OA18874A - Metal plate having hollow tubes sandwiched therein and its use - Google Patents

Metal plate having hollow tubes sandwiched therein and its use Download PDF


Publication number
OA18874A OA1201800345 OA18874A OA 18874 A OA18874 A OA 18874A OA 1201800345 OA1201800345 OA 1201800345 OA 18874 A OA18874 A OA 18874A
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hollow pipes
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Yue Zhang
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Yue Zhang
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Application filed by Yue Zhang filed Critical Yue Zhang
Publication of OA18874A publication Critical patent/OA18874A/en



Disclosed are a hollow pipe-sandwiching metal plate and applications thereof. The hollow pipesandwiching metal plate comprises a first panel, a second panel, and multiple hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel; gaps are arranged among the hollow pipes, and the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel by brazing. The present invention further includes the applications of the hollow pipe-sandwiching metal plate. On one hand, the hollow pipe-sandwiching metal plate has advantages, such as light weight, high strength, low stress, high temperature resistance, pressure bearing, thermal insulation and vibration isolation; on the other hand, it can be ensured that the metal plate won't deform due to thermal difference, and thereby the permanent service life of the métal plate is guaranteed.


Technical Field
The présent invention relates to the technical field of composite materials, and in parlicular, to a hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate and applications thereof.
Related Art
Most conventional sandwich composite plates adopt honcycomb plates. However, the conventional honcycomb plates hâve the following dcfccts: (l). As low-and-tncdium-tcmpcralurc wclding is adopted usually, for cxamplc, a wclding température is 200°C to 300°C, once a honcycomb plate is affcctcd by a high température, for cxamplc, a lire occurs, it will Icad lo a grcal dccrcasc in the slrcngth of the honcycomb plate, the honcycomb plate may even fall apart, and thcrcforc such honcycomb plaies cannol be used in bcaring structures. Bccausc the honcycomb plates arc cxtrcmcly sensitive to cnvironmcntal changes, the durability of bcaring structures will be grcally dccrcascd, and morcovcr, the life is short, and safety is poor. (2). As honcycomb corcs arc normally arranged tightly together, during healing, gas llow cannot ilow uniformly in the honcycomb corcs. As a rcsult, wclding is nonuniform, falsc wclding or lack of wclding at multiple positions of the honcycomb corcs or forming of crcviccs or holcs may be causcd casily, and thcrcforc ovcrall wclding slrcngth and structural slability arc dccrcascd, (3). The honcycomb corcs gcncrally can be wcldcd only by means of radiation healing. Healing by using this heating method is slow, casily Icading to nonuniform healing of a workpiccc. Conscqucntly, thermal deformation is cngcndcrcd, a défective rate is incrcascd grcally, service life is shorlcncd, and production cosls arc incrcascd. Furthcrmorc, after healing is complète, the workpiccc needs to be transported into a cooling chambcr for cooling, and thcrcforc heating and cooling cannol be complctcd in one step. As a rcsult, working lime is prolongcd grcally, and the cfficicncy is lowcrcd. (4). The wclding belween the honcycomb corcs and panels is not finit, lincar-conlact or point-contact wclding is adopted most, and ovcrall slability is poor.
In addition, bccausc of dcfccts in wclding proccsscs and structures, ail the existing sandwich composite plates cannol be used in bcaring structures, cannol be brazed convcnicntly with hot gas, and do not hâve propcrtics such as high strength and high température résistance.
The objective of the présent invention is to providc a hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate with light weight, high strength, low stress, prcssurc-bcaring ability, hcat-insulaling ability and high température résistance and applications thereof to ovcrcomc the abovc-mcnlioncd dcfccts of the prior art.
The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate of the présent invention comprises a first panel, a second panel, and multiple hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel; a gap is arranged between at least two hollow pipes, and the hollow pipes arc conncctcd to the first panel and the second panel by brazing.
Further, through gas passages arc arranged among the hollow pipes. High-température gas is utilized to flow through the gas passages for heating to braze the hollow pipes to the first panel and the second panel.
By arranging the through gas passages, the structure of the métal plate can be integrated with a brazing proccss, which, in comparison with methods, such as radiation heating applied on the outer surface of the métal plate, has the following advantages: on one hand, the high-température gas runs through the inner cavity of the métal plate and is in contact with the hollow pipes, so that températures at ail positions of the métal plate arc close, conscqucntly, température uniformity is incrcascd grcatly, and deformation cannol be causcd due to thermal différence; on the other hand, heating lime can be shortened, and the cfficicncy and quality of brazing can be incrcascd.
The through gas passages can be one or any combination of thrcc types of structures including horizontal gas passages, longitudinal gas passages and oblique gas passages.
The température οΓ the above-mentioned high-tcmpcraturc gas needs to be higher than the température of the brazing fil lcr métal used in brazing but lowcr than the température of base métal, so that the brazing Ciller métal can be mcltcd while the base métal is nol damaged. The high-tcmpcraturc gas can be shiclding gas, such as niirogcn, hcliutn or hydrogen,
Cold gas can be ulîlizcd to flow through the gas passages to dccrcasc température to 5 cool the hollow pipes, the First panel and lhe second panel for shaping.
Further, at least onc end of each hollow pipe is provided with a (lange; the multiple hollow pipes ail arc hollow pipes with flangcs; or the multiple hollow pipes includc hollow pipes with flangcs and hollow pipes without (langes. The flangcs can cnlargc the wclding areas belween the hollow pipes and lhe panels, incrcasing the brazing strenglh of the 10 hollow pipes.
Each (lange of the invention can be a contact surface bent oulwardiy along the end of lhe hollow pipe or a contact surface bent inwardly along lhe end of the hollow pipe; lhe (lange can also be separately arranged contact surfaces extending oulwardiy along lhe end ofthe hollow pipe, such as al least two symmctrical scmicirclcs or at least two symmctncal 15 slrips, or another spccially shapcd structure, such as a pctal shapc; and the (lange can also be a contact surface which is tumed ont horizonlally along the end of the hollow pipe and bent downwardly. Any of the above-mentioned (lange structures can cnlargc the wclding areas belween lhe hollow pipes and the panels.
In addition, among the multiple hollow pipes, at least onc end of each of pari of the 20 hollow pipes may be provided with the (lange, and the other hollow pipes may not be provided with flangcs.
Further, each hollow pipe can be of a closcd structure, a hollow structure, a scmi-closcd structure or the like. For cxamplc, the closcd structure can be a structure, the inner cavity of which is hollow and the ends of which arc closcd, or can be a closcd 25 structure in which the abovc-menlioncd (lange is turned inwardly lo covcr the end of lhe hollow pipe. The scmi-closcd structure can be that the inner cavity of the hollow pipe is scmi-closcd, or can be that the tubular wall ofthe hollow pipe is scmi-closcd, for cxamplc, the tubular wall is provided with a slot, the opening of which is small, or the hollow pipe is provided with multiple holcs.
Further, the section shapc of each hollow pipe is a circlc or an ellipse or an N-sidcd polygon, wherein N is grcatcr than or cqual to 3, The N-sidcd polygon can be a triangle, a square, a pentagon, etc.
Preferably, each hollow pipe is a circular hollow pipe, which has advantages, such as unifomi stress, uncasy deformation and high stability, moreover, the production proccss is simple, and the cost is low. In addition, when each hollow pipe is of the N-sidcd polygon, preferably, N is grcatcr than 5, and the higher the value of N is, the more each hollow pipe approximates to the circular hollow pipe.
Further, the first panel and the second panel arc fiat panels or curvcd panels, or one panel is a fiat panel and the other panel is a curvcd panel.
The curvcd panel can be applicd to hulls, frameworks and so on with any curvcd structures, and the line form of the curvcd panel can be curvcd, wavy, etc.; and the shapc of the Hat panel can be set according to rcquircmcnts. The first panel and the second panel can be arranged in parallcl, or can be arranged non-parallclly.
When the panels arc curvcd panels, preferably, the axes of the hollow pipes are pcrpcndicular to tangent lincs to the curvcd surfaces of the curvcd panels, in this way, the strength of connection between the hollow pipes and the panels can be enhaneed, and lack of wclding at multiple positions of the hollow pipes or production of crcviccs or holcs is prevented.
Further, the material of the first panel and/or the second panel is a stainlcss Steel, carbon Steel, titanium or coppcr alloy plate, Preferably, a high-tempcraturc-rcsistant material is adopted to producc the first panel and the second panel, so that the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate can hâve cffccts, such as firc proofing.
Further, the material of the hollow pipes is a stainlcss Steel, carbon Steel, (itanium or coppcr alloy plate.
Further, the hollow pipes arc connected to the first panel and the second panel through brazing Ciller métal by brazing, and coppcr, aluminum, lin or alloy brazing fïilcr métal is adoptcd as the brazing filicr métal. Prcfcrably, lhe brazing Piller métal is a malcrial with a high mclting point and can rcsisl high température.
Further, lhe hollow pipes arc conncctcd to lhe first panel and the second panel through brazing filicr métal by brazing, and the brazing filicr mctal is laid direelly or arranged in the form of loops between the hollow pipes and lhe first panel and between the hollow pipes and lhe second panel. In lhe form of loops means that the brazing filicr métal rings or encircics the hollow pipes.
Further, the hollow pipes arc provided with gas holcs. On one hand, via the gas holcs, lhe hollow pipes can be vacuumizcd and fil lcd with shiclding gas and/or rcducing gas to cnsurc that the inner cavitics of lhe hollow pipes arc under an oxygcn-frcc environment and a rcducing environment, ensuring that the hollow pipes cannol be oxidized, and thereby the strcnglh and qualily of the wholc structure arc ensured; and on lhe other hand, via lhe gas holcs, a thermal insulation malcrial, such as raw foaming solution, can be injcclcd.
The gas holc can be arranged at any position of lhe hollow pipe, prcfcrably, the gas holc is arranged al lhe upper pari of lhe hollow pipe, and more prcfcrably, lhe gas holc is arranged at a position 5 mm lo 20 mm away from lhe lop of the hollow pipe, which can hclp lo discharge gas with densily lowcr than that of lhe air, such as oxygen. Thcrc is al least one gas holc.
Further, the thermal insulation malcrial is arranged in lhe inner cavitics of lhe hollow pipes and/or between lhe adjacent hollow pipes. Thus, the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plaie can hâve the cffccls of thermal insulation, sound insulation and vibration isolation.
The thermal insulation malcrial can be one or any combination of sintered particlcs, sawdusl, inorganic colton, foaming malcrial and so on. The thermal insulation matcrial, such as foaming matcrial, is injcctcd into the hollow pipes via the gas holcs, and the foaming matcrial can be raw polyuréthane solution or raw phcnolic rcsin solution; in addition, the foaming matcrial injcclcd into the hollow pipes not only plays lhe rôle of thermal insulation, but also can rcducc convection in the pipe bodics, cnhancing the cffccl of sound insulation; furlhcrmorc, the filling foamed layer can serve as a supporting structure to prevent the hollow pipes from being bent and increase the supporting force of the hollow pipes; moreover, the service life of the foam is long, and because there is no air inside, cracking, various reactions and so on won’t occur.
Ail or part of the arrangement gaps among the hollow pipes are filled with the thermal insulation material.
Further, a border is arranged on at least one of the sîdes of the circumference of the first panel and/or the second panel.
Further, the multiple hollow pipes are limited by limiting métal, and the plurality of hollow pipes in any row are intergral with the curb métal; the limiting métal is brazing fïller métal, the brazing fïller métal is provided with holes corresponding to the positions of the hollow pipes, and the edges of the holes are provided with limiting structures for limiting the hollow pipes; or the limiting métal is shaped like a sheet, a strip or a wire.
By means of the limiting métal, in the process of assembling and brazing the métal plate or after brazing and at the initial stage of cooling, the phenomenon that the hollow pipes shift, topple down or are blown to be inclined cannot be caused due to factors such as gas flow and heat circulation, and thereby working efficiency and brazing quality are increased greatly.
The above-mentioned limiting métal means a métal material capable of limiting the hollow pipes, such as brazing fïller métal, métal wires and métal sheets, wherein the métal wires each can be of a strip structure, and are connected to the hollow pipes by way of welding or winding; and the métal wires can also be of annular structures, and encircle and are welded to the hollow pipes.
In the above-mentioned solution, there is at least one piece of brazing fïller métal; when there is more than one piece of brazing fïller métal, the multiple hollow pipes are divided into multiple groups, and each group corresponds to one piece of brazing fïller métal.
Preferably, each métal sheet is provided with multiple projections, and each projection is conncctcd lo onc hollow pipe corrcsponding to ils position.
Preferably, the multiple hollow pipes in any row arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal can be the hollow pipes in any row arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal or the hollow pipes in any row are dividcd into groups, and each group ofhollow pipes arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal or the hollow pipes in part of the rows arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal, the hollow pipes în the other rows arc dividcd into groups, and each group of hollow pipes arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal. In addition, the multiple hollow pipes in any row arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal can be the hollow pipes in each row arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling meta! or the hollow pipes in two, thrcc...or N adjacent rows arc conncctcd into a whole through the limiling métal.
Preferably, the mctal wircs can limil any combination of the hollow pipes in the horizontal and longitudinal rows, the horizontal and oblique rows, the longitudinal and oblique rows, the horizontal rows, the longitudinal rows or the oblique rows.
The matcrial of the above-mentioned limiling mctal can be the samc as or different from a base matcrial.
Further, the limiling structures arc flangcs which downwardly cxlcnd oui from the brazing fillcr mctal along the edges of the holcs, and the holcs limil the hollow pipes by means of the flangcs: or each limiling portion consists of limiling projections extending outwardly from the brazing fillcr mctal along the edge of onc holc and a (lange downwardly extending oui along the edge of the holc, and the holcs limil the hollow pipes by means of the Ranges, and stick the hollow pipes by means of the limiling projections. Thus, the hollow pipes can be prevented from shilling, and the accuracy of the positions of the hollow pipes is incrcased grcatly. The shapc of the limiling projection can be of any structure, such as a curvcd, polygonal or irrcgularly-shapcd structure, as long as the hollow pipes can be sluck.
Further, the brazing Piller mctal is hollowcd oui al non-hollow-pipc positions, and thus, the pilîng of excessive brazing fillcr métal can be prevented in the process of heating.
Furlhcr, the multiple hollow pipes can be ananged optionally into different shapes, such as a square, a polygon or anolher shapc.
Another hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate of the présent invention comprises a first panel, a second panel, and multiple hollow pipes between the First panel and the second panel, a gap is arranged between at least two hollow pipes, the hollow pipes arc conncclcd to the first panel and the second panel by brazing, and the edges of lhe panels arc flangcd or not flangcd.
For cxamplc, when the panels arc flangcd, another plate which is pcrpcndicular to lhe panel extends oui from the edge of each panel, the plate can substilutc for the above-mentioned border, and hollow pipes can also be added on the plate, so that a métal plate with a corner is formed.
Applications of a hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate arc charactcrizcd in that the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate comprises a first panel, a second panel, and a plurality of hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel, and is used as a material for a building structure, a vchiclc, a ship, an aircrafl, acrospacc equipment, a container, a bridge, a road, a tunnel, a railway Foundation, fumiturc, a culvcrl, a vacuum pipeline or a case; a gap is arranged between at least two hollow pipes, and the hollow pipes arc conncclcd to the first panel and lhe second panel by brazing.
The building structure can be but is not limilcd to girders, columns, floor plates, walls, balconics and awnîngs.
The vchiclc can be sedans, coachcs, trucks, ccmcnting trucks, etc., or can be métros, lighl rails, magnclic lévitation, municipal railways, slrectcars, etc., the ships can be stcamships, aircrafl carriers, etc., the aîrcraft can be airliners, hclicoplcrs, glidcrs, etc., the métal plate can be used as hulls, frameworks and acccssory matcrials of the above-mentioned means, and lhe acccssory matcrials can be cnginc hoods, rcinforcing rib plates, bulkhcads, etc.
The acrospacc equipment can be a spacccrafl, such as a satellite, a spaceship or a probe.
A container body of the container is made of the métal plates. The container body can comprise a bottom plate, a top plate, sidc plates, doors, etc.
A bridge body of the bridge is made of the métal plates. The bridge can be an overpass, a pedestrian overpass, a boarding bridge for planes, etc. The bridge body can comprise a bridge dcck, steps, guardrails, supporting bodics, etc.
The road is made of the métal plates. The road can be a Street, a runway, an indoor floor, etc..
The body, the lining and so on of the tunnel can be made of the métal plates.
The railway foundation is normally a ballastlcss track, and the métal plates can substilutc Cor a shockproof layer and an anti-sccpagc layer between prccast concrète members, the railway foundation and prccast concrète members.
A fumiturc body of the fumiturc is made of the métal plates. The ftimilurc can be a table, a chair, a cabinet, a bed, etc.
A culvcrl body of the eulvert is made of the meta! plates.
A pipe body of the vacuum pipeline is made of the métal plates. For exemple, the vacuum pipe is a vacuum transportation pipeline.
A case body of the case is made of the métal plates. The case can be a tool kit. a suilcasc, a storage box, etc.
The métal plate of the présent invention can be used in any engineering ficld, and has advantages, such as lighl weight, high slrength, rusl résistance, aging résistance, ctcrnal life, thermal insulation, vibration isolation and good slability, morcover, the métal plate is easy and convcnicnt to conncct or assemble, and time and labor can be saved.
FIG. I is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnl I of the présent invention;
FIG. 2 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnl 2 of the présent invention;
FIG. 3 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnl 3 of the présent invention;
FIG. 4 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 4 of the présent invention;
FIG. 5 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 5 of the présent invention;
FIG. 6 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 6 of the présent invention;
FIG. 7 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 7 of the présent invention;
FIG. 8 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 8 of the présent invention;
FIG. 9 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 9 of the présent invention;
FIG. 10 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt I0 of the présent invention;
FIG. 11 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 12 of the présent invention;
FIG. 12 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 13 of the présent invention;
FIG. 13 is an A-A scclional view of cmbodîmcnt 13 shown in FIG. 12;
FIG. 14 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 14 of the présent invention;
FIG. 15 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt I5 of the présent invention;
FIG. 16 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 16 of the présent invention;
FIG. 17 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 17 of the présent invention;
FIG. 18 is a structural schcmatic diagram οΓcmbodîmcnt 20 of the présent invention;
FIG. 19 îs a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 21 of the présent invention;
FIG. 20 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 22 of the présent invention;
FIG. 21 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 23 of the présent invention;
FIG. 22 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 24 of the présent invention;
FIG. 23 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 25 of the présent invention;
FIG. 24 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 26 of the présent invention:
FIG. 25 îs a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 28 of the présent invention;
FIG. 26 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodîmcnt 29 of the présent invention;
FIG. 27 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnt 30 ofthe présent invention;
FIG. 28 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnt 31 of the présent invention;
FIG. 29 is a structural schcmatic diagram of cmbodimcnt 32 οΓthe présent invention;
FIG. 30 is a structural schcmatic diagram of an cmbodimcnt 33 of the présent invention.
The présent invention will be further described in detail below in réference to the drawings ofthe spécification and spécifie embodiments.
Embodimenl l
As shown in FIG. I, a hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate comprises a first panel l, a second panel 2, and multiple hollow pipes 3 between the first panel l and the second panel 2; gaps arc arranged among the multiple hollow pipes 3, and the hollow pipes 3 arc conncclcd to the first panel I and the second panel 2 by brazing.
In the présent cmbodimcnt, the section shapc of each hollow pipe 3 is a cîrclc, and each hollow pipe 3 is of a hollow structure. A certain distance is arranged between each two adjacent hollow pipes 3.
The upper and lowcr ends ofcach hollow pipe 3 arc providcd with (langes 5-l, which arc lumed oulward to form circlcs. The llangcs 5-l of the hollow pipes 3 arc conncctcd to the first panel l and the second panel 2 through brazing fillcr métal 4 by brazing, and the brazing fillcr métal 4 is laid dircctly between the hollow pipes 3 and the two panels.
In the présent cmbodimcnt. the brazing fillcr métal 4 is coppcr brazing fillcr métal. Both the first panel l and the second panel 2 arc fiat panels. The first panel l, the second panel 2 and the hollow pipes 3 arc ail made of stainlcss Steel.
Each hollow pipe 3 is providcd with a gas holc 3I, and the gas holc 31 is arranged at a position 10 mm away from the top of the hollow pipe. In the proccss of brazing, shiclding gas can be injcctcd into the hollow pipes 3, and when the content of oxygen is very low, rcducing gas can be injcctcd to reducc oxide layers of the stainlcss Steel hollow pipes. The gas can bc dischargcd via the gas holcs 31.
Preferably, the hollow pipes can bc fillcd with a foaming material (such as raw polyuréthane solution) via the gas holcs, and the foaming material can bc foamed into polyuréthane foam in the hollow pipes; and besides, foaming inorganic particlcs can also bc arranged in the hollow pipes in advancc.
As another préférence, the arrangement gaps among the hollow pipes can also bc fillcd with inorganic cotton, such as minerai wooL The minerai wool îs block-likc, and its size can match the gaps among the hollow pipes, so that each pièce of minerai wool can bc jusl tightly put into the gaps among the hollow pipes.
Embodiment 2
As shown in FIG. 2, the dilTcrcncc from embodiment l is thaï brazing fillcr métal 4' is punchcd and flangcd, so that the hollow pipes 3 arc ncslcd in flangcs 41' of the brazing ΠΙ 1er métal 4’ and limitcd.
Embodiment 3
As shown in FIG. 3, bascd on embodiment 2, the brazing fillcr mêlai 4' is provided with hollows 6 al non-hollow-pipc positions.
Embodiment 4
As shown in FIG. 4, the différence from embodiment 2 is that the front edges and the rcar edges of the multiple hollow pipes 3 arc provided with borders 7, the borders 7 adopl slainlcss Steel, and the borders 7, the first panel 1 and the second panel 2 arc conncctcd into a wholc by brazing.
Embodiment 5
As shown în FIG. 5, the dificrencc from embodiment I is that bolh the upper and lower ends of each hollow pipe 3 arc provided with (langes 5-2, each flangc 5-2 consists of two scmicircular structures which arc arranged symmctrically on the hollow pipe, and the flangcs 5-2 of the hollow pipes are conncctcd to the first panel and the second panel by brazing.
Embodimcnl 6
As shown in FIG. 6, ihc différence from embodimcnl I is that the section shapc of each hollow pipe 3’ is a square, both the upper and lowcr ends of the hollow pipe 3' arc provided with (langes 5-3, each (lange 5-3 consiste of two bent structures which arc arranged symmctrically on the hollow pipe, and the (langes 5-3 of the hollow pipes arc conncctcd to the first panel and the second panel by brazing.
Embodimcnl 7
As shown in FIG. 7, the différence from embodimcnl 2 is that through gas passages 8 arc arranged among the multiple hollow pipes 3, and high-lcmpcraturc gas is utilized to flow forward, backward, leftward and righlward through the gas passages 8 for heating to braze the hollow pipes 3 to the first panel I and the second panel 2.
Spccifically, the hollow pipes 3 arc circulai· pipes, and the nuniber of the hollow pipes can be choscn according to requiretnents. The adjacent hollow pipes 3 arc arranged at intcrvals, forming horizontal gas passages 81 and longitudinal gas passages 82. The high-lcmpcraturc gas gcts into the inner cavity of the métal plate via the horizontal gas passages 81 and the longitudinal gas passages 82. The hollow pipes 3 arc brazed to the first panel and the second panel through brazing fi lier métal by means of the high-tcmpcralurc gas, and the brazing fïller métal is laid between the hollow pipes and the first panel and belween the hollow pipes and the second panel. The brazing Ciller métal is coppcr brazing lillcr métal, the température of the high-tcmpcralurc gas is higher than the mclting point of coppcr, and is lowcr than the mclting point of the material of the first panel, the second panel and the hollow pipes, in this way, the coppcr brazing fïller métal can be mclted by the high-tcmpcralurc gas, and the liquid coppcr brazing Ciller métal is ulilize to wct the base material, fiil the gaps of connection and diffuse with the base material, so that fixed connection is achicvcd. After brazing is complète, cold gas is utilized to flow forward, backward, leftward and righlward through the horizontal gas passages 81 and the longitudinal gas passages 82 to cool lhe hollow pipes 3, the first panel and the second panel for shaping. Both the high-tcmpcralurc gas and the cold gas arc nitrogen.
A connecting plate can be inserted between each two adjacent rows of hollow pipes, the connecting plate is providcd with branches, the positions of the branches correspond to the positions of the gas holcs 31, the branches arc inserted in the holcs, and the two adjacent rows of hollow pipes arc cxhauslcd front one end of the connecting plate, so that the hollow pipes arc under an oxygcn-frcc environment.
Embodiment 8
As shown in FIG. 8, the différence from embodiment l or embodiment 2 is that bolh the first panel Γ and the second panel 2' arc curvcd panels. Both ends of the hollow pipes 3 arc conncctcd pcrpcndicularly to the contact surfaces of the panels. The line form of the curvcd panel is curvcd, the multiple hollow pipes 3 arc arranged at intcrvals, the axis of each hollow pipe 3 is pcrpcndicular to a langent line of a corrcsponding curvc, thus, the strength of connection between the hollow pipes 3 and the panels can be enhaneed, brazing nonuniformity causcd by lack of wclding al multiple positions of the hollow pipes or production of crcviccs or holcs is prevented, and thereby the solution can grcatly incrcasc overall strength and quality.
The first panel l ' and the second panel 2' hâve the same shapc. The central angle of the curved panel can be designed to be large, or can be designed to be small.
The other structures arc the same as thosc of embodiment I or embodiment 2.
Embodiment 9
As shown in FIG. 9, the différence from embodiment 8 is thaï the first panel Γ is a curvcd panel, the second panel 2 is a fiat panel, the ends of the hollow pipes 3 which arc conncctcd to the curvcd panel arc parai Ici or approxîmalcly parai Ici to the contact surface of the curvcd plate, bolh the upper and lowcr ends of the hollow pipes 3 are providcd with flangcs, the (langes arc parai Ici or approximatcly parai Ici to the contact surface of the curvcd plate, conscqucntly, the hollow pipes 3 and the curvcd panel can be wcldcd finnly, lack of wclding at multiple positions of the hollow pipes or production of crcviccs or holcs is prevented, and thereby overall strength and quality arc incrcascd grcatly.
The other structures arc the same as thosc of embodiment 8.
Embodimcnl iO
As shown in FIG. 10, the différence from cmbodîmcnt 8 is that both the first panel Γ and the second panel 2’ arc curvcd panels, and the line form of the curvcd panels is wavy.
The other structures arc the samc as thosc of cmbodîmcnt 8.
Embodimcnl 11
The différence from cmbodîmcnt 8 is that both the first panel and the second panel arc fiat panels, and morcovcr, the first panel is not parallcl to the second panel, that is, the first panel is arranged oblîqucly, and the second panel is arranged horizonlally. The end of each hollow pipe, which is conncctcd to the First panel, is a slopc, both the upper and lowcr ends 10 of the hollow pipes arc provîdcd with flangcs, the flangcs arc parallcl or approximatcly parallcl to the contact surface of the first panel, consequcntly, the hollow pipes and the curvcd panel can be wcldcd finuly, lack of wclding at multiple positions of the hollow pipes or production of crcviccs or holcs is prevented, and thereby ovcrall strength and quality arc incrcascd grcatly.
The other structures arc the samc as thosc of cmbodîmcnt 8.
Embodimcnl 12
As shown in FIG. I l, the différence from cmbodîmcnt 2 is thaï brazing fillcr mclal 4' in the présent embodimcnl is shccl, and brazing fillcr métal l is punchcd and fianged.
In the présent cmbodîmcnt, the multiple hollow pipes 3 arc arranged into multiple rows, 20 each longitudinal row corresponds to one pièce of brazing fillcr métal 4', and holcs 42' in each brazing fillcr mctal 4' correspond to the number of each row of hollow pipes 3. For cxamplc, the multiple hollow pipes 3 arc arranged into ninc rows, the upper end and the lowcr end of each longitudinal row rcspcclivcly correspond to one pièce of brazing fillcr mctal 4', and thcrc arc I8 pièces of brazing fillcr mctal in total.
Embodimcnl 13
As shown in FIG. 12 and FIG. 13, the différence from cmbodîmcnt 12 is that the brazing fillcr mctal 4' is shapcd like a slrip, and multiple holcs 42' with walls 43' arc conncclcd directiy into a wholc through connecting ribs 44' to form the brazing fi lier métal 4'.
Embodimcnl I4
As shown in FIG. 14, the différence from embodimcnl 13 is that limiting projections 45' cxlcnd outwardly from the brazing fillcr métal 4’ along the edge of each holc 42', and each holc 42’ hoops one hollow pipe 3 by means of the fiange 4Γ, and sticks the hollow pipe by means of the limiting projections 45'.
Thcrc arc two limiting projections 45' in the présent embodiment, and the limiting projections 45' arc arranged symmctrically, and arc shapcd iike strips.
The other structures arc the saine as thosc of embodimcnl 13.
Embodimcnl I5
As shown in FIG. I5, the différence from embodimcnl 14 is thaï thcrc arc four limiting projections 45', which arc arranged symmctrically. The brazing fillcr métal 4‘ is onc-piccc, and the brazing fillcr métal 4' is hollowcd oui or punchcd at non-hollow-pipc positions, that is, the holcs 42' arc conncctcd through brazing fillcr métal connecting ribs 46‘.
Each brazing fillcr métal connecting rib 46' is provided with a slot 46Γ, so that the brazing fillcr métal is saved grcally.
The other structures arc the samc as thosc of embodimcnl 14.
Embodiment 16
As shown in FIG. I6, the différence from embodiment I2 is that the hollow pipes arc limited by métal shccts 9 rallier than the brazing fillcr métal. The brazing 1111er métal can be laid between the hollow pipes and the panels.
For cxamplc, the upper ends and the lowcr ends of the hollow pipes 3 in each two adjacent horizontal rows rcspcctivcly sharc one métal shccl 9, furthcrmorc, both the upper ends and the lowcr ends oflhc hollow pipes 3 arc provided with (langes 5-1, the métal shccl 9 is conncctcd to the (lange of the upper end/lower end of each hollow pipe in the horizontal rows by wclding, and preferably, the métal shccl 9 is conncctcd to the boltom surfaces of the flangcs 5-l of the hollow pipes by wclding, for cxamplc, adopting an clcctric résistance wclding method. The material of the métal shccts 9 is stainlcss Steel.
The métal shcct as a limiling structure in lhe présent cmbodimcnl forms the multiple hollow pipes 3 into a wholc, that is, a module with certain spécifications is ibrmed. When the firsl panel l, the second panel 2, and the hollow pipes 3 arc assemblcd, lhe multiple hollow pipes can be placed as a w'holc, conscqucntly, the speed of assembly is incrcascd greatly, and lhereby working cfftcicncy is incrcascd.
In addition, such an intégral limiling method can cnsurc that every hollow pipe won't shifl and topplc down, greatly incrcasing the accuracy of the positions of the hollow pipes, and lhereby brazing quality is incrcascd.
Embodimcnl I7
As shown in FIG. I7, the différence from embodiment 12 is that lhe hollow pipes 3 arc limilcd by métal wircs I0 ralher than the brazing fillcr métal. The brazing fillcr métal can be laid between lhe hollow pipes and lhe panels.
For cxamplc, both sides of the upper ends and lhe lowcr ends of lhe hollow pipes 3 in each row respcclivcly sharc onc métal wirc 10, the métal wircs I0 arc wcldcd lo lhe [langes 5-l of each hollow pipe, and lhereby the métal wircs I0 conncct this row of hollow pipes 3 into a wholc. The hollow pipes in two oblique rows arc then choscn, mctal wircs 10 arc respcclivcly wcldcd to the upper and lowcr ends, and thus, among lhe hollow pipes in each horizontal row, two hollow pipes arc conncctcd by métal wircs in the oblique rows. Such a connection method can form ail lhe hollow pipes into a module with certain spécifications, thaï is, ail the hollow pipes arc conncctcd into a wholc. The advantages arc as follows: on onc hand, in the proccss of asscmbling the hollow pipes and the panels, the speed of assembly can be incrcascd greatly, and lhereby working cfftcicncy is incrcascd; on lhe other hand, it can be ensured that every hollow pipe won't shifl and topplc down, greatly incrcasing the accuracy ofthe positions of lhe hollow pipes, and lhereby brazing quality is incrcascd.
The mctal wirc I0 is of a linc-shapcd structure, and lhe material is a stainlcss Steel wirc.
Embodiment 18
The différence from embodiment 12 is thaï the brazing fillcr mctal al the upper ends and the lowcr ends of the hollow pipes is arranged in different ways. For cxamplc, for the upper ends of the hollow pipes, each longitudinal row corresponds to onc pièce of brazing fillcr métal, and the holcs in the brazing fillcr mctal correspond to the number of each row of hollow pipes; for the lowcr ends of the hollow pipes, each two adjacent longitudinal rows correspond to onc pièce of brazing fillcr métal, and the holcs in each pièce of brazing fillcr métal correspond to the number of the hollow pipes in each two adjacent longitudinal rows.
The other structures arc the sanie as thosc of embodiment I2.
Embodiment 19
The différence from embodiment l is that the sidc number of each hollow pipe is grcatcr than that of a pentagon and less than or cqual to that of a dccagon, for exemple, the hollow pipe is a hexagonal pipe, a heptagonal pipe, an oclagonal pipe or a nonagonal pipe.
Embodiment 20
As shown in FIG. I8, a bridge body 11 of a bridge structure comprises piers III, bent caps 112, supporting bcams 113, and a bridge dcck 114, the bent caps 112 arc arranged on the piers III, the supporting bcams I I3 span the multiple bent caps l 12 by means of supports 115, and lhe bridge dcck I 14 is conncctcd to the supporting bcams I I3.
Al least onc structure among the piers l l I, lhe bent caps I 12, lhe supporting bcams 113 and the bridge dcck 114 is made of any onc of the hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates in embodiments l -19. Bolh lhe supporting bcams 113 and the bridge dcck 114 can be rcspcctivcly made of onc hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plate, or can be made by assembling multiple hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates. Both the piers I I I and the bent caps l I2 can be rcspcctivcly formed into a columnar structure by assembling four hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates.
AU lhe métal plates arc conncctcd by wclding into the bridge structure, and arc reinforeed by bolts.
In lhe présent embodiment, the bridge body which is made οΓ the métal plates has the advantages of high slrcngth, good bcaring capabîlîty, shock résistance, light sclf-wcight, fircproofncss and disasscmblabilily.
Embodiment 21
As shown in FIG. 19, a door comprises a door body 12, and the door body I2 is made of any one of the hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments l -19.
The out layer of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate is wrappcd by a surface décorative material I21 such as a vcnccr or paint.
In lhe présent embodiment, the door which is made of the métal plate has the advantages of high slrcngth, good thermal insulalion, light sclf-wcight and fircproofncss.
Embodiment 22
As shown in FIG. 20, a sloragc cabinet comprises a cabinet body 13, and partitions I3l arc arranged in lhe cabinet body I3, wherein at least one structure among the cabinet body 13 and the partitions I3l is made of any one of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments l -19. The multiple métal plates arc conncctcd through multiple bolts into the cabinet body structure. The partitions I3l arc dividcd into horizontal partitions and vertical partitions, and lhe vertical partitions arc conncctcd to lhe înner wall of the cabinet body through bolts; and the horizontal partitions arc also conncctcd to the cabinet body and lhe vertical partitions through bolts.
In lhe présent embodiment, the storage cabinet which is made of the métal plates has the advantages of high slrcngth, good thermal insulation, light sclf-wcight and fircproofncss.
Embodiment 23
As shown in FIG. 21, a vacuum pipeline comprises a pipe body I4, lhe pipe body I4 is made of the four hollow pipc-sandwiching meta! plates described in embodiment 8, and lhe métal plates arc asscmblcd into a pipeline structure, the cross section of which is circular.
The multiple métal plates arc asscmblcd into a wholc by adopting the wclding method, and are reinforeed by bolts.
The vacuum pipeline can be used for hyperloop transportation, etc.
Embodiment 24
As shown in FIG, 22, a container body 15 of a container comprises a top plate I5I, a bottom plate 152, side plates 153, and an end plate 154, one end of the container body 15 is providcd with a container door, the two ends of the container body I5 arc providcd with Trames 155, and the corners of lhe container body 15 arc providcd with hoisting holcs 156.
Al least one structure among lhe top plate 151, lhe bottom plate 152, the side plates 153, the end plate 154, lhe container door and lhe Trames I55 is made of any one ofthe hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments I -19. The top plate 151, the bottom plate 152, the side plates 153, lhe end plate 154, the container door and lhe Trames 155 arc conncclcd by wclding and arc rcinlbrccd by bolts.
Embodiment 25
As shown in FIG. 23, a case body 16 of a suitcasc is made of any one ofthe hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments 1-19.
The oui layer of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plate is wrappcd by a surface décorative material such as Icalhcr or paint.
Embodiment 26
As shown in FIG. 24, a body 17 of a tunnel is made ol'a lining I7l, a partition plate I72 is conncclcd to lhe top in the body 17, and at least one structure among the lining I7I and the partition plate 172 is made of any one ofthe hollow pipc-sandwdching métal plates in embodiments l-19. The multiple métal plates of the lining arc wcldcd and boltcd to form lhe body of the tunnel, and the partition plate l 72 is conncctcd to the inner cavity of lhe lining I7l through bolts.
Embodiment 27
The multiple hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates described in any one of embodiments l-l 9 arc spliccd to form a road, and can be conncclcd through bolts, and thus, after being damaged, one métal plate can be dismantlcd dircctly and be rcplaccd by a new métal plate, without affccting transportation.
Embodiment 28
As shown in FIG. 25, a sedan comprises a sedan body 18, the sedan body comprises an cnginc hood I8l, a front bumper 182, a framc 183, a roof I84, front fenders 185, front doors 186, back doors 187, and a trunk lid I88, wherein al least one structure among the cnginc hood 181, the front bumper 182, the framc 183, the roof I84, the front fenders 185, the front doors 186, the back doors 187 and the trunk lid 188 is made of any one of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments l-l9. The métal plates as wcll as the métal plates and the other parts of the sedan body can be conncctcd by hinging, wclding, bolting and other ways to form a sedan body structure.
Embodiment 29
As shown in FIG. 26, a track body 19 ofa ballastlcss track comprises a foundation 191, a track plate 192, and a fastener System 193, and the foundation I9l is conncclcd to the track plate 192 through flexible adhcsîvc 194.
The multiple hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in any one of embodiments 1-I9 arc spliccd to form at least one structure οΓthe foundation I9I and the track plate I92, and can be fixed by wclding and/or bolting.
Embodiment 30
As shown in FIG. 27, a train body 20 ofa rail train comprises carriagc wall plates 201 and floors 202. When the train runs in a vacuum pipeline 203, a track plate 204 is arranged in the vacuum pipeline 203. Al least one structure among the carriagc wall plates 201, the lloors 202 and the track plate 204 is made οΓany one of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments 1-I9. The vacuum pipeline 203 is made of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates described in embodiment 8. The ntclal plates as wcll as the métal plates and the other parts of the car body can be conncctcd by hinging, wclding, bolting and other ways to form a train body structure, a pipeline structure or a track plate structure.
Embodiment 31
As shown in FIG. 28, a ship body 21 of a ship structure comprises a huit 2II, 5 rcinforcing plates 212, compartmcnl bulkhcads 213, and rcinforcing bulkhcads 214, and at least one structure among the hull 2ll, the rcinforcing plates 212, the compartmcnt bulkhcads 213 and the rcinforcing bulkhcads 214 is made of any one of the hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates in embodiments I-19. The métal plates as wcll as the métal plates and the other parts ol the ship body can be conncctcd by hinging, wclding, bolting 10 and other ways to form a ship body structure.
Embodiment 32
As shown in FIG. 29, a plane body 22 of a plane comprises a fuselage, wings, and a plane bottom, wherein the fuselage comprises a fuselage skin 221, and first bulkhcads 222 and longerons 223 arranged in the inner cavily of lhe fuselage skin 221. Each wing I5 comprises a wing skin 224 and longitudinal walls 225 arranged in the inner cavity of the wing skin. The plane bottom comprises a floor 226, the fuselage skin 221, and second bulkhcads 227 and crossbcams 228 arranged in lhe inner cavity ofthe fuselage skin.
At least one structure among the fuselage skin 221, the first bulkhcads 222, the longerons 223, the wing ski ns 224, the longitudinal walls 225, the floor 226. the second 20 bulkhcads 227 and the crossbcams 228 is made of any onc of the hollow pipc-sandwiching métal plates in embodiments I-19. Normally, the plane body is complctcly ofan arc-shapcd structure, and is prcfcrably made of the hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates described in embodiment 8.
The métal plates as wcll as lhe mctal plates and lhe other parts of lhe plane body can be 25 conncctcd by hinging, wclding, bolting and other ways lo form lhe plane body structure.
Embodiment 33
As shown in FIG. 30, a cokimn body 23 of a building bcaring column consisls ofthe four hollow pipc-sandwiching mctal plates in any onc of embodiments I-19; and the four métal plates dcfinc a square shapc, and arc connccted with one anothcr to form the building bcaring column.
The métal plates can be connccted by wcldîng, bolting or anothcr way.
Obviously, thosc skilled in the art can makc varions modifications and variations on the présent invention without departing from the spiril and scopc of the présent invention. Thus, if thèse modifications and variations of the présent invention bclong to the scopc of the daims ofthe présent invention and its équivalent techniques, then the présent invention also includcs thèse modifications and variations.

Claims (15)

  1. What is claimed is:
    l .A hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate, comprising a first panel, a second panel, and a plurality of hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel; characterized în that a gap is arranged between at least two hollow pipes, and the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel by brazing.
  2. 2. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l, characterized in that through gas passages are arranged among the hollow pipes.
  3. 3. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l, characterized in that at least one end of each hollow pipe is provided with a flange.
  4. 4. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that a section shape of each hollow pipe is a circle or an ellipse or an N-sided polygon, wherein N is greater than or equal to 3.
  5. 5. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized în that the first panel and the second panel are fiat panels or curved panels, or one panel is a fiat panel, and the other panel is a curved panel.
  6. 6. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized în that a material of the first panel and/or the second panel is a stainless Steel, carbon steel, titanium or copper alloy plate; or a material of the hollow pipes is a stainless Steel, carbon steel, titanium or copper alloy plate.
  7. 7. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel through brazing Ciller métal by brazing, and copper, aluminum, tin or alloy brazing Ciller métal is adopted as the brazing fîller métal.
  8. 8. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel through brazing Ciller métal by brazing, and the brazing Ciller métal is laid directly or arranged in aCorm of loops between the hollow pipes and the first panel and between the hollow pipes and the second panel.
  9. 9. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that the hollow pipes are provided with gas holes.
  10. 10. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that a thermal insulation material is arranged in the inner cavities of the hollow pipes and/or between adjacent hollow pipes.
  11. 11. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that a border is arranged on at least one of sides of the circumference of the first panel and/or the second panel.
  12. 12. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim l or 2 or 3, characterized in that the hollow pipes are limited by limiting métal, and the plurality of hollow pipes in any row are intergral with the curb métal; and the limiting métal is brazing filler métal, the brazing filler métal is provided with holes corresponding to positions of the hollow pipes, and edges of the holes are provided with limiting structures for limiting the hollow pipes, or the limiting métal is shaped like a sheet, a strip or a wire.
  13. 13. The hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate according to claim 12, characterized in that the limiting structures are flanges which downwardly extend out from the brazing fdler métal along the edges of the holes, and the holes limit the hollow pipes by ineans of the flanges; or each limiting portion consists of limiting projections extending outwardly from the brazing filler métal along the edge of one hole and a flange downwardly extending out along the edge of the hole, and the holes limit the hollow pipes by means of the flanges, and stick the hollow pipes by means of the limiting projections.
  14. 14. A hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate, characterized by comprising a first panel, a second panel, and a plurality of hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel; characterized in that a gap is arranged between at least two hollow pipes, the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel by brazing, and the edges of the panels are flanged or not flanged.
  15. 15. Applications of a hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate, characterized in that the hollow pipe-sandwiching métal plate comprises a first panel, a second panel, and a plurality of hollow pipes between the first panel and the second panel, and is used as a material for a
    2Ç building structure, a vehicle, a ship, an aircraft, aerospace equipment, a container, a bridge, a road, a tunnel, a railway foundation, fumiture, a culvert, a vacuum pipeline or a case; gaps are arranged among the hollow pipes, and the hollow pipes are connected to the first panel and the second panel by brazing.
OA1201800345 2016-10-31 2017-09-26 Metal plate having hollow tubes sandwiched therein and its use OA18874A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (6)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CN201610967446.0 2016-10-31
CN201710069311.7 2017-02-08
CN201710465352.8 2017-06-19
CN201710621595.6 2017-07-27
CN201710621594.1 2017-07-27
CN201710700964.0 2017-08-16

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OA18874A true OA18874A (en) 2019-09-13



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