SI21853A - Flat key for cylinder lock, procedure of its manufacture and cylinderlock - Google Patents

Flat key for cylinder lock, procedure of its manufacture and cylinderlock Download PDF


Publication number
SI21853A SI200500222A SI200500222A SI21853A SI 21853 A SI21853 A SI 21853A SI 200500222 A SI200500222 A SI 200500222A SI 200500222 A SI200500222 A SI 200500222A SI 21853 A SI21853 A SI 21853A
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Markus Kornhofer
Heinz Navratil
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Kaba Gmbh
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Application filed by Kaba Gmbh filed Critical Kaba Gmbh
Publication of SI21853A publication Critical patent/SI21853A/en



    • E05B19/00Keys; Accessories therefor
    • E05B19/0017Key profiles
    • E05B19/0029Key profiles characterized by varying cross-sections of different keys within a lock system
    • E05B27/00Cylinder locks or other locks with tumbler pins or balls that are set by pushing the key in
    • E05B27/0042Cylinder locks or other locks with tumbler pins or balls that are set by pushing the key in with additional key identifying function, e.g. with use of additional key operated rotor-blocking elements, not of split pin tumbler type


  • Milling Processes (AREA)


Flat key (1', 1'') with generally even, almost parallel flat sides (2, 2'') where the grooves are applied (3, 3', 10, 11, 12'), which serve as variation profiles elements and as leading profiled elements. To avoid the phenomena of sharp-edge legs (22), which usually stand away from the central key surface, one leg (23) of groove (12') together with the central surface of the flat key (1') forms an angle between 30 and 45 degrees. The groove (12') is located next to the key-bit (9). The other flank (23') of the groove (12') with the flat key (1') central surface forms an angle between 93 and 97 degrees.


Ploščat ključ za cilindrično ključavnico, postopek izdelave le-tega in cilindrična ključavnicaFlat key for cylindrical lock, process for making it and cylindrical lock

Predloženi izum se nanaša na ploščat ključ za cilindrične ključavnice z v bistvu planima in domala vzporednima stranema ploščatega ključa, s hrbtom ključa in z, nasproti njemu, na čelni strani nazobčano brado ključa za razporeditev na zatiče jedra in zatiče ohišja deljenih pridržalnih zatičev, ki so ovzmeteni v smeri hrbta ključa proti robu brade ključa vodeni v odgovarjajočih na ključ vezanih kanalih, pri čemer so na ploski strani ploščatega ključa vrezani utori kot variacijski profilirani elementi in kot vodilni profilirani elementi in pri čemer je vsaj na en utor vezan odcepni utor, katerega smer vreza je drugačna od smeri vreza utora, in je odcepni utor razporejen na odmiku od dna utora, kot tudi na postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa.The present invention relates to a flat key for cylindrical locks in substantially planim and substantially parallel sides of the flat key, with the back of the key and with, opposite to it, a serrated beard of the key for disposition on the pins of the core and the pins of the housing of the split retaining pins, which are suspended in the direction of the back of the key towards the edge of the beard of the key guided in the corresponding to the key-linked channels, the grooves being cut on the flat side of the flat key as variant profiled elements and as guiding profiled elements, and with at least one groove tied to the groove whose direction cuts is different from the groove direction, and the breakaway groove is arranged at a distance from the bottom of the groove, as well as to the process of making the flat key.

Izum se nadalje nanaša na cilindrično ključavnico na ploščat ključ z v ohišju vrtljivo uležajenim valjastim jedrom z aksialnim kanalom za ključ, radialnimi luknjami v valjastem jedru, ki se nadaljujejo v ohišje in kjer so v smeri kanala za ključ razporejene dvojice ovzmetenih in premičnih ohišnih pridržalnih zatičev in pridržalnih zatičev jedra, ki so v danem primeru deljeni na plošče, pri čemer ima valjasto jedro od kanala za ključ k valjasti plaščni površini speljan izrez, kjer se nahaja blokimi zatič z otipovalnim koncem, ki se dotika ploske strani ključa, medtem ko so v kanalu za ključ predvidena rebra kot profilirani vodilni elementi in od vsaj enega rebra izhaja odcepni utor, katerega smer je glede na smer rebra drugačna, medtem ko je na odmiku od dna vodilnega rebra predvideno odcepno rebro.The invention further relates to a flat-key cylindrical lock in a housing of a rotatably cylindrical cylindrical core with an axial keyhole, radial holes in a cylindrical core extending into the housing, and in which two suspension and movable housing retaining pins are disposed in the direction of the keyhole and the retaining pins of the core, which are optionally divided into panels, wherein the cylindrical core from the key channel to the cylindrical mantle surface has a cutout where there are block pins with a tactile end that touches the flat side of the key while in the channel for the key provided ribs as profiled guiding elements, and from at least one rib a branch groove whose direction is different with respect to the direction of the rib, while at the distance from the bottom of the leading rib, a rib is provided.

Varovanje življenja, zasebnost in zasebna lastnina zelo visoko kotirajo. Od tod samoumevno posebna pozornost ključavnicam in ključem. Splošni dostopi so določeni s sistemi generalnega ključa, tako da se z vsakim sistemskim ključem pride do ene ali več ključavnic. Upoštevnost ali izključenost uporabe ključev pri ključavnicah, ko gre za zaklepanje, je s sistemi generalnega ključa s cilindričnimi ključavnicami na ploščate ključe dosežena z v prečnem preseku profiliranim ključem in v prečnem presku profiliranim kanalom za ključ. Ključ se ključavnici prilega, samo če se obris prečnega preseka kanala za ključ natančno ujema s prečnim presekom ključa ali če tega pokriva. V primeru, da prečni presek ploščatega ključa prečnemu preseku kanala za ključ ne ustreza, ključu ni dano, da bi zadevno cilindrično ključavnico blokiral. Omenjeno razmerje v zadevi profilov (prečnega preseka ključa, zlasti ploščatega, in kanala za ključ v cilindrični ključavnici) med ključem in cilindrično ključavnico seveda velja tudi za enojne cilindre in enojne ključe, ki niso nujno neposredni del sistema generalnega ključa. Potrebam varnosti je zadoščeno, če ponarediti ključ ni preprosto opravilo. Dvojnik ključev naj bi smel izdelati zgolj pristni izdelovalec ob upoštevanju varnostnih okoliščin in striktnem ugotavljanju identitete. Upoštevajoč dejstvo, da se na trgu dobi surovce ključev, izdelovalci ključev dvojnik ključa lahko brez problemov naredijo s kopirnim rezkalnim strojem z izdelavo zobcev pri bradi ključa. Če kopirni rezkalni stroj razen tega lahko na ploski strani originalnega ključa naredi še vdolbino v profil prečnega preseka in so na voljo primerna rezkalna orodja, se da dvojnike ključev izdelati iz pločevin po tehniki z odrezavanjem odrezkov. Če že je do zdaj izdelavi dvojnikov ključev na prostem trgu oviro predstavljalo dejstvo, da ni bilo dovolj profilov, ker ni bilo primernih surovcev ključev, pa dandanašnja tehnologija izdelovalcem ključev omogoča ne le kopiranje nazobčanja ključa, temveč tudi izdelavo profilov ključev. Konfiguracijo profila ključa se otipa mehansko ali optično s strani. Na dobljenem oblikovancu zatem z eno ali več frezalnimi glavami izdelajo U-, V- ali u-utore. Če surovec ključa nagnejo, morejo utore narediti tudi pod kotom glede na srednjico prečnega preseka profila, denimo kot spodrezane utore.Life protection, privacy and private property are highly rated. Hence the special attention given to locks and keys. General accesses are specified by general key systems so that one or more locks are accessed with each system key. The relevance or exclusion of the use of keys in locks when it comes to locking is achieved by means of cylindrical locks on flat keys with cross-sectioned key and cross-sectioned key channels. The key fits into the lock only if the outline of the cross section of the key channel matches the cross section of the key exactly or covers it. In case the cross-section of the flat key does not correspond to the cross-section of the key channel, the key is not given to block the cylindrical lock in question. This relationship in the case of profiles (cross section of a key, especially a flat one, and a keyhole in a cylindrical lock) between a key and a cylindrical lock also applies, of course, to single cylinders and single keys, which are not necessarily a direct part of the general key system. Security needs are met if it is not a simple task to fake a key. The duplicate of the key should only be made by a genuine manufacturer, taking into account security circumstances and strict identification. Considering the fact that key stock is being obtained in the market, key makers can easily make a duplicate key by using a copier milling machine with the production of teeth at the key beard. If, in addition, the copier can make a hole in the cross-section profile on the flat side of the original key and suitable milling tools are available, it is possible to make duplicate keys from sheet metal by cutting the technique. While the free market for duplicate key duplication has been hampered by the fact that there were not enough profiles because there were no suitable key blanks, today 's technology allows key makers not only to copy key perforation but also to produce key profiles. The key profile configuration is sensed mechanically or optically from the side. Thereafter, one or more milling heads produce U-, V- or u-grooves on the resulting mold. If the key blank is tilted, the grooves can also be angled with respect to the centerline of the profile cross section, such as undercut grooves.

Uvodoma omenjeni sistem profilov, znan iz EP 1 362 153 BI, pri katerem profil izdelajo v eni postavitvi, pa z napravami za rezkanje modemih ključev, s kakršnimi razpolagajo izdelovalci ključev, ni možen.The aforementioned profile system, known from EP 1 362 153 BI, in which the profile is made in one layout, is not possible with modem key milling devices available to key makers.

Sredi preseka ključa se nahaja paracentričen vodilni profil, v polju v smeri brade ključa in hrbta ključa pa se nahaja prostor za variacijske profile. Ta polja lajšajo spreminjanje utorov in reber, ki služijo povečanju varnosti pred posnemanjem in vzpostavitvi zaklepalne hierarhije v sistemu generalnega ključa. V polju brade ključa imajo običajni ploščati ključi zobce, ki služijo kot sredstva za ubiranje z odgovarjajočo cilindrično ključavnico.In the middle of the key cross section there is a paracentric guiding profile, and in the field in the direction of the beard of the key and the back of the key there is room for variation profiles. These boxes make it easy to modify slots and ribs to increase security against skimming and to establish a lock hierarchy in the general key system. In the beard key box, the standard flat wrenches have teeth that serve as the means of engagement with the corresponding cylinder lock.

Če ima ena od ploskih strani v neposrednem polju brade ključa aksialen utor, denimo takega z bokoma normalnega utora pri srednji ravnini ključa, pride med vrezi ozobljenja do krakov ostrih robov, ki bočno štrlijo čez srednjo ravnino normalnega ključa. Ker je njihova širina majhna, lahko ostri kaveljci zlahka odletijo ali se ukrivijo. To povzroča težave pri zaklepanju cilindrične ključavnice ali zaklepanje celo onemogoči. Celo lahko pride do poškodb uporabnika ključa.If one of the flat sides in the direct field of the key beard has an axial groove, such as one with the flanks of the normal groove at the median plane of the key, sharp edges protrude laterally between the teeth of the tooth, projecting laterally over the median plane of the normal key. Because their width is small, sharp hooks can easily fly off or bend. This causes the cylinder lock to be locked or even disabled. Even the key user may be injured.

Cilj izuma je odpraviti omenjeno pomanjkljivost, razen tega pa ustvariti ploščat ključ, ki ima ploske, z rezkanjem izdelane utore.The object of the invention is to remedy the aforementioned disadvantage, and in addition to create a flat key having flat, milling-made grooves.

Omenjeni cilj je po izumu pri uvodoma definiranem ploščatem ključu dosežen s tem, da gre vsaj pri utoru, ki je neposredno soseden bradi ključa, za skoznji utor, katerega en bok s srednjo ravnino ploščatega ključa oklepa kot a manj kot 90°, prednostno med 30° in 45°, in katerega drugi bok s srednjo ravnino ploščatega ključa oklepa kot β velikosti med 93° in 97°. Posledica sorazmerno malega nagiba boka utora v smeri ploske strani je, da brada ključa, če jo gledamo v prečnem preseku, dobi rebra, ki potekajo blizu brade ključa, in kot jez oblikovan obris brez koničastih vrhov bokov, ki bi sicer predstavljali nevarnost, da se uporabnik poškoduje.Said object according to the invention, for the pre-defined flat key, is achieved by the fact that at least the groove immediately adjacent to the beard of the key is a through groove whose one flank with the median plane of the flat wrench encloses an angle of less than 90 °, preferably between 30 ° and 45 °, and the other flank of which with the median plane of the flat key encloses a β of magnitude between 93 ° and 97 °. The relatively small inclination of the side of the groove in the direction of the flat side results in the beard of the key, when viewed in cross section, with ribs extending close to the beard of the key, and as a dam shaped contour without pointed tips of the flanks that would otherwise present a danger of the user is injured.

Iz EP 1 362 153 BI je znan tudi ploščat ključ, za katerega z običajnimi kopirnimi rezkalnimi stroji dvojnikov na splošno ni moč narediti. Z običajnimi rezkalnimi stroji s frezalno glavo se profilirane utore izfreza s premikanjem frezala bočno proti ploski strani ploskega ključa in premikanjem v osni smeri vzporedno vzdolž ploskega ključa.EP 1 362 153 BI also discloses a flat key which generally cannot be made with conventional duplicate milling machines. With conventional milling machines with a milling head, the profiled grooves are cut by moving the milling cutter laterally towards the flat side of the flat wrench and moving in the axial direction parallel to the flat wrench.

Možnost uporabe na običajnih strojih za kopiranje ključev narejenega vdiralnega orodja za odprtje cilindrične ključavnice po EP 1 362 153 BI pride v poštev, če odfrezamo spodrezano rebro skupaj s profiliranim utorom, nahajajočim se za rebrom, ki delno pokriva profilirani utor. Tovrstno vdiralno orodje ni niti kopija originalnega ključa niti uporabljiv ali dovoljen dvojnik ključa, saj to vdiralno orodje lahko kvečjemu odklene/zaklene cilindrične ključavnice znotraj sistema generalnega ključa, za kar ne obstaja nikakršna odklepalna/zaklepalna izjema. V cilindrični ključavnici mora biti ugotovljeno, ali se uporablja avtoriziran (pravilni) ključ ali vdiralno orodje.The possibility of using a conventional keyhole tool for copying a cylinder lock to open a cylinder lock according to EP 1 362 153 BI can be used when cutting a trimmed rib together with a profiled groove located behind a rib that partially covers the profiled groove. This kind of hacking tool is neither a copy of the original key nor a usable or allowed duplicate key, as this hacking tool can at most unlock / lock cylindrical locks within the general key system, for which there is no lock / lock exception. The cylindrical lock must determine whether an authorized (correct) key or a hacking tool is being used.

Nadaljnji cilj izuma je ustvariti cilindrično ključavnico, katere opisani dvojniki ključa in vdiralna orodja, ki se razlikujejo od originalnega ključa, ne odklepaj o/zaklepaj o.It is a further object of the invention to create a cylindrical lock whose described duplicates of the key and intrusion tools, which are different from the original key, do not unlock o / lock o.

Ta cilj je z uvodoma definirano cilindrično ključavnico dosežen s tem, daje s strani plašča valjaste jedra proti kanalu za ključ speljana luknja, ki je sprva slepa luknja, s katere dna je izsredno glede na os luknje proti kanalu za ključ speljana skoznja luknja, pri čemer je v slepo luknjo vtaknjen blokimi zatič in v skoznjo luknjo na blokimi zatič izsredno vezan otipovalni zatič.This goal is achieved by introducing the cylindrical lock, which is initially defined by the fact that a cylindrical core towards the keyhole channel, which is initially a blind hole, from which the bottom is projected through the hole directly from the hole toward the keyhole, through which a block pin is inserted into the blind hole and a tactile pin is tightly connected to the hole through the block pin.

Blokimi zatič je sicer osno premakljiv, toda v luknji, ko se ta vrti, fiksen. Obračanje blokimega zatiča v njegovi luknji bi imelo za posledico, da konec ohišnega pridržalnega zatiča nič več ne bi bil poravnan s plaščno ploskvijo valjastega jedra. Blokimi zatič utegne povzročiti nehoteno zablokiranje jedra v ohišju ali nehoteno ubiranje ohišnega pridržalnega zatiča med vrtenjem.The locking pin is axially movable, but fixed in the hole when it rotates. Turning the locking pin in its hole would result in the end of the housing retaining pin no longer being aligned with the cylindrical face of the cylindrical core. Blocking pins can cause the core in the case to lock inadvertently, or cause the housing retaining pin to be unintentionally locked while rotating.

Koristno je tudi, da ima vsaj en nadaljnji sosedni utor na bradi ključa značilnosti patentnega zahtevka 1.It is also advantageous that at least one further adjacent groove on the key beard has the features of claim 1.

Da se kavljem ostrih robov izognemo na vsem ozobljenem polju, je nadalje praktično, da imajo vsi variacijski utori v polju med brado ključa in vodilnimi utori v srednjem polju značilnosti patentnega zahtevka 1.In order to avoid sharp edge hooks in all the toothed field, it is further practical that all variation grooves in the field between the key beard and the middle groove guide grooves have the characteristics of claim 1.

Koristno je, da blokimi zatič sestoji iz prvega in izsrednega drugega, na osnovni ploskvi nahajajočega se krožnega valja, da imata krožna valja različna premera, tako da gre pri krožnem valju manjšega premera za otipovalni konec in pri krožnem valju večjega premera za blokimi konec.It is advantageous for the block pins to consist of a first and a lateral second, circular cylinder located on the base surface of the circular cylinder, that the circular cylinders have different diameters so that the circular cylinder of the smaller diameter is the tactile end and the circular cylinder of the larger diameter is behind the block end.

Izumska postavitev blokimega zatiča je porok za to, da se blokirni zatič ne zasuka ven iz položaja niti še po večkratnem vstavljanju in izvlečenju ploščatega ključa ne. Ven zasukan blokimi zatič bi obenem z že omenjenim blokiranjem in blokiranjem prek poševnine v polju konca pri ohišni strani štrlel predaleč v kanal ključa, tako da v kanal ključa ne bi mogli vtakniti prav nobenega ključa, niti avtoriziranega ne.The inventive placement of the locking pin is a guarantee that the locking pin does not rotate out of position, or even after repeatedly inserting and removing the flat key. At the same time, the twisted locking pins would protrude too far into the key channel with the aforementioned blocking and tilting in the end box at the housing side, so that no key could be inserted into the key channel, nor authorized.

Praktično je, da se otipovalni konec blokimega zatiča premakne v utor spodrezanega profila in da ga iz tega profiliranega utora s ploščatim ključem s spodrezanim rebrom lahko premaknemo nazaj.It is practical to move the touching end of the locking pin into the groove of the undercut profile and to move it back from that profiled groove with the flat key with the undercut rib.

Otipovalni konec blokimega zatiča torej leži neposredno počez v spodrezanem profiliranem utoru/rebru in s tem zagotavlja, da se da cilindrično ključavnico odkleniti/zakleniti zgolj z avtoriziranim ključem. Otipovalni konec zadene tisto rebro ključa, ki se ga preizkuša, ugotovi njegov obstoj in ne vdre v utor, ki je pri ponarejenem ključu preveč izrezan.The touching end of the locking pin therefore lies directly in the undercut profiled groove / rib, thus ensuring that the cylindrical lock can only be unlocked / locked with an authorized key. The touch end hits that rib of the key being tested, determines its existence and does not break into the groove, which is too cut in the fake key.

Blokimi zatič ima v polju otipovalnega konca prednostno manjši premer, da se poveča njegova zanesljivost. Ta značilnost pri uporabi omogoča bolj natančno preverjanje ključa.The block pins preferably have a smaller diameter in the field of the tactile end to increase its reliability. This feature allows for more accurate key verification when used.

Pri rezkanju vzdolžnega utora in profila vzdolž brade ključa se lahko pojavi nezaželen srh (iglica), ki oteži ali prepreči vtaknitev ključa v valjasto jedro. Omenjeni srh je treba odstraniti z odgovarjajočo obdelavo površine, kot je krtačenje ali peskanje. Postopki odstranjevanja srha pa so pomanjkljivi, saj se gradivo odstranjuje tudi tam, kjer srha ni. To se spet negativno odraža na ohranjanju vseh dimenzij ploščatega ključa kot celote.When milling the longitudinal groove and profile along the beard of the key, an unwanted burr (needle) may occur, making it difficult or preventing the key to be inserted into the cylindrical core. Said scab should be removed by proper surface treatment such as brushing or sandblasting. However, there is a lack of debris removal procedures as material is removed even where debris is absent. This again has a negative effect on maintaining all dimensions of the flat key as a whole.

Tej pomanjkljivosti se izognemo s postopkom po izumu, po katerem ima surovec ključa vnaprej določene, na ploskih straneh v osni smeri potekajoče utore širine med 0,1 mm in 0,3 mm in globine med 0,05 mm in 0,2 mm, prednostno okoli 0,1 mm, ki jih v ploskih straneh izdelamo potem in uporabimo za vzpostavitev aksialnih variacijskih utorov v ploskih straneh surovcev ključa s premikanjem rezkalne glave rezkalnega stroja nazaj in naprej na ploskem ključu. Prednost take izdelave surovca ključa je, da do srha, ki bi oteževal vtikanje v valjasto jedro, pri rezkanju utorov in zobcev ne pride, saj gradiva, potrebnega na surovcu ključa, več ni. Ploščati ključ ima razen tega na preostali površini dimenzije visoke natančnosti, tako da kakršno koli dodatno krtačenje ali peskanje ni več potrebno.This disadvantage is avoided by the method of the invention according to which the key blank has pre-defined grooves between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm wide and between 0.05 mm and 0.2 mm deep on the planar sides in the axial direction. about 0.1 mm, which is then made in the flat sides and used to establish the axial variation grooves in the flat sides of the key blanks by moving the milling head of the milling machine back and forth on the flat key. The advantage of such a key blank is that it does not occur when milling the grooves and teeth, which would make it difficult to insert into the cylindrical core, since the material required on the key blank is no longer present. The flat key also has a high precision dimension on the rest of the surface, so any additional brushing or sandblasting is no longer required.

Posebno prednostno je, če imajo utori polkrožen, trapezoiden ali pravokoten prečni presek. Prednost trapezoidno oblikovanega utora je, da se da pri obstoječem dnu utora in izdelovalnih tolerancah narediti širši utor, medtem ko rezkalni profili ne dopuščajo pojava neželenih srhov.It is particularly advantageous if the grooves have a semicircular, trapezoidal or rectangular cross-section. The advantage of a trapezoid shaped groove is that a wider groove can be made at the existing groove floor and manufacturing tolerances, while milling profiles do not allow the appearance of unwanted flakes.

Prednostno tudi je, da je na stičišču ploskih strani in bokov utorov oziroma stičišču bokov utorov in dnom utorov polmer. Ploščat ključ, narejen iz surovca ključa po tem izumu, na ta način dobi na stičišču med bočnimi stranicami utorov in ploskima stranema ploščatega ključa, če gledamo prečni presek ključa, v celoti zaokrožene obrise.It is also preferred that there is a radius at the intersection of the flat sides and the sides of the grooves, or the junction of the flanks of the grooves and the bottom of the grooves. A flat key made from a key blank according to the invention thus obtains, in the junction between the sides of the slots and the flat sides of the flat key, by looking at the cross-section of the key, completely rounded outlines.

Nadalje je prednostno, da dolžina polmera ustreza polovici boka utora.It is further preferred that the length of the radius corresponds to half the side of the groove.

Če iz surovca ključa izfrezamo na ploski strani neposredno drug poleg drugega potekajoče utore, katerih dna se nahajajo drugo tik drugega, tvorijo preostala stičišča bokov utorov med dni utorov vzdolž ploščatega ključa ostroroba rebra.If the key blank is cut on the flat side directly next to each other, the running grooves, whose bottoms are adjacent to each other, form the remaining junctions of the flanks of the grooves between the groove days along the flat key of the edge of the rib.

Do te pomanjkljivosti ne pride, če je v stičišču ploskih strani med majhnimi boki utorov in dnom utora vsakokrat predviden polmer. Preostali srh, ki predstavlja vir poškodb, se odstrani, ko rezkalno glavo umaknemo nazaj, kar teija postopek strojne obdelave.This disadvantage does not occur if the radius at each junction of the flat sides between the small flanks of the slots and the bottom of the groove is always provided. The remaining debris, which is the source of the damage, is removed when the milling head is pulled back, which undergoes a machining process.

Slednjič je prednostno, da dolžina polmera ustreza polovici boka utora. To pomeni prihranek pri menjavi orodja.Lastly, it is preferred that the length of the radius corresponds to half the side of the groove. This means saving money when changing gears.

Primer izdelave predmeta izuma je ponazorjen v priloženih skicah. Tam kažejo:An example of the manufacture of an object of the invention is illustrated in the accompanying drawings. There they show:

SL. 1 detajl običajnega ploščatega ključa v prostorski predstavitvi,FIG. 1 detail of a standard flat key in a space presentation,

SL. 2 rez po črti II-II s SL. 1,FIG. 2 shows a cut along line II-II of FIG. 1,

SL. 3 in 4 primera izumskega ploščatega ključa, vsakokrat v prečnem prerezu,FIG. 3 and 4 examples of an inventive flat key, each in cross section,

SL. 5 detajl, vzet s skice SL. 4,FIG. 5 is a detail taken from FIG. 4,

SL. 6 do 8 izumsko cilindrično ključavnico vsakokrat v prerezu prečno na vzdolžno os i.s. SL. 6 stanje z izvlečenim ključem, SL. 7 stanje z vtaknjenim ključem in SL. 8 stanje kot na SL. 7, toda z zasukanim valjastim jedrom,FIG. 6 to 8, the inventive cylindrical lock, each in cross section, transversely to the longitudinal axis i.s. FIG. Fig. 6 shows the state with the key extracted, FIG. 7 shows the keyed state and FIG. 8 as in FIG. 7, but with a rotated cylindrical core,

SL. 9 in 10 posebej blokimi zatič v drugačni izvedbi,FIG. 9 and 10 separately locking pins in a different embodiment,

SL. 11 cilindrično ključavnico v prečnem prerezu, brez ključa in gibljivih zatičev, tako da se vidijo stranski ležiščni odcepi valjastega jedra,FIG. 11 is a cylindrical lock in cross section, without key and movable pins, so that the lateral bearing branches of the cylindrical core are visible,

SL. 12 uporabljeni ploščat ključ, v prečnem prerezu, narejen iz surovca ključa po SL. 13,FIG. 12 is a cross-sectional key used in cross-section made from a key blank according to FIG. 13,

SL. 13 surovec ključa v prečnem prerezu,FIG. 13 key blank in cross section,

SL. 14 ploščat ključ v narisni projekciji,FIG. 14 flat key in outline projection,

SL. 15 detajl malega utora po SL. 12, inFIG. 15 is a detail of a small groove according to FIG. 12, and

SL. 16 variacijo k SL. 15, ko mali utor dobi trapezoiden prečni presek.FIG. 16 is a variation of FIG. 15, when the small groove receives a trapezoidal cross-section.

Znani običajni ploščati ključi 1 po SL. 1, 2 vsebujejo vodilna utora 3, 3' v srednjem polju na v bistvu vzporednih ploskih straneh 2, 2'. Polja zgoraj v smeri hrbta 8 ključa in spodaj v smeri brade 9 ključa so na voljo za nadaljnja vodilna utora 4, 4' in variacijska utora 11, 12. V polju brade 9 ključa sta obe ploski strani 2, 2' v smeri dol proti srednji ravnini ključa poševni. Globina utorov 3, 3', 4, 4', 11, 12 običajno znaša okoli 0,6 mm do 0,8 mm.Known plain flat keys 1 according to FIG. 1, 2 comprise guide grooves 3, 3 'in the middle field on substantially parallel planar sides 2, 2'. Fields upstream of the key 8 back and downstream of the key 9 beard are available for further guide grooves 4, 4 'and variation grooves 11, 12. In the key 9 beard field, both flat sides 2, 2' are downward toward the middle key plane oblique. The groove depths 3, 3 ', 4, 4', 11, 12 are usually about 0.6 mm to 0.8 mm.

Skici SL. 1, 2 kažeta ploščat ključ 1, ki ima na ploski strani 2 neposredno pri prehodu k bradi 9 ključa utor 12. Utor 12 ima dno 26 in boka 21, 21', ki sta postavljena na splošno pod pravim kotom na srednjo ravnino ključa. S SL. 1 se vzdolž brade 9 ključa vidi izfrezano zobčenje 20, ki v smeri ploske strani 2 denimo lahko tvori ostrorobo roko 22, ki ima bok 21' utora in utor 12.Sketches FIG. 1, 2 show a flat key 1 having a groove 12 on the flat side 2 directly to the chin 9 passage, 9. The groove 12 has a bottom 26 and flanks 21, 21 ', which are generally generally at right angles to the central plane of the key. S FIG. 1, a bevelled toothed 20 can be seen along the beard 9 of the key, which, for example, in the direction of the flat side 2 can for example form a sharp-edged arm 22 having a flank 21 'of the groove and a groove 12.

Skica SL. 3 po drugi plati kaže izumski ploščat ključ 1', ki ima nekako v svoji vzdolžni sredini prekrivajoč se vodilni profil z utoroma 3, 3', potekajočima na središčni črti profila. Tovrstna zasnova izpolnjuje nalogo vodilnega profila, tj. ploščati ključ Γ s pozicioniranjem v kanalu za ključ pokriva zatiče 37 jedra na glavni strani in preprečuje posiljevanje cilindrične ključavnice 31. Odcepni utor 3 se začne pri stranskem boku utora 3'. Smer rezanja pri izdelavi utora 3' se od smeri rezanja pri izdelavi odcepnega utora 3 razlikuje. Tako sta za različni smeri strojne obdelave potrebni dve operaciji strojne obdelave in prevpetje surovca ključa ali pa je potrebno posebno posnemalno orodje.Sketch of FIG. 3 shows, on the other side, an inventive flat key 1 'having somehow in its longitudinal center an overlapping guide profile with grooves 3, 3' extending at the center line of the profile. This kind of design fulfills the task of leading profile, ie. flat key Γ by positioning in the keyway covers the pins 37 of the core on the main side and prevents the cylinder lock 31 from being raped. The breakaway groove 3 starts at the lateral side of the groove 3 ′. The cutting direction when making groove 3 'is different from the cutting direction when making groove 3'. Thus, different machining directions require two machining operations and a key blank blank or a special imitation tool is required.

Skica SL. 3 nadalje kaže bok 23 utora 12', ki s srednjo ravnino ploščatega ključa 1' oklepa kot a velikosti 45°. Ploskost boka 23 utora v smeri ploske strani 2 in brade 9 ključa omogoča, da so rebra 24, ki potekajo blizu brade 9 ključa, ko ključ gledamo v njegovem prečnem preseku, topo prisekana, tj., boki se ne končajo z vrhom. Variacijska utora 11, 12' sta dejanska utora ploščatega ključa 1, medtem ko variacijski utori 10 zgolj simbolizirajo možne utore, kijih stroj ni izdelal.Sketch of FIG. 3 further shows the side 23 of the groove 12 ', which with the median plane of the flat wrench 1' encloses a angle of 45 °. The plane of the side 23 of the groove in the direction of the flat side 2 and chin 9 of the key allows the ribs 24 extending close to the chin 9 of the key, when viewed in its cross section, to be bluntly cut, i.e., the hips do not end with the tip. Variation grooves 11, 12 'are the actual grooves of flat key 1, while variation grooves 10 merely symbolize possible grooves that the machine did not produce.

Bok 23' utora je proti srednji ravnini ploščatega ključa 1' postavljen pod kotom β, ki meri 93°. Koti β, ki merijo več kot 90°, prednostno med 93° in 97°, imajo to prednost, da se z možnimi sosednimi utori 10 doseže večje prekritje. Na ta način število možnih utorov naraste na 10 na plosko stran. Rezkalno glavo, ki jo uporabimo, se tudi da bolj mimo voditi, saj če grozi nevarnost, da pride do zataknitve, zadošča že minimalen odmik rezkalne glave od ploščatega ključa Γ, da več ne leži na boku 23' utora in gre gladko preko.The side 23 'of the groove is positioned at an angle β of 93 ° with respect to the median plane of the flat key 1'. Angles β measuring more than 90 °, preferably between 93 ° and 97 °, have the advantage of achieving greater overlap with possible adjacent grooves 10. This increases the number of possible grooves to 10 per flat side. The milling head to be used is also more passable, since if there is a risk of jamming, it is sufficient to keep the milling head away from the flat wrench Γ so that it no longer lies on the side of the 23 ′ groove and goes smoothly over.

V primeru, da pri ploščatem ključu 1 rezkamo sosedne utore 25 po SL. 4, katerih boki se sekajo pri razmiku med dnemi utorov, po rezkanju ostanejo razasta rebra 27. SL. 5 kaže povečan detajl takega rebra 27. Ker taka rebra 27 predstavljajo nevarnost poškodb uporabnika ploščatega ključa 1, se, če se da rezkalno glavo premakniti nazaj, ta rebra 27 vedno odstrani tedaj z odstranitvijo gradiva s stranjo rezkalne glave, prednostno s tisto, ki izfreza dno 26 utora.In the case of flat key 1, the adjacent grooves 25 in FIG. 4, whose hips intersect at the distance between the days of the grooves, after milling, the remaining ribs remain 27. FIG. 5 shows an enlarged detail of such a rib 27. Since such ribs 27 present a risk of injury to the user of the flat wrench 1, if the milling head can be moved backwards, these ribs 27 are always removed by removing material with the milling head side, preferably the cutter side. bottom 26 slots.

Utori 10, 11, 12', ki imajo dno 26, ki poteka nagnjeno glede na ali vzporedno s srednjo ravnino ključa, ključ s svojimi razsežnimi koritastimi ali trapezoidno oblikovanimi dotikalnimi površinami vodjo bolje od utorov s trikotnim prečnim presekom.The grooves 10, 11, 12 'having a bottom 26 extending inclined with respect to or parallel to the median plane of the key, the key with its large trough or trapezoidal shaped contact surfaces guide better than grooves with a triangular cross-section.

Po SL. 3, 4 imajo utori 10, 12, 25 kot prehod od bokov 23, 23' utorov k dnu 26 polmer, da se nevarnost, da se ploščati ključ Γ, 1 pri vtikanju v cilinder zatakne, zmanjša na minimum.According to FIG. 3, 4, grooves 10, 12, 25 have a radius from the flanks 23, 23 'of the grooves to the bottom 26 to minimize the risk of the flat key Γ, 1 being stuck in the cylinder.

Po SL. 6 obsega cilindrična ključavnica 31 v ohišju 32 vrtljivo jedro 33 z aksialnim kanalom 34 za ključ. Od valjastega jedra 33 vodijo v ohišje 34 radialne luknje 35. V luknjah 35 se nahajajo ovzmeteni, premakljivi ohišni pridržalni zatiči 36 in pridržalni zatiči 37 jedra. Valjasto jedro 33 ima v svojem prečnem preseku skoznji izrez 39 za pridržalni zatič, speljan od kanala 34 za ključ proti plaščni ploskvi 38. S skice SL. 6 se vidi, da izrez 39 tvorita vrečasta luknja 40 in skoznja luknja 41, ki se bočno zliva s kanalom 34 za ključ in je postavljena izsredno glede na dno luknje. Po SL. 6 je v izrez 39 prosto premakljivo vložen blokimi zatič 42, ki ga pridržalni zatič 37 jedra, ko izvlečemo ploščati ključ 43, pritisne k ohišni luknji 44.According to FIG. 6 comprises a cylindrical lock 31 in the housing 32 of a rotary core 33 with an axial groove 34 for the key. From the cylindrical core 33, the radial holes 35 are guided into the housing 34. The holes 35 contain suspension, movable housing retaining pins 36 and retaining pins 37 of the core. The cylindrical core 33 has in its cross-section through a cutout 39 for the retaining pin, driven from the channel 34 for the key against the sheath 38. From FIG. 6, it is seen that the recess 39 is formed by a bag hole 40 and a through hole 41, which laterally merges with the key channel 34 and is positioned extending substantially relative to the bottom of the hole. According to FIG. 6, the locking pin 42 is freely movable in the recess 39, which is pressed by the retaining pin 37 of the core when the flat key 43 is pulled out to the housing hole 44.

Blokimi zatič 42 sestoji iz prvega valja 45 in drugega valja 46, pri čemer je valj 45 postavljen izsredno neposredno na osnovni ploskvi valja 46. Valj 45 je vtaknjen v skoznjo luknjo 41. Valj 46 se nahaja v vrečasti luknji 40. Valj 46 je prirejen ploski osnovni ploskvi ohišne luknje 44 na nasprotni strani ohišne luknje 44, ki predstavlja blokimi konec 47 blokimega zatiča 42, na krožni cilindrični plaščni površini ohišne luknje 44.The locking pins 42 consist of a first cylinder 45 and a second cylinder 46, the cylinder 45 being positioned directly directly on the base surface of the cylinder 46. The cylinder 45 is inserted through the hole 41. The cylinder 46 is located in the bag hole 40. The cylinder 46 is arranged flat the base surface of the housing hole 44 on the opposite side of the housing hole 44, which represents the block end 47 of the locking pin 42, on the circular cylindrical jacket surface of the housing hole 44.

Pred vtaknitvijo odgovarjajočega ploščatega ključa 43 po SL. 7 v kanal 34 za ključ ubimega obrisa se blokimi zatič 42, kot že pojasnjeno, nahaja v nazaj povlečenem položaju izven kanala 34 za ključ od pridržalnega zatiča 47 jedra. Otipovalni konec 48 valja 45 se ploske strani ploščatega ključa 43 ali enega od reber 49, ko je ključ 43 vtaknjen v kanal 44 za ključ, ne dotika. Posledica tega je posebno dolga obratovalna doba blokimega zatiča 42.Before inserting the corresponding flat key 43 of FIG. 7 into the channel 34 for the key of the killed contour, the locking pin 42, as already explained, is in the backward-drawn position outside the channel 34 for the key from the retaining pin 47 of the core. The touching end 48 of the cylinder 45 does not touch the flat side of the flat key 43 or one of the ribs 49 when the key 43 is inserted into the key channel 44. This results in a particularly long service life of the locking pin 42.

SL. 7 kaže, da sta pri vtaknjenem ploščatem ključu 43 pridržalni zatič 37 jedra in ohišni pridržalni zatič 46 glede na delilno ravnino med ohišjem 32 in valjastim jedrom 33 poravnana, pa je zato obračanje valjastega jedra, denimo v smeri puščice A, mogoče.FIG. 7 shows that, with the flat key 43 inserted, the retaining pin 37 of the core and the retaining retaining pin 46 are aligned with respect to the dividing plane between the housing 32 and the cylindrical core 33, so that turning of the cylindrical core, for example in the direction of arrow A, is possible.

Med dnom slepe luknje 40 in osnovno ploskvijo valja 46 obstaja hod X. Po SL. 7 pa blokirni zatič ni premakljiv, saj ga vkleščenega drži lice ploščatega ključa 43.There is a stroke X between the bottom of the blind hole 40 and the base surface of the cylinder 46. FIG. 7, however, the locking pin is not movable as it is held in place by the face of the flat key 43.

SL. 8 kaže valjasto jedro 33 zasukano v ohišju 32, pri čemer gre za uporabo ponarejenega ključa 43'. Za razliko od ploščatega ključa 43 ploščati ključ 43' nima reber 49, temveč frezano polje v obliki profiliranega utora 50. Če valjasto jedro 33 zasukamo v položaj po SL. 8, se vzmetno podprti ohišni pridržalni zatič 36 lahko premakne v vrečasto luknjo 40 in blokimi zatič 43 premakne za hod X v smeri ploščatega ključa 43'. To je možno, saj pri ponarejenem ploščatem ključu 43' rebra 49 ni in otipovalni konec 48 blokimega zatiča se lahko pogrezne v profilirani utor 50.FIG. 8 shows a cylindrical core 33 rotated in a housing 32, using a forged key 43 '. Unlike flat wrench 43, flat wrench 43 'does not have ribs 49 but a milled field shaped like a profiled groove 50. If the cylindrical core 33 is rotated to the position of FIG. 8, the spring-supported housing retaining pin 36 can be moved into the bag hole 40 and the locking pins 43 are moved by stroke X in the direction of the flat key 43 '. This is possible since the counterfeit flat key 43 'of the rib 49 is absent and the tactile end 48 of the locking pin may sink into the profiled groove 50.

Obračanje valjastega jedra 33 ni več možno, saj je ohišni pri držalni zatič 36 ujet v vrečasti luknji 40.Turning the cylindrical core 33 is no longer possible since the housing of the retaining pin 36 is trapped in the bag hole 40.

Da preprečimo tovrstno ponavljajoče se odstranjevanje ponarejenega ploščatega ključa 43', je praktično, da obstaja sploščenost valjastega jedra 33 v skladu s črto 51, saj je s tem olajšano obračanje valjastega jedra nazaj proti smeri puščice A. Ponarejeni ključ 43' lahko vnovič odstranimo nazaj grede.In order to prevent such repetitive removal of the counterfeit flat key 43 ', it is practical to have a flattened cylindrical core 33 in line with line 51, since this facilitates the rotation of the cylindrical core back towards the direction of arrow A. The counterfeit key 43' can be re-removed by the beams .

Skici SL. 9, 10 kažeta drugačen blokimi zatič 42' enkrat v pogledu od strani, drugič v osni smeri, ki je sploščen (sploščenost 52) za povečanje zanesljivosti otipavanja v polju otipovalnega konca 48'.Sketches FIG. 9, 10 show different locking pins 42 'once in side view, second in an axial direction which is flattened (flattening 52) to increase the touch reliability in the field of the tactile end 48'.

Blokimi zatič 42 je zelo gospodarno narejen kot del iz sintrane trde kovine.The block pin 42 is made very economically as part of a sintered hard metal.

Po SL. 12 se v srednjem polju na domala vzporednih ploskih straneh 2, 2' nahajata vodilna utora 3, 3'. Polji zgoraj v smeri hrbta 8 ključa in polji spodaj v smeri brade 9 ključa so na voljo za nadaljnja vodilna utora 4 (SL. 14), 4' in variacijske utore 10, 11. Pri variacijskih utorih 11, kot so predstavljeni na skici SL. 12, gre za utore, konkretno izdelane na ploščatem ključu 1, medtem ko gre pri variacijskih utorih 10 za možnosti izdelave utorov, ki v narisanem stanju še niso realizirane.According to FIG. 12, the leading grooves 3, 3 'are located in the middle field on substantially parallel planar sides 2, 2'. The fields above in the direction of the back 8 of the key and the fields below in the direction of the beard 9 of the key are available for further guide grooves 4 (FIG. 14), 4 'and variation grooves 10, 11. For variation slots 11 as shown in FIG. 12, these are grooves specifically made on flat wrench 1, while variation grooves 10 are groove options that have not yet been realized in the drawn state.

V stičišču z utori izvedenih stranskih bokov 5 s ploskima stranema 2, 2' so predvideni mali utori 6. Ti mali utori 6 se raztezajo po vsej dolžini ploskih strani 2, 2' ploščatega ključa 1 in imajo širino utorov med 0,1 mm in 0,3 mm ter globino utorov med 0,05 mm in 0,2 mm. V primerjavi s tem imajo utori 10, 11 globino okoli 0,6 mm do 0,8 mm. Pri prednostnih razsežnostih po obdelavi malih utorov 6, 6' gre za širino utorov okoli 0,2 mm in globino utorov okoli 0,1 mm.In the junction with the grooves of the derived lateral flanks 5 with the flat sides 2, 2 ', small grooves are provided 6. These small grooves 6 extend over the entire length of the flat sides 2, 2' of the flat wrench 1 and have a groove width between 0.1 mm and 0 , 3 mm and groove depth between 0.05 mm and 0.2 mm. In comparison, the grooves 10, 11 have a depth of about 0.6 mm to 0.8 mm. Preferred dimensions after machining small grooves 6, 6 'have a groove width of about 0.2 mm and groove depth of about 0.1 mm.

V prednostni izvedbi imajo mali utori 6 polkrožen prečni presek, pri čemer premer ustreza želeni širini utora.In a preferred embodiment, the small grooves 6 have a semicircular cross-section, the diameter corresponding to the desired groove width.

SL. 13 kaže izumski surovec 7 ključa z na ploskih straneh 2, 2' že izdelanimi malimi utori 6. Mali utori 6, 6' so na zadevni ploski strani 2, 2' razporejeni na presečišču ožlebljenih stranskih bokov 5 ploščatega ključa 1 pri možnih variacijskih utorih 3, 3', 4, 4', 5, 5', 10, 11.FIG. 13 shows an inventive blank 7 of a key with flat grooves 2, 2 'already made. 6. Small grooves 6, 6' are arranged on the respective flat side 2, 2 'at the intersection of the grooved side flanks 5 of the flat wrench 1 for possible variation grooves 3. , 3 ', 4, 4', 5, 5 ', 10, 11.

Na SL. 15 je ponazorjen detajl tega stičišča.In FIG. 15 is a detail of this junction.

Namen malih utorov 6 je preprečiti pojav neželenih srhov pri rezkanju profila ključa ali variacijskih utorov 3, 3', 4, 4', 5, 5', 10, 11 v ploskih straneh 2, 2' (če do srhov pride, le-ti ležijo znotraj načrtovanega obrisa ključa in ne povzročajo problemov). Srhi utegnejo imeti negativen učinek na odklepalno/zaklepalno funkcijo ploščatega ključa 1, tako daje to napravo vsekakor treba dati v postopek mehanske obdelave površine, denimo krtačenje ali peskanje, da se srhi odstranijo.The purpose of the small grooves 6 is to prevent the occurrence of unwanted burrs when milling the key profile or variation grooves 3, 3 ', 4, 4', 5, 5 ', 10, 11 in the flat sides 2, 2' (if burrs occur, they are they lie within the planned contour of the key and do not cause problems). Scratches can have a detrimental effect on the unlocking / locking function of the flat key 1, so this device should definitely be subjected to a mechanical surface treatment, such as brushing or sandblasting, to remove scuffs.

Pri nastajanju izumske stvaritve se je izkazalo, da se ploščati ključ 1 v neprikazano cilindrično ključavnico zlahka vstavlja in iz nje izvleče, če se mali utori 6 poleg tega, da gre pri njih za polkrožni prečni presek, v zadevno plosko stran 2, 2' stečejo prek zaokrožitev.In the creation of the invention, it has been shown that the flat key 1 is easily inserted into and removed from the non-displayed cylindrical lock if the small grooves 6, in addition to being a semicircular cross-section, flow into the respective flat side 2, 2 ' through rounding.

SL. 16 kaže različico izvedbe s SL. 15, pri čemer ima mali utor 6' trapezoiden prečni presek in so stičišča ploske strani 2 z boki 14 malih utorov ter stičišča malih utorov 14 z dnom 15 malih utorov vsakokrat zaokrožena. Mali utor 6' zadobi večjo širino utora pri majhnem dnu 15 utora, kar je potrebno za preprečitev neželenih srhov, ki nastajajo, ko rezkamo zobce na predpisane odstopke.FIG. 16 shows an embodiment of FIG. 15, wherein the small groove 6 'has a trapezoidal cross-section and the intersections of the flat side 2 with the flanks 14 of the small grooves and the junctions of the small grooves 14 with the bottom of the 15 small grooves are rounded each time. The small groove 6 'obtains a larger groove width at the small bottom 15 grooves, which is necessary to prevent unwanted flakes that occur when cutting the teeth to the prescribed tolerances.

Claims (18)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Ploščat ključ za cilindrične ključavnice z v splošnem planima in domala vzporednima ploskima stranema ključa s hrbtom ključa in z, na nasprotni osnovni ploskvi, nazobčano brado ključa za položajno namestitev drugi od drugih ločenih pri držalnih zatičev jedra in pridržalnih zatičev ohišja, ki so ovzmeteni v odgovarjajočem kanalu za ključ v valjastem jedru proti robu brade ključa v smeri hrbta ključa, pri čemer so kot profilirani variacij ski elementi in kot profilirani vodilni elementi predvideni v plosko stran ploščatega ključa vrezani utori, od katerih vsaj od enega utora v ploščatem ključu izhaja odcepni utor, katerega smer se od smeri utora razlikuje, pri čemer je odcepni utor kot vodilni utor predviden na odmiku od dna utora, značilen po tem, da gre vsaj pri utoru (12'), ki je na ploski strani (2) ključa neposredno pri polju (9) brade ključa, za koritast utor, pri čemer bok (23) utora (12') s srednjo ravnino ploščatega ključa (Γ) oklepa kot a velikosti manj kot 90°, prednostno med 30° in 45°, in drugi bok (23') utora (12') s srednjo ravnino ploščatega ključa (Γ) oklepa kot β velikosti med 93° in 97°.1. Flat key for cylindrical locks in the general plan and substantially parallel flat sides of the key with the back of the key and with, on the opposite base face, a serrated beard of the key for positioning one from the other separate from the retaining pins of the core and retaining pins of the housing which are suspended in the corresponding key channel in the cylindrical core towards the edge of the beard of the key in the direction of the back of the key, wherein grooves are provided as profiled variation elements and profiled guiding elements, of which at least one groove in the flat key is provided with a cleavage groove , the direction of which differs from the direction of the groove, the breakaway groove being provided as a guide groove at a distance from the bottom of the groove, characterized in that it is at least in the groove (12 '), which is on the flat side (2) of the key directly in the field (9) key beard, for a trough groove, wherein the flank (23) of the groove (12 ') with the median plane of the flat key (Γ) curves as a sizes less than 90 °, preferably between 30 ° and 45 °, and the second flank (23 ') of the groove (12') with the median plane of the flat wrench (Γ) encloses as β sizes between 93 ° and 97 °. 2. Ploščat ključ po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da ima vsaj en nadaljnji utor (10), ki je soseden bradi (9) ključa, v zahtevku 1 navedene značilnosti.Flat key according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one further groove (10) adjacent to the key beard (9) has the characteristics specified in claim 1. 3. Ploščat ključ po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da imajo vsi variacijski utori (10, 11) v polju med brado (9) ključa in vodilnimi utori (3) na sredi značilnosti patentnega zahtevka 1.Flat wrench according to claim 1, characterized in that all the variation grooves (10, 11) have in the field between the beard (9) of the key and the guide grooves (3) in the middle of the features of claim 1. 4. Cilindrične ključavnice na ploščat ključ po enem od zahtevkov 1 do 3 z vrtljivim, v ohišju nahajajočim se valjastim jedrom z aksialnim kanalom za ključ in radialnimi luknjami, ki se nadaljujejo v ohišje in v katerih se v smeri kanala za ključ nahajajo dvojice ovzmetenih pridržalnih zatičev ohišja in pridržalnih zatičev jedra in so pridržalni zatiči ohišja v danem primeru deljeni na ploščice, valjasto jedro ima od zaklepalne steze do zunanje plaščne površine jedra potekajoč izrez, v katerega je vložen blokirni zatič z otipovalnim koncem, nahajajočim se na strani ploske strani ključa, pri čemer so v kanalu za ključ predvidena rebra kot elementi za variiranje profila in kot profilirani vodilni elementi, pri čemer je vsaj od enega rebra odcepljeno odcepno rebro, katerega smer je drugačna od smeri rebra in se odcepno rebro nahaja na odmiku od osnove vodilnega rebra, značilne po tem, da je v kanalu (34) za ključ narejen, kot slepa luknja (40), izrez (39) z glede na os luknje izsredno nahajajočo se odprtino (41) v dnu luknje, pri čemer je vanju vstavljen blokimi zatič (42), katerega izsredno postavljen otipovalni konec sega skozi odprtino (41).Flat-plate cylindrical locks according to one of Claims 1 to 3 with a rotatable cylindrical core located in the housing with an axial keyhole and radial holes extending into the housing and in which there are two suspended locking holds in the direction of the keyhole. the pins of the housing and the retaining pins of the core and the retaining pins of the housing are optionally divided into tiles, the cylindrical core having a recess from the locking track to the outer mantle surface of the core into which a locking pin with a tactile end located on the side of the flat side of the key is inserted, the rib channel being provided with ribs as profile variation members and profiled guiding members, wherein at least one rib has a split rib whose direction is different from the rib direction and the twin rib is at a distance from the base of the guide rib, characterized in that a key hole (40) is made in the groove (34), a cutout (39) with respect to the axis of the hole, an extremely open hole (41) in the bottom of the hole, with a locking pin (42) inserted therein, a tangently arranged tactile end extending through the opening (41). 5. Cilindrične ključavnice po zahtevku 4, značilne po tem, da gre pri rebrn v polju zatičev (37) jedra, ki je neposredno sosedno dnu kanala za ključ, za trapezoidno rebro, pri čemer bok rebra s srednjo ravnino kanala za ključ oklepa kot a velikosti manj kot 90°, prednostno med 30° in 45°, in drugi bok rebra s srednjo ravnino kanala za ključ oklepa kot β velikosti med 93° in 97°.Cylindrical locks according to Claim 4, characterized in that the ribs in the field of pins (37) of the core immediately adjacent to the bottom of the key channel are trapezoidal ribs, wherein the flank of the ribs with the median plane of the keyhole channels as a sizes less than 90 °, preferably between 30 ° and 45 °, and the second flank of the rib with the median plane of the keyhole arm encloses angle β of size between 93 ° and 97 °. 6. Cilindrične ključavnice po zahtevku 5, značilne po tem, da ima vsaj eno nadaljnje variacijsko rebro v polju dna kanala za ključ značilnosti zahtevka 5.Cylindrical locks according to claim 5, characterized in that at least one further variation rib in the bottom channel box for the key has the features of claim 5. 7. Cilindrične ključavnice po zahtevku 5, značilne po tem, da imajo vsa variacijska rebra v polju med dnom kanala za ključ in vodilnimi rebri v srednjem polju značilnosti zahtevka 5.Cylindrical locks according to claim 5, characterized in that all the variation ribs in the field between the bottom of the key channel and the guide ribs in the middle field have the characteristics of claim 5. 8. Cilindrične ključavnice po enem od zahtevkov 4 do 7, značilne po tem, da blokimi zatič (42) sestoji iz prvega in na osnovni ploskvi le-tega izsredno postavljenega drugega krožnega valja (45, 46), ki imata različno velika premera, pri čemer gre pri krožnem valju (45) manjšega premera za otipovalni konec (48) in pri krožnem valju (46) večjega premera za blokimi konec.Cylindrical locks according to one of Claims 4 to 7, characterized in that the locking pins (42) consist of a first and second circular cylinder (45, 46) having a substantially different diameter at the base thereof. the smaller diameter circular cylinder (45) being the tactile end (48) and the larger diameter circular cylinder (46) behind the block end. 9. Cilindrične ključavnice po enem od zahtevkov 4 do 8, značilne po tem, da se otipovalni konec (48) blokimega zatiča (42) premakne ven v spodrezani profilirani utor (50) profiliranega kanala za ključ in ga lahko nazaj, ven iz tega profiliranega utora potisne ploščat ključ s spodrezanim rebrom (49).Cylindrical locks according to one of claims 4 to 8, characterized in that the tactile end (48) of the locking pin (42) moves out into the undercut profiled groove (50) of the profiled key channel and can be pulled back out of this profiled the groove is pushed by a flat key with an undercut rib (49). 10. Cilindrične ključavnice po enem od zahtevkov 4 do 9, značilne po tem, da ima blokirni zatič (42) v predelu otipovalnega konca (48) manjši premer, da je zanesljivost otipavanja večja.Cylindrical locks according to one of Claims 4 to 9, characterized in that the locking pin (42) has a smaller diameter in the area of the tactile end (48) to increase the reliability of the sensing. 11. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevkih 1 do 3, značilen po tem, da v ploskih straneh (2) surovca (7) ključa na stičišču vnaprej določenih utorov (3,3', 4, 4', 10, 11) in ploskih strani (2, 2') odstranimo v osni smeri male utore (6, 6'), katerih širina meri med 0,1 mm in 0,3 mm in globina med 0,05 mm in 0,2 mm, prednostno okoli 0,1 mm, nakar v ploskih straneh izdelamo vodilne utore in rezkalno glavo rezkalnega stroja pomaknemo nazaj in naprej za izdelavo aksialnih variacij skih utorov v ploskih stranicah surovca ključa.A method of manufacturing a flat key according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that in the flat sides (2) of the key (7) the key is at the junction of predetermined grooves (3,3 ', 4, 4', 10, 11) and flat the sides (2, 2 ') are removed in the axial direction by small grooves (6, 6') whose width measures between 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm and a depth between 0.05 mm and 0.2 mm, preferably about 0, 1 mm, then the guide grooves are made in the flat sides and the milling head of the milling machine is moved back and forth to produce axial variations of the grooves in the flat sides of the key blank. 12. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevku 11, značilen po tem, da imajo mali utori (6, 6') v prečnem preseku polkrožen obris.A method of manufacturing a flat wrench according to claim 11, characterized in that the small grooves (6, 6 ') have a semicircular outline in cross-section. 13. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevku 11, značilen po tem, da imajo mali utori (6, 6') v prečnem preseku trapezoiden obris.A method of manufacturing a flat key according to claim 11, characterized in that the small grooves (6, 6 ') have a trapezoidal outline in cross-section. 14. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevku 11, značilen po tem, da imajo mali utori (6, 6') v prečnem preseku pravokoten obris.A method of manufacturing a flat key according to claim 11, characterized in that the small grooves (6, 6 ') have a rectangular outline in cross-section. 15. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po enem od zahtevkov 11 do 14, značilen po tem, da so stičišča ploskih stranic (2, 2') z boki (14) utorov oziroma stičišča bokov (14) utorov z dnom (15) utorov zaokrožena.A method of manufacturing a flat key according to one of claims 11 to 14, characterized in that the junctions of the flat sides (2, 2 ') with the flanks (14) of the flanks or the junctions of the flanks (14) of the slots with the bottom (15) of the slots are rounded. 16. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevku 15, značilen po tem, da je dolžina polmera odmerjena na polovico boka (14) utora.A method of manufacturing a flat wrench according to claim 15, characterized in that the length of the radius is measured at half the side (14) of the groove. 17. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po enem od zahtevkov 11 do 16, značilen po tem, da po izfrezanju dveh sosednih, delno prekrivajočih se variacijskih utorov v ploski strani rebro, ki nastane med variacij skima utoroma, odffezamo ali ga odlomimo.A method of manufacturing a flat key according to one of claims 11 to 16, characterized in that after cutting two adjacent, partially overlapping variation grooves in the flat side, the rib formed during the variation grooves is cut off or broken. 18. Postopek izdelave ploščatega ključa po zahtevku 17, značilen po tem, da odfrezanje ali odlomljenje preostalega rebra izvedemo z uvlačilno rezkalno glavo, kakršno smo uporabili vsaj za izdelavo drugega utora.18. A method of manufacturing a flat wrench according to claim 17, characterized in that the cutting or breaking of the remaining rib is carried out with a retractable milling head, such as was used at least to produce a second groove.
SI200500222A 2004-08-03 2005-08-01 Flat key for cylinder lock, procedure of its manufacture and cylinderlock SI21853A (en)

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