RO129067A2 - Deodorizer - Google Patents

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RO129067A2 ROA201200431A RO201200431A RO129067A2 RO 129067 A2 RO129067 A2 RO 129067A2 RO A201200431 A ROA201200431 A RO A201200431A RO 201200431 A RO201200431 A RO 201200431A RO 129067 A2 RO129067 A2 RO 129067A2
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Ovidiu Doru Nedelcovici
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Ovidiu Doru Nedelcovici
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Application filed by Ovidiu Doru Nedelcovici filed Critical Ovidiu Doru Nedelcovici
Priority to ROA201200431A priority Critical patent/RO129067B1/en
Publication of RO129067A2 publication Critical patent/RO129067A2/en
Publication of RO129067B1 publication Critical patent/RO129067B1/en



  • Disinfection, Sterilisation Or Deodorisation Of Air (AREA)
  • Packaging Of Annular Or Rod-Shaped Articles, Wearing Apparel, Cassettes, Or The Like (AREA)


The invention relates to a deodorizer having various perfuming compositions as active elements, which is meant to be used in dwelling spaces, offices, passenger compartments in transportation means and in any place where there is desired the presence of a pleasant fragrance of constant intensity. According to the invention, the deodorizer comprises a cardboard casing (1), a receptacle cover (2), assembled by thermowelding to a receptacle (3) filled with a perfumed liquid composition (4), an absorbent cardboard (5) which spreads the fragrance into the ambient environment, the cardboard (5) being supplied with the perfumed liquid composition (4) by means of a textile thread (6) placed on the bottom of the receptacle (3).


Invenția de fata se refera la un dezodorizant avand ca element activ diverse compoziții de parfumare, destinat a fi utilizat in spatii de locuit, birouri, habitaclul mijloacelor de transport, practic in orice ce spațiu in care se dorește existenta unor arome plăcute, cu o intensitate constanta..The present invention relates to a deodorant having as active element various fragrance compositions, intended to be used in living spaces, offices, the interior of the means of transport, practically in any space in which the existence of pleasant aromas is desired, with an intensity constant..

Actualmente, cele mai utilizate deodorante sunt de doua mari categorii:Currently, the most used deodorants are of two broad categories:

-dezodorizante sub forma unui material cu mare putere de capilaritate, cum ar fi un carton special, sub diverse exprimări estetice si publicitare, impregnate cu substanțe aromate produse prin chimia de sinteza ;- deodorants in the form of a material with high capillary power, such as a special carton, under various aesthetic and advertising expressions, impregnated with aromatic substances produced by the synthetic chemistry;

- dezodorizante lichide, aromatizantul fiind de regula un produs de sinteza.- liquid deodorizers, the flavoring being usually a synthetic product.

In literatura de brevete, găsim o multitudine de soluții, din cele mai diverse.In the patent literature, we find a variety of solutions, from the most diverse.

In brevetul de invenție US 5788931 este prezentata o soluție de dezodorizant auto, tip brichetă electrică, care functioneza pe baza unui rezistente electrice comandata de un circuit electronic, avand si o semnalizare optica si acustica.In the patent US 5788931, there is presented a solution of auto deodorizer, electric lighter type, which operates on the basis of an electrical resistor controlled by an electronic circuit, having an optical and acoustic signaling.

In brevetul de invenție US 5823432 găsim un dezodorizant sub forma unui sac constituit din elemente textile impregnate cu substanțe aromate care poate fi umplut si cu niște mărgele parfumate, dezodorizantul fiind agatat de suportul oglinzii retrovizoare interioare a șoferului.In US patent 5823432 we find a deodorant in the form of a bag made of textile elements impregnated with aromatic substances that can be filled with fragrant beads, the deodorant being hung by the support of the driver's rear-view mirror.

In brevetul de invenție US 7937863 autorul a conceput un dispozitiv dezodorizant care cuprinde una sau mai multe elemente plane care se pot mișca datorita unor resorturi, fiecare element plan eliberând o anumita aroma. Elementele plane și racordurile flexibile sunt dispuse într-un plan, elementele plane fiind realizate dintr-un carton care pot purta imagini sau texte publicitare .In US patent 7937863 the author has designed a deodorizing device comprising one or more planar elements which can be moved due to springs, each planar element releasing a certain aroma. Flat elements and flexible joints are arranged in a plane, the flat elements being made of cardboard that can carry images or advertising texts.

Datorita vibrațiilor din timpul deplasării vehiculul, aparatul dezodorizant eliberează parfumul, dar in același timp atrage si atenția privitorilor asupra mesajelor imprimate.Due to the vibrations during the movement of the vehicle, the deodorizing device releases the fragrance, but at the same time it attracts the attention of the viewers on the printed messages.

In cererea de brevet de invenție US 2005/0226788 este prezentata o soluție de aparat dezodorizant care cuprinde o camera cu cel puțin o priza de aer de admisie si una de evacuare a aerului, care provine de la un ventilator electric centrifugal care antrenează diversele arome expuse calea fluxului de aer.In the patent application US 2005/0226788, a solution of a deodorizing apparatus is presented which comprises a room with at least one intake air intake and one exhaust air outlet, which comes from a centrifugal electric fan that drives the various aromas exposed. the air flow path.

In cererea de brevet US 2006/0292110 este prezentat un set de mai multe soluții de dezodorizante auto, constituite in principal din materiale preformate carora le-au fost aplicate mai multe tipuri de arome de cafea. Intr-o varianta deodorantul poate fi sub forma unei capsule tip spray, in alta varianta sub forma unei brichete electrice. De asemenea, cererea de brevet de invenție abordeaza si varianta unui dezodorizant plan, din materiale de hârtie presata multistrat, dar si varianta unui recipient in care se găsesc mai multe mărci de boabe de cafea, cu arome diferite, selectarea mirosului realizandu-se cu ajutorul unui buton selector.In the patent application US 2006/0292110 a set of several solutions of auto deodorizers is presented, consisting mainly of preformed materials to which several types of coffee flavors have been applied. In one embodiment the deodorant may be in the form of a spray capsule, in another embodiment as an electric briquette. Also, the patent application approaches the variant of a flat deodorant, made of multilayer pressed paper materials, but also the variant of a container in which there are several brands of coffee beans, with different flavors, the selection of the odor being realized with the help of a selector button.

X- 2 Ο 1 2 - Ο Ο 4 3 1 - - Π ί 4 -06- 2012 'X- 2 Ο 1 2 - Ο Ο 4 3 1 - - Π ί 4 -06- 2012 '

In cererea de brevet US 2008/0219897 se refera la un dispozitiv dezodorizant, portabil, avand rolul de a emite un miros comparabil cu cel al unui autovehicul nou. Dezodorizantul propriuzis conține cel puțin un material folosit la fabricarea elementelor interioare ale habitaclului, materialul respectiv avand o suprafața de expunere suficient de mare pentru a degaja mirosul propriu..In US patent application 2008/0219897 refers to a deodorizing device, portable, having the role of emitting an odor comparable to that of a new vehicle. The deodorant propriusis contains at least one material used in the manufacture of the interior elements of the passenger compartment, the respective material having a sufficiently large exposure surface to release its own odor.

Aceste soluții au in general următoarele dezavantaje complexitate mare de realizare, cum ar fi cele cu dizpozitiv rezistiv care activeaza procesul de degajare a aromelor ;These solutions generally have the following disadvantages of great complexity of accomplishment, such as those with resistive device that activates the process of aroma release;

lipsa unui sistem eficient de eliberare constanta a aromelor in spațiul in care este utilizat.lack of an efficient system of constant release of the flavors in the space in which it is used.

Problema tehnica pe care o rezolva invenția consta in realizarea unui dezodorizant, de complexitate medie, avand ca element activ diverse esențe, compoziții parfumate sub forma lichida a căror efect de emanare a aromelor se realizează in mod constant in mediul de utilizare.The technical problem to be solved by the invention consists in the production of a deodorizer, of medium complexity, having as active element various essences, fragrant compositions in liquid form whose effect of aromas emanation is constantly realized in the environment of use.

Invenția de fata înlătură dezavantajele menționate mai sus prin aceea ca este constituit dintrun corp rezervor destinat compoziției parfumate si un capac aferent, din masa plastica termosudabila, un fir textil amplasat la baza rezervorului, sub nivelul compoziției parfumate, o anvelopa externa din carton si un carton absorbant, care preia constant din masa compoziției parfumate, prin intermediul firul textil, caracterizat de o buna capilaritate, Avantajele invenției sunt următoarele :The present invention removes the disadvantages mentioned above by the fact that it consists of a reservoir body intended for the fragrant composition and an afferent lid, made of thermoset plastic, a textile yarn located at the base of the reservoir, below the level of the perfumed composition, an external cardboard tire and a cardboard. The absorbent, which constantly takes over the mass of the perfumed composition, through the textile yarn, characterized by a good capillarity, The advantages of the invention are the following:

complexitate constructiva medie;average constructive complexity;

permite imprastirea aromelor substanței active in mod constant in mediu de utilizare ; procesul de utilizare nu presupune consum energetic ;it allows the aromas of the active substance to be constantly dispersed in the environment of use; the use process does not involve energy consumption;

forma constructiva relativ bidimensionala permite o expunere importanta a mesajelor publicitare pe ambele suprafețe.The relatively two-dimensional constructive form allows for an important exposure of advertising messages on both surfaces.

In continuare se da un exemplu de realizare a invenției in legătură cu figura 1-4, reprezentând :The following is an example of embodiment of the invention in connection with Figure 1-4, representing:

-fig. 1- vedere frontala, cu ruptura, a dezodorizantului ;FIG. 1- frontal view, with rupture, of the deodorant;

-fig. 2- secțiunea longitudinala A-A prin dezodorizant ;FIG. 2- longitudinal section A-A by deodorant;

-fig. 3-subansamblul rezervor ;FIG. 3-the tank assembly;

-fig. 4- anvelopa din cartonFIG. 4- cardboard tire

Asa cum se vede in fig. 1 si fig. 4, dezodorizantul este constituit dintr-o anvelopa din cartonAs shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 4, the deodorizer is made of a cardboard tire

1, care prezintă o decupare d, in care se montează rezervorul 3, cu capacul aferent 2. Decuparea d poate avea diverse forme, cum ar fi ; poligonala, circulara, eliptica, etc..1, which shows a cutout d, in which the tank 3 is mounted, with the corresponding cover 2. The cutout d may have various forms, such as; polygonal, circular, elliptical, etc.

O 1 2 -,o O 4 5 1 - î 4 -06- 2012O 1 2 -, o O 4 5 1 - Î 4 -06- 2012

Capacul 2 si rezervorul 3 sunt realizate din masa plastica , asamblarea realizandu-se prin termosudura, printr-un cordon perimetral, asa cum se vede in fig. 3, firul textil fiind fixat in zona externa rezervorului chiar in aria cordonului de termosudura.The lid 2 and the reservoir 3 are made of plastic table, the assembly being made by thermo welding, by a perimeter cord, as shown in fig. 3, the textile thread being fixed in the outer area of the tank even in the area of the heat seam cord.

Capacul 2 de rezervor este practic o placa din material plastic, iar rezervorul 3 este o placa in care s-a practicat , de exemplu prin termovacuumare, o adâncitura , o amprenta de diferite configurații, cum ar fi : cilindrica, paralelipipedica, calota eliptoida, sferica, tronconica, etc.. Compoziția parfumata lichida 4 este introdusa in rezervorul 3 prin injecție cu ac, metoda in sine cunoscuta, după care, gaura de injecție, de mici dimensiuni este etansata prin intermediul unei rășini cu polimerizare la rece.The reservoir cover 2 is practically a plastic plate, and the reservoir 3 is a plate which has been practiced, for example by thermal vacuuming, a recess, an imprint of different configurations, such as: cylindrical, parallelepiped, elliptoid, spherical, tronconica, etc. The liquid scented composition 4 is introduced into the reservoir 3 by needle injection, the method itself known, after which, the injection hole, of small size is sealed by means of a cold polymerization resin.

Firul textil 6, amplasat la baza rezervorului 3, este fixat vertical, spre cartonul absorbant 5, prin intermediul cordonului de termosudura de asamblare a capacului 2 cu rezervorul 3.The textile thread 6, located at the base of the tank 3, is fixed vertically, towards the absorbent cardboard 5, by means of the thermo-welding cord for the assembly of the cover 2 with the tank 3.

Cartonul absorbant 5, se fixeaza cu adezivul 7 de capacul 2, acesta fiind lipit la rândul sau de anvelopa de carton 1.The absorbent cardboard 5, is fastened with the adhesive 7 by the cover 2, which is attached to the cardboard tire 1 as well.

De remarcat ca, suprafața externa mare a anvelopei de carton 1, cat si suprafața externa a cartomului absorbant 5 pot fi utilizate ca spatii pentru afișarea, imprimarea de mesaje publicitare.It should be noted that, the large outer surface of the cardboard tire 1, as well as the outer surface of the absorbent cardboard 5 can be used as spaces for displaying, printing of advertising messages.

In situația in care capacul 2 si rezervorul 3 sunt realizate din materiale plastice termosudabile transparente, ca spațiu publicitar poate fi utilizat inclusiv spațiul de fond al rezervorului 3, in condițiile in care, de regula, compozițiile lichide parfumate 4 sunt transparente.In case the lid 2 and the reservoir 3 are made of transparent thermoset plastics, as an advertising space can be used including the bottom space of the reservoir 3, provided that, as a rule, the fragrant liquid compositions 4 are transparent.

Asa cum se vede in fig. 1 si fig. 3, cartonul absorbant 5 este fixat fata de latura superioara a suprafatei mici a anvelopei 1 la o distanta j, care sa asigure conducerea compoziției parfumate 4, prin intermediul firului textil 6, numai către cartonul absorbant 5, care la rândul sau emite constant aromele in mediul ambiant.As shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 3, the absorbent card 5 is fixed to the upper side of the small surface of the tire 1 at a distance j, which ensures the conduct of the scented composition 4, through the textile thread 6, only to the absorbent card 5, which in turn constantly emits the aromas in the environment.

Montajul propriu-zis al dezodorizantului se face astfel;The actual deodorizer assembly is done in this way;

se îndoaie anvelopa 1 de carton , asa cum se vede in fig. 4 ;the cardboard tire 1 is bent, as shown in fig. 4 ;

ansamblul rezervor , format din capacul 2 si rezervorul 3, asamblate prin termosudura, se montează in interiorul anvelopei 1, deja îndoite si adezivate cu adezivi cunoscuti, rezervorului 3, fiind introdus in interiorul decupării d ;the reservoir assembly, formed by the lid 2 and the reservoir 3, assembled by thermo welding, is mounted inside the tire 1, already bent and adhesive with known adhesives, the reservoir 3, being inserted inside the cut d;

se fixeaza firul textil 6 către zona superioara a anvelopei 1 de carton care este adezivata si pe care este aplicat ulteriror, cartonul absorbant 5.the textile thread 6 is fastened to the upper area of the cardboard tire 1 which is adhesive and is applied to the later ones, the absorbent card 5.

Claims (5)

1. Dezodorizant, caracterizat prin aceea ca, este constituit dintr-o anvelopa de carton (1), un capac (2) de rezervor, asamblat prin termosudura de un rezervor (3) umplut cu o compoziție lichida parfumata (4), un carton absorbant (5), care emana constant aromele in mediul ambiant prin intermediul unui fir (6) textil, avand un capat amplasat la baza rezervorului (3).1. Deodorant, characterized by the fact that it consists of a cardboard tire (1), a lid (2) of a tank, assembled by thermo-welding of a tank (3) filled with a perfumed liquid composition (4), a cardboard absorbent (5), which constantly emits aromas in the environment through a textile thread (6), having an end located at the base of the reservoir (3). 2. Dezodorizant, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca alimentarea cartonului absorbant (5) cu compoziție lichida parfumata (4) se face prin capilaritate , prin intermediul firului (6) textil.2. Deodorizer, according to claim 1, characterized in that the supply of the absorbent cardboard (5) with a scented liquid composition (4) is made by capillarity, by means of the textile thread (6). 3. Dezodorizant, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, firul (1) textil este amplasat la baza rezervorului (3), etansarea acestuia pe traseul către cartonul (5) absorbant, realizandu-se prin intermediul cordonului de termosudara aplicat capacului (2 ) si rezervorului (3), ulterior suprapunerii acestora.3. Deodorant according to claim 1, characterized in that the textile thread (1) is located at the base of the reservoir (3), its sealing on the route to the absorbent cardboard (5), being realized by means of the heat-seal cord applied to the cover (2). ) and the tank (3), after their overlap. 4. Dezodorizant, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, ansamblul rezervor se montează in interiorul anvelopei (1) de carton prin adezivare, rezervorului (3) corespunzandu-i o decupare (d) de diverse forme, cum ar fi : dreptunghiulara, circulara, eliptica, trapezoidala.4. Deodorant, according to claim 1, characterized in that the tank assembly is mounted inside the tire (1) of cardboard by adhesive, the tank (3) corresponding to a cut (d) of various forms, such as: rectangular, circular, elliptical, trapezoidal. 5. Dezodorizant , conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca, cartonul absorbant 5 este fixat fata de latura superioara a suprafeței mici a anvelopei (l)la o distanta (j) , care sa asigure conducerea compoziției (4) parfumate , prin intermediul firului (6) textil numai către cartonul absorbamt 5.5. Deodorant according to claim 1, characterized in that the absorbent card 5 is fixed to the upper side of the small surface of the tire (l) at a distance (j), which ensures the conductance of the scented composition (4), by means of the thread (6) textile only to the absorbent cardboard 5.
ROA201200431A 2012-06-14 2012-06-14 Deodorizer RO129067B1 (en)

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ROA201200431A RO129067B1 (en) 2012-06-14 2012-06-14 Deodorizer

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