SI20996A - Device for calculation and automatic cashless toll payment as well as for giving information on traffic flow - Google Patents

Device for calculation and automatic cashless toll payment as well as for giving information on traffic flow Download PDF


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SI20996A SI200100198A SI200100198A SI20996A SI 20996 A SI20996 A SI 20996A SI 200100198 A SI200100198 A SI 200100198A SI 200100198 A SI200100198 A SI 200100198A SI 20996 A SI20996 A SI 20996A
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Miroslav Marc
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  • Devices For Checking Fares Or Tickets At Control Points (AREA)


A device for calculation and automatic cashless payment of motorway tolls as well as for giving information on traffic flow consists of an assembly (1) in a vehicle, electron beams (2) transmitted by a transmitter (3) and a transmitter-receiver station (4) on a toll pay station. The assembly (1) includes a receiver-transmitter element (5) for receiving the electron beam (2), a payment card reader (6), a unit containing a price-and-vehicle database and a map with input toll settlement points or locations of respective toll pay stations which are interconnected and operated by a microprocessor (8) using a source (9) of electrical power, and a data transfer connector (10). The device according to the invention further consists of the receiver-transmitter station (4) on the toll pay station, which comprises a transmitter-receiver unit (11), a unit (12) for connection to a central computer (13) which is operating the stations (4) and through them supervising individual assemblies (1) in vehicles by updating their data if necessary.


Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je naprava za izračunavanje in brezgotovinsko samodejno plačevanje cestnin ter za informiranje o gibanju prometa, ki je prednostno predvidena za uporabo na avtocestah.The subject of the invention is a device for calculating and cashless automatic payment of tolls and for information on traffic movements, which is preferably provided for use on highways.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tako napravo, ki bo omogočala izračunavanje in brezgotovinsko samodejno plačevanje cestnine za posamezne velikostne razrede vozil in za določene cestne odseke, pri čemer bodo hkrati neosebni podatki posameznih vozil lahko informacijska baza za pregled nad potekom prometa.The technical problem solved by the invention is how to design a device that will allow the calculation and cashless automatic payment of tolls for individual vehicle classes and for certain road sections, while at the same time non-personal data of individual vehicles can be an information base for traffic control .

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znani negotovinski samodejni načini plačevanja so s predplačano elektronsko kartico, s katere se ob prevozu skozi kontrolno cestninsko postajo odšteje znesekKnown non-cash automatic payment methods are with a prepaid electronic card to deduct the amount when transported through a control toll station

27306 .doc/VI-01/D27-Vr za prevožen odsek. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je, da v razumnih cenovnih okvirih ni možno z elektronsko kartico upoštevati tudi plačilnega razreda vozila, ampak je cena enaka za vse vrste vozil.27306 .doc / VI-01 / D27-Vr for the section covered. The disadvantage of this solution is that, within reasonable price ranges, it is not possible to consider the vehicle's pay grade with an electronic card, but the price is the same for all vehicle types.

Nadaljnji problem takega načina plačevanja je velik strošek celotne infrastrukture cestninskih postaj, prav tako pa velika površina, ki jo zasedajo te postaje. Postavitev take cestninske postaje je večkrat tudi prostorski problem, posledica so kompromisne rešitve Zmanjšanje hitrosti pri prehodu take postaje zmanjšuje pretočnost ceste, pa tudi povečuje količino izpušnih plinov na tem območju.A further problem with this type of payment is the high cost of the entire infrastructure of toll stations, as well as the large area occupied by these stations. The erection of such a toll booth is often a spatial problem as a result of a compromise solution. Reducing the speed of the passage of such a tollbooth reduces the flow of the road, as well as increases the amount of exhaust gas in the area.

Poskus odprave navedenih neugodnosti je pavšalno plačevanje cestnine npr. z nalepkami ali pa kar ob letni registraciji. Pomanjkljivost te rešitve je v zelo neizenačeni ceni glede na dejansko uporabo avtocest.An attempt to eliminate the aforementioned disadvantages is a flat-rate toll payment, e.g. with stickers or just at the annual registration. The disadvantage of this solution lies in the very unbalanced price given the actual use of highways.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen z napravo po izumu, ki jo sestavljajo sklop v vozilu in mreža elektronskih snopov različnega izvora, ki sprožijo na digitalnem zemljevidu v napravi v vozilu obračunske točke za izračun dolžine prevoženih kilometrov na plačljivi cesti, medtem ko sta cena in plačilni razred vozila shranjena v podatkovni bazi v napravi v vozilu. S tako napravo po izumu odpade izgradnja cestninskih postaj z osebjem v takih dimenzijah, kot jih poznamo sedaj, saj bodo potrebne samo za manjše število vozil, ki ne bodo opremljena z napravo po izumu. Razen tega naprava po izumu omogoča hitro spreminjanje ali postavljanje na novo obračunske točke. Ker so te točke elektronske, lahko njihovo izvorno napravo uporabimo tudi kot napravo za sprotno spreminjanje različnih podatkov, ki so potrebni za obračunavanje cestnine. Prav tako pa so povratni podatki o pojavih vozila na posameznih obračunskih točkah v določenih časih osnova za informacijsko obdelavo o različnih vidikih prometa. Pri tem gre paziti, da se v tej bazi ne pojavljajo podatki o konkretnem vozilu zaradi ohranjanja zasebnosti lastnika oziroma voznika.The described technical problem is solved by a device according to the invention, consisting of an in-vehicle assembly and a network of electronic bundles of different origin, triggering on the digital map in the in-vehicle device accrual points for calculating the distance traveled on the toll road, while the price and payment class vehicles stored in a database on a device in a vehicle. Such a device according to the invention eliminates the construction of toll stations with personnel in such dimensions as we know them now, since they will be needed only for a smaller number of vehicles that will not be equipped with the device according to the invention. In addition, the device according to the invention allows for rapid modification or re-setting of billing points. Since these points are electronic, their source device can also be used as a device to constantly change the various data required for toll collection. In addition, feedback on vehicle occurrences at individual points of account at certain times is the basis for information processing on various aspects of traffic. It should be ensured that data on a particular vehicle does not appear in this database in order to preserve the privacy of the owner or driver.

27306 .doc/VI-01/D27-Vr27306 .doc / VI-01 / D27-Vr

Podrobneje bo izum pojasnjen v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kaže sl. 1 blok shemo naprave.The invention will now be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 block diagram of the device.

Naprava za izračunavanje in brezgotovinsko samodejno plačevanje cestnin ter za informiranje o gibanju prometa sestoji iz sklopa 1 v vozilu, elektronskih snopov 2, kijih oddaja oddajnik 3 in oddajno sprejemne postaje 4 na cestninski postaji.The device for calculating and cashless automatic payment of tolls and traffic information consists of a set 1 in the vehicle, electronic bundles 2 transmitted by the transmitter 3 and the transceiver station 4 at the toll station.

Sklop 1 v vozilu vključuje sprejemno oddajni element 5 za sprejemanje elektronskega snopa 2, ki je za vsako obračunsko točko svojstven, čitalnika 6 plačilnih kartic, enote 7 z bazo podatkov o cenah, vozilu in zemljevidom z vrisanimi obračunskimi točkami, oziroma lokacijo cestninskih postaj. Mikroprocesor 8 upravlja z navedenimi enotami, izvor 9 električne energije in konektor 10 za prenos podatkov zaključujejo osnovno sestavo sklopa 1.Lot 1 in the vehicle includes a receiving transmit element 5 for receiving the electronic beam 2, which is characteristic for each billing point, a payment card reader 6, a unit 7 with a database of prices, a vehicle and a map with billed points, or the location of toll stations. The microprocessor 8 controls said units, the power source 9, and the data transfer connector 10 complete the basic composition of the assembly 1.

Oddajnik 3 elektronskega snopa 2 je lahko različen. Uporabimo lahko satelitski obstoječi sistem GPS (globalni pozicionimi sistem), nadalje so to zemeljski oddajniki ob avtocesti v bližini cestninskih postaj, ne nazadnje lahko za ta namen uporabimo brezžično telefonsko infrastrukturo.The electron beam transmitter 3 may be different. We can use the existing satellite GPS system (Global Positioning System), furthermore these are ground-based transmitters along the highway near toll stations, and last but not least we can use wireless telephone infrastructure for this purpose.

Na dejanski cestninski postaji, ki v večini primerov ostane tudi pri uvedbi plačevanja z napravo po izumu zato, ker ne moremo pričakovati, da bodo vsa vozila opremljena z njo in bo še vedno nekaj gotovinskih plačevanj, se nahaja oddajno sprejemna postaja 4, ki vključuje oddajno sprejemno enoto 11, enoto 12 za povezavo z osrednjim računalnikom 13, ki upravlja s postajami 4 in preko njih tudi nadzoruje posamezne sklope 1 v vozilih in po potrebi tudi posodablja njihove podatke, npr. vpisuje v zemljevid v bazi 7 nove obračunske točkeAt the actual toll station, which in most cases remains with the introduction of payment with the device according to the invention because we cannot expect all vehicles to be equipped with it and there will still be some cash payments, there is a transceiver station 4 which includes a transmitting station a receiving unit 11, a unit 12 for connecting to a central computer 13 which manages stations 4 and through them also monitors individual assemblies 1 in vehicles and, if necessary, updates their data, e.g. Enters into the map in database 7 new points of account

27306 ,doc/VI-01/D27-Vr oziroma digitalne cestninske postaje, spreminja cene cestnine. Hkrati pa obdeluje podatke o prometu na osnovi sprejetih podatkih.27306, doc / VI-01 / D27-Vr, or digital toll booths, changes toll prices. At the same time, it processes traffic data based on received data.

Naprava deluje tako, da sklop 1 v vozilu med vožnjo lovi podatke o morebitnem prehodu mimo elektronske obračunske točke. Ko zazana signal prve točke, kije natančno opredeljena, sproži mikroprocesor v sklopu 1 stanje, da ko zazana signal druge natančno opredeljene obračunske točke, izračuna po ceniku v bazi podatkov ob upoštevanju podatkov na digitalnem zemljevidu z vsemi elektronskimi cestninskimi postajami oziroma obračunskimi točkami, vsakokratno ceno cestnine in jo zbriše s predplačane vsote, ki se nahaja v bazi na osnovi vnosa s kartice preko čitalnika plačilnih kartic. Če pa pri plačilu ni zadosti kredita v bazi, mikroprocesor sproži poseben ukrep, npr. zaporo na izhodni cestninski postaji, da se poravna na gotovinski način neplačano razliko cene.The device works by catching assembly 1 in the vehicle while driving to pass any electronic checkpoint. When the signal of the first point, which is precisely defined, is triggered, the microprocessor in set 1 states that when it detects the signal of the second well-defined clearing point, it calculates according to the price list in the database, taking into account the data on the digital map with all electronic toll stations or billing points, each toll and delete it from the prepaid amount, which is located in the database based on the card entry through the payment card reader. However, if there is not enough credit in the database for payment, the microprocessor initiates a special action, e.g. barrier at the exit toll station to settle in cash the unpaid price difference.

Razume se, da je možno na osnovi poznavanja opisanega izvedbenega primera izvesti tudi drugačne izvedenke, ne da bi obšli bistvo izuma, ki je opredeljeno v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih.It is understood that, based on the knowledge of the described embodiment, other embodiments can be made without circumventing the essence of the invention as defined in the following claims.

Claims (4)

1. Naprava za izračunavanje in brezgotovinsko samodejno plačevanje cestnin ter za informiranje o gibanju prometa, označena s tem, da sestoji iz sklopa (1) v vozilu, elektronskih snopov (2), kijih oddaja oddajnik (3) in oddajno sprejemne postaje (4) na cestninski postaji, pri čemer vključuje sklop (1) sprejemno oddajni element (5) za sprejemanje elektronskega snopa (2), čitalnika (6) plačilnih kartic, enote (7) z bazo podatkov o cenah, vozilu in zemljevidom z vrisanimi obračunskimi točkami, oziroma lokacijo cestninskih postaj, kijih mikroprocesor (8) med seboj povezuje in z njimi upravlja s pomočjo izvora (9) električne energije in konektorja (10) za prenos podatkov zaključujejo osnovno sestavo sklopa (1), nadalje iz sprejemno oddajne postaje (4) na cestninski postaji, ki vključuje oddajno sprejemno enoto (11), enoto (12) za povezavo z osrednjim računalnikom (13), ki upravlja s postajami (4) in preko njih tudi nadzoruje posamezne sklope (1) v vozilih in po potrebi tudi posodablja njihove podatke.A device for calculating and cashless automatic payment of tolls and traffic information, characterized in that it consists of a vehicle assembly (1), electronic bundles (2) transmitted by the transmitter (3) and the transceiver station (4) at the toll station, including the assembly (1) receiving transmit element (5) for receiving the electron beam (2), the payment card reader (6), the unit (7) with a database of prices, vehicles and a map with plotting points, that is, the location of toll stations that the microprocessor (8) interconnects and manages through a source (9) of electricity and a data transfer connector (10) terminate the basic composition of the assembly (1), further from the receiving transceiver station (4) to toll station, which includes a transceiver unit (11), a unit (12) for connecting to a central computer (13), which manages the stations (4) and through them also controls the individual assemblies (1) in vehicles and, if necessary, selects their information. 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je snop (2) za vsako obračunsko točko svojstven.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the bundle (2) is inherent in each billing point. 3. Naprava po zahtevkih 1 in 2, označena s tem, da je kot oddajnik (3) elektronskega snopa (2) uporabljen satelitski obstoječi sistem GPS (globalni pozicionirni sistem), nadalje so to zemeljski oddajniki ob avtocesti v bližini cestninskih postaj, ali pa brezžična telefonska infrastruktura.Device according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the satellite existing GPS system (Global Positioning System) is used as the transmitter (3) of the electron beam (2), furthermore these are ground-based transmitters along the highway near toll stations, or wireless telephone infrastructure. 4. Naprava po zahtevkih 1 do 3, označena s tem, da računalnik (13) preko sprejemno oddajnih postaj (4) vpisuje v zemljevid v bazi (7) sklopa (1) nove obračunske točke oziroma digitalne cestninske postaje, spreminjaDevice according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the computer (13) enters the map at the base (7) of the set (1) of the new charging point or digital toll station through the receiving and transmitting stations (4)
SI200100198A 2001-07-25 2001-07-25 Device for calculation and automatic cashless toll payment as well as for giving information on traffic flow SI20996A (en)

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