JP3726191B2 - Electric signal generator that responds to changes in position and orientation - Google Patents

Electric signal generator that responds to changes in position and orientation Download PDF


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JP3726191B2 JP2003048661A JP2003048661A JP3726191B2 JP 3726191 B2 JP3726191 B2 JP 3726191B2 JP 2003048661 A JP2003048661 A JP 2003048661A JP 2003048661 A JP2003048661 A JP 2003048661A JP 3726191 B2 JP3726191 B2 JP 3726191B2
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康彦 大江
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請求項4に記載の発明は、 四面以上の面をもつ非導電性中空多角状容器と、該非導電性中空多角状容器内側各面に各等しい形状、面積をもつ導電性領域を形成して電極面とするとともに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器とその重心を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした、前記非導電性中空多角状容器と相似形の内部中空多角状体を前記非導電性中空多角状容器の各内側コーナと前記内部中空多角体各外側コーナ間とで弾機的に支持し、一方、前記内部中空多角状体内側各面に各等しい形状、面積をもつ導電性領域を形成して各独立した電極面とするとともに前記内部中空多角状体とその重心を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした最内部多角体を前記内部中空多角体内に支持・固設しさらに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器内側面と内部中空多角状体外周電極面間ならびに内部中空多角状体内側面と最内部多角体外側面によって形成される各空間内に各空間容積未満の液状誘電体を封入しまた、前記非導電性中空多角状容器各内側面に形成された面電極、内部中空多角状体外側面電極、内部中空多角状体各内周面に形成された面電極、および最内部多角体外側面電極各々に配線を接続し、前記非導電性中空多角状容器へ加えられるX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向何れか又はこれらが複合された方向への加速度によって生起する前記非導電性中空多角状容器内側面と内部中空多角状体外側面間の近接・離隔によって変化する静電容量ならびに、内部中空多角状体内側面に配設された電極面と最内部多角体外側面電極間における静電容量の、前記非導電性中空多角状容器の姿勢(傾き)変化に対応する変化を検出することによって、X軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向の加速度およびX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向における姿勢(傾き)変化を併せ測定するよう構成してなる位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置である。この発明によるときも、測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸何れかまたは、測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸における傾斜角(姿勢)を一度に電気信号として取出すことができるとともに、測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向における加速度、速度、および変位量を、電気信号として一度に取出せる。また、電気信号発生装置が天地反転しても測定が可能である。
C=ξ・ξ・S/t=8.855×10−12×ξ・S/t (1)
本発明の位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置は、測定対象の位置・姿勢の変化に対応して電極対間の静電容量が変化することを利用してこれを電圧といった電気信号として取出すものであるから、電極に高周波電圧または直流電圧を印加することで、前者の場合には主に発振器の共振回路における静電容量の変化を、後者の場合には2枚の電極間で誘電体との接触面積が変化するため、電極に電圧を印加しておけば電圧の変化と等価と見做すことができる。従って、たとえば高周波電圧を印加した場合、人の手の関節運動によって発振器の発する搬送波に周波数変調が加えられることになる。この信号をFM(Frequency Modulation)復調すれば手の関節運動を表す信号を得ることができる。また、直流電圧を用いた場合、差動増幅器によって手の関節運動を表す信号を得ることができる。FM復調を用いて信号を得る場合、電気的雑音に非常に強い電気信号発生装置(デバイス)とすることができる。
−R=R (2)
が成立し、入力インピーダンスの高いオペアンプに電流が流れ込まない処から、電流I 、Iはそれぞれ、
=(V−V)/(R+R) (3)
=V/(R+R) (4)
=(R/R)・(V−V) (5)
図18に、本発明の測定対象の位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)からの情報を、Webサーバまたはコンピュータのメモリに記録する構成の一例を示す。図18に示すように、本発明のデバイスを制御するコントロールユニット(以下、Web PCと称する。)をポケットに入るようにデザインすることによって手軽に持ち運びでき、様々な場所・場面における姿勢(傾斜)および加速度(変位)を測定することができる。たとえば、大工や左官作業において、より正確な位置・姿勢計測が可能となり、その情報を共有管理することが可能となる。また、たとえば図18に示すコンピュータ構成を図19に示す携帯コンピュータとして用いると、電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を人体の各部位に取付け、位置・姿勢を測定することができる。さらに、利用者にGPS(Global Positioning System)を取付けると、利用者が何処でどのような動作を行っているのかを記録しまた、インターネットを介してデータを配信することもできる。このことは、従来、人体に取付け持ち運ぶことができなかったモーションキャプチャ装置を手軽に持ち運び、人体各部位の方向ベクトルが可能となったことを意味する。
また、Web PCは独自にIPアドレスをもっているため、被検者側のWeb PCをインターネットに接続することで、世界中の利用者PCへ身体各部位の動作・姿勢を発信することができる。さらに、無線LANを使っているため、ローカルなネットワーク環境で利用すれば、手軽に数人分の動作データを取得することが可能となる。
また、図19に示す被検者側Web PCは、ワンチップで構成されている点によって特徴づけられ、利用者PC側と無線、有線で通信を行い、通信が不可能である場合には、ROMに予め書かれたプログラム通りに、被検者側のWeb PC内部メモリに動作データを記録する。後日、このメモリからデータを抜き取ることによって利用者の1日の完全な行動記録を得ることができる。たとえば、スポーツ選手等に取付けることによって、スポーツ選手の競技中の動作を数値的に記録することができる。また、人体に限ることなく、たとえば医療インプラント上のポートを位置決めするための装置や建築物の傾斜角度の長期的な計測、自動車、鉄道、飛行機、船舶等の姿勢制御等多くの分野で利用することができる。
図19に、図18のWeb PCを人体に取付けたときの概略を示す。図19に示すように、人体の各部位に電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を取付ける。これにより、利用者がどの場所(GPSにより取得)でどのような動作を行っているかをインターネット上で知ることができる。インターネットを利用できない場合は、図18に示すように、Web PCにおける記録メモリによるデータの記録および優先によるデータの配信が可能な構成となっているから必ずしもインターネットは必要ではない。また、電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を取付けた測定対象が移動する場合にはGPSが必要であるが、測定対象が建築物などのように移動しない場合は必要ない。
【図1】 測定対象のZ軸回りの位置、速度、加速度を検出するための、位置変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図2】 測定対象のX軸方向或はY軸方向における傾斜(姿勢)を検出するための、姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図3】 姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)が傾斜したときの模様を示す模式図
【図4】 図1および図2に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を1ユニットに集積した電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を示す模式図
【図5】 図4に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図6】 測定対象の線形変位に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を示す模式図
【図7】 図6に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図8】 本発明の測定対象の位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)を構成要素とするWebサーバの構成の一例を示すブロック図
【図9】 測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸の何れかまたは複合した方向への傾斜角度を電気信号として一度に取出す姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図10】 測定対象の3次元的な傾き(姿勢)と併せ測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸の何れかまたは複合した方向への加速度(速度、変位量)を測定する傾斜変化および加速度に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図11】 測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸の何れかまたは複合した方向への傾斜角度を電気信号として取出す姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図12】 測定対象の3次元的な傾き(姿勢)と併せ測定対象のX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸の何れかまたは複合した方向への加速度(速度、変位量)を測定する傾斜変化および加速度を同時に測定できる電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の構成を示す模式図
【図13】 静電容量の変化を電気信号として取出すための、回路の一例を示す電気回路図
【図14】 図9に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図15】 図11に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図16】 図10に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図17】 図12に示す電気信号発生装置(デバイス)の電気回路図
【図18】 本発明の電気信号発生装置(デバイス)で測定した測定対象の位置・姿勢変化に対応する3次元姿勢情報および3軸における加速度検出結果を構成要素としたWebサーバおよびコンピュータ(メモリに記録)の構成の一例を示すブロック図
【図19】 図18に示すWeb PCを用いて人体の動作記録を行う実施形態を示すブロック図
1 容器
1−2 蓋
2 電極
3 円盤(ディスク)
4 軸
5 非導電性外周面領域
6 導電性外周面領域
7 ダンパ(ばね)
11 容器
12 電極
13 液状誘電体
14 配線
15 静電容量計測装置
A 液状誘電体を注入しない部分
21 容器
22 電極
23 ダンパ(ばね)
24 可動子
25 シャフト
g 間隔
31 非導電性中空球状容器
32 配線
33 内部球体
34 軸
35 導電性領域(電極)
41 非導電性中空球状容器
42 配線
43 内部中空球体
44 軸
45 導電性領域(電極)
46 ダンパ
51 非導電性中空多角状容器
52 配線
53 内部多角状体
54 軸
55 導電性領域(電極)
61 非導電性中空多角状容器
62 配線
63 内部中空多角状体
64 軸
65 導電性領域(電極)
66 ダンパ
The present invention relates to an electric signal generating apparatus that responds to changes in position / posture that can be used for detection of crustal movement, posture control of ships, airplanes, vehicles, etc., detection of movement / posture of each part of a human body, and the like.
[Prior art]
For example, as a means for detecting the attitude (tilt) of a ship used for ship attitude control, at least a pair of electrodes having a predetermined plane and at least a pair of electrodes having a predetermined plane are loaded into the container. It is immersed in the body, the difference in the area immersed in the liquid dielectric between the electrodes according to the size of the inclination of the container, and the developed capacitance and resistance corresponding to this difference are electrically connected For example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 11-11841 discloses an electric signal generator that extracts a voltage signal.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
When using the above-described conventional technology, it is often limited to a specific experimental environment or stationary posture measurement. An object of the present invention is to provide an electrical signal generator that can measure the displacement and orientation of an object in every scene and place, and that can respond to changes in position and orientation.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The invention according to claim 1 for solving the above-mentioned problems is a non-conductive hollow spherical container and the non-conductive hollow spherical container. Each hemisphere is divided into at least four equal sections, and an electrode surface is formed, and at least eight electrode surfaces are formed on the entire circumference of the sphere. On the other hand, an internal sphere having an electrode surface by covering the entire outer peripheral surface with a conductive material so as to share the central point with the non-conductive hollow spherical container and to face the inner peripheral surface with a space therebetween. A liquid dielectric less than the space volume is enclosed in a space formed by the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container and the outer peripheral electrode surface of the inner sphere, which is supported and fixed in the non-conductive hollow spherical container. In addition, the electrical signal generator is adapted to a posture change formed by connecting wiring to each of at least eight electrode surfaces formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container and the inner spherical outer peripheral electrode surface. According to the present invention, any one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured, or the tilt angle (posture) on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured can be taken out as an electrical signal at a time. . Further, measurement is possible even when the electric signal generator is inverted.
The invention according to claim 2 is formed by forming a polygonal non-conductive hollow container having four or more faces and a conductive region having the same shape and area on each inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygon container. The non-conductive hollow polygonal container having an electrode surface on the entire outer surface that shares the center of gravity with the non-conductive hollow polygonal container and is opposed to each other on the inside surface of the container. An inner polygonal body similar in shape to a cylindrical container is supported and fixed between each inner corner of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container and the outer corner of the inner polygonal body, and the inner side surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container And a liquid dielectric having a volume less than the space volume is enclosed in a space formed by the inner polygonal outer surface and the inner electrode outer surface of each of the non-conductive hollow polygonal containers and the inner polygonal outer surface (electrode surface). ) Responds to changes in posture by connecting wires to each An electrical signal generator. Also according to the present invention, the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured, or the inclination angle (posture) on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured can be taken out as an electrical signal at a time. . Further, measurement is possible even when the electric signal generator is inverted.
The invention according to claim 3 is a non-conductive hollow sphere container and each hemisphere of the non-conductive hollow sphere container And at least 8 electrode surfaces are formed on the entire circumferential surface of the sphere, respectively. On the other hand, an inner hollow sphere that shares the central point with the non-conductive hollow spherical container and covers the entire outer peripheral surface with a conductive material so as to be opposed to the inner peripheral surface with a space therebetween, thereby forming an electrode surface Are supported between the electrode surfaces on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container and on the great circle and meridian of the non-conductive hollow spherical container, and each hemisphere of the inner hollow sphere The electrode surfaces are formed in sections divided into at least four parts, and at least eight electrode surfaces are formed on the entire circumferential surface of the sphere. Further, the innermost spherical body that shares the central point with the inner hollow sphere and that is opposed to the inner circumferential surface with a space therebetween is covered with a conductive material so as to be opposed to the inner circumferential surface. Further supported and fixed in the hollow sphere, and further, in each space formed between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container and the outer peripheral electrode surface of the inner hollow sphere and the outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere and the outermost inner sphere. Liquid dielectrics less than each space volume are enclosed, and are formed on at least eight electrode surfaces formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container, outer peripheral surface electrodes of the inner hollow sphere, and inner peripheral surfaces of the inner hollow sphere. Further, wiring is connected to each of at least eight electrode surfaces and innermost spherical outer peripheral surface electrodes, and any one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions applied to the non-conductive hollow spherical container or a combination thereof is combined. Depending on the acceleration in the direction Capacitance that varies depending on the proximity / separation between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container and the outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere, and the electrode surface disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere and the outer peripheral surface of the innermost sphere By detecting the change in the capacitance between the electrodes corresponding to the change in the attitude (tilt) of the non-conductive hollow spherical container, any one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions or a combination thereof is combined. Electric signal generator corresponding to a position / posture change configured to measure a direction acceleration and a change in posture (tilt) in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions or a direction in which these are combined It is. According to the present invention, any one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured, or the tilt angle (posture) on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured can be taken out as an electrical signal at a time. At the same time, the acceleration, velocity, and amount of displacement in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions of the measurement target can be taken out as electric signals at a time. Further, measurement is possible even when the electric signal generator is inverted.
According to a fourth aspect of the present invention, there is provided a non-conductive hollow polygonal container having four or more surfaces and a conductive region having an equal shape and area on each inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container. And an electrode surface by covering the entire outer peripheral surface with a conductive material so as to share the center of gravity with the non-conductive hollow polygonal container and to be opposed to the inner peripheral surface at an interval. The inner hollow polygon similar to the non-conductive hollow polygon container is elastically supported between each inner corner of the non-conductive hollow polygon container and each outer corner of the inner hollow polygon container, On the other hand, a conductive region having the same shape and area is formed on each inner side surface of the inner hollow polygonal body to form independent electrode surfaces and share the center of gravity with the inner hollow polygonal body and its inner circumference. The outer periphery so as to face each other with a gap An innermost polygon that covers the entire surface with a conductive material to form an electrode surface is supported and fixed in the inner hollow polygon, and further, the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygon container and the outer electrode of the inner hollow polygon A liquid dielectric having a volume less than each spatial volume is enclosed in each space formed by the inter-surface and the inner hollow polygonal side surface and the innermost polygon outer side surface, and is formed on each inner side surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container. A non-conductive hollow polygonal container, wherein a wiring is connected to each of the outer surface electrode, the inner hollow polygon outer surface electrode, the inner electrode formed on each inner peripheral surface, and the innermost polygon outer surface electrode. Proximity / separation between the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container and the outer surface of the inner hollow polygonal body caused by acceleration in one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions applied to or a direction in which these are combined Capacitance that varies depending on In addition, a change in capacitance between the electrode surface disposed on the side surface of the inner hollow polygonal body and the outer surface electrode of the innermost polygonal body corresponding to the change in posture (tilt) of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container is detected. By doing so, the acceleration in the direction of any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis or a combination thereof, and the posture in the direction of any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis directions or a combination thereof ( This is an electric signal generator corresponding to a change in position / posture configured to measure a change in (tilt). Also according to the present invention, the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured, or the inclination angle (posture) on the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured can be taken out as an electrical signal at a time. At the same time, the acceleration, velocity, and amount of displacement in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions of the measurement target can be taken out as electric signals at a time. Further, measurement is possible even when the electric signal generator is inverted.
According to the fifth aspect of the present invention, the inner electrode surface of the non-conductive hollow container and the outer electrode surface of the inner sphere or the outer electrode of the polygonal body or the inner hollow sphere or the inner hollow sphere inner electrode surface and the innermost sphere or Is expressed due to a difference in contact surface with the liquid dielectric between at least a pair of electrodes to which a voltage is applied between electrodes enclosing a liquid dielectric less than the volume of the space between the polygonal outer electrode surfaces The electrical signal generating means for outputting a voltage corresponding to the difference in capacitance causes a frequency modulation corresponding to the inclination angle of the non-conductive hollow container to occur in the carrier wave generated by the high frequency voltage oscillator by applying a high frequency voltage. 5. The electric signal generating device corresponding to a change in position / attitude according to claim 1, wherein the signal is subjected to FM demodulation.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described according to preferred embodiments thereof.
[Example 1]
FIG. 1 shows an outline of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in position according to an embodiment of the present invention. In FIG. 1, reference numeral 1 denotes a container, which is cylindrical in this embodiment, and is made of, for example, plastic. 1-2 is a lid and covers the container 1. Reference numeral 2 denotes an electrode which is formed of a conductive material and is attached to the inner peripheral surface of the container 1 to form an arc surface. Reference numeral 3 denotes a disk (disk), which is fixed to the shaft 4 at the center of the plane. As shown in FIGS. 1 and 4, a non-conductive region 5 and a conductive region 6 are formed on the outer peripheral surface of the disk 3. In this embodiment, the arc-shaped electrode 2 attached to the inner peripheral surface of the cylindrical container 1 and the conductive region 6 formed on the outer peripheral surface of the disk 3 are arranged so as to face each other with a space therebetween. And an AC voltage or a DC voltage is applied to form a capacitor. In this embodiment, the outer peripheral surface of the disk 3 is divided into four equal parts in the circumferential direction, and the nonconductive regions 5 and the conductive regions 6 are alternately formed.
The disk 3 is fixed to a shaft 4, and the shaft 4 is fixed to the bottom surface of the container 1 via a damper 7, in this embodiment, a spring 7, as shown in FIG. 4. Thus, the disk 3 is given inertia by the damper 7 when displaced in the circumferential direction. The upper end of the shaft 4 is rotatably supported by the lid 1-2.
The operation of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the change in position according to this embodiment will be described. When the container 1 revolves or rotates, the container 1 rotates about the axis about the shaft 4. On the other hand, since the disk 3 has its own moment of inertia and is given inertia by the damper 7, the conductive region in the disk 3 facing the electrode 2 corresponding to the acceleration of the movement of the container 1 in the circumferential direction. 6 or a non-conductive region 5 is displaced in the circumferential direction. This shift causes a change in the capacitance of the capacitor formed by the conductive region 6 in the disk 3 facing the electrode 2. If this change in capacitance is detected as a change in voltage, the acceleration in the circumferential direction of the container 1 can be measured. When the acceleration is second-order integrated with respect to time, the amount of displacement is obtained.
In this way, the displacement amount and acceleration around the axis (Z axis) of the container 1 can be taken out as electrical signals, and it can be known how much the measurement object is displaced in what direction.
[Example 2]
Next, an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in posture in an embodiment that measures the posture (tilt) of the measurement target in addition to the displacement amount around the Z axis of the measurement target will be described. 2 and 3, reference numeral 11 denotes a container, which shows an outline of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in posture (tilt) of a measurement object. 2 and 3, reference numeral 11 denotes a container, which encloses a liquid dielectric 13, for example, a solution containing ethylene glycol as a solvent and tetramethylammonium hydroxide as a solute. A indicates a portion where the liquid dielectric 13 is not injected.
Reference numeral 12 denotes an electrode, and in this embodiment, as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the electrodes are arranged so as to be opposed to each other in a liquid dielectric 13 in a paired manner. 14 is a wiring, and 15 is a capacitance measuring device.
Thus, when the container 11 is tilted, the contact area with the liquid dielectric 13 is different between the pair of electrodes 12. The expression capacitance changes corresponding to the change in the contact area. Capacitance C is
[Expression 1]
C = ξ 0 ・ Ξ · S / t = 8.855 × 10 -12 × ξ · S / t (1)
C: Capacitance
S: Electrode area
t: Distance between electrodes
ξ 0 : Dielectric constant of vacuum (8.855 × 10 -12 )
ξ: dielectric constant of the dielectric
Given in. This change in capacitance is detected as a change in voltage in the capacitance measuring device 15.
According to the inventor's knowledge, the characteristics required for the liquid dielectric are:
1) It is chemically stable with respect to constituent materials such as an anode and a cathode.
2) It has a property to wet the electrode surface well.
3) It has a chemical conversion ability to protect the electrode or container and repair the weak point.
4) The vapor pressure is low even at high temperatures.
5) Substances that have stable properties for a long time and are toxic.
Etc. Liquid dielectrics having such properties include ethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether, γ-butyrolactone, N-methylformamide, etc. as solvents, adipic acid, maleic acid, benzoic acid, phthalic acid, salicylic acid, basic solutes, etc. A solution of ammonia, aqueous ammonia, triethylamine, tetramethylammonium hydroxide, or the like can be used.
As the liquid dielectric, for example, two kinds of liquid materials that do not mix, such as water and oil, can be enclosed in a container and used. In that case, the pulsation on the surface of the liquid dielectric is preferably suppressed.
The electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to this change in posture (tilt) is disposed at least in the X-axis direction and the Y-axis direction, and as shown in FIG. 4, the displacement of the container 1 in the first embodiment around the Z-axis If an electric signal generating device corresponding to is integrated and mounted, it is possible to measure how much the measurement object is tilted in what direction. That is, the orientation of the coordinate axis of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change can be measured in real time.
FIG. 5 shows a circuit of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change shown in FIG. In FIG. 5, C1 and C3 are capacitors that function to detect the tilt of the device in the X-axis direction, and C2 and C4 are capacitors that function to detect the tilt in the Y-axis direction. C5 and C6 are capacitors in the electrical signal generating device corresponding to the displacement around the Z axis of the container 1 shown in FIG. From each signal processing circuit, in which direction the electrical signal generator (device) is oriented around the Z axis, and how much it is inclined in the X axis direction or the Y axis direction with respect to the orientation. Output (OUT).
The electrical signal generator corresponding to the change in position / orientation of the present invention utilizes the fact that the capacitance between the electrode pair changes in response to the change in the position / orientation of the measurement object, and this is used as an electrical signal such as voltage. Since the high frequency voltage or direct current voltage is applied to the electrodes, the capacitance change in the resonance circuit of the oscillator mainly occurs in the former case, and the dielectric between the two electrodes in the latter case. Since the contact area with the body changes, if a voltage is applied to the electrode, it can be considered equivalent to a change in voltage. Therefore, for example, when a high frequency voltage is applied, frequency modulation is applied to the carrier wave generated by the oscillator by the joint movement of the human hand. If this signal is demodulated by FM (Frequency Modulation), a signal representing joint motion of the hand can be obtained. When a DC voltage is used, a signal representing joint motion of the hand can be obtained by a differential amplifier. When signals are obtained using FM demodulation, an electric signal generator (device) that is extremely resistant to electric noise can be obtained.
Example 3
Next, an electric signal generator (device) that generates an electric signal when the measurement target is linearly displaced will be described. FIG. 6 shows the configuration of this electrical signal generator (device). In FIG. 6, 21 is a container, and in this embodiment, a liquid dielectric is enclosed. Electrodes 22 are arranged on the ceiling and bottom surfaces inside the container 21 with a gap g. Reference numeral 24 denotes a mover, and electrodes 22 are attached to the upper and lower surfaces as viewed in FIG. The mover 24 is loosely fitted and supported by the shaft 25 and can be displaced in the left-right direction as viewed in FIG. One end of the mover 24 is engaged with a damper (spring) 23, and the other end of the damper 23 is fixed to one end of the container 21. Thus, a space is maintained between the electrodes 22 on the ceiling and bottom surfaces inside the container 21 and the electrodes 22 on the upper and lower surfaces of the mover 24.
When acceleration occurs in the container 21 due to the axial force F of the shaft 25, the opposing area of the electrode 22 in the container 21 and the electrode 22 in the movable element 24 changes due to the inertia of the damper 23. Thus, when the acceleration applied to the container 21 stops, the movable element 24 returns to the original position by the action of the damper (spring) 23. A change in the area between the opposing electrodes 22 is detected as a change in capacitance, and the acceleration of the container 21 is measured.
FIG. 7 shows an electric circuit of the electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the linear displacement shown in FIG. If the container 21 is accelerated and the capacitance of C1 decreases, the capacitance of C2 increases. Thereby, it can be known whether the container 21 is accelerating or decelerating with respect to the movable element 24.
Example 4
FIG. 8 shows an embodiment of a control unit having an electric signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in position / posture as a component. The electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change of the present invention is a conventional posture measurement device that is difficult to carry, for example, attached to a human body, and measures the motion / posture of each part of the body. It can be recorded. At that time, a small computer that communicates with the center (control) side via the Internet is required. The configuration of the Web server shown in FIG. 8 is an example of a control computer.
The control computer shown in FIG. 8 is characterized by a one-chip configuration. It communicates with the center side by radio and wire, and when communication is not possible, it starts according to a program written in ROM. Then, it is recorded in the user's memory (RAM), and the user's daily action record can be obtained by extracting data from this memory at a later date. Here, the electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the change in position / orientation of the present invention is a computer through a capacitance measurement (FM demodulation) module, a differential amplification module, and an A / D (analog / digital conversion) module. It is connected to the.
Example 5
FIG. 9 shows an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in position / posture according to another embodiment of the present invention. In FIG. 9, reference numeral 31 denotes a non-conductive hollow spherical container, which is a plastic hollow sphere in this embodiment. On the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31, as shown in FIG. 9, electrode surfaces 35 are formed in sections divided into at least four equal parts in the great circle of each hemisphere. At least eight electrode surfaces are disposed. When only the tilt in any of the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z axis is detected, two electrode surfaces may be disposed on the entire inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31. As shown in FIG. 9, a wiring 32 is connected to each electrode surface so that a voltage can be applied to the electrodes. As described above, when the eight electrode surfaces 35 are arranged in the entire non-conductive hollow spherical container 31, the inclination of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 in the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z axis can be detected at a time. it can.
Reference numeral 33 denotes an internal sphere, and a conductive substance is attached to the entire outer peripheral surface of the internal sphere to function as an electrode. A wiring 32 is also connected to this electrode, and a voltage can be applied. As shown in FIG. 9, the inner sphere 33 has a non-conductive hollow sphere formed by a shaft 34 extending radially from the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow sphere container 31 and the great circle and meridian of the non-conductive hollow sphere container 31. It is supported by the inner peripheral surface of the container 31 and is arranged so as to share the center point with the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31. The inner sphere 33 is disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 with a predetermined interval between the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33 and the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31. The eight electrode surfaces (conductive regions) 35 and the electrode surfaces formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33 are dimensions capable of constituting a capacitor. Further, as shown in FIG. 9, the shaft 34 may be made of metal, for example, and function as part of the wiring.
On the other hand, in the space formed between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33, a volume less than that volume, in this embodiment, a great circle (equator) as seen in FIG. A volume of liquid dielectric up to the position (50% of the space volume) is enclosed.
Next, the operation of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change according to this embodiment will be described. When the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 is tilted in any direction from the state shown in FIG. 9, the eight electrode surfaces (conductive regions) 35 disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 are mutually connected. The contact area with the liquid dielectric changes between the two. Thus, the capacitance of the capacitor formed between the eight electrode surfaces formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the electrode surfaces formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33 is also Varies between capacitors. By detecting the change in capacitance in these individual capacitors, the inclination angles of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 can be taken out as electrical signals at a time.
As described above, the electrical signal generation device (device) corresponding to the change in position / orientation according to this embodiment determines the inclination of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions. It is taken out as an electric signal from the change of the above. In other words, the electrostatic capacity of the capacitor composed of the eight electrode surfaces formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the electrode surfaces formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33 and the liquid dielectric. The inclination in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions of the nonconductive hollow spherical container 31 is taken out as an electrical signal from the change in capacity. In the space formed between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33, the liquid dielectric and the gas are sealed in the same volume in this embodiment. Thus, the liquid dielectric functions as a driving dielectric. As shown in Equation 1, the capacitance of the capacitor is
C = ξ 0 ・ Ξ · S / t = 8.855 × 10 -12 × ξ · S / t
C: Capacitance
S: Electrode area
t: Distance between electrodes
ξ 0 : Dielectric constant of vacuum (8.855 × 10 -12 )
ξ: dielectric constant of the dielectric
Given by. Therefore, the capacitance can be detected by the electrode area: S and the interelectrode distance: t. In this embodiment, since the inter-electrode distance t is constant, the electrode area: S, that is, formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 due to the inclination of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31. A change in the contact area between the eight electrode surfaces and the outer peripheral surface of the internal sphere 33 with the liquid dielectric is detected as a change in the capacitance C.
In order to take out the electric signal by the electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change shown in FIG. 9, for example, using a differential amplifier circuit shown in FIG. The differential amplifier circuit is a circuit that amplifies only a potential difference between two input voltages. An operational amplifier is also a kind of differential amplifier circuit, but if it is left as it is, the amplification degree is too high, and stable operation cannot be expected. Therefore, negative feedback is applied as shown in FIG. The circuit shown in FIG. 13 works so that the potentials at the n point and the p point in the circuit are equal.
[Expression 2]
V 1 -R 1 I 1 = R 2 I 2 (2)
Since the current does not flow into the operational amplifier with high input impedance, the current I 1 , I 2 Respectively
[Equation 3]
I 1 = (V 1 -V O ) / (R 1 + R 2 (3)
[Expression 4]
I 2 = V 2 / (R 1 + R 2 (4)
Given in. Substituting and organizing the output voltage V O Is
[Equation 5]
V O = (R 1 / R 2 ) ・ (V 2 -V 1 (5)
Can be obtained. This shows that only the potential difference at the input terminal can be amplified.
FIG. 14 shows an electric circuit of the electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change of the present invention shown in FIG. Between the eight electrode surfaces (conductive regions) 35 formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the electrodes (conductive regions) formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33 and a liquid dielectric There are a total of eight capacitors, C1, C2, -----, and C8. A voltage is applied between the electrodes constituting each capacitor via the wiring 32. In this embodiment, in a space formed between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 and the outer peripheral surface of the inner sphere 33, a liquid dielectric having a volume of 50% of this space is enclosed. Thus, when the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 is tilted in any direction, the capacitance changes between the capacitors. For example, the capacitors disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the upper hemisphere shown in FIG. 9 are C1, C2,..., C4, and the capacitor disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the lower hemisphere is C5. , C6, -----, C8, the capacitance of the capacitor disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the lower hemisphere is reduced by the inclination of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31, and the capacitor is disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the upper hemisphere. The capacitance of the capacitor being increased increases. In order to know how much the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis are tilted, it can be measured by comparing the capacitances of the eight capacitors before tilting. The measurement is possible even when the non-conductive hollow spherical container 31 is turned upside down. In order to measure the change in the capacitance, eight capacitors can be connected to the capacitance measuring instrument via the wiring 32. If the circuit (differential amplifier circuit) shown in FIG. 13 is used as the basic circuit of the capacitance measuring instrument, the apparatus can be miniaturized.
Example 6
The embodiment which can measure together the acceleration in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions of the non-conductive hollow spherical container in the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change of the present invention. explain. FIG. 10 shows an outline of an electric signal generator (device) that also generates an electric signal corresponding to a change in acceleration (position) of the non-conductive hollow spherical container. In FIG. 10, reference numeral 41 denotes a non-conductive hollow sphere container, and in this embodiment, a non-conductive material, for example, a hollow sphere made of plastic. On the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41, as shown in FIG. 10, an electrode surface 45 is formed in each of the hemispherical great circles divided into at least four sections. A number of electrode surfaces 45 are formed. As shown in FIG. 10, each electrode 45 is connected to a wiring 42 so that a voltage can be applied to each electrode 45.
Reference numeral 43 denotes an internal hollow sphere, which is formed with a conductive thin layer over the entire outer peripheral surface thereof, and together with the eight electrode surfaces 45 disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the nonconductive hollow spherical container 41, the capacitor C9. , C10, -----, and C16. On the other hand, electrodes are disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 in a state where the eight electrode surfaces 45 disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 are scaled down. Further, in the inner hollow sphere 43, the innermost sphere (not shown) in which the central point is shared with the non-conductive hollow sphere container 41 and the inner hollow sphere 43 and a thin conductive layer is formed on the entire outer peripheral surface. However, the relationship between the non-conductive hollow sphere container 31 and the inner sphere 33 shown in FIG. Thus, eight capacitors C1, C2,..., C8 are formed between the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 and the outermost surface of the innermost sphere. A liquid dielectric having a volume corresponding to 50% of the space volume is enclosed in a space formed between the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 and the outer peripheral surface of the innermost sphere.
On the other hand, the inner hollow sphere 43 is a portion that is divided into four equal parts in the circumferential direction between the electrode surfaces 45 on the inner peripheral surface of the nonconductive hollow spherical container 41 and in each of the great circle and meridian of the nonconductive hollow spherical container 41. The conductive hollow sphere container 41 is elastically supported by a shaft 44 having a damper 46 from the inner peripheral surface. Also in this case, the shaft 44 having the damper 46 can be made of, for example, metal and function as a part of the wiring 42.
Next, the operation of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the change of the position and orientation of the present invention according to this embodiment will be described. When the non-conductive hollow sphere container 41 is accelerated in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions or in a compound direction, the inner hollow sphere 43 has its own moment of inertia and imparts inertia by the damper 46. Therefore, the eight non-conductive hollow spherical containers 41 are arranged on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 corresponding to the acceleration in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions. Electrode surface 45 of the inner surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 opposite to each electrode, and the capacitance of the capacitor composed of the thin conductive layer (electrode) formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 and the liquid dielectric material. Cause changes due to. If this change in capacitance is detected as a change in voltage, the acceleration of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions can be measured. If the acceleration is second-order integrated with respect to time, the amount of displacement can be obtained.
FIG. 16 shows an electric circuit of an electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change of the present invention according to this embodiment. According to the device of this embodiment, the inclination of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 in any of the X axis, the Y axis, the Z axis, or the combined direction is changed to eight capacitors C1, C2, ----- -, C8 (consisting of the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43, the outer peripheral surface of the innermost sphere, and a liquid dielectric) can be taken out as an electrical signal. On the other hand, since the inner hollow sphere 43 is supported on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow sphere container 41 via the damper 46, when the non-conductive hollow sphere container 41 is linearly accelerated, the damper 46 causes the inner hollow sphere 43 to move to the inner hollow sphere 43. Conductive thin layer (electrodes) formed on the entire outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43 opposite to the respective electrodes of the eight electrode surfaces 45 provided with inertia and disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 ) Will change. This is nothing but the change in capacitance when considered as a capacitor. Here, the number of capacitors is C1, C2, ----, C8 (consisting of an inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43, an outer peripheral surface of the innermost sphere, and a liquid dielectric) inside the inner hollow sphere 43. Eight, C9, C10, -----, C16 between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 and the outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere 43. With the total of 16 capacitors, the inclination angle and acceleration of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 in any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis, or in the combined direction can be measured at a time. A voltage is applied between the electrodes constituting each capacitor, and the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 is transformed into an X axis, a Y axis, and a capacitor C1, C2, ---- It is possible to know how much it is tilted in which direction of any one of the Z axis and the compound, and how much it is displaced in which axial direction from the change of the electrode interval in the capacitors C9, C10, ----- Can be measured.
In this way, the inclination angle and acceleration (speed, displacement) of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 in the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis or in a combined direction can be taken out as electrical signals at a time. it can. Thus, the electrical signal generator (device) shown in FIG. 9 can know the three-dimensional inclination (orientation) of the measurement object. According to the electrical signal generator (device) shown in FIG. In addition to the three-dimensional inclination (posture) of the above, the acceleration (speed, displacement) of the non-conductive hollow spherical container 41 in one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, or in the combined direction, as an electrical signal at a time Can be taken out.
Example 7
Next, an embodiment of an electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change of the present invention constituted by a non-conductive hollow polygonal container having four or more faces and an inner polygon will be described.
FIG. 11 shows an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a posture change according to this embodiment. In FIG. 11, 51 is a non-conductive hollow polygonal container, which is a regular hexahedron in this embodiment, and is made of, for example, plastic. Reference numeral 52 denotes a wiring, and as shown in FIG. 11, conductive regions (electrode surfaces) 55 having the same shape and area formed on the six inner surfaces of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 are connected to a metal foil, for example. And functions to apply a voltage between the opposing electrode surfaces. Reference numeral 53 denotes an inner polygon, which is a regular hexahedron in this embodiment, and each inner corner of the non-conductive hollow polygon container 51 and the inner polygon at a position sharing the center of gravity of the non-conductive hollow polygon container 51. It is supported inside the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 by eight shafts 54 connecting the respective outer corners of the body 53.
Conductive regions (electrode surfaces) 55 are also formed on the six outer surfaces of the inner polygonal body 53 by, for example, attaching metal foil and function as electrodes. The wiring 52 is also connected to this electrode, and the conductive regions (electrode surfaces) 55 formed on the respective inner six surfaces of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 and the conductivity of the six outer surfaces of the inner polygonal body 53. A voltage can be applied to the region (electrode surface) 55. As shown in FIG. 11, the inner polygonal body 53 is formed between the conductive regions (electrode surfaces) 55 formed on the respective inner six surfaces of the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 51 and the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 51. Are supported on the inner side of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 by the eight shafts 54 connecting the inner corners of the inner polygonal body 53 and the outer corners of the inner polygonal body 53, respectively, and share the center of gravity with the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51. Are arranged as follows. Further, the inner polygonal body 53 has a predetermined interval between the outer side surface of the inner polygonal body 53 and each of the inner six surfaces of the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 51, so that the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 51 The conductive region (electrode surface) 55 formed on each of the six inner surfaces and the six electrodes (conductive regions) 55 formed on the outer surface of the inner polygonal body 53 are dimensions that can constitute a capacitor. .
On the other hand, in the space formed between each inner side surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 and the outer side surface of the inner polygonal body 53, a volume less than the space volume, in this embodiment, 50% of the space volume. A volume of liquid dielectric is enclosed.
Next, the operation of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change according to this embodiment will be described. When the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 is tilted in any direction from the state shown in FIG. 11, a liquid dielectric is formed between the six electrode surfaces formed on the respective inner surfaces of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51. Changes in the contact area with the body. Thus, the capacitor formed between the six electrode surfaces formed on each inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 and the electrode surfaces formed on each outer surface of the inner polygonal body 53 is provided. The capacitance also changes between the capacitors C1, C2, -----, C6. By detecting the change in capacitance in these individual capacitors, the inclination angle of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 51 in any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis, or in the combined direction can be converted into an electric signal at a time. Can be taken out as. If the circuit (differential amplifier circuit) shown in FIG. 13 is used as the basic circuit of the capacitance measuring instrument, the apparatus can be miniaturized.
Example 8
Measure the acceleration of any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container or the combined direction of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the position / posture change of the present invention. An embodiment capable of achieving the above will be described. FIG. 12 shows an outline of an electric signal device (device) that also generates an electric signal corresponding to a change in acceleration (position) of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container. In FIG. 12, reference numeral 61 denotes a non-conductive hollow polygonal container, which is a hollow regular hexahedron in this embodiment, and is made of plastic, for example. As shown in FIG. 12, the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 is formed with an electrode surface comprising a conductive region 65, and six electrode surfaces are formed on the entire inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61. Arranged. As shown in FIG. 12, a wiring 62 is connected to each electrode surface 65 so that a voltage can be applied to the electrodes.
Reference numeral 63 denotes an internal hollow polygonal body, which has capacitors C7 and C8 coupled with electrode surfaces formed on the inner side surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 with a thin conductive layer formed on each outer side surface. , ----- C12. On the other hand, on each inner side surface of the internal hollow polygonal body 63, electrodes are arranged in a state where the six electrode surfaces on the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 are scaled down. Further, in the inner hollow polygon 63, the non-conductive hollow polygon container 61 and the innermost polygon (not shown) sharing the center of gravity with the inner hollow polygon 63 are non-conductive as shown in FIG. The hollow polygonal container 61 and the internal hollow polygonal body 63 are scaled down and held in the internal hollow polygonal body 63 by the shaft. A conductive material layer is formed on each outer surface of the innermost polygon and functions as an electrode. Thus, six capacitors C1, C2,..., C6 are formed between the inner surfaces of the inner hollow polygon 63 and the outer surfaces of the innermost polygon. A liquid dielectric having a volume corresponding to 50% of the space volume is enclosed in a space formed between the inner surface of the inner hollow polygon 63 and the outer surface of the innermost polygon.
On the other hand, the inner hollow polygonal body 63 is elastically supported by a shaft 64 having a damper 66 from the inner corner between the electrode surfaces on each inner side surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61.
Next, the operation of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change according to this embodiment will be described. When the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 is accelerated in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, or in the combined direction, the internal hollow polygonal body 63 has its own moment of inertia and the damper 66 inertias it. Therefore, the conductive thin film formed on each outer surface of the inner hollow polygonal body 63 facing each electrode surface corresponding to the acceleration in each axial direction of the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 61. Changes in the capacitance formed by the layer (electrode surface) and the liquid dielectric are caused by the change in the electrode surface spacing. If this change in capacitance is detected as a change in voltage, the acceleration in each axial direction of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 can be measured. If the acceleration is second-order integrated with respect to time, the amount of displacement can be obtained.
FIG. 17 shows an electric circuit of an electric signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change according to this embodiment. According to the device of this embodiment, the inclination of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 in any of the X axis, the Y axis, the Z axis, or the combined direction is set to capacitors C1, C2, -----, C6. Can be taken out as an electrical signal. On the other hand, since the internal hollow polygonal body 63 is supported inside the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 61 via the damper 66, when the nonconductive hollow polygonal container 61 is linearly accelerated, the internal hollow is formed by the damper 66. Inertia is imparted to the polygonal body 63, and the distance between the electrodes on the inner side surfaces of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 and the electrodes formed on the outer side surfaces of the inner hollow polygonal body 63 changes. This is nothing but the change in capacitance when considered as a capacitor. Here, the number of capacitors is 6 in total inside C1, C2, ----, C6 inside the inner hollow polygonal body 63, inside the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 and outside the inner hollow polygonal body 63. There are a total of 6 items of C7, C8, -----, and C12. With these twelve capacitors, the inclination angle and acceleration of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 in any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis or in a combined direction can be measured at a time. A voltage is applied between the electrodes constituting each capacitor, and how much the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 is tilted on which axis due to the capacitance change in the capacitors C1, C2, ----, and C6. In addition, it is possible to measure how much the capacitor C7, C8, ----- and C12 are displaced in which axial direction from the change in the electrode spacing.
In this way, the inclination angle and acceleration (velocity, displacement) of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 in any of the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis or in a combined direction can be measured at a time. . Thus, according to the electrical signal generator (device) shown in FIG. 11, the three-dimensional inclination (posture) of the measurement object can be known. According to the electrical signal generator (device) shown in FIG. In addition to the three-dimensional inclination (posture) of the measurement object, the acceleration (speed, displacement) of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container 61 in the X axis, Y axis, and Z axis or in a combined direction is electrically It can be taken out at once as a signal.
Example 9
FIG. 18 shows an example of a configuration in which information from an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in position / posture of a measurement target according to the present invention is recorded in a memory of a Web server or a computer. As shown in FIG. 18, a control unit for controlling the device of the present invention (hereinafter referred to as Web PC) can be easily carried by designing it to fit into a pocket, and postures (tilts) in various places and scenes. And acceleration (displacement) can be measured. For example, in carpenter work or plastering work, more accurate position / posture measurement can be performed, and the information can be shared and managed. For example, when the computer configuration shown in FIG. 18 is used as the portable computer shown in FIG. 19, an electrical signal generator (device) can be attached to each part of the human body and the position / posture can be measured. Furthermore, when a GPS (Global Positioning System) is attached to the user, it is possible to record where and what operation the user is performing, and to distribute data via the Internet. This means that a motion capture device that has conventionally been unable to be attached and carried on the human body can be easily carried and direction vectors for each part of the human body can be obtained.
Further, since the Web PC has its own IP address, the movement and posture of each part of the body can be transmitted to user PCs around the world by connecting the Web PC on the subject side to the Internet. Furthermore, since a wireless LAN is used, it is possible to easily obtain operation data for several people if used in a local network environment.
In addition, the subject-side Web PC shown in FIG. 19 is characterized by being configured with one chip, and performs wireless and wired communication with the user PC side when communication is impossible. The operation data is recorded in the Web PC internal memory on the subject side according to the program written in advance in the ROM. Later, by extracting data from this memory, a complete daily action record of the user can be obtained. For example, by attaching to a sports player or the like, it is possible to numerically record the motion of the sports player during the competition. Also, it is not limited to the human body, but is used in many fields such as devices for positioning ports on medical implants, long-term measurement of the inclination angle of buildings, attitude control of automobiles, railways, airplanes, ships, etc. be able to.
FIG. 19 shows an outline when the Web PC of FIG. 18 is attached to a human body. As shown in FIG. 19, an electric signal generator (device) is attached to each part of the human body. As a result, it is possible to know on the Internet what kind of operation the user is performing (obtained by GPS). When the Internet cannot be used, as shown in FIG. 18, the Internet is not necessarily required because the data can be recorded by the recording memory in the Web PC and the data can be distributed with priority. In addition, GPS is necessary when the measurement object to which the electrical signal generator (device) is attached moves, but it is not necessary when the measurement object does not move like a building.
【The invention's effect】
The electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the change in the position / orientation of the measurement object of the present invention is very simple and small, and the electrical signal indicates the tilt angle in any of X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis, or in the combined direction. Can be taken out at once.
According to the third and fourth aspects of the invention, the acceleration in the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z axis of the measurement object or a combined direction is combined with the three-dimensional inclination (posture) of the measurement object. (Velocity, displacement) can be taken out as an electrical signal at a time.
According to another embodiment of the present invention, it is possible to measure the displacement amount, speed, and acceleration around the Z axis of the measurement target.
According to still another embodiment of the present invention, the displacement amount, velocity, and acceleration around the Z axis of the measurement object can be measured, and the three-dimensional inclination (posture) of the measurement object can be extracted as an electrical signal at a time. .
According to another embodiment of the present invention, an electrical signal corresponding to a linear displacement of a measurement target can be taken out.
The electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the change in position / posture of the measurement object of the present invention is extremely small and useful as a so-called wearable computer sensor. It can be used in a device or the like for positioning a port on an implant. In addition, it can be used in many fields such as attitude control of automobiles, railways, aircraft, ships and the like. Furthermore, it can be used to measure crustal deformation.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing a configuration of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in position for detecting a position, velocity, and acceleration around a Z axis of a measurement target.
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing a configuration of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a change in posture for detecting an inclination (posture) in an X-axis direction or a Y-axis direction of a measurement object.
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram showing a pattern when the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the posture change is tilted.
4 is a schematic diagram showing an electric signal generator (device) in which the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 is integrated in one unit. FIG.
FIG. 5 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram showing an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a linear displacement of a measurement object.
7 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
FIG. 8 is a block diagram showing an example of a configuration of a Web server having an electric signal generation device (device) corresponding to a change in position / attitude of a measurement target according to the present invention
FIG. 9 shows a configuration of an electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to a posture change in which an inclination angle in one of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis to be measured or a combined direction is extracted as an electrical signal at a time. Pattern diagram
FIG. 10 shows a three-dimensional inclination (posture) of a measurement object and a change in inclination that measures acceleration (speed, displacement) in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the measurement object or in a combined direction. Schematic showing the configuration of the electrical signal generator (device) corresponding to the acceleration and acceleration
FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram showing a configuration of an electric signal generator (device) corresponding to a posture change in which an inclination angle in an X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis to be measured or a compound direction is extracted as an electric signal;
FIG. 12 shows a three-dimensional inclination (posture) of a measurement object and a change in inclination that measures acceleration (speed, displacement) in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis of the measurement object or in a combined direction. Schematic showing the configuration of an electrical signal generator (device) that can simultaneously measure acceleration and acceleration
FIG. 13 is an electric circuit diagram showing an example of a circuit for taking out a change in capacitance as an electric signal.
14 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
FIG. 15 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
16 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
FIG. 17 is an electric circuit diagram of the electric signal generator (device) shown in FIG.
FIG. 18 shows a Web server and a computer (in a memory) having three-dimensional posture information corresponding to a change in position / posture of a measurement object measured by the electric signal generator (device) of the present invention and three-axis acceleration detection results as components. Block diagram showing an example of the configuration of recording)
FIG. 19 is a block diagram showing an embodiment for recording the motion of a human body using the Web PC shown in FIG.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 container
1-2 Lid
2 electrodes
3 Disc (disc)
4 axis
5 Non-conductive outer peripheral surface area
6 Conductive outer peripheral surface area
7 Damper (spring)
11 containers
12 electrodes
13 Liquid dielectric
14 Wiring
15 Capacitance measuring device
A Part where liquid dielectric is not injected
21 containers
22 electrodes
23 Damper (spring)
24 Mover
25 shaft
g interval
31 Non-conductive hollow spherical container
32 Wiring
33 Internal sphere
34 axes
35 Conductive region (electrode)
41 Non-conductive hollow spherical container
42 Wiring
43 Internal hollow sphere
44 axes
45 Conductive region (electrode)
46 Damper
51 Non-conductive hollow polygonal container
52 Wiring
53 Internal polygon
54 axes
55 Conductive region (electrode)
61 Non-conductive hollow polygonal container
62 Wiring
63 Internal hollow polygon
64 axes
65 Conductive region (electrode)
66 Damper

Claims (5)

非導電性中空球状容器(31)と、該非導電性中空球状容器(31)の各半球を少なくとも4等分した区画にそれぞれ電極面が形成されて球体内周面全体で少なくとも8箇の電極面が形成され、一方、前記非導電性中空球状容器(31)とその中心点を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした内部球体(33)が前記非導電性中空球状容器(31)内に支持・固設されさらに、前記非導電性中空球状容器(31)内周面と内部球体(33)外周電極面とによって形成される空間内に該空間容積未満の液状誘電体が封入されまた、前記非導電性中空球状容器(31)内周面に形成された少なくとも8箇の電極面(35)および内部球体(33)、外周電極面各々に配線(32)を接続してなる姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置。An electrode surface is formed in each of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (31) and a section obtained by dividing each hemisphere of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (31) into at least four equal parts. There are formed, on the other hand, the non-conductive hollow sphere container (31) as opposed at its inner peripheral surface and spacing as to share its central point, to cover the outer peripheral surface thereof throughout a conductive material An inner sphere (33) as an electrode surface is supported and fixed in the non-conductive hollow sphere container (31), and further, an inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow sphere container (31) and an inner sphere (33) outer peripheral electrode. A liquid dielectric less than the space volume is enclosed in a space formed by the surface, and at least eight electrode surfaces (35) formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (31) and the interior Sphere (33), wiring to each outer electrode surface Device for generating an electrical signal corresponding to a change in posture made by connecting a 32). 四面以上の面をもつ多角状の非導電性中空容器(51)と、該非導電性中空多角状容器(51)の内側各面に各等しい形状、面積をもつ導電性領域を形成して電極面(55)とするとともに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(51)とその重心を共有するとともにその内側各面に間隔を置いて相対向する、各外面全域を電極面とした、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(51)と相似形の内部多角状体(53)を、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(51)の各内側コーナと内部多角状体(53)外側コーナ間で支持・固設しさらに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(51)内側面と内部多角状体(53)外側面間とによって形成される空間内に、該空間容積未満の液状誘電体を封入しまた、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(51)各内側電極面(55)および内部多角状体(53)外側面(電極面)各々に配線(52)を接続してなる姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置。  A polygonal non-conductive hollow container (51) having four or more surfaces and a conductive region having an equal shape and area on each inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygon container (51) to form an electrode surface (55), and the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (51) shares the center of gravity thereof and faces each other on the inner surface with a space therebetween, and the non-conductive region is formed on the entire outer surface. The inner polygonal body (53) similar in shape to the conductive hollow polygonal container (51) is supported between each inner corner of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (51) and the outer corner of the inner polygonal body (53). Further, a liquid dielectric less than the space volume is enclosed in a space formed by the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (51) and the outer surface of the inner polygonal body (53). The non-conductive hollow polygonal container (51) each inner electrode surface (55) Fine internal polygonal shaped body (53) outer surface (electrode surface) device for generating an electrical signal corresponding to a change in posture made by connecting wires (52) each. 非導電性中空球状容器(41)と、該非導電性中空球状容器(41)の各半球を少なくとも4等分した区画にそれぞれ電極面が形成されて球体内周面全体で少なくとも8箇の電極面が形成され、一方、前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)とその中心点を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした内部中空球体(43)が前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)内周面における電極面間かつ非導電性中空球状容器(41)の大円および子午線において弾機的に支持されるとともに、前記内部中空球体(43)の各半球を少なくとも4等分した区画にそれぞれ電極面が形成されて球体内周面全体で少なくとも8箇の電極面が形成されさらに、前記内部中空球体(43)とその中心点を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした最内部球体が前記内部中空球体(43)内に支持・固設されさらに、前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)内周面と内部中空球体(43)外周電極面間ならびに内部中空球体(43)内周面と最内部球体外周面によって形成される各空間内に各空間容積未満の液状誘電体が封入されまた、前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)内周面に形成された少なくとも8箇の電極面(45)、内部中空球体(43)、外周面電極、内部中空球体(43)内周面に形成された少なくとも8箇の電極面、および最内部球体外周面電極各々に配線(42)が接続され、前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)へ加えられるX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向何れか又はこれらが複合された方向への加速度によって生起する前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)内周面と内部中空球体(43)外周面間の近接・離隔によって変化する静電容量ならびに、内部中空球体(43)内周面に配設された電極面と最内部球体外周面電極間における静電容量の、前記非導電性中空球状容器(41)の姿勢(傾き)変化に対応する変化を検出することによって、X軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向の加速度およびX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向における姿勢(傾き)変化を併せ測定するよう構成してなる位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置。An electrode surface is formed in each of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41) and a section obtained by dividing each hemisphere of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41) into at least four equal parts. There are formed, on the other hand, the non-conductive hollow sphere container (41) as opposed at its inner peripheral surface and spacing as to share its central point, to cover the outer peripheral surface thereof throughout a conductive material The inner hollow sphere (43) as the electrode surface is elastically supported between the electrode surfaces on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41) and in the great circle and meridian of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41). In addition, at least 8 electrode surfaces are formed on the entire peripheral surface of the sphere by forming electrode surfaces in sections obtained by dividing each hemisphere of the internal hollow sphere (43) into at least four equal parts, and the inner hollow sphere ( 43) and its inside An innermost sphere having an electrode surface covered with a conductive material is supported in the inner hollow sphere (43) so as to share points and face each other with a gap from the inner circumferential surface. Further, each of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41) and the inner hollow sphere (43) are formed between the inner peripheral surface and the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere (43) and the outermost surface of the innermost sphere. A liquid dielectric having a volume less than each space is enclosed in the space, and at least eight electrode surfaces (45) formed on the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41), an inner hollow sphere (43), Wiring (42) is connected to each of the outer peripheral surface electrode, at least eight electrode surfaces formed on the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere (43), and the innermost sphere outer peripheral surface electrode, and the non-conductive hollow spherical container (41 X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis added to Capacitance that changes depending on the proximity / separation between the inner peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow sphere container (41) and the outer peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere (43), which is caused by acceleration in any direction or a direction in which they are combined, and The capacitance between the electrode surface disposed on the inner peripheral surface of the inner hollow sphere (43) and the outermost surface electrode of the innermost sphere corresponds to the change in the attitude (tilt) of the non-conductive hollow sphere container (41). By detecting the change, the acceleration in any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions, or the combined direction thereof, and any of the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions, or the combined direction thereof An electrical signal generator corresponding to a position / posture change configured to measure a posture (tilt) change at the same time. 四面以上の面をもつ非導電性中空多角状容器(61)と、該非導電性中空多角状容器(61)内側各面に各等しい形状、面積をもつ導電性領域を形成して電極面(65)とするとともに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)とその重心を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)と相似形の内部中空多角状体(63)を前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)の各内側コーナと前記内部中空多角状体(63)各外側コーナ間とで弾機的に支持し、一方、前記内部中空多角状体(63)内側各面に各等しい形状、面積をもつ導電性領域を形成して各独立した電極面とするとともに前記内部中空多角状体(63)とその重心を共有するとともにその内周面と間隔を置いて相対向する如く、その外周面全域を導電性材料で被覆して電極面とした最内部多角体を前記内部中空多角状体(63)内に支持・固設しさらに、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)内側面と内部中空多角状体(63)外周電極面間ならびに内部中空多角状体(63)内側面と最内部多角体外側面によって形成される各空間内に各空間容積未満の液状誘電体を封入しまた、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)各内側面に形成された面電極(65)、内部中空多角状体(63)外側面電極、内部中空多角状体(63)各内周面に形成された面電極、および最内部多角体外側面電極各々に配線(62)を接続し、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)へ加えられるX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向何れか又はこれらが複合された方向への加速度によって生起する前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)内側面と内部中空多角状体(63)外側面間の近接・離隔によって変化する静電容量ならびに、内部中空多角状体(63)内側面に配設された電極面と最内部多角体外側面電極間における静電容量の、前記非導電性中空多角状容器(61)の姿勢(傾き)変化に対応する変化を検出することによって、X軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向の加速度およびX軸、Y軸、およびZ軸方向の何れか又はこれらが複合された方向における姿勢(傾き)変化を併せ測定するよう構成してなる位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置。  A non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) having four or more surfaces and conductive regions having the same shape and area are formed on each inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) to form an electrode surface (65 And the entire outer peripheral surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) is covered with a conductive material so as to share the center of gravity and face the inner peripheral surface with a space therebetween. Each of the inner corners of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) and the internal hollow polygonal body are used as the inner hollow polygonal body (63) similar to the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61). (63) Supporting in an elastic manner between the outer corners, while each of the inner hollow polygonal bodies (63) is formed with a conductive region having the same shape and area on each inner surface, and each independent electrode surface And share the center of gravity with the internal hollow polygon (63). At the same time, the innermost polygon that forms the electrode surface by covering the entire outer peripheral surface with a conductive material so as to face the inner peripheral surface with a gap is supported and fixed in the inner hollow polygonal body (63). Furthermore, the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) is formed by the inner side surface and the inner hollow polygonal body (63) between the outer peripheral electrode surfaces and the inner side surface of the inner hollow polygonal body (63) and the innermost polygonal outer surface. In each space, a liquid dielectric less than each space volume is sealed, and the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) has a surface electrode (65) formed on each inner surface, and an inner hollow polygonal body (63). A wiring (62) is connected to each of the outer side surface electrode, the inner hollow polygonal body (63), the surface electrode formed on each inner peripheral surface, and the innermost polygonal outer surface electrode, and the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61 X axis, Y axis, and Z axis direction applied to Capacitance that varies depending on the proximity / separation between the inner surface of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) and the outer surface of the inner hollow polygonal body (63), which is caused by acceleration in the direction in which they are combined. Corresponding to the change in the attitude (tilt) of the non-conductive hollow polygonal container (61) in the capacitance between the electrode surface disposed on the inner side surface of the hollow polygonal body (63) and the outermost surface electrode of the innermost polygonal body. By detecting the change, the acceleration in the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions, or the combined direction thereof, and the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions, or the combined direction thereof. An electrical signal generator corresponding to a position / posture change configured to measure a posture (tilt) change at the same time. 非導電性中空容器内側電極面と内部球体外側電極面或は多角状体外側電極間または内部中空球体或は内部中空多角状体内側電極面と最内部球体或は多角状体外側電極面間における空間の容積未満の液状誘電体が封入された電極間に電圧が印加される少なくとも一対の電極間での前記液状誘電体との接触面の差異に起因する発現静電容量の差異に対応する電圧を出力する電気信号発生手段が、高周波電圧を印加され、高周波電圧発振器が発生する搬送波に非導電性中空容器の傾斜角に対応する周波数変調を生起せしめ、この信号をFM復調するものである請求項1乃至請求項4何れかに記載の位置・姿勢変化に対応する電気信号発生装置。  Between non-conductive hollow container inner electrode surface and inner spherical outer electrode surface or polygon outer electrode or between inner hollow spherical member or inner hollow polygon inner electrode surface and innermost spherical or outer polygon electrode surface A voltage corresponding to a difference in developed electrostatic capacitance caused by a difference in contact surface between the liquid dielectric and at least a pair of electrodes to which a voltage is applied between electrodes enclosing a liquid dielectric less than the volume of the space The electric signal generating means for outputting the signal generates a frequency modulation corresponding to the inclination angle of the non-conductive hollow container in the carrier wave generated by the high frequency voltage oscillator when the high frequency voltage is applied, and FM-demodulates the signal. An electric signal generator corresponding to a change in position / attitude according to any one of claims 1 to 4.
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