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SE201650C1 SE201650DA SE201650C1 SE 201650 C1 SE201650 C1 SE 201650C1 SE 201650D A SE201650D A SE 201650DA SE 201650 C1 SE201650 C1 SE 201650C1
Prior art keywords
neck portion
heavy fraction
narrowest section
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE201650C1 publication Critical patent/SE201650C1/sv



  • Nozzles (AREA)


Uppfinnare: E G R Ranllagen Foreliggande uppfinning hanfor sig till avloppsmunstycke for lung fraktion fran en virvelsorterares virvelkammare. Inventor: E G R Ranllagen The present invention relates to a drain nozzle for lung fraction from a vortex chamber of a vortex sorter.

Vanligen utnyttjas en dylik virvelsorterare pa sa salt all ett fluidum innehallande relativt tunga fasta fororeningar tillf5res virvelkammaren, i vilken fororeningarna utsepareras och varifran de avledas i en stroln av en liten del av fluidet i ovrigt som rejekt genom avloppsmunstycket i fraga, som är anordnat i virvelkammaren.s botten som en forlangning av virvelkammaren sh att rejektet bibehaller sin i virvelkammaren bibringade virvelrOrelse i avloppsmunstycket. Usually such a vortex sorter is used on such salt all a fluid containing relatively heavy solid contaminants is fed to the vortex chamber, in which the contaminants are separated and from which they are diverted in a stream of a small part of the fluid otherwise as rejected through the effluent nozzle in question. .s bottom as a requirement of the vortex chamber sh that the reject retains its vortex motion imparted in the vortex chamber in the drain nozzle.

Sjalva avloppsmunstycket brukar darvid ha ett genomlopp, som i avloppsriktningen raknat minskar i area till en trangsta sektion, som skall vara avpassad att begransa mangden av lattare fraktion denna vag, men samtidigt utgor en del av munstycket dar rejektpartiklar tendera att fastna och satta igen munstycket. Munstycken som aro stela mot av rejektstrommen utovade krafter mot munstycket och sona efter den trangsta sektionen ha ett utvidgat mynningsparti som skall tjana som diffusor och/eller stankskydd aro aven kanda. Nfrgon inverkan ph igensattningstendensen i trangsta sektionen hos ett dylikt stelt munstycke kan ett sadant mynningsparti givetvis ej ha. Munstycken anordnade fOr fOrandring av trangsta sektionsarean genom yttre regleringsimpulser aro aven kanda, med vilka avsikten iir att man genom tillfallig utvidgning av denna sektion skall kunna fa igensattningar i densamma att lossna och utblasas. Man har awn framstallt munstycken anordnade att vara sjalvrensande genom att den trangsta sektionen t. ex, mom ett elastiskt vaggparti later sig utvidgas genom den Ruing av trycket i munstycket som upp- Dupl. kl. 12 d: 1/01 star i och med att fororeningarna fastna darstades. The drain nozzle itself usually has a passage, which in the direction of the drain is reduced in area to a narrowest section, which should be adapted to limit the amount of lighter fraction this vague, but at the same time forms a part of the nozzle where reject particles tend to get stuck and clog the nozzle. Nozzles which are rigid against forces exerted by the reject drum against the nozzle and atone for the narrowest section have an extended mouth portion which is to serve as a diffuser and / or odor protection. Of course, such an orifice portion cannot have any effect on the clogging tendency in the narrowest section of such a rigid nozzle. Nozzles arranged for changing the narrowest section area by external regulating impulses are also known, with the intention that by accidental expansion of this section it should be possible to get blockages in it to come loose and blow out. Nozzles have been produced which are arranged to be self-cleaning in that the narrowest section, for example, with an elastic rock part, can be expanded by the Ruing of the pressure in the nozzle which is up- Dupl. at 12 d: 1/01 star as the pollutants get stuck there.

Resultatet av sistnamnda anordning, har emellertid i allmanhet icke motsvarat forvantningarna om en styrningsfri funktion. Dels ha besthende igensattningar, vilka fordra yttre rensningsatgard, ej med sakerhet kunnat elimineras dels ha de tryckandringar, som uppsta i munstycket och virvelkammaren vid igensittningstendenserna innan den automatiska rensningen trader i funktion, ofta blivit for stora for att vara forenliga med de krav som mhste stallas p& stabila tryck- •och darmed strOmningsforhallanden i virvelkammaren. Delta beror givetvis pa all fororeningarna ha Or latt att fastna i den trangsta sektionen .sa hart att for stor tryckh8jning erfordras for att tillrackligt vidga munstycket och blasa ut fororeningarna. The result of the latter device, however, has generally not corresponded to the expectations of a control-free function. On the one hand, existing blockages, which require external cleaning action, could not be eliminated with certainty, and on the other hand, the pressure changes that occur in the nozzle and the vortex chamber during the clogging tendencies before the automatic cleaning comes into operation, have often become too large to be compatible with the requirements. on stable pressure • and thus flow conditions in the vortex chamber. This, of course, is due to all the contaminants being trapped in the narrowest section, so much so that too great a pressure increase is required to sufficiently widen the nozzle and blow out the contaminants.

SOkanden har emellertid overraskande fun-nit att man genom att forse ett munstycke, som har sin trangsta sektion inom ett tunnvaggigt elastiskt halsparti, med •ett utvidgat mynningsparti och ansluta det till virvelkammaren sa att del har frihet att under inverkan av rejektvirveln vrida sig i detta halsparti, kan uppnâ sjalvrensningseffekt utan namnda olagenheter. However, the applicant has surprisingly found that by forcing a nozzle, which has its narrowest section within a thin-walled elastic neck portion, with an • extended mouth portion and connecting it to the vortex chamber so that part has the freedom to rotate in this under the influence of the reject vortex. neck portion, can achieve self-cleaning effect without the mentioned ills.

Uppfinningen ka.nnetecknas I anslutning därtill framst av den kombinationen att munstycket pa i och for sig kant satt är utbildat att i avloppsriktningen raknat frau ett halsparti av munstycket, som innesluter munstyckets trangsta sektion, utvidga sig till ett mynningsparti, vars genomloppsarea är flerfaidigt stOrre an genomloppsarean i na.mnda halsparti, att munstyckets begransningsvagg i namnda halsparti bestar •av tunt elastiskt material samt all munstycket som i sin inloppsande dr anslutet till virvelkammarens 2201 6 avlopp for tung fraktion, i sin avloppsande, innefattande halspartiet Med den trangata sektionen och mynningspartiet, är anordnat utan kontakt med yttre fasta styrorgan, i andamal att Iran strOmmen av den avseparerade tunga fraktionen genoin munstycket i mynningspartiet uppstaende friktionskrafter och dynamiska krafter skall ffirorsaka vridande och/eller bajande rkelser hos munstycket namnda halsparti av detsamma. The invention is characterized in connection therewith by the combination that the nozzle on itself is formed to extend in the direction of drainage from a neck portion of the nozzle, which encloses the narrowest section of the nozzle, to an orifice portion, the passage area of which is plurally larger. the passage area in said neck portion, that the nozzle boundary cradle in said neck portion consists of • thin elastic material and all the nozzle which in its inlet dr connected to the vortex chamber 2201 6 drain for heavy fraction, in its drain, including the neck portion With the narrow section and the mouth portion is arranged without contact with external fixed control means, in which case the flow of the separated heavy fraction through the nozzle in the estuary portion arises frictional forces and dynamic forces should cause rotating and / or bending movements of the nozzle said neck portion thereof.

Bifogade ritning irisar exempel pa en utforingsform av munstycket 1, som bestaende helt av elastiskt material t. ex. gummi, under sin trangsta sektion S—S liar ett utvidgat mynningsparti la. Med en flans 2 kan munstycket anslutas till en virvelkammare ej vi-sad a ritningen. The attached drawing shows examples of an embodiment of the nozzle 1, which consisted entirely of elastic material, e.g. rubber, under its narrowest section S — S liar an extended mouth portion la. With a flange 2 the nozzle can be connected to a vortex chamber not shown in the drawing.

Orsaken till den namnda overraskande sjalvrensningseffekten torde i huvudsak vara den att da rejektvirveln vars friktionskraft mot munstycksvaggen Er betydande, stravar att vrida munstycket, skillnaden vridmomenten i den vida mynningsdelen .och i trangsta sektionen astadkommer en .markerad forvridning av munstycket just i halsen. Darav foljer att, aven for myeket smâ variationer i virvelrorelsens intensitet t. ex. sadana som uppsta vid relativt sma ten-denser till igensattning, uppsta relativt stora variationer i f8rvridningen i halsen. The reason for the aforementioned surprising self-cleaning effect is mainly that when the reject vortex whose frictional force against the nozzle cradle is significant, strains to turn the nozzle, the difference in torque in the wide mouth part and in the narrowest section causes a marked twisting of the nozzle. It follows that, even for very small variations in the intensity of the vortex motion, e.g. such as arise at relatively small tendencies to clogging, relatively large variations occur in the distortion in the throat.

Harav balks vaggmaterialet i halsen fl.evande» pa ett satt, som avsevart minskar mojligheten for partiklar att fastna 1 halsen. Samna effekt kan uppsta genom brytningsriirelse i halsen, som fOrorsakas av de krafter, som verka i mynningspartiet. This balks the rock material in the throat floating »in a way that significantly reduces the possibility of particles getting stuck in the throat. The same effect can arise by refraction in the throat, which is caused by the forces acting in the mouth portion.

For att den avsedda effekten skall uppnas bor munstycket atminstone i halspartiet va-, ra relativt tunnvaggigt, vaggtjockleken lampligen hogst ca 1/2 gang genomloppssektionen, och mjukt: hardheten lampligen ej avsevart over c:a 50 Shore. Pa Ovriga delar av munstycket kan man ge efter pa dessa ansprak. -Sjalva det utvidgade mynningspartiet behover salunda varken vara tunn- eller mjukvaggigt och kan best. av en. sarskild tillfogad del av halt annat material an munstycket i ovrigt. Det torde dock ur tillverknings- och kostnadssynpunkt vara fordelaktigt att utfara munstycket homogent. In order to achieve the intended effect, the nozzle should be at least in the neck portion, be relatively thin-rocked, the rock thickness should not exceed about 1/2 times the passage section, and the softness should not be considerably greater than about 50 Shore. On other parts of the nozzle you can give in to these claims. -The widened mouth itself does not need to be thin or soft-rocked and can best. of a. specially added part of content other material than the nozzle in other respects. However, from a manufacturing and cost point of view, it should be advantageous to make the nozzle homogeneous.

Mynningspartiets inre profil kan modifieras -pa manga satt mom ramen for uppfinningen t. ex. givas rent konisk form. Den illustrerade formen med ett relativt langt cylindriskt mynningsparti liar emellertid visat sig speciellt lamplig i det att den verkar som ett mycket effektivt skydd mot sidostank ur det avgaende rejektet. The inner profile of the mouth portion can be modified in many ways within the scope of the invention, e.g. given a purely conical shape. However, the illustrated shape with a relatively long cylindrical orifice portion has proved particularly suitable in that it acts as a very effective protection against side tank from the outgoing reject.

I exemplet bar mynningspartiet invandigt forsetts med langagaende vingar 3 sona kunna ersattas av rafflor e. d. for att forstarka f Orvridningseffekten ;av virveln. darstades men fullt tillfredsstallande resultat bar aven upp,f-natts utan sadana anordningar. In the example, the mouth portion was internally continued with long-moving wings 3 zones could be replaced by grooves, etc. to amplify the distortion effect of the vortex. darstades but fully satisfactory results also bore up, f-night without such devices.

Genom uppfinningen ãr det Oven mojligt att lata munstycket konvergera mot trangsta sektionen 1 stone vinkel in vad man tidigare vagat sig pi att anvanda. Med @tad konvergeringsvinkel okar man namligen i och for sig tendensen till igensattning. Uppfinningen ger alltsa aven mojlighet att forkorta munstycket med bibehallen avsevart stOrre sakerhet mot igensattningsstyrningar i driften. By means of the invention it is also possible to allow the nozzle to converge towards the narrowest section 1 stone angle in what one has previously dared to use. With @tad convergence angle, you increase the tendency to clogging per se. The invention therefore also makes it possible to shorten the nozzle while maintaining considerably greater safety against clogging controls in operation.

Claims (2)

Patentansprak;Patent claims; 1. Anordning viii avloppsmunstycke for tung fraktion Iran en virvelsorterares virvelkammare, kannetecknad av den kombinationen att munstycket pa i och for sig kant satt är utbildat att i avloppsriktningen raknat frail ett halsparti av munstycket, som inne-sinter munstyckets trangsta s,ektion (S), ut-vidga sig till ett mynningsparti (la) vars genomloppsarea ar flerfaldigt storre in genomloppsarean i namnda halsparti, att munstyckets begransningsvagg i namnda halsparti bestir av tunt elastiskt material saint att munstycket son]. i sin inloppsande (2) in anslutet till virvelkammarens ,avlopp for tung fraktion, i sin avloppsande, innefattande halspartiet med den trangsta sektionen (S) och mynningspartiet (la), ar anordnat utan kontakt med yttre fasta styrorgan, andamal att Iran strommen av den avseparerade tunga fraktionen genom munstycket i mynningspartiet uppstaende friktionskrafter .och dynamiska krafter skall fororsaka vridande och/eller Mande rorelser hos mynstyeket t Llamada halsparti av detsamma.Device for heavy fraction drain nozzle In a vortex chamber of a vortex sorter, characterized by the combination that the nozzle on itself is formed so that in the direction of the drain a neck portion of the nozzle is shaved, which inside the narrowest section (S) of the nozzle , extending to a mouth portion (1a) whose passage area is several times larger into the passage area in said neck portion, that the nozzle boundary wall in said neck portion consists of thin elastic material saint that the nozzle son]. in its inlet (2) connected to the heavy fraction drain, in its drain, comprising the neck portion with the narrowest section (S) and the mouth portion (1a), are arranged without contact with external fixed guide means, andamal that the Iran stream of the separated heavy fraction through the nozzle in the orifice portion arising frictional forces .and dynamic forces shall cause torsional and / or Mande movements of the orifice t Llamada neck portion thereof. 2. Anordning enligt patentanspraket 1, kanneteeknad darav, att forlangnings- och mynningspartiet invandigt ar f8rsett med langs-gaende kantytor utbildade genom vulgar (3), rafflor o d. AnfOrda publikationer: Patentskrifter freaz Sverige 131 284, 149 831, 160 172; USA 2 757 582.Device according to patent claim 1, characterized in that the extension and mouth portion are internally provided with longitudinal edge surfaces formed by vulgar (3), grooves, etc. Cited publications: Patent documents from Sweden 131 284, 149 831, 160 172; USA 2 757 582.
SE201650D SE201650C1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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SE201650C1 true SE201650C1 (en) 1965-01-01



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SE201650D SE201650C1 (en)

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1990000646A1 (en) * 1988-07-08 1990-01-25 Wikdahl Nils Anders Lennart A method and arrangement for cleansing a fibre suspension from light contaminants

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1990000646A1 (en) * 1988-07-08 1990-01-25 Wikdahl Nils Anders Lennart A method and arrangement for cleansing a fibre suspension from light contaminants

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