Claims (13)
1. Postupak reguliranja temperature i higrometrije unutarnjeg zraka koje pretežu u rashladnoj komori (3) na osnovi zadane temperature i zadane higrometrije koje određuje korisnik, naznačen time što se varijaciju u temperaturi i u higrometriji provodi kruženjem rashladnog sredstva u rashladnom krugu (2), koji ima kompresor (4), kondenzator (5) i isparivač (7), gdje reguliranje provodi automat (11), koji uspoređuje izmjerenu temperaturu i higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka sa zadanom temperaturom i higrometrijom, gdje, kada je temperatura unutarnjeg zraka viša od zadane temperature, automat (11) aktivira postupak proizvodnje hladnoće tijekom kojeg, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka niža od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) negativno regulira zadani protok zraka za unutarnji ventilator (9), pogodan za stvaranje protoka zraka kroz isparivač (7) i negativno regulira zadani rad motora kompresora (4) kako bi povisio temperaturu rashladnog sredstva u isparivaču (7) i, samim tim, povisio higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka viša od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) pozitivno regulira zadani protok zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i pozitivno regulira zadani rad kompresora motor (4) kako bi snizio temperaturu rashladnog sredstva u isparivaču (7) i, samim tim, snizio higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka jednaka zadanoj higrometriji, automat (11) održava zadani protok zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i zadani rad motora kompresora (4), tako da se ne mijenjaju, a, kada je temperatura unutarnjeg zraka niža od ili jednaka zadanoj temperaturi, automat (11) aktivira postupak zaustavljanja proizvodnje hladnoće i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka niža od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) regulira zadanu brzinu protoka zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka viša od ili jednaka zadanoj higrometriji, automat (11) zaustavlja unutarnji ventilator (9), gdje je automat (11) dodatno spojen sa senzorom tlaka (18), koji se nalazi između kompresora (4) i kondenzatora (5) i aktivira vanjski ventilator (8), koji je pogodan za stvaranje protoka zraka kroz kondenzator (5) kod zadanog protoka zraka kako bi se održavalo tlak rashladnog sredstva na izlazu kondenzatora (5) konstantnim na osnovi fiksnog zadanog tlaka za vrijeme trajanja postupaka proizvodnje hladnoće kod postupka reguliranja.1. The procedure for regulating the temperature and hygrometry of the internal air prevailing in the cooling chamber (3) based on the set temperature and set hygrometry determined by the user, indicated by the fact that the variation in temperature and hygrometry is carried out by circulating the coolant in the cooling circuit (2), which has compressor (4), condenser (5) and evaporator (7), where regulation is carried out by an automaton (11), which compares the measured temperature and hygrometry of the indoor air with the set temperature and hygrometry, where, when the temperature of the indoor air is higher than the set temperature, the automaton (11) activates the process of cold production during which, if the hygrometry of the indoor air is lower than the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) negatively regulates the set air flow for the internal fan (9), suitable for creating air flow through the evaporator (7) and negatively regulates the set operation of the compressor motor (4) to raise the temperature of the coolant in the evaporator (7) and, therefore, raise the hygrometer indoor air humidity, if the hygrometry of the indoor air is higher than the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) positively regulates the set air flow of the indoor fan (9) and positively regulates the set operation of the compressor motor (4) in order to lower the temperature of the coolant in the evaporator (7) and , therefore, lowered the hygrometry of the indoor air and, if the hygrometry of the indoor air is equal to the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) maintains the set air flow of the indoor fan (9) and the set operation of the compressor motor (4), so that they do not change, and when if the indoor air temperature is lower than or equal to the set temperature, the automaton (11) activates the cold production stop procedure and, if the indoor air hygrometry is lower than the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) regulates the set air flow rate of the indoor fan (9) and, if indoor air hygrometry higher than or equal to the set hygrometry, the automatic switch (11) stops the internal fan (9), where the automatic switch (11) is additionally connected to the by the pressure sensor (18), which is located between the compressor (4) and the condenser (5) and activates the external fan (8), which is suitable for creating an air flow through the condenser (5) at a given air flow in order to maintain the pressure of the refrigerant at the outlet of the condenser (5) constant on the basis of a fixed set pressure for the duration of the cold production procedures during the regulation procedure.
2. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s prethodnim patentnim zahtjevom, naznačen time što automat (11) određuje varijaciju u zadanoj vrijednosti protoka zraka vanjskog ventilatora (8), uglavnom iz razlike između fiksnog zadanog tlaka na izlazu kondenzatora (5) i tlaka kojeg izmjeri drugi senzor tlaka (18), koji ovisi o zadanom radu kompresora (4).2. The regulation procedure in accordance with the previous patent claim, characterized by the fact that the automaton (11) determines the variation in the set value of the air flow of the external fan (8), mainly from the difference between the fixed set pressure at the outlet of the condenser (5) and the pressure measured by another sensor of pressure (18), which depends on the set operation of the compressor (4).
3. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s prethodnim patentnim zahtjevom, naznačen time što se varijaciju u zadanoj vrijednosti protoka zraka vanjskog ventilatora (8) određuje na osnovi temperature koju izmjeri treći senzor temperature (16), koji se nalazi blizu vanjskog ventilatora (8).3. The regulation procedure in accordance with the previous patent claim, characterized in that the variation in the set value of the air flow of the external fan (8) is determined based on the temperature measured by the third temperature sensor (16), which is located near the external fan (8).
4. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što se upotrebljava automat (11), koji je još spojen s prvim senzorom tlaka (17) na ulazu kompresora (4).4. Regulation procedure in accordance with any of the preceding patent claims, indicated by the fact that an automatic device (11) is used, which is also connected to the first pressure sensor (17) at the compressor inlet (4).
5. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što, tijekom svakog postupka zaustavljanja proizvodnje hladnoće, automat (11) regulira zadani protok zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka niža od zadane higrometrije, te zaustavlja unutarnji ventilator (9) ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka viša od ili jednaka zadanoj higrometriji.5. Regulation procedure in accordance with any of the previous patent claims, characterized in that, during each process of stopping cold production, the automaton (11) regulates the set air flow of the internal fan (9) if the hygrometry of the internal air is lower than the set hygrometry, and stops internal fan (9) if the hygrometry of the internal air is higher than or equal to the set hygrometry.
6. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što početne vrijednosti zadanog rada motora kompresora (4), zadanog unutarnjeg protoka zraka i zadanog vanjskog protoka zraka odgovaraju postotku maksimalne snage motora kompresora (4), motora unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) odnosno motora vanjskog ventilatora (8).6. Regulation procedure in accordance with any of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that the initial values of the set compressor motor (4), set internal air flow and set external air flow correspond to the percentage of the maximum power of the compressor motor (4), the internal fan motor ( 9) or the motor of the external fan (8).
7. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što varijacije u vrijednostima zadanog rada motora kompresora (4), u zadanom unutarnjem protoku zraka i u zadanom vanjskom protoku zraka odgovaraju postotku maksimalne snage motora kompresora (4), motora unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) odnosno motora vanjskog ventilatora (8).7. Regulation method in accordance with any of the previous patent claims, characterized in that the variations in the values of the set compressor motor (4) operation, in the set internal air flow and in the set external air flow correspond to the percentage of the maximum power of the compressor motor (4), the internal motor fan (9) or external fan motor (8).
8. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što varijacija u vrijednosti zadanog rada motora kompresora (4) ovisi o razlici između zadane higrometrije i higrometrije izmjerene u rashladnoj komori (3).8. Regulation method according to any of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that the variation in the value of the set operation of the compressor motor (4) depends on the difference between the set hygrometry and the hygrometry measured in the cooling chamber (3).
9. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što se varijaciju u vrijednosti zadanog vanjskog protoka zraka određuje tako da se izuzme broj kalorija iz rashladnog sredstva potreban da tlak rashladnog sredstva na izlazu kondenzatora (5) dosegne fiksni zadani tlak.9. Regulation procedure in accordance with any of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that the variation in the value of the set external air flow is determined by subtracting the number of calories from the refrigerant required for the pressure of the refrigerant at the outlet of the condenser (5) to reach a fixed set pressure .
10. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što varijacija u vrijednosti zadanog unutarnjeg protoka zraka ovisi o razlici između zadane temperature i temperature izmjerene u rashladnoj komori (3) i/ili razlika između zadane higrometrije i higrometrije izmjerene u rashladnoj komori (3).10. Regulation procedure according to any of the previous patent claims, characterized in that the variation in the value of the set internal air flow depends on the difference between the set temperature and the temperature measured in the cooling chamber (3) and/or the difference between the set hygrometry and the hygrometry measured in cooling chamber (3).
11. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s patentnim zahtjevom 10, naznačen time što varijacija u vrijednosti zadanog unutarnjeg protoka zraka ovisi o razlici između zadane temperature i temperature izmjerene u rashladnoj komori (3) i o razlici između zadane higrometrije i higrometrije izmjerene u rashladnoj komori (3), gdje se odabir razlike određuje iz brzine snižavanja temperatura zraka koji se nalazi u rashladnoj komori (3), tako da, kada je brzina snižavanja veća od minimalne brzine, gdje je upotrijebljena razlika ona povezana s higrometrijom i, kada je brzina snižavanja manja od ili jednaka minimalnoj brzini, upotrijebljena razlika je ona povezana s temperaturom.11. Regulation procedure according to patent claim 10, characterized in that the variation in the value of the set internal air flow depends on the difference between the set temperature and the temperature measured in the cooling chamber (3) and on the difference between the set hygrometry and the hygrometry measured in the cooling chamber (3) , where the selection of the difference is determined from the rate of lowering the temperature of the air located in the cooling chamber (3), so that, when the rate of lowering is greater than the minimum rate, where the difference used is the one related to hygrometry and, when the rate of lowering is less than or equal to the minimum speed, the difference used is that related to temperature.
12. Postupak reguliranja u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što se upotrijebljeni isparivač (7) određuje omjerom između površine za izmjena topline navedenog isparivača i unutarnjeg volumena rashladne komore (3), koji je između 0,4 m2/m3 i 1,5 m2/m3.12. The regulation method according to any of the previous patent claims, characterized in that the used evaporator (7) is determined by the ratio between the heat exchange surface of the said evaporator and the internal volume of the cooling chamber (3), which is between 0.4 m2/m3 and 1.5 m2/m3.
13. Rashladno postrojenje namijenjeno provođenju postupka u skladu s bilo kojim od prethodnih patentnih zahtjeva, naznačen time što sadrži rashladnu komoru (3), rashladni krug (2), koji ima kompresor (4), kondenzator (5) i isparivač (7), automat (11), koji regulira temperaturu i higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka koje pretežu u rashladnoj komori (3) na osnovi zadane temperature i zadane higrometrije koje određuje korisnik, gdje se varijaciju u temperaturi i u higrometriji provodi kruženjem rashladnog sredstva u rashladnom krugu (2), gdje postrojenje također sadrži automat (11), koji provodi reguliranje uspoređivanjem izmjerene temperature i higrometrije unutarnjeg zraka sa zadanom temperaturom i higrometrijom, gdje, kada je temperatura unutarnjeg zraka viša od zadane temperature, automat (11) aktivira postupak proizvodnje hladnoće tijekom kojeg, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka niža od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) negativno regulira zadani protok zraka za unutarnji ventilator (9), pogodan za stvaranje protoka zraka kroz isparivač (7) i negativno regulira zadani rad motora kompresora (4) kako bi povisio temperaturu rashladnog sredstva u isparivaču (7) i, samim tim, povisio higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka viša od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) pozitivno regulira zadani protok zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i pozitivno regulira zadani rad kompresora motor (4) kako bi snizio temperaturu rashladnog sredstva u isparivaču (7) i, samim tim, snizio higrometriju unutarnjeg zraka i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka jednaka zadanoj higrometriji, automat (11) održava zadani protok zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i zadani rad motora kompresora (4), tako da se ne mijenjaju, a, kada je temperatura unutarnjeg zraka niža od ili jednaka zadanoj temperaturi, automat (11) aktivira postupak zaustavljanja proizvodnje hladnoće i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka niža od zadane higrometrije, automat (11) regulira zadanu brzinu protoka zraka unutarnjeg ventilatora (9) i, ako je higrometrija unutarnjeg zraka viša od ili jednaka zadanoj higrometriji, automat (11) zaustavlja unutarnji ventilator (9), gdje rashladno postrojenje također sadrži senzor tlaka (18), koji se nalazi između kompresora (4) i kondenzatora (5) i s kojim je automat (11) tako spojen da aktivira vanjski ventilator (8), koji je pogodan za stvaranje protoka zraka kroz kondenzator (5) kod zadanog protoka zraka kako bi se održavalo tlak rashladnog sredstva na izlazu kondenzatora (5) konstantnim na osnovi fiksnog zadanog tlaka za vrijeme trajanja postupaka proizvodnje hladnoće kod postupka reguliranja.13. Refrigeration plant intended for carrying out the process in accordance with any of the preceding patent claims, characterized in that it contains a cooling chamber (3), a cooling circuit (2), which has a compressor (4), a condenser (5) and an evaporator (7), machine (11), which regulates the temperature and hygrometry of the internal air prevailing in the cooling chamber (3) on the basis of the set temperature and set hygrometry determined by the user, where the variation in temperature and hygrometry is carried out by circulating the coolant in the cooling circuit (2), where the plant also contains an automaton (11), which carries out regulation by comparing the measured temperature and hygrometry of the indoor air with the set temperature and hygrometry, where, when the temperature of the indoor air is higher than the set temperature, the automaton (11) activates the cold production process during which, if the hygrometry indoor air lower than the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) negatively regulates the set air flow for the indoor fan (9), suitable for creating an air flow through the evaporator (7) and negatively regulates the set operation of the compressor motor (4) in order to increase the temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator (7) and, therefore, to increase the hygrometry of the indoor air, if the hygrometry of the indoor air is higher than the set hygrometry , the automaton (11) positively regulates the set air flow of the internal fan (9) and positively regulates the set operation of the compressor motor (4) in order to lower the temperature of the refrigerant in the evaporator (7) and, therefore, lower the indoor air hygrometry and, if the hygrometry of indoor air equal to the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) maintains the set air flow of the indoor fan (9) and the set operation of the compressor motor (4), so that they do not change, and when the temperature of the indoor air is lower than or equal to the set temperature, the automaton ( 11) activates the cold production stop procedure and, if the indoor air hygrometry is lower than the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) regulates the set flow rate zr aka of the internal fan (9) and, if the hygrometry of the internal air is higher than or equal to the set hygrometry, the automaton (11) stops the internal fan (9), where the cooling plant also contains a pressure sensor (18), which is located between the compressor (4) and the condenser (5) and with which the automaton (11) is connected in such a way that it activates the external fan (8), which is suitable for creating an air flow through the condenser (5) at a given air flow in order to maintain the pressure of the refrigerant at the outlet of the condenser (5) ) constant on the basis of a fixed set pressure for the duration of the cold production procedures in the regulation procedure.