SE202341C1 - - Google Patents


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SE202341C1 SE202341DA SE202341C1 SE 202341 C1 SE202341 C1 SE 202341C1 SE 202341D A SE202341D A SE 202341DA SE 202341 C1 SE202341 C1 SE 202341C1
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piston rod
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE202341C1 publication Critical patent/SE202341C1/sv



  • Confectionery (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK F25 c17 b:6/07 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERINGSVERKET Ans. 7105/1963 inkorn den 26/61963 utlagd den 31/5 196 APAW SA, FRIBOURG, SCHWEIZ Doserings- och utmatningsanordning for glass TJppfinnare: P Carp igiani Prioritet begard frail den 27 juni 1962 (Itcdien) Foreliggande uppfinning avser en dose-rings- och utmatningsanordning for glass, eventuellt farsedd med organ far tillforsel av glassmaksattningsessenser eller liknande. CLASS INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH F25 c17 b: 6/07 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY Ans. 7105/1963 inkorn 26/61963 published 31/5 196 APAW SA, FRIBOURG, SWITZERLAND Dosing and dispensing device for ice cream Inventor: P Carp igiani Priority requested from 27 June 1962 (Itcdien) The present invention relates to a dosing and glass dispensing device, possibly fitted with means for supplying glass flavoring essences or the like.

Andamalet med uppfinningen är att astadkomma en flerkolvsventil for utmatning av noggrant tillmatta mangder av mjukglass, som framstallts i en glassmaskin for snabbframstallning i samband med forsaljningen. The object of the invention is to provide a multi-piston valve for dispensing accurately fed quantities of soft ice cream, which is produced in an ice cream machine for quick production in connection with the pre-sale.

Den pa senare ar okande forbrukningen av mjukglass, som utmatas direkt fran glassmaskiner, har medfort behov av en doseringsoeh utmatningsanordning for i huvudsak icke smaksatt glass och smaksattningsamnen. Det är kant att en maskin for mjukglass icke kan giva lika manga smaker som konventionella glassmaskiner; en mjukglassmaskin Or vanligen avsedd for framstallning av en enda glasstyp. Det skulle medfora alltfor stora kostnader att halla tva eller tre mjukglassmaskiner, och icke ens med tva eller tre maskiner kan en konventionell glassmaskins majlighet att erbjuda fyra, fern eller till och med annu flera smaker uppnas. For att mota behovet av att kunna erbjuda ett storre antal smaker med mjukglassmaskiner har man tidigare fareslagit att framstalla en enda, i huvudsak neutral glassmassa och modifiera dennas smak genom att tillsatta ett lampligt smaksattningsmedel. Harigenom är det mojligt att erhalla ett tillrackligt urval av smaker utan att kostnaderna for anlaggningen mangdubblas. De kanda satten att uppna detta resultat medfora emellertid vissa olagenheter. For det forsta maste utmatningen och doseringen av smaksattningsmedlen ske skilt Iran utmatningen av glassen, vilket nadvandiggor ytterligare blandning av glassen och smaksattningsmedlet i bagaren for att en tillracklig homogenisering skall uppnas. Detta är vanligen varken latt eller enkelt, sarskilt om, sasom oftast Or fallet, glassen serveras staende konsumenter. Vidare erfordras vanligtvis tva separata doseringsanordningar, en for glassen och en f8r smaksattningsmedlet. The recent increase in the consumption of soft ice cream, which is discharged directly from ice cream machines, has led to the need for a dosing and dispensing device for essentially unflavoured ice cream and flavoring agents. It is an edge that a soft ice cream machine cannot give as many flavors as conventional ice cream machines; a soft glass machine Or usually intended for the production of a single type of glass. It would involve excessive costs to keep two or three soft ice cream machines, and not even with two or three machines can a conventional ice cream machine's ability to offer four, four or even more flavors be achieved. In order to meet the need to be able to offer a larger number of flavors with soft ice cream machines, it has previously been dangerous to produce a single, essentially neutral ice cream mass and modify its taste by adding a suitable flavoring agent. As a result, it is possible to obtain a sufficient selection of flavors without multiplying the cost of the plant. However, the attempts to achieve this result may involve certain irregularities. Firstly, the discharging and dosing of the flavoring agents must take place separately from the discharging of the ice cream, which necessitates further mixing of the ice cream and the flavoring agent in the baker in order to achieve a sufficient homogenization. This is usually neither easy nor simple, especially if, as is usually the case, ice cream is served to standing consumers. Furthermore, two separate dosing devices are usually required, one for the ice cream and one for the flavoring agent.

Enligt uppfinningen elimineras de ovannamnda och andra olagenheterna vid kanda glassutmatningsanordningar med en flerkolvsventil, som mojligg8r antingen exakt dosering av en fardig glass eller samtidig utmatfling och dosering av en essens eller annan smaksattningsvatska eller -kram och glass i en enda operation och som ombesorjer en viss homogenisering av de bada utmatade amnena. En annan fOrdel ligger i mojligheten att pa enkelt satt installa den mangd av glassen och, om sa erfordras, essensen som skall utmatas. According to the invention, the above-mentioned and other disadvantages of known ice cream dispensers are eliminated with a multi-piston valve, which enables either precise dosing of a finished ice cream or simultaneous dispensing and dosing of an essence or other flavoring liquid or cream and ice cream in a single operation and which ensures a certain homogeneity. of the two discharged subjects. Another advantage lies in the possibility of easily installing the amount of ice cream and, if required, the essence to be dispensed.

Uppfinningen beskrives narmare i det foljande med hanvisning till bifogade ritningar. The invention is described in more detail below with reference to the accompanying drawings.

Fig. 1-5 visa i axiellt snitt en forsta utforingsform av en for glassdosering avsedd flerkolvsventil i olika arbetslagen; Fig. 6 visar i forstoring ett axiellt snitt av en del av ventileu och askadliggor ett sat att Andra den nyttiga kolvslaglangden; Fig. 7 visar i f8rstoring ett axiellt snitt genom en flerkolvsventil, som dr anordnad att tillsammans utmata noggranna doser av glass och smaksattningsessens; Fig. 8 och 9 visa i axiellt snitt olika arbets- Dupl. kl. 59 a: 5; 59 a: 17; 64 c: 10/10; 64 c: 17/02 2 lagen hos en flerkolvsventil liknande ventilen i fig. 7; Fig. 10 och 11 visa i axiellt snitt tva olika arbetslagen hos- en tredje utfOringsform av en flerkolvsventil, som likaledes är avsedd for dosering av saval glass som smaksattningsessens; Fig. 12 visar en modifikation av flerkolvsventilen for utdelning av saval glass som en smaksattningsessens; varvid essenserr inma-- tas i ventilen genom en kulventil: Narhelst det är onskvart att i tillmatta mangder utmata endast glass, saledes utan flagon tillsats av essens, kan den i fig. 1-5 visade flerkolvsventilen utnyttjas. Denna ventil bestar av en cylinder 1, vars borrning omfattar en ovre sektion 101 och en forsankt undre sektion 201, som har nagot storre diameter an den ovre sektionen. Cylinderns 1 undre ande är tillsluten medelst en paskruvad hylsa 2, som omfattar en botten med en central oppning 3, vilken bildar glassutloppet, samt en grund halighet 102, vilken bildar en forlangning av cylinderborrningens undre sektion 201 ndgot storre diameter an denna. I den iivre cylindersektionens 101 vagg, är foretradesvis i narheten av den undre an-den en glassmatningsport 4 utformad. I cylindern är anordnad en ihalig arbetskolv 5 samt en undre, skivliknande doseringskolv 8, som at koaxiell med kolven 5. Arbetskolven är upptill tillsluten medelst ett foretradesvis ihaligt organ 55, som är inskruvat i arbetskolvens overdel och bildar eller är ansluten till kolvstangen eller ett annat kolvphverkningsorgan (icke visat). Arbetskolven är med tat passning glidbar i den iivre cylindersektionen 101 och kan med spelrum stracka sig ned i den undre cylindersektionen 201 och forlangningen 102. Doseringskolven 8 är med tat passning glidbar i den undre cylinderkammaren 201 och kan med spelrum stracka sig in i den grunda haligheten 102 utan att tillsluta utloppsporten 3. FOr delta andamal aro distansorgan i form av utsprang 10 anordnade pa kolven for att hãlla kolvens 8 undersida pa avstand frau hylsans 2 botten (se fig. loch 5). Doseringskolven 8 är vidare fOrsedd med en stang 7, som vid den visade utforingsformen omfattar en undre sektion 71, vilken glidbart stracker sig genom en borrning i den ihaliga arbetskolvens 5 botten, varvid denna borrning fOretradesvis är forsedd med en tatningsring 9, som sakerstaller en tat passning mellan kolvstangen 7 och borrningen. Stangsektionen 71 har upptill en 18stagbart fastsatt, exempelvis fastskruvad forlangning 72. Stangforlangningen 72 är forsedd med en utskjutande stodkrage 73, som är anordnad att komma till anliggning mot den ihaliga kolvens 5 botten, medan den ovanfor kragen 73 belagna delen kan glida i det ihaliga organets 55 halighet Den ovan beskrivna anordningen arbetar pa foljande satt: Ventilen antages befinna sig i sitt stangda lage eller vilolaget (fig. 1) nar arbetskolven 5 upplyftes med hj alp ay stangen 55, varvid aven doseringskolven 8 genom stangsektio- - nenstata passning -drages -med till dess att- den nal- den 'Vida cylinderbormingens 201 ansats, dar den stoppas (fig. 2). Kolven 5 fort- satter darefter sin rorelse uppat och nar den frilagger sidoporten 4 (fig. 3) kan glassen stromma in mellan kolvarna 5 och 8 och fOra doseringskolven 8 neat (fig. 4) till dess att kragen 73 ansattes mot cylinderns 5 botten (fig. 4). Genom att arbetskolven 5 drives nedat (fig. 5) fOrskjutes den mellan de hada ko- axiella kolvarna 5 bc-11 8 inneslutna glassdo- sen till att bOrj a med langs cylinderbormingen 201 till dess att utsprangen 10 pa kolven 8 ansattas mot hylsan 2, och darefter utpressas glassen genom spelrummet 102 kring kolven 8 och genom utloppet 3 till dess att de hada kolvarna 5 bch 8 komma att pa nytt ligga in-till varandra som i utgangslaget (fig. 1). Figs. 1-5 show in axial section a first embodiment of a multi-piston valve intended for glass dosing in different working layers; Fig. 6 shows on an enlarged scale an axial section of a part of the valve and the axles are a set to change the useful piston stroke; Fig. 7 shows on an enlarged scale an axial section through a multi-piston valve, which is arranged to dispense together accurate doses of ice cream and flavoring essence; Figs. 8 and 9 show in axial section different working Dupl. at 59 a: 5; 59 a: 17; 64 c: 10/10; 64 c: 17/02 2 the law of a multi-piston valve similar to the valve of Fig. 7; Figures 10 and 11 show in axial section two different working classes of a third embodiment of a multi-piston valve, which is also intended for dosing sable ice cream as a flavoring essence; Fig. 12 shows a modification of the multi-piston valve for dispensing saval glass as a flavoring essence; in which case essences are fed into the valve through a ball valve: Whenever it is undesirable to dispense only ice cream in large quantities, thus without flaking addition of essence, the multi-piston valve shown in Figs. 1-5 can be used. This valve consists of a cylinder 1, the bore of which comprises an upper section 101 and a countersunk lower section 201, which has a slightly larger diameter than the upper section. The lower end of the cylinder 1 is closed by means of a fitted screw sleeve 2, which comprises a bottom with a central opening 3, which forms the glass outlet, and a shallow cavity 102, which forms an extension of the lower section 201 of the cylinder bore and has a slightly larger diameter than this. In the cradle of the upper cylinder section 101, a glass feed port 4 is preferably formed near the lower end. Arranged in the cylinder is a hollow working piston 5 and a lower, disc-like dosing piston 8, which is coaxial with the piston 5. The working piston is closed at the top by means of a preferably hollow member 55, which is screwed into the upper part of the working piston and forms or is connected to the piston rod or another piston actuating means (not shown). The working piston is slidably slidable in the upper cylinder section 101 and can with clearance extend down into the lower cylinder section 201 and the extension 102. The dosing piston 8 is slidably slidable into the lower cylinder chamber 201 and can with sliding space extend into the shallow cavity 102 without closing the outlet port 3. For these purposes, spacers in the form of projections 10 are provided on the piston to keep the underside of the piston 8 at a distance from the bottom of the sleeve 2 (see Fig. Loch 5). The dosing piston 8 is further provided with a rod 7, which in the embodiment shown comprises a lower section 71, which slidably extends through a bore in the bottom of the hollow working piston 5, this bore preferably being provided with a sealing ring 9, which secures a tat. fit between the piston rod 7 and the bore. The rod section 71 has at the top a removably fastened, for example screwed-on extension 72. The rod extension 72 is provided with a projecting support collar 73, which is arranged to come into abutment against the bottom of the hollow piston 5, while the part covered above the collar 73 can slide in the hollow member. The device described above operates in the following manner: The valve is assumed to be in its closed bearing or resting layer (Fig. 1) when the working piston 5 is raised with the aid of the rod 55, the dosing piston 8 also being pulled through the rod section. with until the needle approaches the Vida cylinder bore 201, where it is stopped (Fig. 2). The piston 5 then continues its upward movement and when it exposes the side port 4 (Fig. 3) the ice cream can flow in between the pistons 5 and 8 and feed the dosing piston 8 neatly (Fig. 4) until the collar 73 is applied to the bottom of the cylinder 5 ( Fig. 4). By driving the working piston 5 downwards (Fig. 5), the glass box enclosed between the hot coaxial pistons 5 bc-11 8 is displaced to start along the cylinder bore 201 until the projections 10 on the piston 8 are fitted against the sleeve 2, and then the ice cream is forced out through the clearance 102 around the piston 8 and through the outlet 3 until the had pistons 5 and 8 come to lie next to each other again as in the starting layer (Fig. 1).

Glassdosen kan andras genom andring av stodkiagens 73 lage i forhallande till stang- sektionen 71, vilket i praktiken kan utforas genom att stangsektionen 72 utbytes mot en annan stangsektion 72' (fig. 6), som har stodkragen 73' i ett annat lage i forhallande till stodkragen 73. The glass dose can be changed by changing the position of the support shaft 73 in relation to the rod section 71, which in practice can be performed by exchanging the rod section 72 for another rod section 72 '(Fig. 6), which has the support collar 73' in another layer in relation to the collar 73.

Narhelst det Or onskvart att samtidigt och I samma behallare utdela en p0 fOrhand fast- stalld dos av i huvudsak neutral glass och en motsvarande dos av smaksattningsessens kan den ovan beskrivna anordningen modifieras det i fig. 7-12 visade sattet. Whenever it is desirable to simultaneously and in the same container dispense a pre-determined dose of substantially neutral ice cream and a corresponding dose of flavoring essence, the device described above can be modified as shown in Figs. 7-12.

Av fig. 7, dar vissa delar och spelrum overdrivits for att battre askadliggora anordning- ens arbetssatt, framgar att cylindern 1 for- utom glassinloppsporten 4 uppvisar en extra ovre sidoport 15, vilken Or anordnad att an- slutas till en kalla for smaksattningsessens (icke visad). Sidoporten 15 utmynnar i ett ringformigt spar 301 i cylindern 1 vagg. Arbetskolven 5 Or ihalig fOr att bilda en cylindrisk kammare 16 med radiella borrningar 14, vilka nar kolven 5 befinner sig i lampligt lage utmynna i det ringformade sparet 301 och darvid satin kammaren 16 i forbindelse med essensens inloppsport 15. From Fig. 7, where certain parts and clearances have been exaggerated to improve the operation of the device, it appears that the cylinder 1, in addition to the glass inlet port 4, has an additional upper side port 15, which Or is arranged to be connected to a cold for flavoring essence (not shown). The side port 15 opens into an annular groove 301 in the cylinder 1 cradle. The working piston 5 is adapted to form a cylindrical chamber 16 with radial bores 14, which when the piston 5 is in a lamplike position open into the annular groove 301 and thereby the satin chamber 16 in connection with the inlet port 15 of the essence.

Stangen 7, som uppbar glassdoseringskolven 108, Or utformad med en borrning 307, vilken Or tillsluten upptill och oppen nedtill. I narheten av den ovre anden Oro radiella portar 12 utformade i kolvstangen 7, som nar de icke Oro tillslutna forbinda kammaren 16 med . den axiella borrningen 307. Ett ventilorgan, som i fig. 7 har formen av en mellan tva stodorgan 107 och 19 glidbar kolv 13, är anordnat att tacka eller frilagga portarna 12. Stangen 7 är vidare forsedd med en utskjutande stodkrage 73, vilken är anordnad att stoda mot kolvens 5 undre del, som i fig. 7 har formen av en axiellt urborrad flansforsedd skruvpropp 305, eller mot ett skivliknande distansorgan 74, f6r installning av kolvens 108 slag i fOrhallande till kolvens 5 undre del. The rod 7, which carried the glass dosing piston 108, Or formed with a bore 307, which Or is closed at the top and open at the bottom. In the vicinity of the upper spirit Oro radial ports 12 formed in the piston rod 7, which when the non-Oro closed connect the chamber 16 with. the axial bore 307. A valve member, which in Fig. 7 has the shape of a piston 13 slidable between two support members 107 and 19, is arranged to thank or expose the ports 12. The rod 7 is further provided with a projecting support collar 73, which is arranged to stand against the lower part of the piston 5, which in Fig. 7 is in the form of an axially drilled flanged screw plug 305, or against a disc-like spacer 74, for installing the stroke of the piston 108 in relation to the lower part of the piston 5.

Glassdoseringskolven 108 har formen av en platta med underskuret kantparti och är anordnad pa den undre, nedsvarvade anden pa stangen 7, vilken skjuter ut frail doseringskolvens undersida och bildar en pip, som nar delarna befinna sig i utmatningslaget (fig. 7) är inford i den centrala oppningen 3 pa cylinderns tillslutningshylsa 2. Hylsan 2 har vi-dare en krans av i omkretsled fOrdelade Oppningar 103, vilka utmynna under kolvens 108 underskurna kant. The glass dosing piston 108 is in the form of a plate with a cut-away edge portion and is arranged on the lower, turned-down spirit on the rod 7, which projects from the underside of the dosing piston and forms a spout, which when the parts are in the discharge layer (Fig. 7) is inserted into it. the central opening 3 on the closing sleeve 2 of the cylinder. The sleeve 2 further has a ring of circumferentially distributed openings 103, which open out below the undercut edge of the piston 108.

Den ovan beskrivna anordningens arbetssalt beskrives nedan med hanvisning till fig. 8 och 9. The working salt of the device described above is described below with reference to Figs. 8 and 9.

Nar kolven 5 fOrskjutes sa, att delarna intaga det i fig. 8 visade laget strommar glassen under tryck genom porten 4 och driver kolven 108 i riktning frail kolvens 5 ande, och samtidigt strOmmar essensen genom porten 15, sparet 301 och borrningarna 14 in i kammaren 16 till dess att delarna intaga det i fig. 8 med streckade linjer visade laget, i vilket doseringskolven befinner sig ungefdr mitt i kammaren 201 och portarna 15 och 4 fortfarande sta i forbindelse med kamrarna 16 respektive 201. As the piston 5 is displaced so that the parts occupy the layer shown in Fig. 8, the ice cream flows under pressure through the port 4 and drives the piston 108 in the direction of the piston 5, and at the same time the essence flows through the port 15, the spar 301 and the bores 14 into the chamber. 16 until the parts occupy the layer shown in broken lines in Fig. 8, in which the dosing piston is located approximately in the middle of the chamber 201 and the ports 15 and 4 are still connected to the chambers 16 and 201, respectively.

Nar kolven 5 drives neat intaga delarna till att borja med det i fig. 9 visade ldget, och darefter driver kolven 5 glassen i utrymmet mellan kolvarna 5 och 8 ut kring den senare kolvens underskurna kant och genom Oppningarna 103 till en behallare. Samtidigt inskjutes st5ngens 7 Ovre ande i kammaren 16, och den kolvliknande ventilen 13 forskjutes till anliggning mot ansatsen 107 under inverkan av den i kammaren 16 inneslutna essensen till dess att portarna 12 frilaggas och essensen tillates stromma genom stangborrningen 307 och genom pipen 207 infores i den behallare, i vilken glassen utpressas (icke vi-sad). When the piston 5 is driven, it does not take the parts to start with the lid shown in Fig. 9, and then the piston 5 drives the ice cream in the space between the pistons 5 and 8 out around the cut edge of the later piston and through the openings 103 into a container. At the same time, the upper end of the rod 7 is pushed into the chamber 16, and the piston-like valve 13 is displaced to abut against the shoulder 107 under the action of the essence enclosed in the chamber 16 until the ports 12 are exposed and the essence is allowed to flow through the rod bore 307 and through the spout 207. container, in which the ice cream is squeezed (not shown).

Denna utfOringsform är sarskilt ldmplig for glassmaskiner, dar kolven 5 paverkas for hand. This embodiment is particularly suitable for ice cream machines, where the piston 5 is actuated by hand.

For motordrivna glassmaskiner är den i fig. 10 och 11 visade utforingsformen mera lamplig. Vid denna utforingsform är stangen 7 icke forsedd med nagon stOdkrage, och delarna Oro sa anordnade, att nar forbindelse mellan porten 4 och kammaren 101 dvs. kammaren ovanfidr fOrsankningen 201, och mel- Ian porten 15 och kammaren 16 upprattats, stoppas kolvens 5 rdrelse icke, utan denna kolv lyftes ytterligare sa langt som kolvstang- en 7 tillater, sasom visas i fig. 11, och kolvventilen 13 glider nedat i kammaren 16, i vilken essens insuges. Genom att kolven 5 drives neda.t, nar doseringskolven 108 kommer kontakt med hylsans 2 botten och portarna 12 sattas i forbindelse med sparet 301 inskjutes kolvstangen 7 uppat i kammaren 16, och kolven 13 pressas under inverkan av den i kammaren 16 inneslutna essensen nedat till dess att portarna 12 frilaggas. Genom att kolven 5 drives ytterligare neat utpressas glassen genom kransen av hal 103 till en icke vi-sad behallare, och essensen utpressas genom den ihaliga kolvstangens 7 ande till samma b ehall are. For motor-driven ice cream machines, the embodiment shown in Figs. 10 and 11 is more suitable. In this embodiment the rod 7 is not provided with any support collar, and the parts Oro are arranged so that when connecting between the port 4 and the chamber 101, i.e. the chamber above the recess 201, and between the port 15 and the chamber 16 established, the movement of the piston 5 is not stopped, but this piston is lifted further as far as the piston rod 7 allows, as shown in Fig. 11, and the piston valve 13 slides down into the chamber 16, into which the essence is sucked. When the piston 5 is driven downwards, when the dosing piston 108 comes into contact with the bottom of the sleeve 2 and the ports 12 are connected to the spar 301, the piston rod 7 is pushed up into the chamber 16, and the piston 13 is pressed under the influence of the essence enclosed in the chamber 16 down to until the ports 12 are exposed. By further driving the piston 5 neatly, the ice cream is squeezed through the ring of hal 103 to a non-pointed container, and the essence is squeezed through the spirit of the hollow piston rod 7 to the same container.

I stallet f6r en kolvventil 13 kunna andra typer av automatiska ventiler utnyttjas. Fig. 12 visar salunda en ventilkula 18, som Or utfOrd av ett n'agot deformerbart material, exempelvis mjukt gummi, och Or anordnad vid den Ovre anden pa kolvstangen 7 mellan den med urtagningar utformade Ovre anden pa ett rorformigt organ 75, vilket Or insatt i stangen 7, och ett pa organets 75 gAngade ande paskruvat hallarorgan 76. Denna ventil tillater stromning nedat men icke uppat. Stangen 7 ar forsedd med en fast kolv 113, Instead of a piston valve 13, other types of automatic valves can be used. Fig. 12 thus shows a valve ball 18, which is made of a slightly deformable material, for example soft rubber, and is arranged at the upper end of the piston rod 7 between the recessed upper end of a tubular member 75, which is inserted. in the rod 7, and a threaded member 76 screwed onto the end of the member 75. This valve allows flow downwards but not upwards. The rod 7 is provided with a fixed piston 113,

Claims (14)

Patentansprdk:Patent claim: 1. Doserings- och utmatningsanordning for glass, besthende av en i huvudsak vertikal cylinder med atminstone en pa sidan belagen inloppsport for glass och atminstone en nedtill belagen utloppsport, en arbetskolv, som Or rorlig fram och Ater i cylindern och som i sitt undre lage tillsluter sidoinloppsporten, medan den hailer inloppsporten oppen, nar den dr upplyft till sitt Ovre andlage, kannetecknad &ray, att inuti cylindern (1) under arbetskolven Or en doseringskolv (8, 108) anordnad koaxiellt med arbetskolven, varvid doseringskolven är fastsatt i en kolvstang (7), som styres glidbart i arbetskolven och drages med av denna genom friktion mellan arbetskolven och doseringskolven, att cylindem under sidoinloppsporten (4) har stodorgan fOr begransning av doseringskolvens lyftningsrOrelse och darigenom bildar en doseringskammare mellan doseringskolven och den uppatfOrda utdrivningskolven och att organ Oro anordnade att astadkomma en forbindningskanal mellan doseringskammaren och cylinderns 4 utloppsport (3, 103), nar doseringskolven är ford till sitt undre andlage.A dosing and dispensing device for ice cream, consisting of a substantially vertical cylinder with at least one side inlet port for ice cream and at least one outlet port located at the bottom, a working piston which moves forward and back in the cylinder and which closes in its lower layer the side inlet port, while it holds the inlet port open, when it is raised to its upper face, can be drawn & ray, that inside the cylinder (1) below the working piston Or a dosing piston (8, 108) arranged coaxially with the working piston, the dosing piston being fixed in a piston rod (7 ), which is slidably guided in the working piston and is pulled by it by friction between the working piston and the dosing piston, that the cylinder under the side inlet port (4) has support means for limiting the lifting movement of the dosing piston and thereby forms a dosing chamber between the dosing piston and the provide a connecting channel between the metering chamber and the cylinder 4 outlet port (3, 103), when the dosing flask is ford to its lower capacity. 2. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 1 med samtidig utmatning av ett flytande smaksattningsamne, kannetecknad darav, att arbetskolven (5) är forsedd med en inre, cylindrisk kammare (16), i vilken en pa doseringskolvens (108) kolvstang (7) anbragt kolv (13, 113) styres, varvid utrymmet ovanfor sistnamnda kolv, nar arbetskolven är ford till sitt oversta lage, via atminstone en sidoport (14) i arbetskolven star i forbindelse med minstone en i cylindem (1) ovanfor glassinloppsporten utformad inloppsport (15) for smaksattningsamnet, medan namnda utrymme, nar doseringskolven (108) är ford till sitt undre andlage, via till en kanal (307) i kolvstangen (7) anslutna, av den pa kolvstangen anbragta kolven (13) eller en backventil (18) reglerade, radiellt forlopande inloppsportar (12) och namnda kanal (307) i kolvstangen (7) star i forbindelse med atminstone en i cylindems botten utformad utloppsport (3) for smaksattningsamnet.Device according to claim 1 with simultaneous discharge of a liquid flavoring substance, characterized in that the working piston (5) is provided with an inner, cylindrical chamber (16), in which a piston rod (7) arranged on the dosing piston (108) , 113) is controlled, the space above the latter piston, when the working piston is moved to its uppermost layer, via at least one side port (14) in the working piston communicating with at least one inlet port (15) for the flavoring substance formed in the cylinder (1) above the glass inlet port, while said space, when the dosing piston (108) is conveyed to its lower container, via radially extending inlet ports connected to a channel (307) in the piston rod (7), by the piston (13) or a non-return valve (18) arranged on the piston rod (18) (12) and said channel (307) in the piston rod (7) communicates with at least one outlet port (3) formed in the bottom of the cylinder for the flavoring substance. 3. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 1 eller 2, kannetecknad darav, att arbetskolven (5) i sitt ovre andlage ligger omedelbart ovanfOr glassinloppsporten (4) i cylindern. (1) och att stodorgan (73) aro anordnade mellan arbetskolven (5) och doseringskolvens (8, 108) kolvstang (7) for att begransa doseringskolvens rtirelse neat, nar denna kolv pressas nedat air glassmassans pa densamma verkande tryck.Device according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the working piston (5) in its upper abutment lies immediately above the glass inlet port (4) in the cylinder. (1) and that support means (73) are arranged between the working piston (5) and the piston rod (7) of the dosing piston (8, 108) to limit the movement of the dosing piston when this piston is pressed down into the air glass mass at the same effective pressure. 4. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 3, kann.etecknad darav, att stbdorganen mellan arbetskolven (5) och doseringskolvens (8, 108) kolvstang (7) aro installbara i axiell led for andring av doseringskammarens volym.4. Device according to claim 3, characterized in that the support means between the working piston (5) and the piston rod (7) of the dosing piston (8, 108) can be installed in axial direction for changing the volume of the dosing chamber. 5. Anordning enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-4, kannetecknad darav, att doseringskolvens kolvstang (7) är fOrsedd med en radiellt utskjutande flans (73), som tjanar sa.- som stodorgan for kolvstangen (7) mot arbetskolvens undre innervagg.Device according to any one of patent claims 1-4, characterized in that the piston rod (7) of the dosing piston is provided with a radially projecting flange (73), which serves as a support member for the piston rod (7) against the lower inner wall of the working piston. 6. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 5, kannetecknad darav, att den ovre anden (72) pa den kolvstang (7) pa vilken flansen (73) dr fastsatt, är utbytbar.Device according to claim 5, characterized in that the upper spirit (72) of the piston rod (7) on which the flange (73) is attached is replaceable. 7. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 5 eller 6, kannetecknad darav, att utbytbara distansorgan (74) aro anordnade pa kolvstangen (7) mellan flansen (73) och arbetskolvens (5) undre inner vagg.Device according to claim 5 or 6, characterized in that replaceable spacers (74) are arranged on the piston rod (7) between the flange (73) and the lower inner cradle of the working piston (5). 8. Anordning enligt av patentanspra ken 1-7, kannetecknad darav, att doseringskolvens (8, 108) kolvstang (7) omgives av en tatningsring (9), som iir anordnad i arbetskolven (5).Device according to any one of patent claims 1-7, characterized in that the piston rod (7) of the dosing piston (8, 108) is surrounded by a sealing ring (9), which is arranged in the working piston (5). 9. Anordning enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-8, kannetecknad darav, att det doseringskolvens rorelse uppat begransande stodet utgores av en ringformad ansats pa cylinderns insida, varvid denna ansats Or utformad mellan en ovre cylindersektion (101), i vilken arbetskolven styres, och en undre cylindersektion (201), vilken her stOrre inner-diameter On den ovre sektionen och i vilken doseringskolven styres.9. A device according to any one of claims 1-8, characterized in that the movement of the dosing piston upwardly limiting is constituted by an annular shoulder on the inside of the cylinder, this shoulder being formed between an upper cylinder section (101), in which the working piston is controlled, and a lower cylinder section (201), which has a larger inner diameter on the upper section and in which the dosing piston is controlled. 10. Anordning enligt nagot av patentanspraken 1-9, kannetecknad darav, att doseringskolven ph undersidan Or forsedd med diminstone ett utsprang (10), vilket hindrar doseringskolven fran att tatt anligga mot glassutloppsporten (3, 103) i cylinderns hot-ten (2), sa att en forbindelse halles Oppen mellan porten och den mellan arbetskolven (5) och doseringskolven (8, 108) bildade doseringskammaren.Device according to any one of claims 1-9, characterized in that the dosing piston ph underside Or is provided with a diminstone a projection (10), which prevents the dosing piston from abutting against the glass outlet port (3, 103) in the cylinder hot (2) , said that a connection is kept open between the gate and the dosing chamber formed between the working piston (5) and the dosing piston (8, 108). 11. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 2, kannetecknad darav, att den rorformiga kolvstangen (7) stracker sig forbi doseringskolvens undersida i form av en rorformig pip (207).Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the tubular piston rod (7) extends past the underside of the dosing piston in the form of a tubular spout (207). 12. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 2, kannetecknad darav, att den pa kolvstangen anbragta kolven (13) är glidbart anordnad langs kolvstangens ovre ande frau ett tivre lage, i vilket den tillsluter de radiella portarna (12) och ett nedre Idge, i vilket den hailer portarna oppna.Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the piston (13) arranged on the piston rod is slidably arranged along the upper end of the piston rod from a turret layer, in which it closes the radial ports (12) and a lower Idge, in which it holds the gates open. 13. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 2, kannetecknad darav, att den pa doseringskolvens rarformiga kolvstang (7) anbragta kolyen (113) Or utformad i ett stycke med kolvstangen (7) och att den rorformiga kolvstangen star i forbindelse med den inre arbetskolyens (5) kammare (16) under forrnedling av en backventil, som oppnas nar ett ph fOrhand faststallt tryck uppnatts i den inre kammaren.Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the collie (113) arranged on the dosing piston rod (7) is formed integrally with the piston rod (7) and that the tubular piston rod is connected to the chamber of the inner working coil (5). (16) during disassembly of a non-return valve, which is opened when a pre-determined pressure has been reached in the inner chamber. 14. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 13, kannetecknad darav, att ventilen Or forsedd med en elastiskt deforn-ierbar ventilkropp. Anforda publikationer:Device according to claim 13, characterized in that the valve Or is provided with an elastically deformable valve body. Request publications:
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