本願発明者らは、鋭意研究の結果、プロゲステロンレセプターのmRNAにこれまでに知られていなかった、複数の新規なスプライシングバリアント(splicing variant)が存在することを見出し、かつ、これらのスプライシングバリアントが、陽性率の高い乳癌のマーカーとして有用であることを見出し、本発明を完成した。
プロゲステロンは黄体ホルモンの1つで、プロゲステロンレセプター(PR)に結合することが知られている。PR遺伝子は公知であり、その塩基配列も決定されている。PR遺伝子のmRNAには、複数のスプライシングバリアントが存在することが知られている(文献:Richer et al., Breast Cancer Res Treat 48, 231−241, 1998;Balleine et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84, 1370−7, 1999)。これらの公知のスプライシングバリアントには、エクソン6全体が欠失しているものは知られているが、エクソン6の5’末端領域が欠失し、エクソン6の他の領域が存在するスプライシングバリアントは知られていない。
下記実施例に詳述するように、本願発明者らは、PR遺伝子のmRNAのエクソン5中の領域及びエクソン7中の領域にハイブリダイズするプライマーを用いた逆転写PCR法(RT−PCR)法を駆使し、エクソン6中の5’末端から52 bpの領域が欠失した新規なスプライシングバリアントを見出した。さらに、この新規なスプライシングバリアントのエクソン5の3’末端領域から、上記欠失部分に続くエクソン6の領域に跨る領域にハイブリダイズするリバースプライマーと、エクソン2中の領域にハイブリダイズするフォワードプライマーを用いてRT−PCRを行うことにより、エクソン3が欠失したスプライシングバリアント(「Δ(delta) 3+6/2」と命名)、エクソン4が欠失したスプライシングバリアント(「Δ(delta)4+6/2」と命名)及びエクソン3も4も欠失していないスプライシングバリアント(「Δ(delta) 6/2」と命名)を見出した。さらに、これらのスプライシングバリアントの全塩基配列を決定した。なお、これら3種類のスプライシングバリアントは、いずれも新規なものである。
これらの塩基配列及び全長mRNA(「PR−FL」)のcDNAの塩基配列を対比して図1ないし図5に示す。図1ないし図5には、エクソンとエクソンの境界部分も示されている。例えば、エクソン2とエクソン3の境界は、「ex2**ex3」と表示されている2つの米印の間にある。また、塩基配列は、全長のもの(PR FL)を基準とし、これに対応する塩基が存在しない部位は「_」(アンダーライン)で示す。また、コード領域の塩基は大文字で、非コード領域の塩基は小文字で示す。なお、Δ6/2、Δ3+6/2、Δ4+6/2及びPR FLの塩基配列は、配列表の配列番号1から4にそれぞれ記載されている。
本発明は、上記した新知見に基づくものであり、PRのmRNAのエクソン6の5’末端領域が欠失しているか否かを調べることにより癌の検査を行うというものである。今回見出された新規スプライシングバリアントの塩基配列及び欠失領域の位置が図1ないし図5に示すように本発明により明らかにされたるので、エクソン6の5’末端領域が欠失しているPR mRNAのスプライシングバリアントが細胞中に存在するか否かは、種々の周知の方法により容易に調べることができる。
Δ6/2、Δ3+6/2及びΔ4+6/2は、本発明により初めて発見された新規なmRNAスプライシングバリアントである。そして、上記のように、これらは、エクソン6の5’末端に52塩基の欠失を有しており、この欠失領域の有無を調べることにより癌、とりわけ乳癌の検査を行うことができる。従って、本発明はまた、配列表の配列番号1に示す塩基配列又は該塩基配列中の連続する15塩基以上の部分であって少なくとも2532ntと2533ntの間の融合部位を含む核酸をも提供するものであり、この核酸は、プライマー又はプローブとして、又は、塩基配列を決定する対象として上記の通り癌の検査に有用である。なお、Δ6/2、Δ3+6/2及びΔ4+6/2がmRNAスプライシングバリアントであることは、下記実施例に示されるように、これらが見出される乳癌細胞中においても、正常な全長のPR mRNA(PR FL)が検出されることからも明らかである。
(I) プロゲステロンレセプター(PR) mRNA スプライシングバリアントの発見
PR遺伝子のエクソン5領域に設定したプライマー5’−tga cca gat aac tct cat tca gta ttc ttg g−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン7領域に設定したプライマー5’−ttt gac ttc gta gcc ctt cca aag−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとした。
乳癌組織由来セルラインMCF7(入手先:American Type Culture Collection (ATCC))および健常人末梢血細胞 106個からDNAをGENOMIX(TALENT社製)を用いて抽出した。106個の細胞に溶液1(GENOMIX)を1.5mL加え、15分間65℃で保温後、クロロホルム3mL加え、転倒混和した。3000×g 10分間遠心し、上層に溶液2(GENOMIX)を3mL加え、3000×g 10分間遠心した。遠心後、沈澱に1.5mLの溶液3(GENOMIX)を加え溶解し、溶解後、100%エタノールを加え、3000×g 10分間遠心した。遠心後、5mLの70%エタノールで洗浄し、50μLのTE溶液(2M Tris−HCl, 0.2M EDTA (pH8.5))で溶解した。
また、106個の細胞にRNA抽出試薬 Isogen (日本ジーン社製)1mLを添加し、30秒攪拌した。攪拌後、200μLのクロロホルムを添加し、再度30秒攪拌した。攪拌後、12000×g 15分間遠心し、水相に等量のイソプロパノールを加え、12000×g 15分間遠心した。遠心後、1mLの75%エタノールで2回洗浄し、50μLのRNase阻害剤添加DEPC処理水で溶解した。溶解したRNA溶液から、以下のcDNA合成溶液を用いてcDNAを合成した。cDNA合成は1時間実施した。反応溶液の組成は次の通りであった。
反応終了後、ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems、HITACHI社製)にて塩基配列を得た。得られたフォワードプライマー側からの塩基配列(センス鎖)とリバースプライマー側からの塩基配列(アンチセンス鎖)を比較し、最終的に塩基配列を決定した。
上記(5)の操作により、決定された塩基配列はPR遺伝子(Full length isoform)に対し、エクソン6の52bpが欠失したものであった(配列番号1)。また、塩基配列から推測されるアミノ酸配列も配列番号1に併せて示されている。
PR遺伝子のエクソン6の52塩基欠失領域に設定したプライマー5’−ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gat tca ttt a−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン2領域に設定したプライマー5’−ggt ctt ctt taa gag ggc aat gga a−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとした。
反応終了後、ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems、HITACHI社製)にて塩基配列を得た。得られたフォワードプライマー側からの塩基配列(センス鎖)とリバースプライマー側からの塩基配列(アンチセンス鎖)を比較し、最終的に塩基配列を決定した。
上記(10)の操作により、増幅産物の塩基配列が図1〜5のように決定した。決定された塩基配列はPR遺伝子のエクソン6の52bp欠失(PR Δ6/2)に対し、エクソン6の52bpとエクソン3が欠失したもの(PR Δ3+6/2)、およびエクソン6の52bpとエクソン4が欠失したもの(PR Δ4+6/2)であった。なお、PR Δ3+6/2の塩基配列を配列番号2に、PR Δ4+6/2の塩基配列を配列番号3に、これらがコードする推定アミノ酸配列と共にそれぞれ示す。さらに、全長(PR FL)の塩基配列を配列番号4に示す。
(II)PR Δ6/2, Δ3+6/2, Δ4+6/2の特異的検出
PR Δ6/2 mRNAを検出するために、PR遺伝子のエクソン3およびエクソン4領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−gca tgg tcc ttg gag gtc gaa−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン5およびエクソン6の欠失領域を除く領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgggat tca ttt a−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとした。
PR Δ3+6/2 mRNAを検出するために、PR遺伝子のエクソン2およびエクソン4領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−aag agg gca atg gaa ggt cga a−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン5およびエクソン6の欠失領域を除く領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gat tca ttt a−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとした。
PR Δ4+6/2 mRNAを検出するために、PR遺伝子のエクソン3およびエクソン5領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−ggc atg gtc ctt gga ggt ttt c−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン5およびエクソン6の欠失領域を除く領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gat tca ttt a−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとした。
欠失のないPR mRNAを検出するために、PR遺伝子のエクソン3およびエクソン4領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−gca tgg tcc ttg gag gtc gaa−3’を化学合成し、フォワードプライマーとし、PR遺伝子のエクソン5およびエクソン6領域にオーバーラップしたプライマー5’−gat gat tct ttc atc cgc tgt tca ttt a−3’を化学合成し、リバースプライマーとした。
約10mgの乳癌患者由来組織(外科的切除:癌部、非癌部)にRNA抽出試薬 Isogen(日本ジーン社製)1mLを添加し、ホモジナイズ後、30秒攪拌した。攪拌後、200μLのクロロホルムを添加し、再度30秒攪拌した。攪拌後、12000×g 15分間遠心し、水相に等量のイソプロパノールを加え、12000×g 15分間遠心した。遠心後、1mLの75%エタノールで2回洗浄し、50μLのRNase阻害剤添加DEPC処理水で溶解した。溶解したRNA溶液から、以下のcDNA合成溶液を用いてcDNAを合成した。cDNA合成は1時間実施した。反応溶液の組成は次の通りであった。
上記(11)、(12)、(13)の操作により、乳癌組織において、PR Δ6/2 mRNA由来増幅産物(487bp)、PR Δ3+6/2 mRNA由来増幅産物(487bp)、PR Δ4+6/2 mRNA由来増幅産物(182bp)およびPR mRNA由来増幅産物(487bp)が確認された。39例の乳癌患者由来癌組織で、PR mRNA(full−length isoform)は全てのサンプルから検出され、PR Δ6/2 mRNAは24例(61.5%)で陽性となり、PR Δ3+6/2 mRNAは1例のみ、PR Δ4+6/2 mRNAは3例で陽性であった。また、PR Δ3+6/2 mRNA又はPR Δ4+6/2 mRNAの陽性例では、いずれもPR Δ6/2 mRNAが陽性であった。一方、非癌部においては、PR mRNA(full−length isoform)は全てのサンプルから検出され、PR Δ6/2 mRNAは3例(7.7%)で陽性となり、PR Δ3+6/2 mRNAおよびPR Δ4+6/2 mRNAは検出されなかった。このことから、PR Δ6/2 mRNAを検出することにより乳癌の診断を行うことができること、及び、エクソン6の5’末端領域の欠失の有無を検出すれば、PR Δ6/2、PR Δ3+6/2およびPR Δ4+6/2を識別しなくても検査を行うことができることが明らかになった。
本発明により、癌、とりわけ乳癌の検査に有用な新規なマーカーを利用した癌の検査方法及びそのための核酸が提供された。上記実施例から明らかなとおり、本発明により見出された新たなPR mRNAスプライシングバリアントであるPR Δ6/2の陽性率は、乳癌患者において、61.7%と従来の乳癌腫瘍マーカーよりも高く、本発明の方法により従来よりも高い信頼性をもって乳癌の診断が可能になった。
The present invention relates to a method for testing cancer, particularly breast cancer, and a nucleic acid therefor.
[Prior art]
Conventionally, CA15-3, CEA, and the like have been known as tumor markers for breast cancer. However, these tumor markers have a breast cancer positive rate of 50% or less, and a marker with a higher positive rate is desired.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
An object of the present invention is to provide a method for testing cancer using a novel marker useful for testing cancer, particularly breast cancer, and a nucleic acid therefor.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventors have conducted intensive studies and found that there are a plurality of novel splicing variants, which have not been known before, in the mRNA of the progesterone receptor, and that these splicing variants are The present inventors have found that the present invention is useful as a marker for breast cancer having a high positive rate, and completed the present invention.
That is, the present invention provides a method for detecting cancer, which comprises examining whether the 5 ′ terminal region of exon 6 of progesterone receptor mRNA in the collected cells is deleted. The present invention also provides a nucleic acid comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sequence listing or a continuous 15 or more nucleotide portion in the nucleotide sequence, the nucleic acid comprising at least a fusion site between 2532 nt and 2533 nt. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sequence listing, the same nucleotide sequence as the region containing the fusion site between 2532 nt and 2533 nt or the complementary strand thereof, or 10% or less of the nucleotides substituted with the nucleotide sequence And a nucleic acid useful for testing whether the 5′-terminal region of exon 6 of progesterone receptor mRNA is deleted or not.
Progesterone is a progesterone and is known to bind to the progesterone receptor (PR). The PR gene is known and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. It is known that a plurality of splicing variants exist in mRNA of PR gene (Literature: Richer et al., Breast Cancer Res Treat 48, 231-241, 1998; Ballinee et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84). , 1370-7, 1999). Among these known splicing variants, those in which the entire exon 6 is deleted are known. However, splicing variants in which the 5 'terminal region of exon 6 is deleted and other regions of exon 6 are present are known. unknown.
As described in detail in the Examples below, the inventors of the present invention used a reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) method using a primer that hybridizes to a region in exon 5 and a region in exon 7 of mRNA of a PR gene. By utilizing the above, a novel splicing variant in which a region of 52 bp was deleted from the 5 ′ end in exon 6 was found. Furthermore, a reverse primer that hybridizes from the 3 ′ terminal region of exon 5 of the novel splicing variant to a region that spans the region of exon 6 following the deletion, and a forward primer that hybridizes to a region in exon 2 By performing RT-PCR using the same, a splicing variant lacking exon 3 (named “Δ (delta) 3 + 6/2”) and a splicing variant lacking exon 4 (“Δ (delta) 4 + 6/2”) Splice variant in which neither exon 3 nor 4 was deleted (designated “Δ (delta) 6/2”). Further, the entire nucleotide sequences of these splicing variants were determined. These three types of splicing variants are all novel.
These nucleotide sequences and the nucleotide sequence of cDNA of full-length mRNA ("PR-FL") are shown in FIGS. 1 to 5 for comparison. FIGS. 1 to 5 also show exon-exon boundaries. For example, the boundary between exon 2 and exon 3 is between two U.S. marks marked "ex2 ** ex3". The base sequence is based on the full-length sequence (PRFL), and a site where the corresponding base does not exist is indicated by “_” (underline). In addition, bases in the coding region are shown in upper case, and bases in the non-coding region are shown in lower case. The base sequences of Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2, Δ4 + 6/2, and PRFL are described in SEQ ID NOs: 1 to 4 in the sequence listing, respectively.
As specifically described in the examples below, of the 39 cancer cells isolated from breast cancer patients, 24 cases were positive for Δ6 / 2 (positive rate: 61.5%), and It was revealed that only 3 cases were positive in the non-cancerous part, and that Δ6 / 2 was useful as a marker for breast cancer. Furthermore, although the positive rates of breast cancer of Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2 are low, Δ6 / 2 is detected in all cases in patients in which these are detected, so that a deletion in the 5 ′ terminal region of exon 6 is detected. Examination of the presence or absence revealed that a breast cancer test could be performed without distinguishing between Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2.
The present invention is based on the above-mentioned new findings, and is intended to examine cancer by examining whether or not the 5 ′ terminal region of exon 6 of PR mRNA is deleted. As shown in FIGS. 1 to 5, the nucleotide sequence of the novel splicing variant and the position of the deletion region have been elucidated by the present invention. Whether or not an mRNA splicing variant is present in a cell can be easily determined by various well-known methods.
For example, a fusion site between the 3 'end of exon 5 and a region following the deletion of the 5' end region of exon 6 (that is, between 2532 nt and 2533 nt of the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1; May be conveniently referred to as a "2532/2533 fusion site") by nucleic acid amplification and determining the base sequence of the amplified fragment. Various methods for nucleic acid amplification itself are well known in the art, and kits therefor are commercially available. Therefore, if primers are appropriately set based on the information disclosed by the present invention, the 2532/2533 fusion can be performed. The nucleic acid fragment containing the site can be easily amplified. The nucleic acid amplification method itself is not limited at all. For example, a method of amplifying mRNA using mRNA itself as a template, such as NASBA method (also called 3SR method), or using mRNA as a template First, a method of synthesizing a cDNA and amplifying a DNA fragment using the synthesized cDNA as a template (for example, a reverse transcription PCR method (RT-PCR method)) can be adopted. Furthermore, mRNA can be quantified by adopting a real-time detection PCR method (RTD-PCR method) as a PCR method of the RT-PCR method. As described above, in this specification, when simply referred to as “nucleic acid amplification method”, the method of amplifying RNA using mRNA itself as a template and the method of synthesizing cDNA using mRNA as a template and amplifying the synthesized cDNA And real-time detection nucleic acid amplification methods. These NASBA method, RT-PCR method, and RTD-PCR method are all well known in this field, and kits for performing them are commercially available, so that they can be easily implemented.
Primers used for the nucleic acid amplification method such as the PCR method are oligonucleotides that hybridize to both ends of the fragment containing the 2532/2533 fusion site in the sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, and the size thereof is not particularly limited. The number of bases is suitably about 15 to 50, and preferably about 18 to 40. The size of the amplified fragment is not particularly limited, but is usually about 50 to 500, preferably about 50 to 300 in terms of the number of bases from the viewpoint of performing efficient amplification. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the amplified fragment can be easily performed by a conventional method using a commercially available sequencer. In this method, the size of the amplified fragment becomes large and it takes time to distinguish between Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2. Therefore, usually, Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2 are used. Is not distinguished. However, as described above, even this does not hinder cancer testing.
As a simpler method for detecting mRNA containing the 2532/2533 fusion site, a primer that hybridizes to the region containing the 2532/2533 fusion site or the complementary strand thereof in the sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 is used in the nucleic acid amplification method. A method used as one of the primers can be mentioned. According to this method, nucleic acid amplification occurs only when the mRNA containing the 2532/2533 fusion site is present in the test sample, so that the nucleic acid containing the 2532/2533 fusion site can be contained without determining the base sequence of the amplified fragment. It can be determined whether the mRNA is present in the test sample. Hereinafter, a preferred embodiment of the RT-PCR method will be described as an example.
Synthesis of cDNA itself using mRNA as a template can be easily performed by a conventional method using random primers or the like. As one primer for amplifying cDNA by PCR, an oligonucleotide that hybridizes to a region containing a 2532/2533 fusion site or a complementary strand thereof is used. The primer that hybridizes to the region containing the 2532/2533 fusion site or its complementary strand may be a forward primer or a reverse primer. In the present specification, “hybridize” means that it hybridizes under the conditions of the annealing step in the nucleic acid amplification method and can function as a primer in the nucleic acid amplification method. The size of the primer is not particularly limited, but is suitably about 15 to 50, and preferably about 18 to 40, in terms of the number of bases. Although the size of the amplified fragment is not particularly limited, it is generally about 50 to 500, preferably about 100 to 300 in terms of the number of bases from the viewpoint of efficient amplification. The primer preferably has at least 20%, more preferably at least 30%, of a region that hybridizes upstream and downstream of the 2532/2533 fusion site, respectively. In addition, the base sequence preferably has the same base sequence as the region containing the 2532/2533 fusion site of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 or its complementary strand, but even if 10% or less of the bases are substituted. Usually, base-sequence-specific hybridization occurs, which is acceptable. Except for using this primer, PCR can be performed by a usual method. Further, by performing this PCR by RTD-PCR, it becomes possible to quantify mRNA containing a 2532/2533 fusion site.
A primer that hybridizes to the complementary strand of the region containing the 2532/2533 fusion site was used as a reverse primer, and the forward primer was a region extending between the 3 ′ end of exon 3 and the 5 ′ end of exon 4, ie, SEQ ID NO: 1. By using a primer that hybridizes to a fusion site between 2081 nt and 2082 nt in the base sequence shown (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “2081/2082 fusion site”), only Δ6 / 2 can be converted to Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2. And can be detected separately. Because, as described above, exon 3 is deleted in Δ3 + 6/2 and exon 4 is deleted in Δ4 + 6/2, the region extending between the 3 ′ end of exon 3 and the 5 ′ end of exon 4 If primers that hybridize to are used, no hybridization will take place in the case of Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2, and therefore no amplification will take place. For this reason, only Δ6 / 2 is amplified. In the forward primer that hybridizes with the region containing the 2081/2082 fusion site, the region that hybridizes upstream and downstream of the 2081/2082 fusion site preferably has at least 20% and more preferably 30% or more, respectively. More preferred. The base sequence preferably has the same base sequence as the region containing the 2081/2082 fusion site of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 or the complementary strand thereof, but even if 10% or less of the bases are substituted. Usually, base-sequence-specific hybridization occurs, which is acceptable.
Whether an mRNA containing the 2532/2533 fusion site is present can also be determined by using, as a probe, a nucleic acid that hybridizes with a region containing the 2532/2533 fusion site. In this case, since the abundance of Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2 in the cell is very small, first, the nucleic acid fragment containing the 2532/2533 fusion site is amplified by the above method, and the amplified fragment and the probe Is preferably hybridized to examine the presence or absence of the 2532/2533 fusion site. The method itself for checking for the presence or absence of a nucleic acid having a specific base sequence using a probe is well known in this field, and any of the well-known methods may be used. The amplified fragment is immobilized, a labeled probe is hybridized thereto, and a method for detecting the label after washing, or the probe is immobilized, the amplified fragment is hybridized thereto, washed, and bound to the solid phase. There is a method of detecting the amplified fragment, etc., and any method can be used. In the latter case, the amplified fragment is labeled using a radiolabeled nucleotide or the like as the nucleotide used for amplification, or the labeled probe is further hybridized to the amplified fragment that has hybridized to the immobilized probe and bound to the solid phase. A method of detecting the bound label soybean is included, and any method can be adopted.
As described above, several methods for measuring progesterone receptor mRNA in which the 5 ′ terminal region of exon 6 has been deleted have been described. However, the measuring method is not limited to these methods. Any method that can measure the progesterone receptor mRNA in which the region is deleted can be adopted. In the present specification, “measurement” includes both detection and quantification.
Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2 and Δ4 + 6/2 are new mRNA splicing variants discovered for the first time by the present invention. And, as described above, these have a deletion of 52 bases at the 5 'end of exon 6, and by examining the presence or absence of this deletion region, cancer, especially breast cancer, can be examined. Accordingly, the present invention also provides a nucleic acid comprising the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 in the sequence listing or a continuous 15 or more nucleotide portion in the nucleotide sequence, the nucleic acid comprising at least a fusion site between 2532 nt and 2533 nt. The nucleic acid is useful as a primer or a probe or as a target for determining a nucleotide sequence as described above in a cancer test. It should be noted that Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2, and Δ4 + 6/2 are mRNA splicing variants, as shown in the Examples below, even in breast cancer cells in which these are found, normal full-length PR mRNA (PR FL) ) Is also detected.
The above-described method of the present invention is particularly useful for examination of breast cancer. In this case, the test cell is preferably a cell constituting a breast tissue. Cells constituting the breast tissue can be easily collected by ordinary biopsy. In addition, the method of the present invention may be performed in combination with a test using another tumor marker, and by doing so, the reliability can be further increased.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described more specifically based on examples. However, the present invention is not limited to the following examples.
(I) Discovery of progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA splicing variant
(1) Synthesis of primer
Primer 5'-ttt set in exon 7 region of PR gene was chemically synthesized as primer 5'-tga cca gata tact cat tca gta ttc ttgg g-3 'set in exon 5 region of PR gene. gac ttc gta gcc ctt cca aag-3 ′ was chemically synthesized and used as a reverse primer.
(2) Nucleic acid extraction and cDNA synthesis
Breast cancer tissue-derived cell line MCF7 (available from: American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)) and healthy human peripheral blood cells 10 6 DNA was extracted from each of them using GENOMIX (manufactured by TALENT). 10 6 1.5 mL of solution 1 (GENOMIX) was added to each cell, and after keeping the temperature at 65 ° C. for 15 minutes, 3 mL of chloroform was added and mixed by inversion. After centrifugation at 3000 × g for 10 minutes, 3 mL of solution 2 (GENOMIX) was added to the upper layer, and the mixture was centrifuged at 3000 × g for 10 minutes. After centrifugation, 1.5 mL of solution 3 (GENOMIX) was added to the precipitate to dissolve, and after dissolution, 100% ethanol was added and centrifuged at 3000 × g for 10 minutes. After centrifugation, the plate was washed with 5 mL of 70% ethanol, and dissolved in 50 μL of a TE solution (2 M Tris-HCl, 0.2 M EDTA (pH 8.5)).
Also, 10 6 1 mL of RNA extraction reagent Isogen (Nippon Gene) was added to each cell and stirred for 30 seconds. After stirring, 200 μL of chloroform was added, and the mixture was stirred again for 30 seconds. After stirring, the mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 minutes, an equal amount of isopropanol was added to the aqueous phase, and the mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 minutes. After centrifugation, the plate was washed twice with 1 mL of 75% ethanol, and dissolved in 50 μL of DEPC-treated water containing an RNase inhibitor. From the dissolved RNA solution, cDNA was synthesized using the following cDNA synthesis solution. cDNA synthesis was performed for 1 hour. The composition of the reaction solution was as follows.
(3) PCR reaction
A PCR reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (1).
The PCR reaction was performed 40 cycles, with 95 ° C / 30 seconds, 60 ° C / 30 seconds, and 72 ° C / 30 seconds as one cycle. The amplification product was identified (281 bp) by 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
By the operations of (1), (2) and (3) above, in the breast cancer cell line, in addition to the target amplification product (281 bp), an amplification product was confirmed at around 229 bp. Only the target amplification product (281 bp) was confirmed from the peripheral blood of healthy subjects. Further, no DNA-derived amplification product was confirmed.
An amplification product near 229 bp detected from the breast cancer cell line was cut out from the agarose gel and set on SUPREC-01 (Takara Shuzo). After setting, the solution was centrifuged at 5000 × g for 5 minutes, and the solution eluted in the lower layer of SUPREC-01 was collected.
(4) PCR reaction
A PCR reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (1).
The PCR reaction was performed 40 cycles, with 95 ° C / 30 seconds, 60 ° C / 30 seconds, and 72 ° C / 30 seconds as one cycle. The amplification product was identified (229 bp) by 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
(5) Determination of base sequence
By the above operation, the amplified PCR product of about 229 bp was set on a sieve column, centrifuged at 2500 × g for 1 minute, and the amplification product was purified. The nucleotide sequences of the two purified amplification products were determined by the direct sequencing method.
A cycle sequence reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (1).
The direct sequence reaction was performed 25 cycles, with 96 ° C / 10 seconds, 50 ° C / 5 seconds, and 60 ° C / 4 minutes as one cycle.
The direct sequence reaction was performed 25 cycles, with 96 ° C / 10 seconds, 50 ° C / 5 seconds, and 60 ° C / 4 minutes as one cycle.
After the completion of the reaction, a base sequence was obtained using ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, manufactured by HITACHI). The obtained base sequence (sense strand) from the forward primer side was compared with the base sequence (antisense strand) from the reverse primer side, and the base sequence was finally determined.
The nucleotide sequence determined by the above operation (5) was a deletion of 52 bp of exon 6 from the PR gene (Full length isoform) (SEQ ID NO: 1). The amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence is also shown in SEQ ID NO: 1.
In order to discover another splicing variant in which 52 bases at the 5 ′ side of exon 6 were deleted, the deletion state of other regions was investigated using the 52 bases deletion region of exon 6 as a reverse primer.
(6) Primer synthesis
Primer 5′-ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gat tcatttta a-3 ′ set in the exon 6 52 base deletion region of the PR gene was chemically synthesized, used as a reverse primer, and set in the exon 2 region of the PR gene. 5′-ggt ctt ctt taa gag ggc aat gga a-3 ′ was chemically synthesized and used as a forward primer.
(7) Nucleic acid extraction and cDNA synthesis
Nucleic acid extraction and cDNA synthesis were as described above.
(8) PCR reaction
A PCR reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (6).
The PCR reaction was performed 40 cycles, with 95 ° C / 30 seconds, 60 ° C / 30 seconds, and 72 ° C / 30 seconds as one cycle. The amplification product was identified (615 bp) by 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
By the above operations (6), (7) and (8), in the breast cancer cell line, in addition to the target amplification product (615 bp), amplification products were confirmed at around 498 bp and around 309 bp. Amplified products derived from peripheral blood and DNA from healthy humans were not confirmed.
Amplification products at around 498 bp and around 309 bp detected from the breast cancer cell line were cut out from agarose gel and set on SUPREC-01 (Takara Shuzo). After setting, the solution was centrifuged at 5000 × g for 5 minutes, and the solution eluted in the lower layer of SUPREC-01 was collected.
(9) PCR reaction
A PCR reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (6).
The PCR reaction was performed 40 cycles, with 95 ° C / 30 seconds, 60 ° C / 30 seconds, and 72 ° C / 30 seconds as one cycle. The amplification product was identified (498 bp, 309 bp) by 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
(10) Determination of base sequence
According to the above operation, the amplified PCR products in the vicinity of 498 bp and 309 bp were set on a sieve column, and centrifuged at 2500 × g for 1 minute to purify the amplified product. The nucleotide sequences of the two purified amplification products were determined by the direct sequencing method.
A cycle sequence reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (6).
The direct sequence reaction was performed 25 cycles, with 96 ° C / 10 seconds, 50 ° C / 5 seconds, and 60 ° C / 4 minutes as one cycle.
The direct sequence reaction was performed 25 cycles, with 96 ° C / 10 seconds, 50 ° C / 5 seconds, and 60 ° C / 4 minutes as one cycle.
After the completion of the reaction, a base sequence was obtained using ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, manufactured by HITACHI). The obtained base sequence (sense strand) from the forward primer side was compared with the base sequence (antisense strand) from the reverse primer side, and the base sequence was finally determined.
By the above operation (10), the base sequence of the amplification product was determined as shown in FIGS. The determined nucleotide sequence was a deletion of 52 bp of exon 6 and exon 3 (PR Δ3 + 6/2), and a deletion of 52 bp of exon 6 (PR Δ3 + 6/2) and 52 bp of exon 6 4 was deleted (PR Δ4 + 6/2). The nucleotide sequence of PR Δ3 + 6/2 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 2, and the nucleotide sequence of PR Δ4 + 6/2 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 3, together with the deduced amino acid sequence encoded by them. Further, the nucleotide sequence of the full length (PRFL) is shown in SEQ ID NO: 4.
(II) Specific detection of PR Δ6 / 2, Δ3 + 6/2, Δ4 + 6/2
(11) Synthesis of primer
In order to detect PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA, a primer 5′-gca tgg tcc ttg gag gtc gaa-3 ′ overlapping with the exon 3 and exon 4 regions of the PR gene was chemically synthesized, and used as a forward primer to obtain a PR primer. A primer 5′-ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgggat tcattta-3 ′ overlapping with the region excluding the exon 5 and exon 6 deletion regions was chemically synthesized and used as a reverse primer.
In order to detect PR Δ3 + 6/2 mRNA, a primer 5′-aag agg gca atg gaa ggt cga a-3 ′ overlapping with the exon 2 and exon 4 regions of the PR gene was chemically synthesized and used as a forward primer. The primer 5′-ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gt tcat tt a-3 ′ overlapping with the region excluding the exon 5 and exon 6 deletion regions was chemically synthesized and used as a reverse primer.
In order to detect PR Δ4 + 6/2 mRNA, a primer 5′-ggc atg gtc ctt gga ggt ttt c-3 ′ overlapping with the exon 3 and exon 5 regions of the PR gene was chemically synthesized and used as a forward primer. The primer 5′-ctt gac aaa ctc ctg tgg gt tcat tt a-3 ′ overlapping with the region excluding the exon 5 and exon 6 deletion regions was chemically synthesized and used as a reverse primer.
In order to detect a deletion-free PR mRNA, a primer 5′-gcattgg tcc ttg gag gtc gaa-3 ′ overlapping with the exon 3 and exon 4 regions of the PR gene was chemically synthesized and used as a forward primer. The primer 5′-gat gat tct tttc atc cgc tgt tca ttt a-3 ′ overlapping the exon 5 and exon 6 regions of the above was chemically synthesized and used as a reverse primer.
(12) RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis
To about 10 mg of tissue (surgical resection: cancerous or non-cancer part) derived from a breast cancer patient, 1 mL of RNA extraction reagent Isogen (manufactured by Nippon Gene) was added, and homogenized, followed by stirring for 30 seconds. After stirring, 200 μL of chloroform was added, and the mixture was stirred again for 30 seconds. After stirring, the mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 minutes, an equal amount of isopropanol was added to the aqueous phase, and the mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 minutes. After centrifugation, the plate was washed twice with 1 mL of 75% ethanol, and dissolved in 50 μL of DEPC-treated water containing an RNase inhibitor. From the dissolved RNA solution, cDNA was synthesized using the following cDNA synthesis solution. cDNA synthesis was performed for 1 hour. The composition of the reaction solution was as follows.
(13) PCR reaction
A PCR reaction was performed using the primer synthesized in (11).
The PCR reaction was performed 40 cycles, with 95 ° C / 30 seconds, 60 ° C / 30 seconds, and 72 ° C / 30 seconds as one cycle. The amplification product was identified by 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis.
By the operations of (11), (12) and (13) above, in a breast cancer tissue, an amplification product derived from PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA (487 bp), an amplification product derived from PR Δ3 + 6/2 mRNA (487 bp), derived from PR Δ4 + 6/2 mRNA An amplification product (182 bp) and an amplification product derived from PR mRNA (487 bp) were confirmed. In 39 breast cancer patient-derived cancer tissues, PR mRNA (full-length isoform) was detected from all samples, PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA was positive in 24 cases (61.5%), and PR Δ3 + 6/2 mRNA was positive. In only one case, PR Δ4 + 6/2 mRNA was positive in three cases. In addition, any of the positive examples of PR Δ3 + 6/2 mRNA or PR Δ4 + 6/2 mRNA was positive for PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA. On the other hand, in the non-cancerous part, PR mRNA (full-length isoform) was detected from all samples, PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA was positive in 3 cases (7.7%), and PR Δ3 + 6/2 mRNA and PR Δ4 + 6 / 2 mRNA was not detected. From this, breast cancer can be diagnosed by detecting PR Δ6 / 2 mRNA, and if the presence or absence of deletion of the 5 ′ terminal region of exon 6 is detected, PR Δ6 / 2, PR Δ3 + 6 / It was found that the test could be performed without discriminating between 2 and PR Δ4 + 6/2.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, there has been provided a method for testing cancer using a novel marker useful for testing cancer, particularly breast cancer, and a nucleic acid therefor. As is clear from the above examples, the positive rate of PR Δ6 / 2, a new PR mRNA splicing variant discovered by the present invention, is 61.7% in breast cancer patients, which is higher than that of conventional breast cancer tumor markers. The method of the present invention has made it possible to diagnose breast cancer with higher reliability than before.
[Sequence list]
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing the nucleotide sequence of a splicing variant of progesterone receptor mRNA newly discovered by the present invention in comparison with the nucleotide sequence of full-length mRNA.
FIG. 2 is a continuation of FIG. 1;
FIG. 3 is a continuation of FIG. 2;
FIG. 4 is a continuation of FIG. 3;
FIG. 5 is a continuation of FIG. 4;