JP4346775B2 - Charging alarm display circuit - Google Patents

Charging alarm display circuit Download PDF


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JP4346775B2 JP2000041586A JP2000041586A JP4346775B2 JP 4346775 B2 JP4346775 B2 JP 4346775B2 JP 2000041586 A JP2000041586 A JP 2000041586A JP 2000041586 A JP2000041586 A JP 2000041586A JP 4346775 B2 JP4346775 B2 JP 4346775B2
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陽二 久保
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Hino Motors Ltd
Sawafuji Electric Co Ltd
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Hino Motors Ltd
Sawafuji Electric Co Ltd
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  • Control Of Charge By Means Of Generators (AREA)
  • Control Of Eletrric Generators (AREA)


本発明は、2個のオルタネータの発電出力を並列に接続する方式に利用するものであって、その2個のオルタネータのそれぞれの表示出力については、その警報表示ランプ出力端子に送出される信号を演算処理して、運転席に設けた一個または一系統の警報表示ランプに接続するように構成する。すなわち、第一のオルタネータの警報表示ランプ出力(L1 )および第二のオルタネータの警報表示ランプ出力(L2 )に送出される二値信号を利用し、その二値信号の論理和(L1 +L2 )と、論理積(L1 ・L2 )とをそれぞれ演算し、これを組み合わせて表示することを基本的な特徴とする。
すなわち本発明は、2個のオルタネータ(1、2)の発電出力((B1 E間)および(B2 E間))が並列接続されて電池(6)に供給され、この2個のオルタネータの励磁入力(R1 E間)および(R2 E間))が並列に接続され、この2個のオルタネータが一つの内燃機関により駆動される並列運転発電機の充電警報表示回路において、前記2個のオルタネータの各警報表示ランプの出力二値信号L1 、L2 、および並列接続された発電出力の電圧(BE間電圧、Vb)を入力として、前記発電出力の電圧(Vb)が前記電池の定常電圧よりわずかに高く設定された電圧基準値(Vf)を越えるとき過電圧信号を二値信号Fとして発生する手段(31)と、二値論理式

Figure 0004346775
上記括弧( )内の符号はあとから説明する実施例図面の符号であり、発明の構成が理解しやすいように付記するものであって、発明の構成を実施例に限定して理解するためのものではない。
この構成により、上記(1)式により演算された二値論理値Lは、2個のオルタネータの動作が正常であるときに論理値〔1〕となり、異常であるときに論理値〔0〕となって、その表示をきわめて単純化することができる。また、入力する2個のオルタネータの各警報表示ランプの出力二値信号L1 、L2 は、それぞれ2個のオルタネータから独立に出力されるものであり、これは本発明の回路の入力にそれぞれ独立に供給されるものであるから、2個のオルタネータの特性にかりに相違があっても、これは警報の論理値に影響を及ぼすことはない。
前記論理回路に、3個の入力信号〔F,L1 ,L2 〕の二値論理値がそれぞれ同順に〔0,0,1〕または〔0,1,0〕であるときに、前記出力二値信号Lを二値論理値〔1〕および〔0〕の繰り返し信号として変調する手段を含む構成とすることができる。この構成は、一方のオルタネータのみに警報表示出力が発生している状態であって、しかも出力電圧が十分でない状態である。このときには、他の警報と区別する意味で警報表示ランプを点滅させるようにしたものである。
実施例図面を用いて本発明をさらに詳しく説明する。図1は本発明の充電警報表示回路が利用される電気系の要部構成図である。2個のオルタネータ1および2は、その接地端子Eは共通電位に接続され、その発電出力端子B1 およびB2 は並列に接続される。この発電出力端子B1 およびB2 は、フューズ4およびバッテリリレー5を介してバッテリ6に接続される。2個のオルタネータ1および2の励磁入力R1 およびR2 は、これも相互に並列接続され、キースイッチ7を介してバッテリ6に接続される。このようにして、2個のオルタネータ1および2は電気的に並列接続されるとともに、図示してない回転駆動系に連結されてプーリ比により定められた回転速度で駆動される。
各オルタネータには、警報表示ランプを点灯または滅灯させるための二値信号L1 およびL2 を出力する端子と、各オルタネータの中性点電位N1 およびN2 を出力する端子とを備えている。この二値信号L1 およびL2 、中性点電位N1 およびN2 はそれぞれ本発明の特徴である論理回路3に接続される。この論理回路3には、さらに発電出力の電位を接続する端子Bおよび励磁入力の電位を接続する端子Rを備える。その警報表示ランプ出力Lは運転席に設けられた表示ランプ8に接続される。なお、この中性点電位N1 およびN2 ならびに出力Nについては、オルタネータが正常に動作しているか否かを識別するための信号として利用される。この中性点電位の利用について詳しくはこのあとの第三実施例の中で説明する。
図2は第一実施例装置の論理演算回路(図1の符号3の部分)の要部構成図である。端子BE間の発電出力の電圧Vbを入力として、これがバッテリ6の定常電圧よりわずかに高く設定された電圧基準値Vfを越えるとき、過電圧信号を二値信号Fとして発生する比較回路31を備える。論理回路32は、この二値信号F、および前記2個のオルタネータの警報表示ランプ出力であるL1 、L2 を入力として、
Figure 0004346775
このように構成された装置の動作を図3に示す動作説明図により説明する。図3(a)は、論理回路32の入力〔F,L1 ,L2 〕の組み合わせに対する出力Lの論理値を示す。この図3(a)の入力側の二値信号Fは
Vb≧Vf のとき F=1
Vb<Vf のとき F=0
となるように比較回路31が設定されている。また、オルタネータ1および2がそれぞれ正常な発電状態にあるときに、さらに詳しくはそれぞれ規定以上の発電出力電圧があるときに、二値論理値L1 、L2 はそれぞれ論理〔1〕であり、発電が行われていないときに論理〔0〕となる。
図3(a)および同(b)の最下段から説明すると、〔F,L1 ,L2 〕はこの順に〔1,1,1〕である。すなわち、第一のオルタネータ1も第二のオルタネータ2も発電を行っている状態であり、出力電圧Vbは電圧基準値Vf以上であって、かりにバッテリ6に負荷が接続されていても、2個のオルタネータによりバッテリ6に正常な充電が行われていることを示す。このときには上記(1)式による論理演算の出力Lの論理値は〔1〕となり正常である。
図3(a)および同(b)の下から2段目および同3段目の状態、すなわち入力〔F,L1 ,L2 〕が〔1,1,0〕または〔1,0,1〕であるときは、2個のオルタネータのうち一方が発電休止状態にあるが、出力電圧Vbは電圧基準値Vf以上であり、これらも正常な状態にある。このときには上記(1)式による論理演算の出力Lの論理値は〔1〕となる。ここで発電が休止状態にあるとは、バッテリに接続されている負荷電流が小さくなり、2個のオルタネータで発電を行う必要がなくなったときに、図外の制御回路により自動的に一方の励磁電圧を制御して一方のみ発電出力電流を小さく制御する場合である。
図4に本発明第二実施例装置の要部回路構成図を示す。すなわち、上で説明した論理回路32に加えて第二の論理回路33を設ける。この第二の論理回路33は、入力〔F,L1 ,L2 〕が論理〔0,0,1〕または〔0,1,0〕であることを識別する。この識別出力Sは、入力が論理〔0,0,1〕または〔0,1,0〕であるときには、断続信号、すなわち論理〔1〕と論理〔0〕の繰り返し信号を出力する回路であって、この識別出力Sにより論理回路32の出力信号をスイッチ34を繰り返し断続させるように構成される。
本発明の第三実施例装置は、オルタネータの中性点出力N1 およびN2 を利用して、上記第二実施例装置の点滅動作をさらに確かな情報により行うように構成したものである。図1に示す中性点出力N1 およびN2 には、それぞれオルタネータ1および2が発生する多相交流の中性点が接続されていて、オルタネータが正常に動作しているならば、この中性点出力に回転速度に比例した交流電圧が現れる。
図5は第三実施例装置の要部構成図である。この回路は図1で説明した論理回路3の中に設けられた回路の一部である。2個のオルタネータ1、2の中性点出力N1 およびN2 を入力とする。検出回路35は、端子N1 にオルタネータの中性点出力に有効な信号電圧が有るか否かを識別する回路である。端子N1 に中性点出力信号があれば、スイッチ36を上に倒してオルタネータ1の中性点出力N1 を選択する。端子N1 に有効な信号電圧がないときには、スイッチ36を下に倒してオルタネータ2の中性点出力N2 を選択する。すなわち、このスイッチ36により、2個のオルタネータのうち少なくとも一方に中性点出力があるならその中性点出力を出力している側が選択され、どちらにも中性点出力がないなら一方のオルタネータ1の端子N1 が選択されることになる。
【図3】(a)は論理回路32の入力〔F,L1 ,L2 〕の組み合わせに対する出力Lの論理値を示す図。(b)は2個のオルタネータの状態と総合判定を示す図。(c)警報表示ランプの点灯状態を示す図。
1、2 オルタネータ
3、32、33 論理回路
4 フューズ
5 バッテリリレー
6 バッテリ
7 キースイッチ
8 警報表示ランプ
31 比較回路
34、36、38 スイッチ
35 検出回路
37 識別回路[0001]
The present invention relates to an apparatus for displaying an operation state of an alternator (generator) for charging a battery mounted on a vehicle and driven by an internal combustion engine, and alarming the abnormality. The present invention is used for a system in which two alternators are installed in one vehicle and the power generation outputs are connected in parallel.
[Prior art]
In large sightseeing buses, etc., electrical components have become more sophisticated, such as by installing refrigerators and water heaters, resulting in increased power consumption. In order to cover this, a large alternator was required. However, a large alternator becomes a custom-made product, so that the mass production effect cannot be obtained and it becomes expensive. In addition, the weight is large, and special tools and devices are required for manufacturing and adjustment, and the number of work steps is also increased. For this reason, instead of installing one large alternator, a technique is adopted in which two small alternators are installed and the two output circuits are electrically connected in parallel. (See Japanese Utility Model Publication No. 6-31400). This method is inexpensive because a general-purpose product can be used as a small alternator.
In the system in which two alternators are connected in parallel, when one alternator malfunctions, the operation can be continued by reducing power consumption, etc. There is an advantage to improve. Alternators require regular maintenance, and parts may be replaced at this time, but small alternators and their parts are in stock at various locations and can be procured easily. There is a favorable reception.
In principle, the two alternators are connected in parallel by connecting the rotation drive shafts of the two alternators with a belt, etc., driven by a single internal combustion engine at a rotational speed determined by the pulley ratio, and its power generation output terminal Are used by connecting them in parallel. At this time, the alarm display lamp outputs of the two alternators are individually wired to two lamps, or they are also commonly wired in parallel to one lamp. .
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An alternator available as a part in the market has its rectifier circuit, voltage control circuit, charging alarm circuit, and the like individually provided for each alternator. In many designs, each of these circuits has been built into the alternator housing. When two alternators are used and the power generation output is connected in parallel as described above, the alarm display lamp output is also connected in parallel to one or one alarm display lamp provided in the driver's seat. When connected to, this alarm display lamp enters an alarm state even when power generation of one of the two alternators stops.
In particular, when the output load current of the alternator becomes small, a technology that uses a control circuit that automatically controls the field current of the alternator and stops power generation for one of the alternators is adopted. When one of the alternators is in a power generation halt state due to the operation of the control circuit, the alarm display lamp in the driver's seat is in an alarm state although there is no abnormality at all.
On the other hand, even if the power generation outputs are connected in parallel, the alarm display lamps of the driver's seat can be provided individually for each alternator, but this is because one of the two displays is in the alarm state. As a warning indication that the driver recognizes while driving, it is not possible to immediately determine whether this is normal operation and power generation is suspended or it is in an alarm state that requires maintenance. It is not desirable.
In general, even if the same excitation input voltage is applied to the same standard alternator and driven at the same rotational speed, the generated output voltage has manufacturing variations and adjustment variations. Therefore, when the outputs are connected in parallel, even if there is a slight difference in the output voltage within the allowable range of this variation, the charging alarm circuit provided in the other alternator that combines the two will cause the output voltage to be abnormal. May generate a warning output.
In addition, it is possible to cope with some of the inconveniences as described above by selecting the two alternators having the same characteristics or by adjusting the characteristics individually for the combination. However, when adjustment is performed again due to maintenance, the characteristics of the two alternators will be different. At this time, adjustment to adjust the characteristics is complicated, and a special measuring instrument or the like must be prepared. Also, when it is necessary to replace the alternator itself as a part at the maintenance stage, it is difficult to find a part having a specific characteristic from the few parts that are actually available.
The present invention has been made in such a background, and provides a charging alarm display circuit that generates a reasonable alarm display when the power generation outputs of two alternators are connected in parallel. With the goal. An object of the present invention is to provide a charging alarm display circuit capable of properly displaying an abnormal state by a single system display even if one or a plurality of lamps are provided. It is an object of the present invention to provide a charging alarm display circuit that generates a correct alarm display even if there are some differences in the characteristics of two alternators connected in parallel.
More specifically, the present invention relates to a charging alarm that has a rectifier circuit and a voltage control circuit built into two alternators connected in parallel, and generates a correct alarm display without changing its characteristics by adjustment. An object is to provide a display circuit. An object of the present invention is to provide a charging alarm display circuit that does not require adjustment of the alarm generation voltage or the like for combining two alternators connected in parallel. It is an object of the present invention to provide a charge alarm display circuit that generates a correct alarm display by re-adjusting the characteristics of the voltage control circuit according to standard procedures. The present invention can be used in parallel without causing any alarm inconvenience due to variations in characteristics even when two alternators with the same type standard available on the market are arbitrarily combined. An object of the present invention is to provide a charge alarm display circuit that can perform this. In the present invention, even when the alarm display lamp displayed on the driver's seat is composed of one or a plurality of lamps, this is one system. The flashing state appropriately alerts the operation state, and the driver correctly An object of the present invention is to provide a charging alarm display circuit capable of recognizing this.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention is used for a system in which the power generation outputs of two alternators are connected in parallel, and for each display output of the two alternators, a signal sent to the alarm display lamp output terminal is used. It is configured to perform arithmetic processing and connect to one or one alarm display lamp provided in the driver's seat. That is, using the binary signal sent to the alarm display lamp output (L 1 ) of the first alternator and the alarm display lamp output (L 2 ) of the second alternator, the logical sum (L 1 ) of the binary signals is used. + L 2 ) and logical product (L 1 · L 2 ) are calculated and displayed in combination.
That is, according to the present invention, the power generation outputs (between (B 1 E) and (B 2 E)) of the two alternators (1, 2) are connected in parallel and supplied to the battery (6). In the charge alarm display circuit of the parallel operation generator in which the two excitation inputs (between R 1 E) and (between R 2 E)) are connected in parallel and the two alternators are driven by one internal combustion engine, The output binary signals L 1 and L 2 of each alarm display lamp of each of the alternators and the voltage (BE voltage, Vb) of the power generation output connected in parallel are input, and the voltage (Vb) of the power generation output is the battery. A means (31) for generating an overvoltage signal as a binary signal F when a voltage reference value (Vf) set slightly higher than the steady-state voltage is exceeded, and a binary logical expression
Figure 0004346775
And a means (8) for displaying an output binary signal L of the logic circuit.
Reference numerals in parentheses () are those in the drawings of the embodiments to be described later, and are appended to make the configuration of the invention easy to understand, and are intended to limit the configuration of the invention to the embodiments. It is not a thing.
With this configuration, the binary logical value L calculated by the above equation (1) becomes the logical value [1] when the operations of the two alternators are normal, and the logical value [0] when the operation is abnormal. Thus, the display can be greatly simplified. In addition, the output binary signals L 1 and L 2 of the alarm display lamps of the two alternators to be input are output independently from the two alternators, which are respectively input to the inputs of the circuit of the present invention. Since they are supplied independently, any difference in the characteristics of the two alternators will not affect the logic value of the alarm.
Here, in the parallel connection of two alternators embodying the present invention, the two alternators are driven by a single internal combustion engine at a rotational speed determined by the pulley ratio. That is, when the two alternators (1, 2) are of the same standard and are driven at the same rotational speed, the pulley ratio is 1, which is driven at the same rotational speed. Even if two alternators having different rotational speeds can be operated by electrically connecting them in parallel, the present invention can be implemented by designing the pulley ratio appropriately. .
The means for displaying the binary signal L includes a circuit for turning off the alarm display lamp when the binary signal L is logic [1] and lighting the alarm display lamp when the binary signal L is logic [0]. Is good. In this configuration, the alarm display lamp is turned on when there is some abnormality in the charging circuit, and the alarm display lamp is turned off when there is no abnormality. The operation is equal to the operation.
When the binary logic values of the three input signals [F, L 1 , L 2 ] are [0, 0, 1] or [0, 1, 0] in the same order, It can be configured to include means for modulating the binary signal L as a repetitive signal of binary logical values [1] and [0]. This configuration is a state in which an alarm display output is generated only in one alternator, and the output voltage is not sufficient. At this time, the alarm display lamp is made to blink in order to distinguish it from other alarms.
Means (35, 36) for capturing a valid one of the neutral point outputs of the two alternators into the logic circuit, and an identification circuit (37) for identifying that the effective frequency is within a predetermined range. And means (38) for invalidating the means for modulating as the repetitive signal when the identification circuit output cannot identify that the frequency is within the predetermined range. This configuration is designed to prevent insignificant failure indications from occurring due to complicated changes in the drive rotational speed of the alternator at the start-up of the internal combustion engine that is the driving power for the two alternators. is there.
The present invention will be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. FIG. 1 is a block diagram of the main part of an electric system in which the charging alarm display circuit of the present invention is used. The two alternators 1 and 2 have their ground terminals E connected to a common potential and their power generation output terminals B 1 and B 2 connected in parallel. The power generation output terminals B 1 and B 2 are connected to the battery 6 via the fuse 4 and the battery relay 5. The excitation inputs R 1 and R 2 of the two alternators 1 and 2 are also connected in parallel with each other and connected to the battery 6 via the key switch 7. In this way, the two alternators 1 and 2 are electrically connected in parallel and are connected to a rotational drive system (not shown) and driven at a rotational speed determined by the pulley ratio.
Each alternator has a terminal for outputting binary signals L 1 and L 2 for turning on or off the alarm display lamp, and a terminal for outputting neutral point potentials N 1 and N 2 for each alternator. Yes. The binary signals L 1 and L 2 and neutral point potentials N 1 and N 2 are connected to the logic circuit 3 which is a feature of the present invention. The logic circuit 3 further includes a terminal B for connecting the potential of the power generation output and a terminal R for connecting the potential of the excitation input. The alarm display lamp output L is connected to a display lamp 8 provided at the driver's seat. The neutral point potentials N 1 and N 2 and the output N are used as signals for identifying whether or not the alternator is operating normally. The use of this neutral point potential will be described in detail in the third embodiment that follows.
(First Example)
FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the principal part of the logical operation circuit (the part denoted by reference numeral 3 in FIG. 1) of the first embodiment apparatus. A comparison circuit 31 is provided that generates an overvoltage signal as a binary signal F when the voltage Vb of the power generation output between the terminals BE is input and exceeds the voltage reference value Vf set slightly higher than the steady voltage of the battery 6. The logic circuit 32 receives the binary signal F and the alarm display lamp outputs L 1 and L 2 of the two alternators as inputs.
[Equation 3]
Figure 0004346775
It is comprised so that may be calculated. The comparison circuit 31 and the logic circuit 32 can be designed by a combination of an AND circuit and an OR circuit, but in this embodiment, the comparison circuit 31 and the logic circuit 32 are designed by a simple digital arithmetic circuit.
Here, the voltage reference value Vf will be described. This is a voltage slightly higher than the standard voltage of the battery, and may be set to a voltage slightly lower than the terminal voltage when the battery is normally charged. Good. This value should be set appropriately depending on the characteristics of the battery used and the characteristics of the generator. Incidentally, in this embodiment apparatus, the battery 6 is a lead storage battery, and its standard voltage is 24.0V. On the other hand, Vf = 26.5V was set. This is about 110% of the standard voltage of the battery, and is slightly lower than the terminal voltage (generally about 112% to 115% of the standard voltage) when the lead-acid battery is normally charged. is there. In this example apparatus, it has been confirmed that there is no practical problem even if the deviation in manufacturing and adjustment of the voltage reference value Vf is set to ± 0.5V.
The operation of the apparatus configured as described above will be described with reference to an operation explanatory diagram shown in FIG. FIG. 3A shows the logical value of the output L with respect to the combination of the inputs [F, L 1 , L 2 ] of the logic circuit 32. The binary signal F on the input side in FIG. 3A is F = 1 when Vb ≧ Vf.
F = 0 when Vb <Vf
The comparison circuit 31 is set so that Further, when the alternators 1 and 2 are in a normal power generation state, more specifically, when there is a power generation output voltage that exceeds a specified value, the binary logical values L 1 and L 2 are each logical [1], Logic [0] when power generation is not performed.
3A and 3B, [F, L 1 , L 2 ] are [1, 1, 1] in this order. That is, both the first alternator 1 and the second alternator 2 are generating power, the output voltage Vb is equal to or higher than the voltage reference value Vf, and even if a load is connected to the battery 6, two This indicates that the battery 6 is normally charged by the alternator. At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation according to the above equation (1) is [1], which is normal.
The states of the second and third stages from the bottom of FIGS. 3A and 3B, that is, the inputs [F, L 1 , L 2 ] are [ 1 , 1 , 0] or [ 1 , 0, 1 ], One of the two alternators is in a power generation halt state, but the output voltage Vb is equal to or higher than the voltage reference value Vf, and these are also in a normal state. At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation according to the above equation (1) is [1]. Here, when the power generation is in a halt state, when the load current connected to the battery is small and it is no longer necessary to generate power with two alternators, one of the excitation circuits is automatically excited by a control circuit (not shown). This is a case where the voltage is controlled and the power generation output current is controlled to be small.
The state in which the input in FIG. 3A is [1, 0, 0] in the above order is that the terminal voltage Vb of the alternator exceeds the voltage reference value Vf. This is a state in which the alternator is not properly controlled. It is an abnormal state where power is being generated at. This occurs, for example, when a malfunction occurs in the built-in regulator. At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation is [0]. As shown in FIG. 3B, this is a failure.
In the state where the inputs in FIG. 3A are [0, 1, 1] in the same order, both of the two alternators are generating power normally, but the terminal voltage Vb is low. This corresponds to a case where charging is normally performed when the charging capacity of the battery 6 is relatively small. The load current connected to the battery 6 is slightly large, but this state is also obtained when the load current is properly covered by two alternators. This is normal as shown in FIG. At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation is [1].
When the inputs in FIG. 3A are [0, 1, 0] and [0, 0, 1] in the same order, there is a power output of one alternator, no power output of the other alternator, and This is a case where the output terminal voltage is low, and such a state cannot be a normal state. That is, if the output terminal voltage is low, the two alternators should both generate power. If one of the alternators is not generating power, it is estimated that the alternator is not generating power and is in a failure state. The At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation is [0]. It is a failure as shown in FIG.
When the inputs in FIG. 3 (a) are [0, 0, 0] in the same order (the uppermost stage in FIGS. 3 (a) and (b)), the two alternators are not generating power. In addition, the terminal voltage is low. This is a failure if the internal combustion engine is in operation. At this time, the logical value of the output L of the logical operation is [0]. This is a condition that also occurs when the key switch is turned on before the internal combustion engine is started. Before starting with the key switch turned on, the charging alarm indicator lamp will be lit because power generation is not being performed, but this is normal and there is no problem because the driver is aware of this .
As described above, in the right column of FIG. 3A, when the logical value L of the logical operation output L is the logical value [0], the alarm display lamp 8 is lit, and when it is [1], the alarm display is displayed. By turning off the lamp 8, the two alternators and their charge states can be displayed by either “lit” or “turned off” of the single alarm display lamp 8.
(Second embodiment)
In the second embodiment of the present invention, the input of [0, 0, 1] or [0, 1, of the failure display of the first embodiment described above, that is, the display for lighting the alarm display lamp 8 is used. 0], the alarm display lamp 8 blinks. This corresponds to the second and third stages of FIG. 3A, and is further as shown in FIGS. 3B and 3C.
FIG. 4 shows a circuit configuration diagram of the main part of the second embodiment apparatus of the present invention. That is, the second logic circuit 33 is provided in addition to the logic circuit 32 described above. The second logic circuit 33 identifies that the input [F, L 1 , L 2 ] is logic [0, 0, 1] or [0, 1, 0]. This identification output S is a circuit that outputs an intermittent signal, that is, a repeating signal of logic [1] and logic [0] when the input is logic [0, 0, 1] or [0, 1, 0]. Thus, the identification output S is configured so that the output signal of the logic circuit 32 is repeatedly turned on and off.
In this second embodiment apparatus, when the alarm display lamp 8 is turned on in an abnormal state, this special abnormal state can be alarmed by blinking one alarm display lamp 8. It is.
(Third embodiment)
The apparatus according to the third embodiment of the present invention is configured such that the blinking operation of the apparatus according to the second embodiment is performed with more reliable information using the neutral point outputs N 1 and N 2 of the alternator. The neutral point outputs N 1 and N 2 shown in FIG. 1 are connected to the neutral point of the polyphase alternating current generated by the alternators 1 and 2, respectively. If the alternator is operating normally, An AC voltage proportional to the rotation speed appears at the sex point output.
FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the main part of the third embodiment apparatus. This circuit is a part of the circuit provided in the logic circuit 3 described in FIG. The neutral point outputs N 1 and N 2 of the two alternators 1 and 2 are input. The detection circuit 35 is a circuit for identifying whether or not the terminal N 1 has a signal voltage effective for the neutral point output of the alternator. If there is a neutral point output signal at the terminal N 1 , the switch 36 is moved upward to select the neutral point output N 1 of the alternator 1. When there is no valid signal voltage at the terminal N 1 , the switch 36 is moved down to select the neutral point output N 2 of the alternator 2. That is, the switch 36 selects the neutral point output side if at least one of the two alternators has a neutral point output. If neither of the two alternators has a neutral point output, one alternator is selected. One terminal N 1 is selected.
The selection output of the switch 36 is input to the identification circuit 37. The identification circuit 37 is configured by a simple circuit that identifies whether or not the frequency of the input signal is within a predetermined range. The identification circuit 37 can be configured by comparing separately obtained rotation information of the internal combustion engine (engine / tachometer signal, etc.) with the frequency of the neutral point output signal. When the rotation information of the internal combustion engine cannot be obtained easily, it is possible to set a normal predetermined frequency and identify that the output frequency is within the predetermined range. In this case, it is preferable to set a wide predetermined frequency range.
Thus, if at least one neutral point output signal has an appropriate voltage and its frequency is within a predetermined range, at least one of the alternators should be operating normally. Will occur. By this output, the switch 38 is maintained in the closed state, and the repetitive signal generated by the second logic circuit 33 described in the second embodiment can be displayed. However, when there is no identification output in the identification circuit 37, there is no appropriate neutral point output in either of the two alternators, and this does not apply to the case of performing the blinking display described in FIG. At this time, by opening the switch 38, the output of the output signal S of the second logic circuit 33 is prohibited, and the blinking display operation described in the second embodiment is prohibited.
With this configuration, meaningless blinking display that may occur until the internal combustion engine reaches a certain rotational speed, such as when the internal combustion engine is started, can be prohibited. With this configuration, it is possible to avoid a situation in which the driver is concerned that an abnormality has occurred in the operation of the charging circuit at the start-up of the internal combustion engine. This configuration is particularly effective for a driving operation in extreme cold, which requires a considerable time until the internal combustion engine reaches a stable rotational state.
The output N shown in FIG. 5 is the output N of the logic circuit 3 appearing in FIG. 1, and this is used in the external circuit not directly related to the present invention as a signal of the alternator operating normally.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, it is possible to obtain a charge alarm display circuit capable of properly displaying an abnormal state when the power generation outputs of two alternators are connected in parallel. In addition, even if there are some differences in the characteristics of two alternators connected in parallel, a charging alarm display circuit that generates a correct alarm display can be obtained. According to the present invention, it is possible to obtain a charge alarm display circuit that generates a reasonable alarm display that allows the driver to correctly recognize the state from a single display.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing a configuration example of an electric system in which a charging alarm display circuit of the present invention is used.
FIG. 2 is a configuration diagram of the main part of a logical operation circuit of the apparatus according to the first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 3A is a diagram illustrating a logical value of an output L with respect to a combination of inputs [F, L 1 , L 2 ] of the logic circuit 32; (B) is a figure which shows the state of two alternators, and comprehensive determination. (C) The figure which shows the lighting state of an alarm display lamp.
FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the main part of a logic circuit used in a second embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a configuration diagram of a neutral point output information processing circuit used in a third embodiment of the present invention.
[Explanation of symbols]
1, 2 Alternator 3, 32, 33 Logic circuit 4 Fuse 5 Battery relay 6 Battery 7 Key switch 8 Alarm display lamp 31 Comparison circuit 34, 36, 38 Switch 35 Detection circuit 37 Identification circuit

Claims (1)

2個のオルタネータの発電出力が並列接続されて電池に供給され、この2個のオルタネータの励磁入力が並列に接続され、この2個のオルタネータがひとつの内燃機関により駆動される並列運転発電機の充電警報表示回路において、前記2個のオルタネータの各警報表示ランプの出力二値信号L1 、L2 、および並列接続された発電出力の電圧を入力として、前記発電出力の電圧が前記電池の定常電圧よりわずかに高く設定された電圧基準値を越えるとき過電圧信号を二値信号Fとして発生する手段と、
Figure 0004346775
前記論理回路に、3個の入力信号〔F,L1 ,L2 〕の二値論理値がそれぞれ同順に〔0,0,1〕または〔0,1,0〕であるときに、前記出力二値信号Lを二値論理値〔1〕および〔0〕の繰り返し信号として変調する手段を含み、
The generator outputs of the two alternators are connected in parallel and supplied to the battery, the excitation inputs of the two alternators are connected in parallel, and the two alternators are driven by a single internal combustion engine. In the charging alarm display circuit, the output binary signals L 1 and L 2 of the alarm display lamps of the two alternators and the voltage of the power generation output connected in parallel are input, and the voltage of the power generation output is the steady state of the battery. Means for generating an overvoltage signal as a binary signal F when a voltage reference value set slightly higher than the voltage is exceeded;
Binary formula
Figure 0004346775
A logic circuit for calculating
Means for displaying the output binary signal L of this logic circuit,
When the binary logic values of the three input signals [F, L 1 , L 2 ] are [0, 0, 1] or [0, 1, 0] in the same order, Means for modulating the binary signal L as a repetitive signal of binary logic values [1] and [0];
Means for capturing a valid one of the neutral point outputs of the two alternators in the logic circuit, an identification circuit for identifying that the effective one frequency is within a predetermined range, and an output of the identification circuit And a means for invalidating the means for modulating as the repetitive signal when it cannot be identified that the frequency is within a predetermined range.
JP2000041586A 2000-02-18 2000-02-18 Charging alarm display circuit Expired - Lifetime JP4346775B2 (en)

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JP2000041586A JP4346775B2 (en) 2000-02-18 2000-02-18 Charging alarm display circuit

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JP2000041586A JP4346775B2 (en) 2000-02-18 2000-02-18 Charging alarm display circuit

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