SI22885A - Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat - Google Patents

Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat Download PDF


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SI22885A SI200800265A SI200800265A SI22885A SI 22885 A SI22885 A SI 22885A SI 200800265 A SI200800265 A SI 200800265A SI 200800265 A SI200800265 A SI 200800265A SI 22885 A SI22885 A SI 22885A
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Priority to PCT/SI2009/000059 priority patent/WO2010050905A2/en
Publication of SI22885A publication Critical patent/SI22885A/en



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An appliance for the reduction of heel of a sailboat contributes to the decrease of its heel resulting from the action of wind on the sails, while the mass of the sailboat is increased negligibly little and the moments of inertia of the sailboat do not change essentially in comparison with the equal sailboat without the stabiliser according to the invention. The appliance according to the invention is designed so that at least one rib (3) is executed on each lateral side (1) of the sailboat's hull (2), and is to be found above the water level line (4) when the sailboat is at standstill, where the rib (3) is of a flat shape approximately and is running obliquely to the line (4), so that it lies higher then the line (4) in the vicinity of the bow (5) with regard to the distance from the line (4) on the stern (6).


[001] Predmet izuma je pripomoček za zmanjševanje stranskega nagiba jadrnice zaradi delovanja sile vetra v jadrih.[001] The object of the invention is a device for reducing the lateral tilting of a sail due to the action of wind force in sails.

Tehnični problem [002] Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tak pripomoček za zmanjševanje nagiba jadrnice, ki bo pripomogel k zmanjšanju njenega nagiba zaradi delovanja vetra v jadra, pri čemer se masa jadrnice poveča zanemarljivo malo, prav tako se vztrajnostni momenti jadrnice bistveno ne spremenijo glede na enako jadrnico brez stabilizatoija po izumu. Kot osnovni tovrstni je splošno znana kobilica v različnih izvedbah. Pripomoček po izumu naj ne bi vplival kvarno na delovanje kobilice.Technical Problem [002] The technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a device for reducing the slope of a boat, which will help to reduce its slope due to the action of wind in the sails, while increasing the mass of the boat negligibly, and also the inertia moments the sails do not substantially change relative to the same sail without the stabilizer according to the invention. As a basic of its kind, it is a commonly known locust in various designs. The device according to the invention is not intended to interfere with the malfunction of the keel.

Znano stanje tehnike [003] Jadrnice so opremljene za zmanjševanje nagiba zaradi delovanja vetra v jadra s kobilico različnih konstrukcij. Osnovna zasnova kobilic je v tem, da z razporeditvijo mase zniža težišče celotne jadrnice. To je doseženo sBACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [003] Sailboats are equipped to reduce pitch due to the action of wind in sails with a keel of various structures. The basic design of the locusts is that it reduces the center of gravity of the whole boat by distributing the mass. This is achieved by

36053.doc/XI-08/Vr povečanjem mase kobilice in določitvijo njenega masnega težišča čim bliže njeni spodnji točki, ter njeno višino, ki določa, kakšen je ugrez jadrnice. Znano je, da navedeni parametri delujejo med seboj nasprotno, zato so potrebni pri načrtovanju jadrnice kompromisi.36053.doc / XI-08 / Vr by increasing the mass of the keel and determining its mass center of gravity as close as possible to its lower point, and its height, which determines the draft of the sail. These parameters are known to work in the opposite way, so compromises are needed in the design of a boat.

[004] Zato obstaja potreba po dodatnem pripomočku za zmanjševanje nagiba jadrnice, ki bo deloval neodvisno od kobilice.[004] Therefore, there is a need for an additional device for reducing the slope of the boat that will operate independently of the keel.

Rešitev tehničnega problema [005] Opisani tehnični problem je rešen z napravo po izumu, katere bistvena značilnost je v tem, da sta oba boka trupa jadrnice opremljena z vsaj enim, prednostno pa dvema vzdolžno potekajočima rebroma, ki se nahajata ti nad vodno gladino kadar se nahaja jadrnica v navpičnem položaju. Cim se jadrnica med vožnjo nagne zaradi delovanja vetra v jadra, se vsaj eno rebro nahaja v vodi in zaradi hitrosti jadrnice ustvaija vzgon, ki deluje v nasprotni smeri od sile vetra v jadrih. Vzgon je premo sorazmeren s hitrostjo jadrnice, kije prav tako premo sorazmerna s silo vetra.Solution to a Technical Problem [005] The technical problem described is solved by a device according to the invention, the essential feature of which is that the two hull sides of the boat are provided with at least one, preferably two, longitudinally extending ribs, which are above the water surface when the boat is in a vertical position. As soon as the boat tilts while driving due to the effect of the wind in the sails, at least one rib is in the water and, due to the speed of the boat, starts a buoyancy that acts in the opposite direction to the wind force in the sails. The buoyancy is proportional to the speed of the boat, which is also proportional to the wind force.

[006] Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno z opisom izvedbenega primera z oziroma na priložene risbe, na katerih kaže sl. 1 shematski stranski pogled jadrnice s pripomočkom po izumu;[006] In more detail, the essence of the invention will be explained by a description of an embodiment of the example or the accompanying drawings, in which Figs. 1 is a schematic side view of a sailboat with an accessory according to the invention;

sl. 2 isto v čelnem pogledu.FIG. 2 same in frontal view.

[007] Pripomoček za zmanjševanje bočnega nagiba jadrnice zaradi delovanja sile vetra v jadra je zasnovan tako, da je na vsaki bočni strani 1 trupa 2 jadrnice izvedeno vsaj eno rebro 3, ki se nahaja nad linijo 4 vodne gladine pri mirujoči jadrnici. Rebro 3 je prednostno ploščate oblike in poteka glede na linijo 4 poševno tako, daje na v bližini premca 5 višje od linije 4 glede na oddaljenost od linije 4 na krmi 6.[007] A device for reducing the lateral tilting of a sail due to the force of wind force in the sails is designed such that at least one rib 3 is located on each lateral side of the hull 2 of the sail above the water surface line 4 while the sail is stationary. The rib 3 is preferably flat in shape and extends with respect to line 4 obliquely such that it is higher in the vicinity of bow 5 than line 4 relative to the distance from line 4 in the stern 6.

36053.doc/XI-08/Vr [008] V prednostni izvedbi sta na vsaki bočni strani 1 trupa 2 jadrnice izvedeni po dve rebri 3, 3a ki potekata med seboj v razmiku in v vzdolžni smeri zamaknjeno, tako, daje začetek spodnjega rebra 3 bliže premcu 5 medtem, ko se konec zgornjega rebra 3a nahaja bliže krmi 6 glede na drugo navedeno rebro.36053.doc / XI-08 / Vr [008] In a preferred embodiment, on each side 1 of the hull 2, the sails are made of two ribs 3, 3a that are spaced apart and in a longitudinal direction, such that the beginning of the lower rib 3 closer to bow 5 while the end of the upper rib 3a is closer to the feed 6 relative to the second said rib.

[009] Rebri 3 in 3a sta nadalje lahko oblikovani v smislu znanih aerodinamičnih oziroma hidrodinamičnih načel z namenom povečanja dinamičnega vzgona. Tudi razporeditev obeh reber 3 in 3a na bočni strani 1 sodeluje z geometrijo jader, jambora in kobilice za določitev jadralnih in drugih lastnosti jadrnice. K temu prispevajo tudi dimenzije reber, kar pa je predmet znanega konstruiranja plovil.[009] Ribs 3 and 3a may further be designed in terms of known aerodynamic or hydrodynamic principles to enhance dynamic buoyancy. Also, the arrangement of the two ribs 3 and 3a on the side 1 cooperates with the geometry of the sails, mast and keel to determine the sailing and other characteristics of the sailboat. The dimensions of the ribs also contribute to this, which is the subject of well-known craft design.

[0010] Pomemben je tudi kot med vsakokratnim rebrom 3 in 3a ter tangento na bočno stran 1 v točki stika rebra 3 ali 3a s stranjo 1. Ta kot vpliva velikost vzgona pri dani hitrosti, prav tako pa na odzive jadrnice pri valovanju. Ta kot naj bi bil približno 90°, vendar bi bilo potrebno s preizkusi potrditi optimalno vrednost.[0010] Also important is the angle between the respective ribs 3 and 3a and the tangent to the lateral side 1 at the point of contact of the ribs 3 or 3a with the side 1. This angle affects the buoyancy magnitude at a given speed, as well as the response of the sailboat in the wave. This angle is supposed to be around 90 °, but the tests should confirm the optimal value.

[0011] Pripomoček, kot je opisan zgoraj, za zmanjševanje bočnega nagiba jadrnice zaradi učinka vetra v jadrih deluje tako, da se nahaja v stanju navpične lege jadrnice iznad linije 4 vodne gladine in s tem brez učinka. Brž ko se jadrnica nagne na stran zaradi delovanja sile vetra v jadra, se vsaj eno bočno rebro 3 potopi v vodo. Zaradi hitrosti jadrnice in opisanega nagiba in oblike rebra 3 se pojavi vzgonska sila na rebru 3, ki deluje navpično, torej nasproti sili vetra, kar ima za posledico manjši bočni nagib jadrnice. Obe sili: sila vetra in sila vzgona sta premo sorazmerni in obratno usmeijeni, kar je ugodno za pripomoček po izumu.[0011] The device, as described above, for reducing the lateral tilt of the sail due to the effect of wind in the sails, operates in such a way that it is in the vertical position of the sail above the water surface line 4 and thus without effect. As soon as the boat tilts to the side due to the force of wind in the sails, at least one lateral rib 3 sinks into the water. Due to the speed of the sail and the described slope and shape of the rib 3, a buoyancy force occurs on the rib 3 acting vertically, ie opposite to the wind force, resulting in a smaller lateral slope of the sail. Both forces: Wind and buoyancy forces are both proportional and inverted, which is advantageous for the device of the invention.

36053.doc/XI-08/Vr [0012] Zaradi opisanih reber 3 in 3a na bočnih straneh 1 trupa 2 jadrnice se pojavi potreba po novo oblikovanih bokobranih, kar pa ni predmet tega izuma.36053.doc / XI-08 / Vr Due to the described ribs 3 and 3a on the sides of the hull 2 of the sailboat, there is a need for newly designed fenders, which is not the subject of the present invention.

[0013] Rebra po izumu so v prednostni izvedbi zasnovana kot monoliten del trupa. Očitno pa je, da so lahko nameščena na trupu odstranljivo ali celo nastavljivo.The ribs according to the invention are in a preferred embodiment designed as a monolithic part of the hull. Obviously, they can be removable or even adjustable on the hull.

[0014] Razume se, da lahko strokovnjak s tega področja na osnovi poznavanja izuma zasnuje tudi drugačne izvedbene primere od zgoraj opisanega, ne da bi Obšel značilnosti izuma, kot so opredeljene v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih.[0014] It is understood that one skilled in the art may, on the basis of knowledge of the invention, also design different embodiments from those described above without circumventing the features of the invention as defined in the following claims.

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Claims (3)

1. Pripomoček za zmanjševanje bočnega nagiba jadrnice zaradi delovanja sile vetra v jadra, označen s tem, da je na vsaki bočni strani (1) trupa (2) jadrnice izvedeno vsaj eno rebro (3), ki se nahaja nad linijo (4) vodne gladine pri mirujoči jadrnici, pri čemer je rebro (3) približno ploščate oblike in poteka glede na linijo (4) poševno tako, da je v bližini premca (5) višje od linije (4) glede na oddaljenost od linije (4) na krmi (6).A device for reducing the lateral tilting of a boat due to the force of wind in the sails, characterized in that at least one rib (3) above the water line (4) is made on each lateral side (1) of the boat at a stationary sail, the rib (3) being approximately flat in shape and extending relative to the line (4) so that it is higher than the bow (5) above the line (4) relative to the distance from the line (4) in the stern (6). 2. Pripomoček po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da sta v prednostni izvedbi na vsaki bočni strani (1) trupa (2) jadrnice izvedeni po dve rebri (3, 3a) ki potekata med seboj v razmiku in v vzdolžni smeri zamaknjeno, tako, da je začetek spodnjega rebra (3) bliže premcu (5) medtem, ko se konec zgornjega rebra (3a) nahaja bliže krmi (6) glede na drugo navedeno rebro.A device according to claim 1, characterized in that in a preferred embodiment, on each side (1) of the hull (2) of the sail, two ribs (3, 3a) are provided, spaced apart and offset in a longitudinal direction, thus , that the beginning of the lower rib (3) is closer to the bow (5) while the end of the upper rib (3a) is closer to the stern (6) relative to the second said rib. 3. Pripomoček po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označen s tem, da so rebra (3 in 3a) po v prednostni izvedbi zasnovana kot monoliten del trupa, lahko pa so nameščena na trupu odstranljivo ali celo nastavljivo.Device according to Claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the ribs (3 and 3a) are preferably configured as a monolithic part of the hull, but may be removable or even adjustable on the hull.
SI200800265A 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat SI22885A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200800265A SI22885A (en) 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat
PCT/SI2009/000059 WO2010050905A2 (en) 2008-10-30 2009-10-27 Side list stabilizing system and vessel incorporating same

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200800265A SI22885A (en) 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat

Publications (1)

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SI22885A true SI22885A (en) 2010-04-30



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
SI200800265A SI22885A (en) 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 Appliance for reduction of heel of sailboat

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