SI22650A - Procedure for universal voice recorder - Google Patents

Procedure for universal voice recorder Download PDF


Publication number
SI22650A SI200700237A SI200700237A SI22650A SI 22650 A SI22650 A SI 22650A SI 200700237 A SI200700237 A SI 200700237A SI 200700237 A SI200700237 A SI 200700237A SI 22650 A SI22650 A SI 22650A
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terminal unit
user terminal
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Slovenian (sl)
tern Andrej Ĺ
Janez Bešter
Janez Leskovec
Original Assignee
Univerza V Ljubljani, Fakulteta Za Elektrotehniko
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Application filed by Univerza V Ljubljani, Fakulteta Za Elektrotehniko filed Critical Univerza V Ljubljani, Fakulteta Za Elektrotehniko
Priority to SI200700237A priority Critical patent/SI22650A/en
Publication of SI22650A publication Critical patent/SI22650A/en



  • Telephonic Communication Services (AREA)


The procedure according to the invention solves the problem of providing a universal personal voice recorder, which is simple to use and enables storing and playing voice messages on any user terminal. The procedure is triggered by calling user (A1) of the telephone unit (1) to the voice mail interface (3). The voice mail interface (3) sends a short voice instruction (A2) to the telephone unit (1). Following the audio introduction the user speaks the voice message, which is transferred (A3) to the voice mail server (3). After the end of the voice message the link is automatically interrupted without any intervention by the user. The voice mail server (3) with the help of the number of the caller defines the target electronic mail address for sending messages, creates a new electronic message for the target electronic mail address, adds the received voice message as an attachment of the electronic message and dispatches the electronic message (A4)


Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehnikoUniversity of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Postopek za univerzalno osebno glasovno beležnicoProcedure for Universal Personal Voice Notepad

Opis izumaDescription of the invention

Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je postopek za univerzalno osebno glasovno beležnico, ki je prednostno predviden za uporabo v telekomunikacijskih sistemih.The subject of the invention is a process for a universal personal voice recorder, which is preferably intended for use in telecommunication systems.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati postopek, ki bo omogočal izvedbo univerzalne osebne glasovne beležnice, ki bo enostavna za uporabo, in ki bo omogočala shranjevanje in predvajanje glasovnih sporočil na poljubnem uporabniškem terminalu.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to design a procedure that will allow the implementation of a universal, easy-to-use personal voice recorder, which will allow the storage and playback of voice messages at any user terminal.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znane so naprave, ki imajo vgrajeno funkcijo osebne glasovne beležnice. Obstajajo namenske naprave, npr. diktafoni, ki uporabniku omogočajo shranjevanje in kasnejše predvajanje glasovnih sporočil. Tudi mnogi mobilni telefoni imajo vgrajeno funkcijo osebne glasovne beležnice. Pomanjkljivost znanih naprav je v tem, da se glasovna sporočila shranjujejo v lokalni spomin, ki je vgrajen v same naprave. Iz tega posledično sledi problem z omejeno kapaciteto spomina in s tem povezanim omejenim številom shranjenih glasovnih sporočil. Se bolj problematično pa je dejstvo, da je uporabnik pri predvajanju shranjenih glasovnih sporočil omejen na uporabo tiste naprave, v katero je predhodno shranil glasovna sporočila. To pomeni, da mora imeti uporabnik omenjeno napravo vedno pri sebi. Poleg tega je uporaba funkcij osebne glasovne beležnice v znanih napravah uporabniško zahtevna, zaradi česar npr. veliko uporabnikov mobilnih telefonov vgrajene funkcije osebne glasovne beležnice nikoli ne uporablja.Devices that have a built-in personal notebook function are known. There are dedicated devices e.g. voice recorders that allow the user to store and later play voice messages. Many mobile phones also have a built-in personal notebook function. A disadvantage of known devices is that voice messages are stored in the local memory, which is built into the devices themselves. Consequently, there is a problem with the limited memory capacity and the associated limited number of stored voice messages. More problematic, however, is that the user is limited to using the device to which he or she has previously stored voice messages when playing back stored voice messages. This means that the user must always have said device with him. In addition, the use of features of a personal voice recorder on known devices is user-demanding, making e.g. many mobile phone users never use the built-in personal notebook function.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen s postopkom po izumu, ki omogoča prenos govornega sporočila v obliki pripete zvočne datoteke na elektronski naslov kličočega uporabnika z namenom glasovne beležnice. Upravljanje s postopkom je izvedeno na način, ki zahteva minimalno uporabniško interakcijo, zato je še posebej primeren za uporabo v vozilih, uporablja pa se lahko kjerkoli na področju pokritosti s telekomunikacijsko infrastrukturo in dostopom do govornih strežnikov.The described technical problem is solved by the method according to the invention, which allows the transmission of a voice message in the form of an attached audio file to the electronic address of the calling user for the purpose of a voice notebook. The process is managed in a way that requires minimal user interaction, so it is especially suitable for use in vehicles and can be used anywhere in telecommunication infrastructure coverage and access to voice servers.

SL 1 prikazuje prvo izvedbo po izumu. Po tej izvedbi se postopek sproži s klicem uporabnika (Al) iz izbirnega vmesnika (4) telefonske enote (1) preko telefonskega komunikacijskega omrežja (2) na telefonski vmesnik (7) govornega strežnika (3), čemur sledi vzpostavitev zveze med telefonsko enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3). Upravljavska logika (8) govornega strežnika (3) izvede procedure, katerih rezultat je na predvajalni del (5) telefonske enote (1) posredovano kratko govorno navodilo (A2). Uporabnik po končanem govornem navodilu v vhodni del (6) telefonske enote (1) izgovori govorno sporočilo, ki se v obliki zvočnega zapisa prenese (A3) na aplikacijski del (9) govornega strežnika (3). Zveza se po končanju govornega sporočila konča samodejno in brez uporabniške interakcije, opcijsko se ob tem uporabniku posreduje potrdilo o uspešnosti predaje govornega sporočila. Aplikacijski del (9) govornega strežnika (3) s pomočjo telefonske številke kličočega določi ciljni elektronski poštni naslov za pošiljanje sporočila, ustvari novo elektronsko sporočilo za ciljni elektronski poštni naslov, doda prejeto govorno sporočilo v pripono elektronskega sporočila in elektronsko sporočilo odpošlje (A4). Uporabnik dobi čez nekaj trenutkov v elektronski poštni nabiralnik elektronsko sporočilo s pripeto zvočno datoteko, v kateri je shranjeno govorno sporočilo. Alternativno, npr. v primeru omejenih pomnilniških kapacitet elektronskega poštnega nabiralnika, si lahko uporabnik npr. preko spletnega vmesnika nastavi pošiljanje elektronskega sporočila, ki vsebuje samo povezavo na zvočno datoteko, v kateri se nahaja govorno sporočilo.FIG. 1 shows a first embodiment of the invention. In this embodiment, the process is initiated by calling the user (Al) from the optional interface (4) of the telephone unit (1) via the telephone communication network (2) to the telephone interface (7) of the voice server (3), followed by the establishment of a connection between the telephone unit ( 1) and voice servers (3). The control logic (8) of the voice server (3) performs procedures that result in a short voice instruction (A2) being transmitted to the playback part (5) of the telephone unit (1). Upon completion of the voice instruction, the voice message is transmitted to the input part (6) of the telephone unit (1), which is transmitted in audio form (A3) to the application part (9) of the voice server (3). Upon termination of the voicemail, the connection ends automatically and without user interaction. The application part (9) of the voice server (3) determines the target e-mail address to send the message using the caller's telephone number, creates a new e-mail message for the target e-mail address, adds the received voice message to the e-mail suffix and sends the e-mail message (A4). After a few moments, the user receives an e-mail with an attached audio file in which the voicemail is stored. Alternatively, e.g. in the case of limited storage capacity of the electronic mailbox, the user can e.g. Sets an email message via the web interface that contains only a link to the audio file that contains the voice message.

Sledi opis primera realizacije prve izvedbe po izumu na podlagi obstoječe tehnologije VoiceXML govornih prehodov. Uporabnik s pomočjo izbire na tipkovnici telefona, zapisa v imeniku, govorne izbire ali drugega načina vnosa izbere klic na vhodno številko storitve univerzalne osebne govorne beležnice (MEMO), čemur sledi vzpostavitev zveze med uporabnikovim telefonom in VoiceXML govornim prehodom. Klic na vhodno številko sproži na sprejemni strani klica, kjer se nahaja VoiceXML govorni prehod, HTTP klic na aplikacijski strežnik, kjer so shranjene programske skripte za izvajanje storitve. Iz aplikacijskega strežnika se na VoiceXML govorni prehod prenese prva skriptna datoteka, ki s pomočjo poddialoga omogoča preverjanje ustreznosti dostopa do storitve. Ustreznost uporabnika je zapisana v tabeli na aplikacijskem strežniku, kjer so podane relacije uporabnikova telefonska številka - elektronski naslov - parametri uporabnika. Če kličoči nima pravice do uporabe storitve, se zveza po predvajanem sporočilu o nezmožnosti uporabe govorne storitve prekine. Če ima kličoči pravico do uporabe, se mu predvaja kratko navodilo o uporabi, npr. Po pisku pustite sporočilo, za konec pritisnite katerokoli tipko ali bodite vsaj 3 sekunde tiho, čemur sledi pisk. Dolžina predvajanega navodila o uporabi je tu ključnega pomena, saj mora uporabnik dobiti jasna navodila o začetku snemanja govornega sporočila, hkrati pa mora biti to navodilo čim krajše, saj dolžina navodila podaljšuje čas aktivne zveze ter vpliva na uporabnikovo koncentracijo npr. med vožnjo. Po pisku uporabnik v mikrofon telefona pove svoje govorno sporočilo, ki se na govornem prehodu sproti zajema. Ko uporabnik določi konec govornega sporočila, pritisne katerokoli tipko ali preneha govoriti za 3 sekunde. Takrat se vsebina govornega sporočila skupaj s parametri o uporabniški seji (npr. telefonska številka kličočega, datum in ura zajema govornega sporočila, časovno trajanje govornega sporočila, ...) pošlje iz govornega strežnika na aplikacijski strežnik. Na aplikacijskem strežniku se govorno sporočilo shrani kot pripona elektronskega sporočila, poslanega na elektronski naslov kličočega.The following is a description of an embodiment of the first embodiment of the invention based on existing VoiceXML voice transitions technology. The user selects a call to the Universal Personal Voice Notepad Service (MEMO) service number by dialing the phone keypad, phonebook entry, voice dialing, or other input method, followed by the connection between the user's phone and the VoiceXML voice gateway. The call to the incoming number is triggered on the receiving side of the call where the VoiceXML voice gateway is located, an HTTP call to the application server where the program scripts are stored to run the service. The first script file is downloaded from the application server to VoiceXML Voice Gateway, which allows the access to the service to be verified by means of a sub-dialog. The relevance of the user is recorded in the table on the application server, where the relations of the user's telephone number - e-mail address - user parameters are given. If the caller does not have the right to use the service, the call is terminated after the broadcast message about the inability to use the voice service. If the caller has the right to use, he or she is given a brief instruction manual, e.g. Leave a message after the beep, press any key to end, or be quiet for at least 3 seconds, followed by a beep. The length of the instruction manual being played is crucial here, as the user must receive clear instructions on how to start recording the voice message, and at the same time, this instruction should be as short as possible, since the length of the instruction extends the time of active communication and affects the user's concentration e.g. while driving. After the beep, the user speaks his voice message into the phone's microphone, which is constantly captured on the voice gateway. When the user determines the end of a voice message, press any key or stop talking for 3 seconds. At that time, the contents of the voice message along with the user session parameters (eg, caller phone number, date and time the voice message is captured, the time duration of the voice message, ...) are sent from the voice server to the application server. A voice message is stored on the application server as an extension of an email sent to the caller email.

Prednosti prve izvedbe po izumu so naslednje:The advantages of the first embodiment of the invention are the following:

• za celotno izvedbo univerzalne osebne govorne beležnice zadostuje samo klic na telefonsko številko storitve univerzalne osebne govorne beležnice, za nadaljnjo upravljanje s storitvijo ni potrebno pritiskati tipk na tipkovnici telefona, razen v izrecnem primeru, če so hrupni pogoji v okolici tako visoki, da presežejo predpisan prag tišine na strani govornega prehoda, zato se snemanje govornega sporočila ne bi ustavilo pred maksimalnim možnim časom snemanja (nastavljivo, npr. 60 sekund);• For the entire implementation of the Universal Voice Notepad, only a call to the Universal Personal Voice Notepad service telephone number is sufficient, no further pressing of the keys on the telephone keypad is required to continue operating the service, unless the ambient noise conditions are so high that they exceed the prescribed silence threshold on the side of the voice aisle, so the recording of the voice message would not stop before the maximum possible recording time (adjustable, eg 60 seconds);

• uporaba je mogoča od kjerkoli in kadarkoli, če je le na voljo telekomunikacijsko omrežje, ki takšen govorni prehod podpira, zato so tipični primeri uporabe: v avtu ah drugih vozilih med potjo, na terenu, v restavracijah, na počitnicah in povsod, kjer ni na voljo druge komunikacijske infrastrukture;• use is possible from anywhere and at any time, provided that a telecommunications network is available that supports such a voice gateway, so typical examples are: in cars of other vehicles while traveling, in the field, in restaurants, on holidays, and wherever there is no other communication infrastructures available;

• število shranjenih govornih sporočil je odvisno le od pomnilniške kapacitete poštnega nabiralnika (če pošiljamo zvočne datoteke v priponi elektronskih sporočil) oz. od pomnilniške kapacitete aplikacijskega strežnika (če v elektronskih sporočilih pošiljamo le povezave na v aplikacijskem strežniku shranjene zvočne datoteke);• The number of stored voice messages depends only on the storage capacity of the mailbox (if we send audio files in the e-mail suffix) or. from the storage capacity of the application server (if we send only links to audio files stored in the application server);

• govorni klici so mogoči praktično iz kateregakoli omrežja (če le operater govornega prehoda to omogoča).• Voice calls can be made from virtually any network (if only the voice gateway operator allows it).

Sl. 2 prikazuje drugo izvedbo po izumu. Po tej izvedbi se v prvo izvedbo po izumu doda funkcionalnost, ki med predvajanjem navodil (A2) čaka na vnos ukaza uporabnika preko izbirnega vmesnika (4) telefonske enote (1), npr. čaka na pritisk tipke na tipkovnici telefonske enote, na govorni vnos ukaza, itd. Če ukaz ni vnesen, se odvija postopek po prvi izvedbi po izumu. Če je ukaz vnesen, se uporabnik premakne v meni za poslušanje (10) posnetih govornih sporočil, kjer se mu predvajajo govorna sporočila (A5) iz baze podatkov (11) govornega strežnika (3) v določenem vrstnem redu, npr. od najnovejšega nazaj, ob vsakem govornem sporočilu pa se lahko uporabniku sporočijo tudi parametri govornega sporočila (A5) (npr. datum in ura zajema govornega sporočila, zaporedna številka govornega sporočila,...).FIG. 2 shows another embodiment of the invention. According to this embodiment, functionality is added to the first embodiment of the invention which, while playing instructions (A2), waits for the user to enter a command via the selection interface (4) of the telephone unit (1), e.g. waiting for keystroke on the telephone unit keypad, voice command input, etc. If no command is entered, the process of first execution according to the invention takes place. When the command is entered, the user is moved to the listening menu (10) of the recorded voice messages, where voice messages (A5) from the voice server database (11) are played in a specific order, e.g. from the most recent back, and the voice message parameters (A5) can also be communicated to the user at each voice message (eg date and time of voice message capture, voice message serial number, ...).

Prednosti druge izvedbe po izumu so poleg prednosti prve izvedbe naslednje:The advantages of the second embodiment of the invention, in addition to the advantages of the first embodiment, are as follows:

• storitev kljub dograditvi dodatne funkcionalnosti ohranja vse prednosti minimalne uporabniške interakcije;• the service retains all the benefits of minimal user interaction despite upgrading additional functionality;

• v primeru, da poslušanje govornih sporočil ni izbrano, se obnaša aplikacija kot pri prvi izvedbi po izumu;• in the case when voicemail is not selected, the application behaves as in the first embodiment of the invention;

• poslušanje omogoča dostop do govorne beležnice tudi v vseh primerih, kjer druge infrastrukture, razen telefonske, ni na voljo.• Listening allows access to the voice recorder even in cases where other than telephone infrastructure is not available.

Velja poudariti, da predstavljeni izvedbi po izumu nista omejeni na tehnologijo VoiceXML govornih prehodov, ampak je tehnologija VoiceXML le ena izmed možnih platform, ki je primerna za realizacijo izvedb po izumu. Prav tako velja poudariti, da uporabniški terminal ni omejen na telefonsko enoto, ampak je telefonska enota le eden iz možnih uporabniških terminalov, ki uporabniku omogočajo dostop do storitve univerzalne osebne govorne beležnice. Predstavljeni izvedbi po izumu sta namenjeni za realizacijo storitve univerzalne osebne govorne beležnice. Velja poudariti, da sta predstavljeni izvedbi po izumu prav tako primerni za realizacijo drugih vrst univerzalne osebne beležnice, npr. za realizacijo univerzalne osebne video beležnice, kjer se ob zajemu uporabnikovega sporočila poleg zvočnih shranjujejo še video informacije.It should be noted that the present embodiments of the invention are not limited to VoiceXML speech gateway technology, but VoiceXML technology is just one of the possible platforms suitable for realizing the embodiments of the invention. It is also worth pointing out that the user terminal is not limited to a telephone unit, but the telephone unit is only one of the possible user terminals that allow the user to access the universal personal voice recorder service. The embodiments of the invention presented are intended for the realization of the universal personal voice notepad service. It should be noted that the embodiments of the present invention are also suitable for the realization of other types of universal notebook, e.g. for the realization of a universal personal video notebook, where video information is stored in addition to audio data when the user's message is captured.

Claims (17)

1. Postopek za univerzalno osebno glasovno beležnico, označen s tem, da obsega naslednje korake:1. A process for a universal notepad characterized in that it comprises the following steps: uporabnik sproži klic (Al) iz uporabniške terminalne enote (1) preko telekomunikacijskega omrežja (2) na govorni strežnik (3); sledi vzpostavitev zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3);the user initiates a call (Al) from the user terminal unit (1) via a telecommunications network (2) to a voice server (3); followed by the establishment of a connection between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3); govorni strežnik (3) posreduje govorno navodilo (A2) na uporabniško terminalno enoto (1), pri čemer uporabniška terminalna enota (1) uporabniku predvaja posredovano govorno navodilo;the voice server (3) forwards the voice instruction (A2) to the user terminal unit (1), wherein the user terminal unit (1) transmits to the user the voice instruction provided; uporabnik v uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) izgovori govorno sporočilo, ki se prenaša (A3) na govorni strežnik (3);a voice message is transmitted to the user terminal unit (1), which is transmitted (A3) to the voice server (3); sledi končanje zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3);followed by the termination of the connection between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3); govorni strežnik (3) na podlagi telefonske številke kličočega določi uporabnikov ciljni elektronski poštni naslov;the voice server (3) determines the user's destination e-mail address based on the caller's telephone number; govorni strežnik (3) ustvari novo elektronsko sporočilo z obvestilom o novem govornem sporočilu;the voice server (3) generates a new electronic message with a notification of the new voice message; govorni strežnik (3) odpošlje (A4) novo elektronsko sporočilo na uporabnikov ciljni elektronski poštni naslov.the voice server (3) sends (A4) a new email to the user's target email address. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da govorni strežnik (A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the voice server ( 3) pri ustvarjanju novega elektronskega sporočila z obvestilom o prejetem govornem sporočilu v novo elektronsko sporočilo vključi povezavo na zvočno datoteko, v kateri se nahaja novo govorno sporočilo.3) include a link to the audio file containing the new voice message when creating a new e-mail message with a notification of a received voice message. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da govorni strežnik (3) pri ustvarjanju novega elektronskega sporočila z obvestilom o prejetem govornem sporočilu v novo elektronsko sporočilo vključi novo govorno sporočilo.The method of claim 1, characterized in that the voice server (3) incorporates a new voice message when creating a new electronic message with a notification of the received voice message. 4. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da govorni strežnik (3) pri ustvarjanju novega elektronskega sporočila z obvestilom o prejetem govornem sporočilu v novo elektronsko sporočilo vključi vsaj enega izmed naslednjih parametrov o uporabniški seji:Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the voice server (3) incorporates at least one of the following user session parameters in the new electronic message when creating a new email message with the received voice message notification: telefonska številka kličočega;telephone number of the caller; datum in ura zajema govornega sporočila;the date and time of the voice message; časovno trajanje govornega sporočila.the time duration of the voice message. 5. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se končanje zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3) izvede v primeru, če je uporabnik tiho vsaj določeno količino časa.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the termination of communication between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3) is carried out if the user is silent for at least a certain amount of time. 6. Postopek po zahtevku 5, označen s tem, da določena količina časa znaša 3 sekunde.Method according to claim 5, characterized in that the specified amount of time is 3 seconds. 7. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se končanje zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3) izvede v primeru, če uporabnik pritisne katerokoli tipko na uporabniški terminalni enoti (1).A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the termination of communication between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3) is performed if the user presses any key on the user terminal unit (1). 8. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se končanje zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3) izvede v primeru, če dolžina govornega sporočila preseže vnaprej določen maksimalni čas snemanja.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the termination of the connection between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3) is carried out if the length of the voice message exceeds a predetermined maximum recording time. 9. Postopek po zahtevku 8, označen s tem, da vnaprej določen maksimalni čas snemanja znaša 60 sekund.A method according to claim 8, characterized in that the predetermined maximum recording time is 60 seconds. 10. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se ob končanju zveze med uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) in govornim strežnikom (3) uporabniku posreduje potrdilo o uspešnosti predaje govornega sporočila.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that at the end of the communication between the user terminal unit (1) and the voice server (3), a message about the transmission of the voice message transmission is sent to the user. 11. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da j e uporabniška terminalna enota (1) uporabnikova telefonska enota.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the user terminal unit (1) is the user's telephone unit. 12. Postopek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da govorni strežnik (3) med predvajanjem govornega navodila čaka na vnos ukaza uporabnika za premik v meni za poslušanje posnetih govornih sporočil.Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the voice server (3), while playing the voice instruction, waits for the user to enter a command to move to the menu for listening to the recorded voice messages. 13. Postopek po zahtevku 12, označen s tem, da uporabnik izvede vnos ukaza uporabnika tako, da pritisne katerokoli tipko na uporabniški terminalni enoti (1).Method according to claim 12, characterized in that the user executes the user command input by pressing any key on the user terminal unit (1). 14. Postopek po zahtevku 12, označen s tem, da uporabnik izvede vnos ukaza uporabnika tako, da v uporabniško terminalno enoto (1) izgovori določen govorni ukaz.A method according to claim 12, characterized in that the user enters the user's command by saying a specific voice command to the user terminal unit (1). 15. Postopek po zahtevku 12, označen s tem, da v primeru vnosa ukaza uporabnika govorni strežnik (3) prične s predvajanjem posnetih govornih sporočil (A5).A method according to claim 12, characterized in that when the user's command is entered, the voice server (3) starts playing the recorded voice messages (A5). 16. Postopek po zahtevku 15, označen s tem, da se uporabniku ob predvajanju vsakega posnetega govornega sporočila sporoči tudi vsaj enega izmed naslednjih parametrov posnetega govornega sporočila:A method according to claim 15, characterized in that at least one of the following parameters of the recorded voice message is communicated to the user when playing each recorded voice message: datum in ura zajema govornega sporočila; zaporedna številka govornega sporočila.the date and time of the voice message; the serial number of the voice message. 17. Računalniško čitljiv medij, na katerem je shranjeno zaporedje programskih ukazov, ki, kadar so izvršeni v računalniku, izvedejo postopek za univerzalno osebno glasovno beležnico po zahtevkih 1-16.A computer-readable medium on which a sequence of program commands is stored which, when executed on a computer, performs the procedure for a universal personal voice recorder according to claims 1-16.
SI200700237A 2007-09-27 2007-09-27 Procedure for universal voice recorder SI22650A (en)

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