SI23950A - Crystal forms of xanturinic acid and methods for their preparation - Google Patents

Crystal forms of xanturinic acid and methods for their preparation Download PDF


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SI23950A SI201100465A SI201100465A SI23950A SI 23950 A SI23950 A SI 23950A SI 201100465 A SI201100465 A SI 201100465A SI 201100465 A SI201100465 A SI 201100465A SI 23950 A SI23950 A SI 23950A
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crystalline form
xanthuric acid
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Tratar Pirc Elizabeta
Cer - KerÄŤmar Ksenija
Bukovec Peter
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Stare Katarina
Meden Anton
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EN-FIST center odliÄŤnosti (zavod)
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
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Application filed by EN-FIST center odliÄŤnosti (zavod), Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo filed Critical EN-FIST center odliÄŤnosti (zavod)
Priority to SI201100465A priority Critical patent/SI23950A/en
Publication of SI23950A publication Critical patent/SI23950A/en



  • Organic Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds And Preparation Thereof (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


Predloženi izum se nanaša na novo kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline (4,8 dihidroksikinolin-2-karboksilna kislina, C10H7NO4), na postopke za njeno pripravo ter na farmacevtske oblike, ki jo vsebujejo.The present invention relates to a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid (4.8 dihydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid, C10H7NO4), to processes for its preparation and to the pharmaceutical forms it contains.


Kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline in postopki za njihovo pripravoCrystalline forms of xanthuric acid and methods for their preparation


Predloženi izum se nanaša na novo kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline (4,8 dihidroksikinolin-2karboksilna kislina, C10H7NO4 ), na postopke za njeno pripravo ter na farmacevtske oblike, ki jo vsebujejo.The present invention relates to a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid (4,8 dihydroxyquinoline-2carboxylic acid, C 10 H 7 NO 4 ), to processes for its preparation and to the pharmaceutical forms containing it.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Ksanturinska kislina ( 4,8 dihidroksikinolin-2-karboksilna kislina, C10H7NO4), ima strukturno formulo:Xanthuric acid (4,8 dihydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid, C 10 H 7 NO 4 ) has the structural formula:


Spojine hidroksikinolinskega tipa so potencialno zelo obetavne učinkovine za zdravljenje Alzheimerjeve bolezni; (A. Budimir, et al., J. Inorg. Biochem. 105 (2011) 490). Znano je, da spremenjena (porušena) homeostaza kovin, predvsem Zn2+, Cu2+ in Fe3+ poveča koncentracijo teh kovin v možganih, omenjeni kovinski ioni pa so direktno udeleženi v patogenezi Alzheimerjeve bolezni; (A. Rauk, Chem. Soc. Rev. 38 (2009) 2698; D.G. Smith et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1768 (2007) 1976). Učinkovine, ki bi kot kelatni ligandi, omogočale ponovno homeostazo kovin v možganih predstavljajo velik potencial na področju zdravljenja te bolezni.Hydroxyquinoline-type compounds are potentially very promising agents for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; (A. Budimir, et al., J. Inorg. Biochem. 105 (2011) 490). Altered (disrupted) homeostasis of metals, notably Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ and Fe 3+ , is known to increase the concentration of these metals in the brain, and said metal ions are directly involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease; (A. Rauk, Chem. Soc. Rev. 38 (2009) 2698; DG Smith et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1768 (2007) 1976). Agents that, as chelate ligands, would allow the re-homeostasis of metals in the brain represent great potential in the treatment of this disease.

Ksanturinska kislina kot polifenolna spojina deluje antioksidativno in ima sposobnost zmanjševanja oksidativnih poškodb DNK. Z naraščajočo koncentracijo ksanturinske kisline se poškodbe DNK zmanjšujejo (Silvia Lopez-Burillo, Dun-Xian Tan, Juan C. Mayo, Rosa M. Sainz, Lucien C. ManchesterAs a polyphenolic compound, xanthuric acid acts as an antioxidant and has the ability to reduce oxidative damage to DNA. With increasing concentration of xanthuric acid, DNA damage is reduced (Silvia Lopez-Burillo, Dun-Xian Tan, Juan C. Mayo, Rosa M. Sainz, Lucien C. Manchester

-2and Russel J. Reiter, J. Pineal Res. 34 (2003) 269-277). Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ksanturinska kislina pri antioksidativnem delovanju zelo učinkovito počisti peroksilne radikale (S. Christen, E. Peterhans, R. Stocker, Proč. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87 (1990) 2506).-2and Russel J. Reiter, J. Pineal Res. 34 (2003) 269-277). Xanthuric acid has been found to efficiently purify peroxyl radicals in antioxidant activity (S. Christen, E. Peterhans, R. Stocker, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 87 (1990) 2506).

Ksanturinska kislina je bila uporabljena tudi pri pripravi visoko senzitivnega senzorja za elektrokemijske meritve (Francisco de Assis dos Santos Silva, Cleylton Bezerra Lopes, Erivaldo de Oliveira Costa, Phabyanno Rodrigues Lima, Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Marilia Oliveira Fonseca Goulart, Electrochemistry Communications 12 (2010) 450-454). Polifunkcionalnost ksanturinske kisline, ki omogoča njeno antioksidativno, kot tudi prooksidativno delovanje, je bila glavni razlog, da so jo uporabili za modificiranje elektrode pri izdelavi senzorja za elektrokemijske meritve.Xanthuric acid has also been used in the preparation of a highly sensitive electrochemical measurement sensor (Francisco de Assis dos Santos Silva, Cleylton Bezerra Lopes, Erivaldo de Oliveira Costa, Phabyanno Rodrigues Lima, Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Marilia Oliveira Fonseca Goulart, Electrochemistry Communications 12). 450-454). The polyfunctionality of xanthuric acid, which enables its antioxidant as well as its pro-oxidant activity, was the main reason that it was used to modify the electrode in the manufacture of the sensor for electrochemical measurements.

Kelatno in antioksidativno delovanje ksanturinske kisline predstavlja širok potencial za razvoj farmacevtskih aplikacij. Za vgradnjo v farmacevtsko obliko morajo imeti učinkovine primerne fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti, kot so npr. visoka čistost, primerna stopnja kristaliničnosti, ustrezna termodinamska kot tudi kemijska stabilnost, ustrezna topnost, ustrezna hitrost raztapljanja in kompatibilnost s pomožnimi snovmi. Omenjene lastnosti so v veliki meri odvisne od kristalne oblike učinkovine. Podobno kot pri razvoju farmacevtskih aplikacij, tudi pri razvoju elektrokemijskih senzorjev pomembno vlogo igra kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline.The chelating and antioxidant action of xanthuric acid represents a wide potential for the development of pharmaceutical applications. For incorporation into the pharmaceutical form, the active ingredients must have suitable physicochemical properties, such as e.g. high purity, adequate crystallinity, adequate thermodynamic as well as chemical stability, adequate solubility, adequate dissolution rate and compatibility with excipients. These properties depend largely on the crystalline form of the active substance. Similar to the development of pharmaceutical applications, the crystalline form of xanthuric acid plays an important role in the development of electrochemical sensors.

Obstaja torej potreba po novih kristalnih oblikah ksanturinske kisline, ki imajo ustrezno termodinamsko stabilnost, ustrezno stopnjo kristaliničnosti in so primerne za vgradnjo v farmacevtske oblike, kot tudi za izdelavo elektrokemijskih senzorjev.Therefore, there is a need for new crystalline forms of xanthuric acid, which have adequate thermodynamic stability, an adequate degree of crystallinity and are suitable for incorporation into pharmaceutical forms as well as for the production of electrochemical sensors.

Pričujoči izum zadovoljuje to potrebo, saj je predmet izuma nova kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline z izboljšano termodinamsko stabilnostjo in visoko stopnjo kristaliničnosti, postopek njene priprave ter farmacevtske oblike, ki jo vsebujejo.The present invention satisfies this need, since the object of the invention is a novel crystalline form of xanthuric acid with improved thermodynamic stability and a high degree of crystallinity, the process of its preparation and the pharmaceutical forms containing it.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Ksanturinska kislina je bila prvič pripravljena že leta 1941 v večstopenjski sintezi iz natrijeve soli oksaloacetatnega estra in 2-metoksianilina (L. Musajo, M. Minchilli, Ber., 74B, 1842 (1941)). Avtorja sta določila tališče izolirane spojine pri 283-285 °C.Xanthuric acid was first prepared as early as 1941 in a multi-step synthesis of the sodium salt of oxaloacetate ester and 2-methoxyaniline (L. Musajo, M. Minchilli, Ber., 74B, 1842 (1941)). The authors determined the melting point of the isolated compound at 283-285 ° C.

-3Ponovljena sinteza po isti metodi (E. C. Miller, C. A. Baumann, J. Biol. Chem. 157 (1945) 551) je privedla do produkta s tališčem pri 281-283 °C. Ista avtorja v kasnejšem članku navajata tališče pri 281-284 °C (E. C. Miller, C. A. Baumann, J. Biol. Chem. 159 (1945) 173).-3 Repeated synthesis by the same method (E. C. Miller, C. A. Baumann, J. Biol. Chem. 157 (1945) 551) resulted in the product having a melting point at 281-283 ° C. The same authors cite a melting point at 281-284 ° C in a later article (E. C. Miller, C. A. Baumann, J. Biol. Chem. 159 (1945) 173).

Ksanturinska kislina, ki je bila izolirana iz podganjega urina je imela tališče pri 250 °C (C. C. Porter, I. Clark, R. H. Silber, J. Biol. Chem. 167 (1947) 573).Xanthuric acid isolated from rat urine had a melting point at 250 ° C (C. C. Porter, I. Clark, R. H. Silber, J. Biol. Chem. 167 (1947) 573).

Kasneje je bil originalni sintezni postopek optimiran. (A. D. Mebane, W. Oroshnik, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (1951) 3520). Avtorja sta izhajala iz natrijeve soli oksaloacetatnega estra in 2-metoksianilina, postopek izolacije pa sta poenostavila. Avtorja navajata, da ima ksanturinska kislina pri pH 6,95 dva široka absorpcijska trakova v ultravijoličnem delu spektra pri 243 in 342 nm.Subsequently, the original synthesis process was optimized. (A. D. Mebane, W. Oroshnik, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73 (1951) 3520). The authors derived from the sodium salt of oxaloacetate ester and 2-methoxyaniline, and the isolation process was simplified. The authors state that at pH 6.95, xanthuric acid has two broad absorption bands in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum at 243 and 342 nm.

Nadaljnja izboljšava sinteze izhaja iz etil-oksaloacetatnega estra in 2-metoksianilina (A. Furst, C. Olsen, J. Org. Chem. 16 (1951) 412). Dobljena ksanturinska kislina je imela tališče pri 284 °C, ter dva široka absorpcijska trakova v UV delu spektra pri približno 240 in 340 nm. Avtorja še navajata, da ksanturinska kislina tvori anizotropne kristale v obliki ploščic, svetlo do temno rumene barve.Further enhancement of the synthesis results from ethyl oxaloacetate ester and 2-methoxyaniline (A. Furst, C. Olsen, J. Org. Chem. 16 (1951) 412). The xanthuric acid obtained had a melting point at 284 ° C and two broad absorption bands in the UV part of the spectrum at about 240 and 340 nm. The authors also state that xanthuric acid forms anisotropic tile crystals, light to dark yellow in color.

S kristalizacijo v 95% metanolu so bili pripravljeni kristali monohidrata ksanturinske kisline in določena njena kristalna struktura. Spojina kristalizira v monoklinski prostorski skupini P2i (N. Okabe, J.Miura, A. Shimosaki, Acta Cryst. C52 (1996) 663).Crystallization in 95% methanol prepared crystals of xanthuric acid monohydrate and determined its crystalline structure. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2i (N. Okabe, J.Miura, A. Shimosaki, Acta Cryst. C52 (1996) 663).

Na trgu je na voljo ena kristalna oblika brezvodne ksanturinske kisline, ki smo jo poimenovali kristalna oblika I.There is one crystalline form of anhydrous xanthuric acid on the market, which we have called crystalline form I.


Predmet izuma je nova kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline brez vezane vode, z izboljšano termodinamsko stabilnostjo ter visoko stopnjo kristaliničnosti, kar omogoča lahko rokovanje, shranjevanje ter vgrajevanje omenjene kristalne oblike v farmacevtske oblike.The subject of the invention is a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid without bound water, with improved thermodynamic stability and a high degree of crystallinity, which enables easy handling, storage and incorporation of said crystalline form into pharmaceutical forms.

Predmet izuma je tudi postopek priprave nove kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline ter farmacevtske oblike, ki vsebujejo novo kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline.The subject of the invention is also a method of preparing a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid and pharmaceutical formulations containing a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid.

Predmet izuma so tudi elektrokemijski senzorji, ki vsebujejo novo kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline.The invention also relates to electrochemical sensors containing a new crystalline form of xanthuric acid.

Nova kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline, po predloženem izumu imenovana kot kristalna oblika II, je označena z ukloni v rentgenskem praškovnem diagramu pri okoli 14,4, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dva-theta. Kristalna oblika II ksanturinske kisline je nadalje označena z ukloni v rentgenskemThe new crystalline form of xanthuric acid, named in the present invention as crystalline form II, is characterized by deflections in the X-ray powder diagram at about 14.4, 26.9, 27.4, 29.0 ± 0.2 degrees two-theta. Crystalline form II of xanthuric acid is further characterized by x-ray deposition

praškovnem diagramu pri okoli 14,4, 15,0, 15,5, 18,8, 21,0, 24,5, 25,2, 26,2, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dva-theta. Še nadalje je kristalna oblika II ksanturinske kisline označena z rentgenskim praškovnim difraktogramom kot je prikazan na sliki 2.powder diagram at about 14.4, 15.0, 15.5, 18.8, 21.0, 24.5, 25.2, 26.2, 26.9, 27.4, 29.0 ± 0, 2 degrees two-theta. Further, crystalline form II of xanthuric acid is indicated by an X-ray powder diffractogram as shown in Figure 2.

Kristalna oblika II ksanturinske kisline je lahko označena tudi s tem, da obstaja kot ion dvojček v ortorombski kristalni strukturi v prostorski skupini Pbca z dimenzijami osnovne celice: a=7,773(10) A, b=12,7(2) A, c=16,8(2) A.Crystalline form II of xanthuric acid can also be characterized by its existence as a twin ion in the orthorhombic crystal structure in the Pbca space group with dimensions of the base cell: a = 7,773 (10) A, b = 12,7 (2) A, c = 16.8 (2) A.

Nadalje je kristalna oblika II ksanturinske kisline označena s tem, da ima tališče v območju med 290 °C in 310 °C, prednostno pri 297 ± 1 °C.Furthermore, crystalline form II of xanthuric acid is characterized by having a melting point in the range of 290 ° C to 310 ° C, preferably at 297 ± 1 ° C.

Nadalje je kristalna oblika II ksanturinske kisline označena s tem, da je pri termogravimetrični analizi spojina stabilna do tališča, nato pa 100 % razpade v dveh stopnjah do 700 °C.Furthermore, crystalline form II of xanthuric acid is characterized in that, by thermogravimetric analysis, the compound is stable to the melting point and then 100% decomposes in two steps up to 700 ° C.

Podatki o kemijskih ravnotežjih ksanturinske kisline v vodnih raztopinah kažejo izjemno kompleksno sliko, kjer se pojavlja v različnih kemijskih zvrsteh. Pri tako kompleksnem sistemu imajo različna topila in njihove kombinacije še posebej pomembno (odločilno) vlogo pri stabilizaciji posameznih kristalnih oblik. Samo s primerno izbiro topil lahko torej dobimo ustrezno kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline, kar je zahteven, dolgotrajen ter nepredvidljiv proces.Data on the chemical equilibria of xanthuric acid in aqueous solutions show an extremely complex picture where it occurs in various chemical species. With such a complex system, different solvents and their combinations play a particularly important (decisive) role in the stabilization of individual crystalline forms. Only by choosing the right solvents can the corresponding crystalline form of xanthuric acid be obtained, which is a demanding, time-consuming and unpredictable process.

Predmet izuma je torej tudi postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:The subject of the invention is also a process for the preparation of crystalline form II of xanthuric acid, characterized in that it contains the steps of:

a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v ustreznem topilu oziroma mešanici topil,a) preparing a mixture of xanthuric acid in an appropriate solvent or solvent mixture,

b) kristalizacije kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline iz mešanice iz stopnje a),b) crystallization of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid from a mixture of step a),

c) opcijsko izoliranja nastale oborinec) optional isolation of the resulting precipitate

Prednostno pripravimo mešanico ksanturinske kisline iz stopnje a) v organskem topilu ali mešanici organskega topila in vode, bolj prednostno je topilo mešanica vode in organskega topila, pri čemer organsko topilo prednostno obsega aceton, acetonitril ali alkohol, alkohol je prednostno etanol. Prednostno je razmerje med vodo in organskim topilom več kot 1:1, bolj prednostno 3:1.Preferably, the xanthuric acid mixture of step a) is prepared in an organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvent and water, more preferably the solvent is a mixture of water and an organic solvent, the organic solvent preferably comprising acetone, acetonitrile or alcohol, the alcohol being preferably ethanol. Preferably, the ratio of water to organic solvent is greater than 1: 1, more preferably 3: 1.

Mešanico iz stopnje a) lahko po predloženem izumu prednostno segrevamo pod refluksom vsaj 1 uro, bolj prednostno vsaj 4 ure ali pa jo izpostavimo mešanju vsaj za 1 uro, prednostno pri sobni temperaturi (okrog 25 °C).The mixture of step a) of the present invention can preferably be heated under reflux for at least 1 hour, more preferably for at least 4 hours, or exposed to stirring for at least 1 hour, preferably at room temperature (about 25 ° C).

-5Do kristalizacije kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v stopnji b) lahko pride spontano aii pa jo lahko induciramo, prednostno z odparevanjem topila, nižanjem temperature reakcijske mešanice ali s kombinacijo obojega. Bolj prednostno dosežemo kristalizacijo s hranjenjem mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C, prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ali z ohladitvijo mešanice in naknadnim hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C (prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden) ali s hranjenjem mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C, prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ter naknadno ohladitvijo mešanice in hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C (prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden).-5Crystallisation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in step b) may occur spontaneously or may be induced, preferably by evaporation of the solvent, lowering of the temperature of the reaction mixture, or a combination of both. More preferably crystallization is achieved by keeping the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C, preferably for more than 1 day, more preferably for more than 1 week) by simultaneously evaporating the solvent slowly or by cooling the mixture and subsequently storing it at a temperature of about 5 ° C (preferably more than 1 day, more preferably more than 1 week) or by feeding the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C, preferably more than 1 day, more preferably more than 1 week) with slow evaporation of the solvent and subsequent cooling of the mixture and keeping it at a temperature of about 5 ° C (preferably more than 1 day, more preferably more than 1 week).

Nadalje je predmet predloženega izuma postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:Further, the present invention is a process for the preparation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid, characterized in that it contains the steps of:

a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v prisotnosti tetrabutilamonijevega bromida v ustreznem topilu oziroma mešanici topil,a) preparing a mixture of xanthuric acid in the presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide in a suitable solvent or solvent mixture,

b) kristalizacije kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline iz mešanice iz stopnje a),b) crystallization of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid from a mixture of step a),

c) opcijsko izoliranja nastale oborinec) optional isolation of the resulting precipitate

Prednostno pripravimo mešanico ksanturinske kisline iz stopnje a) v organskem topilu ali mešanici organskega topila in vode, bolj prednostno je topilo alkohol ali mešanica alkohola in vode, prednostno je alkohol etanol. Prednostno je množinsko razmerje med ksanturinsko kislino in tetrabutilamonijevim bromidom 1:1.Preferably, the xanthuric acid mixture of step a) is prepared in an organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvent and water, more preferably the solvent is an alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and water, preferably the alcohol is ethanol. Preferably, the amount ratio of xanthuric acid to tetrabutylammonium bromide is 1: 1.

Mešanico iz stopnje a) lahko po predloženem izumu prednostno segrevamo pod refluksom vsaj 1 uro, bolj prednostno vsaj 4 ure ali pa jo izpostavimo mešanju vsaj za 1 uro, prednostno pri sobni temperaturi (okrog 25 °C).The mixture of step a) of the present invention can preferably be heated under reflux for at least 1 hour, more preferably for at least 4 hours, or exposed to stirring for at least 1 hour, preferably at room temperature (about 25 ° C).

Do kristalizacije kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v stopnji b) lahko pride spontano ali pa jo lahko induciramo, prednostno z odparevanjem topila, nižanjem temperature reakcijske mešanice ali s kombinacijo obojega. Bolj prednostno dosežemo kristalizacijo s hranjenjem mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C, prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ali z ohladitvijo mešanice in naknadnim hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C (prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostnoCrystallization of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in step b) can occur spontaneously or can be induced, preferably by solvent evaporation, lowering of the reaction mixture temperature, or a combination of both. More preferably crystallization is achieved by keeping the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C, preferably for more than 1 day, more preferably for more than 1 week) by simultaneously evaporating the solvent slowly or by cooling the mixture and subsequently storing it at a temperature of about 5 ° C (preferably more than 1 day, more preferably

-6več kot 1 teden) ali s hranjenjem mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C, prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ter naknadno ohladitvijo mešanice in hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C (prednostno več kot 1 dan, bolj prednostno več kot 1 teden).-6 more than 1 week) or by keeping the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C, preferably for more than 1 day, more preferably for more than 1 week) by simultaneously evaporating the solvent and subsequently cooling the mixture and storing it at at a temperature of about 5 ° C (preferably more than 1 day, more preferably more than 1 week).

Prednostno je postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline po predloženem izumu označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:Preferably, the process for the preparation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid according to the present invention is characterized in that it contains the steps of:

a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v mešanici vode in acetona,a) preparation of a mixture of xanthuric acid in a mixture of water and acetone,

b) segrevanja mešanice iz stopnje a) pod refluksom, prednostno 6 ur,b) heating the mixture from step a) under reflux, preferably for 6 hours,

c) hranjenja mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C ) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ter naknadno ohladitvijo mešanice in hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C,c) storing the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C) with simultaneous slow evaporation of the solvent and subsequently cooling the mixture and keeping it at a temperature of about 5 ° C;

d) izoliranja nastale oborined) isolating the resulting precipitate

Predloženi izum se nanaša tudi na farmacevtske oblike, ki vsebujejo kristalno obliko II ksanturinske kisline oziroma na farmacevtske oblike, kjer v postopku priprave takšnih oblik uporabimo kristalno obliko II ksanturinske kisline oziroma na farmacevtske oblike, ki vsebujejo kristalno obliko II pripravljeno po postopkih, ki so predmet tega izuma. Farmacevtske oblike glede na predloženi izum so lahko npr. tablete, kapsule, pelete, granule oziroma kombinacije le teh. Lahko gre za farmacevtske oblike s takojšnjim, kot tudi s prirejenim sproščanjem. Farmacevtske oblike glede na predloženi izum nadalje vsebujejo vsaj še en farmacevtsko sprejemljiv ekscipient.The present invention also relates to pharmaceutical forms containing crystalline form II of xanthuric acid, or to pharmaceutical forms where, in the process of preparing such forms, crystalline form II of xanthuric acid is used, or to pharmaceutical forms containing crystalline form II prepared by the processes subject to of this invention. The pharmaceutical forms of the present invention may be e.g. tablets, capsules, pellets, granules or combinations thereof. These may be immediate-form and modified-release pharmaceutical forms. The pharmaceutical forms of the present invention further comprise at least one other pharmaceutically acceptable excipient.

Predloženi izum se nanaša tudi na elektrokemijske senzorje, ki vsebujejo kristalno obliko II ksanturinske kisline.The present invention also relates to electrochemical sensors containing crystalline form II of xanthuric acid.

Predloženi izum je v nadaljevanju ponazorjen z izvedbenimi primeri in slikami.The present invention is further illustrated by way of example examples and figures.

Kratek opis slikShort description of the pictures

Slika 1 predstavlja rentgenski praškovni difraktogram kristalne oblike I ksanturinske kisline.Figure 1 is an X-ray powder diffractogram of crystalline Form I xanthuric acid.

Slika 2 predstavlja rentgenski praškovni difraktogram kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 2 is an X-ray powder diffractogram of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid.

-7Slika 3 predstavlja monokristal kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline.-7Figure 3 represents a single crystal of crystalline form II of xanthuric acid.

Slika 4 predstavlja ORTEP sliko iona dvojčka kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 4 is an ORTEP image of a xanthuric acid crystalline Form II twin ion.

Slika 5 predstavlja ORTEP sliko iona dvojčka kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline s prikazanimi vodikovimin vezmi.Figure 5 is an ORTEP image of a xanthuric acid crystalline Form II twin ion with hydrogen bonds shown.

Slika 6 prikazuje IR spekter kristalne oblike I ksanturinske kisline.Figure 6 shows the IR spectrum of crystalline form I xanthuric acid.

Slika 7 prikazuje IR spekter kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 7 shows the IR spectrum of crystalline form II xanthuric acid.

Slika 8 prikazuje primerjavo IR spektrov kristalnih oblik I in II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 8 shows a comparison of the IR spectra of crystalline forms I and II of xanthuric acid.

Slika 9 prikazuje krivulji termičnega razpada kristalnih oblik I in II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 9 shows the thermal decay curves of crystalline forms I and II of xanthuric acid.

Slika 10 prikazuje DSC krivulji kristalnih oblik I in II ksanturinske kisline.Figure 10 shows the DSC curves of crystalline forms I and II of xanthuric acid.

Analitske metodeAnalytical methods

1. Rentgenska praškovna difrakcija (XRD-P)1. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD-P)

Vzorci so bili posneti na praškovnem difraktometru PANalytical X'Pert PRO MPD (CuKa sevanje, 1,54178 A). Koti dva-theta so bili merjeni v stopinjah, napaka pri legah vrhov je do ±0,2 stopinje. Rentgenski praškovni difraktogrami vzorcev kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline kažejo, ne glede na način priprave značilne uklone pri okoli 14,4, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dva-theta oziroma pri okoli 14,4, 15,0, 15,5, 18,8, 21,0, 24,5, 25,2, 26,2, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0, 44,0, 56,6, 60,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dvatheta. Za kristalno obliko I ksanturinske kisline so značilni ukloni v rentgenskem praškovnem diagramu pri okoli 10,4, 14,8, 15,3, 17,9, 18,5, 20,1, 20,8, 21,9, 25,8, 26,1, 26,5, 27,2 ±0.2 stopinj dva-theta Značilni difraktogrami kristalnih oblik I in II ksanturinske kisline so prikazani na slikah 1 inSamples were taken on a PANalytical X'Pert PRO MPD powder diffractometer (CuKa radiation, 1.54178 A). Two-theta angles were measured in degrees, the error at peak positions is up to ± 0.2 degrees. X-ray powder diffractograms of xanthuric acid crystalline Form II samples show, regardless of the method of preparation, typical deviations at about 14.4, 26.9, 27.4, 29.0 ± 0.2 degrees two-theta, or about 14.4, 15.0, 15.5, 18.8, 21.0, 24.5, 25.2, 26.2, 26.9, 27.4, 29.0, 44.0, 56.6, 60, 0 ± 0.2 degrees dwt. Xanthuric acid crystalline Form I is characterized by x-ray powder diagram at about 10.4, 14.8, 15.3, 17.9, 18.5, 20.1, 20.8, 21.9, 25.8 , 26.1, 26.5, 27.2 ± 0.2 degrees two-theta The characteristic diffractograms of crystalline forms I and II of xanthuric acid are shown in Figures 1 and


2. Rentgenska strukturna analiza monokristala (XRD-M)2. X-ray structural analysis of single crystals (XRD-M)

Monokristale kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline, primerne za rentgensko strukturno analizo, smo pripravili s prekristalizacijo v mešanici aceton - voda. Monokristali so predstavljeni na sliki 3. Podatki za rentgensko strukturno analizo na monokristalu so bili posneti na Nonius Kappa CCD difraktometruMonocrystals of crystalline form II xanthuric acid, suitable for X-ray structural analysis, were prepared by recrystallization in acetone-water. The single crystals are presented in Figure 3. The data for the X-ray structural analysis on the single crystal were recorded on a Nonius Kappa CCD diffractometer

-8z uporabo monokromatske Μο-Κα radiacije. Spojina kristalizira v ortorombski prostorski skupini Pbca z dimenzijami osnovne celice:-8 Using monochromatic Μο-Κα radiation. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbca with the dimensions of the base cell:

a a 7,773(10) A 7,773 (10) A b b 12,7(2) A 12.7 (2) A c c 16,8(2) A 16.8 (2) A

Na sliki 4 je prikazana ORTEP slika iona dvojčka ksanturinske kisline. Kristalno strukturo ksanturinske kisline gradijo ioni dvojčki. V teh ionih je karboksilna skupina deprotonirana, dušik v kinolinskem obroču pa je protoniran. Obe hidroksilni skupini imata še vedno vodik. Vodikove vezi, ki jih tvori ion dvojček, so prikazane na sliki 5. Zanimivo je, da ni vodikove vezi med protoniranim dušikom v kinolinskem obroču in deprotonirano karboksilno skupino. Vodikove vezi namreč tvorita kisika iz obeh hidroksilnih skupin in kot je razvidno iz slike 5 tudi oba kisika iz karboksilata.Figure 4 shows the ORTEP image of the xanthuric acid twin ion. The crystal structure of xanthuric acid is built by twin ions. In these ions, the carboxyl group is deprotonated and the nitrogen in the quinoline ring is protonated. Both hydroxyl groups still have hydrogen. The hydrogen bonds formed by the twin ion are shown in Figure 5. Interestingly, there is no hydrogen bond between the protonated nitrogen in the quinoline ring and the deprotonated carboxyl group. The hydrogen bonds form oxygen from both hydroxyl groups and, as can be seen from Figure 5, both oxygen from the carboxylate.

Razdalje med donorskimi in akceptorskimi atomi, ki sodelujejo v vodikovih vezeh so kratke, kar kaže, da so vodikove vezi močne.The distances between the donor and acceptor atoms involved in hydrogen bonds are short, indicating that the hydrogen bonds are strong.

3. Infrardeča spektroskopija (FT-IR)3. Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR)

Infrardeče spektre obeh kristalnih modifikacij smo posneli v ATR tehniki na spektrometru PerkinElmer Paragon 1000 FTIR v območju od 4000-600 cm'1. Slika 6 prikazuje IR spekter kristalne oblike I, slika 7 prikazuje IR spekter polimorfne oblike II, slika 8 pa primerjavo obeh IR spektrov kristalne oblike I in oblike II ksanturinske kisline. V IR spektru obeh kristalnih oblik opazimo oster vrh okrog 3300 cm-1 za N+-H vzdolžno valenčno nihanje. Spektra se razlikujeta po vrhu pri 3073 cm-1 za C-H aromatsko valenčno nihanje, ki je izrazito pri obliki I, medtem ko ga v spektru oblike II ne opazimo, ker je skrit v širokem območju od 3200-2300 cm-1, kjer se pojavlja vzdolžno valenčno nihanje kinolinske in fenolne O-H skupine. Razliko med obema IR spektroma opazimo tudi v preostalem območju FT-IR prstnega odtisa. Iz IR spektra obeh kislin je razvidno, da se obe kristalni obliki pojavljata kot iona dvojčka, ker ne najdemo vrha za COOH skupino, ampak vrh za COO' in N+-H nihanje.The infrared spectra of both crystal modifications were recorded by ATR technique on a PerkinElmer Paragon 1000 FTIR spectrometer in the range of 4000-600 cm -1 . Figure 6 shows the IR spectrum of crystalline Form I, Figure 7 shows the IR spectrum of polymorphic Form II, and Figure 8 compares the two IR spectra of crystalline Form I and Form II xanthuric acid. In the IR spectrum of both crystalline forms, a sharp peak of about 3300 cm -1 is observed for N + -H longitudinal wave oscillation. The spectra differ in peak at 3073 cm -1 for CH aromatic valence oscillation, which is pronounced in shape I, while it is not observed in the spectrum of form II because it is hidden in a wide range of 3200-2300 cm -1 , where it occurs longitudinal wave oscillation of the quinoline and phenolic OH groups. The difference between the two IR spectra is also observed in the rest of the FT-IR fingerprint range. From the IR spectrum of the two acids, it is evident that both crystalline forms appear as twin ions, since we do not find a peak for the COOH group but a peak for the COO 'and N + -H oscillations.

4. Termična analiza (termogravimetrija,TG in dinamična diferenčna kalorimetrija, DSC)4. Thermal analysis (thermogravimetry, TG and dynamic differential calorimetry, DSC)

Na sliki 9 sta prikazani TG krivulji termičnega razpada kristalnih oblik I in II ksanturinske kisline v območju od 25 do 700 °C, na sliki 10 sta prikazani DSC krivulji za obe modifikaciji. Spojini se stalita vFigure 9 shows the TG curves of thermal decay of crystalline forms I and II of xanthuric acid in the range of 25 to 700 ° C, and Figure 10 shows the DSC curves for both modifications. The compounds merge in

temperaturnem območju 250 - 310 °C, kar je razvidno iz DSC krivulje, kjer opazimo oster, endotermen trak. Takoj za tem sledi razpad spojin. Razpad poteka v dveh stopnjah. Iz DSC krivulje je razvidno, da je prva stopnja termičnega razpada endotermna, druga pa eksotermna. Obe spojini razpadeta v celoti, saj je izguba mase 100%, lončka pa sta bila po končani termogravimetrični analizi prazna.temperature range 250 - 310 ° C, as shown in the DSC curve, where a sharp, endothermic band is observed. This is followed by the breakdown of the compounds. The breakup takes place in two stages. The DSC curve shows that the first stage of thermal decay is endothermic and the second is exothermic. Both compounds decompose completely because the weight loss is 100% and the crucibles were empty after completion of thermogravimetric analysis.

Iz primerjave termogramov je razvidno, da je oblika II termično bolj obstojna kot oblika I, saj se stali pri višji temperaturi ( oblika II pri ~300 °C, oblika I pri ~280 °C).Comparison of thermograms shows that Form II is more thermally stable than Form I because it melts at a higher temperature (Form II at ~ 300 ° C, Form I at ~ 280 ° C).

Izvedbeni primeri:Implementing examples:

Kristalna oblika I ksanturinske kisline je bila kupljena pri Sigma-Aldrich (AL-D120804-5G, Lot.: STBB6490).Crystalline Form I xanthuric acid was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (AL-D120804-5G, Lot .: STBB6490).

Primer 1 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v mešanici voda - aceton) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I suspendiramo v mešanici 225 ml destilirane vode in 75 ml acetona (H2O : aceton = 3 : 1). S povratnim hladilnikom refluktiramo 6 ur, kristali se pri tem raztopijo. Čašo pokrijemo s parafilmom v katerega z iglo naredimo tri luknjice in postavimo v inkubator na temperaturo 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega odparevanja topila izpadejo rjavi (olivno zeleni) kristali ksanturinske kisline oblike II. Dobitek 22-24 mg.Example 1 (Formation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in water-acetone mixture) mg of xanthuric acid Form I was suspended in a mixture of 225 ml of distilled water and 75 ml of acetone (H 2 O: acetone = 3: 1). The reflux was refluxed for 6 hours, with the crystals dissolving. Cover the beaker with parafilm, into which three holes are made with a needle and placed in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation of the solvent, the brown (olive green) crystals of xanthuric acid form II precipitate. Yield 22-24 mg.

Primer 2 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v mešanici voda - aceton) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I suspendiramo v mešanici 150 ml destilirane vode in 50 ml acetona (H2O : aceton = 3:1). S povratnim hladilnikom refluktiramo 6 ur, kristali se pri tem raztopijo. Čašo pokrijemo s parafilmom v katerega z iglo naredimo tri luknjice in postavimo v inkubator na temperaturo 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega odparevanja topila izpadejo rjavi (olivno zeleni) kristali ksanturinske kisline oblike II. Dobitek 46-48 mg.Example 2 (Formation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in water-acetone mixture) mg of xanthuric acid Form I was suspended in a mixture of 150 ml of distilled water and 50 ml of acetone (H 2 O: acetone = 3: 1). The reflux was refluxed for 6 hours, with the crystals dissolving. Cover the beaker with parafilm, into which three holes are made with a needle and placed in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation of the solvent, the brown (olive green) crystals of xanthuric acid form II precipitate. Yield 46-48 mg.

-10Primer 3 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v mešanici voda - aceton) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I suspendiramo v mešanici 225 ml destilirane vode in 75 ml acetona (HZO : aceton = 3 : 1). S povratnim hladilnikom refluktiramo 6 ur, kristali se pri tem raztopijo. Čašo pokrijemo s parafilmom v katerega z iglo naredimo tri luknjice in postavimo v hladilnik na temperaturo 5 °C. Po petih tednih začnejo izpadati rumeno rjavi kristali ksanturinske kisline oblike II. Po dveh mesecih filtriramo in posušimo. Dobitek 8-13 mg.-10Example 3 (Formation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in water-acetone mixture) mg of xanthuric acid Form I was suspended in a mixture of 225 ml of distilled water and 75 ml of acetone (H Z O: acetone = 3: 1). The reflux was refluxed for 6 hours, with the crystals dissolving. Cover the beaker with parafilm, into which three holes are made with a needle and placed in a refrigerator at 5 ° C. After five weeks, yellow-brown form II xanthuric acid crystals begin to appear. After two months, filter and dry. Yield 8-13 mg.

Primer 4 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v alkoholni raztopini tetrabutilamonijevega bromida) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I dodamo 39,3 mg tetrabutilamonijevega bromida (ksanturinska kislina : tetrabutilamonijev bromid = 1:1) in 150 mL etanola (96%) ter mešamo 4 ure na sobni temperaturi z magnetnim mešalom. Ko se kristali raztopijo jih postavimo v inkubator na temperaturo 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega izparevanja izpade rumena oborina. Dobitek 5-10 mg.Example 4 (Formation of crystalline form II xanthuric acid in an alcohol solution of tetrabutylammonium bromide) mg of xanthuric acid form I was added 39.3 mg of tetrabutylammonium bromide (xanthuric acid: tetrabutylammonium bromide = 1: 1) and 150 mL of ethanol (96%) and stirred for 4 hours at room temperature with a magnetic stirrer. When the crystals are dissolved, place them in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation, a yellow precipitate disappears. Yield 5-10 mg.

Primer 5 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline v alkoholni raztopini tetrabutilamonijevega bromida) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I dodamo 39,3 mg tetrabutilamonijevega bromida (ksanturinska kilsina : tetrabutilamonijev bromid = 1:1) in mešanico voda etanol (120 mL destilirane vode in 40 mL etanola). Refluktiramo s povratnim hladilnikom 4 ure. Po refluktiranju pokrijemo čašo s parafilmom, naredimo tri luknjice v parafilm in čašo postavimo v inkubator na 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega izparevanja izpade svetlo rumena oborina. Dobitek 5-10 mg.Example 5 (Formation of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid in an alcohol solution of tetrabutylammonium bromide) mg of xanthuric acid form I was added 39.3 mg of tetrabutylammonium bromide (xanthuric acid: tetrabutylammonium bromide = 1: 1) and a mixture of water ethanol (120 mL distilled water) ethanol). Reflux for 4 hours. After refluxing, cover the beaker with parafilm, make three holes in parafilm and place the beaker in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation, a light yellow precipitate appears. Yield 5-10 mg.

Primer 6 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II s primesjo oblike I ksanturinske kisline v vodni raztopini etanola) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I suspendiramo v mešanici 225 ml destilirane vode in 75 ml etanola (H2O : etanol = 3:1). S povratnim hladilnikom refluktiramo 6 ur, kristali se pri tem raztopijo. ČašoExample 6 (Formation of crystalline Form II by admixture of Form I xanthuric acid in aqueous ethanol) mg of xanthuric acid Form I was suspended in a mixture of 225 ml of distilled water and 75 ml of ethanol (H 2 O: ethanol = 3: 1). The reflux was refluxed for 6 hours, with the crystals dissolving. Glass

-11pokrijemo s parafilmom v katerega z iglo naredimo tri luknjice in postavimo v inkubator na temperaturo 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega odparevanja topila izpadejo rjavi (olivno zeleni) kristali ksanturinske kisline oblike li. Produkt je ksanturinska kislina oblike II s primesjo oblike I. Dobitek 1015 mg.-11 cover with parafilm into which three holes are made with a needle and placed in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation of the solvent, brown (olive green) crystals of xanthuric acid li form. The product is xanthuric acid Form II with Form I admixture. Yield 1015 mg.

Primer 7 (Tvorba kristalne oblike II v vodni raztopini acetonitrila) mg ksanturinske kisline oblike I suspendiramo v mešanici 225 ml destilirane vode in 75 ml acetonitrila (H2O : acetonitril = 3:1). S povratnim hladilnikom refluktiramo 6 ur, kristali se pri tem raztopijo. Čašo pokrijemo s parafilmom v katerega z iglo naredimo tri luknjice in postavimo v inkubator na temperaturo 37 °C. Po 20 dneh počasnega odparevanja topila izpadejo rjavi (olivno zeleni) kristali ksanturinske kisline oblike II. Produkt je ksanturinska kislina oblike II s primesjo oblikeExample 7 (Formation of crystalline Form II in aqueous acetonitrile) mg of xanthuric acid Form I was suspended in a mixture of 225 ml of distilled water and 75 ml of acetonitrile (H 2 O: acetonitrile = 3: 1). The reflux was refluxed for 6 hours, with the crystals dissolving. Cover the beaker with parafilm, into which three holes are made with a needle and placed in an incubator at 37 ° C. After 20 days of slow evaporation of the solvent, the brown (olive green) crystals of xanthuric acid form II precipitate. The product is xanthuric acid form II with a formulation admixture

Claims (9)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline označena z naslednjimi značilnostmi:1. The crystalline form of xanthuric acid having the following characteristics: - z ukloni v rentgenskem praškovnem difraktogramu pri 14,4, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dva-theta; in/ali- by x-ray powder diffraction at 14.4, 26.9, 27.4, 29.0 ± 0.2 degrees two-theta; and / or - z ukloni v rentgenskem praškovnem difraktogramu pri 14,4, 15,0, 15,5, 18,8, 21,0, 24,5, 25,2, 26,2, 26,9, 27,4, 29,0 ± 0,2 stopinj dva-theta; in/ali- by x-ray powder diffraction at 14.4, 15.0, 15.5, 18.8, 21.0, 24.5, 25.2, 26.2, 26.9, 27.4, 29, 0 ± 0.2 degrees two-theta; and / or - z rentgenskim praškovnim difraktogramom kot je prikazan na sliki 2.- by X-ray powder diffraction pattern as shown in Figure 2. 2. Kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline po zahtevku 1, ki je nadalje označena s tem, da obstaja v ortorombski kristalni strukturi v prostorski skupini Pbca z dimenzijami osnovne celice: a=7,773(10) A, b=12,7(2) A, c=16,8(2) A.The crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claim 1, further characterized in that it exists in the orthorhombic crystal structure in the space group Pbca with the dimensions of the base cell: a = 7,773 (10) A, b = 12,7 (2) A, c = 16.8 (2) A. 3. Kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline po zahtevku 1 ali 2, ki je nadalje označena s tem, da ima tališče v območju med 290 °C in 310 °C, prednostno pri 297 ± 1 °C.The crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claim 1 or 2, further characterized by a melting point in the range of 290 ° C to 310 ° C, preferably at 297 ± 1 ° C. 4. Kristalna oblika ksanturinske kisline po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 3, ki je nadalje označena s tem, da je pri termogravimetrični analizi spojina stabilna do tališča, nato pa 100 % razpade v dveh stopnjah do 700 °C.The crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to any one of claims 1 to 3, further characterized in that, by thermogravimetric analysis, the compound is stable to the melting point and then 100% decomposes in two steps up to 700 ° C. 5. Postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline po zahtevkih 1 - 4 označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:5. A process for the preparation of the crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claims 1-4, characterized in that it contains the steps of: a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v organskem topilu ali mešanici organskega topila in vode, bolj prednostno gre za mešanico vode in organskega topila, ki prednostno obsega aceton, acetonitril ali alkohol, alkohol je prednostno etanol;a) preparing a mixture of xanthuric acid in an organic solvent or a mixture of an organic solvent and water, more preferably a mixture of water and an organic solvent, preferably comprising acetone, acetonitrile or alcohol, the alcohol being preferably ethanol; b) kristalizacije kristalne oblike II ksanturinske kisline iz mešanice iz stopnje a); inb) crystallization of crystalline Form II xanthuric acid from a mixture of step a); and c) opcijsko izoliranja nastale oborine.c) optional isolation of the resulting precipitate. 6. Postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline po zahtevkih 1 - 4 označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:Method for the preparation of the crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claims 1 - 4, characterized in that it contains the steps of: a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v prisotnosti tetrabutilamonijevega bromida v organskem topilu ali mešanici organskega topila in vode, bolja) preparation of a mixture of xanthuric acid in the presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide in an organic solvent or a mixture of organic solvent and water, more -13prednostno je topilo alkohol ali mešanica alkohola in vode, prednostno je alkohol etanol;-13 preferably the solvent is alcohol or a mixture of alcohol and water, preferably the alcohol is ethanol; b) kristalizacije kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline po zahtevkih 1 - 4 iz mešanice iz stopnje a); inb) crystallization of the crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claims 1-4 from the mixture of step a); and c) opcijsko izoliranja nastale oborine.c) optional isolation of the resulting precipitate. 7. Postopek za pripravo kristalne oblike ksanturinske kisline po zahtevkih 1-4, označen s tem, da vsebuje stopnje:A process for the preparation of the crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to claims 1-4, characterized in that it contains the steps of: a) priprave mešanice ksanturinske kisline v mešanici vode in acetona;a) preparation of a mixture of xanthuric acid in a mixture of water and acetone; b) segrevanja mešanice iz stopnje a) pod refluksom, prednostno 6 ur;b) heating the mixture from step a) under reflux, preferably for 6 hours; c) hranjenja mešanice pri kontroliranih pogojih (prednostno v inkubatorju pri okrog 37 °C) s hkratnim počasnim odparevanjem topila ter naknadno ohladitvijo mešanice in hranjenjem le te pri temperaturi okrog 5 °C; inc) storing the mixture under controlled conditions (preferably in an incubator at about 37 ° C) with the simultaneous slow evaporation of the solvent and subsequent cooling of the mixture and keeping it at a temperature of about 5 ° C; and d) izoliranja nastale oborine.d) isolating the resulting precipitate. 8. Farmacevtska oblika, ki vsebuje kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline po kateremkoli od zahtevkov 1 do 4.A pharmaceutical form comprising the crystalline form of xanthuric acid according to any one of claims 1 to 4. 9. Farmacevtska oblika, ki vsebuje kristalno obliko ksanturinske kisline pripravljeno po postopku iz kateregakoli od zahtevkov 5 do 7.A pharmaceutical form comprising the crystalline form of xanthuric acid prepared by the method of any one of claims 5 to 7. Intenziteta = IntenzitetaIntensity = Intensity
SI201100465A 2011-12-14 2011-12-14 Crystal forms of xanturinic acid and methods for their preparation SI23950A (en)

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