JP4066651B2 - Method for repairing refractory inside vertical pipe and jig and device for repair - Google Patents

Method for repairing refractory inside vertical pipe and jig and device for repair Download PDF


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JP4066651B2 JP2001377626A JP2001377626A JP4066651B2 JP 4066651 B2 JP4066651 B2 JP 4066651B2 JP 2001377626 A JP2001377626 A JP 2001377626A JP 2001377626 A JP2001377626 A JP 2001377626A JP 4066651 B2 JP4066651 B2 JP 4066651B2
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真一 今西
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  • Coke Industry (AREA)


例えば、原料である石炭をコークス炉に装入するための装入孔は、装入時に直接火炎に曝されることがあり、また乾留途中には輻射熱等で500 ℃前後まで上昇する。また、製品であるコークスは排出時1000℃前後であり、副産品である石炭の熱分解ガス(以下発生ガスと称す)を回収する上昇管は700 ℃以上に達する。
上昇管内側耐火物の損傷・脱離が進行すると上昇管鉄皮が直接700 ℃以上の高温に曝されることとなる。
上昇管内側耐火物の耐用年数は、個体差があって5〜8年間であり、例えば30O 本の上昇管を有するコークス工場では、上昇管の耐用年数を6年とした場合、年間50本の上昇管取替えが必要となる。
炭化室毎に設置されている上昇管は、その間隔が狭く、また酷暑であり、作業性は極めて悪い。上昇管の廻りには鉄皮からの輻射熱を抑制する防熱板や、上昇管に付随する弁の開閉を遠隔作動させるシリンダーにつながる配管・配線等により、上昇管間の空間は400mm 程度であるのに加え、上昇管の炉端側は集気本管および集塵ダクトの支柱が設置されているため、作業者が入り込むのは困難である。
なお、耐火物が損耗し、赤熱した場合の上昇管の鉄皮表面温度は400 ℃以上あるものと推測される。
上昇管はその高さが4000mm前後で、かつ、その内径は、550 mm程度である。上昇管を取り外さず、短時間で補修する場合は、上端の天蓋を開き上部より吹付け作業を実施することになり、4OOOmn以上もの長さの吹付け用ランスの取り回しが困難である。また、550mm の開口部よリ4000mm先の側面への耐火物吹付け補修は出来たとしても、その補修状況を確認するのは困難である。
例えば、特開平09一95717 号の明細書の段落0003等に記載の通り、吹付け用耐火物と流し込み耐火物を比較すると、吹付け用耐火物は、流し込み耐火物に比べ一般に気孔率が高く、かさ比重が小さく、長期に耐用できるものではないとされている。
−般的に使用される不定形耐火物の強度比較を表1に示す。なお、吹付けモルタルはコークス炉補修に用いられる一般的な材料であり、流し込み耐火物は実施例で使用した材料である。いずれもAl2O3 とSiO2を主成分とし、Al203 が50%前後である。

Figure 0004066651
上昇管寸法は高さが3800mm、鉄皮外径が638 mm、上昇管鉄皮内径は632mm 、当初の耐火物内径が550mm で、耐火物損傷が激しく、近々に取替え予定の上昇管を対象に、局所的に耐火物の存在が非常に少ないと思える個所を選定して試験を行った。また当初の耐火物はアルミナ質煉瓦に釉薬塗布を行ったもので、該当上昇管は前回取替え以降8年間使用を継続したものである。
耐火物の内面温度は、上部Aはせいぜい600 ℃迄であるが、中間部B、下部Cは600 ℃以上、集気本管との縁切り直後の中間部Bおよび下部Cは800 ℃以上にも達する。集気本管との縁切り直後、この上昇管内側に不定形耐火物を直接流し込むと爆裂の可能性と、高温ガス吹き出しによる作業上の危険性も考えられ、コークス炉操業中に、対象炭化室の操業を中断して直ちに補修に取り掛かる時は、まず、上昇管内側を冷却することを考えなければならない。
事前に上昇管1Aの天蓋1Eおよび炭化室の石炭装入孔1Bの上蓋を開放し、石炭装入孔1Bに円筒体1Cを設置し、この円筒体1Cの側方から上向きに空気を吹き込み、エジェクター効果を利用して前記円筒体1Cから炭化室内の熱風を吸い出させると共に、上昇管1A上端より冷気(冷空気)を吸入させ、上昇管1A上端からの熱風吹き出しを防止すると共に上昇管 1A内部を冷却した。この方法は上昇管1A内部のみを最小限に冷却するため、他の内張り煉瓦に対し冷却損傷を与えない効率的な冷却法である。これにより補修作業時の安全性を確保すると共に、不定形耐火物流し込み時の爆裂を回避することが可能となった。1Dは集気本管を示す。
上昇管内への冷気吸引による上昇管内部の温度変化を表わしたのが図2である。図2は、集気本管との縁切り直後の最も高温な状態からの冷気導入による冷却結果を表すものであって、aは上昇管上端より1340mmの位置、bは上昇管上端より2250mmの位置、cは上昇管上端より3210mmの位置、dは上昇管下端位置を示す。この図2より冷気導入4分後には、すでに上昇管上端より3210mmのcの位置は、爆裂を回避出来る温度300 ℃以下となっていることから、余裕をみても冷気導入5分後から補修施工が開始できることが判る。冷気導入は、前記円筒体1C内に3kg/cm2の圧空を上方に向け吹き込むことにより、エジェクター効果を発生させて行った。
前記目的が達成できるものであれば良く、その材質を紙製に限定するものではない。 また筒状枠体の中子機能延長のためには、筒状枠体を事前に浸水させたり、耐熱布を巻いておくことも有効である。この筒状枠体の上端を図の装入ガイドのようなテーパー形状に加工しておくと、装入ガイドを省くことが出来る。
高さが3800mm、鉄皮外径が638 mm、上昇管鉄皮内径は632 mm、当初の耐火物内径が550mm である上昇管について実施した、本発明の補修方法を述べる。
まず、補修前に、初期上昇管内径に近い直径500 mmの円盤状に鉄板を加工し、その円盤を底板とし、相対する方向に2枚の円弧板となるようその一部を最大幅130 mm切断し、その円弧板を切断部で一対の蝶番で接続する。このとき蝶番で繋がった円弧板は上方への折込み可能だが、下方に広げた際はもとの底板となるようにした。
一方、外径430 mm、厚さ10mm、長さ1000mmの紙製の筒体を筒状枠体として用意した。なお、この枠体は重量が8kgと軽量であった。
前記下端閉止治具上の筒状枠体と耐火物間を槍状治具で調整、装入ガイドを前記筒状枠体の上端に載置せしめて筒状枠体を保持し、該筒状枠体と耐火物間に形成される空間に不定形耐火物を充填した。なお、不定形耐火物は、Al2O3 が45%とSiO2が50%を主成分とし、他Fe2O3 等を含有し、1000℃における50mmカップでの一分後のフリーフロー値が120 mmより流動性の低い材料を使用し、これを流し込みにより充填した。また、流し込みに際して、高さ方向に2段にし、2回に分けて流し込みを実施した。 流し込み量は約300 kgであった。
Figure 0004066651
流し込み耐火物の接着性を向上させるために、上昇管内側の残存耐火物や付着カーボン、タール等は事前に除去しておくことが望ましい。 更に、流し込み補修前に上昇管鉄皮に孔を明け、内側にスタッドを付与することも有効である。
【図1】 コークス炉操業中における上昇管内側の耐火物内面部温度の推移を示す図である。
【図2】 上昇管上端から冷気を導入した時の上昇管内側の耐火物内面部温度の推移を示す図である。
【図3】 石炭装入孔に円筒体を立て、その円筒体測方から上向きに空気を吹込み、エゼェクター効果で上昇管上端から空気を吸入し、上昇管内側の耐火物温度を低下せしめる図である。
【図】 本発明の耐火物補修方法に使用する下端閉止治具を上昇管内に挿入する手順を示した図であって、(a)は模式的に示す下端閉止治具の図、(b)は底部の両側の円弧板を上方に折る図、(c)は支持棒に対し傾斜を付けて細長くした下端閉止治具の図、(d)不定形耐火物の充填下端位置に達した時、円弧板を平面かつ水平にして下端閉止治具を保持せしめた図である。
【図】 本発明の補修の手順を示す図であって、
【図】 筒状枠体を上昇管の中心に心合わせるための槍状治具の使用、および不定形耐火物の装入ガイドの使用模式図であって、(a)は筒状枠体の軸心と上昇管の中心を心合わせしている模式図、(b)は心合わせも終わり装入ガイドのセットも終わった模式図である。
【図】 本発明の耐火物補修方法に使用する下端閉止治具の構造を示す図である。
【図】 本発明の下端閉止治具の作動を模式的に示す図であって、(a)は底部と支持棒と傾動杆との関係図、(b)は底部と支持棒との相対的に傾動する関係図、(c)は対向する蝶番間に鎖がつながれている図、(d)は鎖を引き上げ、円弧板が垂直に折れた図、(e)鎖を緩め円弧板が中心部に向け倒れこむ図である。
1A 上昇管
1B 石炭装入孔
1C 円筒体
1D 集気本管
1E 天
3 下端閉止治具
31 底板
311 円弧板
312 蝶番
313 連結棒
314 鎖
32 支持棒
321 係止具
33 傾動杆
331 係止具
34 リング
4 装入ガイド
5 槍状治 [0001]
The present invention provides a refractory inner surface such as a riser pipe provided for recovering or releasing gas from a coke oven carbonization chamber and a coal charging hole provided for charging coal into the carbonization chamber. The present invention relates to a method for repairing a refractory inside a vertical pipe and a jig and apparatus used for the repair.
[Prior art]
In the coke production process, the path is exposed to high temperatures when materials enter and leave the system, such as charging raw materials, discharging products and waste gases, and collecting by-products.
For example, a charging hole for charging coal as a raw material into a coke oven may be directly exposed to a flame at the time of charging, and rises to around 500 ° C. due to radiant heat or the like during dry distillation. In addition, the product coke is around 1000 ° C when discharged, and the riser pipe that collects pyrolysis gas (hereinafter referred to as generated gas) of coal, which is a by-product, reaches 700 ° C or higher.
Since these parts require heat resistance and fire resistance, a structure in which a refractory or a refractory is laid on the inner surface of the iron skin is used.
If this refractory layer is damaged, the heat resistance and fire resistance will deteriorate, leading to the suspension of operations, the progress of damage to equipment, serious accidents, etc., so repair of the refractory layer is important.
In the following, the use environment and current problems will be described, taking as an example a riser pipe, which is a recovery path for generated gas in a coke oven.
In a coke oven, coal is charged into a carbonization chamber, and this is dry-distilled at a temperature of around 1000 ° C. to produce product coke, and the gas generated as a by-product at this time is recovered and used as a fuel gas.
The generated gas generated in the carbonization chambers is collected in a gas collection main through a vertical pipe called an ascending pipe provided in each carbonization chamber and refined to become fuel gas.
When pushing out the coke after completion of dry distillation to the outside of the furnace, the dish valve provided between the riser pipe and the collection main pipe is closed, the edge between the riser pipe and the collection main pipe is cut, and the rise By releasing the canopy of the tube, a small amount of generated gas is released into the atmosphere.
After the extrusion is completed, the canopy is closed and the dish valve is opened to connect the edges of the ascending pipe and the air collecting main, and the coal is charged again into the carbonization chamber to perform the dry distillation operation.
By repeating the above work, the refractory inside the riser tube deteriorates due to temperature shock, deteriorates when pyrolytic carbon from the generated gas adheres to the joints and surface layer, and carburizes. Damage proceeds due to mechanical shocks, etc., which are received when carbon is pushed out.
As damage and detachment of the refractory inside the riser proceeds, the riser iron skin will be directly exposed to high temperatures of 700 ° C or higher.
If this is left as it is, the iron skin will become red hot, and further perforations will occur.
When the hole is opened, if the pressure in the riser is positive, the generated gas leaks out of the furnace, which ignites and blows out the flame. In the case of negative pressure, air is mixed into the generated gas, and in some cases, the situation becomes extremely dangerous. Therefore, when the refractory inside the riser has progressed in damage, it is necessary to quickly update or repair it.
Since the operation of the coking chamber must be stopped while the riser cannot be used, the refractory renewal or repair inside the riser can be completed in a short time to keep the coke oven running smoothly. There is a need. Therefore, a general method is to prepare a replacement riser pipe in which a refractory is newly laid and replace it with a damaged riser pipe.
However, the upper part of the coke oven where the riser is installed is a high place, and a wrecker or the like is required for replacement. In addition, there are many restrictions on the work for safety because coal cars are in operation on the coke oven.
In addition, the refractory of the Motogun where the riser is installed rises due to carbon intrusion into the joint, and the amount may be more than 10mm per year. In addition to the effect of distortion on the air collecting main pipe side, even if a riser pipe of the same size is prepared, the bolt hole position does not match when replacing, and it is often difficult. In addition to the time and effort required for re-laying the packings and the like, it is a hot work, so the replacement of the riser pipe is extremely inefficient and it takes one day to replace one riser.
The service life of the refractory inside the riser is 5 to 8 years due to individual differences. For example, in a coke factory with 30O risers, if the life of the riser is 6 years, 50 years Ascending pipe replacement is required.
However, as described above, the ascending pipe replacement work is poor in workability, and in addition, the replacement cost is high. Today, when the coke oven main body life has been extended and the entire furnace has become obsolete, if many riser replacement periods are concentrated, it may be possible that the replacement will not be in time.
In addition, it is necessary to stop the operation of the corresponding carbonization chamber being replaced, which may deteriorate the productivity and further damage the bricks of the corresponding carbonization chamber due to a change in temperature balance.
In order to improve the workability of the riser replacement, Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 63-145391 makes it possible to shorten the work period and reduce the cost by cutting and replacing only the parts that require repair.
Furthermore, as a simple repair method, mortar spraying is generally performed, and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 56-157483 proposes a method for improving the workability.
Also, in the blast furnace hot metal discharge dredging, a core is installed in the damaged dredging, and an unshaped refractory is poured into the gap between the damaged dredging and the core, and after this has hardened, the core is removed. Yes.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
There are the following problems in carrying out the method described in JP-A-63-145391.
Ascending pipes installed in each carbonization chamber have a narrow interval and are extremely hot, and workability is extremely poor. Around the riser, the space between the risers is about 400mm due to a heat shield that suppresses radiant heat from the iron skin and piping / wiring connected to the cylinder that remotely operates the valve associated with the riser. In addition to this, the furnace end side of the riser pipe is provided with an air collection main and a column of a dust collection duct, so that it is difficult for an operator to enter.
In addition, when the refractory is worn out and becomes red hot, it is estimated that the temperature of the iron skin surface of the riser is 400 ° C or higher.
The method disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 56-155743 also has the following problems.
The riser has a height of around 4000 mm and an inner diameter of about 550 mm. When repairing in a short time without removing the ascending pipe, the top canopy is opened and spraying work is performed from the top, making it difficult to handle a spray lance with a length of 4OOOmn or more. Even if refractory spraying is repaired from the 550mm opening to the side 4000mm ahead, it is difficult to check the repair status.
Furthermore, since the mortar is sprayed on the vertical surface, the sprayed mortar may sag and cannot be repaired sufficiently. In addition, as will be described later, mortar sprayed refractories are inferior in adhesion strength to, for example, cast amorphous refractories, and have high porosity, so durability cannot be expected.
As described above, the method disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 56-157483 has a problem that the refractory inside the ascending pipe by mortar spraying is poor in workability and inferior in durability, and is only a temporary repair.
In addition, in general pour-out construction of irregular refractories such as hot metal discharge slag in the blast furnace, the bottom and sides are work pieces that are closed, so the space between the core and work piece is unsatisfactory. When pouring a standard refractory, it is not necessary to consider the leakage, and the core is shallow and the surroundings are wide and the core can be easily removed.
However, there are the following problems in adapting such pouring work to repair of the refractory inside the coke oven riser pipe.
First, the only way to insert the core into the riser in a short time is to open the canopy above the riser and insert it. A steel plate is formed into a cylindrical core, which is inserted into the riser to create a space that fills the irregular refractory, but the lower end of this space is open, so the irregular refractory Even if filled, it flows out from the lower end, so that it is impossible to form a refractory layer. Since the core capable of closing the lower end of the space needs to approximate the inner diameter of the rising pipe, it is physically difficult to insert from the upper end of the rising pipe.
Moreover, even if filling construction is possible, it becomes difficult to remove the core, and if it is left as it is, the generated gas path including the rising pipe is closed. Further, when the steel plate core falls into the carbonization chamber, there is a possibility that the conveyor belt may be cut during the conveyance process as well as damage to the furnace wall and contamination of the product coke.
Moreover, when the core is made of a steel plate and a wrecker or the like is required for loading / removal from its weight, the advantage of the repair method by pouring is lost.
As mentioned above, it is difficult to adapt this pouring repair method to the repair of the coke oven riser pipe because the core structure and installation / removal are difficult. There was no means to do the pouring repair.
The present invention has been made as a solution to the above-mentioned problems, and an irregular refractory is attached to the inside of a vertical pipe in which a refractory is laid inside a riser pipe or coal charging hole of a coke oven. An object of the present invention is to provide a repair method that forms a strong refractory layer and does not hinder operation in a simple, short time and low cost, and a jig and apparatus used for the repair.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
  In order to achieve the above-described object, the refractory repair method for the inside of a vertical pipe according to the present invention is performed from the upper end of the vertical pipe in a coke oven.The material has the strength to withstand the atmospheric temperature, filling pressure and filling time when filling with irregular refractories, and can be burned down at the elevated temperature during operation.Corresponds to the coreTubularInsert the frame and hold it at the repair siteby doingForming a space between the refractory and the frameMeanwhile, the lower end closing member inserted in advance closes the lower end of the space formed between the frame and the refractory.After that, an indefinite refractory is filled from the upper end of the space. And by doing in this way, an amorphous refractory can be made to adhere inside a vertical pipe hot, and a strong refractory layer can be formed.
The lower end closing jig according to the present invention includes a disk-like bottom plate having the same diameter as the inside of the vertical tube, and a pair of support rods and tilting rods that are pivotally supported in a substantially central portion of the bottom plate. The bottom plate is divided so that it can be bent to the support rod and the tilting rod side at a position parallel to the pair of the support rod and the tilting rod. And by doing in this way, the disk shaped bottom plate substantially the same diameter as the inside of a vertical pipe can be inserted from the upper end of a vertical pipe.
  Further, the refractory repairing device inside the vertical pipe according to the present invention forms a space between the lower end closing jig and the refractory at the repaired part held on the lower end closing jig.TubeA frame,The cylinderAnd an insertion guide that is placed on the upper end of the frame and guides the irregular refractory to the space. And by using this refractory repair apparatus, the method of the present invention can be easily carried out.
  When repairing the refractory inside the vertical pipe in the coke oven, the method for repairing the refractory inside the vertical pipe according to the present invention starts from the upper end of the vertical pipe.The material has the strength to withstand the atmospheric temperature, filling pressure and filling time when filling with irregular refractories, and can be burned down at the elevated temperature during operation.Corresponds to the coreTubularInsert the frame and hold it at the repair siteby doingForming a space between the refractory and the frameMeanwhile, the lower end closing member inserted in advance closes the lower end of the space formed between the frame and the refractory.After that, since the amorphous refractory is filled from the upper end of the space, a strong refractory layer can be formed inside the vertical pipe, and the confirmation of the refractory layer is not required. The coke operation can be prevented at low cost.
  Further, in the refractory repairing method inside the vertical pipe according to the present invention,TheIt is not necessary to remove the cylindrical frame body from the repair site after forming the refractory layer.
Furthermore, in the refractory repairing method for the inside of the vertical pipe according to the present invention, when the cold air is introduced into the repaired part of the refractory inside the vertical pipe of the coke oven when filling the refractory with the irregular shape, This can prevent troubles caused by irregular refractories.
The space lower end closing jig according to the present invention includes a disc-shaped bottom plate having substantially the same diameter as the inner side of the vertical tube, and a pair of support rods and tilting rods that are pivotally supported in a substantially central portion of the bottom plate. The bottom plate is divided so that it can be bent to the side of the support rod and the tilting rod at a position parallel to the pair of support rod and tilting rod. According to such a lower end closing jig, it becomes possible to easily insert a disc-shaped bottom plate having the same diameter as the inner side of the vertical tube from the upper end of the vertical tube.
  Further, the refractory repairing device inside the vertical pipe according to the present invention forms a space between the lower end closing jig of the present invention and the refractory at the repair site held on the lower end closing jig.TubeA frame,The cylinderAnd an insertion guide that is placed on the upper end of the frame and guides the irregular refractory to the space. According to such a refractory repairing device, the repairing device can be downsized and handled easily.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail based on test examples.
In addition, the vertical pipe in this test example is assumed to be a rising pipe, and will be described as a rising pipe hereinafter.
As a simple method for forming a high-strength refractory layer over a wide range on the surface of the refractory inside the riser without removing the riser, a method of pouring an amorphous refractory was studied.
For example, as described in paragraph 0003 of the specification of JP-A-09-95717, when comparing a refractory for spraying and a cast refractory, the refractory for spraying generally has a higher porosity than the cast refractory. It is said that the bulk specific gravity is small and cannot be used for a long time.
-Table 1 shows a comparison of the strength of commonly used amorphous refractories. Spray mortar is a common material used for coke oven repair, and cast refractory is the material used in the examples. Both are Al2OThree And SiO2Is the main component, Al20Three Is around 50%.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004066651
As shown in Table 1, the cast refractory is superior in strength to the sprayed mortar, and is therefore less likely to peel off. In addition, since the porosity is lower than that of sprayed mortar, it can be expected that there will be little deterioration of the refractory due to carbon carburization, and repair can be made reliably. Therefore, in the repair method of the present invention, the spraying method is stopped, the pouring or press-fitting method is adopted, and the space between the repaired portion and the frame is filled.
The riser to be tested is shown below.
The height of the riser is 3800 mm, the outer diameter of the iron skin is 638 mm, the inner diameter of the riser iron skin is 632 mm, the initial inner diameter of the refractory is 550 mm, and the refractory is severely damaged. The test was conducted by selecting a place where the presence of refractory was considered to be very small locally. The original refractory was made by applying glaze to alumina brick, and the riser has been used for 8 years since the previous replacement.
First, prior to the repair of the present invention, the temperature inside the rising pipe during operation of the coke oven was examined. The temperature measurement results are shown in FIG. FIG. 1 shows the temperature measured by embedding thermocouples from the outside in three refractory inner surfaces in the riser height direction. In addition, the horizontal axis of FIG. 1 shows the operation time of a coke oven.
The internal temperature of the refractory is up to 600 ° C at the upper part A, but the intermediate part B and the lower part C are 600 ° C or more, and the intermediate part B and the lower part C just after the edge cutting with the air collecting main are over 800 ° C Reach. Immediately after cutting off the edge of the air collecting main pipe, if an irregular refractory is poured directly into the riser pipe, there is a possibility of explosion and danger of work due to high temperature gas blowing. When the operation is interrupted and repairs are started immediately, the inside of the riser must be cooled first.
Therefore, a method for effectively cooling the inside of the riser was studied. Since blowing cold air directly into the riser hinders workability, a method of sucking cold air into the riser was adopted. That is, if hot air in the carbonization chamber is sucked out from the coal charging hole in the vicinity of the riser, cold air is naturally sucked into the riser and can be cooled.
FIG. 3 is a diagram for lowering the refractory temperature inside the riser pipe.
Open the canopy 1E of the riser 1A and the upper cover of the coal charging hole 1B of the carbonization chamber, and install the cylindrical body 1C in the coal charging hole 1B, and blow air upward from the side of the cylindrical body 1C. Using the ejector effect, hot air in the carbonization chamber is sucked out from the cylindrical body 1C, and cool air (cold air) is sucked from the upper end of the riser 1A to prevent hot air from blowing out from the upper end of the riser 1A and the riser 1A The inside was cooled. Since this method cools only the inside of the rising pipe 1A to the minimum, it is an efficient cooling method that does not cause cooling damage to other lining bricks. As a result, it was possible to ensure safety during repair work and to avoid explosions during loading of irregular refractory logistics. 1D shows the air collection main.
FIG. 2 shows the temperature change inside the rising pipe due to cold air suction into the rising pipe. FIG. 2 shows the cooling result by introducing cold air from the hottest state immediately after the edge cutting with the air collecting main pipe, where a is a position 1340 mm from the upper end of the rising pipe and b is a position 2250 mm from the upper end of the rising pipe , C is a position 3210 mm from the upper end of the rising pipe, and d is a lower end position of the rising pipe. As shown in Fig. 2, 4 minutes after the introduction of cold air, the position of c, 3210 mm from the upper end of the riser pipe, has already reached a temperature of 300 ° C or less at which the explosion can be avoided. Can be started. The cold air is introduced into the cylindrical body 1C at 3 kg / cm.2The ejector effect was generated by blowing upward pressure air.
  As described above, the advantages of the fillable amorphous refractory and the cooling effect due to the introduction of cold air into the riser pipe are described. 4 to FIG.8Based on
  Figure4And figure5These are figures which show step by step the repair procedure when the refractory inside the riser is damaged circumferentially.
  Figure4These show the procedure which inserts the lower end closing jig | tool 3 mentioned later for details in the riser 1A. Figure4The lower end closing jig 3 schematically shown in FIG. 1A is mainly composed of a disk-shaped bottom plate 31 and a support bar 32, and the support bar 32 is located at the center of the bottom plate 31.BoardThe bottom plate 31 is divided into, for example, three pieces as shown in the figure, and the arc plates 311 on both sides are attached via hinges so as to be folded above the horizontal plane.
  The lower end closing jig 3 is inserted into the rising pipe 1A by folding the arc plates 311 on both sides of the bottom plate 31 upward (see FIG.4(B)) Further, the bottom plate 31 is swung with respect to the support bar 32 to be inclined ((c)), and the inside of the cylindrical frame 2 positioned at the upper end of the rising pipe 1A is passed through. When it is inserted into the rising pipe 1A and reaches the lower end position where the irregular refractory is poured, the circular arc plate 311 is leveled simultaneously with flattening ((d)).
  After holding the lower end closing jig 3 in the rising pipe 1A as described above,5As shown to (a), the cylindrical frame 2 is mounted on it, and also the charging guide 4 at the time of filling indefinite refractory is mounted on the upper end. Figure6(A) is a schematic diagram in which the axial center of the cylindrical frame 2 on the lower end closing jig 3 and the axial center of the rising pipe 1A are aligned, and the bowl-shaped jig 5 having the same dimensions is attached to the cylinder. The space between the frame 2 and the refractory is pushed into several places in the circumferential direction. If there is a narrow space in the gap, the frame body 2 moves in the wide gap direction, the cylindrical frame body 2 can be held at the center inside the riser pipe, and a casting space for the irregular refractory is secured. Figure6(B) shows a state in which the alignment is completed and the setting of the charging guide 4 is completed.
  Figure5(B) has shown the state which is filling the space formed with the refractory material of the repair site | part, the cylindrical frame 2, and the lower end closing jig | tool 3 with an indefinite shape refractory material.
  In (c), the filled amorphous refractory is solidified to form a refractory layer, and each of the bowl-shaped jig 5, the loading guide 4 and the lower end closing jig 3 is removed from the repair site. It shows the state. The cylindrical frame 2 is a paper tube made of paper and burned and burned at a high temperature during the coke operation, so it was not removed.
  Figure5(D) shows a state in which the tubular frame body 2 made of paper is burnt and burned out at a high temperature during the coke operation, and the amorphous refractory layer remains.
  In the above example, the reason why the paper-made cylindrical frame was selected is that when cold air (outside air) is introduced into the riser and cooled, it functions as a core without being carbonized or burned. After completion, it will be carbonized and burned during coke operation.BakedIt aims to lose.
  Any material can be used as long as the object can be achieved, and the material is not limited to paper. In order to extend the core function of the cylindrical frame, it is also effective to immerse the cylindrical frame in advance or wind a heat-resistant cloth. View the upper end of this cylindrical frame6If it is processed into a taper shape like the charging guide, the charging guide can be omitted.
  Figure7Shows the details of the structure of the lower end closing jig 3 described above.8These are the figures which showed the operation | movement typically.
  The lower end closing jig 38As shown in FIG. 6A, a support bar 32 is attached to the center of a disk-shaped bottom plate 31 so as to be swingable with respect to the bottom 31 via a locking tool 321, and the tilting rod 33 is parallel to the support bar 32. However, the support rod 32 is attached so as to be swingable in the same direction as the swing direction of the support bar 32 via a locking tool 331.
  In this embodiment, for example, three eyebolt-shaped rings 34 are fixed to the support bar 32 in a row so that the support bar 32 and the tilting bar 33 are kept parallel to each other. When the tilting rod 33 is translated relative to the support rod 32, the8As shown in (b), the bottom plate 31 is tilted relative to the support bar 32 and the tilting rod 33.
  The bottom plate 31 is divided into, for example, three pieces at a position parallel to the support rod 32 and the tilting rod 33.8As shown to (c), it attaches via a pair of hinges 312 so that it may fold upward from a horizontal surface. A connecting rod 313 having a ring in the middle is interposed between the pair of hinges 312. Further, a chain 314 having a sufficient length is interposed between the hinges 312 of the arc plates 311 facing each other.8When the pulling chain 314 is stretched upward as shown in (d), the opposing arc plate 311 is bent perpendicularly from the hinge 312 portion, and when the chain 314 is loosened thereafter, the arc plate 311 is pulled to the center by its own weight. The figure8As shown to (e), the circular arc board 311 is comprised so that it may fall down toward a center part.
In order to tilt the arc plate 311 that has fallen toward the center to the outside in the original flat shape, the chain 314 is pulled up by using a handclaw or the like, and the opposing arc plate 311 is perpendicular to the hinge 312 portion. When the connecting rod 313 interposed between the hinges 312 is pushed by another rod from the upper end of the ascending pipe 1A and the pulling up of the chain 314 is loosened, the circular arc plate 311 falls to the outside and the original flat shape Return to.
By the way, the reason why the bottom plate 31 is divided into three pieces as described above is to make it easy to insert and remove the lower end closing jig 3 into the ascending pipe and from the cylindrical frame body 2 by folding the divided portion. Accordingly, as long as the lower end closing jig 3 can be easily inserted, it is not limited to three divisions and may be divided into two. Moreover, if a packing-like thing is arranged around the said baseplate 31, the refractory leakage prevention effect will be improved further at the time of filling an irregular refractory.
The repair method of the present invention carried out on a riser having a height of 3800 mm, an outer diameter of the outer skin of 638 mm, an inner diameter of the riser pipe of 632 mm, and an initial inner diameter of the refractory of 550 mm will be described.
First, before repairing, an iron plate is processed into a disk shape with a diameter of 500 mm, which is close to the inner diameter of the initial riser pipe. The disk is used as the bottom plate, and a part of the maximum width is 130 mm so that two arc plates are formed in opposite directions. Cut and connect the arc plates with a pair of hinges at the cutting part. At this time, the arc plates connected by hinges can be folded upward, but when they are spread downward, they become the original bottom plate.
  In addition, the pair of hinges were connected by a chain having a margin in length in the facing direction. Further, a support rod and a tilting rod having a length of about 5 m are connected to the bottom plate so as to be swingable to a position parallel to the arc plate direction at the center of the bottom plate.7A lower end closing jig was created.
On the other hand, a paper cylinder having an outer diameter of 430 mm, a thickness of 10 mm, and a length of 1000 mm was prepared as a cylindrical frame. This frame was as light as 8 kg.
  At the stage where the cylindrical frame and the lower end closing jig are prepared, the edge of the main body of the coke oven collector is cut, the canopy of the riser pipe is opened, and 3 kg / cm in the cylindrical body by the method of FIG.2The air pressure was blown upward to generate an ejector effect, air was introduced into the riser for 5 minutes, and the riser was cooled to 300 ° C. or lower.
  After that, hold the cylindrical frame at the top of the riser4In this state, the lower end closing jig passes through the cylindrical frame body and is positioned at the lower end position of the refractory damage portion in the riser pipe, and the bottom plate is spread and held on a plane, and then the cylindrical frame body is Placed. In addition, by forming the lower end closing jig through the cylindrical frame body at the upper end of the riser pipe and positioning it at the lower end position of the refractory damaged part, it penetrates the cylindrical frame body after forming the amorphous refractory layer. It also confirmed whether the removal was easy or not.
Adjust the space between the cylindrical frame on the lower end closing jig and the refractory with a hook-shaped jig, and place the insertion guide on the upper end of the cylindrical frame to hold the cylindrical frame. The space formed between the frame and the refractory was filled with an irregular refractory. In addition, the irregular refractory is Al2OThree Is 45% and SiO2Is mainly composed of 50% and other Fe2OThree Etc., and a material having a free flow value after 1 minute in a 50 mm cup at 1000 ° C. of less than 120 mm was used and filled by pouring. In addition, the casting was performed in two steps in the height direction in two steps. The pouring amount was about 300 kg.
Table 2 compares the repair method of the present invention with the conventional riser replacement method.
[Table 2]
Figure 0004066651
According to the method of the present invention, the coke oven riser pipe can be repaired inexpensively, easily and in a short time by temporarily stopping only the carbonization chamber to be repaired without affecting the operation. As a result of visual inspection of the refractory after two months of repair, it was good with no major cracks or refractory falling off, and at least a longer life than sprayed mortar.
In order to improve the adhesion of the cast refractory, it is desirable to remove in advance the remaining refractory, adhering carbon, tar and the like inside the riser pipe. Furthermore, it is also effective to make a hole in the riser iron skin before casting repair and to provide a stud inside.
【The invention's effect】
  As explained above, according to the present invention,
Repair siteTubeInsert a frameByThe lower end of the space formed by the refractory and the frame located at the repair siteBy the pre-inserted lower end closing memberAfter closing, it was decided to fill the space with an irregular refractory, so there was no need to check the quality after the repair, and a short stop in the coking chamber would not hinder coke production in a short time. It can be repaired inexpensively and reliably.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a graph showing a change in temperature of an inner surface of a refractory inside a riser pipe during operation of a coke oven.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the transition of the temperature of the inner surface of the refractory inside the riser when cold air is introduced from the upper end of the riser.
[Fig. 3] A figure of standing a cylinder in the coal charging hole, blowing air upward from the cylinder measurement method, and drawing air from the upper end of the riser by the ejector effect, thereby lowering the refractory temperature inside the riser It is.
[Figure4FIG. 11 is a view showing a procedure for inserting a lower end closing jig used in the refractory repairing method of the present invention into a rising pipe, wherein (a) is a schematic view of the lower end closing jig, and (b) is a bottom portion. The figure which folds up the circular arc board of both sides of this figure, (c) is a figure of the lower end closing jig which inclined and inclined with respect to the support rod, (d) When it reaches the filling lower end position of an irregular refractory, the circular arc board FIG. 5 is a view in which the bottom end closing jig is held with the surface flat and horizontal.
[Figure5A diagram showing the repair procedure of the present invention,
(A) is a diagram of providing a charging guide when filling an irregular refractory, after aligning the cylindrical frame with the center of the riser pipe,
(B) is a diagram of filling the space between the cylindrical frame and the damaged refractory with an irregular refractory;
(C) is a diagram of removing the charging guide, the bowl-shaped jig, the bottom closing jig after the filled amorphous refractory is cured,
(D) is the figure where the cylindrical frame disappears and the repaired refractory layer remains.
[Figure6A schematic view of the use of a saddle-shaped jig for aligning the cylindrical frame with the center of the riser pipe, and the use of an insertion guide for an irregular refractory, (a)Is a cylinderThe schematic diagram which has centered the axial center of a frame and the center of a riser pipe, (b) is the schematic diagram which centering and the set of the charging guide were finished.
[Figure7FIG. 10 is a view showing the structure of a lower end closing jig used in the refractory repairing method of the present invention.
[Figure8FIG. 11 is a diagram schematically showing the operation of the lower end closing jig according to the present invention, in which (a) is a relational diagram between the bottom, the support bar and the tilting rod, and (b) is a relative tilt between the bottom and the support bar. (C) is a diagram in which chains are connected between opposing hinges, (d) is a diagram in which the chain is pulled up and the arc plate is bent vertically, (e) the chain is loosened and the arc plate is directed toward the center. It is a figure that collapses.
[Explanation of symbols]
    1A Ascending pipe
    1B Coal charging hole
    1C Cylindrical body
    1D air collection main
    1E heavenlid
    2        Cylindrical frame
    3 Lower end closing jig
    31 Bottom plate
    311 Arc plate
    312 Hinge
    313 Connecting rod
    314 chain
    32 Support rod
    321 Locking tool
    33 tilting rod
    331 Locking tool
    34 rings
    4 Charging guide
    5 槍 状 治Ingredients

Claims (4)

When repairing the refractory inside the vertical pipe in a coke oven,
From the upper end of the vertical tube, a cylindrical shape corresponding to the core of a material that has the strength to withstand the atmospheric temperature, filling pressure, and filling time when filling with an irregular refractory and that can be burned down at the elevated temperature during operation. Formed between the frame and the refractory by a previously inserted lower end closing member while forming a space between the refractory and the frame by inserting and holding the frame at the repair site After closing the lower end of the space to be
A method for repairing a refractory inside a vertical pipe, wherein an irregular refractory is filled from the upper end of the space.
不定形耐火物の充填時、コークス炉の縦管内側に有する耐火物の補修部位に冷気を導入することを特徴とする、請求項1記載の縦管内側の耐火物補修方法。During filling of the monolithic refractories, and introducing cold air into the repair site of refractory having a vertical pipe inside the coke oven, the vertical tube side refractory repair method of claim 1. 請求項1に記載の縦管内側の耐火物補修方法を実施する際に使用する空間の下端閉止治具であって、
A lower end closing jig for a space used when carrying out the refractory repairing method inside the vertical pipe according to claim 1 ,
It is composed of a disk-shaped bottom plate having the same diameter as the inside of the vertical tube, and a pair of support rods and tilting rods that are pivotally supported in a column shape at substantially the center of the bottom plate,
The lower end closing jig characterized in that the bottom plate is divided so that it can be bent to the support rod and tilting rod side at a position parallel to the pair of support rod and tilting rod.
A lower end closing jig according to claim 3 ,
A tubular frame member Ru to form a space between the refractory repair site is held on the lower end closure tool,
A refractory repairing device inside a vertical pipe, comprising an insertion guide placed on the upper end of the cylindrical frame and guiding an irregular refractory to the space.
JP2001377626A 2001-12-11 2001-12-11 Method for repairing refractory inside vertical pipe and jig and device for repair Expired - Fee Related JP4066651B2 (en)

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JP2001377626A JP4066651B2 (en) 2001-12-11 2001-12-11 Method for repairing refractory inside vertical pipe and jig and device for repair

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US9351547B2 (en) 2013-03-11 2016-05-31 Crs Holdings Inc. Ferrous alloy for coining and method for producing the same

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KR101398370B1 (en) 2012-07-17 2014-05-22 주식회사 포스코 A maintenance mould for coke oven ascension pipe
KR101712830B1 (en) * 2015-08-11 2017-03-07 주식회사 포스코 Object Processing Facilites and Recovery Method for Refractories of the same

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US9351547B2 (en) 2013-03-11 2016-05-31 Crs Holdings Inc. Ferrous alloy for coining and method for producing the same

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