SE536138C2 - bogie brake assembly - Google Patents

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SE536138C2 SE1150361A SE1150361A SE536138C2 SE 536138 C2 SE536138 C2 SE 536138C2 SE 1150361 A SE1150361 A SE 1150361A SE 1150361 A SE1150361 A SE 1150361A SE 536138 C2 SE536138 C2 SE 536138C2
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SE1150361A1 (en
Andreas Arnell
Tobias Persson
Fredrik Blennow
Original Assignee
Faiveley Transport Nordic Ab
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Application filed by Faiveley Transport Nordic Ab filed Critical Faiveley Transport Nordic Ab
Priority to SE1150361A priority Critical patent/SE536138C2/en
Priority to PCT/SE2012/050434 priority patent/WO2012148349A1/en
Publication of SE1150361A1 publication Critical patent/SE1150361A1/en
Publication of SE536138C2 publication Critical patent/SE536138C2/en



    • B61H13/00Actuating rail vehicle brakes
    • B61H13/34Details
    • B61H13/36Beams; Suspension thereof
    • B61H13/00Actuating rail vehicle brakes
    • B61H13/20Transmitting mechanisms
    • B61H13/24Transmitting mechanisms for cars with two axles or bogies with two axles and braking cylinder(s) for each bogie, the mechanisms at each side being interconnected
    • F16D49/00Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like
    • F16D49/16Brakes with two brake-blocks


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Tires In General (AREA)
  • Braking Arrangements (AREA)


'JE i i? C51 Sïíïšilš/IARY' A bøgie braks assenïhly cønxprisers tvvo Brake beams (i, 2) ts be suspfincíedfrom a fail veíxiaèíe bawgie and being prøwfiezïæå vøiïh hrake biock 'heads (3) at theirrespßcíiwwe ends, Tuva knas:- ievers (7) gæivctaïíy' connæcteaí to the: ñrst braíifi *hamn (i), a,pushing Brake :mit (ä) ananged Etfstwsën a respæctive fšírsï arm sf aaah :af the »wvn knasievers, and 1311311 rods (S) being connesíeà tc: a respective sea-små amx of each of the mi:Imse leva-fars and to the sæcomï Brake bean: (12) in the xficíïzíty' of their Brake black heads(Elin this assenïbíy' :ha push :ads (S) ars suhstantiaííy ifixedïy attachefi to the seconåbrake Eæeam (2). 'ífffx ha puivíísïëxezí wiïšfx, íšiïg 3.


itl y-nbLJ: h.)ti! år Üišílttšliiå išitraifiíl ÅSSEMBLY Teehnieai Field The present inventioii reiates to a ho gie hrake assernbly, eoinprising two braite hearns to he strspended frorn a rail *vehicle bogie and heing provided.vvith hrake block ltearis at their respective enats, tive itnee lexfers pivotaiiy etinneeted to the first tirahe hearn, a pnshing hrake unit arr-angett between a respective tirst arm of each of the tvi/ohnee ieversy and push reds lieing connected to a respective second arm of each of the two ieneelevers and to the second. hrake bearn in the ificinity of their hrahe block hearts.
Background oi' the invention Bogie iirake asseinhlies, intended for sirnoitaneonsiy applying several brakehitieks to their respective treatls of typíealiy tour vvheeis in a fait vehiele bogieš ean heritf sevelrai eorrstrttctiife types.
A typical example of a prior asseniliiy" of the type defined above is shown inilšl 5 947 236. This assernhiy eornprises, as is rnost eteariy shown in its 'liig 1, tivo liralteheanis 14 and lo, a tinshing hraite unit 29 at the iirst hrake hezini, i4, and pttsh rods 18eonnected to the second hraite beain lo. The ptrsii tforce frorn the brake unit 2G istran sferred to the tvsfo push rods 18 via knee ievers 7G, liig 2. ln this type the tvvri brake hearns arid the tive ptish rods tbrrn a paraileiograrn. lfthis paralleiogram heeornes vifarped or asken; or in other vvords i t' the tvvo push reds donot tbrm right angies ivith tlie second hrake beani during hrake application (and tiiere isnothing in the eonstrttctioir to prevent ^that ironi iiappening), uridue ifvear of the ivheeitianges at the vvheei treatis ean oeeur.
The intention According to the inventiori the ptish rods are strbstantialiy tixedíy attached tothe second brake iiearn. in this vvay the rightfarigled shape of the paralielograrn isaivvays guaranteed, so that the nientioned problem is obviated.
Hovvever, dining, braieing application each push rod :toes not move exaetlyaxially dne to its connection to the rotating hnee iever, eausitig a certain tvitch. in order to aeeornniodate this sntaii pitch, eaeh push rod is pivotailjf connectedto the second hraite beani hy nieans of a hoit in a push rod end ear, tvhereas the push rod is snrronnded by a sieevfe attaehed to the ibeani and eontaining a rtibber ring. å!! lll 3G 'flfliis inhber ring in its sleeve tvill allow the push rod to pivot to the very smallextent necessary to aeertnirnridate the pitch during hralee application and vvill also hiasthe ptisli rod haek to its neutral position. in praetiee the second bralte bearn rnay he provided with a push hraehet forezteh push rod, the bracket being provided With the sleeve. ln the bogie hrahe assembly so far deserihed, there is nothing to distribute theslack between the hralte hlocks and the wheel treads at the right and lelt side of thebogie, vvhieh. rneans that the eritire slack ean rieenr at one side. ln order to aceornplislir aneven distribution of the slaelt, a lrietion device can be arranged between each hnee leverand the first brake bearn. ln a praetieai enihodirnent, a fiiction bolt device eoniprising a bolt, two frietiortmaterial *evashers and at least one ene spring rnay he arranged in an are-Shaped slot of aplate attached to the first bralie bearn at each knee lever, the trietion niaterial vtfashersbeing liiased into friction engagernent vvfitli the knee lever and the plate. ln a crtnventional, hogie bralte assembly; for exainrtle as sliovtfri in US5 947 236, the cornparativeljv' heat/y hrahe ttnit hangs in the ttvo hnee lovers and vvillaeeortiingly expose theni to eonsiderahle vertical forces and torqtte, vvhieh rnay hecietrirnental. fteeordiiig to the invention this rnay he obviated in that the brake unit islaterally gttided by plate protiles of the first hrahe hearn, so that the brake hearn earriesthe tveiglit of the bralre nriit and the knee lovers are not exposed to any vertical 'forces lšriel' 'lšeseriptiori of the Drawings 'lhe intfention »vill be described in ttrrther detail helow under reference to theaeeonipaiiyiiig dravvings, in vvhieh Pig l is an isornetric, overall view of a bogie lirake assembly' according to theinventiorr, lïig 2 is an isonietrie view of a portion to the right ot' the ihre hrake 'hearn in Figl, Pig 3 is a view eorresponding to Pig 2, hut the brahe bearn is seen front below,and liig 4 is an isornetrie vievv, partly seetiorred, of a portion to the iiglit of the rearhralte bean: in Pig lt Detailed Beseription of the lnvention Pig l is an overall view of a bogie hralte assembly aeeording to the invention to be used irl a railway' tfeliicle hogieg as is tvell lrnowrt to any person skilled in the art. ln practice, ttvo generally paraliel bralte bearns 1 and 2 are built up of intereortnected plateprofiles 1A, lB and 2A, ZB. Each brake bearn is toufards its ends provided vtfith brakeblock heiders 3 and replaceable bralte blocks 4 for braking engagernent tvith arespective tread of a vtflteel (net shotvn). A railway' vehicle bo gie may be provided: Withtvvo Wheels sets, each cornprising two Wheels on a conunert axle, the iatter beingjournaled in side~frarnes of the bogie. The bogie brake assembly is ntounted betvveenthe ttvo tvheel sets and is carried by the bogie, either by hanging links or -- as shown ~by gutide feet 5 to be received in slets of the bogie sídedrarnes. 'llhe lirake force for the slievvn bogie bralte assembly er the three pressing thettvo brake bearns 1 and 2 apart for brakirtg engagernerit of the brake blocks 4 With theivheel treatls is generated by a bralte unit o placed betvveen the two tilate protlles 1A, 18of the brahe bearn 1. The force therefroni is transferreti to two lrriee letfers 7 pivotally'attached to the bralre heain i and thrther to the second brake beani 2 by two push reds ti,pretierahlijv' plaeed close to the bralte bearns ends.
Tlie preferably pneurnatically actuated brake unit 6 is preterably provided Witha1it1i1t~ii1 stack adjuster for cornpensating for the vtfear of the brake blocks 4. The brakettnit 6 Will rnove laterally betweeri the plate proliles 1A, lll at brake aetuation and areguideci thereby so as to obviate gravity and shocltí induced transverse thrces en the tWoknee lovers 7. ln the shovvn case the red 9 te the right of the brahe tinit 6 may be a fixedrod, Whereas the rod 1G to the left of the brake unit 6 is extended at bralte actuation. Theconnection betvveeit the respective knee lever 3' red 9 or 1G is pivotal.
Each knee lever 7 is ef a doubledayered construction (ttfitlt the rods å, 9 and 1Gpivotally attached hetweeri the iagzers) in order to provide a stable and sturdy'coristrttetion, Which is able to transtfer the bralte forces. lt has a stub axle 1 1 for itspivotal attaelnnertt between the plate titroffiies 1A, 18 at screw ctinnectioits 12 (Figs 2and 3), ln order to distribute the slaeh hctvveen. the respective brake blocks 4 and thetvheel treads in an appropriate tvay, each ltrtee lever 7 rnay be provided vvith a frictiondevice 13-16 fbr controllirrg its respective motion under the intluence of the force frontthe brake unit ti, as is rnost clearly depicted in Figs 2 and 3. A plate 13 is attached to theuntierside of the tippar rtiate profile 1A (but rnay alternatively be attached to the lovverplate tirofile lll). This plate 13 is provided With an are-sliaped slot 13 '_ Extendingthrough a hole in the wall ett' the knee lever 7 neighboring the plate 13 and through theslot 13' is a triction bolt device 14-16, cornprisirig a bolt 14, tvtfo friction material Washers 15, engagirtg the lrnee lever 7 and tite plate 13, and at least one cup spring (but 1.1: 1G preferahiy attt/o eop springs) 16 for hiasing the wvastters 15 into frictiott engagerheot *vviththe hnee lever 7 and the plate 133 respeetively., Aiterttativeiy, other types of sprittgs thancup Springs rnay of course he used. The tf-uttfiose of these frietíon devices is to etfeniydistribute the sleek at the hrake hioeirs 4. ha order not to lose any force from the hrakeunit o to the hrahe hiocks 4, the itole in the vvah of the knee lever 7 is se forrned as atoaeeommodate the trietiorx hott device 1446 to move orfly tfvhert there is e, need to pickup stack due to *swear of hrake biochs andlfot' vfheeís.
Tite eonneetion hettveen each of the pttsh reds 8 and the second hrake heam 2has the fettet/Ving cranstrttetion vvith reference to Pig 4. A ptish bracket 17 is attached tothe tvm plate proñåes 2A, EB eonstittttiitg the second hrake bean: Ah eat S' of thepush red S is pitfotatly attached to the pttstt ihraeitet 17 hy means ofa hoit 18. The pushhracifiet 17 is provitíed vvfitlh a steeve 17' surrounding the pttstt rod åš. A rtthher ring išš iserranged hetttieeit the push rod 3 and the push bracket sieeve 17".
The purpose of the arrangement is to provide a generaiiy stiff connectionhetween the push rod 3 :and the hreke been: 2 'tvhfle aitotfaing for eompehsation for thepitch of the Imee 1ever7, i e a *very Eirrtited pivotai ntotiort otthe pttsh rod åš. The rubberring 19 txfiii provide e. hias hatar-k to a neutral position ot" the pttsh rod tå. tvíodiñcaftiotts are possihie *vtfitttitt the limit et' the appeoded eïaims.

Claims (6)

'íJï 1G 211 CLAELKÉS
1. A bogie brake assetnbíy", aomprísing two brake 1fieatns (1, 2) to be snspended :from a fail vehicie bogie ann beingprovided 11:11:11. brako 1110:21: heads (3) at their respective enda, ttvo knee íevers (7) pivotafiy oonnectect to the t1rst1fira1te bean: (1), a pttshing brake unit (ö) arrangeá oettfveen a respeetiafe first ann of each of thetvvo knee íetfers, and. push reds (8) being connected to a respective second ann of each of the twoknee íevers and to the second brake bean: (2) in the tíeinity" of their brake block iteads(3,1, eharacteršzeá in that the push rotís (S) are sttbstatlttiañy fixecfly attached to thesecond brake bean: (2).
2. .An assembåay aceortting to c1ai1n 1, nåterein each push rod (8) is pitntaíijy'aontteeted to the second 'orake beant (2) by tneans of a boít (1 S) in a push :rod end eat(S) and vzherešn the pttsh rod (å) is snnountíeti by a fneeva (17) attachecí to the bean:(2) and containing a mbbet' ring (19)),
3. An assetnbiy acooráing to cíaizn 2, vvnercin the second. “orake (bean: (2) isprovided vvith a push »bracket (17) for each push rod (S), the braaket being provided vvíththe sieeae (17)
4. An assetnbíy according to eiaitn 1,, tvhereiat a friotion áetfíce (1 3~1 5) isarranged bettveen each krlee íever (7) and the first Åbrake 'oeaxn (1).
5. An assernbb' acoortíitxg to cíann 4, wherein a. ftšction 'oo1t tíevice ( 14~1 (i)cotnpriaing a bo1t(14), two tïietitan ntatetiai. ttfashers (15) and at least one cup spring(16) is arranged. in an arofihaped sïot (111) of a p1ate (13) attachteaí to the íïrst “makebaarn (1) at each knet: ïetfet (7), the 111 otion ntaterial vvashers (15) being biased intofríction engagentent ttfštth the knee 1et'er (Y) and the píate (13).
6. fån assembly" according to c1aím 1 , wvhereirt the brake ttnit (6) is 1atera11yguided by pïate pfofí1es (lA, 111) of the tïrst “orake bean; (1).
SE1150361A 2011-04-26 2011-04-26 bogie brake assembly SE536138C2 (en)

Priority Applications (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE1150361A SE536138C2 (en) 2011-04-26 2011-04-26 bogie brake assembly
PCT/SE2012/050434 WO2012148349A1 (en) 2011-04-26 2012-04-25 A bogie brake assembly

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
SE1150361A SE536138C2 (en) 2011-04-26 2011-04-26 bogie brake assembly

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
SE1150361A1 SE1150361A1 (en) 2012-10-27
SE536138C2 true SE536138C2 (en) 2013-05-28



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SE1150361A SE536138C2 (en) 2011-04-26 2011-04-26 bogie brake assembly

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104339300B (en) * 2013-07-25 2016-06-08 博斯特(上海)有限公司 A kind of assembly tool being simultaneously suitable for die-cutting machine and gilding press

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CA1048945A (en) * 1975-06-24 1979-02-20 Thomas H. Engle Rail car brake apparatus
US4653812A (en) * 1985-09-16 1987-03-31 General Signal Corporation Truck mounted pneumatic brake control system
US5947236A (en) * 1997-06-13 1999-09-07 New York Air Brake Corporation Truck mounted brake for standard and premium ride trucks

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WO2012148349A1 (en) 2012-11-01

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