SI24240A - The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator - Google Patents

The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator Download PDF


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SI24240A SI201200342A SI201200342A SI24240A SI 24240 A SI24240 A SI 24240A SI 201200342 A SI201200342 A SI 201200342A SI 201200342 A SI201200342 A SI 201200342A SI 24240 A SI24240 A SI 24240A
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active magnetic
magnetic regenerator
magnetocaloric material
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Slovenian (sl)
Jaka Tušek
Klemen Pompe
Andrej Kitanovski
Janez Tušek
Alojz Poredoš
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UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI Fakulteta za strojništvo
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Application filed by UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI Fakulteta za strojništvo filed Critical UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI Fakulteta za strojništvo
Priority to SI201200342A priority Critical patent/SI24240A/en
Priority to PCT/IB2013/058570 priority patent/WO2014076588A1/en
Publication of SI24240A publication Critical patent/SI24240A/en



    • F25B21/00Machines, plants or systems, using electric or magnetic effects
    • F25B2321/00Details of machines, plants or systems, using electric or magnetic effects
    • F25B2321/002Details of machines, plants or systems, using electric or magnetic effects by using magneto-caloric effects
    • F25B2321/0021Details of machines, plants or systems, using electric or magnetic effects by using magneto-caloric effects with a static fixed magnet
    • Y02B30/00Energy efficient heating, ventilation or air conditioning [HVAC]


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  • Thermal Sciences (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Laser Beam Processing (AREA)
  • Hard Magnetic Materials (AREA)


Predloženi izum se nanaša na postopek izdelave aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja iz magnetokaloričnega materiala. Pri tem se najprej izdela vsaj en distančnik (2) na plošči (1) 5 iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, nakar se niz plošč (1) iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, zasnovanih z vsaj enim distančnikom (2), postavi druga na drugo, s čimer se ustvari sklad (4). Omenjeni sklad (4) iz niza plošč (1) iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, zasnovanih z vsaj enim distančnikom (2), se zatem medsebojno poveže v omenjeni regenerator.The present invention relates to a process for the production of an active magnetic regenerator from a magnetocalar material. In this case, at least one spacer (2) is formed on the plate (1) 5 from the magnetocalar material material, and the series of plates (1) of the magnetocalar material material, formed by at least one spacer (2), are positioned to one another, thereby creating stock (4). Said fund (4) from a series of plates (1) made of magnetocalar material material, formed with at least one spacer (2), is then interconnected to said regenerator.


Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za strojništvoUniversity of Ljubljana Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Postopek izdelave aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorjaThe process of manufacturing an active magnetic regenerator

Predmetni izum se nanaša na postopek izdelave aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja iz magnetokaloričnega materiala in na aktivni magnetni regenerator, izdelan po tem postopku.The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing an active magnetic regenerator from a magnetocaloric material and to an active magnetic regenerator produced by this process.

Aktivni magnetni regeneratorji iz magnetokaloričnega materiala so v splošnem znani in so zasnovani bodisi na osnovi nasutih zgradb, kot na primer nasut prah ali kroglice, ali na osnovi urejene zgradbe, kot na primer ravne plošče. Omenjeni nasuti aktivni magnetni regeneratorji imajo zaradi sorazmerno velikih tlačnih izgub pri toku fluida skoznje dokaj nizko učinkovitost.Active magnetic regenerators of magnetocaloric material are generally known and are designed either on the basis of loose structures, such as loose dust or beads, or on the basis of an ordered structure, such as flat panels. Said active magnetic regenerators have a relatively low efficiency due to their relatively high pressure losses in fluid flow.

Energetsko ugodnejša izvedba aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja predvideva uporabo ravnih plošč s karseda veliko površino za prenos toplote. Pri tem se je v splošnem uveljavilo več postopkov izdelave tovrstnih zgradb. Tako na primer eden od tovrstnih postopkov predvideva vstavljanje omenjenih plošč v za ta namen narejene nosilce, pri čemer nosilci zagotavljajo razmik med ploščicami magnetokaloričnega materiala. Ker omenjeni nosilci magnetokaloričnih plošč zasedajo prostor v magnetnem polju, ki bi sicer moral biti zaseden z magnetokaloričnim materialom, je učinek tovrstne zgradbe manj primeren za uporabo. Tovrsten postopek tudi ne zagotavlja togosti aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja, na katerega med delovanjem deluje tako magnetna sila kot tudi tlačne sile. Poleg tega s tovrstnim postopkom ni mogoče zagotoviti poljubno majhnega razmika med ploščami.The more energy-efficient implementation of the active magnetic regenerator involves the use of flat panels with as large a surface as possible for heat transfer. In general, several procedures for the construction of such buildings have been established. For example, one such method involves inserting said plates into a carrier designed for this purpose, the supports providing a space between the plates of the magnetocaloric material. Since the said carriers of magnetocaloric plates occupy space in a magnetic field that would otherwise have to be occupied with magnetocaloric material, the effect of this type of structure is less suitable for use. Such a process also does not guarantee the rigidity of an active magnetic regenerator, which is subjected to both magnetic force and compressive force during operation. In addition, such a process cannot guarantee an arbitrarily small space between the panels.

Nadaljnji znani tovrstni postopek predvideva izdelavo omenjenih plošč iz magnetokaloričnega materiala po postopku odrezavanja, s čimer se posledično zagotovi razmik med magnetokaloričnim materialom. Tovrstni postopek je zaradi sorazmerno velike količine odpadka po eni strani cenovno neugoden, po drugi pa ne zagotavlja dovolj majhnega razmika med omenjenimi ploščami, kar bi omogočilo boljši prenos toplote.A further known method of this kind involves the manufacture of said plates from magnetocaloric material after the cutting process, thereby providing a separation between the magnetocaloric material. Due to the relatively large amount of waste, such a process is, on the one hand, cost-effective on the one hand, and on the other hand does not provide a sufficiently small gap between said plates, which would allow better heat transfer.

Še nadaljnji znani tovrstni postopek predvideva lepljenje magnetokaloričnega materiala in distančnikov, ki zagotavljajo razmik med omenjenimi ploščami magnetokaloričnega materiala. Lepljenje je dokaj nezanesljivo, saj ne omogoča popolnoma enakomernega razmika med ploščami, ki je za učinkovito delovanje aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja izjemnega pomena. Pri tem obstaja velika možnost, da del lepila zapolni razmik med ploščami. Seveda pa lepilo zaseda določen prostor med distančniki in magnetokaloričnim materialom, kar zmanjša količino uporabljenega magnetokaloričnega materiala. Poleg tega lepilo sčasoma postane občutljivo na fluid za prenos toplote, ki se pretaka preko aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja.A further known method of this kind involves the bonding of magnetocaloric material and spacers, which provide spacing between said panels of magnetocaloric material. Bonding is quite unreliable, since it does not allow a completely uniform spacing between the panels, which is of great importance for the effective operation of an active magnetic regenerator. There is a good chance that the adhesive portion will fill the gap between the panels. Of course, the adhesive occupies a certain space between the spacers and the magnetocaloric material, which reduces the amount of magnetocaloric material used. In addition, the adhesive eventually becomes sensitive to the heat transfer fluid flowing through the active magnetic regenerator.

Naloga predloženega izuma je ustvariti postopek izdelave aktivnega magnetnega regeneratoija, s katerim so odpravljene pomanjkljivosti znanih rešitev.It is an object of the present invention to provide a process for manufacturing an active magnetic regeneratoi, which eliminates the disadvantages of the known solutions.

Nadaljnja naloga izuma je ustvariti aktivni magnetni regenerator, izdelan po predmetnem postopku.It is a further object of the invention to create an active magnetic regenerator manufactured by the present method.

Zastavljena naloga je po izumu rešena z značilnostmi, razkritimi v 1. patentnem zahtevku. Podrobnosti izuma so razkrite v podzahtevkih. Po izumu je predvideno, da se na plošči, zasnovani iz vsaj ene vrste magnetokaloričnega materiala, najprej izdela vsaj en distančnik, nakar se niz omenjenih plošč iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, zasnovanih z vsaj enim distančnikom, postavi druga na drugo, s čimer se ustvari sklad. Omenjeni sklad, sestavljen iz niza plošč iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, zasnovanih z vsaj enim distančnikom, se zatem na materialnosklepni način medsebojno poveže v omenjeni aktivni magnetni regenerator.The object of the invention is solved by the features disclosed in claim 1. Details of the invention are disclosed in the sub-claims. According to the invention, it is contemplated that at least one spacer is first created on a panel formed of at least one type of magnetocaloric material, and then a set of said panels of magnetocaloric material designed with at least one spacer is placed on top of one another, thus creating a stack. Said stack, consisting of a series of plates of magnetocaloric material designed with at least one spacer, is then interconnected in a material-locked manner into said active magnetic regenerator.

Izum je v nadaljevanju podrobneje opisan na osnovi izvedbenega primera in s pomočjo skic, kjer kaže sl. 1 plošča aktivnega magnetnega regeneratoija po izumu v tridimenzionalnem pogledu, sl. 2 aktivni magnetni regenerator s sl. 1 v tridimenzionalnem pogledu, sl. 3 prerez plošče aktivnega magnetnega regeneratoija s sl. 1 v navpični ravnmi III, sl. 4 drugi izvedbeni primer plošče aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja s sl. 1, sl. 5 prerez plošče aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja s sl. 4 v navpični ravnini V.The invention will now be described in more detail based on an embodiment and with reference to the drawings, in which FIG. 1 shows a panel of active magnetic regeneratoi according to the invention in three-dimensional view; 2 shows an active magnetic regenerator of FIG. 1 in three-dimensional view; 3 is a cross-sectional view of the active magnetic regeneration plate of FIG. 1 in vertical plane III, FIG. 4 is another embodiment of the active magnetic regenerator board of FIG. 1, FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the active magnetic regenerator plate of FIG. 4 in the vertical plane V.

Aktivni magnetni regenerator po izumu sestoji iz niza druga na drugo postavljenih plošč 1 iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, prednostno iz takšnega magnetokaloričnega materiala, ki ima karseda dobre magnetokalorične lastnosti pri temperaturi okolice, kot na primer gadolinij (Gd) in njegove zlitine, lantan (La) in njegove zlitine, mangan (Mn) in njegove zlitine in podobno. Omenjena plošča 1 je, gledano v smeri toka fluida skozi regenerator, lahko zasnovana iz ene same vrste magnetokaloričnega materiala, lahko pa je zasnovana iz različnih materialov in v različnih kombinacijah.The active magnetic regenerator of the invention consists of a series of stacked panels 1 of magnetocaloric material, preferably of such magnetocaloric material, which has as good as possible magnetocaloric properties at ambient temperature such as gadolinium (Gd) and its alloys, lanthanum (La) and its alloys, manganese (Mn) and its alloys and the like. Said panel 1, when viewed in the direction of fluid flow through the regenerator, may be designed from a single type of magnetocaloric material, but may be designed from different materials and in different combinations.

Omenjena plošča 1 je prednostno v svojem robnem območju, na dveh nasproti ležečih si stranicah vsakokrat zasnovana z vsaj enim distančnikom 2, ki je vsakokrat plosko položen na in pritisnjen ob omenjeno ploščo 1. Omenjena plošča 1 in vsakokratni omenjeni distančnik 2 sta medsebojno povezana z nizom točkastih zvarov 3, ki se jih prednostno izdela s pomočjo pulznega laserskega varjenja. V predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru omenjena plošča 1 obsega debelino d = 0,25 mm, medtem ko omenjeni distančnik 2 obsega debelino t = 0,1 mm.Said plate 1 is preferably in its peripheral region, at two opposite sides each being designed with at least one spacer 2, which is each time flatly laid on and pressed against said plate 1. Said plate 1 and each said spacer 2 are interconnected with a string spot welds 3, which are preferably fabricated by pulsed laser welding. In the embodiment shown, said plate 1 has a thickness d = 0.25 mm, while said spacer 2 has a thickness t = 0.1 mm.

Po predlaganem izumu je mogoča tudi izvedba, pri kateri sta omenjena distančnika 2 z omenjeno ploščo 1 iz magnetokaloričnega materiala zasnovana integralno, iz enega kosa, na primer s pomočjo litja, sintranja, hladnega in/ali toplega plastičnega preoblikovanja plošče 1 in podobno.According to the present invention, an embodiment is also possible in which said spacers 2 with said plate 1 of magnetocaloric material are integrally formed from one piece, for example by casting, sintering, cold and / or warm plastic molding of plate 1 and the like.

Aktivni magnetni regenerator po izumu se ustvari na način, da se niz omenjenih plošč 1 iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, ki so na zgoraj opisani način zasnovane s parom distančnikov 2, zloži druga na drugo v sklad 4. Pri tem se omenjeni distančniki 2 nahajajo zgolj na strani plošč 1, ki so obrnjene druga k drugi. Medsebojno povezavo omenjenega zloženega sklada se doseže na materialnosklepni način, kot na primer s pomočjo varjenja in/ali adhezijskega spajanja omenjenih plošč 1. V predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru se povezavo omenjenega zloženega sklada plošč 1 doseže z nizom linijskih zvarov 5, ki se jih prednostno izdela s pomočjo pulznega laserskega varjenja.The active magnetic regenerator of the invention is created in such a way that a set of said plates 1 of magnetocaloric material, which are designed with a pair of spacers 2 described above, are stacked on top of each other in the stack 4. The said spacers 2 are located only on the side of panels 1 facing each other. The interconnection of said stacked stack is achieved in a material-locked manner, such as, for example, by welding and / or adhesive bonding of said plates 1. In the present embodiment, the connection of said stacked stack of plates 1 is achieved by a series of line welds 5, preferably made by by pulse laser welding.

Po izumu se je kot prednostno izkazalo, če leži razmerje debeline d omenjene plošče 1 proti debelini t omenjenega distančnika 2 v območju med približno 100 : 1 do približno 1:10, prednostno v območju med približno 10 :1 do približno 1:1.According to the invention, it is preferred that the ratio of thickness d of said plate 1 to thickness t of said spacer 2 lies in the range of from about 100: 1 to about 1:10, preferably in the range of from about 10: 1 to about 1: 1.

Toplotne lastnosti aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja po izumu so močno odvisne od geometrije plošč 1 in distančnikov 2, zlasti od debeline le-teh. Tako se je na primer izkazalo, da so karakteristike prenosa toplote, kadar debelina t omenjenih distančnikov 2 znaša približno polovico debeline d vsakokratne plošče 1, za okoli 50 % boljše kot v primeru, ko je debelina t distančnikov 2 enaka debelini d plošč 1. Seveda je pri izbiri omenjenih debelin d, t potrebno paziti, da se razmika oz. debeline t distančnika 2 med dvema sosednjima ploščama 1 ne manjša preveč, saj se posledično veča tlačni padec fluida.The thermal properties of the active magnetic regenerator according to the invention are highly dependent on the geometry of the plates 1 and spacers 2, in particular the thickness thereof. Thus, for example, heat transfer characteristics have been shown when the thickness t of said spacers 2 is about half the thickness d of each plate 1, about 50% better than when the thickness t of the spacers 2 is equal to the thickness d plates 1. Of course when choosing the mentioned thicknesses d, t, care must be taken to ensure that they are spaced apart. the thickness t of the spacer 2 between the two adjacent plates 1 does not decrease too much as the pressure drop of the fluid increases.

Omenjeno pulzno lasersko varjenje pri konkretnem izvedbenem primeru je izbrano na način, da jakost pulza linearno narašča od približno 30 % največje moči laserja do 100 % največje moči laserja. Tovrstno pulzno lasersko varjenje je zlasti primemo za varjenje tankih plošč, s čimer se prepreči prehitro pretalitev distančnika 2. Največja jakost omenjenega pulza za linijski zvar 5 je bila izbrana v območju okoli 0,5 kW, medtem ko je bila največja jakost omenjenega pulza za točkovni zvar 3 izbrana v območju okoli 0,8 kW. Za izdelavo točkovnega zvara 3 je potrebna večja jakost omenjenega pulza, saj je potrebno vsakokratni distančnik 2 pretaliti po njegovi celomi debelini t. Čas trajanja laserskega pulza je izbran v območju približno 3 ms. Pulzirajoči laserski žarek oz. talina, ki jo omenjeni žarek ustvari, obsega premer med 0,6 mm in 0,8 mm. Pri tem temperaturna porazdelitev znotraj pulza zavzema obliko Gaussove porazdelitve, kjer največja temperatura znaša več kot 5.000 °C.Said pulsed laser welding in a particular embodiment is selected in such a way that the pulse strength increases linearly from about 30% of the maximum laser power to 100% of the maximum laser power. This type of pulsed laser welding is particularly suitable for welding thin plates, thereby preventing the spacer from melting too fast 2. The maximum pulse strength of the line weld 5 was selected in the range of about 0.5 kW, while the maximum pulse strength was for point welding. weld 3 selected in the range of about 0.8 kW. To produce a spot weld 3, a higher pulse strength is required, since each spacer 2 must be melted over its entire thickness t. The laser pulse duration is selected in the range of approximately 3 ms. Pulsating laser beam The melt generated by said beam comprises a diameter between 0.6 mm and 0.8 mm. In this case, the temperature distribution within the pulse takes the form of a Gaussian distribution, where the maximum temperature is more than 5,000 ° C.

Po predloženem izumu je predvideno, da se omenjene plošče 1 že na samem začetku postopka takšne, da izkazujejo magnetokalorično stanje, nakar se jih opremi z omenjenimi distančniki 2, sestavi v omenjeni sklad 4 in medsebojno materialnosklepno poveže. Vendar pa je zlasti v primerih, ko določeni materiali v aktivnem magnetokaloričnem stanju niso primerni oz. sposobni za varjenje, mogoče, da se omenjene plošče 1 najprej opremi z omenjenimi distančniki 2, sestavi v omenjeni sklad 4 in medsebojno materialnosklepno poveže, nakar šele se jih obdela na način, da pridobijo ustrezne magnetokalorične lastnosti.According to the present invention, it is contemplated that said plates 1 at the very beginning of the process be such that they exhibit a magnetocaloric state, after which they are equipped with said spacers 2, assembled into said stack 4 and connected with one another by material support. However, it is especially the case when certain materials in the active magnetocaloric state are not suitable or suitable. capable of welding, it is possible for said plates 1 to be first equipped with said spacers 2, assembled into said stack 4 and interconnected materially, and then processed in such a way as to obtain suitable magnetocaloric properties.

Seveda je povsem očitno, da se lahko uporabi tudi drugačne varilne parametre, ki so odvisni tako od uporabljenih materialov kot tudi od debelin uporabljenih materialov, in drugačne kombinacije materialov, ne da bi se s tem oddaljili od smisla in obsega izumaIt is, of course, quite obvious that different welding parameters may be used, depending on the materials used and the thickness of the materials used, and a different combination of materials without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.

Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za strojništvoUniversity of Ljubljana Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Claims (11)

1. Postopek izdelave aktivnega magnetnega regeneratorja iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, značilen po tem, da obsega1. A process for making an active magnetic regenerator of magnetocaloric material, characterized in that it comprises a) izdelavo vsaj enega distančnika (2) na plošči (1), zasnovani iz vsaj ene vrste magnetokaloričnega materiala,a) making at least one spacer (2) on a plate (1), made of at least one type of magnetocaloric material, b) postavitev niza omenjenih plošč (1), zasnovanih vsakokrat z vsaj enim distančnikom (2), druga na drugo, da se ustvari sklad (4),b) placing a series of said plates (1), each designed with at least one spacer (2), one at a time, to create a stack (4), c) medsebojno povezavo v omenjeni sklad (4) zloženega omenjenega niza plošč (1), ki so vsakokrat zasnovane z vsaj enim distančnikom (2).c) interconnecting said stack (4) of said stacked set of plates (1), each of which is designed with at least one spacer (2). 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da se medsebojno povezavo omenjenega zloženega sklada (4) doseže z materialnosklepno zvezo.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the interconnection of said stacked stack (4) is achieved by a material-locking connection. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 1 in 2, značilen po tem, da se medsebojno povezavo omenjenega zloženega sklada (4) doseže z nizom linijskih zvarov (5), ki se jih prednostno izdela s pomočjo pulznega laserskega varjenja.Method according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the interconnection of said stacked stack (4) is achieved by a series of line welds (5), which are preferably produced by pulsed laser welding. 4. Postopek po zahtevku 1 in 2, značilen po tem, da se medsebojno povezavo omenjenega zloženega sklada (4) doseže z varjenjem in/ali adhezijskim učinkom.Method according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the interconnection of said stacked stack (4) is achieved by welding and / or adhesion. 5. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 4, značilen po tem, da je omenjena plošča (1) zasnovana z vsaj enim distančnikom (2), ki je plosko položen na in pritisnjen ob omenjeno ploščo (1), pri čemer sta omenjena plošča (1) in vsakokratni omenjeni distančnik (2) medsebojno povezana z nizom zvarov (3).Method according to claims 1 to 4, characterized in that said plate (1) is formed by at least one spacer (2), which is flatly placed on and pressed against said plate (1), said plate (1) ) and respective spacer (2) interconnected with a set of welds (3). 6. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 5, značilen po tem, da je omenjena plošča (1), ki obsega vsaj en distančnik (2), s slednjim zasnovana iz enega kosa, na primer s pomočjo litja, sintranja, hladnega in/ali toplega plastičnega preoblikovanja plošče (1) in podobno.Method according to claims 1 to 5, characterized in that said plate (1) comprising at least one spacer (2), with the latter being formed from one piece, for example by casting, sintering, cold and / or warm plastic molding plate (1) and the like. 7. Postopek po zahtevkih 1 do 5, značilen po tem, da se omenjeni zvari (3) prednostno točkasti zvari, ki se jih izdela s pomočjo pulznega laserskega varjenja.Method according to claims 1 to 5, characterized in that said welds (3) are preferably spot welds produced by pulsed laser welding. 8. Aktivni magnetni regenerator iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, značilen po tem, da obsega v sklad (4) postavljen in materialnosklepno povezan niz plošč (1) iz vsaj ene vrste magnetokaloričnega materiala, pri čemer je na vsakokratni plošči (1) izdelan vsaj en distančnik (2).8. An active magnetic regenerator of magnetocaloric material, characterized in that it comprises a stacked and materially connected set of plates (1) made up of at least one type of magnetocaloric material in the stack (4), with at least one spacer (1) made on each plate (1). 2). 9. Aktivni magnetni regenerator po zahtevku 8, značilen po tem, da je omenjena plošča (1) gledano v smeri toka fluida zasnovana iz istovrstnega magnetokaloričnega materiala.Active magnetic regenerator according to claim 8, characterized in that said plate (1) is formed from the same magnetocaloric material in the direction of the fluid flow. 10. Aktivni magnetni regenerator po zahtevku 8, značilen po tem, da je omenjena plošča (1) gledano v smeri toka fluida zasnovana iz različnih magnetokaloričnih materialov.Active magnetic regenerator according to claim 8, characterized in that said plate (1) is formed from different magnetocaloric materials in the direction of fluid flow. 11. Aktivni magnetni regenerator iz magnetokaloričnega materiala, izdelan po postopku po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov.11. An active magnetic regenerator of magnetocaloric material manufactured by the method of any one of the preceding claims.
SI201200342A 2012-11-16 2012-11-16 The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator SI24240A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI201200342A SI24240A (en) 2012-11-16 2012-11-16 The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator
PCT/IB2013/058570 WO2014076588A1 (en) 2012-11-16 2013-09-16 A method for producing an active magnetic regenerator

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SI201200342A SI24240A (en) 2012-11-16 2012-11-16 The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator

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SI201200342A SI24240A (en) 2012-11-16 2012-11-16 The method of manufacture of the active magnetic regenerator

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