MXPA00010872A - Culture of sessile marine animals - Google Patents

Culture of sessile marine animals


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MXPA00010872A MXPA/A/2000/010872A MXPA00010872A MXPA00010872A MX PA00010872 A MXPA00010872 A MX PA00010872A MX PA00010872 A MXPA00010872 A MX PA00010872A MX PA00010872 A MXPA00010872 A MX PA00010872A
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Targotay Bullent Kukurtcu
Lozano Santiago Naranjo
Garcia Carlos Barbero
Benitez Silvia Martin
Original Assignee
Pharma Mar Sa*
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Application filed by Pharma Mar Sa* filed Critical Pharma Mar Sa*
Publication of MXPA00010872A publication Critical patent/MXPA00010872A/en



Sessile marine organisms are a source of many marine pharmaceuticals. A method of producing such a marine pharmaceutical is provided which involves positioning a plurality of like substrates in sea water, growing the organism on the plurality of substrates, harvesting the grown organism, and extracting the pharmaceutical from the harvested organism.


CULTIVATION OF MARINE ANIMALS SESILES FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to the cultivation of sessile marine animals for the extraction of marine pharmaceutical products. In particular, the present invention relates to methods and devices for the culture of marine organisms known as tunicates.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION During recent years, a systematic classification of many types of marine organisms has been carried out to discover natural compounds that may have pharmacological uses. It has been shown that sessile marine invertebrates are useful sources of potentially useful natural products. Among these invertebrates, tunicates or ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) have become of special interest as sources for such natural products. The search in several places has shown that several compounds isolated from tunicates, mainly ecteinascidins and didemnins, have a potential for human cancer therapy. In this way, for example, the extraction of tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata has produced ecteinascidin 743 and other ecteinascidin antitumor compounds, while the extraction of the tunicate Aplidium albicans provides dehydrodidemnin B and other antitumour didemnin compounds. Likewise, many active compounds have been isolated from other sessile marine organisms, notably from sponges. Many of these compounds extracted from tunicates, sponges and others of these organisms have a complex structure that makes chemical synthesis difficult. In this way, for ecteinascidin 743 and many other compounds of interest, a material remains to collect the bulk organism from nature, for the subsequent isolation of the desired active compound. Ecteinascidia turbinata (Herdman, 1880 1 Ascidiacea, Perophoriadae), is a colony of transparent tunic ascidians and usually bright orange. A colony consists of a group or dense cluster of zooids to largados, with a form a bit of golf club, which are connected at their bases by a network of stolons that adhere to the surface of the object on which the colony grows . The colonies usually live in shallow water (0 to 15 meters) in lagoons, developing on red mangrove roots, rocks, armor, grass, bottom sand or in plants such as the Caulerpa or Posidonia species. It is common and widely distributed in mangrove areas of the Caribbean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. E. turbinata reproduces both through a sexual cycle, where eggs are incubated internally within a cavity for offspring and the larvae are released when a zooid reaches maturation, or asexually, or sprouting from the stolon or base. Ecteinascidia turbinata is currently collected in the Caribbean from underwater mangrove roots, where it occurs in the colonies. Immersion is not without difficulties, and finding colonies between tangled roots presents additional problems. In addition, the collection must be done in an independent way. Accordingly, the development of novel drugs from these sources has been hampered by the fact that these animals are not abundant enough in nature and independent collection of sufficient mass to provide the quantities necessary for the manufacture of their active components. as drugs is difficult.
OBJECT OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to the provision of methods and devices for the culture of tunicates and other sessile marine organisms. In particular, the present invention is directed to the production, through culture, of Ecteinascidia turbinata.
COMPENDIUM OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a method for producing a marine pharmaceutical product through the extraction of a sessile marine organism, said method comprising placing a plurality of equal substrates in seawater., to grow the organism on the plurality of substrates, to harvest the developed organism, and to extract the pharmaceutical product from the harvested organism. In a related aspect, the present invention provides a method for culturing a sessile marine organism intended for the extraction of a marine pharmaceutical product, said method comprises, placing a plurality of similar substrates in seawater, allowing the larvae of a colony of the organism sow the substrates, make the organism grow on the plurality of substrates, and harvest the developed organism. In another related aspect, the present invention provides a method for cultivating a sessile marine organism intended for the extraction of a marine pharmaceutical product, said method comprises placing a plurality of equal substrates in seawater, transplanting the organism on the substrates, growing the organism on the plurality of substrates, and cultivate the developed organism.
PREFERRED MODALITIES It is preferred that the marine organism be Ecteinascidia turbinata and the marine pharmaceutical product be an ecteinascidin compound, particularly ecteinascidin 734. In another preferred embodiment, the marine organism is E. turbinata, and the marine pharmaceutical product is a didemnin compound, particularly dehydrodidemnin. B. This invention provides a device and method that allows the monoculture of sessile marine animals, in particular tunicates such as E. turbinata, in clean waters adjacent to or a distance from their native locations, and harvesting them in sufficient quantities for production. industrial drug from its extracts. In some versions the invention is particularly adapted for application in lagoon areas of the Mediterranean coast, anchorage areas, or in appropriately constructed tanks or channels, while in other versions, it is particularly suitable for use in Caribbean waters, mainly mangrove swamp of the Caribbean, keys and channels, anchorage areas, or in appropriately constructed tanks for growth on red mangrove roots, rocks, armor, grass, bottom sand or on plants. In the culture methods of this invention, one aspect involves transplanting the organism onto the substrates where they then grow for harvest. In one embodiment, the individual organisms are transplanted onto the substrates. Alternatively, for example, with sponges, fragments of organisms are transplanted onto the substrates. For culture through implants, small pieces (ie approximately 20 g) are cut from young developing colonies and transported to the device and preferably placed in baskets or support boxes or fixed to the holes of a network or spaces between the individual ropes or rods of the device Fixation can be achieved, if necessary, using stretches of rope, rubber, or any other method that maintains contact between the stolon of the colony and the surface of the device The asexual growth of organisms gives rise to a net increase in mass of tunicates under appropriate water conditions Another aspect of the culture method of this invention involves allowing the larvae of a colony of the organism to seed the substrates where they then grow for harvest. In one embodiment, the substrates are placed adjacent to the colony. Alternatively, at least one collector is placed adjacent to the colony to collect larvae, and then the larvae in the collector are subsequently used to seed the substrates. In this alternative, the substrates may be be in the locality of the colony so that the local management of the collector with larvae is all that is necessary, or the substrates may be far from the colony, so that the collectors with larva are transported to the adjacent substrates For this aspect which involves the use of collectors, the present invention also involves a method for harvesting tunicates, where a multitude of larval collectors are placed near the tunicates colony, and the larvae released from the colonies are allowed to collect in the larvae collectors. The loaded collectors are then left in place so that the larvae mature, or are transferred to an area to fresh so that the larvae mature. The present invention also provides larvae gatherers, each comprising a support that can be secured to a mangrove root in a tunicated colony, with one or more larval substrates to receive larvae from the colony. The harvester of this invention preferably comprises a support with elongated ropes or other forms of substrate extending therefrom to resemble mangrove roots suitable for colonization by the larvae. The preferred support is generally circular, with the substrate at the periphery. The support conveniently has a central opening defined by the inner ends of flexible limbs extending inwardly. At least one groove is usually driven from the support periphery towards the opening. The collector is typically made of a support and 4 to 8 elongated substrates, although a support can be provided at each end, particularly where the substrates lack rigidity and the root is not vertical. The method then involves flexing the support along the slot to allow the root to pass into the central opening. The internal ends of the limbs can be adjusted and moved as necessary to attach the root without damaging it, and keep the support in place. Care must be taken to ensure that the ropes fall freely to receive the larvae.
In a variation of the present invention, the support floats with the larval substrates hanging in the water, if necessary with some weights. The support is preferably attached to the mangrove plant or to some other suitable fixed position. For the culture through capture of larvae, the colonies of adults are brought close to the device or vice versa, and the larvae that swim emitted as a result of the sexual cycle of these organisms are allowed to fix themselves. They are kept together, and they differ in sessile adults, which in turn grow in larger colonies. After transplanting or cultivation, the implants or larvae are allowed to grow and form colonies while immersed in clean, natural or artificial seawater, which provides a continuously renewable resource of nutrients such as natural plankton or microorganisms contained in seawater. . When an appropriate size is reached, the colonies can be harvested. A fraction of the initially cultivated colonies or growing colonies may be used to provide a crop material for the next crop, although the rest of the growth will be collected and stored appropriately. For harvest, the colonies are cleaned of the sediment through water currents, and the foreign organisms are removed manually. The harvest of the tunicates colony after the development period is achieved either manually by use or by removing the device from the anchor and dragging it in a suitable container and the harvested tunicates are separated from the support rods or meshes. Immediately afterwards, the tunicates can be stored through freezing in plastic bags or any other convenient means. The present invention also provides devices for growing sessile marine organisms comprising a plurality of substrates, preferably including vertically extended substrates. A particularly preferred device for seeding the tunicates and allowing them to grow and increase in mass provided by the present invention consists essentially of a binding and growth structure and, when necessary, a support system. The structure of union and growth allows the fixation or direct union of culture or implants of the organism that is going to be cultivated, while the support system maintains the structure of union in its place. Fragments of tunicates colonies (young and small) are implanted manually or captured on the support structure, using an elastic band or the like when necessary, and allowed to grow until they reach an appropriate size for harvest. The device can be used as a submerged structure maintained between the bottom anchor and the flotation device or between the sides of natural or artificial basins as a means to attach the direct fixed substrates. Flotation-type racks or platforms can also be used to join the direct fixing substrates In this way, according to the present invention, there is also provided a device for growing sessile marine organisms on substrates, comprising arrangements of substrates forming a structure of union and assured growth to a support flotation system provided with an anchoring system or a mooring system The growth device has a union and growth structure and a support system that can be assembled from the union structure and growth (1) A substrate of ropes, cables, meshes, nets, bars, templates, strips, bars, girdles, sticks, boxes, or baskets made of materials compatible with seawater, such as corrosion-resistant metal or plastic non-toxic, wood, or synthetic materials, maintain a mess through the attachment to an anchoring system (2 ) Parallel lines of water-resistant strings or strips parallel to the bottom of a sandy coastal area running between firmly anchored anchors (3) Rope support lines, cables or chains on which baskets, boxes are deployed at intervals or perforated boxes The baskets, boxes or perforated boxes can be closed in order to trap seed fragments or culture colonies of tunicates or other organisms.
The free spaces or holes between the continuous bars or cables of the mesh or net allow the free passage of water and space for the union and growth of the tunicated implants. The perforations on the baskets or boxes allow the free passage of water, but they contain initial culture implants.
Support system When the mesh used for bonding and growth is sufficiently rigid, an additional anchor for heavy loads or sides lying on the bottom of culture tanks is sufficient for support. When necessary, such as in marine farming applications, an anchorage system is provided through ropes, rods or cables stretched between the heavy loads that lie at the bottom and the high flotation, floats on the surface of the water. The maintenance of the entire device submerged and stretched perpendicularly to the surface of the water is ensured through the connection to the anchor rods, ropes, cables or chains at each end of the support structure. When the mesh or net is used, additional smaller floats or anchors can be used at regular intervals on the upper side of the mesh to keep it unfolded and stretched all the time. Additional anchorage at intervals for regularly separated bottom charges is used to find additional floats or anchors. Alternatively, if channels or tanks are used, the entire support system can be fixed to the sides of the channel or the walls of the tank using a rigid support frame made of metal, wood or plastic When using baskets, perforated boxes or boxes the frame of support can consist of one or two long lines of rope, cable or chain, stretched between the anchorage bars firmly fixed on the seabed or to the growth tanks In a preferred embodiment, a mesh or coarse network of rope or other material such as high density polyethylene, it is used for the union and growth, where the holes or spaces are between 2 and 20 mm This mesh or net is assembled on, and kept unfolded by the anchoring fixing system, comprising stretched cables between loads and heavy anchor floats High flotation air anchors (suitably 20 to 50 kg elevation) are attached to one end of each cable, while the other The end is fixed to heavy loads (heavier than the elevation of the float) in the bottom, so that the entire structure rests essentially perpendicular to the surface of the water. All the binding mesh is fixed to the anchorage system ensuring that it remains stretched and does not float from the cultivation zone with the currents. In an alternative embodiment, the frame structure consists of a rectangular panel formed by two parallel arrangements or groups of bars or strips of wood or plastic, firmly affixed together to a angle through the use of ropes, screws or other means to make it sufficiently rigid for independent support. Alternatively, it can be fixed to the bottom using rigid networks of light metal, wood or plastic. A preferred device is employed in a method for growing Ecteinascidia turbinata by transplanting fragments of organism colonies to a substrate using a substrate and support device essentially as described, for example, in Figure 4 and comprising sections of a plastic mesh with a width of 0.5 to 4 m with holes between 2 and 8 cm kept completely submerged by the anchorage at the bottom of a shallow coastal lagoon and maintained approximately vertically by flotation devices. A useful device for growing and growing sessile marine organisms, in particular tunicates such as E. turbinata, at sites near or far from natural colonies, is also provided. This device consists essentially of a structure of union and growth within a support-flotation frame, which is maintained by an anchoring-fixing system and can have a screen attached to it. The growth device consists essentially of: A support frame and a flotation structure, Union guides, A fixation and anchoring system and usually A screen. A device for growing sessile marine organisms on substrates, comprising arrays of vertically extended substrates, each joined to a respective arrangement of horizontal joining guides secured to and supported by a support flotation frame provided with an anchoring system or a system of mooring, and optionally having a screen to reduce the incidence of the use of substrates Support frame and flotation structure This structure consists essentially of an internal perimeter support for the connecting rods and an external perimeter, which serves to join the entire structure to the walls of a tank or a flotation-anchoring system to adhere complications of sea Both perimeters are formed through a set of wooden bars or plastics firmly fixed to each other through the use of screws or other means to make it rigid enough to allow the support of the growth bars of the same The perimeter of Internal frame can be assembled in the same plane as the external one or can be kept in a lower plane so that it stays submerged in the water while the external frame remains on the surface, depending on the geometry of the flotation system, and other requirements specific crops Jointing Guides The inner part of the support frame serves as a fastening for the "joining guides", which are vain bars, strips, strips or ropes of material compatible with seawater, such as jute, wood, metal materials corrosion resistant or synthetic This "binding guides" are fixed to the frame through hooks or similar fixings, so that each end can be easily separated from the frame, forming a parallel, horizontal arrangement and remaining submerged near the surface of the frame. water through the inner part of the support frame Fixation and anchoring system. For marine farming applications, the entire device is fixed to float horizontally on the surface of the water. This can be achieved through the union of low average density structures to the outer perimeter areas of the frame structure. In this case, all The junction frame is anchored in heavy loads that lie at the bottom through ropes, chains or cables, so that it floats on the surface of the water but does not float away from the growing area with the currents The device can also be adapted to be used in tank or channels and fixed to the bottom or sides through any sufficiently firm fixing frame of light metal, wood or plastic. In a preferred embodiment of this invention, sufficiently large pieces of a polymeric material of low average density, such as pre-expanded polyurethane, are bonded to the spaces between the bars forming each side pair of the support frame, so that the entire surface it floats on water.
Screen . A cover material can be used to reduce the incidence of total light on the surface of the water immediately on the tie bars in areas exposed to intense sunlight. In a preferred embodiment of this invention, a stretch of a strong cloth or dense mesh is used to attach at each end to wooden or plastic bars (screen bars) in a way that allows easy removal of the screen to gain access to the growing crop from above. A preferred device is employed in a method for capturing Ecteinascidia turbinata larvae on 0.2-2 meter lengths of wooden ropes or rods using a device essentially as described in, for example, Figures 5, 6 and 7, comprising a frame of flotation, approximately 1-2 meters by 3-6 meters with a screen on which the wooden ropes or rods are fixed and maintained horizontally and vertically submerged in the water near the colonies of the organism until the larvae come together to the same so that adult colonies can then be grown from these ropes or bars thus cultivated. Another preferred device is employed in a method for growing Ecteinascidia turbinata by implanting colony fragments on 0.2-2 m sections of wooden ropes or rods using a device essentially as described in, for example, Figures 8, 9 and 10, comprising a flotation frame, approximately 1-2 mx 3-6 m with a screen from which wooden ropes or rods with attached colonies can hang vertically submerged in the water for the growth of the organism.
EXAMPLES OF THE INVENTION The present invention is illustrated through the modalities shown and the accompanying drawings.
DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a perspective view of a larval collector of this invention positioned around a colony of tunicates. Figure 2 is a top view of a support for using the larval collector of Figure 1, together with a horizontal cross section of the support. Figure 3 is a top view of a different support for a larval collector of this invention, together with a horizontal cross section of the support. Figure 4 is a growth device with mesh attachment structures suitable for use in the Mediterranean Sea. Figure 5 shows a frame for the capture of larvae. Figure 6 is an exploded view of the frame of Figure 5. 1 Figure 7 is a detail of the underwater area, the collectors, of a frame for the capture of larvae. Figure 8 is a frame for the growth of tunicates. Figure 9 is a detail of the frame of Figure 8. Figure 10 is a detail of a growth unit. Referring initially to Figure 1, the larval collector 10 of this invention has two polypropylene supports 12, which can be secured to a mangrove root 14 in a colony of tunicates 16. Six plastic ropes 18 of polypropylene, nylon or polyethylene and with a length of approximately 60 cm form substrates of larvae to receive the larvae of the colony. In the collector 10 of Figure 1, there are supports 12 at opposite ends, although the initial experience suggests that only the upper support is necessary for a generally vertical root 14. Each support is generally circular, and as seen in Figure 2, there is a central opening 20 defined by the internal ends 21 of flexible ends 22 extending inwards. The limbs may have a tapered section 23 to facilitate bending. A slot 24 is led from the periphery of the support towards the opening 20. During use, the assembled collector is carried below the water to a mangrove root 14 with a line of tunicates 16. the support flexes to open along the slot 24 to allow the root to pass into the central opening 20. The inner ends 21 of the limbs 22 can be adjusted and forced as necessary to engage the root and hold the support in place. After the larvae have migrated to the plastic ropes 18, the loaded pickers 10 can then be left in place for the larvae to mature, grow to give new colonies 26 indicated by the vanished lines. Alternatively, the loaded collectors can be transferred to a fresh area for the larvae to mature anywhere. In particular, each loaded substrate can form the basis for a new colony in a new area, which in turn can be subjected to larvae harvesting using the present invention.
Figure 3 shows a different support for a larvae collector with a horizontal cross-section of the support. The measurements of the support in Figure 3 are as follows: In the case of the Caribbean tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata, the release of larvae occurs approximately 4 or 5 times per year. It is desirable to place the collectors in view of the expected release times, and check the collectors at regular intervals. Through the use of the present invention, it becomes possible to ascertain the large scale culture of tunicates, especially Ecteinascidia turbinata. Thus, with the modality of Figures 1 to 3, an environmentally favorable method is provided for cultivating the sustainable exploitation of natural existence resources, that is, a method to cultivate Ecteinascidia turbinata, which comprises collecting the larvae on a substrate and Allow the larvae to grow to maturity. From the mature tunicates, or of its subsequent progeny, the desired compound, such as ecteinascidin 743, can be isolated. The isolated compound is also part of the present invention. Referring to Figure 4, a growth device with mesh attachment structures suitable for use in the Mediterranean Sea is shown. The substrate comprises a mesh. which is anchored by heavy loads and anchored by flotation anchors. Figure 4A shows an individual growth device, and Figure 4B shows a grouping of multiple devices. A preferred embodiment of this invention useful for the marine culture of tunicates in areas of the Caribbean coast of Mangle, in particular of E. turbinata, is shown in Figures 5 to 9. Figure 5 shows a frame for the capture of larvae . The external and internal perimeter are shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 presents alternative details using wooden rods or ropes for larval catch collectors. Figure 8 illustrates a frame for the growth of tunicates. Figure 9 alternatively shows connecting rods or connecting ropes with detail of a frame for the growth of tunicate. Figure 10 shows tie bars secured to support bars, in detail, of the growth units. For this application, frame structures are used which comprise rectangular arrangements of four parallel pairs of wooden bars or polymeric plastic bars bolted together as illustrated in the drawings. In this way, an internal rectangular space is left for the union of the growth bars. For larval capture applications, a frame can be used where the internal perimeter is placed between 0 and 50 cm below the outer perimeter to ensure that the tie bars are kept submerged properly. The tie bars are constructed of wood, plastic pipe or ropes with appropriate accessories at the ends to be fixed on hooks in the internal frame and placed horizontally inside the internal frame. The growth of colonies of tunicates attached to a binding guide or to a natural substrate is carried near the device and larvae are allowed to be emitted. After a moment, the bars with fixed larvae are released from one end and transferred to a support frame for growth. For the growth of pre-implanted organisms, the internal perimeter can be in the same plane, as the external perimeter, and resting on the surface of the horizontal support bars in water transverse to the internal frame. The vertical tie rods or ropes that lift either joined larvae or colony fragments of implanted tunicates are placed hanging from the horizontal ones and allow the growth of tunicates. The rods or ropes can be released at both ends in order to harvest all the growth of the tunicate. Pre-expanded polyurethane plates are fixed to the space between the external perimeter and the internal of the flotation frame. All the connecting frame is anchored to heavy loads through ropes. The process followed for the crop includes an initial crop followed by a growth and harvest phase. Colonies of adult tunicates can be carried close to the structure, and the larvae emitted as a result of the sexual cycle of these organisms are captured, or allowed to attach themselves to the bars of the structure, favorably when they are in a horizontal position. Alternatively, the ropes on which the larvae of tunicates have been similarly captured are attached to the bars of the support structure. They are maintained, and they differ in sessile adults, which in turn grow in larger colonies.
Alternatively, for culture through implants small fragments (ie, 20 g) are cut from the organism and growth such as sponges or colonies of tunicates are transported to the binding structure and fixed to the growth bars through bands rubber or any other method that maintains contact between the stolon of the colony and the joining surface Alternatively, the ropes to which have been similarly fixed colonies of tunicates or fragments of sponges are attached to the bars of the binding structure Growth asexual organisms give rise to an increase in net mass The rods or ropes with fixed larvae or fragments of living adult organisms are allowed to adopt a vertical position where the larvae are allowed to grow and form colonies. The asexual growth of the organisms gives rise to net increase in mass of tunicates A fraction of the colonies initially planted can be used to provide crop material for the next harvest, while the rest of the growth will be collected and stored appropriately. For the harvest, the colonies are cleaned of sediment through water currents, the foreign organisms are removed manually if necessary and the harvested animals separating them from the tie bars, storing them frozen, as appropriate

Claims (19)

1. - A method for producing a marine pharmaceutical product through the extraction of a sessile marine organism, said method comprises placing a plurality of substrates in seawater. to grow the organism on the plurality of substrates, harvest the growing organism, and extract the pharmaceutical product from the harvested organism.
2. A method according to claim 1, wherein the marine organism is Ecteinascidia turbinata, and the marine pharmaceutical product is an ecteinascidin compound.
3. A method according to claim 1, wherein the marine organism is Aplidium albicans and the marine pharmaceutical product is a didemnin compound.
4. A method for cultivating a sessile marine organism intended for the extraction of a marine pharmaceutical product, said method comprises placing a plurality of similar substrates in seawater, allowing the larvae of a colony of the organism to cultivate the substrates, to grow the organism on the plurality of substrates and harvest the growing organism.
5. A method according to claim 4, wherein the substrates are placed adjacent to the colony.
6. A method according to claim 4, wherein at least one collector comprising a support with substrates is placed adjacent to the colony to collect larvae.
7. - A method according to claim 6, wherein the collector is transferred to another site for the growth of the organism.
8. A method for cultivating a sessile marine organism destined for the extraction of a marine pharmaceutical product, said method comprises placing a plurality of similar substrates in seawater, transplanting the organism on the substrates, making the organism grow on the plurality of substrates and harvest the grown organism.
9. A method according to claim 8, wherein the individual organisms are transplanted onto the substrates.
10. - A method according to claim 8, wherein the organism fragments are transplanted onto the substrates.
11. A method according to any of claims 8 to 10, wherein the substrates are provided by cables, ropes, meshes, nets, bars, templates, boxes and baskets for direct attachment of the organism.
12. A method according to any of claims 8 to 11, wherein the submerged structures comprising the substrates are maintained between bottom anchoring devices and flotation devices.
13. A method according to any of claims 8 to 11, wherein the submerged structures comprising the substrates are maintained between the sides of a natural or artificial basin. 14.- A device to cultivate sessile marine organisms. which comprises a support frame and a flotation structure, joining guides, substrates for securing the joining guides, a fixing and anchoring system, and optionally a screen. 15. A device for growing sessile marine microorganisms on substrates, comprising substrate arrangements vertically in extension each joined to a respective arrangement of horizontal attachment guides secured to and supported by a support flotation frame provided with an anchoring system or a mooring system, and optionally having a screen to reduce the incident light on the substrates. 16. A device for growing sessile marine microorganisms on substrates, comprising substrates arrangements formed a binding and growth structure secured to a support flotation system provided with an anchoring system or a mooring system. 17. A method for growing Ecteinascidia turbinata by transplanting fragments of colonies from the organism to a substrate using as a substrate and support a device comprising sections of a plastic mesh with a width of approximately 0.5 to 4 m with holes between 2 and 8 cm kept completely submerged by the anchorage at the bottom of a shallow coastal lagoon and maintained approximately. 27 vertically by flotation devices. 18.- A method to capture larvae of Ecteinascidia turbinata on 0.2-2 m stretches of wooden ropes or bars using a device comprising a flotation frame, with approximately 1-2 m by 3-6 m with a screen on the which ropes or wooden bars are fixed and maintained horizontally or vertically submerged in the water near the colonies of the organism until the larvae join them so that the adult colonies can then be grown from these 10 ropes or bars thus sown or cultivated. 19. A method for growing Ecteinascidia turbinata by implanting fragments of colony on stretches of ropes or wooden bars of 0.2-2 m using a device comprising a flotation frame, approximately 1-2 m by 3-6 m with a 15 screen from which wooden ropes or rods with attached colonies can hang vertically submerged in water for the growth of the organism.
MXPA/A/2000/010872A 1998-05-05 2000-11-06 Culture of sessile marine animals MXPA00010872A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB9809588.8 1998-05-05
GB9905021.3 1999-03-04
GB9905018.9 1999-03-04

Publications (1)

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MXPA00010872A true MXPA00010872A (en) 2002-03-05



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