RO125947A0 - Composition for preparing dietetic cookies - Google Patents

Composition for preparing dietetic cookies Download PDF


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RO125947A0 ROA201000748A RO201000748A RO125947A0 RO 125947 A0 RO125947 A0 RO 125947A0 RO A201000748 A ROA201000748 A RO A201000748A RO 201000748 A RO201000748 A RO 201000748A RO 125947 A0 RO125947 A0 RO 125947A0
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RO125947B1 (en
Radu Gabriel George
Alina Eugenia Marinescu
Dragoş Mihai
Carmen Melania Stoenescu
Mihail Popescu
Original Assignee
Radu Gabriel George
Alina Eugenia Marinescu
Dragoş Mihai
Carmen Melania Stoenescu
Mihail Popescu
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Radu Gabriel George, Alina Eugenia Marinescu, Dragoş Mihai, Carmen Melania Stoenescu, Mihail Popescu filed Critical Radu Gabriel George
Priority to ROA201000748A priority Critical patent/RO125947B1/en
Publication of RO125947A0 publication Critical patent/RO125947A0/en
Publication of RO125947B1 publication Critical patent/RO125947B1/en



  • Coloring Foods And Improving Nutritive Qualities (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Plant Substances (AREA)
  • Bakery Products And Manufacturing Methods Therefor (AREA)


The invention relates to a composition for preparing dietetic cookies. According to the invention, the composition comprises a mixture of 1...3% apple fibres, 1...3% oat fibres, 1...3% inulin, 1...2% psyllium fibre hydrated with 30 l of water containing 3.3% fructose, 0.3% acesulpham and 1.65% salt, and mixed with 20% eggs, 10% integral wheat flour, 5...7% oat flakes, 1...3% whey protein, 5% wheat bran, 2% olive oil, 2% wheat germs, 1% cinnamon, 0.5% soya flour, 0.5% malt flour, 0.2% sodium dicarbonate and 0.1 ammonium dicarbonate.



Invenția se refera la o compoziție pentru prepararea unor produse din grupa biscuiți, in special a unui sortiment de fursecuri dietetice , cu valoare energetica scăzută, kilocalorii puține, produsele realizate fiind concepute in special pentru consumul persoanelor cu deficiente de metabolism (mai precis diabet zaharat tip II).The invention relates to a composition for the preparation of products from the group of biscuits, in particular of an assortment of dietary snacks, with low energy value, few kilocalories, the products made being designed especially for the consumption of people with metabolic deficiencies (more precisely type diabetes II).

In prezent, produsele specifice acestui segment de piața au un continui caloric ridicat (conținutul de carbohidrati fiind parțial înlocuit de lipide, ceea ce duce la creșterea valorii energetice), aceasta problema fiind rezolvata cu ajutorul fibrelor care, deși sunt carbohidrati, au doar 1-1.3 kcal in loc de 4 kcal cat au carbohidratii.Currently, the products specific to this segment of the market have a high caloric content (the carbohydrate content is partially replaced by lipids, which leads to the increase of the energy value), this problem being solved with the help of fibers that, although they are carbohydrates, have only 1- 1.3 kcal instead of 4 kcal as they have carbohydrates.

Conform studiului clinic efectuat la Institutul național de diabet si boli de nutriție ‘ N. Paulescu ‘ ce a constat in urmărirea efectelor consumului a 50 gr de fursecuri,de către 6 pacienți cu diabet de tip II si 3 persoane sanatoase timp de 2 saptamani, prin efectuarea următoarelor analize : insulinemie, trigliceride, acid uric, LDL colesterol, HDL colesterol la începutul si sfârșitul studiului, si de glicemie a jeun, la 30,60,120 min după fiecare ingerare a produsului, consumul acestor produse nu modifica glicemia postprandiala si nici colesterolul.According to the clinical study conducted at the National Institute of Diabetes and Nutrition Diseases 'N. Paulescu', which consisted of monitoring the effects of the consumption of 50 gr of yeasts, by 6 patients with type II diabetes and 3 healthy persons for 2 weeks, by performing the following analyzes: insulinemia, triglycerides, uric acid, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol at the beginning and end of the study, and fasting blood glucose, at 30,60,120 min after each ingestion of the product, the consumption of these products does not change postprandial blood glucose or cholesterol.

In SUA, studiile asupra bolnavilor de diabet, efectuate de prof. James Anderson, de la Universitatea din Kentucky, au condus la concluzii relevante: bolnavii de diabet supusi unui regim bogat in fibre alimentare siau redus dozele de insulina după numai cateva saptamani. Prof. James Anderson a explicat cum actioneaza un tratament naturist in diabet: printr-o acțiune mecanica foarte simpla, fibrele alimentare împiedica zaharul sa treaca prea repede prin peretele intestinal, ducând astfel la o scădere a glucozei in sânge. Pancreasul produce mai putina insulina, deci lucrează mult mai puțin si isi pastreaza toata capacitatea de acțiune. Acest lucru scoate in evidenta importanta deosebita a fibrelor vegetale pentru un tratament eficient in diabetul zaharat.In the US, studies on diabetes patients by Prof. James Anderson of the University of Kentucky have led to relevant conclusions: Diabetes patients undergoing a diet high in fiber will reduce their insulin doses after only a few weeks. Prof. James Anderson explained how a natural treatment in diabetes works: by a very simple mechanical action, the dietary fibers prevent sugar from passing too quickly through the intestinal wall, leading to a decrease in blood glucose. The pancreas produces less insulin, so it works much less and retains its full capacity to act. This highlights the particular importance of plant fibers for effective treatment in diabetes.

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S-a demonstrat ca psylliumul scade nivelul glucozei in sânge si al hemoglobinei glicozilate, la pacienții cu diabet de tip II. Absorbția glucozei scade semnificativ in prezenta psylliumului (12,2%). Aceasta reducere nu este asociata cu modificări importante ale nivelului insulinei (5%) la persoanele cu diabet. Nivelul peptidei-C si al excreției de glucoza in urina, la 24 de ore, a scăzut cu 14,9% si 22,5% pe parcursul tratamentului cu fibre de psyllium. Psylliumul a scăzut de asemenea nivelul colesterolului total si al celui LDL, cu 7,7% si 9,2%, si al acidului uric cu 10%, lucruri deosebit de importante pentru bolnavii de diabet.Psyllium has been shown to lower blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels in patients with type II diabetes. Glucose uptake is significantly decreased in the presence of psyllium (12.2%). This reduction is not associated with major changes in insulin level (5%) in people with diabetes. The level of peptide-C and glucose excretion in the urine at 24 hours decreased by 14.9% and 22.5% during treatment with psyllium fibers. Psyllium also decreased total cholesterol and LDL levels by 7.7% and 9.2%, and uric acid by 10%, which is particularly important for patients with diabetes.

Un studiu efectuat la Universitatea Kentucky (SUA) arata ca fibrele solubile din psyllium scad glicemia postprandiala si concentrația colesterolului in sânge si sunt bine tolerate de pacienții cu diabet de tip II. In studiu au fost incluși barbati cu diabet de tip II si cu hipercolesterolemie moderata. O parte dintre subiecți au primit cate 5,1 g psyllium de doua ori pe zi, timp de opt saptamani, restul au primit un supliment placebo. Glicemia si colesterolul au fost măsurate de doua ori pe saptamana. Nivelul colesterolului total si al celui LDL a scăzut cu 8,9%, respectiv 13,0% in grupul care a primit psyllium, comparativ cu grupul care a primit placebo.A study at the University of Kentucky (US) shows that soluble fibers in psyllium lower postprandial blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels and are well tolerated by patients with type II diabetes. Men with type II diabetes and moderate hypercholesterolemia were included in the study. Some subjects received 5.1 g psyllium twice daily for eight weeks, the rest received a placebo supplement. Glycemia and cholesterol were measured twice a week. Total cholesterol and LDL levels decreased by 8.9% and 13.0% respectively in the group receiving psyllium, compared to the group receiving placebo.

Un alt studiu a analizat efectul asocierii semințelor de psyllium cu o dieta saraca in grăsimi in caz de diabet. Studiul a durat 6 saptamani si la el au participat 120 de subiecți cu diabet de tip II. Nivelul glicemiei, al colesterolului si trigliceridelor a fost masurat o data la doua saptamani. Pacienții cu diabet au primit zilnic cate trei doze de psyllium de 5 g, înainte de mesele principale. S-a observat o toleranta foarte buna la psyllium si de asemenea o reducere semnificativa a glicemiei si colesterolului, la bolnavii cu diabet de tip II.Another study looked at the effect of combining psyllium seeds with a low-fat diet in diabetes. The study lasted 6 weeks and was attended by 120 subjects with type II diabetes. The level of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides was measured once every two weeks. Diabetes patients received three doses of 5 g of psyllium daily before the main meals. A very good tolerance to psyllium was observed and also a significant reduction of glucose and cholesterol in patients with type II diabetes.

Un studiu efectuat la Social Security Institute and Research Group (Durango, Mexic) a aratat ca psylliumul poate fi folosit ca adjuvant in terapia bolnavilor cu diabet de tip II, pentru a reduce nivelul de colesterol si glicemia. Subiecții studiului au primit cate 5 g de fibre de psyllium, de 3 ori pe zi, înainte de mesele principale. După 6 saptamani s-au observat o reducere semnificativa a colesterolului si un control mai bun al glicemiei. Cercetătorii mexicani au remarcat de asemenea toleranta excelenta a psylliumului de către bolnavii cu diabet zaharat de tip II.A study by the Social Security Institute and Research Group (Durango, Mexico) showed that psyllium can be used as an adjuvant in the therapy of patients with type II diabetes, to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The study subjects received 5 g of psyllium fiber, 3 times daily, before the main meals. After 6 weeks there was a significant reduction in cholesterol and a better control of blood sugar levels. Mexican researchers also noted the excellent tolerance of psyllium by patients with type II diabetes.

Extrasi din rădăcină de cicoare, fructantii tip inulina nu pot fi digerați de enzimele digestive, dar sunt fermentați de microflora colonului.Extracts from the chicory root, inulin-like fruits cannot be digested by digestive enzymes, but are fermented by the colon's microflora.

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Conținutul scăzut in kilocalorii 1-1,3 kcal/g asigura folosirea cu succes in curele de slăbire iar la nivelul sistemului digestiv determina o senzație de satietate ;consumul de fibre de cicoare (inulina) imbunatateste digestia, combate constipatia, intensifica absorbția calciului, are un efect stimulator asupra sistemului imun ducând la micșorarea colesterolului.The low content in kilocalories 1-1,3 kcal / g ensures successful use in weight loss belts and at the level of the digestive system determines a feeling of satiety; the consumption of chicory fibers (inulin) improves digestion, fights constipation, intensifies the absorption of calcium, has a stimulating effect on the immune system leading to lower cholesterol.

Pentru prezentarea stadiului tehnicii anexez la descriere un extras din raportul făcut de Prof. Dr. Andreas f. h. Pfeiffer de la Institutul German de nutriție umana Potsdam Rehbruecke : Influenta fibrelor dietetice de grâu si ovăz introduse in pâine asupra indicilor glicemici si insulinemici.To present the state of the art I attach to the description an extract from the report made by Prof. Dr. Andreas f. H. Pfeiffer from the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam Rehbruecke: The influence of dietary fiber of wheat and oats introduced into bread on glycemic and insulinemic indices.

In cadrul studiului au fost incluse 14 femei cu toleranta normala la glucoza (NTG), fara sa ia alta medicatie ,care au fost supuse timp de mai multe saptamani unei diete cu trei tipuri de pâine (alba, alba imbogatita cu fibre de grâu si alba imbogatita cu fibre de ovăz), pâine cu următoarele caracteristici:The study included 14 women with normal glucose tolerance (NTG), without taking any other medication, who were subjected for several weeks to a diet with three types of bread (white, white enriched with wheat fiber and white bread enriched with oat fiber), bread with the following characteristics:

Produse testate Products tested Pâine A The bread Pâine B B bread Pâine C Bread C Conținut ne nortie Content us personality Pâine alba White bread Fibre erau WF101 Fibers were WF101 Fibre ovăz HF101 Oat fibers HF101 Val energetica (kJ) Energy Val (kJ) 1005 1005 1009 1009 1005 1005 Val calorica (kcal) Calorie (kcal) 240 240 241 241 240 240 Carbohidrati (g) Carbohydrate (g) 50 50 50 50 50 50 Proteina (e) Protein (s) 7,2 7.2 7,3 7.3 7,3 7.3 Grăsime (s) Fat (s) 0,82 0.82 0,85 0.85 0,84 0.84 Fibre ie) Fiber ie) 2.9 2.9 13.4 13.4 13.5 13.5 Minerale (2) Minerals (2) 1,74 1.74 1,87 1.87 1,80 1.80 Porție (g) pe 50 g Portion (g) per 50 g 103 103 131 131 133 133 carbohydrati Carbohydrate

TABEL 1 : Conținutul nutrițional si energetic al pâinii testate .TABLE 1: Nutritional and energy content of bread tested.

Concluziile studiului sunt următoarele :The conclusions of the study are as follows:

Consumul pâinii imbogatite cu fibre de ovăz sau de grâu conduce la un răspuns rapid al insulinei, asociat cu un trend de scădere a fluctuației glicemiei postprandiala.Masurarea indicelui glicemic in urma consumului a 50 gr. de carbohidrati a demonstrat ca substituția parțiala a fainii cu fibre de grâu sau de ovăz poate duce la efecte benefice asupra glicemieiThe consumption of bread enriched with oat or wheat fibers leads to a rapid insulin response, associated with a tendency to decrease postprandial blood glucose fluctuation. Measurement of glycemic index after consumption of 50 gr. of carbohydrates has shown that partial substitution of flour with wheat or oat fiber can lead to beneficial effects on blood sugar

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8 -08- 20W postprandiale si a insulinemiei .Se asteapta efecte benefice si asupra persoanelor al căror metabolism este dereglat (bolnavii de diabet in special)8 -08- 20W postprandial and insulinemia. Beneficial effects are also expected on people whose metabolism is disturbed (patients with diabetes in particular)

Prin aplicarea invenției se obțin următoarele avantaje :The following advantages are obtained by applying the invention:

- realizarea unui sortiment de fursecuri de calitate superioara, cu o valoare energetica scăzută , putând fi consumate si in dietele de slăbire.- realization of an assortment of high quality donuts, with a low energy value, which can be consumed in lean diets.

- posibilitatea ca aceste fursecuri sa fie consumate de pacienții cu deficiente de metabolism (mai exact de cei cu diabet zaharat de tip II) conform studiului clinic efectuat la Institutul național de diabet ‘N Paulescu ‘, studiu care a demonstrat ce ingerarea acestor fursecuri nu modifica glicemia postprandiala si nici colesterolul.- the possibility of these kidneys being consumed by patients with metabolic deficiencies (more precisely those with type II diabetes) according to the clinical study conducted at the national diabetes institute 'N Paulescu', a study that showed that ingestion of these kidneys does not Postprandial blood sugar and no cholesterol.

Se da mai jos un mod de realizare a compoziției care face obiectul invenției si implicit, a obținerii sortimentului de fursecuri.Below is a way of achieving the composition that is the object of the invention and implicitly, of obtaining the assortment of sips.

Pentru fabricarea a 100 kg de produs finit se pregătește mixul de fibre format din : fibre de mar 1-3%, fibre de ovăz 1-3%, inulina (fibra de cicoare) 1-3%, fibra de psyllium 1-2%. Acestea se hidrateaza timp de 30 minute , pentru aceasta folosindu-se o soluție din : apa 30 litri, fructoza 1 kg, acesulfam k 0.1 kg, sare 0.5 kg .For the manufacture of 100 kg of finished product, the fiber mix consisting of: 1-3% apple fiber, 1-3% oat fiber, inulin (chicory fiber) 1-3%, psyllium fiber 1-2% is prepared. . They are hydrated for 30 minutes, using a solution of: 30 liters water, fructose 1 kg, acesulfam k 0.1 kg, salt 0.5 kg.

Peste acest amestec hidratat se adauga in cuva malaxorului: oua 20%, faina integrala 10%, fulgi de ovăz 5-7 %, proteina de zer 1-3%, tarata de grâu 5%, ulei de măsline 2 %, germeni de grâu 2%, scorțișoara 1%, faina de soia 0.5%, faina de malt 0.5%.Se malaxeaza timp de 15 minute si după completa omogenizare se adauga 0.2 % bicarbonat de sodiu si 0.1% bicarbonat de amoniu, malaxandu-se inca un minut.Over this hydrated mixture is added to the mixer bowl: 20% eggs, 10% whole wheat flour, 5-7% oatmeal, 1-3% whey protein, 5% wheat bran, 2% olive oil, wheat germs 2%, cinnamon 1%, soy flour 0.5%, malt flour 0.5%. Mix for 15 minutes and after complete homogenization add 0.2% sodium bicarbonate and 0.1% ammonium bicarbonate, mixing for another minute.

Se introduce aluatul in mașina de turnat fursecuri si se prelucrează conform procedeelor obișnuite . Coacerea se face la 160 0 C timp de 15 min.Insert the dough into the donut molding machine and process according to the usual procedures. Baking is done at 160 0 C for 15 minutes.

Conform analizelor efectuate la LAREX aceste produse sunt bogate in calciu, vitamina D,vitamina E, magneziu , potasiu.According to the analyzes carried out at LAREX, these products are rich in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium.

Claims (1)

Compoziție pentru prepararea unor fursecuri dietetice constituita din faina integrala, grăsimi vegetale, tarata de grâu, proteina de zer, fulgi de ovăz,oua,sare,faina de soia,germeni de grâu,scorțișoara, faina de malt,bicarbonat de sodiu, bicarbonat de amoniu,acesulfam k, fructoza, caracterizata prin aceea ca mai conține o cantitate de 10% fibre solubile si insolubile (psyllium, cicoare, ovăz, mar) cu rolul de a împiedica zaharul sa treaca mai repede prin peretele intestinal, ducând astfel la o scădere a glucozei in sânge.Composition for the preparation of dietary beans consisting of whole wheat flour, vegetable fats, wheat bran, whey protein, oatmeal, eggs, salt, soybean meal, wheat germ, cinnamon, malt flour, sodium bicarbonate, baking soda ammonium, acesulfam k, fructose, characterized in that it also contains an amount of 10% soluble and insoluble fibers (psyllium, chicory, oats, apple) with the role of preventing the sugar to pass faster through the intestinal wall, thus leading to a decrease of glucose in the blood.
ROA201000748A 2010-08-18 2010-08-18 Composition for preparing dietetic cookies RO125947B1 (en)

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ROA201000748A RO125947B1 (en) 2010-08-18 2010-08-18 Composition for preparing dietetic cookies

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ROA201000748A RO125947B1 (en) 2010-08-18 2010-08-18 Composition for preparing dietetic cookies

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RO125947A0 true RO125947A0 (en) 2011-01-28
RO125947B1 RO125947B1 (en) 2013-03-29



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ROA201000748A RO125947B1 (en) 2010-08-18 2010-08-18 Composition for preparing dietetic cookies

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
ES2583429R1 (en) * 2015-03-18 2016-09-21 Rafael Mendez Cobos SWEET HYPOGLUCEMIANTE

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
ES2583429R1 (en) * 2015-03-18 2016-09-21 Rafael Mendez Cobos SWEET HYPOGLUCEMIANTE

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RO125947B1 (en) 2013-03-29

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