SI24316A - Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening - Google Patents

Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening Download PDF


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SI24316A SI201300071A SI201300071A SI24316A SI 24316 A SI24316 A SI 24316A SI 201300071 A SI201300071 A SI 201300071A SI 201300071 A SI201300071 A SI 201300071A SI 24316 A SI24316 A SI 24316A
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Univerza V Ljubljani
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Publication of SI24316A publication Critical patent/SI24316A/en



  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


Izum predstavlja proces odkrivanja in uporabo spojin, ki se vežejo na protein TLR-4, motijo tvorbo kompleksa TLR4-MD-2 in pri tem izražajo antagonistično delovanje. Slednje pomeni, da preprečijo delovanje naravnih ligandov TLR-4 kot je LPS in signalizacijo, ki jo sproži tovrstna vezava na omenjeni receptor. Omenjene spojine imajo potencialno rabo v terapevtskem smislu kot zdravila za preprečevanje bolezenskih stanj, povezanih s prekomernim delovanjem TLR-4, kot je npr. sepsa in druge vnetne bolezni.The invention provides a detection process and the use of compounds that bind to the TLR-4 protein interfere with the formation of the TLR4-MD-2 complex, thereby expressing antagonistic action. The latter means to prevent the operation of natural TLR-4 ligands such as LPS and signaling induced by this type of binding to said receptor. Said compounds have potential therapeutic use as drugs for the prevention of disease states associated with excessive TLR-4 activity, such as, for example, sepsis and other inflammatory diseases.


Antagonisti toll-u podobnega receptorja 4 (TLR-4), odkriti z virtualnim rešetanjem OPIS IZUMAToll-like Receptor 4 (TLR-4) Antagonists Detected by Virtual Solving DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION


Predloženi izum spada na področje farmacije in se nanaša na spojine, ki se vežejo na protein TLR4 in preprečijo vezavo molekul, ki preko kompleksa MD-2/Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 aktivirajo elemente prirojenega imunskega odziva. Značilnost spojin je, da se s pomočjo neko val entnih, polarnih interakcij specifično vežejo na protein TLR4 in tako preprečijo tvorbo kompleksa TLR4-MD-2. Na tak način omenjene spojine preprečijo imunsko aktivacijo v kontekstu TLR-4, ki spada med poglavitne mehanizme bolezni povezanih z imunskim neravnovesjem. To velja zlasti za sistemske infekcije s po gramu-negativnimi bakterijami, kar vodi v sepso in druga imunsko-pogojena patološka stanja.The present invention relates to the field of pharmacy and relates to compounds that bind to the TLR4 protein and prevent the binding of molecules that activate elements of the innate immune response via the MD-2 / Toll-like receptor (TLR) -4 complex. The characteristic of the compounds is that they bind specifically to the TLR4 protein through several wave of polar interactions, thus preventing the formation of the TLR4-MD-2 complex. In this way, said compounds prevent immune activation in the context of TLR-4, which is one of the major mechanisms of immune-related diseases. This is especially true of systemic infections with gram-negative bacteria, leading to sepsis and other immune-related pathological conditions.


Prirojena imunost in toll-u podobni receptorjiInnate immunity and toll-like receptors

Prirojena veja imunskega sistema predstavlja prvo obrambno vrsto pri zaščiti organizma pred patogenimi mikroorganizmi. Poglavitni receptorji, ki modulirajo odziv prirojene imunosti spadajo v družino, ki prepoznava molekulske vzorce oz. »pattem recognition receptors« ali PRRs. Navkljub dejstvu, da prirojena imunost ne deluje specifično na določen antigen, je njena prednost v hitrem in močnem imunskem odzivu, ki nastane, ko receptorji PRR prepoznajo molekulske vzorce, ki so povezani s patogeni (pathogen associated molecular pattems ali PAMPs). V tej skupini igrajo toll-u podobni receptorji (TLR) ključno vlogo in so en poglavitnih PRR. Toll-u podobni receptorji namreč prepoznavajo številne različne PAMP, ki izvirajo iz bakterij, virusov, gliv, kot tudi parazitov (Kawai, Immunity, 2011).The innate branch of the immune system is the first defensive species in protecting the body against pathogenic microorganisms. The major receptors that modulate the innate immunity response belong to a family that recognizes molecular patterns or. Pattem recognition receptors or PRRs. Despite the fact that innate immunity does not specifically act on a particular antigen, its advantage is in the rapid and potent immune response that occurs when PRR receptors recognize pathogen-associated molecular pattems or PAMPs. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a key role in this group and are one of the major PRRs. Toll-like receptors recognize many different PAMPs that originate from bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as parasites (Kawai, Immunity, 2011).

Toll-u podoben receptor 4 (TLR-4)Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4)

Do danes smo pri ljudeh prepoznali že več kot 10 vrst receptorjev TLR. Med temi je TLR-4 vsekakor najbolje preučen. Zelo zanimiv je tudi v kliničnem smislu, saj so mehanizme signalizacije preko TLR-4 povezali s številnimi bolezenskimi stanji, ki so povezana z imunskim sistemom. Receptor TLR-4 se nahaja na celični površini kjer prepozna številne PAMP kot je npr. lipopolisaharid (LPS) (Akira, Celi, 2006). Prepoznava LPS vodi v heterodimerizacijo TLR-4 in pomožnega proteina MD-2 (myeloid differentiation factor-2), kar rezultira v znotraj celično signalizacij sko kaskado pri čemer se aktivirata poti povezani tako s proteinom Myd88 kot s TRIF (Kawai, Nat Immunol, 2006). Slednje vodi v aktivacijo jedrnega dejavnika Nf-κΒ in aktivacijo transkripcijskega dejavnika IRF-3. Končni rezultat omenjene kaskade je prepis številnih vnetnih genov ter aktivacija celic prirojene imunosti med katere sodijo pomembni akterji kot so makrofagi ter dendritične celice.To date, more than 10 types of TLR receptors have been recognized in humans. Of these, the TLR-4 is definitely the best studied. It is also very interesting in clinical terms, since the mechanisms of signaling via TLR-4 have been linked to many immune system-related conditions. The TLR-4 receptor is located on the cell surface where it recognizes many PAMPs such as. lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Akira, Celi, 2006). LPS recognition leads to heterodimerization of TLR-4 and myeloid differentiation factor-2, an MDR-2 protein, resulting in an intracellular signaling cascade, activating pathways associated with both Myd88 and TRIF (Kawai, Nat Immunol, 2006 ). The latter leads to the activation of the Nf-κΒ core factor and the activation of the IRF-3 transcription factor. The end result of this cascade is the transcription of many inflammatory genes and the activation of cells of innate immunity, which include important players such as macrophages and dendritic cells.

Klinični pomen TLR-4Clinical significance of TLR-4

Pravilno delovanje TLR-4 ter odziv na vezavo endotoksinov (LPS) je ključnega pomena za zaščito organizma pred po gramu-negativnimi patogeni. Imunski procesi, ki se inducirajo ob akti vacij i TLR-4 (sproščanje vnetnih citokinov in aktivacija imunskih celic) so namreč ključni za obrambo pred infekcijami in poškodbami, ki so s tem povzročene. Vsekakor pa lahko nepravilno oz. prekomerno delovanje TLR-4 povzroči pretiran odgovor imunskega sistema, kar so že v več primerih povezali s številnimi bolezenskimi stanji pri ljudeh, kot sta sepsa in nevropatska bolečina (Wittebole, Mediators Inflamm, 2010; Guo, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2007). Pri slednjih je zlasti pogostost sepse v svetu ključen razlog, ki postavlja zahteve po razvoju novih pristopov v zdravljenju. Število smrtnih primerov, ki so povezani s sepso je v Ameriki prb. 250 000 letno ter 200 000 letno v Evropi. Smrtnost pri ljudeh, ki razvijejo septični šok je več kot 50-odstotna (Angus, Crit Čare Med, 2001). Omenjeni razlogi predstavljajo TLR-4 kot idealno terapevtsko tarčo za nove imunomodulatome učinkovine.The proper functioning of TLR-4 and the response to endotoxin binding (LPS) are crucial for protecting the body against gram-negative pathogens. The immune processes induced by the activation of TLR-4 (the release of inflammatory cytokines and the activation of immune cells) are crucial for defense against infections and the resulting damage. In any case, it can be incorrect or TLR-4 overexpression causes an overreaction of the immune system, which has been linked in many cases to many human conditions such as sepsis and neuropathic pain (Wittebole, Mediators Inflamm, 2010; Guo, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2007). For the latter, in particular, the incidence of sepsis in the world is a key reason for requiring the development of new treatment approaches. The number of sepsis-related deaths in America is prb. 250,000 a year and 200,000 a year in Europe. Mortality in people who develop septic shock is more than 50% (Angus, Crit Chare Med, 2001). These considerations make TLR-4 an ideal therapeutic target for novel immunomodulatory agents.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Najpomembnejši cilj izuma je bilo odkritje novih učinkovin, ki bi se specifično vezale na protein TLR4 in bi nanj delovale antagonistično.The most important object of the invention was the discovery of novel agents that would specifically bind to the TLR4 protein and act on it antagonistically.


Stanje tehnike na področju sinteznih zaviralcev MD-2/TLR4 opisujejo naslednji primeri:The state of the art in the field of MD-2 / TLR4 synthesis inhibitors is described by the following examples:

Hedayat et al., Medicinal Research Reviews, 2012. 32: 294-325Hedayat et al., Medicinal Research Reviews, 2012. 32: 294-325

Henessy et al., Nat Rev Drug Disc, 2010. 9: 293-307Henessy et al., Nat Rev Drug Disc, 2010. 9: 293-307

O'Neill et al., Pharmacol Rev, 2009. 61: 177-197O'Neill et al., Pharmacol Rev, 2009. 61: 177-197

Kondo et al., Trends Immunol, 2012. 33: 449-458Kondo et al., Trends Immunol, 2012. 33: 449-458

Connoly et al., Curr Op Pharmacol, 2012. 12: 510-518Connoly et al., Curr Op Pharmacol, 2012. 12: 510-518

Kang et al., Annu Rev Biochem, 2011. 80: 917-941Kang et al., Annu Rev Biochem, 2011. 80: 917-941

Makkouk et al., Immunopharmacol & Immunotoxicol, 2009. 31: 331-338Makkouk et al., Immunopharmacol & Immunotoxicol, 2009. 31: 331-338

Bowen et al., Sci Signal, 2012. 5Bowen et al., Sci Signal, 2012. 5

Keogh et al., Trends Pharmacol Sci, 2011. 32: 435-442Keogh et al., Trends Pharmacol Sci, 2011. 32: 435-442

Jin et al., Immunity, 2008. 29: 182-191Jin et al., Immunity, 2008. 29: 182-191

Horscroft et al., J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2012. 67: 789-801Horscroft et al., J Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2012. 67: 789-801

Chavez et al., J Med Chem, 2011. 54: 4659M669.Chavez et al., J Med Chem, 2011. 54: 4659M669.

Matsunaga et al., Mol Pharmacol 2011. 79: 34-41.Matsunaga et al., Mol Pharmacol 2011. 79: 34-41.

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Izum opisujejo naslednje slike/grafi:The invention is described by the following figures / graphs:

Slika 1. Mesta vezave na proteinu TLR4 za spojino 1 (A), spojino 2 (B) in spojino 3 (C) kakor jih je predvidel LeadIT. Predvidene polarne interakcije (A in B) so prikazane s temno prekinjeno črto.Figure 1. TLR4 protein binding sites for compound 1 (A), compound 2 (B) and compound 3 (C) as predicted by LeadIT. The predicted polar interactions (A and B) are shown with a dark dashed line.

Slika 2. Inhibicija z LPS izzvane sekrecije TNF-α iz PBMC-jev s 100 μΜ koncentracijo spojin, ki so predmet patenta. Statistično signifikantno razliko med posamezni pari (tretirane celice glede na LPS kontrolo) smo določili z neparnim Študentovim t testom. (*** - p<0.001) Slika 3. Preliminarni test vezave spojin na imobiliziran TLR4. Vsako spojino smo uporabili v dveh različnih koncentracijah (20 μΜ (črno) in 200 μΜ (rdeče)). Prikazani so senzorgrami za spojino 1 (A), spojino 2 (B) in spojino 3 (C). Vidna je vezava vseh treh spojin pri 20 μΜ koncentraciji. Pri višji koncentraciji spojini 2 in 3 tvorita agregate zaradi slabše topnosti.Figure 2. Inhibition by LPS of elicited TNF-α secretion from PBMCs with 100 μΜ concentration of the subject matter of the patent. The statistically significant difference between individual pairs (treated cells according to the LPS control) was determined by the odd Student's t test. (*** - p <0.001) Figure 3. Preliminary test of binding of compounds to immobilized TLR4. Each compound was used at two different concentrations (20 μΜ (black) and 200 μΜ (red)). Sensor diagrams for Compound 1 (A), Compound 2 (B) and Compound 3 (C) are shown. The binding of all three compounds at 20 μΜ concentration is visible. At higher concentrations, compounds 2 and 3 form aggregates due to their lower solubility.

Predmet predstavljenega izuma so spojine, ki se vežejo na protein TLR-4 in pri tem izražajo antagonistično delovanje. Slednje pomeni, da preprečijo delovanje naravnih ligandov TLR-4 kot je LPS in signalizacijo, ki jo sproži tovrstna vezava na omenjeni receptor. Natančneje, predmet predstavljenega izuma opisuje odkritje novih antagonistov receptorja TLR-4, ki imajo potencialno rabo v terapevtskem smislu kot zdravila za preprečevanje bolezenskih stanj, povezanih s prekomernim delovanjem TLR-4, kot je npr. sepsa in druge vnetne bolezni. Nove spojine, ki so predmet izuma, so predstavljene s formulo in imenom 1UPAC:The present invention provides compounds that bind to the TLR-4 protein and thus exhibit antagonistic activity. The latter means that TLR-4 natural ligands such as LPS are prevented and signaling triggered by such binding to said receptor. Specifically, the present invention discloses the discovery of novel TLR-4 receptor antagonists that have potential therapeutic utility as a means of preventing disease states associated with TLR-4 overexpression, such as e.g. sepsis and other inflammatory diseases. The novel compounds of the invention are represented by the formula and name 1UPAC:



spojina 1compound 1

spojina 3compound 3

Spojina 1: l-(4-fluorofenil)-2-(5-(2-hidroksi-5-metoksibenzoil)pirimidin-2-il)gvanidin Spojina 2: 6-((2-(benzo[djtiazo 1 -2-il)pirolidin-1 -il)metil)-/V2-(o-tolil)-1,3,5-triazin-2,4-diaminCompound 1: 1- (4-fluorophenyl) -2- (5- (2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoyl) pyrimidin-2-yl) guanidine Compound 2: 6 - ((2- (benzo [diazothiazol-2-yl) ) pyrrolidin-1-yl) methyl) - N- (o-tolyl) -1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine

Spojina 3: 2-(metil((4-okso-6-fenil-3,4-dihidrotieno[2,3-d]pirimidin-2-il)metil)amino)-Ar-(4morfolinofenil)acetamidCompound 3: 2- (methyl ((4-oxo-6-phenyl-3,4-dihydrothieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-2-yl) methyl) amino) r - (4morfolinofenil) acetamide

Predloženi izum temelji na podlagi intezivnih interdisciplinarnih študij razvoja in kvantifikacije novih ligandov TLR-4 in je ponazorjen z naslednjimi neomejujočimi primeri:The present invention is based on intensive interdisciplinary studies of the development and quantification of new TLR-4 ligands and is illustrated by the following non-limiting examples:

Primer 1:Example 1:

Postopek odkrivanja novih antagonistov TLR4The process of discovering new TLR4 antagonists

Dosedanji pristopi reševanja tehničnega problema se niso ciljano lotevali inhibicije interakcije med TLR4 in MD-2, oziroma so uporabljali spojine, ki se vežejo bodisi v področje MD-2 bodisi v intracelulamo domeno na proteinu TLR4. V literaturi so sicer objavljene spojine, ki se domnevno vežejo v področje stika med TLR4 in MD-2, vendar spojine izkazujejo citotoksičnost na celični liniji HEK-293. Iz kristalne strukture kompleksa TLR4-MD-2 je razvidno, daje površina TLR4, kije v stiku s proteinom MD-2, dolgo in ozko področje z dimenzijami 40 * 20 A. Povezava med proteinoma poteka preko številnih polarnih interakcij, med katerimi sta najpomembnejši vodikovi vezi arginina 106 na proteinu MD-2 s serinom 183 in asparaginsko kislino 209 na proteinu TLR4. Razrešena kristalna struktura kompleksa in znanje o ključnih aminokislinah pomembnih za interakcijo je omogočila struktumo-podprto načrtovanje novih antagonistov receptorja TLR4. Spojine, definirane v tem izumu, smo odkrili s pomočjo struktumo-podprtega virtualnega rešetanja knjižnic? ZINC, ki vsebuje 11,3 milijona zdravilom-podobnih spojin. Uporabili smo programsko opremo LeadIT, ki je vsako izmed spojin iz virtualne knjižnice umestila v področje stika TLR4-MD-2 in ocenila njihovo interakcijo. Pri različnih proizvajalcih smo pridobili spojine, za katere je program LeadIT predvidel močno interakcijo s proteinom TLR4. Predvidene ocene vezave za spojine, ki so predmet tega patenta, so prikazane v tabeli 1. Mesto vezave, kakor gaje predvidel program LealTje razvidno na sliki 1.Previous approaches to solving the technical problem have not specifically targeted the inhibition of the interaction between TLR4 and MD-2, or have used compounds that bind to either the MD-2 domain or the intracellular domain on the TLR4 protein. Although the literature reported compounds that allegedly bind to the region of contact between TLR4 and MD-2, the compounds exhibit cytotoxicity on the HEK-293 cell line. From the crystal structure of the TLR4-MD-2 complex, it can be seen that the TLR4 surface in contact with the MD-2 protein is a long and narrow region with dimensions 40 * 20 A. The connection between the proteins occurs through a number of polar interactions, the most important of which are hydrogen. of arginine 106 on MD-2 protein with serine 183 and aspartic acid 209 on TLR4 protein. The resolved crystalline structure of the complex and the knowledge of key amino acids important for the interaction made it possible to structure-support the design of novel TLR4 receptor antagonists. The compounds defined in the present invention have been discovered by means of a structure-supported virtual library grid? ZINC containing 11.3 million drug-like compounds. We used LeadIT software to place each of the compounds in the virtual library in the TLR4-MD-2 contact area and evaluate their interaction. We obtained compounds from various manufacturers for which LeadIT envisaged strong interaction with the TLR4 protein. The predicted binding estimates for the compounds that are the subject of this patent are shown in Table 1. The binding site as predicted by the LealT program can be seen in Figure 1.


Primer 2:Example 2:

Biološko oceno delovanja vseh 3 spojin v smislu antagonizma LPS na TLR-4, smo določili z uporabo komercialne celične linije HEK-Blue ™ hTLR-4 podjetja Invivogen. Gre za HEK 293 celično linijo, ki je ko-transficirana s humanimi proteini TLR-4, MD-2, CD14 ter inducibilno fosfatazo SEAP (secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase). Gen za SEAP je vezan na vezavna mesta za transkripcij ska dejavnika Nf-κΒ ter AP-1. Aktivacija TLR-4 tako vodi v prepis in ekspresijo SEAP, katere stopnjo v supematantu celičnih kultur lahko določimo s kolorimetričnimi metodami (Quanti-Blue ™, Invivogen). Antagonizem spojin smo v tem smislu določali na način, da smo HEK-Blue ™ hTLR-4 celice predhodno tretirali z različnimi koncentracijami raziskovanih spojin. Po 2 urah predinkubacije pri 37 °C , smo v celične kulture dodali LPS in celice gojili nadaljnih 20 ur. Inhibicijo vezave LPS na TLR-4 smo posledično določili s kvantifikacijo SEAP v supematantu kultur po 20-ih urah. Inhibicijske konstante (IC)50 spojin smo izračunali na podlagi njihove sposobnosti, da inhibirajo izločanje SEAP v supematante celičnih kultur, kar se je pokazalo kot zmanjšana vrednost absorbance. Za izračun smo uporabili funkcijo analize rezultatov z nelinearno regresijo. Vse postopke v testu smo opravili po navodilih proizvajalca (Invivogen). Kot pozitivno kontrolo antagonizma smo izbrali komercialno dostopen TLR-4 inhibitor TAK-242 (Invivogen). Vrednosti (IC)50za spojine, ki so predmet tega patenta, so prikazane v tabeli LBiological evaluation of the activity of all 3 compounds in terms of LPS antagonism on TLR-4 was determined using a commercial HEK-Blue ™ hTLR-4 cell line from Invivogen. It is a HEK 293 cell line that is co-transfected with human proteins TLR-4, MD-2, CD14, and SEAP (secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase) inducible phosphatase. The SEAP gene is bound to the binding sites for the transcription factor Nf-κΒ and AP-1. Activation of TLR-4 thus leads to the transcription and expression of SEAP, the rate of which in the cell culture supernatant can be determined by colorimetric methods (Quanti-Blue ™, Invivogen). The antagonism of the compounds was determined in this sense by pre-treating HEK-Blue ™ hTLR-4 cells with different concentrations of the compounds tested. After 2 hours of preincubation at 37 ° C, LPS was added to the cell cultures and cells were grown for a further 20 hours. The inhibition of LPS binding to TLR-4 was subsequently determined by quantification of SEAP in the culture supernatant after 20 h. The inhibition constants (ICs) of 50 compounds were calculated based on their ability to inhibit the secretion of SEAP into cell culture substrates, which was shown to be a reduced absorbance value. We used the non-linear regression result analysis function to calculate it. All procedures in the test were performed according to the manufacturer's instructions (Invivogen). A commercially available TLR-4 inhibitor TAK-242 (Invivogen) was selected as a positive control of antagonism. The values (IC) 50 for the compounds subject to this patent are shown in Table L

Primer 3:Example 3:

Za nadaljno biološko oceno antagonistične aktivnosti spojin smo uporabili test določanja citokinov v supematantih kultur levkocitov izoliranih iz periferne krvi (PBMC - peripheral blood mononuclear celiš). Celice PBMC smo izolirali iz krvi prostovoljnih darovalcev na Zavodu RS za transfuzijsko medicino, v soglasju s pravili zavoda. Celice smo nato predinkubirali s spojinami 1, 2 in 3 pri koncentraciji ΙΟΟμΜ za 2 uri in jih nato izpostavili LPS v obdobju 48 ur. Za pozitivno kontrolo antagonizma smo uporabili komercialno dostopen inhibitor signalizacije TLR-4, spojino TAK-242 (Invivogen). Po 2 dneh smo odvzeli celičr j supematante ter jih analizirali za prisotnost vnetnega citokina tumorje nekrotizirajočega dejavnika (tumor necrosis factor - TNF)-a (slika 2). Nivo citokina smo določili z metodo ELISA (Biolegend). Odstotki inhibicije sekrecije TNF-α za spojine, ki so predmet tega patenta, so prikazani v tabeli 1.For further biological evaluation of the antagonistic activity of the compounds, we used a cytokine assay assay in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures of the leukocyte cultures. PBMC cells were isolated from the blood of voluntary donors at the RS Institute for Transfusion Medicine, in accordance with the rules of the Institute. Cells were then preincubated with compounds 1, 2, and 3 at ΙΟΟμΜ for 2 h and then exposed to LPS for 48 h. A commercially available TLR-4 signaling inhibitor, compound TAK-242 (Invivogen), was used to positively control antagonism. After 2 days, cell supernatants were removed and analyzed for the presence of inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -a (Figure 2). Cytokine levels were determined by ELISA (Biolegend) method. The percent inhibition of TNF-α secretion for the compounds subject to this patent are shown in Table 1.

Tabela 1. Biološki rezultati in ocena vezave programa LeadIT.Table 1. Biological results and assessment of LeadIT binding.

Spojina Compound IC50 (μΜ) ± SEM IC50 (μΜ) ± SEM % inhibicije sekrecije TNF-α pri koncentraciji 100μΜ % inhibition of secretion TNF-α at concentration 100μΜ LeadIT (kcal/mol) LeadIT (kcal / mol) ocena rating 1 1 16.6 ± 1.2 16.6 ± 1.2 87.4 87.4 -31.70 -31.70 2 2 64.1 ± 1.4 64.1 ± 1.4 80.8 80.8 -30.83 -30.83 3 3 167.5 ±1.4 167.5 ± 1.4 93.3 93.3 -25.42 -25.42

Primer 4:Example 4:

Spojine, z zgoraj opisanimi lastnostmi, se specifično vežejo na protein TLR4. Poskus vezave smo izvedli s pomočjo površinske plazmonske resonance (SPR). Uporabili smo instrument Biacore T100 (GE Healthcare) opremljen s čipom Series S Sensor chip CM5 (GE Healthcare). Za imobilizacijo proteina smo uporabili HBS-EP pufer (10 mM Hepes, 150 mM NaCl, 0.005% P20, pH 7.4). TLR4 smo na čip vezali kovalentno preko aminskih skupinah p j navodilih proizvajalca čipov. Površino čipa CM5 (pretočni celici 1 in 2) smo aktivirali z 12minutnim pulzom mešanice 0.4 M l-Etil-3-(3-dimetilaminopropil)-karbodiimida in 0.1 M Nhidroksisukcinimida po navodilih proizvajalca. Rekombinantni človeški TLR4 (R&D Systems) smo raztopili v 10 mM acetatnem pufru (pH 5.0), do končne koncentracije 200 pg/ml in injicirali dvakrat po 600 s preko druge pretočne celice. Obe celici smo blokirali z 7 minutnim pulzom 1.0 M etanolamina. Končni nivo vezave po deaktivaciji obeh celic je bil približno 8000 RU. Presejalni test smo izvedli pri 25 °C z uporabo PBS (10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4, 137 mM NaCl, 2 mM KC1,, pH 7.4) in dodanim 2% DMSO (Merck) kot nosilnim pufrom. Vse 3 aktivne spojine iz celičnih testov smo preizkusili pri 2 različnih koncentracijah, pri 20 μΜ in 200 μΜ. Vsako spojino smo vbrizgavali 1 minuto pri pretoku 30 μΐ/min in disociacijo spremljali 30 sekund. Površine nismo regenerirali, smo pa po vsakem injiciranju pustili pretok pufra 30 sekund, da se je površina stabilizirala. Primerjali smo odzive spojin z odzivom pufra in ugotovili, da vse 3 spojine izkazujejo afiniteto do proteina TLR4 (slika 3). Spojina 1 je bila topna tudi pri koncentraciji 200 μΜ, medtem ko sta spojini 2 in 3 pri višji koncentraciji tvorili agregate.Compounds with the properties described above bind specifically to the TLR4 protein. The binding experiment was performed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). We used a Biacore T100 instrument (GE Healthcare) equipped with a Series S Sensor chip CM5 (GE Healthcare). HBS-EP buffer (10 mM Hepes, 150 mM NaCl, 0.005% P20, pH 7.4) was used to immobilize the protein. TLR4 was covalently bound to the chip via amine groups pj by the chip manufacturer. The surface of the CM5 chip (flow cells 1 and 2) was activated with a 12-minute pulse of a mixture of 0.4 M l-Ethyl-3- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) -carbodiimide and 0.1 M Nhydroxysuccinimide according to the manufacturer's instructions. Recombinant human TLR4 (R&D Systems) was dissolved in 10 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.0), to a final concentration of 200 pg / ml and injected twice after 600 s via another flow cell. Both cells were blocked with a 7 minute pulse of 1.0 M ethanolamine. The final binding level after deactivation of both cells was approximately 8000 RU. Screening was performed at 25 ° C using PBS (10 mM Na 2 HPO 4 , 2 mM KH 2 PO 4 , 137 mM NaCl, 2 mM KC1, pH 7.4) and 2% DMSO (Merck) added as carrier buffer. All 3 active compounds from cellular assays were tested at 2 different concentrations, at 20 μΜ and 200 μΜ. Each compound was injected for 1 minute at a flow rate of 30 μΐ / min and dissociation was monitored for 30 seconds. The surface was not regenerated, but after each injection, the buffer flow was allowed to stabilize for 30 seconds. We compared the responses of the compounds with the buffer response and found that all 3 compounds showed affinity for the TLR4 protein (Fig. 3). Compound 1 was also soluble at a concentration of 200 μΜ, while compounds 2 and 3 formed aggregates at a higher concentration.


Spojine, ki so predmet tega patenta, se uporabljajo za pripravo zdravil, ki delujejo antagonistično na receptor TLR4. Zdravila s farmakološko učinkovito vsebnostjo spojin, ki so predmet tega patenta, se uporabljajo za zdravljenje bolezni, za katere je značilen prekomeren imunski odziv preko receptorja TLR4, kot sta sepsa in nevropatska bolečina.The compounds which are the subject of this patent are used for the preparation of drugs that act antagonistically to the TLR4 receptor. Medicaments having a pharmacologically effective content of the compounds of this patent are used to treat diseases characterized by an overactive immune response via the TLR4 receptor, such as sepsis and neuropathic pain.

Claims (5)

1. Spojine, označene s strukturno formulo, spojina 3 in imenom IUPAC:1. Compounds designated by the structural formula, compound 3 and the name IUPAC: Spojina 1: l-(4-fluorofenil)-2-(5-(2-hidroksi-5-metoksibenzoil)pirimidin-2-il)gvanidin Spojina 2: 6-((2-(benzo[d]tiazol-2-il)pirolidin-l-il)metil)-A2-(o-tolil)-l,3,5-triazin2,4-diaminCompound 1: 1- (4-fluorophenyl) -2- (5- (2-hydroxy-5-methoxybenzoyl) pyrimidin-2-yl) guanidine Compound 2: 6 - ((2- (benzo [d] thiazol-2- yl) pyrrolidin-1-yl) methyl) -A 2 - (o-tolyl) -1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine Spojina 3: 2-(metil((4-okso-6-fenil-3,4-dihidrotieno[2,3-d]pirimidin-2il)metil)amino)-A-(4-morfolinofenil)acetamid, z antagonističnim delovanjem na receptor TLR4.Compound 3: 2- (methyl ((4-oxo-6-phenyl-3,4-dihydrothieno [2,3-d] pyrimidin-2yl) methyl) amino) -A- (4-morpholinophenyl) acetamide, with antagonistic action to the TLR4 receptor. 2. Spojine s strukturo in imenom IUPAC po zahtevku 1, označene s tem, da se uporabljajo kot terapevtsko učinkovite snovi.Compounds of the structure and name of IUPAC according to claim 1, characterized in that they are used as therapeutically effective substances. 3. Uporaba spojin s strukturo in imenom IUPAC po zahtevku 1 za pripravo zdravil, ki delujejo antagnonistično na receptor TLR4.Use of compounds of the structure and name of IUPAC according to claim 1 for the preparation of drugs that act antagonistically to the TLR4 receptor. 4. Uporaba spojin s strukturo in imenom IUPAC po zahtevku 1 za pripravo zdravil, ki se uporabljajo za za zdravljenje bolezni, za katere je značilen prekomeren imunski odziv preko receptorja TLR4, kot sta sepsa in nevropatska bolečina.Use of compounds of the structure and name of IUPAC according to claim 1 for the preparation of medicaments for use in the treatment of diseases characterized by excessive immune responses via the TLR4 receptor, such as sepsis and neuropathic pain. 5. Farmacevtski pripravki označeni s tem, da vsebujejo terapevtsko učinkovito množino spojin s strukturo in imenom IUPAC po zahtevku 1 in farmacevtsko sprejemljive pomožne snovi.Pharmaceutical preparations characterized in that they contain a therapeutically effective amount of compounds of the structure and name of IUPAC according to claim 1 and pharmaceutically acceptable excipients.
SI201300071A 2013-03-25 2013-03-25 Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening SI24316A (en)

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SI201300071A SI24316A (en) 2013-03-25 2013-03-25 Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening

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SI201300071A SI24316A (en) 2013-03-25 2013-03-25 Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening

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SI201300071A SI24316A (en) 2013-03-25 2013-03-25 Antagonists of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4), detected by a virtual screening

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2021156774A1 (en) * 2020-02-03 2021-08-12 Gain Therapeutics Sa Combination therapy for treating mps1

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2021156774A1 (en) * 2020-02-03 2021-08-12 Gain Therapeutics Sa Combination therapy for treating mps1

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