IL107178A - System for the payment of fees for services, such as parking fees, road tolls and telephone fees - Google Patents

System for the payment of fees for services, such as parking fees, road tolls and telephone fees


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IL107178A IL107178A IL10717893A IL107178A IL 107178 A IL107178 A IL 107178A IL 107178 A IL107178 A IL 107178A IL 10717893 A IL10717893 A IL 10717893A IL 107178 A IL107178 A IL 107178A
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IL107178A0 (en
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Ganis Smart Park Syst Ltd
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Priority to IL107178A priority Critical patent/IL107178A/en
Publication of IL107178A0 publication Critical patent/IL107178A0/en
Publication of IL107178A publication Critical patent/IL107178A/en



  • Devices For Checking Fares Or Tickets At Control Points (AREA)


REF 2842/93 Ίΐεόϋϊ , ΟΌΠ >ai¾¾>η ii; , o^m e T y oi^rn^ roiyn System for the payment of fees for services, such as parking fees, road tolls and telephone fees. 2842/93 -1- SYSTEM FOR THE PAYMENT OF FEES FOR SERVICES. SUCH AS PARKING FEES. ROAD TOLLS AND TELEPHONE FEES Field of the Invention This invention relates to a system for the payment of services, such as parking fees, road tolls, telephone fees, public transportation, and any other services, including the purchase of goods. More particularly, it relates to a system, an apparatus and a process that permit automatically to apportion the fees among the various entities to which they should be paid.
Background of the Invention Portable electronic parking meters for paying parking fees are known in the art. In particular, EPA 0402821 describes a parking meter that permits automatically to apportion the parking fees among the various authorities or parking lot owners or the like - hereinafter called "entities" - to which the fees should be paid.
Portable apparatus for paying road tolls are also known. E.g., EP 377380, EP 256483 and DE 3010068 describe such apparatus.
However, no apparatus is known that permits to pay both parking fees, in streets as well as in garages, and road tolls and automatically to apportion the sums paid among the entities to which they should be paid. 2842^93 -2- The use of electronic debit cards ("electronic money") for performing various operations is relatively a new concept, but expanding rapidly. Parking cards, used in conjunction with parking meters, may be considered a particular case of debit cards, which however contain a limited amount of credit, so that when this is exhausted, the card must be turned in and a new card must be purchased. In some cases, a parking debit card, containing a certain value, may be recharged when the value is exhausted, by a remote acceding to a computer programmed and capable to perform this operation. All the known methods and devices are unique to one service only, and if used for parking, involve a complex administration and personnel, in order to control and divide the income between different entities.
It is the purpose of this invention to provide a payment system whereby a plurality of services may be obtained by the users, which system minimizes both the operations required by the user and the administration of the fee collection and debits, and the attribution to each of the various entities connected with the provision of the services, of the appropriate share of the revenues.
It is a still further purpose to provide an apparatus and a method for obtaining a plurality of services, particularly including the payment of parking fees, toll road fees, City entrance fee, telephone fees, public transportation fees or such, and optionally other services, said apparatus being portable and applicable to a car and adapted to receive a single prepaid card.
It is another purpose of the invention to provide a card that can be loaded by remote communication made from practically any public telephone, (or optionally a regular phone, a cellular phone, a satellite phone or other types of communications that may be equipped by a suitable device as detailed hereinafter) with a central computer owned by the clearing service-giving authorities. Said card may include a separate memory segment for each service that may be credited on the card. Other purposes and advantages of the invention will appear as the description proceeds.
It is another purpose of the invention to provide devices and methods for carrying the system into practice.
It is another purpose of this invention to provide an apparatus which can perform all the above mentioned functions in an absolutely anonymous way.
Summary of the Invention The system according to the invention is characterized in that it includes a parking meter, a debit card, and means for reading and changing the content of the debit card memory through a telephone line. Also, the system includes means for transferring data between said card and a remote computer and vice versa.
The parking meter (hereinafter also referred as "a parking-toll meter", or briefly P-T meter), according to the invention is characterized in that it comprises: 1 - a keyboard; 2 - a CPU unit; 2842/93 -4- 3 - a quartz clock including real time clock and a calendar; 4 - a display, includes means for optical and acoustic warning/alarming; 5 - a buffer and a permanent memory; 6 - a power source; 7 - a card connector; 8 - means for receiving a debit card (hereinafter also called the "parking- toll card", or briefly P-T card) of the Smart card type known in the art, embodying a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands corresponding to different entities; 9 - means for transferring data from said buffer memory to said card memory, and from said card memory to said buffer memory; and 10 - means for selectively activating said CPU to calculate, in terms of currency-equivalent units, the fees due for any one of a number of services, and entering each of said fees in said card memory in the band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said fee is to be credited and subtracting it from the corresponding credit.
Optionally, said apparatus may comprise 11 - a radiation receiver and transmitter operation of which is based on any known magnetic and/or electric waves.
In particular, the fees due may be one or more of the following: a) a parking fee due as a function of a parking time; b) a parking fee due not 2842/93 -5- as a function of a parking time; c) a toll due, generally received through said radiation receiver; d) any other fee associated or not with the use of a vehicle, such as the purchase of fuel, public transportation fees, public libraries, vending machines, or such.
The debit card is a smart card characterized in that embodying a nonvolatile memory, said memory includes distinct memory bands, corresponding to the entities from which a value has been purchased and to which fees are to be recorded, for registering and updating such purchased values and fees. The word "fees" is to be understood hereinafter as including any sums due for any reason, including tolls, prices for the purchase of goods or services, and the like. Further, the smart cards used in this invention contain a secured register for storing a secret code, another register for storing the card ID number, all of which are means for making a secured system by adapting any encryption method known in the art.
The means for reading and changing the content of the card memory through a telephone line, hereinafter also called "remote means", are characterized in that they are essentially modem means and are adapted to transform digital data registered in the card memory to sequential data that can be transmitted thorough a telephone line, and vice versa.
Said remote means may form a part of the parking meter or be an attachment thereto; or they may be a separate device; or they may form a part of a telephone terminal, usually but not necessarily a public telephone, or be an attachment thereto. They may, therefore, belong to 2842/93 -6- the user and be held by him, or belong to a telephone company or any other entity involved in the system, and be placed at the disposal of the public in a public place.
By means of the remote means, communication may be established between the P-T card and a central computer for: -charging the said card for a required amount of money (or units) of toll/parking, and debiting a credit account or another established account for said amount; -charging the said card for an amount of telephone units or money, or units or money of other services; -transmitting to the said central computer the data recorded on the card for dividing said parking or other services fees between different entities; - debiting a credit account or another established account for an amount due for the purchase of goods or services for which no credit has been prepurchased, in the same way this is done when using a standard credit card.
The process according to the invention is characterized in that it comprises the steps of: I - providing a smart card embodying a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands corresponding to the entities from which credits have been purchased and to which fees are to be credited; II- registering in said memory bands pertinent information relative to said entities, including parking tariffs, telephone 284293 -7- credits or other possible credits, in terms of currency-equivalent units, which units may also be monetary units; III - when the user's car is parked: A - transferring from a CPU to a buffer memory the information relative to the entity to which the parking belongs; B - measuring the time elapsed; C - sequentially multiplying increments of said time by the appropriate parking tariff to calculate a parking fee due in terms of said currency-equivalent units; D - registering said parking fee in said card non-volatile memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said parking fee is to be credited; IV - when the car passes through a point at which a toll is due: receiving a signal specifying the entity and the amount of the toll fee in terms of said currency-equivalent units and registering the same in said card memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said toll is to be credited; V - when the card is used for telephone conversations, registering the conversation time and/or fee in said card non-volatile memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said telephone fee is to be credited; VI - when the card is used for the purchase of other services or goods, registering the corresponding fee in said card non-volatile memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said fee is to be credited; VII - whenever a fee is to be subtracted from a prepurchased credit, subtracting it and updating the credit in the appropriate memory band; 2842/93 -8- VIII - when one or more credits in the card are exhausted or it is desired to increase them, placing the card in communication with a telephone line, requesting additional credit, transforming the signals representing said credit to digital data in order to be sent through the telephone line, and registering these latter in the appropriate memory bands of said card; at the same time, notifying the data base stored in the main computer to debit the appropriate account for the credit given.
Crediting the card and communicating the required data to the central computer will include the steps of: - entering said card into remote communication means in a public telephone (or in a dedicated "on line" or "off line" terminal; - entering a password; - verifying of the validity of the card; - entering the user account number; - (optional) choosing from a menu the required service needed, for example parking units , telephone credit, gas credit, etc.; - registering or updating on the card the required value accordingly and reducing it from the said user account; - further, each time a communication is made with the central computer, e.g. for crediting the card, transferring to the central computer information recorded on the card, which includes the debit for each particular entity, for the purpose of dividing the credit between different entities. After transferring said data, deleting it from the card in order to free space for future use. 2842/93 -9- The device for establishing the proper communication between the public telephone (or another phone type as hereinbefore mentioned) and the central computer will be described later.
Ordinarily, the currency-equivalent units will be the very units of the currency of the country in which the apparatus is used, but they could be conventional units that are proportional to the currency units and are independent of any other factor.
The most preferred embodiment of the invention, hereinafter referred as "type 2", has the significant advantage of using the same debit card for a plurality of uses, because the card needs not to be left in the meter while parking. In a less preferred embodiment of the invention, hereinafter referred as "type 1 ", the card needs to be left in the meter device during all the parking period.
Description of the Drawings In the drawings: - Fig. 1 illustrates the whole system of the invention; - Figs. 2 and 3 show the P-T meter device (type 1 ) according to the invention, in vertical front view and vertical side view respectively; - Fig. 4 shows a smart card that can be used with the device of Figs. 2-3-5; - Fig. 5 shows the P-T meter device (type 2); 2842¾3 -10- - Fig. 6 is a block diagram of an apparatus according to an embodiment of the invention; - Figs. 7 and 8 are flow diagrams illustrating the operation of embodiments of the apparatus according to the invention, in parking; - Fig. 9 illustrates in block diagram form the system for communicating between the central computer and the memory of the card via public telephones; - Fig. 10 shows the parking control unit used by the parking attendant personnel; - Fig. 11 shows a block diagram of the parking control unit of Fig. 10; and - Fig. 12 illustrates the location of the P-T meter inside the car, while communicating with the parking control unit.
Detailed Description of Preferred Embodiments Fig. 1 illustrates the whole system according to the invention.
Figs. 2 and 3 show the type 1 device of one embodiment of the invention, which will be called "parking- toll meter" or briefly "P-T meter". P-T meter 10 is provided with a display 11 , with a series of keys representing the numbers from 0 to 9, and with a number of further keys which permit to enter or to receive pertinent information. In the examples 2842/93 -11- shown, such information is the maximum parking time allowed (12), the credit balance remaining in the card (13) and a discount which may be allowed to residents (or others) (14) whenever it is allowed. Further, a key 15 is depressed to indicate the start of a parking. Key 16 is an "ENTER" key, for approving any data entered to the device. A password key 18 enable using a password in conjunction with the device in order to secure the device against use by an unauthorized person. An emitting diode 41 , and a diode sensitive to light 42 enables the communication with the parking control unit used by the parking attendant. Such device sends a validation signal to the P-T meter, and if the parking is valid, the ID code of the parking control unit will be shown on the display 11. In another embodiment of the invention a bidirectional communication is established between the P-T meter and the parking control unit, and data relates to the parking is transferred to the control unit and stored there. Later, e.g., at the end of the day the parking attendant personnel will connect their parking units, and by RS232 communication will transfer the data to the central computer. Such data may be used for several verification purposes. An OFF-ON switch 20 is provided for manually switching the apparatus to an "ON-passive" condition, as will be explained hereinafter, or switching it off. A parking toll card (smart card) 21, shown in Fig. 3, can be introduced through a card entrance 22 as shown in Fig. 2, a cover 23 being swingable to free the entrance 22 or to secure the card inside the P-T meter.
An improved type 2 P-T meter as hereinbefore defined is shown in Fig. 5. Here, the messages are displayed on the display panel 43 according to the steps mentioned before. The smart card is introduced to the device 2842/93 -12- through a special slot (not shown) at the bottom back pannel. The card stays inside the device during the initialization process only, and removed and carried by the driver after activating the parking period, and may be used for other purposes. The clock button 45 initiates the parking time. Diodes 41 and 42, the discount button 44, password button 47, and enter button 48 serve same functions as in type 1 device. The location of the P-T meter inside the car is shown in Fig. 12.
Operating the type 1 device for parking involves the following steps : - power on the parking device. An "ENTER CARD" message will be displayed.
- Enter the card in the slot. A message such as "BANK=XXX" will be displayed, while XXX introduce the remained credit units stored in the card.
- After 2 seconds, a message such as "ENTER ZONE" will be displayed.
- After typing the 3-digits zone, and ENTER, the device will start timing the parking period.
- The device will work as long as the card is inside the device's slit, and the device is on.
Operating the type 2 device for parking involves the following steps : - power on the parking device. A message such as "ENTER CARD" message will be displayed on the display of the P-T meter.
- Enter the card in the slit. A message such as "BANK=XXX" will be displayed, while XXX introduce the remained credit units stored in the card. 2842/93 -13- - After 1-2 seconds, a message "ENTER ZONE" will be displayed.
- After typing the 3-digits zone, and ENTER, the card can be removed from the device and used for other debit purposes.
- The device will work without the card until the end of parking period.
Fig. 6 illustrates in block diagram form the essential components of the P-T meter 10. This comprises a CPU 30, a real time clock module 31 , time base module 32 to supply timing functions in the absence of a real time clock in certain models, an internal EEPROM 33, which constitutes the buffer memory or an internal permanent memory or both, display module 34, a power source 35, generally constituted by a battery inserted into the P-T meter, and a radiation receiver and transmitter 36. This latter can be an infrared receiver and transmitter, or a radio waves or other radiation system. EEPROM cartridge 37 is the smart P-T card. A keyboard 69 enables the user to type in the data needed for the proper operation of the device.
Fig. 7 is a flow chart describes the operation of the device when used for parking. The P-T card when purchased has registered therein a credit, or later may be remotely credited, preferably in terms of local currency, though other units equivalent to local currency could be used. This credit will be indicated as SC, viz. "sum credited". When parking, the device is firstly switched to the ON-passive state, by means of switch 20 (Fig.3), and then to the active parking state by depressing key 15 (Fig. 2).
As the card is used, the sum credited will decrease, so that when the device begins operating, the program will check whether the actual SC is greater than 0. If it is not, the device will stop and will not operate to 2842/93 -14- permit parking. If it is greater, then the following operations will occur. A time unit (TU) is established in each device, which may be, e.g., one or more seconds, and represents the real time increments by which the device operates. Initially, the value of TU is 0. The time parked (TP) is also 0 at the start. A time limit (TL) for each parking will generally be established for each parking location and can be displayed by the user by means of key 12 (Fig. 2). The parking program will check that the TP is less than TL, as it will of course be at the start, since TP is 0. If TP exceeds TL, the device will stop. If it is smaller than TL, then the following operations will occur. The clock will count the time and will continue until a time unit has been reached. At that moment, when TU at least equals 1 , TU will be multiplied by the parking rate PR (which PR is expressed in terms of local currency or currency-equivalent units). TU multiplied by TR gives the sum debited (SD). It may be retained in the buffer memory and only the overall SD as it is at the end of the parking, will be introduced into the P-T card. Being so introduced, it will be added to the sum that has already been entered as being due to the corresponding parking authority, which sum is indicated as ZB or zone balance. Thereafter, TU will be set back to 0 and the aforesaid operations will be repeated as long as the parking continues. The flow diagram of Fig. 7 only shows two repetitions of these operations, but of course the repetitions will be much more numerous and will continue until the parking ends and the device is manually stopped by means of switch 20 (Fig. 3), or until the overall TP exceeds TL by such an amount that the device stops automatically, as hereinafter explained. The SD is subtracted in the card from the SC, and results in a new value for SC. 2842/93 -15- After TP exceeds TL the device will continue to count up the time passed and display it on the display unit with a negative mark (-1), (-2), until a predetermined time period, e.g. -30 minutes, has passed. At this point the device will stop finally.
In the embodiment hereinbefore described, the P-T meter will stop operating and will signal this in any suitable way, when the SD equals or exceeds the SC stored in the card. However, in another embodiment of the invention, the P-T meter may continue to operate and will then register the amount of sum debited which exceeds the sum credited, viz. SD - SC, as residual sum SR. This will remain in the P-T buffer memory, and when the next P-T card is introduced therein, the operation described in the flow diagram of Fig. 7 will start after the SR has been subtracted from the SC of the card, and added to the ZB which is to be credited for the parking authority which has produced the said SR.
According to another embodiment of the invention, the parking meter will check all the data that are relevant to the maximum parking time TL and to the parking rate PR which are recorded in its memory, against the data that are registered on the card. If there is a difference, the data registered on the card will be introduced into the memory of the registering device and will be used from then on. In this way all changes in tariffs or other conditions of the various parking zones are automatically registered by the parking meter, since they will be embodied in the parking cards credited after said changes have occurred. Optionally, According to another embodiment of the invention the update of PR and TL of the meter may be introduced to the meter by 2842/93 -16- the portable device carried by the parking attendant personnel while checking the parking validity.
In a more preferred embodiment of the invention (type 2), the card will be entered to the device for initializing the parking parameters as mentioned above, and removed from the device while parking. The device will operate the same way as described above. At the next parking when the driver will have to enter the card back to the device for operating it again, all the data regarding the last operation like the parking zone code, and parking period will be recorded on the card, and an appropriate amount of units will be debited from the parking credit. This will secure the card from theft, and may enable use for other purposes e.g. public telephones or public transportation as mentioned hereinbefore.
Optionally, it is possible to include in the P-T device a clock and a calendar and to register all details of the parking in the memory of the P-T device, under the appropriate time periods. This may permit verification of toll or parking violations with which the driver may have been erroneously charged, or, at any rate, to provide a record that may be useful for a number of other reasons. Other instructions may thus be given to the meter, including changes in tariffs and other data, depending on the time of the day.
According to another preferred embodiment of the invention, the flow chart of which is illustrated schematically in Fig. 8, the P-T device is provided with a buffer memory for storing temporarily all the data related to the operation of the device, until the end of parking is reached. 2842^93 -17- By the next turning on of the device and inserting the P-T card to the device the pertinent data related to the last parking will be transferred to the P-T card. The P-T card has stored therein, besides the accumulated sum debited SD' and the sum credited SC, a number of parking rates PR and time limits TL, which are grouped according to parking zones. More than one PR and/or TL may be stored in the card for each parking zone, for the following reasons.
Firstly, PR and/or TL may change according to the time at which the parking starts: for instance, a lower PR may be attributed to night parking. Further, it may be desirable to vary the PR as the time parked TP increases. E.g., PR may have a certain value for TP up to one hour; a greater value for TP between one and two hours, and so on. For each zone there will generally be set a maximum allowable time, the time limit TL above which parking is not allowed even with increased PR.
In this embodiment, the sum debited residual sum SR may be stored in the memory of the registering device. When this is started by depressing the ON key, the P-T device will read from the card the accumulated SD' and will add to it the SD, if any, and the resulting value will be stored in the card in place of the original SD' to produce an "adjusted" SD' indicated hereinafter as SD". If SD" is equal to or greater than SC, the device will cease operating and will signal, in any suitable way, that the card is empty, even though the original SC was greater than SD'. While adding SD to SD', the P-T device will at the same time update the applicable ZB due to the zone to which the SD refers. 2842/93 -18- Before starting the P-T device by reconfirming the setting, the driver will have entered the parking zone code, as in the previously described embodiment. The P-T device will read from the card all the data relative to that code, and store them in the buffer memory. Among those data will be the initial PR and the parking times TP at which the PR changes. In the embodiment described herein, it will be assumed that there is only one such change, viz. there are only two possible values of PR, and the passage from one PR to the next, which will be indicated with PR', will occur when TP reaches a value which will be indicated by TP'. Apart from the change in the value of PR, which may occur more than once, although in the embodiment described it is assumed to occur only once, the device will operate substantially as that of the previous embodiment, except that no feedback to the card occurs until the parking time limit TL has been reached, or the in the most preferred embodiment of the invention, when the card reentered to the device by the driver at the end of parking or at the next parking. When said event happens, the following operations occur automatically.
If the SD is smaller than the SC, it is entered in the card. If it is greater, the registering device will enter in its memory the difference SD' - SC = SR and will invalidate the card, e.g., by making SC = 0 in the same. The registering device will be provided with an additional mode in which it will read from the card the SC and the SD' and show on the display the adjusted SC, equal to SC - SD' - SR. Since the card will normally be entered to the registering device at the beginning of parking, the user may know in advance how much parking time remains at his disposal in the card. 2842^93 -19- In this embodiment, therefore, the P-T device's operation will not stop when the actual time stored is exhausted, but may continue, the residual sum SR being stored therein and subtracted automatically from the next parking card. A maximum allowable value of SR may be stored in the registering device's memory, and if it is exceeded, the device will signal in any suitable way that the parking has become illegal. It should be mentioned here that the card itself will never contain a negative credit. If the SR value is positive (and that means that the the parking was longer than the credit on the card at the moment of initialization), the credit on the card will be cleared when entered at the end of parking. The difference will be kept in the P-T meter's memory, and reduced from the credit of the next card initiating a new parking (assuming this card has credit). This will simplify returning of exhausted cards when needed (this option is explained hereinafter), because all returned cards contains zero value and there is no need to read their contents..
If the card is removed from the registering device while operating (in the type 1 device), the SD of the present parking will be stored in the buffer memory and marked as SR, and the registering device will signal an illegal parking or will stop operating. After the card has been returned and the registering device has been restarted, it will behave as described hereinbefore.
The apparatus according to the invention includes, as mentioned, means for remote communication by transmission and reception of radiation signals. This permits a checker to communicate with the apparatus, by means of a portable transmitter-receiver, and receive 2842/93 -20- from it all information - such as the time still available for parking, the parking zone, the residual SC, etc. - required to check its operation. This information will desirably include a secret code that guarantees the authenticity of the P-T card. The checker's transmitter-receiver may also transmit a personal code identifying the checker, and (optionally coded) data as to the day and hour of the check. These data, or part of them, or other coded data which the checker's transmitter-receiver may transmit, may be decoded by the P-T device and retransmitted to the checker or displayed on the display of the P-T apparatus. If the device is not authentic, it will be unable to decode said data and this will alert the checker that a violation of parking laws is taking place.
In this way, the invention also solves the problem of the control of the checkers' activity, including time, date of the check, and the zone code. Such control is highly desirable and is presently effected by attributing to each checker an interest on the violations reported by him - a system that is neither effective nor morally satisfactory. According to the invention, a memory segment is provided in the P-T card for storing data, relative to the identity of the checker and his activity, each time that a remote check of the P-T apparatus is effected, and this data, including the personal identification of the checker, are received by said apparatus and transmitted to the P-T card at the end of the parking period and stored in said memory space. When the data stored in the card are analyzed in order to attribute to the various entities the credit belonging to them, those relative to the checkers can also be read and suitably analyzed by a central computer, which will send periodic reports to the proper authorities as to the various checkers' activity. 2842/93 -21- It is within the scope of the invention to provide in the P-T meter a LED that will blink, and a buzzer that will beep every 60-90 Sec. to signal that the meter is working and the parking is legal. It is also within the scope of the invention to provide about 10 messages that will be displayed for directing the user for how to operate the device, and for alerting him for any device fault.
The parking control unit is shown in Fig. 10 and its block diagram is shown in Fig. 11. The unit comprises of a transmit button 58 which, when pressed, initiates a signal, sent by light emitting diode 57 to the P-T meter. If the parking is valid, a message such as the unit ID number will be displayed on the P-T meter display panel. Optionally, the unit may include a diode sensitive to light 56 which may receive data returned from the P-T meter, and said data will be stored in the unit for verification purposes mentioned before. In such case, the unit will comprise an RS232 output 60 for transferring said data to the central computer . The LED 59 alerts for a low battery state.
The operation of the device when the car enters a toll road or passes a toll gate or the like, will now be described.
In some cases, the fee for traveling over a toll road or passing a toll gate is fixed and independent of any other factor. In this case the device operates as follows.
Fixed Toll Fee - Let us say that the car enters a toll road. The P-T meter will have been switched on by the driver to the ON-passive state, which does not start the operations described hereinbefore, since the start 2842/93 -22- parking key 15 (Fig. 2), which causes the apparatus to enter the parking program, has not been depressed.
If key 15 is not depressed, the apparatus will await for a remote signal from toll road equipment or from a garage parking gate equipment. If a remote signal is received, which transmits a fixed toll fee or a fixed parking garage fee, the apparatus will deduct said fee and register this fact in its memory and stop working. If the remote signal is not one of the aforesaid ones, the device will register in its memory the pertinent information received, in particular the entrance point of a toll road, or the entrance time to the parking garage and will wait in stand-by position until the final signal of the exit gate has been received and act accordingly before stopping. Therefore three operating modes can be distinguished: 1 - Street parking program, activated by depressing key 15; 2 - Fixed toll or fixed garage parking fee program, activated by remote signal; 3 - Non fixed toll or parking fee program, also activated by remote signal.
In the case of a fixed toll fee, a detector, which is mounted in the vicinity of the entrance to the toll road, will register the arrival of the car and alert the computer of the toll road apparatus. This latter will send a message, by means of radiation received by the parking meter, usually IR (infra red), RF (radio frequency) or microwave radiation, which contains the code of the entity that owns or operates the toll road and the price to be paid. The message is received by the P-T meter. The P-T meter subtracts the amount of the toll from the sum credited registered in the card (SC) and enters it in the card memory, in the bank relating 2842/93 -23- to the said entity, thereby increasing the zone balance of said entity by said amount.
The parking meter sends a message, confirming the toll road computer that this operation has been accomplished and sends a code which identifies the parking meter (not the car, but the parking meter itself), and in addition a secret code which will constitute an authorization to pass and prove that the P-T card and meter are authentic. The toll road computer receives said message and confirms, by any convenient means, the permission to pass. The P-T meter returns to the ON-passive position until the car is out of the area of the toll gate. If no authorization to pass has been given, the P-T meter will signal this to the driver in any suitable way, including sound signal in addition to the alert/warning signal given by the gate system.
Toll fee depending on the distance traveled- The operation of the device will now be described for the case in which the toll to be paid depends upon the distance to be covered on the toll road. The P-T meter will be in the ON-passive state when it approaches the entrance to the toll road. A detector mounted on the toll road apparatus will signal the approach of a car and will alert the toll road computer. This latter will send a message, which includes the code of the entity which owns or operates the toll road, the time and the place where the car is about to enter the toll road and a code identifying the entrance gate. This message will be received by the P-T meter. The meter will register the code of the entity and a code indicating the place and time at which the toll road is being entered. The P-T meter will send a message which confirms the reception of the data communicated by the toll road apparatus, the fact 2842/93 -24- that the P-T meter is in correct and normal operation, and the sum credited, which is still registered in the P-T card. This message will include a code which identifies the P-T meter and a secret code which proves that the P-T meter/card is authentic. This message will constitute authorization to enter the toll road.
The toll road computer receives that message and confirms the permission to enter the toll road by any suitable means, which are not a part of the invention. The car enters the road and proceeds until it approaches the gate at which it intends to leave the toll road. A detector which is mounted in the vicinity of the exit gate will signal the arrival of the card and will alert the computer of the exit gate apparatus. This latter will relay a message which activates, once again, the P-T meter. This latter sends a message including its identification code and the code of the gateway which has been entered. The exit gate computer identifies the data sent to it, as they were registered at the entrance gate, by means of a code which identifies the P-T meter. The exit gate computer calculates the toll due, depending on the distance between the entrance gate and the exit gate, and possibly on the basis of other parameters relative to the toll tariffs. The exit gate apparatus signals to the P-T meter the sum due. The P-T meter receives that message, subtracts the sum due from the toll from the sum credited existing in the P-T card and applies that sum to the zone balance of the toll road entity, which is in the appropriate memory segment of the P-T card. The P-T meter sends a confirmation that these operations have been carried out. The computer of the exit gate receives that message, and authorizes the exit of the car from the road by any convenient means which are not part of the invention. Any car that might pass without 2842/93 -25- paying the toll is detected by the toll road apparatus, which registers its license number and any other data that might be relevant.
In all operations concerning automatic payment of toll fees, problems arise, particularly in heavy and fast traffic and in multi-lane environments, because the time available for the communication protocol, viz. for the transmission of all the necessary signals between an approaching car and the toll road station, is limited, in particular because the necessary precision in the interpretation of the transmitted signals can be achieved only if the entire protocol should be completed within a limited distance from the toll road entrance gate. The RF apparatus, which have been developed in the art for the purpose of automatic toll fee payment, operate at high frequencies and within small distances, so that time available to a vehicle moving e.g. at 100 km/h to complete the connection protocol is at most 5-20 milliseconds. According to the invention however, this drawback is overcome by the use of the buffer memory provided in the P-T apparatus. Before the vehicle enters the toll road, the CPU of this latter will transfer from the P-R card to the buffer memory all the information required for the communications between the vehicle and the toll road station. All exchange of information will then be effected between the buffer memory and the toll road transmitter of verifier, so that the time that would be otherwise spent in communication between the P-T card and the P-T apparatus CPU, is saved; and this time is relatively high by comparison with that required when all information is exchanged via the buffer memory. After the protocol has been completed and the vehicle has entered and exited the toll road, all the relevant information pertaining to it is transferred from the buffer memory to the P-T card non-volatile memory (this is done at the next first insertion of the P-T card to the P-T meter). The payment of toll fees by means of a smart or chip card is advantageous, however would normally require relatively long time periods, while thanks to the invention it can be effected in extremely short time periods. In this way "read write" methods can be introduced easily in such a payment, while the prior art is limited to the use of "read only" methods.
Parking fees in automatic parking areas - The apparatus according to the invention can also be used for paying parking fees in automatic parking areas. In this case, too, the P-T meter will be in the ON-passive state when approaching the entrance to the parking area. A detector installed at the entrance to the parking area will sense the arrival of a car and activate the parking area computer. This latter will send a message which includes a code identifying the entity which owns or operates the parking area, the time at which the car enters said area and the parking fee which may be a function of the parking time or may be a fixed sum. The P-T meter receives that message, and registers the data of the parking entity and the parking fee in its memory. It then sends its identification code, a secret code which proves its authenticity, a confirmation of the regular functioning of the P-T meter, the sum credited SC which is at the moment registered in the P-T card, and a confirmation that the message from the parking computer has been received. The parking computer receives that said message, registers the identification number of the P-T meter in its memory and registers the hour at which the car has entered the parking zone. The entrance gate is opened to permit the car to enter. When the car has passed, the gate is closed by means of a suitable detector or by any other means.
The P-T meter remains in the ON state, as long as it is in the parking area; depending on the message it has received from the parking computer, it may then become activated, as if the START PARKING key had been depressed, to calculate the parking fee as it would in any other parking zone, or it may remain in the ON-passive state and the parking fee due will be calculated by the parking computer and communicated at the moment the car leaves the parking area. The car then starts to leave the parking area. A suitable detector signals the approach of the car and then activates the parking computer. The parking computer sends a message which activates the P-T meter and this latter sends a message containing its identification code and the time of the entrance into the parking area. The parking computer receives that message, identifies the P-T meter, according to what has been registered at the car entrance into the area and according to its identification number, calculates the fee due for the parking and sends a message indicating said fee - unless said fee has been calculated by the P-T meter. In any case, the P-T meter subtracts the fee from the sum credited SC remaining in the P-T card and credits the same sum to the parking entity in the appropriate memory bank of the same card. Then it sends a message confirming that it has carried out its operations. The message is received by the parking computer and the exit gate is opened and then it closes after the exit of the car. If no exit permit is given, the P-T meter signals the fact in any suitable way to the driver.
In general, means for sounding an alarm, in particular acoustic means, can easily be provided in the P-T apparatus, that will respond to any alarm signal transmitted by any outside transmitter, e.g. a special alarm station, including radio transmitter means and road signs, located at a convenient distance before the entrance gate to the toll road, indicating any irregularities in the procedure of the payment of the toll fee. In case of such an irregularity that cannot be repaired by the driver, this latter will then enter a direct payment lane and pay in currency, thereby avoiding committing an involuntary infraction.
It is to be noted that, while the use of the apparatus according to the invention may involve remote communications between it and other apparatus located in outside stations or carried by other persons, none of such communications involves revelation of data concerning the person of the driver or his bank accounts or other anagraphic or financial data, or the identification of the vehicle, and this in contrast to many of the payment means known in the art. Only the P-T card - not the apparatus - need be identified at times through a serial number, and there is no bond whatever between it and the driver who has purchased it, so that the privacy of this latter is not invaded even to the slightest degree. This is a considerable advantage of the invention.
Other advantages related to the smart card, particularly in the preferred type 2 embodiment of the invention are: - the card is kept in the driver's wallet, and this is safer than leaving the card inside the device's slit (in the car) as in type 1. - it can be used as a debit card for many other purposes during the parking period. - the card can be credited by the remote communication system while the car is parking. - two or more cards may be purchased and kept by more than one driver for use in one car. -29- - one card can initiate parking of two different cars simultaneously.
Another advantage is that the system of payment according to the invention is very inexpensive, as it does not require sending instructions and effecting operations, e.g. through banks, which involve significant administrative costs.
When the P-T card is exhausted, viz. its SC allocated for the parking or toll or other uses has been completely used up, and optionally in some cases a debit has been registered, or the P-T user wants to add up a new credit to the card, he may take the card to the closest public telephone equipped with the communication device with the central computer normally run by the organization that issues the cards, and ask for a new credit.
When the P-T card is used for parking, the driver will register the identification of the entity to which the parking fee is due, by means of the P-T apparatus keyboard. When it is used for paying a toll fee or parking garages, the messages received from the toll road station or parking company, which activate the appropriate program, also identify the entity to which the fee is due. In all cases, as a result, the P-T card's memory will contain the Sums Due to the various entities, each in its proper memory bank. It is within the ability of any person skilled in the art to design software that will permit the computer to elaborate the data communicated through said telephone lines. Such data will primarily permit to establish the total sums credited to the various entities and therefore the fraction of the overall income deriving from the P-T cards which is to be allocated to each entity. While the fractions 2842/93 -30- so calculated may be somewhat inaccurate, particularly at the beginning, for not all cards communicate their parking location immediately, simple statistical considerations show that any inaccuracies will tend to decrease with the passing of time and to become finally insignificant. Other information derived from the P-T cards and not pertaining to the allocation of income, such as e.g. the information relative to law violations or that relative to the checkers' activity, will also be analyzed by the PC computer and communicated to the proper addressees in a manner obvious to skilled persons.
As mentioned above, the communication with the central computer will be made preferably by a public telephone, but can optionally be established by other devices suitably equipped. Fig. 9 illustrates in block diagram form the device needed for adapting the public telephone (or optionally any telephone) for reading the magnetic card and communicating with the central computer via the telephone lines (preferably the device should be made of one electronic card as illustrated here, placed in the public telephone, and a card reader for reading the smart cards). A magnetic card 7 is entered by the user to a card reader 1 controlled by a microprocessor 3. An initial validation of the card is made off-line by the microprocessor, optionally by comparing with a "Black list" stored in memory 6. If the card is valid, a communication is established with the central computer 10 via a MODEM 4 and the telephone line 9 by adapting any common communication procedure known in the art. After the connection with the central computer is established, instructions are given in display 2 for adding credit to the card, and a two-way communication involves data transfer as detailed hereinbefore is taking place. Preferably, 2842/93 -31- instead of the display, a touch tone voice response service known in the art may be used. Also, the data transferred on the telephone line should be encrypted by an encryption unit 8 by any method known in the art, in order to protect against forgery. Of course a software should be added and stored in internal memory 6 in order to enable a proper operation of the microprocessor, but such software can be easily written by a skilled person.
It should be mentioned here that other types of terminals may be adapted for loading credit to the P-T card, other than those described here in detail, and are within the scope of the invention. Such terminals may be dedicated terminals for that matter that will accept cache, or terminals commonly used in stores and gas stations for validating credit cards, or similar.
Further, two other variations of the invention, which are not beyond the scope of the invention, may be adapted for using and distributing the smart cards, especially in the intermediate time until all online terminals will be installed and security requirements established in all lines, cards, and terminals. a. cards with a fix amount of value will be sold by authorized distribution centers, and a deposit will be given in order to encourage the users to return their exhausted cards. The distribution centers will transfer the used cards to the computer center in order to read them, record the fees and entities, and devide the income between the different entities. This method does not require an on-line connection with the central computer. 2842^93 -32- b. cards will be sold by authorized distribution centers which have a secured on-line connection with the central computer. When exhausted the cards will be returned to the centers, and reloaded on-line for the required credit practically the same as described in the preferred embodiment of the invention.
While a number of embodiments of the invention have been described, it will be understood that the same can be carried into practice by skilled persons with a number of variations, modifications and adaptations, without departing from its spirit or exceeding the scope of the claims.

Claims (3)

1. 2842/93 107178/3 -33- C L A I M S 1 - System for the payment of parking, toll fees and various services, characterized in that it includes a central computer owned by the service giving authorities, a parking meter ( a parking control unit, a separate debit card and means for reading and changing the content of said debit card memory through a telephone line, a wireless telephone or other terminals suitably equipped.
2. - A system according to claim 1 wherein said seperate debit card is a smart card.
3. A system according to claim 1 wherein said seperate debit card is integrated in the parking meter. 4 - In a system for the payment of fees for services according to claim 1, a parking meter characterized in that it comprises: 1) - a keyboard; 2) - a CPU unit; 3) - a quartz clock; 4) - a display, including means for optical and acoustic w ar nin g/alar ming; 5) - a buffer and a permanent memory; 6) - a power source; 7) - a card connector; 2842/93 107178/3 -34- 8) - means for receiving a debit card embodying a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands corresponding to different entities; 9) - means for transferring data from said buffer memory to said card memory, and from said card memory to said buffer memory: and 10) - means for selectively activating said CPU to calculate, in terms of currency-equivalent units, the fees due for any one of a number of services, and entering each of said fees in said card memory in the band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said fee is to be credited and subtracting it from the corresponding credit. 5 - Parking meter according to claim 4, further comprising a radiation receiver and transmitter. 6 - Parking meter according to claim 4, wherein the fees due are one or more of the following: a) a parking fee due as a function of a parking time; b) a parking fee due not as a function of a parking time; c) a toll due, generally received through said radiation receiver; d) any other fee associated with the use of a vehicle, such as the purchase of fuel. 7 - In a system for the payment of fees for services according to claim 1, a debit card characterized in that it embodies a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands, corresponding to the entities from which a value has been purchased and to which fees are to be credited, for registering and updating such purchased value and fees. 2842/93 107178/3 8 - In a system for the payment of fees for services according to claim 1, coupler means for reading and changing the content of the debit card memory through a telephone line, characterized in that they are essentially modem means and are adapted to transform digital data registered in the card memory to sequential data that can be transmitted thorough a telephone line, and vice versa. 9 - Coupler means according to claim 8. which form a part of a public telephone, or other terminals suitably equipped. 10 - Coupler means according to claim 8, which form a part of a telephone terminal or are an attachment thereto. 11 - Process for the payment of fees for services according to the system of claim 1, characterized in that it comprises the steps of: I - providing a separate debit card embodying a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands corresponding to the entities from which services and goods have been purchased and to which fees are to be credited; II- registering in said memory bands pertinent information relative to said entities, including parking tariffs, telephone credits or other possible credits, in terms of currency-equivalent units, which units may also be monetary units; III - when the user's car is parked: 2842/93 107178/3 A - transferring from a CPU to a buffer memory the information relative to the entity to which the parking belongs; B - measuring the time elapsed; C - sequentially multiplying increments of said time by the appropriate parking tariff to calculate a parking fee due in terms of said currency-equivalent units; D - registering said parking fee in said non-volatile inner memory of the separate debit card thereof corresponding to the entity to which said parking fee is to be credited; E - transferring said data from the inner memory of the separate debit card at the first next insertion of the card into the P-T meter in order to actuate said card; IV - when the car passes through a point at which a toll is due: receiving a signal specifying the entity and the amount of the toll fee in terms of said currency-equivalent units and registering the same in said card memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said toll is to be credited; V - when the card is used for telephone conversations, registering the conversation time and/or fee in said card non-volatile memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said telephone fee is to be credited; VI - when the card is used for the purchase of other services or goods, registering the corresponding fee in said card non-volatile memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said fee is to be credited; 2842/93 107178/3 -37- VII - whenever a fee is to be subtracted from a prepurchased value, subtracting it and updating the account of the appropriate memory band; VIII - when one or more credits in the card are exhausted or it is desired to increase them, placing the card in communication with a telephone line, requesting additional value, transforming the signals representing said value and sent through the telephone line to digital data, and registering these latter in the appropriate memory bands. An appropriate account will be debited for the credit given; IX - when it is desired to acquire services or goods for which a prepaid credit is not available, placing the card in communication with a telephone line, transforming the digital data representing the value of said services or goods to signals that can be sent through the telephone line, and transmitting these latter to the appropriate computer means for debiting the appropriate account. 12 - Process according to claim 11, comprising the steps of: -entering a credit card into coupler means coupled to a telephone; -entering a password; -verifying of the validity of the card; -entering the user account number; -choosing from a menu the required service needed; -registering on the card the required credit and reducing it from the account number; 2842/93 107178/3 -38- -further, each time a communication is made with the central computer, transferring to the central computer information recorded on the card, which includes the debit for each particular entity, for the purpose of dividing the credit between different entities. 13 - Parking meter according to claim 4, comprising means for switching between three operating modes can be distinguished: 1- Street parking program; 2 - Garage parking fee program; 3 - Toll fee program. 14 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising manually operated means for starting the street parking program and, when said means have not been actuated, means for receiving and analyzing a remote signal and selectively crediting a fixed fee to the appropriate entity or switching to a non-fixed toll or parking fee program. 15 - Parking meter according to claim 13, wherein said card includes a memory band for registering a pre-purchased credit in currency-equivalent units and wherein means are provided for deducting from said credit the sums credited as toll or parking fees to the appropriate entities. 16 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for registering in its buffer memory any excess in the amount of sum debited on the sum credited at the end of a parking or toll program and subtracting said excess from the pre-purchased credit of the smart card used in the following parking or toll. 2842/93 107178/3 -39- 17 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for checking all the data that are relevant to the maximum parking time and to the parking rate against the data that are registered on the card, and, if there is a difference, substituting the data registered on the card for the data registered in the apparatus' permanent memory. Alternatively, using the data recorded on the card as the relevant data without substituting said data in the apparatus' permanent memory. 18 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for storing temporarily in the buffer memory all the data connected with the operation of the device, until the end of the program is reached, and transferring that data to the smart card, when activating the P-T meter the next time . 19 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for, upon receiving a signal communicating a fixed toll fee, storing said fee and toll entity in the internal memory of the P-T meter, and subtracting said fee from the pre-purchased credit registered in the card memory bank relating to the appropriate entity. 20 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for registering messages identifying the entrance and the exit gates of a toll road. 21 - Parking meter according to claim 13, comprising means for registering the times of entering and exiting a parking area. 2842/93 107178/3 -40- 22- Process for paying parking, road toll fees and various services according to the system of claim 1, characterized in that it comprises the steps of: I - providing a seperate debit card embodying a non-volatile memory, said memory including distinct memory bands corresponding to the entities to which fees or tolls are to be credited; II- registering in said memory bands pertinent information relative to said entities, including parking tariffs in terms of currency- equivalent units; III - when the car is parked: A - transferring from a CPU to a buffer memory the information relative to the entity to which the parking belongs; B - measuring the time elapsed; C - sequentially multiplying increments of said time by the appropriate parking tariff to calculate a parking fee due in terms of said currency-equivalent units; D - registering said parking fee in said non-volatile inner memory band of the separate debit card thereof corresponding to the entity to which said parking fee is to be credited; E - transferring said data from the inner memory of the separate debit card at the first next insertion of the card into the P-T meter in order to actuate said card; and 2842/93 107178/3 -41- IV - when the car passes through a point at which a toll is due: receiving a signal specifying the entity and the amount of the toll fee in terms of said currency-equivalent units and registering the same in said card memory in the memory band thereof corresponding to the entity to which said toll is to be credited. 23 - Process according to claim 22, wherein all information required for communication between a vehicle and a toll road station, to permit automatic payment of the toll fee when the vehicle enters the toll road, is transferred from the smart card to a buffer memory before the vehicle enters the road, and after all communications between the vehicle and the toll road station or stations have been completed, the relevant data are transferred to the card non-volatile memory and stored therein. 24 - In a system or process according to any one of claims 1-23, A parking control unit for use by the parking attendant personnel for checking the validity of the parking, the authenticity of the card and of the parking meter comprising: 1) - a receiver/transmitter; 2) - a light emitting diode and a diode sensitive to light for transmitting and receiving data between the parking control unit and the parking meter; 3) - memory storage means (by means of a fixed memory or a smart card) which may contain: 2842/93 107178/3 -42- a. data received from the parking cars' P-T meters and transferred via an RS232 port to the central computer at the end of the day for verifications purposes. b. data for transmitting to all checked cars' P-T meters for updating their data storage relating to parking fees and duration. 4) - processing and control means for enabling the proper operation of said parking control unit; and 5) - optionally an RS232 unit and port to enable transferring data between said processing and control means and the central computer and vice versa. 25 - A central computer for use in a system or process according to any one of claims 1 to 24, chracterized in that it is comprising: 1 - means for communicating with the terminals of claimes 7 and 8 through telephone lines for assigning new value in the debit cards and collecting data therefrom; and 2 - means for processing the data thus collected. 26 - System for the payment of fees for services according to any one of claims 1 to 25, characterized in that it includes a central computer owned by the service giving authorities as in claim 25, a parking meter as in claim 4, a parking control unit as in claim 24, a separate debit card as in claim 7, and means for reading and changing the content of said debit card memory through a telephone line, a wireless telephone or other terminals suitably equipped as in claims 9 and 10. 2842/93 107178/2 -43- 27 - A method for distributing smart cards, for use in a system or process according to any one of claims 1 to 26, comprising: - distributing cards containing a fixed amount of value, and collecting exhausted cards; - transferring said exhausted cards to a computer center; - reading from said cards the times, entities and fees and transferring said data to a central computer; and - dividing the income between entities according to said data. 28 - A method for distributing smart cards, for use in a system or process accord ng to any one of claims 1 to 26, comprising: - selling cards containing a fixed amount of value, and collecting exhausted cards; - reading from said cards the times, entities and fees and transferring said data to a central computer via a modem and a telephone line or a cellular system; and - dividing the income between entities according to said data. LUZZATTO & L UZZATTO
IL107178A 1993-10-04 1993-10-04 System for the payment of fees for services, such as parking fees, road tolls and telephone fees IL107178A (en)

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