from the intestinal mucosa will have a better chance of colonizing the intestinal mucosa after ingestion as probiotics, as they are better adapted to the intestinal mucosal environment. The use of bacterial isolates from human biopsy specimens has not yet been described in the patent literature. The bacteria described in patent W00042168 are also isolated from the human digestive tract, but compared to the present invention, they are obtained from pieces of intestinal tissue obtained by resection, which requires a different method for isolation and selection of bacterial strains.


Predloženi izum opisuje postopek selekcije novih bakterijskih sevov, ki domnevno pripadajo rodovom Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium, z gojenjem in prečiščevanjem na agaiju UriSelect 4. Kromogeno gojišče UriSelect 4 je bilo razvito za izolacijo in štetje patogenih mikroorganizmov, ki so najpogostejši povzročitelji okužb sečil, in sicer Escherichia coli, Proteus in Enterococcus, na osnovi razlik v β-galaktozidazni, triptofan-deaminazni in β-glukozidazni aktivnosti bakterij. Do sedaj se gojišče UriSelect 4 ni uporabljalo za gojenje ali prečiščevanje bakterij rodu Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium. Gojenje na UriSelect 4 omogoča razlikovanje sevov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium, ki jih ni mogoče razlikovati na običajnih gojiščih za te skupine bakterij, kot sta Rogosa in TOS, na osnovi barve in morfologije (Primer 1, Slika 1). Čiščenju domnevnih sevov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium na UriSelect 4 je sledilo testiranje občutljivosti teh sevov za antibiotike ter sposobnosti teh sevov, da preživijo v prebavnem traktu po peroralnem zaužitju in da naselijo črevesno sluznico ljudi, kar je posebna lastnost izbranih sevov, ki so bili izolirani iz nje.The present invention describes a process for selecting new bacterial strains presumably belonging to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium by culturing and purifying on UriSelect 4 agai. coli, Proteus, and Enterococcus, based on differences in bacterial β-galactosidase, tryptophan deaminase, and β-glucosidase activity. To date, UriSelect 4 has not been used to grow or purify bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Cultivation on UriSelect 4 allows the differentiation of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, which cannot be distinguished on conventional media for these groups of bacteria, such as Rogosa and TOS, on the basis of color and morphology (Example 1, Figure 1). Purification of putative Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains at UriSelect 4 was followed by testing for antibiotic susceptibility to these strains and their ability to survive in the gastrointestinal tract after oral ingestion and to populate human intestinal mucosa, a special feature of selected strains selected from .

Glavna prednost predloženega izuma je metoda za izbiro probiotičnih mikrobnih sevov, ki obsega naslednje korake: • pridobivanje človeške črevesne sluznice z biopsijo; • izolacijo morebitnih probiotičnih bakterijskih sevov; 7 • · • uporabo kromogenega gojišča UriSelect 4 za razlikovanje izolatov rodov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium; • selekcijo sevov, ki so vami za humano uporabo glede na občutljivost na protimikrobna zdravila, pomembna v medicini in veterini; • selekcijo sevov, ki so po zaužitju sposobni preživeti prehod skozi prebavila do črevesne sluznice in ki so prilagojeni na človeško črevesno sluznico in jo zaradi tega lahko naselijo. V skladu z izumom je prednostno črevesna sluznica človeškega izvora. Testni probiotični sevi so po metodi izuma lahko katerekoli probiotične bakterije, izbrane iz rodov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium. Ti probiotični sevi so prednostno pridobljeni iz bioptičnih vzorcev črevesne sluznice, še bolj prednostno iz humane. Nadaljnje podrobnosti postopka, vezane na izum, so navedene v nadaljevanju v "Primeru 1".The main advantage of the present invention is a method for selecting probiotic microbial strains, comprising the following steps: • obtaining a human intestinal mucosa by biopsy; • isolation of possible probiotic bacterial strains; 7 • · • use of the UriSelect 4 chromogenic medium to distinguish isolates of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium; • selection of strains that are important for human use in terms of antimicrobial susceptibility, important in medicine and veterinary medicine; • selection of strains which, after ingestion, are capable of surviving the passage through the gastrointestinal tract to the intestinal mucosa and which are adapted to the human intestinal mucosa and can therefore inhabit it. According to the invention, the intestinal mucosa is preferably of human origin. The test probiotic strains according to the method of the invention can be any probiotic bacteria selected from the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These probiotic strains are preferably obtained from biopsy samples of the intestinal mucosa, even more preferably from human. Further details of the process related to the invention are given below in " Example 1 ".

Kot je opisano v "Primera 4", je bila z E -testom (Bio - Merieux, Francija) ugotovljena občutljivost bakterijskih izolatov tega izuma za izbrane protimikrobne snovi, saj je občutljivost bakterijskih sevov za protimikrobne snovi, pomembne v medicini in veterini, pomembno merilo za izbor bakterij, namenjenih za uporabo pri ljudeh in živalih. Za oceno odpornosti proti antibiotikom, pomembnim v medicini in veterini (ampicilin, vankomicin, gentamicin, kanamicin, streptomicin, eritromicin, klindamicin, tetraciklin, kloramfenikol), so bila uporabljena merila EFSA (Evropska agencija za varnost hrane), posodobljena leta 2012 (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:2740).As described in " Example 4 ", the susceptibility of the bacterial isolates of this invention to selected antimicrobials was determined by E-test (Bio - Merieux, France), as the susceptibility of bacterial strains to antimicrobials important in medicine and veterinary medicine is important. criterion for the selection of bacteria intended for use in humans and animals. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) criteria, updated in 2012, were used to assess resistance to antibiotics important in medicine and veterinary medicine (ampicillin, vancomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol). EFSA Journal. 10: 2740).

Kot je opisano v "Primera 5" in prikazano na Slikah 8 in 9, je bila preskušena in vitro odpornost bakterijskih izolatov tega izuma v razmerah prebavil sesalcev (kislo okolje, žolčne soli in encimi trebušne slinovke). Preskusi so pokazali, da sevi predstavljenega izuma preživijo po 3 ure izpostavitve simuliranemu želodčnemu soku s pFl 2 ali več. Bakterije tega izuma preživijo 3 ure v suspenziji simuliranega črevesnega soka, ki ima pH 8 in vsebuje 0,15 % žolčnih soli, pri čemer so bile predhodno izpostavljene simuliranemu želodčnemu soku. Izraz "preživetje" pomeni, da vsaj 20 % bakterij, ki so bile prvotno resuspendirane v testnem gojišču, ugotovimo z metodo štetja mikroorganizmov na ploščah, ki je poznana strokovnjakom s tega področja, in so torej δ »» • · · · · · ··· * • ···· · · · · sposobne preživeti prehod skozi prebavni trakt (v nadaljevanju tudi "GIT"). To je v primeru peroralno zaužitih živih bakterij zaželeno, saj je predpogoj za kolonizacijo črevesja z bakterijami predstavljenega izuma, da preživijo prehod skozi požiralnik in želodec.As described in " Example 5 " and shown in Figures 8 and 9, the in vitro resistance of the bacterial isolates of this invention under mammalian gastrointestinal conditions (acidic environment, bile salts and pancreatic enzymes) was tested. Tests have shown that the strains of the present invention survive after 3 hours of exposure to simulated gastric juice with pFl 2 or more. The bacteria of the present invention spend 3 hours in a suspension of simulated intestinal juice having a pH of 8 and containing 0.15% bile salts, having previously been exposed to the simulated gastric juice. The term " survival " means that at least 20% of the bacteria originally resuspended in the test medium are determined by a plate counting method known to those skilled in the art and are therefore δ »» • · · · · ··· * • ···· · · · · able to survive the passage through the digestive tract (hereinafter also " GIT "). This is desirable in the case of orally ingested live bacteria, as a prerequisite for colonization of the intestine with the bacteria of the present invention is to survive the passage through the esophagus and stomach.

Sevi predstavljenega izuma so dobro prilagojeni na črevesno sluznico, glede na to da so bili izolirani iz tega mikrookolja. To jim omogoča, da se dlje obdržijo v črevesju in da stopajo v interakcije s črevesnim epitelijem in z gostiteljevimi imunskimi celicami. Tako lahko in situ neprekinjeno izkazujejo svoje probiotične učinke.The strains of the present invention are well adapted to the intestinal mucosa, given that they have been isolated from this microenvironment. This allows them to stay longer in the gut and to interact with the intestinal epithelium and the host’s immune cells. Thus, they can continuously demonstrate their probiotic effects in situ.

Razen tega, ta izum obravnava vsak bakterijski sev, izbran po metodi, ki je predmet izuma. Dva od teh novih bakterijskih sevov, ki kažejo številne lastnosti koristne za zdravje ljudi, zlasti v preprečevanju ali zdravljenju prebavnih in drugih bolezni, povezanih z imunskim sistemom, kot so vnetja, sta bila 24. oktobra 2013 deponirana v skladu z Budimpeškim sporazumom v zbirko mikroorganizmov Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikro-organismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Inhoffenstrahe 7 B,38124 Braunschweig, Nemčija. Ta bakterijska seva in njune značilnosti so:In addition, the present invention addresses any bacterial strain selected by the method of the invention. Two of these new bacterial strains, which show a number of properties beneficial to human health, in particular in the prevention or treatment of digestive and other immune-related diseases such as inflammation, were deposited on 24 October 2013 in the Microorganism Collection under the Budapest Agreement. Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikro-organisms und Zellkulturen GmbH, Inhoffenstrahe 7 B, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany. This bacterial strain and its characteristics are:

DSMZ 26139: Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, pridobljen z biopsijo sluznice debelega črevesa zdravega moškega, starega 14 let, izbran po predlaganem postopku in označen s profilom RAPD, prikazanim na Slikah 2 in 3 ter naslednjim genomskim zaporedjem (SEK ID N° 7, SEQ ID N° 8, SEQ ID N° 9, SEQ ID N° 10, SEQ ID N° 11, SEQ ID N° 12, SEQ ID N° 13, SEQ ID N° 14, SEQ ID N° 15, SEQ ID N° 16, SEQ ID N° 17, SEQ ID N° 18, SEQ ID N° 19, SEQ ID N° 20, SEQ ID N° 21, SEQ ID N° 22, SEQ ID N° 23, SEQ ID N° 24, SEQ ID N° 25, SEQ ID N° 26, SEQ ID N° 27, SEQ ID N° 28, SEQ ID N° 29, SEQ ID N° 30, SEQ ID N° 31, SEQ ID N° 32, SEQ ID N° 33, SEQ ID N° 34, SEQ ID N° 35, SEQ ID N° 36, SEQ ID N° 37, SEQ ID N° 38, SEQ ID N° 39, SEQ ID N° 40, SEQ ID N° 41, SEQ ID N° 42, SEQ ID N° 43, SEQ ID N° 44, SEQ ID N° 45, SEQ ID N° 46, SEQ ID N° 47, SEQ ID N° 48, SEQ ID N° 49, SEQ ID N° 50, SEQ ID N° 51, SEQ ID N° 52, SEQ ID N° 53, SEQ ID N° 54, SEQ ID N° 55, SEQ ID N° 56, SEQ ID N° 57, SEQ ID N° 58, SEQ ID N° 59, SEQ ID N° 60, SEQ ID N° 61, SEQ ID N° 62, SEQ ID N° 63, SEQ ID N° 64, SEQ ID N° 65, SEQ ID N° 66, SEQ ID N° 67, SEQ ID N° 68, SEQ ID N° 69, SEQ ID N° 70, SEQ ID N° 71, SEQ ID 9 Ν° 72, SEQ ID N° 73, SEQ ID N° 74, SEQ ID N° 75, SEQ ID N° 76, SEQ ID N° 77, SEQ ID N° 78) in lastnostmi, prikazanimi na Slikah 6 in 9 ter v Preglednicah 1 in 2. Poleg DSMZ 26139 so zaščiteni tudi njega analogi ali funkcionalno enakovredni sevi. DSMZ 26137 : Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. animalis IM386, pridobljen z biopsijo sluznice debelega črevesa zdravega moškega, starega 14 let, izbran po predlaganem postopku in označen s profilom RAPD, prikazanim na Slikah 4 in 5 ter naslednjim genomskim zaporedjem (SEQ ID N° 79, SEQ ID N° 80, SEQ ID N° 81, SEQ ID N° 82, SEQ ID N° 83, SEQ ID N° 84, SEQ ID N° 85, SEQ ID N° 86) in lastnostmi, prikazanimi na Slikah 7 in 8 ter v Preglednicah 1 in 3.DSMZ 26139: Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB obtained by biopsy of the colon mucosa of a healthy 14-year-old male, selected according to the proposed procedure and labeled with the RAPD profile shown in Figures 2 and 3 and the following genomic sequence (SEK ID N ° 7, SEQ ID N ° 8, SEQ ID N ° 9, SEQ ID N ° 10, SEQ ID N ° 11, SEQ ID N ° 12, SEQ ID N ° 13, SEQ ID N ° 14, SEQ ID N ° 15, SEQ ID N ° 16 , SEQ ID N ° 17, SEQ ID N ° 18, SEQ ID N ° 19, SEQ ID N ° 20, SEQ ID N ° 21, SEQ ID N ° 22, SEQ ID N ° 23, SEQ ID N ° 24, SEQ ID N ° 25, SEQ ID N ° 26, SEQ ID N ° 27, SEQ ID N ° 28, SEQ ID N ° 29, SEQ ID N ° 30, SEQ ID N ° 31, SEQ ID N ° 32, SEQ ID N ° 33, SEQ ID N ° 34, SEQ ID N ° 35, SEQ ID N ° 36, SEQ ID N ° 37, SEQ ID N ° 38, SEQ ID N ° 39, SEQ ID N ° 40, SEQ ID N ° 41 , SEQ ID N ° 42, SEQ ID N ° 43, SEQ ID N ° 44, SEQ ID N ° 45, SEQ ID N ° 46, SEQ ID N ° 47, SEQ ID N ° 48, SEQ ID N ° 49, SEQ ID N ° 50, SEQ ID N ° 51, SEQ ID N ° 52, SEQ ID N ° 53, SEQ ID N ° 54, SEQ ID N ° 55, SEQ ID N ° 56, SEQ ID N ° 57, SEQ ID N ° 58, SEQ ID NO: 59, SEQ ID NO: 6 0, SEQ ID N ° 61, SEQ ID N ° 62, SEQ ID N ° 63, SEQ ID N ° 64, SEQ ID N ° 65, SEQ ID N ° 66, SEQ ID N ° 67, SEQ ID N ° 68, SEQ ID N ° 69, SEQ ID N ° 70, SEQ ID N ° 71, SEQ ID N 72 72, SEQ ID N ° 73, SEQ ID N ° 74, SEQ ID N ° 75, SEQ ID N ° 76, SEQ ID N ° 77, SEQ ID N ° 78) and the properties shown in Figures 6 and 9 and in Tables 1 and 2. In addition to DSMZ 26139, analogues or functionally equivalent strains are also protected. DSMZ 26137: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. animalis IM386 obtained by biopsy of the colon mucosa of a healthy 14-year-old male, selected according to the proposed procedure and labeled with the RAPD profile shown in Figures 4 and 5 and the following genomic sequence (SEQ ID NO: 79, SEQ ID NO: 80, SEQ ID N ° 81, SEQ ID N ° 82, SEQ ID N ° 83, SEQ ID N ° 84, SEQ ID N ° 85, SEQ ID N ° 86) and the properties shown in Figures 7 and 8 and in Tables 1 and 3 .

Poleg DSMZ 26137 so zaščiteni tudi njega analogi ali funkcionalno enakovredni sevi. Razen tega smo s primerjavo genomskih zaporedij dveh bakterijskih sevov tega izuma z ostalimi bakterijskimi zaporedji za isto vrsto, shranjenimi v GenBank, ugotovili, daje z uporabo metod iz tega izuma mogoče izbrati nove specifične seve, kakor je opisano zgoraj.In addition to DSMZ 26137, its analogues or functionally equivalent strains are also protected. In addition, by comparing the genomic sequences of the two bacterial strains of the present invention with other bacterial sequences for the same species stored in GenBank, it was found that new specific strains can be selected using the methods of the present invention as described above.

Predloženi izum temelji na ugotavljanju zaporedja celotnega genoma Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, ki je bil shranjen pri ENA (Evropski arhiv nukleotidov) dne 30. oktobra 2013 pod zaporednimi št. CBUR010000001 do CBUR010000072. Predloženi izum temelji na ugotavljanju zaporedja celotnega genoma Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, kije bil shranjen pri ENA (Evropski arhiv nukleotidov) dne 24. oktobra 2013 pod zaporednimi št. CBUQ010000001 do CBUQ010000008.The present invention is based on the determination of the sequence of the entire genome of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, which was stored at ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) on 30 October 2013 under serial no. CBUR010000001 to CBUR010000072. The present invention is based on the determination of the sequence of the entire genome of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, which was stored at ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) on 24 October 2013 under serial no. CBUQ010000001 to CBUQ010000008.

Predmet predloženega izuma so nukleotidna zaporedja SEQ ID N°:7 to N°:78 genoma Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in nukleotidna zaporedja SEQ ID N°:79 to SEQ ID N°:86 genoma Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386.The subject of the present invention are the nucleotide sequences of SEQ ID N °: 7 to N °: 78 of the genome of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and the nucleotide sequences of SEQ ID N °: 79 to SEQ ID N °: 86 of the genome of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386.

Nukleotidna zaporedja SEQ ID N°:7 do N°:78 in SEQ ID N°:79 do SEQ ID N°:86 so bila pridobljena s sekvenciranjem genomov Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 s sistemoma Illumina in PacBio. Sestavljanje de novo odčitkov Illumina je bilo opravljeno z uporabo Velvet (Zerbino & Bimey, Genome Research 2008 (18): 821-829). Prečiščevanje sestavljenih zaporedij in sestavljanje genoma je bilo opravljeno s podatki PacBio.The nucleotide sequences SEQ ID NO: 7 to N °: 78 and SEQ ID NO: 79 to SEQ ID NO: 86 were obtained by sequencing the genomes of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 with Illumina and PacBio systems. Compilation of de novo Illumin readings was performed using Velvet (Zerbino & Bimey, Genome Research 2008 (18): 821-829). Purification of the assembled sequences and assembly of the genome was performed using PacBio data.

Pridobljeni podatki o zaporedjih omogočajo strokovnjakom dizajniranje in sintezo primernih začetnih oligonukleotidov za pomnoževanje želenih odsekov z reakcijo 10 pomnoževanja s polimerazo. Zato prijavljeni izum obsega tudi nukleotidna zaporedja, izbrana iz zaporedij SEQ ID N°:7 do N°:78 in SEQ ID N°:79 do SEQ ID N°:86, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti kot začetne oligonukleotide za pomnoževanje mukleotidnih zaporedij.The obtained sequence data allow the experts to design and synthesize suitable starting oligonucleotides for amplification of the desired sections by polymerase amplification reaction 10. Accordingly, the present invention also encompasses nucleotide sequences selected from SEQ ID NOs: 7 to N °: 78 and SEQ ID NOs: 79 to SEQ ID NOs: 86, which can be used as starting oligonucleotides to amplify mucleotide sequences.

Izum se nanaša na uporabo kateregakoli od teh dveh sevov ali obeh skupaj v proizvodnji probiotičnega ali farmacevtskega izdelka, predvsem pri preprečevanju in/ali zdravljenju funkcionalnih motenj prebavil in bolezni v območju spodnjega prebavnega trakta, kot so sindrom razdražljivega črevesja (IBS) in kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni (IBD) (Crohn-ova bolezen in ulcerozni kolitis). Farmacevtski izdelek se nanaša na spekter izdelkov od zdravil do medicinskih pripomočkov.The invention relates to the use of either of these two strains or both together in the manufacture of a probiotic or pharmaceutical product, in particular in the prevention and / or treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic inflammatory bowel syndrome. diseases (IBD) (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis). A pharmaceutical product refers to a range of products from medicines to medical devices.

Razen tega ta izum obravnava kombinacijo obeh sevov iz izuma. V tem pogledu se izum nanaša na biološko čiste kulture vsakega od sevov ali mešanico obeh. Tako je omenjeni vidik tega izuma proizvodnja različnih sestav, ki vsebujejo vsaj enega od sevov izuma, pri čemer je vsak od sevov zastopan v deležu 0.1% do 99.9%, prednostno od 1 % do 99%, še bolj prednostno od 10% do 90%. V prednostni izvedbi pripravek vsebuje vsaj enega od bakterijskih sevov izuma skupaj z drugim sevom, pri čemer je vsak od sevov zastopan v sestavi deležu 0.1% do 99.9%, prednostno od 1% do 99%, še bolj prednostno od 10% do 90%.In addition, the present invention contemplates a combination of both strains of the invention. In this regard, the invention relates to biologically pure cultures of each of the strains or a mixture of both. Thus, said aspect of the present invention is the production of various compositions comprising at least one of the strains of the invention, each of the strains being present in a proportion of 0.1% to 99.9%, preferably from 1% to 99%, even more preferably from 10% to 90% . In a preferred embodiment, the composition comprises at least one of the bacterial strains of the invention together with another strain, each of the strains present in the composition in a proportion of 0.1% to 99.9%, preferably from 1% to 99%, even more preferably from 10% to 90%.

Nadaljnji vidik predloženega izuma predstavljajo farmacevtske pripravke z najmanj enim sevom izuma, kulturo, sestavo ali izdelek v skladu z izumom in farmacevtsko sprejemljivimi ekscipienti. Te farmacevtske pripravke se lahko uporabi tudi kot nutracevtike, pri čemer so ekscipienti primerni za tak izdelek. Izraz nutracevtik se nanaša na izdelke, ki zajemajo od prehranskih dopolnil do funkcionalne hrane in živil za posebne zdravstvene namene.A further aspect of the present invention are pharmaceutical compositions comprising at least one strain of the invention, a culture, a composition or a product according to the invention and pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. These pharmaceutical preparations can also be used as nutraceuticals, the excipients being suitable for such a product. The term nutraceutical refers to products ranging from dietary supplements to functional foods and foods for special medical purposes.

Razen tega izum opisuje pripravek ali farmacevtski pripravek za uporabo kot probiotik. V prednostni izvedbi so sevi tega izuma vsebovani v pomožnem materijalu v količini od okrog 105 ke/g do okrog 1014 ke/g pomožnega materijala (ke pomeni kolonijske enote).In addition, the invention describes a preparation or pharmaceutical preparation for use as a probiotic. In a preferred embodiment, the strains of the present invention are contained in the auxiliary material in an amount of from about 105 ke / g to about 1014 ke / g of auxiliary material (ke means colony units).

Nadaljnji vidik predloženega izuma predstavlja pripravek ali farmacevtski pripravek za uporabo kot zdravilo. Zahtevani odmerek bakterijskih sevov izuma v pripravku ali farmacevtskem pripravku, opisanem zgoraj, se spreminja glede na naravo motnje ali 11A further aspect of the present invention is a composition or pharmaceutical composition for use as a medicament. The required dose of bacterial strains of the invention in the composition or pharmaceutical composition described above varies according to the nature of the disorder or

predlagane uporabe sestave, ki se uporabi bodisi za preprečevanje bodisi za zdravljenje. S pripravo farmacevtskega pripravka v skladu z izumom se v primeren nosilec vključi najmanj enega od sevov, v količini od 105 ke/g do okrog 1014 ke/g pomožnega materij ala.proposed uses of a composition to be used for either prevention or treatment. By preparing a pharmaceutical composition according to the invention, at least one of the strains is included in a suitable carrier in an amount of from 105 ke / g to about 1014 ke / g of excipient.

Vendar je aktivnost novih mikroorganizmov pri posamezniku seveda odvisna od odmerka. To pomeni, da višje kot je število novih mikroorganizmov, ki so vnešeni z zaužitjem ali vnosom zgoraj opisanega farmacevtskega pripravka ali živila, višja je zaščitna in/ali terapevtska aktivnost mikroorganizmov. Ker so mikroorganizmi tega izuma izolirani iz bioptičnih vzorcev zdrave črevesne sluznice otroka, in ker pripradajo vrsti, ki je vključena v seznam domnevno varnih bioloških sredstev (qualified presumption of safety, QPS) za hrano in krmo, se smatra, da niti v največjih količinah ne morejo biti škodljivi za gostitelja. Zato se sme v farmacevtski pripravek ali v živilski izdelek vključiti veliko količino bakterij.However, the activity of new microorganisms in an individual is, of course, dose-dependent. This means that the higher the number of new microorganisms introduced by ingestion or administration of the pharmaceutical preparation or food described above, the higher the protective and / or therapeutic activity of the microorganisms. Because the microorganisms of the present invention are isolated from biopsy specimens of the healthy intestinal mucosa of the child, and because they belong to a species included in the list of presumed safe presumption of safety (QPS) for food and feed, it is considered that even in the largest quantities they can be harmful to the host. Therefore, a large amount of bacteria may be included in a pharmaceutical preparation or in a food product.

Prednostno naj bi sevi izuma, pripravka z njimi ali farmacevtskega pripravka dosegli površine sluznic. Zato so namenjeni za peroralno uživanje.Preferably, the strains of the invention, the composition thereof or the pharmaceutical composition should reach the mucosal surfaces. Therefore, they are intended for oral consumption.

Prednostno so sevi izuma, sestave z njimi ali farmacevtske sestave primerni za zdravljenje ali preprečevanje gastrointestinalnih motenj in bolezni v spodnjem predelu prebavil, kakor so vnetne bolezni prebavil. Razen tega se lahko uporabijo v povezavi z ostalimi postopki zdravljenja, tako da izboljšajo ali podpirajo njihovo učinkovitost.Preferably, the strains of the invention, compositions thereof or pharmaceutical compositions are suitable for the treatment or prevention of gastrointestinal disorders and diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract, such as inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they can be used in conjunction with other treatments to improve or support their effectiveness.

Nadaljnja izvedba izuma je uporaba sevov izuma, pripravkov z njimi ali farmacevtskih pripravkov za preprečevanje in zdravljenje kroničnih vnetnih bolezni, kot so, ne pa zgolj teh, kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni (IBD), sindrom razdražljivega črevesa (IBS), zaradi sposobnosti probiotičnih sevov, da zmanjšajo proizvodnjo vnetnih citokinov v aktiviranih makrofagih (celični model THP-1).A further embodiment of the invention is the use of the strains of the invention, preparations thereof or pharmaceutical compositions for the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as, but not limited to, chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), due to the ability of probiotic strains. to reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines in activated macrophages (cell model THP-1).

Pomemben vidik tega izuma je zato metoda za preprečevanje ali zdravljenje bolezni, razmer ali motenj pri sesalcih, vključno z izpostavljanjem sesalca, delov sesalca, ali tkiva sesalca sevu Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, DSMZ depozit št. 26139 ali njegovi varianti, analogu ali funkcionalnemu ekvivalentu. Nadalje, isto velja tudi za Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 strain, DSMZ depozit št. 26137 ali njegove variante, analoge ali funkcionalne ekvivalente. 12An important aspect of the present invention is therefore a method for preventing or treating a disease, condition or disorder in a mammal, including exposing a mammal, mammalian parts, or mammalian tissue to a strain of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, DSMZ deposit no. 26139 or a variant, analogue or functional equivalent thereof. Furthermore, the same is true for Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 strain, DSMZ deposit no. 26137 or variants, analogues or functional equivalents thereof. 12

Nadaljnje podrobnosti protivnetne aktivnosti bakterijskih sevov tega izuma, ugotovljene in vitro na celičnem modelu THP-1, so opisane spodaj v “Primeru 6”.Further details of the anti-inflammatory activity of the bacterial strains of the present invention found in vitro on a THP-1 cell model are described below in “Example 6”.

Razen že zgoraj opisanih lastnosti smo preskušali tudi fermentacij ske sposobnosti sevov tega izuma, ker te lahko izboljšajo njihovo naselitev v črevesni sluznici. Metabolizem ogljikovih hidratov je podrobno opisan v “Primeru 3”.In addition to the properties described above, the fermentation capacity of the strains of the present invention has also been tested because they can improve their settlement in the intestinal mucosa. Carbohydrate metabolism is described in detail in “Example 3”.

Nadaljnja izvedba izuma je užiten izdelek, sestavljen iz učinkovite količine sevov, ki pripadajo Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, njegovim analogom ali funkcionalnim ekvivalentom in/ali Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, njegovim analogom ali funkcionalnim ekvivalentom ali njihovim pripravkom ali farmacevtskim pripravkom, skupaj s primernimi količinami užitnih sestavin.A further embodiment of the invention is an edible product consisting of an effective amount of a strain belonging to Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, its analogues or functional equivalent and / or Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, its analogue or functional equivalent or a preparation or pharmaceutical preparation thereof, together with appropriate amounts of edible ingredients.

Nadaljnji vidik izuma je, daje užitni izdelek nutracevtik.A further aspect of the invention is that the edible product is nutraceutical.

Primeri, ki sledijo, ilustrirajo izum. PRIMER 1 - Osamitev laktobacilov in bifidobakterij iz črevesne sluzniceThe following examples illustrate the invention. EXAMPLE 1 - Isolation of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria from the intestinal mucosa

Prvotna osamitev je bila izvedena iz zamrznjenega (pri -80 °C) bioptičnega vzorca črevesne sluznice debelega črevesa 14-letnega moškega osebka, pridobljenega z endoskopijo. Za namene osamitve bakterij je bilo tkivo homogenizirano v 1200 pL anaerobnega razredčila z naslednjo sestavo: 1 g peptona/L; 2 g prašičje želatine/L; 8,5 g NaCl/L in 0,557 g cistein hidroklorid monohidrata/L. Suspenzija (100 pL) je bila nacepljena na agar Rogosa (Merck) z 0,05 % cisteina (Merck) in na agar TOS (Yakult) z mupirocinom (50 mg/L) (Applichem). Plošče so bile inkubirane anaerobno, z uporabo anaerobnih posod in sistema GENbox (Bio-Merieux, Francija) za 72 ur pri 37 °C. Domnevni izolati Lactobacillus so bili nagojeni iz naključno izbranih kolonij z gojišču Rogosa, na agaiju MRS z 0,05 % cistein hidroklorida. Domnevni izolati Bifidobacterium so bili nagojeni iz naključno izbranih kolonij, zraslih na gojišču TOS. Posamezne kolonije so bile nadalje prečiščene z večkratnim zaporednim kultiviranjem na UriSelect 4 kromogeno gojišče (Bio-Rad, Francija). V tem izumu je bil agar UriSelect 4 uporabljen za medsebojno razlikovanje izolatov laktobacilov ali bifidobakterij na podlagi barve kolonij, zraslih na tem gojišču. Barva kolonij je odvisna 13 od posedovanja različnih encimov, ki razgrajujejo kromogene substrate v gojišču. Po Gramu pozitivni izolati z morfološkimi značilnostmi, tipičnimi za laktobacile ali bifidobakterije, so bili shranjeni v bujonu MRS z dodatkom 0,05 % cistein-hidroklorida in 30 % glicerola pri -80 °C za nadaljnjo karakterizacijo.The initial isolation was performed from a frozen (at -80 ° C) biopsy sample of the intestinal mucosa of the colon of a 14-year-old male specimen obtained by endoscopy. For bacterial isolation purposes, the tissue was homogenized in 1200 pL of anaerobic diluent with the following composition: 1 g peptone / L; 2 g pig gelatin / L; 8.5 g NaCl / L and 0.557 g cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate / L. The suspension (100 μL) was inoculated onto Rogosa agar (Merck) with 0.05% cysteine (Merck) and on TOS agar (Yakult) with mupirocin (50 mg / L) (Applichem). The plates were incubated anaerobically, using anaerobic vessels and the GENbox system (Bio-Merieux, France) for 72 hours at 37 ° C. The putative Lactobacillus isolates were grown from randomly selected colonies with Rogos medium, on agai MRS with 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride. The putative Bifidobacterium isolates were grown from randomly selected colonies grown on TOS medium. Individual colonies were further purified by repeated sequential culture on UriSelect 4 chromogenic medium (Bio-Rad, France). In the present invention, UriSelect 4 agar was used to differentiate isolates of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria based on the color of the colonies grown on this medium. The color of the colonies depends 13 on the possession of various enzymes that degrade chromogenic substrates in the medium. Gram-positive isolates with morphological characteristics typical of lactobacilli or bifidobacteria were stored in MRS broth with the addition of 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride and 30% glycerol at -80 ° C for further characterization.

Slika 1: Primer uporabe kromogenega gojišča UriSelect 4 za razlikovanje med sevi.Figure 1: Example of using the UriSelect 4 chromogenic medium to differentiate between strains.

Slika prikazuje primer uporabe kromogenega gojišča UriSelect 4 za razlikovanje kolonij, izoliranih iz človeške črevesne sluznice, med prečiščevanjem sevov. A: Sev Lactobacillus fermentum (L930BB) je viden kot kolonije v obliki večjih krogov in sev Lactobacillus rhamnosus kot kolonije v obliki manjših krogov. B: Sev Lactobacillus fermentum (L930BB) je viden kot kolonije v obliki večjih krogov in Bifidobacterium animalis (IM386) kot kolonije v obliki manjših krogov. PRIMER 2 - Genski prstni odtis (RAPD - PCR) in identifikacija vrst (16S rDNA sekvenciranje)The figure shows an example of the use of the UriSelect 4 chromogenic medium to distinguish colonies isolated from human intestinal mucosa during purification of strains. A: The Lactobacillus fermentum strain (L930BB) is seen as colonies in the form of larger circles and the Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain as colonies in the form of smaller circles. B: The Lactobacillus fermentum (L930BB) strain is seen as colonies in the form of larger circles and Bifidobacterium animalis (IM386) as colonies in the form of smaller circles. EXAMPLE 2 - Gene fingerprint (RAPD - PCR) and species identification (16S rDNA sequencing)


Za medsebojno razlikovanje posameznih izolatov je bila uporabljena analiza z naključnim pomnoževanjem polimorfne DNA, RAPD - PCR (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA). Genomska DNA je bila pripravljena s toplotno obdelavo kolonij čiste kulture pri 99 °C za 15 minut v 10 pL pufra Go - Taq Flexi (Promega, Madison, WI, ZDA). Za RAPD - PCR so bili uporabljeni začetni oligonukleotidi 1254 (SEQ ID N°: 1) in KGT80 (SEQ ID N°: 2). PCR pomnoževanje z začetnim oligonukleotidom KGT80 je bilo izvedeno pod naslednjimi pogoji: 1 cikel pri 95 °C / 3 min, 35 ciklov pri 95 °C / 3 min, 37 °C / 2 min, 72 °C / 2 min; 1 cikel pri 72 °C / 5 min. Pomnoževanja z začetnim oligonukleotidom 1254 je bilo izvedeno, kot je opisano v literaturi (Hilton A. C. et al. 1996. Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 81: 575-584). Pomnožki PCR so bili analizirani z elektroforezo v 2 % agaroznem gelu v 5 X pufru TAE, ki je potekala 3,5 h na 70 V. DNA molekulska velikostna označevala (500 bp in 1000 bp molekulske lestvice Fermentas) smo uporabili kot velikostni standard. Po elektroforezi so bili agarozni geli obarvani s SYBR-safe ter pregledani pod UV transilluminatorjem (Syngene, Cambridge, Velika Britanija).Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to differentiate individual isolates. Genomic DNA was prepared by heat treatment of pure culture colonies at 99 ° C for 15 minutes in 10 pL of Go - Taq Flexi buffer (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). Initial oligonucleotides 1254 (SEQ ID NO: 1) and KGT80 (SEQ ID NO: 2) were used for RAPD - PCR. PCR amplification with the initial oligonucleotide KGT80 was performed under the following conditions: 1 cycle at 95 ° C / 3 min, 35 cycles at 95 ° C / 3 min, 37 ° C / 2 min, 72 ° C / 2 min; 1 cycle at 72 ° C / 5 min. Amplification with the initial oligonucleotide 1254 was performed as described in the literature (Hilton A. C. et al. 1996. Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 81: 575-584). PCR samples were analyzed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis in 5 X TAE buffer for 3.5 h at 70 V. DNA molecular size markers (500 bp and 1000 bp Fermentas molecular scales) were used as a size standard. After electrophoresis, agarose gels were stained with SYBR-safe and examined under a UV transilluminator (Syngene, Cambridge, UK).

Slika 2: RAPD - PCR vzorci bakterijskih izolatov Lactobacillus iz bioptičnih vzorcev črevesne sluznice, pridobljeni z začetnim oligonukleotidom 1254.Figure 2: RAPD - PCR samples of Lactobacillus bacterial isolates from intestinal mucosal biopsy samples obtained with the initial oligonucleotide 1254.

Ta slika predstavlja primer analize RAPD - PCR bakterijskih izolatov iz črevesne sluznice z začetnim oligonukleotidom 1254, pri čemer so bili produkti pomnoževanja ločeni z elektroforezo v agaroznem gelu. Proga L vsebuje DNA velikostni označevalec, ostale proge pa vsebujejo DNA pomnožke različnih bakterijskih izolatov. Proga 61 odgovarja sevu L930BB tega izuma. Vzorec RAPD proge 61 je opaziti tudi v nekaterih drugih progah, kar kaže, da ti izolati pripadajo istemu sevu.This figure is an example of the analysis of RAPD - PCR of bacterial isolates from the intestinal mucosa with the initial oligonucleotide 1254, where the amplification products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The L band contains a DNA size marker, and the other bands contain DNA amplifiers of various bacterial isolates. Lane 61 corresponds to strain L930BB of the present invention. A pattern of RAPD line 61 is also observed in some other lines, indicating that these isolates belong to the same strain.

Slika 3: RAPD - PCR vzorci bakterijskih izolatov Lactobacillus iz bioptičnih vzorcev črevesne sluznice, pridobljeni z začetnim oligonukleotidom KGT-80.Figure 3: RAPD - PCR samples of Lactobacillus bacterial isolates from intestinal mucosal biopsy samples obtained with the initial oligonucleotide KGT-80.

Ta slika predstavlja primer analize RAPD - PCR bakterijskih izolatov iz črevesne sluznice z začetnim oligonukleotidom KGT-80, pri čemer so bili produkti pomnoževanja ločeni z elektroforezo v agaroznem gelu. Proga L vsebuje DNA velikostni označevalec, ostale proge pa vsebujejo DNA pomnožke različnih bakterijskih izolatov. Proga 61 odgovarja sevu L930BB tega izuma. Vzorec RAPD proge 61 je opaziti tudi v nekaterih drugih progah, kar kaže, da ti izolati pripadajo istemu sevu.This figure represents an example of the analysis of RAPD - PCR of bacterial isolates from the intestinal mucosa with the initial oligonucleotide KGT-80, where the amplification products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The L band contains a DNA size marker, and the other bands contain DNA amplifiers of various bacterial isolates. Lane 61 corresponds to strain L930BB of the present invention. A pattern of RAPD line 61 is also observed in some other lines, indicating that these isolates belong to the same strain.

Slika 4: RAPD - PCR vzorci bakterijskih izolatov Bifidobacterium iz bioptičnih vzorcev črevesne sluznice, pridobljeni z začetnim oligonukleotidom 1254.Figure 4: RAPD - PCR samples of Bifidobacterium bacterial isolates from biopsy samples of intestinal mucosa obtained with the initial oligonucleotide 1254.

Ta slika predstavlja primer analize RAPD - PCR bakterijskih izolatov iz črevesne sluznice z začetnim oligonukleotidom 1254, pri čemer so bili produkti pomnoževanja ločeni z elektroforezo v agaroznem gelu. Proga L vsebuje DNA velikostni označevalec, ostale proge pa vsebujejo DNA pomnožke različnih bakterijskih izolatov. Proga 85 odgovarja sevu IM386 tega izuma.This figure is an example of the analysis of RAPD - PCR of bacterial isolates from the intestinal mucosa with the initial oligonucleotide 1254, where the amplification products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The L band contains a DNA size marker, and the other bands contain DNA amplifiers of various bacterial isolates. Lane 85 corresponds to strain IM386 of the present invention.

Slika 5: RAPD - PCR vzorci bakterijskih izolatov Bifidobacterium iz bioptičnih vzorcev črevesne sluznice, pridobljeni z začetnim oligonukleotidom KGT-80. 15 • ·Figure 5: RAPD - PCR samples of bacterial isolates of Bifidobacterium from biopsy samples of intestinal mucosa obtained with the initial oligonucleotide KGT-80. 15 • ·

Ta slika predstavlja primer analize RAPD - PCR bakterijskih izolatov iz črevesne sluznice z začetnim oligonukleotidom KGT-80, pri čemer so bili produkti pomnoževanja ločeni z elektroforezo v agaroznem gelu. Proga L vsebuje DNA velikostni označevalec, ostale proge pa vsebujejo DNA pomnožke različnih bakterijskih izolatov. Proga 85 odgovarja sevu IM386 tega izuma.This figure represents an example of the analysis of RAPD - PCR of bacterial isolates from the intestinal mucosa with the initial oligonucleotide KGT-80, where the amplification products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The L band contains a DNA size marker, and the other bands contain DNA amplifiers of various bacterial isolates. Lane 85 corresponds to strain IM386 of the present invention.

Identifikacija vrste (16S rDNA sekvenciranje)Species identification (16S rDNA sequencing)

Izolati, domnevni predstavniki Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium, so bili identificirani do vrste z delnim sekvenciranjem gena za 16S rRNA. Skupna genomske DNA je bila ekstrahirana iz 1 mL vzorcev prekonočne kulture, zrasle v bujonu MRS z 0,05 % cistein hidroklorida, pri 37 °C v anaerobnih pogojih, s pomočjo Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), v skladu z navodili proizvajalca. Pred ekstrakcijo DNA smo celice obdelali z lizocimom (5 mg/mL) in mutanolizinom (25U/mL) v pufru TE. 16S rDNA je bila pomnožena z uporabo začetnih oligonukleotidov 27F (SEQ ID N°: 3) in 1495r (SEQ ID N°: 4) v 100 mL reakcijske zmesi, kot je bilo opisano (Yu, J. et al. 2011. Journal of Dairy Science. 94:3229-3241). Pomnožena DNA je bila očiščena z Wizard SV Gel in PCR Clean - Up sistem v skladu z navodili proizvajalca (Promega Madison, WI, ZDA). Pomnožki PCR so bili preverjeni z elektroforezo na 1 % agaroznem gelu, ki ji je sledilo barvanje s SYBR -Safe in pregledovanje pod UV transilluminatoijem (Syngene, Cambridge, Združeno kraljestvo). Sekvenciranje DNA je bilo opravljeno v Microsynth (Balgach, Švica). Za primerjavo nukleotidnih zaporedij z zaporedji v Genbank sekvenc, je bilo uporabljeno orodje NCBI BLAST 2.2.28 ( Zhang, Z. et al. 2000. Journal of Computational Biology. 7:203-14).Isolates, putative representatives of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, have been identified to a species with partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Total genomic DNA was extracted from 1 mL overnight culture samples grown in 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride MRS broth at 37 ° C under anaerobic conditions using the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Prior to DNA extraction, cells were treated with lysozyme (5 mg / mL) and mutanolysin (25U / mL) in TE buffer. 16S rDNA was amplified using the initial oligonucleotides 27F (SEQ ID NO: 3) and 1495r (SEQ ID NO: 4) in 100 mL of the reaction mixture as described (Yu, J. et al. 2011. Journal of Dairy Science 94: 3229-3241). The amplified DNA was purified by Wizard SV Gel and PCR Clean - Up system according to the manufacturer's instructions (Promega Madison, WI, USA). PCR samples were verified by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis followed by SYBR -Safe staining and UV transilluminatoi examination (Syngene, Cambridge, UK). DNA sequencing was performed in Microsynth (Balgach, Switzerland). To compare nucleotide sequences with sequences in Genbank sequences, the NCBI BLAST 2.2.28 tool ( was used: Zhang, Z. et al. 2000. Journal of Computational Biology 7: 203-14).

Rezultat sekvenciranja pomnožkov PCR, pridobljenih s PCR pomnoževanjem gena za 16S rRNA seva L930BB z začetnima oligonukleotidoma 27F in 1495r ( SEQ ID N°: 5):Result of PCR amplification results obtained by PCR gene amplification for 16S rRNA of strain L930BB with initial oligonucleotides 27F and 1495r (SEQ ID NO: 5):


























Molekulama identifikacija bakterijskega izolata L930BB na podlagi 16S rRNA genskega zaporedja je pokazala naj večjo homologijo (99 % ujemanje, 0 % vrzeli) s sevi, ki pripadajo vrsti Lactobacillus fermentum, vključno s tipskim sevom ATCC 14931.Molecular identification of the bacterial isolate L930BB based on 16S rRNA gene sequence showed the highest homology (99% match, 0% gap) with strains belonging to the species Lactobacillus fermentum, including type strain ATCC 14931.

Rezultat sekvenciranja pomnožkov PCR, pridobljenih s PCR pomnoževanjem gena za 16S rRNA seva IM386 z začetnima oligonukleotidoma 27F in 1495r (SEQ ID N°: 6): 17Sequence of PCR amplification results obtained by PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA gene of the IM386 strain with the initial oligonucleotides 27F and 1495r (SEQ ID NO: 6): 17





























Molekulama identifikacija bakterijskega izolata IM386 na podlagi 16S rRNA genskega zaporedja je pokazala največjo homologijo (100 % ujemanje, 0 % vrzeli) s sevi, ki pripadajo podvrsti Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis, vključno s tipskim sevom ATCC 25527.Molecular identification of the bacterial isolate IM386 based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed the highest homology (100% match, 0% gap) with strains belonging to the subspecies Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis, including type strain ATCC 25527.

Sekvenciranje genomov izolatov L930BB in IM386Sequencing of genomes of L930BB and IM386 isolates

Za ugotavljanje genomskega nukleotidnega zaporedja izolatov L930BB in IM386 je bila genomska DNA ekstrahirana iz 1 mL vzorcev prekonočne kulture, zrasle v bujonu MRS z 0,05 % cistein hidroklorida pri 37 °C v anaerobnih pogojih, s pomočjo DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, ZDA) v skladu z navodili proizvajalca. Pred ekstrakcijo DNA smo celice obdelali z lizocimom (5 mg/mL) in mutanolizinom (25U/mL) v pufru TE. Nukleotidno zaporedje genomske DNA je bilo pridobljeno z Illumina MySeq, na način »paired end« (analize opravili Fundacion Parque Cientifico de Madrid, Madrid, Španija), ter s PacBio RS (analize opravili Expression Analyses - A Quintiles Company, Durham, NC 2771, ZDA). Zaporedja so bila sestavljena s pomočjo Velvet (Zerbino, D.R. et al. 2008. Genome Research. 18:821-829; performed by Era7, Granada, Spain). Kontigi (72) seva L930BB se nahajajo v priloženem seznamu nukleotidnih zaporedij, ki je bil oddan skupaj s patentno prijavo pod zaporednimi številkami SEQ ID N° 7 - SEQ ID N° 78. Kontigi (8) seva IM386 se nahajajo v priloženem seznamu nukleotidnih zaporedij, ki je bil oddan skupaj s patentno prijavo pod zaporednimi številkami SEQ ID N° 79 - SEQ ID N° 86. PRIMER 3 - Morfologija in fermentacijska sposobnostTo determine the genomic nucleotide sequence of L930BB and IM386 isolates, genomic DNA was extracted from 1 mL of overnight culture samples grown in MRS broth with 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride at 37 ° C under anaerobic conditions using the DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Prior to DNA extraction, cells were treated with lysozyme (5 mg / mL) and mutanolysin (25U / mL) in TE buffer. The nucleotide sequence of genomic DNA was obtained by Illumina MySeq, in a "paired end" manner (analyzes performed by the Fundacion Parque Cientifico de Madrid, Madrid, Spain), and by PacBio RS (analyzes performed by Expression Analyzes - A Quintiles Company, Durham, NC 2771, USA). Sequences were compiled using Velvet (Zerbino, D.R. et al. 2008. Genome Research. 18: 821-829; performed by Era7, Granada, Spain). The contigs (72) of the L930BB strain are contained in the attached nucleotide sequence list, which was filed together with the patent application under serial numbers SEQ ID NO: 7 - SEQ ID NO: 78. The contigs (8) of the IM386 strain are in the attached nucleotide sequence list. , filed together with the patent application under serial numbers SEQ ID NO: 79 - SEQ ID NO: 86. EXAMPLE 3 - Morphology and fermentation capacity

Morfologija kolonij in celicMorphology of colonies and cells

Morfološke značilnosti kolonij in bakterijskih celic Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB so bile opisane po rasti čiste kulture za 48 ur na agarju MRS z 0,05 % cistein hidroklorida pri 37 °C v anaerobnih pogojih. Kolonije so bele, nesvetleče, z zamegljenimi robovi. Barvanje po Gramu je pokazalo, da so po Gramu pozitivne, dolge paličaste bakterije (Slika 6). 19Morphological characteristics of colonies and bacterial cells of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB were described after growth of pure culture for 48 hours on MRS agar with 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride at 37 ° C under anaerobic conditions. The colonies are white, dull, with blurred edges. Gram staining showed Gram-positive, long rod-shaped bacteria (Fig. 6). 19

Morfološke značilnosti kolonij in bakterijskih celic Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 so bile opisane po rasti čiste kulture za 48 ur na agarju MRS z 0,05 % cistein hidroklorida pri 37 °C v anaerobnih pogojih. Kolonije so bele, svetleče, z ostrimi robovi. Barvanje po Gramu je pokazalo, da so po Gramu pozitivne paličaste bakterije, pogosto organizirane v parih ali v obliki črke V (Slika 7).Morphological characteristics of colonies and bacterial cells of Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 were described after growth of pure culture for 48 hours on MRS agar with 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride at 37 ° C under anaerobic conditions. The colonies are white, shiny, with sharp edges. Gram staining showed Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria, often organized in pairs or in a V-shape (Figure 7).

Slika 6: Mikroskopska slika Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB po barvanju po Gramu (1000x povečava). Ta slika prikazuje mikromorfološke značilnosti bakterijskih celic Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB tega izuma, vidne ob mikroskopskem pregledu po Gramu obarvanih čistih kultur. Bakterije tega seva so po Gramu pozitivne paličaste bakterije, ki se pojavljajo kot posamezne celice ali organizirane v kratkih verižicah.Figure 6: Microscopic image of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB after Gram staining (1000x magnification). This figure shows the micromorphological characteristics of the bacterial cells of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB of the present invention, visible on microscopic examination of Gram-stained pure cultures. Bacteria of this strain are Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria that appear as single cells or organized in short chains.

Slika 7: Mikroskopska slika Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 po barvanju po Gramu (1000x povečava). Ta slika predstavlja mikromorfološke lastnosti bakterijskih celic Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 tega izuma, vidne ob mikroskopskem pregledu po Gramu obarvanih čistih kultur. Bakterije tega seva so po Gramu pozitivne paličice, ki so najbolj pogosto organizirane v parih oblike črke V.Figure 7: Microscopic image of Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 by Gram stain (1000x magnification). This picture represents the micromorphological properties of the bacterial cells of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 of the present invention, visible on microscopic examination of Gram-stained pure cultures. Bacteria of this strain are Gram-positive rods, which are most often organized in V-shaped pairs.

Metabolizem ogljikovih hidratov (API)Carbohydrate Metabolism (API)

Analiza metabolizma ogljikovih hidratov je bila opravljena s pomočjo standardiziranega sistema API 50 CH (Biomerieux, Francija), ki ga sestavlja 50 celic, ki vsebujejo različne substrate iz družine ogljikovih hidratov in njihove derivate (heterozidi, polialkoholi, uranske kisline). Substrate, ki so v liofilizirani obliki, se rehidrira z gojiščem API 50 CHL ter inokulira s testnimi bakterijskimi sevi. Med inkubacijo zaznamo spremembo barve indikatorskega barvila v celici, ki je posledica anaerobne proizvodnje kisline in znižanja vrednosti pH. Prva celica, ki ne vsebuje substrata, služi kot negativna kontrola.Analysis of carbohydrate metabolism was performed using a standardized API 50 CH system (Biomerieux, France) consisting of 50 cells containing various substrates from the carbohydrate family and their derivatives (heterosides, polyalcohols, uranium acids). Substrates in lyophilized form were rehydrated with API 50 CHL medium and inoculated with test bacterial strains. During incubation, a change in the color of the indicator dye in the cell is detected as a result of anaerobic acid production and a decrease in pH. The first cell, which does not contain substrate, serves as a negative control.

Sevi so zrasli v gojišču, prilagojenem za njihovo rast (laktobacili-MRS, bifidobakterije-MRS z 0,05 % cisteina w / v). Kolonije so bile prenešene s pomočjo vatirane paličice v gojišče API 50 CHL. Rezultate smo odčitali po določenem inkubacijskem času (24h, 48h), odvisno od vrste reakcije. Rezultati so predstavljeni v Preglednici 1. • · • · · ·The strains were grown in a medium adapted for their growth (lactobacilli-MRS, bifidobacteria-MRS with 0.05% cysteine w / v). Colonies were transferred using a cotton swab to API 50 CHL medium. The results were read after a certain incubation time (24h, 48h), depending on the type of reaction. The results are presented in Table 1. • · • · · ·

Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB je sposoben fermentirati naslednje substrate: L-arabinoza, D-riboza, D-galaktoza, D-fruktoza, D-manitol, N-acetilglucozamin, eskulin, salicin, D-maltoza, D-laktoza, D-melibioza, D-saharoza, D-trehaloza in D-rafinoza.Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB is able to ferment the following substrates: L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-galactose, D-fructose, D-mannitol, N-acetylglucosamine, esculin, salicin, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-melibiose, D -sucrose, D-trehalose and D-raffinose.

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 je sposoben fermentirati naslednje substrate: D-riboza, D-galaktoza, D-glukoza, D-fruktoza, D-manoza, D-manitol, N-acetilglucozamin, amigdalin, arbutin, eskulin, salicin, D-celiobioza, D-maltoza, D-laktoza, D-trehaloza, D-melezitoza, gentiobioza in D-tagatoza.Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 is able to ferment the following substrates: D-ribose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-fructose, D-mannose, D-mannitol, N-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin, salicin, D-celiobiose, D- maltose, D-lactose, D-trehalose, D-melesitosis, gentiobiose and D-tagatose.

Sposobnost bakterijskih sevov iz predloženega izuma, da fermentirajo različne ogljikove hidrate, omogoča, da jih lahko probiotična seva v črevesju uporabita kot vir ogljika in je posledično učinkovitost njune kolonizacije boljša.The ability of the bacterial strains of the present invention to ferment various carbohydrates allows them to be used by the probiotic strain in the gut as a carbon source and consequently the efficiency of their colonization is better.

Preglednica 1: Fermentacijska vzorca sevov iz izuma. Substrati, ki sta jih testna seva fermentirala, so označeni s +; - negativni, ? dvomljiv rezultat.Table 1: Fermentation samples of the strains of the invention. Substrates fermented by the test strain are denoted by +; - negative,? questionable result.

Celica Test Substrat Količina (mg/celico) Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 0 CONTROL - - - 1 GLY glicerol 1,64 - - 2 ERY eritritol 1,44 - - 3 DARA D-arabinoza 1,4 - - 4 LARA L- arabinoza 1,4 + - 5 RIB D-riboza 1,4 + + 6 DXYL D-ksiloza 1,4 - - 7 LXYL L-ksiloza 1,4 - - 8 ADO D-adonitol 1,36 - - 9 MDX metil-PD- ksilopiranozid 1,28 - - 10 GAL D-galaktoza 1,4 + + 11 GLU D-glukoza 1,56 + + 21 • · FRU D-fruktoza 1,4 + + MNE D-manoza 1,4 ? + SBE L-sorboza 1,4 - - RHA L-ramnoza 1,36 - - DUL dulcitol 1,36 - - INO inozitol 1,4 - - MAN D-manitol 1,36 + + SOR D-sorbitol 1,36 ? - MDM methil-aD- 1,28 - - manopiranozid MDG methyl-aD- 1,28 - - glukopiranozid NAG N-acetilglukozamin 1,28 + + ΑΜΥ amigdalin 1,08 - + ARB arbutin 1,08 ? + ESC eskulin železov citrat 1,16 + + SAL salicin 1,04 + + CEL D-celiobioza 1,32 - + MAL D-maltoza 1,4 + + LAC D-laktoza (goveji 1,4 + + izvor) MEL D-melibioza 1,32 + - SAC D-saharoza 1,32 + - TRE D-trehaloza 1,32 + + INU inulin 1,28 - - MLZ D-melezitoza 1,32 - + RAF D-rafinoza 1,56 + - AMD Amidon (škrob) 1,28 - - GLYG glikogen 1,28 - - XLT ksilitol 1,4 - - GEN gentiobioza 0,5 - + TUR D-turanoza 1,32 - - 41 LYX D-liksoza 1,4 - - 42 TAG D-tagatoza 1,4 - + 43 DFUC D-fukoza 1,28 - - 44 LFUC L-fukoza 1,28 - - 45 DARL D-arabitol 1,4 - - 46 LARL L-arabitol 1,4 - - 47 GNT Na glukonat 1,84 ? ? 48 2KG Na 2-Ketoglukonat 2,12 - - 49 5 KG Na 5-Keto glukonat 1,8 + - PRIMER 4 - Občutljivost za protimikrobne substance, pomembne v medicini in veterini E-test (Bio-Merieux, Francija) za ugotavljanje občutljivosti za antibiotike je bil izveden, kakor so opisali M. Danielsen in A. Wind (2003. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 82:1-11), z naslednjimi gojišči: a) 90 % agar Iso - sensitest, 10 % MRS, 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid, pH = 6,7 ali b) 90 % agar Mueller Hinton, 10 % MRS, 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid, pH = 6,7 (Klare, I. et al. 2005.Applied and Environmental Microbiology.71:8982-8986). Po 48-umi inkubaciji v anaerobni atmosferi (Anaerobox, Bio-Merieux, Francija), so bile vrednosti MIC (minimalna inhibitoma koncentracija) odčitane, kakor priporoča proizvajalec. Upoštevani so bili kriteriji EFSA za oceno odpornosti na antibiotike, pomembne v medicini in veterini, posodobljeni leta 2012 (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:2740).Cell Test Substrate Quantity (mg / cell) Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 0 CONTROL - - - 1 GLY glycerol 1.64 - - 2 ERY erythritol 1.44 - - 3 DARA D-arabinose 1,4 - - 4 LARA L-arabinose 1,4 + - 5 RIB D-ribose 1, 4 + + 6 DXYL D-xylose 1,4 - - 7 LXYL L-xylose 1,4 - - 8 ADO D-adonitol 1,36 - - 9 MDX methyl-PD-xylopyranoside 1,28 - - 10 GAL D-galactose 1.4 + + 11 GLU D-glucose 1.56 + + 21 • · FRU D-fructose 1.4 + + MNE D-mannose 1.4? + SBE L-sorbose 1,4 - - RHA L-rhamnose 1,36 - - DUL dulcitol 1,36 - - INO inositol 1,4 - - MAN D-mannitol 1,36 + + SOR D-sorbitol 1,36? - MDM methyl-aD- 1.28 - - mannopyranoside MDG methyl-aD- 1.28 - - glucopyranoside NAG N-acetylglucosamine 1.28 + + ΑΜΥ amygdalin 1.08 - + ARB arbutin 1.08? + ESC esculin iron citrate 1.16 + + SAL salicin 1.04 + + CEL D-celiobiose 1.32 - + MAL D-maltose 1.4 + + LAC D-lactose (bovine 1.4 + + source) MEL D -melibiose 1.32 + - SAC D-sucrose 1.32 + - TRE D-trehalose 1.32 + + INU inulin 1.28 - - MLZ D-melesitose 1.32 - + RAF D-raffinose 1.56 + - AMD Amidon (starch) 1.28 - - GLYG glycogen 1.28 - - XLT xylitol 1,4 - - GEN gentiobiose 0.5 - + TUR D-turanose 1.32 - - 41 LYX D-lyxose 1.4 - - 42 TAG D-tagatose 1,4 - + 43 DFUC D-fucose 1,28 - - 44 LFUC L-fucose 1,28 - - 45 DARL D-arabitol 1,4 - - 46 LARL L-arabitol 1,4 - - 47 GNT On gluconate 1.84? ? 48 2KG To 2-Ketogluconate 2.12 - - 49 5 KG To 5-Keto gluconate 1.8 + - EXAMPLE 4 - Susceptibility to antimicrobial substances important in medicine and veterinary E-test (Bio-Merieux, France) to determine sensitivity for antibiotics was performed as described by M. Danielsen and A. Wind (2003. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 82: 1-11), with the following media: a) 90% agar Iso - sensitest, 10% MRS, 0 , 05% cysteine hydrochloride, pH = 6.7 or b) 90% Mueller Hinton agar, 10% MRS, 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride, pH = 6.7 (Klare, I. et al. 2005.Applied and Environmental Microbiology .71: 8982-8986). After 48 hours of incubation in an anaerobic atmosphere (Anaerobox, Bio-Merieux, France), MIC values (minimum inhibitory concentration) were read as recommended by the manufacturer. The EFSA criteria for the assessment of resistance to antibiotics relevant to medicine and veterinary, updated in 2012, were taken into account (2012. EFSA Journal. 10: 2740).

Preglednica 2: Občutljivost Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 iz tega izuma za 9 protimikrobnih snovi (mg/L)Table 2: Susceptibility of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 of the present invention for 9 antimicrobials (mg / L)

Protimikrobna snov EFSA mejna MIC (MH) MIC (ISO) vrednost zaAntimicrobial substance EFSA limit MIC (MH) MIC (ISO) value for

MIC (koncentracijski obseg) • · m m 23 ·· · · ·· ·· ampicilin (AM) (0,016-256) 0,016 0,016 2 vankomicin (VA) (0,016-256) 0,38 0,19 2 gentamicin (GM) (0,064-1024) 64 32 64 kanamicin (KM) (0,016-256) >256 >256 n.r. streptomicin (SM) (0,064-1024) 48 12 128 eritromicin (EM) (0,016-256) 0,125 0,094 1 klindamicin (CM) (0,016-256) 1 0,50 1 tetraciklin (TC) (0,016-256) 0,50 0,25 8 kloramfenikol (CL) (0,016-256) 0,75 0,50 4 MIC - minimalna inhibitoma koncentracija, MH - 90% agar Mueller Hinton + 10% agar MRS + 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid; ISO - 90 % Iso-sensitest + 10 % agar MRS + 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid, n.r.-test ni zahtevan od EFSA; seve z MIC večjo od mejne vrednosti (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:2740) smatrajo za rezistentne. Preglednica 3: Občutljivost Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB iz tega izuma za 9 protimikrobnih snovi (mg/L) Protimikrobna snov EFSA mejna MIC (MH) MIC (ISO) vrednost za (koncentracijski obseg) MIC ampicilin (AM) (0,016-256) 0,094 0,125 2 vankomicin (VA) (0,016-256) >256 >256 n.r. gentamicin (GM) (0,064-1024) 4 1 16 kanamicin (KM) (0,016-256) 32 32 32 streptomicin (SM) (0,064-1024) 12 12 64 ··· · · · · · • ···· · · · · · • · · · · · * ·· ·· ···· · eritromicin (EM) (0,016-256) 0,50 0,50 1 klindamicin (CM) (0,016-256) 0,016 0,016 1 tetraciklin (TC) (0,016-256) 1 1,5 8 kloramfenikol (CL) (0,016-256) 1,5 1 4 MIC - minimalna inhibitoma koncentracija, MH - 90 % agar Mueller Hinton + 10 % agar MRS + 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid; ISO - 90 % Iso-sensitest + 10 % agar MRS + 0,05 % cistein hidroklorid, n.r.-test ni zahtevan od EFSA; seve z MIC večjo od mejne vrednosti (2012. EFSA Journal. 10:2740) smatrajo za rezistentne.MIC (concentration range) • · mm 23 ·· · · ·· ·· ampicillin (AM) (0.016-256) 0.016 0.016 2 vancomycin (VA) (0.016-256) 0.38 0.19 2 gentamicin (GM) 0.064-1024) 64 32 64 kanamycin (KM) (0.016-256) > 256 > 256 nr streptomycin (SM) (0.064-1024) 48 12 128 erythromycin (EM) (0.016-256) 0.125 0.094 1 clindamycin (CM) (0.016-256) 1 0.50 1 tetracycline (TC) (0.016-256) 0.50 0.25 8 chloramphenicol (CL) (0.016-256) 0.75 0.50 4 MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration, MH - 90% Mueller Hinton agar + 10% MRS agar + 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride; ISO - 90% Iso-sensitest + 10% agar MRS + 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride, n.r.-test not required by EFSA; strains with a MIC greater than the cut-off value (2012. EFSA Journal. 10: 2740) are considered resistant. Table 3: Sensitivity of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB of the present invention to 9 antimicrobials (mg / L) Antimicrobial substance EFSA limit MIC (MH) MIC (ISO) value for (concentration range) MIC ampicillin (AM) (0.016-256) 0.094 0.125 2 vancomycin (VA) (0.016-256) > 256 > 256 no gentamicin (GM) (0.064-1024) 4 1 16 kanamycin (KM) (0.016-256) 32 32 32 streptomycin (SM) (0.064-1024) 12 12 64 ··· · · · · · • ··· · Erythromycin (EM) (0.016-256) 0.50 0.50 1 clindamycin (CM) (0.016-256) 0.016 0.016 1 tetracycline (· · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · TC) (0.016-256) 1 1.5 8 chloramphenicol (CL) (0.016-256) 1.5 1 4 MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration, MH - 90% agar Mueller Hinton + 10% agar MRS + 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride; ISO - 90% Iso-sensitest + 10% agar MRS + 0.05% cysteine hydrochloride, n.r.-test not required by EFSA; strains with a MIC greater than the cut-off value (2012. EFSA Journal. 10: 2740) are considered resistant.

Za seva Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB iz tega izuma je bilo ugotovljeno, da sta občutljiva za devet protimikrobnih snovi, pomembne v medicini in veterini, za katere EFSA zahteva, da so vključene v oceno varnosti bakterijskih sevov, namenjenih za uporabo pri ljudeh in živalih. PRIMER 5 - Preživetje v razmerah gastrointestinalnega trakta (GIT)For strains of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 and Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB of the present invention were found to be susceptible to nine antimicrobial substances relevant to medicine and veterinary medicine, which EFSA requires to be included in the safety assessment of bacterial strains intended for use in humans and animals. EXAMPLE 5 - Survival in gastrointestinal tract (GIT) conditions

Izolate Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium smo inkubirali v bujonu MRS z 0,05 % cisteina (w / v) 18 h pri 37 °C v anaerobnih pogojih. Po izpiranju v sterilni fiziološki raztopini (NaCl , 0,9 %) in centrifugiranju smo bakterijskim celicam dodali 50 mL simuliranega želodčnega soka, z naslednjo sestavo: NaCl, 125 mmol/L; KC1 7 mmol/L; NaHC03, 45 mmol/L in pepsina, 3 g/L. Končni pH je bil uravnan s HC1 na pH 2 in 3, ali z NaOH na pH 7. Bakterijsko suspenzijo smo inkubirali s stresanjem (200 vrtljajev/min), ki je simuliralo peristaltiko, pri 37 °C. Alikvote za ugotavljanje števila kolonijskih enot smo odvzemali po 0, 90 in 180 min. Simulirani črevesni sok je bil pripravljen iz 0,1 % (w/v) pankreatina in 0,15 % (w/v) žolčnih soli Oxgall v destilirani vodi, pH pa je bil uravnan na 8 z NaOH. Suspenzijo bakterij smo inkubirali nadaljnjih 180 min in po 0, 90 in 180 min zbrali vzorce za štetje kolonijskih enot (Femandez, MF 2003. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 94:449-455). 25 25 • · ·Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium isolates were incubated in MRS broth with 0.05% cysteine (w / v) for 18 h at 37 ° C under anaerobic conditions. After washing in sterile saline (NaCl, 0.9%) and centrifugation, 50 mL of simulated gastric juice was added to the bacterial cells, with the following composition: NaCl, 125 mmol / L; KCl 7 mmol / L; NaHCO 3, 45 mmol / L and pepsin, 3 g / L. The final pH was adjusted with HCl to pH 2 and 3, or with NaOH to pH 7. The bacterial suspension was incubated by shaking (200 rpm), simulating peristalsis, at 37 ° C. Aliquots for determining the number of colony units were taken after 0, 90 and 180 min. Simulated intestinal juice was prepared from 0.1% (w / v) pancreatin and 0.15% (w / v) bile salts of Oxgall in distilled water, and the pH was adjusted to 8 with NaOH. The bacterial suspension was incubated for a further 180 min, and after 0, 90, and 180 min, samples were collected to count colony units (Femandez, MF 2003. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 94: 449-455). 25 25 • · ·

Rezultati preživetja Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in referenčnega probiotičnega seva Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG v razmerah prebavil so predstavljeni na Slikah 8 do 10.Survival results of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 and the reference probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG under gastrointestinal conditions are presented in Figures 8 to 10.

Preživetje sevov Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 v simuliranem želodčnem soku je 82-91 % in 74-83 %, v odvisnosti od pH želodčnega soka. Zlasti v zelo kislih pogojih (pH = 2), je bilo preživetje obeh sevov iz tega izuma boljše kot preživetje referenčnega probiotičnega seva Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (<1%).Survival of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in simulated gastric juice is 82-91% and 74-83%, depending on the pH of gastric juice. Particularly under very acidic conditions (pH = 2), the survival of both strains of this invention was better than the survival of the reference probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (< 1%).

Preživetje sevov Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 v simuliranem črevesnem soku je bilo 21-81 % in 26-100 %, v odvisnosti od pH želodčnega soka, ki so mu bile celice izpostavljene pred tretiranjem v črevesnem soku. Še posebej za bakterije, ki so bile izpostavljene črevesnemu soku po tretiranju z želodčnim sokom (pH = 3), je bilo preživetje obeh sevov iz tega izuma bolje kot preživetje referenčnega probiotičnega seva Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (1,4 %).Survival of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in the simulated intestinal juice were 21–81% and 26–100%, depending on the pH of the gastric juice to which the cells were exposed prior to treatment in the intestinal juice. Especially for bacteria exposed to intestinal juice after treatment with gastric juice (pH = 3), the survival of both strains of this invention was better than the survival of the reference probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (1.4%).

Slika 8: Preživetje Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 v simuliranih razmerah prebavil.Figure 8: Survival of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in simulated gastrointestinal conditions.

Ta slika prikazuje preživetje seva IM386 tega izuma v simuliranem želodčnem soku (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) in simuliranem črevesnem soku (pH = 8). Potem ko so bile izpostavljene simuliranemu želodčnemu soku za 180 min, so bile bakterijske celice prenesene v simulirani črevesni sok in inkubirane naslednjih 180 minut. Rezultati so predstavljeni kot povprečje treh neodvisnih eksperimentov.This figure shows the survival of the IM386 strain of this invention in simulated gastric juice (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) and simulated intestinal juice (pH = 8). After exposure to the simulated gastric juice for 180 min, the bacterial cells were transferred to the simulated intestinal juice and incubated for the next 180 minutes. The results are presented as the average of three independent experiments.

Slika 9: Preživetje Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB v simuliranih razmerah prebavil.Figure 9: Survival of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in simulated gastrointestinal conditions.

Ta slika prikazuje preživetje seva L930BB tega izuma v simuliranem želodčnem soku (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) in simuliranem črevesnem soku (pH = 8). Potem ko so bile izpostavljene simuliranemu želodčnemu soku za 180 min, so bile bakterijske celice prenesene v simulirani črevesni sok in inkubirane naslednjih 180 minut. Rezultati so predstavljeni kot povprečje treh neodvisnih eksperimentov.This figure shows the survival of the L930BB strain of the present invention in simulated gastric juice (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) and simulated intestinal juice (pH = 8). After exposure to the simulated gastric juice for 180 min, the bacterial cells were transferred to the simulated intestinal juice and incubated for the next 180 minutes. The results are presented as the average of three independent experiments.

Slika 10 : Preživetje Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG v simuliranih razmerah prebavil. 26 26Figure 10: Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. 26 26

« · 9 m«· 9 m

Ta slika prikazuje preživetje referenčnega probiotičnega seva GG v simuliranem želodčnem soku (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) in simuliranem črevesnem soku (pH = 8). Potem ko so bile izpostavljene simuliranemu želodčnemu soku za 180 min, so bile bakterijske celice prenesene v simulirani črevesni sok in inkubirane naslednjih 180 minut. Rezultati so predstavljeni kot povprečje treh neodvisnih eksperimentov. PRIMER 6 - Protivnetna aktivnostThis figure shows the survival of the reference probiotic strain GG in simulated gastric juice (pH = 2, pH = 3, pH = 7) and simulated intestinal juice (pH = 8). After exposure to the simulated gastric juice for 180 min, the bacterial cells were transferred to the simulated intestinal juice and incubated for the next 180 minutes. The results are presented as the average of three independent experiments. EXAMPLE 6 - Anti-inflammatory activity

Da bi raziskali protivnetni potencial sevov Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium, smo merili proizvodnjo TNF-α, IL-8, IL-10 in IL-6 v celicah THP-1 (ATCC TIB - 202, humana monocitna celična linija) po stimulaciji z LPS (lipopolisaharidi E. coli Olll : B4), z bakterijami ali s kombinacijo LPS in bakterij. Čisti sevi Lactobacillus in Bifidobacterium so bili kultivirani v MRS z 0,05 % L -cistein hidroklorida v anaerobnih pogojih 18 ur. Vse bakterije so bile izločene s centrifugiranjem in sprane s fosfatnim pufrom (PBS). Število kolonijskih enot (k.e.) je bilo ugotovljeno s štetjem na ploščah, na gojišču MRS z 0,05 % L - cistein hidroklorida.To investigate the anti-inflammatory potential of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, we measured the production of TNF-α, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-6 in THP-1 cells (ATCC TIB - 202, human monocyte cell line) after stimulation with LPS (lipopolysaccharides). E. coli Olll: B4), by bacteria or by a combination of LPS and bacteria. Pure Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains were cultured in MRS with 0.05% L -cysteine hydrochloride under anaerobic conditions for 18 hours. All bacteria were removed by centrifugation and washed with phosphate buffer (PBS). The number of colony units (k.e.) was determined by counting on plates, on MRS medium with 0.05% L - cysteine hydrochloride.

Celice THP-1 so bile nagojene v gojišču RPMI, dopolnjenem z FBS, glukozo, L-glutaminom in antibiotiki in resuspendirane v koncentraciji 106 celic/mL v istem gojišču, na ploščicah za celične kulture s 24 vdolbinami. Pred poskusom smo celice stimulirali s PMA (forbolni ester) za 48 ur, daje induciral diferenciacijo v makrofage. Celice so bile zatem inkubirane bodisi z izbranim bakterijskim sevom {Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386), LPS ali kombinacijo LPS in bakterij resuspenzije v popolnem gojišču RPMI, brez antibiotikov. Plošče smo inkubirali pri 37 °C v 5 % CO2 atmosferi. Vse teste smo izvedli v treh ponovitvah. Z vzorci supematantov celične linije, zbranih po 4, 6 in 8 ur inkubacije, so bile opravljene analize vsebnosti citokinov IL-10, IL-6, IL-8 in TNF-α z uporabo standardnega testsa ELISA (Enzyme - Linked Immunoabsorbent test, eBioscience, ZDA), po navodila proizvajalca. Tehnika je dobro znana strokovnjakom s področja. Dobljeni rezultati (Preglednica 4) kažejo, da bi uživanje probiotičnih sevov iz tega izuma lahko imelo ugoden učinek na nekatere vnetne bolezni gostitelja. Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB je induciral proizvodnjo IL-10 v celicah THP-1. LPS sami niso inducirali proizvodnje IL-10.THP-1 cells were grown in RPMI medium supplemented with FBS, glucose, L-glutamine, and antibiotics and resuspended at a concentration of 106 cells / mL in the same medium on 24-well cell culture plates. Prior to the experiment, cells were stimulated with PMA (phorbol ester) for 48 hours to induce differentiation into macrophages. The cells were then incubated with either the selected bacterial strain {Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386), LPS or a combination of LPS and bacterial resuspension in complete RPMI medium, without antibiotics. The plates were incubated at 37 ° C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. All tests were performed in triplicate. Samples of cell line supernatants collected after 4, 6 and 8 hours of incubation were analyzed for the content of cytokines IL-10, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α using a standard ELISA (Enzyme - Linked Immunoabsorbent test, eBioscience) , USA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. The technique is well known to those skilled in the art. The results obtained (Table 4) indicate that the consumption of the probiotic strains of this invention could have a beneficial effect on some inflammatory diseases of the host. Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB induced IL-10 production in THP-1 cells. LPS alone did not induce IL-10 production.

Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB je zmanjšal proizvodnjo pro-vnetnega IL-6, inducirano z LPS. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 je zmanjšal proizvodnjo pro-vnetnih IL-6, IL-8 in TNF-α, inducirano z LPS. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 in Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB dodana skupaj, sta zmanjšala proizvodnjo pro-vnetnega IL-6, induciranega z LPS. Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 in Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB dodana skupaj sta zmanjšala proizvodnjo pro-vnetnega IL-6, induciranega z LPS.Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB reduced LPS-induced production of pro-inflammatory IL-6. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 reduced LPS-induced production of pro-inflammatory IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 and Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB added together reduced the production of LPS-induced pro-inflammatory IL-6. Bifidobacterium animalis IM386 and Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB added together reduced the production of pro-inflammatory IL-6 induced by LPS.

Preglednica 4: Vpliv Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB in Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 na proizvodnjo citokinov interlevkin 6, interlevkin 8, TNF-α in interlevkin 10 v LPS - induciranih THP-1 celicah med sočasno inkubacijo.Table 4: Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 on the production of the cytokines interleukin 6, interleukin 8, TNF-α and interleukin 10 in LPS-induced THP-1 cells during co-incubation.

Interlevkin 6 (IL-6) 1 Interlevkin 8 (IL-8)1 TNF-α 1 Interlevkin 10 (IL-10)2 IM 386 Jr 8 ur 99 % ± 1 % i 8 ur 37 % ± 8 % i 8 ur 91 %± 1 % Ni povečanja L 930 BB i 6 ur 74 %± 1 % Ni zmanjšanja Ni zmanjšanja t 8 ur 812 %± 18% IM 386 + L 930 BB -2-:—1 i 8 ur 93 % ± 1 % i 6 ur 37 %± 19% Ni zmanjšanja Ni povečanja % povečanja količine IL-10, proizvedenega v celicah THP-1 med sočasno inkubacijo z izolati iz tega izuma (IM386, L930BB ali kombinacija obeh) v primerjavi s količino proizvedenega IL-10 v celicah THP-1, induciranih samo z LPS. 1 % zmanjšanja količine citokinov (IL-6, IL-8 ali TNF-α), proizvedene v celicah 2 THP-1, induciranih z LPS, med sočasno inkubacijo z izolati tega izuma (IM386, L930BB ali kombinacija obeh) v primerjavi s količino proizvedenih citokinov v celicah THP-1, induciranih samo z LPS. 28 Čas (6 ur ali 8 ur) označuje čas vzorčenja, pri katerem je bil opažen največji učinek bakterijskih sevov na proizvodnjo citokinov v celicah THP-1.Interleukin 6 (IL-6) 1 Interleukin 8 (IL-8) 1 TNF-α 1 Interleukin 10 (IL-10) 2 IM 386 Jr 8 hours 99% ± 1% and 8 hours 37% ± 8% and 8 hours 91 % ± 1% No increase L 930 BB i 6 hours 74% ± 1% No decrease No decrease t 8 hours 812% ± 18% IM 386 + L 930 BB -2 -: - 1 i 8 hours 93% ± 1% i 6 hours 37% ± 19% No decrease No increase in the% increase in the amount of IL-10 produced in THP-1 cells during co-incubation with the isolates of this invention (IM386, L930BB or a combination of both) compared to the amount of IL-10 produced in the cells THP-1 induced by LPS only. 1% reduction in the amount of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 or TNF-α) produced in LPS-induced THP-1 cells during co-incubation with the isolates of this invention (IM386, L930BB or a combination of both) compared to the amount cytokines produced in LPS-only THP-1 cells. 28 Time (6 hours or 8 hours) indicates the sampling time at which the greatest effect of bacterial strains on cytokine production in THP-1 cells was observed.

Claims (20)

2929 PATENTNI ZAHTEVKI 1. Postopek za izolacijo in selekcijo bakterijskih sevov iz bioptičnih vzorcev človeške črevesne sluznice, ki obsega naslednje korake: (a) pridobivanje sevov iz človeške črevesne sluznice; (b) izolacijo morebitnih bakterijskih sevov; (c) uporabo kromogenega gojišča UriSelect 4 za razlikovanje izolatov bakterijskih sevov; (d) selekcijo morebitnih sevov, ki so po predvidevanjih občutljivi za protimikrobne snovi, pomembne za sesalce; (e) selekcijo morebitnih sevov, ki so po predvidevanjih sposobni preživeti v razmerah prebavil sesalcev.A process for the isolation and selection of bacterial strains from biopsy samples of the human intestinal mucosa, comprising the steps of: (a) obtaining strains from the human intestinal mucosa; (b) isolation of any bacterial strains; (c) use of the UriSelect 4 chromogenic medium to distinguish isolates of bacterial strains; (d) the selection of potential strains which are presumed to be susceptible to antimicrobials relevant to mammals; (e) the selection of possible strains which are presumed to survive in mammalian gastrointestinal conditions. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, pri čemer je morebitni bakterijski sev iz rodu Lactobacillus ali Bifidobacterium.The method of claim 1, wherein the potential bacterial strain is of the genus Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. 3. Sev Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, shranjen v DSMZ, depozit št. 26139, njegovi analogi ali funkcionalno enakovredni sevi.3. Lactobacillus fermentum strain L930BB, stored in DSMZ, deposit no. 26139, its analogues or functionally equivalent strains. 4. Sev Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB označen z genomskim zaporedjem, izbranim iz skupine, ki vsebuje SEQ ID N° 7, SEQ ID N° 8, SEQ ID N° 9, SEQ ID N° 10, SEQ ID N° 11, SEQ ID N° 12, SEQ ID N° 13, SEQ ID N° 14, SEQ ID N° 15, SEQ ID N° 16, SEQ ID N° 17, SEQ ID N° 18, SEQ ID N° 19, SEQ ID N° 20, SEQ ID N° 21, SEQ ID N° 22, SEQ ID N° 23, SEQ ID N° 24, SEQ ID N° 25, SEQ ID N° 26, SEQ ID N° 27, SEQ ID N° 28, SEQ ID N° 29, SEQ ID N° 30, SEQ ID N° 31, SEQ ID N° 32, SEQ ID N° 33, SEQ ID N° 34, SEQ ID N° 35, SEQ ID N° 36, SEQ ID N° 37, SEQ ID N° 38, SEQ ID N° 39, SEQ ID N° 40, SEQ ID N° 41, SEQ ID N° 42, SEQ ID N° 43, SEQ ID N° 44, SEQ ID N° 45, SEQ ID N° 46, SEQ ID N° 47, SEQ ID N° 48, SEQ ID N° 30A strain of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB characterized by a genomic sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 7, SEQ ID NO: 8, SEQ ID NO: 9, SEQ ID NO: 10, SEQ ID NO: 11, SEQ ID NO. ° 12, SEQ ID N ° 13, SEQ ID N ° 14, SEQ ID N ° 15, SEQ ID N ° 16, SEQ ID N ° 17, SEQ ID N ° 18, SEQ ID N ° 19, SEQ ID N ° 20 , SEQ ID N ° 21, SEQ ID N ° 22, SEQ ID N ° 23, SEQ ID N ° 24, SEQ ID N ° 25, SEQ ID N ° 26, SEQ ID N ° 27, SEQ ID N ° 28, SEQ ID N ° 29, SEQ ID N ° 30, SEQ ID N ° 31, SEQ ID N ° 32, SEQ ID N ° 33, SEQ ID N ° 34, SEQ ID N ° 35, SEQ ID N ° 36, SEQ ID N ° 37, SEQ ID N ° 38, SEQ ID N ° 39, SEQ ID N ° 40, SEQ ID N ° 41, SEQ ID N ° 42, SEQ ID N ° 43, SEQ ID N ° 44, SEQ ID N ° 45 , SEQ ID NO: 46, SEQ ID NO: 47, SEQ ID NO: 48, SEQ ID NO: 30 49, SEQ ID N° 50, SEQ ID N° 51, SEQ ID N° 52, SEQ ID N° 53, SEQ ID N° 54, SEQ ID N° 55, SEQ ID N° 56, SEQ ID N° 57, SEQ ID N° 58, SEQ ID N° 59, SEQ ID N° 60, SEQ ID N° 61, SEQ ID N° 62, SEQ ID N° 63, SEQ ID N° 64, SEQ ID N° 65, SEQ ID N° 66, SEQ ID N° 67, SEQ ID N° 68, SEQ ID N° 69, SEQ ID N° 70, SEQ ID N° 71, SEQ ID N° 72, SEQ ID N° 73, SEQ ID N° 74, SEQ ID N° 75, SEQ ID N° 76, SEQ ID N° 77, SEQ ID N° 78.49, SEQ ID N ° 50, SEQ ID N ° 51, SEQ ID N ° 52, SEQ ID N ° 53, SEQ ID N ° 54, SEQ ID N ° 55, SEQ ID N ° 56, SEQ ID N ° 57, SEQ ID N ° 58, SEQ ID N ° 59, SEQ ID N ° 60, SEQ ID N ° 61, SEQ ID N ° 62, SEQ ID N ° 63, SEQ ID N ° 64, SEQ ID N ° 65, SEQ ID N ° 66, SEQ ID N ° 67, SEQ ID N ° 68, SEQ ID N ° 69, SEQ ID N ° 70, SEQ ID N ° 71, SEQ ID N ° 72, SEQ ID N ° 73, SEQ ID N ° 74, SEQ ID NO: 75, SEQ ID NO: 76, SEQ ID NO: 77, SEQ ID NO: 78. 5. Sev Lactobacillus fermentom L930BB, po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 4, ki ima protivnetno delovanje.Lactobacillus enzyme strain L930BB, according to any one of claims 3 to 4, having anti-inflammatory activity. 6. Sev Lactobacillus fermentom L930BB, DSMZ depozit št. 26139 ali njegove variante, analoge ali funkcionalne ekvivalente za uporabo pri preprečevanju in/ali zdravljenju bolezni, stanja ali motnje pri sesalcih, kjer uporaba obsega izpostavljanje sesalca, dela sesalca ali tkiva sesalca omenjenemu sevu.6. Lactobacillus fermentom strain L930BB, DSMZ deposit no. 26139 or variants, analogs or functional equivalents thereof for use in the prevention and / or treatment of a disease, condition or disorder in a mammal, wherein the use comprises exposing the mammal, a portion of the mammal or mammalian tissue to said strain. 7. Sev Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, shranjen v DSMZ, depozit št. 26137, njegovi analogi ali funkcionalno enakovredni sevi.7. Strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, stored in DSMZ, deposit no. 26137, its analogues or functionally equivalent strains. 8. Sev Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 označen z genomskim zaporedjem, izbranim iz skupine, ki vsebuje SEQ ID N° 79, SEQ ID N° 80, SEQ ID N° 81, SEQ ID N° 82, SEQ ID N° 83, SEQ ID N° 84, SEQ ID N° 85, SEQ ID N° 86.8. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 characterized by a genomic sequence selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NO: 79, SEQ ID NO: 80, SEQ ID NO: 81, SEQ ID NO: 82, SEQ ID NO: 83, SEQ ID NO: 84, SEQ ID N ° 85, SEQ ID N ° 86. 9. Sev Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 po kateremkoli od zahtevkov od 7 do 8, ki ima protivnetno delovanje.9. Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 according to any one of claims 7 to 8, having anti-inflammatory activity. 10. Sev Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, DSMZ depozit št. 26137 ali njegove variante, analoge ali funkcionalne ekvivalente za uporabo pri preprečevanju in/ali zdravljenju bolezni, stanja ali motnje pri sesalcih, kjer uporaba obsega izpostavljanje sesalca, dela sesalca ali tkiva sesalca omenjenemu sevu. 3110. Strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, DSMZ deposit no. 26137 or variants, analogs or functional equivalents thereof for use in the prevention and / or treatment of a disease, condition or disorder in a mammal, wherein the use comprises exposing the mammal, part of the mammal or mammalian tissue to said strain. 31 11. Uporaba seva po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 5 ali od 7 do 9 za pripravo probiotika kot nutracevtskega in/ali farmacevtskega produkta, zlasti za preprečevanje in/ali zdravljenje funkcionalnih motenj prebavil in bolezni v območju spodnjega prebavnega trakta.Use of a strain according to any one of claims 3 to 5 or 7 to 9 for the preparation of a probiotic as a nutraceutical and / or pharmaceutical product, in particular for the prevention and / or treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases in the lower gastrointestinal tract. 12. Farmacevtski pripravek, ki vsebuje vsaj sev Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, shranjen v DSMZ, depozit št. 26139, kulturo in farmacevtsko sprejemljiv ekscipient.12. Pharmaceutical preparation containing at least a strain of Lactobacillus fermentum L930BB, stored in DSMZ, deposit no. 26139, a culture and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. 13. Farmacevtski pripravek, ki vsebuje vsaj Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, shranjen v DSMZ, depozit št. 26137, kulturo in farmacevtsko sprejemljiv ekscipient.13. A pharmaceutical preparation containing at least Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386, stored in DSMZ, deposit no. 26137, a culture and a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient. 14. Pripravek vsebuje vsaj enega izmed sevov po katerem koli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 5 ali od 7 do 9, in kjer je vsak izmed bakterijskih sevov prisoten v pripravku v razmerju od 0,1% do 99,9 %, prednostno od 1 % do 99 %, še bolj prednostno od 10 % do 90 %.The preparation contains at least one of the strains according to any one of claims 3 to 5 or 7 to 9, and wherein each of the bacterial strains is present in the preparation in a ratio of from 0.1% to 99.9%, preferably from 1% up to 99%, even more preferably from 10% to 90%. 15. Pripravek po katerem koli izmed zahtevkov od 12 do 14 za uporabo kot probiotika.A preparation according to any one of claims 12 to 14 for use as a probiotic. 16. Pripravek po katerem koli od zahtevkov od 12 do 14 za uporabo kot zdravilo.A preparation according to any one of claims 12 to 14 for use as a medicament. 17. Sev po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 5 ali od 7 do 9, ali pripravek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 11 do 16 za uporabo pri zdravljenju in/ali preprečevanju funkcionalnih motenj prebavil in bolezni v območju spodnjega prebavnega trakta.A strain according to any one of claims 3 to 5 or 7 to 9, or a preparation according to any one of claims 11 to 16 for use in the treatment and / or prevention of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases in the lower gastrointestinal tract. 18. Sev po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 5 ali od 7 do 9, ali pripravek po kateremkoli izmed zahtevkov od 11 do 16 za uporabo pri zdravljenju in/ali preprečevanju sindroma razdražljivega črevesja in kroničnih vnetnih črevesnih bolezni. 32A strain according to any one of claims 3 to 5 or 7 to 9, or a preparation according to any one of claims 11 to 16 for use in the treatment and / or prevention of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic inflammatory bowel disease. 32 19. Užitni proizvod, ki vsebuje učinkovito količino seva po katerem koli izmed zahtevkov od 3 do 5 ali od 7 do 9 ali pripravek po kateremkoli od zahtevkov od 12 do 16, skupaj z ustreznimi količinami drugih užitnih sestavin.An edible product comprising an effective amount of a strain according to any one of claims 3 to 5 or 7 to 9 or a preparation according to any one of claims 12 to 16, together with corresponding amounts of other edible ingredients. 20. Užitni proizvod po zahtevku 19, kije nutracevtik.The edible product of claim 19, which is a nutraceutical.
SI201300372A 2013-11-05 2013-11-05 Method for the isolation and selection of the bacterial strains, the bacterial strains and the method of their use SI24543A (en)

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SI201300372A SI24543A (en) 2013-11-05 2013-11-05 Method for the isolation and selection of the bacterial strains, the bacterial strains and the method of their use

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SI201300372A SI24543A (en) 2013-11-05 2013-11-05 Method for the isolation and selection of the bacterial strains, the bacterial strains and the method of their use

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