JP2527925C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2527925C JP2527925C JP 2527925 C JP2527925 C JP 2527925C JP 2527925 C JP2527925 C JP 2527925C
Prior art keywords
alkenyl aromatic
aromatic polymer
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Expired - Lifetime
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Dow Chemical Co
Original Assignee
Dow Chemical Co
Publication date



【発明の詳现な説明】 【産業䞊の利甚分野】 【】 本発明は、アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料から熱可塑性フォヌム䜓を圢成する改
良方法に関する。ずりわけ、断熱材の分野で広く甚いられおいる抌出法によるス チレン重合䜓フォヌム䜓の補造方法である。 熱可塑性フォヌムは、断熱材の分野で広く甚いられおいる。この分野でずりわ
フォヌムである。 【】 【埓来の技術】 埓来の技術においおは、抌出し熱可塑性フォヌム材料の補造方法がよく知られ
ものである。 【】 かかる方法は、米囜特蚱第号、第号、
第号、および第号に蚘茉されおいる。 【】 安定なスチレン重合䜓フォヌムを補造するにずりわけ望たしい方法は米囜特
物を甚いたスチレン系重合䜓フォヌムの補造方法を蚘茉しおいる。 発泡剀ずしお塩化メチルを甚いる方法により断熱材ずしお非垞に望たしい物理
塩化メチルを䜿甚したフォヌムは、塩化メチルが気泡から逃げるこずを可胜ずし そしお空気が適圓な拡散方法によっお気泡壁膜を通じお入るこずを可胜ずす
問題が提出され埗る。 【】 発泡剀ずしお塩化メチルを䜿甚するこずに固有の前蚘した䞍郜合により、望た
は耇数の発泡剀を芋い出そうず努力しお倚くの仕事がなされおきた。 米囜特蚱第号においおは、氎を発泡剀ずしお甚い、その際
共重合䜓フォヌムを教瀺しおいる。 【】 最埌に、米囜特蚱第号は、揮発性流䜓発泡剀および氎の混
付随した問題を回避しおいる。 【】 それにもかかわらず、米囜特蚱第号によっお教瀺された方
法、および発泡剀ずしお氎を甚いる他の特蚱はいく぀かの芳点においお䞍十分で あるこずが蚌明された。発泡剀ずしお甚いるに適した氎の量は、ほが、フォヌム
ム生成物を生ずる。 【】 【発明が解決しようずする課題】 珟圚たで、ポリスチレン䞭に可溶である量より倚量の氎をポリスチレン䞭に含
い出すこずが望たしい。 【】 さらに、埓来の方法は、高充填充填材入り 
充填熱可塑性フォヌム材料を補造するに適した方法を芋い出すこずが望たしい。 さらに、フォヌム材料が断熱材ずしお甚いられる予定である堎合には、良奜な
構造匷床および高断熱䟡を有するフォヌムを補造するこずが望たしい。 【】 【課題を解決するための手段】 本発明は、熱可塑化重合䜓材料および揮発性有機流䜓発泡剀の混合物を過圧お
ケニル芳銙族重合䜓フォヌムの補造方法に関する。 【】 「アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料」ずは、皮たたはそれ以䞊の重合性アルケニ
合した圢で、最䜎皮の䞋蚘䞀般匏 【】 【化】 【】 䞊匏䞭、はベンれン系の芳銙族ハロ炭化氎玠基、たたは芳銙族炭化氎玠
たたは合成スチレン重合䜓等ずの固䜓共重合䜓である。 【】 本発明のアルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料は、適圓には、ゲル透過クロマトグラフ
を有しおいる。 アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料がスチレンずアクリル酞ずの共重合䜓を有しおい
重量、奜たしくは〜重量で存圚しおいる。 【】 本発明の方法は最䜎皮の異なる発泡剀を甚いる。発泡剀の぀は埮粉砕した
含氎有機怍物質であり、他方は揮発性流䜓発泡剀である。 本発明に䜿甚するに適圓な揮発性流䜓発泡剀は、埓来の技術においおよく知ら
れおいるものである。かかる揮発性流䜓発泡剀の䟋は、℃たたはそれ以䞋 の枩床で沞隰する揮発性流䜓フルオロカヌボンおよび塩化゚チルである。揮発性
る。奜たしい揮発性流䜓フルオロカヌボンはゞクロロゞフルオロメタンである。 【】 揮発性流䜓発泡剀は、本発明の実斜においお、アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料
いる。 皮々の材料が、含氎有機怍物質ずしお甚いるに適圓である。適圓には、かかる
モロコシの穂軞は奜たしい含氎有機怍物質である。 【】 兞型的には、埮粉砕した含氎有機怍物質は、本発明の実斜においお、アルケニ
を基準にしお〜重量の量で甚いる。 埮粉砕した含氎有機怍物質は、適圓には、埮粉砕した含氎有機怍物質の党重量
質の量は、その有機怍物質䞭に含たれおいる氎の量に䟝存しおいる。䟋えば、埮 粉砕した含氎有機怍物質の含氎量が倚くなるに埓っお、アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓
えるように遞ばれる。 【】 適圓には、埮粉砕した含氎有機怍物質は、〜ミリメヌトル、奜
たしくは〜ミリメヌトルの範囲の粒埄を有しおいる。 望たしくは、含氎充填材は、耇数のガス含有䞀次独立 
郚に存圚する二次気泡を有するフォヌム䜓を䞎えるに十分量で存圚しおいる。 【】 埮粉砕した含氎有機怍物質は、本発明の方法においお、アルケニル芳銙族重合
お働くに十分量で存圚しおいる。 本発明の奜たしい態様においお、含氎有機怍物質は埮粉砕したトりモロコシの
銙族重合䜓材料に添加される。 【】 通垞、本発明に埓うアルケニル芳銙族重合䜓フォヌム䜓の補造は、米囜特蚱第
砕した含氎有機怍物質および揮発性流䜓発泡剀の混合物を抌出機から出しミキサ ヌ䞭ぞ通す。ミキサヌは、ロヌタヌ䞊のスタッドずかみ合うスタッド付
しお冷华噚からダむぞ通しお抂ね角圢の厚板を抌出しする。 【】 抂ね同様の抌出し系および奜たしい抌出し系は米囜特蚱第
。 【】 兞型的には、熱可塑化アルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料を、℃〜℃、
〜lbin2〜kPaの圧力が奜たしい。 【】 埗られる発泡性混合物の枩床を、その混合物ぞの圧力を䞋げた堎合に所望の質
℃の範囲内、奜たしくは℃〜℃の範囲内にある。 本発明に埓いフォヌムを補造するにおいお、栞剀を添加しお䞀次気泡の倧きさ
ンゞコ等を含んでいる。 【】 皮々の他の添加剀、䟋えば、難燃性化孊薬品、安定剀等も甚いるこずができる
。 本発明の方法によっお補造されたフォヌムは、望たしくは、耇数のガス含有䞀
る。 【】 さらに、本発明の方法によっお補造したフォヌムは改善された構造匷床および
断熱䟡を有しおいる。さらに、本フォヌム材料は補造するに経枈的である。 【】 【実斜䟋】 以䞋の実斜䟋は、説明のためだけのものであり、いずれの方法でも、特蚱請求
い。 以䞋の実斜䟋においお、䞎えたすべお郚は、他に断らない限り重量郚である。 【】実斜䟋 スチレン重合䜓フォヌムを、米囜特蚱第号に開瀺されおい
物を、米囜特蚱第号に瀺されおいるタむプの耇数の静的ミキ サヌ たたは界面発生噚−
  に通した。静的ミキサヌからの排出
オ州モヌミヌ圚のアンダヌ゜ン コヌン コブ瀟
   から商品名 で
を有しおいた。フォヌムの他の物理的特性は衚に瀺す。 【】実斜䟋 実斜䟋の方法を繰り返した。補造したフォヌムはlbft3
kg3の密床を有しおいた。フォヌムの他の物理的特性は衚に瀺す。 【】実斜䟋 実斜䟋の方法を繰り返した。埗られたフォヌムはlbft3
kg3の密床を有しおいた。フォヌムの他の物理的特性は衚に瀺す。 【】実斜䟋 抌出しされる材料の党重量を基準にしお重量の前述した 
を配合䞭に含めたずいう盞違点を陀いおは実斜䟋の䞀般的方法を繰り返し た。補造したフォヌムはlbft3kg3の密床を有しお
いた。フォヌムの他の物理的特性は衚に瀺した。 【】実斜䟋 抌出しされる材料の党重量を基準にしお重量の前述した 
いた。このポリスチレンフォヌムの他の物理的特性は衚に瀺す。 【】 【衚】 【】 実斜䟋〜においお補造されたポリスチレンフォヌムは、衚に瀺すように
膜の連結郚に存圚するこずが確認された。 前述した内容から明らかなように、本発明は、前述した内容および蚘茉から特
Description: FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an improved method of forming a thermoplastic foam from an alkenyl aromatic polymer material. In particular, it is a method for producing a styrene polymer foam by an extrusion method widely used in the field of heat insulating materials. Thermoplastic foams are widely used in the field of thermal insulation. Of particular interest in this field are styrene polymer foams. Thermoplastic foam materials suitable for use in the field of insulation are desirably extruded foams having a generally uniform cell size. [0002] In the prior art, methods for producing extruded thermoplastic foam materials are well known. Typically, the steps of such a manufacturing method include: (1) thermoplasticizing the alkenyl aromatic polymer material to be foamed; and (2) applying a pressure sufficient to inhibit foaming of the thermoplasticized polymer material. Adding a volatile fluid blowing agent to the polymeric material while intact; and (3) forming a foam by volatilizing the blowing agent by extruding the blowing agent / polymer material mixture into a region of low pressure. Inducing. [0003] Such methods are disclosed in US Patent Nos. 2,409,910, 2,525,250,
Nos. 2,699,751, 2,848,428, 2,928,130,
No. 3,121,130, No. 3,121,911, No. 3,770,688,
Nos. 3,815,674, 3,960,792, 3,966,381,
Nos. 4,085,073 and 4,146,563. One particularly desirable method for producing stable styrenic polymer foams is US Pat. No. 3,960,792 [M. Nakamura (M. Nakamura)]. This patent describes a method for making a styrenic polymer foam using a blowing agent mixture of methyl chloride and chlorofluorocarbon. While the use of methyl chloride as a blowing agent produces foams with very desirable physical properties as thermal insulation, the use of methyl chloride is undesirable in some respects. Due to the stringent industrial hygiene requirements associated with methyl chloride, foams using methyl chloride as blowing agent allow methyl chloride to escape from the bubbles and allow air to enter through the cell walls (membrane) by suitable diffusion methods Must be aged for a sufficient period of time. Obviously, the length of time that the foam material must be aged depends on the thickness of the foam material. When manufacturing relatively thick sheets of foam material, the need for a relatively long aging period can present disadvantageous warehouse housing problems. [0005] Due to the aforementioned disadvantages inherent in the use of methyl chloride as a blowing agent, one or more blowing agents for producing foams that have desirable physical properties but do not have the aforementioned problems will be found. A lot of work has been done with effort. In U.S. Pat. No. 2,911,382, water is used as a blowing agent, the water being provided in the form of a hydrated salt which decomposes at elevated temperatures to release water. US Patent No. 2,3
No. 86,995 teaches foaming vinyl esters and polystyrene with any suitable blowing agents and plasticizers, including water. Canadian Patent 84
No. 4,652 teaches the preparation of a foam-forming styrene-acrylic acid copolymer using water as a blowing agent. U.S. Pat. No. 4,278,767 teaches a flame retardant styrene copolymer foam produced by direct injection of water as a blowing agent. [0006] Finally, US Patent No. 4,455,272 teaches the formation of polystyrene foam using a blowing agent having a mixture of a volatile fluid blowing agent and water. Suitable volatile fluid blowing agents include propane, n-butane, isobutane, pentanes, hexanes, and halogenated hydrocarbons such as trichlorofluoromethane and dichlorodifluoromethane. The foam of US Pat. No. 4,455,272 has desirable physical properties and avoids the problems associated with the use of methyl chloride as a blowing agent. [0007] Nevertheless, the process taught by US Patent No. 4,455,272, and other patents that use water as a blowing agent, have proven to be inadequate in some respects. The amount of water suitable for use as a blowing agent is substantially limited to the amount of water that is soluble in the foam-forming polymeric material. When producing polystyrene foam, the amount of water that can be dissolved in polystyrene is small, and more importantly, less than the desired optimum. Inclusion of more water than dissolved in polystyrene leads to phase separation of water and polystyrene.
This phase separation results in a polystyrene foam product having unacceptable physical appearance and properties. [0008] To date, there is no known method of including water in polystyrene in an amount larger than that which is soluble in polystyrene. It would be desirable to find a method of producing a foam having an acceptable appearance and physical properties even with greater amounts of water than is soluble in polystyrene. [0009] Furthermore, the conventional method is highly filled (filled).
) Has proven to be inadequate when producing foam materials. this is,
This is because difficulties are encountered when extruding such highly filled materials. It is desirable to find a suitable method for producing a highly filled thermoplastic foam material. In addition, if the foam material is to be used as a thermal insulator, it is desirable to produce a foam having good structural strength and high thermal insulation value. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to blending a mixture of a thermoplasticized polymeric material and a volatile organic fluid blowing agent at overpressure and elevated temperature and placing the resulting foamable mixture in a region of low pressure. extrusion, a process for the preparation of the alkenyl aromatic polymer foam having a density in the range of 16~80kg / m 3, the volatile organic fluid foaming agent and a thermoplastic water-containing organic vegetable matter was pulverized with a predetermined amount A process for producing an alkenyl aromatic polymer foam, characterized in that it is included in a mixture of polymerized polymer materials. “Alkenyl aromatic polymer material” refers to a solid polymer of one or more polymerizable alkenyl aromatic compounds. The polymer or copolymer, in chemically bonded form, may comprise at least one of the following general formulas: Wherein Ar represents a benzene-based aromatic halohydrocarbon group or an aromatic hydrocarbon group, and R is hydrogen or a methyl group. Have. Typical of such alkenyl aromatic polymer materials are styrene, α-methylstyrene, o-methylstyrene, m-methylstyrene, p-methylstyrene, ar-ethylstyrene, ar-vinylxylene, ar-chlorostyrene. Or a solid homopolymer of ar-bromostyrene; two or more such alkenyl aromatic compounds and a minor amount of other easily polymerizable olefinic compounds, such as methyl acrylonitrile methacrylate, maleic anhydride, It is a solid copolymer with citraconic anhydride, metaconic anhydride, acrylic acid, rubber-reinforced (natural or synthetic) styrene polymer and the like. [0014] The alkenyl aromatic polymer material of the present invention suitably has a weight average molecular weight of 100,000 to 350,000 as determined by gel permeation chromatography. When the alkenyl aromatic polymer material has a copolymer of styrene and acrylic acid, acrylic acid is contained in the copolymer in an amount of 0.5 to 0.5% based on the total weight of the copolymer.
It is present at 30% by weight, preferably 0.5-20% by weight. [0015] The method of the present invention uses at least two different blowing agents. One of the blowing agents is a finely divided hydrous organic plant, and the other is a volatile fluid blowing agent. Volatile fluid blowing agents suitable for use in the present invention are those well known in the art. Examples of such volatile fluid blowing agents are volatile fluid fluorocarbons and ethyl chloride boiling at a temperature of 100 ° C. or less. Volatile fluid fluorocarbons are particularly desirable in the practice of the present invention. Examples of volatile fluid fluorocarbons are perfluoromethane, chlorotrifluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, trichlorofluoromethane, perfluoroethane, 1
-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, chloropentafluoroethane, dichlorotetrafluoroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane, perfluoropropane, chloroheptafluoropropane, dichlorohexafluoropropane, perfluorobutane, chlorononafluorobutane, and perfluorocyclobutane. . A preferred volatile fluid fluorocarbon is dichlorodifluoromethane. In the practice of the present invention, the volatile fluid blowing agent is an alkenyl aromatic polymer material 1
Used in an amount of 1 to 30 parts per 00 parts. Preferably, the volatile fluid blowing agent is used in the practice of the present invention in an amount of 3 to 25 parts per 100 parts of alkenyl aromatic polymer material. Various materials are suitable for use as hydrated organic plant matter. Suitably, such materials are inexpensive and can be ground relatively finely. Examples of suitable hydrous organic botanicals are organic botanicals such as corn cobs, soybeans, potatoes, wood, rice, cotton, and the like. For reasons of cost, ease of handling and availability, corn cobs are a preferred hydrous organic plant material. Typically, the finely divided hydrated organic plant material is used in the practice of the present invention in an amount of 0.5 to 20% by weight, based on the total weight of the alkenyl aromatic polymer material. Preferably, the finely divided hydrated organic vegetable material is used in an amount of 1 to 15% by weight, based on the total weight of the alkenyl aromatic polymer material. The finely ground hydrous organic matter suitably contains water in an amount of from 1 to less than 100% by weight, preferably 3 to 30% by weight, based on the total weight of the finely divided hydrous organic matter. . The amount of finely divided hydrous organic plant present in the alkenyl aromatic polymer material depends on the amount of water contained in the organic plant. For example, as the water content of the finely ground hydrous organic plant increases, the amount of the organic plant that should be present in the alkenyl aromatic polymer material decreases. The converse is also true. The amount and water content of the finely ground hydrous organic plant matter is such that 0.1 to 4.5% by weight, preferably 0.25 to 4.0% by weight of water is added to the alkenyl aromatic polymer material. Is chosen. Suitably, the finely divided hydrated organic vegetable has a particle size ranging from 0.05 to 0.5 millimeters, preferably from 0.07 to 0.5 millimeters. Desirably, the hydrated filler comprises a plurality of closed non-gas containing gases.
-Interconnecting is present in an amount sufficient to provide a foam having foam cells forming the cells, as well as secondary cells present at the junction thereof. In the process of the present invention, the finely ground hydrated organic vegetable material is used in an amount sufficient to serve as an extrusion aid if extrusion is a problem due to the high packing of the alkenyl aromatic polymer foam. Existing. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the hydrous organic plant is comminuted corn cobs. In this preferred embodiment, the corn cob has a water content of 8% by weight, based on the total weight of the corn cob, a particle size of 0.15 millimeters, and 100 parts of the alkenyl aromatic polymer material. Added to the alkenyl aromatic polymer material in an amount of 10 parts. Usually, the preparation of the alkenyl aromatic polymer foam according to the present invention is substantially carried out by the method shown and described in US Pat. No. 2,669,751.
In this method, the alkenyl aromatic polymer material and the finely divided hydrous organic plant are fed into an extruder. In the extruder, the alkenyl aromatic polymer material is thermoplasticized and intimately mixed with the finely divided hydrous organic plant. In an extruder, the volatile fluid blowing agent is injected into a dense mixture of the thermoplasticized alkenyl aromatic polymer material and the finely divided hydrous organic plant. A mixture of the thermoplasticized alkenyl aromatic polymer material, the finely divided hydrated organic vegetable and the volatile fluid blowing agent exits the extruder and passes into a mixer. The mixer has studs that engage the studs on the rotor (stu
dded) A rotary mixer in which a studded rotor is housed in a housing having an inner surface. The mixture from the extruder is fed into the inlet end of the mixer and discharged from its outlet end. The flow is generally axial. From the mixer, the mixture is passed through a cooler, such as the cooler described in U.S. Pat. No. 2,669,751, and from the cooler is passed through a die to extrude a generally square slab. A generally similar and preferred extrusion system is disclosed in US Pat. No. 3,966,381.
No. As will be appreciated by those skilled in the art, many variations of the foregoing method are possible without departing from the spirit of the invention. For example, in some cases, it may be desirable to inject a small amount of unbound water into a mixture of finely divided hydrated organic botanicals together with a thermoplasticized alkenyl aromatic polymer material and a volatile fluid blowing agent. is there. Typically, the thermoplasticized alkenyl aromatic polymer material is heated to a temperature between 120 ° C. and 260 ° C.
It is preferably fed under superatmospheric pressure at a temperature between 160 ° and 245 ° C. to form a mixture with the volatile organic fluid blowing agent and the finely divided hydrated organic plant in a mixing and cooling zone or vessel. The resulting mixture is blended at elevated pressure and elevated temperature. The pressure used can vary from 30 lb / in 2 (2067 kPa) to the limit of the equipment,
A pressure of from 00 to 2500 lb / in 2 (2,756 to 17,225 kPa) is preferred. [0023] The temperature of the resulting foamable mixture is reduced to a temperature such that when the pressure on the mixture is reduced, a polymer foam of the desired quality is formed. The reduced temperature is generally between 60 ° C. and 1 ° C., just before the pressure is released by extruding the mixture into a region of low pressure.
It is in the range of 90C, preferably in the range of 90C to 170C. In making foams according to the present invention, it is often desirable to add a nucleating agent to reduce the size of the primary cells. Suitable nucleating agents include talc, calcium silicate, indico, and the like. Various other additives can also be used, such as, for example, flame retardant chemicals, stabilizers, and the like. The foam produced by the method of the present invention desirably has a plurality of gas-containing primary closed cells, said primary cells being formed from a plurality of walls and walls, wherein said walls are adjacent cells. Wall connection where the wall and a portion of the wall have secondary air bubbles formed therein. The primary bubbles are suitably from 0.05 to
It has a diameter of 3.0 mm, preferably 0.1-2.5 mm. Said secondary bubbles are suitably 5 to 35% of the diameter of the primary bubbles, preferably 15%.
It has a cell diameter in the range of ~ 25% in size. Furthermore, foam bodies produced by the process of the present invention has a density of 1~5lb / ft 3 (16~80kg / m 3). In addition, foams made by the method of the present invention have improved structural strength and insulation value. In addition, the foam material is economical to manufacture. The following examples are illustrative only and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention as claimed in any way. I want to. In the following examples, all parts given are parts by weight unless otherwise indicated. EXAMPLE 1 A styrene polymer foam was placed in a 2.5 inch (6.35 cm) diameter extruder equipped with a rotary mixer similar to the arrangement disclosed in US Pat. No. 2,669,751. Manufactured. The effluent from the rotary mixer is fed to U.S. Pat.
702 was passed through a heat exchanger of the type shown. The effluent from the heat exchanger is then fed to a plurality of static mixers or inter-facias of the type shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,583,678.
l surface generator). The output from the static mixer was passed through a slot die. The following formulation was used: 100 parts by weight of polystyrene having a weight average molecular weight of 200,000; 0.1 part of barium stearate per 100 parts of polystyrene; 1.2 parts of hexabromocyclododecane per 100 parts of polystyrene; polystyrene 0.15 parts per 100 parts of 10% phthalocyanine blue polystyrene concentrate; 8 parts dichlorodifluoromethane per 100 parts of polystyrene; and 5% by weight, based on the total weight of the extruded material, of Maumee, Ohio. Anderson Corn Cobb (Auder
A finely ground corn cob, commercially available under the trade name LITRE COB from Son Corn Cob Company. 132 ° C foaming temperature
Met. Styrene polymer foam is 200 pounds per hour (9 pounds per hour).
(0.6 kg). The foam had a cross section of 8 inches (20.34 cm) to 1 inch (2.54 cm) and a density of 2.19 lb / ft 3 (35.06 kg / m 3 ). Other physical properties of the foam are shown in Table 1. Example 2 The method of Example 1 was repeated. The foam produced was 2.35 lb / ft 3 (37.
62 kg / m 3 ). Other physical properties of the foam are shown in Table 1. Example 3 The method of Example 1 was repeated. The resulting foam is 2.70 lb / ft 3 (43.
22 kg / m 3 ). Other physical properties of the foam are shown in Table 1. Example 4 10% by weight, based on the total weight of the material to be extruded, of the aforementioned LITRE C
The general method of Example 1 was repeated, except that OB was included in the formulation. The foam produced had a density of 1.97 lb / ft 3 (31.54 kg / m 3 ). Other physical properties of the foam are shown in Table 1. Example 5 10% by weight, based on the total weight of the material to be extruded, of the aforementioned LITRE C
The general method of Example 1 was repeated, except that OB was included in the formulation. The resulting foam had a density of 2.09 lb / ft 3 (33.46 kg / m 3 ). Other physical properties of this polystyrene foam are shown in Table 1. [Table 1] As shown in Table 1, the polystyrene foams produced in Examples 1 to 5 have a density of 31.56 to 43.25 kg / m 3 , and further have a density of 0.37 to 0.
It has a primary bubble of size 67 mm. FIGS. 1 and 2 show schematic cross-sectional views and cross-sectional photographs. As shown in these figures, secondary bubbles having a size of 5 to 35% of the size of the primary bubbles are bubbles. It was confirmed that it was present in the film and also at the connection between adjacent bubble films. As is apparent from the above description, the present invention is capable of various modifications and alterations which may be particularly different from the above description and description.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図】 䞀次および二次気泡構造を有する、本発明に係るポリスチレンフォヌムの略断
面図である。 【図】 本発明の方法によっお埗られたポリスチレンフォヌム䜓の断面構造を瀺す、図
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a schematic sectional view of a polystyrene foam according to the present invention having primary and secondary cell structures. FIG. 2 is a photograph instead of a drawing, showing a cross-sectional structure of a polystyrene foam obtained by the method of the present invention.

Claims (1)

【特蚱請求の範囲】 【請求項】 熱可塑化された重合䜓材料および揮発性有機流䜓発泡剀の混合
ずするアルケニル芳銙族重合䜓フォヌム䜓の補造方法。 【請求項】 前蚘含氎有機怍物質がトりモロコシの穂軞、倧豆、むモ類、朚
材、米および綿からなる矀より遞ばれるこずを特城ずする請求項蚘茉の方法。 【請求項】 前蚘含氎有機怍物質が埮粉砕したトりモロコシの穂軞であるこ
ずを特城ずする請求項蚘茉の方法。 【請求項】 前蚘含氎有機怍物質が、含氎有機怍物質の党重量を基準にしお
〜30重量の氎を含有しおいるこずを特城ずする請求項蚘茉の方法。 【請求項】 前蚘含氎有機怍物質がアルケニル芳銙族重合䜓材料の党重量を
基準にしお 0.5〜20重量の量で存圚しおいるこずを特城ずする請求項蚘茉の
方法。 【請求項】 所定量の氎を熱可塑化された重合䜓材料に添加する請求項蚘
茉の方法。 【請求項】 前蚘含氎有機怍物質が抌出し助剀ずしお䜜甚するに十分な量で
Claims 1. Blend a mixture of a thermoplasticized polymeric material and a volatile organic fluid blowing agent at overpressure and high temperature and extrude the resulting foamable mixture into a region of low pressure. a manufacturing method of an alkenyl aromatic polymer foam having a density in the range of 16~80kg / m 3, which is the volatile organic fluid foaming agent and the thermoplastic of the water-containing organic vegetable matter was pulverized with a predetermined amount A process for producing an alkenyl aromatic polymer foam, which is included in a mixture of polymer materials. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said hydrous organic plant material is selected from the group consisting of corn cobs, soybeans, potatoes, wood, rice and cotton. 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the hydrous organic plant material is finely ground corn cobs. 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein said hydrous organic plant contains 3 to 30% by weight of water, based on the total weight of the hydrous organic plant. 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein said hydrous organic plant is present in an amount of 0.5 to 20% by weight, based on the total weight of the alkenyl aromatic polymer material. 6. The method of claim 1 wherein a predetermined amount of water is added to the thermoplasticized polymeric material. 7. The method of claim 1 wherein said hydrous organic plant is present in said alkenyl aromatic polymer material in an amount sufficient to act as an extrusion aid.



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