JP3989188B2 - Bee venom therapy without a bee needle - Google Patents

Bee venom therapy without a bee needle Download PDF


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JP3989188B2 JP2001130722A JP2001130722A JP3989188B2 JP 3989188 B2 JP3989188 B2 JP 3989188B2 JP 2001130722 A JP2001130722 A JP 2001130722A JP 2001130722 A JP2001130722 A JP 2001130722A JP 3989188 B2 JP3989188 B2 JP 3989188B2
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蜂産物の治療法(Apitherapy)とは蜜蜂が産生するいろいろな物質、すなわちハチミツ、花粉(pollen)、プロポリス、蜜蝋、王乳(ローヤルゼリー)及び蜂毒の医学的な用法をいう。いろいろな研究により、蜂蜜が抗細菌、抗真菌、抗炎症、抗増殖及び坑癌的用途を有してきたことがわかっている。例えば、中国では蜂蜜を火傷に対する鎮痛剤と消毒剤として使用してきた。最近ではプロポリスに入っているカフェイン酸が、ネズミの大腸に発ガン物質を注入した際に前癌性変化(precancerous change)を防止する役割をすることが解かった。花粉が多く入っている蜜蜂の巣の片で作った製剤はアレルギー治療に成功しただけでなく、優れた食品としても使われている。ここでは蜂毒を用いて慢性的炎症による痛みを伴う疾患を治療する研究に関するものを主とする。
蜂産物療法と蜜蜂に対しての科学的理解は、約100年前にオーストリアの医者であるフィリップ・ターク(Phillip Terc)の研究論文である『蜂針とリューマチとの間の特異な相関関係に関する報告』が発表されてから本格的に始まった。
蜂産物治療の今日の支持者らは、蜂毒と他の蜂産物が慢性的な痛みと他の多くの疾患、すなわち連結組織の退行と炎症を起こす疾患(いろいろな種類の関節炎)、神経性疾患(偏頭痛、末梢神経炎、慢性腰痛)、自家免疫性疾患(多発性硬化症、狼瘡(lupus))、皮膚性疾患(湿疹、乾癬、ヘルペス炎症)などの疾患に効き目があると主張する。これとは反対に、従来の医学は蜂の産物に関しては、まれに関心を示すのみで、上記の効き目とは関係がない次の二つの領域、すなわち(i)蜜蜂に刺された時発生しうるアナフィラクッティック・ショック(Anaphylactic shock)をはじめとする過敏反応の危険性、(ii)蜂針に刺されて現れるアレルギー反応、特に成人において生命が危篤なアナフィラクティック反応に対する免疫治療として蜂毒自体を使用すること、に関するものである。
代替医学界で蜂産物治療が有望とされているにもかかわらず、上記の理由は、また、標準化された蜂毒注射剤(standarized bee venompreparations)の欠如、蜂毒の効果的使用に対する制限のある処理手順等のために、蜂毒の臨床学的適用は医学の主流から押し出されて弱体化したことは事実である。先に記述したリスク以外にも、蜂毒療法はしばしば痛みを伴うということがある。生きた蜂を刺して蜂毒を注入する方法は危険で、調節することが難しい。この方法はまた、患者らが昆虫とこれに刺される嫌悪感を克服することも容易なことでない。鍼療法のように痛みが少ない技術を利用するにしても、蜂毒自体が独自のいくつかの痛み、焼けつくような痛みと刺激的な痛みを起こす。このような治療法により、治療自体が疾患よりさらに悪いのではないかという疑問を持たざるをえなくなる。先に記述した観点で見れば、標準化された蜂毒液の製剤化と、このような治療を必要とする患者らに注入する方法などが求められている。生きた蜂を使用せずに、特に蜂毒で治療時にその痛みを減らすような方法が要望される。本発明はこのような問題を本格的に解決するものである。
本発明における蜂毒は、蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)で得た毒素を意味する。蜂毒の一般的組成は、下の表1に示される。

Figure 0003989188
乾いた蜂毒の最も重要な成分は、メリチン(Melittin)として知られたペプチドであり、脳下垂体と副腎を刺激してコルチゾン(cortisone)を生産する。これはハイドロコルチゾン(hydrocortisone)よりさらに100倍活性が強い。メリチンはまた、炎症に対抗して保護する細胞膜リソソーム(lysosome)を安定させる作用がある。他の主な薬理学的成分は、アパミン(apamin)、MCDペプチド(MCD−peppide:ペプチド401として知られる)、アドラピン(adolapin)などいろいろな種類の蛋白分解酵素抑制剤などである。アパミンはメリチンのように作用する。これはまた、補体システム(the complement system)、炎症に関与するCを抑制する。MCDペプチドは、アラキドニック(arachidonic)を抑制してプロスタグランディン(prostaglandin)合成を防止する。アドラピンは、マイクロソム(microsom)のシクロオキシゲナーゼ(Cyclooxygenase)を抑制する。これはまたリポオキシゲナーゼ(Lipoxygenase)とトロンボキサン(tromboxan)を遮断する。蛋白分解酵素抑制剤は、カラギニン(carrageenin)、プロスタグランディンE、ブラジキニン(bradykinin)及びヒスタミンにより生じる炎症を抑制する。したがって、ここに記述した用語“蜂毒”は、さらに蜂毒の薬理学的に活性な成分であるメリチンまたはメリチンとペプチド401を組み合わせたものなどの投与にも言及するものである。用語“蜂毒”は、また、もちろん全体蜂毒液も称することであり、同様に全体蜂毒やその構成成分を本発明に合わせて純粋に精製して調整した製剤である。
液性担体に加えて、本発明による蜂毒製剤は他の従来の賦形剤である粘度変性剤(viscosity modifier)、防腐剤及び塩化ナトリウム、糖類とその類似物質などのような添加剤も含むことができる。これらのような賦形剤は、なんの制限もなしにベンジルアルコール、メチルパラバン、リンゲル及び注射用治療薬に通常使用される他の生物学的に許容し得る物質を含む。
本発明による液状担体には、生理的食塩水だけでなく燐酸塩緩衝液(pH.4.0)等人体に使われることができる液状担体をすべて含む。また、注射剤の可溶化剤でしばしば使われるプロピレングリコール、エチルダイゴール(Ethyl Digol)などのように生物学的、製剤学的に許容し得るあらゆる物質を含む。
本発明による蜂毒注射剤は、通常、0.1mLずつ目盛りのある25ないし27ゲージの針がついた注射器で皮内注射する。針は、一般的に約1/4ないし約5/8インチ長の範囲のものを使用する。患者を治療する前にアレルギー反応の可能性を調べるために皮膚試験をすることが適切である。皮膚反応試験の好ましい部位として前腕の屈筋表面などに正常投与量の約1/2または0.05mLを、ゆっくりと皮内に注入して半球的水泡(hemispherical bleb)を作る。皮膚反応の検討は腫れ跡(wheal)の大きさ、紅はん(erythema)の大きさ、不規則的な広がりの現れ方、試験部位から見た目に膨らんだ突起状態(pseudo−pod projections)に基づいて行う。正常反応は、針が入っていった所に針の末ほどの血点が見られて、腫れ跡は約0.5ないし約1.0cm、紅はんは注射部位から丸く約1ないし約2インチ広がって現れる。注射後15分ないし30分間に全身反応が現れないならば、陰性と見なす。
皮内に投与を行う際、注入に先がけて、注射プランジャをすこし引き抜き、静脈内注射を防止するために、注射器内に血が流れ込むのを観察することを薦める。注射は患者の患部に応じていろいろな異なる部位にされることになる。しかし、関節炎患者の痛みを和らげる、及び、治療をするために、例えば、痛い部位からまず注射が行われる。最も好ましくは、注射は圧痛点(tender point)や引き金点(trigger point)に注射することが良い。その後、治療効果を最大にするために、皮膚の発疹状況(dermatome chart)により突起部位(spinal area)に注射していくようにする。一般的に、治療を受ける間に、酒類の摂取は慎むようにする。局所反応が激しい場合には冷湿布(ice packs)やメントール軟膏を塗るようにし、仮りにかゆみがとても激しい場合には眠る時にベナドリル(Benadryl)75mgを服用し、昼には50mgを服用しても良い。微熱や他の悪寒が生じる場合には、アセトアミノフェンや他の解熱剤を服用してもかまわない。
アンブカイン(Ambucaine)、アモラノン(Amolanone)、塩酸アミロカイン(Amylocaine Hydrochloride)、ベノキシネート(Benoxinate)、ベンゾカイン(Benzocaine)、ベトキシカイン(Betoxycaine)、ビフェンアミン(Biphen amine)、ブピバカイン(Bupivacaine)、ブタカイン(Butacaine)、ブタンベン(Butamben)、ブタニリカイン(Butanilicaine)、ブテスアミン(Buteth amine)、ブトキシカイン(Butoxycaine)、カルチカイン(Carticaine)、塩酸クロロプロカイン(Chloroprocaine Hydrochloride)、コカエチレン(Cocaethylene)、コカイン(Cocaine)、シクロメチカイン(Cyclomethycaine)、塩酸ジブカイン(Dibucaine Hydrochloride)、ジメチソクイン(Dimethisoquin)、ジメソカイン(Dimethocaine)、塩酸ジペロドン(Diperodon Hydrochloride)、ジクロニン(Dyclonine)、エコニジン(Ecgonidine)、エクゴニン(Ecgonine)、塩化エチル(Ethyl Chloride)、エチドカイン(Etidocaine)、b−エウカイン(b−Eucaine)、ユープロシン(Euprocin)、フェナルコミン(Fenalcomine)、フォモカイン(Fomocaine)、塩酸ヘキシルカイン(Hexylcaine Hydrochloride)、ヒドロキシテトラカイン(Hydroxytetracaine)、P−アミノ安息香酸イソブチル(Isobutyl p−Aminobenzoate)、ロシノカインメシレート(Leucinocaine Mesylate)、レボキサドロール(Levoxadrol)、リドカイン(Lldocaine)、メピバカイン(Mepivacaine)、メプリルカイン(Meprylcaine)、メタブトキシカイン(Metabutoxycaine)、塩化メチル(Methyl Chloride)、ミルテカイン(Myrtecaine)、ナエパイン(Naepaine)、オクタカイン(Octacaine)、オルトカイン(Orthocaine)、オキセタザイン(Oxethazaine)、パレトキシカイン(Parethoxycaine)、塩酸フェナカイン(Phenacaine Hydrochloride)、フェノール(Phenol)、ピペロカイン(Piperocaine)、ピリドカイン(Piridocaine)、ポリドカノール(Polidocanol)、プリドカノール(Plidocanol)、プラモキシン(Pramoxine)、プリコカイン(Pri cocaine)、プロカイン(Procaine)、プロパノカイン(Propanocaine)、プロパラカイン(Proparacaine)、プロピポカイン(Propipocaine)、塩酸プロポキシカイン(PropoxycaineHydrochloride)、擬似コカイン(Pseudococaine)、ピロカイン(Pyrrocaine)、ロピバカイン(Ropivacaine)、サリチルアルコール(Salicyl Alcohol)、塩酸テトラカイン(Tetracaine Hydrochloride)、トリカイン(Tolycaine)、トリメカイン(Trimecaine)、ゾーラミン(Zolamine)などである。これらの中から本発明にあう最も望ましい局所麻酔体はリドカインである。
それぞれの実施例で、患者らは本発明にあう処方製剤によって皮内注射で注入され、一週間に2回治療し、平均12回から20回治療をした。次の症例で、“RA Titer”はリューマチ様関節炎の診断にしばしば使用する血液数値である。
実施例1:リューマチ様関節炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA))
Figure 0003989188
Figure 0003989188
Figure 0003989188
PAは32才の女子で筋肉痛を患っていた。以前にはあらゆる身体的及び精神的療法が成功することができなかった。引き金誘発点注射(trigger point injections)をいくつかの部位に注射して治療した。総計16回の治療で完全に回復された。“引き金点(trigger point)”は筋肉の特殊な部位を刺激すれば痛みを起こす点である。
Figure 0003989188
実施例5:テニス肘(tennis Elbow)
Figure 0003989188
BOは56才の男子患者で、五十肩(frozen shoulder)を患っている。薬物等の服用、多様な注射治療、手術も成功しなかった。この患者の運動範囲は20%に制限されて持続的な痛みを訴えた。本発明の治療法で総計14回の治療で完全回復した。
Figure 0003989188
Figure 0003989188
Figure 0003989188
Figure 0003989188
The present invention relates to bee venom therapy, and also relates to formulation of bee venom, a method for producing bee venom, and uses thereof.
[Prior art]
A bee product treatment refers to the medical use of various substances produced by bees, such as honey, pollen, propolis, beeswax, royal milk, and bee venom. Various studies have shown that honey has had antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and anticancer uses. For example, China has used honey as an analgesic and disinfectant for burns. Recently, it has been found that caffeic acid contained in propolis plays a role in preventing precancerous changes when carcinogens are injected into the large intestine of mice. A product made from a piece of honeycomb with a lot of pollen has not only succeeded in treating allergies, but is also used as an excellent food. The main focus here is on research to treat painful diseases caused by chronic inflammation using bee venom.
In fact, various forms of bee treatment have been used since ancient times. Ancient authors, such as Hesiodos (800 BC), Aristophanes (450-388 BC), Baro (166-27 BC), Colmera (1st century BC) Described for culture. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), also known as the father of medicine, was also used for treatment and was named "A very mysterious remedy (Arcanum)". Garan, the father of experimental physiology (131-201 BC), made a note in his medical papers. Emperor Sharmagne (742-814 BC) said he had treated with bees. Quran 16:71 describes the bee venom as follows: “The liquid in the contents generated from these abdomen is a medicine for humans. ]
The scientific understanding of bee products therapy and bees is about 100 years ago, a research paper by Phillip Turc, an Austrian doctor, on the unique correlation between bee needles and rheumatism. It began in earnest since the “Report” was announced.
Today's proponents of bee remedies say that bee venom and other bee products cause chronic pain and many other diseases, including connective tissue regression and inflammation (all types of arthritis), neurological Claims to be effective for diseases such as diseases (migraine, peripheral neuritis, chronic low back pain), autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, lupus), skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, herpes inflammation) . In contrast, traditional medicine is rarely concerned with bee products, and can occur when stabbed by the following two areas that are not related to the above effects: (i) Risk of hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic shock, (ii) allergic reactions that appear when stabbing into bees, especially bee venom as immunotherapy for life-threatening anaphylactic reactions in adults To use.
Despite the promise of bee product treatment in the alternative medicine community, the above reasons are also the lack of standardized bee venom preparations, limitations on the effective use of bee venom It is true that the clinical application of bee venom has been pushed from the mainstream of medicine and weakened due to processing procedures and the like. Beyond the risks described above, bee venom therapy is often painful. The method of stinging live bees and injecting bee venom is dangerous and difficult to adjust. This method is also not easy for patients to overcome the aversion of insects and bites. Even with the use of less painful techniques such as acupuncture, bee venom itself causes several unique pains, burning and stimulating pain. With such a treatment, you have to question whether the treatment itself is worse than the disease. From the viewpoint described above, there is a need for a standardized bee venom formulation and a method for injecting it into patients in need of such treatment. There is a need for a method that reduces pain during treatment, especially with bee venom, without using live bees. The present invention solves such problems in earnest.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention has been made to solve the above-mentioned problems, and an object of the present invention is to provide a standardized bee venom preparation suitable for injection by injection. This bee venom preparation is composed of an injection solution in which about 0.1 to about 10 mg of dried bee venom is mixed with 1 mL of the injection solution. The formulation can also include excipients such as dilute solutions, preservatives, buffers, viscosity modifiers, co-solvents and the like. Preferably, the bee venom formulation provides 0.5 ml to 5 mg of bee venom in 1 mL of injection solution.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Preferably, the bee venom injection contains about 0.01 to about 1 mg of melittin and about 80 to about 9500 μg of total protein. Most preferably, the bee venom injection contains about 0.04 to about 0.05 mg of melittin in 1 mL of the injection solution, and the total amount of protein is about 800 to about 950 μg.
Preferably, the standardized bee venom injection of the present invention is filtered for bacteria, bacterial debris, viruses and other contaminants through a 25 μm filter. The formulations of the present invention are standard injections such as intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular and are sufficiently pure to provide safe and appropriate treatment. This is the purest injection than any other bee venom formulation known to date. Still, it retains all the most active components of bee venom and can be obtained by industrially available technology. Therefore, this standard injection exhibits a unique compromise between safety, effectiveness, convenience, cost, and the like.
Yet another aspect of the present invention is that it significantly reduces the pain often associated with bee venom therapy. Usually, bee venom therapy is a treatment in which a small amount of bee venom is injected into several locations. For example, a bee venom solution containing 1 mg of dried bee venom in 1 mL of an injection can be injected about 50 times around inflammation and its surroundings. Therefore, 0.1 mL injection solution containing about 0.1 mg of dry bee venom will be injected for each injection. Each of the 50 injections will be accompanied by swelling and inflammation that normally appears when stabbed by a bee needle, as well as pain, burning pain, itching and irritating pain. From these, these symptoms are collectively described as “stimulated irritation”. Applying an anesthetic agent that has been used in the past does not have the effect of reducing or losing such unfortunate side effects. They can slightly reduce the discomfort when piercing the needle, but they cannot prevent the spreading irritation caused by the injected bee venom.
Therefore, it is totally unpredictable to find anesthetics, especially local and local anesthetics, that can be injected with bee venom or injected immediately before or immediately after the injection of bee venom. . When applied in this manner, local and local anesthetics, usually 2% or less, are used to treat bee venom-like pain, but much lower concentrations and volumes are applied. It has also been found to significantly reduce the tingling irritation associated with bee venom injection. In practice, 1% to 2% local anesthetics are often applied locally in the clinic, but higher concentrations and volumes are often required during medical procedures where very severe pain is induced. From this point of view, it is surprising that an unpleasant symptom associated with bee venom injection is relieved even if a dose of 2 mg or less per injection is contained. Furthermore, it was a particularly surprising finding that such an advantage was observed when applied only 10 times the amount of bee venom.
Not only is it surprising that the amount of local anesthetic used in applying such a method is small, it is also surprising that it works. Applying such a volume and concentration of a local anesthetic locally or topically only provides an analgesic effect for only a short time. They can alleviate some of the immediate pain at the time of injection. However, bee venom injection becomes very painful about 10-15 minutes after injection, and this time is much longer considering the relief of pain caused by small amounts of local anesthetics. Again, it was a surprising discovery that the application of the local anesthetic described here alleviates pain for a considerable time after injection. In fact, pain relief was consistent throughout. In other words, patients do not feel at all that sudden pain becomes even more serious even if the local anesthetic disappears gradually after 5-10 minutes of injection.
Accordingly, the compounds of the present invention comprise at least one anesthetic agent in a volume effective for treating bee venom and in a volume that reduces the tingling pain associated with bee venom injection. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, bee venom and anesthetic are mixed and administered as a single preparation. However, the compounds according to the invention can also be produced as they are, with the appropriate amount of anesthetic being first injected at the injection site of the patient, followed by the appropriate amount of bee venom or in reverse order. You can also
Generally, the anesthetic is provided in a ratio of approximately 20: 1 to 10: 1 based on the weight of bee venom. A preferred ratio is 10: 1 to 1:10 by weight. However, a more preferred anesthetic to bee venom ratio is from 3: 1 to about 1: 1 by weight. Both bee venom and anesthetic contain at least one excipient and at least one liquid carrier. 1 mL of the compound of the present invention contains about 0.1 to about 10 mg of bee venom, and preferred standard bee venom injections are as described above.
The present invention also provides a method for administering bee venom. To reduce patient discomfort during treatment, the therapeutic amount of bee venom and at least one anesthetic are administered simultaneously or sequentially, as described above. Both are injected into the same site, intradermal, subcutaneous, or muscle (ie, if anesthetic is injected intradermally at a specific point on the patient's left knee, bee venom is also injected intradermally at the same point) .
The volume of anesthetics tailored to these methods is the smallest volume sufficient to reduce the soreness associated with injection of a bee venom therapeutic effect volume. Generally, about 0.01 to about 1.0 mg of bee venom is infused with each injection tailored to these methods, with a preferred volume of about 0.05 to about 0.5 mg. The most preferred volume is to administer about 0.1 mg per injection. The total dose of bee venom per treatment depends on the number of injections. Similarly, the volume of anesthetic administered is about 0.01 to about 10 mg per injection, with the desired volume being about 0.1 to about 1.0 mg. The most preferred anesthetic volume is about 0.1 to about 0.3 mg administered per injection.
Still other aspects of the invention include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, myalgia, myofibritis, fasciopathic pain syndrome, tennis elbow, golf elbow, fifty shoulder, slippery Bursitis, tendinitis, chronic surgical inflammation of soft and bone tissue, peripheral neuritis, neuralgia, migraine, eczema, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, lupus as well as autoimmunity, This is a method of treating neurological, dermatological, degenerative chronic diseases and the like with an injectable bee venom preparation using the above-described pharmaceutical composition.
The above-described objects and other features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention.
The bee venom in the present invention means a toxin obtained from bees (Apis mellifera). The general composition of bee venom is shown in Table 1 below.
[Table 1]
Figure 0003989188
The most important component of dry bee venom is a peptide known as melittin, which stimulates the pituitary and adrenal glands to produce cortisone. This is 100 times more active than hydrocortisone. Melittin also has the effect of stabilizing the cell membrane lysosome that protects against inflammation. Other main pharmacological components are various types of protease inhibitors such as apamin, MCD peptide (MCD-peptide: known as peptide 401), adrapine and the like. Apamin acts like melittin. This is also due to the complement system, C involved in inflammation.3Suppress. The MCD peptide inhibits arachidonic and prevents prostaglandin synthesis. Adrapine inhibits microsomal cyclooxygenase. This also blocks lipoxygenase and thromboxane. Proteolytic enzyme inhibitors include carrageenin, prostaglandin ElInhibits inflammation caused by bradykinin and histamine. Accordingly, the term “bee venom” described herein also refers to administration of melittin, a pharmacologically active component of bee venom, or a combination of melittin and peptide 401. The term “bee venom” also refers to the whole bee venom, of course, and is a preparation prepared by purifying the whole bee venom and its components purely according to the present invention.
While conventional bee venom therapy has utilized live bees, the preferred standard bee venom formulation of the present invention is combined with a liquid carrier. Any liquid can dissolve dry bee venom well and can be used in the present invention as long as it is pharmaceutically suitable for intradermal injection, subcutaneous injection, and intramuscular injection. The most preferred carrier is water from which sterilized ions have been removed, or physiological saline containing 0.9% sodium chloride. In general, a liquid carrier according to the present invention is sufficient if it contains about 0.1 to about 10 mg of bee venom per mL. More preferred is about 0.5 to about 5 mg of bee venom per mL. Most preferred is an amount such that about 1 mg of bee venom is contained in each mL of liquid carrier. For example, 1 g of dried bee venom is mixed with 1 L (1,000 mL) of normal saline for injection (0.9% sodium chloride). Desirably, it is prepared in a sterilized room at room temperature of 20 degrees. As a result, 1 mg of bee venom is contained in 1 mL of standard bee venom injection.
After passing through the 25 μm filter, the standard bee venom injection preferably contains about 0.01 to about 1.0 mg of melittin and about 80 to about 9,500 μg of total protein in 1 mL. More preferably, the resulting pharmaceutical composition contains about 0.01 to about 0.1 mg of melittin and about 400 to about 4,500 μg of protein per mL, and the most preferred standard solution is about 1 mL. It contains about 0.04 to about 0.05 mg of melittin and about 800 to about 950 μg of total protein. The most preferred standard solution is one in which hyaluronidase activity is 40 to 100 HHU / mL (100 μg / mL diluted) every 1 mL and gelatin-induced hemagglutination appears at 3 to 5 mm / H.
Any purification method that is practical to provide a bee venom of the same purity as obtained with a 25 μm filter could be appreciated. Such methods include normal and reverse phase chromatography, affinity chromatography, recrystallization, immunological precipitation, membrane permeation methods and other filtration methods.
In addition to the liquid carrier, the bee venom formulation according to the present invention also includes other conventional excipients such as viscosity modifiers, preservatives and sodium chloride, sugars and the like, and the like. be able to. Excipients such as these include, without limitation, benzyl alcohol, methyl paraban, Ringer and other biologically acceptable substances commonly used in injectable therapeutics.
The liquid carrier according to the present invention includes not only physiological saline but also all liquid carriers that can be used in the human body, such as phosphate buffer (pH 4.0). Also included are all biologically and pharmaceutically acceptable substances such as propylene glycol and ethyl digor which are often used as solubilizers for injections.
A typical formulation according to the invention contains 1.0 mg of Italian bee pure and dry venom and 9.0 mg of sodium chloride per mL of water. Another desirable formulation consists of 1.0 mg pure and dry bee venom, 9.0 mg sodium chloride, 0.009 mL benzyl alcohol and 0.991 mL water. Again, formulations such as these remove any material greater than 25 μm through the filtration device. It is also contemplated to use thinner filters than this.
When treating various diseases with bee venom alone, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, relief of joints and low back pain, multiple injections are usually given. In general, bee venom therapy is usually treated for about 6 to 12 weeks, and is treated once or more a week, and the number of injections is increased starting from 1 or 2 times. Will inject 20 to 50 injections in one treatment. The volume of bee venom described here is administered from about 0.01 to about 1.0 mg per injection. Desirably, the volume of bee venom should be about 0.05 to about 0.5 mg per injection, with the best volume being about 0.1 mg per injection. Therefore, 1 mL of the above-mentioned two formulas will supply 10 divided drug volumes of 0.1 mL each containing 0.1 mg of bee venom.
The bee venom injection according to the present invention is usually injected intradermally with a syringe with a 25-27 gauge needle graduated in 0.1 mL increments. The needle is generally in the range of about 1/4 to about 5/8 inch long. It is appropriate to do a skin test to check for possible allergic reactions before treating the patient. As a preferred site for the skin reaction test, about 1/2 or 0.05 mL of a normal dose is slowly injected into the skin on the flexor surface of the forearm, etc., to make a hemispherical blister. Examination of skin reaction is based on the size of the swelling, the size of the erythema, the appearance of irregular spread, and the state of protrusions swelled from the test site (pseudo-pod projections) Do it. In normal reaction, a blood spot at the end of the needle was seen where the needle was in, the swollen trace was about 0.5 to about 1.0 cm, and the erythema was round from the injection site to about 1 to about 2 Appears in inches. If no systemic reaction appears within 15 to 30 minutes after injection, it is considered negative.
When administering intradermally, it is recommended to slightly pull the injection plunger prior to injection and observe blood flowing into the syringe to prevent intravenous injection. Injections are made at a variety of different sites depending on the affected area of the patient. However, in order to relieve and treat pain in arthritic patients, for example, an injection is first made from the painful site. Most preferably, the injection is at a tender point or a trigger point. Thereafter, in order to maximize the therapeutic effect, injection is made into the spinal area according to the dermatome chart of the skin. In general, avoid drinking alcohol during treatment. If local reactions are severe, apply cold packs or menthol ointment. If itching is very severe, take 75 mg of Benadryl when you sleep and take 50 mg in the daytime. good. If mild fever or other chills occur, acetaminophen or other antipyretic may be taken.
The present invention also includes an apparatus for collecting poison from bees in a purification process using a low volt electric shock technique. This extractor consists of two wooden frames, one inside the other. A plurality of electric wires are attached to the front surface of the outer frame, and these are alternately grounded and charged. When the bees approach and come into contact with the two wires, the circuit is completed and eventually impacts.
The extractor is placed in front of the honeycomb and connected to a 9 volt battery with an electric timer. If the battery is connected, the current flows repeatedly for 5 seconds and then stops for 3 seconds. As soon as this instrument is turned on, the bees get excited and come out of the beehive and attack the extractor. At the same time, the bees sprinkle pheromones in the air so that other bees are excited and attack. When the bees receive an electric shock, the lower abdomen bends and the needle is inserted into the silicone rubber sheet covered on the upper surface of the inner wooden frame. If the current stops for 3 seconds, the bees will not take out the bees and die. A pure liquid bee venom appears under the silicon rubber sheet. Remove the inner wooden frame from the outer frame and store in a sterilized box.
The box is dried in a sterilized refrigerator (4 degrees Celsius) for 4-6 hours. Remove the inner wooden frame from the box and place it in a large sterilized basket, and remove the dried bee venom crystals with a sterilized pharmaceutical razor. The collected bee venom crystals are placed in a sterile bottle and sealed. Bee venom can also be produced by the methods described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,739,531 and 3,163,871.
In treating various diseases, the use of the standard bee venom injection formulation according to the present invention is described in detail herein and offers significant advantages over the prior art. However, the experience of being bitten by a living bee is by no means pleasant. The experience of thirty or more stings is of course increasing the degree of discomfort. The burning pain experienced by bee venom is unique because it does not resemble other pain or irritation. Preferably, the standard formulation according to the invention is injected much more comfortably than the bee needle, but the tingling pain caused by the injection of bee venom is treated with bee venom therapy. Is reminiscent of Accordingly, preferred embodiments of the present invention provide compositions and methods that alleviate, reduce or even eliminate the unpleasant irritation caused by bee venom injection. This discovery is surprising, with burning, sharp stinging and other irritation occurring when bee venom is injected into the skin even when anesthetics, especially local anesthetics, are applied locally. The pain that I could not get rid of is that if local anesthetic is injected at the same point with bee venom or at the same time, the pain can be reduced or eliminated.
Unfortunately, problems have been discovered that could not be anticipated by introducing local anesthetics in this manner. For example, if a bee venom injection containing 2% lidocaine (lidocaine 20 mg / mL: 1 mg / mL bee venom), sharp stinging pain, cramping pain and Other irritating stimuli are reduced. However, lidocaine itself induces a irritating stimulus independent of the bee venom stimulus. As a result, it was much better than when only bee venom was used. However, when the local anesthetic of the volume exemplified here is injected locally and locally with bee venom, another soreness will be caused.
Stimulation caused by bee venom when injected with a volume much smaller than the volume of local anesthetic applied locally or topically (ie less than 1%) and at the same time irritated during intradermal injection of local anesthetic It was a discovery that couldn't be expected to make me feel no stimulation.
Those using bee venom in the present invention are those described above, or whether they are filtered or not, purified or not, and other bee venom preparations are also used. can do. The pharmacological composition in question can also be mixed with a local anesthetic and injected as a single solution into a single syringe. However, it is not always necessary to make bee venom and local anesthetic in a single solution or inject them at the same time. A local anesthetic can be made separately and injected at the same point after bee venom injection. Immediately before and after the injection of bee venom, the local anesthetic can be injected immediately before and after the injection. It should be within 10 minutes. Desirably, when injecting bee venom and a local anesthetic continuously, it may be within 10 minutes before bee venom injection or within several minutes after injection. The most desirable method is to inject the local anesthetic immediately before or after the bee venom injection.
If bee venom is injected into a muscle, a local anesthetic is also injected into the same muscle. It is the same when given subcutaneously and the same when injected into the skin, which is the best method.
The relief of the irritating irritation associated with bee venom injection is somewhat subjective. This depends on various factors: pain area for individual patient pain; number of injections; volume of bee venom injected with each injection; injection site; depth of injection with intradermal, subcutaneous and intramuscular injection. However, generally speaking, the appropriate amount of local anesthetic described here appears more than when the same volume is injected without local anesthetic when the same protocol is applied to the same patient and the same volume is injected. The irritating irritation is much reduced.
Local anesthetics according to the present invention include any composition that can reduce the irritating irritation caused by bee venom injection. Anesthetics are not limited to local and local anesthetics. However, local anesthetics are preferred. The anesthetic agent of the present invention is as follows.
Ambucaine, Amoranone, Amilocaine Hydrochloride, Benoxynate, Benoxynate, Bencaine, Benecaine, Benecaine, Benecaine, Benecaine Butamben, Butanilicaine, Butethamine, Butoxycaine, Carticaine, Chloroprocaine Hydrochloride, Chloroprocaine Hydrochloride Down (Cocaethylene), cocaine (Cocaine), cyclomethycaine (Cyclomethycaine), dibucaine hydrochloride (Dibucaine Hydrochloride), Jimechisokuin (dimethisoquin), Jimesokain (Dimethocaine), hydrochloric diperodon (Diperodon Hydrochloride), dyclonine (Dyclonine), Ekonijin (Ecgonidine) , Ecgonine, ethyl chloride, etidocaine, b-eucaine, euprocin, phenalkine, fomocaine, fomocaine Acid hexylcaine (Hexylcaine Hydrochloride), Hydroxytetracaine (Isobutyl p-Aminobenzoate), Rosinocaine Mesilate (Leucinocaine L) Mepivacaine, Meprilcaine, Metabutoxycaine, Methyl Chloride, Myrtecaine, Naepine, Otacine, Octaine ocaine), Okisetazain (Oxethazaine), Paretokishikain (Parethoxycaine), hydrochloric acid phenacaine (Phenacaine Hydrochloride), phenol (Phenol), piperocaine (Piperocaine), Piridokain (Piridocaine), polidocanol (Polidocanol), Puridokanoru (Plidocanol), pramoxine (Pramoxine), Pricocaine, Procaine, Propanocaine, Proparacaine, Propipocaine, Propoxycaine Hydrochloride (Propoxycaine Hydroc) loride), pseudo-cocaine (Pseudococaine), pirocaine (Pyrrocaine), ropivacaine (Ropivacaine), salicyl alcohol (Salicyl Alcohol), tetracaine hydrochloride (Tetracaine Hydrochlorine) is there. Of these, the most desirable local anesthetic body according to the present invention is lidocaine.
As can be appreciated, the local anesthetic volume is adjusted by the amount of bee venom used. However, the volume can be adjusted according to the specific condition of the patient, the severity of the pain and the course of treatment. Generally, the local anesthetic volume is used in a ratio of about 20: 1 to about 1:10 compared to the dry bee venom weight. A desirable ratio is about 10: 1 to about 1: 5, and a most desirable ratio is about 3: 1 to about 1: 1.
The liquid carriers and excipients used in formulating the local anesthetic according to the present invention may be the same as or different from those used when making the bee venom formulation. Also, the local anesthetic is a liquid, and prescription drugs premixed with one or more liquid carriers and excipients can be purchased. In such a case, another liquid carrier or excipient is not required. In addition, these types of local anesthetic prescriptions can be used in bee venom carriers or can be used mixed with standard bee venom injections as described above.
The amount of local anesthetic infused is about 0.01 to about 2.0 mg, preferably about 0.05 to about 1.0 mg per injection. The most desirable volume is about 0.1 mg per injection.
A typical prescription preparation is as follows. (1) For every 1.0 mL of distilled water for injection, 1.0 mg of dried bee venom of bees, 9.0 mg of sodium chloride, and 1.0 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride are contained. (2) 1.0 mL distilled bee water for injection contains 1.0 mg of bee venom with dry bees, 9.0 mg of sodium chloride, 1.0 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride, 0.009 mL of benzyl alcohol, and 0.991 mL of water. (3) 1.0 mL of water for injection contains 1.0 mg of dried bee venom of bees, 9.0 mg of sodium chloride, 1.0 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride, and 0.1 mg of methylparaben.
The present invention also includes creams, ointments and patches containing bee venom in addition to injections.
Bee venom cream formulation
5% (1-25%) dry bee venom;
Methyl salicylate 4% (1-20%);
Purified capsaicin 0.03% (0.01-0.05%);
Aloe extract;
Caboma 940;
Cetyl alcohol;
purified water.
* Usage: Rub 1/16 to 1/8 teaspoon on the affected area.
Use once or twice a day.
Bee venom patch formulation
10 mg of dried bee venom;
Methyl salicylate 150 mg;
1 mg of purified capsaicin;
Aloe extract;
Wit point glycade;
Methyl paraben.
* Property: The size of the patch is 100 mm x 1.40 mm, and the above preparation was applied to a non-woven fabric and the release paper was covered on the solid surface.
* Usage: Attach to the affected area once or twice a day.
The patients described in the following examples continue to suffer significant pain as patients treated in conventional modern medicine. Many drugs such as analgesics, muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatories have been taken and various injections have been made, and their morbidity has not improved even though they have undergone spinal correction, physical therapy and sometimes even surgery. However, the pain was particularly severe.
The following recorded example used a solution containing a 1: 1 ratio of bee venom and lidocaine for every 0.1 mL of injection per bee venom injection from the sixth treatment. From the first to the fifth, only pure bee venom was used. The injection solution was prepared by mixing with physiological saline for injection and purified through a 25 μm filter. Each patient was infused so that a single injection would be 0.1 mL. The total number of injections varied with the patient's condition and the number of treatments.
In each example, the patients were infused by intradermal injection with the formulation according to the invention, treated twice a week and treated on average 12 to 20 times. In the following cases, “RA Titer” is a blood value often used in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
If the appropriate amount is less than 20, the result is negative, which is a highly desirable result for such patients. “ESR” indicates “erythrocyte sedimentation rate” and is generally used to diagnose inflammation. A normal numerical value is 1-10. Higher numbers represent systemic inflammation.
“ROM” means the range of motion. The standard value of the range of movement varies depending on the problem joint. However, the greater the distance between the two ends, the greater the range of motion. Tenderness and swelling are displayed with a plus (+) sign on a standard scale. Each plus (+) sign means approximately 20%.
The largest number 5 plus (+) means the visual similarity ratio of “VAS” which means the greatest tenderness and swelling (bulge). The most frequently used bath (VAS) has 100 mm parallel lines with no pain at the left end and the right end means the most severe pain so far. The patient displays on the 100 mm line how much pain he / she currently feels. Pain intensity is measured by the numerical value up to the point indicated by the patient on the left end. Such methods include “Pain Textbooks” issued by Churchill Livingstone (New York, 3rd issue, pp. 338-339, 1994) and “Pain Management” issued by Lee and Febiga (Philadelphia, 2nd issue). 1990, pages 581-582).
Example 1 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
NG was a 39-year-old female patient who had rheumatoid arthritis for 19 years. She tried all kinds of treatments including anticancer drugs, but it didn't work. Her wrist and hand pain and blisters were so severe and unbearable that she was impaired. This patient improved about 95% after receiving treatment according to the present invention. The patient's condition was stable and no more pain and swelling.
Figure 0003989188
Example 2: Osteoarthritis
HR is a 75-year-old woman who has suffered from degenerative arthritis for the last 25 years. Her knee and spine were worse than the other joints. This patient was in excellent condition after 18 treatments with the treatment according to the invention. Currently, other drugs are well spent without taking.
Figure 0003989188
Example 3: Ankylosing spondylitis
MO is a 53-year-old female patient who has been hurting her back for a long time and has undergone many operations such as hip joint fusion. This patient had no special effect despite continued rehabilitation treatment for 18 months. The patient improved considerably after a total of 26 treatments with the treatment according to the invention. Currently not taking medication, but needs to be revisited at least once a month.
Figure 0003989188
Example 4: Myalgia
PA is a 32-year-old girl with muscle pain. Previously, no physical or psychological therapy was successful. Trigger point injections were injected at several sites for treatment. A total of 16 treatments fully recovered. A “trigger point” is a point that causes pain if it stimulates a specific part of the muscle.
Figure 0003989188
Example 5: Tennis Elbow
JK is a 43-year-old boy who suffered from “tennis elbow” for four years. Traditional modern treatments have failed. The treatment method of the present invention completely recovered after 12 treatments in total.
Figure 0003989188
Example 6: Adhesive cystitis
BO is a 56-year-old male patient suffering from a frozen shoulder. Drugs, various injection treatments, and surgery were not successful. The patient's range of motion was limited to 20% and complained of persistent pain. The treatment method of the present invention completely recovered after 14 treatments in total.
Figure 0003989188
Example 7: Chronic surgical inflammation
BC is a 49-year-old boy who has undergone abdominal surgery more than 10 times for hemorrhagic gastric ulcer, alcoholic cirrhosis, intestinal obstruction and the like. Surgical pain and gallbladder pain made him a serious drug addiction. With the treatment method of the present invention, a total of 28 intensive treatments for surgical scars were almost completely cured.
Figure 0003989188
Example 8: Herpes zoster
JP was a 78-year-old female patient with shingles. Medical and surgical treatment has failed. This patient improved by more than 90% after 16 treatments with the treatment of the present invention. “Bubble” means herpes.
Figure 0003989188
Example 9: Psoriasis
TH is a 28-year-old male patient who had been suffering from psoriasis skin disease for 7 years. Modern medical drugs only helped temporarily. His condition was getting worse and he could not wear short pants even in hot and humid summers. A total of 24 treatments improved very well. This patient needs to be revisited at least once a month.
Example 10: Multiple sclerosis
SR is a 47-year-old female patient who has suffered from multiple sclerosis for 15 years. Mobilizing all modern treatments did not prevent the disease from getting worse. She continued to have numbness in the lower limbs, became numb, lost about 40% of urinary regulation, became weaker in limbs and worsened in balance, and had to rely on shoes and quadrupeds. . A total of 28 treatments greatly improved the patient's condition. At present, urination can be adjusted 100%, and it is no longer necessary to use shoes or walker. The patient will continue to be revisited at least once every 3-4 weeks for a considerable period of time.
Figure 0003989188
Example 11: Pain
The 10 patients listed in the above example were combined and a total of 30 patients were treated with only the appropriate volume of bee venom until the first 5 treatments. Thereafter, that is, from the sixth time, as described in the “Examples” summarized along the respective headings described above, an injection solution in which bee venom and lidocaine were mixed at a ratio of 1: 1 was injected. Without informing the patient what kind of prescription was injected, each patient was asked and asked about the type of pain, its intensity, discomfort, etc. after each treatment. We also observed the patient's body language for bee venom injection, the degree of frowning, and the unawareness of receiving treatment.
97% of patients objectively reported that pain and discomfort at injection were greatly reduced for injections containing bee venom and lidocaine. The fear of the next injection was also significantly reduced, and those who dropped out during this treatment dropped dramatically. Pain relaxation lasts for a considerable amount of time, and a very small amount of local anesthetic gives the pain relaxation only momentarily, and after a while the pain suddenly increases. There was no increase.
【The invention's effect】
As can be seen from the above embodiments, the present invention dramatically reduces pain and discomfort in patients undergoing bee venom treatment by injecting a bee venom injection mixed with bee venom and a local anesthetic. effective.
Although the present invention has been described in detail with reference to the embodiments, the present invention is not limited to the embodiments. The present invention does not depart from the spirit and spirit of the present invention as long as it has ordinary knowledge in the technical field to which the present invention belongs. The present invention may be modified or changed.

Claims (6)

全体蜂毒を有効成分とする注射剤であって、注射時の注射液1ml中に乾燥重量として0.1〜10mgの全体蜂毒と該全体蜂毒の重量に対して0.1〜5倍量の塩酸リドカインとを含む、全体蜂毒の注入に伴う痛みが減少されてなる、前記注射剤 An injection comprising whole bee venom as an active ingredient , 0.1 to 10 mg of total bee venom as a dry weight in 1 ml of injection solution at the time of injection, and 0.1 to 5 times the weight of the whole bee venom The said injection containing the amount of lidocaine hydrochloride and the pain accompanying the injection | pouring of whole bee venom is reduced . 全体蜂毒が、リューマトイドWhole bee venom, rheumatoid (Rheumatoid)(Rheumatoid) 性関節炎、骨関節炎、強直性脊椎炎、筋肉痛、テニス肘Osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, muscle pain, tennis elbow (tennis elbow)(tennis elbow) 、ゴルフ肘、五十肩、軟組織と骨組織の慢性外科的炎症、帯状疱疹性神経痛、乾癬、又は多発性硬化症の治療に用いられるものである、請求項1に記載の注射剤。The injection according to claim 1, which is used for treatment of golf elbow, fifty shoulders, chronic surgical inflammation of soft tissue and bone tissue, herpes zoster, psoriasis, or multiple sclerosis. 全体蜂毒は25μmフィルターで濾過した通過物である、請求項1又は2に記載の注射剤。 The injectable preparation according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the whole bee venom is a passage product filtered through a 25 µm filter. 塩酸リドカインの量が該全体蜂毒の重量に対して1/3〜1倍量である、請求項1に記載の注射剤。The injection according to claim 1, wherein the amount of lidocaine hydrochloride is 1/3 to 1 times the amount of the total bee venom. 注射時の注射液1ml中に乾燥重量として0.5〜5mgの全体蜂毒を含む、請求項1に記載の注射剤。  The injection according to claim 1, comprising 0.5 to 5 mg of whole bee venom as a dry weight in 1 ml of an injection solution at the time of injection. 注射時の注射液1ml中に乾燥重量として1mgの全体蜂毒を含む、請求項1に記載の注射剤。  The injection according to claim 1, comprising 1 mg of whole bee venom as a dry weight in 1 ml of injection solution at the time of injection.
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