SI23079A - Burner combustion chamber for hot water boilers fuelled by biomass - Google Patents

Burner combustion chamber for hot water boilers fuelled by biomass Download PDF


Publication number
SI23079A SI201000270A SI201000270A SI23079A SI 23079 A SI23079 A SI 23079A SI 201000270 A SI201000270 A SI 201000270A SI 201000270 A SI201000270 A SI 201000270A SI 23079 A SI23079 A SI 23079A
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Slovenian (sl)
Gregor Marksl
Radislav Marksl
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Wvterm D.O.O.
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Priority to SI201000270A priority Critical patent/SI23079A/en
Publication of SI23079A publication Critical patent/SI23079A/en



  • Solid-Fuel Combustion (AREA)


The burner combustion chamber for hot water boilers fuelled by biomass according to the submitted invention solves the problem of effective combustion of fuel, in particularly waste wood even that containing a high level of humidity and at the same time featuring a simple and compact construction, separated from the corresponding hot-water boiler. Inside the combustion chamber (1) of the burner (36) there is a segment grid (9) with flexible segments (14) as well as fixed segments (15), enclosed by a water-cooled chamber (16), which is horizontally shiftable on a trolley (13) featuring ramps (17). Inside the enclosure (8) of the combustion chamber (1) runs a supply line (5) for primary air, as well as channels (43) and (45) for secondary air. For the removal of ash from the combustion chamber (1) there are a shifting bar (21) as well as screw conveyors (22) and (23). The burner assembly (36) is implemented as a separate unit which belongs to the corresponding hot-water boiler of larger capacity.



Predmet izuma je kurišče gorilnika toplovodnega kotla na biomaso, oziroma je natančneje vanj nameščena gibljiva, vodno hlajena segmenta rešetka, z mehanizmom za odstranitev pepela pod in nad rešetko in pripadajočimi vodi za dovod primarnega in sekundarnega zraka.The object of the invention is to heat the burner of a biomass hot water boiler, or more precisely to accommodate the moving, water-cooled segments of the grate, with a mechanism for removing ash beneath and above the grate and associated ducts for supplying primary and secondary air.

Izum je po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji predvidoma uvrščen v F 23B 1/00,According to the international patent classification, the invention is intended to be classified in F 23B 1/00,

F 23H 11/00 in dodatno v F 23J 1/00.F 23H 11/00 and additionally in F 23J 1/00.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna konstrukcija kurišča samostojnega gorilnika toplovodnega kotla na biomaso s pripadajočo gibljivo segmentno rešetko, ki bo omogočala uporabo različnih naravnih kuriv oziroma goriv, prednostno v obliki različnih lesnih odpadkov z vsebnostjo vode tudi do 40%, ki bo nadalje omogočala enakomerno porazdelitev goriva po površini celotne rešetke in boljši dovod primarnega zraka pod rešetko ter s tem popolno izgorevanje goriva in večji toplotni izkoristek in bo nadalje omogočala učinkovito odvajanje pepela pod in nad rešetko, pri tem pa bo rešetka vodno hlajena, temu posledično pa njena življenjska doba daljša, hkrati pa bo kurišče z gibljivo rešetko enostavne in kompaktne izvedbe.A technical problem solved by the invention is such a construction of a firebox of an independent biomass hot-water boiler burner with an associated moving segmental grid, which will allow the use of different natural fuels or fuels, preferably in the form of different wood waste with a water content of up to 40%, which will further allowing even distribution of fuel across the surface of the entire grille and better supply of primary air under the grille, thereby perfect combustion of fuel and greater thermal efficiency, and will further allow efficient removal of ash beneath and above the grille, leaving the grate water cooled, and consequently longer life, but also a flexible grille with a simple and compact design.

Znana je rešitev samostojnega gorilnika toplovodnega kotla za centralno ogrevanje prostorov na naravna goriva, po kateri so segmenti stopničasto izvedene gibljive rešetke nameščeni oziroma na pripadajoči voziček horizontalno položeni in so v horizontalni smeri tudi gibljivi. Slabost oziroma pomanjkljivost te rešitve je zlasti v tem, da ne omogoča enakomerne porazdelitve goriva po celotni površini rešetke, zaradi popolnoma horizontalnega položaja segmentov rešetke pa je posledično oviran oziroma zmanjšan dotok primarnega zraka do goriva na rešetki, s tem pa izgorevanje goriva ni optimalno, izkoristek pa zato nižji. Njena pomanjkljivost je nadalje v tem, da rešetka ni hlajena, kar ima za posledico mehanske poškodbe na sestavnih segmentih in s tem krajšo življenjsko dobo rešetke. Nadalje je njena pomanjkljivost tudi v neustreznem odvodu pepela izpod rešetke, odvod pepela nad rešetko pa sploh ni omogočen oziroma ga ta znana rešitev ne obsega.A known solution of a self-contained hot water boiler burner for central heating of rooms with natural fuels, according to which the segments of the stepwise movable grilles are mounted or horizontally positioned on the corresponding trolley and are also movable in the horizontal direction. The disadvantage or disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that it does not allow even distribution of fuel over the entire surface of the grille, and due to the perfectly horizontal position of the grille segments, consequently, the primary air to the fuel on the grille is impeded or reduced, thus the fuel combustion is not optimal. therefore lower. Its disadvantage is that the grille is not cooled, which results in mechanical damage to the component segments and thus a shorter grate life. Furthermore, its disadvantage is also in the inadequate drainage of ash from below the grid, and the drainage of ash above the grid is not enabled at all or is not covered by this known solution.

Problem, ki je ostal nerešen, je predvsem neustrezna in zapletena izvedba gibljive rešetke ter njeno neučinkovito delovanje, dalje v razmeroma neučinkovitem dovajanju primarnega zraka, kot tudi pri odvajanju pepela iz kurišča gorilnika.The problem that remains unsolved is, in particular, the inappropriate and complex implementation of the flexible grille and its inefficient operation, further in the relatively inefficient supply of primary air, as well as in the removal of ash from the combustion chamber.

Po izumu je problem rešen s kuriščem gorilnika toplovodnega kotla na biomaso, znotraj katerega je nameščena gibljiva, vodno hlajena segmentna rešetka s poševno nameščenimi segmenti, pod katero vodi dovod primarnega zraka in je opremljena z mehanizmoma za čiščenje pepela pod in nad rešetko.According to the invention, the problem is solved by combustion of a biomass hot water boiler burner, which houses a movable, water-cooled segmental grille with obliquely positioned segments, under which primary air is fed and equipped with ash cleaning mechanisms under and above the grate.

V nadaljevanju bo izum opisan na prednostnem izvedbenem primeru in slikah, ki prikazujejo sl. 1 kurišče gorilnika po izumu v delnem vzdolžnem prerezu in v ortogonalni projekciji sl. 2 kurišče gorilnika z gibljivo segmentno rešetko in vozičkom ter polžnima transporterjema za odvod pepela po izumu, v stranskem pogledu in v ortogonalni projekciji sl. 3 segmentna rešetka z vozičkom v prečnem prerezu A-A sl. 4 voziček segmentne rešetke, v pogledu od strani in v ortogonalni projekciji sl. 5 ploščati segment segmentne rešetke v delnem vzdolžnem prerezu, v pogledu od strani in v ortogonalni projekciji sl. 6 enako kot v sl. 5, samo v prečnem prerezu B-B sl. 7 enako, kot v sl. 5, samo v pogledu od spodajHereinafter, the invention will be described in a preferred embodiment and in the drawings illustrating FIG. 1 shows a burner hearth according to the invention in partial longitudinal section and in orthogonal projection of FIG. 2 is a burner hearth with a movable segmental grate and a trolley and auger ash conveyors according to the invention, in lateral view and in orthogonal projection of FIG. 3 shows a segmental grid with a trolley in cross section A-A. FIG. 4 is a side view of a trolley of a segmental grid, in orthogonal projection FIG. 5 shows a planar segment of a segmental lattice in partial longitudinal cross-section, side view and orthogonal projection of FIG. 6 in the same way as in FIG. 5, only in cross-section B-B of FIG. 7 in the same way as in FIG. 5, only in bottom view

Kurišče 1 gorilnika 36, ki je izveden ločeno od neprikazanega toplovodnega kotla na biomaso, tvorijo dovod primarnega zraka 5, sestav segmentne rešetke 9 z vozičkom 13 in vodno hlajeno komoro 16, pomični drog 21, polžna transporterja 22 in 23, cevni register 35 s šamotno oblogo 34, kanal 43 za sekundarni zrak z izstopnimi šobami 44, kanal 45 za sekundarni zrak z izstopnimi šobami 4 in izhodna odprtina 38. Na vhodni strani gorilnika 36 je skozi dovod primarnega zraka 5 izveden horizontalni kanal 2, ki sega v kurišče 1. Dovod primarnega zraka 5 je opremljen z ventilatorjem 6. Izhodna odprtina 38 je namenjena za izhod plamena 3 v toplovodni kotel ob njem, ki pa ni prikazan. Ob ohišju 8 izvedeni kanal 45 je namenjen za dovod sekundarnega zraka skozi izstopne šobe 4 v plamen 3 znotraj izhodne odprtine 38. Kanal 43 z izstopnimi šobami 44 je izveden znotraj kurišča 1 in je namenjen za dovod sekundarnega zraka nad segmentno rešetko 9. Kanal 43 poteka ob izhodni odprtini 38 ter pod zgornjo steno ohišja 8, oziroma pod cevnim registrom 35. Gorilnik 36 s kuriščem 1 po izumu ima torej dva dovoda sekundarnega zraka in sicer kanal 43 z izstopnimi šobami 44 v kurišču 1 in kanal 45 z izstopnimi šobami 4 ob izhodni odprtini 38. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 1.The torch 1 of the burner 36, which is made separately from the non-displayed biomass hot water boiler, forms the primary air supply 5, the assembly of the segmental grate 9 with the trolley 13 and the water-cooled chamber 16, the movable rod 21, the screw conveyors 22 and 23, the tubular register 35 with the shamot lining 34, secondary air duct 43 with outlet nozzles 44, secondary air duct 45 with outlet nozzles 4, and outlet opening 38. A horizontal duct 2 extending into the firebox 1 is provided through the inlet side of the burner 36 through the primary air inlet 5. the primary air 5 is provided with a fan 6. The outlet opening 38 is intended for the outlet of flame 3 into the boiler next to it, which is not shown. At housing 8, the conduit 45 is designed to supply secondary air through the outlet nozzles 4 to the flame 3 within the outlet opening 38. The conduit 43 with the outlet nozzles 44 is designed inside the firebox 1 and is intended to supply secondary air above the segmental grate 9. The duct 43 runs at the outlet opening 38 and below the upper wall of the housing 8, or under the pipe register 35. The burner 36 with a firebox 1 according to the invention thus has two secondary air inlets, namely channel 43 with outlet nozzles 44 in firebox 1 and channel 45 with outlet nozzles 4 at outlet 38. It is described in FIG. 1.

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V konceptualnem smislu predstavlja gorilnik 36 samostojno, od neprikazanega toplovodnega kotla ločeno sestavno enoto, ki se z njim praviloma integrira in tesno spoji šele na lokaciji njune končne namestitve in uporabe. Gorilnik 36 tako predstavlja ločeno zunanjo enoto pripadajočemu toplovodnemu kotlu.In conceptual terms, the burner 36 is a separate, separate unit from the hot water boiler, which as a rule is integrated and tightly connected only at the location of their final installation and use. The burner 36 thus represents a separate outdoor unit to the associated hot water boiler.

Kot je razvidno iz sl. 2, je na dno kurišča 1 nameščena in na ohišje 8 fiksno pritrjena nosilna konstrukcija 10, v sklopu katere je vzdolž nje premočrtno vstavljen pomični drog 21, ki je preko vpenjalnega mesta 27 gibljivo spojen s cilindrom 20, ki je z nasprotnim koncem vpet v konzolo 26, fiksno pritrjeno na ohišje 8. Pomični drog 21 s prostim koncem sega do polžnega transporterja 22, ki leži nekoliko pod pomičnim drogom 21 in poteka pravokotno na njegovo vzdolžno os.As can be seen from FIG. 2, a load-bearing structure 10 is fixed to the bottom of the firebox 1 and a fixed structure 10 is fixed to the housing 8, within which a movable bar 21 is inserted along it, which is movably connected to the bracket 20 by a clamp 20, which is secured to the console by the opposite end. 26, fixed to the housing 8. The free-end pivot rod 21 extends to the auger conveyor 22, which lies slightly below the movable bar 21 and extends perpendicularly to its longitudinal axis.

Kot je predhodno že opisano, je nosilna konstrukcija 10 izvedena vzdolž kurišča 1 in fiksno pritrjena na ohišje 8 gorilnika 36. Na nosilno konstrukcijo 10 je, v vzdolžni in v prečni smeri fiksno pritrjenih več parov ogrodij 11. Znotraj slehernega ogrodja 11 je nameščeno najmanj eno vrtljivo kolo 12.As previously described, the supporting structure 10 is arranged along the firebox 1 and fixed to the housing 8 of the burner 36. Several pairs of frames 11 are fixed to the supporting structure 10 in the longitudinal and transverse directions. At least one is mounted inside each frame 11. rotary wheel 12.

Na ogrodja 11 je, prednostno vzporedno z nosilno konstrukcijo 10, snemljivo in gibljivo nameščen voziček 13 tako, da s klančinami 17 nalega na kolesa 12. Na strani dovoda 5 je na prečno stranico vozička 13 fiksno pritrjena konzola 24, v katero je preko vpenjalnega mesta 37 gibljivo vpet cilinder 19, ki je z nasprotnim koncem prav tako gibljivo vpet v konzolo 25, fiksno pritrjeno na ohišje 8 gorilnika 36. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 2.The trolley 11, preferably parallel to the supporting structure 10, has a detachable and movable trolley 13 such that it rises to the wheels 12 with the ramps 17. On the inlet side 5, a bracket 24 is fixed to the transverse side of the trolley 13, through which a mounting point is fixed. 37, a movably clamped cylinder 19 which, with the opposite end, is also movably clamped into a bracket 25, fixedly fixed to the housing 8 of the burner 36. The description is shown in FIG. 2.

Voziček 13 tvori ogrodje 40 iz poljubnih vzdolžnih in prečnih profilov. Na zgornji strani vozička 13 so na ogrodje 40 fiksno pritrjene konzole 33, nameščene v večih prečnih nizih vzdolž cele dolžine ogrodja 40, ki so med sabo poljubno oddaljeni. Vsak prečni niz konzol 33 med sabo povezuje najmanj en prečni nosilec 31, ki je nanje fiksno pritrjen. V vsakem prečnem nizu sta lahko nameščeni najmanj dve ali več konzol 33, ki jih med sabo povezuje pripadajoči nosilec 31. Prečnih nizov konzol 33 z nosilci 31 je lahko vzdolž ogrodje 40 poljubno število. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 3 in sl. 4.The trolley 13 forms a frame 40 of any longitudinal and transverse profiles. On the upper side of the trolley 13, brackets 33 are fixed to the frame 40, mounted in several transverse arrays along the entire length of the frame 40, spaced apart from each other. Each transverse set of brackets 33 interconnects at least one transverse bracket 31 which is fixed to them. Each transverse array may have at least two or more brackets 33 interconnected by the associated bracket 31. The lateral strings of brackets 33 with brackets 31 may be any number along the frame 40. The description is shown in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4.

Med konzolami 33 z nosilci 31 so pozicionirane konzole 28 z nosilci 18, pri čemer so konzole 28 fiksno pritrjene na ohišje 8 znotraj kurišča 1. Tudi za konzole 28 velja, da so izvedene po najmanj dve ali več v prečni vrsti oziroma nizu, prečno pa jih povezujejo pripadajoči nosilci 18.Among the brackets 33 with beams 31 are positioned brackets 28 with brackets 18, with brackets 28 being fixed to the housing 8 inside the firebox 1. Also brackets 28 are said to be made of at least two or more in a transverse row or row, and transversely they are connected by their respective carriers 18.

Nosilci 18 in nosilci 31 so v prikazanem izvedbenem primeru izvedeni kot palice prednostno okroglega preseka. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru so lahko nosilci 18 in 31 tudi drugačnih presekov, ki pa morajo ustrezati izvedbi ležišča 30 v ušesih 29 na gibljivih segmentih 14 in na fiksnih segmentih 15.The supports 18 and the supports 31 are in the embodiment shown as rods of preferably circular cross-section. In another embodiment, the supports 18 and 31 may also be of different cross-sections, but they must correspond to the embodiment of the bearing 30 in the ears 29 on the moving segments 14 and on the fixed segments 15.

Gledano vzdolž voziček 13 si v poljubnih razmakih sledijo nanj prečno nameščeni pari, ki jih tvorijo konzole 33 z nosilci 31 in konzole 28 z nosilci 18. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 2.Seen along trolley 13, they are followed, at arbitrary intervals, by a pair of transversally mounted pairs formed by brackets 33 with brackets 31 and brackets 28 with brackets 18. As described in FIG. 2.

Konzole 28 z nosilci 18 in konzole 33 z nosilci 31 so v območju segmentne rešetke 9 nameščene in pozicionirane tako, da vsi nosilci 18 ležijo v isti horizontalni ravnini, prav tako v isti horizontalni ravnini ležijo tudi vsi nosilci 31, pri čemer je horizontalna ravnina nosilcev 18 pozicionirana nekoliko nad horizontalno ravnino nosilcev 31, obe pa potekata vzporedno ena z drugo.The brackets 28 with brackets 18 and brackets 33 with brackets 31 are positioned and positioned in the region of the segmental grille 9 such that all brackets 18 are in the same horizontal plane, and all brackets 31 are in the same horizontal plane, with the horizontal plane of the brackets 18 is positioned slightly above the horizontal plane of the beams 31, and both run parallel to each other.

Število nosilcev 18 in število nosilcev 31 vzdolž segmentne rešetke 9 in s tem vzdolž vozička 13 je poljubno, sledijo pa si v izmeničnem zaporedju. Tako prečnemu nosilcu 18 na poljubni razdalji sledi prečni nosilec 31 in tako izmenično vse do konca segmentne rešetke 9. Na nosilce 18 so položeni fiksni segmenti 15, na nosilce 31 pa so položeni gibljivi segmenti 14. Število enih in drugih je poljubno tako v prečnih vrstah, kot tudi vzdolž vozička 13.The number of supports 18 and the number of supports 31 along the segmental grid 9 and thus along the trolley 13 are arbitrary, followed alternately. Thus, the transverse bearer 18 is followed at any distance by the transverse bearer 31 and thus alternately all the way to the end of segment lattice 9. Fixed segments 15 are laid on beams 18 and movable segments 14 are placed on beams 31. The number of both is arbitrary in transverse rows. , as well as along trolley 13.

Nagib segmentov 15 in 14 določa položaj oporne plošče 39, ki je ob koncu segmentne rešetke 9 fiksno pritrjena na ohišje 8 kurišča 1. Oporna plošča 39 je izvedena praviloma pod ostrim kotom α med 15° in 30°, prednostno oziroma izkustveno optimalno pa pod kotom 20°. Temu posledično pod enakim kotom α ležijo tudi gibljivi segmenti 14 na prečnih nosilcih 31 in fiksni segmenti 15 na prečnih nosilcih 18. Zaradi različnih nivojev oziroma ravnin med prečnimi nosilci 31 in 18 se vrhovi segmentov 14 in 15 nahajajo na različnih višinah in na ta način tvorijo stopničasto oziroma zobato čelno površino segmentne rešetke 9.The inclination of segments 15 and 14 determines the position of the support plate 39, which is fixed at the end of the segmental grille 9 to the housing 8 of the firebox 1. The support plate 39 is generally made at a sharp angle α between 15 ° and 30 ° and preferably or experientially optimum at an angle 20 °. Consequently, at the same angle α are moving segments 14 on transverse beams 31 and fixed segments 15 on transverse beams 18. Due to the different levels or planes between transverse beams 31 and 18, the vertices of segments 14 and 15 are located at different heights, thus forming stepped or toothed frontal surface of segmental grid 9.

Kot že rečeno, je na posameznem prečnem nosilcu 31 nameščenih oziroma položenih poljubno število gibljivih segmentov 14, na posameznem prečnem nosilcu 18 pa poljubno število fiksnih segmentov 15. Tako za segmente 14 in segmente 15 pri tem velja, daje lahko razdalja med njimi poljubna, praviloma pa takšna, da ne omogoča izpadanje goriva skozi segmentno rešetko 9 na pomični drog 21. Segmentno rešetko 9 prednostno po celotnem obsegu obdaja vodno hlajena komora 16.As already mentioned, any number of moving segments 14 are mounted or positioned on each transverse carrier 31, and any number of fixed segments 15 on each transverse carrier 18. Thus, for segments 14 and segments 15, the distance between them can be said to be arbitrary, as a rule such that it does not allow fuel to escape through the segmental grille 9 onto the movable bar 21. The segmental grille 9 is preferably surrounded by a water-cooled chamber 16 throughout the circumference.

Predhodno opisano je prikazano na sl. 2 in sl. 3.The foregoing is illustrated in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3.

Gibljivi segmenti 14 in fiksni segmenti 15 so prednostno enakih oblik, presekov in dimenzij in so za predstavljeni izvedbeni primer prikazani na sl. 5, sl. 6 in sl. 7. Prednostno so iz enega nedeljivega kosa, ki ima na enem koncu izvedeno uho 29 z ležiščem 30, na nasprotnem koncu pa glavo 42. Uho 29 in glavo 42 medsebojno fiksno povezuje ojačitveno rebro 41 preseka I ali T profila. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru, ki pa ni prikazan, so lahko segmenti 14 in 15 izvedeni tudi kako drugače.The moving segments 14 and the fixed segments 15 are preferably of the same shapes, sections and dimensions and are shown in FIG. 5, FIG. 6 and FIG. 7. Preferably, they are made of one indivisible piece having an ear 29 with a bearing 30 at one end and a head 42 at the opposite end. The ear 29 and the head 42 are fixed to one another by a reinforcing rib 41 of section I or T of the profile. In another embodiment, but not shown, segments 14 and 15 may also be implemented differently.

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Ležišče 30 v ušesu 29 je praviloma oblike, ki ustreza obliki prečnega preseku nosilcev 18 oziroma 31, pri čemer je ležišče 30 nekoliko večjega notranjega premera, kot je zunanji premer nosilcev 18 in 31.The bearing 30 in the ear 29 is generally of a shape corresponding to the cross-sectional shape of the beams 18 and 31, the bearing 30 being a slightly larger internal diameter than the outer diameter of the beams 18 and 31.

Na strani glave 42 oziroma nekoliko pred njo, so v in skozi krake opazovanega profila izvedeni zračni kanali oziroma odprtine 32. V večjo čelno steno so odprtine 32 izvedene pod ostrim kotom γ napram vzdolžni osi segmentov 14 inOn the side of the head 42 or slightly in front of it, air channels or openings 32 are introduced into and through the arms of the observed profile. In the larger front wall, the openings 32 are made at a sharp angle γ against the longitudinal axis of the segments 14 and

15. V manjšo stransko steno glave 42 pa so odprtine 32 prednostno izvedene vzporedno z vzdolžno osjo segmentov 14 in 15. Odprtine 32 so lahko poljubnih presekov in so v nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru izvedene tudi kako drugače.15. In the smaller lateral wall of the head 42, openings 32 are preferably arranged parallel to the longitudinal axis of the segments 14 and 15. The openings 32 may be of any cross-section and may also be otherwise arranged in another embodiment.

Gibljivi segmenti 14 so na pripadajoče prečne nosilce 31 prosto položeni, pri čemer jih s pomočjo ležišč 30 v ušesu 29 enostavno položimo in nataknemo na nosilec 31. Enako velja za namestitev fiksnih segmentov 15 na pripadajoče nosilce 18. Glede na prikazan izvedbeni primer na sl. 2 pri tem velja, da najprej položimo prvo prečno vrsto fiksnih segmentov 15 na nosilce 18 tako, da le ti na izhodnem delu kurišča 1 z glavo 42 nalegajo na oporno ploščo 39, izvedeno pod ostrim kotom a. Temu posledično pod enakim kotom a ležijo tudi nanjo položeni fiksni segmenti 15. Zatem na prečni nosilec 31 na enak način položimo niz gibljivih segmentov 14, ki jih naslonimo na pred njimi ležeče fiksne segmente 15 tako, da jih prekrivajo, kar je prikazano na sl. 3. S tem tudi gibljivi segmenti 14 na nosilcu 31 ležijo pod enakim kotom a, kot pred njimi ležeči fiksni segmenti 15. Tako segmente 14 in 15 izmenično nizamo niz za nizom, eden na drugega in to po celotni dolžini segmentne rešetke 9. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru, ki pa ni prikazan, je lahko vrstni red namestitve segmentov 14 in 15 in njihov medsebojni položaj tudi drugačen.The movable segments 14 are freely positioned on the respective transverse beams 31, with which they are easily positioned and mounted on the carrier by means of the bearings 30 in the ear 29. The same applies to the installation of the fixed segments 15 on the corresponding beams 18. According to the embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the first transverse row of fixed segments 15 is then placed on the beams 18 such that they on the outlet part of the firebox 1 with the head 42 rest on the support plate 39, made at an acute angle a. Consequently, at the same angle a there are also fixed fixed segments 15. Then, on the transverse support 31, a series of movable segments 14 are placed in the same way, which are supported by the fixed fixed segments 15 in front of them so that they overlap, as shown in FIG. 3. Thus, the moving segments 14 on the carrier 31 lie at the same angle a as the fixed fixed segments 15. Before them, segments 14 and 15 are rotated one by one, one by one, along the entire length of the segmental lattice 9. In some in another embodiment not shown, the order of installation of segments 14 and 15 and their relative position may also be different.

Gorivo se v kurišče 1 gorilnika 36 dovaja skozi kanal 2 na pod njim nameščeno gibljivo segmentno rešetko 9 in se na njej enakomerno razporeja v vse smeri. Njeno gibljivost in s tem razporeditev goriva omogoča cilinder 19, ki voziček 13 s • · klančinami 17 potisne na kolesa 12 na ogrodju 11 in ga zatem v obratni smeri potegne iz koles 12. Nenehno premočrtno izmenično gibanje vozička 13 naprej in nazaj, se preko nanj fiksno pritrjenih konzol 33 z nosilci 31 prenaša na prečne nize gibljivih segmentov 14, ki povzroči njihovo drsenje gor in dol po fiksnih segmentih 15 na katerih slonijo. Iz tega sledi, da se pri gibanju cilindra 19 naprej klančine 17 povzpnejo na pod njimi nameščena kolesa 12, zaradi česar se voziček 13 dviguje, s te pa se dvigujejo tudi vsi gibljivi segmenti 14, položeni na nosilce 31 na konzolah 33. Na najvišji točki klančin 17 se dvigovanje gibljivih segmentov 17 konča in sledi spuščanje vozička 13 niz klančine 17. To se zgodi zaradi povratnega oziroma vlečnega delovanja cilindra 19 ali zaradi lastne teže vozička 13. Opisano se v cikličnem zaporedju kontinuirano ponavlja. Med drsenjem gibljivih segmentov 14 fiksni segmenti 15 na prečnih nosilcih 18 konstantno mirujejo.The fuel is fed into the combustion chamber 1 of the burner 36 through a duct 2 on a movable segmental grille 9 underneath and distributed evenly therein in all directions. Its mobility and thus fuel distribution is made possible by the cylinder 19, which pushes the trolley 13 with the ramps 17 onto the wheels 12 of the frame 11 and then pulls it out of the wheels in the opposite direction. it fixes the fixedly fixed brackets 33 with the supports 31 to the transverse strings of the moving segments 14, which causes them to slide up and down the fixed segments 15 on which they rest. It follows that as the cylinder 19 moves forward, the ramps 17 ascend the wheels 12 mounted below them, which causes the trolley 13 to lift, thereby lifting all the moving segments 14 mounted on the brackets 31 on the brackets 33. At the highest point of the ramps 17, the lifting of the moving segments 17 ends, followed by the lowering of the trolley 13 down the ramp 17. This is due to the reciprocating or pulling action of the cylinder 19 or due to the inherent weight of the trolley 13. It is continuously repeated in the cyclic sequence. During the sliding of the moving segments 14, the fixed segments 15 on the transverse beams 18 are constantly stationary.

Zaradi predhodno opisanega kontinuiranega drsečega potovanja gibljivih segmentov 14 naprej in nazaj, v smeri njihovega naklona a, se gorivo na površini segmentne rešetke 9 enakomerno porazdeljuje. Gibljivi segmenti 14 gorivo pri tem potiskajo v smeri naklona α in ga v najvišji točki potiskajo na fiksne segmente 15 pred njimi in to na ta način vse do konca segmentne rešetkeDue to the previously described continuous moving travel of the moving segments 14 back and forth in the direction of their inclination a, the fuel is evenly distributed on the surface of the segmental grate 9. The moving segments 14 push the fuel in the direction of the inclination α and at the highest point push it to the fixed segments 15 in front of them, in this way until the end of the segmental grid


Znotraj kurišča 1 v močan plamen 3, ki se ustvari nad segmentno rešetko 9, dovajamo sekundarni zrak iz kanala 43 preko izstopnih šob 44, kar ima za posledico boljše izgorevanje goriva pri nižji obratovalni moči gorilnika 36, s tem pa je omogočen večji toplotni izkoristek toplovodnega kotla, s katerim je v navezi. V ta močan in zelo segret plamen 3, ki se dviguje od goriva v kurišču 1 in potuje proti izhodu iz gorilnika 36, v območju izhodne odprtine 38 dovajamo še dodatni sekundarni zrak iz kanala 45 in to skozi izstopne šobe 4. S tem izstopnemu plamenu 3 ob izhodu iz kurišča 1 še dodatno zvišamo temperaturo, s čimer dosežemo še večji izkoristek toplovodnega kotla.Inside the firebox 1, secondary air from the duct 43 is supplied to the high flame 3 generated above the segment grille 9 through the outlet nozzles 44, which results in better combustion of fuel at lower burner operating power 36, thereby allowing for greater thermal utilization of the hot water the boiler it is connected to. To this powerful and very heated flame 3, rising from the fuel in the firebox 1 and traveling towards the outlet of the burner 36, additional secondary air from the channel 45 is fed into the outlet area 38 through the outlet nozzles 4. With this outlet flame 3 at the exit of the firebox 1, the temperature is further increased, thereby achieving even greater efficiency of the hot water boiler.

• ·• ·

Pepel pada skozi segmentno rešetko 9 in se nabira na pomičnem drogu 21. Slednji s pomočjo premočrtnega gibanja, ki mu ga omogoča cilinder 20, pepel odnaša oziroma potiska do in v polžni transporter 22, ki ga odvede izven gorilnika 36. Pepel, ki ga, skupaj z gorivom pred sabo potiskajo gibljivi segmenti 14 segmentne rešetke 9, pa iz gorilnika 36 odvaja polžni transporter 23. Kurišče 1 gorilnika 36 je torej izvedeno tako, da omogoča temeljito in učinkovito čiščenje pepela, tako nad, kot tudi pod segmentno rešetko 9.The ash falls through segment lattice 9 and accumulates on a movable pole 21. The latter, by means of a straight-line movement provided by the cylinder 20, removes or pushes the ash to and into the auger conveyor 22, which takes it out of the burner 36. together with the fuel, the movable segments 14 of the segmental grate 9 are pushed in front of them, and the worm conveyor 23 is discharged from the burner 36. The housing 1 of the burner 36 is thus designed to allow a thorough and efficient cleaning of the ash, both above and below the segmental grate 9.

V lesnopredelovalni industriji odpadejo razni ostanki lesa, kot so oblanci, žagovina, kosi lesa in leseni odrezki različne nasipne teže in vsebnosti vode. V pohištveni industriji ostanejo velike količine odpadkov iveric in vezanih plošč, ki ustvarijo ob izgorevanju veliko količino pepela, kot tudi nagnjenost k izločanju žlindre. Predhodno navedeni materiali zahtevajo ustrezno konstrukcijo kurilne naprave, kot je to po našem izumu kurišča 1 gorilnika 36 s segmentno rešetko 9 na vozičku 13, pomičnim drogom 21, polžnima transporterjema 22 in 23, kanalom 5 za dovod primarnega zraka pod segmentno rešetko 9, kanalom 43 za dovod sekundarnega zraka v plamen 3 nad segmentno rešetko 9 in s kanalom 4 za dovod dodatnega sekundarnega zraka v plamen 3 znotraj območja izhodne odprtine 38.In the wood processing industry, various scraps of wood, such as sawdust, sawdust, pieces of wood and wood chips, have different residues and weight. In the furniture industry, large quantities of particleboard and plywood waste remain, which, when burned, generates a large amount of ash, as well as a tendency to excrete slag. The aforementioned materials require the proper construction of a combustion plant, such as in our invention the combustor 1 of the burner 36 with a segmental grate 9 on a trolley 13, a movable bar 21, auger conveyors 22 and 23, a primary air supply duct 5 under a segmental grille 9, a channel 43 for supplying secondary air to flame 3 above segment lattice 9 and with channel 4 for supplying additional secondary air to flame 3 within the outlet area 38.

Predhodno opisano kontinuirano premočrtno gibanje segmentne rešetke 9, razen optimalnega razporejanja goriva omogoča tudi sušenje vlažnega goriva in s tem daljši retenzijski čas. Z dodajanjem primarnega zraka po dovodu 5 pod segmentno rešetko 9 in dodajanjem sekundarnega zraka iz kanala 43 nad njo, se gorivo na segmentni rešetki 9 razplini in na poti do izhodne odprtine 38 popolnoma zgori. Zaradi dodatnega sekundarnega zraka iz kanala 45 v izhodno odprtino 38 pa se plamen 3 še dodatno segreje in tako vroč vstopa v plameno komoro toplovodnega kotla.The previously described continuous straight-line movement of segmental grille 9, in addition to optimal fuel distribution, also allows the drying of wet fuel and thus a longer retention time. By adding primary air through inlet 5 below segment lattice 9 and adding secondary air from duct 43 above it, the fuel on segment lattice 9 is flushed out and on the way to outlet 38 completely combusted. Due to the additional secondary air from the duct 45 to the outlet opening 38, the flame 3 is further heated to enter the hot chamber of the hot water boiler.

Gorilnik 36 v kurišču 1 po izumu s pomočjo segmentne rešetke 9, dovoda primarnega zraka 5 v komoro 7 ter kanalov 43 in 45, omogoča hitro regulacijo izgorevanja goriva, hkrati pa segmentna rešetka 9 žerjavico vzdržuje tudi po izklopu gorilnika 36 tudi več ur. Segmentna rešetka 9 je za opisani primer izdelana iz ognjeodporne specialne litine.The burner 36 in the firebox 1 according to the invention by means of a segmental grate 9, primary air supply 5 to the chamber 7 and channels 43 and 45, enables rapid regulation of fuel combustion, while maintaining the segmental grate 9 even after switching off the burner 36 for several hours. Segment grille 9 is made of refractory special cast iron for the case described.

Gorilnik 36 s segmentno rešetko 9 ima v kurišču 1 izvedeno hladilno kletko iz cevnega registra 35, obdanega s šamotno oblogo 34. Na ta način se zmanjšajo izgube sevanja in poveča življenska doba šamotne obloge 34. Posebej za hlajenje segmentne rešetke 9 je znotraj kurišča 1 izvedena vodno hlajena komora 16, ki segmentno rešetko 9 obdaja po celotnem obsegu, s čimer se njena življenjska doba zelo podaljša. Za čiščenje in odvod pepela izpod segmentne rešetke 9 sta namenjena pomični drog 21 in polžni transporter 22, za čiščenje in odvod pepela iznad segmentne rešetke 9 pa polžni transporter 23, pri čemer so vsi prednostno vodno hlajene izvedbe.The burner 36 with segmental grate 9 has a cooling cage in the firebox 1 made of a tube register 35, surrounded by a shamotte cladding 34. This reduces radiation losses and increases the life span of the chamomile cladding 34. Especially for cooling the segmental grate 9 is made inside the firebox 1. a water-cooled chamber 16, which surrounds the segmental grille 9 throughout its circumference, thereby greatly extending its life. Asphalt conveyor 21 and a conveyor 22 are intended for cleaning and draining ash from segment lattice 9, and a conveyor 23 for cleaning and draining ash above segment lattice 9, all of which are preferably water-cooled.

Gorilnik 36 s kuriščem (1) po izumu je izveden kot samostoječa, od pripadajočega kotla ločena enota, ki se spojita na lokaciji uporabe in sta namenjeni večjim toplotnim zmogljivostim.The burner 36 with the firebox (1) according to the invention is designed as a stand-alone unit separated from the boiler, which are connected at the location of use and are intended for greater thermal capacity.

Claims (12)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Kurišče gorilnika toplovodnega kotla na biomaso s segmentno rešetko na gibljivem vozičku, označeno s tem, da je znotraj kurišča (1) in nad segmentno rešetko (9) izveden najmanj en kanal (43) za sekundarni zrak z izstopnimi šobami (44), izven ohišja (8) gorilnika (36) pa je izveden najmanj en kanal (45) za sekundarni zrak z izstopnimi šobami (4), ki je preko izstopnih šob (4) pretočno spojen izhodno odprtino (38); da je najmanj en voziček (13) z gibljivo segmentno rešetko (9) preko klančin (17) horizontalno premično nameščen na kolesa (12), ki so vrtljivo vstavljena znotraj pripadajočih ogrodij (11); da se segmentna rešetka (9) sestoji iz poljubnega števila prečnih nizov gibljivih segmentov (14) in poljubnega števila prečnih nizov fiksnih segmentov (15), ki so vzdolž vozička (13) izmenično nameščeni na pripadajoče prečne nosilce (31) oziroma (18) tako, da ležijo pod ostrim kotom (a) napram vzdolžni osi ogrodja (40) vozička (13), katerega velikost je prednostno med 10° in 35°; da so zračne odprtine (32), ki so locirane pred glavo (42) gibljivih segmentov (14) in fiksnih segmentov (15), prednostno izvedene pod ostrim kotom (γ) na vzdolžno os segmentov (14,15).Claims 1. A biomass hot water boiler burner burner with a segmental grid on a moving trolley, characterized in that at least one secondary air duct (43) with outlet nozzles (44) is provided inside the firebox (1) and above the segmental grid (9). beyond the housing (8) of the burner (36), at least one secondary air duct (45) is provided with the outlet nozzles (4) connected through the outlet nozzles (4) through the outlet opening (38); that at least one trolley (13) with a movable segmental grate (9) is horizontally movably mounted on the wheels (12) rotatably inserted within the respective frames (11) via the ramps (17); that the segmental grate (9) consists of any number of transverse arrays of moving segments (14) and any number of transverse arrays of fixed segments (15), which are arranged alternately along the trolley (13) on the corresponding transverse beams (31) and (18), respectively. that they lie at a sharp angle (a) against the longitudinal axis of the frame (40) of the trolley (13), preferably sized between 10 ° and 35 °; that the air openings (32) located in front of the head (42) of the moving segments (14) and the fixed segments (15) are preferably made at an acute angle (γ) to the longitudinal axis of the segments (14,15). 2. Kurišče gorilnika po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da je nagib gibljivih segmentov (14) in fiksnih segmentov (15) identičen ostremu nagibnemu kotu (a) oporne plošče (39), ki je prednostno fiksno izvedena ob zaključku segmentne rešetke (9), nanjo pa je položen prvi prečni niz iz fiksnih segmentov (15) ali iz gibljivih segmentov (14).Burner housing according to claim 1, characterized in that the inclination of the moving segments (14) and the fixed segments (15) is identical to the sharp tilting angle (a) of the support plate (39), which is preferably fixedly fixed at the end of the segmental grid (9). ), and the first transverse array of fixed segments (15) or movable segments (14) is laid thereon. 3. Kurišče gorilnika po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da segmentno rešetko (9) prednostno po celotnem obsegu obdaja vodno hlajena komora (16).Burner hearth according to claim 1, characterized in that the segmental grate (9) is preferably surrounded by a water-cooled chamber (16) throughout the circumference. • · · ·• · · · 4. Kurišče gorilnika po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da je dovod (5) pretočno spojen s komoro (7) primarnega zraka, ki se nahaja pod vozičkom (13) s segmentno rešetko (9).Burner hearth according to claim 1, characterized in that the inlet (5) is flow-connected to the primary air chamber (7) located below the trolley (13) with a segmental grate (9). 5. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da so nosilci (31) prednostno fiksno pritrjeni na pripadajoče konzole (33), le te pa so fiksno pritrjene na ogrodje (40) vozička (13).5. A firebox according to claim 1, characterized in that the supports (31) are preferably fixedly attached to the respective brackets (33), and these are fixed to the frame (40) of the trolley (13). 6. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da so nosilci (18) fiksno pritrjeni na ohišje (8), ki obdaja kurišče (1) gorilnika (36).Firebox according to claim 1, characterized in that the supports (18) are fixed to the housing (8) surrounding the firebox (1) of the burner (36). 7. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da so klančine (17) izvedene kot zagozde s poljubnim, prednostno ostrim nagibnim kotom (β) in so z ravno ploskvijo fiksno pritrjene na spodnji strani ogrodja (40) vozička (13) tako, da so praviloma vse obrnjene v isto smer.The firebox according to claim 1, characterized in that the ramps (17) are constructed as wedges with an arbitrary, preferably sharp tilt angle (β) and are fixed to the underside of the frame (40) of the trolley (13) by means of a flat surface; that as a rule they are all facing the same direction. 8. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da enemu ogrodju (11) s kolesom (12) prednostno pripada najmanj ena klančina (17) in obratno.Firebox according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one ramp (17) and vice versa are preferably provided to one frame (11) by means of a wheel (12). 9. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da se v prečnih nizih nahaja poljubno število gibljivih segmentov (14) oziroma fiksnih segmentov (15), pri čemer je število enih in drugih v nizih prednostno enako.9. A firebox according to claim 1, characterized in that there are any number of moving segments (14) or fixed segments (15) in the transverse arrays, preferably the number of both being in the arrays being the same. 10. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da je voziček (13) z gibljivimi segmenti (14) segmentne rešetke (9) premičen s pomočjo cilindra (19).Housing according to claim 1, characterized in that the cart (13) is movable by means of a cylinder (19) with moving segments (14) of the segmental grate (9). 11. Kurišče po zahtevku 1, označeno s tem, da so ogrodja (11) fiksno pritrjena na nosilno konstrukcijo (10).Housing according to claim 1, characterized in that the frames (11) are fixed to the supporting structure (10). 12. Postopek delovanja gorilnika, označen s tem, da cilinder (19) voziček (13) s segmentno rešetko (9) izmenično pomika naprej in nazaj tako, da s klančinami (17) potuje po kolesih (12) v ogrodjih (11), pri čemer se v smeri naprej voziček (13) premika po strmini klančin (17) navzgor in s tem dviguje gibljive segmente (14) nameščene na prečnih nosilcih (31), v obratni smeri pa se gibljivi segmenti (14) spuščajo niz klančine (17), oboje pa poteka ciklično in prednostno kontinuirano, pri tem pa fiksni segmenti (15), ki so nameščeni na prečnih nosilcih (18), konstantno mirujejo; da v močan plamen (3) znotraj kurišča (1) • · · · dovajamo sekundarni zrak na dveh lokacijah in sicer nad segmentno rešetko (9) skozi izstopne šobe (44) v kanalu (43) ter dodatno še v območje izhodne odprtine (38) skozi izstopne šobe (4) v kanalu (45); da sta regulacija izgorevanja goriva v kurišču (1) ter vzdrževanje žerjavice na segmentni rešetki (9) pogojena z dinamiko segmentne rešetke (9), z dovodom primarnega zraka iz dovoda (5) pod segmentno rešetko (9) in z dovodom sekundarnega zraka iz kanalov (43, 45).A method of operating a burner, characterized in that the cylinder (19) trolley (13), with the segmental grate (9), alternately moves back and forth by traveling the wheels (12) in the frames (11) with the ramps (17), whereby the trolley (13) moves up the slope of the ramps (17) upwards in the forward direction, thereby lifting the moving segments (14) mounted on the transverse beams (31), and in the opposite direction the moving segments (14) lowering down the ramps (17). ), both of which are cyclical and preferably continuous, with the fixed segments (15) mounted on the transverse beams (18) constantly stationary; to supply secondary air at two locations inside the firebox (3) inside the firebox (1) · above the segment grille (9) through the outlet nozzles (44) in the duct (43) and additionally into the outlet area (38) ) through the outlet nozzles (4) in the channel (45); that the regulation of combustion in the firebox (1) and the maintenance of the embers on the segmental grid (9) are conditioned by the dynamics of the segmental grid (9), the supply of primary air from the inlet (5) under the segmental grid (9) and the supply of secondary air from the channels (43, 45).
SI201000270A 2010-09-03 2010-09-03 Burner combustion chamber for hot water boilers fuelled by biomass SI23079A (en)

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