SI20857A - Procedure of supervised manual sorting of general waste - Google Patents

Procedure of supervised manual sorting of general waste Download PDF


Publication number
SI20857A SI200100079A SI200100079A SI20857A SI 20857 A SI20857 A SI 20857A SI 200100079 A SI200100079 A SI 200100079A SI 200100079 A SI200100079 A SI 200100079A SI 20857 A SI20857 A SI 20857A
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Marijan IVAČIČ
Original Assignee
Marijan IVAČIČ
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Application filed by Marijan IVAČIČ filed Critical Marijan IVAČIČ
Priority to SI200100079A priority Critical patent/SI20857A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2002/000005 priority patent/WO2002076637A2/en
Priority to AU2002239215A priority patent/AU2002239215A1/en
Publication of SI20857A publication Critical patent/SI20857A/en



    • B07C7/00Sorting by hand only e.g. of mail
    • B65F1/00Refuse receptacles; Accessories therefor
    • B65F1/0006Flexible refuse receptables, e.g. bags, sacks
    • B65F1/00Refuse receptacles; Accessories therefor
    • B65F1/14Other constructional features; Accessories
    • B65F1/1484Other constructional features; Accessories relating to the adaptation of receptacles to carry identification means
    • B65F2210/00Equipment of refuse receptacles
    • B65F2210/112Coding means to aid in recycling
    • B65F2210/1125Colors
    • Y02W30/00Technologies for solid waste management
    • Y02W30/50Reuse, recycling or recovery technologies
    • Y02W30/60Glass recycling


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Processing Of Solid Wastes (AREA)
  • Refuse Collection And Transfer (AREA)


The procedure of supervised manual sorting of general waste represents supervised handling of waste from source to user, which is based on manual sorting. In the phase of determining subgroups the processing companies define to the carrier the exact identifications of the subgroups, so that along with instructions and training the sources of waste (households, shops,...), it also supplies containers (attractive independent sacks, air-tight sealed plastic buckets or labels with their personal sign and labels with designation (colour, code, bar code...) for individual types of waste (glass, plastics,...) or more common subgroups (green glass) so that they can fill, lock and label containers in their own premises (kitchen, bathroom,....). There is no label showing "other waste". The carrier with its services provides help, but does not tolerate wrongdoing. At the places of disposal those in charge or the employee supervise the labelling of containers, assists the source, accepts clean containers and information on his behalf. In public places, which show their proper source tags there are no containers without 24-hour supervision by employees. Upon receipt the operators read the labels, provide the records with information for entering to the card and load only labelled containers. At the warehouse the warehouseman labels the containers with a card. Those in charge of separating waste read the cards from the weighed containers, sort them on the workbench, read and add the cards to the commission order. The sorters (the most important tool) need to be tested and supervised as well as guided with the help of foreman. This is followed by the preparation of containers and information for the source and the preparation of the subgroup for dispatch. Upon dispatch the labels are read and the subgroups are loaded for dispatch to different processors. The dispatched quantities are equal to the incoming ones, which proves that all quantities have been sorted manually and that there is no unidentified piece of waste. The recor



Postopek se nanaša na ročno razvrščanje komunalnih odpadkov.The procedure concerns the manual sorting of municipal waste.

Problematika odpadkov je zaradi negativnih posledic na človekovo okolje in njega samega preveč zahtevna, da bi jo lahko nepremišljeno puščali stihiji.The problem of waste is too demanding due to its negative effects on the human environment and itself, so that it can be left unchecked by the elements.

Delno poznanje negativen vpliv deponij in sežigalnic mešanih, nepoznanih odpadkov, vendar se bodo mnogi stranski negativni učinki pokazali šele z ostalim razvojem v prihodnosti. Onesnaževanje in odpadki imajo zanimivo značilnost, da privabljajo (npr. nepravilno zavržen odpadek kar sam vabi, naj mu za družbo dodamo še druge odpadke, tako na ulici kot ob prepolnem kontejnerju) in celo rojevajo novo onesnaževanje, saj z mešanjem, združevanjem lahko pridobijo povsem druge lastnosti in učinke.Partial knowledge of the negative impact of landfills and incinerators of mixed, unknown waste, but many of the adverse effects will only emerge with other developments in the future. Pollution and waste have an interesting characteristic of attracting (eg improperly discarded waste, which invites us to add other waste to the company, both on the street and in a crowded container) and even give birth to new pollution, since they can completely and completely mix other properties and effects.

Proizvodnjo izdelkov navadno skrbno načrtujemo in kontroliramo. Nobena faza v postopku proizvodnje najenostavnejšega proizvoda se ne izogne nadzoru. Vsi dogodki se evidentirajo in na različne načine analizirajo. Predmet analize je običajno proizvod, proizvodnja in njegovo trženje. Proizvaja se za znanega uporabnika. Za analizo nabavnega in prodajnega trženja se poleg lastnih evidenc načrtno zbirajo tudi informacije iz drugih virov. Za odločitve je potrebno vedeti, kje so izvori najprimernejših, trenutno razvitih surovin in katerim željam uporabnikov je potrebno zadostiti. Proizvajalci morajo preko evidentiranja in informiranja stalno aktivno komunicirati tako z izvori kot z uporabniki in če komunikacija ni pravilna, proizvodnja proizvoda zamre.We usually plan and control the production of our products. No stage in the process of manufacturing the simplest product escapes control. All events are recorded and analyzed in different ways. The subject of analysis is usually the product, production and marketing. It is produced for a known user. In addition to their own records, information from other sources is also systematically collected for the analysis of purchasing and sales marketing. The decisions need to know where the sources of the most suitable, currently developed raw materials are and what the wishes of the users need to be met. Manufacturers must actively communicate with sources and users through recording and information and, if communication is not correct, the production of the product will cease.

Proizvod po zadovoljitvi želje uporabnika naenkrat postane odpadek in v tistem trenutku uporabnik, ne da bi se zavedal, postane izvor in na drugi strani proizvajalec, ki lahko odpadke predela, postane uporabnik. Težava je v tem, da izvor plača organizatorja za ravnanje z odpadki za to, da se z odpadki ne obremenjuje. V začetku so pri mali količini odpadkov in nezavedanju negativnih posledic organizatorji z lahkoto sprejemali odgovornost in kopičili odpadke. Z razvojem pa se je v reševanje problematike morala vključiti širša družba. Angažirajo se državni organi, gospodarske in obrtne zbornice, okoljevarstvena združenja, organizacije, službe in razni inštituti. Vsi delajo analize in razmišljajo o naši onesnaženi prihodnosti brez kvalitetnih podatkov za oceno dejanskega stanja in rangiranje nevarnosti odpadkov ter njihovih izvorov.The product, after satisfying the user's desire, becomes waste at one point and at that moment the user, without being aware, becomes the source and on the other hand, the producer who can process the waste becomes the user. The problem is that the source pays the waste manager to keep the waste from being burdened. Initially, with a small amount of waste and a lack of awareness of the negative consequences, the organizers could easily accept responsibility and accumulate waste. With development, however, the wider society had to be involved in solving the problem. Government bodies, chambers of commerce and crafts, environmental associations, organizations, services and various institutes are engaged. Everyone is doing analysis and thinking about our polluted future without quality data to evaluate the actual situation and rank the hazard of waste and its sources.

Onesnaževanje in odpadke, ki odločajo o tem, kako dolgo se bomo še rojevali na Zemlji, smo prepustili stihiji, medtem ko skrbno načrtujemo proizvodnjo tudi nepotrebnih želja.Pollution and waste, which determine how long we will be born on Earth, are left to the elements, while carefully planning the production of unnecessary wishes.

Problem okolja ni v odpadkih, ampak v evidentiranju dogodkov pri ravnanju z odpadki. Ko vidimo odpadke, si ne smemo pred njimi zapirati oči (kot noj, ki v nevarnosti zarine glavo v zemljo) temveč jih moramo še bolj odpreti, da se pripravimo na nevarnost. Ustrezno kontrolirano ročno razvrščanje odpadkov (stroji in orodja so nam lahko samo v pomoč) z meritvami in evidentiranjem dogodkov je osnovni pogoj preživetja na Zemlji.The environmental problem is not with the waste, but with the recording of waste management events. When we see waste, we must not close our eyes to it (like the ostrich that plunges its head into the earth in danger), but must open it even more to prepare for the danger. Properly controlled manual sorting of waste (machines and tools can only help us) with measurements and event logging is a basic condition for survival on Earth.

Že ta trenutek bi lahko s strupenimi in nevarnimi stvarmi, v kolikor bi bilo to mogoče, celo večkrat (ne samo enkrat) uničili življenje na Zemlji.From this very moment, toxic and dangerous things could, to the extent possible, even destroy many times (not just once) life on Earth.

Pri obstoječem nekontroliranem ravnanju z nevarnimi stvarmi, ob povečani birokratizaciji odgovornih služb v svetu, sem presenečen, da sem še živ. Samo na osnovi dejanskih podatkov je mogoče narediti analize, uporabne za boljše ravnanje z odpadki, z nevarnostmi in za vplivanje na želje in zdravo proizvodnjo, saj nobena želja ni vredna škodljive proizvodnje.With the current uncontrolled handling of dangerous things, with the increased bureaucratization of responsible services in the world, I am surprised that I am still alive. Only on the basis of factual data can analyzes be made that are useful for improving waste management, risk management and influencing desires and healthy production, since no desire is worth the harmful production.

Pri današnjem postopku ravnanja s komunalnimi odpadki organizator v fazi dostave posod izvorom ne dostavi ustreznih posod za ločeno odlaganje odpadkov v njihovih prostorih. V dogovoru z gospodinjstvi, proizvodnjo, trgovinami in ustanovami kot izvori določi mesta odlaganja in na njih običajno postavi: male kovinske (mali so manjši od 5m3), male plastične, velike kovinske (veliki so večji od 5m3) in velike plastične kontejnerje ter še presskontejnerje, kontejnerje za papir, karton, za steklo, za metalno embalažo v najrazličnejših izvedbah, oblikah, velikostih. Kontejnerji žal zavzamejo veliko prostora, niso ravno v okras okolju in so praviloma težji od odpadkov v njih. Organizator posode dostavi na mesta odlaganja brez navodil in največ posod nosi oznako »ostali odpadki«.In today's municipal waste management process, the organizer does not deliver the appropriate containers for the separate disposal of waste at their premises during the delivery phase. In agreement with households, manufacturing, shops and establishments, it identifies sources of deposition as sources, and usually places: small metal (small less than 5m3), small plastic, large metal (large larger than 5m3) and large plastic containers and still containers , containers for paper, cardboard, for glass, for metal packaging in various designs, shapes, sizes. Containers, unfortunately, take up a lot of space, they are not exactly decoration for the environment and are generally heavier than the waste in them. The container organizer delivers the containers to the disposal sites without instructions and most containers carry the label "other waste".

Pri dualnem sistemu pa je v uporabi organizatorja še posebna pvc vreča, imenovana »rumena vreča«, namenjena vsem različnim vrstam odpadkov za ponovno predelavo, ki so posebej opredeljeni v navodilih, a žal ni namenjena eni sami vrsti odpadkov.For the dual system, the organizer also uses a special pvc bag, called the "yellow bag", intended for all different types of waste for reprocessing, which are specifically defined in the instructions, but unfortunately it is not intended for a single type of waste.

Vreča se ne odvaža z običajnimi specialnimi komunalnimi vozili, temveč z običajnimi tovornimi vozili in se v skladišču organizatorja uniči na tekočem traku in se presortira skupaj z drugimi vrstami odpadkov.The bag is not disposed of with normal special utility vehicles, but with conventional trucks and is destroyed in the organizer's warehouse on the conveyor belt and sorted with other types of waste.

Pvc vrečke so trenutno najnaprednejša rešitev, saj jih lahko namestimo v stanovanja in posamezne poslovne prostore, vendar imajo vrsto pomanjkljivosti, ki ovirajo njihovo učinkovito uporabo:PVC bags are currently the most advanced solution because they can be installed in apartments and individual business premises, but they have a number of disadvantages that impede their efficient use:

a) niso gospodinjstvu oz. pisarni prijazne za ločeno postavljanje v prostore - niso lične, smostoječe (trdne) in ustreznih dimenzija) are not household or household; offices friendly for separate placement - not personal, free-standing (solid) and of appropriate dimensions

b) niso različno obarvane za različne vrste odpadkov - torej ne predvidevajo ločenega odlaganja posameznih vrst odpadkovb) are not colored differently for different types of waste - therefore do not provide for separate disposal of individual types of waste

c) ne označujejo izvora odpadkov, ker jih ne zanima njihova kvaliteta odlaganja odpadkovc) they do not indicate the origin of the waste because they are not interested in their quality of disposal

d) niso povratne, ker predvidevajo poenostavljeno pretresanje odpadkov na trak z uničenjem vrečke.d) they are not reversible because they provide for a simplified shaking of the waste onto the belt by destroying the bag.

V fazi odlaganja odpadkov v prostoru izvora je odločitev glede odlaganja povsem prepuščena izvoru - tako glede izbora posod kot tudi glede razvrščanja odpadkov.At the stage of waste disposal in the area of origin, the decision on disposal is completely left to the origin - both in the selection of containers and in the classification of waste.

Organizator v tej fazi ne označuje izvorov in ne vpliva na njihovo ravnanje; dopušča nepravilno ravnanje, ne opozarja na drugačne možnosti, ker jih običajno niti ne pozna.The organizer at this stage does not mark the sources and does not influence their behavior; tolerates misconduct, does not point to other options, because he usually does not even know them.

Takšen primer je uničevanje zaupne dokumentacije (razrez dokumentov na trakove s posebnimi uničevalci) in razrez knjig (uničevanje neustreznih oz. neprodanih knjig). Nepoučeni uničevalci ne ločijo dveh vrst odpadkov in skupaj razrežejo oz. razcefrajo papir, plastiko oz. plastificiran papir, metalni del fasciklov oz. vezave knjige in vezalno lepilo. Tako zrezane mešanice ni več mogoče ločiti in je za ponovno predelavo neuporabna - tako na področju papirja kot plastike. Površno delo tako surovino spremeni v odpadek.Such is the destruction of classified documents (cutting of documents into tapes with special destroyers) and cutting of books (destruction of inappropriate or unsold books). Unlearned destroyers do not separate the two types of waste and cut or shred it together. they tear apart paper, plastic, or. plasticized paper, metal folders or folders. book binding and bonding glue. The chopped mixture can no longer be separated and is unusable for reprocessing - both in paper and plastic. Surface work thus turns raw material into waste.

V prostorih izvorov izvori pretežno uporabljajo zelo različne posode (pvc vrečke, vedra...), po njihovem izboru najprimernejše za odlaganje in prenos.In the premises of the sources, the sources mainly use very different containers (PVC bags, buckets ...), of their choice, most suitable for disposal and transfer.

V fazi prenosa na mesto odlaganja izvori ponavadi različne odpadke: metalno embalažo, plastiko, steklo, papir, organske odpadke, strupene odpadke, povratno embalažo, baterije in akumulatorje, manjše kovinske odpadke, manjše lesene odpadke, tekstilne odpadke ipd. iz omenjenih različnih posod pretresejo v na mestih odlaganja nameščene kontejnerje oz. jih v njih zavržejo kar z vrečkami. V najboljšem primeru so nameščeni različni kontejnerji za več različnih vrst odpadkov. Tudi za odlaganje organskih odpadkov so predvideni kontejnerji, vendar niso praviloma ločeni. Pravilnosti odlaganja odpadkov ne kontrolira nihče in tako so kontejnerji običajno prepolni, smrdeči, odpadki so zavrženi tudi ob njih. Tudi s strani organizatorja poslani kontrolorji na terenu ne morejo ugotoviti nepravilnosti odlaganja, saj ne pretresajo vsebine kontejnerja. Praviloma več izvorov pretresa oz. odlaga v iste kontejnerje tako, da ni mogoče evidentirati kvantitete, kvalitete niti pravilnosti odlaganja odpadkov posameznih izvorov. Odpadki posameznih izvorov niso v ločenih posodah in posode niso označene, da bi bilo mogoče pozneje pri razvrščanju opredeliti njihovo razvrščanje.In the phase of transfer to the landfill site, the sources usually have different wastes: metal packaging, plastic, glass, paper, organic waste, toxic waste, returnable packaging, batteries and accumulators, minor metal waste, minor wood waste, textile waste, etc. from the various containers mentioned, shake containers or containers installed at disposal points. they are thrown away with bags. Ideally, different containers for several different types of waste are installed. Containers are also provided for the disposal of organic waste, but they are not separated as a rule. No one controls the correct disposal of waste, and containers are usually crowded, stinky, and waste is thrown away. Even on the part of the organizer, the sent controllers in the field cannot detect the irregularities of disposal, as they do not shake the contents of the container. As a rule, there are several sources of concussion. dispose in the same containers in such a way that it is not possible to record the quantity, quality or regularity of the disposal of the waste of individual sources. The waste of the individual sources is not in separate containers and the containers are not marked so that their classification can be determined later.

V fazi prevzema posod na mestu odlaganja in prevoza vozniki odpadke s pomočjo manipulantov oz. avtomatike pretresajo v posebna komunalna vozila z nadgrajenim presskontejnerjem, ki jih stisnejo oz. jih s kotejnerji naložijo na prav tako posebna vozila. Pretresenih posod ne evidentirajo niti po mestih odlaganja, kaj šele po posameznih izvorih. Tudi na naloženih kontejnerjih ni oznak mesta odlaganja oz. izvora. Posebna vozila z nadgrajenim presskontejnerjem so na drugi strani že tretja posoda, v katero so bili isti odpadki pretreseni. Poseg v odpadke stiskanje nedvomno zelo popestri.At the stage of taking over the containers at the place of disposal and transportation, the drivers waste with the help of manipulators or. automation is shaken into special utility vehicles with upgraded press container, which are compressed or load them with special containers on special vehicles. Shaken vessels are not recorded even at the point of disposal, let alone by source. Containers that are not loaded do not have a label for disposal or disposal. sources. Special vehicles with an upgraded storage container, on the other hand, are the third container into which the same waste has been shaken. Undoubtedly, the work on waste is very diverse.

Dostop specialnih vozil je v primeru slabih vremenskih razmer oviran, hkrati uporaba specialnih vozil ovira promet v naseljih. Njihovo počasno pretresanje oz. nalaganje dodatno povzroča hrup, onesnaževanje ozračja, a prevoz v skladišče organizatorja poveča cestni promet v njihovi bližini.Access to special vehicles is impeded in the event of inclement weather, while the use of special vehicles impedes traffic in settlements. Slowly shaking them. loading further causes noise, pollution, but transport to the organizer's warehouse increases road traffic near them.

Na drugi strani vožnja odpadkov, praviloma v od njih težjih kontejnerjih, dodatno obremenjuje cestišča in preko večje porabe goriva dodatno onesnažuje ozračje.On the other hand, waste management, as a rule in heavier containers, additionally burdens the roadways and further pollutes the atmosphere through increased fuel consumption.

V fazi prevzema v skladišču organizatorja se odpadki brez evidentiranja izvorov oz. mest odlaganja, njihovih količin in pogosto celo brez tehtanja prevzamejo. Pravega količinskega prevzema ni.During the acceptance phase at the organizer's warehouse, the waste is not registered without the origin or source. disposal sites, their quantities and often even without weighing take over. There is no real quantitative takeover.

V fazi razvrščanja odpadkov se ti ponovno pretresejo v posodo, imenovano tekoči trak.At the waste sorting stage, these are shaken again into a container called conveyor.

Vse do sedaj omenjene posode so praviloma velike, tako da se v njih že po prvem pretresanju izgubi sled za posameznim izvorom. Velikost, zaradi pretresanja in mešanja odpadkov, zmanjša preglednost razvrščanja. Odpadki so po naporni menjavi že zelo spremenjeni, iztrošeni in prepojeni z najrazličnejšimi vonjavami in s prevelikimi napori se s težavo manjši del odpadkov izloči za reciklažne uporabnike.All the vessels mentioned so far are generally large, so that after the first shaking, the trace of the individual source is lost. Size, due to shaking and mixing of waste, reduces the transparency of sorting. The waste is already heavily altered, exhausted and absorbed by a wide variety of odors after strenuous change, and with too much effort, a small part of the waste is difficult to eliminate for recycling users.

Sortacija se vrši oz. tekoči trak prevaža odpadke, ne glede na ustrezno pripravljenost sorterjev, kot da bi bili odpadki pokvarljivi. Takšna sortacija z velikega traku je zaradi stresanja velikih količin različnih vrst odpadkov na pomikajoči se trak tehnično in psihološko neuspešna, ker:Sorting is done or. conveyor belt transports waste, regardless of the suitability of the sorters, as if the waste were perishable. Such sorting from a large belt is technically and psychologically unsuccessful due to the shaking of large quantities of different types of waste onto a moving belt because:

- velika, pomikajoča se masa raznovrstnih odpadkov ne omogoča popolnega razvrščanja, ker ene vrste odpadkov nekaj časa ni na traku, nato pa je je preveč, da bi jo lahko, zadolženi za razvrščanje te vrste na podvrste, pobrali s traku pred koncem traku in nato obratno pri vzporedno potujočih vrstah (popolno razvrščanje na traku je prezahtevno, saj premikanje zahteva povsem prilagodljivo organizacijo dela, nadčloveško motoriko in mentalne sposobnosti zaradi neenakomerne porazdeljenosti različnih vrst odpadkov na traku, da bi se s traku pobrali vsi odpadki);- the large, moving mass of miscellaneous waste does not allow complete sorting because one type of waste is not on the tape for some time and then there is too much to be picked up by the species responsible for subspecies from the tape before the end of the tape and then vice versa for parallel traveling species (full sorting on tape is too demanding as moving requires completely flexible work organization, superhuman motor skills and mental abilities due to the uneven distribution of different types of waste on the belt to collect all waste from the belt);

- zaposleni niso ves čas polno zaposleni, saj čakajo na svoje podvrste odpadkov in trak jim vsiljuje svoj ritem, kar ne motivira kreativne produktivnosti;- employees are not fully employed at all times as they wait for their waste subspecies and the tape forces them to their rhythm, which does not motivate creative productivity;

- nima pravičnega merila kvantitete in kvalitete sortacije (stresanje na premikajoči trak ustvarja prerazlične pogoje in zahtevnost sortacije), kar prav tako ne stimulira kvalitetnega dela;- does not have a fair measure of the quantity and quality of sorting (shaking on a moving strip creates different conditions and complexity of sorting), which also does not stimulate quality work;

- delo je po pravilu umazano, smrdeče, nedostojno in vzbuja odpor;- the work is, as a rule, dirty, smelly, unworthy and resilient;

- zaradi prezahtevnega popolnega razvrščanja vseh vrst odpadkov na pomikajočem se traku, se, logično, ne zahteva razvrščanje vse mase, ampak se iz mase samo izločijo posamezni elementi, medtem ko ostalo nadaljuje tračno pot do konca;- due to the demanding complete classification of all types of waste on the conveyor belt, logically no classification of all the masses is required, but only individual elements are eliminated from the masses, while the rest continues on to the end;

- neizločeni odpadki so popolna neznanka - tako glede izvora kot kvalitete, le količine se običajno merijo;- non-recovered waste is a complete unknown - in terms of origin and quality, only quantities are usually measured;

- okolju boljša, vendar bolj zamudna, bi bila krožna sortirna pot, kjer je s traku potrebno ustrezno pobrati vse elemente;- a more environmentally friendly, but more time-consuming, circular sorting route where all the elements need to be properly collected from the strip;

- tračno razvrščanje elementov seje kot nenaravno preveč oddaljilo od naravnega razvrščanja iz manjše posode, v katero so bili elementi zavrženi oz. odloženi (čim bolj se elementi oddaljijo od posode, v kateri nastajajo; čim več posod zamenjajo; s čim več elementi se združijo in pomešajo, tem bolj nerazdružljivi postanejo oz. več časa in naporov je potrebno za njihovo razvrščanje).- the tape classification of session elements as unnaturally far removed from the natural classification from a smaller container into which the items were discarded or delayed (the further away the elements from the container in which they are made; the more containers are replaced; the more elements are combined and mixed, the more inseparable they become or the more time and effort it takes to sort them).

Tehnologija razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov danes torej ne temelji na ročnem razvrščanju, ker pretežni del odpadkov nima stika s človeškimi rokami in nekontrolirano potuje po traku. Orodja razvrščajo odpadke in razvrščevalec je samo nepomemben člen v organizacijski shemi dela z odpadki: ni pomembno kako, koliko odpadkov izloči in koliko odpadkov nadaljuje tračno pot. Ne meri se njegova učinkovitost in slabega se ne izloči iz postopka, kakor je to značilno za vsak stroj (vsakemu stroju se izmeri njegova kapaciteta oz. sposobnost, ki se pozneje kontrolira). Najbolj dovršen stroj za razvrščanje je torej samo postranski element tehnologije razvrščanja odpadkov.Today, municipal waste sorting technology is not based on manual sorting, since the majority of waste is not in contact with human hands and travels uncontrollably on the strip. Tools sort waste and the sorter is just an insignificant link in the organizational scheme of waste management: it does not matter how much waste is disposed of and how much waste goes on the ribbon route. It does not measure its effectiveness and does not exclude the bad from the process, as is typical for each machine (each machine is measured by its capacity or ability, which is subsequently controlled). The most sophisticated sorting machine is therefore only a side element of the waste sorting technology.

V fazi priprave odpadkov za odpremo in začasno skladiščenje stiskalnice pretežno stiskajo nepoznane mešane odpadke (to je najbolj nevarno, saj tračno pot lahko tako neovirano nadaljujejo v, na otip neprijetni jedilni embalaži, embalirani nuklearni odpadki, biološki strupi ipd.). Ta pretežni del odpadkov običajno za stalno ostane stisnjen (ali ne) na deponiji oz. je nanjo pripeljan iz sortirnic dualnega sistema. Mešane bale se pogosto začasno skladiščijo samo zaradi odvoza na tehnološko zahtevne sežigalnice mešanih odpadkov za razbremenitev deponije.In the preparation phase for the shipment and temporary storage of the press, the presses are mainly compacting unknown mixed waste (this is the most dangerous since the tape path can thus continue unhindered in unpleasant edible packaging, nuclear packaging, biological toxins, etc.). This bulk of the waste is usually permanently compressed (or not) in the landfill. is brought to it from dual system sorters. Mixed bales are often temporarily stored only for removal to technologically demanding mixed waste incinerators to relieve the landfill.

Drobilnice na drugi strani ponavadi drobijo steklo, kolikor gaje izločenega iz ostalih komunalnih odpadkov, ločeno po podvrstah (zeleno, rjavo in belo), saj je steklo zaradi enostavnega ločevanja v nerazbiti obliki ena bolje izkoriščenih vrst odpadkov za reciklažo. Številno pretresanje in občasno celo stiskanje komunalnih odpadkov pripomore k razbitosti stekla. Steklo se zdrobljeno v posodah skupaj z redkimi ostalimi balami oz. posodami izločenih podvrst odpadkov samo začasno skladišči do odpreme v obrate predelave, kompostirnice, organizacije za ravnanje s strupenimi odpadki, začasne deponije in ostalim uporabnikom.Crushers, on the other hand, usually shred glass as much as it is disposed of from other municipal waste separately by subspecies (green, brown and white), because glass is one of the better used types of recycling waste for easy separation in non-destructive form. Numerous shaking and occasional squeezing of municipal waste helps to break the glass. The glass is crushed in containers along with a few other bales or bales. Disposal of waste subspecies is only temporarily stored until it is shipped to recovery facilities, composting facilities, poisonous waste management organizations, temporary landfills and other users.

Tudi iz skladišča organizatorja dualnega sistema, kjer se pretežno sortirajo odpadki za ponovno predelavo, se začasno skladiščijo odpadki za odvoz v obrate predelave, organizacije za ravnanje s strupenimi odpadki, začasne deponije in ostale uporabnike.Also from the warehouse of the organizer of the dual system, where waste is mainly sorted for reprocessing, waste for transport to processing plants, toxic waste management organizations, temporary landfills and other users is temporarily stored.

Faza evidentiranja ne predvideva sprotnih evidenc, vezanih na izvore odpadkov, na odpadke, zato se do konca postopka ne izvajajo nobene meritve (delovni nalogi, v kolikor se sploh pišejo, ne vsebujejo podatkov o izvorih, vrstah odpadkov in nimajo nobenih prilog s temi podatki). Običajno se za razvrščevalce samo evidentira čas prihoda in čas odhoda z dela.The recording phase does not provide for current records related to the sources of waste on waste, so no measurements are taken until the end of the process (work orders, if written at all, do not contain data on sources, types of waste and do not have any annexes with this data) . Typically, classifiers only record arrival time and departure time.

Iz evidenc ni mogoče razbrati niti pravih skupnih količin odpadkov, kaj šele količin njihovih posameznih vrst oz. podvrst. Kvaliteta izvorov ni poznana in tako je komunikacija z njimi neosebna. Pretežno obsega samo skromna poročila, navodila in obvestilo o višini njihovih obveznostih.From the records it is not possible to determine even the true total quantities of waste, let alone the quantities of their individual types or species. subtype. The quality of the sources is unknown and communication with them is impersonal. It mainly covers only modest reports, instructions and a notice on the amount of their liabilities.

Tako organizatorji nimajo nobenega vpliva na obnašanje izvorov: ne kontrolirajo in ne usmerjajo njihovega ravnanja.Thus, the organizers have no influence on the behavior of the sources: they do not control or direct their actions.

Brez poznavanja trenutnih in bodočih struktur odpadkov, pa tudi komunikacija z uporabniki ni konstruktivna.Without knowledge of current and future waste structures, communication with users is not constructive.

Procesa ravnanja z odpadki se ne prilagaja navodilom uporabnikov.The waste management process does not adhere to the user's instructions.

Komunalne odpadke, najlažje razvrstljivi segment okoljevarstva, je s pravilnim postopkom, brez večjih organizacijskih in delovnih naporov, mogoče elegantno obvladovati (mi ga prepuščamo popolni stihiji). Ti odpadki se ob pravilnem ravnanju lahko ponovno predelajo v isti proizvod. Proizvodi pa so embalirani v materiale, ki jih je najlažje ponovno predelati v isto embalažo.Municipal waste, the most easily identifiable segment of environmental protection, can be elegantly managed with the right process, without much organizational and work effort (we leave it to the perfect element). When properly handled, this waste can be reprocessed into the same product. However, the products are packaged in materials that are the easiest to recycle into the same packaging.


V fazi dostave posod pri postopku kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja odpadkov vsak izvor, ki je zaključena enota (stroškovno mesto), pred začetkom odvoza odpadkov prejme svojo osebno oznako (šifro, kodo...). Označevanje omogoča ugotavljanje izvorov, ki nepravilno odlagajo posamezne vrste odpadkov.In the stage of delivery of containers in the process of controlled manual sorting of waste, each source, which is a completed unit (cost center), receives its own personal code (code, code ...) prior to the start of waste disposal. Labeling enables the identification of sources that improperly dispose of individual types of waste.

Organizator, ki uporablja iste posode za odlaganje v prostoru izvora, prenos na mesto odlaganja, prevoz in razvrščanje komunalnih odpadkov, dostavi za odlaganje v prostoru izvora transportne vreče. Lične vreče za odlaganje različnih vrst metalne embalaže, plastike, stekla, papirja, strupenih, povratne embalaže, baterij in akumulatorjev, manjših kovinskih, manjših lesenih, tekstilnih odpadkov so različno obarvane, imajo ustrezen žepek za shranitev evidenčnih kartončkov in določen poseben prostor za oznako izvora (šifro, kodo...) in za oznako podvrste (z barvno nalepko, kodo, drugačnim računalniškim zapisom...). Barve ločijo pretežne vrste odpadkov (metalna embalaža, plastika, steklo, papir...), medtem ko ostale vrste in morebitne pogostejše podvrste lahko ločimo s posebnimi barvnimi nalepkami na nevtralni vreči, npr. v večjih količinah pojavljajoče se zelene steklenice pri izvoru. V kolikor uporabljamo sodobnejše računalniške zapisovalce in čitalce, se nalepke uporabljajo tudi na barvnih vrečah in ne samo na nevtralnih. V nobenem primeru pa ni oznake vrste oz. še manj podvrste »ostali odpadki«. Vreče so iz najtrše plastične tkanine, krojene oglato, dovolj trdne, da zagotavljajo samostabilnost in imajo pričvrščeno oprtnico (za lažji prenos z roko oz. na rami in druge vrste manipulacije). Na vrhu se zavežejo, da ne pride do raztresa. Dimenzije vreče za gospodinjstva in poslovne prostore se gibljejo od 0,03 do 0,06 m3 zaradi ličnega, nemotečega izgleda v prostoru in ne pretežkega prenosa. Manjše od 0,03 m3 ne smejo biti zaradi prevelike izgube časa za odvezo vanj e pri razvrščanju. Standardna dimenzija vreč za odlaganje posameznih vrst odpadkov je 30x30x40 cm, vreče za odlaganjeThe organizer using the same containers for disposal in the area of origin, transfer to the place of disposal, transportation and sorting of municipal waste, delivers for disposal in the area of origin of the transport bag. Personal bags for the disposal of various types of metal packaging, plastic, glass, paper, toxic, returnable packaging, batteries and accumulators, small metal, small wooden, textile waste are colored differently, have a suitable pocket for storing record cards and have a designated space for the mark of origin (code, code ...) and for the subtype code (with color sticker, code, different computer format ...). Colors distinguish predominant types of waste (metal packaging, plastic, glass, paper ...), while other types and possibly more common subtypes can be separated by special colored stickers on a neutral bag, e.g. in larger quantities appearing green bottles at the origin. To the extent that we use modern computer recorders and readers, stickers are also used on colored bags, not just neutral ones. In no case, however, is there a mark of type or. much less the "other waste" subtype. The bags are made of the toughest plastic fabric, tailored round, sturdy enough to provide self-restraint and have a strap attached (for easier hand or shoulder or other manipulation). At the top, they make a commitment to avoid spills. The dimensions of the household and commercial sacks range from 0.03 to 0.06 m3 due to the personal, unobstructed appearance of the room and not the heavy transfer. They should not be smaller than 0.03 m3 due to excessive waste of time to be unloaded during grading. The standard size of sacks for disposal of individual types of waste is 30x30x40 cm, sacks for disposal

-1111 posameznih podvrst v industriji so 90x90x100 cm, vendar lahko organizator uporablja tudi druge dimenzije, v kolikor se s časom izkažejo za bolj primerne. Posebna plastična vedra - neprodušno zaprte posode z držalom v velikosti 10 litrov - organizator dostavi za delo z organskimi odpadki. Organizator torej posodo za zajem odpadkov prilagodi potrebam olajšanega ločenega odlaganja posameznih vrst odpadkov v prostorih izvorov odpadkov in poznejšega učinkovitega ročnega razvrščanja.-1111 individual subspecies in the industry are 90x90x100 cm, but the organizer may use other dimensions as long as they prove more appropriate over time. Special plastic buckets - airtight containers with a 10 liter holder - delivered by the organizer for work with organic waste. The organizer therefore adjusts the waste collection container to the needs of facilitated separate disposal of individual types of waste at the premises of the waste sources and subsequent effective manual sorting.

Organizator poleg dostave ustreznih posod (ustrezno število čistih, dezinfekciranih vreč vseh barv in veder), zagotavljanja kvalitetnih nalepk za barvno in posebno označevanje (s šiframi, kodami...) podvrst in nalepk z oznakami izvora (s šiframi, kodami...), izvore izobrazi za poznavanje posameznih vrst in značilnejših podvrst ter o enostavnosti njihovega pravilnega odlaganja. V primeru zahtevnejših odlaganj na izvoru ponudi svojo storitev, npr. uničevalce zaupne dokumentacije in neuporabnih knjig poučijo o različnih vrstah odpadkov, da pred uničevanjem pravilno razvrstijo materiale (papir, mapice iz natronskega papirja, plastične mapice, plastične folije, fascikle...) in šele pravilno ločene materiale razrežejo. Pravilno uničevanje odpadnega papirja (v fasciklih je običajno lep, malo potiskan brezlesni pisarniški papir, kije odlična surovina za ponovno predelavo papirja in izločanje papirja iz fascikla in mapic je bistveno lažje in hitrejše opravilo od vlaganja papirja v fascikel, zato za hkratno uničevanje plastike s papirjem ni nobenega opravičila, vendar, Če je to za izvore prezahtevno, organizator namesto njih pravilno opravi storitev in ne dopusti nepravilnega odlaganja). Podoben primer, vezan na reciklažo papirja, je razrez knjig (organizator ne dopušča uničevanja z razrezom čez sredino v izogib prometa z neustrezno knjigo oz., da jih zbiralci papirja s cefralniki zdrobijo, saj knjige tako zaradi trdih ali celo plastičnih platnic in lepila na hrbtiščih končajo kot slab dodatekIn addition to delivering appropriate containers (an adequate number of clean, disinfected bags of all colors and buckets), the organizer provides quality labels for color and special marking (with codes, codes ...) subtypes and labels with origin markers (codes, codes ...) , educates the sources for the knowledge of individual species and characteristic subspecies and the ease of their proper disposal. In case of more demanding delays at source, offer your service, e.g. destroyers of confidential documentation and useless books are instructed on the different types of waste to properly sort materials (paper, natron paper folders, plastic folders, plastic sheets, folders ...) before destroying them and just cut the materials properly. Correctly destroying waste paper (usually a nice, lightly printed, lightweight office paper in the folders, which is an excellent raw material for reprocessing paper and removing paper from folders and folders is a much easier and faster task than putting paper in a folder, so it can destroy paper with paper at the same time there is no excuse, however, if this is too demanding for the sources, the organizer performs the service properly instead of them and does not allow for incorrect disposal). A similar example of paper recycling is the scrapping of books (the organizer does not allow the destruction by cutting through the middle to avoid trafficking in inappropriate books, or being crushed by paper collectors, since books are so hard or even because of hard covers and glue on the backs) they end up being a bad addition

-1212 oz. kot odpadek, kljub temu da knjiga, z izjemo platnic in hrbtišč, pretežno vsebuje prvovrstne papirje za ponovno predelavo papirja). Površno oz. nepravilno delo surovine spremeni v odpadek (tudi v primeru, da več vrst odpadkov uspemo predelati v nov proizvod, na koncu dobimo novo vrsto odpadka in tako razmnožujemo odpadke), zato organizator ponudi celo lastno uslugo, da lahko zahteva pravilno ravnanje izvorov s komunalnimi odpadki.-1212 oz. as waste, despite the fact that the book, with the exception of covers and backs, mainly contains first-class paper reprocessing papers). Superficially. improper work of the raw material turns into waste (even if we manage to recycle several types of waste into a new product, we end up with a new type of waste and thus multiply the waste), so the organizer even offers his own service so that he can request the proper treatment of municipal waste.

V fazi odlaganja odpadkov v prostorih izvora organizator, kot poznavalec ravnanja z odpadki, izvaja svojo uslugo povsod, kjer je izvorom prezahtevno pravilno odložiti odpadek oz. kjer je potrebno že v fazi odlaganja odpadkov na izvoru odpadke ločevati na podvrste. Tako ima izvor v vsakem trenutku možnost vsak odpadek zavreči v ustrezno vrečo v bližini oz. poklicati organizatorja na pomoč, vendar ne sme ravnati v nasprotju z navodili. Proizvodnja, trgovina, ustanove, gospodinjstva v večstanovanjskih zgradbah in naseljih in gospodinjstva samostojnih hiš lahko po navodilih organizatorja odpadke odlagajo ločeno, s priporočilom, da (za olajšanje odlaganja) vreče za različne odpadke namestijo celo v različne prostore gospodinjstev oz. poslovnih prostorov, glede na vir določenega odpadka. Pri gospodinjstvih npr. vrečko za metalno embalažo postavijo v kuhinjo, za plastiko v kopalnico, za steklo v shrambo ali klet, za papir v dnevno sobo ali sobo, za ostale vrste ločeno v klet ali poseben prostor, vedro za organske odpadke pa kot posebno posodo v kuhinjo. Izvori lahko torej v posebne vreče ločeno odložijo metalno embalažo, plastiko, steklo, papir, strupene odpadke, povratno embalažo, baterije in akumulatorje, manjše kovinske, manjše lesene, tekstilne odpadke ipd., kljub temu da so običajno za zadnjih šest vrst odpadkov predvideni drugi izvajalci. Taki izvajalci so lahko začasne deponije, ki poskrbijo za premet s kovinskimi, lesenimi, tekstilnimi, gradbenimi, kosovnimi ipd. odpadki. Začasne deponije, v kolikor so formirane, poskušajo pridobiti uporabnikeIn the waste disposal phase at the premises of origin, the organizer, as a connoisseur of waste management, performs his service wherever it is too difficult for the sources to properly dispose of the waste or waste. where it is necessary to separate the waste into subtypes already at the waste disposal stage at the source. Thus, at any moment, the source has the possibility to dispose of any waste in a suitable bag near or. to call the organizer for help but not to contradict the instructions. Production, commerce, institutions, households in multi-dwelling buildings and settlements and households of detached houses may dispose of waste separately according to the organizer's instructions, with the recommendation that (for ease of disposal) sacks for different waste be placed even in different premises of households or. business premises, according to the source of the particular waste. For households, for example. they place the metal bag in the kitchen, the plastic in the bathroom, the glass in the pantry or basement, the paper in the living room or room, for the other species separately in the basement or separate room, and the organic waste bucket as a separate container in the kitchen. Sources can therefore separately dispose of metallic packaging, plastic, glass, paper, toxic waste, returnable packaging, batteries and accumulators, smaller metal, minor wooden, textile waste, etc. in separate bags, although the last six types of waste are usually provided for. contractors. Such contractors may be temporary landfills that provide metal, wooden, textile, construction, bulky items, etc. waste. Temporary landfills, as far as they are formed, try to gain users

-1313 rabljenih materialov, zato jih temu primemo obdelajo in le v primeru, da rabljenih materialov ni mogoče tržiti, jih odpeljejo ustreznim uporabnikom. V primeru, da začasne deponije niso formirane, organizator postopka kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja odpadkov organizira tudi to storitev. Na drugi strani so za promet s povratno embalažo, akumulatorji in baterijami že po svoji vlogi običajno zadolženi posredniki oz. trgovci; v kolikor tudi temu ni tako, to opravilo prevzame organizator, ki v nobenem primeru ne dopušča nepravilnega odlaganja.-1313 used materials, so they are treated accordingly and only if used materials cannot be marketed, will they be shipped to the appropriate users. In the event that temporary landfills are not formed, the organizer of the controlled manual waste sorting process also organizes this service. On the other hand, brokers and / or batteries are usually in charge of the marketing of returnable packaging, batteries and batteries. merchants; if this is not the case, the organizer will take over this task, which in no case allows for improper disposal.

Z vključitvijo organizatorja v problematično odlaganje odpadkov ni več razloga za nepravilnosti. Izvori vse vrste odpadkov odložijo v ustrezne vreče, s tem da vreča za vrsto »ostali odpadki« ne obstaja! Vsako vrečo posamezni izvor označi s svojo lastno oznako (šifro, kodo...) in po potrebi oznako vrste oz. podvrste.By involving the organizer in the problematic disposal of waste, there is no longer any reason for irregularities. Sources dispose of all types of waste in the appropriate bags without the bag for the "other waste" type! Each bag is identified by its own source with its own code (code, code ...) and, if necessary, the type code. subspecies.

V fazi prenosa na mesto odlaganja izvori v dogovoru z organizatorjem določijo mesta odlaganja, na katera bodo odlagali polne vreče po vrstah ločenih odpadkov, kjer ni več prepolnih, smrdečih kontejnerjev. Določene vonjave so izolirane v zaprtih vrečah in se ne mešajo z drugimi. Stanovalci zagotavljajo nadzor nad mestom odlaganja, saj neoznačenih vreč organizator ne bo prevzel oz. jih bo prevzel pod posebnim režimom.In the transfer phase to the landfill site, the sources, in agreement with the organizer, determine the landfill sites to which full bags will be disposed of by separate types of waste, where there are no longer overflowing, smelly containers. Certain scents are isolated in sealed bags and do not mix with others. Residents provide control over the disposal site, as the organizer will not take over the unmarked bags. he will take them under a special regime.

Na mestih odlaganja, kjer odpadke odlaga več izvorov, izvori določijo dežurnega za prevzem posod (dezinfekciranih čistih vreč oz. veder) in za posredovanje informacij organizatorja v zamenjavo za predajo označenih posod. Izvor vedno prejme isto število vreč enake barve, kot jih je predal. Na javnih mestih so vsa mesta odlaganja, npr. otoki na trgovskih ulicah, trgi, parki pod stalnim nadzorom. Tam zaposleni izvorov oz. organizatorja 24 ur dnevno skrbijo za čistočo ulice, pravilno odlaganje odpadkov in prevzem ustreznih posod in informacij organizatorja v zamenjavo za predajo označenihAt the landfill sites where the waste is deposited by several sources, the sources determine a duty officer for picking up containers (disinfected clean bags or buckets) and for submitting information to the organizer in exchange for handing over marked containers. The origin always receives the same number of bags of the same color as it was handed over. In public places are all disposal sites e.g. islands on commercial streets, markets, parks under constant surveillance. The employees of the sources or organizer 24 hours a day to ensure the cleanliness of the street, proper disposal of waste and the collection of appropriate containers and information of the organizer in exchange for the delivery of marked

-1414 posod z odpadki. Trgovske in bolj frekventne ulice imajo svojo oznako izvora (šifro, kodo..Na ulicah, trgih, parkih ipd. ni postavljena niti ena posoda brez fizičnega nadzora, ki ga izvajajo zaposleni izvora ali organizatorja.-1414 waste bins. Commercial and more frequent streets have their origin mark (code, code .. No containers are placed on the streets, squares, parks, etc. without physical control by the employees of the originator or organizer.

Izvori lahko na mesta odlaganja predajo vreče, vedra, sode ali sortirane bale podvrst odpadkov (proizvodnje, trgovine, ustanove), saj lahko večja mesta odlaganja z zaposlenimi posedujejo stiskalnico za odpadke. Organizator večjim izvorom nudi svoje zaposlene za uposabljanje ljudi na izvorih za samostojno pravilno ravnanje z odpadki oz. zaposleni organizatorja za izvor stalno izvajajo storitev. Organizator lahko svoje zbirno skladišče postavi že za 200.000 prebivalcev, v kolikor so razdalje med mesti odlaganja velike, saj ne potrebuje več kot 5.000 m2 ravne površine in v dogovoru z izvori lažje organizira in načrtuje letni plan (po dnevih in vrstah odpadkov) odvozov z mest odlaganja. Tako zagotovi sproten odvoz odpadkov (lepši izgled, manj smradu in bolj higienično odlaganje odpadkov).Sources can deliver sacks, buckets, barrels or sorted bales of waste sub-types (production, shops, establishments) to the disposal sites, as larger disposal sites with employees may have a waste press. The organizer offers larger sources to its employees to train people on sources for proper waste management or self-management. the originator's employees provide the service on an ongoing basis. The organizer can set up its collective storage for up to 200,000 inhabitants, if the distances between the disposal sites are large, since it does not require more than 5,000 m2 of flat surface and in agreement with the sources it is easier to organize and plan the annual plan (by days and types of waste) of removal from the sites delays. In this way, it ensures a quick waste disposal (better appearance, less odor and more hygienic waste disposal).

V fazi prevzema posod na mestu odlaganja organizator angažira vsa tovorna in ne specialna vozila. Pri odvozih je zelo prilagodljiv, saj lične lahke vreče lahko prevaža vsako tovorno vozilo, mogoče pa jih je spraviti tudi v osebni avtomobil. Širok izbor vozil zagotavlja reden odvoz tudi v najhujših razmerah (npr. vremenskih) in ta vozila z ustreznim številom manipulantov s hitrostjo in neopaznostjo nalaganja bistveno manj ovirajo promet v naseljih, hkrati pa se vozila lahko pri delu tudi ustrezno umaknejo z vozišča. Na drugi strani skrajšanje časa manipulacije zmanjša porabo goriva in onesnaževanje ozračja. Voznik oz. njegovi manipulanti ob prevzemu na mestu odlaganja prečitajo oznake izvorov in evidentirajo čas, manipulanta, število posod posameznih vrst oz. podvrst po izvoru (ročno, vizualno, računalniško, s kodiranjem oz. z uporabo najsodobnejših orodij za čitanje in evidentiranje).During the takeover phase at the disposal site, the organizer engages all trucks and not special vehicles. It is very flexible when taking luggage, since personal light bags can carry any truck and can also be carried in a passenger car. A wide selection of vehicles ensures regular removal even in the worst conditions (eg weather), and these vehicles with adequate number of manipulators with speed and invisibility of loading significantly impede the traffic in the settlements, while at the same time the vehicles can be properly withdrawn from the carriageway. On the other hand, reducing manipulation time reduces fuel consumption and air pollution. Driver or. its manipulators read the source codes at the place of disposal and record the time, the manipulator, the number of vessels of each species or. subspecies by origin (manual, visual, computer, coding, or using state-of-the-art reading and recording tools).


Podatke zapišejo v delovni nalog. Voznik vpiše oznako mesta odlaganja, kilometre, čas prihoda, čas odhoda, medtem ko ima že od začetka vožnje zapisan datum, vozilo, ime voznika in njegovih manipulantov. Manipulant, po odčitanju in evidentiranju, posode ločeno nalaga v vozilo. Vsebine posod pri nalaganju in med prevozom ne pretresa, ne meša in ne stiska! Polno vozilo po nalaganju po najkrajši poti vozniki odpeljejo na skladišče organizatorja.They record the data in a work order. The driver shall enter the place of departure mark, kilometers, time of arrival, departure time, while from the beginning of the journey the date, vehicle, name of the driver and his manipulators shall be recorded. After reading and recording, the manipulator loads the containers separately into the vehicle. Contents of containers are not shaken, shaken or pressed during loading and transportation! After loading the full vehicle, the drivers are taken to the organizer's warehouse by the shortest route.

Pri uporabi sodobnih računalniških orodij, povezanih s centralnim računalnikom, se že pri odčitavanju takoj evidentira, kje je kateri voznik v določenem času in od katerega izvora je manipulant prevzel katero vrsto odpadka. Sodobne tehnike že sedaj omogočajo celo vizualno spremljanje dogodkov, vendar, v kolikor vozila niso sodobno opremljena, lahko manipulanti med vožnjo voznika evidentirane podatke sporočijo po mobilnem telefonu evidencam, kijih vnesejo v centralni računalnik. Tako je skladiščnik na skladišču organizatorja že ob nalaganju manipulantov oz. med prevozom seznanjen, kaj bo polno vozilo pripeljalo. Že pred prihodom vozila ima natisnjene evidenčne kartončke, ki so že opremljeni s poznanimi podatki o datumu, šifri izvora in šifri vrste oz. podvrste odpadka. Kartonček je zapisan s pisavo za obdelavo z najsodobnejšimi čitalci in računalniki ali natisnjen z najenostavnejšim tiskalnikom.When using state-of-the-art computer tools connected to the central computer, it is immediately recorded, at the time of reading, where a driver is located at a certain time and from which source the manipulator took over what type of waste. Modern techniques already allow even visual monitoring of events, but unless the vehicles are modernly equipped, manipulators can log the recorded data via mobile phone to the records they enter into the central computer. Thus, the warehousekeeper is already in the organizer's warehouse when the manipulators are loaded. during transportation, be aware of what the full vehicle will bring. Even before the arrival of the vehicle, it has printed record cards, which are already equipped with known date, origin and type codes. waste subtypes. The card is written in processing font with state-of-the-art readers and computers, or printed with the simplest printer.

V fazi prevzema v skladišču skladiščnik ob prihodu vozila odčita in potrdi prevzem vsake posamezne, že s strani manipulantov odčitane, posode (male vreče, velike vreče, bale podvrste, izjemoma bale vrste, soda ali vedra) in ji primemo pritrdi kartonček (vreči kartonček vtakne v poseben žepek), dodatno opremljen z novimi podatki, ki jih zapiše v računalnik. Na kodiranem evidenčnem kartončku so dodatno predvidena mesta za zapis številke vreče oz. bale, teže, časa prevzema in za podpis skladiščnika. Na zadnji straniDuring the pickup phase, the warehousekeeper, upon arrival of the vehicle, reads out and confirms the acceptance of each container already read by the manipulators (small bags, big bags, bales of subspecies, exceptionally bales of the kind, soda or buckets) and holds a card attached to it (the bag inserts the bags in a special pocket), additionally equipped with new data that he writes to his computer. On the encoded record card, additional places are provided for the record of the bag number or. bales, weights, pick-up time and signature of the storekeeper. On the back

-1616 kartončka je prostor za zapis ugotovitev razvrščevalcev: za zapis oz. odtis časa začetka in konca razvrščanja, oznako sprejemljivosti razvrščanja izvora (da,ne), zapis kratkega komentarja razvrščanja izvora, zapis oznak pridobljenih podvrst oz. vrst s pripadajočimi količinami in zapisa oznake (V) v primeru pojava nove, neznane vrste oz. podvrste odpadka.-1616 card is a place to record the findings of the classifiers: to record or. the footprint of the start and end times of sorting, the marking of the acceptability of the sorting of origin (yes, no), the record of the short comment on the sorting of the origin, the record of the marks of the obtained subspecies or. species with associated quantities and record (V) in the event of the emergence of a new, unknown species or species. waste subtypes.

Pri uporabi sodobnih računalniških rešitev se novi podatki zapišejo že ob čitanju s čitalno enoto oz. skladiščnikovim govornim sporočilom, vendar novitete vplivajo samo na hitrost informacije, njeno enostavno podajanje in njeno preglednost, nikakor pa ne morejo vplivati na njeno kvaliteto, saj je ta odvisna od navodil organizatorja in izvedbe skladiščnika.When using state-of-the-art computer solutions, new data is recorded when read with a reading unit or. However, the novelties affect only the speed of the information, its easy presentation and its transparency, and in no way can affect its quality, since it depends on the organizer's instructions and the execution of the storekeeper.

S kartončki opremljene posode gredo na tehtanje, kjer se teže poleg zapisa v centralni računalnik zapišejo tudi na kartonček. Skladiščnik na podvrste očitno pravilno razvrščenim stehtanim balam ob prevzemu v začasno skladiščenje natisne označeno komercialno etiketo, ki vsebuje podatke s prve strani kodiranega kartončka za uporabnika in jo, glede na podvrsto stisnjenega odpadka, usmeri na ustrezno mesto. Balirajo se samo na ustrezne podvrste razvrščeni odpadki. Nepravilno na podvrste razvrščene bale in bale posameznih vrst odpadkov se prevzemajo samo v dogovoru z organizatorjem!The containers fitted with the cards go for weighing, where the weights are also written on the card in addition to the record on the central computer. The storekeeper prints the labeled commercial label containing the information on the first page of the encoded user card on the subtypes of apparently correctly weighed baled bales upon admission to temporary storage and directs it to the appropriate location with respect to the subtype of compressed waste. They only balance on the relevant waste subspecies. Incorrectly classified sub-types of bales and bales of individual types of waste are accepted only in agreement with the organizer!

V fazi razvrščanja odpadkov organizator razvrščanje podvrst prilagodi potrebam predelovalcev tudi zunaj državnih meja, saj ima z njimi stalno komunikacijo. Država oz. združba samo v korist okoljevarstva določi škodljive uporabnike (npr. sežigalnice nekontroliranih odpadkov, deponije) in razvrščanje se prilagodi za ostale uporabnike, saj nov postopek razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov temelji na okolju najbolj varnem, pa tudi tehnično in praktično najbolj učinkovitem novem ročnem razvrščanju. Najpomembnejša elementa novega ročnega načina razvrščanja sta: razvrščanje majhnih količinIn the waste sorting phase, the organizer adjusts the subclass sorting to the needs of the recyclers outside the national borders as it has constant communication with them. Country or. only for the benefit of the environment does the association identify harmful users (eg uncontrolled waste incinerators, landfills) and adjust the classification for other users, since the new municipal waste disposal process is based on the most environmentally safe and technically and practically most efficient new manual sorting. The most important elements of the new manual sorting method are: small volume sorting

-1717 (0,03 - 0,06 m3) ene vrste odpadkov na podvrste, kar omogoča neprimerno večjo preglednost in odpadki se med razvrščanjem samostojno ne premikajo. Način razvrščanja pri odlaganju odpadkov je malo zahteven, saj odpadek hitro, enostavno zavržemo v posodo in ni prehudo, če pomislimo, v katero. In podobno tudi razvrščanje ene vrste odpadkov iz majhnih posod na podvrste ni zamudno, zahtevno dejanje. Zaradi dobre preglednosti je čas razvrščanja skoraj enak času odlaganja na izvoru. Odpadki se namreč pri manipulaciji iz prostora izvora do mesta za razvrščanje niso spremenili, saj jih nismo pretresali, mešali z drugimi odpadki ali celo stiskali. Ročno razvrščanje izvajajo usposobljeni ljudje. Pred začetkom dela se, kot strojem, izmerijo njihove sposobnosti. Po začetku dela se ves čas spremlja njihovo delo in se jih v primeru napake izloči iz postopka oz. prestavi na manj odgovorno mesto.-1717 (0.03 - 0.06 m3) of one type of waste per subtype, which allows for greater transparency and waste does not move independently during classification. The sorting method for waste disposal is a little tricky, as waste is quickly, easily thrown into a container and not too fast to think about. Similarly, sorting one type of waste from small containers into subtypes is not a time-consuming, demanding act. For the sake of transparency, the sorting time is almost equal to the delay time at the origin. Waste did not change during manipulation from the place of origin to the sorting site, since it was not shaken, mixed with other wastes or even compressed. Manual sorting is done by trained people. Before working, their abilities are measured as a machine. After the start of work, their work is constantly monitored and, in the event of a mistake, they are removed from the procedure or. move to a less responsible place.

Na pravilnem delu razvrščevalcev temelji ves postopek, zato je njihov izbor še toliko bolj odgovoren, saj so najpomembnejše orodje v procesu. Razvrščevalci torej prevzamejo stehtane pripeljane vreče, prečitajo s priloženih kartončkov že poznane podatke in sprotno, med razvrščanjem s pretresanjem na ravno mizo, zapišejo nove podatke: pravilnost razvrščanja, količine podvrst, vzorce... Posamezno vrsto odpadkov razporedijo na določene podvrste in v kolikor naletijo na novo vrsto oz. podvrsto odpadka, vzorec v posebni vrečki predajo delovodji. V kolikor so posamezne podvrste označene s strani proizvajalcev, jih prečita za natančnejše in hitrejše evidentiranje razvrščanja (pri papirju označevanje podvrst ni mogoče). Posamezne podvrste se sproti tehtajo in jih številčno opredelijo za vsako razvrščeno vrečo, opremljeno s kartončkom. Ko končajo z razvrščanjem posode, imajo na kartončku že zapisane vse nove podatke.The correct work of the classifiers is based on the whole process, so their selection is all the more responsible as they are the most important tool in the process. The sorters therefore take the weighed brought bags, read the already known data from the enclosed cards and, on the basis of shaking on the flat table, write down the new data: the correctness of sorting, the quantities of subspecies, the samples ... They distribute each type of waste into specific subspecies and if they come across to a new species or. sub-type of waste, hand over the sample in a special bag to the foreman. To the extent that individual subspecies are marked by manufacturers, they are rewritten for more accurate and faster sorting records (subspecies cannot be marked on paper). Each subspecies is weighed up and identified numerically for each sorted bag fitted with a card. When they finish sorting the container, they already have all the new information on the card.

Iz ene vrste odpadkov stisnjene bale sprejmejo razvrščevalci te vrste odpadkov, prečitajo kartonček, razbalirajo balo, razvrstijo odpadke naFrom one type of waste, compressed bales are taken by the sorters of that type of waste, they read the card, pound the bale, sort the waste into

-1818 podvrste, spravijo kartončke z zapisanimi novimi podatki na zadnji strani in posamezne podvrste usmerijo na baliranje.-1818 subspecies, store cards with new data recorded on the back and direct each subspecies to baling.

Razvrščevalci pretežno razvrščajo metalno embalažo, steklo, plastiko in papir, medtem ko organske odpadke ob pretresanju samo pregledajo glede pravilnosti razvrščanja na izvoru, strupene odpadke samo usmerijo pristojnim organizacijam in tudi morebitne ostale vrste odpadkov samo napotijo ustreznim uporabnikom.Classifiers mainly classify metal packaging, glass, plastics, and paper, while the organic waste is only screened for shredding at the origin, only direct toxic waste to the competent organizations and refer any other waste to appropriate users.

Razvrščevalci organskih odpadkov kartončke na vedrih prečitajo, prekontrolirajo pravilno odlaganje na označenem izvoru, vedra izpraznijo v večje sode, dezinfekcirajo in parno očistijo za ponovno uporabo. Pri vsakem opravilu na kartonček sproti dodajajo nove podatke. Večje posode z organskimi odpadki, opremljene s kartončki, usmerijo na začasno skladiščenje.Organic waste sorters read, check the correct disposal at the designated source, empty the buckets into larger casks, disinfect and vapor clean them for reuse. For each task, they are constantly adding new information to the card. Larger containers of organic waste, equipped with cardstock, are sent for temporary storage.

Pri plastiki, steklu in metalni embalaži lahko etikete in neizpraznjenost povzročajo določene težave, ki jih je potrebno glede na količine ustrezno reševati s pranjem ipd., medtem ko je razvrščanje na njihove podvrste enostavno; nasprotno je za relativno čist papir, ki ga ni treba prati, bolj zahtevno razločevanje podvrst (na ugotovljene nepravilnosti izvora, npr. neizpraznjenost, organizator takoj reagira z opozorilom izvoru, medtem ko na tehnološko preveč nalepljene komercialne etikete opozori trgovca, proizvajalca oz . ustrezno službo).In the case of plastics, glass and metal packaging, labels and emptiness can cause certain problems that need to be properly addressed by washing, etc., while sorting by subtype is easy; on the contrary, for relatively clean paper that does not need to be washed, it is more difficult to distinguish subspecies (the organizer immediately reacts to the detected irregularities of origin, eg emptiness, with a warning against the origin, while the technologically over-affixed commercial labels alert the trader, the manufacturer or the relevant department ).

Razvrščevalci omenjenih vrst torej na različnih mestih izvajajo: enostavno (razvrščanje lahko ločljivega papir iz tiskam, ločevanje ostalih vrst na podvrste); zahtevnejše (razvrščanje težje ločljivega papirja iz tiskam oz. arhiva v fasciklih, mapicah, folijah na papirne podvrste in pranje oz. čiščenje ostalih vrst odpadkov) in zelo zahtevno razvrščanje (razrez knjig, uničevanje zaupne dokumentacije oz, ostranjevanje etiket, ločevanje dveh zlepljenih vrst ipd. pri ostalih vrstah).The sorters of the mentioned types therefore perform in different places: simple (sorting easily separable paper from prints, separating other types into subtypes); more demanding (sorting hard-to-read paper from prints or archives in folders, folders, foils on paper subspecies and washing or cleaning other types of waste) and very demanding sorting (cutting books, destroying classified documents, removing labels, separating two glued types, etc.) for other species).


Pri organizaciji kontrole oz. razvrščanja je najbolj pomembno, da se razvrščevalec največ enkrat dotakne odpadka preden pade v stiskalnico (drobilnico).When organizing controls or it is most important that the sorter touches the waste at most once before it falls into the press (crusher).

Razvrščanje posameznih vrst in organizacijo dela ves čas usmerja in nadzoruje delovodja, zadolžen za posamezno vrsto odpadka.Classification of individual types and organization of work is constantly directed and supervised by the foreman in charge of each type of waste.

Vsaka vrsta odpadka se razvršča na drugem mestu.Each type of waste is sorted in a different place.

Iz kartončkov razvrščevalec na koncu delovnika izpiše delovni nalog, kateremu jih kot prilogo tudi priloži. Tako opremljene delovne naloge preda delovodji (prisotna je tudi stalna oz. občasna vmesna kontrola dela razvrščevalcev s pregledom kartončkov, njihovih računalniških zapisov oz. celo preko video nadzora). Pregledane delovne naloge delovodja preda v evidence za računalniško obdelavo, kontrolo oz. arhiviranje.At the end of the working day, the sorter prints out a work order from the cards, to which he also encloses them. He hands over the tasks so equipped to the foreman (there is also a permanent or occasional intermediate control of the work of the classifiers by examining the cards, their computer records, or even through video surveillance). The supervisor shall submit the inspected work assignments to the records for computer processing, control or. archiving.

Fazi razvrščanja odpadkov sledi faza čiščenja in skladiščenja posod. Vreče čistilci na čistilnem mestu ustrezno dezinfekcirajo in očistijo za ponovno zamenjavo na mestu odlaganja pri izvorih. Neustrezne se seveda izločijo, vendar je za vsako že na kartončku evidentirano kje, kdo in zakaj jo je poškodoval. Pri normalni manipulaciji poškodbe niso mogoče, možna je samo obraba s pogosto uporabo. Čiste posode predajo v skladišče posod, kjer skladiščnik voznikom preda ustrezno število posameznih posod in sporočila za posamezne izvore v ovojnicah, kijih računalniško zapiše oz. označi, komu so bila sporočila in vreče predane.The waste sorting phase is followed by the cleaning and storage phase of the containers. Cleaner bags at the treatment site are properly disinfected and cleaned for replacement at the source disposal site. The irrelevant ones are, of course, eliminated, but for each one already on the card it is recorded where, who and why he injured her. In normal manipulation, no damage is possible, only frequent wear is possible. The clean containers are handed over to the container warehouse, where the storekeeper hands over to the drivers an appropriate number of individual containers and messages for the individual sources in the envelopes that he / she records or computerized. mark to whom messages and bags have been handed over.

V fazi priprave odpadkov za odpremo in začasno skladiščenje se šele uporabijo velike posode, imenovane tekoči trakovi, ki so normalno podobno kot stiskalnice namenje samo za delo s pravilno, na podvrste razvrščenimi odpadki.In the preparation phase for shipment and temporary storage, large containers, called conveyor belts, are only used, which, in a normal manner, is intended for presses only for handling properly sorted waste.


Odpadki po razvrščanju in kontroli pristanejo v avtomatski stiskalnici (steklo v drobilnici). Organizator zagotovi, da se stiskalnice (drobilnice) nahajajo v nižjem nadstropju, saj tako ni potrebno uporabljati tekočih trakov. Strojevodja oz. baler stehta balo in zapiše v računalnik oz. računalnik samostojno evidentira že znane podatke; številko bale, datum, podvrsto odpadka oz. surovine, čas nastanka bale, težo bale in ime balerja. Počaka na izpis komercialne etikete, ki je opremljena s podatki za uporabnike, jo nalepi na balo in balo usmeri na ustrezno mesto za začasno skladiščenje.After sorting and checking, the waste lands in an automatic press (glass in the crusher). The organizer ensures that the presses (crushers) are located on the lower floor, as this does not require the use of conveyor belts. The driver or. baler weighs the bale and writes to the computer or. the computer independently records already known information; bale number, date, type of waste or raw materials, bale formation time, bale weight and baler name. It waits for the commercial label to be displayed, which is equipped with user information, affixes it to the bale and directs the bale to a suitable place for temporary storage.

Skladišče bal mora biti velikosti dveh železniških vagonov za vsako podvrsto odpadka. Zahtevana velikost je seveda odvisna od organizacije nadaljne predelave. Prostorje pokrit ali se skladišči samo pod nadstreškom.The bale storage must be the size of two railway wagons for each waste subtype. The size required depends, of course, on the organization of further processing. The premises are covered or stored only under the eaves.

V fazi odpreme odpremnik bale in posode z zdrobljenim steklom opremljene s komercialnimi etiketami, ki jih zapiše v računalnik oz. prečita s čitalci, naloži za prevoz v obrate predelave. Podobno naloži ostale odpadke za druge uporabnike v dogovorjenih posodah, prav tako opremljenih s komercialnimi etiketami. Npr. organski odpadki so namenjeni v kompostimice, strupeni odpadki zahtevajo poseben pristop, ki ga izvajajo samo za to usposobljene in registrirane organizacije - organizacije za ravnanje z odpadki, ki morajo tudi podati navodila za njihovo razvrščanje; zajete na izvoru napačno odložene odpadke (kovinske, gumjaste, lesene, gradbene, tekstilne, baterije, povratno embalažo) ustrezno preusmerijo na začasne deponije oz. druge registrirane uporabnike. Smotrno je, da organizacijo odvozov organskih odpadkov prepusti kompostirnicam, v kolikor je mogoče, medtem ko odvoz strupenih odpadkov logično lahko prevzame organizator, zaradi njihovega nekontinuiranega nastanka pri gospodinjstvih oz. manjših izvorih tovrstnih odpadkov. V računalnik so zapisane vse številke odpremljenih bal oz. ostalih posod. Vozniku preda računalniško izpisano odpremnico.In the shipping phase, the bale shipper and the broken glass container are equipped with commercial labels, which he / she writes to the computer or. reads with readers, orders to be transported to processing plants. Similarly, load other waste for other users in agreed containers, also equipped with commercial labels. E.g. organic waste is intended for composting, toxic waste requires a specific approach, which is carried out only by qualified and registered waste management organizations, which must also provide guidance for their classification; Incorrectly disposed waste (metal, rubber, wooden, construction, textile, batteries, returnable packaging) is properly diverted to temporary landfills or waste. other registered users. It is advisable to leave the organization of organic waste disposal to the composting plants as much as possible, while the toxic waste can logically be taken over by the organizer, due to their non-continuous occurrence in households or households. minor sources of such waste. The computer records all the numbers of shipped bales, respectively. other containers. Hand over the computerized delivery note to the driver.


Faza evidentiranja se s čitanjem izvaja sprotno ob nastanku vsakega dogodka. Za delovanje postopka kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov organizator dosledno izvaja evidentiranje in analiziranje dogodkov za pravočasne posege na udeležence, saj nepravilno izvajanje ene same faze procesa lahko ogrozi njegovo pravilno delovanje. Ročno ali preko uporabe najsodobnejše računalniške opreme vodi naslednje evidence:The logging phase is read-only when every event occurs. For the operation of the process of controlled manual classification of municipal waste, the organizer consistently performs the recording and analysis of events for timely interventions on participants, as improper implementation of a single phase of the process may jeopardize its proper functioning. Manually or through the use of state-of-the-art computer equipment, keep the following records:

a) šifrant označenih mest odlaganja in izvorov z natančnimi podatki o lokaciji izvora (naziv, področje, naslov, tel/fax, e-mail...), težavnosti dostopa, velikosti, orodjih, številu posod, kvaliteti ločenega odlaganja...a) a code list of marked disposal sites and sources with precise information on the location of origin (name, field, address, tel / fax, e-mail ...), difficulty of access, size, tools, number of vessels, quality of separate disposal ...

b) šifrant posod, vrst in podvrst odpadkovb) a register of containers, types and sub-types of waste

c) Šifrant zaposlenih, vozilc) Codex of employees, vehicles

d) šifrant ostalih del zaposlenihd) the code list of other employees

e) obrazci delovnih nalogov za voznike, razvrščevalce, kakor tudi prevzemni, balirni in odpremni liste) Work Order Forms for Drivers, Classifiers as well as Receipt, Balancing and Dispatch Sheets

f) priloga - kartonček.f) Attachment - card.

Organizatorju uporaba označevanja (šifriranje, kodiranje...) s sodobnimi oblikami čitanja in zapisa omogoča večjo prepoznavnost, bistveno hitrejši potek postopka in sproten nadzor dogodkov, ki omogoča sprotno odpravljanje nepravilnosti in večjo prilagodljivost.The use of marking (encryption, coding ...) with modern forms of reading and writing enables the organizer to have greater visibility, significantly faster process and ongoing control of events, which allows for immediate elimination of irregularities and greater flexibility.

Rezultati računalniške obdelave služijo za:The results of computer processing are used for:

a) izbor orodij v vseh fazaha) selection of tools at all stages

b) ugotavljanje kvalitete odlaganja odpadkov po vrstah na izvorih za njih opozorila, nagrade, kazni v fazi odlaganja odpadkov v prostoru izvorab) Determining the quality of waste disposal by type on the sources of warnings, awards, penalties in the waste disposal phase in the area of origin

c) spremljanje količin vhoda posameznih vrst in podvrst odpadkov za:c) monitoring the input volumes of each type and sub-type of waste for:


-ugotavljanje kvantitete in kvalitete odpadkov na vseh posameznih izvorih- assurance of quantity and quality of waste at all individual sources

-analizo posameznih vrst z vidika njihove primerljivosti in zamenljivosti-analysis of individual species in terms of their comparability and substitutability

-analizo najboljših in naj slabših odpadkov s strani uporabnikov-analysis of best and worst waste by users

d) zajem vzorcev odpadkov, ki ne sodijo v obstoječe podvrste odpadkov, za opozarjanje izvorov in proizvajalcev uporabnikovd) capture of non-existing waste sub-types of waste samples to alert the sources and producers of users

e) ugotavljanje količin izhoda posameznih vrst in podvrst po posameznih uporabnikih za ugotavljanje pravilnosti delovanja postopka in komunikacijo z uporabnikie) Determination of output quantities of individual types and subspecies by individual users for determining the correct operation of the process and communication with users

V fazi določanja podvrst in pisanja navodil za izvore ter razvrščevalce posameznih vrst, ki predstavlja začetek in konec postopka, prejme organizator od proizvajalcev oz predelovalcev različnih materialov oz. vrst odpadkov oznake posameznih podvrst z navodili za njihovo pravilno pripravo, pakiranje in označevanje. Predelovalci težijo k predelavi odpadnih proizvodov v iste proizvode (npr. časopisni papir predelajo ponovno v časopisni papir), zato za lažjo pot odpadne podvrste do predelave podvrste za organizatorja še dodatno označijo na proizvodu. S pomočjo posebne oznake razvrščevalci posameznih vrst odpadkov s primemo sodobno računalniško opremo v skladišču organizatorja zaradi boljše prepoznavnosti hitreje vrste razvrstjo na podvrste in evidentirajo njihovo razvrstitev. Proizvajalci že v razvojni fazi proizvoda določijo oznako podvrste odpadka za predelavo. Oznaka podvrste je pogoj za začetek redne serijske proizvodnje posameznega proizvoda. Organizator na podlagi navodil predelovalcev pripravi navodila in izobraževanje za izvore in razvrščevalce posameznih vrst odpadkov.At the stage of determining the subspecies and writing instructions for the sources and classifiers of each species, which represents the beginning and end of the process, the organizer receives from the producers or processors of different materials or materials. the types of waste are labeled individually with instructions for their proper preparation, packaging and labeling. Processors tend to process waste products into the same products (eg, they re-process newsprint into newsprint), so they further mark the waste sub-type for the organizer sub-type on the product. With the help of a special label, the sorters of individual types of waste, with the help of modern computer equipment in the organizer's warehouse, for the sake of better recognition of the faster types, sort them into subtypes and record their classification. Manufacturers already designate a waste subtype for recovery at the product development stage. The subtype designation is a prerequisite for the start of the regular batch production of each product. Based on the instructions of the processors, the organizer prepares instructions and training for the sources and classifiers of individual types of waste.

Claims (14)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov »značilen po tem«, da v fazi določanja podvrst, pisanja navodil za izvore in razvrščevalce posameznih vrst predelovalci različnih materialov oz. vrst odpadkov (steklo) organizatorju določijo oznake podvrst (zeleno steklo), v fazi dostave posod organizator z navodili in izobraževanjem izvorom (gospodinjstva, trgovine...) dostavi lične posode (samostoječe vreče in neprodušno zaprta plastična vedra, sode), nalepke z njihovo osebno oznako ter nalepke z oznako (barvne, šifrirane, kodirane, oznake za sodobne računalniške čitalce...) posameznih vrst oz. pogostejših podvrst odpadkov, da lahko enostavno v lastnih prostorih (kuhinja, kopalnica...) napolnijo, zaprejo in označijo posode posameznih vrst odpadkov; v fazi odlaganja odpadkov je pomembno, da ni oznake za vrsto »ostali odpadki«, da, v kolikor je že na izvoru potrebno razvrščanje na podvrste, organizator namesto izvorov opravi razvrščanje v njihovih prostorih in ne dopušča ravnanja v nasprotju z navodili; v fazi prenosa na mesto odlaganja dežurni (pri več izvornem odlaganju) ali s strani organizatorja oz. izvora zaposleni razvrščevalec (pri odlaganju na javnih površinah) kontrolira označenost posod oz. pravilnost v na mestu odlaganja nameščene posode, razvršča, stiska, predaja samo označene posode in prevzema enake, čiste, prazne, z informacijami organizatorja za izvore, ob tem, da na javnih mestih, ki imajo lastne oznake izvora, ni posod brez 24-umega nadzora zaposlenih; v fazi prevzema posod na mestu odlaganja manipulanti prečitajo podatke na posodi, označene posode naložijo, vendar bale iz posameznih vrst odpadkov prevzamejo samo v dogovoru z organizatorjem in podatke med vožnjo telefonsko sporočijo v evidence oz. se avtomatično računalniško prenesejo za zapis kartončka že1. The process of controlled manual classification of municipal waste is characterized by the fact that at the stage of determining subspecies, writing instructions for sources and classifiers of individual types, processors of different materials or materials. waste types (glass) are assigned to the organizer by sub-labels (green glass), in the delivery phase of the containers the organizer delivers personal containers (freestanding bags and airtight plastic buckets, barrels) with labels and instructions to the source (households, shops ...). personal label and labels with labels (colored, encrypted, encoded, tags for modern computer readers ...) of individual types or. more frequent sub-types of waste so that they can easily fill, close and mark the containers of individual types of waste in their own premises (kitchen, bathroom ...); during the waste disposal phase, it is important that there is no label for the type of “other waste”, that, if sub-type classification is already required at the source, the organizer performs sorting on their premises instead of sources, and does not allow for contravention of the instructions; during the transfer phase to the place of disposal on duty (at several original disposal) or by the organizer or. the originator employed (when depositing in public areas) controls the labeling of containers or correctness in the place of disposal of the container installed, sorted, pressed, handing over only marked containers and picking up the same, clean, empty, with information of the origin organizer, while in public places with their own markings of origin, there are no containers without 24 employee supervision; during the takeover phase at the disposal site, the manipulators read the data on the container, load the marked containers, but take the bales from individual types of waste only in agreement with the organizer and report the data during the ride to the records or. are automatically downloaded to record the card already -2424 pred prevzemom v skladišču; v fazi prevzema skladiščnik prečita in potrdi prevzem vsake posode, jo takoj opremi s kartončkom ter usmeri na tehtanje; v fazi razvrščanja jih stehtane prevzamejo razvrščevalci posameznih vrst odpadkov, prečitajo kartonček, stresejo vso majhno vsebino na mizo, razvrstijo in prečitajo posamezne podvrste ter podatke zapišejo na kartonček, ki ga na koncu delavnika priložijo delovnemu nalogu za pregled delovodji, ki razvrščevalca (najpomembnejše orodje) v postopku, pred delom preizkusi in nato ves čas nadzira in usmerja; po fazi razvrščanja nastopi faza čiščenja in skladiščenja posod za dostavo izvorom skupaj z informacijo ter navodili organizatorja, medtem ko gredo podvrste na fazo priprave za odpremo, kjer jih formirajo v ustrezno obliko in pravilno označijo ter začasno skladiščijo, da v fazi odpreme oznake prečitajo in podvrste naložijo za predelovalce in na koncu faza evidentiranja s čitanjem sprotno usmerja postopek.-2424 before being picked up at the warehouse; during the takeover phase, the storekeeper shall read and confirm the acceptance of each container, immediately equip it with a card and direct it for weighing; during the sorting phase, the weighers are taken over by the sorters of each type of waste, read the card, shake all the small contents on the table, sort and read the individual subspecies, and write the data on the card, which is attached at the end of the work to the work order for inspection by the classmaster (the most important tool) in the process, before work tests and then constantly monitors and directs; After the sorting phase, the stage of cleaning and storage of the containers for delivery to the originators comes along with the information and instructions of the organizer, while the subspecies go to the stage of preparation for dispatch, where they are formed in proper form and properly labeled and temporarily stored to read and subtype the tags during the dispatch phase. they load for processors, and finally the logging phase directs the process by reading. 2. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da organizator izvorom odpadkov za ločeno odlaganje posameznih vrst odpadkov zagotovi zadostno število raznobarvnih, ličnih, samostoječih, povratnih, v dimenzijah 0,03-0,06 m3 zapirljivih vreč, opremljenih z žepki za kartončke, nosilnim pasom za lažji prenos na mesta odlaganja, ob tem da poleg nevtralnih tudi raznobarvne vreče, ki že označujejo posamezne vrste odpadkov, še dodatno označi z nalepkami za sodobne računalniške čitalce.2. The method of controlled manual classification of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized in that" the organizer provides a sufficient number of multicolored, personal, freestanding, recyclable, in the dimensions 0.03-0.06 m3, for the separate disposal of individual types of waste. sacks fitted with card pockets, a carrier belt for easy transfer to disposal sites, in addition to being labeled with multicolored sacks already marking individual types of waste, with additional labels for modern computer readers. 3. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 2. » značilen po tem«, da organizator večjim izvorom, ki ločujejo odpadke celo na podvrste, lahko preda vreče v dimenziji 90x90x100 cm oz. 0,81 m3, za razliko od drugače za razvrščanje najprimernejše dimenzije 30x30x40 cm oz. 0,036 m3, medtem ko za organske odpadke uporabljajo 10literska, neprodušno zaprta vedra pri manjših in sode pri večjih; dodatno lahko večjim izvorom z zaposlenimi razvrščevalci v najem ali odkup ponudi3. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 2. "characterized in that" the organizer can hand over bags in the dimensions of 90x90x100 cm or larger to major sources that separate waste even into subtypes. 0,81 m3, unlike otherwise for classification of the most suitable dimension of 30x30x40 cm or. 0.036 m3, while 10 liter, airtight, sealed buckets for smaller ones and barrels for larger ones are used for organic waste; it can additionally offer larger sources with hiring or buying staff -2525 orodja za delo z odpadki (stiskalnice za nekovinske odpadke, uničevalce, rezalce, mline, drobilce).-2525 waste management tools (non-metallic waste presses, destroyers, cutters, mills, crushers). 4. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da organizator vsakemu izvoru preda nalepke z njegovo lastno oznako, nalepke z oznakami vseh obstoječih vrst in podvrst odpadkov po klasifikaciji predelovalcev, med katerimi ni oznake za vrsto oz. še manj za podvrsto »ostali odpadki«, navodila za ravnanje, ponudbo izobraževanja in ponudbo njegovih storitev v primeru potrebnosti ločevanja odpadkov na podvrste že pri izvoru (uničevanje zaupne dokumentacije).4. The process of controlled manual classification of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized in that" the organizer hands over to each source labels with his own label, labels with labels of all existing types and subspecies of waste according to the classification of processors, which does not include a label for type or type. much less for the subtype "other waste", the instructions for handling, the provision of education and the provision of its services in the event of the need to separate the waste into subtypes at origin (destruction of confidential documentation). 5. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da dežurni na mestu odlaganja skrbi samo za pravilno primopredajo posod, medtem ko zaposleni razvrščevalec na javnem mestu poleg usmerjanja odlaganja odpadkov, razvrščanja, priprave odpadkov za odvoz z označevanjem z oznako javnega mesta in oznako podvrste, dodatno skrbi tudi za čistočo ulice oz. javnega mesta, saj nikjer v celem naselju ni nenadziranih posod za odlaganje odpadkov in jih morajo ljudje odnesti na nadzirana mesta odlaganja oz. domov.5. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized by" that the on-site duty officer only takes care of the proper handling of containers, while the employed classifier in a public place, in addition to directing the disposal of waste, sorting, preparing waste for removal by labeling with a public place mark and a subtype mark, it additionally takes care of the cleanliness of the street or. public place, as there are nowhere unsupervised waste bins in the whole settlement, and people have to take them to supervised disposal sites. home. 6. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da voznik oz. njegovi manipulanti ob čitanju oznake izvorov evidentirajo (ročno, vizualno, računalniško z uporabo najsodobnejših zapisovalcev in Čitalcev); čas, manipulanta, število posod posameznih vrst oz. podvrst po izvoru in podatke zapišejo v delovni nalog, medtem ko voznik vpiše: oznako mesta odlaganja, kilometre, čas prihoda, čas odhoda, a že od začetka vožnje ima: zapisan datum, vozilo, ime voznika in njegovih manipulantov - vsebine posod pri nalaganju in med prevozom se ne pretresa, ne meša in ne stiska!6. The method of controlled manual classification of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized in that" its manipulators record the source code when reading it (manually, visually, by computer using state-of-the-art recorders and readers); time, manipulator, number of vessels of each type or. The subspecies by origin and the data are entered in the work order, while the driver enters: location code, kilometers, time of arrival, departure time, but from the beginning of the journey it has: written date, vehicle, name of the driver and his manipulators - contents of containers at loading and do not shake, stir or squeeze during transportation! 7. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da skladiščnik v skladišču vsako z nalepkami7. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized by" that the storeier in the warehouse each carries labels -2626 označeno vrečo, vedro, sod ali balo opremi z označenim kartončkom z naslednjimi podatki:-2626 Fill a marked bag, bucket, barrel or bale with a marked card with the following information: • številka vreče oz. bale v dnevu • dan • koda oz. oznaka izvora • vrsta oz. podvrsta odpadka • teža • podpis skladiščnika • na zadnji strani kartončka kontrolorji:• bag number or bales in day • day • code or. source code • type or. waste subtype • weight • storekeeper signature • on the back of the card controllers: a) označijo sprejemljivo razvrščanje izvora (da,ne)a) indicate acceptable origin classification (yes, no) b) napišejo kratek komentar razvrščanja izvorab) write a short comment on the classification of the source c) zapišejo pri razvrščanju pridobljene količine posameznih podvrstc) record the amount of individual subspecies obtained when classifying d) s posebno oznako označijo prisotnost nove, neznane podvrste, ki jo v posebni vrečki predajo delovodji.d) mark with a special mark the presence of a new, unknown subspecies which is handed over to the foreman in a special bag. 8. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da skladiščnik dodatno na podvrste očitno pravilno razvrščenim balam ob prevzemu v začasno skladiščenje natisne označeno komercialno etiketo in jo, glede na podvrsto stisnjenega odpadka, usmeri na ustrezno mesto, saj se balirajo samo na ustrezne podvrste razvrščeni odpadki, medtem ko se nepravilno na podvrste razvrščene bale in bale posameznih vrst odpadkov prevzemajo samo v dogovoru z organizatorjem!8. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized by" that the storeier prints the marked commercial label on admission to temporary storage and, with respect to the subtype of compressed waste, directs it to the appropriate location, as they are billed only on the relevant waste sorted subspecies, while incorrectly sorted bales and bales of individual types of waste are only taken in agreement with the organizer! 9. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da je posebne skrb posvečena razvrščevalcem, ki specialzirani za posamezne vrste po navodilih organizatorja z upoštevanjem vseh dnevno sprejetih sprememb ravnanj na mizah vsebino posamezne vreče njihove vrste odpadkov razvrstijo na podvrste in posebej v vrečko za delovodja izločijo njim nepoznan odpadek, ki ga ni mogoče9. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized in that" special care is given to classifiers who specialize in individual types according to the organizer's instructions, taking into account all daily accepted changes in the handling of tables, the contents of each bag of their waste type. subspecies, and specifically in the foreman's bag, dispose of unknown unknown waste, which is not possible -2727 razvrstiti v nobeno njim poznano podvrsto in v kolikor so posebne ali preočitne napake odlaganja pri posameznem izvoru napišejo kratek komentar v napotek izvoru, medtem ko je njihov delovni nalog po pregledu delovodje, ki izloča neustrezne razvrščevalce, predan v evidence.-2727 be classified in any subspecies known to them, and to the extent that specific or obvious deposition errors at a particular source write a brief comment in the reference to the source, while their work order, after inspection, is the supervisor who eliminates the improper classifiers. 10. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 9. »značilen po tem«, da v skladišče pripeljanih vreč ni potrebno takoj razvrščati, če nekaj časa ni ustreznih razvrščevalcev in tudi, ko razvrščevalec vzame vrečo v obdelavo ga nihče ne priganja, saj je najpomembnejša previlnost postopka.10. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 9. "characterized in that" it is not necessary to sort it immediately into the repository of bags unless there is a lack of appropriate sorters for a while, and even when the sorter picks up the bag for treatment, no one drives it. the most important prevailing process. 11. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da si organizator preko označevanja, čitanja, ročnih evidenc, vnosa v računalnik in/ali sodobnejših računalniških tehnik evidentiranja (optični, video,zvočni... zapisi in čitalci) zagotavlja naslednje evidence:11. The process of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized by" being an organizer through labeling, reading, manual records, computer input and / or advanced computer recording techniques (optical, video, audio ... records and readers) provides the following records: g) šifrant kodiranih mest odlaganja in izvorov z natančnimi podatki o lokaciji izvora (naziv, področje, naslov, tel/fax, e-mail...), težavnosti dostopa, velikosti, orodjih, številu posod, kvaliteti ločenega odlaganja...g) a codebook of coded disposal sites and sources with precise information on the location of origin (name, field, address, tel / fax, e-mail ...), difficulty of access, size, tools, number of vessels, quality of separate disposal ... h) šifrant posod, vrst in podvrst odpadkovh) a register of containers, types and sub-types of waste i) šifrant zaposlenih, vozili) the code list of employees, vehicles j) šifrant ostalih delj) code list of other works k) obrazci delovnih nalogov za voznike, razvrščevalce, kakor tudi prevzemni, balimi in odpremni list.k) forms of work orders for drivers, classifiers, as well as takeover bills, bales and consignment notes. l) priloga - kartonček.l) Attachment - card. 12. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da rezultati računalniške obdelave evidenc služijo za:12. The process of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized in that" the results of computerized processing of records serve to: f) izbor orodijf) selection of tools -2828-2828 g) ugotavljanje kvalitete odlaganja odpadkov po vrstah na izvorih za komunikacijo z izvorig) determining the quality of waste disposal by type on sources for communication with sources h) spremljanje količin vhoda posameznih vrst in podvrst odpadkov za: -ugotavljanje kvantitete in kvalitete odpadkov na vseh posameznih izvorihh) monitoring of input quantities of individual types and sub-types of waste for: - assuring the quantity and quality of waste at all individual sources -analizo posameznih vrst z vidika njihove primerljivosti in zamenljivosti-analysis of individual species in terms of their comparability and substitutability -analizo najboljših in naj slabših odpadkov s strani predelovalcev-analysis of the best and worst waste by processors i) zajem vzorcev odpadkov, ki ne sodijo v obstoječe podvrste odpadkov, za opozarjanje predelovalcevi) capture of non-existing waste sub-types of waste samples to alert processors j) ugotavljanje količin izhoda posameznih vrst in podvrst po posameznih predelovalcih za komunikacijo z njimi in primerjavo z vhodnimi količinami.j) Determining the output quantities of each species and subspecies by individual processors to communicate with and compare with the input quantities. 13. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 12. »značilen po tem«, da so odpremljene količine enake prevzetim, kar potrjuje, da so bile vse količine ročno razvrščene in da ni nepoznanega odpadka.13. The method of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 12. "characterized in that" the quantities shipped are equal to the received quantities, which confirms that all quantities were manually sorted and that no unknown waste is present. 14. Postopek kontroliranega ročnega razvrščanja komunalnih odpadkov po zahtevku 1. »značilen po tem«, da predelovalec s posebnimi oznakami označi posamezne podvrste odpadkov, ki jih uporablja pri svoji proizvodnji, organizatorja izobrazi o potrebnih lastnostih posameznih podvrst, svetuje uporabo orodij za pravilno pripravo podvrst in ga celo opremi z njimi za lažje14. The process of controlled manual sorting of municipal waste according to claim 1. "characterized by" that the processor, with specific labels, identifies the individual waste subtypes used in its production, advises the organizer on the necessary properties of the individual subspecies, advises the use of tools for the proper preparation of subspecies and even equip it with them for ease
SI200100079A 2001-03-21 2001-03-21 Procedure of supervised manual sorting of general waste SI20857A (en)

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