SI20444A - Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys - Google Patents

Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys Download PDF


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SI20444A SI200100076A SI200100076A SI20444A SI 20444 A SI20444 A SI 20444A SI 200100076 A SI200100076 A SI 200100076A SI 200100076 A SI200100076 A SI 200100076A SI 20444 A SI20444 A SI 20444A
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Antun Merkoci
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Antun Merkoci
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Application filed by Antun Merkoci filed Critical Antun Merkoci
Priority to SI200100076A priority Critical patent/SI20444A/en
Publication of SI20444A publication Critical patent/SI20444A/en
Priority to PCT/SI2002/000009 priority patent/WO2002075717A2/en



    • G10C3/00Details or accessories
    • G10C3/16Actions
    • G10C3/161Actions specially adapted for upright pianos
    • G10C3/00Details or accessories
    • G10C3/12Keyboards; Keys
    • G10C3/00Details or accessories
    • G10C3/16Actions
    • G10C3/166Actions for damping the strings
    • G10C3/00Details or accessories
    • G10C3/26Pedals or pedal mechanisms; Manually operated sound modification means


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Subject of the invention is an upright piano action, which provides the response adjustment of each individual key (9). The upright piano action according to the invention enables the damper (1) to be removed from the string (6) by an adjustable force, which can be set from the external side of the upright piano according to the invention and which the pianist feels like rigidity or weight of the key in the second phase of playing it, which also determines the feeling that a pianist acquires during playing. Instead of one damper lever for each key, the upright piano action according to the invention features an adapter (2a) with a damper (1) located on its upper end, while the adapter (2a) is rotatingly fastened to the capstan button (5). Because of the operation of the jack spring wire (3) it provides the damper (1) to exert pressure onto the string (6). Part (2b), which is in the reach of the hammer (4) is via a supporting part (11), which is rotatingly connected to the axis (12), linked to the hammer rail (13). The axis (12) can be shifted vertically up and down in the direction of the arrow (A), which permits that the force which is exerted by the hammer rail (13) onto the adapter (2a) when the hammer (4) applies its force onto the adapter (2b) is different, which also provides different responses by each individual key.



Predmet izuma je mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk. Mehanika pianina po izumu omogoča is odmik dušilca od strune z nastavljivo silo, ki jo je možno nastaviti z zunanje strani pianina po izumu in jo pianist občuti kot trdoto, oziroma težo tipke v drugi fazi pritiska nanjo, od česar je odvisen tudi občutek, ki ga ima pianist pri igranju. Izum sodi v razred G 10C 3/12 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.The subject of the invention is the mechanics of the piano, which allows to adjust the response of each key or keys. The piano mechanism according to the invention also allows the damper to be moved away from the string by an adjustable force, which can be adjusted from the outside of the piano according to the invention and felt by the pianist as hardness, or by the weight of the key in the second stage, which also depends on the feeling that has a pianist when playing. The invention belongs to class G 10C 3/12 of the international patent classification.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje predloženi izum, je omogočiti s priredbo znane mehanike pianina, ki omogoča s pritiskom na tipko premik kladivca in dušilca strune, enostavno nastavljanje trdote posameznih tipk oz.The technical problem solved by the present invention is to enable the adaptation of the known piano mechanics, which enables the pressing of the key of the hammer and the damper of the string, by simply adjusting the hardness of the individual keys or.

nastavljanje odziva posameznih tipk v drugi fazi pritiska na tipko brez posega v samo mehaniko pianina pri nastavljanju.adjusting the response of the individual keys in the second phase of the keystroke without interfering with the mechanics of the piano itself during adjustment.

Pri igranju na instrumente s tipkami, kot so klavir, pianino in podobni, se s pritiskom na določeno tipko sproži mehanika, ki omogoči udarec kladivca na napeto struno. Pri pritisku na tipko se kladivce začne premikati po svoji poti k struni. Ko je kladivce na polovici svojega hoda, žlička v sodelovanju z ročico dušilca prične odmikati dušilec od strune. Pritisk žličke na ročico dušilca se prenese nazaj na tipko, kar pianist občuti kot trdoto, oziroma težo tipke v drugi fazi pritiska na tipko. Od te »trdote« oziroma »teže« tipke je odvisen občutek, ki ga ima pianist pri igranju.When playing instruments with keys such as piano, piano, and the like, pressing a specific key triggers a mechanic to strike the hammer on a strained string. When the key is pressed, the hammers begin to move along their path to the string. When the hammers are halfway through their stroke, the spoon, in conjunction with the damper lever, begins to move the damper away from the string. The pressure of the spoon on the throttle lever is transferred back to the key, which the pianist feels as hardness, or the weight of the key in the second stage of pressing the key. It depends on this "hardness" or "weight" of the key that the pianist feels when playing.

V osnovi se pritisk, ki ga izvaja vzmetna žička na zgornji del ročice dušilca, ki je pomično vpeta v nosilni drog, preko spodnjega dela ročice dušilca in žličke prenese na tipko v času, ko je ta pritisnjena in je dušilec is odmaknjen od strune.Basically, the pressure exerted by the spring wire on the upper part of the damper lever, which is slidably engaged in the carrier rod, is transferred to the button at the lower part of the damper lever and the spoon while it is depressed and the damper is away from the string.

Problem odziva tipk pri igranju in nastavljanje trdote oziroma teže tipke v drugi fazi (to je, ko s tipko preko žličke odmikamo ročico dušilca) je pri pianinu v osnovi možno le z nastavitvijo sile s katero pritiska vzmetna žička dušilec ob struno. To pa je možno le pri razstavljeni mehaniki za vsako tipko posebej.The problem of key response when playing and adjusting the hardness or weight of the key in the second phase (that is, when the lever moves the damper lever with a spoon) is basically possible with the piano only by adjusting the force by which the spring wire attaches the damper to the string. This is only possible with the mechanics disassembled for each key individually.

Obstajajo tudi rešitve, s pomočjo katerih lahko simuliramo različno trdoto posamezne tipke. V ta namen je lahko pod posamezno tipko vstavljen par nasprotno polariziranih permanentnih magnetov, ki se medsebojno odbijajo in na ta način dajejo mehkejši odziv posamezne tipke. Ena izmed takih rešitev, kjer sta pod tipko vstavljena dva para permanentnih magnetov je opisana tudi v patentnem dokumentu WO 00/54248. Posamezne tipke je možno ustrezno uravnotežiti tudi z dodajanjem svinčenih vložkov v ročko tipke, kot je to prikazano v patentnem dokumentu WO 98/55989 ali jih uravnotežiti po metodi za uravnoteženje klavirskih tipk po patentnem dokumentu US 5,585,582.There are also solutions to simulate the different hardness of each key. For this purpose, a pair of counter-polarized permanent magnets can be inserted under each key, which reflect each other, thus giving a softer response to each key. One such solution where two pairs of permanent magnets are inserted under the button is also described in patent document WO 00/54248. The individual keys can also be properly balanced by adding lead inserts to the key handle, as shown in patent document WO 98/55989, or balanced by the method for balancing piano keys according to patent document US 5,585,582.

Vse te rešitve omogočajo simuliranje različnega odziva tipke, ne omogočajo pa enostavnega individualnega nastavljanja odziva tipke ob io enakem pritisku dušilca na struno, oziroma preko celotne mehanike pianina odziva na klaviaturo ter njeno trenutno prilagoditev individualnemu načinu igranja oziroma posameznemu pianistu.All these solutions allow simulation of different key response, but do not allow easy individual adjustment of key response at the same pressure of the damper on the string, or through the whole mechanics of the piano's response to the keyboard and its immediate adaptation to the individual playing mode or individual pianist.

Mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk po izumu, ima namesto enotne ročice dušilca, izveden is nastavek z dušilcem, ki je vrtljivo vpet v nosilnem drogu in poseben del, ki leži v dosegu žličke in je preko nosilnega dela povezan z naslonom za odmik nastavka z dušilcem, pri čemer je nosilni del vrtljivo vpet in premakljiv v vertikalni smeri.The mechanism of the piano, which allows adjusting the response of each key or keys according to the invention, instead of a single throttle lever, is also provided with an attachment with a muffler, which is rotatably clamped in the carrier pole and a special part, which lies within the reach of the spoon and is connected to the support via the carrier part. for offsetting the attachment with a damper, with the support part rotatably pivoted and movable in the vertical direction.

Izum bom podrobneje obrazložil na osnovi izvedbenega primera in 20 pripadajočih slik, ki kažejo:I will explain the invention in more detail on the basis of an embodiment example and 20 accompanying figures showing:

slika 1 pogled s strani na prerez standardne mehanike pianina;Figure 1 is a cross-sectional side view of standard piano mechanics;

slika 2 pogled s strani na prerez mehanike pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk; slika 3 del mehanike pianina po izumu, s prikazom naslona 13 v najnižji možni točki;Figure 2 is a cross-sectional side view of a piano mechanic allowing adjustment of the response of a single key or keys; Figure 3 is a portion of the piano mechanics of the invention, showing the backrest 13 at the lowest possible point;

slika 4 del mehanike pianina po izumu, s prikazom naslona 13 v najvišji možni točki;Figure 4 is a portion of the piano mechanics of the invention, showing the backrest 13 at the highest possible point;

Na sliki 1 je prikazan prerez standardne mehanike pianina. Dušilec 1, ki pritiska na struno 6 zaradi delovanja vzmetne žičke 3, je nameščen na io gornjem koncu ročice 2 dušilca, ki je približno na sredini gibljivo vpeta v nosilni drog 5, spodnji del ročice 2 dušilca pa leži v dosegu žličke 4, ki je nameščena na koncu vzvodnega dela 7, ki ga premika ročka 8 tipke 9. V osnovi se pritisk, ki ga izvaja vzmetna žička 3 preko dušilca 1 na žico 6, preko spodnjega dela ročice 2 dušilca 1 in žličke 4 prenese na tipko 9 v is času, ko je ta pritisnjena, in je dušilec 1 odmaknjen od strune 6. Sila s katero deluje dušilec 1 na struno 6 se giblje med 55 in 80g, na tipko 9 pa se ta sila prenaša v vrednostih od 20 do 45g. Regulacija sile, ki deluje na tipko 9 je pri tej standardni izvedbi mehanike pianina možna le s preoblikovanjem vzmetne žičke 3 in je ni možno znižati pod mejnoFigure 1 shows a cross-section of standard piano mechanics. The damper 1, which presses on the string 6 due to the operation of the spring wire 3, is mounted on the upper end of the damper lever 2, which is pivotally pivotally inserted into the support rod 5 in the middle, and the lower part of the damper lever 2 lies within reach of the spoon 4, which is placed at the end of the lever 7, which is moved by the lever 8 of the button 9. Basically, the pressure exerted by the spring wire 3 through the damper 1 on the wire 6, through the lower part of the lever 2 of the damper 1 and the spoon 4, is transferred to the button 9 in time. when this is pressed and the damper 1 is moved away from the string 6. The force exerted by the damper 1 on the string 6 ranges from 55 to 80g, and to the button 9 this force is transmitted in values from 20 to 45g. The control of the force acting on the button 9 is only possible in this standard version of the mechanics of the piano by transformation of the spring wire 3 and cannot be lowered below the limit

2o vrednost, pri kateri dušilec 1 še pritiska na struno 6. Delovanje na vzmetno žičko 3 je možno le pri odprti mehaniki pianina.2o the value at which the damper 1 still presses the string 6. Operation on the spring wire 3 is only possible with the piano mechanics open.

Na sliki 2 je prikazan prerez mehanike pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk mehanizma po izumu. Bistvena sprememba glede na znano izvedbo mehanike je sprememba pri izvedbi ročice 2 dušilca. Namesto te je izveden nastavek 2a na katerega zgornjem koncu je nameščen dušilec 1. Nastavek 2a je vrtljivo vpet v nosilnem drogu 5. Zaradi delovanja vzmetne žičke 3 pritiska dušilec 1 na struno 6. Del 2b, ki leži v dosegu žličke 4, je preko nosilnega dela 11 povezan z naslonom 13. Del 2b je skupaj z nosilnim delom 11 vrtljivo vpet v osi 12, ki jo je možno vertikalno premikati gor in dol v smeri puščice A. Iz spodnjega dela nastavka 2a izhaja podolgovat nastavek 10, ki leži v dosegu (na sliki 2 neprikazanega) vzvodnega dela pedalnega io mehanizma. Preko nastavka 10 je možno odmikati del 2a in s tem dušilec tudi s pritiskom na pedal.Figure 2 shows a cross-section of the piano's mechanics, which allows the adjustment of the response of each key or keys of the mechanism according to the invention. A significant change with respect to the known embodiment of the mechanics is a change in the design of the damper lever 2. Instead, a nozzle 2a is mounted on the upper end of which a damper 1 is mounted. The nozzle 2a is rotatably clamped in the carrier pole 5. Due to the operation of the spring wire 3, the damper 1 is pressed on the string 6. The part 2b lying within the reach of the spoon 4 is via the carrier of part 11 is connected to the abutment 13. Part 2b, together with the support part 11, is pivotally mounted in the axis 12, which can be vertically moved up and down in the direction of arrow A. From the lower part of the attachment 2a there is an elongated extension 10, which lies in range ( in Figure 2 not shown) the lever portion of the pedal io mechanism. It is possible to move part 2a via the adapter 10, and thus the throttle can also be pressed.

Pritisk na tipko 9, ki preko ročke 8 in vzvodnega dela 7 povzroči pritisk žličke 4 na nastavek 2b, se preko vrtljivo vpetega nosilnega dela 11 prenese na naslon 13, ki deluje proti sili vzmetne žičke 3 na nastavek 2a in zato odmakne dušilec 1 od žice 6. Glede na vertikalni položaj naslona 13, ki je odvisen od položaja vertikalno premakljive osi 12 vpetja nosilnega dela 11, je sila s katero naslon 13 deluje na nastavek 2a in preko njega na dušilec 1, različna. Ta sila se preko nastavka 2b in žličke 4 prenese na tipko 9 v času, ko je ta pritisnjena in je dušilec 1 odmaknjen od strune 6. Ko je naslon 13 v najnižji možni točki (slika 3), to je blizu nosilnega droga 5, je sila, ki je potrebna za premik nastavka 2b in odmik dušilca 1 največja - igranje je najtežje. Pri najvišji možni točki naslona 13 (slika 4) je sila, ki je potrebna za premik nastavka 2b in odmik dušilca 1 najmanjša - igranje je najlažje. Sila s katero deluje dušilec 1 na struno 6 je enaka, ne glede na vertikalni položaj naslona 13, in se giblje med 55 in 80g, medtem ko je sila na tipko 9 odvisna od vertikalnega položaja naslona 13 in se giblje med 15 in 100g. Regulacija sile, ki deluje na tipko 9 je tako po izvedbi po izumu možna v velikem razponu, pri čemer ta sila ni odvisna od sile s katero pritiska dušilec 1 na struno 6. Vertikalne premike vpetja nosilnega dela 11 v vertikalno premakljivi osi 12 v smeri puščice A je možno izvesti s pomočjo ročice, ki je nameščena izven mehanike pianina. Poleg tega je možno na enostaven način medsebojno povezati osi 12 nosilnih delov 11 posameznih tipk, skupine tipk ali celotne klaviature.Pressing the button 9, which through the handle 8 and the lever 7 causes the bucket 4 to be pressed onto the nozzle 2b, is transferred via a rotatably clamped bearing part 11 to the abutment 13, which acts against the force of the spring wire 3 onto the nozzle 2a, and thus moves the damper 1 away from the wire. 6. Depending on the vertical position of the abutment 13, which is dependent on the position of the vertically movable axis 12 of the bearing member 11, the force exerted by the abutment 13 on the nozzle 2a and through it on the damper 1 is different. This force is transmitted via pushbutton 2b and spoon 4 to key 9 at a time when it is depressed and the damper 1 is moved away from the string 6. When the abutment 13 is at the lowest possible point (Figure 3), this is close to the carrier bar 5, the force required to move the attachment 2b and the throttle offset 1 is greatest - playing is the hardest. At the highest possible point of the abutment 13 (Figure 4), the force required to move the attachment 2b and the throttle offset 1 is the smallest - playing is easiest. The force exerted by the damper 1 on the string 6 is the same regardless of the vertical position of the abutment 13, and ranges between 55 and 80g, while the force on the button 9 depends on the vertical position of the abutment 13 and ranges between 15 and 100g. The regulation of the force acting on the key 9 is thus possible over a wide range according to the invention, this force being independent of the force exerted by the damper 1 on the string 6. Vertical movements of the mounting of the support part 11 in the vertically movable axis 12 in the direction of the arrow A can be done with the help of a lever located outside the mechanics of the piano. In addition, the axes of the 12 supporting parts of the 11 individual keys, a group of keys or the entire keypad can be easily interconnected.

Zaradi opisane izvedbe mehanike pianina je možno enostavno in hitro individualno nastavljanje odziva tipk pri pianinu brez posega v samo mehaniko pianina. Izum ne vpliva na karakteristike pravilnega igranja na instrument, sama mehanika pianina pa deluje enako kot standardna mehanika z razliko, da je možno enostavno spreminjati nastavljiv odziv tipk.Due to the described implementation of the mechanics of the piano, it is possible to easily and quickly individually adjust the key response in the piano without interfering with the mechanics of the piano. The invention does not affect the characteristics of the correct playing of the instrument, and the piano mechanics themselves function in the same way as standard mechanics, except that the adjustable key response can be easily changed.

Claims (2)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk,1. Piano mechanics that allow you to adjust the response of each key or keys, 5 označena s tem, da nalega na vrtljivo, v nosilnem drogu (5), vpet in z vzmetno žičko (3) opremljen nastavek (2a) z dušilcem (1) naslon (13), ki je preko nosilnega dela (11) povezan z delom (2b), ki leži v dosegu žličke (4), pri čemer je nosilni del (11) vrtljivo vpet v osi (12), ki je vertikalno io premakljiva v smeri puščice (A).5, characterized in that it rests on a rotatable, in a support rod (5), a nozzle (3) fitted with a spring wire (3) with a damper (1) a backrest (13) connected via a support part (11) to the part (2b) lying within reach of the spoon (4), the support part (11) being pivotably engaged in an axis (12) that is vertically io movable in the direction of the arrow (A). 2. Mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk, po zahtevku 1,Pianin mechanics allowing adjustment of the response of a single key or keys according to claim 1, 15 označena s tem, da je vertikalne premike vpetja nosilnega dela (11) v vertikalno premakljivi osi (12) v smeri puščice (A) možno izvesti s pomočjo ročice, ki je nameščena izven mehanike pianina.15, characterized in that the vertical movements of the mounting of the support part (11) in the vertically movable axis (12) in the direction of the arrow (A) can be made by means of a lever located outside the mechanics of the piano. 2o 3. Mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk, po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da so osi (12) nosilnih delov (11) posameznih tipk, skupine tipk ali celotne klaviature medsebojno povezane in je vertikalne premike vpetjaPianin mechanism for adjusting the response of a single key or keys according to claim 1, characterized in that the axes (12) of the supporting parts (11) of the individual keys, group of keys or the whole keypad are interconnected and have vertical movement of the clamp 25 nosilnih delov (11) v vertikalno premakljivih oseh (12) v smeri puščice (A) možno izvesti s pomočjo ročice, ki je nameščena izven mehanike pianina.The 25 supporting parts (11) in the vertically movable axes (12) in the direction of the arrow (A) can be made by means of a lever located outside the mechanics of the piano. Mehanika pianina, ki omogoča nastavljanje odziva posamezne tipke oziroma tipk, po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da iz spodnjega dela nastavka (2a) izhaja podolgovat nastavek (10), ki leži v dosegu vzvodnega dela pedalnega mehanizma.Pianin mechanism for adjusting the response of a single key or keys according to claim 1, characterized in that an elongated extension (10) extending from the lower part of the pedal mechanism comes from the lower part of the attachment (2a).
SI200100076A 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys SI20444A (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SI200100076A SI20444A (en) 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys
PCT/SI2002/000009 WO2002075717A2 (en) 2001-03-20 2002-03-20 Upright piano mechanism allowing for adjustment of the response of a particular key and/or keys

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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SI200100076A SI20444A (en) 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys

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SI200100076A SI20444A (en) 2001-03-20 2001-03-20 Upright piano action, providing response adjusment of each individual key or keys

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JP4225335B2 (en) 2006-09-04 2009-02-18 ヤマハ株式会社 Key drive system

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2751804A (en) * 1955-01-03 1956-06-26 Joseph J Comparetti Self-adjusting piano action damper mechanism
NL1011484C1 (en) * 1999-03-08 2000-09-12 Henri Jan Velo Wing mechanism with permanent magnets.

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