SE1300495A1 - Tray for flat - Google Patents

Tray for flat Download PDF


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SE1300495A1 SE1300495A SE1300495A SE1300495A1 SE 1300495 A1 SE1300495 A1 SE 1300495A1 SE 1300495 A SE1300495 A SE 1300495A SE 1300495 A SE1300495 A SE 1300495A SE 1300495 A1 SE1300495 A1 SE 1300495A1
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SE537784C2 (en
Georg Strömbäck
Original Assignee
Georg Strömbäck
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Application filed by Georg Strömbäck filed Critical Georg Strömbäck
Priority to SE1300495A priority Critical patent/SE537784C2/en
Publication of SE1300495A1 publication Critical patent/SE1300495A1/en
Publication of SE537784C2 publication Critical patent/SE537784C2/en



    • A01C11/00Transplanting machines
    • A01C11/02Transplanting machines for seedlings
    • A01C11/025Transplanting machines using seedling trays; Devices for removing the seedlings from the trays


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Soil Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Transplanting Machines (AREA)
  • Cultivation Receptacles Or Flower-Pots, Or Pots For Seedlings (AREA)


9 Sammandrag Uppfmningen avser en variant av ett plantmagasin samt ett forfarande for anvandning av magasinet, FOrfarandet aft matningen av plant sker genom an en kretsbrytare (5) med start stopp funktion aktiverar brytare (6) med start stopp funktion som med startfunktionen aktiverar brytare (7) som for fram den fOrsta raden skogsplant eller kassetter, nar raden natt fram till brytare (6) bryts aktiveringen mellan (6) — (7) och aktiveringen overgar fran brytare (6) till brytare (8) som fOr fram raden till det aft glappet mot den tidigare inmatade ramen tapps igen, varefter aktiveringen mellan (6) — (8) bryts, varefter en stegvis plantmatning sker via plockrobotens rorelse till det aft hela raden med plantor skjutits ut ur magasinet, varefter brytare (5) aktiveras varvid en ny rad av skogsplant eller kassetter matas fram varefter en vasentligen kontinuerlig matning av skogsplantor kan ske. 9 Summary The invention relates to a variant of a plant magazine and a method for using the magazine. The process of feeding the plant takes place by means of a circuit breaker (5) with start stop function activating switch (6) with start stop function which with the start function activates switch (7). ) which advanced the first row of forest plants or cassettes, when the row at night until switch (6) breaks the activation between (6) - (7) and the activation transitions from switch (6) to switch (8) which advances the row to the aft the gap towards the previously fed frame is tapped again, after which the activation between (6) - (8) is broken, after which a stepwise plant feed takes place via the movement of the picking robot until the whole row of plants has been pushed out of the magazine, after which switch (5) is activated. row of forest plants or cassettes are fed, after which a substantially continuous feeding of forest plants can take place.


1 MAGASIN FOR PLANT Tekniskt omrade Den foreliggande uppfinningen avser ett magasin fOr plant, och ett fOrfarande for anvandning av magasinet fOr plant i enlighet med patentkraven. TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a magazine for plants, and to a method for using the magazine for plants in accordance with the claims.

Teknisk bakgrund Utrustningar fOr aft plantera plant, sasom exempelvis skogsplant, har tagit fram i ett flertal olika varianter och utfOranden. Aven om kanda utrustningar for aft plantera skogsplant Atminstone delvis uppfyller sina uppsatta syften foreligger fortfarande ett flertal problem med dessa konstruktioner. Ett av de mera patagliga telcniska problemen med namnda kanda konstmktionerna av planteringsutrustningar ar aft magasinens kapacitet, i vilken plant fOrvaras fore aft dessa salts, är begransade. Technical background Equipment for planting plants, such as forest plants, has been developed in a number of different variants and designs. Although known equipment for afforestation At least partially fulfills its intended purposes, there are still a number of problems with these constructions. One of the more fatal technical problems with the said known constructions of planting equipment is that the capacity of the reservoirs, in which plant is stored before these salts, are limited.

Ett exempel pa en planteringsmaskin som har en begrgnsad magasinskapacitet utgors av en planteringsmaskin som beskrivs i patentslcriften SE524276, av sokande till den threliggande patentansokan. Den i patentskriften beskrivna planteringsmasldnen har ett magasin som inrymmer ett 20 plantor. Magasinet har darmed en mycket begran.sad kapacitet vilket medfor aft plantor regelbundet maste tillthras magasinet. Tillforseln av plant sker thretradesvis av en annan person an den som framthr fordonet vilken planteringsutrustningen är ansluten till. Konstruktionen medfOr aft arbetet med aft utflira planteringen planteringsmaskinen blir personalkravande. An example of a planting machine having a limited magazine capacity is a planting machine described in patent specification SE524276, of the applicant for the present patent application. The planting material described in the patent specification has a magazine which houses a plant. The magazine thus has a very limited capacity, which means that plants must be added to the magazine regularly. The supply of plants takes place three times by a person other than the person in front of the vehicle to which the planting equipment is connected. The construction entails that the work of cleaning the planting machine becomes staff-intensive.

En annan typ av planteringsmaskin, avsedd aft anvandas fOr alt plantera skogsplant, marknadsfors av thretaget Bracke Forest. Aven denna planteringsutrustning har nackdelen av aft ha en begransad magasinskapacitet vilket i sin tur medfOr aft arbetet med plantering blir ineffektivt fororsakat av aft skogsplantoma maste tillfdras till planteringsmagasinet av en annan (andra) person an den som framfor fordonet. Konstruktionen medthr aft arbetet vanligen utfors av minst tva personer varav den ena personen framfOr fordonet med planteringsutrustningen och den andra personen framfOr ett andra fordon sasom en fyrhjuling eller liknande. Another type of planting machine, intended to be used for planting forest plants, is marketed by the Bracke Forest company. This planting equipment also has the disadvantage of having a limited storage capacity, which in turn means that the work with planting is inefficiently caused by the forest plants having to be fed to the planting magazine by another (other) person than the one in front of the vehicle. The construction involves the work usually being carried out by at least two people, one person in front of the vehicle with the planting equipment and the other person in front of a second vehicle such as a quad bike or the like.

Det huvudsakliga andamalet med den fdreliggande uppfinningen ar aft eliminera eller atminstone reducera minst ett av ovan namnda problem. Andamalet uppnas genom ett magasin fOr plant och ett fdrfarande for anvandning av magasinet i enlighet med patentkraven. 2 Kortfattad beskrivning av figurer I den foljande detaljerade beskrivningen av den fireliggande uppfinningen kommer hdnvisningar och referenser till foljande figurer aft ske. Dessa figurer beskrivs kortfattat i den filjande figurfOrtecicningen. Justerade figurer skall skickas in under patentansokans behandling. The main object of the present invention is to eliminate or at least reduce at least one of the above problems. The spirit is achieved by a magazine for the plant and a method for using the magazine in accordance with the claims. Brief Description of the Drawings In the following detailed description of the present invention, references and references to the following figures will occur. These figures are briefly described in the filing figure specification. Adjusted figures must be submitted during the processing of the patent application.

Figur lA och 1B visar schematiskt ett magasin for skogsplant enligt en forst.% utforingsform sedd fran ovan. Figures 1A and 1B schematically show a magazine for forest plant according to an understandable% embodiment seen from above.

Figur 2 visar schematiskt en plantram sedd fran ovan. Figure 2 schematically shows a plant frame seen from above.

Figur 3 visar schematiskt en sidovy av plantramen enligt figur 2. Figure 3 schematically shows a side view of the plant frame according to figure 2.

Figur 4 visar schematiskt en plantbana med vilken en fOrflyttning av plantoma sker. Figure 4 schematically shows a plant path with which a movement of the plants takes place.

Figur 5 visar kedjebanan med tillhorande plant sedd i en sidovy. Figure 5 shows the chain track with the associated plane seen in a side view.

Figur 6 visar en exemplifierande planthallare. Figure 6 shows an exemplary plant holder.

Figur 7 visar schematiskt overgAngen mellan magasin och plockrobot. Figure 7 schematically shows the transition between magazine and picking robot.

Figur 8A visar schematiskt en plockrobots arm sedd flan ovan. Figure 8A schematically shows an arm of a picking robot seen flan above.

Figur 8B visar schematiskt en plockrobots arm sedd fran sidan. Figure 8B schematically shows an arm of a picking robot seen from the side.

Detaljerad beskrivning av uppfinningen Med hanvisning till figurema visas magasin 1 fOr skogsplant i enlighet med den foreliggande uppfinningen. Magasinet 1 fOr skogsplant 2 (i figur 4 visas en vdxt som skall ses kunna utgoras av skogsplant) ar foretradesvis avsett aft anslutas till en planteringsutrustning (planteringsmaskin) som innefattar minst ett planteringsorgan med vilken plantering av skogplantoma 2 sker (med vilken skogsplantoma fors ner i marken). Planteringsutrustningen (planteringsmaskinen) r i sin tur fOretradesvis avsedd aft anslutas till en skotare eller liknande. Magasinet kan aven anslutas till en modifierad variant av planteringsmaskin i enlighet med det svenska patentet SE524276. Planteringsutrusningen är ffiretradesvis av en sedan tidigare kand typ varfOr denna inte beskrivs mera ingdende i denna patentansokan. Magasinet innefattar fiiretradesvis ett flertal plantrammar 3. Detailed Description of the Invention Referring to the figures, Magazine 1 is shown for forest plant in accordance with the present invention. The magazine 1 for forest plant 2 (Figure 4 shows a plant which is to be seen to be a forest plant) is preferably intended to be connected to a planting equipment (planting machine) which comprises at least one planting means with which planting of the forest plants 2 takes place (with which the forest plants are lowered into the ground). The planting equipment (planting machine) is in turn preferably intended to be connected to a forwarder or the like. The magazine can also be connected to a modified variant of planting machine in accordance with the Swedish patent SE524276. The planting equipment is preferably of a prior art type, for which reason it is not described in more detail in this patent application. The magazine preferably comprises a plurality of plant frames 3.

Med hAnvisning till figur 1A och 1B visas schematisk en forsta utfOringsform av magasinet i enlighet med den foreliggande patentansokan. I den exemplifierande utfOringsformen av plantmagasinet syns plantorna fran ovan. I figurens visas ett plantmagasin med en viss bredd, 3 det viii saga ett visst antal plantor, antalet plantor kan variera inom ramen fOr skyddsomfanget fOr den fOreliggande patentansokan. Saledes visas i figur 1A ett plantmagasin for ett relativt farre antal plantor och i figur 1B ett magasin for ett relativt stone antal plantor. Magasinet innefattar minst en funktion for franunatning av plantor till minst en position varifran plantor overRirs till minst ett sattorgan. Referring to Figures 1A and 1B, a first embodiment of the magazine in accordance with the present patent application is schematically shown. In the exemplary embodiment of the plant magazine, the plants can be seen from above. The figure shows a plant magazine with a certain width, in the case of a certain number of plants, the number of plants may vary within the scope of protection of the present patent application. Thus, Figure 1A shows a plant magazine for a relatively small number of plants and Figure 1B shows a magazine for a relatively small number of plants. The magazine comprises at least one function for removing plants to at least one position from which plants are transferred to at least one seed organ.

Magasinet kan fdretradesvis innefatta flera lager av skogsplant pa minst en forsta vertikal niva och minst en andra vertikal niva. Foretradesvis innefattar magasinet ett flertal vertikala nivaer av skogsplant. Nr det understa lagret av skogsplant ar tomd fOrflyttas ovanliggande lager ett steg nedat. Av praktiska skal är det maximala antalet lager av skogsplant i det fdreliggande planteringsmagasinet begransad till 10 lager beroende av hOjdbegransningar vid exempelvis transporter. The reservoir may preferably comprise several layers of forest plant on at least a first vertical level and at least a second vertical level. Preferably, the reservoir comprises a plurality of vertical levels of forest plant. When the lowest layer of forest plant is empty, the above layer is moved one step down. Of practical shells, the maximum number of layers of forest plant in the existing planting reservoir is limited to 10 layers depending on height restrictions during, for example, transports.

Med hanvisning till figur 2 och 3 visar en exemplifierande plantram, plantkassett eller liknande. I figur 2 ses plantramen uppifran och i figur 3 visas plantramen sedd fran sidan. Plantkasseten, plantramen, irmefattar minst en rad av planthallare (eller liknande) i vilken plant, sasom foretrddesvis skogsplant, är avsedd att placeras. En exemplifierande planthallare visas i figur 6. Planthallaren konstruktion kan variera Mom ramen for skyddsomf'anget fOr den fireliggande patentansokan. I altemativa utforingsform utgor varje enhet av en kassett eller liknande med ett flertal plantor. Referring to Figures 2 and 3, an exemplary plant frame, plant cassette or the like is shown. Figure 2 shows the plant frame from above and Figure 3 shows the plant frame seen from the side. The plant cassette, the plant frame, comprises at least one row of plant holders (or the like) in which plant, such as preferably forest plant, is intended to be placed. An exemplary plant holder is shown in Figure 6. The plant holder construction may vary within the scope of protection for the present patent application. In an alternative embodiment, each unit consists of a cassette or the like with a plurality of plants.

Med hanvisning till figur 4 visas schematiskt en plantbana med vilken en forflyttning av planthallare, kasseter, i magasinets tvarriktning kan ske. Foretradesvis sker fOrflyttningen av plant i plantbanan med minst en transportkedja (tranportor) 4 (kedjematad) fOrflyttningen av plant med hjdlp av en kedjematning. I altemativa utfOringsformer kan matning av plant ske med annan for andamalet lamplig teknik och/eller traportortyp. Referring to Figure 4, a plant path is schematically shown with which a movement of plant holders, cassettes, in the transverse direction of the magazine can take place. Preferably, the movement of plants in the plant path takes place with at least one transport chain (transporter) 4 (chain feed). The movement of plants takes place with the aid of a chain feed. In alternative embodiments, feeding of the plant can take place with another technology suitable for the purpose and / or tractor type.

Med hanvisning till figur 5 visas en plantram (plantkassett) med planthallare med tillhorande skogsplant (den visade vaxten är enbart schematisk men utgors foretradesvis av en skogsplanta) 2 sedd fran sidan. En matning av skogplantoma sker i magasinet mot planteringsorganet eller annan anordning vilken forflyttar plantan till planteringsorganet. Referring to Figure 5, a plant frame (plant cassette) is shown with plant holders with associated forest plant (the plant shown is only schematic but preferably consists of a forest plant) 2 seen from the side. A feeding of the forest plants takes place in the magazine towards the planting means or other device which moves the plant to the planting means.

For drivning av planteringsmagasinet funktioner anvands fdretradesvis pneumatisk drivning (tryclduft). Ndr planteringsmagasinet och planteringsutrustning anvarKis i kombination med en skotare anvands vanligen fordonets befintliga kompressor som drivkalla fOr tryckluften. Genom anvandning av pnetunatiskt drivsystem uppnas den miljomassigt stora fordelen aft 4 plantor och planteringsmark ej riskerar aft komma i kontakt med skadlig hydraulvdtska fran slangbrott och lackande hydraulsystem. For the operation of the planting magazine functions, pneumatic drive (pressure scent) is used alternately. When the planting magazine and planting equipment are used in combination with a forwarder, the existing compressor of the vehicle is usually used as a driving force for the compressed air. By using a pnetunatic drive system, the large environmental benefit of 4 plants and planting land is not risked by coming into contact with harmful hydraulic fluid from hose breakage and varnished hydraulic systems.

Det fdreliggande magasinet fiir plant kan trots ovan namnda i altemativa utforingsformer vara drivet med hydraulisk drift eller annan fOr dndamalet larnplig drivning. The above-mentioned magazine for flat can, despite the above-mentioned in alternative embodiments, be driven by hydraulic drive or other for this purpose lateral drive.

Med hdnvisning till figur IA och figur 7 visar principen fOr matning av skogsplant i magasinet. Figur 7 visas en del av magasinet vid Overgangen fran magasinet till minst en plocicrobot. Huvudbrytare for franunatning av kassetter i matningsanordningen. Respektive kassett innefattar minst en rad av plant. Varje rad innefattar ett flertal skogsplant. Det ir tankbart all alternativa utfdringsformer av kassetten innefattar tva eller flera rader. Med kassett kan dven avses en planthallare eller liknande avsedd aft bdra minst en skogsplant. Referring to Figure 1A and Figure 7, the principle for feeding forest plants in the reservoir is shown. Figure 7 shows a part of the magazine at the transition from the magazine to at least one plocicrobot. Main switch for stripping cassettes in the feeding device. Each cassette includes at least one row of plants. Each row includes several forest plants. It is conceivable that all alternative embodiments of the cassette comprise two or more lines. By cassette can also be meant a plant holder or the like intended to carry at least one forest plant.

Matningen av plant sker genom aft en kretsbrytare 5 med start stopp funktion aktiverar brytare 6 med start stopp fimktion som med startfitnktionen alctiverar brytare 7 som for fram den forsta raden skogsplant eller kassetter, ndr raden na'tt fram till brytare 6 bryts aktiveringen mellan 6 — 7 och aktiveringen overgar fran brytare 6 till brytare 8 som for fram raden till det aft glappet mot den tidigare inmatade ramen tapp igen. Darefter bryts aktiveringen mellan 6 — 8 varefter en stegvis plantmatning sker till minst en position 9 i magasinet, vid magasinet eller pa annan plats dar minst en forflyttningsanordning 10 forflyttar plant till ett planteringsorgan. Forflyttningsanordningen kan exempelvis utgoras av minst en ploekrobot vars konstruktion kan variera i stor omfattning inom ramen for den foreliggande uppfinningstanken. I figurens exemplifieras plockroboten av minst en robotann. Plockrobotens plockar plant till det aft hela raden med plantor skjutits ut ur magasinet, varefter brytare 1 aktiveras varvid en ny rad av skogsplant eller kassetter matas fram och plockas av plockroboten. I de fall ddr magasinet innefattar tva eller flera lager av plant matas ett hogre beldget lager av plant ner ndr det understa lagret tomts pa plant. Genom forfarandet kan en vaseatligen kontinuerlig matning av skogsplantor ske. The feeding of the plant takes place through a circuit breaker 5 with start stop function activates switch 6 with start stop function which with the start function activates switch 7 which feeds the first row of forest plants or cassettes, when the row reaches the switch 6 the activation is broken between 6 - 7 and the activation transitions from switch 6 to switch 8 which advanced the line to the aft gap against the previously fed frame pin again. Thereafter, the activation is interrupted between 6 - 8, after which a stepwise plant feeding takes place to at least one position 9 in the magazine, at the magazine or at another place where at least one transfer device 10 moves flat to a planting member. The transfer device can, for example, consist of at least one plowing robot whose construction can vary to a large extent within the scope of the present inventive idea. In the figure, the picking robot is exemplified by at least one robot tooth. The picking robot's picks flat until the entire row of plants has been pushed out of the magazine, after which switch 1 is activated, whereby a new row of forest plant or cassettes is fed forward and picked by the picking robot. In cases where the magazine comprises two or more layers of plant, a higher beldget layer of plant is fed down when the bottom layer is empty on plant. Through the process, a vase-like continuous feeding of forest plants can take place.

Med hanvisning till figur 8A och 8B visar schematislct en plockrobot vilken plockar plantan fran planthallaren eller kassetten och forflyttas plantan till ett planteringsorgan (plantorgan) med vilken plantan fOrs ner i marken. Med den exemplifierande plockroboten sker forflyttningen av respektive planta genom aft minst ett grepporgan 13 i robotarmens 14 ena ande 15 eller pa annan plats efter robotarmen ldngd greppar tag i plantans stam 16, eller annan del av plantan eller altemativt det plantan odlas i, och forflyttar plantan ur planthallaren eller planthallaren (kan ske genom aft grepporganet forflyttas uppat) varefter plantan lagesforandras till ett planteringsorgan (av kand teknik) dar grepanordningen slapper plantan och plantan planteras med planteringsorganet. Robotarmen greppanordning lagesforandras darefter sa aft denna kan greppa en fly planta och fora plantan till planteringsorganet dar den planteras. FOrfarandet upprepas ett godtyckligt antal ganger till det aft samtliga planter i magasinet, eller ett erforderligt antal av dessa, har planterats. Roboten och armen till robotens konstruktioner kan slcilja sig i mycket stor omfattning fran den i figurema visade. Referring to Figures 8A and 8B, there is schematically shown a picking robot which picks the plant from the planter or cassette and moves the plant to a planting member (planting means) with which the plant is moved into the ground. With the exemplary picking robot, the movement of the respective plant takes place through at least one gripping member 13 in one end 15 of the robot arm 14 or elsewhere after the robot arm lengthens grips the plant stem 16, or another part of the plant or alternatively what the plant is grown in, and moves the plant from the planter or the planter (can be done by moving the gripping member upwards) after which the plant is changed into a planting member (by prior art) where the gripping device relaxes the plant and the plant is planted with the planting member. The robotic arm gripping device is then changed so that it can grip a flying plant and lead the plant to the planting member where it is planted. The procedure is repeated an arbitrary number of times until all the plants in the magazine, or a required number of them, have been planted. The robot and the arm of the robot's constructions can differ to a very large extent from that shown in the figures.

I altemativa utforingsformer av magasinet är detta avsett aft mata kassetter sasom kassetter av standardiserad typ som exempelvis innefattar 68 plant. I altemativa utforingsformer av kassetten kan denna rymma flera eller farre antal plantor. Kassettema matas till minst en position 9 i magasinet, vid magasinet eller pa annan plats dar minst en forflyttningsanordning 10, for (plockar) plant fran kasseten, eller magasinet, och fOr dessa till planteringsorganet. Forflyttningsanordningen kan utgoras av en variant av plockrobot, varje rorelse med plockrobotens arm matar fram skogplantoma. Forflyttningsanordningen 10 kan vidare utg8ras av en arm eller lilcnande. Forflyttningen sker fdretradesvis styckvis men i altemativa utftiringsformer kan flera planter fdrflyttas samtidigt. In alternative embodiments of the magazine, this is intended for feeding cassettes as well as cassettes of standardized type which for example comprise 68 planes. In alternative embodiments of the cassette, this can accommodate more or fewer plants. The cassettes are fed to at least one position 9 in the magazine, at the magazine or at another place where at least one transfer device 10, for (picks) flat from the cassette, or the magazine, and for these to the planting means. The transfer device can consist of a variant of the picking robot, each movement with the picking robot's arm feeds the forest plants. The transfer device 10 can further be constituted by an arm or the like. The transfer takes place one by one in pieces, but in alternative embodiments several plants can be moved at the same time.

Magasin innefattar fdretradesvis ett stort antal skogsplant i ett flertal rader eller kassetter. Magasinet kan besta av en enhet eller besta av moduler vilka satts samman till en onskad storlek. Magazines preferably include a large number of forest plants in a number of rows or cassettes. The magazine can consist of a unit or consist of modules which have been assembled to a desired size.

Ater med hanvisning till figur 1A visas aft magasinet innefattar minst en andra forflyttningsanordning 17 fcir aft fOrflytta planthallare, altemativt kassetter, fran magasinet till exempelvis minst en uppsamlingsbehallare 18. Forflyttningsanordningen har funktionen aft nar plockroboten har plockat bort alla planter fiin planthallaren eller kassetten fOrflyttas den urplockade planthallaren eller kassetten via ett transportband till en uppsamlingsbehallare. Referring again to Figure 1A, the magazine includes at least one second transfer device 17 for moving plant holders, alternatively cassettes, from the magazine to, for example, at least one collection container 18. The transfer device has the function after the picking robot has removed all plants from the plant holder or the cassette removed. the planter or cassette via a conveyor belt to a collection container.

Med det foreliggande magasinets konstruktion kan det antal skogsplant som skall planteras pa respektive hygge, planteringsyta eller liknade fyllas pa i magasinet. Genom fOrfarandet behover inte magasinet fyllas pa med skogsplant. Detta skall jamforas med kanda konstruktioner cidr dessa kraver regelbunden pafyllning av plant. Genom konstruktionen och forfarandet kan planteringen av skogsplant aven utforas av en person. With the construction of the present reservoir, the number of forest plants to be planted on the respective felling, planting area or similar can be filled in the reservoir. Through the procedure, the magazine does not need to be filled with forest plants. This should be compared with kanda constructions cidr these requirements regular filling of plant. Through the design and procedure, the planting of forest plants can also be performed by one person.

I den detaljerade beskrivningen av den fOreliggande uppfinningen kan konstruktionsdetaljer vara utelamnade som ar uppenbara for en facicman inom det omrade anordningen avser. Sadana uppenbara konstrulctionsdetaljer ingar i den omfattning som kravs for aft en fullgod 6 fimktion skall erhallas for den fdreliggande uppfinningen. Exempelvis innefattar konstrulctionen, eller ansluts till, minst ett styrsystem. In the detailed description of the present invention, construction details may be omitted which will be apparent to one skilled in the art to which the subject matter relates. Such obvious construction details to the extent required for a satisfactory function will be obtained for the present invention. For example, the construction includes, or is connected to, at least one control system.

Aven om vissa fdredragna utfOringsformer visats mera i detalj, kan variationer och modifieringar av fOrfarandet och anordningen konuna all framga for fackmarmen inom det omrade uppfumingen avser. Samtliga Adana modifieringar och varianter anses falla Mom ramen for de efterfOljande patentkraven. Although certain preferred embodiments have been shown in more detail, variations and modifications of the method and apparatus may all be apparent to those skilled in the art to which this invention relates. All Adana modifications and variants are considered to fall within the scope of the following claims.

Fordelar med den fdreliggande uppfmningen Med den fOreliggande uppfmningen uppnas ett antal fOrdelar. Den mest uppenbara är all ett magasin for plant erhalls med vilken minst ett av tidigare namnda problem eliminerats eller reducerats. Advantages of the present invention The present invention provides a number of advantages. The most obvious is all a magazine for plant obtaining with which at least one of the previously mentioned problems has been eliminated or reduced.

Claims (10)

7 Patentkrav7 Patent claims 1. Plantmagasin (1) avsett for temporar fcirvaring av plant, sasom skogsplant, vid plantering vars plantmagasin (1) innefattar en matningsfunlction av plant fran plantmagasinet (1) till minst ett planteringsorgan inga'ende i en planteringsmaskin kAnnetecknat av aft magasinet (1) innefattar ett godtyckligt antal rader av skogsplant med godtycklig bredd vars utmatning av plant styrs av minst en kretsbrytare (5), minst en kretsbrytare (6), minst en kretsbrytare (7) samt minst en kretsbrytare (8) vilka styr frammatningen av plantor radvis och aft respektive rad av skogplantor flirflyttas med minst en transportkedja (tranportOr) (4) till minst en position dar minst en fcirflyttningsanordning (10) fOrflyttar minst en planta at gangen fran raden till minst ett planteringsorgan med vilken plantering av skogplantoma sker.Plant magazine (1) intended for temporary storage of a plant, such as a forest plant, in planting whose plant magazine (1) comprises a feeding function of a plant from the plant magazine (1) to at least one planting member contained in a planting machine. Characterized by the magazine (1) comprises an arbitrary number of rows of forest plant of any width whose output of plant is controlled by at least one circuit breaker (5), at least one circuit breaker (6), at least one circuit breaker (7) and at least one circuit breaker (8) which control the advancement of plants in rows and each row of forest plants is moved with at least one transport chain (transport) (4) to at least one position where at least one transport device (10) moves at least one plant at a time from the row to at least one planting means with which the forest plants are planted. 2. Plantmagasin (1) i enlighet med patentkrav 1 kAnnetecknat av aft magasinet (1) innefattar minst ett andra lager i vertikal rilctning av skogsplantor.Plant magazine (1) according to claim 1. Characterized by the magazine (1) comprises at least one second layer in vertical arrangement of forest plants. 3. Plantmagasin (1) i enlighet med ett av tidigare patentkrav kannetecknat av aft magasinet (1) aft respektive niva av plantor kan laddas med ett godtyckligt antal plantor.Plant magazine (1) in accordance with one of the preceding claims, can be signed by aft magazine (1) and each level of plants can be loaded with any number of plants. 4. Plantmagasin (1) i enlighet med minst ett av tidigare patentkrav kAnnetecknat av aft magasinet (1) innefattar minst en fOrflyttningsanordning (17) fOr tomma kassetter eller behallare for skogsplant.Plant magazine (1) according to at least one of the preceding claims. Characterized by the magazine (1) comprises at least one transfer device (17) for empty cassettes or containers for forest plants. 5. Plantmagasin (1) i enlighet med minst ett av tidigare patentkrav kAnnetecknat av aft magasinet (1) innefattar minst ett styrsystem fOr frammatning och uttnatning av skogsplant ur magasinet.Plant magazine (1) in accordance with at least one of the preceding claims. Characterized by the magazine (1) comprises at least one control system for feeding and ejecting forest plants from the magazine. 6. Plantmagasin (1) i enlighet minst ett av tidigare patentkrav kannetecknat av aft magasinets (1) funktioner drivs med pneumatik.Plant magazine (1) according to at least one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the functions of the magazine (1) are operated with pneumatics. 7. FOrfarande for anvandning av magasin i enlighet med patentkraven 1 till kannetecknat av aft matningen av plant sker genom at en kretsbrytare (5) med start stopp funktion aktiverar brytare (6) med start stopp funktion som med startfunktionen aktiverar brytare (7) som fOr fram den forsta raden plant eller kassetter, nar raden natt fram till brytare (6) bryts alctiveringen mellan (6) — (7) och aktiveringen overgar fran 8 brytare (6) till brytare (8) som for fram raden till det att glappet mot den tidigare imnatade ramen tapp igen, varefter aktiveringen mellan (6) — (8) bryts, varefter en stegvis plantmatning sker via minst en plockroboten rbrelse till det aft hela raden med plantor forflyttats till planteringsorganet varefter brytare (5) aktiveras varvid minst en fly rad av plant eller kassetter matas fram varefter en stegvis planmatning och radmatning sker till det aft ett godtyckligt antal plant fdrflyttats fran magasinet till minst ett planteringsorgan.A method for using a magazine according to claims 1 to the can of the supply of a plant takes place by a circuit breaker (5) with start stop function activating switch (6) with start stop function which with the start function activates switch (7) which for advance the first row of planes or cassettes, when the row at night until switch (6) breaks the activation between (6) - (7) and the activation transitions from 8 switch (6) to switch (8) which advanced the row until the gap towards the previously inverted frame drops again, after which the activation between (6) - (8) is broken, after which a stepwise plant feeding takes place via at least one picking robot movement until the whole row of plants has been moved to the planting means, after which switch (5) is activated. of plants or cassettes are fed, after which a stepwise plane feeding and row feeding takes place until an arbitrary number of plants have been moved from the magazine to at least one planting member. 8. Forfarande i enlighet med patentkrav 7 kinnetecknat av aft matning av plant sker till dess aft minst ett forsta lager av plant t6mts pA plant varefter minst ett andra lager av plant forflyttas nedat till matningslage varefter samtliga eller delar av lagrets plant fOrflyttas fiin magasinet till planteringsorganet.A method according to claim 7 characterized by feeding the plant until at least one first layer of plant is emptied onto the plant after which at least a second layer of plant is moved down to the feeding layer after which all or parts of the plant of the layer are moved from the magazine to the planting means. . 9. FOrfarande i enlighet med patentkrav 8 kannetecknat av aft minst ett tredje lager av plant fdrflyttas till matningslaget.A method according to claim 8, characterized in that at least a third layer of plant is transferred to the feed layer. 10. Anvandning av magasin och fOrfarande enligt minst ett av patentkraven few skogsplant. 7 Brytare 18 • Kretsbrytare6 Kretsbrytare x x X X x x x X 'X X x x , x x x X X x x x x X X X X x x x x X X x x X X , X X X x X X X x X X x x . x , x x X X x x , x x x X ,7X X x x x X X X x X x x X • x X X X x x X X X X x x x x X X x x x gBrytare 100000000000000000000000000000000000000a " 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000d00000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000-00000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000p00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 000000.000 00000000m000000000000000000000m000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0W0000000000000_011000000000000000000000 3 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -C1Use of reservoirs and methods according to at least one of the claims few forest plants. 7 Switches 18 • Circuit breakers6 Circuit breakers x x X X x x x X 'X X x x, x x x X X x x x x X X X X x x x X X x x X, X X X X X X X X x xx xx xx xxx X, 7X X xxx xxx x x xx x • X XXX XX XXXX XXXX XX XXX gBrytare 100000000000000000000000000000000000000a "000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000d00000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000-00000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000p00000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000 000000,000 00000000m000000000000000000000m000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0W0000000000000_011000000000000000000000 3 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 -C1 6. tS s •••111•111IMMIW6. tS s ••• 111 • 111IMMIW 1. ■•• .1■1. 11•111■11, "ef 000 00 00 00 0 7-16, b1. ■ •• .1 ■ 1. 11 • 111 ■ 11, "ef 000 00 00 00 0 7-16, b 0. oci00000000c000000000000000.op000000 )000000cloci00000000000000 n00000000N0000000pp000 00000009000000000000g000 00000000000000000000000000000000 > 000000000000000000000000060000000000000 - 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SE1300495A 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 Tray for plant with plant feed before planting SE537784C2 (en)

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SE1300495A SE537784C2 (en) 2013-07-22 2013-07-22 Tray for plant with plant feed before planting

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104782287A (en) * 2015-03-24 2015-07-22 遵义县润田农机专业合作社 Full-planting and full-inserting mechanical rice seedling transplanting method for hilly and mountainous rice fields

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN104782287A (en) * 2015-03-24 2015-07-22 遵义县润田农机专业合作社 Full-planting and full-inserting mechanical rice seedling transplanting method for hilly and mountainous rice fields
CN104782287B (en) * 2015-03-24 2016-06-08 遵义县润田农机专业合作社 Slotting formula mechanized planting method is completely planted in a kind of rice field, Hills

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