RO133307A2 - Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation - Google Patents
Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation Download PDFInfo
- Publication number
- RO133307A2 RO133307A2 ROA201700885A RO201700885A RO133307A2 RO 133307 A2 RO133307 A2 RO 133307A2 RO A201700885 A ROA201700885 A RO A201700885A RO 201700885 A RO201700885 A RO 201700885A RO 133307 A2 RO133307 A2 RO 133307A2
- Authority
- RO
- Romania
- Prior art keywords
- liter
- solution
- soluble
- microelements
- macroelements
- Prior art date
- Y02A40/00—Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production
- Y02A40/10—Adaptation technologies in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agroalimentary production in agriculture
- Y02A40/20—Fertilizers of biological origin, e.g. guano or fertilizers made from animal corpses
- Fertilizers (AREA)
Invenția se refera la o compoziție de ingrasamant lichid foliar conținând macroelemente, microelemente si biostimulant betainic si la un procedeu de obținere a acestuia.The invention relates to a composition of foliar liquid fertilizer containing macroelements, microelements and betainic biostimulant and to a process for making it.
Sunt cunoscute din literatura de brevete (RO 198954, RO 108953, RO 91355, RO 93426), o serie de procedee de obținere de compoziții fertilizante lichide cu aplicare foliara, conținând macroelementele azot, fosfor, potasiu, precum si o serie de microelemente esențiale, ca fier, mangan, cupru, bor, cobalt, zinc etc. Procedeeele constau in in general in neutralizarea in faza apoasa a acidului fosforic sau azotic cu amoniac, carbonat sau hidroxid de potasiu, cu adaugare de uree pentru asigurarea necesarului de azot amidic, iar la soluția astfel preparata se adauga microelementele sub forma de sulfați sau azotati, produsele asigurând prin aplicare foliara o fertilizare suplimentara a plantelor de cultura precum si corectarea unor carențe nutriționale ale plantelor.They are known from the patent literature (RO 198954, RO 108953, RO 91355, RO 93426), a series of processes for obtaining liquid fertilizer compositions for foliar application, containing the macro-elements nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as a number of essential microelements, as iron, manganese, copper, boron, cobalt, zinc etc. The processes generally consist in the neutralization in the aqueous phase of phosphoric or nitric acid with ammonia, carbonate or potassium hydroxide, with the addition of urea to ensure the need for amide nitrogen, and to the solution thus prepared are added the microelements in the form of sulphates or nitrates, the products ensuring by foliar application an additional fertilization of the crop plants as well as the correction of nutritional deficiencies of the plants.
Din brevetele RO 103652, RO 95689, RO 116080, RO 116081, RO 116189, US niFrom the patents RO 103652, RO 95689, RO 116080, RO 116081, RO 116189, US ni
5302180, US 7198805, se cunoaște o gama larga de fertilizanti cu aplicare foliara, ce conțin azot, fosfor, potasiu si microelemente, care conțin suplimentar o serie de substanțe organice naturale sau de sinteza, extracte din plante, hidrolizate proteice sau gluco-proteice, naftenati, acizi policarboxilici, substanțe humice, introduse cu scopul de a stimula metabolizarea substanțelor nutritive si de a facilita absorbția si penetrarea prin frunze a speciilor nutritive.5302180, US 7198805, is known a wide range of foliar application fertilizers, containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements, which additionally contain a series of natural or synthetic organic substances, plant extracts, protein hydrolysates or glycoproteins, naphthenates, polycarboxylic acids, humic substances, introduced in order to stimulate the metabolism of the nutrients and to facilitate the absorption and penetration by leaves of the nutritional species.
De asemenea, brevetele RO 127192 si RO 127894 descriu compoziții de ingrasamant complex lichid cu substanțe humice, conținând azot total, fosfor, potasiu, microelementele fier, zinc, cupru, mangan, magneziu complexate cu sarea disodica a EDTA si substanțe organice, ingrasamantul rezultat avand un pH= 6,8...8,4. Procedeul de obținere al acestuia consta in neutralizarea soluției cu acizi humici si fulvici cu carbonat de potasiu, după care la amestecul astfel obtinut se adauga o soluție de mezoelemente si microelemente complexate cu sare disodica a EDTA, iar in final se adauga uree.Also, patents RO 127192 and RO 127894 describe compositions of liquid complex fertilizer with humic substances, containing total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, microelements iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium complexed with disodium salt of EDTA and organic substances, the resulting fertilizer having a pH = 6.8 ... 8.4. The process for obtaining it consisted in neutralizing the solution with humic and fulvic acids with potassium carbonate, after which to the mixture thus obtained was added a solution of complexes and microelements complexed with disodium salt of EDTA, and finally urea was added.
Un dezavantaj al unor astfel de compoziții lichide care conțin cantitati semnificative de materii organice biodegradabile este determinat de faptul ca nu conțin biostimulanti betainici care sa asigure o rezistenta semnificativa a plantelor la stresul abiotic hidric si salin. De asemenea, lipsa unor adjuvanti specifici de condiționare poate determina o slaba aderenta a acestora la foliajul plantelor de cultura, in cazul unei aplicări extraradiculare, aceste compoziții avand si o stabilitateA disadvantage of such liquid compositions that contain significant amounts of biodegradable organic matter is determined by the fact that they do not contain betainic biostimulants that ensure a significant resistance of plants to abiotic and saline abiotic stress. Also, the lack of specific conditioning adjuvants may result in their poor adherence to the foliage of the crop plants, in the case of an extra-root application, these compositions also having a stability
(, biostimulant de plante este orice substanța din surse naturalep-sb x I / \(, plant biostimulant is any substance from natural sourcesep-sb x I / \
a 2017 00885to 2017 00885
30/10/2017 sau microorganisme a căror funcție, atunci când sunt aplicate pe plante sau în rizosfera, este de a stimula procesele naturale pentru a creste / favoriza absorbția nutrientilor, eficienta nutrientilor, toleranta la stresul abiotic si calitatea culturilor. Prin extensie, biostimulantii pentru plante desemnează si produse comerciale care conțin amestecuri de astfel de substanțe si / sau microorganisme. Este bine cunoscut din literatura de specialitate efectul biostimulator al derivatilor cu structura betainica - inclusiv glicil betaina- asupra dezvoltării plantelor, aceștia influențând favorabil rezistenta la stress- in special stressul abiotic generat de lipsa de apa sau de un exces de săruri- a plantelor (Patrick du Jardin , Plant biostimulants: Defînition, concept, main categories and regulation, Scientia Horticulturae 196 (2015) 3-14 ).10/30/2017 or microorganisms whose function, when applied on plants or in the rhizosphere, is to stimulate natural processes to increase / promote nutrient absorption, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress and crop quality. By extension, plant biostimulants also designate commercial products that contain mixtures of such substances and / or microorganisms. It is well known in the literature the biostimulatory effect of derivatives with betaine structure - including glycyl betaine - on the development of plants, which favorably influence stress resistance - especially the abiotic stress generated by the lack of water or an excess of salts - of plants (Patrick du Jardin, Plant biostimulants: Definition, concept, main categories and regulation, Scientia Horticulturae 196 (2015) 3-14).
Problema tehnica pe care o rezolva invenția consta in obținerea unor compoziții fertilizante cu aplicare foliara stabile fizico-chimic pe baza de macro- si microelemente conținând si biostimulanti din surse naturale, cu eficacitate ridicata asupra dezvoltării plantelor de cultura pe diverse faze de vegetație, asigurând o rezistenta sporita a acestora la factorii de stres, in special stresul abiotic hidric sau salin ce afecteaza semnificativ productivitatea si calitatea recoltelor.The technical problem to be solved by the invention consists in obtaining fertilizing compositions with physico-chemical stable foliar application based on macro- and microelements containing also biostimulants from natural sources, with high efficiency on the development of crop plants on various vegetation phases, ensuring a their increased resistance to stressors, especially the abiotic or saline stress, which significantly affects crop productivity and quality.
Compoziția de ingrasamant lichid foliar conținând macroelemente, microelemente si biostimulant betainic conform invenției conține : macroelemente 70...112 g/litru azot total, 31...80 g/litru fosfor solubil ( exprimat ca P2O5), 36...80 g/litru potasiu solubil in apa ( exprimat ca K2O),The composition of foliar liquid fertilizer containing macroelements, microelements and betainic biostimulant according to the invention contains: macroelements 70 ... 112 g / liter total nitrogen, 31 ... 80 g / liter soluble phosphorus (expressed as P2O5), 36 ... 80 g / liter of water-soluble potassium (expressed as K2O),
5...20 g/litru glicil-betaina din surse naturale, microelemente: 0,35...0,45 g/litru fier, 0.33...0,40 g/litru mangan, 0,15...0,22 g/litru cupru, 0,10...0,18 g/litru bor, 0,10...0,15 g/litru magneziu, 0,04...0,08 g/litru zinc, 0,018...0,023 g/litru molibden, 0,04...0,07 g/litru seleniu, precum si 10...150 g/litru glicerina si/sau polioli naturali sau de sinteza, 0,35...0.7 g/litru acid salicilic si 10...150 g/litru substanțe tensioactive hidrosolubile si liposolubile, restul apa deionizata.5 ... 20 g / liter glycyl betaine from natural sources, microelements: 0.35 ... 0.45 g / liter iron, 0.33 ... 0.40 g / liter manganese, 0.15 ... 0 , 22 g / liter copper, 0.10 ... 0.18 g / liter boron, 0.10 ... 0.15 g / liter magnesium, 0.04 ... 0.08 g / liter zinc, 0.018 ... 0.023 g / liter molybdenum, 0.04 ... 0.07 g / liter selenium, as well as 10 ... 150 g / liter glycerin and / or natural or synthetic polyols, 0.35 ... 0.7 g / liter salicylic acid and 10 ... 150 g / liter water-soluble and fat-soluble surfactants, the rest deionized water.
Procedeul de obținere a îngrășământului lichid foliar conținând macroelemente, microelemente si biostimulant betainic conform invenției consta in următoarele etape:The process of obtaining the foliar liquid fertilizer containing macroelements, microelements and betainic biostimulant according to the invention consisted of the following steps:
- realizarea sub agitare intensa a unei soluții microbiologic stabile de sursa naturala de glicil-betaina, prin diluarea cu apa deionizata a vinasei standardizate rezultate la producerea de drojdie de panificație sau melasa rezultata la producerea zahărului, avand un continui de 5...20% glicil-betaina si un continui de proteine de maxim 5%, si adaugarea unei cantitati de 5...10 grame acid salicilic sau salicilat de sodiu;- the realization under intense agitation of a microbiologically stable solution from the natural source of glycyl betaine, by diluting with deionized water the standardized vinegar resulting in the production of baking yeast or molasses resulting in the production of sugar, having a continuous of 5 ... 20% glycyl betaine and a protein content of up to 5%, and the addition of 5 to 10 grams of salicylic acid or sodium salicylate;
- realizarea soluției de microelemente, prin adaugarea in soluția stabilizata de glicil-betaina a sărurilor de microelemente Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Mg, Zn, Mo, Se, împreuna cu EDTA sare disodica sau tetrasodica in cantitate suficienta pentru chelatizarea completa a microelementelor din sărurile introduse;- realization of the microelement solution, by adding to the stabilized solution of glycyl betaine the salts of microelements Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Mg, Zn, Mo, Se, together with EDTA disodic or tetrasodic salt in sufficient quantity for the complete chelatization of the microelements from the salts introduced;
- realizarea soluției de macroelemente, prin neutralizarea unei soluții apoase de acid fosforic cu hidroxid de potasiu, urmata de adaugare de uree si/sau azotat de amoniu, iii a 2017 00885- realization of the macroelement solution, by neutralizing an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid with potassium hydroxide, followed by the addition of urea and / or ammonium nitrate, iii of 2017 00885
30/10/2017 cantitati care sa asigure un continui de 70...112 g/litru azot total, 31...80 g/litru fosfor solubil (exprimat ca P2O5), 36...80 g/litru potasiu solubil in apa ( exprimat ca K2O); adaugarea in soluția de macroemenente a aadjuvantilor de condiționare, constând in10/30/2017 quantities to ensure a continuous 70 ... 112 g / liter total nitrogen, 31 ... 80 g / liter soluble phosphorus (expressed as P2O5), 36 ... 80 g / liter soluble potassium in water (expressed as K2O); adding in the macro-solution of the conditioning aids, consisting of
10...150 g/litru glicerina si/sau polioli naturali sau de sinteza si 10...150 g/litru substanțe tensioactive hidrosolubile si liposolubile;10 ... 150 g / liter glycerin and / or natural or synthetic polyols and 10 ... 150 g / liter water-soluble and fat-soluble surfactants;
adaugarea soluției de microelemente cu biostimulanti peste soluția de macroelemente, sub agitare continua, cu formarea compoziției de ingrasamant lichid foliar;adding the microelement solution with biostimulants over the macroelement solution, under continuous stirring, with the formation of the foliar liquid fertilizer composition;
omogenizarea si stabilizarea soluției de ingrasamant lichid foliar prin supunerea acesteia la o presiune de minim 150 bari timp de 30...90 minute, prin recircularea acesteia printrun sistem de omogenizare sub presiune, capabil sa realizaze o presiune de minim 150 bari.homogenizing and stabilizing the solution of foliar liquid fertilizer by subjecting it to a pressure of at least 150 bar for 30 ... 90 minutes, by recirculating it through a system of homogenization under pressure, capable of achieving a pressure of at least 150 bar.
Ingrasamantul lichid foliar conform invenției este perfect miscibil cu apa in orice proporție, precum si cu o gama larga de produse agrochimice utilizate in tratarea plantelor, avand un raport echilibrat de macronutrienti si cantitati de micronutrienti si biostimulanti care favorizează o nutriție suplimentara foarte eficienta si rapida a plantelor de cultura, pentru diverse faze de vegetație.The foliar liquid fertilizer according to the invention is perfectly miscible with water in any proportion, as well as with a wide range of agrochemicals used in the treatment of plants, having a balanced ratio of macronutrients and quantities of micronutrients and biostimulants that favor a very efficient and fast supplementary nutrition. plants, for various phases of vegetation.
Prin aplicarea invenției, se optimizează nutriția plantelor, se stimulează semnificativ dezvoltarea vegetativa radiculara si extraradiculara, creste rezistenta plantelor lafactorii de stress climatic, in special rezistenta la stress hidric, concomitent cu o creștere substanțiala a productivității si calitatii produselor agricole.By applying the invention, the nutrition of the plants is optimized, the root and extraradical vegetative development is significantly stimulated, the resistance of the plants to the factors of climatic stress is increased, especially the resistance to the water stress, at the same time with a substantial increase in the productivity and quality of the agricultural products.
Se dau in continuare 3 exemple de realizare a invenției, acestea nefiind limitative.3 examples of embodiments of the invention are given below, which are not limiting.
Exemplul 1. Ca sursa de biostimulant natural betainic, s-a utilizat o soluție apoasa de vinasa standardizata, provenita de la fabricarea drojdiei de panificație, si care conține 12...15% glicilbetaina, 5...21% proteina bruta, 5...7% potasiu si 5...15% aminoacizi si peptide provenite din hidrolizate proteice de la fabricarea drojdiilor.Example 1. As the source of natural betainic biostimulant, a standardized aqueous solution of vinegar, derived from the manufacture of baking yeast, containing 12 ... 15% glycylbetaine, 5 ... 21% crude protein, 5. was used. .7% potassium and 5 ... 15% amino acids and peptides from protein hydrolysates from yeast manufacture.
Intr-un vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 1 litru se introduc 100 g vinasa standardizata cu compoziția de mai sus, peste care se adauga 250 ml apa deionizata. Se pornește agitarea energica timp de 20 minute si, sub agitare continua, se introduc următoarele cantitati de săruri metalice-sursa de microelemente:In a stirring vessel with the capacity of about 1 liter, add 100 g of standardized vinegar with the above composition, over which add 250 ml deionized water. Start stirring energetically for 20 minutes and, under continuous stirring, introduce the following amounts of metal salts - the source of microelements:
Sursa de microelementeSource of microelements
Sulfat feros FeSO4.7H2OIron sulphate FeSO4.7H2O
Sulfat de mangan MnSO4 H2OManganese sulphate MnSO4 H2O
Sulfat de cupru CUSO4.5H2OCopper sulphate CUSO4.5H2O
Acid boric H3BO3Boric acid H3BO3
Sulfat de magneziu MgSO4.7H2OMagnesium sulphate MgSO4.7H2O
Sulfat de zinc ZnSC>4.7H2OZinc sulphate ZnSC> 4.7H2O
Molibdat de sodiu Na2MoC>4.2H2OSodium molybdate Na2MoC> 4.2H2O
Selenat de sodiu Na2SeO4Sodium selenate Na2SeO4
Cantitatea (g)Quantity (g)
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Se adauga 4 g acid citric pentru a facilita completa solubilizare a acestora. După solubilizarea completa a acestora, se adauga 8 kg de agent de chelatizare Na4-EDTA (sare tetrasodica a acidului etilendiaminotetraacetic-), pentru chelatizarea elementelor metalice. Sub agitare continua, se ajusteaza pH-ul soluției de microelemente in domeniul 5,5-6,5, prin adaugarea unei cantitati de 0,5 g acid salicilic. Are loc un proces de chelatizare a elementelor metalice, cu solubilizarea rapida a acestora si schimbarea culorii soluției de la verzui-albicios la verde-albastru închis, limpede.Add 4 g of citric acid to facilitate complete solubilization. After their complete solubilization, 8 kg of Na4-EDTA chelating agent (tetrasodic salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is added to chelate the metal elements. Under continuous stirring, adjust the pH of the microelement solution in the range 5.5-6.5, by adding 0.5 g of salicylic acid. There is a process of chelating the metallic elements, with their rapid solubilization and changing the color of the solution from greenish-white to dark-green, clear blue.
Intr-un alt vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 2 litri se introduc 400 ml apa deionizata, peste care se adauga 57 g acid fosforic 85% si se omogenizează 15-30 minute. Sub agitare continua, se adauga treptat peste soluția de acid fosforic, 40 kg hidroxid de potasiu solid tehnic (minim 90%). După dozarea întregii cantitati de KOH, se masoara pH-ul soluției, care trebuie sa fie in intervalul 5,2-7,0. In caz contrar, se ajusteaza prin dozare suplimentara de acid fosforic (daca e mai mare), sau KOH (daca e mai mic). Sub agitare continua, se răcește masa de reacție pana când temperatura scade sub 50°C, si la aceasta temperatura, se adauga 228 kg uree tehnica granule (46% N, treptat, sub agitare continua. Masa de reacție se răcește treptat, datorita procesului endoterm de dizolvare a ureei in apa. După ce s-a adaugat întreaga cantitate de uree, se continua agitarea pana la dizolvarea întregii cantitati de uree. Se mai adauga 5 kg clorura de potasiu KC1 si 5 kg sulfat de potasiu K2SO4, si se agita pentru solubilizare, realizând o soluție apoasa de macroelemente cu un raport masic N:P2O5:K2O de 3:1:1.In another stirring vessel with a capacity of about 2 liters, 400 ml deionized water is introduced, over which 57 g of 85% phosphoric acid are added and homogenized for 15-30 minutes. Under continuous stirring, 40 kg of technical solid potassium hydroxide (minimum 90%) is added gradually over the phosphoric acid solution. After dosing the whole amount of KOH, the pH of the solution is measured, which should be in the range 5.2-7.0. Otherwise, it is adjusted by additional dosage of phosphoric acid (if larger), or KOH (if smaller). Under continuous stirring, the reaction mass is cooled down until the temperature drops below 50 ° C, and at this temperature, 228 kg of urea granules are added (46% N, gradually, under continuous stirring. The reaction mass is gradually cooled, due to the process Endotherm for dissolving urea in water After the entire amount of urea has been added, stirring is continued until the entire amount of urea is dissolved, add 5 kg of potassium chloride KC1 and 5 kg of potassium sulfate K2SO4, and stir for solubilization. , making an aqueous solution of macroelements with a mass ratio N: P 2 O 5 : K 2 O of 3: 1: 1.
Separat se prepara un amestec de 75 g glicerina 99%, 25 g surfactant SPÂN 80 (sorbitan monooleat) si 50 g surfactant Lutensol TO 10 (alcooli grași C12...Ci5 etoxilati cu 10 moli de etilenoxid), la care se adauga 3 g antispumant polidimetilsiloxanic, sub agitare energica. După completa omogenizare, amestecul de aditivi se adauga peste soluția de macronutrienti, pastrand temperatura de 3O...5O°C pentru o omogenizare optima a amestecului.Separately, a mixture of 75 g of 99% glycerin, 25 g of surfactant SPAN 80 (sorbitan monooleate) and 50 g surfactant Lutensol TO 10 (fatty alcohols C 12 ... C 5 ethoxylates with 10 moles of ethylene oxide) is added. 3 g polydimethylsiloxane antifoam, under vigorous stirring. After complete homogenization, the mixture of additives is added over the macronutrient solution, maintaining the temperature of 3O ... 5O ° C for optimum homogenization of the mixture.
In continuare, se adauga soluția de microelemente si biostimulanti peste soluția de macroelemente, se răcește sub 25°C, se adauga apa deionizata pana la 1 litru si se recircula timp de 2 ore printr-un omogenizator sub presiune cu pistoane care asigura o presiune de lucru de 200 bari, la un debil de 11 litri/ora.Next, add the solution of microelements and biostimulants over the solution of macroelements, cool below 25 ° C, add deionized water up to 1 liter and recycle for 2 hours through a pressure homogenizer with pistons which ensures a pressure of 200 bar work, at a weak 11 liters / hour.
După 2 ore de recirculare prin omogenizator, se obține o compoziție omogena de ingrasamant lichid foliar, de culoare brun-inchis, avand o densitate de 1,195 kg/litru, un pH de 7,05 si conținând 105 g/litru azot total, 37 g/litru P20s , 39,7 g/litru K2O si 14,5 g/litru glicil-betaina, care prezintă o buna stabilitate fizica si chimica pentru o perioada de păstrare mai mare de 6 luni fara tendințe de depunere sau separare.After 2 hours of recirculation through the homogenizer, a homogeneous composition of foliar liquid fertilizer, of dark brown color, having a density of 1.195 kg / liter, a pH of 7.05 and containing 105 g / liter of total nitrogen, 37 g is obtained. / liter P 2 0s, 39.7 g / liter K 2 O and 14.5 g / liter glycyl betaine, showing good physical and chemical stability for a storage period of more than 6 months without tendency to deposit or separation .
Exemplul 2. S-a procedat similar ca la Exemplul 1, cu deosebirea ca s-a utilizat ca sursa de 7 biostimulant natural betainic, o fracție apoasa de melasa standardizata, provenita de la fabricarea ț 'Λ - '* ? zahărului, si care conține 5...9% glicil-betaina, 44...52% zahar total, 7,5...12% substanțe minerâîe,Example 2. Has the procedure been similar to Example 1, with the exception that it was used as the source of 7 betainic natural biostimulant, an aqueous fraction of standardized molasses, derived from the manufacture of ' Λ -' *? sugar, which contains 5 ... 9% glycyl betaine, 44 ... 52% total sugar, 7.5 ... 12% mineral substances,
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1,2...2,4 % azot total, alaiuri de o serie de vitamine si aminoacizi in cantitati foarte mici, iar ca sursa de azot s-a utilizat un amestec de uree si azotat de amoniu granule.1,2 ... 2,4% total nitrogen, alloys of vitamins and amino acids in very small quantities, and as a source of nitrogen a mixture of urea and ammonium nitrate granules was used.
Astfel, intr-un vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 1 litru se introduc 200 g melasa conținând 7% glicil-betaina si 47% zahar total, peste care se adauga 300 ml apa deionizata. Se pornește agitarea energica timp de 20 minute si, sub agitare continua, se introduc următoarele cantitati de săruri metalice-sursa de microelemente:Thus, in a stirring vessel with a capacity of about 1 liter, 200 g molasses containing 7% glycyl betaine and 47% total sugar are added, on top of which 300 ml deionized water is added. Start stirring energetically for 20 minutes and, under continuous stirring, introduce the following amounts of metal salts - the source of microelements:
Se adauga 4 g acid citric pentru a facilita completa solubilizare a acestora. După solubilizarea completa a acestora, se adauga 8 kg de agent de chelatizare Na4-EDTA (sare tetrasodica a acidului etilendiaminotetraacetic-), pentru chelatizarea elementelor metalice. Sub agitare continua, se ajusteaza pH-ul soluției de microelemente in domeniul 5,5-6,5, prin adaugarea unei cantitati de 0,5 g acid salicilic. Are loc un proces de chelatizare a elementelor metalice, cu solubilizarea rapida a acestora si schimbarea culorii soluției de la verzui-albicios la verde-albastru închis, limpede.Add 4 g of citric acid to facilitate complete solubilization. After their complete solubilization, 8 kg of Na4-EDTA chelating agent (tetrasodic salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is added to chelate the metal elements. Under continuous stirring, adjust the pH of the microelement solution in the range 5.5-6.5, by adding 0.5 g of salicylic acid. There is a process of chelating the metallic elements, with their rapid solubilization and changing the color of the solution from greenish-white to dark-green, clear blue.
Intr-un alt vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 2 litri se introduc 350 ml apa deionizata, peste care se adauga 57 g acid fosforic 85% si se omogenizează 15-30 minute. Sub agitare continua, se adauga treptat peste soluția de acid fosforic, 40 kg hidroxid de potasiu solid tehnic (minim 90%). După dozarea întregii cantitati de KOH, se masoara pH-ul soluției, care trebuie sa fie in intervalul 5,2-7,0. In caz contrar, se ajusteaza prin dozare suplimentara de acid fosforic (daca e mai mare), sau KOH (daca e mai mic). Sub agitare continua, se răcește masa de reacție pana când temperatura scade sub 50°C, si la aceasta temperatura, se adauga un amestec de 114 g uree tehnica granule (46% N) si 187 g azotat de amoniu granule (28% N), treptat, sub agitare continua. Masa de reacție se răcește treptat, datorita procesului endoterm de dizolvare a ureei si azotatului de amoniu in apa. După ce s-a adaugat întreaga cantitate de uree si azotat, se continua agitarea pana la dizolvarea întregii cantitati de uree si azotat. Se mai adauga 5 kg clorura de potasiu KC1 si 5 kg sulfat de potasiu K2SO4, si se agita pentru solubilizare, realizând o soluție apoasa de macroelemente cu un raport masic N^Os^O de 3:1:1.In another stirring vessel with a capacity of about 2 liters, 350 ml deionized water is introduced, over which 57 g of 85% phosphoric acid are added and homogenized for 15-30 minutes. Under continuous stirring, 40 kg of technical solid potassium hydroxide (minimum 90%) is added gradually over the phosphoric acid solution. After dosing the whole amount of KOH, the pH of the solution is measured, which should be in the range 5.2-7.0. Otherwise, it is adjusted by additional dosage of phosphoric acid (if larger), or KOH (if smaller). Under continuous stirring, the reaction mass is cooled down until the temperature drops below 50 ° C, and at this temperature, a mixture of 114 g urea granules (46% N) and 187 g ammonium nitrate granules (28% N) is added. , gradually, under continuous stirring. The reaction mass is gradually cooled, due to the endothermic process of dissolving urea and ammonium nitrate in water. After the whole amount of urea and nitrogen has been added, stirring is continued until the whole amount of urea and nitrogen is dissolved. Add 5 kg of potassium chloride KC1 and 5 kg of potassium sulphate K2SO4, and stir for solubilization, obtaining an aqueous solution of macroelements with a mass ratio N 3 Os ^ O of 3: 1: 1.
Separat se prepara un amestec de 50 g glicerina 99%, 25 g surfactant SPÂN 80 (sorbitan monooleat) si 50 g surfactant LAURETH 9 (alcooli grași C12...C15 etoxilati cu 9 moli de etilenoxid), la care se adauga 3 g antispumant polidimetilsiloxanic, sub agitare energica. Deoarece cantitatea de. melasa introdusa continecirca 80 g polioli sub forma de substanțe zaharoase, nu mai este necesSeparately prepare a mixture of 50 g of 99% glycerin, 25 g of surfactant SPAN 80 (sorbitan monooleate) and 50 g surfactant LAURETH 9 (C12 ... C15 fatty alcohols with 9 moles of ethylene oxide), to which is added 3 g of antifoam polydimethylsiloxane, under vigorous stirring. Because the amount of. introduced molasses contains about 80 g polyols as sugary substances, it is no longer necessary
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30/10/2017 introducerea in compoziție a aglicerinei sau a altor forme depololi. După completa omogenizare, amestecul de substanțe tensioactive se adauga peste soluția de macronutrienti, pastrand temperatura de 30...50°C pentru o omogenizare optima a amestecului.10/30/2017 introduction into the composition of aglycerin or other depolole forms. After complete homogenization, the mixture of surfactants is added over the macronutrient solution, maintaining the temperature of 30 ... 50 ° C for optimum homogenization of the mixture.
In continuare, se adauga soluția de microelemente si biostimulanti peste soluția de macroelemente, se răcește sub 25°C, se adauga apa deionizata pana la 1 litru si se recircula timp de 2 ore printr-un omogenizator sub presiune cu pistoane care asigura o presiune de lucru de 200 bari, la un debil de 14 litri/ora.Next, add the solution of microelements and biostimulants over the solution of macroelements, cool below 25 ° C, add deionized water up to 1 liter and recycle for 2 hours through a pressure homogenizer with pistons which ensures a pressure of 200 bar work, at a weak 14 liters / hour.
După 2,5 ore de recirculare prin omogenizator, se obține o compoziție omogena de ingrasamant lichid foliar, de culoare galben-brun, avand o densitate de 1,21 kg/litru, un pH de 6,87 si conținând 107,3 g/litru azot total, 34,8 g/litru P2O5, 36,3 g/litru K2O si 12,8 g/litru glicil-betaina, care prezintă o buna stabilitate fizica si chimica pentru o perioada de păstrare mai mare de 6 luni fara tendințe de depunere sau separare.After 2.5 hours of recirculation through the homogenizer, a homogeneous composition of foliar liquid fertilizer, yellow-brown, having a density of 1.21 kg / liter, a pH of 6.87 and containing 107.3 g / is obtained. total nitrogen liter, 34.8 g / liter P2O5, 36.3 g / liter K2O and 12.8 g / liter glycyl betaine, which has good physical and chemical stability for a storage period of more than 6 months without trends deposit or separation.
Exemplul 3. S-a realizat similar ca la Exemplul 1, utilizând ul alt raport al materiilor prime utilizate ca sursa de macronutrienti, astfel ca in final sa se obțină o compoziție de ingrasamant lichid foliar cu un raport masic intre macronutrientii N:P2Os:K2O de 1:1:1.Example 3. It was performed similar to Example 1, using the other ratio of the raw materials used as the source of macronutrients, so that finally a composition of foliar liquid fertilizer with a mass ratio between macronutrients N: P2Os: K2O of 1 was obtained. 1: 1.
Ca sursa de biostimulant natural betainic, s-a utilizat soluția apoasa de vinasa standardizata, descrisa la Exemplul 1.As the source of the natural betainic biostimulant, the standardized aqueous vinegar solution described in Example 1 was used.
Astfel, intr-un vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 1 litru se introduc 100 g vinasa standardizata cu compoziția de mai sus, peste care se adauga 250 ml apa deionizata. Se pornește agitarea energica timp de 20 minute si, sub agitare continua, se introduc următoarele cantitati de săruri metalice-sursa de microelemente:Thus, in a stirring vessel with the capacity of about 1 liter, 100 g of standardized vinegar with the above composition is introduced, over which 250 ml deionized water is added. Start stirring energetically for 20 minutes and, under continuous stirring, introduce the following amounts of metal salts - the source of microelements:
Sursa de microelementeSource of microelements
Sulfat feros FeSO4.7H2OIron sulphate FeSO4.7H2O
Sulfat de mangan MnSChIUOManganese sulphate MnSChIUO
Sulfat de cupru CUSO4.5H2O Acid boric H3BO3Copper sulphate CUSO4.5H2O Boric acid H3BO3
Sulfat de magneziu MgSO4.7H2OMagnesium sulphate MgSO4.7H2O
Sulfat de zinc ZnSO4.7H2OZnSO4.7H2O zinc sulphate
Molibdat de sodiu Na2MoO4.2H2O Selenat de sodiu Na2SeO4Sodium molybdate Na2MoO4.2H2O Sodium selenate Na2SeO4
Cantitatea (g)Quantity (g)
Se adauga 4 g acid citric pentru a facilita completa solubilizare a acestora. După solubilizarea completa a acestora, se adauga 8 kg de agent de chelatizare Na4-EDTA (sare tetrasodica a acidului etilendiaminotetraacetic-), pentru chelatizarea elementelor metalice. Sub agitare continua, se ajusteaza pH-ul soluției de microelemente in domeniul 5,5-6,5, prin adaugarea unei cantitati de 0,5 g acid salicilic. Are loc un proces de chelatizare a elementelor metalice, cu solubilizarea rapida a acestora si schimbarea culorii soluției de la verzui-albicios la verde-albastru închis, limpede.Add 4 g of citric acid to facilitate complete solubilization. After their complete solubilization, 8 kg of Na4-EDTA chelating agent (tetrasodic salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is added to chelate the metal elements. Under continuous stirring, adjust the pH of the microelement solution in the range 5.5-6.5, by adding 0.5 g of salicylic acid. There is a process of chelating the metallic elements, with their rapid solubilization and changing the color of the solution from greenish-white to dark-green, clear blue.
Intr-un alt vas cu agitare avand capacitatea de cca 2 litri se introduc 400 ml apa deionizata, 4. peste care se adauga 123 g acid fosforic 85% si se omogenizează 15-30 minute. Sub agitare Vv--/ a 2017 00885In another stirring vessel with the capacity of about 2 liters, 400 ml deionized water is introduced, 4 . upon which 123 g of 85% phosphoric acid was added and stirred for 15-30 minutes. Under shaking Vv - / a 2017 00885
30/10/2017 continua, se adauga treptat sub agitare si răcire peste soluția de acid fosforic, 62 kg hidroxid de potasiu solid tehnic (minim 90%). După dozarea întregii cantitati de KOH, se masoara pH-ul soluției, care trebuie sa fie in intervalul 5,0-6,5. In caz contrar, se ajusteaza prin dozare suplimentara de acid fosforic (daca e mai mare), sau KOH (daca e mai mic). Sub agitare continua, se răcește masa de reacție pana când temperatura scade sub 50°C, si la aceasta temperatura, se adauga 163 kg uree tehnica granule (46% N), treptat, sub agitare continua. Masa de reacție se răcește treptat, datorita procesului endoterm de dizolvare a ureei in apa. După ce s-a adaugat întreaga cantitate de uree, se continua agitarea pana la dizolvarea întregii cantitati de uree. Se mai adauga 19 kg clorura de potasiu KC1 si 22 kg sulfat de potasiu K2SO4, si se agita pentru solubilizare, realizând o soluție apoasa de macroelemente cu un raport masic N^Os^O de 1:1:1.30/10/2017 continues, gradually adding under stirring and cooling over the phosphoric acid solution, 62 kg technical solid potassium hydroxide (minimum 90%). After dosing the whole amount of KOH, the pH of the solution, which should be in the range 5.0-6.5, is measured. Otherwise, it is adjusted by additional dosage of phosphoric acid (if larger), or KOH (if smaller). Under continuous stirring, the reaction mass is cooled down until the temperature drops below 50 ° C, and at this temperature, 163 kg urea granules (46% N) are added, gradually, under continuous stirring. The reaction mass is gradually cooled, due to the endothermic process of dissolving urea in water. After the entire amount of urea has been added, stirring is continued until the entire amount of urea is dissolved. 19 kg of potassium chloride KC1 and 22 kg of potassium sulphate K2SO4 were added and stirred for solubilization, making an aqueous solution of macroelements with a mass ratio N ^ Os ^ O of 1: 1: 1.
Separat se prepara un amestec de 75 g glicerina 99%, 25 g surfactant SPÂN 80 (sorbitan monooleat) si 50 g surfactant Lutensol TO 10 (alcooli grași C12...C15 etoxilati cu 10 moli de etilenoxid), la care se adauga 3 g antispumant polidimetilsiloxanic, sub agitare energica. După completa omogenizare, amestecul de aditivi se adauga peste soluția de macronutrienti, pastrand temperatura de 30...50°C pentru o omogenizare optima a amestecului.Separately, a mixture of 75 g of 99% glycerin, 25 g of surfactant SPAN 80 (sorbitan monooleate) and 50 g surfactant Lutensol TO 10 (C12 ... C15 fatty alcohols with 10 moles of ethylene oxide) is added, to which is added 3 g. polydimethylsiloxane antifoam, under vigorous stirring. After complete homogenization, the mixture of additives is added over the macronutrient solution, maintaining the temperature of 30 ... 50 ° C for optimum homogenization of the mixture.
In continuare, se adauga soluția de microelemente si biostimulanti peste soluția de macroelemente, se răcește sub 25°C, se adauga apa deionizata pana la 1 litru si se recircula timp de 2 ore printr-un omogenizator sub presiune cu pistoane care asigura o presiune de lucru de 200 bari, la un debil de 11 litri/ora.Next, add the solution of microelements and biostimulants over the solution of macroelements, cool below 25 ° C, add deionized water up to 1 liter and recycle for 2 hours through a pressure homogenizer with pistons which ensures a pressure of 200 bar work, at a weak 11 liters / hour.
După 3 ore de recirculare prin omogenizator, se obține o compoziție omogena de ingrasamant lichid foliar, de culoare brun-inchis, avand o densitate de 1,22 kg/litru, un pH de 6,28 si conținând 75,5 g/litru azot total, 75,1 g/litru P2O5, 76,2 g/litru K2O si 14,0 g/litru glicil-betaina, care prezintă o buna stabilitate fizica si chimica pentru o perioada de păstrare mai mare de 6 luni fara tendințe de depunere sau separare.After 3 hours of recirculation through the homogenizer, a homogeneous composition of foliar liquid fertilizer, of dark brown color, having a density of 1.22 kg / liter, a pH of 6.28 and containing 75.5 g / liter of nitrogen is obtained. total, 75.1 g / liter P2O5, 76.2 g / liter K2O and 14.0 g / liter glycyl betaine, which has good physical and chemical stability for a storage period of more than 6 months without tendency to deposit or separation.
Ingrasamintele lichide foliare conținând biostimulanti betainici din surse naturale, preparați conform Exemplelor 1...3 au fost testate in condiții de câmp pe o serie de culturi, pe soluri diferite, rezultatele acestor teste, deosebit de eficiente, fiind prezentate in Tabelele de mai jos.The foliar liquid fertilizers containing betainic biostimulants from natural sources, prepared according to Examples 1 ... 3 were tested under field conditions on a number of crops, on different soils, the results of these tests, particularly efficient, are presented in the Tables below .
Tabelul 1. Eficiența productiva a fertilizării cu îngrășăminte lichide foliare cf. Ex. 1-3, aplicate la tomate, soiul Buzău, cultivate pe cernoziom cambie in câmp, cu irigare.Table 1. The productive efficiency of fertilization with liquid foliar fertilizers cf. 1-3, applied to tomatoes, Buzau variety, cultivated on cernoziom cambie in the field, with irrigation.
a 2017 00885to 2017 00885
*) Fara fertilizare de baza la sol*) Without basic soil fertilization
Tabelul 2. Eficiența productiva a fertilizării cu îngrășăminte lichide foliare cf. Ex. 1-3, aplicate la cartof, soiul Sânte, cultivate pe cernoziom cambie in câmp, fara irigare.Table 2. Productive efficiency of fertilization with liquid foliar fertilizers cf. 1-3, applied to the potato, the Sânte variety, cultivated on the cernoziom cambie in the field, without irrigation.
*) Fara fertilizare de baza la sol*) Without basic soil fertilization
Tabelul 3. Eficiența productiva a fertilizării cu îngrășăminte lichide foliare cf. Ex. 1-3, aplicate la grâu, soiul Glosa, cultivate pe cernoziom vermic in câmpTable 3. The productive efficiency of fertilization with liquid foliar fertilizers cf. 1-3, applied to wheat, Glosa variety, cultivated on vermicelli cernoziom in the field
*) Fertilizare de baza la sol cu N-90, P2O5-115 kg/ha*) Basic soil fertilization with N-90, P2O5-115 kg / ha
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ROA201700885A RO133307A2 (en) | 2017-10-30 | 2017-10-30 | Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
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ROA201700885A RO133307A2 (en) | 2017-10-30 | 2017-10-30 | Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation |
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ROA201700885A RO133307A2 (en) | 2017-10-30 | 2017-10-30 | Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation |
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Cited By (1)
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EP3984981A1 (en) * | 2020-10-13 | 2022-04-20 | AGRA GROUP, a.s. | A plant growth stimulating mixture |
- 2017-10-30 RO ROA201700885A patent/RO133307A2/en unknown
Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
EP3984981A1 (en) * | 2020-10-13 | 2022-04-20 | AGRA GROUP, a.s. | A plant growth stimulating mixture |
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