JP3641284B2 - Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent - Google Patents

Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent Download PDF


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JP3641284B2 JP13797294A JP13797294A JP3641284B2 JP 3641284 B2 JP3641284 B2 JP 3641284B2 JP 13797294 A JP13797294 A JP 13797294A JP 13797294 A JP13797294 A JP 13797294A JP 3641284 B2 JP3641284 B2 JP 3641284B2
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近年、食生活の変化、運動不足、ストレス社会の進展等に伴ない、いわゆる成人病が増加し、また、その若年化傾向が問題となっている。特に、糖尿病患者数は、全国で約 600万人といわれ、我が国総人口の約5%が相当すると推定されている。糖尿病は、初期には無症状であることが多いが、重症になると、口渇、全身倦怠、疲労感などの症状を伴うだけでなく、腎不全、脳卒中、虚血性心疾患など動脈硬化症を基盤とする致命的な病態を呈し、また、種々の感染症などの合併症を併発する原因となるため、その早期診断法及び治療法が注目されている。
一般に、血糖値が上昇しても、よほど高値にならないと自覚症状や苦痛を伴わないことや、臨床診断に用いられる75gブドウ糖経口負荷試験(以下、oGTTと記載する)の特異性、感度、再現性等に問題があるとされることなどから、従来、糖尿病の早期診断は容易ではないといわれてきた。そこで、近年、WHOの糖尿病専門家会議は、グルコース負荷試験における血中インスリン反応の低下が糖尿病の基本異常と考える立場から、空腹時の血糖値(毛細管血)が120mg/dL以上であるか、oGTTの2時間値が200mg/dLの者を糖尿病と診断し、一方、空腹時の血糖値が120mg/dL以下で、oGTTの2時間値が140 〜200mg/dLの者を耐糖能障害者として、糖尿病や動脈硬化性血管障害への進行を警戒するよう提案している。
更に、最近、血中のヘモグロビンA量に対するヘモグロビンA1 量の比率(以下、ヘモグロビンA1 値と記載する)を測定することで、耐糖能の良否が判定できることが報告され(「糖尿病の治療マニュアル」、医歯薬出版株式会社参照)、糖尿病の診断に非常に有効な方法として臨床的に採用されるようになってきている。
一方、近年、米糠、小麦ふすま、トウモロコシ外皮などから調製された食物繊維の生理活性が注目されており、例えば、コレステロールの上昇抑制作用(特公昭62-6691 号、特開昭63-218822 号等参照)や、脂肪肝抑制作用(特開平1-242530号等参照)、血圧降下及び上昇抑制作用(特開平5-194241号参照)などが報告されている。
更に、本発明者らは、特開昭62-201821 号において、穀類もしくは豆類の外皮、又は穀類もしくは豆類の外皮から澱粉質、蛋白質、脂質、無機質等を除去した残部より、アルカリ抽出してなるヘミセルロースを主成分とした、食べやすく、少量で効果があり、取り扱いも容易な血糖値上昇抑制物質を提案している。
しかしながら、特開昭62-201821 号には、穀類もしくは豆類の外皮から調製したヘミセルロースをグルコース水溶液中に溶解させてマウスに投与したとき、血糖値の一時的な上昇が抑制されるという効果が記載されているだけで、糖尿病患者や耐糖能障害者に対する本質的な治療効果、すなわち低下している耐糖能自体を改善する効果があるかないかは明らかでなかった。
また、特開昭62-201821 号に記載されたヘミセルロースは、水等に溶けたときに粘度が極めて高くなるので、飲食品等の食感や風味、特に飲料におけるのど越し(飲み込みやすさ)が悪くなるという問題点があった。このため、本発明者らは、特開平2-303459号において、植物繊維質原料をアルカリ抽出し、抽出物をキシラナーゼで処理することにより、ヘミセルロースの部分分解物からなる水溶性食物繊維を得る方法を既に提案している。しかしながら、そのように部分分解したヘミセルロースが、特開昭62-201821 号に記載された血糖値上昇抑制作用を有するかどうかは不明であった。
酵素反応は、トウモロコシ外皮からアルカリ抽出して得たヘミセルロースを含有する溶液を、必要に応じて硫酸、塩酸等でpH調整し、50〜60℃の温度下に、キシラナーゼを添加して反応させる。キシラナーゼの添加量は、抽出物の固形分1g当たりに対して0.001 〜10単位程度が好ましく、反応時間は、3 〜96時間程度が好ましい。なお、キシラナーゼの力価の測定は、トウモロコシ外皮からアルカリ抽出して得たヘミセルロースを基質として、pH7 、60℃の反応条件下で、1分間に1μmol のキシロースに相当する還元糖を生成する酵素量を1単位とすることにより行なった。
本発明において、ヘミセルロースの部分分解物は、その5%水溶液の粘度が、B型粘度計、60rpm 、25℃で測定した場合、3〜20cps となるような分子量に調整されていることが好ましい。これ以上分子量が大きい場合には、飲食品の原料等に添加したとき、粘度が高くなりすぎる欠点があり、これ以上分子量を小さくした場合には、食物繊維としての生理活性効果が失われる虞れがある。
なお、本発明の耐糖能障害改善剤を飲食品に添加する場合、飲食品の食感を害することなく、耐糖能障害改善作用を期待できる添加量としては、0.1 〜10重量%とすることが好ましい。また、本発明の耐糖能障害改善剤の1日の摂取量は、耐糖能障害改善作用を得るためには、5〜20gとすることが好ましく、5〜10gとすることが更に好ましい。
前述したように、特開昭62-201821 号には、穀類もしくは豆類の外皮から調製したヘミセルロースと、グルコースとを同時にマウスに摂取させると、血糖値の上昇が抑制されるということが記載されているが、これは耐糖能自体を本質的に改善する効果を直ちに示すものではない。
血中コレステロール(以下、TCと記載する)値が高めで、尿糖がある、やや肥満ぎみの男性(いわゆるシンドロームXにあたる)で、図1の□−□に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が174 mg/dL 、oGTTの2時間値が370 mg/dL と高く、ヘモグロビンA1 値も8.7 %で高い状態であった。そこで、「セルエース」5gを水に溶かして毎朝晩飲用を続け、6ケ月後に血糖値及びヘモグロビンA1 値を測定したところ、図1の○−○に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が123 mg/dL に、oGTTの2時間値が223 mg/dL にそれぞれ低下し、ヘモグロビンA1 値も7.9 %に低下していた。また、尿糖もなくなっており、糖尿病の改善効果が認められた。なお、期間中の体重変化はなく、TC値も低下し、血中コレステロールの改善効果も認められた。
TC値が274mg/dLと高い、高脂質症の人で、図2の□−□に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が110mg/dL、oGTTの2時間値が235mg/dLであり、ヘモグロビンA1 値は7.4 %であった。「セルエース」5gを水に溶かして毎朝晩飲用を続け、6ケ月後に血糖値及びヘモグロビンA1 値を測定したところ、図2の○−○に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が100mg/dLに、oGTTの2時間値が180mg/dLにそれぞれ低下し、ヘモグロビンA1 値も6.7 %と正常レベルに低下して、耐糖能障害の改善効果が認められた。なお、TC値も235mg/dLに低下し、高脂質症の改善効果も認められた。また、摂取前後の体重変化は認められなかった。
肥満ぎみの女性で、図3の□−□に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が119mg/dL、oGTTの2時間値が196mg/dLであり、ヘモグロビンA1 値は7.7 %であった。「セルエース」5gを水に溶かして毎朝晩飲用を続け、6ケ月後に血糖値及びヘモグロビンA1 値を測定したところ、図3の○−○に示されるように、空腹時の血糖値が94mg/dL に、oGTTの2時間値が132 mg/dL にそれぞれ低下し、ヘモグロビンA1 値も7.2 %に低下して、耐糖能障害の改善効果が認められた。なお、摂取前後の体重の変化は認められなかった。
当初の血糖値は、図4の□−□に示されるように、空腹時が120mg/dL、oGTTの2時間値が195mg/dLであった。「セルエース」5gを水に溶かして毎朝晩飲用を続けたところ、6ケ月後の血糖値は、図4の○−○に示されるように、空腹時が90mg/dL 、oGTTの2時間値が115mg/dLにそれぞれ低下し、耐糖能障害の改善効果が認められた。なお、この女性の血中インシュリン値には、大きな変化は認められなかった。また、摂取前後の体重の変化は認められなかった。
[Industrial application fields]
The present invention relates to a glucose tolerance disorder improving agent using corn hulls as a raw material.
[Prior art]
In recent years, so-called adult diseases have increased due to changes in dietary habits, lack of exercise, and the development of stressed societies, and the tendency toward younger age has become a problem. In particular, the number of diabetic patients is said to be about 6 million nationwide, and it is estimated that about 5% of Japan's total population is equivalent. Diabetes is often asymptomatic in the early stages, but when it becomes severe, not only does it cause symptoms such as dry mouth, general malaise, and fatigue, but it also causes arteriosclerosis such as renal failure, stroke, and ischemic heart disease. Since it exhibits a fatal pathological condition as a base and causes complications such as various infectious diseases, its early diagnosis and treatment methods are attracting attention.
In general, even if the blood sugar level rises, it does not accompany subjective symptoms and pain unless it becomes very high, and the specificity, sensitivity, and reproduction of the 75 g glucose oral challenge test (hereinafter referred to as oGTT) used for clinical diagnosis It has been said that early diagnosis of diabetes is not easy because it is considered that there is a problem with sex. Therefore, in recent years, the WHO Diabetes Experts Conference has confirmed that the fasting blood glucose level (capillary blood) is 120 mg / dL or more from the standpoint that a decrease in blood insulin response in the glucose tolerance test is a basic abnormality of diabetes. Diagnose a person with a 2-hour value of oGTT of 200 mg / dL as diabetes, while a person with a fasting blood glucose level of 120 mg / dL or less and a 2-hour value of oGTT of 140-200 mg / dL as a person with impaired glucose tolerance Proposes to be wary of progression to diabetes and arteriosclerotic vascular disorders.
Furthermore, recently, it has been reported that the quality of glucose tolerance can be determined by measuring the ratio of hemoglobin A 1 amount to hemoglobin A amount in blood (hereinafter referred to as hemoglobin A 1 value) (“Diabetic Treatment Manual”). "See Medical and Dental Publishing Co., Ltd.), and it has been clinically adopted as a very effective method for the diagnosis of diabetes.
In addition, diet (calorie) restriction and exercise therapy are generally employed for the treatment of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance, and a blood sugar level increase inhibitor or the like is also used in combination as necessary. Since the treatment of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance often lasts for a long period of time, such substances as an inhibitor of blood sugar level increase are required to be substances that have no side effects and can be taken safely for a long period of time. ing.
On the other hand, in recent years, the physiological activity of dietary fiber prepared from rice bran, wheat bran, corn hulls, etc. has attracted attention. For example, the cholesterol elevation-inhibiting action (Japanese Patent Publication No. 62-6691 and Japanese Patent Publication No. 63-218822) Have been reported to inhibit fatty liver (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 1-242530, etc.), suppress blood pressure lowering and elevation (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 5-194241), and the like.
Furthermore, the present inventors, in JP-A-62-201821, are obtained by alkali extraction from the cereal or bean hull, or the remainder obtained by removing starch, proteins, lipids, minerals, etc. from the cereal or bean hull. It proposes a substance that suppresses blood sugar elevation, which is composed of hemicellulose as a main ingredient, is easy to eat, is effective in a small amount, and is easy to handle.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, JP-A-62-201821 describes the effect that a temporary increase in blood glucose level is suppressed when hemicellulose prepared from cereal or bean hulls is dissolved in an aqueous glucose solution and administered to mice. However, it was not clear whether there was an essential therapeutic effect on diabetics or impaired glucose tolerance, ie, an effect of improving the decreased glucose tolerance itself.
In addition, the hemicellulose described in JP-A-62-201821 has a very high viscosity when dissolved in water, etc., so that the texture and flavor of foods and drinks, especially the throat (ease of swallowing) in beverages, etc. There was a problem of getting worse. For this reason, the present inventors disclosed in JP-A-2-303459, a method for obtaining water-soluble dietary fiber comprising a partially decomposed product of hemicellulose by alkali-extracting a plant fiber raw material and treating the extract with xylanase. Has already proposed. However, it is unclear whether such partially decomposed hemicellulose has an inhibitory effect on the increase in blood glucose level described in JP-A-62-201821.
Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to provide a glucose tolerance ameliorating agent that is completely safe for the human body, has an effective action for improving impaired glucose tolerance, and does not adversely affect the texture and flavor even when added to food and drink. It is to provide.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
As a result of further diligent research in view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, the present inventors have found that a partial degradation product of hemicellulose prepared from corn hulls is effective in improving impaired glucose tolerance, and completing the present invention. It came.
That is, the glucose tolerance ameliorating agent according to the present invention removes starch, proteins and the like from corn hulls , and the remaining hemicellulose obtained by alkali extraction is further partially decomposed into hemicellulose obtained by treatment with xylanase. The thing which uses a thing as an active ingredient.
Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail.
The glucose tolerance ameliorating agent of the present invention comprises a partial degradation product of hemicellulose obtained from corn hulls as an active ingredient. For example, the extraction method of hemicellulose and the degradation method thereof may be alkali or acid. Extraction using an extruder or autoclave, hot water extraction, extraction using an enzyme agent such as cellulase, or a combination of these methods .
However, in a preferred embodiment of the present invention, a hemicellulose obtained by removing starch and proteins from corn hulls and alkali-extracting the remainder is further treated with xylanase.
A preferred method for producing a partially decomposed product of hemicellulose used in the present invention is as follows.
That is, when obtaining hemicellulose, corn hulls can be alkali-extracted to obtain components rich in hemicellulose. However, in order to obtain hemicellulose with higher purity, starch, protein, and further as needed It is preferable to perform alkali extraction after removing lipids, inorganic substances and the like.
As a method for removing starch, protein and, if necessary, lipids, minerals, etc. from corn hulls, any of enzyme treatment, chemical treatment and physical treatment may be adopted, or these may be combined appropriately. Good. Enzymatic treatment includes, for example, starch-degrading enzymes such as α-amylase and glucoamylase, proteolytic enzymes such as protease, lipolytic enzymes such as lipase, and fibrinolytic enzymes such as cellulase at pH 3 to 9 and temperature 30 to 100 ° C. It is carried out by adding and treating under conditions. In addition, for example, chemical treatment may be performed by adding an aqueous solution of a mineral acid or an organic acid to corn hulls and heating under conditions of pH 2 to 5 or adding a surfactant for food and under conditions of pH 3 to 8. This is done by heat treatment. Further, the physical treatment is performed, for example, by pulverizing corn hulls with a pulverizer such as a homogenizer or a hammer mill and then sieving.
After treating the corn hull in this way, alkali extraction is performed. Alkali extraction is performed by, for example, adding and mixing an alkaline aqueous solution such as an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution and eluting the non-cellulosic polysaccharide segment. The hemicellulose used in the present invention can be used by neutralizing the alkaline extract and leaving it unpurified, but the neutralized product can be further purified by the following operation. That is, the protein precipitated by neutralization is separated and removed by means such as centrifugation, and the supernatant is dialyzed, ion exchange resin treatment, ion exchange membrane treatment, ultrafiltration membrane treatment, alcohol purification, if necessary. Hemicellulose of arbitrary purity can be obtained by processing alone or in combination as appropriate, such as filter media processing.
The partially decomposed product of hemicellulose used in the present invention can be obtained by further treating the hemicellulose obtained by alkali extraction from corn hull as described above with xylanase. The xylanase is preferably a liquefied type rather than a saccharified type, and can be either a fungal or bacterial source, but a bacterial xylanase is preferred because of its higher purity. A particularly preferred example is an alkaline xylanase described in Japanese Patent Publication No. 50-13357 and having an optimum pH on the alkali side.
In the enzymatic reaction, a solution containing hemicellulose obtained by alkali extraction from corn hulls is adjusted with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid or the like as necessary, and xylanase is added and reacted at a temperature of 50 to 60 ° C. The amount of xylanase added is preferably about 0.001 to 10 units per gram of the solid content of the extract, and the reaction time is preferably about 3 to 96 hours. The titer of xylanase was determined by measuring the amount of enzyme that produces reducing sugar corresponding to 1 μmol of xylose per minute under the reaction conditions of pH 7 and 60 ° C. using hemicellulose obtained by alkali extraction from corn hulls as a substrate. Was made 1 unit.
The reaction solution obtained by reacting xylanase as described above is heated to inactivate the enzyme, then separated into solid and liquid by centrifugation or the like, clarified and filtered as necessary, and further decolorized and dehydrated. It can be salt-treated, concentrated and dried to obtain a partially decomposed product of hemicellulose.
In addition, a solution mainly composed of hemicellulose obtained by alkali treatment of corn hulls is solid-liquid separated, clarified and filtered, adjusted to pH, treated with xylanase, enzyme inactivated, decolorized, desalted, It can also be concentrated and dried.
In addition, the partial degradation product of hemicellulose prepared from corn hulls by the method as described above is commercially available as “Cell Ace” (trade name, manufactured by Nippon Shokuhin Kako Co., Ltd.), and can be used as it is.
In the present invention, the partially decomposed product of hemicellulose is preferably adjusted to a molecular weight such that the viscosity of a 5% aqueous solution is 3 to 20 cps when measured at a B-type viscometer, 60 rpm, 25 ° C. When the molecular weight is higher than this, there is a drawback that the viscosity becomes too high when added to food and drink ingredients, and when the molecular weight is further reduced, the physiologically active effect as dietary fiber may be lost. There is.
The glucose tolerance disorder-improving agent of the present invention comprises the above-mentioned hemicellulose partially decomposed product as a main component. However, in addition to the partially decomposed product of hemicellulose, starch, protein, etc. that could not be removed, and some lignin, cellulose, ash, etc. may be contained.
The glucose tolerance ameliorating agent of the present invention can be commercialized as an aqueous solution, a concentrated solution, a dry powder or the like containing the partial decomposition product of hemicellulose. Even in the case of a dry powder, it is very easy to dissolve in water and to be a homogeneous solution, so that preparation is easy. Therefore, the glucose tolerance disorder-improving agent of the present invention can be used as it is as healthy foods and beverages and pharmaceuticals, and by adding a small amount to the foods and beverages, the glucose tolerance disorder is improved without harming the flavor and texture of the foods and beverages. An effect can be imparted.
In addition, when adding the glucose tolerance disorder improving agent of this invention to food-drinks, as an addition amount which can anticipate the glucose tolerance disorder | damage improvement effect, without impairing the food texture of food-drinks, it is 0.1-10 weight% preferable. In addition, the daily intake of the glucose tolerance disorder improving agent of the present invention is preferably 5 to 20 g, and more preferably 5 to 10 g, in order to obtain the glucose tolerance disorder improving action.
The present inventors obtained four volunteers with impaired glucose tolerance by removing starch and proteins from corn hulls without subjecting them to conscious diet and exercise, and extracting the remainder with alkali. When the hemicellulose partial decomposition product obtained by further treating the obtained hemicellulose with xylanase was ingested for 10 to 3 to 12 months per day, it was more hungry than when the partial decomposition product of hemicellulose was not ingested. It was found that the blood glucose level and the oGTT 2-hour value, as well as the hemoglobin A1 value, markedly decreased, and impaired glucose tolerance was improved.
As described above, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 62-201821 describes that when a mouse is simultaneously ingested with hemicellulose prepared from a cereal or bean hull and glucose, an increase in blood glucose level is suppressed. However, this does not immediately show the effect of essentially improving glucose tolerance itself.
The glucose tolerance disorder-improving agent of the present invention not only suppresses a temporary increase in blood glucose level when a saccharide is eaten, but also exhibits an effect of improving the glucose tolerance disorder itself by long-term administration. Therefore, the glucose tolerance disorder-improving agent of the present invention can be used as a therapeutic agent for diabetes or a prophylactic agent for preventing arteriosclerotic vascular disorders resulting from impaired glucose tolerance in diabetic patients and impaired glucose tolerance. .
Furthermore, the partially decomposed product of hemicellulose obtained from corn hulls is a completely safe substance for the human body and can be safely taken as a medicine, food additive or food or drink. Moreover, since the partially decomposed product of hemicellulose has a low viscosity when added to a raw material such as a food or drink, there is an advantage that the texture and flavor of the food or drink can be kept good.
Four people who have impaired glucose tolerance using the “cell ace” (trade name, manufactured by Nippon Shokuhin Kako Co., Ltd.), a partially decomposed product of hemicellulose obtained by partially decomposing hemicellulose alkali extracted from corn hulls by xylanase by the above-mentioned method. Volunteers (patients) took it and saw the effect.
Example 1 (63-year-old male ST)
As shown in □-□ in Fig. 1, fasting blood glucose in a slightly obese man (corresponding to syndrome X) with high blood cholesterol (hereinafter referred to as TC) value and urine sugar. The value was 174 mg / dL, the 2-hour value of oGTT was as high as 370 mg / dL, and the hemoglobin A 1 value was also high at 8.7%. Thus, 5 g of “Celace” was dissolved in water and continued to be taken every morning and night. After 6 months, blood glucose level and hemoglobin A 1 level were measured. As shown in FIG. The 2-hour oGTT value decreased to 223 mg / dL at 123 mg / dL, and the hemoglobin A 1 value also decreased to 7.9%. In addition, urine sugar was lost, and an effect of improving diabetes was observed. There was no change in body weight during the period, the TC value also decreased, and the blood cholesterol improvement effect was also observed.
Example 2 (57 year old male SI)
A person with hyperlipidemia who has a high TC value of 274 mg / dL, as shown in □-□ in FIG. 2, the fasting blood glucose level is 110 mg / dL, and the oGTT 2-hour value is 235 mg / dL. The hemoglobin A 1 value was 7.4%. 5 g of “Celace” was dissolved in water and continued to be taken every morning and after 6 months, the blood glucose level and hemoglobin A 1 level were measured. As shown in FIG. In dL, the 2-hour value of oGTT decreased to 180 mg / dL, and the hemoglobin A 1 value also decreased to 6.7% to a normal level, confirming the effect of improving impaired glucose tolerance. The TC value also decreased to 235 mg / dL, and an improvement effect on hyperlipidemia was also observed. In addition, there was no change in body weight before and after ingestion.
Example 3 (49-year-old female OK)
In an obese woman, as shown in □-□ in FIG. 3, the fasting blood glucose level was 119 mg / dL, the oGTT 2-hour value was 196 mg / dL, and the hemoglobin A 1 value was 7.7% . 5 g of “Cel Ace” was dissolved in water and continued to be taken every morning and after 6 months, the blood glucose level and hemoglobin A 1 level were measured. As shown by ○-○ in FIG. 3, the fasting blood glucose level was 94 mg / In dL, the 2-hour value of oGTT decreased to 132 mg / dL, and the hemoglobin A 1 value also decreased to 7.2%, confirming the effect of improving impaired glucose tolerance. No change in body weight was observed before and after ingestion.
Example 4 (63-year-old female KT)
As shown in □-□ in FIG. 4, the initial blood glucose level was 120 mg / dL at fasting and the 2-hour value of oGTT was 195 mg / dL. When 5 g of “Cel Ace” was dissolved in water and continued to be taken every evening, the blood glucose level after 6 months was 90 mg / dL on an empty stomach and 2 hours of oGTT as shown by ○-○ in FIG. Each decreased to 115 mg / dL, and an improvement effect on impaired glucose tolerance was observed. There was no significant change in the blood insulin level of this woman. In addition, there was no change in body weight before and after ingestion.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, the glucose tolerance ameliorating agent of the present invention improves the glucose tolerance itself of a person having impaired glucose tolerance, such as patients with mild diabetes at the stage of exercise therapy or diet therapy. It can be used as a therapeutic agent for diabetes or as a prophylactic agent for preventing arteriosclerotic vascular disorder resulting from impaired glucose tolerance. In addition, since it consists of a partially decomposed product of hemicellulose obtained from corn hulls, it is completely safe for the human body and can be ingested continuously for a long period of time as a medicine, food or drink, or additive to them. . Furthermore, since the partially decomposed product of hemicellulose has a low viscosity when added to a raw material such as food or drink, it also has an advantage that the texture and flavor of the food and drink can be kept good.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a chart showing the effect of improving glucose tolerance disorder when a glucose tolerance improving agent of the present invention is administered to a patient.
FIG. 2 is a chart showing the effect of improving glucose tolerance when the glucose tolerance improving agent of the present invention is administered to other patients.
FIG. 3 is a table showing the effect of improving impaired glucose tolerance when the glucose tolerance improving agent of the present invention is further administered to other patients.
FIG. 4 is a chart showing the effect of improving impaired glucose tolerance when the glucose tolerance improving agent of the present invention is administered to other patients.

Claims (2)

トウモロコシ外皮より澱粉質、蛋白質等を除去し、この残部をアルカリ抽出して得られたヘミセルロースを、更にキシラナーゼで処理して得られたヘミセルロースの部分分解物を有効成分とする耐糖能障害改善剤。A glucose tolerance ameliorating agent comprising, as an active ingredient, a partial degradation product of hemicellulose obtained by removing starch and proteins from corn hulls and subjecting the remainder to alkali extraction to further treatment with xylanase . 前記ヘミセルロースの部分分解物が、5%水溶液の粘度が、B型粘度計、60rpm 、25℃で測定した場合、3〜20CPSとなるような分子量に調整されたものである請求項1に記載の耐糖能障害改善剤。  The partial degradation product of the hemicellulose is adjusted to a molecular weight such that the viscosity of a 5% aqueous solution is 3 to 20 CPS when measured at a B-type viscometer, 60 rpm and 25 ° C. Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent.
JP13797294A 1994-05-27 1994-05-27 Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent Expired - Fee Related JP3641284B2 (en)

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JP13797294A JP3641284B2 (en) 1994-05-27 1994-05-27 Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent

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JP13797294A JP3641284B2 (en) 1994-05-27 1994-05-27 Glucose tolerance disorder improving agent

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JPH07324036A JPH07324036A (en) 1995-12-12
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JP4800503B2 (en) * 2001-05-14 2011-10-26 日本食品化工株式会社 Antiallergic composition

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