SI20169A - Candlelight enclosure with lid - Google Patents

Candlelight enclosure with lid Download PDF


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SI20169A SI200000068A SI200000068A SI20169A SI 20169 A SI20169 A SI 20169A SI 200000068 A SI200000068 A SI 200000068A SI 200000068 A SI200000068 A SI 200000068A SI 20169 A SI20169 A SI 20169A
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ILIRIJA, razvoj, proizvodnja in trženje kozmetičnih izdelkov,
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Application filed by ILIRIJA, razvoj, proizvodnja in trženje kozmetičnih izdelkov, filed Critical ILIRIJA, razvoj, proizvodnja in trženje kozmetičnih izdelkov,
Priority to SI200000068A priority Critical patent/SI20169A/en
Publication of SI20169A publication Critical patent/SI20169A/en



  • Arrangement Of Elements, Cooling, Sealing, Or The Like Of Lighting Devices (AREA)


The candlelight enclosure with lid featuring an enhanced candlefire in windy conditions, rain and snow requires only a minimum of modifications to the existing manufacturing tools when introducing the production of the new type of candlelight enclosures with the specified function, keeping in mind the main aim, of minimizing the investment for producing the new product. The candlelight enclosure with lid according to the invention is made in such a way that on its casing (5) preferably on the lower part of the enclosure (1) there are at least one fresh air intake opening (6) and at least one opening (7) on the casing (8) lid (2), while on the lid (2) there is a cap (3), which reaches over the lid (2) edge and is looking down at a distance from the casing (8) preferably to the lower edge of the openings (7), so that between the casing (8) and the cap (3) there is a gap (9). The invention introduces two types.


Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention

Predmet izuma je ohišje s pokrovom za sveče, prednostno sveče, ki so namenjene za gorenje v naravi, t.j. tudi v vetru in dežju oziroma snegu, zlasti na grobovih.The object of the invention is a housing with a candle cover, preferably candles intended for burning in nature, i.e. also in wind and rain or snow, especially on graves.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovat tako ohišje in pokrov za zgoraj navedene sveče, ki bo pogojevalo minimalno predelavo obstoječih orodij za izdelavo ohišja in pokrova za sveče brez navedene funkcije glede izboljšanega gorenja v vetru in dežju oziroma sneženju, t.j. za izdelavo ohišja po postopku pihane plastike in orodij za izdelavo kovinskih pokrovov po postopku izsekavanja in globokega vleka, prav tako pa tudi za izdelavo dodatnih orodij za dopolnilne elemente na pokrovu, pri čemer je osnovno vodilo minimalno vlaganje denaija za dosego novega proizvoda.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a housing and cover for the above candles, which will condition the minimal processing of existing tools for the manufacture of a housing and a candle cover without the stated function with regard to improved burning in wind and rain or snow, i.e. for the manufacture of blow molded plastic housing and tools for the manufacture of metal covers after the punching and deep drawing process, as well as for the production of additional tools for complementary elements on the cover, the basic guideline being the minimum investment of a denai to achieve a new product.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znan je tovrstni patent s skrajšanim trajanjem SI 95 0 0184 (Stele Tone), katerega značilnost je v tem, da so med grlom ohišja in nanj nasednim (spodnjim) robom pokrova izvedene sifonske reže za dotok svežega zraka, ki so prednostno oblikovane s tem, daje premer naseda pokrova večji od premera grla, na katerem so izvedene navzven usmerjene izbokline, na katere tesno prilega pokrov. VThis patent is known for the shortened duration of SI 95 0 0184 (Stele Tone), characterized by the fact that siphon openings for fresh air are preferably provided between the throat of the housing and the lower edge of the lid thereof, gives the diameter of the cover lug larger than the diameter of the throat on which outward projections are made, to which the lid is tightly attached. V

27480. doc/ll-00/D22-Vr posebni izvedbi je lahko pokrov izveden z navzgor lijakasto oblikovano odprtino, ki je pokrita z zvončastim elementom, ki vsebuje na robu, s katerim je staknjen s pokrovom, odprtine za iztok zraka iz ohišja.27480. doc / ll-00 / D22-Vr In a particular embodiment, the lid may be provided with an upwardly shaped funnel-shaped opening, which is covered by a bell-shaped element containing, at the edge with which it is glassed with the lid, air outlets from the housing.

Značilnost opisane rešitve je, da v slučaju prireditve orodij za nov proizvod zahteva zahtevno predelavo orodja na grlu ohišja, kjer utegne nastati precej izmeta, ker se na izboklinah bistveno stanjša debelina stene, če uporabljamo postopek pihanja. V dopolnilni rešitvi s pokrito odprtino za iztek zraka pa je potrebno izdelati novi orodji za pokrov in dodatno prekritje. Zato je taka rešitev cenovno nekonkurenčna na trgu.The characteristic of the described solution is that in the event of a tooling for a new product, it requires a demanding processing of the tool at the throat of the housing, where considerable debris can be formed, since the thickness of the walls is significantly reduced on the projections if a blowing procedure is used. However, in the complementary solution with a covered air outlet, new tools for the cover and additional cover must be made. Therefore, such a solution is not competitive in the market.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen z izumom tako, daje na spodnjem delu plašča ohišja izveden niz odprtin za dovod zraka. Na orodju za pihanje dodamo na mestu robov odprtin ostre prstane in debelina stene se pri pihanju na teh robovih tanjša in končno prekine, da nastanejo samodejno odprtine. Oblike grla ne spreminjamo, da se izognemo zgoraj opisanim nevšečnostim. Zato pa obstoječemu pokrovu dodamo klobuk, ki sega v odmiku ob plašču pokrova prednostno do spodnjega roba stranskih odprtin za iztok zraka. Klobuk je fiksiran na obstoječi pokrov na znan način, prednostno s točkovnim varom ali kovico.The described technical problem is solved by the invention so that a series of openings for air inlet is made at the lower part of the housing casing. On the blower tool, sharp rings are added at the edges of the openings and the wall thickness becomes thinner at the blows on these edges and finally breaks to form the openings automatically. We do not change the throat shape to avoid the inconvenience described above. Therefore, a hat is added to the existing cover, which extends preferably at the lower edge of the cover jacket to the lower edge of the side air outlet openings. The hat is fixed to the existing cover in a known manner, preferably by point guard or rivet.

V drugi izvedbi pa je z namenom, da ne spreminjamo ohišja, privzet pokrov z večjim premerom od premera grla ohišja. Kolobarjasto režo med grlom in okrovom premostimo s perforiranim kolobaijem, ki naseda na grlo, nanj pa pokrov, ki vsebuje že opisani klobuk. S tem ohranimo orodji za ohišje in pokrov, dodamo le dve enostavni orodji za kolobar in klobuk, ki bistveno ne podražita izdelka, vključno z dodatnim delom.In another embodiment, in order not to alter the housing, a cover with a larger diameter than the housing throat diameter is provided. The ring-shaped gap between the throat and the casing is bridged with a perforated colobai that sits on the throat and a cover containing the hat described above. This keeps the tools for the housing and the cover, adding only two simple tools for the coil and the hat, which do not significantly increase the cost of the product, including additional work.

Podrobneje bo izum pojasnjen v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kažeThe invention will be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing

27480. doc/ll-00/D22-Vr sl. 1 predmet izuma po prvem izvedbenem primeru v narisu in delnem prerezu, sl. 2 isto v drugem izvedbenem primeru.27480. doc / ll-00 / D22-Vr FIG. 1 is an object of the invention according to the first embodiment in the outline and partial section, FIG. 2 same in another embodiment.

Prvi izvedbeni primerThe first embodiment

Ohišje s pokrovom za svečo po prvem izvedbenem primeru je izvedeno iz ohišja 1, pokrova 2 s klobukom 3. V ohišju je nameščena poljubna sveča 4.The housing with a candle cover according to the first embodiment is made of a housing 1, a cover 2 with a hat 3. An optional candle 4 is housed in the housing.

Na plašču 5, prednostno na spodnjem delu, ohišja 1 so izvedene odprtine 6 za dotok svežega zraka. Zrak se dviguje ob sveči ali njenem tulcu, ki ni prikazan nas liki, do plamena. Nato se vroči zrak dviguje v pokrov 2, iz katerega izteka skozi odprtine 7, izvedene na plašču 8. Na pokrovu 2 je nameščen klobuk 3, ki moli preko roba pokrova in je usmerjen navzdol v odmiku od plašča 8 prednostno do spodnjega roba odprtin 7, tako da je med plaščem 8 in klobukom 3 izvedena kolobarjasta reža 9.In the case 5, preferably at the bottom, of the housing 1, openings 6 are provided for the supply of fresh air. The air rises by the candle or its sleeve, which is not shown to us, to the flame. Then the hot air rises into the cover 2, from which it escapes through openings 7 made on the cover 8. A cover 3 is mounted on the cover 3, which protrudes over the edge of the cover and is directed downward away from the cover 8 preferably to the lower edge of the openings 7, so that a circular gap 9 is made between the jacket 8 and the hat 3.

Odprtine 6 na plašču 5 ohišja 1 so prednostno izvedene na naj nižjem delu, tako, da morebitna meteorna voda, ki bi lahko prodrla skoznje, tudi takoj izteče skozi njih. Zgornje odprtine 7 za iztok zraka pa so zavarovane s klobukom 3 tako, da meteorna voda sploh ne more prodreti skoznje v notranjost ohišja. Razen tega veter ne more delovati v notranjosti, ker varuje klobuk odprtine proti neoviranemu dostopu z vetrom gnanega zraka, ki bi moteče deloval na plamen.The openings 6 on the housing 5 of the housing 1 are preferably made at the lowest part, so that any meteoric water that could penetrate through them also immediately flows through them. The upper air outlet openings 7 are secured by the hat 3 in such a way that the rainwater cannot penetrate the inside of the housing at all. In addition, the wind cannot operate inside, as it protects the hat opening against unobstructed access by wind driven air, which would interfere with the flames.

Drugi izvedbeni primerAnother embodiment

Ohišje s pokrovom za svečo po drugem izvedbenem primeru je izvedeno iz ohišja 1, pokrova 2 s klobukom 3 ter perforiranega obroča 4. V ohišju je nameščena poljubna sveča 5.The housing with a candle cover according to the second embodiment is made of a housing 1, a cover 2 with a hat 3 and a perforated ring 4. An optional candle 5 is housed in the housing.

Ohišje 1 je poljubno, pri čemer je na njegovem grlu 6 nameščen navzven moleč perforiran obroč 4, na katerem pa je nameščen pokrov 2 z odprtinami 7 na plašču 8, pri čemer je na pokrovu 2 nameščen klobuk 3, ki moli preko roba pokrova in jeThe housing 1 is optional, with a perforated perforated ring 4 mounted on its throat 6, with a lid 2 having openings 7 on the jacket 8, and a hat 3 which protrudes over the edge of the lid, and

27480,doc/ll-Q0/D22-Vr usmerjen navzdol v odmiku od plašča 8 prednostno do spodnjega roba odprtin 7, tako daje med plaščem 8 in klobukom 3 izvedena kolobarjasta reža 9.27480, doc / 11-Q0 / D22-Vr downwardly spaced from the sheath 8 preferably to the lower edge of the openings 7, so that a circular gap 9 is provided between the sheath 8 and the hat 3.

Zrak vstopa v ohišje 1 skozi perforiran obroč 4, se ob plamenu sveče 5 ogreje in dviga v pokrov, iz katerega izhaja skozi odprtine 7.The air enters the housing 1 through the perforated ring 4, is heated by the flame of the candle 5 and rises into the lid from which it exits through the openings 7.

Ker so tako vstopne kot izstopne odprtine zavarovane pred neposrednim z vetrom usmerjenim vdorom zraka in meteornih vod, ni več možno škodljivo delovanje vetra in vod, kot je bilo navedeno v uvodu opisa.As both inlet and outlet openings are protected from direct wind-driven air and meteoric intrusion, no more harmful effects of wind and water are possible, as stated in the introduction to the description.

Razume se, da lahko strokovnjak s tega področja na osnovi poznavanja opisanega izuma in predstavljenih dveh izvedbenih primerov izvede tudi druge različice, zlasti v smislu industrijskega oblikovanja in konstrukcijske prireditve različnim proizvodnim tehnologijam, ne da bi obšel bistvo izuma, ki je opredeljeno v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih.It is understood that one of skill in the art may, on the basis of knowledge of the described invention and the two embodiments presented, also carry out other variants, in particular in terms of industrial design and construction adaptation to different manufacturing technologies, without circumventing the essence of the invention defined in the following claims. .

Claims (2)

Patentni zahtevkiPatent claims 1. Ohišje s pokrovom za svečo, ki je izvedeno iz ohišja (1), pokrova (2), pri čemer je v ohišju (1) nameščena poljubna sveča (4), označeno s tem, daje na plašču (5), prednostno na spodnjem delu, ohišja (1) izvedena vsaj ena odprtina (6) za dotok svežega zraka in vsaj ena odprtina (7) na plašču (8) pokrova (2), pri čemer je na pokrovu (2) nameščen klobuk (3), ki moli preko roba pokrova (2) in je usmerjen navzdol v odmiku od plašča (8) prednostno do spodnjega roba odprtin (7), tako da je med plaščem (8) in klobukom (3) izvedena reža (9)·A housing with a candle cover derived from the housing (1), the lid (2), wherein any candle (4) is housed in the housing (1), characterized in that it preferably has a sheath (5) on the sheath (5). at the bottom, the housing (1) has at least one opening (6) for supplying fresh air and at least one opening (7) on the cover (8) of the lid (2), with a hat (3) having a hat (3) which it protrudes over the edge of the lid (2) and is oriented downward from the sheath (8) preferably to the lower edge of the openings (7) so that a gap (9) is formed between the sheath (8) and the hat (3). 2. Ohišje s pokrovom za svečo, ki je izvedeno iz ohišja (1), pokrova (2), pri čemer je v ohišju (1) nameščena poljubna sveča (4), označeno s tem, daje na grlu (6) ohišja (1) nameščen navzven moleč perforiran obroč (4), na katerem je nameščen pokrov (2) z vsaj eno odprtino (7) na plašču (8), pri čemer je na pokrovu (2) nameščen klobuk (3), ki moli preko roba pokrova in je usmerjen navzdol v odmiku od plašča (8) prednostno do spodnjega roba odprtin (7), tako daje med plaščem (8) in klobukom (3) izvedena reža (9).A housing with a candle cover derived from the housing (1), the lid (2), wherein any candle (4) is housed in the housing (1), characterized in that it provides on the throat (6) of the housing (1) ) a perforated perforated ring (4) is mounted on which a cover (2) is mounted with at least one opening (7) on the mantle (8), with a hat (3) having a hat (3) which protrudes over the edge of the cover and is directed downward from the sheath (8) preferably to the lower edge of the openings (7) so that a gap (9) is provided between the sheath (8) and the hat (3).
SI200000068A 2000-03-16 2000-03-16 Candlelight enclosure with lid SI20169A (en)

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SI200000068A SI20169A (en) 2000-03-16 2000-03-16 Candlelight enclosure with lid

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SI200000068A SI20169A (en) 2000-03-16 2000-03-16 Candlelight enclosure with lid

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SI200000068A SI20169A (en) 2000-03-16 2000-03-16 Candlelight enclosure with lid

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2955436A1 (en) * 2014-06-11 2015-12-16 NIFRA Parfümerie Gesellschaft m.g.H., Nachfolger Panny KG Grave candle
EP3073193A1 (en) * 2015-03-23 2016-09-28 Paskvan Branimir Flame supporting cover

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2955436A1 (en) * 2014-06-11 2015-12-16 NIFRA Parfümerie Gesellschaft m.g.H., Nachfolger Panny KG Grave candle
EP3073193A1 (en) * 2015-03-23 2016-09-28 Paskvan Branimir Flame supporting cover
HRP20150331B1 (en) * 2015-03-23 2019-12-27 Branimir Paškvan Cover who support the flame

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