SE194580C1 - - Google Patents


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SE194580C1 SE194580DA SE194580C1 SE 194580 C1 SE194580 C1 SE 194580C1 SE 194580D A SE194580D A SE 194580DA SE 194580 C1 SE194580 C1 SE 194580C1
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machine according
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Publication of SE194580C1 publication Critical patent/SE194580C1/sv



  • Treatment Of Fiber Materials (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK D 06 f8 d:20/04 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERINGSVERKET Ans. 9547/1961 inkom den 26/9 1961 utlagd den 22/6 1964 T BERG, GULDSMEDSHYTTAN Strykmaskin huvudsakligen avsedd for hemmabruk FOreliggande uppfinning avser en strykmaskin, huvudsakligen avsedd for hemmabruk, bestaende av en av en motor driven strykvals _och ett strykjarn, vilka aro inbordes svangbara och mellan vilka strykgodset ar avsett att strykas. CLASS INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH D 06 f8 d: 20/04 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY Ans. The present invention relates to an ironing machine, mainly intended for home use, consisting of a motor-driven ironing roller and an ironing board, which have an ironing board. pivotable and between which the ironing material is intended to be ironed.

Kanda maskiner av denna typ ha endera ett mycket begransat anvandningsomrade eller ocksa aro de dyra i framstallning till foljd av en mangd ingaende arbetande maskinelement och aro dartill alltfor tunga och skrymrnande for att bekvamt kunna flyttas och fOrvaras i hemmet. Genom foreliggande uppfinning erhalles en ldtt, icke skrymmande, prisbillig =skin tack vare att man genorn uppfinninggn kan anvanda ett starkt reducerat antal inga.eude maskinelement. Uppfinningen ger ej blott hela det Mains kanda och onskade rOrelseschemat utan utokar och forenklar dess.utom detsamma. Knowing machines of this type either have a very limited area of use or are also expensive to manufacture due to a large number of inoperable machine elements and are too heavy and bulky to be conveniently moved and stored in the home. The present invention provides a lightweight, non-bulky, inexpensive skin thanks to the fact that the invention can use a greatly reduced number of machine elements. The invention not only provides the whole of Maine's kanda and desired rOrelseschemat but extends and simplifies it.

Maskinen enligt uppfinningen bestar av en lampligen med textil overkladd vals, som forutom att den med kraft med eller utan rota-. tion shall kunna tryckas ned mot ett hett strykjarn aven skall kunna stoppas och startas i detta lag.e. Det Or naturligtvis aven mojligt att anordna valsen fast, under det att i stallet strykjarnet anordnas att karma svangas mot valsen. Mellan valsen och strykjarnet inmatas strykgodset, som ej blott pressas mot det heta jarnet utan aven genom. valsens rotation drages Over detsamma och sedan faller ned pd uppsamlingsbordet fardigstruket. The machine according to the invention consists of a lamp which is suitably covered with textile, which in addition to being rotated with or without force. tion must be able to be pressed down against a hot iron and it must also be possible to stop and start in this team.e. Of course, it is also possible to arrange the roller firmly, while in the stable the iron is arranged so that karma is pivoted towards the roller. Between the roller and the iron, the iron is fed, which is not only pressed against the hot iron but also through. the rotation of the roller is pulled over the same and then falls down on the collecting table finished.

Denna strykprincip Or tidigare hand, men hittills ha motor och vaxellada legat utanfOr den rorliga .valsen. Valsens, rotation har astadkommits Over ett otal kugghjul fram till valsens smangningsaxel och vidare genom en valsen uppbarande havarm upp till valsen. This ironing principle has been used before, but so far the engine and gearbox have been outside the movable roller. The rotation of the roller has been effected over a number of gears up to the axis of rotation of the roller and further through a sea arm carrying the roller up to the roller.

Foreliggande uppfinning kannetecknas daremot framst av att motorn Or anordnad inuti valsen jamte en pump, som Or anordnad att genom en ledning f8ra tryckmedium i form av gas eller vatska till en utanfor valsen belagen tryckcylinder, som i sin tur Or anordnad att astadkomma svangningsrOrelsen mellan valsen och jarnet med for strykning erforderligt tryck. The present invention, on the other hand, is characterized in that the motor Or arranged inside the roller is arranged next to a pump, which Or is arranged to convey a pressure medium in the form of gas or liquid to a pressure cylinder located outside the roller, which in turn is arranged to effect the oscillation between the roller and the iron with the pressure required for ironing.

Uppfinningen askildliggores narmare i det foljande under hanvisning till bifogade ritningar, vilka sasoan ett exempel visa en utforingsforra av densamma. Fig. 1 visar darvid ett snitt genom strykvalsen samt de tva hayarmar och den havarmsaxel, som uppbara densamma, och fig. 2 visar en andvy av strykmaskinen. The invention is further elucidated in the following with reference to the accompanying drawings, which, by way of example, show an embodiment thereof. Fig. 1 then shows a section through the ironing roller and the two hay arms and the sea arm shaft which support it, and Fig. 2 shows a view of the ironing machine.

I det visade utforingsexemplet bestar strykmaskinen av en ihalig, lampligen textilbekladd strykvals 1, som. Or lagrad pa. axeltappar 2 och 3, vilka uppbaras av havarmar 4 respektive 5, som Oro fast forbundna med varandra genom en axel 6. Denna axel 6 Or vridbart lagrad i ett stativ 7, som Or fast pa en monteringsplatta eller ett bord 8. Pa bordet 8 Or monterat ett ytterligare stativ 9, som uppbar ett konkavt utformat strykjarn 10, som i sin tin- uppbar ett inlaggningsbord 11. Pa bordet 8 Or vidare monterat en tryckdosa eller tryekcylinder 12, med hj alp av vilken strykvalsen 1 pressas mot strykjarnet 10, en. aterforingsfjader 13, som Or anordnad att fora undan strykvalsen 1 fran strykjarnet, nar tryekcylindern 12 upphor att verka, saint en fordelningsventil 14, vars funktion kommer att beskrivas narmare i det foljande. Strykvalsen 1 drives av en inuti densaunna anordnad motor 15, som Or anordnad att vid sin ena ande driva ett vid start friga',. ende kugghjul 16, som Or fOrsett med en flans med vars inre yta en i det visade utforingsexemplet pneumatisk koppling Or anordnad att samverka. Denim koppling bestar av ett • med invandiga kanaler fOrsett hjul 18, vars yttre periferi thekes av ett expa:nderbart membran 19, som nar tryekluft tillfores pressas mot flansens 17 lure yta. Hjulet 18 Or monterat pa en axel 20, frau vilken kraften Overfores over kugghjul 21, 22 och 23 samt ett Oven sasom andgavel tjanande kugghjul 24 2— — till strykvalsen 1. Motorns andra ande är anordnad att med hj alp av en excenter 25 driva en membranpump 26, som Over en ledning 27 och en icke visad backventil levererar tryckluft till en tryckklocka eller tryckackumulator 28. Fran ackumulatorn 28 fores tryckluften genom en ledning 29 ut fran strykvalsen genom den ihaliga axeltappen 3 och den likasà ihaliga havarmen 5 ned till den pa bordet 8 monterade fordelningsventilen 14, frail vilken en ledning 30 toper tilIbaka samma vag in i strykvalsen. Medelst ledningen 30 fares tryckluft till kopplingen 17-19. Fran fordelningsventilen 14 kan tryckluft vidare foras genom en ledning 31 till tryckcylindern 12. Fordelningsventilen 14 ar sa konstruerad, att nar den Mires till ett forsta arbetslage tryckes valsen 1 ned mot strykjarnet 10, genom att tryckluft Wes till tryckcylindern 12, som darvid via en havarm 32 vrider axeln 6 och darmed havarmarna 4 och 5, som uppbara strykvalsen 1, och nar den fores till ett andra arbetslage sattes valsen 1 i rotation, genom att tryckluft fores genom ledningen 30 till kopplingen 19, sa att mambranet 19 expanderar och trycker mot Hansen 17. Vid atergang fran andra till forsta arbetslaget slappes tryckluften ut ur kopplingen 17-19 och valsens rotation upphor. Vid ytterligare tillbakaforande av fordelningsventilens kopplingsslid gar trycket ur tryckcylindern 12 och genom aterforingsfj adern 13 vrides valsen tillbaka till sitt ovre lage, varefter det hela ater Or fardigt att kunna upprepas. Fran ackumulatorn 28 gar en ledning 33 till en avlastningsventil 34, vid vilken ett membran 35 paverkas pa ett sidant satt, nar anskat tryck uppnatts i tryckackumulatorn 28, att en axel 36 fOrskjutes mot verkan av en fjader 37 och pressar upp en kula 38, vilken astadkommer att pumpen kan arbeta utan att ytterligare hoja trycket. In the exemplary embodiment shown, the ironing machine consists of a hollow, suitably textile-covered ironing roller 1, which. Or stored pa. shaft pins 2 and 3, which are supported by sea arms 4 and 5, respectively, which are fixedly connected to each other by a shaft 6. This shaft 6 is rotatably mounted in a frame 7, which is fixedly mounted on a mounting plate or a table 8. On the table 8 Or mounted a further stand 9, which carried a concavely shaped iron 10, which in its tin- supported a loading table 11. On the table 8 Or further mounted a pressure box or pressure cylinder 12, with the aid of which the iron roller 1 is pressed against the iron 10, a. return spring 13, which Or is arranged to drive away the ironing roller 1 from the iron, when the pressure cylinder 12 ceases to operate, saint a distribution valve 14, the function of which will be described in more detail in the following. The ironing roller 1 is driven by a motor 15 arranged inside it, which is arranged to drive at its one end a release at start. single gear 16, which Or is provided with a flange with the inner surface of which a pneumatic coupling Or arranged in the embodiment shown is arranged to cooperate. Denim coupling consists of a wheel 18 provided with internal channels, the outer periphery of which is covered by an expandable membrane 19, which when compressed air is supplied is pressed against the lurking surface of the flange 17. The wheel 18 is mounted on a shaft 20, from which the force is transmitted over gears 21, 22 and 23 and an oven serving as a duct 24 24 to the iron roller 1. diaphragm pump 26, which over a line 27 and a non-return valve (not shown) delivers compressed air to a pressure bell or pressure accumulator 28. From the accumulator 28, the compressed air is led through a line 29 out of the iron roller through the hollow shaft pin 3 and 8 mounted the distribution valve 14, from which a line 30 tops back the same vag into the ironing roller. By means of the line 30, compressed air is conveyed to the connection 17-19. From the distribution valve 14, compressed air can be further passed through a line 31 to the pressure cylinder 12. The distribution valve 14 is designed so that when it mires to a first working stroke, the roller 1 is pressed down against the iron 10, by compressing air Wes to the pressure cylinder 12, 32 rotates the shaft 6 and thus the sea arms 4 and 5, which support the ironing roller 1, and when it is moved to a second working position, the roller 1 was set in rotation, by compressed air being passed through the line 30 to the coupling 19, so that the diaphragm 19 expands and presses against Hansen 17. When returning from the second to the first working layer, the compressed air is released from the coupling 17-19 and the rotation of the roller ceases. Upon further return of the coupling slide of the distribution valve, the pressure exits the pressure cylinder 12 and through the return spring 13 the roller is turned back to its upper layer, after which the whole is ready to be repeated. From the accumulator 28 a line 33 goes to a relief valve 34, at which a diaphragm 35 is actuated laterally, when the desired pressure is reached in the pressure accumulator 28, that a shaft 36 is displaced against the action of a spring 37 and presses up a ball 38, which ensures that the pump can operate without further raising the pressure.

De hada axeltapparna 2 och 3 are inuti val- sen 1 fOrenade med varandra genom ett balk-system 39, vilket uppbar motorn 15 och de 5v- riga i valsen monterade detaljerna. Den elektriska strommen ledes in till motorn genom ledningar 40 samma vag som luftledningarna 29 och 30. The shaft journals 2 and 3 inside the roller 1 are interconnected by a beam system 39, which supported the motor 15 and the other parts mounted in the roller. The electric current is led into the motor through lines 40 in the same direction as the air lines 29 and 30.

Forutom de fordelar som framga av det ovanstaende vinnes med hj dip av anordning- en enligt uppfinningen flera fordelar. Bland annat blir valstrycket konstant oavsett tjockleken pa det inlagda strykgodset. Vidare er- fordras ingen separat nodutlosning, som Has- te finnas pa andra helmekaniska strykmaskiner i handelse av stromavbrott. Vid anord' ningen enligt uppfinningen frilagges namligen valsen frau det heta strykjarnet, genom att tryckluften pa vanligt satt utslappes med hjalp av fordelningsventilen. Om man sasom i det visade exemplet anvander sig av en hilt- pump kan motorstyrkan minskas till cirka en tredjedel jamfert med tidigare Hilda helmekaniska strykmaskiner. Vid anordningen en- ligt uppfinningen kan namligen motorn hela tiden arbeta med att bygga upp det f6r pressningen erforderliga trycket. Vid hebnekanisk drift maste daremot motorn utfora storre delen av sitt arbete mom mycket korta tidsmoment. In addition to the advantages which appear from the above, several advantages are gained with the aid of the device according to the invention. Among other things, the rolling pressure becomes constant regardless of the thickness of the loaded ironing material. Furthermore, no separate emergency release is required, as has been available on other fully mechanical ironing machines in the event of a power failure. Namely, in the device according to the invention, the roller is exposed from the hot iron, by the compressed air being released in the usual way by means of the distribution valve. If, as in the example shown, a hilt pump is used, the motor power can be reduced to about one third compared with previous Hilda all-mechanical ironing machines. Namely, in the device according to the invention, the motor can constantly work to build up the pressure required for pressing. In heb mechanical operation, on the other hand, the engine must perform most of its work in very short periods of time.

Uppfinningen Or joke begransad till den ovan beskrivna utforingsformen, utan kan varieras ifraga om de enskilda detaljerna inom ramen for bifogade patentansprak. The invention Or joke is limited to the embodiment described above, but can be varied depending on the individual details within the scope of the appended patent claims.

Claims (3)

1. Patentansprak: 1. Strykmaskin, huvudsakligen avsedd f Or hemmabruk, bestaende av en av en motor (15) driven strykvals (1) och ett strykjErn (10), vilka aro inbordes svangbara och mellan vilka strykgodset Or avsett att strykas, kannetecknad av att motorn (15) ar anordnad inuti valsen (1) jamte en pump (26), som Or anordnad att genom en ledning (29) fora tryckmedium i form av gas eller vatska till en utanfor valsen. (1) belagen tryckcylinder (12), som i tur Or anordnad att astad.komma &yangningsrOrelsen mellan valsen (1) och jarnet (10) med for strykning erforderligt tryck. Patent claim: 1. Ironing machine, mainly intended for domestic use, consisting of an ironing roller (1) driven by a motor (15) and an iron (10), which are pivotable on board and between which the ironing material Or is intended to be ironed, that the motor (15) is arranged inside the roller (1) and a pump (26), which is arranged to pass through a line (29) pressure medium in the form of gas or liquid to one outside the roller. (1) coated pressure cylinder (12), which in turn is arranged to provide the yangning movement between the roller (1) and the iron (10) with the pressure required for ironing. 2. Strykmaskin enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknad av att pumpen utgores av en av en excenter (25) driven membranpump (26). Ironing machine according to claim 1, characterized in that the pump consists of a diaphragm pump (26) driven by an eccentric (25). 3. Strykmaskin enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknad av att en tryckackumulator (28) ar inkopplad mellan pumpen (26) och tryckcylindern (12). 41. Strykmaskin enligt patentanspraket 1, kanneteeknad av att en. hydraulisk eller pneumatisk koppling (17-19) Or inkopplad mellan motorn (15) och strykvalsen (1). 42. Strykmaskin enligt patentanspraken 3 och 4, kannetecknad av att en fordelningsventil (14) Or inkopplad efter tryckackumulatorn (28), varvid derma ventil Or sá konstruerad, att nar den fores till ett forsta arbetslage tryckes valsen (1) mot strykjarnet (10) genom att tryckmediet Hires till tryckcylindern (12) och nar den fares till ett andra arbetslage sattes valsen (1) i rotation genom att tryckmediet fares till kopplingen (17-19). 43. Strykmaskin enligt nagot av foregaende patentansprak, kannetecknad av att strykvalsen (1) i ena anden ar lagrad pa en ihalig axeltapp (3), genom irilken ledningar (29, 30, 40) aro dragna fOr in- och utforande av tryckmediet och elektrisk strom. Anfiirda publikationer: Patentskrifter fran Norge 52773; Tyskland 748366; USA 1 568 166, 2 482 380.Ironing machine according to claim 1, characterized in that a pressure accumulator (28) is connected between the pump (26) and the pressure cylinder (12). 41. Ironing machine according to patent claim 1, characterized in that a. hydraulic or pneumatic coupling (17-19) Or connected between the motor (15) and the ironing roller (1). Ironing machine according to claims 3 and 4, characterized in that a distribution valve (14) is connected to the pressure accumulator (28), this valve being designed so that when it is fed to a first working stroke the roller (1) is pressed against the iron (10) by moving the pressure medium to the pressure cylinder (12) and when it is moved to a second working position, the roller (1) was set in rotation by moving the pressure medium to the coupling (17-19). 43. Ironing machine according to any one of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that the ironing roller (1) in one end is mounted on a hollow shaft pin (3), through which lines (29, 30, 40) are drawn for insertion and discharge of the pressure medium and electrical current. Cited publications: Patents from Norway 52773; Germany 748366; USA 1 568 166, 2 482 380.
SE194580D SE194580C1 (en)

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SE194580C1 true SE194580C1 (en) 1964-01-01



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