SI24385A - Horizontal wood splitter - Google Patents

Horizontal wood splitter Download PDF


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SI24385A SI201300137A SI201300137A SI24385A SI 24385 A SI24385 A SI 24385A SI 201300137 A SI201300137 A SI 201300137A SI 201300137 A SI201300137 A SI 201300137A SI 24385 A SI24385 A SI 24385A
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Volpe Marjan
Uplaznik Janez
Tominšek Simon
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Sico D.O.O.
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Application filed by Sico D.O.O. filed Critical Sico D.O.O.
Priority to SI201300137A priority Critical patent/SI24385A/en
Publication of SI24385A publication Critical patent/SI24385A/en



  • Debarking, Splitting, And Disintegration Of Timber (AREA)


Horizontalni cepilni stroj (1) s cepilnim sklopom (3) ima po izumu nad ogrodjem cepilnega sklopa (3.6) potiskalo (3.4), ki se pomika po in vzdolž cepilne mize (3.1) do kompleta nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) na vsaki strani cepilne mize (3.1). Komplet nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) ima na nasprotni strani odlagalno mizo (3.2.1,3.2.2). Na potiskalo (3.4) je pritrjen podajami okvir (3.5) približno v sredini glede na vzdolžno stranico. Spodnji rob podajalnega okvira (3.5) poteka v ravnini zgornjega dela kompleta nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) in zgornjega dela odlagalne mize (3.2.1, 3.2.2). V ogrodje cepilnega sklopa (3.6) vzdolž le tega pod cepilno mizo (3.1) ali ob njeni strani je umeščena linearna delovna naprava (4.1) na katero je nameščen vezni sklop (3.6.1), katerega del sega ob obeh straneh cepilne mize (3.1) nad cepilno mizo (3.1) in je nanj obojestransko pritrjeno potiskalo (3.4).The horizontal splitting machine (1) with the splitting assembly (3), according to the invention, has a pusher (3.4) above the frame of the splitting assembly (3.6), which moves along and along the splitting table (3.1) to the set of knives (3.3.1, 3.3.2) on each side of the splitting table (3.1). The set of knives (3.3.1, 3.3.2) has on the opposite side the storage table (3.2.1,3.2.2). The frame (3.5) is attached to the pusher (3.4) approximately in the middle with respect to the longitudinal side. The lower edge of the feed frame (3.5) runs in the plane of the upper part of the knife set (3.3.1, 3.3.2) and the upper part of the storage table (3.2.1, 3.2.2). A linear working device (4.1) is fitted to the frame of the splitting assembly (3.6) along the bottom of the splitting table (3.1), or on its side, to which the connecting assembly (3.6.1) is installed, part of which extends along both sides of the splitting table (3.1) ) above the splitting table (3.1) and a pusher (3.4) is attached to it on both sides.


Horizontalni cepilni strojHorizontal splitting machine

Izum se nanaša na horizontalni cepilni stroj za cepljenje nažagane hlodovine na cepljence predvsem na izvedbo cepilnega sklopa s potiskanjem cepljencev z dvostransko delujočim potiskalom skozi fiksni komplet nožev na vsaki strani potiskala in izvedba pomika zgornjih delov cepljencev s podajalnim okvirjem na cepilno mizo.The invention relates to a horizontal splitting machine for splitting logs into grafted grafts, in particular to the implementation of the grafting arrangement by pushing the grafted grafts with a double-acting thruster through a fixed set of knives on each side of the grafting knife and moving the upper parts of the grafts with the feeding frame to the splitting table.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako povečati količino razcepljenih drv cepilnega stroja pri različnih debelinah cepljencev ter efektivno izkoristiti vsak hod potiskala. Cilj je • · • · · uporaba približno vedno enake sile cepljenja vendar bistveno manjše kot je potrebna za naj večji cepljenec v enem cepljenju.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to increase the amount of split wood of the splitter machine at different thicknesses of the splitters and effectively utilize each stroke of the pusher. The goal is to use approximately always the same vaccination force but substantially less than is required for the largest vaccine in a single vaccination.

Ena izmed poznanih rešitev cepilnega stroja opisana v AT 8516 Ul ima hidravlični cilinder s potiskalom, ki s potiskom v smeri cepljenca le tega potiska skozi komplet nožev. Noži so v obliki črke V. Zgornja noža odcepita spodnji del cepljenca, ki se nadalje cepi med noži kompleta. Cepljenci padejo na drčo po kateri zdrsijo na odlagalno mesto. Zgornji del cepljenca ostaja v ravnini zgornjih cepilnih nožev. Pri povratku hidravličnega cilindra zgornji cepljenec podajalna roka, povezana na hidravlični cilinder, potisne nazaj na mesto cepljenja.One of the known splitting machine solutions described in AT 8516 Ul has a hydraulic cylinder with a pusher, which pushes it through the knife assembly by pushing it in the direction of the splitter. The blades are V-shaped. The upper blades split off the lower part of the splitter, which is further split between the blades of the kit. The grafts fall on a slide after which they slip into a landfill. The upper portion of the graft remains in the plane of the upper graft knives. When the hydraulic cylinder returns, the upper splitter pushes the feed arm connected to the hydraulic cylinder back to the splitting position.

V cepilni stroj se lahko vlaga samo en cepljenec. Pri velikem premeru cepljenca je v časovni enoti razcepljenih veliko drv. Pri malem premeru cepljenca v časovni enoti razcepljenih malo drv. V enakem odnosu je sila potrebna za cepljenje. Na zmanjšanje količine razcepljenih drv vpliva čas hoda pri povratku hidravličnega cilindra.Only one vaccine may be invested in the splitting machine. With a large diameter of the graft, a lot of firewood is split in the time unit. With a small diameter of the graft, a small number of firewood is split in the time unit. In the same relationship, force is required for vaccination. The reduction in the amount of split firewood is influenced by the travel time of the return of the hydraulic cylinder.

Po izumu ima cepilni sklop horizontalnega cepilnega stroja nad ogrodjem cepilnega sklopa potiskalo, ki se pomika po in vzdolž cepilne mize do kompleta nožev na vsaki strani cepilne mize. Vsak komplet nožev ima na nasprotni strani odlagalno mizo. Na potiskalo je pritrjen podajalni okvir, katerega spodnji rob poteka v ravnini zgornjega dela kompleta nožev in zgornjega dela odlagalne mize na vsaki strani cepilne mize. Širina podajalnega okvirja je približno enaka širini cepilne mize, dolžina na eni strani potiskala približno dolžini kompleta nožev in odlagalne mize.According to the invention, the splitting assembly of the horizontal splitting machine has a pusher above the frame of the splitting assembly, which moves along and along the splitting table to the knife set on each side of the splitting table. Each set of knives has a storage table on the opposite side. A feeder frame is attached to the pusher, the lower edge of which runs in the plane of the upper part of the knife set and the upper part of the storage table on each side of the splitting table. The width of the feeder frame is approximately equal to the width of the splitting table, the length on one side pushing approximately the length of the knife set and the storage table.

Komplet nožev ima na zgornjem delu v širini cepilne mize horizontalni nož in več nameščenih vertikalnih nožev.The knife set has a horizontal knife at the top of the splitting table and several vertical knives installed.

V ogrodje cepilnega sklopa v vzdolžni smeri pod cepilno mizo ali ob njeni strani je nameščena linearna delovna naprava na katero ja nameščen vezni sklop, katerega del sega ob obeh straneh cepilne mize nad njo in je nanj obojestransko pritrjeno potiskalo.A linear working device is mounted on the frame of the splitting assembly in the longitudinal direction below or on the side of the splitting table, on which a tie assembly is mounted, a part of which extends over both sides of the splitting table and is pushed on both sides.

Potek delovanja cepilnega sklopa horizontalnega cepilnega stroja se začne s polnjenjem izpraznjene cepilne mize na strani med potiskalom in kompletom nožev z več vzporednimi cepljenci. Po vklopu pomika potiskala le ta potisne hkrati vse cepljence proti kompletu nožev. Horizontalni cepilni nož najprej odcepi spodnje dele cepljencev, ki se nadalje cepijo med vertikalnimi noži in nadaljujejo skozi odlagalno mizo. Zgornji deli cepljencev so potisnjeni na odlagano mizo.The operation of the horizontal splitting machine splitting assembly begins with the filling of the vacant splitting table on the side between the pusher and the knife set with several parallel splitters. After switching on the feeder, it pushes all the grafts against the knife set at the same time. The horizontal splitting knife first cleaves the lower parts of the splitters, which are further split between the vertical knives and continued through the storage table. The upper parts of the grafts are pushed onto a deposited table.

Pred vklopom pomika potiskala v nasprotno smer se polni izpraznjena cepilna miza na strani med potiskalo in kompletom nožev na nasprotni strani z več vzporednimi cepljenci. Z vklopom pomika potiskala v nasprotno smer le ta potisne hkrati vse cepljence proti kompletu nožev na nasprotni strani. Horizontalni cepilni nož tega kompleta nožev najprej odcepi spodnje dele cepljencev, ki se nadalje cepijo med vertikalnimi noži in nadaljujejo skozi odlagalno mizo. Zgornji deli cepljencev so potisnjeni na nasprotno odlagano mizo. V času pomika v nasprotno smer podajalni okvir pomakne zgornje dele cepljencev z odlagalne mize in kompleta nožev na izpraznjeno cepilno mizo začetnega polnjenja. Potek pomikanja potiskala s podajalnim okvirjem se nadaljuje dokler cepilno mesto nima več zgornjih delov cepljencev oziroma dokler ni začetna polnitev razcepljena.Before switching on the slide of the pusher in the opposite direction, the empty splitting table on the side between the pusher and the set of knives on the opposite side with several parallel grafts is filled. By switching the slide on to the opposite direction, it pushes all the grafts against the set of knives on the opposite side. The horizontal splitting knife of this knife set first cleaves the lower parts of the splitters, which are further split between the vertical knives and continued through the storage table. The upper parts of the grafts are pushed to the opposite deposited table. As it moves in the opposite direction, the feeder frame moves the upper parts of the grafts from the storage table and knife set to the empty initial filling filling table. Movement of the pusher with the feeder frame continues until the grafting site has no more top grafts or until the initial filling is split.

Horizontalni cepilni stroj sestavlja osnovno ogrodje na katerega je nameščen cepilni sklop. Linearna delovna naprava cepilnega sklopa je lahko en dvostransko delujoč hidravlični cilinder ali dva dvostransko delujoča hidravlična cilindra ob vsaki strani ogrodja cepilnega sklopa nadalje par ali dva para enostransko delujočih cilindro nadalje mehansko vreteno ali par mehanskih vreten ali podobne konstrukcije za linearno pomikanje. Linearna delovna naprava je lahko energetsko oskrbovana s traktorja neposredno s hidravličnim medijem pod tlakom ali s kardanskim pogonom za hidravlični sistem ali elektromotorjem za hidravlični sistem ali za mehansko vreteno. Horizontalni cepilni stroj je opremljen s krmilno napravo za upravljanje stroja.The horizontal splitting machine consists of the basic frame on which the splitting assembly is mounted. The linear working device of the splitting assembly may be one double acting hydraulic cylinder or two bilaterally operating hydraulic cylinders on each side of the splitting assembly further a pair or two pairs of single acting cylinders further a mechanical spindle or a pair of mechanical spindles or similar structures for linear displacement. The linear work device can be supplied directly from the tractor by means of a pressurized hydraulic medium or by a PTO drive for the hydraulic system or by an electric motor for the hydraulic system or for a mechanical spindle. The horizontal splitting machine is equipped with a control device for operating the machine.

Prednost horizontalnega cepilnega stroja po izumu je v izkoriščanju pomikanja potiskala za cepljenje v obe smeri. Nadalje v širini cepilnega sklopa za cepljenje več cepljencev hkrati na isti strani potiskala, kar omogoča stalno približno enako količino cepljenih drv in stalno približno enako silo cepljenja. Pomikanje zgornjih delov cepljencev je izvedeno samodejno s podajalnim okvirjem na cepilno mizo. Cepljena drva so orientirana vzdolž spodnjega dela odlagalne mize in so primerna za nadaljnjo strojno avtomatsko zlaganje.The advantage of the horizontal splitting machine according to the invention was to push the graft in both directions to exploit the displacement. Furthermore, in the width of the grafting unit for grafting, several grafts were pushed simultaneously on the same side, allowing a constant approximately equal amount of grafted wood and a constant approximately equal grafting force. Movement of the upper parts of the grafts is done automatically by the feeding frame on the splitting table. The split logs are oriented along the lower part of the storage table and are suitable for further automatic machine folding.

Izum bo opisan na izvedbenem primeru z osnovnim ogrodjem za možno ročno ali tehnično polnjenje cepilne naprave, z linearno delovno napravo v izvedbi dvostransko delujočega cilindra ter pogonski sistem kot hidravlični sistem z elektromotorjem na sliki, ki prikazuje sl. 1 Horizontalni cepilni stroj sl.2 Cepilni sklop v vzdolžnem prerezu sl.3 Potiskalo s kompletom nožev sl.4 Komplet nožev v prirezuThe invention will be described in the embodiment with a basic frame for possible manual or technical filling of the splitting device, with a linear working device in the design of a double-acting cylinder, and a propulsion system as a hydraulic system with an electric motor in Fig. 1 Horizontal splitting machine Fig.2 Splitting assembly in longitudinal section Fig.3 Pusher with knife set Fig.4 Cutting knife set

Na sl.l je prikazan horizontalni cepilni stroj 1 z osnovnim ogrodjem 2 na katerega je nameščen cepilni sklop 3. Krmilna naprava stroja 5 je umeščena na višino ročnega upravljanja stoječega upravljalca ob cepilni mizi 3.1. Pogonski sistem 4 v izvedbi hidravlični sistem z elektromotorjem je umeščen v področje osnovnega ogrodja 2 pod cepilnim sklopom 3.FIG. 1 shows a horizontal splitting machine 1 with a base frame 2 on which a splitting assembly 3 is mounted. The control device of the machine 5 is positioned at the height of the manual control of the standing operator at the splitting table 3.1. The drive system 4 in the hydraulic system with the electric motor is located in the area of the base frame 2 under the splitting assembly 3.

Na sl.l in 2 je prikazan cepilni sklop 3, ki ima nad ogrodjem cepilnega sklopa 3.6 potiskaloFIGS. 1 and 2 show a splitting assembly 3 having a pusher above the frame of the splitting assembly 3.6.

3.4, ki se pomika po in vzdolž cepilne mize 3.1 do kompleta nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2 na vsaki strani cepilne mize 3.1. Komplet nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2 ima na nasprotni strani odlagalno mizo3.4 which moves along and along the splitting table 3.1 to the knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2 on each side of the splitting table 3.1. The knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2 has a storage table on the opposite side

3.2.1, 3.2.2. V ravnini cepilne miza 3.1 je spodnji del kompleta nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2 in z malo pomika navzdol spodnji del odlagalne mize 3.2.1,, 3.2.2. In the plane of the splitting table 3.1, the lower part of the knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and with a slight downward movement down the lower part of the storage table 3.2.1, 3.2.2.

Zgornji del kompleta nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2 in zgornji del odlagalne mize 3.2.1, 3.2.2. sta v isti ravnini vzporedni s ravnino cepilne mize 3.1.The upper part of the knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and the upper part of the storage table 3.2.1, 3.2.2. are in the same plane parallel to the plane of the splitting table 3.1.

V ogrodje cepilnega sklopa 3.6 je vzdolž le tega pod cepilno mizo 3.1 ali ob njeni strani umeščena linearna delovna naprava 4.1, v izvedbi dvostransko delujoči cilinder, na katero je nameščen vezni sklop 3.6.1. Del veznega sklopa je 3.6.1 sega ob obeh straneh cepilne mize 3.1 nad cepilno mizo 3.1 na katerega je obojestransko pritrjeno potiskalo 3.4.In the frame of the splitting assembly 3.6, a linear working device 4.1 is installed along the splitter table 3.1 or on its side, in the design of a bilaterally acting cylinder, on which the connecting assembly 3.6.1 is mounted. The part of the coupling assembly 3.6.1 extends on either side of the splitting table 3.1 above the splitting table 3.1 to which the two-sided thrust is mounted 3.4.

Podajalni okvir 3.5 je približno v sredini glede na vzdolžno stranico pritrjen na potiskaloThe feeder frame 3.5 is attached to the pusher approximately in the middle relative to the longitudinal side

3.4. Spodnji rob podajalnega okvirja 3.5 poteka v ravnini zgornjega dela kompleta nožev3.4. The lower edge of the feeder frame 3.5 runs in the plane of the upper part of the knife set

3.3.1, 3.3.2 in zgornjega dela odlagalne mize 3.2.1, 3.2.2. Širina podajalnega okvirja 3.5 je približno enaka širini cepilne mize 3.1. Dolžina podajalnega okvirja 3.5 je na vsako stran potiskala 3.4 približno enaka razdalji vsote dolžine kompleta nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2 in dolžine odlagalne mize 3.2.1,, 3.3.2 and the upper part of the storage table 3.2.1, 3.2.2. The width of the feeder frame 3.5 is approximately equal to the width of the splitter table 3.1. The length of the feeder frame 3.5 pushed 3.4 on each side approximately equal to the distance of the sum of the length of the knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and the length of the storage table 3.2.1, 3.2.2.

Širina cepilne mize 3.1 je dimenzionirana na pričakovan najdebelejši cepljenec in dolžina cepilne mize 3.1 na pričakovan najdaljši cepljenec. Vsota dolžine kompleta nožev 3.3.1,The width of the splitting table 3.1 is sized to the expected thickest graft and the length of the splitting table 3.1 to the expected longest graft. The sum of the length of the knife set 3.3.1,

3.3.2, dolžine odlagalne mize 3.2.1, 3.2.2 in dolžine potiskala 3.4 je približno enaka dolžini cepilne mize, the length of the storage table 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and the length of the pusher 3.4 is approximately equal to the length of the splitting table 3.1.

Na sl.3 je prikazano potiskalo 3.4 s čepi 3.4.1 v skrajnem položaju cepljenja. Čepi 3.4.1 v tem položaju segajo preko cepilnih robov vertikalnih nožev Čepi 3.4.1 cepljenec potisnejo preko vertikalnih nožev, kar zagotavlja popolni razcep in onemogoča mašenje kompleta nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2.Figure 3 shows the pusher 3.4 with the plugs 3.4.1 in the extreme position of the graft. In this position, the studs 3.4.1 extend over the splitting edges of the vertical blades Plugs 3.4.1 Slide the splitter over the vertical blades, which ensures complete splitting and prevents the knife sets 3.3.1, 3.3.2 from being greased.

Cepilni rob horizontalnega noža je postavljen pred cepilne robove vertikalnih noževThe splitting edge of the horizontal blade is placed in front of the splitting edges of the vertical blade, da se izvede najprej cepljenje spodnjega dela cepljenca, ki se nadalje cepi med vertikalnimi noži The first grafting of the lower part of the graft, which is further cleaved between the vertical blades, shall be carried out.

Na sl.4 je prikazana namestitev vertikalnih nožev Širina izhoda B med vertikalnimi noži je vedno večja kot širina vhoda A med vertikalnimi noži 4 shows the installation of vertical blades The width of the output B between the vertical blades is always greater than the width of the input A between the vertical blades

Po izumu se v cepilno enoto 3 horizontalnega cepilnega stroja 1 vlaga več cepljencev na izpraznjeno cepilno mizo 3.1 med potiskalom 3.4 in kompletom nožev 3.3.1, 3.3.2. Potek cepljenja zagotavlja hkrati cepljenje vseh cepljencev vloženih na cepilno mizo 3.1, kar zagotavlja približno stalni pretok količine cepljenih drv. Pri tem je potrebna približno stalna sila cepljenja. To je doseženo s cepljenjem najprej na horizontalnem cepilnem nožu s katerim se cepijo spodnji deli cepljencev in nato cepljenje spodnjih delov cepljencev, ki se cepijo med vertikalnimi noži Pomikanje zgornjih delov cepljencev je samodejno s podajalnim okvirjem 3.5 na cepilno mizo 3.1.According to the invention, several grafts are loaded into the splitting unit 3 of the horizontal splitting machine 1 on the emptied splitting table 3.1 between the pusher 3.4 and the knife set 3.3.1, 3.3.2. The vaccination process ensures the simultaneous vaccination of all the grafts placed on the graft table 3.1, which ensures an approximately constant flow of the amount of grafted wood. This requires an approximately constant force of vaccination. This is achieved by grafting first on a horizontal splitting knife which cleaves the lower parts of the splitters and then splitting the lower splitting parts splitting between the vertical knives The top of the grafts are moved automatically by the feeder frame 3.5 to the splitting table 3.1.

Claims (7)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Horizontalni cepilni stroj s cepilnim sklopom s pomičnim potiskalom, s kompletom nožev, ki odcepi spodnji del cepljenca, ki se nadalje cepi med noži kompleta in podajalno roko, za pomik zgornjega dela cepljenca na cepilno mesto označeno s tem, da ima cepilni sklop (3) nad ogrodjem cepilnega sklopa (3.6) potiskalo (3.4), ki se pomika po in vzdolž cepilne mize (3.1) do kompleta nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) na vsaki strani cepilne mize (3.1) in da ima komplet nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) na nasprotni strani odlagalno mizo (3.2.1, 3.2.2) in daje na potiskalo (3.4) pritrjen podajalni okvir (3.5) približno v sredini glede na vzdolžno stranico.1. Horizontal splitting machine with sliding assembly, with a set of knives that cleaves the lower part of the splitter, further splitting between the blades of the kit and the feed arm, for moving the upper splitter to the splitting position, characterized in that it has a splitting assembly ( 3) above the frame of the splitting assembly (3.6), a pusher (3.4) extending along and along the splitting table (3.1) to the knife assembly (3.3.1, 3.3.2) on each side of the splitting table (3.1) and having a knife assembly (3.3.1, 3.3.2) on the opposite side of the storage table (3.2.1, 3.2.2) and providing the feeder frame (3.5) attached to the pusher (3.4) approximately in the middle relative to the longitudinal side. 2. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem, da je v ogrodje cepilnega sklopa (3.6) vzdolž le tega pod cepilno mizo (3.1) ali ob njeni strani umeščena linearna delovna naprava (4.1) na katero je nameščen vezni sklop (3.6.1), katerega del sega ob obeh straneh cepilne mize (3.1) nad cepilno mizo (3.1) in je nanj obojestransko pritrjeno potiskalo (3.4).Horizontal splitting machine according to claim 1, characterized in that a linear working device (4.1) is mounted in the frame of the splitting assembly (3.6) along which, below it is placed under the splitting table (3.1). 1), a part of which extends on either side of the splitting table (3.1) above the splitting table (3.1) and is pushed to both sides by a pusher (3.4). 3. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem, da spodnji rob podajalnega okvirja (3.5) poteka v ravnini zgornjega dela kompleta nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) in zgornjega dela odlagalne mize (3.2.1, 3.2.2) in daje širina podajalnega okviija (3.5) približno enaka širini cepilne mize (3.1) in dolžina podajalnega okvirja (3.5) na vsako stran potiskala (3.4) približno enaka razdalji vsote dolžine kompleta nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) in dolžine odlagalne mize (3.2.1, 3.2.2).Horizontal splitting machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower edge of the feeder frame (3.5) extends in the plane of the upper part of the knife assembly (3.3.1, 3.3.2) and the upper part of the storage table (3.2.1, 3.2.2) and that the width of the feeder frame (3.5) is approximately equal to the width of the splitting table (3.1) and the length of the feeder frame (3.5) on each side of the pusher (3.4) is approximately equal to the distance of the sum of the length of the knife set (3.3.1, 3.3.2) and the length of the storage table (3.2.1, 3.2.2). 4. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem, daje širina cepilne mize (3.1) dimenzionirana na pričakovan najdebelejši cepljenec in dolžina cepilne mize (3.1) na pričakovan najdaljši cepljenec in daje vsota dolžine kompleta nožev (3.3.1,Horizontal splitting machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the width of the splitting table (3.1) is sized to the expected thickest splitter and the length of the splitting table (3.1) to the expected longest splitter and gives the sum of the length of the knife set (3.3.1. 3.3.2), dolžine odlagalne mize (3.2.1, 3.2.2) in dolžine potiskala (3.4) približno enaka dolžini cepilne mize (3.1).3.3.2), the length of the storage table (3.2.1, 3.2.2) and the length of the pusher (3.4) are approximately equal to the length of the splitting table (3.1). 5. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem, da ima potiskalo (3.4) čepe (3.4.1), ki v skrajni položaju cepljenja segajo preko cepilnih robov vertikalnih nožev ( in daje cepilni rob horizontalnega noža ( postavljen pred cepilne robove vertikalnih nožev ( splitting machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the pusher (3.4) has studs (3.4.1) extending beyond the splitting edges of the vertical blades ( in the extreme position of the splitting and giving the splitting edge of the horizontal blade (3.3. 2.1) placed in front of the splitting edges of the vertical blades ( 6. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 označeno s tem, daje širina izhoda (B) med vertikalnimi noži ( vedno večja kot širina vhoda (A) med vertikalnimi noži ( splitting machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the width of the outlet (B) between the vertical blades ( is always greater than the width of the inlet (A) between the vertical blades ( 7. Horizontalni cepilni stroj po zahtevku 1 in 4 označeno s tem, da se v izpraznjeno cepilno mizo (3.1) med potiskalom (3.4) in kompletom nožev (3.3.1, 3.3.2) napolni z več vzporednimi cepljenci, ki se v postopku cepljenja hkrati cepijo.Horizontal splitting machine according to claims 1 and 4, characterized in that it is filled with several parallel splitters in the emptied splitting table (3.1) between the pusher (3.4) and the knife set (3.3.1, 3.3.2), which is in the process vaccinations are given at the same time.
SI201300137A 2013-05-29 2013-05-29 Horizontal wood splitter SI24385A (en)

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