JP4049364B2 - Multi-copy / genomic insertion vector - Google Patents

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安価な培地で生育が可能な酵母は、動物細胞と比較して分裂速度が速く、また細菌と比較して翻訳後修飾が動物細胞と類似していることから、組換えDNA技術による蛋白質産生の宿主として注目を集め、従来、種々の酵母を宿主とした発現系が報告されている(Yeast, 8, 423-488, 1992)。分裂酵母であるシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベ(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)は、出芽酵母であるサッカロミセス・セレビシエ(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)と同様に、その遺伝的及び分子的アプローチの容易さから真菌一般のモデル生物として広く利用されている上に、特に細胞周期、染色体の構造、RNAスプライシング、産生タンパク質のアセチル化・リン酸化、翻訳後修飾などが動物細胞に類似し(Cell, 45, 781-782, 1986; Nature, 318, 78-80, 1985; Cell. Biol., 109, 2693-2702, 1989)、このため、動物細胞由来のタンパク質を発現させる宿主として、すでに実用化段階に達している。
分裂酵母では、研究対象の遺伝子を細胞に導入し発現させるためのベクターとして様々なものが作製されている。これらは主として染色体外でプラスミドとして保持される多コピー型のものであり(Gene, 221, 59-68, 1998; Gene, 191, 191-195, 1997; Gene, 164, 173-177, 1995; Yeast, 18, 463-468, 2001; Yeast, 16, 861-872, 2000)、これら多コピー型のベクターを用いて目的遺伝子を発現させることにより、ある変異の抑圧や遺伝子の過剰発現による影響、あるいは遺伝子産物の局在観察などが行われてきた。これら多コピー型のベクターは目的遺伝子の過剰発現や遺伝子産物の検出などが容易になるという利点を有するものの、場合によってはその発現量が正しい生理的現象を反映せず、誤った実験結果を導くこともよく見うけられる。
一方、最近、プラスミドを一カ所だけ制限酵素で消化し、その直鎖状のDNA断片を酵母に導入すると、制限酵素で消化した部分の周辺のDNA配列と相同なゲノム上のDNA部分との間で相同組換えが起こり、導入した断片がゲノムに挿入されることが明らかにされた(Gene, 123, 127-130, 1993)。このようにしてゲノムに挿入された遺伝子断片は細胞内でのコピー数が必ず1に限定されるため、遺伝子の過剰発現の目的には適さないが、細胞ごとのばらつきがほとんどなくなり、安定した実験結果が得られるという利点がある。
最近、分裂酵母シゾサッカロミセス・ポンベの全ゲノム構造解析が終了した(Nature 415, 871-880, 2002)。かかる構造解析により、塩基配列が決定されても遺伝子発現産物のうちデータベースを利用した相同タンパク質の検索などにより、機能が推定できる遺伝子は極めて少なく、また、実際に細胞内において発現、機能しているタンパク質の多くは細胞の状態によって、その発現量の変化や翻訳後修飾によって様々に変動する。そこで、全遺伝子発現産物の機能や発現部位・時期等について、得られた配列情報に基づいて予測されているすべての遺伝子をクローニングし、得られたDNAを、蛍光性タンパク質GFP遺伝子に連結しうる多コピー型のベクターを利用して解析を進めたところ、遺伝子産物を容易に検出することができるが、発現量が正しい生理的現象を反映しないことがしばしば観察され、他方、ゲノム挿入型のベクターを用いると、細胞ごとのばらつきがほとんどなくなり、安定した実験結果が得られることがわかった。被検遺伝子の数が少ない場合は、多コピー型のベクターとゲノム挿入型のベクターとの両ベクターに被検遺伝子をクローニングする作業負担は少ないが、被検遺伝子の数が数千に及ぶと、多コピー型のベクターとゲノム挿入型のベクターとの両ベクターに被検遺伝子をクローニングする作業負担がきわめて大きくなる。そして、この両ベクターに被検遺伝子をクローニングする作業負担が遺伝子の機能解析上大きな問題となっていた。
本発明者らは、上記課題を解決するために鋭意研究し、そのまま細胞に導入した場合には細胞内で多コピー型として保持されるが、導入前に制限酵素(Not I, Sac II又はApa I)で処理することにより、染色体上のleu1遺伝子座に挿入することができるベクターを用いて、分裂酵母シゾサッカロミセス・ポンベを形質転換すると、かかる形質転換体はそれぞれ異なる栄養要求性マーカーで選択するため、制限酵素による消化の有無と形質転換後の選択培地を組み合わせることにより、多コピー型とゲノム挿入型の二つのタイプを容易に選択することができ、分裂酵母で汎用されるベクターの二つの利点を一つのベクターで利用できることを見い出し、本発明を完成するに至った。
上記宿主細胞としては、ARSによりベクターを自律複製させることができ、かつ、ゲノムDNAと相同のDNA配列との間で相同組換えを可能とする細胞であれば特に制限されるものではなく、大腸菌、枯草菌細菌等の細菌原核細胞や、酵母、アスペルギルス等の真核細胞や、CHO細胞、COS細胞等の動物細胞や、ドロソフィラS2、スポドプテラSf9等の昆虫細胞や、植物細胞などを例示することができるが、カビ、酵母等の真核細胞が好ましく、中でもシゾサッカロミセス属(Schizosaccharomyces)に属する分裂酵母が好ましく、特にシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベ(S.pombe)が好ましい。これら宿主細胞へのベクターの導入は、Davisら(BASIC METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 1986)及びSambrookら(MOLECULAR CLONING: A LABORATORY MANUAL, 2nd Ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., 1989)などの多くの標準的な実験室マニュアルに記載される方法、例えば、リン酸カルシウムトランスフェクション、DEAE−デキストラン媒介トランスフェクション、トランスベクション(transvection)、マイクロインジェクション、カチオン性脂質媒介トランスフェクション、エレクトロポレーション、形質導入、スクレープローディング (scrape loading)、弾丸導入(ballistic introduction)、感染等により行うことができる。
本発明の選択両用ベクターは、ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子を切出しできるように構築されている。かかる切出しには、各種制限酵素を使用する方法や部位特異的な組換え方法を用いることができる。部位特異的な組換えには、バクテリオファージP1由来のリコンビナーゼCre/loxP配列、出芽酵母サッカロミセス・セレビッシェ由来のリコンビナーゼFLP/FRT配列、醤油酵母チゴサッカロミセス・ルキシー(Zygosaccharomyces rouxii)由来のリコンビナーゼR/RS配列、バクテリオファージMu由来のリコンビナーゼGin/gix配列等を用いることができる。
野生株としてシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベJY3(h90 wild-type)、ロイシン要求株としてシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベJY265(h- leu1-32)、及びウラシル・ロイシン・アデニン要求株としてシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベJY745(h+ ura4-D18 leu1-32 ade6-M216)を用いた。これら分裂酵母菌株は、東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物化学専攻山本正幸博士から供与されたものを用いた。また、これらの分裂酵母菌株に使用する培地として、通常の分裂酵母の培養・増殖にはYE完全培地[Yeast extract;0.5%(w/v)、グルコース;2%(w/v)]を、アミノ酸類が含まれておらず、菌株の栄養要求性のチェックや形質転換体の選択にはSD合成選択培地[Yeast nitrogen base w/o amino acids;0.67%(w/v)、グルコース;2%(w/v)]をそれぞれ使用した。なお、栄養要求性株の培養の際にはアデニン、ロイシン又はウラシルをそれぞれ終濃度50 μg/mlになるように添加して用いた。そしてまた、市販品以外のベクターであるpFA6a-3HA-kanMX6とpREP2は東京大学大学院理学系研究科生物化学専攻山本正幸博士から供与されたものを用いた。
分裂酵母の形質転換は文献(Genetics, 155, 539-549, 2000)に記載されている方法によって実施した。すなわち、分裂酵母菌株をYE完全培地で培養した、対数増殖期以降の細胞を使用した。遠心分離により細胞を回収し、50μLの0.1Mの酢酸リチウム、pH5.0に再懸濁した。直後にサンプルDNA、サケ精子DNA、及び150μLの50%(v/v)ポリエチレングリコール(PEG4000)を細胞懸濁液に添加し、かかる混合液を室温で少なくとも30分間インキュベーションした。20μLのジメチルスルフォキシドを添加した後、細胞を42℃にて15分間加熱し、遠心沈殿し、H2Oに再懸濁して、適切な選択培地に蒔いた。得られた形質転換体はSD培地で選択した。
PCRによるDNA断片の増幅の際には、Pyrobest DNA Polymerase(TaKaRa)を用いた。また、DNA断片の連結にはLigation High(TOYOBO)を用いた。PCRによるDNA断片の増幅には、以下のプライマーを用い、95℃で3分間変性させた後、95℃で15秒間変性させ、50℃で15秒間アニーリングし、72℃で2分30秒間(leu1-32変異遺伝子を分裂酵母ゲノムDNAから増幅する場合のみ1分間)伸長反応させるというサイクルを25回繰り返し、最後に72℃で3分間伸長反応を行うという条件下に実施した。
宿主細胞(JY745)におけるleu1遺伝子(第2選択マーカー遺伝子)の変異点、すなわちleu1-32変異遺伝子の変異点を決定するために、leu1-32変異株(JY265)のゲノムDNAを鋳型、SPBC1A4.02c.Fd及びSPBC1A4.02c.Rv をプライマーとしてPCRをおこない、leu1遺伝子全長を増幅して、大腸菌ベクターpDONR201(Invitrogen)にクローニングした。このleu1-32変異遺伝子断片の塩基配列を確認したところ、137番目のグアニン(G)がアデニン(A)に置換していた(図1)。
上記結果に基づき、ゲノム上のleu1遺伝子座位に相同組換えで挿入される際に必要なプラスミド上の配列とゲノム上のleu1遺伝子のオーバーラップする部分として、138番目の塩基(A)より下流の領域約740塩基対を組換え用の配列とし、この断片のほぼ中央に当たる位置(塩基520付近)に組換えを促進する制限酵素Not Iの認識配列を作製することとした。また、正しくleu1遺伝子座位で組換えが生じ、ゲノムに挿入された際は、外部から導入したDNAに含まれている配列に依存してleu1遺伝子の転写がおこなわれるようになるため、leu1遺伝子の発現に必要なプロモーター配列としてleu1遺伝子の開始コドンATGの上流約710bpを含む配列をクローニングして用いることとした。さらに、本プロモーター配列はプラスミド上でも機能することが十分予想されたので、このプロモーターによって発現するleu1が機能してしまうことを防ぐため、leu1遺伝子内部に作製した制限酵素部位の配列でleu1の読み枠をずらし、正しいleu1遺伝子産物が生じないようにした他、プラスミド上のleu1遺伝子の3'末端を欠失させることで、さらにプラスミド上のleu1が機能する可能性を排除した(図1)。
次に、分裂酵母の野生型株JY3より、leu1遺伝子断片をそれぞれPCRプライマーとしてSpeI-P-leu1-F及びNotI-leu1(5')-R、又はNotI-leu1(3')-F及びSacI-leu1(delta3)-Rを用いて二つの断片に分けてPCRで増幅した。これらのPCR断片をアガロースゲル電気泳動した後、ゲルから切り出して精製し、それぞれを制限酵素Spe I及びNot I、又はNot I及びSac Iを用いて末端を消化した後、一度に大腸菌ベクターpBluescriptII-SK(-)(STRATAGENE)のSpe I-Sac I部位にクローニングした。これとは別にpFA6a-3HA-kanMX6プラスミド(Yeast, 14, 943-951, 1998)を鋳型として、BamHI-Tadh-F及びSpeI-Tadh-RをPCRプライマーとしてADHターミネーターを増幅し、アガロースゲル電気泳動した後に制限酵素Bam HI及びSpe Iで消化した。先にクローニングしておいた内部にNot I部位を含むleu1遺伝子断片をSpe I及びSac Iで消化して切り出し、上述のADHターミネーターと共に大腸菌ベクターpUC119(TaKaRa)のBam HI-Sac I部位にクローニングした。
leu1遺伝子内部のNot I認識部位に挿入するura4-ars1断片(ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子)は以下のようにして作製した。まず、分裂酵母ベクターpREP2(J. Bacteriol. 146, 746-754, 1993)を制限酵素Sph I及びSac Iで消化した後、Klenow Fragmentを用いてDNAの末端を平滑化し、再度連結することにより、ura4とars1が連続的に存在するプラスミドを作製した。このプラスミドを鋳型とし、NotI-ApaI-ars1-F及びNotI-ApaI-ura4-Rをプライマーとして用いたPCRによりura4-ars1断片を増幅した。このDNA断片をアガロースゲル電気泳動した後、ゲルから切り出すことにより精製し、制限酵素Not Iで消化した。このNot I消化DNA断片を上述のプラスミドのNot I部位に挿入することにより、目的のプラスミドベクターpDUALを作製した(図1)。
宿主細胞として、ウラシル・ロイシン・アデニン要求株であるシゾサッカロミセス・ポンベJY745を用いた。作製したプラスミド(pDUAL)を、そのまま(ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子を切り出すことなく)宿主細胞に導入した場合はウラシル要求性を相補してウラシル非要求性となり、あらかじめ制限酵素で消化した場合はロイシン要求性を相補してロイシン非要求性となるかどうかを確認した。pDUALベクターは、制限酵素Not I、Apa I、Sac IIのいずれかで消化することによりura4-ars1断片が切り出され、相同組み換えを生起するleu1遺伝子断片が分断された直鎖DNA断片に変化する(図2)。このDNA断片を宿主細胞に導入した場合、leu1-32変異遺伝子の変異点(G137A)よりも3'末端側でゲノム上のleu1遺伝子座位と相同組換えを起こした形質転換体がロイシン非要求性となることが期待される。pDUALベクターのDNAを上記の制限酵素で消化し、プラスミド上のleu1断片に挿入されていたura4-ars1が切り出されてくることをゲル電気泳動で確認した(図3)。
上記制限酵素の未処理物(None)と処理物(Not I又はApa I)を用いて宿主細胞を形質転換した。それぞれの形質転換細胞を、ウラシルを含まない選択培地(SD ade leu)又はロイシンを含まない選択培地(SD ade ura)に蒔いて、30℃で3日間培養した(図4)。ロイシンを含まない選択培地においては、制限酵素で消化しなかった場合は、ロイシン非要求性の形質転換体は出現せず、制限酵素処理をおこなった場合のみ、ロイシン非要求性形質転換体が出現した(図4左)。他方、ウラシルを含まない培地においては、制限酵素処理の有無に関わらずウラシル非要求性の形質転換体が出現したが、これはおそらく切断によって生じたura4-ars1断片がランダムにゲノムに挿入されたためと考えられる。このようなマーカー遺伝子断片は、ランダムなゲノムへの挿入を利用して突然変異株(遺伝子破壊株)の単離などに用いられているが(Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 28, No. 11, 2000)、得られたロイシン非要求性の形質転換体にランダムにura4-ars1断片が挿入されてしまうことは望ましくない。
そこで、得られたロイシン非要求性形質転換体のゲノムにura4遺伝子が挿入されているかどうかを形質転換体のウラシル要求性によってチェックした。上記形質転換体から、ロイシン非要求性又はウラシル非要求性の少なくとも100株以上をそれぞれ適当に選び、ウラシルを含まない培地(SD ade leu)とロイシンを含まない培地(SD ade ura)に蒔いて、30℃で3日間培養した(図5)。ロイシン非要求性株はウラシルを含まない培地では生育が認められなかったが、ロイシンを含まない培地では生育が認められた(図5下)。この結果から、制限酵素処理後のpDUALベクターで形質転換した宿主細胞のゲノムには、ura4(-ars1)断片が挿入されていないことが判明した。他方、ウラシル非要求性株はロイシンを含まない培地では生育が認められなかったが、ウラシルを含まない培地では生育が認められた(図5上)。この結果から、制限酵素処理後のpDUALベクターで形質転換した宿主細胞では、leu1遺伝子座位への挿入とura4断片のランダムな挿入が同一株中では起こっていないことが判明した。なお、Sac IIで切断したDNAを用いた場合でも同様の結果が得られた。これらの結果は、pDUALベクターを制限酵素で消化した際に生じるura4-ars1断片は、宿主細胞の形質転換前に除去する必要がないことを意味している。なお、ura4遺伝子配列内部にのみ存在する制限酵素Stu Iの認識部位を予めStu Iによって消化することにより、あるいは、制限酵素処理物からura4-ars1断片をあらかじめ除去することにより、ura4遺伝子がゲノムへ挿入して機能しないようにすることができる。

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Figure 0004049364

【図1】 leu1遺伝子の塩基配列と遺伝子産物のアミノ酸配列を示す図である。leu1-32変異株で置換しているグアニン残基(G137)を枠囲いで示した。本発明のpDUALベクターに組み込んだleu1断片の5'及び3'末端部分を二重下線で示した。また、leu1遺伝子内部に作製したNot I部位とその周辺の配列を枠囲いで示した。
【図3】制限酵素Not I、Apa I又はSac IIのいずれかの処理により、本発明のpDUALベクター内のura4-ars1断片が切り出されてくることの確認結果を示す図である。ura4-ars1断片挿入前のプラスミド1はNot Iでのみ切断される。
【図4】本発明のpDUALベクターを制限酵素Not I又はApa Iで切断後、分裂酵母株JY745 (h+ ura4-D18 leu1-32 ade6-M216)に導入し、それぞれウラシルを含まない培地(SD ade leu)又はロイシンを含まない培地(SD ade ura)に蒔いて、30℃で3日間培養した結果を示す図である。
【図5】形質転換体から、それぞれロイシン非要求性又はウラシル非要求性の株を適当に選び、ウラシルを含まない培地(SD ade leu)とロイシンを含まない培地(SD ade ura)で培養をおこなった結果を示す図である。[0001]
The present invention is a selection that can be used as a multi-copy type vector suitable for overexpression of a target gene or a genome insertion type vector suitable for accurately grasping the expression level of a target gene per cell. It relates to a dual-use vector.
[Prior art]
Yeast that can grow on inexpensive media has a faster division rate than animal cells and post-translational modifications similar to animal cells compared to bacteria. Attention has been attracted as a host, and expression systems using various yeasts as hosts have been reported (Yeast, 8, 423-488, 1992). Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a fission yeast, is widely used as a model organism for fungi in general because of its easy genetic and molecular approach, similar to the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition, cell cycle, chromosome structure, RNA splicing, acetylation / phosphorylation of production protein, post-translational modification, etc. are similar to animal cells (Cell, 45, 781-782, 1986; Nature, 318, 78-80, 1985; Cell. Biol., 109, 2693-2702, 1989). Therefore, it has already reached the stage of practical use as a host for expressing animal cell-derived proteins.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In fission yeast, various vectors have been produced as vectors for introducing and expressing a gene to be studied into cells. These are mainly multicopy copies retained as plasmids extrachromosomally (Gene, 221, 59-68, 1998; Gene, 191, 191-195, 1997; Gene, 164, 173-177, 1995; Yeast , 18, 463-468, 2001; Yeast, 16, 861-872, 2000), by expressing the gene of interest using these multi-copy vectors, the effect of suppressing certain mutations or overexpression of the gene, or Localization of gene products has been observed. Although these multi-copy vectors have the advantage that overexpression of the target gene and detection of the gene product are easy, in some cases the expression level does not reflect the correct physiological phenomenon, leading to erroneous experimental results You can see it well.
On the other hand, recently, when a plasmid is digested with a restriction enzyme only at one site and the linear DNA fragment is introduced into yeast, the DNA sequence between the DNA sequence around the restriction enzyme digested portion and the homologous DNA portion in the genome can be reduced. It was revealed that homologous recombination occurred and the introduced fragment was inserted into the genome (Gene, 123, 127-130, 1993). Gene fragments inserted into the genome in this way are limited to 1 in the number of copies in the cell, so it is not suitable for the purpose of gene overexpression, but there is almost no variability from cell to cell and stable experiments. There is an advantage that a result is obtained.
Recently, genome-wide structural analysis of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been completed (Nature 415, 871-880, 2002). Even if the base sequence is determined by such structural analysis, there are very few genes whose functions can be estimated by searching for homologous proteins using a database among gene expression products, and they are actually expressed and functioning in cells. Many proteins vary depending on the state of the cell, depending on changes in their expression levels and post-translational modifications. Therefore, it is possible to clone all genes predicted based on the obtained sequence information regarding the function, expression site, and timing of all gene expression products, and link the obtained DNA to the fluorescent protein GFP gene. When analysis was carried out using a multi-copy type vector, the gene product could be easily detected, but it was often observed that the expression level did not reflect the correct physiological phenomenon, while the genome insertion type vector It was found that the use of, almost eliminates cell-to-cell variation and provides stable experimental results. When the number of test genes is small, the work burden of cloning the test genes into both the multi-copy vector and the genome insertion vector is small, but when the number of test genes reaches thousands, The burden of cloning a test gene on both a multi-copy vector and a genome insertion vector is extremely large. The burden of cloning the test gene in both vectors has been a major problem in gene function analysis.
An object of the present invention is to be able to easily select a multi-copy type suitable for overexpression of a target gene and a genome insertion type suitable for accurately grasping the expression level of the target gene per cell. When introduced into a cell, for example, as it is, it is retained as a multi-copy type in the cell, but is treated with a restriction enzyme before introduction into a genome insertion type that is inserted into a predetermined locus on the chromosome. It is to provide a selective vector that can be converted. When such a selective vector is used, by selecting transformants with different selection markers, for example, by combining the presence or absence of digestion with a restriction enzyme and a selective medium after transformation, a multi-copy type and a genome insertion type Two types can be easily selected, and the work burden of cloning a test gene can be greatly reduced.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors have intensively studied to solve the above problems, and when introduced into cells as they are, they are retained as a multi-copy type in cells, but before introduction, restriction enzymes (Not I, Sac II or Apa When the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is transformed with a vector that can be inserted into the leu1 locus on the chromosome by treating with I), each such transformant is selected with a different auxotrophic marker. Therefore, by combining the presence or absence of digestion with a restriction enzyme and a selective medium after transformation, two types, a multicopy type and a genome insertion type, can be easily selected. The inventors have found that one advantage can be used with one vector and have completed the present invention.
That is, the present invention (1) A first selectable marker gene linked to the excisable ARS and a second selectable marker gene in a fragmented state capable of homologous recombination with the genomic DNA of the host cell, The 3 ′ DNA fragment of the second selectable marker gene has been subjected to a second selectable marker gene function deletion treatment, the host cell has a second selectable marker gene function deleted on the genome, and First selectable marker gene linked to the ARS If the first selection marker gene linked to the ARS is not excised, a multi-copy type can be obtained. Selective vector characterized by , (2) The first selection marker gene linked to the ARS is divided from the second selection marker gene via a restriction enzyme recognition site. Above (1) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (3) The second selection marker gene is the leu1 gene (1) Or (2) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (4) The above-mentioned (3), wherein the leu1 gene on the genome of the host cell has a leu1-32 mutation. Selectable dual-purpose vector , (5) The host cell is a eukaryotic cell Above (1)-(4) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (6) Eukaryotic cells are yeast Above (5) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (7) Yeast is Schizosaccharomyces pombe Above (6) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (8) The fragmented second selection marker gene contains a promoter region in its 5 ′ DNA fragment Above (1)-(7) Selectable dual-purpose vector , (9) It has a cloning site for the gene of interest Above (1)-(8) Selectable dual-purpose vector To Related.
The present invention also provides (10) A DNA comprising the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, or a DN comprising a sequence containing a part or all of these sequences and having a selective dual vector function A Related.
The selective vector of the present invention is a fragmented second vector that is capable of homologous recombination between a first selectable marker gene linked to an excisable ARS (autonomous replication sequence) and the genomic DNA of the host cell. The selection marker gene is not particularly limited as long as it is a vector that can select a multi-copy type and a genome insertion type depending on whether or not the first selection marker gene linked to the ARS is excised. If the first selection marker gene linked to ARS is not excised, it can be selected and used as a multi-copy vector of the type that can be autonomously propagated in the host cell by ARS, and the first selection marker gene linked to ARS can be used. When excising a selectable marker gene, select and use it as a genome insertion vector that can homologously recombine with the genomic DNA of the host cell. It is possible.
Examples of the types of vectors include plasmids, phagemids, cosmids, viruses, and the like. The ARS may be any DNA fragment containing a replication origin (ori region) that is not integrated into a chromosome and can continue to replicate autonomously in a cell, such as E. coli oriC, yeast ARS, Examples include E. coli oriC, budding yeast 2μ, fission yeast ars1, and filamentous fungus AMA1.
The host cell is not particularly limited as long as it is a cell capable of autonomously replicating a vector by ARS and capable of homologous recombination between a genomic DNA and a homologous DNA sequence. Examples include bacterial prokaryotic cells such as Bacillus subtilis bacteria, eukaryotic cells such as yeast and Aspergillus, animal cells such as CHO cells and COS cells, insect cells such as Drosophila S2 and Spodoptera Sf9, and plant cells. However, eukaryotic cells such as mold and yeast are preferable, and fission yeast belonging to the genus Schizosaccharomyces is preferable, and S. pombe is particularly preferable. Vectors are introduced into these host cells by Davis et al. (BASIC METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 1986) and Sambrook et al. (MOLECULAR CLONING: A LABORATORY MANUAL, 2nd Ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 1989). Methods described in many standard laboratory manuals such as calcium phosphate transfection, DEAE-dextran mediated transfection, transvection, microinjection, cationic lipid mediated transfection, electroporation, trait This can be done by introduction, scrape loading, ballistic introduction, infection, etc.
The first selection marker gene and the second selection marker gene in the present invention are different marker genes. Examples of the marker gene include drug resistance genes such as antibiotics and deletion products in recipient cells such as auxotrophic marker genes. Examples of the drug resistance gene include neomycin phosphotransferase, which is a resistance gene for neomycin, kanamycin, paromomycin, aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene, which is a G418 resistance gene, and hygromycin, which is a hygromycin B resistance gene. Examples thereof include a B phosphotransferase gene. In particular, examples of yeast selection marker genes include auxotrophic marker genes such as leu1, LEU2, HIS3, URA3, and ura4 in addition to the antibiotic resistance genes described above. By combining these selectable marker genes with a selective medium, cells that express the selectable marker gene can be selected.
The selective vector of the present invention is constructed so that the first selection marker gene linked to ARS can be excised. For such excision, a method using various restriction enzymes or a site-specific recombination method can be used. For site-specific recombination, recombinase Cre / loxP sequence derived from bacteriophage P1, recombinase FLP / FRT sequence derived from budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and recombinase R / RS sequence derived from soy sauce yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii A recombinase Gin / gix sequence derived from bacteriophage Mu can be used.
As a preferred embodiment of the selective vector of the present invention, a vector in which the first selection marker gene linked to ARS disrupts the second selection marker gene via a restriction enzyme recognition site can be mentioned. In this case, the fragment containing the promoter region in the 5′-side DNA fragment of the second selection marker gene in a fragmented state is preferable in terms of high expression of the second selection marker gene after homologous recombination. A terminator sequence can be linked upstream of the promoter region so that high expression of the second selection marker gene is not affected. In addition, as the 3′-side DNA fragment of the second selection marker gene in a fragmented state, the 2′-end is deleted or the reading frame is shifted within the range in which homologous recombination can occur. The process of deleting the function of the selectable marker gene eliminates the possibility that the second selectable marker gene functions on the vector before excision of the first selectable marker gene, and homologous recombination. This is preferable in that a second selection marker gene is reconstructed in a later host cell. Similarly, in the host cell after homologous recombination, for the purpose of reconstructing one second selectable marker gene, the host cell has a function in which the second selectable marker gene function such as point mutation is deleted on the genome. It can also be used.
The selective vector of the present invention is preferably provided with a cloning site for the target gene. By providing this cloning site at the 3 ′ end of a fluorescent protein gene such as the GFP gene, an expression product of the target gene is obtained. Can be observed locally. A specific example of the selective vector of the present invention that can be suitably used for the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is pDUAL comprising the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1. DNA consisting of a sequence containing a part or all of the sequence and having a selective vector function can also be suitably used as in pDUAL.
EXAMPLES Hereinafter, although this invention is demonstrated in detail based on an Example, the technical scope of this invention is not restrict | limited at all by this Example.
Example A (Materials and Methods)
A-1 (used fission yeast strain, etc.)
Shizosaccharomyces pombe JY3 (h 90 wild-type), Schizosaccharomyces pombe JY265 (h - leu1-32), and Schizosaccharomyces pombe JY745 (h + ura4-D18 leu1-32 ade6-M216) was used. These fission yeast strains were provided by Dr. Masayuki Yamamoto, Department of Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo. Moreover, as a medium used for these fission yeast strains, YE complete medium [Yeast extract; 0.5% (w / v), glucose; 2% (w / v)] is used for normal fission yeast culture and growth. The amino acid is not included, and the auxotrophic check of the strain and the selection of the transformant are performed using an SD synthesis selective medium [Yeast nitrogen base w / o amino acids; 0.67% (w / v), Glucose; 2% (w / v)] was used respectively. When auxotrophic strains were cultured, adenine, leucine or uracil was added to a final concentration of 50 μg / ml. The non-commercial vectors pFA6a-3HA-kanMX6 and pREP2 were provided by Dr. Masayuki Yamamoto, Department of Biochemistry, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo.
A-2 (transformation of fission yeast)
Fission yeast transformation was performed by the method described in the literature (Genetics, 155, 539-549, 2000). That is, cells after the logarithmic growth phase in which a fission yeast strain was cultured in a complete YE medium were used. Cells were collected by centrifugation and resuspended in 50 μL of 0.1 M lithium acetate, pH 5.0. Immediately after, sample DNA, salmon sperm DNA, and 150 μL of 50% (v / v) polyethylene glycol (PEG 4000) were added to the cell suspension and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. After adding 20 μL of dimethyl sulfoxide, the cells were heated at 42 ° C. for 15 minutes, spun down, and H 2 Resuspended in O and plated on appropriate selective medium. The obtained transformant was selected on SD medium.
A-3 (Oligo DNA used for plasmid preparation)
Pyrobest DNA Polymerase (TaKaRa) was used for amplification of DNA fragments by PCR. Ligation High (TOYOBO) was used for ligation of DNA fragments. For amplification of DNA fragments by PCR, the following primers were used, denatured at 95 ° C. for 3 minutes, denatured at 95 ° C. for 15 seconds, annealed at 50 ° C. for 15 seconds, and 72 ° C. for 2 minutes and 30 seconds (leu1 The cycle of the extension reaction was repeated 25 times (only when amplifying the -32 mutant gene from fission yeast genomic DNA for 1 minute), and finally, the extension reaction was performed at 72 ° C. for 3 minutes.
SPBC1A4.02c.Fd; (SEQ ID NO: 2)
SPBC1A4.02c.Rv; (SEQ ID NO: 3)
BamHI-Tadh-F; (SEQ ID NO: 4)
SpeI-Tadh-R; (SEQ ID NO: 5)
SpeI-P-leu1-F; (SEQ ID NO: 6)
NotI-leu1 (5 ′)-R; (SEQ ID NO: 7)
NotI-ApaI-ars1-F; (SEQ ID NO: 8)
NotI-ApaI-ura4-R; (SEQ ID NO: 9)
NotI-leu1 (3 ′)-F; (SEQ ID NO: 10)
SacI-leu1 (delta3) -R; (SEQ ID NO: 11)
Example B (result)
B-1 (Analysis of mutation point of leu1-32)
In order to determine the mutation point of the leu1 gene (second selection marker gene) in the host cell (JY745), that is, the mutation point of the leu1-32 mutant gene, the genomic DNA of the leu1-32 mutant strain (JY265) was used as a template, SPBC1A4. PCR was performed using 02c.Fd and SPBC1A4.02c.Rv as primers, and the entire length of the leu1 gene was amplified and cloned into the E. coli vector pDONR201 (Invitrogen). When the nucleotide sequence of this leu1-32 mutant gene fragment was confirmed, the 137th guanine (G) was replaced with adenine (A) (FIG. 1).
B-2 (construction of selective dual use vector pDUAL)
Based on the above results, the sequence on the plasmid necessary for homologous recombination insertion into the leu1 gene locus on the genome and the portion overlapping the leu1 gene on the genome are downstream from the 138th base (A). The region of about 740 base pairs was used as a recombination sequence, and a recognition sequence for restriction enzyme Not I that promotes recombination was prepared at a position corresponding to the center of this fragment (near base 520). In addition, when recombination occurs correctly at the leu1 gene locus and is inserted into the genome, transcription of the leu1 gene is performed depending on the sequence contained in the DNA introduced from the outside. As a promoter sequence necessary for expression, a sequence containing about 710 bp upstream of the start codon ATG of the leu1 gene was cloned and used. Furthermore, since this promoter sequence was expected to function well even on a plasmid, in order to prevent the function of leu1 expressed by this promoter, the leu1 reading was made using the restriction enzyme site sequence created inside the leu1 gene. In addition to shifting the frame so that the correct leu1 gene product was not generated, the possibility of leu1 functioning on the plasmid was further eliminated by deleting the 3 ′ end of the leu1 gene on the plasmid (FIG. 1).
Next, from the wild-type strain JY3 of fission yeast, the leu1 gene fragment was used as a PCR primer for SpeI-P-leu1-F and NotI-leu1 (5 ′)-R, or NotI-leu1 (3 ′)-F and SacI, respectively. Using -leu1 (delta3) -R, it was divided into two fragments and amplified by PCR. These PCR fragments were subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis, then cut out from the gel and purified, and after digesting the ends with restriction enzymes Spe I and Not I, or Not I and Sac I, respectively, the E. coli vector pBluescript II- It was cloned into the Spe I-Sac I site of SK (-) (STRATAGENE). Separately, ADH terminator was amplified using pFA6a-3HA-kanMX6 plasmid (Yeast, 14, 943-951, 1998) as a template, BamHI-Tadh-F and SpeI-Tadh-R as PCR primers, and agarose gel electrophoresis And then digested with restriction enzymes Bam HI and Spe I. The previously cloned leu1 gene fragment containing the Not I site was digested with Spe I and Sac I, and cloned into the Bam HI-Sac I site of the E. coli vector pUC119 (TaKaRa) together with the ADH terminator described above. .
A ura4-ars1 fragment (first selection marker gene linked to ARS) to be inserted into the Not I recognition site inside the leu1 gene was prepared as follows. First, after digesting fission yeast vector pREP2 (J. Bacteriol. 146, 746-754, 1993) with restriction enzymes Sph I and Sac I, the ends of DNA are blunted using Klenow Fragment, and religated. A plasmid in which ura4 and ars1 are continuously present was prepared. Using this plasmid as a template, the ura4-ars1 fragment was amplified by PCR using NotI-ApaI-ars1-F and NotI-ApaI-ura4-R as primers. This DNA fragment was subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis and then purified by cutting out from the gel and digested with the restriction enzyme Not I. The target plasmid vector pDUAL was prepared by inserting this Not I digested DNA fragment into the Not I site of the aforementioned plasmid (FIG. 1).
B-3 (Transformation of fission yeast with selective vector pDUAL)
As a host cell, Schizosaccharomyces pombe JY745, which is a uracil leucine / adenine-requiring strain, was used. When the prepared plasmid (pDUAL) is introduced into a host cell as it is (without excising the first selection marker gene linked to ARS), it becomes uracil non-requirement complementing uracil requirement and digested with restriction enzymes in advance. In this case, it was confirmed whether leucine non-requirement was obtained by complementing leucine requirement. The pDUAL vector is digested with any of the restriction enzymes Not I, Apa I, and Sac II, whereby the ura4-ars1 fragment is excised, and the leu1 gene fragment that causes homologous recombination is cut into a linear DNA fragment ( Figure 2). When this DNA fragment is introduced into a host cell, a transformant that has undergone homologous recombination with the leu1 locus on the genome at the 3 ′ end side from the mutation point (G137A) of the leu1-32 mutant gene is not required for leucine. It is expected to be The pDUAL vector DNA was digested with the above restriction enzymes, and it was confirmed by gel electrophoresis that the ura4-ars1 inserted into the leu1 fragment on the plasmid was excised (FIG. 3).
Host cells were transformed with the restriction enzyme untreated (None) and treated (Not I or Apa I). Each transformed cell was seeded in a selective medium not containing uracil (SD ade leu) or a selective medium not containing leucine (SD ade ura) and cultured at 30 ° C. for 3 days (FIG. 4). In a selective medium that does not contain leucine, transformants that do not require leucine do not appear if they are not digested with restriction enzymes, and transformants that do not require leucine appear only when treated with restriction enzymes. (Figure 4 left). On the other hand, in the medium without uracil, transformants that do not require uracil appeared regardless of the presence or absence of restriction enzyme treatment, probably because the ura4-ars1 fragment generated by cleavage was randomly inserted into the genome. it is conceivable that. Such marker gene fragments are used for isolation of mutant strains (gene disruption strains) using random genome insertion (Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 28, No. 11, 2000). ) It is not desirable that the ura4-ars1 fragment is randomly inserted into the obtained leucine-unneeded transformant.
Therefore, whether or not the ura4 gene was inserted into the genome of the obtained leucine non-requiring transformant was checked by the uracil requirement of the transformant. From the above transformants, at least 100 strains that are not leucine-requiring or uracil-requiring are appropriately selected, and are spread on a uracil-free medium (SD ade leu) and a leucine-free medium (SD ade ura). The cells were cultured at 30 ° C. for 3 days (FIG. 5). The leucine-non-requiring strain did not grow on a medium containing no uracil, but grown on a medium containing no leucine (bottom of FIG. 5). From this result, it was found that the ura4 (-ars1) fragment was not inserted into the genome of the host cell transformed with the pDUAL vector after the restriction enzyme treatment. On the other hand, the uracil non-requiring strain did not grow on a medium containing no leucine, but grown on a medium containing no uracil (FIG. 5 top). From this result, it was found that in the host cells transformed with the pDUAL vector after the restriction enzyme treatment, insertion into the leu1 locus and random insertion of the ura4 fragment did not occur in the same strain. Similar results were obtained when DNA cut with Sac II was used. These results indicate that the ura4-ars1 fragment generated when the pDUAL vector is digested with restriction enzymes does not need to be removed before transformation of the host cell. It should be noted that the recognition site of restriction enzyme Stu I that exists only within the ura4 gene sequence is digested with Stu I in advance, or the ura4-ars1 fragment is removed from the restriction enzyme treatment product in advance, whereby the ura4 gene is converted into the genome. It can be inserted and disabled.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, a selective use vector that can easily select a multi-copy type suitable for overexpression of a target gene and a genome insertion type suitable for accurately grasping the expression level of the target gene per cell. For example, when introduced directly into a cell, it is retained as a multi-copy type in the cell, but it is converted to a genome insertion type that is inserted into a predetermined locus on the chromosome by treatment with a restriction enzyme before introduction. A selective vector that can be obtained can be obtained. When such a selective vector is used, by selecting transformants with different selection markers, for example, by combining the presence or absence of digestion with a restriction enzyme and a selective medium after transformation, a multi-copy type and a genome insertion type Two types can be easily selected. For example, the work burden of cloning a test gene can be greatly reduced.
[Sequence Listing]
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364
Figure 0004049364

[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the nucleotide sequence of the leu1 gene and the amino acid sequence of the gene product. The guanine residue (G137) substituted with the leu1-32 mutant is shown in a box. The 5 ′ and 3 ′ end portions of the leu1 fragment incorporated into the pDUAL vector of the present invention are indicated by double underlining. In addition, the Not I site prepared in the leu1 gene and the surrounding sequence are shown in a box.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the structure of the pDUAL vector of the present invention and the mode of insertion into the genome. The ends of DNA generated by restriction enzyme treatment are targeted to the leu1 locus on the genome, and homologous recombination is induced. Actual homologous recombination can occur upstream of the leu1-32 mutation (G137), but leucine non-requirement is caused by homologous recombination downstream (3 ') of the leu1-32 mutation. Only transformants.
FIG. 3 is a diagram showing the results of confirming that the ura4-ars1 fragment in the pDUAL vector of the present invention is excised by treatment with any of restriction enzymes Not I, Apa I or Sac II. Plasmid 1 before insertion of the ura4-ars1 fragment is cleaved only with Not I.
FIG. 4 shows the pDUAL vector of the present invention cleaved with restriction enzymes Not I or Apa I, followed by fission yeast strain JY745 (h + The results of introduction into ura4-D18 leu1-32 ade6-M216) and culturing at 30 ° C. for 3 days in a uracil-free medium (SD ade leu) or a leucine-free medium (SD ade ura) are shown. FIG.
FIG. 5: From the transformants, leucine non-requiring or non-uracil non-requiring strains are appropriately selected and cultured in a medium without uracil (SD ade leu) and a medium without leucine (SD ade ura). It is a figure which shows the result performed.

Claims (10)

切り出し可能なARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子と、宿主細胞のゲノムDNAとの間で相同組換え可能な分断された状態の第2選択マーカー遺伝子とを備え、該第2選択マーカー遺伝子の3’側DNA断片は第2選択マーカー遺伝子機能欠失処理が施されており、前記宿主細胞は第2選択マーカー遺伝子機能をゲノム上で欠失しており、かつ、前記ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子を切り出すと、ゲノム挿入型とすることができ、前記ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子を切り出さないと、多コピー型とすることができることを特徴とする選択両用ベクター。A first selectable marker gene linked to the excisable ARS, and a second selectable marker gene in a fragmented state capable of homologous recombination with the genomic DNA of the host cell , The 3'-side DNA fragment has been subjected to a second selection marker gene function deletion treatment, the host cell has a second selection marker gene function deleted on the genome, and the 3'-side DNA fragment is linked to the ARS. A selective use vector characterized in that if one selectable marker gene is excised, it can be made into a genome insertion type, and if the first selectable marker gene linked to the ARS is not excised, it can be made into a multicopy type . ARSに連結された第1選択マーカー遺伝子が、制限酵素認識部位を介して第2選択マーカー遺伝子を分断していることを特徴とする請求項1記載の選択両用ベクター。2. The selective vector according to claim 1, wherein the first selection marker gene linked to ARS disrupts the second selection marker gene via a restriction enzyme recognition site. 第2選択マーカー遺伝子が、leu1遺伝子であることを特徴とする請求項1又は2記載の選択両用ベクター。 The selective vector according to claim 1 or 2 , wherein the second selection marker gene is a leu1 gene . 宿主細胞のゲノム上のleu1遺伝子が、leu1−32変異を有していることを特徴とする請求項記載の選択両用ベクター。 4. The selective vector according to claim 3 , wherein the leu1 gene on the host cell genome has a leu1-32 mutation . 宿主細胞が、真核細胞であることを特徴とする請求項1〜のいずれか記載の選択両用ベクター。The selective vector according to any one of claims 1 to 4 , wherein the host cell is a eukaryotic cell. 真核細胞が、酵母であることを特徴とする請求項記載の選択両用ベクター。6. The selective vector according to claim 5 , wherein the eukaryotic cell is yeast. 酵母が、シゾサッカロミセス・ポンベであることを特徴とする請求項記載の選択両用ベクター。The selective vector according to claim 6 , wherein the yeast is Schizosaccharomyces pombe. 分断された状態の第2選択マーカー遺伝子が、その5’側DNA断片にプロモーター領域を含むことを特徴とする請求項1〜のいずれか記載の選択両用ベクター。The selective vector according to any one of claims 1 to 7 , wherein the fragmented second selection marker gene comprises a promoter region in its 5 'DNA fragment. 目的遺伝子のクローニング部位を有することを特徴とする請求項1〜8のいずれか記載の選択両用ベクター。9. The selective vector according to any one of claims 1 to 8, which has a cloning site for the target gene. 配列番号1に示される塩基配列からなるDNA、又はこれらの配列の一部若しくは全部を含む配列からなり、かつ選択両用ベクター機能を備えたDNA。A DNA comprising the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, or a DNA comprising a sequence containing a part or all of these sequences and having a selective vector function.
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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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