JP3805903B2 - Ammonium ion selective coordination molecules and ion sensors - Google Patents
Ammonium ion selective coordination molecules and ion sensors Download PDFInfo
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- 0 CC(CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C1C)=O)=O)=*)*C1=O Chemical compound CC(CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C(C)C(OC(C)CC(CC1)OC1C1C)=O)=O)=*)*C1=O 0.000 description 1
- Heterocyclic Compounds That Contain Two Or More Ring Oxygen Atoms (AREA)
イオン選択性電極は、特定のイオンに感応する膜を挟んで発生する膜電位を利用して、目的イオンを選択的に認識し、そのイオンの濃度と活量を測定するイオンセンサーである。イオン選択性電極の開発は、1906年にクレメル(Cremer)によってガラス膜が水素イオン濃度に応答する事が発見されたことに端を発している(M.Cremer, Z.Biol., 47, 562 (1906) )。1950年代まで実用的なイオン選択性電極はガラス膜電極のみであった。しかし、1960年代に入り、ロス(Ross)らによるフッ化物イオン電極(M.S.Frant, J.W.Ross, Science, 154, 1553 (1966))、カルシウムイオン電極(J.W.Ross, Science, 156, 1378 (1967))、シモン(Simon )らによるカリウムイオン、アンモニウムイオン電極(Z.Stefanac, W.Simon, Chimia, 20, 436 (1966) )が相次いで開発されると、広く実用化され注目を浴びるようになった。以来、イオン選択性電極は、その優れた感度や選択性、分析の迅速さや簡便性あるいは自動連続分析への容易な適用性のため、現在では各種産業における計測装置、環境や臨床分析への適用など、多岐にわたる応用と開発がなされている。
イオン選択性電極用イオノフォアとして最初に用いられたのは、天然物イオノフォアであった。その中で最も大きな成果を収めたのが環状のバリノマイシンであり、シモン(Simon)らによって初めて液膜型イオン選択性電極に応用され、優れたカリウムイオン選択性を示した(Z.Stefanac, W.Simon, Microchem. J., 12, 125 (1967))。その後、天然物イオノフォアの構造や機能を模倣した化合物の合成が盛んに行われるようになり、シモン(Simon)らによる非環状ポリエーテルアミド誘導体などといった実用性に極めて優れたものも開発されている(E.Metzger, D.Ammann, R.Asper, W.Simon, Anal.Chem., 58, 132 (1986))。またバリノマイシンの電極への応用と時を同じくして、Pedersenによって発見された環状のオリゴエチレングリコール誘導体(クラウンエーテル)が特異的な金属イオン捕捉能を有することが判明して以来、その誘導体のイオン選択性電極への応用も検討されるようになり、近年実用的に優れたものが次々報告されている(C.J.Pedersen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89, 2495, 7017 (1967))。
また、イオン選択性電極用に使用される電気的中性のイオノフォアは、高脂溶化したpH指示薬と併用することにより、吸光測定方式のイオンセンサーに応用できる(K.Suzuki, et al., Anal. Chim. Acta., 237, 155 (1990) ; W.Simon, et al., Anal. Sci., 5, 557 (1989) )。
C+w + Sm + HAm ←→ H+w + SCAm
イオン選択性電極用又はイオンセンサーに使用されるイオノフォアの満たすべき条件としては、次のようなことが報告されている(W.E.Morf, W.Simon, "Ion-Selective Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry", Edited by H.Freiser,Chap-3 (1987), (Plenum Press,New York,London) )。
(1) 脂溶性:イオノフォアとその錯体は膜相中に充分溶解すること、
(2) 移動性:イオノフォアとその錯体の両方とも動きやすいこと、
(3) 錯形成定数:カチオンの応答性は抽出定数があまり高くない場合のみ得られるので適度な大きさであること、
(4) 交換速度:イオン交換速度は膜電極の必要な応答時間と両立しうること。
本発明者らは、ブロック性サブユニットを有効に利用した分子構造を基本としたアンモニウムイオノフォア分子の開発を行った。このために、NH4 +(イオンの直径が約2.86オングストローム)と空孔径がサイズフィットすると考えられる19−クラウン−6、20−クラウン−6、21−クラウン−6(空孔の大きさが2.7〜3.5オングストローム)を基本骨格とし、ブロック性サブユニットを導入した数種のイオノフォアを合成した。これらのイオノフォアのイオン選択性の評価は、イオン選択性電極法における選択係数を求めることによって行った。
ブロック基を導入したクラウン−6誘導体として、ブロック基としてテトラメチル基を3つ導入したTTM−19−クラウン−6(化合物(a))、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を3つ導入したTD−19−クラウン−6(化合物(b))、デカリノ基を2つ導入したDD−19−クラウン−6(化合物(c))、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を3つ導入したTD−21−クラウン−6(化合物(d))を調製し、その選択性を測定したところ、これらの化合物を使用した電極は、すべてNH4 +選択性を示した。
アンモニウムイオン測定における主要な妨害イオンは、イオン半径がNH4 +に近いK+及びNa+である。そこで、この二つのイオンに注目してイオノフォア(b),(c)を比較すると、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を3つ導入した化合物(b)は、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を2つ導入した化合物(c)よりもNH4 +/Na+、NH4 +/K+選択性が向上していることがわかる。これはブロック基を一つ増やすことにより化合物(c)のトリエチレングリコール部位の構造の堅さが増し、NH4 +よりイオン径の小さなイオンに対するサイズフィット効果が損なわれる為と考えられる。
ブロック基としてテトラメチル基を3つ導入した化合物(a)もNH4 +/Na+、NH4 +/K+選択性が向上しているが、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を導入した化合物(c)の方がより選択性が高い。これはブロック基の環の堅さを増す効果の為と考えられる。化合物(b)は、現在アンモニウムイオノフォアとして用いられている天然物であるノナクチンに比べて、NH4 +/K+選択性ではほぼ同等、NH4+/Na+選択性では約10倍の選択性を示す優れたイオノフォアであることがわかった。
測定した19−クラウン−6誘導体は全て良好なNH4 +選択性を示した。アンモニウムイオン測定における主な妨害イオンはイオン径の近いK+とNa+である。これら二つのイオンに注目して選択係数を比較すると、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を3つ導入したTD19C6はNH4 +/K+選択性が−0.98、NH4 +/Na+選択性が−3.52を示したのに対し、ブロック基としてデカリノ基を2つ導入したDD19C6はNH4 +/K+選択性が−0.24、NH4 +/Na+選択性が−2.23を示した。
このことは、TD19C6とDD19C6の構造上の違いに着目すると、DD19C6のトリエチレングリコール部位にブロック基の入ることにより環の堅さが増し、NH4 +よりイオン径の小さなK+、Na+に適した空孔径を形作るのを妨げる効果があるためと考えられる。ブロック基としてテトラメチル基を導入したTTM19C6はNH4 +/K+選択性が−0.66、NH4 +/Na+選択性が−2.82を示した。この選択性は良いものであるといえるがTD19C6の選択性と比較すると劣っている。これは、ブロック基のテトラメチル基とデカリノ基の比較よりデカリノ基の法が環の堅さを増す効果が大きいためイオン径の小さなイオンに適した空孔径に近い空孔径をTTM19Cが形成するためと考えられる。
測定した19−クラウン−6誘導体のうち、最も良いアンモニウムイオン選択性を示したTD19C6と現在、一般に使用されている最も優れたアンモニウムイオノフォアであるノナクチンのアンモニウムイオンのカリウム、ナトリウムイオンに対する選択係数を以下の表1に示す。NH4 +/K+選択性はほぼ同等の値を示し、NH4 +/Na+選択性は10倍選択性が良かった。このことから、今回合成したTD19C6は優れたアンモニウムイオノフォアであると言える。
TD19C6、TTM19C6の電位応答曲線はともに10−1〜10−5Mの濃度域で直線性を示している(図2参照)。また、直線部分の傾きはネルンスト応答の傾きに近い傾きを示している。しかし、TTM19C6の傾きは若干小さく、これはTTM19C6のNH4 +に対する錯形成能が若干劣っているためと考えられる。
TTM19C6を使用した膜のNH4 +/K+選択係数は1ヶ月でも同じ値を示し、またNH4 +/Na+選択係数も若干向上した値を示しており、全体的に選択性が若干向上している傾向が見られる。また、電位応答曲線の直線部分の濃度域も10−1〜10−5Mでほとんど変化せず、また直線部分の傾きも似たような値をとっている。
TD21C6をイオノフォアとして用いた測定結果を図9、図10及び図11に示す。図9における対NH4 +の電位応答曲線を見ると、10−1〜10−5の濃度範囲で良好な直線性を示し、その範囲での傾きは 56.45mV/a.d.でnernst応答を示していることがわかる。
また、NH4 +に対する応答曲線の再現性を図10で見ると、直線性を示す濃度範囲、傾き共に極めて良好な再現性を示していることがわかる。さらに、図11より選択係数の再現性も良好であることがわかる。
図13より、TD19C6、TD21C6共にNH4 +/K+選択性はノナクチンと同等またはそれ以上の値を示している。一方、NH4 +/Na+選択性では、TD19C6はノナクチンに対して約10倍の選択性の向上を示したが、TD21C6では低下している。TD21C6のNH4 +/Na+選択性の低下は、CPKモデルからデカリノ基以外のエーテル酸素を繋ぐプロピレンブリッジの構造の軟らかさからNa+に適した環構造に変形でき、Na+と錯形成しやすくなったためと考えられる。
1H−NMR(CDCl3)δ;1.17〜1.98(m,16H,H-1),2.00〜2.17(s,2H,H-2)TLC;Rf = 0.65(ヘキサン−酢酸エチル(4:1,v/v))
氷浴中で撹拌下の30mlジエチルエーテル中に、無水塩化アルミニウム2.42g(18.14mmol)をゆっくり溶解した。溶解後、水素化リチウムアルミニウム0.17g(4.54mmol)を徐々に加えた。これにジエチルエーテル40mlに溶解した化合物(3)をゆっくり加え、氷浴中で撹拌した。三時間後、水を加えて余剰のハイドライドを潰した。10mlの10% H2SO4を加え、しばらく撹拌した。反応液の油層をデカンテーションで分離し、残った水槽を酢酸エチル50mlで三回抽出した。上記の油層と酢酸エチルをまとめ、水で二回洗った(1回目:イオン交換水(pH7に調整)、2回目:飽和食塩水)。油層を芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮し、得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=4:1)で分離し、6,6’−プロピレンジオキシ−ビス(シス−1−ヒドロキシデカン)(化合物(4))を得た。
室温で撹拌下、THF100mlにシス−1,6−ジヒドロキシ−ビシクロ[4.4.0]デカン(2)2g(25.39mmol)を溶解した溶液に水素化ナトリウム4.06g(101.5mmol)をTHF50mlに溶解したものをゆっくり滴下した後、70℃に昇温し2時間加熱還流を行った。その後、クロロ酢酸5.76g(60.93mmol)をTHF50mlに溶解したものをゆっくり滴下した後、16時間70℃で加熱還流を行った。メタノールを加えて過剰の水素化ナトリウムをつぶした後、反応溶液を減圧濃縮し、1N HCl 50mlに溶解し、クロロホルムで3回抽出した。クロロホルム層を芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮し残渣を得た。この残渣はTLCで確認できなかったため、そのまま次の反応に移った。
化合物(5)を含む混合物をエタノール/ベンゼン・1/1溶液100mlに溶解し、モレキュラーシーブ3A 0.05g加えた。その後、撹拌下でトシル酸0.13gを加え、90℃で17時間加熱還流した。反応液を減圧濃縮後、得られた残渣を酢酸エチルに溶解し、水で3回洗った。油層を芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮し、得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=2:1,v/v)で分離精製し、シス−1,6−ビス(エトキシカルボニルメトキシ)−ビシクロ[4.4.0]デカン(化合物(6))2.8g(収率:69.6%)得た。
室温でTHF10mlに水素化リチウムアルミニウム1.031gを溶解した。その後、撹拌下で化合物(6)3.2g(9.3448mmol)をTHF20mlに溶解したものを徐々に加えた。その後、70℃に昇温し、25時間加熱還流を行った。その後、過剰の水素化リチウムアルミニウムをメタノールで潰した。反応液を減圧濃縮後、残渣に酢酸エチルを加えたが、溶解しなかった。更に、1M HClを加え、一晩静置し、上澄みをデンカンテーションによって分け、水で2回抽出(1回目:イオン交換水(pH7に調整)、2回目:飽和食塩水)を行った。水層を酢酸エチルで2回逆抽出を行った。得られた有機層をまとめ、芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮した。得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=2:1,v/v)で分離生成し、シス−1,6−ビス(2’−ヒドロキシエトキシ)−ビシクロ[4.4.0]デカン(化合物(7))0.7000g(収率:28.99%)を得た。
室温で、THF20mlに化合物(4)0.3358gを溶解したものに、水素化ナトリウム0.1412gをTHF20mlに溶解したものを徐々に加えた。一時間後、KBr1.0gを加え、更に30分間撹拌した。その後、THF30mlに化合物(8)0.5g溶解したものを徐々に滴下した後、70℃に昇温し、145時間加熱還流を行った。その後、過剰な水素化ナトリウムをメタノールによって潰した。反応液を減圧濃縮した後、残渣をクロロホルムに溶解し、水で2回(1回目:イオン交換水(pH7に調整)、2回目:飽和食塩水)洗った。水層を更にクロロホルムで2回逆抽出を行った。得られた油層をまとめ、芒硝で乾燥後に減圧濃縮した後に得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=3:1,v/v)で分離精製し、更に高速液体クロマトグラフィー(溶離液;アセトン)で精製することによって、目的化合物である 2,5,12,15,22,26−ヘキサオキサヘプタシクロ−〔〕トリテトラコンタン(TD19C6(化合物b))9mg(収率:1.7%)を得た。
室温で撹拌下、THF100mlにピナコール(9)3g(25.39mmol)を溶解した溶液に水素化ナトリウム4.06g(101.5mmol)をTHF50mlに溶解した物をゆっくり滴下した後、70℃に昇温し2時間加熱還流を行った。その後、クロロ酢酸5.76g(60.93mmol)をTHF50mlに溶解した物をゆっくり滴下した後、16時間70℃で加熱還流を行った。メタノールを加えて過剰の水素化ナトリウムをつぶした後、反応溶液を減圧濃縮し、1N HCl 50mlに溶解し、クロロホルムで3回分液抽出した。クロロホルム層を芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮し5.011gの残渣を得た。この残渣はTLCで確認できなかったため、そのまま次の反応に移った。
化合物(12)を含む混合物5.011gをエタノール:ベンゼン・1:1溶液100mlに溶解し、モレキュラーシーブ3A 0.05g加えた。その後、撹拌下でトシル酸0.13gを加えた後、90℃で17時間加熱還流した。反応液を減圧濃縮後、得られた残渣を酢酸エチルに溶解し、水で3回洗浄した(1回目:イオン交換水(pH7に調整)、2回目:飽和食塩水、3回目:イオン交換水)。油層を芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮し、得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=2:1,v/v)で分離生成し、1,6−ビス(エトキシカルボニル)−3,3,4,4−テトラメチル−2,5−ジオキサヘキサン(化合物(13))2.3328g(収率:31.6%)得た。
室温でTHF10mlに水素化リチウムアルミニウム1.031gを溶解した。その後、撹拌下で化合物(13)2.3328g(8.034mmol)をTHF 20mlに溶解したものを徐々に加えた。その後、70℃に昇温し、25時間加熱還流を行った。その後、過剰の水素化リチウムアルミニウムをメタノールで潰した。反応液を減圧濃縮後、残渣に酢酸エチルを加えたが、溶解しなかった。更に、1M HClを加え、一晩静置し、上澄みをデンカンテーションによって分け、水で2回抽出(1回目:イオン交換水(pH7に調整)、2回目:飽和食塩水)を行った。水層を酢酸エチルで2回逆抽出を行った。得られた有機層をまとめ、芒硝で乾燥後、減圧濃縮した。得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=2:1,v/v)で分離生成し、4,4,5,5−テトラメチル−3,6−ジオキサ−1,8−オクタンジオール(化合物(14))0.8162g(収率:49.25%)を得た。
(6)4,4,5,5−テトラメチル−3,6−ジオキサ−1,8−オクタンジオール ジトシレート(化合物(15))
氷冷下でTHF10mlに化合物(14)0.8162g(1.497mmol)を溶解した。後、ピリジン20mlをゆっくり滴下し、45分間撹拌した。その後、トシルクロライド0.7137g(3.743mmol)をTHF 10mlに溶解したものを徐々に加えた後、5時間氷冷下撹拌した。その後、反応液にトルエンを少量加えて減圧濃縮し、得られた残渣をクロロホルムに溶解し、水で3回(1回目:HCl、2回目:飽和食塩水、3回目:イオン交換水)抽出を行った。更に水層に対して酢酸エチルで3回逆抽出を行い、油層をまとめ、芒硝乾燥後減圧濃縮し、得られた残渣をシリカゲルクロマトグラフィー(溶離液;ヘキサン:酢酸エチル=4:1,v/v)で分離精製し、4,4,5,5−テトラメチル−3,6−ジオキサ−1,8−オクタンジオール ジトシレート(化合物(15))1.1873g(収率:58.57%)を得た。
膜組成が使用イオノフォア:3.0wt%、膜溶媒:67.9wt%、ポリ塩化ビニル(PVC):29.1wt%、脂溶性アニオン:10mol%(イオノフォアに対して)になるように精秤したものにTHFを少量加え、よく撹拌し、乾燥させて膜を作成した。この膜を直径5mmになるようにポンチで切り取り、DKK社製のLiquid Membrane Electrode Kitに装着して電極を作成した。
電極電位の測定は、日本工業規格のイオン電極方法通則(JIS−K0122−1981)に従って行った。装置は電位差計、イオン電極、参照電極、試料溶液の入ったビーカー、ターンテーブル、プリンターからなる。電位差計は東亜電波工業社製HE−20型を用い、mV単位で測定し、その値をPC−9801に出力させた。また、参照電極は、DKK社製銀塩化銀ダブルジャンクション型のものを用い、外筒には0.3M 硝酸セシウム水溶液を入れた。電極構成は以下の通りである。
【図1】 図1は、本発明の19−クラウン−6誘導体の選択係数を図示したものである。
【図2】 図2は、本発明の19−クラウン−6誘導体の、アンモニウムイオン応答曲線を示したものである。
【図3】 図3は、本発明の19−クラウン−6誘導体及び公知のノナクチンの選択係数の比較を図示したものである。
【図4】 図4は、本発明の19−クラウン−6誘導体及び公知のノナクチンの化学構造式を例示したものである。
【図5】 図5は、本発明のTTM19C6の選択係数の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図6】 図6は、本発明のTTM19C6のアンモニウムイオン応答曲線の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図7】 図7は、本発明のTD19C6の選択係数の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図8】 図8は、本発明のTD19C6のアンモニウムイオン応答曲線の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図9】 図9は、本発明のTD21C6のアンモニウムイオン応答曲線を示したものである。
【図10】 図10は、本発明のTD21C6のアンモニウムイオン応答曲線の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図11】 図11は、本発明のTD21C6の選択係数の長期変動を図示したものである。
【図12】 図12は、本発明のTD19C6、TD21C6及び公知のノナクチンの化学構造式を例示したものである。
【図13】 図13は、本発明のTD19C6、TD21C6及び公知のノナクチンの選択係数の比較を図示したものである。[0001]
The present invention relates to an ion selective electrode used for analysis of clinical samples and environmental samples, and more particularly to an ion selective electrode for ammonium ions. More specifically, the present invention relates to a substituted-crown-6 derivative, an ammonium ion scavenger using the derivative, an ion sensor, and an ion selective electrode.
[Prior art]
Ion selective electrodes have been widely used as simple and accurate analytical means in the analysis of clinical samples and environmental samples.
An ion-selective electrode is an ion sensor that selectively recognizes a target ion and measures the concentration and activity of the ion using a membrane potential generated across a membrane sensitive to specific ions. The development of ion-selective electrodes originated in 1906 when Cremer discovered that glass membranes responded to hydrogen ion concentrations (M. Cremer, Z. Biol., 47, 562). (1906)). Until the 1950s, the only practical ion-selective electrode was a glass membrane electrode. However, in the 1960s, the fluoride ion electrode by Ross et al. (MSFrant, JWRoss, Science, 154, 1553 (1966)), the calcium ion electrode (JWRoss, Science, 156, 1378 (1967)) As the potassium and ammonium ion electrodes (Z. Stefanac, W. Simon, Chimia, 20, 436 (1966)) by Simon et al. Were developed one after another, they were widely put into practical use and attracted attention. . Since then, ion-selective electrodes have been applied to instrumentation, environmental and clinical analysis in various industries because of their superior sensitivity and selectivity, rapidity and simplicity of analysis, and easy applicability to automated continuous analysis. Various applications and developments have been made.
Ionophore means an ion transport carrier, which is an organic molecule that selectively forms a complex with an ion.
The natural ionophore was first used as an ionophore for ion selective electrodes. Cylindrical valinomycin was the most successful among them, and was first applied to a liquid membrane ion-selective electrode by Simon et al. (Z. Stefanac, W Simon, Microchem. J., 12, 125 (1967)). Since then, synthesis of compounds mimicking the structure and function of natural product ionophores has been actively carried out, and highly practical ones such as acyclic polyetheramide derivatives by Simon et al. Have been developed. (E. Metzger, D. Ammann, R. Asper, W. Simon, Anal. Chem., 58, 132 (1986)). At the same time as the application of valinomycin to electrodes, since the cyclic oligoethylene glycol derivative (crown ether) discovered by Pedersen was found to have a specific metal ion scavenging ability, Applications to selective electrodes have also been studied, and recently, practically excellent ones have been reported (CJPedersen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 89, 2495, 7017 (1967)).
In recent years, nactins such as nonactin, monactin, dinactin, trinactin, and tetranactin (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 59-163557), 16-crown-5 derivatives (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 8-245617), 14-crown-4 derivatives (special Many electrically neutral ionophores such as various synthetic crown ethers such as Kaihei 6-73045) have been developed.
In addition, an electrically neutral ionophore used for ion-selective electrodes can be applied to an ion sensor of an absorption measurement method when used in combination with a highly lipid-soluble pH indicator (K. Suzuki, et al., Anal Chim. Acta., 237, 155 (1990); W. Simon, et al., Anal. Sci., 5, 557 (1989)).
For example, in the case of detecting a cation, this principle is to form a reversible ion pair using an anionic dye as shown by the following formula.
C+w + Sm + HAm ← → H+w + SCAm
(Where C+Indicates the target cation, S indicates the ionophore,
HA is H+And A−An anionic dye that can be dissociated is shown, and the subscripts w and m indicate an aqueous phase and a highly lipid-soluble sensor membrane phase, respectively. )
The anion dye is dissociated by the cation selectively taken into the ionophore, and it associates with the anion part to reversibly form a light-absorbing ion pair (SCA). Is.
An ionophore for this purpose can be used for an ion-selective electrode because it can be used with a slightly higher coordination bond force that does not provide a sufficient response when used for an ion-selective electrode. It can also be applied to the detection of difficult and somewhat large cations.
As described above, various ionophores used for ion-selective electrodes and ion sensors have been developed, but many of them are positive ions of alkali metal ions such as sodium ions and potassium ions, and ammonium ions. There was a demand for the development of ionophores with high selectivity for slightly larger cations.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a highly sensitive and highly selective ionophore for ammonium ions. More specifically, the present invention has been completed by finding that substituted-crown-6 derivatives have properties as electrically neutral ionophores that are highly sensitive and selective to ammunium ions. It is a thing.
The present invention also provides a novel substituted-crown-6 derivative, an ion sensor containing the same, and an ion-selective electrode.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention relates to the following general formula (I),
[Chemical 2]
(Wherein R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10Each independently represents a hydrogen atom or a substituent, and R1And R2, R3And R4, R5And R6, R7And R8And R9And R10May combine with each other to form a ring with adjacent carbon atoms. n represents an integer of 0 to 2, m represents an integer of 1 to 3, and the sum of n and m is 3. However, the case where all are hydrogen atoms simultaneously is excluded. )
And the substituted-crown-6 derivative.
The present invention also relates to crown ethers having six oxygen atoms, wherein at least four of the hydrogen atoms bonded to the carbon atoms of the crown ethers are ringed together with a hydrocarbon group or mutually adjacent carbon atoms. The present invention relates to an ionophore for ammonium ions comprising a crown ether derivative substituted with a group forming a structure. More specifically, the present invention relates to an ionophore for ammonium ions comprising a substituted-crown-6 derivative represented by the above general formula (I).
Furthermore, the present invention relates to an ion sensor for ammonium ions containing the above ionophore. The ion sensor of the present invention preferably further contains an anionic dye.
The present invention also relates to an ion-selective electrode for ammonium ions containing the above ionophore.
R of the substituted-crown-9 derivative represented by the general formula (I) of the present invention1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10As the substituent, the linear or branched alkyl group having 1 to 30 carbon atoms, preferably 1 to 20 carbon atoms, more preferably 1 to 10 carbon atoms, 2 to 30 carbon atoms, preferably 2 to 20 carbon atoms, and more preferably. Is a linear or branched alkenyl group having 2 to 10 carbon atoms, a monocyclic, polycyclic or condensed cyclic cycloalkyl group having 5 to 30 carbon atoms, preferably 5 to 20 carbon atoms, more preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms, A cycloalkenyl group having at least one unsaturated bond, a monocyclic, polycyclic or condensed cyclic group having 6 to 30 carbon atoms, preferably 6 to 20 carbon atoms, more preferably 6 to 10 carbon atoms. The aryl group has at least one nitrogen atom, oxygen atom or sulfur atom in the ring, and the size of one ring is 5 to 20 members, preferably 5 to 10 members, more preferably 5 to 7 members. A cycloalkyl group as described above, A saturated or unsaturated monocyclic, polycyclic or condensed cyclic heterocyclic group which may be condensed with a kenyl group or an aryl group, and the aryl group or heterocyclic group described above is added to the alkyl group or alkenyl group. And substituted aralkyl groups.
The aforementioned alkyl group, alkenyl group, cycloalkyl group, cycloalkenyl group, aryl group, heterocyclic group, or aralkyl group in the general formula (I) is substituted with a substituent that does not impair the properties of the ionophore of the present invention. It may be.
As the substituent of the above-mentioned alkyl group, alkenyl group, cycloalkyl group, cycloalkenyl group, aryl group, heterocyclic group or aralkyl group in the general formula (I), these groups may be substituted with each other. If possible, these groups may be substituted with each other. Examples include an alkyl-substituted cycloalkyl group, an alkyl-substituted aryl group, an alkyl-substituted heterocyclic group, an alkyl-substituted aralkyl group, a cycloalkylalkyl group, a cycloalkylalkenyl group, and an alkenyl-substituted aryl group.
Examples of other substituents include alkoxy groups composed of the above-described alkyl groups, alkylthio groups, dialkylamino groups, trialkylsilyl groups, alkyl-substituted siloxy groups, halogen atoms such as chlorine, bromine, and fluorine, methylenedioxy , Alkylenedioxy groups such as 2,2-dimethylmethylenedioxy group, cyano groups and the like.
Specific examples of the substituent of the general formula (I) include lower alkyl groups such as a methyl group, an ethyl group, an n-propyl group, an isopropyl group, an n-butyl group, a t-butyl group, and a hexyl group, Lower alkenyl groups such as vinyl group, propenyl group and butenyl group, cycloalkyl groups such as cyclohexyl group and cyclopentyl group, cycloalkenyl groups such as cyclohexenyl group, aryl groups such as phenyl group and naphthyl group, thienyl group and furanyl group And an aralkyl group such as a benzyl group and a phenethyl group.
Since these substituents may have an adverse effect on the selectivity of ammonium ions when the degree of freedom is too large, those having a low degree of freedom are preferable.
R in the general formula (I) of the present invention1And R2, R3And R4, R5And R6, R7And R8And R9And R10May combine with each other to form a ring with adjacent carbon atoms.
The ring in this case is a 5- to 10-membered ring, preferably a 5- to 8-membered ring, more preferably a 5- to 6-membered ring, and one or more hetero atoms such as an oxygen atom, a nitrogen atom or a sulfur atom in the ring. It may be contained, and another ring may be condensed to this ring. In addition, this ring may be substituted with a group as described above.
Preferred rings include cycloalkyl rings formed with two adjacent carbon atoms. More preferably, a cyclohexane ring is mentioned. That is, R in the general formula (I)1And R2, R3And R4, R5And R6, R7And R8And R9And R10Is a tetramethylene group.
R in the general formula (I) of the present invention1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10The 14 to 18 groups may be the same or different from each other.
In the general formula (I) of the present invention, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9,
More preferable examples include those in which the 12 or more groups are not hydrogen atoms.
In general formula (I) of the present invention, n represents an integer of 0 to 2, m represents an integer of 1 to 3, and the sum of n and m is 3. That is, when n is 2 and m is 1, it represents a 19-crown-6 derivative, and when n is 1 and m is 2, it represents a 20-crown-6 derivative, where n is 0 and m is 3. In some cases, this indicates a 21-crown-6 derivative.
And the substituent R in these repeating units1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10The same thing does not need to be repeated, and units having different substituents may be repeated.
The substituted-crown-9 derivative represented by the general formula (I) of the present invention is a triethylene glycol, allyl alcohol, or an ethylene glycol derivative having a substituent, according to a known method for producing a crown-6 compound. It can be produced by reacting with an allyl halide or the like and sequentially cyclizing it.
In addition, the triethylene portion of the substituted-crown-6 derivative can be produced by reducing the diacetalized product of malonaldehyde with a metal hydride, and then produced by cyclization with substituted ethylene glycol or the like. This method will be described more specifically in the embodiments described later.
The following conditions have been reported as conditions to be satisfied by ionophores used for ion-selective electrodes or ion sensors (WEMorf, W. Simon, “Ion-Selective Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry”, Edited by H. Freiser, Chap-3 (1987), (Plenum Press, New York, London)).
(1) Fat solubility: Ionophore and its complex should be sufficiently dissolved in the membrane phase.
(2) Mobility: Both ionophores and their complexes are mobile.
(3) Complex formation constant: The cation responsiveness can be obtained only when the extraction constant is not so high, so it should be of an appropriate size.
(4) Exchange rate: The ion exchange rate must be compatible with the required response time of the membrane electrode.
The matching of the ion diameter with the vacancies formed by the ionophore (size fit) is one of the important factors that determine ion trapping ability and ion selectivity. In addition, for alkali and alkaline earth metal ions, the coordination number greatly affects the ion selectivity. The arrangement of coordination atoms and their symmetry are related to the coordination to ions, and generally the coordination ability of ionophores with low symmetry is considered to be lower than that of ionophores with high symmetry. In other words, since the ionophore and ion form a stable complex due to ion-dipole interaction, arranging the coordinating atoms in contrast is because all dipoles point toward the vacancy center of the ionophore. It works favorably for coordination.
Furthermore, the thermodynamic degree of freedom of the ionophore molecule is closely related to the ring size of the ionophore. For example, an ionophore having a small pore diameter such as a 14-crown-4 derivative has a very hard ring structure and a low degree of freedom of the ring. When such an ionophore forms a complex, it is difficult to adjust its vacancies, and the idea of size fit can be applied. On the other hand, in the ionophore having a large ring, the flexibility of the ionophore increases as the size of the ring increases, and it becomes possible to adjust the vacancy according to the cation to some extent. Therefore, the ion selectivity of such ionophore is low. In addition, since the ionophore needs to have high fat solubility in order to accurately measure the ion activity, those having a relatively large number of carbon atoms are preferable.
Furthermore, crown ethers form a stable 1: 1 complex with metal ions having an ionic diameter suitable for the vacancies, but 2: 1 and 3: with metal ions having an ionic diameter larger than the vacancy diameter. One complex is formed. This is because crown ether is a planar ligand, and there is a space that can be coordinated above and below the complex formed. Especially in the case of a complex with a metal ion larger than the crown ring, a large coordination is present above the ion. This is because the position space remains.
Therefore, there are two possible methods for improving the ion selectivity of crown ether. The first method is a method in which a lariat side chain is introduced into the crown ether skeleton to enhance the complex-forming ability with respect to the target ions taken into the vacancies (Lariart effect). This is a method (block effect) for introducing a block side chain or subunit that lowers the complex-forming ability of.
The present inventors have developed an ammonium ionophore molecule based on a molecular structure that effectively utilizes a blocking subunit. To this end, NH4 +19-crown-6, 20-crown-6, 21-crown-6 (the size of the vacancies is 2.7-3. Several ionophores were synthesized with 5 angstroms) as the basic skeleton and introduced with blocking subunits. The ion selectivity of these ionophores was evaluated by determining the selectivity coefficient in the ion selective electrode method.
As a crown-6 derivative having a blocking group introduced, TTM-19-crown-6 (compound (a)) having three tetramethyl groups introduced as a blocking group, and TD-19- having three decarino groups introduced as a blocking group Crown-6 (compound (b)), DD-19-crown-6 (compound (c)) introduced with two decalino groups, TD-21-crown-6 (compound introduced with three decalino groups as blocking groups) When (d)) was prepared and its selectivity was measured, all electrodes using these compounds were NH.4 +Selectivity was shown.
The main interfering ion in ammonium ion measurement is that the ion radius is NH4 +K close to+And Na+It is. Therefore, comparing the ionophores (b) and (c) by paying attention to these two ions, the compound (b) in which three decalino groups are introduced as a blocking group is a compound in which two decalino groups are introduced as a blocking group ( c) than NH4 +/ Na+, NH4 +/ K+It can be seen that the selectivity is improved. This is because the rigidity of the structure of the triethylene glycol moiety of the compound (c) is increased by adding one blocking group, and NH4 +This is thought to be because the size-fit effect on ions having a smaller ion diameter is impaired.
The compound (a) in which three tetramethyl groups are introduced as a blocking group is also NH4 +/ Na+, NH4 +/ K+Although the selectivity is improved, the compound (c) having a decalino group introduced as a blocking group has a higher selectivity. This is thought to be due to the effect of increasing the rigidity of the ring of the blocking group. Compared with nonactin, which is a natural product that is currently used as an ammonium ionophore, compound (b) has NH4 +/ K+It was found to be an excellent ionophore showing almost the same selectivity and about 10 times the selectivity of NH4 + / Na + selectivity.
FIG. 1 shows the results of the determination of ion selectivity by a single solution method using a membrane using a 19-crown-6 derivative having a blocking group introduced as an ionophore. TD19-crown-6 (TD19C6) (compound (b )) And 10 of TTM19-crown-6 (TTM19C6) (compound (a))-1-10-6MNH4The potential response curve for Cl aqueous solution is shown in FIG. BBPA (bis (1-butylpentyl) ester adipate)) is used as the film solvent of the film, and the film composition is as shown below. For comparison and examination, the selectivity coefficient of TD19-crown-6 (TD19C6) (compound (b)) and nonactin was measured and shown in FIG.
In addition, four types of compounds used for this measurement are shown in FIG.
The measured 19-crown-6 derivatives are all good NH4 +Selectivity was shown. The main interfering ion in ammonium ion measurement is K with close ion diameter+And Na+It is. When the selection coefficients are compared by paying attention to these two ions, TD19C6 introduced with three decarino groups as a blocking group is NH.4 +/ K+Selectivity is -0.98, NH4 +/ Na+The selectivity showed -3.52, whereas DD19C6 with two decarino groups introduced as blocking groups was NH4 +/ K+Selectivity is -0.24, NH4 +/ Na+The selectivity was -2.23.
Focusing on the structural differences between TD19C6 and DD19C6, this increases the rigidity of the ring due to the inclusion of a blocking group at the triethylene glycol site of DD19C6.4 +K with smaller ion diameter+, Na+This is thought to be due to the effect of hindering the formation of a hole diameter suitable for the above. TTM19C6 with a tetramethyl group introduced as a blocking group is NH4 +/ K+Selectivity -0.66, NH4 +/ Na+The selectivity was -2.82. Although this selectivity is good, it is inferior to the selectivity of TD19C6. This is because the TTM19C forms a pore size close to a pore size suitable for ions having a small ion size because the method of the decalino group has a greater effect of increasing the rigidity of the ring than the tetramethyl group and the decarino group of the blocking group. it is conceivable that.
Among the measured 19-crown-6 derivatives, TD19C6, which showed the best ammonium ion selectivity, and the selectivity of ammonium ion of nonactin, which is currently the best ammonium ionophore in general use, for potassium and sodium ions are shown below. Table 1 shows. NH4 +/ K+Selectivity shows almost the same value, NH4 +/ Na+The selectivity was 10 times better. From this, it can be said that TD19C6 synthesized this time is an excellent ammonium ionophore.
[Table 1]
The potential response curves of TD19C6 and TTM19C6 are both 10.-1-10-5Linearity is shown in the M concentration range (see FIG. 2). Further, the slope of the straight line portion shows a slope close to the slope of the Nernst response. However, the slope of TTM19C6 is slightly smaller, which is the NH of TTM19C64 +This is thought to be due to the slightly inferior complex-forming ability.
In order to examine the lifetime of the sensitive membrane using TTM19C6 and TD19C6, the measurement was performed after 1 day, 1 week, and 1 month after being immersed in the conditioning solution from the time of electrode preparation. In addition, TD19C6 was measured only once after 1 day and 1 week due to time factors. The membrane used for this measurement is the same as that used in the above measurement. The selection coefficient is shown in FIG. 5, and the potential response curve is shown in FIG.
NH of film using TTM19C64 +/ K+The selection factor shows the same value even in one month, and NH4 +/ Na+The selectivity coefficient also shows a slightly improved value, and there is a tendency that the selectivity is slightly improved as a whole. Also, the concentration range of the linear portion of the potential response curve is 10-1-10-5M hardly changes, and the slope of the straight line has a similar value.
In conclusion, the life of an electrode using TTM19C6 exceeds one month, and TTM19C6 has a sufficiently high fat solubility and is considered to be practically usable.
The selection coefficient of TD19C6 shows the same value for all ion species (see FIG. 7), and the potential response curve also shows a similar value in the linear concentration range and the slope at that portion (see FIG. 7). 8). Since TD19C6 is more lipophilic than TTM19C6, it is expected to have a longer life.
Further, a similar test was performed on TD21C6 (compound (d)), which is a 21-crown-6 derivative.
The measurement results using TD21C6 as the ionophore are shown in FIG. 9, FIG. 10, and FIG. Pair NH in FIG.4 +The potential response curve of 10-1-10-5It can be seen that a good linearity is exhibited in the concentration range, and the slope in the range is 56.45 mV / a.d., Indicating a nernst response.
NH4 +When the reproducibility of the response curve with respect to is shown in FIG. Furthermore, it can be seen from FIG. 11 that the reproducibility of the selection coefficient is also good.
Next, the selectivity of TD19C6 and TD21C6, which are ammonium ion selective ionophores of the present invention, was compared with that of nonactin, which is the only ammonium ionophore currently in practical use. Each film composition was optimized and measured using a single solution method. The chemical structural formula of the ionophore used for this measurement is shown in FIG. FIG. 13 shows a summary of the measured selection coefficients.
From FIG. 13, both TD19C6 and TD21C6 are NH.4 +/ K+The selectivity shows a value equal to or higher than that of nonactin. On the other hand, NH4 +/ Na+In selectivity, TD19C6 showed an approximately 10-fold improvement in selectivity over nonactin, but decreased with TD21C6. TD21C6 NH4 +/ Na+The decrease in selectivity is due to the softness of the structure of the propylene bridge connecting ether oxygen other than the decarino group from the CPK model.+Can be transformed into a ring structure suitable for Na+This is thought to be because it became easier to complex with.
This increase in the softness of the ring is due to Li+This can also be explained by a decrease in selectivity for. The selectivity of both crown ether compounds with respect to potassium ions is based on the introduction of decalino groups from the CPK model. It can be imagined that it is easier to create the distance and direction through complex formation, but this must wait for the elucidation of the complex formation structure by X-ray structural analysis.
From the above results, crown ether introduced with three decarino groups showed excellent performance as an ammonium ion-selective ionophore, especially TD19C6, which has a 19-membered ring as the basic skeleton, is the world's highest performance ammonium ionophore that surpassed nonactin. It can be said that there is.
Thus, the ion selectivity of ammonium ions was improved by introducing a blocking group at the position of the methylene group or the position of the proxylene group of the crown-6 compounds. In addition, as the blocking group, a group in which two adjacent groups are bonded to form a ring having a low degree of freedom was obtained, rather than a chain in which each group was independent.
From this result, the ionophore for ammonium ions of the present invention is a crown ether having six oxygen atoms, and at least four of the hydrogen atoms bonded to the carbon atoms of the crown ether are the above-described alkyl groups and A ring structure substituted with a hydrocarbon group such as an aryl group to form a blocking group, or a hydrogen atom of each adjacent carbon atom of the crown ethers together with an adjacent carbon atom, such as the alkylene group described above It was shown to be a crown ether derivative substituted by a group forming
EXAMPLES Next, although an Example is given and this invention is demonstrated more concretely, this invention is not limited to these specific examples.
Example 1
2,5,12,15,22,26-hexaoxaheptacyclo- [ 416.21. 01.27. 06.11. 016.21Production of tritetracontane (TD19C6 (compound b))
The production route of this compound is shown by the following reaction formula.
[Chemical Formula 3]
(1) cis-1,6-dihydroxybicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (2))
In a vigorously stirred water / dioxane = 10 ml / 50 ml mixed solution, 4.43 g (36.76 mmol) of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydronaphthalene (compound (1)) was added. Slowly added. 0.86 mg of osmium tetroxide in butanol (2.55 × 10-3Equivalent) was slowly added dropwise, 50% N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide aqueous solution (4.306 g) was added, 2 ml of pyridine was further added, and the temperature was raised to 85 ° C. Two hours later, 1 ml of an osmium tetroxide solution was added, and the temperature was raised to 110 ° C. After 48 hours, the mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature, 2.5 g of sodium hydrosulfite, 125 ml of 1N hydrochloric acid was added, and the mixture was stirred for 10 minutes. After concentration, the residue was dissolved in ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), extracted four times with 50 ml of ethyl acetate, and the ethyl acetate layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was dissolved again in 50 ml of ethyl acetate, washed twice with 50 ml of hydrochloric acid, the ethyl acetate layer was dried with sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was dissolved in 4 ml of methanol, and 4 times the amount of water was added. Was collected by suction filtration to obtain 2.8773 g (yield: 52.3%) of cis-1,6-dihydroxybicyclo [4.4.0] decane (2).
1H-NMR (CDCl3) Δ; 1.17 to 1.98 (m, 16H, H-1), 2.00 to 2.17 (s, 2H, H-2) TLC; Rf = 0.65 (hexane-ethyl acetate (4: 1, v / v))
[Formula 4]
(2) 12-12'-methylene-bis- (11,13-dioxatricyclo [ (compound (3))
1.0 g (5.9 mmol) of the compound (2) obtained in the above (1) is dissolved in 50 ml of benzene, 0.476 g (2.9 mmol; 1 eq) of malonaldehyde bis (dimethylacetal) and p-toluenesulfonic acid After adding 100 mg (0.6 mmol; 0.1 eq), the temperature was raised to 60 ° C. and heated to reflux. After 2 hours, the reaction was completed, the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, dissolved in chloroform, and extracted three times with saturated brine. The chloroform layer was dried with mirabilite and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a white powder 12-12'-methylene-bis- (11,13-dioxatricyclo [ (3) was obtained.
[Chemical formula 5]
(3) 6,6'-propylenedioxy-bis (cis-1-hydroxydecane) (compound (4))
2.42 g (18.14 mmol) of anhydrous aluminum chloride was slowly dissolved in 30 ml diethyl ether with stirring in an ice bath. After dissolution, 0.17 g (4.54 mmol) of lithium aluminum hydride was gradually added. To this was slowly added compound (3) dissolved in 40 ml of diethyl ether and stirred in an ice bath. Three hours later, water was added to crush excess hydride. 10 ml of 10% H2SO4And stirred for a while. The oil layer of the reaction solution was separated by decantation, and the remaining water tank was extracted three times with 50 ml of ethyl acetate. The oil layer and ethyl acetate were combined and washed twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The oil layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was separated by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1) to give 6,6′-propylenedioxy-bis (cis-1). -Hydroxydecane) (compound (4)) was obtained.
[Chemical 6]
(4) cis-1,6-bis (carboxymethoxy) bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (5))
Under stirring at room temperature, 4.06 g (101.5 mmol) of sodium hydride was added to a solution of 2 g (25.39 mmol) of cis-1,6-dihydroxy-bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (2) in 100 ml of THF. A solution dissolved in 50 ml of THF was slowly added dropwise, and then the temperature was raised to 70 ° C. and heated under reflux for 2 hours. Thereafter, a solution prepared by dissolving 5.76 g (60.93 mmol) of chloroacetic acid in 50 ml of THF was slowly added dropwise, and then heated and refluxed at 70 ° C. for 16 hours. After adding methanol to crush excess sodium hydride, the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, dissolved in 50 ml of 1N HCl, and extracted three times with chloroform. The chloroform layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain a residue. Since this residue could not be confirmed by TLC, it moved directly to the next reaction.
[Chemical 7]
(5) cis-1,6-bis (ethoxycarbonylmethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (6))
The mixture containing the compound (5) was dissolved in 100 ml of an ethanol / benzene / 1/1 solution, and 0.05 g of molecular sieve 3A was added. Thereafter, 0.13 g of tosylic acid was added with stirring, and the mixture was heated to reflux at 90 ° C. for 17 hours. The reaction mixture was concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate and washed three times with water. The oil layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 2: 1, v / v) to give cis-1,6-bis (ethoxy 2.8 g (yield: 69.6%) of carbonylmethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (6)) was obtained.
[Chemical 8]
(6) cis-1,6-bis (2'-hydroxyethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (7))
At room temperature, 1.031 g of lithium aluminum hydride was dissolved in 10 ml of THF. Thereafter, 3.2 g (9.3448 mmol) of Compound (6) dissolved in 20 ml of THF was gradually added with stirring. Thereafter, the temperature was raised to 70 ° C., and the mixture was heated to reflux for 25 hours. Thereafter, excess lithium aluminum hydride was crushed with methanol. The reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, and ethyl acetate was added to the residue, but it did not dissolve. Further, 1M HCl was added, left overnight, the supernatant was separated by decantation, and extracted twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The aqueous layer was back extracted twice with ethyl acetate. The obtained organic layers were combined, dried over sodium sulfate, and concentrated under reduced pressure. The obtained residue was separated and produced by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 2: 1, v / v), and cis-1,6-bis (2′-hydroxyethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4. 0.0] decane (compound (7)) (0.7000 g, yield: 28.99%) was obtained.
[Chemical 9]
(7) cis-1,6-bis (2'-tosyloxyethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (8))
Under ice cooling, 0.7 g (2.709 mmol) of Compound (7) was dissolved in 10 ml of THF. To this, 20 ml of pyridine was slowly added dropwise and stirred for 45 minutes. Thereafter, a solution prepared by dissolving 1.291 g (6.773 mmol) of tosyl chloride in 10 ml of THF was gradually added, followed by stirring under ice cooling for 5 hours. Thereafter, a small amount of toluene was added to the reaction solution and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was dissolved in chloroform and washed with water three times (first time: HCl, second time: saturated saline, third time: ion-exchanged water). . The aqueous layer was further back-extracted three times with ethyl acetate, the oil layers were combined, dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was chromatographed on silica gel (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1, v). / V), 0.85 g (yield: 55%) of cis-1,6-bis (2′-tosyloxyethoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (8)) was obtained. Obtained.
[Chemical Formula 10]
2,5,12,15,22,26-hexaoxaheptacyclo- [ 416.21. 01.27. 06.11. 016.21] Tritetracontane (TD19C6 (compound b))
At room temperature, a solution obtained by dissolving 0.3358 g of compound (4) in 20 ml of THF was gradually added with 0.1412 g of sodium hydride dissolved in 20 ml of THF. One hour later, 1.0 g of KBr was added, and the mixture was further stirred for 30 minutes. Thereafter, 0.5 g of compound (8) dissolved in 30 ml of THF was gradually added dropwise, and then the temperature was raised to 70 ° C. and heated to reflux for 145 hours. The excess sodium hydride was then crushed with methanol. After the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, the residue was dissolved in chloroform and washed twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The aqueous layer was further back extracted twice with chloroform. The obtained oil layers were combined, dried over mirabilite, concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 3: 1, v / v), and further high performance liquid chromatography (Eluent; acetone) to purify the
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Example 2
2,2,3,3,8,9,9,14,14,15,15-dodecamethyl-1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclononadecane (TTM19C6 (compound (a) ))Manufacturing of
The production route of compound (a) is shown by the following reaction formula.
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(1) Bis (4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl) methane (compound (10))
After dissolving 7.27 g (61.5 mmol) of pinacol (9) in 150 ml of benzene, 5.0 g (30.45 mmol) of malonaldehyde bis (dimethylacetal) and 1 g of a catalytic amount of p-toluenesulfonic acid were added. The temperature was raised to 0 ° C. and refluxed for 2 hours. Thereafter, the solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, dissolved in chloroform, and washed twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The oil layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1) to give bis (4,4,5,5-tetra 7.87 g (yield 95.0%) of methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl) methane (compound (10)) was obtained.
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(2) 2,2,3,3,9,9,10,10-octamethyl-4,8-dioxa-undecanediol (compound (11))
Anhydrous aluminum chloride (10.57 g, 79.3 mmol) was placed in a 500 ml eggplant flask, and diethyl ether (130 ml) was gradually added under ice-cooling and stirring. After confirming that the anhydrous aluminum chloride was completely dissolved, a diethyl ether solution (10 ml) of 752 mg (19.8 mmol) of lithium aluminum hydride was added and stirred at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, 3.0 g (11 mmol) of the compound (10) was added and stirred at room temperature for 3 hours. After adding water to crush excess hydride, 25 ml of 10% aqueous sulfuric acid solution was added. Of the separated two layers, only the upper layer (ether layer) was decanted and the lower layer (aqueous layer) was extracted three times with ethyl acetate. All the oil layers were combined, washed twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH = 7), second time: saturated saline), dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated. The concentrated residue was separated and purified by silica gel column chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 1: 1, v / v), and 2,2,3,3,9,9,10,10-octamethyl- as a clear syrup. 2.46 g (yield: 80.9%) of 4,8-dioxa-undecanediol (compound (11)) was obtained.
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(3) 1,6-dicarboxy-3,3,4,4-tetramethyl-2,5-dioxahexane (compound (12))
A solution prepared by dissolving 4.06 g (101.5 mmol) of sodium hydride in 50 ml of THF was slowly added dropwise to a solution of 3 g (25.39 mmol) of pinacol (9) in 100 ml of THF while stirring at room temperature. The mixture was then heated to reflux for 2 hours. Thereafter, a product obtained by dissolving 5.76 g (60.93 mmol) of chloroacetic acid in 50 ml of THF was slowly added dropwise, and then heated and refluxed at 70 ° C. for 16 hours. After adding methanol to crush the excess sodium hydride, the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, dissolved in 50 ml of 1N HCl, and extracted three times with chloroform. The chloroform layer was dried over sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain 5.011 g of residue. Since this residue could not be confirmed by TLC, it moved directly to the next reaction.
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(4) 1,6-bis (ethoxycarbonyl) -3,3,4,4-tetramethyl-2,5-dioxahexane (compound (13))
5.011 g of a mixture containing the compound (12) was dissolved in 100 ml of an ethanol: benzene / 1: 1 solution, and 0.05 g of molecular sieve 3A was added. Thereafter, 0.13 g of tosylic acid was added with stirring, and the mixture was heated to reflux at 90 ° C. for 17 hours. After the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, the resulting residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate and washed three times with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline, third time: ion-exchanged water). ). The oil layer was dried over mirabilite and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was separated and produced by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 2: 1, v / v) to obtain 1,6-bis (ethoxycarbonyl). 2.3328 g (yield: 31.6%) of -3,3,4,4-tetramethyl-2,5-dioxahexane (compound (13)) was obtained.
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(5) 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-3,6-dioxa-1,8-octanediol (compound (14))
At room temperature, 1.031 g of lithium aluminum hydride was dissolved in 10 ml of THF. Thereafter, 2.3328 g (8.034 mmol) of Compound (13) dissolved in 20 ml of THF was gradually added with stirring. Thereafter, the temperature was raised to 70 ° C., and the mixture was heated to reflux for 25 hours. Thereafter, excess lithium aluminum hydride was crushed with methanol. The reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, and ethyl acetate was added to the residue, but it did not dissolve. Further, 1M HCl was added, left overnight, the supernatant was separated by decantation, and extracted twice with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The aqueous layer was back extracted twice with ethyl acetate. The obtained organic layers were combined, dried over sodium sulfate, and concentrated under reduced pressure. The obtained residue was separated and produced by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 2: 1, v / v) to obtain 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-3,6-dioxa-1,8. -0.8162 g (yield: 49.25%) of octanediol (compound (14)) was obtained.
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(6) 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-3,6-dioxa-1,8-octanediol ditosylate (compound (15))
Under ice cooling, 0.8162 g (1.497 mmol) of Compound (14) was dissolved in 10 ml of THF. Thereafter, 20 ml of pyridine was slowly added dropwise and stirred for 45 minutes. Thereafter, a solution prepared by dissolving 0.7137 g (3.743 mmol) of tosyl chloride in 10 ml of THF was gradually added, followed by stirring for 5 hours under ice cooling. Thereafter, a small amount of toluene is added to the reaction solution and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue is dissolved in chloroform and extracted three times with water (first time: HCl, second time: saturated saline, third time: ion-exchanged water). went. The aqueous layer was further back-extracted three times with ethyl acetate, the oil layers were combined, dried with sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was subjected to silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1, v / v) was separated and purified to obtain 1.1873 g (yield: 58.57%) of 4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-3,6-dioxa-1,8-octanediol ditosylate (compound (15)). Obtained.
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(7) 2,2,3,3,8,8,9,9,14,14,15,15-dodecamethyl-1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaoxacyclononadecane (TTM19C6 (compound (A)))
A solution obtained by dissolving 0.1354 g of sodium hydride in 10 ml of THF was gradually added to a solution of 0.2375 g of compound (11) in 10 ml of THF at room temperature. One hour later, 1.0 g of KBr was added, and the mixture was further stirred for 30 minutes. Thereafter, a solution of 0.5 g (1 eq) of compound (15) dissolved in 10 ml of THF was gradually added dropwise, and then the temperature was raised to 70 ° C. and heated under reflux for 78 hours. The excess sodium hydride was then crushed with methanol. After the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, the residue was dissolved in chloroform and subjected to liquid separation extraction with water twice (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline). The aqueous layer was further back extracted twice with chloroform. The obtained oil layers were combined, and the residue obtained after drying with sodium sulfate and concentrating under reduced pressure was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1, v / v), and further subjected to high performance liquid chromatography ( Eluent: ethanol), and 2,2,3,3,8,8,9,9,14,14,15,15-dodecamethyl-1,4,7,10,13,16 which is the target compound -18.2 mg (yield: 4.7%) of hexaoxacyclononadecane (TTM19C6 (compound (a))) was obtained.
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Example 3
In Example 1 (8), DD19C6 (compound (c)) was obtained in the same manner using bis (2-tosyloxyethoxy) -ethane instead of compound (8).
Example 4
2,6,13,17,24,28-hexaoxaheptacyclo- [ 418.23. 01.29. 07.12. 018.23Production of pentatetracontane (TD21C6 (compound d))
The production route of this compound is shown by the following reaction formula.
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(1) (1- (6-prop-2-enyloxybicyclo [4.4.0] decyloxy) prop-2-ene (compound (16))
1.1394 g (2.495 mmol) of bicyclo [4.4.0] decane-1,6-diol (compound 2) produced by the method of (1) in Example 1 was taken in 50 ml of anhydrous THF and dissolved under stirring at room temperature. After stirring for 30 minutes, a suspension prepared by mixing 0.3992 g (9.981 mmol, 4 eq) of sodium hydride in 20 ml of anhydrous THF was gradually added dropwise, and the mixture was heated to 80 ° C. and heated to reflux for 2 hours. . The reaction system was returned to room temperature, and allyl bromide 2.415 g (19.962 mmol, 8 eq) dissolved in
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(2) 3- (6- (3-Hydroxypropoxy) bicyclo [4.4.0] decyloxy) propan-1-ol (compound (17))
Under ice-cooling and stirring, 0.1384 g (3.66 mmol; 0.9 eq) of sodium tetrahydroboron was dissolved in THF. Subsequently, a solution prepared by dissolving 1.1394 g (4.06 mmol; 1 eq) of Compound (16) in THF was added dropwise. Further, a solution obtained by dissolving 0.692 g (4.88 mmol; 1.2 eq) of boron fluoride ethyl ether complex in THF was slowly dropped using a dropping funnel, and the mixture was stirred for 5 hours while cooling with ice. Distilled water was added to crush borane, an aqueous solution in which 0.163 g (4.06 mmol; 1 eq) of sodium hydroxide was dissolved was added, and 0.553 g (4.88 mmol; 1 eq) of 30% hydrogen peroxide was added. Stir at room temperature for 3 hours. The reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure, dissolved in ethyl acetate, and extracted with water three times (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: saturated saline, third time: ion-exchanged water). Further, the first aqueous layer was back extracted three times with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate layer was dried with sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 1: 9, v / v) to give 3- (6- (3- Hydroxypropoxy) bicyclo [4.4.0] decyloxy) propan-1-ol (Compound 17) mg (yield:%) was obtained.
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(3) 1,6-bis (3-tosyloxypropoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (18))
Under ice-cooling, 1 g (3.49 mmol, 1 eq) of compound (17) was dissolved in 10 ml of pyridine and stirred for 45 minutes. Thereafter, a solution prepared by dissolving 1.664 g (8.73 mmol, 2.5 eq) of tosyl chloride in 10 ml of pyridine was gradually added, followed by stirring for 5 hours under ice cooling. Thereafter, a small amount of toluene is added to the reaction solution, and the mixture is concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue is dissolved in ethyl acetate, and extracted three times with water (first time: HCl, second time: saturated saline, third time: ion-exchanged water). Went. The oil layer was dried with sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure. The resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 4: 1, v / v) to obtain 1,6-bis (3-tosyloxy). Propoxy) -bicyclo [4.4.0] decane (compound (18)) 0.38 g (yield: 18.3%) was obtained.
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(4) 2,6,13,17,24,28-hexaoxaheptacyclo [,12. 418, 23. 01,29. 07,12. 018, 23] Pentatetracontane (TD21C6)
Compound (4) 0.245 g (0.644 mmol; 1 eq) was dissolved in THF and stirred for 30 minutes, and then a THF suspension of sodium hydride 0.103 g (2.575 mmol; 4 eq) was gradually added dropwise. Heating to reflux was performed. After 1 hour, after adding a catalytic amount of potassium promide, a solution of 0.380 g (0.644 mmol; 1 eq) of Compound (18) in THF was gradually added dropwise, and the mixture was stirred at 40 ° C. for 12 hours. After 12 hours, the temperature of the reaction system was raised, and the mixture was heated to reflux for 48 hours. After excess sodium hydride was crushed with methanol, the reaction solution was concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate and subjected to liquid separation extraction with water (first time: ion-exchanged water (adjusted to pH 7), second time: (Saturated saline solution, third time: ion-exchanged water). The oil layer was dried with sodium sulfate and concentrated under reduced pressure, and the resulting residue was separated and purified by silica gel chromatography (eluent; hexane: ethyl acetate = 9: 1, v / v) to obtain 2, 6, 13, 17, 24, 28-hexaoxaheptacyclo [,12. 418, 23. 01,29. 07,12. 018, 23] 0.0095 g (yield: 2.34%) of pentatetracontane (TD21C6) was obtained.
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Example 5
TD20C6 is manufactured according to the following
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Example 6
The membrane composition was precisely weighed so that the ionophore used was 3.0 wt%, the membrane solvent was 67.9 wt%, the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was 29.1 wt%, and the fat-soluble anion was 10 mol% (relative to the ionophore). A small amount of THF was added to the product, stirred well, and dried to form a membrane. This membrane was cut with a punch so as to have a diameter of 5 mm, and mounted on a Liquid Membrane Electro Kit made by DKK to produce an electrode.
Example 7
The electrode potential was measured according to the Japanese Industrial Standards Ion Electrode Method General Rules (JIS-K0122-1981). The apparatus consists of potentiometer, ion electrode, reference electrode, beaker with sample solution, turntable, printer. The potentiometer was a HE-20 model manufactured by Toa Denpa Kogyo Co., Ltd., measured in mV, and the value was output to PC-9801. Moreover, the silver-silver-chloride double junction type made from DKK was used for the reference electrode, and 0.3 M cesium nitrate aqueous solution was put into the outer cylinder. The electrode configuration is as follows.
Example 8
The electrode potential response is measured by immersing in a 0.1 M aqueous ammonium chloride solution for 12 hours or more in advance, and then washing the conditioned electrode with MQ-water until the potential is stabilized, and then washing with MQ-water for 9 minutes. Then, immersion in a sample of an aqueous chloride solution and measurement of its stable potential were repeated alternately.
Selectivity factor (logk) for each ionpot) Was determined using the single solution method (SSM). From the response potential of various 0.1 M aqueous chloride solutions, the following formula was used.
[Expression 1]
The subscript i in the formula indicates the ion to be measured, and the subscript j indicates the coexisting ion. C represents the concentration (mol / l), Z represents the valence of the ion, and Ei and Ej represent the potential difference with respect to the i-ion solution and the j-ion solution having the same concentration.
【The invention's effect】
The substituted-crown-6 derivative of the present invention is an ionophore that exhibits excellent ion selectivity for ammonium ions by substituting a specific position of substituted-crown-6 with a blocking group. In addition, the substituted-crown-6 derivative of the present invention has sufficient fat solubility as an ionophore, is excellent in reproducibility even when used for a long period of time, and is useful as an ionophore applied to an ion sensor or an ion-selective electrode.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 illustrates the selectivity factor of the 19-crown-6 derivative of the present invention.
FIG. 2 shows an ammonium ion response curve of the 19-crown-6 derivative of the present invention.
FIG. 3 illustrates a comparison of the selectivity factors of 19-crown-6 derivatives of the present invention and known nonactin.
FIG. 4 illustrates the chemical structural formulas of 19-crown-6 derivatives of the present invention and known nonactin.
FIG. 5 illustrates long-term variation in the selection coefficient of TTM19C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 6 illustrates the long-term variation of the ammonium ion response curve of TTM19C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 7 illustrates long-term variation in the selection coefficient of TD19C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 8 illustrates the long-term variation of the ammonium ion response curve of TD19C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 9 shows an ammonium ion response curve of TD21C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 10 illustrates long-term fluctuations in the ammonium ion response curve of TD21C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 11 illustrates long-term variation in the selection coefficient of TD21C6 of the present invention.
FIG. 12 illustrates chemical structural formulas of TD19C6, TD21C6 and known nonactin of the present invention.
FIG. 13 illustrates a comparison of the selection coefficients of TD19C6, TD21C6 of the present invention and known nonactin.
Claims (11)
で示される置換−クラウン−6誘導体。The following general formula (I),
A substituted-crown-6 derivative represented by:
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP24275398A JP3805903B2 (en) | 1998-08-28 | 1998-08-28 | Ammonium ion selective coordination molecules and ion sensors |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
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JP24275398A JP3805903B2 (en) | 1998-08-28 | 1998-08-28 | Ammonium ion selective coordination molecules and ion sensors |
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JP2000072767A JP2000072767A (en) | 2000-03-07 |
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WO2016063957A1 (en) * | 2014-10-22 | 2016-04-28 | スガイ化学工業株式会社 | Decalin derivative and method for producing same |
JP7383288B2 (en) * | 2020-01-14 | 2023-11-20 | 国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構 | Elements, sensors, and devices containing molybdenum cluster films, and methods for measuring temperature, humidity, and light using them |
- 1998-08-28 JP JP24275398A patent/JP3805903B2/en not_active Expired - Lifetime
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