SI22350A - Motor-generator applicable as power generator, primary driving engine, starter or internal combustion engine accelerator - Google Patents

Motor-generator applicable as power generator, primary driving engine, starter or internal combustion engine accelerator Download PDF


Publication number
SI22350A SI200600172A SI200600172A SI22350A SI 22350 A SI22350 A SI 22350A SI 200600172 A SI200600172 A SI 200600172A SI 200600172 A SI200600172 A SI 200600172A SI 22350 A SI22350 A SI 22350A
Prior art keywords
internal combustion
combustion engine
generator according
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Slovenian (sl)
Tomaz Katrasnik
Opresnik Samuel Rodman
Ferdinand Trenc
Original Assignee
Tomaz Katrasnik
Opresnik Samuel Rodman
Ferdinand Trenc
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Tomaz Katrasnik, Opresnik Samuel Rodman, Ferdinand Trenc filed Critical Tomaz Katrasnik
Priority to SI200600172A priority Critical patent/SI22350A/en
Publication of SI22350A publication Critical patent/SI22350A/en



  • Connection Of Motors, Electrical Generators, Mechanical Devices, And The Like (AREA)


The invention describes a device for generating direct and/or alternating current and/or propulsion of the mobile unit in particularly boat, ship, yacht, sailboat, ship crane, agricultural machinery, excavator etc. with the generator-motor, driven by the internal combustion engine (1) preferably piston engine. Device consists of a brushless, high frequency, preferably three phase generator-motor stator (2) that is connected to DC-AC converter (16), installed in a flywheel housing (11), between the engine (1) and the transmission (9), with a generator-motor permanent magnet (26) rotor (3), mounted on rotor support (10) free rotationally with the bearings (13 and 22) via the inner rotor support (21) fastened by the locking assembly (14) to the crankshaft prolonging shaft (15). Clutch (4), preferably a friction clutch, is capable to completely transmit torsional vibrations from the internal combustion engine via the inner rotor support (21) to the rotor support (10). Rotor support (10) together with generator-motor rotor (3), bearings (13 and 22), inner rotor support (21), locking assembly (14), crankshaft prolonging shaft (15) and clutch (4) is used as the internal combustion engine flywheel and connected by the torsion damping clutch (27) to the transmission (9).


Motorgenerator uporaben kot generator električnega toka, primarni pogonski stroj ter zaganjalnik ali pospeševalnik motorja z notranjim zgorevanjemEngine generator useful as an electrical generator, primary propulsion machine, and an internal combustion engine starter or accelerator


Predmet pričujočega izuma je motorgenerator, namenjen za generacijo električnega toka, za primarni pogonski stroj ter za zaganjalnik in pospeševalnik motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem, se pravi naprava namenjena generiranju istosmemega in/ali izmeničnega toka, zaganjanju motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem in /ali pogonu motoriziranega sredstva še posebno ladje, jahte, jadrnice, plavajočega žerjava, poljedelskega stroja, rovokopača, ipd., ki vključuje motorgeneratorsko enoto, ki ne potrebuje vzdrževanja, v kombinaciji z motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem, sklopko in menjalnikom. S pomočjo pričujočega motorgeneratorja je mogoče poganjati motorizirano sredstvo bodisi z motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem in/ali z elektriko z enostavnim motorgeneratorjem, ki ga napajajo električne baterije preko DC/AC pretvornika in ki deluje v obe smeri. Možno je tudi generirati enosmerni in/ali izmenični električni tok z navedenim motorgeneratorjem, tako da slednjega poganja motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ob pomoči dodatnih električnih oz. elektronskih komponent.The object of the present invention is an engine generator for generating electric current, for the primary propulsion machine, for the starter and accelerator of an internal combustion engine, i.e. a device for generating DC and / or AC power, starting an internal combustion engine and / or driving a motorized means. in particular ships, yachts, sailboats, floating cranes, agricultural machinery, excavators, etc., which includes a maintenance-free engine unit in combination with an internal combustion engine, clutch and gearbox. With the aid of the present engine generator, it is possible to drive a motorized vehicle either with an internal combustion engine and / or with a simple motor generator powered by electric batteries via a DC / AC converter and operating in both directions. It is also possible to generate direct current and / or alternating current with the specified motor generator, so that the latter is powered by an internal combustion engine with the help of additional electric or. electronic components.

Kratek povzetek izumaA brief summary of the invention

Po pričujočem izumu je motorizirano sredstvo opremljeno z visokofrekvenčnim motorgeneratorjem, ki ne potrebuje vzdrževanja in ki je integriran v okrovu vztrajnika motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem. Okrov vztrajnika je zaščiten s tesnili in vodotesno kabelsko povezavo, kar vodi, ki vstopi v plavajoče motorizirano sredstvo, preprečuje dostop v električni motorgenerator in v njegova navitja. Z integracijo električnega motorgeneratorja v okrov vztrajnika je mogoče navedeno napravo na preprost način uporabiti kot generator električnega toka, ko je spojena z delujočim motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem, ali pa kot v obe smeri delujoči primarni pogonski stroj, ko je spojena z menjalnikom in jo napaja izmenični električni tok primerne jakosti, napetosti in frekvence iz DC/AC pretvornika, priključenega na akumulatorsko baterijo. Motorgenerator jeAccording to the present invention, the motorized means is provided with a high-maintenance, maintenance-free motor generator which is integrated into the flywheel housing of the internal combustion engine. The flywheel housing is protected by seals and a watertight cable connection, which prevents the water entering the floating motorized means from accessing the electric motor and its windings. By integrating the electric motor generator into the flywheel housing, the said device can be easily used as an electrical generator when coupled to a running internal combustion engine, or as a primary drive machine operating in both directions when coupled to a gearbox and powered by AC electrical current of adequate power, voltage and frequency from a DC / AC converter connected to a rechargeable battery. It's a power generator

-2opremljen z rotorskimi poli s permanentnimi magneti, število navedenih rotorskih polov pa je dovolj veliko, da zagotavlja visoko frekvenco generatorja in velik navor motorja tudi pri enoti s sorazmeroma majhnimi dimenzijami. Poli rotorja so prednostno izdelani iz permanentnih magnetov iz redkih zemelj. Visoka frekvenca motorgeneratorja omogoča, da generator ustvarja zadostno električno moč že pri nizki vrtilni frekvenci motorja, tako da lahko dosega polno moč generiranega električnega toka ob nizkem hrupu in nizkem onesnaževanju celo tedaj, ko motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ne poganja motoriziranega sredstva z veliko izhodno močjo. Navitja motorgeneratorja so priključena na DC/AC pretvornik, kadar motorgenerator deluje kot zaganjalnik motorja. V tem primeru je sklopka, ki spaja ročično gred z rotorjem motorgeneratorja, vklopljena. DC/AC pretvornik se krmili z daljinskim krmilnikom, nameščenim na kontrolni plošči motoriziranega sredstva. Predvidena je tudi možnost samodejnega zagona motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem, kadar je napetost akumulatorske baterije prenizka. Kadar naprava deluje kot električni pogon motoriziranega sredstva, se sklopka, ki spaja motor z notranjim zgorevanjem in rotor motorgeneratorja, izklopi, navitja motorgeneratorja pa so vezana in krmiljena enako kot v predhodnem primeru. Prehod iz elektropogonskega načina delovanja motoriziranega sredstva v fazo zagona motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem je lahko izvedena v trenutku z vklopom sklopke. Motorgenerator je lahko uporabljen tudi skupaj z motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem za pogon motoriziranega sredstva z namenom povečati moč motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem ali za njegovo hitrejše pospeševanje. Navitja motorgeneratorja so povezana tudi z AC-DC usmernikom, ki dovaja enosmerno napetost DC-DC pretvorniku prek enosmernega filtra za reguliranje generirane enosmerne napetosti, za polnjenje akumulatorskih baterij in napajanje DC-AC inverterja, namenjenega napajanju motoriziranega sredstva z izmeničnim tokom konstantne napetosti in frekvence. Z uporabo tega sistema ni potrebe po jermensko gnanemu altematorju za motor z notranjim zgorevanjem, temveč je mogoč motor z notranjim zgorevanjem brez jermenskih pogonov, s čimer se zmanjšajo stroški vzdrževanja in poveča zanesljivost delovanja. Črpalka za morsko vodo je po potrebi gnana z elektromotorjem, katerega vrtilna frekvenca je termostatsko krmiljena. Tudi ločeni električni zaganjalnik ni potreben, s čimer se zmanjšajo cena, dimenzije in teža celotne naprave.-2 Equipped with permanent magnet rotor poles, the number of rotor poles listed is large enough to provide a high frequency generator and high motor torque even with a unit of relatively small dimensions. The rotor poles are preferably made of rare earth permanent magnets. The high frequency of the generator sets allows the generator to generate sufficient electrical power even at low engine speeds, so that it can reach the full power of the generated current in low noise and low pollution even when the internal combustion engine does not drive the motorized motor with high output power. The motorgenerator windings are connected to the DC / AC converter when the motorgenerator acts as a motor starter. In this case, the clutch connecting the crankshaft to the motor generator rotor is engaged. The DC / AC converter is controlled by a remote controller mounted on the control panel of the motorized vehicle. It is also possible to start the internal combustion engine automatically when the battery voltage is too low. When the device acts as an electrically driven motorized means, the clutch connecting the internal combustion engine and the motor-generator rotor is switched off and the motor-generator windings are tied and controlled in the same way as in the previous case. The transition from the electric drive mode of operation of the motorized means to the starting phase of the internal combustion engine can be made at the moment when the clutch is engaged. The engine generator can also be used in conjunction with an internal combustion engine to drive a motorized vehicle to increase the power of the internal combustion engine or to accelerate it faster. The motor-generator windings are also connected to an AC-DC rectifier that supplies DC voltage to the DC-DC converter via a DC filter to regulate the generated DC voltage, to charge the batteries, and to supply a DC-AC inverter designed to supply a DC motorized DC voltage and frequency. . Using this system, there is no need for a belt driven alternator for the internal combustion engine, but an internal combustion engine without belt drives is possible, thus reducing maintenance costs and increasing operational reliability. If necessary, the seawater pump is driven by an electric motor whose speed is thermostatically controlled. Also, a separate electric starter is not required, reducing the price, dimensions and weight of the entire device.

Stanje tehnike za rešitev po pričujočem izumuThe state of the art for the solution of the present invention

-3Patent SI 21586 opisuje kombinacijomotorja z notranjim zgorevanjem in generatorja, ki ga ni potrebno vzdrževati, integriranega v okrovu vztrajnika in povezanega z elektronsko napravo, ki prevaja trifazni izmenični tok spremenljive napetosti na izhodu z izmenično in enosmerno konstantno napetostjo. Predvidena je uporaba generatorja kot zaganjalnika za motor. V skladu s to rešitvijo je generator priklopljen na vztrajnik in ročično gred. Ni pa predvideno, da bi taisti generator poganjal motorizirano sredstvo. Ni podana sklopka, s katero bi bilo možno ločiti generator in motor z notranjim zgorevanjem. Delovanje motoriziranega sredstva le s pomočjo generatorja ni možno. Brezjermenska izvedba motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem ter elektromotor za vodno črpalko nista predvidena.-3Patent SI 21586 describes a combination of an internal combustion engine and a maintenance-free generator integrated in the flywheel housing and connected to an electronic device that conducts AC three-phase AC output at DC and DC output. The use of the generator as a starter for the engine is envisaged. According to this solution, the generator is connected to the flywheel and crankshaft. However, this generator is not intended to drive a motorized vehicle. No clutch is provided to separate the generator and the internal combustion engine. It is not possible to operate a motorized means by means of a generator alone. The timeless version of the internal combustion engine and the electric motor for the water pump are not foreseen.

V patentu US 5,214,358 je podan izum, pri katerem je generator spojen z vztrajnikom motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem in vključuje še dodatne elektronske krmilne enote, ki skrbijo za polnjenje akumulatorske baterije in dovajanje potrebne izmenične napetosti pogonskemu elektromotorju. Vendar po tej rešitvi ni možno neposredno mehansko poganjajnje motoriziranega sredstva. Za pogon vozila sta potrebna najmanj dva električna motorja. Posledica tega so večja teža, višja cena in zahtevnejše vzdrževanje.U.S. Patent 5,214,358 discloses an invention in which the generator is coupled to a flywheel of an internal combustion engine and includes additional electronic control units for charging the battery and supplying the necessary AC voltage to the drive electric motor. However, this solution makes it impossible to directly mechanically drive a motorized vehicle. At least two electric motors are required to drive the vehicle. This results in more weight, higher cost and more demanding maintenance.

Patent EP1415837 opisuje vzporedno zasnovan sistem za prek koles gnana vozila na hibridni pogon. Pogonska moč je porazdeljena med elektromotor in motor z notranjim zgorevanjem, in sicer prek prenosnega sistema, ki istočasno prenaša navora obeh motorjev na kolesa vozila. Motor z notranjim zgorevanjem deluje stacionarno. Oskrba vozila z izmeničnim električnim tokom konstantne napetosti ni podana. Izum ne predvideva enosmernega električnega napajanja, kadar motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ne obratuje. Odprava pogonskega jermena altematorja ni predvidena.EP1415837 describes a parallel-designed hybrid wheel-drive vehicle driven system. The driving power is distributed between the electric motor and the internal combustion engine through a transmission system that simultaneously transmits the torque of both engines to the wheels of the vehicle. The internal combustion engine is stationary. The vehicle is not supplied with constant voltage AC power. The invention does not provide for direct current power supply when the internal combustion engine is not running. Removal of the drive belt of the alternator is not foreseen.

Patent DE 29604437 se nanaša na hibridni ladijski pogonski sistem, ki sestoji iz glavnega dizelskega motorja, ki je kombiniran z elektromotorjem z namenom, da zniža specifično porabo goriva. V izumu ni predvidena dobava AC in DC električenga toka konstantne napetosti motoriziranemu sredstvu. Izum ne predvideva pogona ladje z električnim motorjem. V izumu niPatent DE 29604437 relates to a hybrid marine propulsion system consisting of a main diesel engine which is combined with an electric motor for the purpose of reducing specific fuel consumption. The invention does not envisage the supply of AC and DC electric current of constant voltage to a motorized medium. The invention does not envisage propulsion of a ship with an electric motor. It is not in the invention

-4predvidena možnost zagona motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem z elektromotoijem. Ločitev ročične gredi od gredi elektromotorja ni na voljo.-4 The possibility of starting an internal combustion engine with an electric motor is foreseen. Separation of crankshaft from electric motor shaft is not available.

Predmet patenta FR 2814121 je hibridni pogon, sestavljen iz motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem, sklopke, ki priklaplja elektromotor, ter dodatne sklopke, ki spaja elektromotor z menjalnikom. Napajanje vozila z enosmernim in izmeničnim tokom konstantne napetosti ni načrtovano. Brezjermenska izvedba motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem ni načrtovana. Električna črpalka za črpanje hladilne morske vode ni predvidena, ker je cestna vozila ne potrebujejo. Ni predviden torzijski blažilnik, ki bi blažil vklapljanje sklopke.The subject of patent FR 2814121 is a hybrid drive consisting of an internal combustion engine, a clutch that connects an electric motor, and an additional clutch that connects an electric motor to a gearbox. The DC and AC power supply of the vehicle is not planned. The timeless version of the internal combustion engine is not planned. An electric pump for pumping cooling seawater is not provided because road vehicles do not need it. No torsion damper is provided to mitigate clutch engagement.

Namen in cilj izumaPurpose and object of the invention

S predstavljeno rešitvijo je mogoče z enim samim preprostim električnim strojem, v pričujočem primeru motorgeneratorjem, ki ne potrebuje vzdrževanja in v vrtečih delih nima navitij, generirati enosmerni električni tok konstantne napetosti in izmenični električni tok konstantne napetosti in frekvence za pokrivanje nepogonskih potreb motoriziranega sredstva. Po predlagani rešitvi je električni tok na voljo pri vseh vrtilnih frekvencah motorja. Poleg tega lahko navedeni motorgenerator zažene motor z notranjim zgorevanjem motoriziranega sredstva. Isti motorgenerator služi tudi kot električni pogon motoriziranega sredstva, odvisen od zmogljivosti akumulatorskih baterij. Motor z notranjim zgorevanjem lahko skupaj z motorgeneratorjem poganja motorizirano sredstvo in tako poveča naj večjo moč motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem, ali pa izboljša njegovo pospeševanje. S tem se znižajo stroški opreme, stroški vgradnje, vzdrževalni stroški in tudi teža same opreme. Vse našteto velja, ko primerjamo predlagano rešitev z vsemi znanimi ali na trgu prisotnimi rešitvami. Poleg tega pa v primeru nevarnosti laliko v trenutku in brez sunkov - samo z vklopom sklopke - preidemo iz načina pogona motoriziranega sredstva z elektromotorjem na zagon motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem. To tudi izboljša zanesljivost in varnost rešitve. Z vodotesno namestitvijo motorgeneratorja v hermetično zaprtem okrovu vztrajnika je dosežena najvišja raven zanesljivosti za motorizirana sredstva, ki se delno nahajajo v vodi, ali pa so izpostavljena vodnim pljuskom. Ker je z DC-AC inverterjem možno generirati izmenični električni tok konstantne napetosti in konstantne frekvence, je izmenični električni tokWith the present solution, it is possible to generate a direct current constant current and alternating current and frequency electrical current to cover the non-driven needs of the motorized means with a single simple electric machine, in this case a maintenance-free motor and no winding parts. According to the proposed solution, electrical current is available at all engine speeds. In addition, said motorgenerator may start an internal combustion engine of a motorized means. The same motorgenerator also serves as the electric drive of the motorized means, depending on the capacity of the rechargeable batteries. An internal combustion engine can, together with a motor generator, drive a motorized means to increase the internal combustion engine's power or to improve its acceleration. This reduces the cost of equipment, installation costs, maintenance costs and also the weight of the equipment itself. All of the above applies when comparing a proposed solution with all known or commercially available solutions. In addition, in an emergency, the laliko switches from instantaneous motorized drive mode to an internal combustion engine, with and without clutch only by switching on the clutch. This also improves the reliability and security of the solution. The watertight installation of the motor generator in a hermetically sealed flywheel housing achieves the highest level of reliability for motorized parts that are partly in the water or exposed to water splashes. Since DC-AC inverter can generate alternating current of constant voltage and constant frequency, alternating current is

-5na voljo tudi takrat, ko edini električni generator ne deluje in sicer z izrabljanjem zmogljivosti nadomestne akumulatorske baterije. Ko je potreben le del maksimalnega električnega toka, mora motor z notranjim zgorevanjem delovati le omejen čas in z zmanjšano vrtilno frekvenco.-5Available even when the sole electric generator does not operate by utilizing the capacity of a replacement battery. When only part of the maximum electric current is required, the internal combustion engine must only run for a limited time and with a reduced speed.

Opis izumaDescription of the invention

Izum bo opisan s pomočjo zgledov in opisov, ki se nanašajo na slike, kjer:The invention will be described by way of examples and descriptions relating to the drawings, where:

Slika 1 prikazuje prečni prerez motorgeneratorja in pripadajoča električna blokovna shema.Figure 1 shows a cross-section of the engine generator and the associated electrical block diagram.

V skladu s sliko 1 je v okrov vztrajnika 11, ki je vodotesno s tekočinskim ali ploščatim tesnilom spojen z motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem 1, integriran in pritrjen stator 2 motorgeneratorja. Stator 2 je izdelan iz lamelnih kovinskih lističev, narejenih iz magnetno visoko prevodne jeklene zlitine. Večpolna trifazna navitja 12 so integrirana v stator in po vodotesnem izolacijskem priključku 35 priključena na AC-DC usmernik 17 in DC-AC pretvornik 16. S pomočjo daljinskega krmilnika 30 reguliramo frekvenco in napetost na izhodu DC-AC pretvornika 16, da se zažene motor 1. DC-AC pretvornik 16 prejema električni tok iz akumulatorske baterije 20. Za uravnavanje frekvence je zaželen signal vrtilne frekvence motorja 1. Navedeni vhodni signal je na voljo iz krmilnika motorja. Ob zagonu motorja 1 se mora menjalnik 9 nahajati v prostem teku. Toma sklopka 4, ki jo vklaplja po možnosti hidravlično upravljan potisni ležaj 5, glavni hidravlični valj 29 in električni linearni aktuator 28 s pomočjo zunanjega daljinskega krmilnika 30 in povezuje ročično gred motorja 6 preko podaljška ročične gredi 15, zatezne puše 14 in notranjega nosilca rotorja 21 z nosilcem rotorja 10, na katerem je pritrjen rotor motorgeneratorja 3.According to Figure 1, a stator 2 of the engine generator is integrated and fixed into the housing of the flywheel 11, which is watertightly connected by a liquid or flat seal to an internal combustion engine 1. Stator 2 is made of laminated metal sheets made of magnetically high conductive steel alloy. The multi-pole three-phase windings 12 are integrated into the stator and connected to the AC-DC rectifier 17 and the DC-AC converter 16 via the waterproofing insulation terminal 35. Using the remote controller 30, we regulate the frequency and voltage at the output of the DC-AC converter 16 to start the motor 1 . DC-AC converter 16 receives electricity from the battery 20. A motor speed signal is desirable for frequency regulation 1. The specified input signal is available from the motor controller. When starting engine 1, gearbox 9 must be idle. The clutch volume 4, which is preferably engaged by a hydraulically operated thrust bearing 5, a main hydraulic cylinder 29, and an electric linear actuator 28 by means of an external remote controller 30 and connects the crankshaft of the motor 6 via the crankshaft extension 15, the clamping sleeve 14 and the internal rotor carrier 21 with a rotor carrier 10 on which the rotor of the motor-generator 3 is attached.

Podaljšek ročične gredi 15, zatezna puša 14, notranji nosilec rotorja 21, ležaja (13 in 22), nosilec rotorja 10, rotor motorgeneratorja 3 in sklopka 4, ki lahko popolnoma prenaša torzijska nihanja, so uporabljeni kot vztrajnik motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem.The crankshaft extension 15, the clamping sleeve 14, the internal rotor bracket 21, the bearings (13 and 22), the rotor bracket 10, the motor generator rotor 3 and the clutch 4, which can fully transmit torsional oscillations, are used as the flywheel of the internal combustion engine.

AC-DC usmernik 17 je povezan z enosmernim filtrom 18, ki visokofrekvenčnim motnjam, ki nastajajo v dodatnem DC-DC pretvorniku - napetostnem regulatorju 19, preprečuje dostop v statorska navitja 12 generatorja, kjer bi lahko povzročile porast temperature motorgeneratorja. DCDC pretvornik - napetostni regulator 19 dovaja potrebno enosmerno napetost sistemskemu izhodu, akumulatorskim baterijam 20 in DC-AC inverterju 31, ki je povezan z AC vhod-izhod spojnikom 32. Izhod DC-DC pretvomikal9 je krmiljen tako, da ustreza napetosti akumulatorske baterije, stanju njene napolnjenosti in karakteristiki polnjenja akumulatorskih baterij. S pomočjo daljinskegaThe AC-DC rectifier 17 is coupled to a DC filter 18 that prevents high-frequency interference from the additional DC-DC converter - voltage regulator 19 from accessing the stator windings 12 of the generator, which could cause the generator to rise in temperature. DCDC Converter - Voltage Regulator 19 supplies the required DC voltage to the system output, rechargeable batteries 20, and DC-AC inverter 31, which is connected to the AC input-output connector 32. The output of the DC-DC switch 9 is controlled to match the battery voltage, condition its charge and battery charging characteristics. With the help of remote control

-6krmiljenja inverterja 33 je mogoče inverter vklapljati in izklapljati z oddaljenega mesta, na katerem se praviloma nahaja upravljavec. Rotor 3 je narejen iz magnetno prevodnega materiala in opremljen s permanentnimi magneti 26. Permanentni magneti iz redkih zemelj omogočajo motorgeneratorju da doseže večje izhodne moči. Ležaja 13 in 22, mazana s trajnim mazalnim sredstvom, sta pritrjena na notranji nosilec rotorja 21, ki je s pomočjo zatezne puše 14 trdno pritrjen na ročično gred oziroma njen podaljšek 15; ležaja omogočata prosto vrtenje rotorja 3 okrog podaljška ročične gredi 15. Kadar sklopka 4 ni vklopljena je rotor 3 povezan preko sklopke 27, ki duši vzvojna nihanja, le z vstopno gredjo menjalnika 8 in motorgenerator, ki se napaja preko DCAC pretvornika 16 v tem primeru lahko poganja motorizirano sredstvo v obeh smer; prednostno je propeler poganjan z v menjalniku zmanjšano vrtilno frekvenco pogonskega elektromotorja (2,3). S pomočjo hladilnih kanalov 34 se motorgenerator hladi dovolj, da se doseže visoka izhodna moč z enoto, ki je nepropustna za vodo. Istočasno so tudi permanentni magneti 26 rotorja 3 iz redkih zemelj zaščiteni pred previsokimi temperaturami, ki bi jih lahko razmagnetile.-6 inverter control 33 it is possible to switch the inverter on and off from the remote location where the controller is normally located. The rotor 3 is made of magnetically conductive material and is equipped with permanent magnets 26. Permanent rare earth magnets allow the motorgenerator to achieve higher output power. The bearings 13 and 22, lubricated with a permanent lubricant, are fixed to the inner carrier of the rotor 21, which is firmly attached to the crankshaft or its extension 15 by means of a clamping sleeve 14; the bearings allow the rotor 3 to rotate freely around the crankshaft extension 15. When the clutch 4 is not engaged, the rotor 3 is connected via a clutch 27 that suppresses the torsional oscillations, only with the input shaft of the gearbox 8 and the motor-generator supplied through the DCAC converter 16 in this case. drives a motorized vehicle in both directions; preferably, the propeller is driven by a reduction in the rotational speed of the drive electric motor (2,3). By means of cooling ducts 34, the engine generator is cooled sufficiently to achieve high output power with a watertight unit. At the same time, permanent magnets 26 of the rotor 3 from rare earths are protected from too high temperatures that could demagnetize them.

Sklopka, ki duši vzvojna nihanja 27, ščiti prenosnik moči pred naglimi spremembami navora ali navomimi sunki.The clutch, which suppresses torsional vibrations 27, protects the power transmission against sudden changes in torque or thrust.

Blažilnik vzvojnih nihanj 24 je vgrajen v nosilec rotorja 10 preko blažilnega materiala 23 za zmanjšanje torzijskih nihanj ročične gredi 6.A torsional vibration damper 24 is integrated into the rotor carrier 10 via a damping material 23 to reduce the torsional vibrations of the crankshaft 6.

V skladu z izumom motorgenerator nima niti z jermenom gnanega altematorja, niti pogonov z narebričenimi ali klinastimi jermeni. Črpalko za morsko vodo za motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ali za njegov prenosnik toplote poganja elektromotor. Vrtilna frekvenca elektromotorja, ki poganja črpalko za morsko vodo, je uravnavana s pomočjo termostata.According to the invention, the motorgenerator does not have either driven belt alternators or drives with ribbed or V-belts. A seawater pump for an internal combustion engine or for its heat exchanger is powered by an electric motor. The speed of the electric motor that drives the seawater pump is controlled by a thermostat.

Claims (16)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Motorgenerator namenjen generiranju električnega toka, pogonu motoriziranega sredstva in zagonu ali pospeševanju motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem, t.j. naprava namenjena generiranju enosmernega in/ali izmeničnega toka in/ali poganjanju motoriziranega sredstva, zlasti čolna, ladje, jahte, jadrnice, plavajočega žerjava, poljedelskega stroja, rovokopača ipd. z motorgeneratorjem, ki ga poganja motor z notranjim zgorevanjem (1) prednostno batni motor označena s tem, da je brezkrtačni visokofrekvenčni, prednostno trifazni motorgenerator (2) priključen na DC/AC pretvornik (16), nameščen v okrovu (11) vztrajnika med motorjem (1) in menjalnikom (9), z rotorjem (3) motor generatorja s permanentnimi magneti (26), kije pritijen na nosilec rotorja (10) in prosto vrtljiv na ležajih (13 in 22) na notranjem nosilcu rotorja (21), ki je s pomočjo zatezne puše (14) trdno pritijen na podaljšek ročične gredi (15) in povezan z motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem (1) preko sklopke (4), prednostno torne sklopke, ki omogoča popoln prenos vzvojnih nihanj z motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem preko notranjega nosilca rotorja (21) do nosilca rotorja (10), kije skupaj z rotorjem motorgeneratorja (3), ležaji (13 in 22), notranjim nosilcem rotorja (21), zatezno pušo (14), podaljškom ročične gredi (15) in skopko (4) uporabljen kot vztrajnik motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem in spojen z menjalnikom (9).1. A motor generator designed to generate electricity, drive a motorized means, and start or accelerate an internal combustion engine, i.e. a device designed to generate direct current and / or alternating current and / or to drive a motorized vehicle, in particular a boat, a ship, a yacht, a boat, a floating crane, an agricultural machine, a backhoe etc. with an internal combustion engine-driven motor (1) preferably a piston engine characterized in that the brushless high-frequency, preferably three-phase, motor generator (2) is connected to a DC / AC converter (16) located in the flywheel housing (11) between the engine (1) and gearbox (9), with a rotor (3), a permanent magnet generator motor (26), which is attached to the rotor carrier (10) and rotates freely on bearings (13 and 22) on the internal rotor carrier (21) is firmly attached to the crankshaft extension (15) by means of a clamping sleeve (14) and connected to the internal combustion engine (1) via a clutch (4), preferably a friction clutch, allowing complete transfer of tilting oscillations from the internal combustion engine via the internal the rotor carrier (21) to the rotor carrier (10), which together with the motor generator rotor (3), the bearings (13 and 22), the internal rotor carrier (21), the clamping sleeve (14), the crankshaft extension (15) and the clamp ( 4) Used as a flywheel with internal motor combustion and coupled to the gearbox (9). 2. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da se sklopka (4) vklaplja in izklaplja s pomočjo hidravlično upravljanega potisnega ležaja (5).Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the clutch (4) is switched on and off by means of a hydraulically operated thrust bearing (5). 3. Motorgenerator po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označen s tem, da se hidravlično upravljan potisni ležaj (5) upravlja s pomočjo daljinsko upravljanega (30) linearnega električnega aktuatorja (28) pritrjenega na glavni hidravlični valj (29).Engine generator according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the hydraulically operated thrust bearing (5) is operated by means of a remote controlled (30) linear electric actuator (28) attached to the main hydraulic cylinder (29). 4. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje v nosilec rotorja (10) preko blažilnega materiala (23) vgrajen blažilnik vzvojnih nihanj (24).Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that a damping damper (24) is incorporated into the rotor carrier (10) via a damping material (23). -85. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je sklopka za blaženje vzvojnih nihanj (27) vgrajena med rotor motorgeneratorja (3) in menjalnik (9).-85. Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the clutch for damping oscillatory oscillations (27) is mounted between the motor generator rotor (3) and the gearbox (9). 6. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje podaljšek ročične gredi (15) povezan z vztopno gredjo menjalnika (8) s pomočjo ležaja (36), prednostno valjčnega ležaja, mazanega s trajnim mazalnim sredstvom in tesnjenega, da je preprečen vdor mazalnega sredstva v prostor motorgeneratorja, ki ni mazan.Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the crankshaft extension (15) is connected to the gearbox mounting shaft (8) by means of a bearing (36), preferably a roller bearing lubricated with a permanent lubricant and sealed to prevent the intrusion of the lubricant. means into the engine room which is not greased. 7. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da sta ležaja (13 in 22), nameščena med notranji nosilec rotorja (21) in nosilec rotorja (10), mazana s trajnim mazalnim sredstvom.The engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the bearings (13 and 22) are positioned between the internal rotor carrier (21) and the rotor carrier (10) with a permanent lubricant. 8. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, je električni motorgenerator (2), ko deluje zgolj kot motor, krmiljen z DC/AC pretvornikom (16), ki omogoča vrtenje v obe smeri.8. The engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that it is an electric motor generator (2) when acting solely as an engine controlled by a DC / AC converter (16) that allows rotation in both directions. 9. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje menjalnik (9) prednostno zgrajen le za znižanje vrtilne frekvence motorja za delovanje propelerja, medtem ko se za vzvratno vožnjo motoriziranega sredstva vklopi le električni pogon in to z obratno frekvenco DC/AC pretvornika (16)Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the gearbox (9) is preferably built only to reduce the engine speed for propeller operation, while only the electric drive is turned on for the motorized vehicle to reverse, with a DC / AC converter ( 16) 10. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so statorska navitja (12) motorgeneratorja (2) vezana vzporedno z AC-DC usmernikom (17) za enosmerni izhod motorgeneratorja in DC-AC pretvornikom (16).Motor generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the stator windings (12) of the motor generator (2) are connected in parallel with the AC-DC rectifier (17) for the DC output of the motor generator and the DC-AC converter (16). 11. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da sta frekvenca in napetost DC-AC pretvornika (16) krmiljeni z daljinskim krmilnikom (30).Motor generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the frequency and voltage of the DC-AC converter (16) are controlled by a remote controller (30). 12. Motorgenerator po zahtevkih 1, 10 in 11, označen s tem, da sta zagon in povečanje moči motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem (1) z motor generatorjem omogočena s frekvenčno krmiljenim DC-AC pretvornikom (16).Engine generator according to claims 1, 10 and 11, characterized in that starting and increasing the power of the internal combustion engine (1) with the motor generator is enabled by a frequency controlled DC-AC converter (16). -913. Motorgenerator po zahtevkih 1, 10, 11 in 12, označen s tem, daje DC-AC pretvornik (16) vzporedno z DC-DC pretvornikom (19) in DC-AC inverterjem (31) priključen na akumulatorske baterije (20), pri čemer se navedeni DC-AC inverter krmili preko daljinskega krmiljenja (33).-913. Motor generator according to claims 1, 10, 11 and 12, characterized in that the DC-AC converter (16) is connected to the rechargeable batteries (20) in parallel with the DC-DC converter (19) and the DC-AC inverter (31), the said DC-AC inverter is controlled via remote control (33). 14. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da motorgenerator omogoča gradnjo motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem brez jermenskih pogonov.14. Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the engine generator allows the construction of an internal combustion engine without belt drives. 15. Motorgenerator po zahtevkih 1 in 14, označen s tem, da ja črpalka za morsko vodo za motor z notranjim zgorevanjem ali njegov prenosnik toplote gnana z električnim motorjem.Engine generator according to claims 1 and 14, characterized in that the seawater pump for the internal combustion engine or its heat exchanger is driven by an electric motor. 16. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, 14 in 15 označen s tem, da je vrtilna frekvenca elektromotorja, ki poganja črpalko za morsko vodo krmiljena s termostatom.Engine generator according to claims 1, 14 and 15, characterized in that the speed of the electric motor driving the seawater pump is controlled by a thermostat. 17. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da so električni kabli, ki povezujejo motorgenerator z DC-AC pretvornikom (16) in AC-DC usmernikom (17), ter cevi za hidravlično tekočino, ki povezujejo hidravlični potisni ležaj (5) in glavni hidravlični valj (29) z vodotesnimi priključki (35) speljani skozi ohišje vztrajnika (11).Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that the electrical cables connecting the engine generator to the DC-AC converter (16) and the AC-DC rectifier (17) and the hydraulic fluid tubes connecting the hydraulic thrust bearing (5) and the main hydraulic cylinder (29) with watertight connections (35) driven through the flywheel housing (11). 18. Motorgenerator po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, da je med motorjem z notranjim zgorevanjem (1), okrovom vztrajnika motorja (11) in menjalnikom (9) nameščeno tesnilo.Engine generator according to claim 1, characterized in that a seal is provided between the internal combustion engine (1), the flywheel housing of the engine (11) and the gearbox (9).
SI200600172A 2006-07-20 2006-07-20 Motor-generator applicable as power generator, primary driving engine, starter or internal combustion engine accelerator SI22350A (en)

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SI200600172A SI22350A (en) 2006-07-20 2006-07-20 Motor-generator applicable as power generator, primary driving engine, starter or internal combustion engine accelerator

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