HRP20160897A2 - Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles - Google Patents

Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles Download PDF


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HRP20160897A2 HRP20160897AA HRP20160897A HRP20160897A2 HR P20160897 A2 HRP20160897 A2 HR P20160897A2 HR P20160897A A HRP20160897A A HR P20160897AA HR P20160897 A HRP20160897 A HR P20160897A HR P20160897 A2 HRP20160897 A2 HR P20160897A2
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Rolf StĂĽckle
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Rolf StĂĽckle
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Application filed by Rolf StĂĽckle filed Critical Rolf StĂĽckle
Priority to HRP20160897AA priority Critical patent/HRP20160897A2/en
Priority to PCT/HR2017/000009 priority patent/WO2018015775A1/en
Priority to EP17765242.7A priority patent/EP3493695A1/en
Publication of HRP20160897A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20160897A2/en



    • A43B17/00Insoles for insertion, e.g. footbeds or inlays, for attachment to the shoe after the upper has been joined
    • A43B17/003Insoles for insertion, e.g. footbeds or inlays, for attachment to the shoe after the upper has been joined characterised by the material
    • A43B17/006Insoles for insertion, e.g. footbeds or inlays, for attachment to the shoe after the upper has been joined characterised by the material multilayered
    • A43B3/00Footwear characterised by the shape or the use
    • A43B3/0036Footwear characterised by the shape or the use characterised by a special shape or design
    • A43B3/0052X-shaped or cross-shaped


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Footwear And Its Accessory, Manufacturing Method And Apparatuses (AREA)


Multifunkcionalni višeslojni integrirani anatomski uložak za obuću, sastoji se iz integriranih više slojeva, pokrovni (8.2) sloj, petni (8.3) dio, plastični (8.4) jastuk te prednji jastučić (8.5) prstiju, pri čemu je noseći (8.1) sloj uloška oblikovan na način da njegova cijela ploha svojim oblikom i konfiguracijom u potpunosti slijedi oblik plohe tabana (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) stopala za koji se uložak predviđa, čime se osigurava da noseći (8.1) sloj uloška s gornje strane poprima oblik (1.2) plohe tabana i tako priliježe uz taban stopala, dok s donje strane tabana noseći (8.1) sloj svojim površinama, na kojima ne postoje distance (2.2) između tabana, odnosno kostiju stopala (2.3), i plohe (2.1) potplate obuće, noseći (8.1) se sloj naslanja na plohu (2.1) potplate obuće, što se u pravilu dešava na dvije površine u graničnoj zoni između kostiju srednjeg (3.2) i prednjeg (3.1) stopala, koje se površine nazivaju veliki (5.1.2) i mali (5.1.3) jastučić te u zoni ispod pete (5.1.1) stopala. Osim toga, noseći sloj (8.1) uloška, izrađen je od odgovarajućeg materijala s elastičnim i opružnim svojstvima, primjerice od opružnog tankog čeličnog lima, tako da se postiže trajnost forme, elastičnost, mogućnost federiranja te raspolaganje s dovoljnom silom tlačenja prema plohi (1.2) tabana stopala, na koji način se postiže ne samo nalijeganje nego i tlačenje nosećeg sloja (8.1) uloška prema tabanu odnosno kostima (2.3) stopala, i to dostatnom silom. Noseći sloj (8.1) uloška izveden tako da odražava pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala, na način da otprilike od sredine stopala, odnosno centralnog dijela (9.1) u smjeru prema prstima (9.2) stopala, noseći (8.1) sloj tvori više prednjih (9.4), u pravilu pet, traka koje su međusobno pozicionirane pod određenim različitim ili istim kutovima α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), koji su otvoreni u smjeru prema prstima (9.2).Multifunctional multilayer integrated anatomical shoe insert, consisting of integrated multiple layers, cover (8.2) layer, heel (8.3) part, plastic (8.4) pillow and front pad (8.5) of the fingers, with the support (8.1) layer of the cartridge being formed in such a way that its entire surface, in its shape and configuration, fully follows the shape of the sole of the sole (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) of the foot for which the insert is intended, thereby ensuring that the supporting (8.1) layer of the insert on the upper side acquires the shape (1.2) of the sole of the sole and thus fits with the soles of the feet, while on the underside of the soles, carrying (8.1) a layer to its surfaces, at which there are no distances (2.2) between the soles of the soles of the feet (2.3), and the surface (2.1) of the sole of the shoe, bearing (8.1) the layer rests on the sole (2.1) of the sole of the shoe, which generally occurs on two surfaces in the boundary zone between the bones of the middle (3.2) and front (3.1) feet, which are called the large (5.1.2) and small (5.1. 3) a pad and in the expo zone d heel (5.1.1) feet. In addition, the support layer (8.1) of the cartridge is made of a suitable material with elastic and spring properties, for example, of spring thin sheet steel, so as to achieve durability of form, elasticity, ability to be fed and to have sufficient compressive force against the surface (1.2). the soles of the foot, in which not only the pressure but also the pressure of the carrier layer (8.1) of the cartridge against the soles or bones (2.3) of the foot is achieved, with sufficient force. The support layer (8.1) of the cartridge is designed to reflect the five segments of the foot bones S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1), such that approximately from the middle of the foot or center (9.1) in the direction of the toes (9.2). the supporting (8.1) layer forms more front (9.4), as a rule, five, strips positioned at different or equal angles α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), which are open in the direction towards the fingers ( 9.2).


Područje tehnike na koje se izum odnosi Technical field to which the invention relates

Ovaj se izum odnosi na anatomski uložak za obuću, a prema međunarodnoj klasifikaciji (MKP), klasificiran je kao A43B17/00. This invention relates to an anatomical insole for footwear, and according to the International Classification (ICC), it is classified as A43B17/00.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Tehničkim rješenjem uložaka za obuću prema predmetnom izumu rješava se cijeli spektar problema koji se pojavljuju pri korištenju obuće i nastaju kao posljedica činjenice da je potplata obuće koja se danas proizvodi, nudi i masovno koristi na praktički isključivo tvrdim, neravnim i neelastičnim podlogama, izvedena praktički kao ravna ploha, tako da na tako formirane ravne plohe potplata naliježu tabani stopala, što je izvorište problema koji se manifestiraju te na stopala nepovoljno odražavaju na više načina. The technical solution of shoe insoles according to the subject invention solves the entire spectrum of problems that appear when using shoes and arise as a result of the fact that the soles of shoes that are produced, offered and used on a large scale today are practically exclusively hard, uneven and inelastic surfaces, made practically as flat surface, so that the soles of the feet rest on the thus formed flat surfaces of the soles, which is the source of the problems that manifest themselves and adversely affect the feet in several ways.

Ponajprije se tehnički problem manifestira kao posljedica činjenice da su stopala, odnosno kosti stopala, pri uspravnom položaju tijela i pri hodanju, opterećene cijelom težinom ljudskog tijela i nalaze se tako pod pritiskom u smjeru ravne plohe potplate obuće, tako da kosti u predjelu srednjeg stopala, formiraju stanoviti općepoznati most, čiji su pojedini dijelovi s pripadajućim razmakom odmaknuti od ravne plohe potplate pa stoga na sebe preuzimaju sva statička kao i dinamička opterećenja zbog čega povremeno nastaju i potpuna oslanjanja i nalijeganja na ravnu plohu potplata krajnji rezultat čega je da nakon stanovitog vremena dolazi do deformacija kostiju stopala a time i cijelog stopala. First of all, the technical problem manifests itself as a consequence of the fact that the feet, that is, the bones of the feet, when the body is in an upright position and when walking, are loaded with the entire weight of the human body and are thus under pressure in the direction of the flat surface of the shoe sole, so that the bones in the area of the middle foot, they form a certain well-known bridge, the individual parts of which are moved away from the flat surface of the sole with the corresponding distance and therefore take on themselves all static as well as dynamic loads, which occasionally results in complete leaning and abutting on the flat surface of the sole, the end result of which is that after a certain time there is to deformations of the bones of the foot and thus the entire foot.

Okolnost da je potplata obuće izvedena praktički kao ravna ploha, predstavlja daljnje izvorište problema koji se rješava predmetnim izumom slijedom činjenice da ravna ploha potplate obuće uvjetuje da je gibanja stopala u obući reducirano na gibanje jedne objedinjene cjeline, što znači da su eliminirane slobode i mogućnosti gibanja pojedinih parcijalnih dijelova stopala ovisno o djelovanjima na pripadajuće parcijalne dijelove koja nastaju i na stopalo u obući djeluju izvana, zbog čega pri hodanju izostaje automatska i prirodna aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini. The fact that the sole of the footwear is made practically as a flat surface represents a further source of the problem that is solved by the invention in question due to the fact that the flat surface of the sole of the footwear means that the movement of the foot in the footwear is reduced to the movement of one unified whole, which means that the freedom and possibilities of movement are eliminated of individual partial parts of the foot, depending on the effects on the associated partial parts that arise and on the foot in footwear, act from the outside, which is why when walking there is no automatic and natural activation and strengthening of the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the foot and the legs as a whole.

Naznačeni tehnički problem rješava se uloškom za obuću prema predmetnom izumu kojim se postiže da se za kosti stopala u obući osiguravaju uvjeti kao da je stopalo pri hodanju u izravnom kontaktu s mekom, prirodnom podlogom poput šumskog tla, livade ili pješčane plaže, za koje uvjete je stopalo inače izvorno evolucijski građeno, zahvaljujući čemu se eliminira deformiranje kostiju stopala a ujedno osigurava se hodanjem postiže automatsko i prirodno aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini, sumarni rezultat čega je očuvanje funkcionalnosti stopala. The indicated technical problem is solved by the insole for shoes according to the subject invention, which achieves that the bones of the feet in the shoes are provided with conditions as if the foot was in direct contact with a soft, natural surface such as a forest floor, a meadow or a sandy beach when walking, for which conditions it is the foot is originally built by evolution, thanks to which the deformation of the bones of the foot is eliminated and at the same time it is ensured that walking automatically and naturally activates and strengthens the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the foot and the legs as a whole, the summary result of which is the preservation of the functionality of the foot.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Čovjek spada u skupinu tabanaša čije se kretanje odvija na dvije noge na čijim završnim dijelovima su stopala (1.1), koja nose cijelu težinu tijela a s njihove donje strane su tabani. Man belongs to the group of plantarists whose movement takes place on two legs, on the end parts of which are the feet (1.1), which bear the entire weight of the body, and on their lower side are the soles of the feet.

Ljudsko stopalo vrši funkciju oslonca za cijelo tijelo s težinom kako samoga tijela tako i dodatnog terete i to ne samo kada je tijelo u uspravnom položaju pri stajanju nego i pri kretanju. The human foot acts as a support for the whole body with the weight of both the body itself and the additional load, not only when the body is in an upright position while standing, but also when moving.

Ljudsko stopalo je složen višezglobni mehanizam sastavljen od kostiju, zglobova, veza, tetiva, mišića i mekih tkiva. Taj složeni mehanizam jedina je anatomska struktura kojom se čovjek, dvonožac, oslanja na podlogu i zahvaljujući kojoj ostvaruje stabilnost u stajanju ali i ravnotežu i stabilnost prilikom hodanja. Stopalo se stalno mora, s jedne strane prilagođavati promjeni središta mase i težišta tijela, a s druge strane mora se prilagođavati i svim vrstama i konfiguracijama podloge po kojoj se odvija kretanje i samo tako može obavljati svoju funkcionalnu cjelovitost. The human foot is a complex multi-joint mechanism composed of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and soft tissues. This complex mechanism is the only anatomical structure by which man, a biped, rests on the ground and thanks to which he achieves stability while standing, but also balance and stability when walking. The foot must constantly, on the one hand, adapt to the change in the center of mass and center of gravity of the body, and on the other hand, it must also adapt to all types and configurations of the surface on which the movement takes place, and only in this way can it perform its functional integrity.

Osim toga, stopalo je naša jedina veza s podlogom, jer preko njega konstantno primamo i informacije o površini na kojoj hodamo, dojavljuju nam jesmo li na toploj ili hladnoj, gruboj ili glatkoj podlozi, te na osnovu toga prilagođavamo i položaj tijela u prostoru. Ova funkcija je moguća zahvaljujući bogatoj inervaciji a nervni završeci stopala su po tipu isti kao oni koji se nalaze na licu, što stopalo čini izuzetno senzitivnim organum, a u stopalu se također nalazi oko 250.000 žlijezda. In addition, the foot is our only connection with the ground, because through it we constantly receive information about the surface we are walking on, they inform us whether we are on a warm or cold, rough or smooth surface, and based on this we adjust the position of the body in space. This function is possible thanks to rich innervation, and the nerve endings of the feet are of the same type as those found on the face, which makes the foot an extremely sensitive organ, and there are also about 250,000 glands in the foot.

Struktura stopala veoma je složena te osjetljiva i složena tvorevina, a od izrazitog je utjecaja čak na ukupno ljudsko zdravlje. Svaka promjena pojedinog elementa stopala uzrokuje promjenu drugih elemenata i parametara cijelog tijela. The structure of the foot is a very complex and sensitive and complex creation, and it has a significant impact even on overall human health. Every change in a single element of the foot causes a change in other elements and parameters of the whole body.

U odnosu na ostale dijelove tijela, ljudska stopala (1.1) su relativno malena, a tvori ih muskulatura zajedno s kostima, pri čemu kosti ljudskog stopala sadrže 25 posto svih ljudskih kostiju. Samo stopalo sastoji se od ukupno 28 pojedinačnih kostiju, od kojih je 26 pokretno, koje su uzglobljene sa 32 zgloba elastičo međusobno povezanih žilama, tetivama i veoma jakim ligamentima, kojih je više od 100. Na različitim segmentima stopala pripaja se 20 mišića samog stopala i 11 mišića potkoljenice te oko 250.000 žlijezda znojnica. Compared to other parts of the body, human feet (1.1) are relatively small, and they are formed by musculature together with bones, whereby the bones of the human foot contain 25 percent of all human bones. The foot itself consists of a total of 28 individual bones, 26 of which are movable, which are articulated with 32 joints elastically interconnected by veins, tendons and very strong ligaments, of which there are more than 100. At different segments of the foot, 20 muscles of the foot itself are attached and 11 calf muscles and about 250,000 sweat glands.

Kosti stopala tvore tri sklopa: korijen stopala te prednje i srednje stopalo. The bones of the foot form three assemblies: the root of the foot and the forefoot and middle foot.

Korijen stopala, promatrano od naprijed prema natrag, sastoji se od tri klinaste kosti (3.3.1) i jedne kockaste kosti (3.3.2), navikularne kosti (3.3.3), petnih kostiju (3.3.4 i 3.3.5), te osim toga od talusa (3.3.6), a sve su kosti međusobno elastično povezane ligamentima i zglobovima. The root of the foot, viewed from front to back, consists of three sphenoid bones (3.3.1) and one cuboid bone (3.3.2), navicular bone (3.3.3), heel bones (3.3.4 and 3.3.5), and in addition from the talus (3.3.6), and all bones are elastically connected to each other by ligaments and joints.

Srednje stopalo, odnosno sredostoplje, sastoji se od metatarzalnih pet kostiju, odnosno članaka stopala (3.2), dok se prednje stopalo (3.1) sastoji od po 1 članka pet nožnih prstiju (3.1), na koje se kod nožnog palca nastavljaju dvije kosti, a kod ostala četiri nožna prsta po tri kosti. The middle foot, or midfoot, consists of five metatarsal bones, i.e. the ankles of the foot (3.2), while the forefoot (3.1) consists of one joint of five toes (3.1), which are joined by two bones at the big toe, and the other four toes have three bones each.

Kosti stopala tako su pozicionirane da postoje naglašene razlike u njihovim distancama (2.2) u odnosu na zamišljenu ravnu plohu ispod tabana (2.1), koji oblik najčešće ima i ploha potplate obuće. The bones of the foot are positioned in such a way that there are marked differences in their distances (2.2) in relation to the imaginary flat surface under the sole (2.1), which is the shape of the surface of the sole of the shoe.

Promatraju li se kosti uzduž stopala od petnog dijela prema prednjem stopalu, uočava se da je na tri klinaste kosti (3.3.1) i njima paralelnu kockastu kost (3.3.2) srednjeg stopala, pripadajućim zglobovima povezano pet članaka (3.2, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) kostiju nožnih prstiju (3.1), na koje su zglobovima serijski povezane i u paraleli se nastavljaju dvije kosti nožnog palca te po tri kosti ostala četiri nožna prsta, tako da se na taj način formira pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1), koji se međusobno spajaju plohama (4.3), koje su na stanovitim nevelikim međusobnim razmacima i pod nevelikim kutovima, tako da središnjice tih pet segmenata tvore pet zraka (4.2) čije je ishodište negdje u području korijena stopala. If the bones are observed along the foot from the heel part to the forefoot, it can be seen that on the three sphenoid bones (3.3.1) and the cuboid bone (3.3.2) parallel to them, five joints are connected by the corresponding joints (3.2, M1, M2 , M3, M4, M5) of the bones of the toes (3.1), to which the two bones of the big toe and the three bones of the other four toes are connected in series by joints and continue in parallel, so that in this way five segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1), which are connected to each other by surfaces (4.3), which are at certain small distances from each other and at small angles, so that the centers of these five segments form five rays (4.2) whose origin is somewhere in the area of the root of the foot .

Oblik stopala, prije svega taban stopala uvjetovan je hodom na dvije noge čiju stabilnost osiguravaju tri svoda: unutrašnji uzdužni (5.2.1) svod, vanjski (5.2.2) uzdužni svod i poprečni (5.2.3) svod i tri točke oslanjanja: peta (5.1.1), te veliki (5.1.2) i mali (5.1.3) jastučić. The shape of the foot, primarily the sole of the foot, is determined by walking on two legs, the stability of which is ensured by three arches: the inner longitudinal (5.2.1) arch, the outer (5.2.2) longitudinal arch and the transverse (5.2.3) arch and three points of support: the heel (5.1.1), and a large (5.1.2) and small (5.1.3) pad.

To znači da stopalo ima tri dodirne točke oslanjanja i tri mosta, koji zbog opterećenja tjelesnom težinom međusobno tako prianjaju da apsorbiraju udarce uzrokovane hodanjem. To se naziva elastičnost stopala na tri karakteristične točke oslanjanja. This means that the foot has three contact points of support and three bridges, which due to the load of body weight adhere to each other in such a way as to absorb the shocks caused by walking. This is called the elasticity of the foot at the three characteristic points of support.

Kosti stopala, pa tako i članci/kosti M1, M2, M3, M4 i M5 (6.2) u segmenatima S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5, (6.2) međusobno su elastičo povezane mišićima, žilama, tetivama i veoma jakim ligamentim (6.3), te je od krucijalne važnosti da se ulošcima u obući stvori mogućnost da kosti stopala u obući zajedno s tim međusobnim vezama, pri hodanju imaju mogućnost pomaka u svim smjerovima koji su potrebni prema anatomskoj građi stopala. The bones of the foot, as well as the joints/bones M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 (6.2) in segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5, (6.2) are elastically connected to each other by muscles, veins, tendons and very strong ligaments ( 6.3), and it is of crucial importance that the insoles in the footwear create the possibility that the bones of the feet in the footwear, together with these mutual connections, have the ability to move in all directions that are necessary according to the anatomical structure of the foot when walking.

Čovjek dnevno napravi u prosjeku i do 20 tisuća koraka, od kojih svaki predstavlja po cjelovit i jedinstven ciklus hoda, koji započinje udarcem pete o podlogu, nastavlja se oslanjanjem na petu, potom na spoljašnju ivicu stopala, pa na prednji dio stopala a završava se odupiranjem palca, nakon čega otpočinje novi iskorak. Najveće opterećenje pri hodanju podnose naša stopala a posljedično tome i naši zglobovi. A person takes an average of up to 20,000 steps a day, each of which represents a complete and unique walking cycle, which begins with the heel striking the ground, continues with leaning on the heel, then on the outer edge of the foot, then on the front part of the foot, and ends with resistance thumb, after which a new step begins. Our feet bear the greatest load when walking, and consequently our joints.

Ljudsko stopalo stvoreno je za hodanje po prirodnom tlu i ima prirodnu elastičnost raspoređenu na tri točke oslanjanja. Hodanje po mekoj prirodnoj podlozi, kao što su trava, pijesak, mekano tlo ne samo da odgovara stopalima i održava njihovu fleksibilnost nego su se evolucijskim razvojem stopala i razvila za upravo takve podloge. The human foot was created for walking on natural ground and has a natural elasticity distributed over three points of support. Walking on soft natural surfaces, such as grass, sand, and soft ground not only suits the feet and maintains their flexibility, but through the evolutionary development of the feet, they have developed for just such surfaces.

Međutim u suvremenim uvjetima bosonogo hodanje po prirodnom tlu predstavlja izuzetak od dominantnog pravila da se pri hodanju stopala nalazi u obući u kojoj su pojedini segmenti stegnuti a time i stopala kao cjeline, što osobit utjecaj ima u kontekstu činjenice da se danas kretanje, umjesto po mekom prirodnom tlu, odvija po tvrdoj i krutoj podlozi što dodatno ograničava slobodno kretanje kostiju stopala kao i dinamičko djelovanje svih kosti međusobno elastično povezanih ligamentima i zglobovima, što rezultira da su stopala dan za danom pri hodanju izložena izuzetnom opterećenju i deformacijama. However, in modern conditions, walking barefoot on natural ground is an exception to the dominant rule that when walking, the feet are in shoes in which individual segments are tightened and thus the feet as a whole, which has a special impact in the context of the fact that today, instead of walking on soft on natural ground, takes place on a hard and rigid surface, which additionally limits the free movement of the bones of the feet as well as the dynamic action of all bones elastically connected to each other by ligaments and joints, which results in the feet being exposed to extreme loads and deformations day after day when walking.

U takvim okolnostima postoje mnogi faktori koji nakon duljeg ili kraćeg vremena doprinose deformaciji stopala, a pri iznalaženja krucijalnih uzroka tome uvijek treba imati na umu da je stopalo složena tvorevina sastavljena od 26 pokretnih kostiju i 32 zgloba elastičo međusobno povezanih žilama, tetivama i veoma jakim ligamentima, koja je stvorena za hodanje po prirodnom tlu, što ukazuje da je pri svakodnevnom kretanju potrebno da je za svaku pojedinu kost te i svaki sklop kostiju kao dijela ukupnih kostiju stopala, potrebno postojanje mogućnosti slobodnih pomaka. In such circumstances, there are many factors that after a longer or shorter time contribute to the deformation of the foot, and when finding the crucial causes of this, you should always keep in mind that the foot is a complex structure composed of 26 movable bones and 32 joints elastically connected to each other by veins, tendons and very strong ligaments , which was created for walking on natural ground, which indicates that during daily movement it is necessary that each individual bone and each set of bones as part of the total bones of the foot must be able to move freely.

Ploha tabana stopala složenog je oblika s naglašenim razlikama između njenih pojedinih točaka u smjeru okomitom na plohu tabana, odnosno presjeka, i to kako u uzdužnim (7.1) tako i u poprečnim ( 7.2) smjerovima. Oblik plohe tabana stopala esencijalni je čimbenik iz kojeg proistječu ključni zahtjevi pri koncipiranju uloška za obuću svakog pojedinog konkretnog korisnika uložaka. The surface of the sole of the foot has a complex shape with pronounced differences between its individual points in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the sole, i.e. cross-section, both in the longitudinal (7.1) and transverse (7.2) directions. The shape of the surface of the sole of the foot is an essential factor from which the key requirements arise when designing an insole for the footwear of each specific insole user.

Izvorište svih suvremenih problema koji nastaju posljedica su korištenja neadekvatne obuće koja se danas proizvodi, nudi i masovno koristi, čija je ploha potplate (2.1) na koju naliježe taban stopala, izvedena kao ravna ploha, dok s druge strane kosti iznad ravne plohe potplate, naglašeno u predjelu srednjeg stopala, formiraju stanoviti općepoznati most čiji su pojedini dijelovi na pripadajućim distancama (2.2) od ravne plohe potplata, što rezultira time da su kosti stopala, u uspravnom položaju tijela i pri hodanju koje se inače odvija praktički isključivo po tvrdim, neravnim i neelastičnim podlogama, opterećene cijelom težinom ljudskog tijela i nalaze se pod pritiskom da se oslone i naliježu na plohu ispod njih, a to znači na tu ravnu plohu potplate, zbog čega vremenom dolazi do deformiranja kostiju stopala a time i cijelog stopala pri čemu ujedno pri hodanju izostaje automatsko i prirodno aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini. The source of all modern problems that arise are the result of the use of inadequate footwear that is produced, offered and used on a massive scale today, the surface of the sole (2.1) on which the sole of the foot rests is designed as a flat surface, while on the other hand the bones above the flat surface of the sole are accentuated in the area of the middle foot, they form a certain well-known bridge, the individual parts of which are at corresponding distances (2.2) from the flat surface of the sole, which results in the fact that the bones of the foot, in an upright position of the body and when walking, which normally takes place practically exclusively on hard, uneven and inelastic surfaces, loaded with the entire weight of the human body and are under pressure to rest and rest on the surface below them, which means on that flat surface of the sole, which is why the bones of the foot and thus the entire foot are deformed over time, and at the same time when walking there is no automatic and natural activation and strengthening of the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the feet and legs in general.

U takvim okolnostima postoje mnogi faktori koji nakon duljeg ili kraćeg vremena doprinose deformaciji stopala, a pri iznalaženja krucijalnih uzroka tome uvijek treba imati na umu da je stopalo složena tvorevina koja je stvorena za hodanje po prirodnom tlu, što ukazuje da je pri svakodnevnom kretanju potrebno da je za svaku pojedinu kost te i svaki sklop kostiju kao dijela ukupnih kostiju stopala, potrebno postojanje mogućnosti slobodnih pomaka. In such circumstances, there are many factors that after a longer or shorter time contribute to the deformation of the foot, and when finding the crucial causes of this, you should always keep in mind that the foot is a complex structure that was created for walking on natural ground, which indicates that during daily movement it is necessary to for every single bone and every set of bones as part of the total bones of the foot, the existence of the possibility of free movement is necessary.

Ovaj se problem rješava ulošcima za obuću s uvijek naglašenim nastojanjima da se za kosti stopala stvaraju uvjeti koji su što bliže onima koji postoje kada bi stopalo pri hodanju bilo u izravnom kontaktu s mekom, prirodnom podlogom poput šumskog tla, livade ili pješčane plaže, za koje uvjete je stopalo inače izvorno evolucijski građeno. Na taj se način eliminira deformiranje kostiju stopala a ujedno osigurava da se pri hodanju omoguće slobodni pomaci kostiju stopala, tako da se hodanjem postiže automatsko i prirodno aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini, sumarni rezultat čega je sprečavanje deformacije što znači i očuvanje funkcionalnosti stopala. This problem is solved by insoles for shoes with always emphasized efforts to create conditions for the bones of the foot that are as close as possible to those that exist when the foot would be in direct contact with a soft, natural surface such as a forest floor, a meadow or a sandy beach when walking, for which conditions, the foot was originally built evolutionarily. In this way, the deformation of the foot bones is eliminated and at the same time it ensures that the foot bones can move freely when walking, so that walking achieves the automatic and natural activation and strengthening of the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the foot and the legs as a whole, the summary result of which is prevention of deformation, which means preservation of foot functionality.

Kako bi se ta elastičnost održala, stopalima je potrebno da su u takvoj obući koja osigurava uvjete kao pri hodanju u prirodi po mekanoj podlozi, primjerice, pijesku, kada pritiskom stopala pijesak popušta, te se stopalo na prirodan način ukapa u podlogu tako da se pritisak udarca o podlogu amortizira na način da se petna kost kao i jastučić nožnog palca, te jastučić nožnih prstiju mogu ukopati u meko tlo. In order to maintain this elasticity, the feet need to be in such footwear that provides the conditions as when walking in nature on a soft surface, for example, sand, when the sand loosens with the pressure of the foot, and the foot naturally sinks into the surface so that the pressure the impact on the ground is cushioned in such a way that the heel bone as well as the pad of the big toe and the pad of the toes can be dug into the soft ground.

Međutim, obuća koja se danas cjelodnevno nosi u pravilu ima potplat s ravnom plohom (2.1) prema tabanu stopla, zbog čega ne samo što stopalima ne osigurava uvjete kao pri hodanju u prirodi po mekanoj podlozi, nego, uz to današnji uvjeti života diktiraju hodanje uglavnom po tvrdim podlogama (asfalt, beton). However, footwear that is worn all day today usually has a sole with a flat surface (2.1) towards the sole of the foot, which is why not only does it not provide the feet with the same conditions as when walking in nature on a soft surface, but, in addition, today's living conditions dictate walking mostly on hard surfaces (asphalt, concrete).

Kao sumarni rezultat korištenja neadekvatne obuće nastaje više vrsta deformacija stopala, koje su jasno prepoznatljive po izgledu kostiju i otisku stopala a nastaju kao posljedica hodanja u neadekvatnoj obući bez odgovarajućih uložaka i hodanje po tvrdoj podlozi, od kojih su najčešći: spušteno stopalo, ravno stopalo/ravno uvrnuto stopalo, udubljeno stopalo, stopalo s raširenim prstima, izvrnuto stopalo, stopalo Hallux-Valgus, koji se ogledaju pripadajućim izgledima koji su rezultat određenih promjena nastalih kroz dulje vrijeme. As a summary result of the use of inadequate footwear, several types of foot deformations occur, which are clearly recognizable by the appearance of the bones and footprints and are caused as a result of walking in inadequate footwear without appropriate insoles and walking on hard surfaces, the most common of which are: dropped foot, flat foot/ flat twisted foot, indented foot, foot with splayed toes, inverted foot, Hallux-Valgus foot, which are reflected in the associated appearances that are the result of certain changes that have occurred over a long period of time.

Kao jedino rješenje danas predstavljaju odgovarajući anatomski ulošci kojima se za stopala u obući postiže prilagodba obliku stopla te osiguravanje uvjeta za stopala kao pri hodanju u prirodi po mekanoj podlozi, tako da se postiže The only solution today is the appropriate anatomical insoles that allow the feet in footwear to adapt to the shape of the foot and ensure the conditions for the feet as when walking in nature on a soft surface, so that

Dosadašnja poznata rješenja uložaka za obuću nisu u potpunosti obuhvatila i riješila naznačeni problem kao cjelinu. The previously known solutions of shoe insoles did not fully cover and solve the indicated problem as a whole.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Tehničko rješenje prema izumu, kojim se rješava naznačeni tehnički problem, sastoji se u tome da se uložak za obuću sastoji iz integriranih više slojeva, noseći (8.1) sloj uloška, pokrovni (8.2) sloj, petni (8.3) dio, plastični (8.4) jastuk te prednji jastučić (8.5) prstiju. The technical solution according to the invention, which solves the indicated technical problem, consists in the fact that the shoe insole consists of integrated multiple layers, the supporting (8.1) layer of the insole, the covering (8.2) layer, the heel (8.3) part, the plastic (8.4) pillow and front pad (8.5) of the fingers.

Noseći (8.1) sloj uloška oblikovan je na način da njegova cijela ploha svojim oblikom i konfiguracijom u potpunosti slijedi oblik plohe tabana (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) stopala za koji se uložak predviđa, čime se osigurava da noseći (8.1) sloj uloška s gornje strane poprima oblik (1.2) plohe tabana i tako priliježe uz taban stopala, dok s donje strane tabana noseći (8.1) sloj svojim površinama, na kojima ne postoje distance (2.2) između tabana, odnosno kostiju stopala (2.3), i plohe (2.1) potplate obuće, noseći (8.1) se sloj naslanja na plohu (2.1) potplate obuće, što se u pravilu dešava na dvije površine u graničnoj zoni između kostiju srednjeg (3.2) i prednjeg (3.1) stopala, koje se površine nazivaju veliki (5.1.2) i mali (5.1.3) jastučić te u zoni ispod pete (5.1.1) stopala. The bearing (8.1) layer of the insole is shaped in such a way that its entire surface, with its shape and configuration, fully follows the shape of the sole surface (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) of the foot for which the insole is intended, thus ensuring that the bearing (8.1) layer of the insole from the upper side takes the shape (1.2) of the surface of the sole and thus fits against the sole of the foot, while on the bottom side of the sole the bearing layer (8.1) with its surfaces, on which there are no distances (2.2) between the sole, i.e. the bones of the foot (2.3), and the surface (2.1) ) shoe soles, wearing (8.1) the layer rests on the surface (2.1) of the shoe sole, which usually occurs on two surfaces in the border zone between the middle (3.2) and front (3.1) bones of the foot, which surfaces are called large (5.1) .2) and a small (5.1.3) pad and in the area under the heel (5.1.1) of the foot.

Noseći sloj (8.1) uloška, osim što je izveden u naprijed naznačenom obliku i konfiguraciji, izrađen je od odgovarajućeg materijala s elastičnim i opružnim svojstvima, primjerice od opružnog tankog nehrđajućeg čeličnog lima, tako da, zahvaljujući fizikalnim svojstvima materijala i debljini nosećeg sloja (8.1), kao sumarna karakteristika nosećeg sloja (8.1) uloška, postiže se trajnost forme, elastičnost, mogućnost federiranja te raspolaganje s dovoljnom silom tlačenja prema plohi (1.2) tabana stopala. The support layer (8.1) of the insert, besides being made in the form and configuration indicated above, is made of a suitable material with elastic and spring properties, for example from a spring thin stainless steel sheet, so that, thanks to the physical properties of the material and the thickness of the support layer (8.1 ), as a summary characteristic of the supporting layer (8.1) of the insole, the durability of the form, elasticity, the possibility of federation and the disposal of sufficient pressure force against the surface (1.2) of the sole of the foot are achieved.

Zahvaljujući naznačenim karakteristikama nosećeg sloja (8.1) uloška ugrađenog u uložak obuće postiže se ne samo nalijeganje nego i tlačenje nosećeg sloja (8.1) uloška prema tabanu, odnosno kostima (2.3) stopala, i to dostatnom silom tako da ponajprije u stanju mirovanja, kada na stopala djeluje samo težina tijela osobe koja koristi uloške za obuću s nosećim (8.1) slojem uloška, na plohu tabana (7.1, 7.2), odnosno kosti (2.3) stopala, nastaje postojano i trajno tlačenje dovoljnom silom tako da pritišće na plohe tabana (7.1, 7.2) stopala, zahvaljujući čemu ne dolazi do spuštanje kostiju stopala na koji način se eliminira deformacija kostiju stopala. Thanks to the indicated characteristics of the support layer (8.1) of the insole built into the shoe insole, not only the contact but also the pressure of the support layer (8.1) of the insole against the sole, i.e. the bones (2.3) of the foot, is achieved with sufficient force so that primarily in a state of rest, when on only the weight of the body of the person who uses the insoles for shoes with the supporting (8.1) layer of the insole acts on the feet, on the surface of the soles (7.1, 7.2), i.e. the bones (2.3) of the feet, a steady and permanent pressure occurs with sufficient force so that it presses on the surfaces of the soles (7.1 , 7.2) of the feet, thanks to which the bones of the feet do not drop, which eliminates the deformation of the bones of the feet.

Pri jednoličnom hodanju, kada se mijenja sila koja djeluje na kosti (2.3) stopala, dakle kada nastupi djelovanje veće sile od one u stanju mirovanja kada na stopala djeluje samo težina tijela, u sekvencama koračanja kada se ta sila povećava, noseći sloj (8.1) a time i uložak umetnut u obuću mijenja svoj oblik na način da, zahvaljujući opružnim svojstvima nosećeg sloja (8.1), dolazi do izravnanja njegovog oblika razmjerno povećanju sile, dok pri smanjenju sile noseći sloj (8.1), a time i uložak umetnut u obuću poprima svoje prethodne oblike razmjerno smanjenju sile, tako da se i pri hodanju ublažava pa i sprečava trajno spuštanje kostiju stopala, prije svega u predjelu srednjeg stopala na koji način se eliminira trajna deformacija kostiju stopala. During uniform walking, when the force acting on the bones (2.3) of the foot changes, i.e. when a greater force than the one at rest occurs, when only the weight of the body acts on the feet, in stepping sequences when this force increases, the bearing layer (8.1) and thus the insole inserted in the footwear changes its shape in such a way that, thanks to the spring properties of the supporting layer (8.1), its shape is flattened in proportion to the increase in force, while when the force decreases the supporting layer (8.1) and thus the insole inserted in the footwear takes its previous shape in proportion to the reduction of force, so that even when walking, the permanent lowering of the foot bones is mitigated and even prevented, above all in the area of the middle foot, in which way the permanent deformation of the foot bones is eliminated.

Svaki pojedinačni korak pri hodanju predstavlja jedan cjelovit i jedinstven ciklus hoda, koji započinje udarcem pete o podlogu, nastavlja se oslanjanjem na petu, potom na spoljašnju ivicu stopala, pa na prednji dio stopala a završava se odupiranjem palca, nakon čega otpočinje novi iskorak. Each single step when walking represents a complete and unique gait cycle, which begins with the heel striking the ground, continues with leaning on the heel, then on the outer edge of the foot, then on the front part of the foot, and ends with the resistance of the big toe, after which a new step begins.

Budući da pri svakom novom koraku nastaju udarci pete o podlogu najmanje silom težine cijeloga tijela, za amortizaciju tih udaraca i njihovo prenošenje na kralježnicu te na cijeli gornji dio tijela, ispod pete je ugrađen stražnji uložak koji se sastoji iz petnog nosivog (8.3) sloja izrađenog od medicinske poliuretanske pjene, ispod kojega je plastični jastuk (8.4) od gumene spužve. Since with every new step, the heel strikes the ground with at least the force of the weight of the entire body, to absorb these shocks and transfer them to the spine and the entire upper body, a rear insole is installed under the heel, which consists of a heel bearing (8.3) layer made of made of medical polyurethane foam, under which is a plastic cushion (8.4) made of rubber sponge.

Noseći sloj (8.1) osigurava da korištenjem uložaka prema izumu, smještenima u obuću, ne samo u stanju mirovanja nego i pri ujednačenom hodanju postiže održavanje prirodnog položaja kostiju tabana, što znači da se njegovi pojedini dijelovi održavaju na pripadajućim distancama od ravne plohe potplata, usprkos činjenici da su kosti stopala, u uspravnom položaju tijela i pri hodanju koje se inače odvija praktički isključivo po tvrdim, neravnim i neelastičnim podlogama, opterećene cijelom težinom ljudskog tijela, zbog čega se nalaze se pod pritiskom da se oslone i naliježu na tu ravnu plohu potplate, to se ipak ne događa, zahvaljujući čemu vremenom ne dolazi do deformiranja kostiju stopala a time i cijelog stopala pri čemu ujedno pri hodanju se zadržava automatsko i prirodno aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini. The supporting layer (8.1) ensures that by using the insoles according to the invention, placed in the footwear, not only in a state of rest but also during uniform walking, it achieves the maintenance of the natural position of the bones of the sole, which means that its individual parts are maintained at the appropriate distances from the flat surface of the sole, despite to the fact that the bones of the feet, in the upright position of the body and when walking, which normally takes place practically exclusively on hard, uneven and inelastic surfaces, are burdened by the entire weight of the human body, which is why they are under pressure to rest and rest on that flat surface of the sole , this does not happen, thanks to which, over time, the bones of the foot and thus the entire foot do not deform, while at the same time, when walking, the automatic and natural activation and strengthening of the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the foot and the legs as a whole is maintained.

Međutim, u režimu dinamičkog gibanja, kao što su trčanja, s energičnim startanjima i zaustavljanjima, a osobito pri naglim promjenama smjera gibanja, nastupaju stanja pri kojima dolazi i do ekstremnih djelovanja muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini, krucijalni preduvjet za što je mogućnost slobodnih punih pomaka kostiju stopala u svim smjerovima P (6.4), i to u autonomnim režimima svake od njih, pri čemu postoje stanoviti stupnjevi lokalne sličnosti za kosti te muskulaturu, ligamente i tetive u okviru svakog od pojedinačnih pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala. However, in the regime of dynamic movement, such as running, with energetic starts and stops, and especially during sudden changes in the direction of movement, conditions occur in which there are extreme actions of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the feet and the legs as a whole, a crucial prerequisite for which is the possibility of free full movements of the bones of the foot in all directions P (6.4), and in the autonomous regimes of each of them, where there are certain degrees of local similarity for the bones and musculature, ligaments and tendons within each of the individual five segments S1, S2 , S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the foot bones.

Da bi se osigurala mogućnost slobodnih punih pomaka kostiju stopala u svim smjerovima P (6.4), i to u autonomnim režimima svake od njih u okviru svakog od pojedinačnih pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala, noseći sloj (8.1) uloška izveden je tako da odražava pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala, na način kako slijedi iz tlocrta plohe nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška, koji tako poprima specifičan oblika, na način da otprilike od sredine stopala, odnosno centralnog dijela (9.1) u smjeru prema prstima (9.2) stopala, noseći (8.1) sloj tvori više prednjih (9.4), u pravilu pet, traka koje su međusobno pozicionirane pod određenim različitim ili istim kutovima α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), koji su otvoreni u smjeru prema prstima (9.2). To ensure the possibility of free full movements of the bones of the foot in all directions P (6.4), and in the autonomous regimes of each of them within each of the individual five segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the bones of the foot, the bearing layer (8.1) of the insole is made to reflect the five segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the foot bones, as follows from the floor plan of the surface of the bearing (8.1) layer of the insole, which thus takes a specific shape, in such a way that approximately from the middle of the foot, i.e. the central part (9.1) in the direction towards the toes (9.2) of the foot, the supporting (8.1) layer forms several front (9.4), usually five, strips that are mutually positioned at certain different or the same angles α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), which are open in the direction towards the fingers (9.2).

Prednje (9.4) trake nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška pozicionirane su u ulošku obuće prema izumu na način da se podudaraju i priliježu na pet uzdužnih segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala. The front (9.4) strips of the supporting (8.1) layer of the insole are positioned in the insole of the footwear according to the invention in such a way that they match and abut the five longitudinal segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the foot bones.

Na sličan način tlocrt plohe nosećeg (9.2) sloja uloška od sredine stopala, odnosno centralnog dijela (9.2.1) u smjeru prema peti (9.2.3) tvori više, u pravilu pet stražnjih traka od kojih su tri središnje (9.2.5) stražnje trake i dvije rubne (9.2.6) stražnje trake, koje pri kraju poprimaju prema unutra zakrivljeni oblik. In a similar way, the floor plan of the surface of the bearing (9.2) layer of the insole from the middle of the foot, i.e. the central part (9.2.1) in the direction towards the heel (9.2.3) forms more, as a rule, five rear strips, three of which are central (9.2.5) rear strips and two marginal (9.2.6) rear strips, which take on an inwardly curved shape at the end.

Prednje trake (9.4) nosećeg sloja (8.1) omogućavaju autonomne pomake svakog od pet segmenata (4.1) kostiju stopala: S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5, i to u svim smjerovima (10.1, 10.2 i 10.3) prilagođeno vanjskim uvjetima koji na njih djeluje teren na kojem se obuća trenutno koristi kao i način kretanja. The front strips (9.4) of the supporting layer (8.1) enable autonomous movements of each of the five segments (4.1) of the foot bones: S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5, in all directions (10.1, 10.2 and 10.3) adapted to the external conditions that they are affected by the terrain on which the footwear is currently used as well as the way of movement.

Naznačeni tehnički problem rješava se ulošcima za obuću prema predmetnom izumu, čijim se korištenjem stvara mogućnost da pri hodanju kosti stopala u obući imaju mogućnost slobodnih i prirodnih pomaka u svim smjerovima, prilagođavajući se tako konfiguraciji podloge po kojoj se kretanje odvija, što podrazumijeva da se u tom sklopu istovremeno odvija i slobodno djelovanje žila, tetiva i ligamenata povezanih sa kostima stopala. The indicated technical problem is solved by insoles for shoes according to the subject invention, the use of which creates the possibility that when walking, the bones of the feet in the shoes have the possibility of free and natural movements in all directions, thus adapting to the configuration of the surface on which the movement takes place, which implies that in at the same time, the free action of vessels, tendons and ligaments connected to the bones of the feet takes place in this part.

Korištenje uložaka za obuću prema predmetnom izumu rezultira time da se, unatoč hodanju koje se odvija i po tvrdim, neravnim i neelastičnim podlogama, za kosti stopala postižu uvjeti kao da je stopalo pri hodanju u izravnom kontaktu s mekom, prirodnom podlogom poput šumskog tla, livade ili pješčane plaže, za koje uvjete je stopalo inače izvorno evolucijski građeno. The use of insoles for shoes according to the subject invention results in the fact that, despite walking on hard, uneven and inelastic surfaces, conditions are achieved for the bones of the foot as if the foot was in direct contact with a soft, natural surface such as forest soil, meadow when walking. or sandy beaches, for which conditions the foot was originally evolutionary built.

Osim toga, uz korištenje uložaka za obuću prema predmetnom izumu, zahvaljujući prije svega nosećem (8.1) sloju uloška rasterećuju se kosti stopala, osobito kosti srednjeg stopala (3.2) na koji se način eliminiraju deformacije kostiju stopala a ujedno osigurava da se hodanjem postiže automatsko i prirodno aktiviranje i jačanje neophodne elastičnosti muskulature, ligamenata i tetiva stopala pa i nogu u cjelini, sumarni rezultat čega je očuvanje funkcionalnosti stopala. In addition, with the use of insoles for footwear according to the subject invention, thanks primarily to the supporting layer (8.1) of the insole, the bones of the foot are relieved, especially the bones of the middle foot (3.2), which eliminates deformations of the bones of the foot and at the same time ensures that walking achieves automatic and natural activation and strengthening of the necessary elasticity of the musculature, ligaments and tendons of the feet and the legs as a whole, the summary result of which is the preservation of the functionality of the feet.

Između nosećeg sloja (8.1) i tabana stopala kao jedan od sastavnih slojeva uloška smješten je pokrovni, zaštitni (8.2) sloj koji je na područjima između paralelnih traka nosećeg (8.1) sloja perforiran sitnim rupicama (13.3) na koji način se osigurava propusnost zraka od tabana stopala prema donjim slojevima uloška. Between the supporting layer (8.1) and the sole of the foot, as one of the component layers of the insole, there is a covering, protective (8.2) layer that is perforated with small holes (13.3) in the areas between the parallel strips of the supporting (8.1) layer, which ensures air permeability from the sole of the foot towards the bottom layers of the insole.

Dio uloška smješten ispod pete sastoji se od dva sloja koji se nalaze ispod nosećeg sloja (8.1). The part of the insole located under the heel consists of two layers that are located under the supporting layer (8.1).

Osim toga, ispod nožnih prstiju smješten je prednji jastučić (12) prstiju u koji su inkorporirani vrhovi prednjih traka (9.4) nosećeg sloja (8.1), na koji je način postignuta kompaktna cjelina traka nosećeg (8.1) sloja, s jedne strane sa prednjim jastučićem (8.5, 12) prstiju, koji tako čine sklop (13.1) te s petnim dijelom uloška (8.3, 11), čineći sklop (13.2). In addition, under the toes there is a front pad (12) of the toes, in which the tips of the front strips (9.4) of the supporting layer (8.1) are incorporated, in which way a compact whole of the strips of the supporting layer (8.1) was achieved, on one side with the front pad (8.5, 12) of the fingers, which thus form the assembly (13.1) and with the heel part of the insole (8.3, 11), forming the assembly (13.2).

Kratak popis crteža A short list of drawings

Slika 1. Ljudsko stopalo Figure 1. Human foot

Pozicija 1.1: Vanjski izgled stopala; Position 1.1: External appearance of the foot;

Pozicija 1.2: Prikaz izgleda plohe tabana stopala; Position 1.2: Display of the surface of the sole of the foot;

Slika 2. Kosti stopala bočni prikaz Figure 2. Bones of the foot, side view

Pozicija 2.1: Naznaka ravne plohe potplate obuće; Position 2.1: Indication of the flat surface of the sole of the footwear;

Pozicija 2.2: Distanca između tabana, odnosno kostiju stopala i ravne plohe potplate obuće; Position 2.2: The distance between the soles of the feet, or the bones of the feet, and the flat surface of the sole of the shoe;

Pozicija 2.3: Kosti stopala; Position 2.3: Bones of the foot;

Slika 3. Kosti ljudskog stopala Figure 3. Bones of the human foot

Pozicija 3.1: Kosti prednjeg stopala; Position 3.1: Bones of the forefoot;

Pozicija 3.2: Kosti srednjeg stopala, pet članaka kostiju nožnih prstiju: M1, M2, M3, M4 i M5; Position 3.2: Metatarsal bones, five toe bones: M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5;

Pozicija 3.3: Kosti korijena stopala; Position 3.3: Bones of the root of the foot;

3.3.1: Klinaste kosti; 3.3.1: Cuneiform bones;

3.3.2: Kockasta kost; 3.3.2: Cube bone;

3.3.3: Navikularna kost; 3.3.3: Navicular bone;

3.3.4: Petna kost; 3.3.4: Heel bone;

3.3.5: Petna kost; 3.3.5: Heel bone;

3.3.6: Talus; 3.3.6: Thallus;

Slika 4. Prikaz segmenata kostiju stopala, Figure 4. Representation of the segments of the foot bones,

Pozicija 4.1: 5 segmenata kostiju stopala: S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5; Position 4.1: 5 segments of foot bones: S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5;

Pozicija 4.2: Središnjice 5 segmenata kostiju stopala; Position 4.2: Centers of 5 segments of foot bones;

Pozicija 4.3: Spojne plohe 5 segmenata kostiju stopala; Position 4.3: Connecting surfaces of the 5 segments of the foot bones;

Slika 5. Prikaz svodova i dodirnih točaka stopala Figure 5. View of the arches and contact points of the foot

Pozicija 5.1.1: Peta; Position 5.1.1: Heel;

Pozicija 5.1.2: Veliki jastučić; Position 5.1.2: Large pillow;

Pozicija 5.1.3: Mali jastučić; Position 5.1.3: Small pad;

Pozicija 5.2.1: Unutrašnji uzdužni svod; Position 5.2.1: Internal longitudinal vault;

Pozicija 5.2.2: Vanjski uzdužni svod; Position 5.2.2: External longitudinal vault;

Pozicija 5.2.3: Poprečni svod; Position 5.2.3: Transverse vault;

Slika 6. Prikaz poprečnog presjeka stopala Figure 6. View of the cross section of the foot

Pozicija 6.1: A – A, naznaka mjesta poprečnog presjeka stopala; Position 6.1: A – A, indication of the location of the cross-section of the foot;

Pozicija 6.2: 5 segmenata kostiju stopala: S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 s 5 kostiju srednjeg stopala, M1, M2, M3, M4 i M5:; Position 6.2: 5 segments of foot bones: S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 with 5 metatarsal bones, M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5:;

Pozicija 6.3: Mišićna masa s žilama, tetivama i veoma jakim ligamentima stopala; Position 6.3: Muscle mass with veins, tendons and very strong ligaments of the foot;

Pozicije 6.4: P - Smjerovi pomaka kostiju stopala pri hodanju; Positions 6.4: P - The directions of movement of the bones of the foot when walking;

Slika 7 Prikaz izgleda plohe tabana ljudskog stopala Figure 7 View of the surface of the sole of the human foot

Pozicija 7.1: Prikaz uzdužnih (5.2.1 i 5.2.2) promjena oblika plohe tabana; Position 7.1: Presentation of longitudinal (5.2.1 and 5.2.2) changes in the shape of the sole surface;

Pozicija 7.2: Prikaz poprečnih (5.3.1 i 5.3.2) promjena oblika plohe tabana; Position 7.2: Display of transverse (5.3.1 and 5.3.2) changes in the shape of the sole surface;

Slika 8 Prikaz slojeva integriranog anatomskog uloška za obuću Figure 8 View of the layers of the integrated anatomical insole for footwear

Pozicija 8.1: Noseći sloj uloška, bočni prikaz; Position 8.1: Insole support layer, side view;

Pozicija 8.2: Pokrovni sloj; Position 8.2: Cover layer;

Pozicija 8.3: Petni nosivi sloj; Position 8.3: Heel support layer;

Pozicija 8.4: Plastični jastuk; Item 8.4: Plastic pillow;

Pozicija 8.5: Prednji jastučić prstiju; Position 8.5: Front finger pad;

Slika 9 Noseći sloja uloška, prikaz u tlocrtu Figure 9 Bearing layers of the insert, view in plan

Pozicija 9.1: Sredina, centralni dio, plohe nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška; Position 9.1: Middle, central part, surface of the bearing (8.1) layer of the insert;

Pozicija 9.2: Smjer prema prstima stopala; Position 9.2: Direction towards the toes;

Pozicija 9.3: Smjer prema petnom cijelu stopala; Position 9.3: Direction towards the heel of the whole foot;

Pozicija 9.4: Prednje trake nosećeg sloja; Position 9.4: Front strips of the carrier layer;

Pozicija 9.5: Stražnje središnje trake nosećeg sloja; Position 9.5: Rear center strips of the carrier layer;

Pozicija 9.6: Stražnje rubne trake nosećeg sloja; Position 9.6: Rear edge strips of the carrier layer;

Pozicija 9.7: Uzdužna simetrala nosećeg sloja; Position 9.7: Longitudinal bisector of the bearing layer;

Pozicija 9.8: Kutovi α1, α2, α3, α4, α5 između prednjih traka nosećeg sloja; Position 9.8: Angles α1, α2, α3, α4, α5 between the front strips of the supporting layer;

Pozicija 9.9: Poprečni presjek prednjih traka (9.4) nosećeg sloja; Position 9.9: Cross-section of the front strips (9.4) of the supporting layer;

Slika 10 Prikaz mogućih smjerova pomaka prednjih dijelova traka (9.4) nosećeg sloja; Figure 10 Illustration of the possible directions of displacement of the front parts of the strips (9.4) of the supporting layer;

Pozicija 10.1: Pomaci prednjih traka (9.4) prema i/ili od plohe tabana; Position 10.1: Movements of the front straps (9.4) towards and/or away from the sole surface;

Pozicija 10.2: Pomaci u smjeru međusobnog primicanja i/il odmicanja prednjih traka (9.4); Position 10.2: Movements in the direction of mutual approach and/or movement of the front strips (9.4);

Pozicija 10.3: Rotacijski zakreti prednjih traka (9.4) u smjeru ili protivno smjeru kazaljki na satu; Position 10.3: Rotational turns of the front bands (9.4) clockwise or counterclockwise;

Slika 11 Prikaz variranja presjeka petnog dijela uloška Figure 11 Illustration of the variation of the section of the heel part of the insole

Slika 12 Prikaz variranja presjeka prednjeg jastučića prstiju Figure 12 Representation of variation of the cross-section of the front finger pad

Slika 13 Prikaz inkorporiranih vrhovi prednjih traka (9.4) nosećeg sloja (8.1) u prednji jastučić (12) prstiju Figure 13 View of the tips of the front strips (9.4) of the support layer (8.1) incorporated into the front pad (12) of the fingers

Pozicija 13.1: Sklop traka nosećeg sloja (8.1) s prednjim jastučićem (8.5); Position 13.1: Assembly of strips of the supporting layer (8.1) with the front pad (8.5);

Pozicija 13.2: Sklop traka nosećeg sloja (8.1) s petnim nosivim slojem (8.3); Position 13.2: Assembly of strips of the supporting layer (8.1) with the heel supporting layer (8.3);

Pozicija 13.3: Ventilacijske rupice u pokrovnom sloju (8.2); Position 13.3: Ventilation holes in the cover layer (8.2);

Opis načina ostvarivanja izuma Description of the method of realization of the invention

Predmetni izum ostvaruje se u području općepoznate tehnologije proizvodnje i korištenja obuće na način da se ulošci prema predmetnom izumu inkorporiraju u obuću kao trajni sastavni i neodvojivi dijelovi ili se izrađuju kao zasebne cjeline te se po potrebi ili redovito insertiraju u obuću te povremeno koriste. The subject invention is realized in the field of generally known technology of production and use of footwear in such a way that the insoles according to the subject invention are incorporated into the footwear as permanent integral and inseparable parts or are made as separate units and are inserted into the footwear as needed or regularly and occasionally used.

Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Predmetni izum nalazi svoju primjenu u području proizvodnje i uobičajenog korištenja obuće kao i izrade ortopedske obuće kao načina rješavanja problema nastalih deformacijama stopala. The subject invention finds its application in the field of production and usual use of footwear as well as the production of orthopedic footwear as a way of solving problems caused by foot deformities.

Tehnologija kao i materijali koje s pritom koriste spadaju u kategoriju općepoznatih informacija. The technology as well as the materials used with it belong to the category of generally known information.

Claims (5)

1. Multifunkcionalni višeslojni integrirani anatomski i ortopedski uložak za obuću, naznačen time da ploha nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška svojim oblikom i konfiguracijom u potpunosti slijedi oblik plohe tabana (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) stopala za koji se uložak predviđa, pri čemu plohu nosećeg (9.2) sloja uloška od sredine stopala, odnosno centralnog dijela (9.2.1) u smjeru prema peti (9.2.3) tvori više, u pravilu pet stražnjih traka od kojih su tri središnje (9.2.5) stražnje trake i dvije rubne (9.2.6) stražnje trake, koje pri kraju poprimaju prema unutra zakrivljeni oblik, dok također otprilike od sredine stopala, odnosno centralnog dijela (9.1), ali u smjeru prema prstima (9.2) stopala, noseći (8.1) sloj tvori više prednjih (9.4), u pravilu pet, traka koje su međusobno pozicionirane pod određenim različitim ili istim kutovima α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), pri čemu oblici prednjih (9.4) traka nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška odražavaju pet segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala tako da su u ulošku obuće pozicionirane na način da se podudaraju i priliježu uz pet uzdužnih segmenata S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5 (4.1) kostiju stopala.1. Multifunctional multi-layer integrated anatomical and orthopedic insole for footwear, characterized by the fact that the surface of the supporting layer (8.1) of the insole, with its shape and configuration, fully follows the shape of the surface of the sole (1.2, 7.1, 7.2) of the foot for which the insole is intended, while the surface of the supporting layer (9.2) of the layer of the insole from the middle of the foot, i.e. the central part (9.2.1) in the direction towards the heel (9.2.3) is formed by more, as a rule, five rear strips, three of which are central (9.2.5) rear strips and two marginal ( 9.2.6) rear strips, which at the end take on an inwardly curved shape, while also approximately from the middle of the foot, i.e. the central part (9.1), but in the direction towards the toes (9.2) of the foot, the supporting (8.1) layer forms several front (9.4) ), as a rule five, strips that are mutually positioned at certain different or the same angles α (9.8, α1, α2, α3, α4, α5), whereby the shapes of the front (9.4) strips of the bearing (8.1) layer of the insert reflect the five segments of S1 , S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the foot bones so that they are in shoe insole positioned to match and fit the five longitudinal segments S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 (4.1) of the foot bones. 2. Uložak za obuću, prema prethodnom patentnom zahtjevu, naznačen time da su vrhovi pojedinačnih prednjih traka (9.4) nosećeg sloja inkorporirani u prednji jastučić (8.5, 12) prstiju, izrađen primjerice od medicinske poliuretanske pjene, tvoreći tako kompaktnu cjelinu, sklop (13.1), dok su stražnje, središnje (9.5) i rubne (9.6) trake nosećeg (8.1) sloja uloška inkorporirane u petni nosivi dio uloška (8.3, 11) izrađen od prikladne gumene spužve, tvoreći na taj način drugu kompaktnu cjelinu, sklop (13.2), ispod kojega je u području pete smješten plastični jastuk (8.4) izrađen, primjerice od gumene spužve. 2. Insole for footwear, according to the previous patent claim, characterized by the fact that the tips of the individual front strips (9.4) of the supporting layer are incorporated into the front pad (8.5, 12) of the toes, made for example of medical polyurethane foam, thus forming a compact unit, assembly (13.1) ), while the rear, central (9.5) and edge (9.6) strips of the support (8.1) layer of the insole are incorporated into the heel support part of the insole (8.3, 11) made of a suitable rubber sponge, thus forming another compact unit, assembly (13.2 ), under which a plastic cushion (8.4) is placed in the heel area, made of, for example, a rubber sponge. 3. Uložak za obuću, prema prethodnom patentnom zahtjevu, naznačen time da je noseći sloj (8.1) uloška, izrađen od odgovarajućeg materijala s elastičnim i opružnim svojstvima, primjerice od opružnog tankog nehrđajućeg čeličnog lima, tako da se, zahvaljujući fizikalnim svojstvima i debljini materijala nosećeg sloja (8.1), postiže trajnost forme, elastičnost, mogućnost federiranja te raspolaganje s dovoljnom silom tlačenja prema plohi (1.2) tabana stopala, na koji način se postiže ne samo nalijeganje nego i tlačenje uloška prema tabanu, odnosno kostima (2.3) stopala, i to dostatnom silom tako da ponajprije u stanju mirovanja, kada na stopala djeluje samo težina tijela osobe koja koristi uloške za obuću s nosećim (8.1) slojem uloška, na plohu tabana (7.1, 7.2), odnosno kosti (2.3) stopala, nastaje postojano i trajno tlačenje dovoljnom silom tako da pritišće na plohe tabana (7.1, 7.2) stopala, zahvaljujući čemu ne dolazi do spuštanje kostiju stopala na koji način se eliminira deformacija kostiju stopala. 3. Insole for shoes, according to the previous patent claim, characterized by the fact that the supporting layer (8.1) of the insole is made of a suitable material with elastic and spring properties, for example from a springy thin stainless steel sheet, so that, thanks to the physical properties and thickness of the material of the supporting layer (8.1), achieves the durability of the form, elasticity, the possibility of federation and the disposal of sufficient pressure force against the surface (1.2) of the sole of the foot, in which way not only the fit but also the pressure of the insole against the sole, i.e. the bones (2.3) of the foot, is achieved, and with sufficient force so that primarily in a state of rest, when only the weight of the body of the person using shoe insoles with the supporting (8.1) layer of the insole acts on the feet, a permanent and permanent pressure with sufficient force so that it presses on the surfaces of the soles (7.1, 7.2) of the feet, thanks to which the bones of the feet do not drop, which eliminates the deformation of feet are stiff. 4. Uložak za obuću, prema prethodnim patentnim zahtjevima, naznačen time da prednje trake (9.4) nosećeg sloja (8.1) omogućavaju autonomne pomake svakog od pet segmenata (4.1) kostiju stopala: S1, S2, S3, S4 i S5, i to u svim smjerovima (10.1, 10.2 i 10.3) prilagođeno vanjskim uvjetima koji na njih djeluje teren na kojem se obuća trenutno koristi kao i način kretanja. 4. Insole for footwear, according to the previous patent claims, characterized by the fact that the front strips (9.4) of the supporting layer (8.1) enable autonomous movements of each of the five segments (4.1) of the foot bones: S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5, and that in in all directions (10.1, 10.2 and 10.3) adapted to the external conditions that are affected by the terrain on which the footwear is currently used as well as the way of movement. 5. Uložak za obuću, prema prethodnom patentnom zahtjevu, naznačen time da je između nosećeg sloja (8.1) uloška i tabana stopala, kao jedan od sastavnih slojeva uloška, smješten pokrovni, zaštitni (8.2) sloj koji je na područjima između paralelnih traka nosećeg (8.1) sloja perforiran sitnim rupicama na koji način se osigurava propusnost zraka od tabana stopala prema donjim slojevima uloška.5. An insole for shoes, according to the previous patent claim, characterized by the fact that between the supporting layer (8.1) of the insole and the sole of the foot, as one of the component layers of the insole, there is a covering, protective (8.2) layer located in the areas between the parallel strips of the supporting ( 8.1) layer perforated with small holes, which ensures air permeability from the soles of the feet to the lower layers of the insole.
HRP20160897AA 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles HRP20160897A2 (en)

Priority Applications (3)

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HRP20160897AA HRP20160897A2 (en) 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles
PCT/HR2017/000009 WO2018015775A1 (en) 2016-07-19 2017-07-18 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomic and orthopedic insole
EP17765242.7A EP3493695A1 (en) 2016-07-19 2017-07-18 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomic and orthopedic insole

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HRP20160897AA HRP20160897A2 (en) 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles

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HRP20160897AA HRP20160897A2 (en) 2016-07-19 2016-07-19 Multifunctional multilayered integrated anatomical and orthopedic insoles

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EP3493695A1 (en) 2019-06-12
WO2018015775A1 (en) 2018-01-25

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