JP4213235B2 - Substrate manufacturing method and substrate - Google Patents

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熱インクジェットプリンタの問題として知られているのは、プリントヘッド温度の変動に起因するプリントヘッドノズルからの噴射されるインクの容量の増加による印刷出力品質の低下である。プリントヘッド温度により噴射インク滴の大きさにばらつきを生じ、その結果印刷品質が低下する。噴射インク滴の大きさはプリントヘッド温度とともに変化する。その理由は、インク滴の大きさを決める二つの特性がプリントヘッド温度とともに変化するからである。その特性とは、インク粘度と印刷パルスによる駆動時の点火(発射)抵抗器(firing resistor )により蒸発されるインク量である。プリントヘッド温度の変動は一般にプリンタの始動の間、周囲温度の変化の間、プリンタ出力の変化時に発生する。
ドリフトサーミスタの製造工程は、ゼロックス4004プリンタに使用するゼロックスプリントヘッド上にドライバトランジスタを製造する工程と同じである。面積抵抗は一般に5000オーム/スクエアで、抵抗温度係数は典型的に0.005/℃である。望ましいサーミスタ抵抗値を得るためのドリフトサーミスタの最適形状は正方形、あるいは、長さ対幅の比が一般に0.1〜10の長方形である。熱インクジェットダイ毎に一個のドリフトサーミスタを設ける場合、このドリフトサーミスタを設置するのに好適な場所は、ダイの裏面のワイヤボンディングパッド列中で、ヒータ列のほぼ中心に対応する位置である。このようにして、サーミスタは平均温度を測定する。この位置では、ドリフトサーミスタのヒータ温度に対する応答は、上記のポリシリコンサーミスタよりも遅くなる。測定結果から応答時間は約40ミリ秒であるが、それでもこの応答時間はオンザフライスポットサイズ(on-the-fly-spot-size)制御に使用するには十分な速さである。ドリフトサーミスタのTCRはポリシリコンサーミスタのTCRよりも大きいので、その信号対雑音比は優れている。しかし、それでも各ドリフトサーミスタを較正するか、あるいは、外部回路に例えば調整可能抵抗を組み込む必要がある。その理由は、ドリフトサーミスタの抵抗に関する製造許容範囲が広いので、抵抗値の変動が2倍になることもあるからである。TCRもまた大きく変動する可能性がある。その結果、従来と同じ手法を使用すると、つまり、与えられた設定点温度で外部抵抗を調整し、中央点のTCRを想定する手法を使用すると、ドリフトサーミスタの場合の温度誤差はポリシリコンサーミスタの場合の温度誤差よりも大きくなる可能性がある。この場合の温度誤差を計算により求め、図3にそのグラフを示す。図3では、製造上のばらつきのためにTCRが0.003/℃〜0.006/℃の範囲で変化するが、TCRは中間の0.0045/℃であると仮定される。従来の手法で補正抵抗を調整した設定点温度T0 から大きく離れた実際の温度を測定すると、このドリフトサーミスタで仮定した0.0045/℃からの抵抗温度係数のずれのため、温度測定誤差はより顕著になる。温度範囲の端における誤差は±8℃になることもあり、許容できる誤差ではない。
本発明の請求項2の態様に従うと、基板の温度検出方法であって、ブリッジ回路の一辺を形成し、R1 =Rt =r0 (1+aΔT)で表される抵抗値を有する温度検出サーミスタを基板上に形成する工程(ただし、aは抵抗温度係数(TCR)を表し、r0 は設定点温度T0 における抵抗を表し、ΔTは測定する温度と設定点温度T0 間の差を表す)と、複数の部分サーミスタを、前記温度検出サーミスタのTCRとほぼ等しいTCRを有し、かつ前記部分サーミスタの組み合わせ抵抗がfR1 (ただし、f=1−B/aで、Bは前もって選択した最小TCR値を表す)となるように前記温度検出サーミスタに隣接して形成する工程と、前記部分サーミスタと外部抵抗Rx =r0 (1−f)を前記温度検出サーミスタを含むR1 辺に隣接したブリッジ辺に組み込む工程とを含む。
本発明の請求項3の態様に従うと、基板であって、前記基板内に配設され、抵抗値がRt でTCRがaの温度検出サーミスタと、 前記サーミスタに隣接して配設され、前記温度検出サーミスタと同じ材料で、前記温度検出サーミスタの場合に用いられたと同じ方法でそれと同時に作られ、TCRがaであり、公称抵抗値がfRt (ただし、fは1より小さい)である部分サーミスタとを含む。
先行技術文献米国特許第5、075、690号では、図4に示すようなブリッジ回路を用いて、サーミスタの出力に依存した大きさの電圧を生成していた。図4を参照すると、ブリッジ回路10は4辺に抵抗(R1 〜R4 、センササーミスタは辺R1 に含まれる)を有している。外部電圧Vinが電圧源12から印加され、ブリッジ電圧Vout は各辺の抵抗値間の関係に依存し、例えば、一つまたはそれ以上の辺の抵抗値の変化に応答して変化する。Vout についての一般的なブリッジ方程式は下記のとおりである。

Figure 0004213235
2 =R4 として整理すると、
Figure 0004213235
先に参照した米国特許5、075、690号の従来技術では、ある設定温度T0 において、R1 におけるサーミスタと直列に設けられている抵抗を調整することによりR1 はR3 に等しく設定されていた。従来技術の説明を簡単にするため、R1 =r0 (1+aΔT)とする。ここで、R1 =Rt は、T0 時の抵抗がr0 で、TCR=aであるサーミスタである。ΔT=T−T0 である。従来技術では、T=T0 の時にR3 =r0 に調整する。この従来例では、式2から、
Figure 0004213235
Figure 0004213235
従来技術の場合、製造上のTCRのばらつきがあるので、あるTCR=Aが仮定される。図1及び図3について誤差ΔTを計算する場合、実際のTCR=aを用いてVout を式3により計算した。また、仮定したTCR=Aを用いて式4によりΔTを計算した(ここで、図1の場合はA=0.001/℃、図3の場合はA=0.0045/℃とした)。
本発明では、調整可能外部抵抗だけでなく、センササーミスタRt と同じ材料で作られ、Rt に近接して設けられた一連のサーミスタも辺R3 に組み込むことにより測定誤差を最小限に抑えている。これらの“部分”サーミスタの各種組み合わせを短絡させることにより、Rt と同じ抵抗係数を有するが、fRt (ここで、サーミスタTCRの製造上のばらつきの全範囲に対応するためにfは通常1未満である)の公称値を有するような抵抗値をR3 辺に提供できる。図5はR3 辺を変形したブリッジ回路を示す。図6は提案したサーミスタ構成をチップ上に実現する一方法を示す。
図6について説明する。サーミスタRt は、Rt と同じ材料ではあるが抵抗値がRt に対して部分的である他の幾つかのサーミスタと直列に接続されている。サーミスタRt の長さは幅の2倍である(例えば、200ミクロンx100ミクロン)。各部分サーミスタの幅は同じであるが、長さは連続的に短くなっており、一番短いサーミスタ(Rt /16)の長さは、例えば、12.5ミクロンである。サーミスタには全て斜線を付けてある。白色のパッドはワイヤボンディングパッドを表し、通常アルミニウムである。サーミスタセンサRt は、ブリッジのR1 辺においてパッドP1 とP2 の間に置かれる。従って、R1 =Rt =R0 (1+aΔT)となる。ただし、R0 は抵抗値a+T0 、Δt=T−T0 である。R3 辺において、パッドP2 とP3 間に位置する選択された組み合わせの部分抵抗は、調整可能な外部抵抗Rx と直列に配列されている。各部分抵抗と並列に配列されているのは、可溶リンク短絡バー30である。可溶リンクは電気的に溶融、あるいは、レーザにより切断され、任意の組み合わせの部分サーミスタ抵抗を得ることができ、0から15Rt /16までRt /16の増分単位で設定する。また、R3 =Rx +fr0 (1+aΔT)であることを示すことができる。ここで、部分サーミスタはRt に近接しているので、部分サーミスタのTCR=aは本質的にRt のTCRと同じである。
ブリッジの出力電圧はR1 とR3 の値を式2に代入して求められる。
Figure 0004213235
x をr0 (1−f)の値に調整すると、式5は以下のように簡単になる。
Figure 0004213235
Figure 0004213235
一般には、温度範囲の端においても、Vout はVinの4%未満である。従って、式7は次のように近似できる(f=0の場合、最も正確となる)。
Figure 0004213235
Figure 0004213235
どの可溶リンクを切断するか決定したり、また、ΔT=T−T0 の測定誤差を最小にするために外部抵抗の値をいくらに設定するか決定するためのアルゴリズムは以下の通りである。製造上のばらつきとして許容できるTCRの最小値をBとする。あるプリントヘッドダイのサーミスタRt について実際のTCR=aを測定する。次に、辺R3 において短絡されていない部分サーミスタの組み合わせの合計抵抗がfRt となるように、プリントヘッドダイ上の可溶リンクを切断する。ここで、fはほぼ1−B/aに等しい。最後に、外部抵抗Rx をRx =r0 (1−f)となるように調整する。ここで、r0 はT=T0 におけるRt の値である。
式9のΔTを測定する場合の誤差を最小にするための実施の形態において、まず、いくつかの条件を仮定する。製造上のばらつきとして許容できるTCRの最小値を決める。図3に示すように、ドリフトサーミスタの場合、Rt についての最小TCR=Bは0.003/℃である。あるプリントヘッドダイ上に形成された特定のサーミスタRt について、実際のTCRの値aを測定する。(ウェーハプローブ試験中がこの測定を行うのに適しており、ウェーハ上の全サーミスタを常温で測定し、次にウェーハがホットステージに保持されているときに全サーミスタについて再測定を行う。)本発明の実施の形態における特定のダイについてのTCRの実測定値が0.004/℃であるとする。
式9からfを求めると、f=1−(0.003/0.004)=0.25となる。次に、バー30においてRt /4に接続された可溶リンクを溶融してこの抵抗を短絡する。これにより、辺R3 における短絡してない部分抵抗の抵抗値はfRt =0.25Rt となる。次に、式Rx =r0 (1−f)=0.75r0 を満足するように、外部抵抗Rx を調整する。ここで、r0 はT0 でのRt の値である。
図7に示すように、ドリフトサーミスタの場合の温度測定誤差が、図3の従来技術の場合に比べ大幅に減少している。図3の場合と同じTCR=aの製造上のばらつきを有するものを図7においても用いている。TCRの最大値(0.006/℃)はTCRの最小値(0.003/℃)の2倍以上なので、Rt /2部分サーミスタ並びにRt /4、Rt /8、Rt /16の各部分サーミスタを含む図6の構成を用いる。図6の構成を用いたときのΔT測定誤差の計算において、各場合についての実際のTCR値(=a)を用いて式6からVout を計算した。ここで、fの設定値については、図6の構成により1/16単位で与えられるf=1−B/aの内のfの計算値に最も近い値にfを設定した。Bは仮定されるaの最小値(0.003/℃)に設定した。次に、式9を用いてΔTの各仮定値についてΔTを計算し、仮定値と計算値の間の差を図7に温度誤差として表示した。ここで注意すべきは、式9を使用するに当たり、プリントヘッドで用いられているfの値が分からなくても良いことである。従って、このアルゴリズムは、部分サーミスタ及び外部抵抗の調整はすべて工場で行われるものとしており、ユーザごとにあるいはプリンタによって、異なるプリントヘッドについて特別な測定あるいは調整を行う必要なはい。図7から分かるように、本発明は温度測定誤差を大幅に減少する。測定誤差が最大となるのは、ΔTがその範囲の端点の場合(例えば、本発明の実施の形態では±24℃)、TCRがその最小値Bから離れている場合(つまり、TCRの値が大きく、従ってfの値が大きい場合)、また、使用可能なfの離散値(1/16単位で増加するため)がfの計算値とうまく適合しない場合である。従って、図7において、ΔTの測定値の最大誤差(−2.3℃)は、TCR=a=0.0055/℃の場合、ΔTの仮定値が−24℃の時に発生する。TCR=a=0.006/℃の場合の方がTCRは大きいが、fの計算値0.5は、図5の1/16単位構成において提供されるf=0〜f=15/16の範囲内の離散値の一つと完全に等しい。TCR=a=0.0055/℃の場合、fの計算値は0.455であり、それに最も近い上記範囲内のfの離散値は0.438である。+24℃の極値の場合、ΔTの最大誤差はTCR=a=0.006/℃の場合に発生し、その値は−1.6℃となる。
図7の計算結果は、外部抵抗Rx の調整誤差は含んでいない。先に述べたように、レーザによるトリミングは0.1%の精度で通常行われ、レーザによりトリミングした抵抗の安定性(温度偏位を含む)は0.2%が予想される。従って、Rx の誤差0.3%は考慮する必要がある。図7における温度誤差は負側の方が大きい(最大の負誤差は−2.3℃で、最大の正誤差は0.2℃)ので、Rx がその目標値であるr0 (1−f)よりも0.3%大きい場合について考える。図8に示すように、この抵抗調整誤差のために、図7の測定温度曲線が負方向に移動している。そうであっても、図8の場合の最大温度誤差は−2.8℃であり、TCR=a=0.0055/℃の場合に−24℃において発生している。この温度範囲の他端における最大誤差は−2.1℃であり、TCR=a=0.006/℃の場合に+24℃において発生している。従って、±8℃(16℃の範囲)の誤差が発生し得る図3の場合よりも温度測定精度が向上した。具体的には、本発明の方法においては、トリミング誤差を考慮しても、最大温度誤差は3℃未満であり、誤差範囲も3℃未満である。TCRの製造ばらつき範囲を、TCRの最大値と最小値の差の2倍よりも小さくすることが可能であれば、それは、本発明の精度を向上する上で、また、Rt /2の部分サーミスタを削除できる可能性があるので都合がよい。しかし、製造ばらつきが上記差の2倍あったとしても、温度範囲及びプリントヘッド全体に亘って、温度測定精度を3℃に維持できる。
図5におけるVout は、プリントヘッドの温度変化に起因するサーミスタRt の抵抗値の変化に応答して変化する。当技術分野で知られているように、Vout は増幅してデジタル信号に変換することができる。このデジタル信号は、温度変化を監視して補正、例えば、個々の抵抗へ送られている駆動信号のパルスの変更を行うシステム制御装置の制御回路へ送られる。
上記実施の形態の各種変形例は色々考えられる。例えば、外部抵抗Rx をプリントヘッド上に組み込むことが最もあり得る形態であるが、この場合いくつかある方法の内のいずれかを用いてこの外部抵抗を望ましいr0 (1−f)値に設定できる。プリントヘッド用の電気接続板を厚膜(あるいは薄膜)技術を用いて作成する場合、外部抵抗は基板の一部としてスクリーンプリントし焼き付ける(あるいは蒸着して成形)。その後、接続される熱インクジェットダイについてのサーミスタとそのTCRが特定の値となるようにレーザによるトリミングを行う。電気接続板をプリント配線板技術により作成する場合、外部抵抗はレーザにより調整可能な別個の構成要素として電気接続板に搭載される。あるいは、プリントヘッドを実装するときに、合計の抵抗値が適切な値となる一つまたはそれ以上の個別の抵抗を、種々の抵抗から選択してもよい。また、使用されたfの値の検出方法にも色々ある。ウェーハの試験段階で可溶リンクを溶融させた場合、その後プリントヘッドの実装中にRx の値を設定する時点で、パッドP2 とP3 間のサーミスタ抵抗とパッドP1 とP2 間のサーミスタ抵抗の比がfとなる(図6参照)。あるいは、図6のパッドすべてをプリントヘッド板に引き出し、溶融してない可溶リンクを短絡として検出できる。実際、部分サーミスタ用短絡バーをプリントヘッドの電気接続板上に設けることができ、fの値をウェーハの試験中ではなくプリントヘッドの実装中に設定できる。
別の変形例として、TCRの値が温度T0 におけるサーミスタのr0 値と十分よく相関する場合、TCRを決めるに当たり二つの異なる温度におけるサーミスタの測定を行う必要がなく、T0 のみにおける測定を行い、この相関関係を用いてTCRを予想する。このアプローチは、全範囲のウェーハを対照とした場合、精度が充分でないかもしれないが、例えば、ある製造単位(バッチ)のウェーハ内で適用する場合には有用であろう。
温度変化1℃当たりのブリッジ出力電圧を増加させるために、比較的大きな値の入力電圧を使用できる。一般に、Vinは10ボルトのオーダーである。上限はサーミスタ自身の発熱により設定される。あるいは、Vout を増幅して感度を増加させることもできる。
The present invention relates to an inkjet printer, and more particularly to an operating temperature detection system and method for a print head using a thermistor and a thermistor whose resistance temperature coefficient is corrected by an auxiliary thermistor and a resistance element in order to improve temperature measurement accuracy.
[Prior art]
A known problem with thermal ink jet printers is a decrease in print output quality due to an increase in the volume of ink ejected from print head nozzles due to variations in print head temperature. Variations in the size of the ejected ink droplets are caused by the print head temperature, resulting in a decrease in print quality. The size of the ejected ink droplets varies with the printhead temperature. This is because the two characteristics that determine the size of the ink drop change with the printhead temperature. The characteristics are ink viscosity and the amount of ink evaporated by a firing resistor when driven by a printing pulse. Print head temperature fluctuations generally occur during printer startup, during ambient temperature changes, and when printer output changes.
When printing text in black and white, the print density varies with printhead temperature. This is because the density depends on the size of the ejected ink droplet. When printing a grayscale image, the contrast of the image also changes with the printhead temperature. This is because the contrast depends on the size of the ejected ink droplet. Even when a color image is printed, the color of the printed image changes with the print head temperature. This is because the color of the print image depends on the size of all primary color ink droplets that form the color of the print image. When the print head temperature is different for each primary color nozzle, the size of the ink droplet ejected from one primary color nozzle is different from the size of the ink droplet ejected from another primary color nozzle. As a result, the color of the print image is different from the desired color. Even if all nozzles of the printhead are at the same temperature, the color will be different at the first and last part of the page as the printhead temperature increases or decreases as the page prints. To print the highest quality text, graphics, or images, the printhead temperature must be constant.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
One problem with integrated thermistors is manufacturing variations when forming the thermistors. This variation appears as a temperature measurement error. This temperature measurement error may be larger than the allowable limit in the vicinity of the extreme value in the predetermined temperature range. This variation will be described using two examples. In the first example, the print head temperature is monitored by a temperature sensor built on the heater substrate and made of polysilicon which is the same material as the heater resistance. U.S. Pat. No. 4,772,866 discloses the formation of such a thermistor. The contents of this patent are incorporated herein as part of this specification.
Polysilicon is the same material used in the bubble forming heater of thermal ink jet printers. The sheet resistance of polysilicon is on the order of 40 ohm / square, and the temperature coefficient of resistance of polysilicon is on the order of 0.001 / ° C. Since a preferred thermistor resistor (to simplify thermistor read circuit configuration and increase accuracy) is typically in the range of 5,000 to 20,000 ohms, a typical polysilicon thermistor has its length reduced to about the width. It is necessary to make it 125 to 500 times. As described in US Pat. No. 5,075,690, such an elongated thermistor is naturally placed in parallel with the heater element array. Such a configuration responds very quickly (on the order of milliseconds) to changes in the average temperature near the heater element. Preferably, to minimize spurious errors in reading by the thermistor, the two lead wires of the thermistor should be drawn independently of other lead wires on the thermal ink jet die, such as a ground wire. The temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of the polysilicon thermistor is relatively small. This means two things: First of all, the signal-to-noise ratio of a polysilicon thermistor during temperature change measurement is relatively small. Second, it is impractical to make an accurate polysilicon thermistor without individual calibration and without biasing the thermistor with adjustable resistors connected in series with the thermistor. The reason for this is that the manufacturing variation of the polysilicon resistance is ± 5% in the manufacturing process of the polysilicon thermal ink jet heater. When the resistance temperature coefficient is 0.001 / ° C., the manufacturing variation corresponds to a temperature measurement value range of ± 50 ° C. without correction. Since the desired accuracy of the thermistor is on the order of 1 ° C. to 3 ° C., some correction means must be provided. Adjust the resistance connected in series with the thermistor when the printhead temperature is at the center set point of the required temperature range as described in US Pat. No. 5,075,690 referenced above. As a result, the set point temperature can be measured with an accuracy of 1 ° C. or higher. As stated in the above patent, if the normal resistance of a polysilicon thermistor is 20,000 ohms and its temperature coefficient is 0.001 / ° C, a change of 1 ° C is equivalent to 20 ohms of resistance change of the thermistor. To do. A ± 5% variation in polysilicon resistance corresponds to a range of ± 1000 ohms at a given temperature. Thus, for accurate reading at the temperature set point, the series connected resistance is 2000 ohms of adjustment range, eg 3000 ohms (for devices where polysilicon shows the maximum value in its resistance range) to 5000. It must have an adjustment range of ohms (for devices where the polysilicon exhibits a minimum value in its resistance range). As a result, the temperature measurement accuracy at the set point is as follows.
Usually, the resistor is trimmed to an accuracy of 0.1%. Furthermore, according to the specification of the thick film resistor paste, the stability until reaching the lifetime of the resistor trimmed by the laser (in a state where a load or heat is applied) is generally 0.2%. (For example, since the TCR of the thick film resistor can be 0.00005 / ° C., the change of the resistance value is ± 0.1% with respect to the temperature change of ± 20 ° C.) Therefore, the total error is This should be less than 0.3%, and this total error corresponds to 15 ohms for a 5000 ohm trimmed resistor. In this example, a change of 20 ohms corresponds to 1 ° C., so an error of 15 ohms corresponds to 0.75 ° C. in the temperature set point reading error. However, U.S. Pat. No. 5,075,690 does not correct for manufacturing variations in resistance temperature coefficient. Since the variation of the resistance itself is kept within ± 5%, the variation of the resistance temperature coefficient is expected not to exceed ± 10%. FIG. 1 shows the temperature set point within ± 24 ° C. when the polysilicon TCR of the measurement circuit is 0.0010 / ° C. (actually in the range of 0.0009 / ° C. to 0.0011 / ° C.). It shows the reading error when reading the temperature over. When the temperature set point is 36 ° C., the temperature range is 12 ° C. to 60 ° C., which covers the temperature range required for thermal ink jet printing. As shown in FIG. 1, a portion due to manufacturing variations of the polysilicon TCR in the temperature error at the end of the temperature range is about ± 2 ° C. When combined with the error at the set point, the total error is ± 3 ° C. This is the margin of error that can be tolerated and may not be acceptable on some systems.
A drift thermistor is a second example of a temperature sensor formed on a thermal inkjet printhead. This drift thermistor is formed by diffusing n-type impurities in a p-type silicon substrate on which a heater and related drivers and logic are formed. An equivalent circuit is shown in FIG. The ground shield is an aluminum sealing layer that stabilizes the upper surface of the thermistor. The diode in parallel with the n-type body represents a depletion layer that separates the n-type body from the p-type substrate. Because of this diode, the drift thermistor must not be negatively biased with respect to the substrate and can only use a positive bias.
The manufacturing process of the drift thermistor is the same as the process of manufacturing the driver transistor on the Xerox print head used in the Xerox 4004 printer. The sheet resistance is typically 5000 ohms / square and the temperature coefficient of resistance is typically 0.005 / ° C. The optimum shape of the drift thermistor to obtain a desired thermistor resistance value is a square or a rectangle having a length to width ratio of generally 0.1 to 10. When one drift thermistor is provided for each thermal ink jet die, a suitable place for installing this drift thermistor is a position corresponding to substantially the center of the heater row in the wire bonding pad row on the back surface of the die. In this way, the thermistor measures the average temperature. At this position, the response of the drift thermistor to the heater temperature is slower than that of the polysilicon thermistor. From the measurement results, the response time is about 40 milliseconds, but this response time is still fast enough to be used for on-the-fly-spot-size control. Since the TCR of the drift thermistor is larger than the TCR of the polysilicon thermistor, its signal-to-noise ratio is excellent. However, it is still necessary to calibrate each drift thermistor or to incorporate, for example, an adjustable resistor in the external circuit. The reason for this is that the tolerance of drift thermistor resistance is wide and the resistance variation may be doubled. TCR can also vary significantly. As a result, using the same technique as before, that is, adjusting the external resistance at a given setpoint temperature and assuming a TCR at the center point, the temperature error in the case of a drift thermistor is the same as that of the polysilicon thermistor. It may be larger than the temperature error in the case. The temperature error in this case is obtained by calculation, and the graph is shown in FIG. In FIG. 3, the TCR varies from 0.003 / ° C. to 0.006 / ° C. due to manufacturing variations, but the TCR is assumed to be an intermediate 0.0045 / ° C. Set point temperature T with corrected resistance adjusted by conventional method 0 When measuring the actual temperature far from the temperature, the temperature measurement error becomes more prominent due to the deviation of the resistance temperature coefficient from 0.0045 / ° C. assumed in this drift thermistor. The error at the end of the temperature range can be ± 8 ° C. and is not an acceptable error.
These conventional temperature detection methods using a thermistor provided on the print head, that is, a sensor, are preferable because they have a quick response to temperature changes. The most cost effective thermistor manufacturing method is to manufacture the sensor as part of the substrate on which the heater resistance is formed.
A first object of the present invention is to form a temperature sensor with high print head temperature detection accuracy on a print head.
Another object of the present invention is to manufacture a thermistor on a printhead substrate by correcting manufacturing variations in establishing the temperature coefficient of resistance of the thermistor.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The above and other objects of the present invention are achieved by manufacturing a thermistor having a novel correction circuit that minimizes all possible errors, including manufacturing TCR variations related to printhead temperature detection. . This correction circuit is manufactured in the vicinity of the main thermistor. The correction circuit is composed of one or more auxiliary thermistors which are the same type as the main thermistor but have a small resistance value, and may be used in combination with an externally adjusted resistor in order to further reduce the temperature error.
More specifically, the present invention relates to a method for detecting the temperature of a silicon substrate. According to the aspect of claim 1, the step of forming a temperature detection thermistor on the substrate and the temperature coefficient of resistance of the temperature detection thermistor are substantially the same. Forming a plurality of thermistors adjacent to the temperature detection thermistor using the same material and process as the temperature detection thermistor; and one or more of the temperature detection thermistor and the plurality of adjacent thermistors, And a step of incorporating it into an electrical circuit that generates a temperature dependent output that is less susceptible to errors due to manufacturing variations in resistance temperature coefficient than if one or more of the thermistors were not incorporated.
According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a substrate temperature detecting method, wherein one side of a bridge circuit is formed, and R 1 = R t = R 0 Forming a temperature detecting thermistor having a resistance value represented by (1 + aΔT) on a substrate (where a represents a temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), r 0 Is the set point temperature T 0 ΔT represents the temperature to be measured and the set point temperature T 0 A plurality of partial thermistors having a TCR substantially equal to the TCR of the temperature detection thermistor, and the combined resistance of the partial thermistors is fR 1 (Where f = 1−B / a, and B represents the minimum TCR value selected in advance), the step of forming adjacent to the temperature detection thermistor, the partial thermistor and the external resistance R x = R 0 R including (1-f) the temperature detection thermistor 1 Incorporating a bridge edge adjacent to the edge.
According to the third aspect of the present invention, the substrate is disposed in the substrate and has a resistance value R. t And a temperature detection thermistor having a TCR of a, and disposed adjacent to the thermistor and made of the same material as the temperature detection thermistor and simultaneously with the same method used in the case of the temperature detection thermistor. And the nominal resistance value is fR t (Where f is less than 1).
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described from the viewpoint of improving the temperature detection accuracy of the drift thermistor. This is because, as described above, this type of sensor has a maximum error at the end of the required temperature range. However, the present invention can also be applied to other types of thermistors formed on or in the printhead substrate, and more generally can be applied to correct thermistor variations in applications other than printheads.
In the prior art document US Pat. No. 5,075,690, a voltage having a magnitude depending on the output of the thermistor is generated by using a bridge circuit as shown in FIG. Referring to FIG. 4, the bridge circuit 10 has resistors (R 1 ~ R Four , Sensor thermistor is side R 1 Included). External voltage V in Is applied from the voltage source 12 and the bridge voltage V out Depends on the relationship between the resistance values of each side, for example, changing in response to changes in the resistance values of one or more sides. V out The general bridge equation for is:
[Expression 1]
Figure 0004213235
R 2 = R Four Organize as
[Expression 2]
Figure 0004213235
It becomes.
In the prior art of US Pat. No. 5,075,690 referenced above, a certain set temperature T 0 R 1 By adjusting the resistance provided in series with the thermistor in 1 Is R Three Was set equal to. To simplify the description of the prior art, R 1 = R 0 Let (1 + aΔT). Where R 1 = R t T 0 When the resistance is r 0 Thus, the thermistor with TCR = a. ΔT = T−T 0 It is. In the prior art, T = T 0 At the time of R Three = R 0 Adjust to. In this conventional example, from Equation 2,
[Equation 3]
Figure 0004213235
[Expression 4]
Figure 0004213235
In the case of the prior art, TCR = A is assumed because there is a variation in manufacturing TCR. When calculating the error ΔT for FIG. 1 and FIG. 3, V is calculated using actual TCR = a. out Was calculated according to Equation 3. Further, ΔT was calculated by Equation 4 using the assumed TCR = A (in this case, A = 0.001 / ° C. in the case of FIG. 1, and A = 0.0045 / ° C. in the case of FIG. 3).
In the present invention, not only the adjustable external resistance but also the sensor thermistor R t Made of the same material as R t A series of thermistors provided close to Three Measurement errors are minimized by incorporating them into By short-circuiting various combinations of these “partial” thermistors, R t Has the same resistance coefficient as fR t Where R is a resistance value having a nominal value of R (where f is typically less than 1 to accommodate the full range of manufacturing variations of the thermistor TCR). Three Can be provided to the side. Figure 5 shows R Three The bridge circuit which deform | transformed the edge is shown. FIG. 6 shows one way to implement the proposed thermistor configuration on the chip.
FIG. 6 will be described. Thermistor R t Is R t Although the material is the same, the resistance value is R t Are connected in series with several other thermistors that are partial to. Thermistor R t Is twice the width (eg, 200 microns x 100 microns). Each partial thermistor has the same width, but the length is continuously shortened, and the shortest thermistor (R t For example, the length of / 16) is 12.5 microns. All thermistors are shaded. The white pad represents a wire bonding pad and is usually aluminum. Thermistor sensor R t R of the bridge 1 Pad P on the side 1 And P 2 Between. Therefore, R 1 = R t = R 0 (1 + aΔT). However, R 0 Is the resistance value a + T 0 , Δt = T−T 0 It is. R Three In the side, the pad P 2 And P Three The selected combination of partial resistances in between is an adjustable external resistance R x Are arranged in series. Arranged in parallel with each partial resistance is a fusible link shorting bar 30. The fusible link can be melted electrically or cut with a laser to obtain any combination of partial thermistor resistances from 0 to 15R. t / 16 up to R t Set in increments of / 16. R Three = R x + Fr 0 It can be shown that (1 + aΔT). Here, the partial thermistor is R t Since the TCR = a of the partial thermistor is essentially R t This is the same as the TCR.
The output voltage of the bridge is R 1 And R Three Is obtained by substituting the value of
[Equation 5]
Figure 0004213235
R x R 0 When adjusted to the value of (1-f), Equation 5 is simplified as follows.
[Formula 6]
Figure 0004213235
To organize this,
[Expression 7]
Figure 0004213235
It becomes.
In general, at the end of the temperature range, V out Is V in Less than 4%. Therefore, Equation 7 can be approximated as follows (when f = 0, it is most accurate):
[Equation 8]
Figure 0004213235
When f = 1-B / a
[Equation 9]
Figure 0004213235
It becomes.
Determine which fusible link is to be cut, and ΔT = T−T 0 An algorithm for determining how much the value of the external resistance is set in order to minimize the measurement error is as follows. Let B be the minimum value of TCR that is acceptable as a manufacturing variation. A print head die thermistor R t Measure the actual TCR = a for. Next, side R Three The total resistance of the combination of the partial thermistors that are not short-circuited is t Cut the fusible link on the printhead die so that Here, f is approximately equal to 1-B / a. Finally, external resistance R x R x = R 0 Adjust to (1-f). Where r 0 T = T 0 R in t Is the value of
In the embodiment for minimizing the error when measuring ΔT in Equation 9, first, several conditions are assumed. The minimum value of TCR that is acceptable as a manufacturing variation is determined. As shown in FIG. 3, in the case of a drift thermistor, R t The minimum TCR = B for is 0.003 / ° C. A specific thermistor R formed on a printhead die t Measure the actual TCR value a. (While the wafer probe test is suitable for this measurement, all thermistors on the wafer are measured at room temperature, and then all thermistors are remeasured when the wafer is held on the hot stage.) Assume that the actual TCR measurement for a particular die in the embodiment of the invention is 0.004 / ° C.
When f is obtained from Equation 9, f = 1− (0.003 / 0.004) = 0.25. Next, in bar 30, R t The fusible link connected to / 4 is melted to short-circuit this resistance. As a result, side R Three The resistance value of the partial resistance that is not short-circuited at fR is fR t = 0.25R t It becomes. Next, the formula R x = R 0 (1-f) = 0.75r 0 To satisfy the external resistance R x Adjust. Where r 0 Is T 0 R at t Is the value of
As shown in FIG. 7, the temperature measurement error in the case of the drift thermistor is greatly reduced compared to the case of the prior art in FIG. 7 having the same manufacturing variation of TCR = a as in FIG. 3 is also used in FIG. Since the maximum value of TCR (0.006 / ° C) is more than twice the minimum value of TCR (0.003 / ° C), R t / 2 partial thermistor and R t / 4, R t / 8, R t The configuration of FIG. 6 including each of / 16 partial thermistors is used. In the calculation of the ΔT measurement error when the configuration of FIG. 6 is used, the actual TCR value (= a) for each case is used to calculate V out Was calculated. Here, as for the set value of f, f was set to a value closest to the calculated value of f in f = 1−B / a given in units of 1/16 by the configuration of FIG. B was set to the assumed minimum value of a (0.003 / ° C.). Next, ΔT was calculated for each assumed value of ΔT using Equation 9, and the difference between the assumed value and the calculated value was displayed as a temperature error in FIG. It should be noted here that the value of f used in the print head does not have to be known when using Equation (9). Therefore, this algorithm assumes that all adjustments of the partial thermistor and external resistance are performed at the factory, and no special measurement or adjustment is required for different print heads for each user or by printer. As can be seen from FIG. 7, the present invention significantly reduces the temperature measurement error. The measurement error is maximized when ΔT is an end point of the range (for example, ± 24 ° C. in the embodiment of the present invention) or when the TCR is far from the minimum value B (that is, the TCR value is Large, and therefore the value of f is large), and the available discrete values of f (because they increase by 1/16 units) do not fit well with the calculated value of f. Accordingly, in FIG. 7, the maximum error (−2.3 ° C.) of the measured value of ΔT occurs when the assumed value of ΔT is −24 ° C. when TCR = a = 0.0005 / ° C. Although the TCR is larger in the case of TCR = a = 0.006 / ° C., the calculated value of f is 0.5, where f = 0 to f = 15/16 provided in the 1/16 unit configuration of FIG. Is exactly equal to one of the discrete values in the range. When TCR = a = 0.0005 / ° C., the calculated value of f is 0.455, and the discrete value of f within the above range closest to it is 0.438. In the case of an extreme value of + 24 ° C., the maximum error of ΔT occurs when TCR = a = 0.006 / ° C., and its value is −1.6 ° C.
The calculation result of FIG. x This adjustment error is not included. As described above, trimming with a laser is normally performed with an accuracy of 0.1%, and the stability (including temperature deviation) of a resistor trimmed with a laser is expected to be 0.2%. Therefore, R x It is necessary to consider the error of 0.3%. Since the temperature error in FIG. 7 is larger on the negative side (the maximum negative error is −2.3 ° C. and the maximum positive error is 0.2 ° C.), R x Is the target value r 0 Consider a case where it is 0.3% larger than (1-f). As shown in FIG. 8, due to this resistance adjustment error, the measured temperature curve of FIG. 7 moves in the negative direction. Even so, the maximum temperature error in the case of FIG. 8 is −2.8 ° C., and occurs at −24 ° C. when TCR = a = 0.0005 / ° C. The maximum error at the other end of this temperature range is −2.1 ° C., and occurs at + 24 ° C. when TCR = a = 0.006 / ° C. Therefore, the temperature measurement accuracy is improved as compared with the case of FIG. 3 in which an error of ± 8 ° C. (range of 16 ° C.) can occur. Specifically, in the method of the present invention, the maximum temperature error is less than 3 ° C. and the error range is also less than 3 ° C. even when trimming errors are taken into account. If the manufacturing variation range of the TCR can be made smaller than twice the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of the TCR, it is possible to improve the accuracy of the present invention and also to improve R t This is convenient because the / 2 partial thermistor may be deleted. However, even if the manufacturing variation is twice the difference, the temperature measurement accuracy can be maintained at 3 ° C. over the temperature range and the entire print head.
V in FIG. out Is the thermistor R due to the temperature change of the print head. t Changes in response to changes in resistance. As is known in the art, V out Can be amplified and converted to a digital signal. This digital signal is sent to a control circuit of a system control device that monitors and corrects the temperature change, for example, changes the pulse of the drive signal sent to each resistor.
Various modifications of the above embodiment are conceivable. For example, external resistance R x Is most likely to be incorporated on the printhead, but in this case the external resistance is desired using any of several methods. 0 (1-f) value can be set. When an electrical connection plate for a print head is formed using thick film (or thin film) technology, the external resistor is screen printed and baked (or vapor deposited and molded) as part of the substrate. Thereafter, trimming by a laser is performed so that the thermistor and the TCR of the thermal inkjet die to be connected have a specific value. When the electrical connection board is made by printed wiring board technology, the external resistor is mounted on the electrical connection board as a separate component that can be adjusted by a laser. Alternatively, one or more individual resistors may be selected from a variety of resistors that provide an appropriate total resistance value when the printhead is mounted. There are also various methods for detecting the value of f used. If the fusible link is melted during the wafer testing phase, then R x At the time of setting the value of pad P 2 And P Three Between thermistor resistance and pad P 1 And P 2 The ratio of the thermistor resistance is f (see FIG. 6). Alternatively, all of the pads in FIG. 6 can be pulled out to the printhead plate and fusible links that are not melted can be detected as short circuits. In fact, a partial thermistor shorting bar can be provided on the electrical connection plate of the printhead, and the value of f can be set during printhead mounting rather than during wafer testing.
There are various other possible configurations for the selectable partial thermistor. In the configuration of FIG. 6, the thermistors are in series with each other, and each thermistor is provided with a fusible link in parallel. However, it is also possible to install the thermistors in parallel with each other and install the fusible link in series with each thermistor. Further, the resistance value of the partial thermistor is sequentially set so as to be half the resistance value of the partial thermistor located immediately before. This configuration has the advantage that the accuracy of f can be maintained over a wide range using relatively few elements. However, other configurations are of course possible.
As another variation, the TCR value is the temperature T 0 Thermistor r 0 If the values correlate well enough, there is no need to perform thermistor measurements at two different temperatures to determine the TCR. 0 Only the measurement is made and this correlation is used to predict the TCR. This approach may not be accurate enough when compared to the full range of wafers, but may be useful, for example, when applied within a batch of wafers.
To increase the bridge output voltage per degree of temperature change, a relatively large value of input voltage can be used. In general, V in Is on the order of 10 volts. The upper limit is set by the heat generation of the thermistor itself. Or V out Can be amplified to increase the sensitivity.
The method of the present invention, which corrects not only manufacturing variations in thermistor values at a particular temperature, but also manufacturing variations related to the TCR range, eliminates the need to provide active components on the printhead, and allows passive networks Need only be provided. This method is therefore compatible with currently used printhead manufacturing techniques. More generally, the idea of using a combination of a series of adjacent thermistors from which combinations can be selected and adjustable external resistors is the result of too much variation in thermistor values and TCR manufacturing and sufficient temperature measurement accuracy The present invention can be applied to any element (elements other than those on the thermal ink jet print head) that cannot be obtained, and is not limited to the thermal ink jet print head.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a graph showing a temperature measurement error range caused by manufacturing variations in resistance temperature coefficient (TCR) of a polysilicon thermistor.
FIG. 2 is an equivalent circuit diagram of a drift thermistor formed on a p-type silicon substrate.
FIG. 3 is a graph showing a temperature measurement error range caused by manufacturing variations of TCRs of drift thermistors.
FIG. 4 is a schematic electrical circuit diagram of a conventional bridge circuit used to generate a voltage that changes in response to a change in resistance value on any one side.
5 is a schematic electrical circuit diagram of the bridge circuit of FIG. 4 modified according to the present invention by manufacturing it so as to include a partial resistance on one resistance side.
FIG. 6 is a portion of a printhead substrate manufactured to include a thermistor connected to a fractionally tuned resistor.
7 is a graph showing a temperature measurement error range caused by a manufacturing variation in TCR of a drift thermistor forming a part of the circuit of FIG. 5;
8 is a graph of FIG. 7 corrected in consideration of the influence of laser trimming errors.

Claims (2)

ブリッジ回路の一辺を形成し、R 1 =R t =r 0 (1+aΔT)で表される抵抗値を有する温度検出サーミスタを基板上に形成する工程(ただし、aは抵抗温度係数を表し、r 0 は設定点温度T 0 における抵抗を表し、ΔTは測定する温度と設定点温度T 0 間の差を表す)と、
前記温度検出サーミスタとほぼ同じ抵抗温度係数を有し、かつ組み合わせ抵抗がfR t (ただし、f=1−B/aで、Bは前もって選択した最小抵抗温度係数値を表す)となるように、前記温度検出サーミスタと同じ材料とプロセスで複数の部分サーミスタを前記温度検出サーミスタに隣接して形成する工程と、
前記部分サーミスタと外部抵抗R x =r 0 (1−f)を前記温度検出サーミスタを含むR 1 辺に隣接したブリッジ辺に組み込む工程と、
Forming a temperature detecting thermistor on one side of the bridge circuit and having a resistance value represented by R 1 = R t = r 0 (1 + aΔT) (where a represents a resistance temperature coefficient, r 0 Represents the resistance at the set point temperature T 0 , ΔT represents the difference between the temperature to be measured and the set point temperature T 0 ) ,
The have a substantially same resistance temperature coefficient and the temperature detection thermistor, and a combination resistance fR t (where at f = 1-B / a, B is the minimum resistance temperature coefficient values representative of that previously selected) in the Do so that Forming a plurality of partial thermistors adjacent to the temperature detection thermistor with the same material and process as the temperature detection thermistor;
Incorporating the partial thermistor and the external resistance R x = r 0 (1-f) into a bridge side adjacent to the R 1 side including the temperature detection thermistor ;
A method for manufacturing a substrate, comprising:
前記温度検出サーミスタに隣接して形成され、前記温度検出サーミスタと同じ材料でほぼ同じ抵抗温度係数を有し、かつ組み合わせ抵抗がfR t (ただし、f=1−B/aで、Bは前もって選択した最小抵抗温度係数値を表す)となる複数の部分サーミスタと、
Forming one side of the bridge circuit, a temperature detection thermistor having a resistance represented by R 1 = R t = r 0 (1 + aΔT) ( where, a denotes the resistance temperature coefficient, in r 0 is the set point temperature T 0 Represents the resistance, ΔT represents the difference between the temperature to be measured and the set point temperature T 0 ),
It is formed adjacent to the temperature detection thermistor, has the same material and temperature coefficient as the temperature detection thermistor, and the combined resistance is fR t (where f = 1−B / a, B is selected in advance) A plurality of partial thermistors representing the minimum resistance temperature coefficient value) ,
Including the substrate .
JP23536697A 1997-08-15 1997-08-15 Substrate manufacturing method and substrate Expired - Fee Related JP4213235B2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP23536697A JP4213235B2 (en) 1997-08-15 1997-08-15 Substrate manufacturing method and substrate

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JP23536697A JP4213235B2 (en) 1997-08-15 1997-08-15 Substrate manufacturing method and substrate

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