HRP980209A2 - Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display - Google Patents

Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display Download PDF


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HRP980209A2 HR980209A HRP980209A HRP980209A2 HR P980209 A2 HRP980209 A2 HR P980209A2 HR 980209 A HR980209 A HR 980209A HR P980209 A HRP980209 A HR P980209A HR P980209 A2 HRP980209 A2 HR P980209A2
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Franjković Krunoslav
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Franjković Krunoslav
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Application filed by Franjković Krunoslav filed Critical Franjković Krunoslav
Priority to HR980209A priority Critical patent/HRP980209A2/en
Priority to PCT/HR1999/000006 priority patent/WO1999054855A1/en
Publication of HRP980209A2 publication Critical patent/HRP980209A2/en



    • G08G1/00Traffic control systems for road vehicles
    • G08G1/09Arrangements for giving variable traffic instructions
    • G08G1/096Arrangements for giving variable traffic instructions provided with indicators in which a mark progresses showing the time elapsed, e.g. of green phase


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Traffic Control Systems (AREA)
  • Road Signs Or Road Markings (AREA)
  • Illuminated Signs And Luminous Advertising (AREA)


Područje tehnike u koje spada izum The technical field to which the invention belongs

Prema Međunarodnoj klasifikaciji patenata (MKP) predmet izuma najbliže se može tretirati pod sljedećim klasama: According to the International Classification of Patents (ICP), the subject of the invention can most closely be treated under the following classes:

- G 08 G 1/00 - Prometni kontrolni sistem za cestovna vozila - G 08 G 1/00 - Traffic control system for road vehicles

- G 08 G 1/095 - Prometna svjetla - G 08 G 1/095 - Traffic lights

- G 08 G 1/96 - Pokazivači u kojima promjena znaka nastaje uslijed određenog proteklog vremena, npr. trajanje zelenog vala - G 08 G 1/96 - Indicators in which the sign change occurs due to a certain elapsed time, for example the duration of a green wave

- G 08 B 7/00 - Signalni uređaji koji daju istovremeno zvučna i vizualna pokazivanja - G 08 B 7/00 - Signaling devices which provide simultaneous sound and visual indications

Tehnički problem: Technical problem:

Tehničke naprave za signalizaciju u cestovnom prometu moraju zadovoljiti dvije funkcije: radnu i sigurnosnu. Radna se funkcija odnosi na obavljanje zadataka kojima su uređaji namijenjeni, a sigurnosna mora osigurati da ne nastanu opasne situacije zbog krive signalizacije kao posljedica kvara uređaja ili nepažnjom poslužioca. Prema tome, uređaji moraju imati svojstvo samokontrole rada, kojom se sprečava njihovo opasno djelovanje. Budući da nema potpuno pouzdanog uređaja, pouzdano se određuje na osnovi pretpostavki o očekivanom broju (intenziteta) kvarova i zahtjevom pouzdanosti rada. Technical devices for signaling in road traffic must satisfy two functions: operational and safety. The work function refers to the performance of the tasks for which the devices are intended, and the safety function must ensure that dangerous situations do not arise due to incorrect signaling as a result of device failure or carelessness of the server. Therefore, the devices must have the property of self-control of operation, which prevents their dangerous operation. Since there is no completely reliable device, it is reliably determined on the basis of assumptions about the expected number (intensity) of failures and the requirement of operational reliability.

Jedan od najvećih problema u cestovnoj prometnoj signalizaciji, a koji za posljedicu ima stradavanje ljudi i automobila, je nejasno tj. neoznačeno vrijeme trajanja svjetlosnog signala za slobodan prolaz kroz raskrižje (zeleno svijetlo). Problem dolazi do izražaja pogotovo u trenucima kada učesnici u prometu nailaze na već otvoreni signal (zeleno svjetlo), jer tada ne znaju koliko je vremena ostalo do njegove promjene. One of the biggest problems in road traffic signalling, which results in injuries to people and cars, is the unclear, i.e. unmarked duration of the light signal for free passage through the intersection (green light). The problem comes to the fore especially at moments when road users come across an already open signal (green light), because then they don't know how much time is left until it changes.

Stanje tehnike: State of the art:

Prvi uređaj za upravljanje prometom postavljen je 1868.g. u Londonu na raskršću Bridge St. i New Palace Yard. To je bila signalizacija s pokretljivim krakovima. Visoko položeni krakovi označavali su slobodno kretanje, a spušteni su upozoravali na oprez. U tami su te informacije davane pomoću plinske svjetiljke s crvenim i zelenim svjetlom. Nakon nekoliko dana probnog rada plinska je svjetiljka eksplodirala i takva je signalizacija ukinuta. The first traffic control device was installed in 1868. in London at the intersection of Bridge St. and New Palace Yard. It was a signal with movable arms. Raised arms denoted free movement, and lowered arms warned of caution. In the dark, this information was given using a gas lamp with red and green light. After a few days of trial operation, the gas lamp exploded and such signaling was discontinued.

Danas uobičajeni svjetlosni signali postavljeni su prvi put u Detroidu (9. listopada 1917). Uređaj je bio izveden prema preporukama W. Ph. Enoa. U Evropi je prvi trobojni signal postavljen 1926. u Velikoj Britaniji. Signalnim uređajem, instaliranim 1929. god. u New Havenu i Baltimoru (SAD), upravljali su sami sudionici u prometu. Upravljalo se pomoću mikrofona, a vozači su svoje zahtjeve dojavljivali trubom. Za vrijeme ekonomske krize, tridesetih godina ovog stoljeća, daljeg razvoja nije bilo i upravljanje je prometom prepušteno policajcima. Today's common light signals were installed for the first time in Detroit (October 9, 1917). The device was made according to the recommendations of W. Ph. Aeno. In Europe, the first three-color signal was installed in Great Britain in 1926. Signal device, installed in 1929. in New Haven and Baltimore (USA), were managed by the road users themselves. It was operated using a microphone, and the drivers announced their requests with a horn. During the economic crisis, in the thirties of this century, there was no further development and traffic management was left to the police.

Nakon drugog svjetskog rata, zbog naglog povećanja broja vozila započela je modernizacija i proširenje signalnih sustava. Elektronička računala počela su se primjenjivati za upravljanje prometom 1959. godine. After the Second World War, due to the sudden increase in the number of vehicles, the modernization and expansion of signal systems began. Electronic computers began to be used for traffic management in 1959.

Maksimalno iskorištenje gradske cestovne mreže, omogućuju elektronički uređaji pomoću kojih se može ostvariti svjetlosna signalizacija, a ona osigurava optimalno iskorištenje gradskih prometnica. Maximum use of the city's road network is made possible by electronic devices that can be used to create light signals, which ensure optimal use of city roads.

Vremenski ustaljeno upravljanje, kao jedan od oblika upravljanja signalnim uređajima, osniva se na unaprijed utvrđenom slijedu i trajanju signala. Tako je određen signalni plan koji odgovara nekoj prometnoj situaciji. Budući da se u toku dana prometna situacija mijenja, promjenom signalnih planova prema razdoblju dana posredno se upravlja prometom. Time-based control, as one of the forms of control of signal devices, is based on a predetermined sequence and duration of signals. This is how a signal plan is determined that corresponds to a certain traffic situation. Since the traffic situation changes during the day, traffic is indirectly managed by changing signal plans according to the period of the day.

Prometni signalni sustav sastoji se od svjetlosnih signalnih uređaja, svjetlosnih signala, detektora i kabelne mreže. The traffic signal system consists of light signaling devices, light signals, detectors and cable network.

Svaki signalni plan potpuno je određen trajanjem cijelog ciklusa (vrijeme jednostrukog isteka signalnog plana), omjerom trajanja zelenog signala i cijelog ciklusa (taj se omjer naziva "splitom") i međuvremenom (vrijeme između prestanka zelenog signala i početka zelenog signala suprotnog smjera). Each signal plan is completely determined by the duration of the entire cycle (the time of the single expiration of the signal plan), the ratio of the duration of the green signal to the entire cycle (this ratio is called "split") and the intermediate time (the time between the end of the green signal and the beginning of the green signal of the opposite direction).

Svjetlosni signali su optički davači crvenog, žutog i zelenog svjetla. Konstrukcijski su izvedeni s izvorištem svjetla smještenim u žarištu paraboličnog reflektora. Kao izvor svjetla upotrebljavaju se obične ili halogene žarulje. Da bi se spriječio fantomski efekt refleksije sunčanog svjetla, koje bi moglo ometati raspoznavanje signalnih svjetala, u reflektor se ugrađuju posebni zakloni. Light signals are optical emitters of red, yellow and green light. They are constructed with the light source located in the focal point of the parabolic reflector. Ordinary or halogen bulbs are used as a light source. In order to prevent the phantom effect of sunlight reflection, which could interfere with the recognition of signal lights, special shields are installed in the reflector.

Standardni su promjeri leća 300, 210 i 100 mm. Promjer se leće odabire prema namjeni signala i njegovom položaju. U signalne uređaje ugrađuju se različiti simboli (simbol pješaka, strelice i dr.). Standard lens diameters are 300, 210 and 100 mm. The diameter of the lens is selected according to the purpose of the signal and its position. Various symbols are incorporated into signal devices (pedestrian symbol, arrow, etc.).

(Izvor podataka: Tehnička enciklopedija - Signalno - sigurnosna tehnika) (Data source: Technical encyclopedia - Signaling - safety technology)

Današnji svjetlosni signalni uređaji na gradskim prometnicama kada ih se promatra same za sebe, tehnički su dotjerani. Svi imaju ugrađene uređaje koji sprečavaju istovremeno uključivanje zelenog svjetla za smjerove vozila koji se ukrštavaju. Međutim najava promjene vrste (boje) svjetla je problematična i nije izvedena na način, koji bi najveći mogući broj učesnika u prometu (vozača i pješaka) sugestivno upozorio na skoru promjenu prava prolaza. Today's light signaling devices on city roads, when viewed on their own, are technically sophisticated. All of them have built-in devices that prevent the simultaneous turning on of the green light for the directions of intersecting vehicles. However, the announcement of the change in the type (color) of the light is problematic and was not carried out in a way that would suggestively warn the largest possible number of road users (drivers and pedestrians) about the imminent change of the right of way.

U svijetu postoje različiti načini označavanja prestanka trajanja ZELENOG svjetla. Jedan od načina; ZELENO svjetlo posljednje tri sekunde treperi, ili se uz njega uključuje i ŽUTO svjetlo. Nakon kraćeg vremena gasi se zeleno i ostaje samo žuto svjetlo koje upozorava na promjenu signala. In the world, there are different ways of marking the expiration of the GREEN light. One of the ways; The GREEN light flashes for the last three seconds, or the YELLOW light also turns on. After a short time, the green light turns off and only the yellow light remains, which warns of a signal change.

Bez obzira na način promjene zelenog svjetla - signala slobodnog prolaska kroz raskrižje, vrlo velik broj vozača nastoji proći kroz raskrižje. Vozači vide zeleno svjetlo na semaforu, ali ne znaju koliko vremena već traje odnosno, koliko im još vremena preostaje za prolaz. Iz navedenog razloga priličan broj povećava brzinu, i kada dođe do promjene svjetla, u pravilu nastavlja kretanje, iako se zeleno svjetlo ugasilo. Regardless of the way of changing the green light - signal of free passage through the intersection, a very large number of drivers try to pass through the intersection. Drivers see the green light at the traffic light, but they don't know how much time it is already, or how much time they have left to pass. For the above reason, quite a number increase their speed, and when the light changes, as a rule, they continue moving, even though the green light has gone out.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Cilj izuma je maksimalno povećanje sigurnosti prolaza vozila kroz raskrižje i pješaka kada na raskrižju prelaze kolnik, te povećanje propusne moći raskrižja, uz istovremeno maksimalno izbjegavanje opasnih situacija. The goal of the invention is to maximize the safety of vehicles passing through the intersection and for pedestrians when they cross the roadway at the intersection, and to increase the throughput of the intersection, while at the same time maximally avoiding dangerous situations.

Suština izuma je u slijedećem: umjesto sadašnjeg ZELENOG svjetla postavlja se ploča - DISPLEJ sa zelenim LED - diodama. Uključivanjem signala za prolaz na displeju se pojavljuje zeleni pješak, a nakon nekog vremena zeleni broj koji označava sekunde programiranog trajanja zelenog signala. Svake dvije sekunde brojka se UMANJUJE i učesnici u prometu jasno vide koliko vremena imaju za prolaz raskrižja. Praktički to znači, da kada se na displeju pojavi vrijeme od dvije sekunde, vozač koji je u neposrednoj blizini semafora može siguruno proći raskrižje, dok vozač iza njega ima najavljenu skoru promjenu svjetla (signala) i može bez poteškoća zaustaviti svoje vozilo. The essence of the invention is the following: instead of the current GREEN light, a panel - DISPLAY with green LEDs - is installed. By turning on the traffic signal, a green pedestrian appears on the display, and after a while, a green number indicating the seconds of the green signal's programmed duration. Every two seconds the number DECREASES and road users clearly see how much time they have to pass the intersection. Practically, this means that when a time of two seconds appears on the display, the driver who is in the immediate vicinity of the traffic light can safely pass the intersection, while the driver behind him has an imminent change of light (signal) announced and can stop his vehicle without difficulty.

Svjetlosni signalni uređaj za pješake sa ovako ugrađenim displejom, pomogao bi pješacima da ne započinju prelazak kolnika, ako im je preostalo vrijeme od 4-5 sekundi, jer je to premalo vremena za prelazak cijele širine kolnika. Ovaj problem je očit pogotovo kod osoba starije životne dobi. A light signaling device for pedestrians with such a built-in display would help pedestrians not to start crossing the road, if they have 4-5 seconds left, because that is too little time to cross the entire width of the road. This problem is obvious especially in elderly people.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Slike u privitku prikazuju izgled svjetlosnog signalnog uređaja s displejem za regulaciju cestovnog prometa. The pictures in the attachment show the appearance of the light signaling device with a display for regulating road traffic.

Slika br. 1 - prikazuje izgled svjetlosnog signalnog uređaja koji pokazuje zeleni signal Image no. 1 - shows the appearance of a light signaling device showing a green signal

Slika br. 2 - prikazuje izgled svjetlosnog signalnog uređaja koji pokazuje crveni signal Image no. 2 - shows the appearance of a light signaling device showing a red signal

Slika br. 3 - prikazuje električnu blok shemu Image no. 3 - shows the electrical block diagram

Slika br. 4 - prikazuje raspored elektroničkih elemenata Image no. 4 - shows the arrangement of electronic elements

Slika br. 5 - prikazuje električnu blok shemu Image no. 5 - shows the electrical block diagram

Svjetlosni signalni uređaj za regulaciju cestovnog prometa namijenjen je regulaciji gradskog cestovnog prometa, u bilo kojem sustavu upravljanja prometa. Za razliku od drugih vrsta svjetlosnih signalnih uređaja navedeni tip je "inteligentniji", pa nakon dojavljivanja slobodnog početka kretanja pješaka, ili vozila, pokazuje preostalo vrijeme trajanja slobode kretanja u tom smjeru. Time olakšava odluku pješaku, ili vozaču, da li uopće započeti prolaz križanja u danom trenutku. The light signaling device for road traffic regulation is intended for the regulation of city road traffic, in any traffic management system. Unlike other types of light signaling devices, this type is more "intelligent", so after signaling the free movement of pedestrians or vehicles, it shows the remaining time of freedom of movement in that direction. This makes it easier for the pedestrian, or the driver, to decide whether to start crossing the intersection at all at a given moment.

Svjetlosni signalni uređaj, čiji je rad prikazan električnom blok shemom - slika 3, može se ugraditi u bilo koji postojeći sustav upravljanja prometom. The light signaling device, whose operation is shown in the electrical block diagram - Figure 3, can be installed in any existing traffic management system.

Mehanički je prilagodljiv postojećim kućištima semafora promjenom samo noseće prednje ploče. Električki je prilagođen na bilo koji napon napajanja semaforskog terminala. Automatika upravljanja prometom može biti bilo kojeg tipa, jer je rad svjetlosnog signalnog uređaja potpuno neovisan o radu centralne automatike križanja. It is mechanically adaptable to existing traffic light housings by changing only the supporting front panel. It is electrically adapted to any supply voltage of the semaphore terminal. Automatic traffic management can be of any type, because the operation of the light signaling device is completely independent of the operation of the central automatic crossing.

Svjetlosni signalni uređaj s displejem za regulaciju cestovnog prometa (slika 3) starta dolaskom napajanja iz upravljačke automatike. Prvo se uključi ulazni monostabilni sklop koji osigurava da u vremenu prve četiri sekunde svijetli display zelenog pješaka koji se kreće (slika 1). Nakon četiri sekunde gasi se display pješaka, a počne svjetliti početni broj namješten grupom mikroperekidača prema uputama za podešavanje. Brojač sekundi starta s brojanjem i svake sekunde promjeni stanje na "brojaču jedinica unatrag". Dekoder binarnog u sedam segmentni kod upravlja segmentima od LED dioda, prema stanju brojača. Prilikom promjene stanja "brojača jedinica unatrag" od nule na devet, promjeni se stanje "brojača desetica unatrag" za jedan broj. Dekoder binarnog u sedam segmentni kod koji je priključen na "brojač desetica unatrag" upravlja display-em desetica, sastavljenim od istih segmenata kao i display jedinica. Kada brojanje dođe do nule u oba displaya, blokira se brojač sekundi. Sa nulom na displeyu semafor čeka gašenje, odnosno paljenje "crvenog" pješaka (slika 2). Sklop za kodiranje izbora displeya, prema namještenom kodu, u tijeku brojanja unatrag naizmjenično uključuje prikazivanje broja preostalih sekundi i zelenog pješaka. Naizmjenično prikazivanje pješaka i brojeva mijenja se npr. svake dvije sekunde, sve do posljednjih šest sekundi zelenog ciklusa, kada se prikazuju preostale sekunde. The light signaling device with a display for regulating road traffic (Figure 3) starts with the arrival of power from the control system. First, the input monostable circuit is switched on, which ensures that the display of the green pedestrian who is moving lights up during the first four seconds (picture 1). After four seconds, the pedestrian display turns off, and the initial number set by the microswitch group according to the setting instructions starts to light up. The seconds counter starts counting and every second it changes its state to "units counter". The binary-to-seven-segment code decoder controls the LED segments according to the state of the counter. When changing the state of the "ones counter" from zero to nine, the state of the "tens counter" is changed by one number. A binary-to-seven-segment code decoder connected to the "counting tens counter" controls the tens display, composed of the same segments as the display unit. When the count reaches zero in both displays, the seconds counter is blocked. With zero on the display, the traffic light is waiting to be turned off, or to turn on the "red" pedestrian (picture 2). The assembly for encoding the display selection, according to the set code, during the countdown alternately includes the display of the number of seconds remaining and the green pedestrian. The alternating display of pedestrians and numbers alternates, for example, every two seconds, until the last six seconds of the green cycle, when the remaining seconds are displayed.

Funkcija svjetlosnog signalnog uređaja s displejem za regulaciju cestovnog prometa (slika 3) može se proširiti dodatkom prikazanim na električnoj blok shemi (slika 5). Nakon završetka rada “zelenog” svjetlosnog signala, te uključenja crvenog "pješaka" ostaje pauza do uključenja zelenog signala za automobile iz suprotnog pravca. Tada se uključuje "žuti" signal za pješake (slika 2), te požuruje pješake zatečene na pješačkom prijelazu. The function of the light signaling device with a display for regulating road traffic (Figure 3) can be expanded with the addition shown on the electrical block diagram (Figure 5). After the operation of the "green" light signal is completed, and the red "pedestrian" is turned on, there is a pause until the green signal is turned on for cars from the opposite direction. Then the "yellow" signal for pedestrians is turned on (picture 2), and it speeds up pedestrians caught at the crosswalk.

Svjetlosno signalni uređaj (slika 5 i slika 2) starta dolaskom napajanja iz upravljačke automatike. Istovremeno se uključuju crveni i žuti signal za pješake. Žuti display pješaka sastoji se od pet jednakih segmenata, napravljenih od žutih LED dioda, rastegnutih između zelenog i crvenog pješačkog signala. Na svjetlosno signalnom uređaju prvo se uključi pješak najbliži zelenom a nakon toga naizmjenično, npr. svake sekunde pješaci u smjeru crvenog. Nakon petog žutog pješaka ostaje svjetiliti samo crveni pješak. Elektronika žutog svjetlosnog signala sastoji se od brojača sekundi, dekodera žutog displaya, te sklopa za blokadu brojača, nakon isteka žutog ciklusa. The light signaling device (picture 5 and picture 2) starts with the arrival of power from the control system. At the same time, the red and yellow signals for pedestrians are switched on. The yellow pedestrian display consists of five equal segments, made of yellow LEDs, stretched between the green and red pedestrian signals. On the light signaling device, the pedestrian closest to the green light turns on first, and then alternately, for example, pedestrians in the red direction every second. After the fifth yellow pawn, only the red pawn remains lit. The electronics of the yellow light signal consists of a seconds counter, a yellow display decoder, and a circuit for blocking the counter after the yellow cycle has expired.

Detaljan opis načina ostvarivanja izuma Detailed description of the method of realizing the invention

Umjesto dosadašnjih signala sa svjetlima, treba postavljati umjesto zelenog svjetla zeleni displej koji će prikazivati odbrojavanje vremena trajanja prometnog signala (sadašnje zeleno svjetlo). Instead of the current signals with lights, a green display should be installed instead of the green light, which will show the countdown of the duration of the traffic signal (the current green light).

Svi svjetlosno signalni uređaji rade automatski i imaju ugrađene satne mehanizme koji se podešavaju na sekunde, što znači da već postoje uvjeti za ugradnju displeja, što pojeftinjuje samu izmjenu. All light signaling devices work automatically and have built-in clock mechanisms that are adjusted to the second, which means that the conditions for installing the display already exist, which makes the change itself cheaper.

Primjenom izuma postigla bi se veća sigurnost prometa vozila i pješaka na raskrižjima, a troškovi izgradnje svjetlosno signalnih uređaja ne bi se znatno povećali. Displej troši manje el. energije (70 - 80 %) i traje znatno duže od žarulje koja se mnogo puta pali i gasi. By applying the invention, greater safety of vehicle and pedestrian traffic at intersections would be achieved, and the costs of building light signaling devices would not increase significantly. The display consumes less electricity. energy (70 - 80 %) and lasts much longer than a light bulb that is turned on and off many times.

Claims (4)

1. Svjetlosni signalni uređaj s displejem za regulaciju cestovnog prometa s crvenim svjetlom kao signalom koji označava STOP te žutim koji upozorava na promjenu signala, naznačen time, što se za signal koji označava slobodan prolaz koristi displej sa zelenim LED diodama koje pokazuju vrijeme preostalog trajanja signala do promjene (odbrojavanje).1. A light signaling device with a display for regulating road traffic with a red light as a signal indicating STOP and a yellow light indicating a change of signal, indicated by the fact that a display with green LEDs is used for the signal indicating free passage, which shows the remaining duration of the signal until change (countdown). 2. Svjetlosni signalni uređaj, prema 1. zahtjevu koji starta dolaskom napajanja iz upravljačke automatike, naznačen time, što je monostabilni sklop u spoju s displejem zelenog signala načinjenog od segmenata LED dioda i brojačem sekundi, a brojač sekundi je u spoju s brojačem jedinica unatrag, koji biramo segmentnim dekoderom mijenja stanje na displeju jedinica a preko brojača desetica unatrag te binarnog segmentnog dekodera stanje na displeju desetica, brojač jedinica unatrag i brojač desetica unatrag spojeni su sa sklopom za kodiranje izbora displeja koji prema namještenom kodu u tijeku brojanja unatrag naizmjenično uključuje prikazivanje broja preostalih sekundi i zelenog pješaka.2. Light signaling device, according to the 1st requirement, which starts with the arrival of power from the control automation, characterized by the fact that the monostable circuit is connected to a green signal display made of LED segments and a seconds counter, and the seconds counter is connected to a reverse unit counter , which we select with the segment decoder, changes the state on the display of units, and through the tens counter and the binary segment decoder, the state on the tens display, the units counter and the tens counter are connected to the display selection coding circuit, which, according to the set code, during the countdown, alternately turns on the display the number of seconds remaining and the green pawn. 3. Svjetlosni signalni uređaj prema 1. i 2. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što se žuti displej pješaka sastoji od jednakih segmenata napravljenih od žutih LED dioda, rastegnutih između zelenog i crvenog pješačkog signala, koji se naizmjenično pale i gase.3. Light signaling device according to claim 1 and 2, characterized in that the yellow pedestrian display consists of equal segments made of yellow LEDs, stretched between the green and red pedestrian signals, which alternately turn on and off. 4. Svjetlosni signalni uređaj prema 3. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što je peterosegmentni žuti displej spojen na dekoder, koji je spojen s brojačem sekundi i sklopom za blokadu brojača.4. Light signaling device according to claim 3, characterized in that the five-segment yellow display is connected to the decoder, which is connected to the seconds counter and the counter blocking circuit.
HR980209A 1998-04-17 1998-04-17 Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display HRP980209A2 (en)

Priority Applications (2)

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HR980209A HRP980209A2 (en) 1998-04-17 1998-04-17 Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display
PCT/HR1999/000006 WO1999054855A1 (en) 1998-04-17 1999-04-16 Road traffic control light signal system

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HR980209A HRP980209A2 (en) 1998-04-17 1998-04-17 Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display

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HR980209A HRP980209A2 (en) 1998-04-17 1998-04-17 Light signalling device comprising a traffic control display

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WO1999054855A1 (en) 1999-10-28

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