JP4324266B2 - α1A adrenergic receptor mutant, measurement method using the mutant, and therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy - Google Patents

α1A adrenergic receptor mutant, measurement method using the mutant, and therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy Download PDF


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α1 アドレナリン受容体(以下α1 −ARという)サブタイプについては、これまでに薬理学的研究および受容体遺伝子のクローニングによりα1Aアドレナリン受容体サブタイプ(以下α1A−ARという)、α1Bアドレナリン受容体サブタイプ(以下α1B−ARという)およびα1Dアドレナリン受容体サブタイプの3種のアドレナリン受容体サブタイプの存在が確認されている。
種々の動物及びヒトの各種臓器におけるこれらのα1 −ARサブタイプの局在及び機能について多くの研究がなされ、ヒト前立腺組織にはα1A−ARが優位に存在し、α1A−AR選択的アンタゴニストがノルアドレナリン収縮を最もよく抑制することからヒト前立腺はα1A−ARを介して収縮すると考えられている。また、ヒトの末梢血管はα1B−ARを介して収縮することが報告されている(British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 113, pp. 723-728 (1994))。更に、ヒト大網動脈およびヒト腸間膜動脈もα1B−ARを介するとされている。
例えば、胃・十二指腸潰瘍治療剤として知られているヒスタミンH2 受容体アンタゴニストのシメチジンやラニチジンはインバースアゴニストであるため、これらヒスタミンH2 受容体アンタゴニストを長期連用するとヒスタミンH2 受容体数が増加し、その結果、耐性発現(作用減弱)や使用中断により胃酸分泌亢進などのリバウンド現象を起こすことが問題点として指摘されている。このように、インバースアゴニストは耐性発現やリバウンド現象により予期せぬ症状を引き起こすため、医薬品として使用するアンタゴニストはニュートラルアンタゴニストが望ましいとして種々の研究がなされている。ヒスタミンH2 受容体の他にβ2 アドレナリン受容体やα1B−ARについても変異体を用いて種々の研究が活発に行われており、アンタゴニストの性質が受容体の活性を左右することが報告されている。(Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 93, pp. 6802-6807 (1996); Biochem. J., Vol. 325, pp. 733-739 (1997))しかしながら、α1A−ARについてはこれまでニュートラルアンタゴニストかインバースアゴニストであるかを判定する実験手段自体が開発されていなかったため、今まで何ら報告がなされていない。
特に、心臓においてもα1A−ARが発現していることが確認されており、α1 −AR刺激により心肥大が誘導されることが報告されている。α1A−ARは細胞内情報伝達経路の一つであるイノシトール1,4,5−三リン酸(以下IP3 という)を産生してプロテインキナーゼCを活性化させることが知られており、プロテインキナーゼC活性の亢進が心肥大誘導の一因を担っているものと考えられる。それ故、心筋細胞においてα1A−ARが増加すると、心肥大が起こる危険性が増大する。(血管と内皮,Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 81-86 (1995);医学のあゆみ,Vol. 172, No. 3, pp.151-154 (1995);The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 271, No. 10, pp. 5839-5843 (1996))従って、α1A−ARアンタゴニストとして、インバースアゴニストを使用すると受容体数が増加した場合、心肥大の危険性が増加することが予想される。
本発明者らは、α1A−ARに関して鋭意研究を重ねた結果、インバースアゴニストとニュートラルアンタゴニストの判定に適したα1A−AR変異体を確立することができ、そのα1A−AR変異体を発現させたChinese Hamster Ovary(CHO)細胞を用いる事により、α1A−ARにおいてもインバースアゴニストとニュートラルアンタゴニストが存在する事を見出した。更に、当該CHO細胞を用いた実験でインバースアゴニスト活性を示さないα1A−AR対するニュートラルアンタゴニストが前立腺肥大に伴う排尿困難症治療剤として非常に優れた薬剤となり得ることを見出し、本発明を成すに至った。
本発明者らは、α1A−ARの平衡状態を活性型優位にすべく研究した結果、野生型α1A−ARの271番目であるアミノ酸のアラニンをスレオニンに置換した466個のアミノ酸から構成されるα1A−AR変異体をCHO細胞に発現させ、細胞内IP3 量を測定したところ、野生型に比べIP3 量が顕著に上昇しており、活性型が優位であるα1A−AR変異体の確立に成功した(Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.,Vol.195,No.2,pp.902−909(1993);FEBS Letters,Vol.42,pp.279−283(1998))。
更に、本発明者らは、上記α1A−AR変異体を発現させたCHO細胞を用いて実験することにより、細胞内IP3 量を減少させ、その結果としてα1A−AR数を増加させるインバースアゴニスト活性を示すアンタゴニストと、細胞内IP3 量およびα1A−AR数を変化させないニュートラルアンタゴニストを判定する事ができ、医薬品として有用なニュートラルアンタゴニストの開発が可能である事を見出した。
即ち、本発明者らが確立した活性型が優位にある上記α1A−AR変異体を発現させたCHO細胞を用いた実験において、α1A−ARに対して高親和性を示すプラゾシンは細胞内IP3 量を30%程度減少させ、その結果α1A−AR数を約3倍に増加させたのに対し、α1A−ARに対して高親和性を示す選択的な尿道平滑筋収縮抑制作用を有する排尿困難症治療剤として開発されたインドリン誘導体(特開平6−220015号公報)の中の一化合物である(−)−(R)−1−(3−ヒドロキシプロピル)−5−〔2−〔〔2−〔2−(2,2,2−トリフルオロエトキシ)フェノキシ〕エチル〕アミノ〕プロピル〕インドリン−7−カルボキサミド(以下KMD−3213という)はIP3 量には影響を与えず、α1A−AR数も変化させなかった。以上の事から、プラゾシンはα1A−ARに対して強いインバースアゴニスト活性を示すアンタゴニスト(インバースアゴニスト)であり、一方、KMD−3213はα1A−ARに対するインバースアゴニスト活性を示さないニュートラルアンタゴニストであることが確認された。
α1A−AR変異体発現CHO細胞における細胞内IP3 の定量及びα1A−AR数の測定
ヒトα1A−AR変異体(ヒトα1A−ARの第3細胞内ループにある第271番目のアラニンをスレオニンに置換した466個のアミノ酸から構成される受容体)を発現したCHO細胞を用いて、塩酸プラゾシンおよびKMD−3213のα1A−AR活性に対する影響を細胞内IP3 量および受容体発現量を指標として検討した。
ヒト前立腺cDNAライブラリーに対してウシα1A−AR遺伝子(333bp)をプローブとしてスクリーニングを行い、全長1.5kbpのヒトα1A−ARcDNA断片(5’非翻訳領域7bpおよび3’非翻訳領域≦100bpも含む)を単離した。また、α1A−AR変異体はmodified site−specific PCR法を用いて、得られたヒトα1A−AR(野生型)の第271アミノ酸のアラニンをスレオニンに置換することにより作製した。α1A−AR遺伝子は制限酵素EcoRIを用いて哺乳類発現ベクターpCR3に挿入し、リポフェクトアミン(GIBCO社製)を用いてCHO細胞に導入した。細胞は、500μg/mlのG−418の存在下、αMEM(10%ウシ胎児血清,100units/mlペニシリンG,100μg/ml硫酸ストレプトマイシンを含む)を用いて37℃で培養し、恒常的にα1A−ARを発現する細胞を得た。
上述した方法によりα1A−ARを発現させたCHO細胞を各被験薬物(10-7M)存在下で37℃で16時間培養し、培養終了30分前に細胞をPBSで洗浄し、血清除去培地に交換した。その後、CHO細胞に0.8M過塩素酸処理を施し、氷上で30分間放置後、60mMのHEPES、60mMのEDTAを含む4M水酸化ナトリウムで中和し、遠心分離を行い沈渣を除去した。得られた細胞抽出液を用いてInositol−1,4,5−trisphosphate〔 3H〕Radioreceptor Assay Kit(NEN社製)により細胞内IP3 量を測定した。一方、受容体発現量を検討する実験においては、α1A−AR変異体を発現させたCHO細胞を各被験薬物(10-12 〜10-7M)の存在下で48時間37℃で培養した。その後、Assay buffer(Tris−HCl 50mM,EDTA 1mM,pH7.4)にて細胞を回収し、Sonicatorを用いて破砕し、80000xgで30分間遠心分離後、得られた沈渣をAssay bufferで懸濁して膜分画とした。膜分画(10μg protein/tube)を〔 3H〕−プラゾシン(10〜2000pM)共存下45分間30℃でインキュベーション後、Cell harvester(M−30T,Brandel社製)を用いて膜分画をGF/Cフィルター(Whatman社製)上に回収し、50mMのTris−HCl buffer(pH7.4)で数回洗浄後、液体シンチレーションカウンターを用いて結合量を測定した。非特異的結合は1μM塩酸タムスロシン存在下での結合とした。得られた実験結果を非線形近似プログラムPRISM(登録商標)(Graphpad Software社製)を用いて解析し、受容体量を算出した。
野生型と比べて変異体を発現した細胞は細胞内IP3 量が上昇しており、α1A−AR変異体では活性型が優位であることが確認された。この様なα1A−AR変異体を用いた実験において、塩酸プラゾシン処置は細胞内IP3 量を減少させ、受容体発現量を増加させたが、KMD−3213処置では細胞内IP3 量および受容体量いずれにおいても影響が認められなかった。また、KMD−3213は塩酸プラゾシンのIP3 減少作用に拮抗した。このことから、α1A−ARにおいてプラゾシンはインバースアゴニストとして、KMD−3213はニュートラルアンタゴニストとして作用していることが判明した。
ラットの尿道内圧に対するα1 −ARアンタゴニストの影響
最低6日間の検疫後、KMD−3213及び塩酸プラゾシンを0.5%メチルセルロース水溶液に懸濁または溶解し、各300μg/kgの用量で28日間連続経口投与した。また、それぞれの被験薬物投与群(KMD−3213連続投与群,プラゾシン連続投与群)に対して0.5%メチルセルロース水溶液のみを投与した対照群を設けた。最終投薬日の2日後、ラットをウレタン(1.25g/kg,腹腔内投与)で麻酔した。下腹部切開を施し、尿道に沿って恥骨結合部を切開した。膀胱頂部より生理的食塩水を満たしたカニューレ(ポリエチレンチューブNo.5,ヒビキ社製)を挿入し、先端部を前立腺部尿道に位置するよう留置した。さらに、膀胱頸部および遠位尿道部を結紮した。尿道内圧はカニューレ後端に接続した圧力トランスデューサー(DT−XX,オメダ株式会社製)および変換器増幅ユニット(1829,日本電気三栄株式会社製)を介して測定し、レコーダー(RECTI−HORIZ−8K又はRT−3200N,日本電気三栄株式会社製)上に記録した。尿道内圧上昇は、塩酸フェニレフリン(30μg/kg)を左大腿部静脈よりシリンジポンプ(Model 100,室町機械株式会社製)を用いて36ml/hrの速度で注入する事により惹起した。

Figure 0004324266
ラット心臓のα1A−AR発現に対するα1 −ARアンタゴニストの影響
Wistar系雄性ラット(7週齢)に各被験薬物2mg/kgを14日間腹腔内投与した。投与終了から24時間後、心臓を摘出し、buffer(Tris−HCl 50mM,NaCl 100mM,EDTA 2mM,pH7.4)内で細断後、Polytronを用いてホモジナイズし、ガーゼでろ過した。ろ過した上清は80000xgで30分間遠心分離後、沈渣をAssay buffer(Tris−HCl 50mM,EDTA 1mM,pH7.4)に懸濁して再び80000xgで30分間遠心分離し、得られた沈渣をAssay bufferで再懸濁して膜分画とした。〔 3H〕−KMD−3213(10〜2000pM)および膜分画(200μg protein/tube)を30℃で45時間インキュベーション後、Cell harvester(M−30T,Brandel社製)を用いて膜分画をGF/Cフィルター(Whatman社製)上に回収し、50mMのTris−HCl buffer(pH7.4)で数回洗浄後、液体シンチレーションカウンターを用いて結合量を測定した。非特異的結合は1μM塩酸タムスロシン存在下での結合とした。得られた実験結果を非線形近似プログラムPRISM(登録商標)(Graphpad Software社製)を用いて解析し、α1A−AR数を算出した。
Figure 0004324266
KMD−3213 1.0mg含有カプセル製剤
Figure 0004324266
【図1】α1A−AR(変異体および野生型)発現CHO細胞の薬物非処置群およびα1A−AR変異体発現細胞の各被験薬物投与群(単独または併用)における細胞内IP3 量を示したグラフである。縦軸は細胞内IP3 量(pmol/106 細胞)を示す。横軸は使用したα1A−ARおよび使用薬物の種類を示す。
The present invention relates to human α 1A Alanine of the 271st amino acid of the adrenergic receptor is replaced with threonine α 1A A novel variant of the adrenergic receptor, α 1A Α using an adrenergic receptor mutant 1A Method for measuring inverse agonist activity of adrenergic receptor antagonist and α not showing inverse agonist activity in the measurement method 1A The present invention relates to a therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy containing an adrenergic receptor antagonist as an active ingredient.
[Prior art]
α 1 Adrenergic receptor (α 1 For the subtype (AR), α has been obtained through pharmacological studies and receptor gene cloning. 1A Adrenergic receptor subtype (α 1A -AR), α 1B Adrenergic receptor subtype (α 1B -AR) and α 1D The presence of three adrenergic receptor subtypes has been confirmed.
These α in various animal and human organs 1 -Many studies have been done on the localization and function of the AR subtype, and human prostate tissue 1A -AR is dominant, α 1A The human prostate is alpha because AR selective antagonists best suppress noradrenaline contraction 1A -It is believed to contract through the AR. In addition, human peripheral blood vessels 1B -It has been reported to contract via AR (British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol. 113, pp. 723-728 (1994)). In addition, human omental artery and human mesenteric artery are 1B -It is supposed to be via AR.
Recently, G protein-coupled receptors such as α-adrenergic receptor, β-adrenergic receptor, and histamine H receptor exist in a certain equilibrium state, inactive and active forms, and only active forms are protein kinases. It has been reported to cause a physiological response via an intracellular information transmission system such as C.
On the other hand, studies have also been conducted on the effects of agonists and antagonists on these receptors. Neutral antagonists that do not affect the equilibrium state of the inactive type and active type antagonists and inverse agonists that shift the equilibrium state to the inactive side It has been reported that when an antagonist with strong inverse agonist activity is used for a long period of time, the number of receptors increases compensably as a result of transiently suppressing the intracellular signal transduction system.
For example, histamine H, which is known as a therapeutic agent for gastric / duodenal ulcer 2 Since the receptor antagonists cimetidine and ranitidine are inverse agonists, these histamine H 2 Histamine H after long-term use of a receptor antagonist 2 It has been pointed out as a problem that the number of receptors increases, and as a result, rebound phenomena such as increased gastric acid secretion occur due to the development of tolerance (attenuation of action) and interruption of use. Thus, since inverse agonists cause unexpected symptoms due to the development of resistance and rebound phenomenon, various studies have been conducted on the assumption that neutral antagonists are desirable as antagonists used as pharmaceuticals. Histamine H 2 Β in addition to receptors 2 Adrenergic receptors and alpha 1B Various studies have also been actively conducted on mutants using -AR, and it has been reported that the properties of antagonists affect the activity of receptors. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., Vol. 93, pp. 6802-6807 (1996); Biochem. J., Vol. 325, pp. 733-739 (1997)) However, α 1A -Until now, no experimental means for determining whether it is a neutral antagonist or an inverse agonist has been developed so far, and thus no reports have been made so far.
The contraction of the human prostate is α 1A -Contraction of human peripheral blood vessels via α 1B -Since it has been reported that it is mediated through AR, it is selectively used as a treatment for prostatic hypertrophy to reduce side effects such as orthostatic hypotension. 1A -Although an AR antagonist has been developed, there is a concern that if the antagonist is an inverse agonist, the dose is increased due to the development of resistance. That is, if the activation state of the main receptor in each organ is different, the action strength of the antagonist having inverse agonist activity may vary depending on the organ, and in some cases, side effects such as orthostatic hypotension are strongly expressed. There is concern about becoming.
Especially in the heart 1A -It has been confirmed that AR is expressed, α 1 -It has been reported that cardiac hypertrophy is induced by AR stimulation. α 1A -AR is inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (hereinafter referred to as IP) which is one of intracellular signal transduction pathways. Three It is known that protein kinase C is activated and the increase in protein kinase C activity is considered to contribute to the induction of cardiac hypertrophy. Therefore, α 1A -When AR increases, the risk of cardiac hypertrophy increases. (Vessel and Endothelial, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 81-86 (1995); History of Medicine, Vol. 172, No. 3, pp. 151-154 (1995); The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol 271, No. 10, pp. 5839-5843 (1996)) 1A As an AR antagonist, the use of inverse agonists is expected to increase the risk of cardiac hypertrophy when the number of receptors increases.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy that can suppress the development of tolerance due to continuous use and can avoid side effects in other organs such as cardiac hypertrophy.
We have α 1A -As a result of earnest research on AR, α suitable for determination of inverse agonist and neutral antagonist 1A -AR mutants can be established and their α 1A -By using Chinese Hamster Over (CHO) cells expressing the AR mutant, 1A -We have found that there are also inverse agonists and neutral antagonists in AR. Furthermore, α that does not show inverse agonist activity in experiments using the CHO cells 1A The present inventors have found that a neutral antagonist for AR can be a very excellent drug as a therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
We have α 1A -As a result of studying the equilibrium state of AR to make active type dominant, wild type α 1A -Α composed of 466 amino acids obtained by substituting threonine for alanine of amino acid 271 of AR 1A -AR mutants are expressed in CHO cells and intracellular IP Three When the amount was measured, IP compared to the wild type Three The amount is significantly increased and the active form is dominant α 1A -Successful establishment of AR variants (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., Vol. 195, No. 2, pp. 902-909 (1993); FEBS Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 279-283 (1998) )).
Furthermore, the present inventors have made the above α 1A -Intracellular IP by experimenting with CHO cells expressing AR mutants Three Decrease the amount and consequently α 1A An antagonist exhibiting inverse agonist activity to increase the number of ARs and intracellular IP Three Quantity and α 1A -A neutral antagonist that does not change the number of ARs can be determined, and it has been found that a neutral antagonist useful as a pharmaceutical can be developed.
In the above experiment, α does not show inverse agonist activity. 1A -AR antagonists do not develop tolerance with long-term administration and are 1A -It has been found that it can be expected as a therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy without changing the AR number.
That is, the above-mentioned α that the active form established by the present inventors is dominant. 1A In experiments using CHO cells expressing AR mutants, α 1A -Prazosin with high affinity for AR is intracellular IP Three Reduce the amount by about 30%, resulting in α 1A -Increased the number of AR by about 3 times, while α 1A -A compound among indoline derivatives (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 6-220015) developed as a dysuria therapeutic agent having a selective urethral smooth muscle contraction inhibitory action exhibiting high affinity for AR (- )-(R) -1- (3-hydroxypropyl) -5- [2-[[2- [2- (2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy) phenoxy] ethyl] amino] propyl] indoline-7- Carboxamide (hereinafter referred to as KMD-3213) is IP Three Does not affect the amount, α 1A -The number of AR was not changed. From the above, prazosin is α 1A -An antagonist (inverse agonist) showing strong inverse agonist activity against AR, whereas KMD-3213 is an α 1A -It was confirmed to be a neutral antagonist that does not show inverse agonist activity against AR.
Next, the present inventors have made the above α 1A -Prazosin and α which are inverse agonists for AR 1A -KMD-3213, a neutral antagonist to AR, was administered orally for 4 weeks to confirm the correlation between inverse agonist activity and tolerance in rats, and then the inhibitory activity against phenylephrine-induced increase in urethral pressure was observed in each test. When examined by intravenous administration of the drug, prazosin is 50% inhibitory (ID 50 Value) was about 1.7 times higher than the control group, and developed resistance, whereas KMD-3213 did not develop resistance.
Similarly, prazosin hydrochloride and KMD-3213 were intraperitoneally administered continuously for 2 weeks using rats, and α 1A -When the effect on AR expression was examined, α was observed in the prazosin continuous administration group. 1A -The number of AR increased about 1.7 times. On the other hand, in the KMD-3213 continuous administration group, α 1A -The AR number did not change.
Therefore, α 1A -Α not showing inverse agonist activity in CHO cells expressing AR mutant 1A -Neutral antagonists to AR do not attenuate the inhibition activity of phenylephrine-induced increase in urethral pressure by continuous administration, so that resistance does not occur and rebound phenomenon due to drug use interruption does not occur, and treatment for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy It is extremely useful as an agent.
Furthermore, α 1A -Neutral antagonists that do not show inverse agonist activity against AR are those in the heart that have been shown to be associated with cardiac hypertrophy 1A -Since there is no effect on the number of ARs, it is possible to obtain resistance during drug use and rebound phenomenon due to use interruption. 1A -Avoid side effects on the heart due to increased AR numbers.
Thus, the α of the present invention 1A By using the AR mutant, α does not exhibit an inverse agonist activity useful as a therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy. 1A -Neutral antagonists for AR can be developed.
In the present invention, α which does not show inverse agonist activity contained as an active ingredient 1A -An antagonist for AR is not limited to a neutral antagonist that does not exhibit any inverse agonist activity, and is an α composed of 466 amino acids. 1A -Α by prazosin in the method for measuring inverse agonist activity of the present invention using AR mutant 1A -When the increase in the number of ARs is defined as 100% inverse agonist activity, 1A An antagonist with an inverse agonist activity that is considered to have no influence on AR may be about 30% or less, and more preferably about 10% or less. KMD-3213 has an inverse agonist activity of 0%, and can be cited as an extremely excellent neutral antagonist.
In addition, KMD-3213 is a 50% lethal dose (LD) in a single oral dose toxicity test in SD rats. 50 The value) is 878 mg / kg for both males and females, and it is a safe compound without particularly serious side effects.
Therefore, α showing no inverse agonist activity 1A -By containing an AR antagonist such as KMD-3213 or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof as an active ingredient, the development of tolerance due to continuous use is suppressed, and side effects in other organs such as cardiac hypertrophy after discontinuation of use are prevented. It is possible to obtain an extremely suitable therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy that can be avoided.
KMD-3213 and pharmacologically acceptable salts thereof, which are one of the active ingredients of the therapeutic agent for dysuria according to the present invention, are known compounds and can be produced by a method described in the literature (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 6-1994). No. 220015).
The compound contained as an active ingredient in the therapeutic agent for dysuria of the present invention may be used as it is, or may be used as a pharmacologically acceptable salt. For example, pharmacologically acceptable salts of KMD-3213 include hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, sulfuric acid, methanesulfonic acid, benzenesulfonic acid, p-toluenesulfonic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, 2,4-dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid, 2,5-dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonic acid, (+)-camphorsulfonic acid, (-)-camphorsulfonic acid, 4-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid And mono- or diacid addition salts with 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, 1-butanesulfonic acid, fumaric acid, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and the like.
In addition, the compound contained as an active ingredient in the therapeutic agent for dysuria of the present invention includes solvates with pharmaceutically acceptable solvents such as hydrates and ethanol in addition to the above-mentioned salts.
When the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is used for actual treatment, various dosage forms are used depending on the usage. Examples of such dosage forms include oral administration agents such as powders, granules, fine granules, dry syrups, tablets and capsules, and parenteral administration agents such as injections, patches and suppositories. .
These pharmaceutical compositions are prepared according to the method used in pharmacology depending on the dosage form, and are suitable excipients, disintegrants, binders, lubricants, diluents, buffers, isotonic agents, preservatives. , Wetting agents, emulsifiers, dispersants, stabilizers, solubilizing agents, and other pharmaceutical additives can be mixed or diluted / dissolved as appropriate, and prepared according to conventional methods.
For example, a powder is added to an active ingredient, for example, KMD-3213 or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof, and if necessary, an appropriate excipient, lubricant or the like is added and mixed well to obtain a powder.
Tablets may be compressed according to conventional methods by adding appropriate excipients, disintegrants, binders, lubricants, etc. to the active ingredient, for example, KMD-3213 or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof, if necessary. Into tablets. Tablets may be coated as necessary to form film-coated tablets, sugar-coated tablets, and the like.
Capsules are mixed with active ingredients such as KMD-3213 or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof, if necessary, with appropriate excipients, lubricants, etc., mixed well, and then filled into appropriate capsules. To make capsules. Further, it may be filled after granulation or fine granulation by a conventional method, or after adding a dispersant, an emulsifier, a stabilizer, a solubilizing agent or the like to make it liquid.
The preparation may be administered as a sustained release preparation. A matrix-type sustained-release preparation in which a sustained-release base is mixed in a tablet or granule as a normal sustained-release preparation, or a tablet, granule or matrix-type sustained-release preparation obtained by a conventional method using a sustained-release base It can be orally administered as a coated film-controlled sustained-release preparation. Sustained release bases include hardened oil, stearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, paraffin, fatty acid monoglycerin wax, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, ethylcellulose, carboxyvinyl polymer, vinyl acetate resin, ethyl acrylate methyl methacrylate Mention may be made of copolymers, aminoalkyl methacrylate copolymers, methacrylic acid copolymers and the like.
When the pharmaceutical composition of the present invention is used for actual treatment, α which does not show an inverse agonist activity as an active ingredient thereof 1A -The dose of the AR antagonist is appropriately determined depending on the sex, age, weight, degree of symptoms, etc. of the subject patient. For example, when KMD-3213 or a pharmacologically acceptable salt thereof is used as an active ingredient, It is administered orally, generally within the range of 0.1-100 mg per day for adults, and parenterally, generally within the range of 0.01-100 mg per day per adult.
The contents of the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to the following test examples and formulation examples, but the present invention is not limited to the contents.
Test example 1
α 1A -Intracellular IP in CHO cells expressing AR mutant Three Quantification and α 1A -Measurement of number of AR
(1) Purpose
Human α 1A -AR mutant (human α 1A -Recombination of prazosin hydrochloride and KMD-3213 using CHO cells expressing a receptor composed of 466 amino acids in which the 271nd alanine in the third intracellular loop of AR is replaced with threonine) 1A -Influence on AR activity by intracellular IP Three Amount and receptor expression level were examined as indicators.
(2) Method
Bovine α against human prostate cDNA library 1A -Screening using the AR gene (333 bp) as a probe, human α having a total length of 1.5 kbp 1A -AR cDNA fragment (including 5 'untranslated region 7 bp and 3' untranslated region ≤ 100 bp) was isolated. Α 1A -AR mutants were obtained using a modified site-specific PCR method and the human α 1A -Prepared by substituting alanine of the 271st amino acid of AR (wild type) with threonine. α 1A -AR gene was inserted into mammalian expression vector pCR3 using restriction enzyme EcoRI and introduced into CHO cells using Lipofectamine (GIBCO). Cells were cultured in αMEM (10% fetal calf serum, 100 units / ml penicillin G, containing 100 μg / ml streptomycin sulfate) in the presence of 500 μg / ml G-418 at 37 ° C. 1A -Cells expressing AR were obtained.
Α 1A -AR cells expressing CHO cells for each test drug (10 -7 M) The cells were cultured at 37 ° C. for 16 hours in the presence, and the cells were washed with PBS 30 minutes before completion of the culture and replaced with serum-removed medium. Thereafter, 0.8 M perchloric acid treatment was performed on CHO cells, and after standing for 30 minutes on ice, the cells were neutralized with 4 M sodium hydroxide containing 60 mM HEPES and 60 mM EDTA, and centrifuged to remove sediment. Using the obtained cell extract, Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate [ Three H] Intracellular IP using Radioceptor Assay Kit (manufactured by NEN) Three The amount was measured. On the other hand, in experiments to examine receptor expression level, α 1A -CHO cells in which AR mutant was expressed were treated with each test drug (10 -12 -10 -7 The cells were cultured at 37 ° C. for 48 hours in the presence of M). Thereafter, the cells are collected using an assay buffer (Tris-HCl 50 mM, EDTA 1 mM, pH 7.4), disrupted using a sonicator, centrifuged at 80,000 × g for 30 minutes, and the resulting precipitate is suspended in an assay buffer. The membrane fraction was used. Membrane fraction (10 μg protein / tube) [ Three After incubation at 30 ° C. for 45 minutes in the presence of H] -prazosin (10 to 2000 pM), the membrane fraction was recovered on a GF / C filter (Whatman) using Cell harvester (M-30T, Brandel). After washing several times with 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4), the binding amount was measured using a liquid scintillation counter. Nonspecific binding was defined as binding in the presence of 1 μM tamsulosin hydrochloride. The obtained experimental results were analyzed using a nonlinear approximation program PRISM (registered trademark) (manufactured by Graphpad Software) to calculate the receptor amount.
(3) Results
Cells expressing the mutant compared to the wild type Three The amount is rising, α 1A It was confirmed that the active form is dominant in the -AR mutant. Α like this 1A In experiments with the -AR mutant, prazosin hydrochloride treatment was treated with intracellular IP Three Decreased the amount and increased receptor expression, but KMD-3213 treatment resulted in intracellular IP Three There was no effect on either dose or receptor level. KMD-3213 is an IP of prazosin hydrochloride. Three Antagonized the decreasing effect. From this, α 1A -In AR, prazosin was found to act as an inverse agonist and KMD-3213 was acting as a neutral antagonist.
[Figure 1]
[Figure 2]
Test example 2
Α for intraurethral pressure in rats 1 -Influence of AR antagonist
(1) Purpose
The degree of inhibitory action of KMD-3213 and prazosin hydrochloride on phenylephrine-induced increase in urethral pressure using SD male rats was compared in each test drug non-administered group and the 4-week continuous administration group.
(2) Method
After quarantine for a minimum of 6 days, KMD-3213 and prazosin hydrochloride were suspended or dissolved in a 0.5% aqueous solution of methylcellulose, and orally administered at a dose of 300 μg / kg for 28 consecutive days. Moreover, the control group which administered only 0.5% methylcellulose aqueous solution with respect to each test drug administration group (KMD-3213 continuous administration group, prazosin continuous administration group) was provided. Two days after the last dosing day, the rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.25 g / kg, ip). A lower abdominal incision was made and the pubic junction was incised along the urethra. A cannula (polyethylene tube No. 5, manufactured by Hibiki Co., Ltd.) filled with physiological saline was inserted from the top of the bladder, and the tip was placed so as to be located in the prostate urethra. In addition, the bladder neck and distal urethra were ligated. The urethral pressure was measured via a pressure transducer (DT-XX, manufactured by Omeda Co., Ltd.) and a transducer amplification unit (1829, manufactured by NEC Sanei Co., Ltd.) connected to the rear end of the cannula, and a recorder (RECTI-HORIZ-8K). Or RT-3200N, manufactured by NEC Sanei Co., Ltd.). The increase in urethral pressure was induced by injecting phenylephrine hydrochloride (30 μg / kg) from the left femoral vein using a syringe pump (Model 100, manufactured by Muromachi Kikai Co., Ltd.) at a rate of 36 ml / hr.
In the KMD-3213 continuous administration group, the urinary pressure increase inhibitory effect of intravenously administered KMD-3213 was examined, and in the prazosin continuous administration group, the urethral pressure increase inhibitory effect of intravenous prazosin hydrochloride was examined. Administer the test drug from the right femoral vein every hour by dose escalation (KMD-3213: 0.3, 1, 3 and 10 μg / kg; prazosin hydrochloride: 1, 3, 10 and 30 μg / kg) Five minutes after administration, an increase in urethral pressure was induced and compared with the increase in urethral pressure before administration of the test drug. From this, the rate of suppression of the increase in urethral pressure at each dose was calculated, and the ID was determined from the dose-suppression curve. 50 Value (dose of test drug that suppresses 50% of increase in urethral pressure before test drug administration) was calculated, and the ID in each control group 50 Compared with value. In the KMD-3213 continuous administration group and its control group, KMD-3213 dihydrobromide was dissolved in Lactated Ringer's solution and administered intravenously, and the prazosin continuous administration group and its control group contained prazosin hydrochloride in physiological saline. Dissolved and administered intravenously.
(3) Results
α 1A -ID of KMD-3213 continuous administration group, which is a neutral antagonist for AR 50 The value showed no increase compared to the control group. Meanwhile, α 1A -The prazosin continuous administration group, which is an inverse agonist for AR, showed a value about 1.7 times higher than that of the control group.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004324266
Test example 3
Α of rat heart 1A -Α for AR expression 1 -Influence of AR antagonist
(1) Purpose
Α in rat heart 1A -The effects of prazosin hydrochloride and KMD-3213 administration on the expression level of AR were compared in the test drug non-administration group and the 2-week continuous administration group.
(2) Method
Wistar male rats (7 weeks old) were intraperitoneally administered with each test drug at 2 mg / kg for 14 days. Twenty-four hours after the end of administration, the heart was excised, shredded in buffer (Tris-HCl 50 mM, NaCl 100 mM, EDTA 2 mM, pH 7.4), homogenized using Polytron, and filtered with gauze. The filtered supernatant was centrifuged at 80,000 × g for 30 minutes, the precipitate was suspended in Assay buffer (Tris-HCl 50 mM, EDTA 1 mM, pH 7.4), and centrifuged again at 80,000 × g for 30 minutes, and the obtained precipitate was assayed by Assay buffer. And resuspended to form a membrane fraction. [ Three H] -KMD-3213 (10 to 2000 pM) and membrane fraction (200 μg protein / tube) were incubated at 30 ° C. for 45 hours, and then the membrane fraction was obtained using Cell harvester (M-30T, Brandel) using GF / After collecting on a C filter (manufactured by Whatman), washing several times with 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4), the amount of binding was measured using a liquid scintillation counter. Nonspecific binding was defined as binding in the presence of 1 μM tamsulosin hydrochloride. The obtained experimental results were analyzed using a nonlinear approximation program PRISM (registered trademark) (manufactured by Graphpad Software), and α 1A -The number of AR was calculated.
(3) Results
Prazosin hydrochloride continuous administration for 2 weeks 1A -While the AR number was increased 1.7 times, continuous administration of KMD-3213 1A -It did not affect the AR number.
[Table 2]
Figure 0004324266
Test example 4
Single dose toxicity study
(1) Method
Each group used 5 week-old SD rats and 5 males and 5 females, and 400, 800, and 1600 mg / kg were orally administered to each group, followed by observation for 14 days.
(2) Results
The mortality rate was 0 in 5 cases in the 400 mg / kg group for both males and females, 3 in 5 cases in the 800 mg / kg group, and 4 in 5 cases in the 1600 mg / kg group. 50% lethal dose (LD 50 ) Was 878 mg / kg for both sexes, and the minimum lethal dose was 800 mg / kg for both sexes.
Formulation example
An example of a capsule formulation containing KMD-3213 as an active ingredient is shown below as an example of a formulation example.
KMD-3213 1.0mg capsule formulation
Figure 0004324266
The above is mixed well and filled to contain 1.0 mg of KMD-3213 in one capsule to prepare a capsule preparation containing 1.0 mg of KMD-3213.
[Brief description of the drawings]
[Fig. 1] α 1A -Drug-untreated group of α (mutant and wild type) expressing CHO cells and α 1A -Intracellular IP in each test drug administration group (alone or in combination) of AR mutant-expressing cells Three It is the graph which showed quantity. Vertical axis is intracellular IP Three Amount (pmol / 10) 6 Cell). The horizontal axis is the α used 1A -Indicates AR and type of drug used.
[Fig. 2] α 1A -It is the graph which showed the concentration-response curve of each test drug with respect to the receptor expression level in AR variant expression CHO cell. The vertical axis represents α after drug treatment when the number of receptors at no drug treatment is 100%. 1A -Indicates the change in AR number (%). The horizontal axis represents the test drug treatment concentration (Log [M]). In addition,-(circle)-shows prazosin hydrochloride and-●-shows KMD-3213.

Claims (2)

ヒトα1Aアドレナリン受容体において第271アミノ酸のアラニンをスレオニンに置換したα1Aアドレナリン受容体の変異体。Variants of the 271 the amino acid alanine is substituted with threonine alpha 1A-adrenergic receptors in the human alpha 1A-adrenergic receptor. 請求項1記載のα1Aアドレナリン受容体の変異体を用いたα1Aアドレナリン受容体アンタゴニストのインバースアゴニスト活性の測定方法。A method for measuring an inverse agonist activity of an α 1A adrenergic receptor antagonist using the mutant of α 1A adrenergic receptor according to claim 1.
JP05116399A 1999-02-26 1999-02-26 α1A adrenergic receptor mutant, measurement method using the mutant, and therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy Expired - Lifetime JP4324266B2 (en)

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JP05116399A JP4324266B2 (en) 1999-02-26 1999-02-26 α1A adrenergic receptor mutant, measurement method using the mutant, and therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy

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JP05116399A JP4324266B2 (en) 1999-02-26 1999-02-26 α1A adrenergic receptor mutant, measurement method using the mutant, and therapeutic agent for dysuria associated with prostatic hypertrophy

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