RO128713A2 - Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products - Google Patents

Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products Download PDF


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RO128713A2 ROA201200029A RO201200029A RO128713A2 RO 128713 A2 RO128713 A2 RO 128713A2 RO A201200029 A ROA201200029 A RO A201200029A RO 201200029 A RO201200029 A RO 201200029A RO 128713 A2 RO128713 A2 RO 128713A2
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Andrei-Gheorghe Zbuchea
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Andrei-Gheorghe Zbuchea
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Application filed by Andrei-Gheorghe Zbuchea filed Critical Andrei-Gheorghe Zbuchea
Priority to ROA201200029A priority Critical patent/RO128713B1/en
Publication of RO128713A2 publication Critical patent/RO128713A2/en
Publication of RO128713B1 publication Critical patent/RO128713B1/en



  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)
  • Medicinal Preparation (AREA)
  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


The invention relates to an ointment composition exclusively made of natural ingredients, for treating burns and wounds. According to the invention, the composition comprises 15...25 parts of oily extracts from powders of marigold (Calendula officinalis), 15...25 parts of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), 15...25 parts of blackwort (Symphytum officinalis), 15...25 parts of greater burdock (Arctium lappa), 15...25 parts of marsh mallow (Althea officinalis), 20...40 parts of camomile (Matricaria chamomilla), 20...40 parts of greater plaintain (Plantago major), 10...20 parts of milfoil (Achillea millefolium), 10...20 parts of oak bark (Quercus cortex), 800 parts of olive oil (Olivarum oleum ), 100 parts of coconut oil (Cocos oleum), 100 parts of sea buckthorn oil (Hippophae oleum), 50...150 parts of bee wax (Cera flava), 50....150 parts of coniferous resin (Resina abies pini), 5...10 parts of lavender essential oil (Lavandulae aetheroleum).



Scopul prezentei invenții este de a introduce, in gama preparatelor medicinale pentru arsuri si plăgi, un nou preparat realizat exclusiv pe baza de componente naturale si plante medicinale, cu o acțiune terapeutica complexa.The purpose of the present invention is to introduce, in the range of medicinal preparations for burns and wounds, a new preparation made exclusively on the basis of natural components and medicinal plants, with a complex therapeutic action.

Unguentul prezentat este constituit din uleiuri vegetale (ulei de măsline, ulei de cocos si ulei de cătină), ceara de albine, rasina de conifere, ulei volatil de lavanda si extracte uleioase din pulberi de plante medicinale romanești: galbenele (Calendula officinalis), sunătoare (Hypericuni perforatum), tatancasa (Symphytum officinale), brusture (Arctium lappa), nalba rădăcină (Althea officinalis). mușețel (Matricaria chamomilla). patlagina (Plantago major), coada șoricelului (Achillea millefolium), scoarța de stejar (Quercus coertex). Unguentul conține componentele in următoarea relație de masa:The ointment presented consists of vegetable oils (olive oil, coconut oil and seaweed oil), beeswax, coniferous resin, volatile oil of lavender and oil extracts from powders of Romanian herbs: yellow (Calendula officinalis), ringworm (Hypericuni perforatum), tatancasa (Symphytum officinale), brusture (Arctium lappa), root nalba (Althea officinalis). chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). patlagina (Plantago major), rat's tail (Achillea millefolium), oak bark (Quercus coertex). The ointment contains the components in the following mass relation:

Galbenele Marigold Calendula officinalis Calendula officinalis 1 5-25 g 1 5-25 g Sunătoare rattle Hypericuni perforatum Hypericuni perforatum 15-25 g 15-25 g lataneasa lataneasa Symphytum officinale Symphytum officinale 15-25 g 15-25 g Brusture Burdock Arctium lappa Arctium lappa 15-25 g 15-25 g Nalba mallow Althea officinalis Althea officinalis 15-25 g 15-25 g Mușețel Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla Chamomilla Matricaria 20-40 g 20-40 g Patlagina plantain Plantago major Plantago major 20-40 g 20-40 g Coada șoricelului Yarrow Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium 10-20 g 10-20 g Stejar scoarța Oak bark Quercus cortex Quercus cortex 10-20 g 10-20 g Ulei de măsline Olive oil Olivarum oleum Olivarum oleum 800 g 800 g Ulei de cocos Coconut oil Cocos oleum Coconut oil lOOg Loog Ulei de cătină Seabuckthorn oil 1 lippophae oleum 1 lippophae oleum lOOg Loog Ceara de albine Bee wax Cera flava Yellow wax 50-150g 50-150g Rasina de conifere Coniferous root Resina (abies, pini) Resin (fir, pine) 50-150 g 50-150 g Ulei volatil de lavanda Volatile Lavender Oil Lavandulae aetheroleum Lavandulae aetheroleum 5-10 g 5-10 g

Plantele medicinale din conpozitia ungentului au proprietăți multiple, sinergice: epitelizante, cicatrizante. antimicrobiene, antiseptice, calmante, antialgice, imunomodulatorii. antiinflamatorii. antialergice. antipruriginoase ețc 1 2 J·4 - 6 7 10Principiile active din plante sunt extrase in ulei de măsline pe baie de apa. sub temperatura de fierbere a apei, in condiții optime, nedistructive, ceea ce asigura biodisponibilitatea terapeutica a principiilor active si concentrația maxima a acestora.Medicinal plants in the composition of the ointment have multiple, synergistic properties: epithelizing, healing. antimicrobial, antiseptic, soothing, anti-allergic, immunomodulatory. inflammatory. Allergy. antipruritic, e t c 1 2 J · 4 to 6 July 10 The active principles are extracted from plants in olive oil on a water bath. under the boiling water temperature, under optimal, non-destructive conditions, which ensures the therapeutic bioavailability of the active principles and their maximum concentration.

Uleiul de măsline este o baza suport pentru celelalte ingrediente, conferind extracția principiilor active ale acestora. Prin conținutul in gliceride. acizi grași, flavonoide, vitaminele A. E si K. acest ulei stimulează regenerarea celulara, formarea de colagen si elastina si asigura o buna hidratare tisulara. Ca varianta, in aceeași cantitate se poate utiliza uleiul de floarea soarelui (Heiianthi oleum) in locul uleiului de măsline, avand o compoziție asemanatoare, dar uleiul de măsline este dc preferat datorita acțiunii specifice antiinflamatoarc 11 lz 1De altfel, el a fost utilizat frecvent in decursul timpului pentru îngrijirea pielii si a parului.Olive oil is a base of support for the other ingredients, conferring the extraction of their active principles. By glyceride content. fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamins A. E and K. This oil stimulates cell regeneration, collagen and elastin formation and provides good tissue hydration. Alternatively, the same amount of sunflower oil (Heiianthi oleum) can be used instead of olive oil, having a similar composition, but olive oil is therefore preferred due to the specific anti-inflammatory action 11 lz 1 Moreover, it has been used frequently over time for skin and hair care.

Uleiul de cocos este util datorita structurii biochimice particulare; spre deosebire de celelalte uleiuri vegetale si de grăsimile de origine animala, este constituit in principal din acizi grași saturați cu lanț mediu (acizii lauric. capric. caprilic, miristic si palmitic). Printre altele.Coconut oil is useful due to its particular biochemical structure; Unlike other vegetable oils and animal fats, it is mainly composed of medium chain saturated fatty acids (lauric acids. capricious, caprylic, myristic and palmitic). Among others.

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aceasta proprietate previne oxidarea si rancezirea uleiului, facandu-l astfel potrivit pentru conservarea plantelor medicinale si pentru tratamentul plăgilor, alaturi de celelalte componente minore biologic active din compoziția sa 14 This property prevents oxidation and rancidity of the oil, making it very suitable for the conservation of medicinal plants for the treatment of wounds, along with other minor components of biologically active composition 14

Uleiul de cătină conține numeroși acizi grași esențiali, caroten, licopen, tocoferoli. fitosteroli etc. si are proprietăți antioxidante, epitelizante, antiinflamatorii, antialgice1617 IX.Chestnut oil contains many essential fatty acids, carotene, lycopene, tocopherols. phytosterols etc. and has antioxidant, epithelizing, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties 16 '17 IX .

Extractul uleios de rasina de conifere are acțiune antiseptica, reconfortanta, antiinHamatoare, cicatrizanta, astringenta, antioxidanta. imunomodulatoare 19 20·21.The oily extract of the coniferous resin has antiseptic, comforting, anti-Hamming, healing, astringent, antioxidant action. immunomodulators 19 20 · 21 .

Ceara de albine are acțiune antioxidanta, antiinflamatoare. antiseptica, este un bun agent de solidificare cu rol atat de protecție a plăgii fata de mediul exterior, cat si de condiționare a unguentului. Esterii si flavonoidele din ceara stimulează regenerarea tisulara, contribuie la hidratarea tisulara si au efect antiinflamator “Beeswax has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory action. antiseptic, it is a good solidifying agent with a role both for protecting the wound against the external environment and for conditioning the ointment. Esters and flavonoids in wax stimulate tissue regeneration, contribute to tissue hydration and have anti-inflammatory effect "

Uleiul volatil de lavanda asigura o aroma plăcută (benefica in special la pacienții arși) si are acțiune antiseptica, antimicrobiană, anestezica locala, antialergica 2425·26 -7-28 Volatile lavender oil provides a pleasant aroma (especially beneficial in burn patients) and has antiseptic, antimicrobial, local anesthetic, antiallergic action 24 '25 · 26 - 7 - 28

Unguentul propus, pe baza de uleiuri vegetale, plante medicinale, ceara de albine si rasina de conifere, asigura un microclimat umed favorabil regenerării epiteliale, in conjuncție cu acțiunile terapeutice intrinseci, particulare ale ingredientelor utilizate.The proposed ointment, based on vegetable oils, medicinal plants, beeswax and coniferous resin, provides a humid microclimate favorable to epithelial regeneration, in conjunction with the intrinsic therapeutic actions, particular of the ingredients used.

.Managementul umed al plăgilor reprezintă conceptul terapeutic de viitor in tratamentul leziunilor de diverse etiologii, in scopul obținerii unei vindecări mult mai rapide, de o mai buna calitate si cu un confort psihic sporit pentru pacient29 j() ,l j-3i -’4 Comparativ cu un mediu uscat, menținerea unui mediu umed la nivelul plăgilor favorizează procesul de vindecare si de epitelizare a acestora prin proprietăți terapeutice multiple:. Wet wound management represents the therapeutic concept of the future in the treatment of lesions of various etiologies, in order to obtain a much faster healing, of a better quality and with increased psychic comfort for the patient 29 j (), lj - 3i - ' 4 Compared to a dry environment, maintaining a moist environment at the level of the wounds favors the healing process and their epithelialization through multiple therapeutic properties:

• Reduce pierderea fluidelor corporale • Previne deshidratarea tisulara si moartea celulara • Izolează plaga de factorii ambientali potențial nocivi • Accelerează angiogeneza • Imbunatateste microcirculatia locala si astfel recuperează celulele semi-viabile • Creste eliminarea țesutului mort si a fibrinei • Reduce durerea in mod semnificativ • Promovează vindecarea cu reducerea cicatricilor si rezultate estetice acceptabile• Reduces loss of bodily fluids • Prevents tissue dehydration and cell death • Isolates the wound from potentially harmful environmental factors • Accelerates angiogenesis • Improves local microcirculation and thus recovers semi-viable cells • Increases elimination of dead tissue and fibrin • Reduces pain • Significantly reduces pain healing with reduced scars and acceptable aesthetic results

Unguentul propus favorizează vindecarea la nivelul plăgilor prin acțiuni multiple:The proposed ointment promotes wound healing through multiple actions:

• Asigura un microclimat local favorabil vindecării prin izolarea (sigilarea) plăgii fata de mediul ambiant, prin stimularea celulelor epiteliale, keratinociteior si celulelor endoteliale. prin restabilirea barierei lipidice a pielii si stimularea producției de colagen si elastina • Promovează epitelizarea chiar si in cazul plăgilor profunde prin stimularea rezervelor de celule epiteliale reziduale (din foliculii pilosi, glandele sebacee si glandele sudori pare) • Efectul antiinflamator si absorbția exudatului in exces permit o debridare precoce si o îndepărtare facila a pansamentelor • Acțiunea antiseptica si antimicrobiană a diferitelor ingrediente • Accelerarea vascularizatici de neoformatie • Creșterea comfortului pacientului prin reducerea durerii si lubrefiere locala, permițând astfel mobilizarea precoce • Favorizarea dezvoltării unui epiteliu de buna calitate • îndepărtarea pansamentului este ușoara si atraumatica. datorita neaderentei fata de țesuturi • Ușurința in aplicare chiar si in cazul plăgilor aflate in zone anatomice dificile (pliuri cutanate naturale, joncțiuni cutaneomucoase, plăgi adanci. anfractuoase)• Provides a local microclimate favorable for healing by isolating (sealing) the wound from the environment, by stimulating epithelial cells, keratinocytes and endothelial cells. by restoring the lipid barrier of the skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin • Promotes epithelialization even in the case of deep wounds by stimulating the reserves of residual epithelial cells (from hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands) • Anti-inflammatory effect and absorption of exudate allow early debridement and easy removal of dressings • Antiseptic and antimicrobial action of different ingredients • Vascularization acceleration of neoformation • Increased patient comfort by reducing local pain and lubrication, thus allowing early mobilization • Favoring the development of a good epithelial • and atraumatic. due to non-adherence to tissues • Ease of application even in the case of wounds in difficult anatomical areas (natural skin folds, cutaneous mucosal junctions, deep wounds.

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Ingredientele utilizate isi potenteaza reciproc acțiunile si conferă unguentului propus proprietăți benefice si acțiuni terapeutice multiple. El poate fî utilizat pentru tratarea diverselor leziuni ale pielii, ca adjuvant natural cu acțiune cicatrizanta, epitelizanta, antiseptica, antimicrobiana, antiinflamatoare, antialgica. imunomodulatoare, antiinflamatorie etc.The ingredients used enhance each other's actions and give the proposed ointment beneficial properties and multiple therapeutic actions. It can be used to treat various skin lesions, as a natural adjuvant with healing, epithelizing, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic action. immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, etc.

Procedeul de preparare a unguentului conform invenției se deslasoara in modul următor: intr-un vas, uleiul de măsline se amesteca cu pulberile de plante medicinale, se încălzește la temperatura de 70-90° C, timp de 4-6 ore (pe baie de apa, sub temperatura de fierbere a apei, in vederea extracției blânde, progresive a principiilor active din plante) si apoi sc filtrează. Uleiul fierbinte obtinut (cu extractele din plante medicinale) se amesteca mai intai cu ceara de albine maruntita si cu rasina de conifere, pana la dizolvarea acestora, apoi cu uleiul de cocos si de cătină (pe măsură ce scade temperatura preparatului) si in final se aduga uleiul volatil de lavanda, omogenizând continuu pana se răcește complet la temperatura camerei.The process of preparing the ointment according to the invention is disintegrated as follows: in a bowl, the olive oil is mixed with the powders of medicinal plants, heated to a temperature of 70-90 ° C, for 4-6 hours (per bath). water, under boiling water temperature, for gentle, progressive extraction of active principles from plants) and then filtered. The hot oil obtained (with the extracts from herbs) is mixed first with the beeswax and the coniferous resin, until they are dissolved, then with the coconut and sea buckthorn oil (as the temperature of the preparation decreases) and finally it is add the volatile lavender oil, stirring constantly until it cools completely to room temperature.

Bibliografia citataBibliography cited

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Claims (1)

REVENDICARECLAIM Un unguent pentru tratamentul arsurilor si plăgilor, caracterizat prin aceea ca este constituit din uleiuri vegetale (ulei de măsline, ulei de cocos si ulei de cătină), ceara de albine, rasina de conifere, ulei volatil de lavanda si extracte uleioase din pulberi de plante medicinale romanești: galbenele (Calendula officinalis), sunătoare (Hypericum perforatum). tatancasa (Symphytum officinale). brusture (Arctium lappa), nalba rădăcină (Althea officinalis), mușețel (Matricaria chamomilla). patlagina (Plantago major), coada șoricelului (Achillea millefolium), scoarța de stejar (Quercus coertex), in următoarea relație de masa:An ointment for the treatment of burns and wounds, characterized in that it consists of vegetable oils (olive oil, coconut oil and seaweed oil), beeswax, coniferous resin, volatile lavender oil and oily extracts from plant powders. Romanian medicinal products: yellow (Calendula officinalis), St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum). tatancasa (Symphytum officinale). brusture (Arctium lappa), root nalba (Althea officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). patlagina (Plantago major), rat's tail (Achillea millefolium), oak bark (Quercus coertex), in the following mass relation: Galbenele Marigold Calendula officinalis Calendula officinalis 15-25 g 15-25 g Sunătoare rattle Hypericum perforatum Hypericum perforatum 15-25 g 15-25 g Tataneasa comfrey Symphytum officinale Symphytum officinale 15-25 g 15-25 g Brusture Burdock Arctium lappa Arctium lappa 15-25 g 15-25 g Nalba mallow Althea officinalis Althea officinalis 15-25 g 15-25 g Mușețel Chamomile Matricaria chamomilla Chamomilla Matricaria 20-40 g 20-40 g Patlagina plantain Plantago major Plantago major 20-40 g 20-40 g Coada șoricelului Yarrow Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium 10-20g 10-20g Stejar scoarța Oak bark Quercus cortex Quercus cortex 10-20 g 10-20 g Ulei de măsline Olive oil Helianthi oleum Helianthi oleum 800 g 800 g Ulei de cocos Coconut oil Cocos oleum Coconut oil 100 g 100 g Ulei de cătină Seabuckthorn oil Hippophae oleum Hippophae oleum lOOg Loog Ceara de albine Bee wax Cera flava Yellow wax 50-150g 50-150g Rasina de conifere Coniferous root Resina (abies. pini) Resin (pine fir) 50-150 g 50-150 g Ulei volatil dc lavanda Volatile oil dc lavender Lavand ulae aethero 1 eum Lavand ulae aethero 1 eum 5-10 g 5-10 g
ROA201200029A 2012-01-16 2012-01-16 Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products RO128713B1 (en)

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ROA201200029A RO128713B1 (en) 2012-01-16 2012-01-16 Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products

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ROA201200029A RO128713B1 (en) 2012-01-16 2012-01-16 Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products

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ROA201200029A RO128713B1 (en) 2012-01-16 2012-01-16 Ointment with complex effects for treating burns and wounds, made exclusively of natural products

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Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2016140629A1 (en) * 2015-03-05 2016-09-09 PHARMACTIVE ILAÇ SANAYI VE TlCARET A. Ş. A topical composition comprising calendula, hypericum and lidocaine
WO2016144196A1 (en) * 2015-03-07 2016-09-15 Furmaniak Andrzej Karol A pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic composition for treating skin diseases and damages, the process for preparing of the pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic composition and its use
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CN110731977A (en) * 2019-11-28 2020-01-31 吉林省蚕业科学研究院 Preparation method and application of oak bark extracts
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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2016140629A1 (en) * 2015-03-05 2016-09-09 PHARMACTIVE ILAÇ SANAYI VE TlCARET A. Ş. A topical composition comprising calendula, hypericum and lidocaine
WO2016144196A1 (en) * 2015-03-07 2016-09-15 Furmaniak Andrzej Karol A pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic composition for treating skin diseases and damages, the process for preparing of the pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic composition and its use
RU2676085C1 (en) * 2018-03-21 2018-12-26 Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт лекарственных и ароматических растений (ФГБНУ ВИЛАР) Method of obtaining plant-based medicine of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action
EP3643293A1 (en) * 2018-10-26 2020-04-29 E Grau Active Cosmetics, S.L.U. An olive oil-based concentrate and a topically applied preparation for skin care and repair comprising said concentrate
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CN110731977B (en) * 2019-11-28 2021-11-26 吉林省蚕业科学研究院 Preparation method and application of oak bark extract
GR20210100036A (en) * 2021-01-18 2022-08-08 Νικολαος Αναργυρου Μουλας Pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic formulation comprising natural ingredients

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RO128713B1 (en) 2019-07-30

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