RO126753A2 - Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface - Google Patents

Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface Download PDF


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RO126753A2 ROA201000183A RO201000183A RO126753A2 RO 126753 A2 RO126753 A2 RO 126753A2 RO A201000183 A ROA201000183 A RO A201000183A RO 201000183 A RO201000183 A RO 201000183A RO 126753 A2 RO126753 A2 RO 126753A2
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electronic system
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Romanian (ro)
Ionel Niţă
Iulian Claudiu Duţu
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Inoe 2000-Institutul De Cercetări Pentru Hidraulică Şi Pneumatică
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Application filed by Inoe 2000-Institutul De Cercetări Pentru Hidraulică Şi Pneumatică filed Critical Inoe 2000-Institutul De Cercetări Pentru Hidraulică Şi Pneumatică
Priority to ROA201000183A priority Critical patent/RO126753A2/en
Publication of RO126753A2 publication Critical patent/RO126753A2/en



  • Control Of Presses (AREA)


The invention relates to a process for selecting the waste compacting mode using a hydraulic equipment actuated by an electronic system, for selecting and displaying the working parameters. According to the invention, the process consists in selecting, by means of a selecting and displaying panel (12) some hydraulic pressure-flow rate parameters expressed as current or voltage and preset for the waste to be compacted, the selected parameters being then transmitted through an electronic system (11) to a hydraulic flow rates and pressures module comprising a pressure valve (7), a two-way flow rate regulator (8), a pressure relay (9) and a transducer subassembly (10) consisting of two relative pressure transducers and a flow rate transducer, the electronic system (11) being meant to compare the preset pressure with the pressure measured by the compacting-pressure transducer, the achieved/not achieved compaction degree of the waste to be compacted leading to switching/not switching to a higher pressure stage, subject to reaching a reference pressure, the electronic system being also able to switch it to a lower pressure stage using the flow rate regulator (8), the end of a pressing cycle being confirmed by an electric limiter (14) which stops the pressing cylinder (15) and controls the electronic system (11) as to store the pressure-flow rate parameters as reference data for a new working cycle with the same waste.



Invenția se refera la un procedeu de selectare a forței si vitezei de compactare a deșeurilor, prin parametrii hidraulici de lucru (presiune, debit) in funcție de materialul folosit (hârtie, carton, PET, folia plastic la presele de compactat si la un echipament hidraulic modular proporțional, acționat printr-un sistem electronic, de la un panou pentru selectarea si afișarea parametrilor de lucru aleși.The invention relates to a process for selecting the force and speed of waste compaction, by hydraulic working parameters (pressure, flow) depending on the material used (paper, cardboard, PET, plastic foil for compaction presses and hydraulic equipment). proportional modular, operated by an electronic system, from a panel for selecting and displaying the chosen working parameters.

Procedeul are la baza utilizarea unei prese de compactat care poate realiza o forța de presare corespunzătoare unui grad de compactare specific fiecărui tip de deseu, in acest scop sistemul electronic de comanda fiind reglat pentru cinci presiuni si trei de debite cuprinse in domeniul de lucru. Echipamentul începe sa lucrează la o presiune prestabilita si specifica fiecărui tip de material in parte, iar daca aceasta se dovedește, in cazul concret de presare a fi insuficienta pentru deseul utilizat, echipamentul are posibilitatea de a trece automat, folosind o supapa hidraulica proporționala, la următoarea treapta de presiune, in mod succesiv pana la atingerea gradului de compactare necesar. In acest caz, debitul poate trece la o treapta inferioara, pentru încadrarea in puterea si caracteristica de reglabilitate a presei pi x Qj < NmaxThe process is based on the use of a compaction press that can achieve a pressing force corresponding to a degree of compaction specific to each type of waste, for this purpose the electronic control system being adjusted for five pressures and three flow rates within the working range. The equipment starts working at a predetermined pressure and specific to each type of material, and if this proves, in the specific case of pressing to be insufficient for the waste used, the equipment has the possibility to move automatically, using a proportional hydraulic valve, to the next pressure stage, successively until the required degree of compaction is reached. In this case, the flow can move to a lower stage, to fit the power and adjustability characteristic of the press pi x Qj <N ma x

Echipamentul hidraulic proporțional cu interfața digitala poate fi montat pe orice presa de compactat obișnuita si care conține:The hydraulic equipment proportional to the digital interface can be mounted on any ordinary compacting press and which contains:

-un rezervor (recomandat cu închidere etanșa);-a tank (recommended with sealed closure);

-un sistem dublu de filtrare ulei-a double oil filtration system

-o electropompa de ulei;-an oil electric pump;

-o supapa presiune pentru protecția sistemului hidraulic;-a pressure valve for the protection of the hydraulic system;

-cilindru de lucru pentru presare prevăzut cu limitatoare de cursa;- working cylinder for pressing provided with stroke limiters;

Domeniul de aplicabilitate ale soluțiilor invenției este cel al construcției de prese de compactat de mica sau medie capacitate de lucru, ce lucrează in incinte închise.The field of applicability of the solutions of the invention is that of the construction of compacting presses of small or medium working capacity, which work indoors.

In legătură cu procedeul de alegere a regimurilor de lucru la presele de compactat deșeuri sunt cunoscute ca variante procedeul manual si procedeul semiautomat de selectare a presiunilor si debitelor de lucru, care au amandoua următoarele dezavantaje:In connection with the process of choosing the working regimes for the waste compaction presses, the manual process and the semi-automatic process for selecting the working pressures and flows are known as variants, which have both the following disadvantages:

-procesul de presare are loc numai la presiunea maxima de siguranța a presei;-the pressing process takes place only at the maximum safety pressure of the press;

-consumul energetic la presare este același indiferent de tipul de material deseu-Pressure energy consumption is the same regardless of the type of waste material

In legătură cu echipamentele hidraulice folosite pentru aplicarea procedee!e^^^nt^ sunt cunoscute o multitudine de variante care au ca particularitate generala utilizra^âe apărâuKa 1 f (Wl <&/In connection with the hydraulic equipment used for the application of processes, a multitude of variants are known which have as their general peculiarity the use of the defense 1 f (Wl <& /


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(^- 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 8 3 -2 3 -02- 2010 hidraulica standard,cu interfețe analogice sau digitale si care au ca principal dezavantaj lipsa controlului energetic in timpul operării cu presa.(^ - 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 8 3 -2 3 -02- 2010 standard hydraulics, with analog or digital interfaces and which have as main disadvantage the lack of energy control during operation with the press.

Procedeu de selectare pe tipuri de materiale a regimurilor de lucru la compactarea deșeurilor din ambalaje, conform invenției, înlătură dezavantajele de la procedeele existente prin aceea ca:Process for the selection of material regimes for the compaction of packaging waste according to the invention, according to the invention, removes the disadvantages of existing processes in that:

-procesul de presare are loc la o presiune specifica fiecărui material de deseu in parte, sub presiunea de siguranța a presei-the pressing process takes place at a pressure specific to each waste material, under the safety pressure of the press

-in aceste condiții presiunile si debitele nu mai sunt fixe, ci corelate intre ele pe aceeași presa.-in these conditions the pressures and flows are no longer fixed, but correlated with each other on the same press.

- presarea se produce in condiții energetice mai bune si poate fi controlata energetic de operator in timpul lucrului.- pressing occurs in better energy conditions and can be energetically controlled by the operator during work.

Procedeul de selectare a regimurilor de compactare, conform invenției utilizează un echipamentul hidraulic proporțional cu interfața digitala, alcătuit din modulul hidraulic proporțional, sistem electronic de comanda, panoul pentru selectarea si afișarea parametrilor de lucru aleși. Acest procedeu prezintă următoarele avantaje:The process for selecting the compaction regimes according to the invention uses a hydraulic equipment proportional to the digital interface, consisting of the proportional hydraulic module, electronic control system, the panel for selecting and displaying the selected working parameters. This procedure has the following advantages:

-imbunatatirea energetica a procesului de compactare-energetic improvement of the compaction process

-oferă posibilitatea extinderii automatizării procesului de compactare.- offers the possibility to extend the automation of the compaction process.

Se da in continuare un exemplu de realizare a invenției, in legătură cu Fig. 1, care prezintă schema structurala si de materializare a procedeului de selectare pe tipuri de materiale a regimurilor de lucru la compactarea deșeurilor din ambalaje si Fig.2 care prezintă schema si componenta modulului hidraulic proporțional, utilizat in cadrul acestui procedeu.An embodiment of the invention is given below in connection with FIG. 1, which shows the structural and materialization scheme of the process for selecting on types of materials the working regimes for compacting packaging waste and Fig.2 which shows the scheme and component of the proportional hydraulic module, used in this process.

Procedeul propus de invenție este următorul:The proposed process of the invention is as follows:

-se alege de la panoul de selectare si afișare (12) prin comutatoarele „P” si „Q” parametrii hidraulici de presare prestabiliți presiune-debit ( pi,-Qj ) ,i=l...5; j=1..3, pentru un deseu de compactat, mărimi exprimate in curent sau tensiune. Mărimile acestor parametrii împreuna cu presiunea maxima de lucru (pO) sunt afișate digital pe panou.- select from the selection and display panel (12) through the switches „P” and „Q” the preset hydraulic pressure-flow pressure parameters (pi, -Qj), i = l ... 5; j = 1..3, for a compacted waste, quantities expressed in current or voltage. The sizes of these parameters together with the maximum working pressure (pO) are digitally displayed on the panel.

-Prin acționarea butonului ON/OFF este pornit ciclul de presare pentru deseul respectiv -Parametrii selectați sunt transmiși prin sistemul electronic (11) la modulul hidraulic proporțional pentru debite si presiuni alcătuit din: supapa proporționala de presiune (7), ce primește semnalele electrice de la selectorul ”P” si le transforma in mărimi hidraulice de presiune pi; regulatorul de debit cu doua cai (8), transforma proporțional semnalele electrice de la selectorul ”Q” in mărimi hidraulice de debit Qj . releul de presiune (9) valideaza in sistemul electronic daca evoluția presiunii nu depășește valoarea maxima de lucru (pO);-By pressing the ON / OFF button, the pressing cycle for the respective waste is started -The selected parameters are transmitted through the electronic system (11) to the proportional hydraulic module for flows and pressures consisting of: proportional pressure valve (7), which receives the electrical signals at the "P" selector and transforms them into hydraulic pressure quantities pi; the two-way flow regulator (8), proportionally transforms the electrical signals from the “Q” selector into hydraulic flow quantities Qj. the pressure relay (9) validates in the electronic system if the evolution of the pressure does not exceed the maximum working value (pO);

CV 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 8 3 -2 3 -02- 2010CV 2 0 1 0 - 0 0 1 8 3 -2 3 -02- 2010

-Variația presiunii si debitului in sistemul hidraulic este controlata de subansamblul traductorilor (10 ) alcătuit din doi traductori de presiune relativa Tp pentru presiunile (pO) si (pi) si un traductor de debit (presiune diferențiala) TQ-The variation of pressure and flow in the hydraulic system is controlled by the subassembly of transducers (10) consisting of two transducers of relative pressure Tp for pressures (pO) and (pi) and a flow transducer (differential pressure) TQ

Sistemul electronic compara presiunea prereglata (pi) cu cea masurata de traductorul ce masoara presiunea de presare (pn), iar nerealizarea /realizarea gradului de compactare pentru deseul in lucru produce comutarea /necomutarea pe următoarea treapta de presiune p;+i,The electronic system compares the preset pressure (pi) with that measured by the transducer that measures the pressing pressure (p n ), and not realizing / achieving the degree of compaction for the waste in work produces switching / non-switching on the next pressure stage p; + i,

Comutarea /necomutarea pe o alta treapta de presiune este condiționată de atingerea presiunii de referința (pi) la traductorul Tp, cu atingerea /neatingerea limitatorului de cursa electric (13) sistemul electronic de comanda si reglare modifica reglajul regulatorului de debit, daca e cazul, la o treapta inferioara Qj-i, folosind funcția de reglare pxQ <Nmax Switching / not switching to another pressure stage is conditioned by reaching the reference pressure (pi) at the transducer Tp, by touching / not touching the electric travel limiter (13) the electronic control and regulation system modifies the flow regulator setting, if necessary, at a lower stage Qj-i, using the adjustment function pxQ <N max

Limitatorul de cursa electric (14) confirma prin atingere încheierea unui ciclu de presare, oprirea cilindrului de presare (15) la capat de cursa si comanda sistemului electronic memorarea noilor parametrii de presiune-debit ca date de referința pentru un nou ciclu de lucru cu același deseu.The electric stroke limiter (14) confirms by touch the end of a pressing cycle, stopping the pressing cylinder (15) at the end of the stroke and controlling the electronic system memorizing the new pressure-flow parameters as reference data for a new duty cycle with the same waste.

In continuare se poate folosi pentru acest deseu comenzile standard ale preseiThe standard press commands can still be used for this waste

Reapasarea butonul ON/OFF”de la panoul de selectare regimuri de lucru, permite ștergerea vechilor parametrii din sistemul electronic si pregătește presa pentru un nou ciclu de presare pentru un nou deseuPressing the “ON / OFF” button again on the operating mode selection panel allows the old parameters to be deleted from the electronic system and prepares the press for a new pressing cycle for a new waste.

Evoluția parametrilor de presiune si debit in timpul lucrului este vizualizata pe interfața digitala a echipamentului pe afisajele „po” „pn” si „Qn” corespunzătoare traductorilor Tp si traductorului Qn.The evolution of the pressure and flow parameters during the work is visualized on the digital interface of the equipment on the displays “po” “pn” and “Qn” corresponding to the transducers Tp and the transducer Qn.

Claims (2)

REVENDICĂRI 1- Procedeu de selectare a regimurilor de compactare a deșeurilor din ambalaje, folosind echipament hidraulic proporțional cu interfața digitala, caracterizat prin aceea ca selectarea parametrilor tehnologici, forța si viteza de presare a unui deseu se face prin alegerea de la panoul de selectare si afișare (12) prin comutatoarele „P” si „Q” a parametrilor hidraulici de presare prestabiliți presiune-debit pentru un deseu de compactat, mărimi exprimate in curent sau tensiune, mărimile acestor parametrii împreuna cu presiunea maxima de lucru fiind afișate pe panou; parametrii selectați sunt transmiși prin sistemul electronic (11) la modulul hidraulic proporțional pentru debite si presiuni (6,7,8,9,10), sistemul electronic compara presiunea prereglata (pi)' cu cea masurata de traductorul ce masoara presiunea de presare, iar nerealizarea /realizarea gradului de compactare pentru deseul in lucru produce comutarea /necomutarea pe următoarea treapta de presiune, comutarea /necomutarea pe o alta treapta de presiune este condiționată de atingerea presiunii de referința, cu atingerea /neatingerea limitatorului de cursa electric (13), sistemul electronic modifica reglajul regulatorului de debit, daca e cazul, la o treapta inferioara, folosind funcția de reglare pxQ...Nmax ; limitatorul de cursa electric (14) confirma prin atingere încheierea unui ciclu de presare, oprirea cilindrului de presare (15) la capat de cursa si comanda sistemului electronic memorarea noilor parametrii de presiune-debit ca date de referința pentru un nou ciclu de lucru cu același deseu; in continuare se poate folosi pentru acest deseu comenzile standard ale presei; reapasarea butonul ON/OFF”de la panoul de selectare regimuri de lucru, permite ștergerea vechilor parametrii din sistemul electronic si pregătește presa pentru un nou ciclu de presare pentru un nou deseu; evoluția parametrilor de presiune si debit in timpul lucrului este vizualizata pe interfața digitala a echipamentului pe afisajele „po” „pn” si „Qn” corespunzătoare traductorilor Qn.1- Procedure for selecting the compaction regimes of packaging waste, using hydraulic equipment proportional to the digital interface, characterized in that the selection of technological parameters, force and speed of pressing a waste is done by choosing from the selection and display panel ( 12) through the switches „P” and „Q” of the preset hydraulic pressure-flow pressure parameters for a compacting waste, quantities expressed in current or voltage, the quantities of these parameters together with the maximum working pressure being displayed on the panel; the selected parameters are transmitted through the electronic system (11) to the proportional hydraulic module for flows and pressures (6,7,8,9,10), the electronic system compares the preset pressure (pi) 'with that measured by the transducer that measures the pressing pressure, and failure to achieve / achieve the degree of compaction for the working waste causes switching / non-switching to the next pressure stage, switching / non-switching to another pressure stage is conditioned by reaching the reference pressure, by touching / not touching the electric travel limiter (13), the electronic system modifies the flow controller setting, if necessary, to a lower gear, using the pxQ ... N max adjustment function; the electric travel limiter (14) confirms by touch the end of a pressing cycle, stopping the pressing cylinder (15) at the end of the stroke and controlling the electronic system memorizing the new pressure-flow parameters as reference data for a new working cycle with the same waste; the standard press commands can still be used for this waste; repeating the ON / OFF button ”from the operating mode selection panel, allows the deletion of the old parameters from the electronic system and prepares the press for a new pressing cycle for a new waste; the evolution of the pressure and flow parameters during the work is visualized on the digital interface of the equipment on the displays “po” “pn” and “Qn” corresponding to the transducers T p .si Q n . 2- Procedeu de selectare a regimurilor de compactare a deșeurilor din ambalaje, folosind echipament hidraulic proporțional cu interfața digitala, conform revendicării 1, caracterizat prin aceea ca utilizează un modulul hidraulic proporțional pentru debite si presiuni alcătuit din: supapa proporționala de presiune (7), regulatorul de debit cu doua cai (8), releul de presiune (9) si subansamlul traductorilor (10 ) folosind doi traductori de presiune relativa Tp si un traductor de debit TQ .A method for selecting packaging compaction regimes using packaging equipment proportional to the digital interface according to claim 1, characterized in that it uses a proportional hydraulic module for flows and pressures consisting of: proportional pressure valve (7), the two-way flow regulator (8), the pressure relay (9) and the transducer subassembly (10) using two relative pressure transducers Tp and a flow transducer TQ.
ROA201000183A 2010-02-23 2010-02-23 Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface RO126753A2 (en)

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ROA201000183A RO126753A2 (en) 2010-02-23 2010-02-23 Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface

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ROA201000183A RO126753A2 (en) 2010-02-23 2010-02-23 Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface

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RO126753A2 true RO126753A2 (en) 2011-10-28



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ROA201000183A RO126753A2 (en) 2010-02-23 2010-02-23 Process for selecting package-waste compacting mode, using a proportional hydraulic equipment with digital interface

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN106227073A (en) * 2016-08-31 2016-12-14 四川省四通车辆制造有限公司 A kind of control method of garbage compression station

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN106227073A (en) * 2016-08-31 2016-12-14 四川省四通车辆制造有限公司 A kind of control method of garbage compression station
CN106227073B (en) * 2016-08-31 2018-12-18 四川省四通车辆制造有限公司 A kind of control method and control system of garbage compression station

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