SI24084A - Submersible injection turbine - Google Patents

Submersible injection turbine Download PDF


Publication number
SI24084A SI201300122A SI201300122A SI24084A SI 24084 A SI24084 A SI 24084A SI 201300122 A SI201300122 A SI 201300122A SI 201300122 A SI201300122 A SI 201300122A SI 24084 A SI24084 A SI 24084A
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Slovenian (sl)
Alfred ZajiÄŤ
Original Assignee
Zajić Tina
Zajič Sergej
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Zajić Tina, Zajič Sergej filed Critical Zajić Tina
Priority to SI201300122A priority Critical patent/SI24084A/en
Publication of SI24084A publication Critical patent/SI24084A/en



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


Potopna vpihovalna turbina, katera je potopljena v medij, kot je voda, zbiralnik fekalij ali kakšen drug viskozni medij, v katerega je potrebno dovajati zrak ali druge fluidne snovi, je koncipirana kot radialna turbina, ki je aretirana na votlo debelostensko cev-pogonska gred turbine (4), ki je gnana z že navedenimi izvedbenimi inačicami agregatov. Potopna zračna turbina je postavljena na glavo v vodo tako, da so lopatice turbine (5) vzporedno z gladino vode in z vrtenjem lopatic turbine (5), se ustvarjacentrifugalna sila medija ter ga odganja od centra vrtenja in tako ustvarja podtlak v spojnem delu lopatic s pogonsko votlo gredjo (4) turbine, skozi katero se zaradi ustvarjenega podtlaka vsesava okoliški zrak ali nek drug fluidni medij. Vsesani fluid se meša z medijem vsesavanja in se pri tem tvorijo zračni mehurčki, ki obogatijo medij vsesavanja s kisikom, ki v nadaljevanju postopka sproži oksidacijo ali dodajamo drugi fluid, ki je tehnološko primeren predvidenem postopku za njegovo dodajanje v medijuobdelave.The submersible blowing turbine, which is immersed in a medium such as water, a faecal collector, or some other viscous medium into which air or other fluid substances are to be supplied, is conceived as a radial turbine that is sealed on a hollow thick-walled tube-drive shaft of a turbine (4), which is driven by the aforementioned execution variants of aggregates. The submersible air turbine is placed in the water in such a way that the turbine blades (5) are parallel to the water level and by rotating the turbine blades (5), creating a centrifugal force of the medium and disengaging it from the center of rotation, thus creating a vacuum in the coupling part of the blades a drive hollow shaft (4) of a turbine through which, due to the vacuum created, the ambient air or other fluid medium is sucked in. The blown fluid is mixed with the suction medium, thereby forming air bubbles that enrich the oxygen deposition medium which, in the continuation of the process, induces oxidation or the addition of another fluid, which is technologically suitable for the intended procedure for its addition to the medium of processing.


Za snovanje potopne vpihovalne turbine izdelane po pričujočem patentnem spisu smo interdisciplinirali najsodobnejša dognanja mehanike, hidrostatike, tehničnih znanj o gibanju fluidov v enovito turbinsko napravo, ki temelji na že znanih tehničnih rešitvah elektromotornih ali drugih pogonskih motorjev, na katere je umeščena naša potopna vpihovalna turbina. Izum se nanaša na potopno vpihovalno turbinsko napravo, katera je potopljena v medij, kot je voda, zbiralnik fekalij ali kakšen drug viskozni medij, v katerega je potrebno dovajati zrak ali katere koli druge plinaste oz. tekoče snovi fluide.For the design of the submersible blower turbine manufactured according to the present patent file, we have interdisciplined state-of-the-art knowledge of mechanics, hydrostatics, technical knowledge of fluid motion into a single turbine device, based on the already known technical solutions of electric or other propulsion engines on which our submersible was installed. The invention relates to a submersible blower turbine device which is immersed in a medium such as water, a fecal collector, or any other viscous medium into which air or any other gaseous or other gases are required. fluid fluid substances.

Izum rešuje problem pretvorbe kinetične energije, pridobljene iz pogonskega agregata ali elektromotorja, ki se prenaša na gred potopne vpihovalne turbine, ki prenaša torzij ski moment, kateri ob vrtenju turbine ustvarja zunanje vrtinčenje medija, v katerega je potopljena naša turbina. To vrtinčenje potiska medij, v našem primeru vodo, izven obsega turbinskih lopatic ter tako ustvarja podtlak v sredinskem spojnem delu potisnega dela turbine, torej v spoju lopatic turbine in votle gredi, skozi katero prihaja nov svež zrak ali drug fluid, katerega želimo uvesti v želeno snov ali medij. Pri pretoku oziroma izrivanju medija, v našem opisanem primeru vode, se spremeni tlačni potencial v potopni vpihovalni turbini, ki nam preko sistema votle gredi in odprtih prehodov, kanalov na nosilni distančni puši naše turbine, omogoča dovajanje čistega zraka ali katerekoli druge plinaste ali viskozne snovi v medij, v katerega je potopljena naša vpihovalna turbina.The invention solves the problem of converting kinetic energy obtained from a drive unit or electric motor, which is transmitted to the shaft of a submersible blowing turbine, which transmits a torsional torque, which, when rotating the turbine, creates an external vortex of the medium into which our turbine is submerged. This vortex pushes the medium, in our case water, out of the range of the turbine blades, thus creating a pressure in the middle connecting part of the thrust part of the turbine, that is, in the joint of the turbine blades and the hollow shaft through which new fresh air or other fluid is introduced, which we wish to introduce substance or medium. During the flow or the ejection of the medium, in our case described water, the pressure potential in the submersible blowing turbine changes, which enables us to supply clean air or any other gaseous or viscous material through the system of hollow shaft and open passages, channels on the supporting spacer bushes of our turbine. into the medium into which our blowing turbine is immersed.

Takšna potopna vpihovalna turbinska naprava, ki uporablja neposredno izmenjavo ali prenos moči pogonskega agregata naše turbine potopljene v medij, pretvarja električno ali katerokoli drugo energijo ter znano izvedbo pogonskih agregatov (agregati na fosilna goriva, plin, fotovoltaiko, energijo vetra itd.) v mehansko energijo, s prenosom moči pogonskega agregata preko gredi na našo turbino.Such a submersible turbine blower, which uses the direct exchange or transfer of the power of our turbine submersible into the medium, converts electrical or any other energy and the known design of the propulsion units (fossil fuel, gas, photovoltaic, wind, etc.) into mechanical energy , by transferring the power of the powertrain through the shaft to our turbine.

Izmenjava energije se izvaja neposredno, pri kateri so energetski mediji v neposrednem stiku, kar pomeni z direktnim prenosom moči od izvora energije do naše potopne vpihovalne turbine, se izvede delo ali uvajanje zraka v medij skozi votlo gred potopno vpihovalne turbine. Po drugi strani nam takšen direkten vnos enega medija v drugi medij omogoča boljši izkoristek vnesenega medija ob hkratnem izvajanju mešanja vnesenega medija v medij vnosa.The energy exchange is performed directly, in which the energy media is in direct contact, which means by direct transfer of power from the energy source to our submersible blowing turbine, the work or introduction of air into the medium through the hollow shaft of the submersible blowing turbine is carried out. On the other hand, such direct input of one medium into another medium enables us to make better use of the input medium while simultaneously mixing the input medium into the input medium.

Namreč, glede na namembnost in funkcijsko uporabo predložene potopne vpihovalne turbine po pričujoči patentni prijavi, je zelo bistveno, da se postopek oksidacije ali postopek bogatenja vode s kisikom izvaja faza enakomernega mešanja snovi ali medija, v katerega se dovaja sveži zrak, obogaten s kisikom ali druge fluidne snovi, ki se uporabljajo pri tem tehnološkem postopku.Namely, in view of the intended use and functional use of the present submersible blowing turbine according to the present patent application, it is essential that the oxidation process or the water enrichment process with oxygen be carried out in a phase-wise mixing of the substance or medium into which fresh oxygen-enriched air is supplied or other fluid substances used in this technological process.

Drugi bistven kazalnik je ta, da ni nobenih zapornih ali omejitvenih preprek med pretokom zraka v medij vnosa. Torej ta dva medija nista ločena z raznimi stenami, izmenjevalniki, pretočnimi zapornicami, hladilnimi stolpi, prezračevalniki ali podobnimi napravami, ki onemogočajo neposreden stik med medijem vnosa in vnesenim medijem s pomočjo naše potopne vpihovalne turbine.Another essential indicator is that there are no barriers or barriers to the flow of air into the inlet medium. So these two media are not separated by different walls, exchangers, flow barriers, cooling towers, ventilators or similar devices that prevent direct contact between the input medium and the input medium by means of our submersible blowing turbine.

Zgornja trditev je bistvena predvsem za dokazovanje uporabne vrednosti potopne vpihovalne turbine, predstavljene v pričujoči patentni prijavi, ki je našla široko uporabnost predvsem v napravah v katerih je zaradi tehnološkega postopka potrebno dovajanje kisika (svežega zraka) ali drugih plinastih oz. viskoznih snovi v določen medij, kateri se tehnološko obdeluje s postopkom oksidacije ali bogati s kisikom.The above claim is essential in order to prove the useful value of the submersible blower turbine presented in this patent application, which has found wide applicability, especially in installations requiring oxygen (fresh air) or other gaseous and / or gas supply due to the technological process. viscous substances into a specific medium that is technologically treated by an oxidation process or is rich in oxygen.

Velika uporabna vrednost naše potopne vpihovalne turbinske naprave se vidi kot osrednji element pri tehnologijah za pospeševanje bioloških potekov, npr. bioloških čistilnih napravah za dovajanje svežega zraka v čistilne bazene, v vodne bazene ali stacionarne vodne površine jezera, tolmune, ki potrebujejo dodaten kisik za ohranitev življenja v njih, kot so ribogojnice, gojišča školjk itd.The high utility value of our submersible turbine blower is seen as a central element in technologies for accelerating biological trajectories, e.g. biological sewage treatment plants for supplying fresh air to treatment tanks, water basins or stationary water surfaces of lakes, pools that require additional oxygen to sustain their life, such as fish farms, shellfish farms, etc.

Torej smo se lotili projektiranja kompleksnega in celovitega sistema različnih tipov in moči potopnih vpihovalnih turbin ter izdelali nekaj različic, ki so prilagojene viskoznosti medija, v katerega se vnaša želeni fluid, bodisi zrak ali kakršnakoli druga plinasta ali viskozna snov - fluid.So we started designing a complex and comprehensive system of different types and powers of submersible blowing turbines and made some variations that are adapted to the viscosity of the medium into which the desired fluid is introduced, whether air or any other gaseous or viscous substance - fluid.

Stanje tehnike naše potopne vpihovalne turbine je obsežena z znanimi dognanji iz fizike, teorije gibanja fluidnih materialov, vrtilne hitrosti, s poznavanjem pretvorbe mehanske energije v potencialno in kinetično energijo ter s praktičnimi preizkusi posameznih oblikovnih inačic turbinskih lopatic, smo dosegli optimalno razmerje med vnesenim medijem in upornostjo medija vnosa pri optimalnem izkoristku vrtilne hitrosti pogonskega agregata. Temu smo prilagodili sleherni tip naše potopne vpihovalne turbine glede na količino medija vnosa, količino medija, v katerega se vnaša fluid, časovno premico delovanja potopne zračne turbine in nazadnje globino vnosa oz. vpihovanja.The state of the art of our submersible blowing turbine is characterized by knowledge of physics, theory of fluid material motion, rotational speed, knowledge of the conversion of mechanical energy into potential and kinetic energy, as well as practical tests of individual design variants of turbine blades. the resistance of the input medium in optimizing the rotational speed of the drive unit. We have adapted to each type of our submersible blowing turbine according to the amount of inlet medium, the amount of medium into which the fluid is introduced, the timing of the operation of the submersible air turbine and, lastly, the inlet depth, gasps.

Pri takšnem projektiranju smo odgovorili na nekaj temeljnih vprašanj: kakšen prostorski kubus obsega objekt, v katerem se nahaja medij, ki je predmet biološke predelave ali za bogatenje s kisikom in ali je potrebno dovajanje še drugih fluidnih snovi. Temu smo prilagodili sistem ene, dveh ali več potopnih zračnih turbin, ki bi zagotovile zadostno kapaciteto do vodnega-vpihnj enega medija glede na časovno premico. Drugo vprašanje je globinsko dovajanje medija in smo za reševanje tega problema prilagodili dolžino naše votle turbinske gredi, ki lahko seže od 0,3 do 20 metrov v globino.In such design, we have answered some basic questions: what kind of spatial cube comprises an object that houses a medium that is subject to biological processing or for oxygen enrichment, and whether other fluid substances are required. To this we adapted the system of one, two or more submersible air turbines, which would provide sufficient capacity to water-suction one medium according to the timeline. Another issue is the deep feed of the medium, and to solve this problem we have adjusted the length of our hollow turbine shaft, which can extend from 0.3 to 20 meters in depth.

In nazadnje z uporabo znanih tehničnih rešitev s področja električnih pogonskih motoijev, motoijev z notranjim zgorevanjem na plin ali fosilna goriva, manjših sončnih central ali vetrnic smo omogočili krajevno uporabnost naše potopne zračne turbine tudi na tistih naravnih objektih, ki nimajo možnosti energijske oskrbe iz dovodnih omrežij.Finally, by using well-known technical solutions in the field of electric propulsion motors, internal combustion engines with gas or fossil fuels, smaller solar power plants or wind turbines, we have made it possible for our submersible air turbines to be used locally on those natural objects that do not have the power supply from the supply networks .

Temu problemu oskrbe z energijo ne bomo posvečali veliko prostora v tej patentni prijavi zaradi tega, ker to zadeva slehernega investitorja in kot takšen vir mehanske energije potrebne za delovanje naše potopne vpihovalne turbine, nismo prikazali v tej prijavi in v naših patentnih zahtevkih.We will not devote much space to this problem of energy supply in this patent application because it concerns every investor and as such a source of mechanical energy required for the operation of our submersible blowing turbine, we did not appear in this application and in our claims.

Po našem pričujočem predlogu patentne prijave potopne vpihovalne turbine, ki je predmet našega izuma, je zamišljena radialna turbina, ki je aretirana na votlo debelostensko cev - pogonska gred turbine, ki je gnana z že navedenimi izvedbenimi inačicami agregatov. Potopna zračna turbina je postavljena na glavo v vodo tako, da so lopatice turbine vzporedno z gladino vode in z vrtenjem lopatic turbine se ustvarja centrifugalna sila medija ter ga odganja od centra vrtenja in tako ustvarja podtlak v spojnem delu lopatic z votlo gredjo turbine, skozi katero se zaradi ustvarjenega podtlaka vsesava okoliški zrak ali nek drug fluidni medij. Ti plinasti ali tekoči dodatki so ponavadi skladiščeni v posebnih cisternah v neposredni bližini objekta, v katerega se dovajajo le-ti.According to our present patent application, a submersible blowing turbine of the present invention is an imaginary radial turbine that is arrested on a hollow thick-walled tube - a drive shaft of a turbine driven by the already mentioned embodiments of the aggregates. The submersible air turbine is positioned upside down in such a way that the turbine blades are parallel to the water level, and by rotating the turbine blades, a centrifugal force of the medium is created and deflected from the center of rotation, thus creating a pressure in the connecting part of the blades with the hollow shaft of the turbine through which due to the created pressure, the ambient air or other fluid medium is sucked in. These gaseous or liquid additives are usually stored in special tanks near the facility to which they are being delivered.

Z vrtilno hitrostjo turbine in z ustvarjanjem centrifugalne sile v mediju vnosa ter z ustvarjanjem podtlaka v turbini, ki vsesava zrak v medij, se ustvarja vrtinčenje samega medija, najprej okoli turbine in potem vse dalje in dalje od centra in mesta, kjer se nahaja naša turbina. Obseg vrtinčenja in ustvarjanje zračnih mehurčkov z mešanjem medija je odvisno od kapacitivne dimenziranosti potopne turbine.By rotating the turbine speed and creating centrifugal force in the inlet medium, and by creating a vacuum in the turbine that sucks the air into the medium, it creates a vortex of the medium itself, first around the turbine and then further and further from the center and location of our turbine . The extent of the vortex and the formation of air bubbles by mixing the medium depends on the capacitive dimension of the submersible turbine.

S tem, da prilagajamo moč in kapaciteto naše potopne vpihovalne turbine, izpolnjujemo pogoj enakomernega mešanja vnesenega medija, kisika ali drugih fluidov. V časovni premici dovajanja zraka v medij se prične z oksidacijo škodljivi snovi v tekočem mediju ali z bogatenjem tekočega medija, v našem primeru vode v bazenih ribogojnic, s kisikom.By adjusting the power and capacity of our submersible blower turbine, we fulfill the condition of evenly mixing the introduced medium, oxygen or other fluids. In the timeline of air supply to the medium, the oxidation of the harmful substance in the liquid medium begins or by the enrichment of the liquid medium, in our case water in the fish farm pools, with oxygen.

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Potopna vpihovalna turbina je naprava, ki omogoča generiranje več različnih tehnik znanosti v celovit sistem, izdelana je iz nekorozivnih kovinskih materialov, a sama turbina je izdelana iz kompozitnih plastičnih, steklenih in drugih materialov, ki prenesejo velike hitrosti in omogočajo zadovoljivo trdnost za velik navor in trenje, ki nastane ob zaganjanju turbine in potem pri eksploataciji.A submersible blower turbine is a device that allows the generation of many different science techniques into a complete system, made of non-corrosive metal materials, but the turbine itself is made of composite plastic, glass and other materials that can withstand high speeds and provide satisfactory strength for high torque and friction that occurs when starting the turbine and then during operation.

Turbinski del je aretiran na votlo debelostensko cev-pogonsko gred turbine, ki ima na drugem koncu nameščeno spojno sklopko, katera je v funkciji povezovanja s pogonskim agregatom ter se preko nje prenaša vrtilna hitrost na našo turbino.The turbine part is arrested on a hollow thick-walled tube-drive shaft of the turbine, which has a coupling at the other end, which is in function of connection with the drive unit and is used to transmit the rotational speed to our turbine.

V nadaljevanju opisa naše potopne vpihovalne turbine lahko zagotovo navedemo, da je naša turbina sestavljena iz že delno opisane turbine, pogonske gredi, spojke in usmerjevalnika zraka-vakum kontrolnika ter s tem zagotavlja zanesljivost, nadzor in delovanje vseh vgrajenih elementov in sklopov in tako konstrukcijsko koncipirana omogoča brezhibno in dolgotrajno delovanje potopne vpihovalne turbine kot predmeta tega izuma.In the following description of our submersible blower turbine, it can be safely stated that our turbine consists of the turbine, drive shaft, couplings and air-vacuum controllers already partially described, thus ensuring the reliability, control and operation of all installed elements and assemblies, and thus being structurally designed. enables the immersive and long-lasting operation of the submersible blowing turbine as an object of the present invention.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje naš izum, je konstrukcijsko in tehnološko zagotoviti souporabo glavnih in pravilno dimenzioniranih močnostnih sestavov (turbinskega dela naprave, pogonske gredi, spojke-sklopke, usmerjevalnika zraka-vakum kontrolnika), ki bo sestavljalo potopno vpihovalno turbino z zadostno kapaciteto, da bo v določeni časovni premici omogočala enakomerno in učinkovito dovajanje zraka v medij in mešanje le-tega z medijem.A technical problem solved by our invention is to design and technologically provide for the sharing of the main and properly dimensioned power assemblies (turbine part of the device, drive shaft, clutch-clutch, air-vacuum control valve), which will form a submersible blowing turbine with sufficient capacity, that in a given timeline it will allow the air to flow into the medium uniformly and efficiently and mix it with the medium.

Po drugi strani mora biti takšna potopna vpihovalna turbina tehnično koncipirana, da prenese vsa testiranja na varnost udara elektriciteta, hrupu, vibracijah in delovanje v dolgoročnih vremenskih intervalih ter različnih klimatskih in eksploatacij skih pogojih.On the other hand, such a submersible blow-up turbine must be technically designed to withstand all tests for electric shock, noise, vibration and operation over long-term weather intervals and different climatic and operational conditions.

Zato lahko zgoraj koncipirano potopno vpihovalno turbino in spodaj opisan izum tako umeščenega v sistem biološke čistilne naprave ali vodnih bazenov prinese velikansko cenovno konkurenčnost obstoječim in dosedaj znanim sistemom, ki v glavnem temeljijo na dragih kompresorskih napravah za dovajanje zraka v medij. Prav pri takšnih kompresorskih sistemih je za potrebe dodajanje kakšnega drugega fluida potrebno instalirati še druge dozirne naprave, ki samo podražijo sistem in investicijo kot celoto. V našem primeru se samo priklopna dovodna cev direktno poveže s plinsko postajo in potopna zračna turbina sama sesa plin in ga vnaša v medij ob hkratnem izvajanju mešanja plina in medija zaradi izvajanja rotacij turbine.Therefore, the above-described submersible blow-up turbine and the invention described below, thus incorporated into a biological treatment plant or water basin system, can bring enormous price competitiveness to existing and hitherto known systems, which are mainly based on expensive compressors for supplying air to the medium. For such compressor systems, it is necessary to install other metering devices for the purpose of adding some other fluid, which only increases the cost of the system and the investment as a whole. In our case, only the inlet hose connects directly to the gas station and the submersible air turbine itself sucks the gas and injects it into the medium while simultaneously mixing gas and medium to perform turbine rotations.

Tendenca je v smislu cenovne rentabilnost ponujene storitve dovajanja zraka ali drugega medija ter izvajanja mešanja obeh medijev, je v soodvisnosti od števila nameščenih enot potopnih zračnih turbin na čim manjšem kubusu bazena ali površine pri naravnih vodnih zajetij. Prav to zagotavljajo ena ali več nameščenih potopnih vpihovalnih turbin, ki po drugi strani nadomestijo velike in zelo drage mešalnike, kompresorske naprave in razne dozatorje, ki se uporabljajo za dovajanje drugih fluidov.The tendency, in terms of the cost-effectiveness of the air or other medium supply service offered and the mixing of the two media, depends on the number of submersible air turbine units installed on the smallest cube of the pool or surface at natural water intakes. This is precisely what one or more submersible blow-up turbines provide, which in turn replace large and very expensive mixers, compressor devices and various dispensers used to supply other fluids.

Prav naš izum je koncipiran v tem smislu, da izpolnjuje oba pogoja, cenovnega in prostorskega ter se ga da umestiti v končni prostor, pri tem ima le-ta estetsko zanimivo in uporabno funkcionalnost. Namreč našo potopno vpihovalno turbino v primeru manjših gabaritov čistilnih bazenov fiksiramo v eni točki s pomočjo konzol, pritrjenih na stene bazena. V primeru večjih površin pa je nameščena na pontonsko pripravo, ki prosto leži na površini bazena ali drugega samostoječega vodnega objekta.Our invention is conceived in the sense that it satisfies both the conditions of price and space, and can be placed in the final space, where it has aesthetically interesting and useful functionality. Namely, in the case of smaller dimensions of the treatment pools, our submersible blowing turbine is fixed at one point by means of brackets attached to the walls of the pool. In the case of larger areas, however, it is mounted on a pontoon device that freely rests on the surface of a pool or other freestanding water body.

Pri rešeržiranju naše ideje na svetovnem nivoju smo našli veliko patentiranih in na splošno znanih tehničnih rešitev, ki obravnavajo različne sistem in rešitve izdelave bioloških čistilnih naprav, ki uporabljajo kompresorsko vpihovanje zraka v medij, kar z našo predloženo idejo nima stičnih točk razen tega, da so namenjene enaki uporabni funkciji. Zaradi ugotovljenega teh patentov ne bomo uporabili v obrambi naše inovativne zamisli.In marketing our idea globally, we have found many patented and generally known technical solutions that address different systems and solutions for the production of biological treatment plants that use air-to-air compressor, which has no common ground with our submitted idea except that intended for the same useful function. As a result, we will not use these patents to defend our innovative idea.

Po drugi strani pa najdemo veliko fizikalno podobnost naše ideje v Bankijevi turbini, ki se uporablja pri hidrocentralah z malim pretokom. Ta turbina uporablja tudi ravne lopatice, postavljene na valjasto gred tako, da zrak prihaja dvakrat skozi venec lopatic in s tem ustvarja vakum. Torej podobnost je v tem, da se tudi pri tej turbini ustvarja določen vakum, ki potem pomaga pri enakomernem dotoku vode na lopatice turbine.On the other hand, we find a great physical resemblance to our idea in the Banki turbine used in low flow hydropower plants. This turbine also uses flat blades mounted on a cylindrical shaft so that air enters twice through the blade rim, creating a vacuum. So the similarity is that even with this turbine, a certain vacuum is created, which then helps in the even flow of water to the turbine blades.

Obstaja nešteto patentiranih in nepatentiranih rešitev različnim namembnostim namenjenih turbin, vendar je bistvo naše ideje inovativno in dosedaj ni nikjer biloThere are a myriad of patented and unpatented solutions for different purpose turbines, but the essence of our idea is innovative and so far there has been no

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uporabljeno in tehnično dorečen sistem dovajanja fluidnih snovi skozi rotirajoče dele turbine, gred in lopatice turbine v neki medij.used and technically sound system for delivering fluid through the rotating parts of the turbine, shaft and turbine blades to a medium.

Bistveno za vse navedene rešitve in druge v tem spisu neomenjene rešitve posamičnih turbin, kompresorskih sistemov za vpihovanje, bioloških čistilnih naprav, da niso v namenu uporabnosti svoje ideje uporabili votle turbinske gredi in zračni prehod iz gredi na turbino ter v nadaljevanju koncipirali lopatice turbine tako, da pri rotaciji ustvarjajo podtlak, ki vsesava zrak ali drugi fluid v medij, ki le-to snov potrebuje.Essential for all of the aforementioned solutions and others in this file, the unmentioned solutions of individual turbines, compressor blowing systems, biological treatment plants, that they did not use hollow turbine shafts and air passage from the shaft to the turbine for the purpose of their idea, and subsequently designed the turbine blades in such a way, that in rotation they create a vacuum that sucks air or other fluid into the medium that the substance needs.

Druga slaba lastnost navedenih rešitev je, da ima večina predlaganih rešitev zapletene in drage pogonske sisteme, kot so kompresorji, mešalniki, dozatorji, kar ni zanemarljiva ekonomska postavka ter daje naši tehnični rešitvi ekonomsko noto pri odločanju o izboru tehničnega sistema.Another disadvantage of these solutions is that most of the proposed solutions have complex and expensive drive systems, such as compressors, mixers, dispensers, which is not a negligible economic item and gives our technical solution an economical note when deciding on the choice of technical system.

Rešitev je bila uporabljena na štirih izvedbenih inačicah kot prototipni izdelki, ki imajo različne nazivne moči pogonskih motoijev in s tem tudi kapacitet pretoka fluida. Vzeli smo en prototipni izdelek in je za potrebe preizkušanja narejen kot temeljni izdelek, namenjen za male biološke čistilne naprave ( do 20 oseb) ter je pokazal pri testiranju vse pozitivne značilnosti, enake teoretičnim izračunom za končni izdelek, ki je s tem izvedbenim primerom dokazal tehnično uporabnost naše inovacije.The solution was used on four variants as prototype products, which have different rated power of the motors and therefore the fluid flow capacity. We took one prototype product and for testing purposes it was made as the basic product intended for small biological treatment plants (up to 20 persons) and showed in testing all positive characteristics equal to the theoretical calculations for the final product, which proved technically with this embodiment the usefulness of our innovation.

Po drugi strani mora imeti takšna potopna vpihujoča turbina določen prag ekonomske rentabilnosti za končni proizvod in vgrajene komponente, kar smo dosegli z našo tehnično rešitvijo in predlogom pričujoče patentne prijave za to našo inovativno rešitev.On the other hand, such a submersible blowing turbine must have a certain economic viability threshold for the finished product and its embedded components, which was achieved by our technical solution and the proposal of this patent application for this innovative solution of ours.

V nadaljevanju prikaza principa delovanja inovativne rešitve po predloženi patentni dokumentaciji se bomo osredotočili na spodaj prikazane skice, ki pomenijo eno izvedbeno inačico naše potopne vpihovalne turbine:In the following, we will focus on the sketches shown below, which represent one embodiment of our submersible blowing turbine:

- Slika 1: Vertikalni pogled potopne vpihovalne turbine kompletno po izumu- Figure 1: Vertical view of a submersible blower turbine according to the invention

- Slika 2: Vertikalni prikaz prerez spojne sklopke- spojke- Figure 2: Vertical section view of the clutch-clutch

- Slika 3: Čelni pogled prereza zateznega vijaka 8 za pritrjevanje spojke z rotorjem pogonskega motorja- Figure 3: Front sectional view of a clamping screw 8 for attaching a clutch to a drive motor rotor

- Slika 4: Čelni pogled prereza vijaka 9 za pritrjevanje spojke s pogonsko gredjo turbine- Figure 4: Front cross-sectional view of screw 9 for fastening the clutch to the drive shaft of the turbine

- Slika 5: Bočni prerez gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika- Figure 5: Side section of a moving cylinder-vacuum controller

- Slika 6: Prerez mejnika- distančna puša- Figure 6: Cross-section of the milestone - spacer bushing

- Slika 7: Čelni pogled prereza vijaka 10 za pritrjevanje mejnika na pogonsko gred- Figure 7: Front view of the cross-section of the screw 10 for securing the milestone to the drive shaft

- Slika 8: Pogonska gred turbine- Figure 8: Turbine drive shaft

- Slika 9: Prerez distančne puše med pogonsko gredjo in lopaticami turbine- Figure 9: Cross section of the spacer bushing between the drive shaft and the turbine blades

- Slika 10: Pogled AA na distančni puši- Figure 10: View of AA on spacer blade

- Slika 11: Horizontalni pogled na turbino-lopatice turbine- Figure 11: Horizontal view of turbine blades

- Slika 12: Bočni pogled BB na turbino-lopatice turbine- Figure 12: Side view of the BB on the turbine blades of the turbine

- Slika 13: Horizontalni pogled na zaščitno ploščico turbine z vertikalnim presekom CC- Figure 13: Horizontal view of the turbine shield plate with CC vertical section

- Slika 14: Presek pritrdilne podložke turbine- Figure 14: Cross section of turbine mounting washer

- Slika 15: Čelni pogled prereza vijaka 12 za pritrjevanje turbine-lopatic turbine na distančno pušo turbine- Figure 15: Cross sectional view of screws 12 for mounting turbine blades to turbine spacers

- Slika 16: Čelni prerez vijak 16 za pritrjevanje zaščitne ploščice turbine na distančno pušo turbine- Figure 16: Cross section screw 16 for securing the turbine protective plate to the turbine spacer sleeve

Slika 1 prikazuje vertikalni pogled potopne vpihovalne turbine, katero tvorijo okrogla votla spojna sklopka - spojka 1, v katero se v konusnem delu vtakne in fiksno vpne z vijakom 9 votla pogonska gred turbine 4, na kateri je med spojno sklopko 1 in mejnikom-distančno pušo 3 nameščena gibljivi cilinder-vakum kontrolnik 2. V turbinskem delu naše potopne vpihovalne turbine je na drugem koncu votle pogonske gredi turbine 4 umeščen turbinski del, katerega tvorijo distančna puša 6, ki povezuje pogonsko gred turbine 4 s turbino-lopaticami turbine 5. Spodnji del turbine-lopatice turbine 5, je zavarovan proti mehanskim poškodbam z enako okroglo zaščitno ploščico turbine 7, katera je vpeta v turbinski del naprave z vijakom 12, a vse to varuje posebno konstruirana zatezna pritrdilna podloška turbine 13.Figure 1 shows a vertical view of a submersible blowing turbine formed by a circular hollow coupling clutch 1 in which a hollow drive shaft of the turbine 4 is inserted and fixed in the conical part by a screw 9 of the turbine drive shaft 4, which is between the coupling clutch 1 and the spacer sleeve 3 a movable cylinder-vacuum controller is installed 2. In the turbine part of our submersible blowing turbine, at the other end of the hollow drive shaft of the turbine 4 is located a turbine part, formed by a spacer sleeve 6, which connects the drive shaft of the turbine 4 with the turbine blades of the turbine 5. The lower part of the turbine blades of the turbine 5, is protected against mechanical damage by the same circular protection plate of the turbine 7, which is clamped into the turbine part of the device with a screw 12, but all this is protected by a specially designed tightening fastening washer of the turbine 13.

Vertikalni prikaz prerez spojne sklopke-spojke 1 sl. 1, je detajlneje prikazan na sl. 2, nam predstavlja konstrukcijsko rešitev pritrditev naše potopne vpihovalne turbine na pogonski agregat, katerega se rotorska gred vtakne v votli zgornji del spojke 1 prikazane na sl. 1 in 2 ter se fiksira z zateznim vijakoma 8 prikazana na sl. 3, skozi luknji 1.5.1 in 1.5.2 predstavljeni na sl. 2.Vertical cross-sectional view of the clutch-clutch 1 fig. 1 is shown in more detail in FIG. 2 is a structural solution for attaching our submersible blower turbine to the drive unit, the rotor shaft of which is inserted into the hollow top of the clutch 1 shown in FIG. 1 and 2 and fixed by the tightening screws 8 shown in FIG. 3, through holes 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 shown in FIG. 2.

Spodnji konusni del spojne sklopke-spojke 1 sl. 1 in sl. 2, je namenjen za vpetje votle pogonske gredi turbine 4 s sl. 1 in detajlneje prikazane na sl. 8. Pritrditev spojne sklopke-spojke 1 na pogonsko gred turbine 4, se izvede tako, da se pogonska gred turbine 4 vstavi v okroglo odprtino spojne sklopke-spojke 1 ter se solinijsko nastavijo luknje 1.3 in 1.4 prikazane na sl. 2 in luknja 4.1 prikazana na sl. 8. Skozi luknji 1.4 in 1.3 se vstavi vijak 9, ki se privije v luknji 1.3 sl. 2, v katero je po celotni dolžini vrezan navoj tako, da ona služi kot navojna matica za pritrditev in vpetje spojne sklopke-spojke 1 na pogonsko gred turbine 4.The lower conical part of the clutch-clutch 1 Fig. 1 and FIG. 2 is intended to engage the hollow drive shaft of the turbine 4 of FIG. 1 and shown in more detail in FIG. 8. The attachment of the clutch-clutch 1 to the drive shaft of the turbine 4 is performed by inserting the drive shaft of the turbine 4 into the circular opening of the clutch-clutch 1 and the holes 1.3 and 1.4 shown in FIG. 2 and hole 4.1 shown in FIG. 8. Through holes 1.4 and 1.3, a screw 9 is inserted, which is screwed into hole 1.3 of FIG. 2, in which a thread is threaded along the entire length so that it serves as a threaded nut for attaching and securing the clutch-clutch 1 to the drive shaft of the turbine 4.

Za lažje vpetje in zagotavljanje boljšega pritrdilnega stika med pogonsko gredjo turbine 4 in spojno sklopko-spojko 1 smo po dolžini spojne sklopke-spojke lin sicer do /2 dolžine, vrezali diletacijsko podolgovato režo 1.2, ki se konča v zračni luknji 1.1. Prav to smo konstrukcijsko tako koncipirali, da se reža 1.2 prikazane na sl. 2 končuje v zračni luknji 1.1 zaradi tega, ker je znano iz mehanike obdelave materialov s pomočjo tehnologije odrezovanja, da ne prihaja do nadaljnjega razpokanja materiala, če se režaTo facilitate clamping and to provide better mounting contact between the drive shaft of the turbine 4 and the clutch-clutch 1, we cut a dilation slot 1.2 ending in the air hole 1.1 along the length of the clutch-clutch lin to the length of / 2 in length 1.1. This is precisely the design we have designed so that the slot 1.2 shown in FIG. 2 ends in the air hole 1.1 because it is known from the mechanics of material processing by cutting technology that there is no further cracking of the material when the gap is cut

1.2 zaključi z okroglo izvrtino 1.1.Ends with a round hole.

Diletacijska reža 1.2 na sl. 2 je postavljena pravokotno za 90 stopinj glede na izvrtini lukenj 1.4 in 1.3, ker nam ta konstrukcija omogoča enakomerno stiskanje materiala, katerega je reža 1.2 razdelila. S tem smo se izognili dodatnemu centriranju in nastavljanju soosnosti med pogonsko gredjo turbine 4 in spojne sklopke-spojke 1.The dilation slot 1.2 in FIG. 2 is positioned 90 degrees perpendicular to the holes of holes 1.4 and 1.3 because this construction allows us to evenly compress the material whose slot 1.2 is split. This avoids additional centering and alignment between the drive shaft of the turbine 4 and the clutch-clutch 1.

Zračne izvrtine-luknje 1.1, v eni od teh se zaključi izdelava reže 1.2, prikazane na sl. 2, predstavljajo vsaj eno izvrtino skozi bočno steno spojne sklopke-spojke 1. Optimalno je, da izdelamo dve diametralni skoznjo izvrtini 1.1, ki sta postavljeni za 90 stopinj razmika med luknjami 1.1 sl.2. Te odprtine omogočajo dodatno hlajenje rotorske gredi pogonskega agregata, kakor tudi naše pogonske gredi turbine 4, prikazani na sl. 1 in 8. Po drugi strani te luknji-izvrtini 1.1. s sl. 2 imajo enako funkcijo kot izvrtine-luknje 4.2 prikazane na sl. 8, katero namembnosti bomo prikazali v nadaljevanju opisa pričujoče patentne prijave.Bore holes-holes 1.1, one of which completes the production of slot 1.2 shown in FIG. 2, represent at least one bore through the side wall of the clutch-coupling 1. It is optimal to produce two diametrical through holes 1.1 which are arranged at 90 degrees between the holes between the holes 1.1 of FIG. These openings allow additional cooling of the drive shaft rotor shaft as well as our turbine drive shafts 4 shown in FIG. 1 and 8. On the other hand, these hole-holes 1.1. FIG. 2 have the same function as the bore holes 4.2 shown in FIG. 8, which purpose will be shown below in the description of the present patent application.

V zgornjem delu spojne sklopke-spojke 1, na nasprotni strani od pritrdilnih izvrtin 1.51. in 1.5.2, prikazane na sl. 2, je izrezkan podolgovat kvadratni utor-žleb 1.6, v katerega pride kovinska varovalka, ki se nahaja na priklopnem delu gredi rotorja pogonskega agregata. Ta element je standardiziran tako, da se gabariti utora-žleba 1.6 sl. 2 prilagajajo predpisanim dimenzijam kovinskih varovalk slehernega pogonskega agregata naše potopne vpihovalne turbine.In the upper part of the clutch-clutch 1, opposite the 1.51 mounting holes. and 1.5.2 shown in FIG. 2, an elongated square groove 1.6 is grooved into which there is a metal fuse located on the connecting part of the drive shaft of the drive unit. This element is standardized so that the grooves of the groove-groove 1.6 of FIG. 2 adapts to the prescribed dimensions of the metal fuses of each drive unit of our submersible blowing turbine.

Na sliki 3 je prikazan zatezni vijak 8, ki je v funkciji fiksiranja rotorja pogonskega agregata. Uporabljamo vsaj dva ali več zateznih vijakov 8, ki dodatno privijejo in s tem varujejo izpadanje naše potopne vpihovalne turbine iz vpenjalnega ohišja, v katerega je vpet pogonski agregat za našo turbino. Namreč naša turbina je postavljena vertikalno na medij vnosa ter v takšnem obratovalnemu položaju moramo imeti vsaj dvojno varovanje proti izpadu, za kar nam služita vijaka 8.Vijak8 sl. 3 je koncipiran tako, da ima po celotni dolžini navojnega telesa vrezan metrični navoj zaradi tega, da omogoči čim boljši in daljši oprijem z navojno luknjo 1.5.1 in 1.5.2 sl.2.Figure 3 shows the clamping screw 8, which is in the function of fixing the rotor of the drive unit. We use at least two or more clamping screws 8 to further tighten, thereby protecting the fall of our submersible blowing turbine from the clamping housing into which the drive unit for our turbine is mounted. Namely, our turbine is mounted vertically on the input medium, and in such an operating position, we must have at least double protection against failure, which is what the screws are used for. 3 is designed in such a way that it has a threaded metric thread along the entire length of the thread body in order to allow the best possible and longest grip with the threaded hole 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 of FIG. 2.

Namembnost vijaka 9 sl. 4 smo že opisali v zgornjem tekstu, a tukaj bi navedli samo to, da vijak 9 nima vrezan metrični navoj po celotni dolžini okroglega stebla, ampak samo v dolžini stebla je vrezan metrični navoj, ki se privije v navojno luknjo 1.3, prikazane na sl. 2. S tem smo prihranili čas vrezovanja navoja na steblo vijaka 9 sl. 4 in s tem pocenili izdelavo le-tega.The purpose of the screws 9 fig. 4 has already been described above, but we would only state here that the screw 9 does not have a threaded metric thread along the entire length of the round stem, but only at the length of the stem is a threaded metric thread screwed into the threaded hole 1.3 shown in FIG. 2. This saves the thread cutting time on the bolt stem 9 of FIG. 4 and thus made it cheaper to manufacture.

Bočni prerez gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2 prikazanega na sl. 5 je koncipiran iz cilindra 2.4, ki je zaprt z obeh strani z ravnimi okroglimi navojnimi ploščami 2.3. Na cilindru 2.4, v zgornjem delu na razdalji 4/5 celotne dolžine cilindra 2.4, gledano od spodaj je privarjen eolski navojni vstopni priključek 2.1, na katerega se lahko priklopi kakršen koli zajemalnik zraka ali cev iz plinskih postaj. Velikost tega vstopnega priključka 2.1 sl. 5 se dimenzionira glede na izračunano potrebno kapaciteto zajemanja vhodnega medija, npr. zraka ali drugih fluidov.The lateral cross-section of the moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2 shown in FIG. 5 is conceptualized from cylinder 2.4, which is closed on both sides by flat circular threaded plates 2.3. On cylinder 2.4, in the upper part at a distance of 4/5 of the total length of cylinder 2.4, viewed from below, there is a welded eole threaded inlet connection 2.1 to which any air collector or gas pipe can be connected. The size of this inlet connector 2.1. 5 is dimensioned according to the calculated required capture capacity of the input medium, e.g. air or other fluids.

Prav tako je na cilindru 2.4 na obeh koncih vrezana eolska navojna matica 2, v katero se privije okrogla navojna plošča 2.3, ki ima vrezan eolski navoj 2.5.1 na zunanjem obodu s sl. 5.Also at cylinder 2.4, an eolian thread nut 2 is threaded at both ends into which a round threaded plate 2.3 is screwed, having an eolian thread thread 2.5.1 at the outer circumference of FIG. 5.

Okrogla navojna plošča 2.3 sl. 5 ima v sredino vtisnjeno pušo 2.2, narejeno iz sintrane bronze, ki se uporablja za naše turbine, katere imajo manjše število vrtljajev do 1000 obr./min. Za večje obrate in potopne vpihovalne turbine z velikimi kapacitivnimi pretoki medija se izvede vležajenje gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2 sl.l in 5 na pogonsko gred turbine 4 s sl. 1 in 8 s krogličnimi ali igličnimi ležaji. V sredini puše 2.2 je okrogla odprtina 2.6 prikazane na sl. 5, skozi katero pride pogonska gred turbine 4 sl. lin 8. Diametralni izvrtini 2.3.1 sta narejene za potrebe orodja, s katerim privijamo okroglo navojno ploščo 2.3 na cilinder 2.4.Round Thread Plate 2.3 Fig. 5 has a center sleeve 2.2, made of sintered bronze, which is used for our turbines, which have a lower speed of up to 1000 rpm. For larger plants and submersible blowing turbines with large capacitive media flows, the mounting of the moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2 of Fig. 1 and 5 is carried out on the drive shaft of the turbine 4 of Fig. 1 and 8 with ball or needle bearings. In the center of bushing 2.2, the circular opening 2.6 shown in FIG. 5 through which the drive shaft of the turbine 4 passes. lin 8. The bore holes 2.3.1 are made for the needs of a tool that screws a round threaded plate 2.3 onto the cylinder 2.4.

Slika 6 ponazarja prerez mejnika-distančna puša 3, ki je v funkciji omejevanja lezenja navzdol gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2 sl. 1 in 5 po pogonski gredi turbine 4 sl. 1 in 8. Mejnik-distančna puša 3 sl. 6 je konstrukcijsko izveden kot močnostna razcepljena podložka, ki ima v razcepni reži skoznjo izvrtino 3.1, od katerih je na eni od izvrtin vrezan metrični navoj. Skozi notranjo luknjo mejnika-distančne puše 3 sl. 5 se vstavi pogonska gred turbine 4 sl. 1 in 8 ter se zategne tako, da vijak 10 prikazan na sliki 7 vstavimo v luknjo 3.1 in ga s primernim ključem privijemo k zunanji steni pogonske gredi turbine 4 sl. 1 in 8. S tem dejanjem smo omejili lezenje gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2.Figure 6 illustrates a cross-section of a landmark-spacer bushing 3 which is in function of limiting the creep down of a moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2 of FIG. 1 and 5 along the drive shaft of the turbine 4 FIG. 1 and 8. Boundary-spacer bushing 3 FIG. 6 is structurally designed as a split power washer having a through hole 3.1 in the split slot, of which a metric thread is engraved on one of the holes. Through the inner hole of the landmark-spacer bushing 3 fig. 5 the turbine drive shaft 4 is inserted; 1 and 8 and tighten by inserting the screw 10 shown in Fig. 7 into the hole 3.1 and screwing it into the outer wall of the drive shaft of the turbine 4 of FIG. 1 and 8. With this action, we limited the creep of the moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2.

Votla pogonska gred turbine 4 prikazane na sl. 8 nam razkriva drugo bistvo naše inovativne ideje, a to je tehnična rešitev prehoda zraka iz gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2 prikazanega na sl. 1 in 5 skozi izvrtine- luknje 4.2 sl. 8, ki so izvrtane po vsem obodu pogonske gredi turbine, in sicer v dolžini, ki predstavlja 5/6 dolžine cilindra 2.4 našega gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika 2, katerega smo prav tako ponazorili na sl. 1 in 5. Funkcijo izvrtine 4.1 na sl. 8 smo delno že opisali in je namenjena temu, da se skoznjo vstavi vijak 9 sl. 4 ter se tako poveže pogonska gred turbine 4 sl. 1 in 8, s spojno sklopko-spojko 1 sl. 1 in 2.The hollow drive shaft of the turbine 4 shown in FIG. Fig. 8 reveals to us the second essence of our innovative idea, but this is a technical solution of the passage of air from the moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2 shown in Figs. 1 and 5 through holes - holes 4.2 FIG. 8, which are drilled throughout the periphery of the drive shaft of the turbine, at a length representing 5/6 of the length of cylinder 2.4 of our moving cylinder-vacuum controller 2, which was also illustrated in FIG. 1 and 5. The hole function 4.1 in FIG. 8 is already partly described and is intended to insert a screw 9 through. 4, thus connecting the drive shaft of the turbine 4 FIG. 1 and 8, with clutch-clutch connection 1 FIG. 1 and 2.

Prav tako je na spodnjem delu naše pogonske gredi turbine 4 sl. 9 vidna izvrtina-luknja 4.3, kije enako dimenzionirana kot luknja 4.1, vendar je v funkciji povezovanja naše pogonske gredi turbine 4 z distančno pušo 6 slika 9, na katero se potem montirajo drugi turbinski deli.Also at the bottom of our 4WD turbine drive shaft. 9 is a visible bore-hole 4.3, which is the same size as hole 4.1, but in the function of connecting our drive shaft of the turbine 4 to the spacer sleeve 6 of Figure 9, to which other turbine parts are then mounted.

Fiksiranje pogonske gredi turbine 4 sl. 8 v distančno pušo 6 slika 9 se izvede tako, da smo vtaknili spodnji del pogonske gredi turbine 4 sl. 8 v luknjo 6.8 na distančni puši sl. 9 in potem z obračanjem le-te moramo doseči soosnost lukenj 4.3 sl. 8 in 6.3 sl. 9, skozi kateri smo vstavili vijak 9 sl. 4 in ga privili v vrezano metrično navojno luknjoTurbine drive shaft fixing 4 fig. 8 into the spacer sleeve 6 of Figure 9 is made by inserting the lower part of the drive shaft of the turbine 4 fig. 8 into hole 6.8 on the spacer sleeve FIG. 9 and then, by turning it, we have to achieve the joints of the holes 4.3. 8 and 6.3 of FIG. 9 through which the screw 9 is inserted. 4 and screwed it into the threaded metric threaded hole

6.2 sl. 9.6.2. 9.

Nadalje je distančna puša 6 sl. 9 in 10 koncipirana kot osrednji nosilni del, na katerega se zmontira-privije turbina-lopatice turbine 5 prikazane na sl. 1, 11 in 12, in sicer tako, da se turbina-lopatice turbine 5 natakne skozi odprtino 5.3 sl. 11 na okrogli del 6.7 na distančni puši sl.9. Poravnata se luknji 6.5 na sl. 9 in 5.2 na sl. 11 ter se ta dva elementa privijeta z vijaki 11 prikazanem na sl. 15. Celovitost navedenega sestava se še dodatno mehansko zavaruje tako, da se spodnjo nosilno ploščo turbine 5 dodatno utrdi z zaščitno ploščico turbine 7 prikazane na sl. 1 in 13 in se vse skupaj poveže z vijakoml2 sl. 16, ki se vtakne skoznje luknje 13.1 na pritrdilni podložki turbine 13 sl. 14 in skozi luknjo 7.1 na zaščitni ploščici 7 prikazani na sl. 13, vse skupaj se privije v navojni luknji 6.6. na in s tem dodatno zavaruje turbinski del kot celoto.Furthermore, the spacer sleeve is 6 FIG. 9 and 10 are conceived as a central bearing member to which the turbine blades-screws 5 of the turbine 5 shown in FIG. 1, 11 and 12 by inserting the turbine blades 5 through the aperture 5.3 of FIG. 11 to round section 6.7 on spacer sleeve FIG. Align holes 6.5 in FIG. 9 and 5.2 in FIG. 11 and these two elements are screwed with the screws 11 shown in FIG. 15. The integrity of said composition is further mechanically protected by further reinforcing the lower bearing plate of the turbine 5 with the protective plate of the turbine 7 shown in FIG. 1 and 13 and connect it all together with the screw2 of FIG. 16, which is inserted through holes 13.1 on the mounting washer of the turbine 13 of FIG. 14 and through the hole 7.1 on the protective plate 7 shown in FIG. 13, all screwed into the threaded hole 6.6. on and thus further secures the turbine section as a whole.

Luknjaste vdolbine 6.4 sl. 9 in 10 so diametralno razporejene po obodu distančne puše 6 in so v funkciji kot centrirani izvrtini različnih globin, ki z odvzemom materiala na distančni puši 6 sl. 9 in 10, dosežemo centriranost distančne puše 6, ko jih centriramo na napravi za centriranje okroglih vrtečih delov.Holes 6.4. 9 and 10 are diametrically arranged around the circumference of the spacer sleeve 6 and function as centered boreholes of different depths, which by removing the material on the spacer sleeve 6 FIG. 9 and 10, the centering of the spacer sleeve 6 is achieved when centered on a device for centering round rotating parts.

Zračne odprtine 6.1 na sl. 9 in 10 so namenjene za pretok zraka ali drugega medija skozi votlo pogonsko gred turbine 4 sl. 8 do prvega nivoja lopatic 5.4 prikazani na sl. 11 in so izdelane v najmanj dveh diametralnih ali več polkrožnih odprtin, postavljenih na vzdignjenem steblastem segmentu 6.8, ki se nadaljuje v osrednji nosilni steber 6.7 sl. 9, kateri se vtakne v okroglo odprtino 5.3 na turbini-lopatice turbin 5 sl.l 1.The vents 6.1 in FIG. 9 and 10 are intended for the flow of air or other medium through the hollow drive shaft of the turbine 4 FIG. 8 to the first level of blades 5.4 shown in FIG. 11 and are made in at least two diametrical or more semicircular openings erected on an elevated stem segment 6.8 which continues into the central supporting column 6.7 of FIG. 9, which is inserted into a circular opening 5.3 on the turbine-blades of the turbines 5 FIG.

Pogled AA s slike 9, prikazanega na sliki 10, nam ponazarja konstrukcijsko koncepcijo in razporeditev pritrdilnih lukenj 6.5 cetrimih izvrtin, katerih je število različno od puše do puše, zračnih odprtin 6.1 in skoznje luknji 6.2 in 6.3 za pritrditev pogonske gredi turbine 4 sl. 1 in 8 v distančno pušo 6 sl. 9 in 10.View AA of Figure 9 shown in Figure 10 illustrates the construction concept and arrangement of the mounting holes of 6.5 four holes, the number of which differs from bush to bush, the air vents 6.1 and through holes 6.2 and 6.3 to secure the drive shaft of the turbine 4 fig. 1 and 8 into a spacer sleeve 6 FIG. 9 and 10.

Turbina-lopatice turbine 5 prikazana na sl. 1, 10 in 11 predstavljajo osrednji del naše naprave. Kot je že bilo povedano, je za potrebe prototipov izdelana iz plastičnih kompozitnih materialov, vendar je lahko odlitek različnih kovinskih materialov in njihovih legur. Turbina-lopatice turbine 5 so plod večkratnih preizkusov, s katerimi smo prišli do optimalne oblikovalne in funkcijske rešitve posebej potisnih lopatic 5.1 ter optimalnega sorazmerja med njimi in ravnimi usmerjevalnimi lopaticami 5.4. Prišli smo do optimalnega razmerja večjega od 1, večjega števila usmerjevalnih lopatic 5.4 v razmerju do potisnih lopatic 5.1. vse prikazano na sl. 11.Turbine-blades of turbine 5 shown in FIG. 1, 10 and 11 form the centerpiece of our device. As stated earlier, it is made of plastic composite materials for prototype purposes, but it can be a cast of various metal materials and their alloys. Turbine-blades of turbine 5 are the result of multiple tests, which resulted in the optimal design and functional solution of specially propelled blades 5.1 and the optimum proportion between them and the straight directional blades 5.4. We have reached an optimal ratio of greater than 1, greater number of directional blades 5.4 in relation to thrust blades 5.1. all shown in FIG. 11.

Pri vrtenju turbine-lopatic turbine 5 sl. 1, 11 in 12 se prične odvijati v prostoru med potisnimi lopaticami 5.1 izpodrivanje viskoznega medija med potisnimi lopaticami 5.1 ob hkratnem ustvarjanju podtlaka med ravnimi lopaticami 5.4, s katerimi se vzpostavi vakum, ki prične vsesavati zrak ali drugi fliud za dodajanje v medij vsesavanja. Zaradi vrtilne hitrosti turbine 5 se vsesani fluid meša z medijem vsesavanja in se pri tem tvorijo zračni mehurčki, ki obogatijo medij vsesavanja s kisikom, ki v nadaljevanju postopka sproži oksidacijo ali dodajamo drugi fluid, ki je tehnološko primeren predvidenem postopku za njegovo dodajanje v mediju obdelave.When rotating the turbine-blades of the turbine 5 fig. 1, 11 and 12 begin to take place in the space between the thrust blades 5.1. Displacement of the viscous medium between the thrust blades 5.1, while creating a vacuum between the flat blades 5.4 to create a vacuum which begins to suck in air or other fluid to be added to the inlet medium. Due to the rotational speed of turbine 5, the suction fluid is mixed with the suction medium, forming air bubbles, which enrich the suction medium with oxygen, which in the course of the process triggers oxidation or adds another fluid that is technologically suitable for the intended process for its addition in the treatment medium. .

Prav takšna tehnična rešitev hkratnega vsesavanja fluida v medij obdelave in mešanja medija obdelave, navedena v zgornjem odstavku, pride tudi v poštev pri povezovanju dveh ali več naših potopnih vpihovalnih turbin, ki lahko pokrijejo celotno površino in kubus predmeta obdelave. Takšen sistem povezovanja dveh ali več turbin po pričujočem patentnem spisu potrebujemo zaradi velikih potreb po hkratnem dovajanju zraka ali drugega fluida v medij obdelave ob hkratnem mešanju na različnih globinah kubusa obdelave medija. Namreč določeni npr. biološki procesi se odvijajo na različnih globinskih nivojih bazena obdelave. Ponavadi se prične z vpihovanjem na dnu bazena, da se ustvarijo pogoji za razvoj bakterij pa potem je postopoma po višanju mesta vpihovanja zraka. To smo navedli kot primer enega od postopkov pri biološki čistilni napravi večjih gabaritov. S tem smo upravičili izdelavo različnih dolžin pogonskih gredi turbine 4 prikazani na slikah 1 in 8.Such a technical solution for the simultaneous intake of fluid into the treatment medium and mixing of the treatment medium mentioned in the above paragraph is also appropriate when connecting two or more of our submersible blowing turbines, which can cover the entire surface and the cube of the treatment object. Such a system of coupling two or more turbines according to the present patent file is required because of the great need to supply air or other fluid to the treatment medium simultaneously, while mixing at different depths of the treatment cabinet. Namely, certain e.g. biological processes take place at different depth levels of the treatment pool. Usually, the inflow begins at the bottom of the pool to create the conditions for the development of bacteria, and then gradually after the elevation of the air inlet. We cited this as an example of one of the processes in a biological treatment plant of larger dimensions. This justified the production of different lengths of the drive shafts of the turbine 4 shown in Figures 1 and 8.

Claims (12)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Potopna vpihovalna turbina, katera je potopljena v medij, kot je voda, zbiralnik fekalij ali kakšen drug viskozni medij, v katerega je potrebno dovajati zrak ali druge fluidene snovi označena s tem, dajo tvori več glavnih sestavnih delov, postavljenih v smiselno zapredje, od katerih je okrogla votla spojna sklopka-spojka (1) na eni strani vezni element s pogonskim agregatom, a na drugem koncu na konusnem delu se vtakne in vpne z vijakom (9) z votlo pogonsko gredjo turbine (4), na kateri je med spojno sklopko (1) in mejnikomdistančno pušo (3) nameščena gibljivi cilinder-vakum kontrolnik (2), ki je namenjen za vsesavanje zraka ali dodajanje drugih fluidov skozi vstopni priključek (2.1) in v nadaljevanju prenos teh snovi skozi luknje (4.2), v votlo pogonsko gred turbine (4) do distančne puše (6), ki ima zračne odprtine (6.1) za dovod zraka ali drugega fluida do turbine-lopatic turbine (5), katera je zavarovana proti mehanskim poškodbam z okroglo zaščitno ploščico turbine (7), katera je vpeta v turbinski del naprave z vijakom (12), a vse to varuje zatezna pritrdilna podloška turbine (13) tako, da se pri vrtenju turbinelopatic turbine (5) se prične odvijati izpodrivanje medija med potisnimi lopaticami (5.1), ob hkratnem ustvarjanju podtlaka med ravnimi lopaticami (5.4), s katerimi se vzpostavi podtlak, ki prične vsesavati zrak ali drugi fliud in hkratnemu mešanju teh dveh snovi ob delovanju vrtilne hitrosti turbine (5), se vsesani fluid meša z medijem vsesavanja in se pri tem tvorijo zračni mehurčki, ki obogatijo medij vsesavanja s kisikom, ki v nadaljevanju postopka sproži oksidacijo ali dodajamo drugi fluid, ki je tehnološko primeren predvidenem postopku za njegovo dodajanje v mediju obdelave.1. A submersible suction turbine which is immersed in a medium such as water, a fecal collector or any other viscous medium into which air or other fluidic substances are to be introduced, characterized in that they form several major components arranged in a meaningful front, of which the circular hollow coupling clutch-clutch (1) is on one side connected to the drive unit, but at the other end at the conical part is inserted and clamped by a screw (9) with a hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4), on which is a coupling clutch (1) and a landing gear bushing (3) fitted with a movable cylinder-vacuum control (2) designed to suck in air or add other fluids through the inlet port (2.1) and subsequently transfer these substances through holes (4.2), into the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) to the spacer bushing (6) having air openings (6.1) for supplying air or other fluid to the turbine blades of the turbine (5), which is protected against mechanical damage by a turbine circular cover e (7), which is screwed into the turbine part of the device with a screw (12), but all this protects the clamping washer of the turbine (13) so that when the turbinelopatic turbine (5) rotates, the displacement of the medium between the thrust blades (5.1) begins to take place. ), while creating a vacuum between the flat blades (5.4), which creates a vacuum that starts to suck in air or other fluid and while mixing these two substances while operating the turbine speed (5), the suction fluid is mixed with the suction medium and they form air bubbles that enrich the intake medium with oxygen, which in the process proceeds to oxidize or add another fluid that is technologically appropriate to the intended process for its addition in the treatment medium. 2. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da ni nobenih zapornih ali omejitvenih preprek med pretokom zraka ali drugega fluida v medij vnosa.2. Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that there are no barrier or limitation barriers between the flow of air or other fluid into the inlet medium. 3. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, dajo lahko s pomočjo konzol pritrjenih na stene bazena objekta, v katerem se nahaja medij obdelave, fiksiramo v eni ali več pritrdilnih točk.3. Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be fixed at one or more attachment points by means of brackets attached to the walls of the pool of the object in which the treatment medium is located. 4. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da je lahko nameščena na pontonske pripravo, ki prosto leži na površini medija obdelave.4. Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that it can be mounted on a pontoon device which freely rests on the surface of the treatment medium. 5. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da za priklop rotorja pogonskega agregata uporabimo vsaj dva zatezna vijaka (8).Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that at least two clamping screws (8) are used to connect the drive unit rotor. 6. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da za vpetje votle pogonsko gredjo turbine (4) na spojno sklopko (1) uporabimo vijak (9).6. Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that a screw (9) is used to fasten the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) to the coupling clutch (1). 7. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da je v spojno sklopko (1) za lažje vpetje in zagotavljanje boljšega pritrdilnega stika med pogonsko gredjo turbine(4) in spojno sklopko-spojko (1) smo vrezali po dolžini spojne sklopke-spojke (1), in sicer do ’Λ dolžine diletacijsko podolgovato režo (1.2), ki se konča v zračni luknji (1.1) in je postavljena pravokotno za 90 stopinj glede na luknji (1.3) in (1.4)A submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that the length of the coupling clutch is cut into the coupling clutch (1) for easier retaining and to provide better mounting contact between the drive shaft of the turbine (4) and the clutch coupling (1). couplings (1), up to '' the length of the dilation elongate slot (1.2) ending in the air hole (1.1) and positioned perpendicularly 90 degrees with respect to holes (1.3) and (1.4) 8. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da se v spojni sklopki (1) nahajata vsaj dve diametralni zračni luknji (1.1), ki sta namenjeni za dodatno dovajanje fluida v votlo pogonsko gred turbine (4) in za hlajenje rotorske gredi pogonskega agregata.Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that at least two diametrical air holes (1.1) are provided in the coupling clutch (1), which are intended to further supply fluid to the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) and to cool the rotor shaft drive unit. 9. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da so na votli pogonski gredi turbine (4) izdelane izvrtine (4.2), ki omogočajo prehod fluida iz gibljivega cilindra-vakum kontrolnika (2) skozi notranjo votlino pogonske gredi turbine (4) do turbine-lopatic turbine (5).Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that holes (4.2) are provided on the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) to allow fluid to pass from the moving cylinder-vacuum control (2) through the inner cavity of the drive shaft of the turbine (4). to turbine-turbine blades (5). 10. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da so na votli pogonski gredi turbine (4) izdelana izvrtina (4.3) za vpetje turbinelopatice turbine (5) na distančno pušo (6).Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that a bore (4.3) is provided on the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) for attaching the turbine blades of the turbine (5) to the spacer sleeve (6). 11. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da distančna puša (6) ima dve ali več zračnih odprtin (6.1) za prehod fluida iz votle pogonske gredi turbine (4) na turbino-lopatice turbine (5) ter da ima štiri ali več lukenj (6.5) za vpetje turbine-lopatic turbine (5) na distančno pušo (6), ki se z nosilnim okroglim stebrom (6.7) in vzdignjenim steblastim segmentom (6.8) vtaknejo v okroglo odprtino (5.3) na turbini-lopatice turbin (5), na kar se vse to proti mehansko zavaruje z zaščitno ploščico turbine (7) ter utrdi s pritrdilno podložko turbine (13) in privije z vijakom (12).Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that the spacer bushing (6) has two or more air openings (6.1) for the passage of fluid from the hollow drive shaft of the turbine (4) to the turbine blades (5) and has four or more holes (6.5) for mounting the turbine blades of the turbine blades (5) to a spacer sleeve (6) which are inserted into the circular opening (5.3) of the turbine blades by means of a support round stem (6.7) and a raised stem segment (6.8) (5), to which all this is mechanically secured by the turbine guard plate (7) and secured by the turbine mounting washer (13) and screwed in with a screw (12). 12. Potopna vpihovalna turbina po zahtevku 1 označena s tem, da turbina-lopatice turbine (5) ima dva nivoja lopatic (5.1) in (5.4), ki sta v razmerju večjega od 1, večjega števila usmerjevalnih lopatic (5.4) do potisnih lopatic (5.1).Submersible blowing turbine according to claim 1, characterized in that the turbine blades of the turbine (5) have two levels of blades (5.1) and (5.4), which are in proportion to the thrust blades (5.4) more than 1, to the thrust blades (5.1).
SI201300122A 2013-05-17 2013-05-17 Submersible injection turbine SI24084A (en)

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2016191834A1 (en) * 2015-06-03 2016-12-08 Freire Alfredo Canuto Barbosa Self-propelling submersible diffusing turbine
US10654732B2 (en) 2015-04-29 2020-05-19 Biotecam Assessoria E Desenvolvimento De Tecnologia Ambiental Ltda. Equipment and process for massive dissolution of gases in liquids

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US10654732B2 (en) 2015-04-29 2020-05-19 Biotecam Assessoria E Desenvolvimento De Tecnologia Ambiental Ltda. Equipment and process for massive dissolution of gases in liquids
WO2016191834A1 (en) * 2015-06-03 2016-12-08 Freire Alfredo Canuto Barbosa Self-propelling submersible diffusing turbine

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