SE129077C1 - - Google Patents


Publication number
SE129077C1 SE129077DA SE129077C1 SE 129077 C1 SE129077 C1 SE 129077C1 SE 129077D A SE129077D A SE 129077DA SE 129077 C1 SE129077 C1 SE 129077C1
Prior art keywords
screw press
fibrous material
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE129077C1 publication Critical patent/SE129077C1/sv



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KLASS 55 b:5/ BEVIL3AT DEN 25 MA] 1950 PATENTTID FRAN DEN 23 APRIL 1948 PUBLICERAT DEN 8 AUGUST! 19 Hiirtill en rilning. CLASS 55 b: 5 / GRANTED ON 25 MAY] 1950 PATENT PERIOD FROM 23 APRIL 1948 PUBLISHED ON 8 AUGUST! 19 Herewith a rilning.


Satt och anordning for atervinning av kokvOtska vid cellulosakokning. Set and device for recovering boiling liquid during cellulose boiling.

Ilrppfinnare: T. C. F. C. Richter. Inventor: T. C. F. C. Richter.

- Foreliggandc uppfinning hanfar sig till ett satt att efter kokning av ett fibermaterial med en kokvatska, vilken kokning utfores under forhojt tryck och temperatur i en kokare med kontinuerlig in- och utmatning, atervinna kokvalskan samt till en anlaggning for utforande av namnda satt. The present invention relates to a method which, after cooking a fibrous material with a boiling water, which cooking is carried out under elevated pressure and temperature in a boiler with continuous input and output, recovers the cooking roller and to a plant for performing said process.

Syftet med uppfinningen är att astadkomma en effektiv avpressning av kokyatskan efter kokningen for att tillvarataga storsta majliga kemikaliemangd utan utspadning av kokyatskan. Sedan kok.vatskan utspatts, blir namligen ateryinningen mera oekonomisk pa grund av det okade behovet av varme for avdunstning av spadvattnet. Uppfinningen bygger pa att avpressningen sker lattast, om kokyatskan far under avpressningen bibehalla samma lattflutenhet som den har i kokaren. enlighet harmed forverkligas det angivna syftet enligt uppfinningen darigenom, att fitermaterialet fiires frail kokaren kontinuerligt och direkt eller genom en defibror till en skruvpress, och att dari kokvatska avpressas frith fibermaterialet vid i huvudsak samma -tryek och temperatur som i kokaren, samt att -en del av den i skruvpressen avpressade kokyatskan pumpas tillbaka med i huvudsak hi- beliâllentill kokarens utmatnings- ande i och for underlattande av fibermaterialets utmatning genom utspadning darav. Den sist namnda atgarden bidrager harvid till att fa massan att latt stronnna frhn kokaren till skruvpressen med undvikande av tryck- och temperatursankning. Anlaggningen for utfarande av sattet bestar enligt uppfinningen av en kokare, som hr avsedd for kokning av ett fibermaterial med en kokvatska ochfor- sedd med anordningar far kontinuerlig inoch utmatning, och av en skruvpress for aypressning av kokvatska fran fibermaterialet, yars inlopp for fibermaterial och kokvatska Or ansluiet till kokarens utmatningsande genorn en sadan forbindelse, att atminstone i det narmaste full tryekutjananing mellan kokaren och skruvpressens inloppsande ager ruin under drift, och vilken skruvpress deSsutom star i forbindelse med kokarens utmatningsande genom en atergangsledning for aypressad kokvatska. The object of the invention is to achieve an efficient squeezing of the kokyatskan after cooking in order to utilize the largest amount of chemical chemical without diluting the kokyatskan. After the boiling water has been diluted, the recovery becomes more uneconomical due to the increased need for heat for evaporation of the sod water. The invention is based on the fact that the extraction takes place most easily, if the coke can maintain the same light flow unit as it has in the boiler during the extraction. Accordingly, the stated object according to the invention is realized in that the fitter material is released from the boiler continuously and directly or through a defibrillator to a screw press, and that in boiling water the fibrous material is extruded at substantially the same pressure and temperature as in the boiler, and of the coquette squeezed into the screw press is pumped back with substantially hibernation to the discharge end of the digester in order to facilitate the discharge of the fibrous material by spouting it. The last-mentioned action thereby helps to make the mass flow from the digester to the screw press, while avoiding pressure and temperature drops. The plant for carrying out the set consists according to the invention of a boiler, which is intended for boiling a fibrous material with a boiling vat and provided with devices for continuous feeding and discharge, and of a screw press for squeezing boiling vat from the fibrous material, inlet for fibrous material and boiling vat Is connected to the boiler discharge genor such a connection that at least almost full pressure pressure between the boiler and the inlet of the screw press ruins during operation, and which screw press is also connected to the boiler discharge end through a return line for aypressed boiling water.

Ytterligare kannetecken p0. uppfinningen, avseende sayal sjalva forfaringssattet som en -for dess utforande lampad anlaggning, komma att framga av den efterfoljande beskriyningen, sorn med hanyisning till bifogade ritming beskriver en fordelaktig utforingsform av uppfinningen. Additional pitcher p0. the invention, with respect to the actual set of procedures as a plant lamped for its design, will be apparent from the following description, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawing, describes an advantageous embodiment of the invention.

Den pa ritningen visade anlaggningen mufattar som huvudbestandsdelar en kokare 1, en skruvpress 2 och ett sugfilter 3. The system shown in the drawing comprises as main components a boiler 1, a screw press 2 and a suction filter 3.

Kokaren 1 Or utford far kontinuerlig inmatning upptill air flis och kokvatska, vii-ken har kan antagas Tara natronlut. Fran en flisbinge 5 fares flisens medelst en matningsskrav 7 ned i en inslussningsanordning, bestaelide av en i ett holje roterbart anordnad kik 9 med en diametralt genomgaende kanal eller cell 11, som vid sin mitt Or forsedd med ett galler. NOr cellen 11 Yid kringvridningen kommer till det vertikala laget, fylles dess ovre Hifi med flis, och i densamma fran en 10- regaende period kvarvarande lut rinner ned i en behallare 13. Efter 900 vridning av kiken 9 i riktning motsols kommer den till det visade laget, i vilket cellen 11 sattes i forbindelse med kokartrycket. Flisen utspolas da ur cellen genom en lutcirkulation, som medelst pumpen 15 uppratthalles i rorslingan 17. Denna slingas ovre part infor lut-flisblandningen i kokaren innanfor en cylindrisk sil 19, och dess undre part hterfor en genom namnda all .aysilad del av luten. The kettle 1 Or challenge for continuous feeding on top of air chips and boiling water, which can be assumed Tara baking soda. From a chip bin 5, the chip is conveyed by means of a feed claim 7 into an enclosing device, consisting of a bin 9 rotatably arranged in a housing with a diametrically through channel or cell 11, which at its center Or is provided with a grid. When the cell 11 Yid the rotation comes to the vertical layer, its upper Hifi is filled with chips, and in the same from a 10-period period the remaining liquor flows down into a container 13. After 900 rotation of the binoculars 9 in the counterclockwise direction it comes to the shown the layer in which the cell 11 was connected to the boiler pressure. The chips are then flushed out of the cell by a lye circulation, which is maintained by means of the pump 15 in the pipe loop 17. This upper part is wound in front of the lye-chip mixture in the digester inside a cylindrical screen 19, and its lower part follows a part of said lye.

Hogtryckspumpen 21 Medar till rOrslingan 17 och darmed till kokaren den vatska, som fran cellen 11 taints i behillaren 13, och inmatar dessutom en genom ledningen 23 till-ford mangd koklut svarande mot den inmatade flismangden. Niva'n i den under atmosfarstryck staende behallaren 13 uppratthalles me-deist en automatiskt reglerad ventil 24. Flisen matas ned genom kokaren medelst skruven 25 °eh vandrar sakta mot kokarens underande under uppslutning medelst den atfoljan- — — de kokluten. Erforderlig uppvarnining sker medelst angtillforsel, fOretradesvis sasom en tvargaende ingcirkulation vid en eller flera zoner utefter kokarens langd. The high-pressure pump 21 supplies to the pipe loop 17 and thus to the digester the liquid which has been charged from the cell 11 into the container 13, and also feeds a boiling liquor supplied through the line 23 corresponding to the amount of chips fed. The level in the container 13 under atmospheric pressure is maintained by means of an automatically regulated valve 24. The chips are fed down through the digester by means of the screw 25 ° and travel slowly towards the bottom of the digester during digestion by means of the accompanying cooking cloth. The required warning takes place by means of a supply of steam, preferably as a transverse ing circulation at one or more zones along the length of the boiler.

Vid kokarens botten utmatas fardigkokt flis kontinuerligt i ledningen 27 med hjalp av en roterande skrapa 29. Utspadning medelst genom ledningen 31 inpumpad lut underlattar utmatningen, sá att massan utan ytterligare padrivning overfores genom ledningen 33 till skruvpressens inlopp 35. Forbindelsen mellan kokaren och skruvpressen är mojligast direkt och ostrypt, varigenom massanankommer till skruvpressen med praktiskt taget samma tryck och temperatur, som den har yid kokarens botten, t. ex. 10 ato och 170° C. At the bottom of the digester, ready-cooked chips are continuously discharged into the line 27 by means of a rotating scraper 29. Discharge by means of liquor pumped through the line 31 facilitates the discharge, so that the mass is transferred through the line 33 to the inlet 35 of the screw press. The connection between the digester and the screw press is possible directly and unthrottled, whereby the mass reaches the screw press with practically the same pressure and temperature as it has yid the bottom of the digester, e.g. 10 atm and 170 ° C.

For att vid behov kunna mekaniskt upplOsa de kokta fiberknippena är mellan kokaren och skruvpressen anordnad en ytterligare forbindelse, vari ingar en defibror eller raffinor 37. Omkastning fran den ena till den andra forbindelsen sker genom oppning och stangning av ventilerna 39 och 41. Defibroren arbetar under kokartryck och avgiver massan med I huvudsak oforandrat tryck och temperatur till skruvpressen. En viss mindre trycksankfling kan dock aga rum i defibroren. At- defibroren sá konstruerad, att centrifugalkraften blir mera avsevard, kan aven en mindre tryckhojning aga rum dari. Naturligtvis kan endera defibrOren 37 eller den direkta ledningen 33 bortfalla, varvid Oven ventilerna 39 och 41 bli overflodiga. In order to be able to mechanically dissolve the cooked fiber bundles, if necessary, an additional connection is arranged between the digester and the screw press, in which a defibrot or refiner 37. Reversal from one to the other connection takes place by opening and closing the valves 39 and 41. The defibors operate during boiler pressure and delivers the mass with essentially unchanged pressure and temperature to the screw press. However, a certain smaller pressure connection can take place in the defibrillator. If the fiber is constructed in such a way that the centrifugal force becomes more considerable, even a small increase in pressure can take place in it. Of course, either the defibrillator 37 or the direct line 33 may be omitted, leaving the valves 39 and 41 superfluous.

Skruvpressen 2 bestar av en i ett holje 43 anbragt, vid andarna lagrad presskruv 45, som Or kringvridbar medelst en motor 47. Skruven har en ganga med avtagande stigning och sektion, vilken matar fram massan Iran inloppet 35 till en utloppskammare 49. Den omslutes tatt av en perforerad sil 51, -silken stodjes i holjet medelst en eller flera ringflansar 53, vilka samtidigt uppdela utryminet Indian silen och holjet i olika avdelningar. Vid utloppsanden Or skruven 45 fOrsedd med en axiell urborrning 55, som kommunicerar dels med radiella urborrningar, utmynnande I gangans botten, dels med en sluten kammare 57, van inmynnar en for tillforsel av fortrangningsvatska tja.nande ledning 59. I den forsta delen av skruven sker en urpressning av en del av den atfoljande luten, och i den senare delen sker i kombination med urpressningen en fortrangning medelst den genom urborrningen 55 tillfOrda fOrtrangningsvatskan. Den avpressade, silen 51 genomgaende luten gar genom ledningarna 61, 63, 65 till en uppsamlingsbehallare 67, dar anga och flyktiga bestandsdelar avskiljas och fa bortga genom ledningen 69, medan aterstoden avgar genom ledningen 71 till en anlaggning for dess indunstning och fOrbranning i syfte att atervinna alkaliinnehallet dari. Medelst den automatiskt reglerade ventilen 73 uppratthal les en konstant vatskeniva i behallaren 67. ledningarna 61 och 63 Oro insatta strypventiler 75 och 77, vilka installas sa, att tryckfallet koncentreras till desamma och alltsa trycket i skruvpressen icke tillates sjunka under kokartrycket, i vane fall icke mera On nagra procent. Ledningen 31 for tillforande av utspadningsvatska till kokarens 1 botten Or ansluten till ledningen 61 fore strypventilen 75, varfor den vid bada andar star i forbindelse med det hoga trycket, och en lagtryckspump 79 racker till for att pumpa tillbaka lut till kokaren. En lutcirkulation uppratthalles pO detta satt mellan kokarens utmatningsande och skruvpressens inmatningsande, och i den-an cirkulationskrets upptrada endast mindre tryckvariationer. Den i detta kretslopp cirkuIerande luten hinner vidare ej att avkylas namnvart, utan den genom ledningen 31 aterforda luten har praktiskt taget samma temperatur som kokaretemperaturen. Den for massans utmatning onskvarda utspadningen sker salunda pa enklaste satt och utan att medfOra flagon temperatursankning, sa att trots utspadningen massan Overfeires till skruvpressen med praktiskt taget kokartemperatur och lutavpressningen kan ske vid lagsta mojliga viskositet hos luten. Den cirkulerande luten har full lutstyrka, i det att den uttages frau skruvpressens forsta, medelst flansen 53 avskilda del, och nagon sankning av lutkoncentration genom inblandning av fortrangningsvatska kan icke ske. Den fear/ skruvens senare del avpressade luten, som Or blandad med fortrangningsvalska, avgar genom ledningen 63 till behallaren 67. The screw press 2 consists of a press screw 45 arranged in a housing 43, which is rotatable by means of a motor 47. The screw has a thread with decreasing pitch and section, which feeds the mass Iran inlet 35 to an outlet chamber 49. It is enclosed of a perforated screen 51, the screen is supported in the housing by means of one or more annular flanges 53, which simultaneously divide the space Indian screen and the housing into different compartments. At the outlet sand Or the screw 45 is provided with an axial bore 55, which communicates partly with radial boreholes, opening into the bottom of the passage, partly with a closed chamber 57, which leads to a supply line 59 for supplying displacement water. In the first part of the screw a part of the adhering liquor is squeezed out, and in the latter part a displacement takes place in combination with the squeezing by means of the displacement liquid supplied through the bore 55. The extruded screen 51 passes through the conduits 61, 63, 65 to a collection container 67, where the volatile constituents are separated and allowed to pass through the conduit 69, while the residue is discharged through the conduit 71 to a plant for its evaporation and combustion for the purpose of atervinna alkaliinnehallet dari. By means of the automatically regulated valve 73 a constant water level is maintained in the container 67. The lines 61 and 63 are fitted with throttle valves 75 and 77, which are installed so that the pressure drop is concentrated there and thus the pressure in the screw press is not allowed to drop below the boiler pressure. mera On nagra percent. The line 31 for supplying dilution liquid to the bottom of the digester 1 is connected to the line 61 for the throttle valve 75, for which it is in contact with the high pressure in both spirits, and a low-pressure pump 79 is provided for pumping lye back to the digester. A lye circulation is maintained at this position between the discharge end of the digester and the inlet end of the screw press, and in this circulation circuit only minor pressure variations occur. Furthermore, the liquor circulating in this circuit does not have time to cool down at all, but the liquor recovered through the line 31 has practically the same temperature as the boiler temperature. The dilution required for the discharge of the pulp thus takes place in the simplest way and without causing a slight drop in temperature, so that despite the dilution the pulp is transferred to the screw press with practically a boiler temperature and the lye pressing can take place at the lowest possible viscosity of the lye. The circulating lye has full lye strength, in that it is removed from the first part of the screw press, separated by the flange 53, and no lowering of the lye concentration by mixing in displacement liquid can take place. The later part of the fear / screw extruded liquor, which Or mixed with displacement roller, exits through the line 63 to the container 67.

I skruvpressens utloppskammare 49 Or skruven forsedd med ett antal radiellt stallda stilt eller vulgar 81, som tjana till att solider-deli den ur skruvgangan utmatade, komprimerade massastrangen. Kammaren 49 star I forbindelse med en till sugfiltret 3 ledande utloppsledning 83 genom en installbar strypventil 85, som Or utformad som en forskjutbar kolv med ett dari upptaget, sig vidgande spar, varigenom en genomloppsoppning av Onskad storlek latt kan installas. Till utloppskammaren 49 Or vidare ansluten en ledning 87 for tillforsel av tryckvatska, medelst Tit-ken vatska den koncentrerade massan ater utspades, sa att den latt later sig foras genom rodedningar. Ledningen 87 star liksom ledningen 59 i forbindelse med en Iran sugfiltret 3 kommande ledning 89. En hogtryckspump 91 pumpar in utspadd lut frau ett uppsamlingskarl 93 i ledningen 89 med ett tryck, som Or av jamforlig storlek med kokartrycket. Ventiler 94 och 95 Oro insatta i ledningarna 59 resp. 87 och mojliggora en onskad fordelning mellan dessa ledningar av den inpumpade vatskemangden och en reglering av tryckfOrhallandena i skruvpressen. FOretradesvis inregleras trycket Oven vid skruvpressens utmatningsande p0 ett varde ungefar lika — —3 med kokartrycket. Temperaturen nedsattes ernellertid mot utmatningsanden medelst den tillforda tryck- eller fortrangningsvatskan, varigenom man vinner att nagon namnvard angbildning icke sker fran massan, da den passer genom strypventilen 85 och trycket darvid plotsligt sankes till atmosfarstryck. Synnerligen fordelaktigt är att utnyttja tryckregleringsmajligheten i skruvpressen for paverkan av tryckforhallandena i kokaren. Ndr kokaren Or fullstandigt stum, d. v. s. praktiskt taget saknar gasrum, kan trycket dari hallas pa ett konstant varde oberoende av in-()eh utmatningshastigheten genom inpumpning av en sarskild kompressionsvatska i Ice- karen. Enligt uppfinningen kan man nu hOl- Iai kokaren konstant genom att lata den for annat andamal i skruvpressen inpumpade tryckvatskan aven tjanstgora sa.som dylik kompressionsvatska. Exempelvis kan, shsom antydes pa ritningen, ventilen 95 regleras autamatiskt medelst ett i kokaren place-rat, tryckkansligt impulsorgan 97. Sjunker trycket i kokaren, oppnar dd. ventilen 95 mera och en okad mangd tryckvatska inpumpas i det av kokare och skruvpress bestaende systemet, varigenom trycket dari Ater stiger. Stiger trycket, sker omvant en rorelse av ventilen 9i stiingningsriktning, och den minskade tryckvatsketillforseln medfor en minsning av trycket i skruvpressen, vilken tryckminskning fortplantar sig till kokaren, sa att det onskade trycket aterstalles. In the outlet chamber 49 of the screw press Or the screw is provided with a number of radially arranged stilts or vulgaris 81, which serve to solidify-deli the pulp strand discharged from the screw passage. The chamber 49 stands in connection with an outlet line 83 leading to the suction filter 3 through an installable throttle valve 85, which Or is designed as a displaceable piston with a busy, widening groove, whereby a passage opening of desired size can easily be installed. Further connected to the outlet chamber 49 is a line 87 for supplying pressurized water, by means of the liquid water the concentrated mass is again diluted, so that it can be passed through rowed pipes. The line 87, like the line 59, is connected to a line 89 coming from the Iran suction filter 3. A high-pressure pump 91 pumps diluted liquor from a collecting vessel 93 into the line 89 at a pressure equal to Or of the boiler pressure. Valves 94 and 95 Concerns inserted in lines 59 resp. 87 and enable an undesired distribution between these lines of the pumped-in water pump and a regulation of the pressure conditions in the screw press. Preferably, the pressure above at the discharge end of the screw press is adjusted to a value approximately equal to - —3 with the boiler pressure. However, the temperature was lowered towards the discharge spirit by means of the supplied pressure or displacement liquid, whereby it is obtained that no nominal vapor formation occurs from the mass, as it passes through the throttle valve 85 and the pressure is then suddenly lowered to atmospheric pressure. It is particularly advantageous to use the pressure control possibility in the screw press to influence the pressure conditions in the digester. If the boiler is completely silent, i.e. practically lacks gas space, the pressure therein can be kept at a constant value independent of the in- () eh discharge speed by pumping a special compression fluid into the Ice-tank. According to the invention, the boiler can now be kept constant by letting the pressure vessel pumped into the screw press for other purposes also serve as such a compression fluid. For example, as indicated in the drawing, the valve 95 can be controlled automatically by means of a pressure-sensing impulse means 97 located in the digester. If the pressure in the digester drops, it opens. the valve 95 more and an increased amount of pressure water is pumped into the system consisting of a boiler and screw press, whereby the pressure dari Ater rises. If the pressure rises, the valve 9 moves in the direction of rotation, and the reduced pressure fluid supply leads to a reduction in the pressure in the screw press, which pressure decrease propagates to the digester, so that the desired pressure is restored.

Ledningen 83 leder massan till en blandare 99, i vilken en ytterligare utspadning av massan sker medelst vatska som tillfores genom en ledning 101 fran ballet 93, och darifran fares massan in i sugfiltrets stillasthende trag 103. I detta Or nedsankt en roterande siltrumma 105, vars inre star tinder vakuum. Utanf Sr densamma Oro anordnade spritsror 107, 109 for tillfOrande av tvhttvatska, och inuti densamma finnes en stillastaende sektor 111 for uppsamling av en fraktion av filtratet, vilken medelst ledningen 113 fares till karlet 115. Huvudfraktionen av filtratet fares genom ledningen 117 till uppsamlingskarlet 93. DO filtret arbetar, bildas p0 trummans utsida ett massaskikt, som tvattas genom en fortrangningsoperation vid passagen under spritsroren 107, 109 och som avgar fran filtret praktiskt taget fritt fran lut. Den genom spritsroren 109 tillforda tvattvatskan utgores av rent vatten, och den darav fortrangda i sektorn 111 uppsamlade, nagot luthaltiga vatskan anvandes som fortrangningsvatska i ett faregaende steg, i det att den efter att ha overforts till karlet 115 medelst pumpen 119 tillfores spritsroren 107. Det annu nagot lutstarkare huvudfiltratet, som uppsamlas i karlet 93, anvandes, sasom ovan beskrivits, dels for utspadning av massan i utloppet fran skruvpressen och i blandaren 99, dels for fortrangning i skruvpressen. Den for utspadning anvanda delen cirkulerar i ett slutet kretslopp, och far att all lut skall tillvaratagas, maste darfor en motsvarande mangd vatska, som den som inkommer i systemet i sektorn 111, genom att anvandas fOr fortrangning i skruvpressen averforas till hehallaren 67. For att sakerstalla detta Or karlet 93 farsett med ett nivaindikeringsorgan 121, vilket, sasom antydes med den prickade linjen 123, automatiskt paverkar ventilen 77. Skulle vatskan i karlet 93 stiga Over den installda nivan, oppnas ventilen 77 nagot mera, sa att en okad vatskemangd anvandes for fartrangning i skruvpressen och anal- ur syste. met genom ledningen 65, varigenom vatskenivan i karlet 93 Ater sjunker. The conduit 83 leads the pulp to a mixer 99, in which a further dilution of the pulp takes place by means of liquid which is supplied through a conduit 101 from the ballet 93, and from there the pulp is fed into the stationary drawer 103 of the suction filter. inner star tinder vacuum. Outside the same oro are arranged spray pipes 107, 109 for supplying washing water, and inside there is a stationary sector 111 for collecting a fraction of the filtrate, which by means of the line 113 is passed to the vessel 115. The main fraction of the filtrate is passed through the line 117 to the collecting vessel 93. When the filter is operated, a pulp layer is formed on the outside of the drum, which is washed by a displacement operation at the passage under the spray pipes 107, 109 and which emits from the filter practically free of lye. The wash liquor supplied through the spray tube 109 consists of pure water, and the slightly liquefied liquid collected therefrom in the sector 111 is used as a displacement liquid in a dangerous step, in that after being transferred to the vessel 115 by means of the pump 119 the spray tube 107 is fed. even slightly louder main filtrate, which is collected in the vessel 93, was used, as described above, partly for spreading the mass in the outlet from the screw press and in the mixer 99, partly for displacement in the screw press. The part used for dilution circulates in a closed cycle, and if all the lye is to be recovered, a corresponding amount of liquid, as that which enters the system in the sector 111, by being used for displacement in the screw press, must be transferred to the hopper 67. In order to ensure that the vessel 93 is fitted with a level indicator 121, which, as indicated by the dotted line 123, automatically acts on the valve 77. Should the liquid in the vessel 93 rise above the installed level, the valve 77 is opened slightly further, so that an uneven water supply is used for acceleration in the screw press and anal system. through the conduit 65, whereby the water level in the vessel 93 again sinks.

Claims (16)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. Stitt aft efter kokning av ett fibermaterial med en kokvatska, vilken kokning utfOres under forhojt tryck och temperatur i en kokare med kontinuerlig in- och utmatning, Mervinna kokvalskan, kannetecknat darav, att fibermaterialet fares fran kokaren kontinuerligt och direkt eller genom en defibror till en skruvpress, och att dari kokvatska avpressas fran fibermaterialet vid i huvudsak samma tryck och temperatur som i kokaren, samt att en del av den i skruvpressen avpressade kokvatskan pumpas tillbaka med i huvudsak bihehallen temperatur till kokarens utmatningsande i och for underlattande av fibermaterialets utmatning genom utspadning darav.1. After boiling a fibrous material with a boiling water, which boiling is carried out under elevated pressure and temperature in a continuous feed and discharge cooker, Mervinna cooking roller, may be characterized in that the fibrous material is passed from the digester continuously and directly or through a defibrot to a screw press, and that the boiling water is extruded from the fibrous material at substantially the same pressure and temperature as in the digester, and that a part of the boiling water squeezed in the screw press is pumped back with substantially bihehallen temperature to the boiler discharge end in order to facilitate discharge of the fibrous material. darav. 2. Satt enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknat darav, att en cirkulation av kokvatska under tryck uppratthilles mellan kokarens utmatningsande och skruvpressen pa sadant salt, att endast mindre tryckvariationer upptrada i kokvatskan.2. A kit according to claim 1, characterized in that a circulation of boiling water under pressure is maintained between the outlet of the cooker and the screw press on such salt that only minor pressure variations occur in the boiling water. 3. Satt enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknat darav, att tryckvatska inpumpas i skruvpressen for att uppratthalla ett Mgt tryck i densamma.3. Set according to patent claim 1, characterized in that pressure water is pumped into the screw press to maintain a high pressure therein. 4. Satt enligt patentanspraket 3, kannetecknat daray, att tryckvatskan inpumpas i narheten av skruvpressens utmatningsande.4. Set according to patent claim 3, characterized in that the pressure vessel is pumped in the vicinity of the discharge end of the screw press. 5. Salt enligt patentanspraket 3 eller 4, kannetecknat darav, att den i skruvpressen inpumpade tryckvatskan regleras i beroende av det radande trycket i kokaren i syfte att halla detta tryck konstant.Salt according to claim 3 or 4, characterized in that the pressure vessel pumped into the screw press is regulated in dependence on the radiating pressure in the digester in order to keep this pressure constant. 6. Satt enligt nagot av patentanspraken 15, kannetecknat darav, att avlopp for massa och kokvatska frail skruvpressen hallas strypta for att uppratthalla ett hogt tryck i densamma.6. Set according to any one of the patent claims 15, characterized in that the drain for pulp and the boiling water frail screw press are kept throttled to maintain a high pressure therein. 7. Satt enligt patentanspraket 3, 4 eller 5, kannetecknat darav, att en del av den inpumpade tryckvatskan tillfores pa i och for sig Mint salt i hottnen av skruvpressens skruvganga i oeh far fortrangning av kokvatskan. — --7. Set according to patent claim 3, 4 or 5, characterized in that a part of the pumped pressure water is supplied on per se Mint salt in the heat of the screw thread of the screw press in a certain displacement of the boiling water. - - 8. Satt enligt nagot av patentanspraken kannetecknat darav, att en del av den inpumpade tryckvatskan -Mores i skruvpressens utlopp for att utspada den ur skruvgangan frammatade massan.8. Set according to any one of the patent claims, characterized in that a part of the pumped-in pressure vessel -Mores in the outlet of the screw press to spit out the mass fed out of the screw thread. 9. Satt enligt patentanspraket 1 eller 2 och patentanspraket 3, kfinnetecknat ddrav, att till kokarens utmatningsande aterfores kokvfitska, som icke blandats med i skruvpressen inpumpad tryckvdtska.9. Set according to claim 1 or 2 and claim 3, characterized in that a boiling vessel which is not mixed with a pressure vessel pumped into the screw press is returned to the discharge outlet of the digester. 10. Anlfiggning for utforande av sfittet enligt patentanspraket 1, bestaende av en kokare, som är avsedd for kokning av ett fibermaterial med en kokvatska och fir forsedd med anordningar for kontinuerlig in- och utmatning, och av en skruvpress.for avpressning av kokvatska fan fibermaterialet, vars inlopp for fibermaterial och kokvdtska är anslutet till kokarens utmatningsfinde genom en sadan forbindelse, att atminstone i del nfirmaste full tryckutjamning mellan kokaren och skruv-pressens inloppsdnde figer rum under drift, óch vilken skruvpress dessutom star i forbindelse med kokarens utmatningsfinde genom en atergangsledning for avpressad kokvfitska. " 11. Anlaggning enligt patentanspraket 10, kfinnetecknad dfirav, att skruvpressen fir ansluten till kokaren direkt och pa sadant satt, att kontinuerlig frammatning av kokt fiber-material till densamma kan utfOras uteslutan- de medelst en i kokaren% botten anordnad. kontinuerlig utmatningsanordning.10. An apparatus for making the blank according to claim 1, consisting of a digester, which is intended for boiling a fibrous material with a boiling vessel and provided with devices for continuous feeding and discharge, and of a screw press for pressing the boiling vat of fibrous material. , whose inlet for fibrous material and cooking liquid is connected to the boiler discharge fin by such a connection that at least in part almost full pressure equalization between the boiler and the inlet of the screw press takes place during operation, and which screw press is also connected to the boiler discharge fin through a return line for extruded kokvfitska. 11. A plant according to claim 10, characterized in that the screw press is connected to the digester directly and in such a way that continuous feeding of cooked fibrous material thereto can be carried out exclusively by means of a continuous discharge device arranged in the bottom of the digester. 11. Anlfiggning enligt patentanspraket 10. -kunnetecknad darav, att en defibror är inkopplad i forbindelsen mellan kokaren och skruvpressen.11. An installation according to claim 10, characterized in that a defibrillator is connected in the connection between the digester and the screw press. 12. Anlaggning enligt patentanspraket 11 eller 12, kannetecknad ddrav, att avloppen fran skruvpressen for savfil avpressad vatska som fibermaterial dro utrustade med strypventiler lampliga for uppratthallande av ett hOgt hydrostatiskt tryck overallt i skruvpressen.Plant according to claim 11 or 12, characterized in that the drains from the screw press for sawdust-pressed liquid as fibrous material are equipped with throttle valves suitable for maintaining a high hydrostatic pressure throughout the screw press. 13.13. 14. Anlfiggning enligt patentanspraket 10, kannetecknad av en lagtryckspump inkopplad i atergangsledningen for aterforing av i skruvpressen avpressad kokvalska till kokarens utmatningslinde.14. An installation according to claim 10, characterized by a low-pressure pump connected in the return line for returning hot-rolled coil rolled in the screw press to the boiler's discharge spindle. 15. .. 15. Anlaggning enligt nagot av patentanspraken 10-14 med av imnatningen av -fibermaterial och kokvdtska i kokaren oberoelide inpumpning av tryckvatska fOr uppratthallande av Onskat tryck i kokaren, kannetecknad ddrav, att tillforselledningen for tryckvfilska dr ansluten till skruvpressens utmatningsande.15. .. 15. Installation according to any one of the patent claims 10-14, with the feeding of fibrous material and cooking liquor into the digester, independent pumping of pressurized liquid to maintain the desired pressure in the digester, can be drawn, so that the supply line for printing film is connected to the discharge press. 16. Anlaggning enligt patentanspraket 15, kannetecknad av en automatiskt reglerbar ventil i tryckvatsketilledningen till skruvpressen. Stockholm 1950. Eungl. Boktr. P. A. Norstedt & Boner 50009.016. Plant according to patent claim 15, characterized by an automatically adjustable valve in the pressurized liquid line to the screw press. Stockholm 1950. Eungl. Boktr. P. A. Norstedt & Boner 50009.0
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