SI20927A - Telescopic foldable stand - Google Patents

Telescopic foldable stand Download PDF


Publication number
SI20927A SI200100128A SI200100128A SI20927A SI 20927 A SI20927 A SI 20927A SI 200100128 A SI200100128 A SI 200100128A SI 200100128 A SI200100128 A SI 200100128A SI 20927 A SI20927 A SI 20927A
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stand according
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Slovenian (sl)
Marko Zupan
Original Assignee
Inventa Begunje D.O.O.
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Application filed by Inventa Begunje D.O.O. filed Critical Inventa Begunje D.O.O.
Priority to SI200100128A priority Critical patent/SI20927A/en
Publication of SI20927A publication Critical patent/SI20927A/en



  • Steps, Ramps, And Handrails (AREA)


The aim of the invention is to provide a concept of a telescopic foldable stand made up from staircase elements (1) with a corresponding operating drive. The stand should be suitable particularly for indoor facilities and should on one side provide the possibility of making available the largest possible ground plan surface after assembly and requiring a minimum ground plan surface for storage. The stand should also be mobile at least as much as to enable shifting it around the facility. At the same time the stand should be suitable to accept a larger number of spectators as well as transferring loads arising this way, onto the surface, which is in such facilities mostly provided as a relatively soft or elastic surface, usually available in sporting facilities for performing sport activities. According to the invention the stand consists of a corresponding number of staircase elements (1), which can be positioned one on top of the other or which can be drawn one beneath the other. Each element on the lateral side of the stand features at least one supporting assembly (2) consisting of a non-removable supporting unit (21) and a moving supporting device (220). The moving of staircase elements (1) is carried out with the help of a rope (32), which is wound to a motor driven winding reel (31), located in the area of the last part of the stand, running actually along its whole length.


Pričujoči izum se ukvarja s trubuno, ki je teleskopsko zložljiva, namreč sestavljiva in tudi razstavljiva; tovrstna tribuna je namenjena gledalcem in drugim obiskovalcem športnih in drugih prireditev, zlasti v pokritih prireditvenih objektih, kot so večnamenske šolske avle, telovadnice in tudi druge športne ali prireditvene dvorane.The present invention deals with a trumpet that is telescopically foldable, namely, foldable and also disassembled; this platform is intended for spectators and other visitors to sports and other events, especially in covered event facilities such as multi-purpose school lounges, gyms and other sports or event halls.

Pri tem izum temelji na problemu, zasnovati teleskopsko zložljivo tribuno, primemo zlasti za pokrite prireditvene objekte, ki naj bi bila torej po eni strani sestavljiva na kar največjo tlorisno površino oz. razstavljiva na kar najmanjšo skladiščno prostornino, hkrati naj bi bila mobilna in naj bi jo bilo mogoče premikati po prostoru, sočasno pa naj bila primerna tudi za sprejem večjega števila gledalcev ter prenašanje s tem povezanih obremenitev, s čimer je mišljeno zlasti za enakomerno prenašanje teh obremenitev na podlago, ki je v splošnem lahko razmeroma mehka ali elastična podlaga, kakršna je npr. za potrebe izvajanja športnih aktivnosti na voljo v športnih objektih, brez nagibanja tribune.The invention is based on the problem of designing a telescopically folding stand, particularly suitable for covered event facilities, which, on the one hand, are intended to be compatible with the largest floor area or surface. dismountable to a minimum storage capacity, it should be mobile and moveable at the same time and at the same time be suitable for receiving large numbers of viewers and for carrying the related loads, which is intended in particular for the uniform carrying of these loads to a substrate which may generally be a relatively soft or elastic substrate such as e.g. available for use in sports facilities, without pitching the stands.

Iz EP Ο 566 017 je znana teleskopsko zložljiva tribuna, ki sestoji iz določenega števila stopničasto zasnovanih segmentov, ki jih je mogoče bodisi zložiti drugega pod drugega ali jih v smeri vzporedno s podlago izvleči drugega izpod drugega. Omenjeni segmenti so nameščeni v horizontalno potekajočih vodilih. Vodila so bodisi vgrajena v podlagi ali pritrjena na podlago, v vsakem primeru pa so moteča in lahko ovirajo izvajanje npr. športnih aktivnosti neposredno ob tribuni, v določenih primerih pa celo lahko pomenijo določeno nevarnost. Razen tega ni izključena možnost zagozdenja posameznih segmentov v vodilih, še zlasti, če je dolžina tribune bistveno večja od njene globine oz. tlorisne širine. Prijavitelj domneva, da so segmenti ročno izvlačljivi, kar pomeni, da je sestavljanje tribune, t.j. izvlačenje segmentov drugega izpod drugega, kot tudi razstavljanje tribune, t.j. nameščanje segmentov drugega pod drugega, težaško delo. Izhajajoč iz povedanega je očitno, da je rešitev primerna kvečjemu za izvedbo manjših tribun za sprejem manjšega števila gledalcev, kar7 pa je pravzaprav v kontradikciji s potrebo po razmeroma neugodni in zapleteni vgradnji vodil v ali na podlago.EP-566 017 discloses a telescopically folding stand consisting of a number of step-shaped segments which can either be folded under one another or pulled out from under one another in a direction parallel to the substrate. These segments are mounted in horizontally extending guides. The guides are either mounted in the base or attached to the base, but in each case they are interfering and may interfere with the implementation of e.g. sports activities right next to the stands, and in some cases may even pose a certain danger. In addition, the possibility of wedging individual segments in the guides is not excluded, especially if the length of the stand is significantly greater than its depth or. floor plans. The Applicant assumes that the segments are manually drawable, which means that assembling the panel, ie pulling the segments from one another under the other, as well as disassembling the panel, ie placing the segments under one another, is a difficult task. Based on the above it is obvious that the most suitable solution for implementing small tribune for the adoption of a small number of viewers, which 7 is actually in contradiction with the need for a relatively unfavorable and complex installation guides in or on the ground.

Tudi iz WO 94/25706 je znana teleskopsko zložljiva tribuna, ki spet sestoji iz določenega števila stopničasto zasnovanih segmentov, ki jih je mogoče bodisi zapeljati drugega pod drugega ali jih v smeri vzporedno s podlago odpeljati drugega izpod drugega. Omenjeni segmenti so namreč opremljeni s kolesi ali podobnimi kotalčnimi elementi. Rešitev je nekoliko zahtevnejša in tudi dražja, zato je ekonomična predvsem v primeru, kadar je mogoče računati s tribuno večje kapacitete. V tem primeru je sicer sestavljanje ali razstavljanje tribune bistveno lažje, vendar pa se pomanjkljivost obravnavane rešitve kaže v tem, da so obremenitve na podlago pri tovrstni rešitvi bistveno večje, Še zlasti pa je bistveno manj ugoden prenos teh obremenitev na podlago. Podlaga v prireditvenih objektih, še zlasti v objektih za izvajanje športnih aktivnosti, je v osnovi prirejena potrebam izvajanja teh aktivnosti. Pogosto gre za parket, umetne snovi ali celo za posebej v ta namen izdelane elastične pode, vse te podlage pa so za lokalno koncentrirane obremenitve zelo občutljive. Zato se je pri obravnavani rešitvi težko ali nemogoče izogniti poškodbam podlage.Also known from WO 94/25706 is a telescopically folding stand, which again consists of a number of stepwise-designed segments that can either be driven one below the other or taken in parallel with the substrate. These segments are provided with wheels or similar rolling elements. The solution is a bit more demanding and also more expensive, so it is economical especially when it is possible to count with a larger capacity stand. In this case, assembling or disassembling the stands is much easier, but the disadvantage of the solution under consideration is that the load on the substrate is much higher in such a solution, and especially the less favorable transfer of these loads to the substrate. The grounds in the event facilities, especially in the facilities for performing sports activities, are basically tailored to the needs of performing these activities. Often these are parquet, plastic or even specially designed resilient floors, and all of these substrates are very sensitive to locally concentrated loads. Therefore, it is difficult or impossible to avoid damaging the substrate in this solution.

Teleskopsko zložljivost tovrstne tribune je mogoče zagotoviti s pomočjo vrvi ali podobnega vlečnega elementa ter ustreznih sredstev. Možno je predvideto elektromotorno gnan boben, na slednjega pa navijati oz. z njega odvijati vrv, ki je vodena od segmenta do segmenta na eni strani tribune ter zatem še po drugi strani tribune. Ker je vsaka vrv dokaj elastična, pri pritezanju vrvi del vrvi na eni strani hitreje priteza segmente, preostali del na drugi strani pa je ohlapnejši. Tako pride do zasukov tribune in zagozdenja le-te. Pogon z bobnom je mogoče namestiti na obeh straneh tribune, kar pa terja uporabo dveh motorjev, katerih delovanje mora biti povsem usklajeno, kar spet narekuje potrebo po prigraditvi zahtevnega krmilnega sklopa. Povrhu vsega tudi v tem primeru ni nujno, da bi sčasoma ne prišlo do razlik v napetosti vrvi na enem in drugem koncu tribune, kar celo pri brezhibno usklajenem delovanju obeh motorjev spet neizogibno vodi do težav.Telescopic folding of this kind of stand can be ensured by means of a rope or similar traction element and appropriate means. It is possible to provide an electromotor driven drum and to wind or reel it. unbind it from segment to segment on one side of the grandstand and then on the other side of the grandstand. As each rope is fairly elastic, when tightening the rope, the rope part on the one side fastens the segments and the rest on the other side is looser. This causes the stands to rotate and become stuck. The drum actuator can be installed on both sides of the grandstand, which requires the use of two motors, the operation of which must be perfectly coordinated, which again dictates the need to fit a complex steering assembly. On top of that, even in this case, it is not necessary that there will be no differences in the tension of the rope over one and the other ends of the stand over time, which, even with the perfectly coordinated operation of the two engines, inevitably leads to problems.

Iz WO 98/02628 (PCT/GB97/01931) je znano z dvigalom kombinirano stopnišče, nekakšna tribuna, ki je teleskopsko sestavljiva in razstavljiva, kar pomeni, da sestoji iz niza stopniščnih segmentov, v splošnem enake ali vsaj približno enake širine in globine, katerih višina pa je tako prirejena, da so sklopi v horizontalni smeri namestljivi drug pod drugega oz. izvlačljivi drug izpod drugega. Stopniščih segmenti so skupaj s pogonskimi sredstvi nameščeni v okrovu. Izvlačenje stopniščnih segmentov, kar pomeni sestavljanje tribune oz. stopnic, kot tudi razstavljanje se vrši sinhronizirano s pomočjo verižnega prenosnika, in sicer zahvaljujoč primemo razporejenim verižnim kolesom, preko katerih je speljana veriga. Veriga je zaključena z dvema vsaksebi potekajočima krakoma, pri čemer vlečenje za en krak povzroči izvlačenje segmentov drugega izpod drugega, vlečenje za preostali krak verige pa ima za posledico premikanje segmentov drugega pod drugega. Povrhu vsega je tribuna opremljena z dvigalom, nekakšno dvižno ploščadjo, ki se nahaja neposredno ob spodnjem oz. najnižjem stopniščnem segmentu, tako daje mogoče slednjega med uporabo sestavljene tribune namestiti celo preko te ploščadi. Poseben problem predstavljajo pogonska sredstva, zlasti npr. elektromotor, reduktor in podobno), ki jih je potrebno namestiti izven tlorisa tribune, običajno na zadnji strani. To pomeni, da mora biti tribuna v vsakem primeru za določeno razdaljo odmaknjena od stene, kar pomeni neracionalno izrabo v tovrstnih objektih zelo dragocenega prostora. Razen tega je tovrstna tribuna sicer razstavljiva, vendar pa je skupaj z okrovom v bistvu stacionarna oz. neprimerna za premeščanje po telovadnici ali drugem terenu. Že sam okrov skupaj z nosilnim skeletom, verižnimi kolesi, razmeroma dolgo verigo in pogonskimi sredstvi predstavlja veliko težo tribune v neobremenjenem stanju. Četudi bi tribuno spodaj opremili s kolesci, bi premikanje takšnega kolosa že v neobremenjenem stanju lahko privedlo k poškodbam podlage. Kot je bilo že omenjeno pri analizi prej obravnavanih rešitev iz stanja tehnike, je v športnih objektih običajno na voljo pod, ki ustreza izvajanju športnih aktivnosti, pri čemer gre npr. za parket, razne umetne snovi, talne obloge ali celo posebej izvedene lesene elastične pode. Nadalje je očitno, da predstavlja tribuna v obremenjenem stanju, ko je polna gledalcev, še bistveno večjo obremenitev na podlago. K sreči je tribuna po WO 98/02628 (PCT/GB97/01931) neprimerna za večje širine in s tem za sprejem zelo velikega števila gledalcev, ker pač zasnova enostranskega pogona dopušča možnost neenakomernega premikanja obeh strani stopniščnih segmentov ter torej zagozdenja le-teh, če bi bili izrazito široki oz. dolgi.WO 98/02628 (PCT / GB97 / 01931) refers to a combined stair lift, a kind of platform that is telescopically foldable and disassembled, meaning that it consists of a series of stair segments, generally of equal or at least about the same width and depth, whose height is so adjusted that the assemblies are horizontally adjustable under one another or. pullable under one another. The staircase segments, together with the drive means, are housed in the housing. Drawing out stair segments, which means assembling a grandstand. the stairs, as well as the disassembly, is done in synchronization with the help of a chain-link, thanks to the clamped chain wheels through which the chain is routed. The chain is terminated by two running arms, with pulls for one arm causing the segments of the other to be pulled out from the other, and pulling for the remaining arm of the chain results in the movement of the segments one below the other. On top of that, the grandstand is equipped with an elevator, a kind of a lifting platform, located directly at the bottom or. the lowest stair segment, so that the latter can be installed even through this platform when using the compound platform. A particular problem is posed by propellants, in particular e.g. electric motor, gearbox, etc.) to be installed outside the floor plan, usually at the rear. This means that the stand must in any case be spaced from the wall for a certain distance, which means irrational use of very valuable space in such objects. Apart from this, this kind of stand is demountable, but together with the enclosure, it is essentially stationary. unsuitable for moving around the gym or other terrain. The hull itself, together with the supporting skeleton, chain wheels, relatively long chain and propellants, represents the great weight of the stand in unladen condition. Even if the platform below were fitted with wheels, moving such a wheel in an unladen condition could result in damage to the base. As mentioned in the analysis of the prior art solutions, there is usually a floor available in sports facilities that is appropriate for performing sports activities, eg. for parquet flooring, various plastics, floor coverings, or even specially designed elastic wooden floors. Furthermore, it is obvious that a loaded stand, when full of spectators, presents an even greater load on the ground. Fortunately, the stand, according to WO 98/02628 (PCT / GB97 / 01931), is not suitable for larger widths and thus for the reception of a very large number of spectators, since the design of the unilateral drive allows for the uneven movement of both sides of the stair segments and therefore the wedges thereof, if they were extremely wide or. long.

Rešitev uvodoma zastavljenega problema predstavlja teleskopsko zložljiva tribuna, ki v splošnem sestoji iz vsakokrat ustreznega števila drugega pod drugega namestljivih oz. drugega izpod drugega izvlačljivih stopniščnih segmentov, ki so premakljivi s pomočjo pogonskega sklopa, zlasti s pomočjo navijanja vrvi ali podobnega gibkega vlečnega elementa na navijalni boben oz. odvijanja taiste vrvi z njega, pri čemer je omenjeni boben gnan s pomočjo ustreznega motorja, zlasti elektromotorja. Po izumu je vsak od stopniščnih segmentov teleskopsko zložljive tribune na vsaki strani slednje opremljen s po enim podpornim sklopom, ki sestoji iz (glede na tribuno) nepremakljive podporne enote in (glede na tribuno) premakljive podporne priprave, hkrati pa je na vsakega od omenjenih stopniščnih segmentov na vsaki strani tribune, prednostno nad omenjenim podpornim sklopom, priključena vrv ali podobna gibka vlečna priprava, ki je vodena do skupnega navijalnega bobna, ki je, v vzdolžni smeri tribune potekajoč in sočasno v taisti smeri tudi aksialno premakljivo uležiščen- gnan s pomočjo v njem vgrajenega elektromotorja.The solution to the problem posed is a telescopically folding stand, which generally consists of an appropriate number of second-to-install and / or adjustable stands. the other below the other drawable stair segments which are movable by means of a drive train, in particular by winding a rope or similar flexible traction element on a winding drum or. unwinding the rope from there, said drum being driven by a suitable motor, in particular an electric motor. According to the invention, each of the stair segments of the telescopically folding stand on each side of the staircase is provided with one support assembly, consisting of a (relative to the stand) stationary support unit and (relative to the stand) a movable support device, while at each of said stairways segments on each side of the stand, preferably above said support assembly, a connected rope or similar flexible drawbar which is guided to a common winding drum which, in the longitudinal direction of the stand, is also axially movable bearing-driven in the same direction by means of an electric motor incorporated therein.

Pri tem je na vsakem koncu tribune na navijalnem bobnu pritrjena vsaj po ena vrv, ki je s svojima vsakokrat razpoložljivima krakoma protismerno ovita okoli bobna. Se zlasti je prednostno, če je na vsakem koncu tribune na navijalnem bobnu v osrednjem območju med vsakokratnim navijalnim območjem in vsakokratnim odvijalnim območjem pritrjena po ena vrv, katere kraka sta preko pod bobnom razporejenih preusmerjevalnih vrvenic potekajoče povezana s stopniščnimi segmenti tribune. V vsaj deloma izvotlenem, prednostno pa cevasto zasnovanem navijalnem bobnu, podprtim s poševno glede na njegovo vzdolžno os nameščenimi podpornimi kotalčnimi elementi, je vgrajen dvosmerno delujoč elektromotor, katerega stator je povezan z vodilom, kije prirejeno za zagotavljanje njegove opore med vrtenjem ter istočasno tudi premakljivosti bobna v aksialni smeri slednjegaIn this case, at least one rope is fastened to each end of the grandstand on the winding drum, which with its available arms is counter-wound around the drum. It is particularly advantageous if one rope is attached at each end of the rooftop drum to a central area between each winding area and to each unwinding area, each of which is connected to the staircase segments of the rooftop under the drum. In at least partially extruded, preferably tubular, winding drum, supported obliquely with respect to its longitudinal axis, the supporting rolling elements are mounted, a bi-directional electric motor, the stator connected to a guide, adapted to provide its support during rotation and at the same time to move of the drum in the axial direction of the latter

Omenjeno vodilo prednostno obsega drsnik, s katerim je povezan stator elektromotorja, kot tudi vodilni utor, v katerem je v aksialni smeri bobna premakljivo vstavljen omenjeni drsnik. Nadalje so podporni kotalČni elementi, na katerih je oprt boben, pod slednjim nameščeni poševno glede na njegovo vzdolžno os, in sicer - glede na vzdolžno os bobna - pod kotom, ki ustreza kotu vzpona vijačnice pri navijanju vrvi na boben oz. odvijanju vrvi z bobna.Said bus preferably comprises a slide with which the stator of the electric motor is connected, as well as a guide groove in which said slide is movably inserted in the axial direction of the drum. Further, the support roller elements on which the drum is supported are positioned obliquely below the latter, with respect to its longitudinal axis, and - with respect to the longitudinal axis of the drum - at an angle corresponding to the angle of inclination of the helix when winding the rope on the drum or. unwinding the rope from the drum.

Za prednostno izvedbo tribune po izumu je tudi značilno, da vsakokraten stopmščni segment na vsaki strani tribune obsega spodnji horizontalni nosilec, na katerem je pritrjen vertikalni nosilec, na slednjem pa je konzolno nameščen zgornji horizontalni nosilec, pri čemer je preko na obeh straneh tribune nahajajočih se zgornjih horizontalnih nosilcev vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta nameščena ploščad, ki prednostno obsega vsaj eno stopnico, po potrebi pa tudi vsaj eno sedišče. 'The preferred embodiment of the stand according to the invention is also characterized in that each step segment on each side of the stand comprises a lower horizontal support, on which a vertical support is attached, and on the latter, an upper horizontal support is mounted cantileverly, with extensions located on both sides of the stand. an upper platform, preferably comprising at least one step and, if necessary, at least one seating position, shall be provided in the upper horizontal beams of each stair segment. '

Še nadalje je za tribuno po izumu značilno, da podporni sklop, ki je na voljo na vsaki strani vsakokratne stopniščne enote tribune, sestoji iz nepremakljive podporne enote, ki je togo oz. nerazstavljivo povezana s preostalimi nosilnimi elementi stopniščnega segmenta in ki se pri razbremenjeni tribuni oz. v neobremenjenem stanju le-te nahaja na značilnem in vseskozi vzporednem odmiku od vsakokratne podlage, kot tudi iz premakljive oz. začasne podporne priprave, ki vključuje kotalčne podporne elemente, zlasti kolesi, ki pa so/sta v smeri proti podlagi podprti zgolj z omejeno silo.It is furthermore characteristic of the tribune according to the invention that the support assembly available on each side of the respective staircase unit consists of a rigid support unit which is rigid or non-rigid. inextricably linked to the rest of the load-bearing elements of the staircase segment and which, in the case of the unloaded grandstand or. in the unladen state, it is located on a characteristic and constant parallel distance from the respective substrate, as well as from the movable or. temporary support arrangements, including roller support elements, in particular wheels, which are / are supported by a limited force only.

Pri prednostni izvedbi tribune po izumu vsakokratna premakljiva podporna priprava obsega podporni kolesi, od katerih je vsako uležiščeno na enem od med seboj zavihtljivih vzvodov, od katerih je vsaj eden podprt z vzmetjo. Še zlasti je ugodno, če je na spodnjem horizontalnem nosilcu na vsaki od bočnih strani vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta tribune fiksno pritrjena po ena nepremakljiva podporna enota, katere ploskovno karseda obsežna oz. razsežna naležna površina je pri razbremenjeni tribuni držana na vseskozi vzporednem odmiku od vsakokratne podlage, pri obremenjeni tribuni pa v naleganju na podlagi, pri čemer sta na omenjeni nepremakljivi podporni enoti na voljo vrtišči vzvodov premakljive podporne priprave, in pri čemer je na enem koncu enega od omenjenih vzvodov nameščeno kolo, njegov na drugi strani vrtišča nahajajoč se konec pa je podprt z vzmetjo, medtem ko je na enem koncu preostalega od omenjenih vzvodov nameščeno kolo, njegov na nasprotni strani pripadajočega vrtišča nahajajoči se konec pa je členkasto, namreč s pomočjo podolgovate skoznje luknje in zatiča ter torej z možnostjo zasuka in translacije, priključen na prej omenjeni oz prvoomenjeni vzvod. Pod vsakokratnim horizontalnim nosilcem vsakokrat pripadajočega stopniščnega segmenta tribune, konkretno ob strani vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta nahajajoča se in k njemu priključena nepremakljiva podporna enota je prednostno razporejena pod vzvodoma in med kolesoma premakljive podporne priprave, tako da sta v razbremenjenem stanju tribune zahvaljujoč sili vzmeti omenjena vzvoda razprta in je z njima zahvaljujoč razporeditvi njunih vrtišč povezana nepremakljiva podporna enota s tem držana na odmiku od podlage ter vzporedno s podlago. Po drugi strani je pod vsakokratnim horizontalnim nosilcem ob strani vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta nahajajoča se in k njemu priključena nepremakljiva podporna enota razporejena pod vzvodoma in med kolesoma premakljive podporne priprave, tako da sta v obremenjenem stanju tribune ob prisotnosti publike na njej zahvaljujoč zaradi prekoračenja vnaprej določene sile vzmeti oba omenjena vzvoda medsebojno vsaj v bistvu poravnana, tako da se z njima zahvaljujoč razporeditvi njunih vrtišč povezana nepremakljiva podporna enota s svojo površinsko karseda obsežno naležno površino nahaja v naleganju na podlagi. Prej omenjena vzmet je prednostno zasnovana kot tlačna vijačna vzmet in je prav tako prednostno oprta kar na nepremakljivo podporno enoto.In a preferred embodiment of the stand according to the invention, each movable support device comprises support wheels, each of which is mounted on one of the pivoting levers, at least one of which is supported by a spring. It is particularly advantageous if one fixed support unit is fixed to each of the sides of the staircase segment of the stand at the lower horizontal bracket, whose surface is as wide as possible, ie. the bulk bearing surface is held at a parallel parallel distance from the respective base at the unloaded stand, and at the base at the loaded stand, wherein the pivots of the movable support device are provided at said end, and at one end of one said wheel being mounted, its end supported by a spring on the other side of the pivot, while a wheel is mounted on one end of the rest of the said levers, and its end opposite the associated pivot being articulated, namely by means of an elongated through holes and pins and therefore with the possibility of rotation and translation, connected to the aforementioned or first-mentioned lever. Beneath the horizontal support of the respective staircase segment of the tribune, and in particular the stationary support unit located and connected to each staircase segment, are preferably arranged under levers and movable support devices between the wheels, so that, in the relaxed state of the tribune, they are thanks to and, thanks to the arrangement of their pivots, a fixed support unit is thereby connected to them, kept at a distance from the substrate and parallel to the substrate. On the other hand, there is a fixed support unit located below and connected to each horizontal carrier on the side of each stair segment, which are arranged under the levers and movable support devices between the wheels, so that in the laden state of the stand, in the presence of the audience, thanks to the predetermined force. the springs of the two said levers are at least substantially aligned with each other so that, due to the arrangement of their pivots, the associated stationary support unit, with its surface as large as possible, is in contact with the base. The aforementioned spring is preferably designed as a pressure screw spring and is also preferably supported by a stationary support unit.

Primer izvedbe tribune po izumu bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen v povezavi s priloženo skico, kjer kažejo sl. 1 tribuno po izumu, toda z odstranjenim pogonskim sklopom, v perspektivi; sl. 2 podporni sklop enega od stopniščnih segmentov, v pogledu od strani; sl. 3 pogonski sklop tribune po izumu, v perspektivi;An example of the construction of a tribune according to the invention will now be explained in further detail in connection with the accompanying drawing, where FIG. 1 panel according to the invention, but with the drive train removed, in perspective; FIG. 2 supporting assembly of one of the stair segments, in side view; FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the grandstand assembly of the invention;

sl. 4 podrobnejši prikaz navijalnega bobna pogonskega sklopa po sl. 3.FIG. 4 is a more detailed view of the drive drum coil drum of FIG. 3.

Tribuna je (sl. 1) v osnovi zasnovana iz vsakokrat primernega števila stopniščnih segmentov 1, Γ, 1,..., ki so po globini, t.j. Tlorisni širini, med seboj enaki ali vsaj približno enaki, po višini pa so prirejeni za nameščanje drugega pod drugega oz. izvlačenje drugega izpod drugega. Omenjeni stopniščni segmenti, ki bodo v nadaljnjem opisu zaradi poenostavitve označeni zgolj številčno z označbo 1, ob straneh obsegajo izvirno zasnovane podporne sklope 2, in sicer na vsaki strani po enega, razen tega pa je tribuna opremljena tudi z domiselno rešenim pogonskim sklopom 3.The stand (Fig. 1) is basically made up of a suitable number of stair segments 1, Γ, 1, ..., which are in depth, i.e. The widths of the floor plan, which are equal or at least equal to one another, and in height, are adapted to be positioned one below the other or. pulling the other out from under the other. The aforementioned staircase segments, which will be hereinafter referred to simply as numerically numbered 1 for the sake of simplicity, comprise originally designed support assemblies 2, one on each side, except that the panel is also equipped with an imaginatively designed drive assembly 3.

Pri prednostni izvedbi tribune, ki je prikazana na priloženi skici, je vsakokraten stopniščni segment 1 izveden iz po dveh ob straneh nameščenih spodnjih horizontalnih nosilcev 11, na vsakega od slednjih pa je pritrjen po en proti zadnji strani tribune pomaknjen vertikalni nosilec 12. Na slednjem je konzolno pritrjen zgornji horizontalni nosilec 13, preko katerega je na vsaki strani tribune nameščena nosilna ploščad 14. Slednja je lahko izvedena na različne načine, odvisno od želja in potreb naročnika. V prikazanem primeru po sl. 1 so na enem delu ploščadi 14 predvidene stopnice 141, na preostalem delu pa klopi 142, ki v primeru stojišč seveda lahko brez nadaljnjega odpadejo ali so lahko predvidene tudi kot odstranljive.In the preferred embodiment of the panel shown in the accompanying drawing, the respective staircase segment 1 is made of two horizontal side rails 11 mounted on each side, and a vertical carrier 12 is disposed on each of the latter, one vertically mounted to the back of the panel. a cantilevered upper horizontal support 13, through which a support platform 14 is mounted on each side of the stand, can be implemented in different ways depending on the wishes and needs of the client. In the example shown in FIG. 1, steps 141 are provided on one part of the platform 14 and benches 142 on the rest, which, of course, in the case of stands, can of course be dropped off without further delay or may be provided as removable.

Pod vsakim od omenjenih stopniščnih segmentov 1 je ob straneh na voljo po en podporni sklop 2, ki je v prikazanem primeru nameščen pod spodnjim horizontalnim nosilcem 11 stopniščnega segmenta 1. Vsakokraten podporni sklop 2 sestoji iz (glede na tribuno) nepremakljive podporne enote 21, kot tudi iz začasne oz. (spet glede na tribuno) premakljive podporne priprave 22.Under each of said staircase segments 1, there is provided at each side one support assembly 2, which, in the example shown, is located below the lower horizontal carrier 11 of the staircase segment 1. Each support assembly 2 consists of (with respect to the tribune) a stationary support unit 21, such as also from temporary or. (again according to the panel) movable support devices 22.

Pri tem je nepremakljiva podporna enota 21 vsakokratnega podpornega sklopa 2 togo povezana s preostalimi deli stopniščnega segmenta 1, v konkretnem primeru je pritrjena na spodnjem horozontalnem nosilcu 11, in sicer na nespremenljivi oddaljenosti le-tega, in razen tega pri razbremenjeni tribuni s svojo spodnjo oz. naležno površino 210 tudi na primernem, vseskozi vzporednem odmiku od vsakokrat razpoložljive podlage, ki je zagotovljen z zasnovo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložene premakljive podporne priprave 22.In this case, the stationary support unit 21 of each support assembly 2 is rigidly connected to the rest of the staircase segment 1, in the specific case it is attached to the lower horizontal support 11, at a fixed distance from it, and in addition to the unloaded panel with its lower or . the contact surface 210 also at a suitable, constant parallel distance from the surface available at all times, which is provided by the design of the movable support device 22 in the following.

Premakljiva podporna priprava 22 vsakokratnega podpornega sklopa 2 je zasnovana s kolesi 22', 22, ki se vseskozi - pri razbremenjeni ali obremenjeni tribuni - nahajata v naleganju na vsakokrat razpoložljivi podlagi. V danem primeru gre za dve kolesi 21', 22, ki sta v smeri proti podlagi podprti z vnaprej določljivo, vendar omejeno silo. Ta sila podprtja koles 2Γ, 22 premakljive podporne priprave 22 je tako izbrana, da pri razbremenjeni tribuni (namreč, ko na njej ni publike), na podlagi nalegata zgolj kolesi 2Γ, 22, medtem ko je nepremakljiva podporna enota 21, namreč njena proti podlagi obrnjena naležna površina 210, odmaknjena od podlage ter s slednjo vseskozi vzporedna. Ko so na tribuni prisotni gledalci in seThe movable support device 22 of each support assembly 2 is designed with wheels 22 ', 22 which, in the case of a loaded or laden stand, are in contact with each other on an available basis. In the present case, these are two wheels 21 ', 22 which are supported by a predetermined but limited force towards the base. This support force of the wheels 2Γ, 22 of the movable support device 22 is so chosen that, in the unloaded stand (namely when there is no audience), only the wheels 2Γ, 22 rest on the base, while the stationary support unit 21, namely its against the base inverted contact surface 210, away from the base and parallel to the latter. When spectators are present at the stand and are

-1010 tribuna torej nahaja v obremenjenem stanju, njena lastna teža vključno s težo gledalcev preseže silo podprtja koles 2Γ, 22, kar ima za posledico umik le-teh v smeri vertikalno navzgor, zaradi česar se tribuna postopoma poseda, vse dokler na podlago ne naleže nepremakljiva podporna enota 21, in sicer s svojo površinsko obsežno naležno površino 210, ki pa je med posedanjem tribune vseskozi vzporedna s podlago. Takoj ko enota 21 naleže na podlago to seveda pomeni, da se celotna obremenitev tribune vključno s težo publike na podlago namesto preko koles 22', 22 enakomerno porazdeljeno prenaša preko bistveno večjih površin 210 nepremakljivih podpornih enot 21. V konkretnem primeru je premakljiva podporna priprava 22 zasnovana na ta način, da je vsako od koles 22', 22 uležiščeno na pripadajočem vzvodu 23, 24, pri čemer sta omenjena vzvoda 23, 24 drug glede na drugega zavihtljiva in hkrati vzmetno podprta. Vrtišči 230, 240 omenjenih vzvodovThe -1010 stands thus in a loaded state, its own weight including the weight of the spectators exceeds the force of the wheel support 2Γ, 22, which results in the withdrawal of the wheels vertically upwards, which causes the stand to gradually lengthen until it rests on the ground. a stationary support unit 21, with its surface-wide contact surface 210, which is parallel to the ground throughout the stand. As soon as unit 21 is attached to the substrate, this means, of course, that the total load of the stand, including the weight of the audience on the substrate, instead of through the wheels 22 ', 22 is uniformly distributed over substantially larger surfaces 210 of the stationary support units 21. In the present case, the movable support device 22 designed in such a way that each of the wheels 22 ', 22 is mounted on a corresponding lever 23, 24, said levers 23, 24 being pivotable to each other and simultaneously spring-loaded. Nozzles 230, 240 of said levers

23, 24 sta nameščeni kar na nepremakljivi podporni enoti 21. Na daljši vzvod 23, katerega en krak 231 je opremljen s kolesom 22', njegov na nasprotni strani vrtišča 230 nahajajoči se krak 232 pa je podprt s tlačno vzmetjo 233, je členkasto oz. z možnostjo zasuka in hkrati translacije s svojim koncem 241 pritrjen krajši vzvod23, 24 are mounted just on a fixed support unit 21. A longer lever 23, one arm 231 of which is provided with a wheel 22 ', and its opposite arm pivot 230, which is supported by a pressure spring 233, is articulated, respectively. with the possibility of rotation and simultaneous translation, a shorter lever is attached to its end 241

24, na katerega nasprotnem koncu 242 je uležiščeno kolo 22. Povezava omenjenih vzvodov 23, 24 je v danem primeru izvedena na ta način, daje vzvod 23 opremljen z zatičem 234, preostali vzvod 24 pa s podolgovato luknjo 243, skozi katero je vstavljen omenjeni zatič 234. Takšna povezava vzvodov 23, 24 omogoča, da se obremenitve s stopniščnega segmenta 1 tribune preko spodnjega horizontalnega nosilca 11 enakomerno v vseh smereh prenašajo na kolesi 22', 22, kar pomeni, da se nepremakljiva podporna enota 21 vseskozi nahaja vzporedno s podlago, oz da se tribuna med obremenjevanjem oz. posedanjem ne more nagibati.24, to which the opposite end 242 is mounted a wheel 22. The connection of said levers 23, 24 is optionally made in such a way that the lever 23 is provided with pin 234 and the remaining lever 24 is provided with an elongated hole 243 through which said pin is inserted. 234. Such linkage of the levers 23, 24 allows the loads from the staircase segment 1 of the stand to be transmitted uniformly in all directions on the wheel 22 ', 22 through the lower horizontal carrier 11, which means that the stationary support unit 21 is located parallel to the base at all times, or that the grandstand during loading or. possession cannot tilt.

Na sl. 2 je podporni sklop 2 prikazan v neobremenjenem stanju in nepremakljiva podporna enota 21 je s svojo naležno površino 210 odmaknjena od podlage, naIn FIG. 2, the support assembly 2 is shown in the unladen state and the stationary support unit 21 is offset from the base by its contact surface 210;

-1111 kateri sicer v prikazanem stanju tribune nalegata kolesi 22', 22 premakljive podporne priprave 22. Obremenitev tribune, pri kateri se kolesi 22', 22 umakneta in pri kateri pride do naleganja nepremakljive podporne enote 21 na podlago, je odvisna izključno od deformabilnosti oz. karakteristike vzmeti 233. Nepremakljiva podporna enota 21 je torej zasnovana z razmeroma veliko naležno površino 210, s katero obremenjena tribuna nalega na podlagi. Povprečnemu strokovnjaku bo razumljivo, je razbremenjena oz. neobremenjena tribuna brez nadaljnjega mobilna in jo je mogoče zahvaljujoč kolesom 22', 22 premikati po podlagi. Po drugi strani je tudi očitno, da je mogoče kljub občutnemu povečanju obremenitve tribune zaradi prisotnosti celo večjega števila gledalcev na njej pritiske na podlago obdržati v razumnih in dopustnih mejah, in sicer zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da v takem primeru tribuna namesto s pomočjo koles 22', 22 spremenljivih podpornih priprav 22 stopniščnih segmentov 1 nalega na podlagi preko razmeroma velikih naležnih površin 210 nespremenljivih podpor 21 taistih stopniščnih segmentov 1.-1111 which in the shown state of the stand is supported by the wheels 22 ', 22 of the movable support device 22. The load of the stand, in which the wheels 22', 22 are withdrawn and in which the stationary support unit 21 is supported, is solely dependent on the deformability or . characteristics of the spring 233. The stationary support unit 21 is thus designed with a relatively large contact surface 210 with which the loaded stand rests on the base. It will be understandable to the average expert, relieved or unladen stands without further mobility and can be moved on the ground thanks to the 22 ', 22 wheels. On the other hand, it is also apparent that despite the significant increase in the stand load due to the presence of even more spectators on it, the pressure on the ground can be kept within reasonable and permissible limits due to the fact that in such a case the stand instead of the wheels 22 ', 22 variable support devices 22 staircase segments 1 rests on a base over relatively large contact surfaces 210 fixed supports 21 identical staircase segments 1.

Za potrebe sestavljanja in razstavljanja tribune oz. premikanja stopniščnih segmentov 1 drugega pod drugega oz. izvlačenje le-teh drugega izpod drugega je tribuna opremljena tudi s pogonskim sklopom 3. Le-ta je v celoti vgrajen v notranjosti tribune na njeni zadnji strani, kar omogoča namestitev tribune neposredno ob steno športnega objekta, s čimer je mogoče prostor v športnem objektu zelo racionalno izrabiti. Pogonski sklop 3, kakršen je prikazan na sl. 3 in 4, obsega takorekoč preko celotne dolžine tribune potekajoč, v svoji aksialni smeri premakljiv in temu primemo uležišČen ter elektromotorno gnan navijalni boben 31 za navijanje oz. odvijanje vrvi 32 ali podobnega gibkega vlečnega elementa, ki poteka na obeh straneh tribune in je na ustrezen način povezana s posameznimi stopniščnimi segmenti 1 tribune. Omenjen gibek vlečni element, ki je v prikazanem primeru jeklena žična vrv, bo v nadaljevanju zaradi poenostavitveFor the purpose of assembling and disassembling the stands or moving staircase segments 1 under one another or. pulling them out from underneath the stand is also equipped with a drive train 3. It is fully integrated inside the stand at its rear, which allows the installation of the stand directly against the wall of the sports facility, which can make space in the sports facility very to use rationally. The drive assembly 3 as shown in FIG. 3 and 4, it also extends, in its axial direction, along the entire length of the stand, which is movable in its axial direction, thereby receiving a winding and electromotor driven winding drum 31 for winding or. unwinding of rope 32 or similar flexible traction element extending on both sides of the platform and appropriately connected to the individual staircase segments 1 of the panel. The aforementioned flexible traction element, which in the example shown is a steel wire rope, will be further simplified in the following

-1212 poimenovan kar vrv 32. Način premikanja stopniščnih elementov 1 s pomočjo vrvi 32 je sicer znan. Za razliko od doslej znanih rešitev, pri katerih je na voljo elektromotor z bobnom za odvijanje/navijanje vlečnega elementa, je pri tribuni po izumu na vsaki strani tribune na voljo po ena vrv 32, pri čemer se ta vrv 32 na obeh straneh tribune navija na taisti boben 31 oz. se z njega odvija. Omenjena vrv 32 na vsaki strani tribune obsega po dva kraka 321, 322, pri čemer je en krak 321 speljan z bobna 31 preko preusmerjevalnih vrvenic 36, 37 do stopniščnih segmentov 1, preostali krak 322 pa se od ondod vrača na boben 31. Tako sta na bobnu 31 na vsaki strani tribune na voljo po dve območji naleganja vsake od obeh vrvi 32, in sicer po eno navijalno območje 311 in po eno odvijalno območje 312, medtem ko je v vmesnem območju 313 med njima vrv 32 pritrjena na boben 31. Ker kraka 321, 322 vrvi 32 potekata preko preusmerjevalnih vrvenic 36, 37, je zagotovljen še dodaten pritisk bobna 31 proti podpornim kotalčnim elementom 35.-1212 named as rope 32. The method of moving staircase elements 1 using rope 32 is otherwise known. Unlike the prior art solutions, which have an electric motor with a drum for unwinding / winding the traction element, one rope 32 is available on the stand of the invention on each side of the stand, with the rope 32 on either side of the stand thatist drum 31 oz. is unfolding from it. Said rope 32 on each side of the rostrum comprises two arms 321, 322, with one arm 321 leading from drum 31 via diversion rows 36, 37 to stair segments 1, and the remaining arm 322 returning from there to drum 31. Thus, on the drum 31 on each side of the stand, there are two contact areas of each of the two ropes 32, one winding area 311 and one unwinding area 312, while in the intermediate region 313 between them the rope 32 is attached to the drum 31. the arms 321, 322 of the rope 32 extend through the diversion ropes 36, 37, and further pressure of the drum 31 is provided against the support roller elements 35.

Boben 31 je elektromotorno gnan, in sicer gre v danem primeru za vsaj deloma votel oz. izvotlen, prednostno pa kar cevasto zasnovan boben 31, v katerem je nameščen dvosmerno delujoči in prednostno tudi z neprikazano zavoro opremljen elektromotor 33, katerega stator 331 je nameščen v izven bobna 31 nahajajočem se vodilu 34. Vodilo 34 je prikazano v skrajno poenostavljeni obliki in obsega drsnik 341, ki je vstavljen v vodilnem utoru 342, ki poteka v aksialni smeri bobna 31. Drsnik 341 nudi primemo oporo elektromotorju 33, ki je potrebna za vrtenje bobna 31, po drugi strani pa omogoča tudi premikanje vrtečega se bobna 31 v njegovi aksialni smeri. Zaradi zagotavljanja aksialne premakljivosti bobna 31, kar omogoča navijanje vrvi 32 v obliki vijačnice s korakom, ki je odvisen od aksialnega pomika na vrtljaj bobna 31, je boben 31 podprt s pomočjo pod kotom glede na njegovo centralno vzdolžno os 310 nameščenih podpornih kotalčnih elementov 35, ki so zaradi boljšega naleganja prednostno konični. Strokovnjaku bo torej razumljivo, daDrum 31 is electromotor driven, in which case it is at least partially hollow or non-electric. extracted, preferably tubular-shaped drum 31 housing a bi-directional and, preferably, not shown brake, electric motor 33 whose stator 331 is housed outside the drum 31 of the guide 34. The guide 34 is shown in an extremely simplified form and scope a slider 341 inserted in a guide groove 342 extending in the axial direction of the drum 31. The slider 341 provides a support to the electric motor 33 that is required to rotate the drum 31 and, on the other hand, allows the rotating drum 31 to be moved in its axial direction. . In order to ensure the axial movement of the drum 31, which allows winding the rope 32 in the form of a helix in a step dependent on the axial displacement of the drum 31, the drum 31 is supported by an angle with respect to its central longitudinal axis 310 of the supporting rolling elements 35, which are preferably conical for better fit. The expert will therefore understand that

-1313 kot odklona osi kotalčnih elementov 350 od centralne osi 310 bobna 31 ustreza kotu vijačnice, po kateri se vrši navijanje vrvi 32 na boben 31 oz. odvijanja vrvi 32 z bobna 31.-1313 The angle of deviation of the axis of the roller elements 350 from the central axis 310 of the drum 31 corresponds to the angle of the helix at which the rope 32 is wound onto the drum 31 or. unwinding of rope 32 from drum 31.

Po vklopu motorja 33 stator 331 zahvaljujoč namestitvi drsnika 341 v utor 342 seveda obmiruje, zato pa se v bobnu 31 nahajajoč se (neprikazan) rotor motorja 33 zavrti v vsakokrat želeno smer. Z omenjenim rotorjem preko ustreznega prenosnega sklopa, npr. preko planetnega gonilnika, v svoji notranjosti povezan boben 31 se prične vrteti v želeno smer, pri čemer se zahvaljujoč oprtju na poševno postavljene kotalčne podporne elemente 35 sočasno z motorjem 33 vred tudi premika v svoji aksialni smeri. Vsaka od vrvi 32, ki sta vsaka na svoji strani tribune pritrjeni na bobnu 31 in do določene mere oviti okoli le-tega, se sočasno z enim svojim krakom 321 ali 322 z določeno intenzivnostjo navija na boben 31, s preostalim krakom 321 ali 322 pa se z njega enako intenzivno odvija, kar ima za posledico enakomerno in usklajeno premikanje z vrvjo 32 povezanih stopniščnih segmentov 1. Po zaustavitvi motorja 33 in zagonu le-tega v nasprotno smer je dogajanje ravno obratno, vsekakor pa je premikanje segmentov 1 tudi v tem primeru enakomerno in usklajeno. Ker je namreč vrv 32 na voljo na obeh straneh tribune, in ker sta vrvi 32 z obeh strani tribune med seboj enaki in vodeni na taisti navijalni boben 31, praktično torej ni nikakršnega razloga, da bi se stranski območji tribune ne premikali sočasno. To pomeni, da je tribuna kljub razmeroma majhni globini lahko tudi razmeroma dolga oz. široka, daje torej zelo prikladna za zares racionalno izrabo prostora v vsakokratnem športnem objektu.When the motor 33 is switched on, the stator 331 is naturally retracted due to the insertion of the slider 341 in the groove 342, so that the (non-displayed) rotor of the motor 33 rotates in the desired direction in the drum 31. With said rotor via a suitable transmission assembly, e.g. via the planetary gearbox, the drum 31 connected internally starts to rotate in the desired direction, and thanks to its support on the obliquely mounted roller support elements 35, it simultaneously moves in its axial direction with the motor 33. Each of the ropes 32, which are each fastened on the side of the stand 31 to the drum 31 and to a certain extent wrapped around it, is simultaneously supported by one of its arms 321 or 322 with a certain intensity on the drum 31 and the remaining arm 321 or 322. it proceeds equally intensively from it, resulting in a steady and coordinated movement of the rope 32 connected stair segments 1. After stopping the engine 33 and starting it in the opposite direction, the opposite is true, but in any case the movement of segments 1 is also the case here. evenly and harmoniously. Because rope 32 is available on both sides of the platform, and because ropes 32 on both sides of the platform are identical and guided on the same winding drum 31, there is virtually no reason not to move the lateral areas of the platform simultaneously. This means that, despite the relatively small depth, the stand can also be relatively long. wide, so it is very convenient for a truly rational use of space in any sports facility.


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Claims (18)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Teleskopsko zložljiva tribuna, sestoječa iz ustreznega števila drugega pod drugega namestljivih oz. drugega izpod drugega izvlačljivih stopniščnih segmentov (1), ki so premakljivi s pomočjo pogonskega sklopa (3), zlasti s pomočjo navijanja vrvi (32) ali podobnega gibkega vlečnega elementa na navijalni boben (31), gnan s pomočjo ustreznega motorja, zlasti elektromotorja (33), označena s tem, da vsak od stopniščnih segmentov (1) ob straneh tribune obsega vsaj po en podporni sklop (2), sestoječ iz glede na tribuno nepremakljive podporne enote (21) in iz glede na tribuno premakljive podporne priprave (22), in da je na vsakega od omenjenih stopniščnih segmentov (1) na vsaki strani trubune, prednostno nad omenjenim podpornim sklopom (2), priključena vrv (32) ali podobna gibka vlečna priprava, ki je vodena do za celotno tribuno skupnega navijalnega bobna (31), ki je, v vzdolžni smeri tribune potekajoč in sočasno v taisti smeri tudi aksialno premakljivo uležiščen, gnan s pomočjo v njem vgrajenega elektromotorja (33).1. Telescopically folding stands, consisting of an appropriate number of sub-adjustable or adjustable stands. the second from the other drawable stair segments (1) which are movable by means of a drive train (3), in particular by winding a rope (32) or a similar flexible traction element on a winding drum (31) driven by a suitable motor, in particular an electric motor ( 33), characterized in that each of the stair segments (1) on the sides of the tribune comprises at least one support assembly (2), consisting of a stand-up support unit (21) and a stand-up support unit (22) relative to the stand. , and that on each of said stair segments (1) on each side of the trumpet, preferably above said support assembly (2), a rope (32) or similar flexible traction device is connected, leading up to the entire stand of the common winding drum (31 ) which, in the longitudinal direction of the tribune, is axially movable bearing, driven in the same direction in the same direction, driven by an electric motor (33). 2. Tribuna po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da je na vsakem koncu tribune na navijalnem bobnu (31) pritrjena in okoli njega s svojima krakoma (321, 322) vsakokrat protismemo ovita vsaj po ena vrv (32).A stand according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one rope (32) is secured at each end of the stand at the winding drum (31) and with its two arms (321, 322) attached at each end. 3. Tribuna po zahtevku 2, označena s tem, daje na vsakem koncu tribune na navijalnem bobnu (31) v osrednjem območju (313) med vsakokratnim navijalnim območjem (311) in vsakokratnim odvijalnim območjem (312) pritrjena vsaj po ena vrv (32), katere kraka (321, 332) sta preko pod bobnom (31) razporejenih preusmerjevalnih vrvenic (36, 37) potekajoče povezana s stopniščnimi segmenti (1) tribune.3. A stand according to claim 2, characterized in that at least one rope (32) is fastened at each end of the stand on the winding drum (31) in the central area (313) between each winding area (311) and each unwinding area (312). , whose arms (321, 332) are permanently connected to the staircase segments (1) of the grandstand via the drum (31) arranged in the diversion ropes (36, 37). -1515-1515 4. Tribuna po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, daje v vsaj deloma izvotlenem, prednostno pa cevasto zasnovanem navijalnem bobnu (31), ki je podprt s poševno glede na njegovo vzdolžno os (310) nameščenimi podpornimi kotalčnimi elementi (35) ter proti slednjim še dodatno pritisnjen zahvaljujoč vodenju krakov (321, 322) vrvi preko pod bobnom (31) razporejenih preusmerjevalnih vrvenic (36, 37), vgrajen dvosmerno delujoč elektromotor (33), katerega stator (331) je povezan z vodilom (34), predvidenim za zagotavljanje njegove opore med vrtenjem ter istočasno tudi za zagotavljanje z vrtenjem sinhronizirane premakljivosti bobna (31) v njegovi aksialni smeri.Tribune according to claim 1, characterized in that it is provided in at least partly a substantially inclined and preferably tubular winding drum (31) supported by obliquely mounted support elements (35) with respect to its longitudinal axis (310) and the latter additionally pressed thanks to the guidance of the legs (321, 322) of the rope via the diversion ropes (36, 37) arranged below the drum (31), a two-way electric motor (33) is mounted, the stator (331) of which is connected to the guide (34) intended for providing its support during rotation, and at the same time also providing for the synchronized movability of the drum (31) in its axial direction. 5. Tribuna po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, da vodilo (34) obsega drsnik (341), s katerim je povezan stator (331) elektromotorja (33), kot tudi vodilni utor (342), v katerem je v aksialni smeri bobna (31) premakljivo vstavljen omenjeni drsnik (341).Panel as claimed in claim 4, characterized in that the guide (34) comprises a slide (341) to which the stator (331) of the electric motor (33) is connected, as well as a guide groove (342) in which there is an axial direction of the drum. (31) said slide (341) being movably inserted. 6. Tribuna po zahtevku 4, označena s tem, da so podporni kotalčni elementi (35), na katerih je oprt boben (31), pod slednjim nameščeni poševno glede na njegovo vzdolžno os (310), in sicer pod kotom, ki ustreza kotu vzpona vijačnice pri navijanju vrvi (32) na boben (31) oz odvijanju vrvi (32) z bobna (31).6. A stand according to claim 4, characterized in that the support roller elements (35) on which the drum (31) is supported are positioned obliquely below the latter in relation to its longitudinal axis (310) at an angle corresponding to the angle ascending the helix when winding the rope (32) onto the drum (31) or unwinding the rope (32) from the drum (31). 7. Tribuna po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da vsakokraten stopnišČni segment (I) na vsaki bočni strani tribune obsega vsaj po en spodnji horizontalni nosilec (II) , ki je razporejen na odmiku od podlage in na katerem je pritrjen vertikalni nosilec (12), na slednjem pa je konzolno nameščen zgornji horizontalni nosilec (13), pri čemer je preko zgornjih horizontalnih nosilcev (13) vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta (1) nameščena ploščad (14).7. A stand according to claim 1, characterized in that the respective stair segment (I) on each side of the stand comprises at least one lower horizontal support (II) arranged at a distance from the base and on which a vertical support (12) is attached. ) and the upper horizontal bracket (13) is mounted on the latter, and a platform (14) is mounted over the upper horizontal brackets (13) of each stair segment (1). -1616-1616 8. Tribuna po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, da ploščad (14) obsega vsaj eno stopnico (141).8. A stand according to claim 7, characterized in that the platform (14) comprises at least one step (141). 9. Tribuna po zahtevku 7, označena s tem, da ploščad (14) obsega vsaj eno sedišče (142).9. A stand according to claim 7, characterized in that the platform (14) comprises at least one seat (142). 10. Tribuna po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da vsakokraten podporni sklop (2) vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta (1) tribune sestoji iz glede na tribuno nepremakljive podporne enote (21), ki je togo oz. nerazstavljivo povezana s preostalimi ogrodnimi oz. nosilnimi elementi stopniščnega sklopa (1) in ki se pri razbremenjeni tribuni oz. v neobremenjenem stanju le-te nahaja na vseskozi vzporednem odmiku od vsakokratne podlage, kot tudi iz začasne oz. glede na tribuno premakljive podporne priprave (32), ki vključuje kotalčne podporne elemente, zlasti kolesi (22', 22), ki pa so/sta v smeri proti podlagi podprti zgolj z omejeno silo.10. A stand according to claim 1, characterized in that each support assembly (2) of each stair segment (1) of the stand consists of a rigid or rigid support unit (21) relative to the stand. inextricably linked to the rest of the frame or. the supporting elements of the staircase assembly (1) and which in the case of the unloaded grandstand or. in unburdened state, it is located at a constant parallel distance from the respective substrate, as well as from the temporary or. with respect to the panel-movable support device (32), which includes the roller support elements, in particular the wheels (22 ', 22), which are / are only supported by a limited force in the direction of the base. 11. Tribuna po zahtevkih 1 in 10, označena s tem, da vsakokratna premakljiva podporna priprava (22) obsega vsaj dve podporni kolesi (22', 22), od katerih je vsaj po eno uležiščeno na enem od med seboj zavihtljivih vzvodov (23, 24), od katerih je vsaj eden podprt z vzmetjo (233).11. A stand according to claims 1 and 10, characterized in that each movable support device (22) comprises at least two support wheels (22 ', 22), at least one of which is mounted on one of the pivoting levers (23, 24), at least one of which is supported by a spring (233). 12. Tribuna po zahtevkih 1, 10 in 11, označena s tem, da je na vsakokrat razpoložljivem spodnjem horizontalnem nosilcu (11) vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta (1) fiksno pritrjena vsaj po ena nepremakljiva podporna enota (21), katere ploskovno karseda obsežna naležna površina (210) je pri razbremenjeni tribuni vseskozi držana na vzporednem odmiku od vsakokratne podlage, pri obremenjeni tribuni pa v enakomernem naleganju na podlagi, hkrati pa sta naA stand according to claims 1, 10 and 11, characterized in that at least one fixed support unit (21) is fixed to the lower horizontal bracket (11) of the respective staircase segment (1), each having a substantially flat contact surface (210) is permanently kept at a parallel distance from the respective substrate in the unloaded stand, and in a uniform rest on the base in the loaded stand, while at -1717 omenjeni nepremakljivi podporni enoti (21) predvideni tudi vrtišči (230, 240) vzvodov (23, 24) premakljive podporne priprave (22) , pri čemer je na enem koncu (231) enega vzvoda (23) nameščeno kolo (22'), medtem ko je njegov na drugi strani vrtišča (230) nahajajoč se konec (232) podprt z vzmetjo (233), in pri čemer je na enem koncu (242) preostalega vzvoda (24) nameščeno kolo (22), njegov na nasprotni strani vrtišča (240) nahajajoči se konec (241) pa je členkasto, namreč z možnostjo zasuka in translacije, priključen na prej omenjeni vzvod (23).-1717 said stationary support unit (21) also provided pivots (230, 240) of the levers (23, 24) of the movable support device (22), wherein a wheel (22 ') is mounted at one end (231) of one lever (23) , while its end (232) on the other side of the pivot (230) is supported by a spring (233), and a wheel (22) is mounted on one end (242) of the remaining lever (24), its opposite of the pivot (240), the adjacent end (241) is articulated, namely rotatable and translational, connected to the aforementioned lever (23). 13. Tribuna po zahtevkih 1 in 10 - 12, označena s tem, daje pod vsakokratnim horizontalnim nosilcem (11) vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta (1) nahajajoča se in k njemu priključena nepremakljiva podporna enota (21) razporejena pod vzvodoma (23, 24) in med kolesoma (22', 22) premakljive podporne priprave (22), tako da sta v razbremenjenem stanju tribune zahvaljujoč sili vzmeti (233) vzvoda (23, 24) razprta in je z njima zahvaljujoč'razporeditvi njunih vrtišč (230, 240) povezana nepremakljiva podporna enota (21) s svojo naležno površino (210) tako vseskozi držana na vzporednem odmiku od podlage.13. A stand according to claims 1 and 10 - 12, characterized in that, under each horizontal carrier (11) of the respective stair segment (1), a fixed support unit (21) located and connected thereto is disposed under the levers (23, 24) and movable support devices (22) between the wheels (22 ', 22) such that, in the unburdened state of the stand, due to the force of the spring (233), the levers (23, 24) are open and connected to them by the arrangement of their pivots (230, 240) the stationary support unit (21), with its contact surface (210), thus being kept at a parallel distance from the base. 14. Tribuna po zahtevkih 1 in 10 - 12, označena s tem, daje pod vsakokratnim horizontalnim nosilcem (11) vsakokratnega stopniščnega segmenta (1) nahajajoča se in k njemu priključena nepremakljiva podporna enota (21) razporejena pod vzvodoma (23, 24) in med kolesoma (22', 22) premakljive podporne priprave (22), tako da sta v obremenjenem stanju tribune ob prisotnosti publike na njej zahvaljujoč zaradi prekoračenja vnaprej določene sile vzmeti (233) vzvoda (23, 24) na osnovi medsebojnega zasuka in translacije vsaj v bistvu poravnana, tako da se z njima zahvaljujoč razporeditvi njunih vrtišč (230, 240) povezana nepremakljiva podporna enota (21) s svojo naležno površino (210) nahaja v enakomernem naleganju na podlagi.A stand according to claims 1 and 10 - 12, characterized in that, under each horizontal carrier (11) of the respective stair segment (1), a fixed support unit (21) located and connected thereto is disposed under the levers (23, 24) and movable support devices (22) between the wheels (22 ', 22) such that, in the laden state of the stand, in the presence of the audience, thanks to the exceeding of a predetermined force of the spring (233) of the lever (23, 24) on the basis of mutual rotation and translation substantially aligned so that, due to the arrangement of their pivots (230, 240), the associated stationary support unit (21) with its contact surface (210) is in even contact with the base. -1818-1818 15. Tribuna po zahtevku 11, označena s tem, daje vzmet (233) tlačna vijačna vzmet.15. A stand according to claim 11, characterized in that the spring (233) is a pressure screw spring. 16. Tribuna po zahtevku 15, označena s tem, daje vzmet (233) tlačna vijačna vzmet, kije oprta na nepremakljivo podporno enoto (31).16. A stand according to claim 15, characterized in that the spring (233) is a pressure screw spring that is supported by a stationary support unit (31). 17. Tribuna po zahtevku 12, označena s tem, da sta vzvoda (23, 24) premakljive podporne priprave (22) med seboj člankasto povezana, namreč z možnostjo medsebojnega zasuka in medsebojne translacije.17. A stand according to claim 12, characterized in that the levers (23, 24) of the movable support device (22) are articulated interconnected, namely, with the possibility of rotation and translation. 18. Tribuna po zahtevku 17, označena s tem, da sta vzvoda (23, 24) premakljive podporne priprave (22) med seboj povezana s pomočjo podolgovate skoznje luknje (243). ki je na voljo na enem vzvodu (24), in zatiča (234), ki je na voljo na preostalem vzvodu (23) in prečno vstavljen skozi omenjeno podolgovato luknjoA stand according to claim 17, characterized in that the levers (23, 24) of the movable support device (22) are interconnected by means of an elongated through hole (243). which is available on one lever (24) and a pin (234) which is available on the remaining lever (23) and inserted transversely through said elongated hole
SI200100128A 2001-05-16 2001-05-16 Telescopic foldable stand SI20927A (en)

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GB2474295A (en) * 2009-10-09 2011-04-13 Steeldeck Ind Ltd Rostrum Support Structure

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2474295A (en) * 2009-10-09 2011-04-13 Steeldeck Ind Ltd Rostrum Support Structure

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