SI21911A - Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles - Google Patents

Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles Download PDF


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SI21911A SI200500149A SI200500149A SI21911A SI 21911 A SI21911 A SI 21911A SI 200500149 A SI200500149 A SI 200500149A SI 200500149 A SI200500149 A SI 200500149A SI 21911 A SI21911 A SI 21911A
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Zdenka Kahne
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KAHNE ZDENKA S.P. KOZMETIKA ZDENKA KAHNE, Izdelovanje zeliscnih kozmeticnih preparatov in opravljanje kozmeticnih storitev, trgovina
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Application filed by KAHNE ZDENKA S.P. KOZMETIKA ZDENKA KAHNE, Izdelovanje zeliscnih kozmeticnih preparatov in opravljanje kozmeticnih storitev, trgovina filed Critical KAHNE ZDENKA S.P. KOZMETIKA ZDENKA KAHNE, Izdelovanje zeliscnih kozmeticnih preparatov in opravljanje kozmeticnih storitev, trgovina
Priority to SI200500149A priority Critical patent/SI21911A/en
Publication of SI21911A publication Critical patent/SI21911A/en



  • Cosmetics (AREA)


The submitted invention refers to a cosmetic composition containing acethyl hexapeptide-3 as active ingredient and sodium salt of hialuronic acid - both of them incorporated in multilamellar multivesicular liposomes - and marine algae extract applicable for depth reduction of skin wrinkles. It refers also to a cosmetic procedure of depth reduction of skin wrinkles.


Kozmetični sestavek in postopek za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gubCosmetic composition and procedure for deep reduction of skin folds

Področje tehnike, v katero spada izumFIELD OF THE INVENTION

Predloženi izum se nanaša na kozmetični sestavek, ki vsebuje učinkovino acetil heksapeptid-3 in natrijevo sol hialuronske kisline, obe vgrajeni v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome, in izvleček morskih alg, uporaben za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gub.The present invention relates to a cosmetic composition comprising the active ingredient acetyl hexapeptide-3 and the sodium salt of hyaluronic acid, both embedded in multilamellar multivascular liposomes, and a seaweed extract useful for deep skin wrinkle reduction.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Koža je sestavljena iz dveh osnovnih plasti, površinske epiderme in podkožne derme. V kožnem tkivu potekajo pomembne spremembe pri procesu staranja kože. Stalno delovanje mišic pri smejanju in mimiki povzroča gube na koži, in to zaradi sprememb tkiva v podkožju, zaradi križnega povezovanja snopov kolagenskih in elastičnih vlaken v različnih plasteh podkožja. Struktura kože sčasoma izgubi elastičnost in v njej se tvorijo votline. Stalne kontrakcije mišic pod kožo povzročajo propadanje zunanje plasti kože, na ta način nastanejo brazde, ki naredijo kožo zgubano in postarano. Poleg genetskega staranja poznamo tudi staranje kože, ki ga povzročajo zunanji vplivi in življenjske navade, kot so izpostavljanje soncu, kajenje in stres. Pomembno vlogo imajo tudi hormonske spremembe v menopavzi.The skin consists of two basic layers, the surface epidermis and the subcutaneous dermis. Significant changes in the skin's aging process take place in skin tissue. The constant action of the muscles in laughing and mimicking causes wrinkles on the skin, due to changes in tissue in the subcutaneous tissue, due to the cross-linking of bundles of collagen and elastic fibers in different layers of the subcutaneous tissue. The skin structure loses elasticity over time and cavities form in it. Constant contractions of the muscles under the skin cause the outer layer of the skin to deteriorate, thus creating furrows that make the skin wrinkled and aged. In addition to genetic aging, we are also aware of skin aging caused by external influences and lifestyle habits such as sun exposure, smoking and stress. Hormonal changes in menopause also play an important role.

Tako je obstajala potreba po novem kozmetičnem sestavku za zmanjševanje kožnih gub in preprečevanje staranja kože, sposobnem, da prodre v spodnje plasti kože, da ga lahko enostavo nanesemo na kožo, brez injekcij in neboleče, in da poleg tega ne bi vseboval toksičnih komponent in povzročal stranskih reakcij in kožnih alergij.Thus, there was a need for a new cosmetic composition to reduce skin wrinkles and prevent aging of the skin, able to penetrate the lower layers of the skin so that it can be easily applied to the skin, without injections and painless, and in addition does not contain toxic components and cause side reactions and skin allergies.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Na trgu so številni proizvodi in metode za pomlajevanje kože in odpravljanje gub, ki pa imajo svoje pomanjkljivosti.There are numerous products and methods on the market for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle repair, which have their disadvantages.

Tako vsebujejo kozmetični proizvodi učinkovine, ki niso v liposomski obliki in ne prodrejo v spodnje plasti, ampak enostavno ostanejo na površini kože.Thus, cosmetic products contain liposomal active ingredients that do not penetrate the lower layers but simply remain on the skin surface.

Znanje kozmetični proizvod, kot je botoks, ki vsebuje botulinski toksin, poleg tega pa je treba ta proizvod vnašati v kožo na neprijeten način z injekcijo.Knowledge a cosmetic product, such as botox, containing botulinum toxin, and this product must be injected into the skin in an unpleasant way by injection.

Prav tako so znane kozmetične oblike na osnovi retinojske kisline, ki pa povzroča neželene stranske učinke, kot je rdečina kože in občutljivost kože za sonce.Retinoic acid-based cosmetic forms are also known, which in turn cause side effects such as skin redness and sun sensitivity.

Veliko se uporabljajo tudi zahtevne laserske terapije za pomlajevanje kože, ki prav tako lahko povzročajo neželene učinke, kot so vnetja in infekcije kože.Advanced laser rejuvenation therapies are also widely used, which can also cause side effects such as inflammation and skin infections.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Ugotovili smo, da lahko s kozmetičnim sestavkom v smislu predloženega izuma, ki ga lahko enostavno nanesemo na kožo in vsebuje bistveno učinkovino, vgrajeno v liposome, učinkovito zmanjšujemo kožne gube.It has been found that the cosmetic composition of the present invention, which is easy to apply to the skin and contains an essential ingredient incorporated into liposomes, can effectively reduce skin wrinkles.

Prvi predmet izuma je torej kozmetični sestavek, ki vsebuje 10-40 mas. % učinkovine acetil heksapeptida-3 in 20-30 mas. % natrijeve soli hialuronske kisline, vsako zase vgrajeno v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome, 5,0-10,0 mas. % izvlečka morskih alg in kozmetično sprejemljive pomožne snovi.The first object of the invention is therefore a cosmetic composition containing 10-40 wt. % of active ingredient acetyl hexapeptide-3 and 20-30 wt. % of the hyaluronic acid sodium salt, each incorporated into multilamellar multiveziculase liposomes, 5.0-10.0 wt. % seaweed extract and cosmetically acceptable excipients.

Učinkovina acetil heksapeptid-3 (argirelin®) je heksapeptid iz naravnih aminokislin, ki zmanjšuje intenzivnost obraznih mišičnih kontrakcij ter zavira sproščanje kateholaminov, pri čemer ostanejo mišice obraza še vedno normalno in naravno odzivne. Z vgraditvijo te učinkovine v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome dosežemo njeno prodiranje v spodnje plasti kože, ker liposomi interagirajo s celicami epidermisa in sproščajo svojo vsebino v njih.The active ingredient acetyl hexapeptide-3 (argirelin®) is a natural amino acid hexapeptide that reduces the intensity of facial muscle contractions and inhibits the release of catecholamines, leaving the facial muscles still normal and naturally responsive. The incorporation of this substance into multilamellar multivezicular liposomes achieves its penetration into the lower layers of the skin because liposomes interact with the cells of the epidermis and release their contents into them.

Natrijeva sol hialuronske kisline deluje kot vlažilec, vgrajena v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome pa kožo globinsko navlaži in pri tem spodbuja tvorbo kolagena in elastina.The hyaluronic acid sodium salt acts as a moisturizer, and when incorporated into the multilamellar multivillus liposomes, it deeply moisturizes the skin, promoting collagen and elastin formation.

Izvleček morskih alg deluje kot vlažilec, ima pa tudi penetracijsko funkcijo. Ker so morske alge po kemizmu podobne sestavinam v celicah in imajo enak ionski naboj kot koža, s tem omogočajo idealen vnos hranilnih snovi v kožo.Seaweed extract acts as a moisturizer and also has a penetrating function. Because the algae are chemically similar to the constituents in the cells and have the same ionic charge as the skin, they allow an ideal nutrient uptake into the skin.

Kozmetični sestavek v smislu predloženega izuma vsebuje tudi kozmetično sprejemljive pomožne snovi, ki se navadno uporabljajo v kozmetičnih proizvodih, kot npr. topila, sredstva za konzerviranje in sredstva za uravnavanje viskoznosti.The cosmetic composition of the present invention also contains cosmetically acceptable excipients commonly used in cosmetic products such as e.g. solvents, preservatives and viscosity regulators.

Kozmetični sestavek v smislu predloženega izuma lahko pripravimo v oblikah, ki so konvencionalne za kozmetične proizvode, kot so kreme, geli, mazila. Prednosto je v obliki gela.The cosmetic composition of the present invention may be formulated in conventional forms for cosmetic products such as creams, gels, ointments. Preferably, it is in gel form.

Zgoraj opisani kozmetični sestavek, ki vsebuje naravni peptid za sprostitev mišic acetil heksapeptid-3, natrijevo sol hialuronske kisline, oba v liposomski obliki, in izvleček morskih alg, ki z združenim delovanjem s pomočjo liposomske opne izboljšujejo čvrstost in elastičnost kože, presenetljivo zmanjšuje učinek njenega staranja, ki ga povzročajo spremembe strukture tkiva v podkožju. Izjemno preprečuje mimične gube in stresne pojave na koži že pri mladih ljudeh in je kombinacija mišičnega relaksanta, okrepi strukturo kože s preprečevanjem navzkrižnega povezovanja kolagenskih in elastičnih vlaken, kar je najboljše sredstvo proti gubam.The cosmetic composition described above, which contains a natural peptide for muscle relaxation, acetyl hexapeptide-3, a liposomal sodium salt of both hyaluronic acid, and a seaweed extract, which, combined with liposomal action, improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin Aging caused by changes in tissue structure in the subcutaneous tissue. Extremely prevents mimic wrinkles and stress on the skin in young people and is a combination of muscle relaxant, strengthens skin structure by preventing the collagen and elastic fibers from crosslinking, which is the best anti-wrinkle agent.

Drugi predmet izuma je tako uporaba zgoraj opisanega kozmetičnega sestavka za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gub.Another object of the invention is thus the use of the cosmetic composition described above for the deep reduction of skin folds.

Tretji predmet izuma je kozmetični postopek za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gub, pri čemer na obraz, predvsem v predele čela, okrog oči in nad ustnicami ter po vratu zaporedoma nanesemo :A third object of the invention is a cosmetic procedure for deep reduction of skin wrinkles, whereby on the face, especially in the forehead, around the eyes and above the lips and on the neck, the following is applied successively

- kozmetični sestavek v smislu predloženega izumathe cosmetic composition of the present invention

- stabilni vitamin C s škropljenjem- Stable Vitamin C with spray

- pomiijevalni gel iz čiste aloe vere- Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel

- podlago za kremo- cream base

- kremo.- cream.

Podlago za kremo pripravimo tik pred nanosom, tako da mazilu iz morskih alg dodamo stabilni vitamin C. Kremo izberemo glede na tip kože izmed kreme iz aloe vere in kreme s hialuronsko kislino.Prepare the foundation for the cream just before application by adding a stable vitamin C to the algae ointment. The cream is selected according to the skin type from aloe vera cream and hyaluronic acid cream.

Zgoraj navedeni postopek izvajamo dvakrat na dan, zjutraj in zvečer. S tem postopkom dosežemo, da se ob redni uporabi zmanjša globina gub do 50 % že po 30 dneh.The above procedure is performed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. This procedure achieves a reduction in wrinkle depth of up to 50% with regular use after 30 days.

Izum pojasnjujemo z naslednjim Primerom.The invention is explained by the following Example.


Kozmetični sestavek sestavine količina (mas. %)Cosmetic composition ingredient quantity (wt.%)

- 10-odstotna raztopina acetil heksapeptida-3, 10,0 vgrajena v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome (proizvajalec Lipotec S. A., Barcelona, Španija)- 10% solution of acetyl hexapeptide-3, 10,0 incorporated in multilamellar multivezikulame liposomes (manufactured by Lipotec S. A., Barcelona, Spain)

- 0,01-odstotna raztopina Na-soli hialuronske kisline, 20,0 vgrajena v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome (proizvajalec Lipotec S. A., Barcelona, Španija)- 0,01% solution of hyaluronic acid Na-salts, 20,0 incorporated in multilamellas multivesicular liposomes (manufactured by Lipotec S. A., Barcelona, Spain)

- izvleček morskih alg 5,0- Seaweed Extract 5.0

- glicerol 5,0- Glycerol 5.0

- 96-odstotni etanol 5,0- 96% ethanol 5.0

- Lucel (Na-sol karboksimetil celuloze) 2,0- Lucel (Na-salt of carboxymethyl cellulose) 2.0

- Nipagin (4-hidroksi metil benzoat) 0,2- Nipagin (4-hydroxy methyl benzoate) 0.2

- demineralizirana voda do 100,0- demineralized water up to 100,0

Osnovni gel pripravimo dan pred pripravo sestavka, tako da v majhni količini demineralizirane vode, segrete do vrenja, raztopimo Nipagin, dodamo glicerol, etanol in demineralizirano vodo. Med hitrim mešanjem počasi dodajamo Lucel in mešanje nadaljujemo, dokler se grudice ne raztopijo. To pustimo pokrito v posodi do naslednjega dne, dodamo učinkovine, dobro premešamo in uravnamo viskoznost, tako da dodamo demineralizirano vodo, če je pregosto, oz. Lucel, če je preredko.Prepare the base gel the day before the preparation of the composition by dissolving Nipagin in a small amount of demineralized water, heated to boiling, glycerol, ethanol and demineralized water. During rapid mixing, Lucel is slowly added and stirring is continued until the lumps have dissolved. Leave it covered in the container until the next day, add the active ingredients, mix well and adjust the viscosity by adding demineralized water if it is too thick or too thick. Lucel, if it's too rare.

Kozmetični sestavek z zgoraj navedenim odmerkom učinkovine acetil-heksapeptida-3 je uporaben za osebe nad 25 let in do 50 let starosti.The cosmetic composition with the above dose of the active ingredient acetyl-hexapeptide-3 is useful for people over 25 and up to 50 years of age.

Na enak način in z enakimi sestavinami pripravimo tudi kozmetični sestavek, ki vsebuje nad 10 mas. % in največ 40 mas. % učinkovine acetil heksapeptida-3, uporaben za osebe nad 50 let starosti.In the same way and with the same ingredients, a cosmetic composition containing more than 10 wt. and not more than 40% by weight % of acetyl hexapeptide-3 active substance for use in people over 50

Zgoraj opisani kozmetični sestavek polnimo v brezzračno embalažo, kar zagotavlja higieničnost ob uporabi in posledično mikrobiološko stabilnost proizvoda ter podaljša oksidativno stabilnost proizvoda.The cosmetic composition described above is filled into airless packaging, which ensures hygiene when used and consequently the microbiological stability of the product and prolongs the oxidative stability of the product.

Claims (6)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Kozmetični sestavek, označen s tem, da vsebuje 10-40 mas. % učinkovine acetil heksapeptida-3 in 20-30 mas. % natrijeve soli hialuronske kisline, vsako zase vgrajeno v večlamelame multivezikulame liposome, 5,0-10,0 mas. % izvlečka morskih alg in kozmetično sprejemljive pomožne snovi.A cosmetic composition comprising 10-40% by weight. % of active ingredient acetyl hexapeptide-3 and 20-30 wt. % of the hyaluronic acid sodium salt, each incorporated into multilamellar multiveziculase liposomes, 5.0-10.0 wt. % seaweed extract and cosmetically acceptable excipients. 2. Kozmetični sestavek po zahtevku 1, označen s tem, daje v obliki gela.Cosmetic composition according to claim 1, characterized in that it is in gel form. 3. Uporaba kozmetičnega sestavka po kateremkoli zahtevku 1 ali 2 za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gub.Use of a cosmetic composition according to any one of claims 1 or 2 for deep reduction of skin folds. 4. Kozmetični postopek za globinsko zmanjševanje kožnih gub, označen s tem, da na obraz, predvsem v predele čela, okrog oči in nad ustnicami ter po vratu zaporedoma nanesemo :4. Cosmetic procedure for deep reduction of skin wrinkles, characterized in that on the face, especially in the forehead, around the eyes and above the lips and over the neck are applied sequentially: - kozmetični sestavek po kateremkoli zahtevku 1 ali 2- cosmetic composition according to any one of claims 1 or 2 - stabilni vitamin C s škropljenjem- Stable Vitamin C with spray - pomiijevalni gel iz čiste aloe vere- Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel - podlago za kremo- cream base - kremo.- cream. 5. Kozmetični postopek po zahtevku 4, označen s tem, da podlaga za kremo obsega mazilo iz morskih alg in stabilni vitamin C.A cosmetic method according to claim 4, characterized in that the cream base comprises algae ointment and stable vitamin C. 6. Kozmetični postopek po zahtevku 4 in/ali 5, označen s tem, da kremo izberemo izmed kreme iz aloe vere in kreme s hialuronsko kislino.A cosmetic method according to claim 4 and / or 5, characterized in that the cream is selected from aloe vera cream and hyaluronic acid cream.
SI200500149A 2005-05-20 2005-05-20 Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles SI21911A (en)

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SI200500149A SI21911A (en) 2005-05-20 2005-05-20 Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles

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SI200500149A SI21911A (en) 2005-05-20 2005-05-20 Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles

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SI200500149A SI21911A (en) 2005-05-20 2005-05-20 Cosmetic composition and procedure for depth reduction of skin wrinkles

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2163236A3 (en) * 2008-07-31 2011-02-23 Coty Prestige Lancaster Group GmbH Cosmetic base composition comprising liposomes which incorporate at least two liposomes with different cosmetic agents and production method

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2163236A3 (en) * 2008-07-31 2011-02-23 Coty Prestige Lancaster Group GmbH Cosmetic base composition comprising liposomes which incorporate at least two liposomes with different cosmetic agents and production method

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