SI20767A - Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses - Google Patents

Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses Download PDF


Publication number
SI20767A SI200000308A SI200000308A SI20767A SI 20767 A SI20767 A SI 20767A SI 200000308 A SI200000308 A SI 200000308A SI 200000308 A SI200000308 A SI 200000308A SI 20767 A SI20767 A SI 20767A
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Peter Gabrovšek
Bogdan Seliger
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Metrel Merilna In Regulacijska Oprema D.D.
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Application filed by Metrel Merilna In Regulacijska Oprema D.D. filed Critical Metrel Merilna In Regulacijska Oprema D.D.
Priority to SI200000308A priority Critical patent/SI20767A/en
Publication of SI20767A publication Critical patent/SI20767A/en



  • Testing Of Short-Circuits, Discontinuities, Leakage, Or Incorrect Line Connections (AREA)


The procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses automatically measures the line (RLINE) resistivity, the loop breakdown resistivity (RLOOP), the tactile voltage (Uc), tests the operation of the disconnector against differential current and can be expanded by measuring the resistivity of terminals. The procedure can also be enhanced by corresponding voltage tests on inputs and the identification of the direction of the driving field. It compares the measurement results with the defined values and displays the results on a display as acceptable - false or by digits. It can also include the storage of results in a memory location and the transfer of data to external PCs. The required (reference) values are entered into the memory by the producer of the device for the practical application of the procedure or the user itself by using a computer.


Tehniški problemTechnical problem

Izum rešuje tehniški problem razvoja postopka za samodejno meijenje parametrov električnih hišnih napeljav kot so upornost izolacije med faznim in zaščitnim vodnikom, upornost izolacije med nevtralnim in zaščitnim vodnikom, napetost dotika med referenčno „zemljo“ in dostopnim delom na potencialu zaščitnega vodnika itd.The invention solves the technical problem of developing a process for automatically changing the parameters of electrical house wiring such as insulation resistance between phase and protective conductor, insulation resistance between neutral and protective conductor, contact voltage between the reference "ground" and accessible part on the potential of the protective conductor, etc.

Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art

Električne napeljave v zgradbah je potrebno preizkušati v pogledu varnosti. S tem v zvezi je potrebno meriti: upornost izolacije med faznim in nevtralnim vodnikom, upornost izolacije med faznim in zaščitnim vodnikom, napetost dotika med referenčno „zemljo“ in dostopnim delom na potencialu zaščitnega vodnika, upornost (impedanco) okvame zanke, upornost (impedanco) linije itd. Poleg tega je treba preizkusiti še zaščitno stikalo na diferenčni tok, če je v napeljavi.Electrical installations in buildings must be tested for safety. In this connection, it is necessary to measure: the insulation resistance between the phase and neutral conductors, the insulation resistance between the phase and the protective conductor, the contact voltage between the reference 'ground' and the accessible part on the potential of the protective conductor, the resistance (impedance) of the loop loop, the resistance (impedance) lines etc. In addition, the circuit breaker must be tested for differential current, if installed.

Omenjene meritve in preizkusi zahtevajo veliko časa zaradi vsakičnega nastavljanja merilnika. Paziti je treba tudi na vrstni red preizkusov oziroma meritev. Poleg tega je tu še možnost napak in napačnega vrednotenja rezultatov, če meritve ne vrši ustrezno kvalificirano osebje. Od samodejnih postopkov preizkusov je avtoijem znan samo samodejni preizkus zaščitnih stikal na diferenčni tok.These measurements and tests take a lot of time because of each meter setting. Care should also be taken in the order of tests or measurements. In addition, there is the possibility of errors and misjudgments of results if measurements are not made by appropriately qualified personnel. Of the automatic test procedures, only auto-test of the differential current protection circuit breakers is known to the auto.

Opis nove rešitveDescription of the new solution

Bistvo nove rešitve po izumu je samodejni postopek, ki zajema preizkus vseh parametrov električnih hišnih napeljav, njihovo vrednotenje in prikazovanje.The essence of the new solution according to the invention is an automatic procedure, which includes the testing of all parameters of electrical house wiring, their evaluation and display.

V nadaljevanju bo izum podrobneje opisan in razložen.In the following, the invention will be described and explained in more detail.

Posamezni simboli pomenijo:Individual symbols mean:

Rljne upornost (impedanca) linijeRole impedance of the line

R-loop upornost (impedanca) okvame zankeR-loop impedance impinges on loops

Uc napetost dotika na zaščitnem vodnikuU c the contact voltage at the protective conductor

Ιδν nazivna vrednost diferenčnega tokaΙδν is the nominal value of the differential current

-3-3ίΔ čas sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok-3-3ί Δ time of tripping of the protection switch on the differential current

Glede na vrsto hišne električne napeljave ima postopek za samodejno merjenje parametrov električnih hišnih napeljav tri osnovne različice in sicer:Depending on the type of home electrical installation, the process for automatically measuring the parameters of electrical domestic installation has three basic variants, namely:

1. za preizkus električne hišne napeljave brez zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok;1. to test electrical house wiring without a differential current protection switch;

2. za preizkus električne hišne napeljave z zaščitnim stikalom na diferenčni tok, pri čemer naj ne pride do njegovega sproženja;2. to test the electrical wiring with a residual current-proof circuit breaker without triggering it;

3. za preizkus električne hišne napeljave z zaščitnim stikalom na diferenčni tok, pri čemer pride do njegovega sproženja.3. to test the electrical wiring with a differential current-proof circuit-breaker and trigger it.

Če električna hišna napeljava nima zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok, praviloma merimo upornost Rloop z večjim tokom kot v primeru, da napeljava ima zaščitno stikalo. V tem primeru je ta tok enak toku za meritev RLine· Če meritev RLine pokaže vrednost upornosti višjo od postavljene meje, se na prikazovalniku pojavi ustrezni napis, sam postopek pa se lahko zaključi ali pa nadaljuje. V primeru, da izmerjena vrednost Rline ustreza, se postopek nadaljuje z merjenjem vrednosti Rloop· Če je izmeijena vrednost ustrezna, se na prikazovalniku pojavi ustrezni napis (npr. ustrezno).If the electrical installation does not have a residual current circuit breaker, we generally measure the Rloop resistance with a higher current than if the line has a circuit breaker. In this case, this current is the flow of the measurement of R L ine · If the measurement of D L ine indicates a resistance value greater than defined limits, the display shows the corresponding words, a process that may be completed or continued. If the measured Rline value corresponds, the process is continued by measuring the Rloop value.

Zgoraj opisani postopek oseba, ki preizkuša hišno napeljavo sproži s posebnim ukazom, nakar se le-ta samostojno odvija, bodisi do prvega negativnega izida ali pa do konca meritev, zajetih v postopek.The procedure described above is triggered by the person testing the house wiring with a special command, after which it is performed independently, either until the first negative result or until the end of the measurements included in the procedure.

V primeru, da ima hišna napeljava zaščitno stikalo na diferenčni tok, a tega ne želimo sprožiti, uporabimo postopek po različici 2. Tu moramo za meritev Rloop uporabiti manjši tok kot za meritev Rline, da ne sprožimo zaščitnega stikala. Pri tem postopku merimo še napetost dotika Uc. Za to meritev praviloma uporabimo tok enake velikosti kot za meijenje Rloop· Pri postopku samodejno merimo po vrsti: Rline, Rloop in Uc. Negativni izid katerekoli meritve pomeni lahko konec postopka in ustrezni prikaz na prikazovalniku. Če negativnih izidov ni, se na prikazovalniku pokaže ustrezni napis (npr. ustrezno ali OK). Pri obeh gornjih postopkih je vrstni red meritev poljuben.If the house wiring has a differential current protection switch but we do not want to initiate it, we use the procedure according to version 2. Here we need to use a smaller current to measure the Rloop than to measure the Rline in order not to trigger the protection switch. In this procedure, the contact voltage U c is also measured. As a rule, the flow is the same size as for the Rloop changes. · The process is automatically measured by type: Rline, Rloop and U c . The negative outcome of any measurement can mean the end of the process and the corresponding display on the display. If there are no negative results, the display will show the appropriate caption (eg appropriate or OK). In both procedures above, the order of measurements is arbitrary.


Ce ima hišna napeljava zaščitno stikalo na diferenčni tok in nas ne moti njegovo sproženje, uporabimo postopek po različici 3. Ta postopek vsebuje vse preizkuse kot jih ima postopek, po različici 2, poleg tega pa še preizkus sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok. SlednjiIf the house wiring is equipped with a differential current protection switch and is not disturbed by its initiation, the procedure according to version 3 is used. This procedure contains all the tests as in the version 2 procedure, and also the test of the differential current protection switch activation. The latter

-4-4preizkus se po prijavljenem postopku opravi s pomočjo prožilnega toka iz nabora nazivnih prožilnih tokov zaščitnih stikal na diferenčni tok.-4-4The test according to the reported procedure is performed by means of a tripping current from the set of rated tripping currents of the differential current protection switches.

Pomemben parameter je upornost izolacije. Za to meritev ne sme biti preizkušam del napeljave priključen na omrežno napetost. V primeru zgoraj opisanega postopka je ugodno, da je ta meritev dodana uspešno opravljenemu preizkusu sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok, sicer pa je v ta namen potrebno izklopiti preizkušam tokokrog.An important parameter is the insulation resistance. For this measurement, the test piece must not be connected to the mains voltage. In the case of the procedure described above, it is advantageous that this measurement is added to the successfully passed test of tripping the protective switch on the differential current, otherwise it is necessary to switch off the circuit tests for this purpose.

Postopek po izumu je možno še poljubno razširiti z drugimi meritvami kot so npr. preizkus upornosti povezave med priključki vtičnice ali med dvema vtičnicama ali povezave dostopnih prevodnih delov z zaščitnim vodnikom.The process of the invention can be further extended by other measurements such as e.g. a test of the resistance of the connection between the sockets of the socket or between the two sockets or of the connection of accessible conductors with a protective conductor.

Široke so tudi možnosti prikazovanja izidov preizkusov, saj je te možno v najbolj enostavni obliki prikazati kot ustrezno - neustrezno, poleg tega pa tudi numerično in alternativno s prenosom na druge naprave (npr. računalnik). Dobljene podatke pa je možno shraniti tudi v pomnilniku naprave za izvajanje postopka ter jih uporabiti v najrazličnejše namene. Najenostavnejša oblika postopka ima vstavljene vrednosti, katere primerja z rezultati meritev ter rezultat prikaže na prikazovalniku naprave v obliki ustrezno - neustrezno. Referenčne vrednosti so običajno dobljene na podlagi zahtev in izkušenj, v postopek pa jih vgradi proizvajalec naprave za izvajanje postopka ali pa uporabnik s pomočjo računalnika.The results of the test results are also wide, as they can be presented in the simplest form as appropriate - inappropriate, and numerically and alternatively by transferring to other devices (eg a computer). The obtained data can also be stored in the memory of the device for performing the procedure and used for various purposes. The simplest form of the procedure has inserted values, which are compared with the results of measurements, and the result is displayed on the device display in the form appropriate - inappropriate. Reference values are usually obtained based on requirements and experience and are either built into the process by the manufacturer of the process device or by a user using a computer.

Za korektno izvedbo meritev po prijavljenem postopku morajo biti na vhodnih sponkah naprave ustrezne napetosti. Zaradi možnosti, da napetosti na vhodnih sponkah naprave ne ustrezajo, je opisani postopek možno razširiti še z oceno in prikazom napetosti na vhodih. Primer neustreznih napetosti je npr. napačno povezana vtičnica, pri kateri sta fazni in nevtralni vodnik zamenjana. Postopek je možno še razširiti z ugotavljanjem faznega zaporedja oziroma smeri vrtilnega polja v trifazni napeljavi.In order to perform measurements correctly according to the declared procedure, the input terminals of the device must have adequate voltage. Due to the possibility that the voltages at the input terminals of the device do not correspond, the described procedure can be extended by estimating and displaying the voltages at the inputs. An example of inadequate tensions is, for example. incorrectly connected socket where the phase and neutral conductors are replaced. The process can be further extended by determining the phase sequence or direction of rotation field in a three-phase line.

Opisani postopek je možno realizirati z napravo, ki s pomočjo mikroprocesorja in polprevodniških stikal zaporedno vklaplja merilno vezje za izvajanje ustrezne meritve, vrši primerjavo rezultatov in opravi prikaz rezultatov ali njihovega vrednotenja na prikazovalniku.The described procedure can be realized by means of a device which, by means of a microprocessor and semiconductor switches, switches the measuring circuit in series in order to perform the appropriate measurement, performs a comparison of the results and performs the results or their evaluation on the display.

V nadaljevanju bo izvedljivost postopka dokazana z izvedbenim primerom.In the following, the feasibility of the process will be demonstrated by a case in point.

V izvedbenem primeru rabi za izvajanje postopka po izumu naprava, ki ima mikroprocesor, polprevodniška stikala, modul za povezavo z zunanjim računalnikom, pomnilnik, prikazovalnik in napajalnik. Prikazovalnik je v obliki tabele s pripadajočimi svetlečimiIn an embodiment, a device having a microprocessor, semiconductor switches, an external computer connection module, memory, a display, and a power supply is used to perform the process of the invention. The display is in the form of a table with associated illuminants

-5-5diodami. Uporabniku je namenjeno polje s tipko za izbiro postopka in tipko za sproženje izbranega postopka.-5-5diodami. The user is assigned a field with a button for selecting a procedure and a button for triggering the selected procedure.

Napravo je potrebno priključiti na enofazno ali trifazno vtičnico, pač glede na vrsto napeljave. Ob sproženju postopka se pri pravilnem stanju napetosti na vhodih prične odvijati izbrano zaporedje meritev. Postopek lahko vsebuje tudi ugotavljanje smeri vrtilnega polja (trifazna vtičnica). Na prikazovalniku bo v tem primeru prikazana smer (desna ali leva) z zaporednim prižiganjem in ugašanjem svetlečih diod. Delovni program za posamezni del postopka opravi meritev in rezultat primerja s shranjeno vrednostjo v pomnilniku. Če je rezultat ustrezen, postopek preide na sledečo meritev. V tem primeru svetleča dioda v polju pravkar opravljene meritve (preizkusa) ugasne in prižge se svetleča dioda v polju sledeče meritve. Ko je celoten postopek uspešno zaključen, zasveti svetleča dioda ob napisu „OK“.The device must be connected to a single-phase or three-phase socket, depending on the type of installation. When the process is initiated, the selected measurement sequence starts at the correct voltage state at the inputs. The process may also include determining the direction of the rotating field (three-phase socket). In this case, the display will show the direction (right or left) by successively switching on and off the LEDs. The work program performs a measurement for each part of the process and compares the result with the stored value in memory. If the result is appropriate, the process proceeds to the next measurement. In this case, the LED in the field of the measurement just taken (test) goes off and the LED in the next measurement field lights up. When the entire process is successfully completed, the LED next to "OK" lights up.

Če mikroprocesor ugotovi pri neki meritvi neustrezni rezultat, začne utripati svetleča dioda zadevne meritve in lahko nastopi ustavitev postopka zaradi ugotovljene nevarnosti.If the microprocessor detects an incorrect result in a measurement, the LED of the measurement in question flashes and the process may be stopped due to an identified hazard.

Naprava ima lahko tudi podsklop za preizkušanje stikov. Tudi ta je pod nadzorom mikroprocesorja. Posebna svetleča dioda pa prikazuje izmerjeni stik. Pri previsoki upornosti ali celo odprtih sponkah, svetleča dioda ne sveti, sveti le pri dobrem stiku, npr. če je upornost nižja od 1 Ω. Utripanje svetleče diode pa pomeni, da je na vhodu merilnega vezja prisotna napetost.The device may also have a sub-assembly for contact testing. This one is also controlled by a microprocessor. However, a special LED indicates the measured contact. When the resistance is too high or even the terminals are open, the LED does not illuminate, only illuminates when in good contact, e.g. if the resistance is less than 1 Ω. However, flashing the LED means that a voltage is present at the input of the measuring circuit.

Če preizkušamo tudi sproženje zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok, sproži mikroprocesor postopek šele po ugotovitvi, da je na vhodih prisotna omrežna napetost le na priključku za fazni vodnik (napram nevtralnemu in zaščitnemu vodniku). Če je ugotovljeno omenjeno stanje, se prižgo vse tri svetleče diode.If we also test the tripping of the circuit breaker on the differential current, the microprocessor starts the process only after it is found that the inputs are only supplying voltage at the phase conductor connector (against the neutral and protective conductors). If this condition is found, all three LEDs are lit.

Po sproženju postopka je s polprevodniškimi stikali merilno vezje nastavljeno na meritev linijske upornosti in prižge se ustrezna svetleča dioda, ki prikazuje to meritev. Mikropocesor opravi meritev z dovolj visokim tokom, ki jamči kvalitetno meritev in primerja rezultat z vrednostjo v pomnilniku. V primeru, da meritev ni dala zadovoljivega rezultata, začne utripati svetleča dioda, ki prikazuje meritev, mikroprocesor pa lahko prekine postopek. Za meritev upornosti okvame zanke se nato prižge njena svetleča dioda. Pri meritvi upornosti okvame zanke je merilni tok nizek, ker ne sme priti do sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok. Pri tej meritvi mikroprocesor izračuna upornost ter izmeri padec napetosti na zaščitnem vodu pri nazivnem toku in opravi primerjavo s predpisanimi vrednostmi.After initiation of the process, the semiconductor switches set the measuring circuit to a line resistance measurement and the corresponding LED indicating this measurement is lit. The microprocessor performs a measurement with a sufficiently high current that guarantees a quality measurement and compares the result with the value in memory. If the measurement did not give a satisfactory result, the LED indicating the measurement flashes and the microprocessor may interrupt the process. The LED of the loop is then lit to measure the resistance of the loop. When measuring the resistance of a circuit breaker, the measuring current is low, as it must not trigger the differential switch. In this measurement, the microprocessor calculates the resistance and measures the voltage drop across the rated line at the rated current and compares with the prescribed values.

-6-6Če je izmerjena napetost dotika ali upornost okvame zanke previsoka, začne utripati ustrezna svetleča dioda, pravtako pa svetleča dioda pri zaščitnem stikalu na diferenčni tok. Preizkus zaščitnega stikala vsebuje tako preizkus z nazivno vrednosljo diferenčnega toka I^n , kot tudi čas sproženja stikala ίΔ -6-6If the measured contact voltage or resistance of the loop fault is too high, the corresponding LED starts to flash and the LED at the differential current protection switch also flashes. The test of the protection switch contains both a test with a rated differential current I ^ n as well as a switching time ί Δ

Po izklopu zaščitnega stikala postopek izvrši Še preizkus izolacije, za kar je vključen izvor primemo visoke napetosti. Rezultat bo zopet prikazan s svetlečo diodo.After switching off the safety switch, the process performs an isolation test, for which a high voltage source is included. The result will be displayed again with the LED.

Postopek samodejnega merjenja parametrov hišnih napeljav je možno integrirati tudi v naprave, ki prikazujejo rezultat numerično in pri katerih se vključevanje merilnih podsklopov za posamezne meritve opravlja s pomočjo elektronskih relejev. Pri teh različicah je možno tudi numerično prikazovanje rezultatov, hranjenje rezultatov, možnost izbire parametrov in celo upravljanje s pomočjo zunanjega računalnika.The process of automatic measurement of home installation parameters can also be integrated into devices that display the result numerically and in which the integration of measuring sub-assemblies for individual measurements is performed by means of electronic relays. With these variants, it is also possible to numerically display the results, store the results, be able to select parameters, and even control using an external computer.

Prednosti prijavljenega postopka so predvsem: enostavno in varno upravljanje, hitra priučitev osebja, v kar največji meri izločene človeške napake, hitri pregled električne napeljave.The advantages of the notified procedure are in particular: simple and safe operation, quick training of personnel, elimination of human errors as much as possible, rapid inspection of electrical wiring.

Claims (12)

-ΊPatentni zahtevki- Patent claims 1. Postopek za samodejno merejenje parametrov električnih hišnih napeljav, značilen po tem, da samodejno meri upornost linije (Rline) in upornost okvame zanke (Rloop), da rezultate primerja s predpisanimi vrednostmi ter izid prikaže na prikazovalniku, pri čemer je zaporedje meritev poljubno in je za obe meritvi uporabljen tok enake jakosti.1. A method for automatically measuring the parameters of electrical domestic wiring, characterized in that it automatically measures the line resistance (Rline) and the resistance of the loop loop (Rloop) to compare the results with the prescribed values and to display the result on the display, the sequence of measurements being arbitrary and the current of equal strength is used for both measurements. 2. Postopek po zahtevku 1, značilen po tem, da meri upornost okvame zanke (Rloop) ’n napetost dotika (Uc) z manjšim tokom kot je bil uporabljen pri meritvi upornosti linije (Rline), vrstni red meritev pa je poljuben.A method according to claim 1, characterized in that it measures the resistance of the loop loop (Rloop) ' n contact voltage (Uc) with a lower current than that used in the measurement of line resistance (Rline), and the order of measurement is arbitrary. 3. Postopek po zahtevku 2, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še preizkus zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok, ki obsega tako preizkus z nazivno vrednostjo diferenčnega toka (Ian) kot tudi merjenje časa sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok (ίΔ), uspešno opravljenemu preizkusu sproženja zaščitnega stikala na diferenčni tok pa je dodana še meritev izolacije, rezultata obeh preizkusov pa sta prikazana na prikazovalniku.Method according to claim 2, characterized in that it also includes a differential current protection switch test, comprising both a test with a rated differential current (Ian) and a measurement of the tripping time of the differential current protection switch (ί Δ ) the isolation switch is added to the test for the tripping of the circuit breaker and the results of both tests are shown in the display. 4. Postopek po zahtevku 1 ali 2, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še merjenje izolacije.The method of claim 1 or 2, further comprising measuring the insulation. 5. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, ali 4, značilen po tem, da referenčne vrednosti vnese proizvajalec naprave za izvajanje postopka.Method according to claim 1, 2, 3, or 4, characterized in that the reference values are entered by the manufacturer of the device for performing the process. 6. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3 ali 4, značilen po tem, da referenčne vrednosti vnese uporabnik s pomočjo računalnika.Method according to claim 1, 2, 3 or 4, characterized in that the reference values are entered by the user by means of a computer. 7. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, ali 4, značilen po tem, da vsebuje preizkus ustreznosti napetosti na vhodnih sponkah pred začetkom odvijanja postopka, pri čemer se ta sploh ne izvede, če so napetosti na vhodnih sponkah neustrezne.Method according to claim 1, 2, 3, or 4, characterized in that it contains a test of the suitability of the voltage at the input terminals before starting the process, which is not performed at all if the voltages at the input terminals are inadequate. 8. Postopek po zahtevku 7, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še ugotavljanje smeri vrtilnega polja in prikaz njegove smeri.The method of claim 7, further comprising determining the direction of the rotating field and showing its direction. 9. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3 ali 4, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še meritev upornosti stikov in prikaz izida na prikazovalniku.A method according to claim 1, 2, 3 or 4, characterized in that it further comprises measuring the resistance of the contacts and displaying the result on the display. -8-διό. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ali 9, značilen po tem, daje prikazovanje rezultatov v obliki ustrezno - neustrezno.-8-διό. The method according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 9, characterized in that the presentation of the results in the form is appropriately - inappropriate. 11. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ali 9, značilen po tem, daje prikazovanje rezultatov numerično.A method according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 9, characterized in that the results are presented numerically. 12. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ali 9, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še shranjevanje rezultatov v pomnilniku.A method according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 9, characterized in that it further stores the results in memory. 13. Postopek po zahtevku 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ali 9, značilen po tem, da vsebuje še posredovanje rezultatov zunanjemu računalniku.A method according to claim 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 or 9, characterized in that it further transmits the results to an external computer.
SI200000308A 2000-12-06 2000-12-06 Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses SI20767A (en)

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SI200000308A SI20767A (en) 2000-12-06 2000-12-06 Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses

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SI200000308A SI20767A (en) 2000-12-06 2000-12-06 Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses

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SI200000308A SI20767A (en) 2000-12-06 2000-12-06 Procedure for automatic measuring of parameters of electrical wiring in houses

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP1710593A3 (en) * 2005-04-08 2010-05-26 METREL d.d. Process for the preparation and automatic performance of sequence of measurements and tests on an electrical installation

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP1710593A3 (en) * 2005-04-08 2010-05-26 METREL d.d. Process for the preparation and automatic performance of sequence of measurements and tests on an electrical installation

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