HRP20040589A2 - The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter - Google Patents

The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter Download PDF


Publication number
HRP20040589A2 HR20040589A HRP20040589A HRP20040589A2 HR P20040589 A2 HRP20040589 A2 HR P20040589A2 HR 20040589 A HR20040589 A HR 20040589A HR P20040589 A HRP20040589 A HR P20040589A HR P20040589 A2 HRP20040589 A2 HR P20040589A2
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Biljan Marijan
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Biljan Marijan
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Application filed by Biljan Marijan filed Critical Biljan Marijan
Priority to HR20040589A priority Critical patent/HRP20040589B1/en
Priority to EP05702169A priority patent/EP1765125A1/en
Priority to PCT/HR2005/000012 priority patent/WO2006000838A1/en
Publication of HRP20040589A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20040589A2/en
Publication of HRP20040589B1 publication Critical patent/HRP20040589B1/en



    • A47G25/00Household implements used in connection with wearing apparel; Dress, hat or umbrella holders
    • A47G25/14Clothing hangers, e.g. suit hangers
    • A47G25/1442Handling hangers, e.g. stacking, dispensing
    • A47G25/145Devices for holding or carrying multiple loaded hangers
    • A47G25/1457Devices for holding or carrying multiple loaded hangers comprising a hanging hook or handle


  • Holders For Apparel And Elements Relating To Apparel (AREA)
  • Load-Engaging Elements For Cranes (AREA)


Nosač konfekcijskih vješalica sastoji se od osnovne prečke (1), na koju se vješaju konfekcijske vješalice, s kukama (2) na oba kraja kojima se vješa na stalak. Iznad prečke nosača (1) stoji okomito, nazubljena pločica (10) s uzrezima koji određuju broj konfekcijskih vješalica koje se mogu na nosač objesiti. Nazubljena pločica (10) je zamjenjiva, tako da jedan nosač konfekcijskih vješalica može služiti za vješanje različitog broja komada konfekcijskih vješalica, prema potrebi. Nazubljena pločica(10) se može fiksirati u donjem okomitom položaju- osnovni položaj kada su sva ozubljenja na njoj popunjena, kao i zadržati u vodoravnom položaju ili gornjem okomitom položaju kada se vrši umetanje konfekscijskih vješalica ili kada se vrši skidanjekonfekcijskih vješalica. Blokiranje nazubljene pločice (10) u donjem okomitom položaju vrši se pomoću ureza na klizaču (5) koji onemogućava njeno pomicanje, a time je onemogućeno ispadanje konfekcijskih vješalica s prečke kod prijevoza robe kamionom.The carrier of ready-made hangers consists of a basic crossbar (1), on which the ready-made hangers hang, with hooks (2) on both ends which hang on a rack. Above the crossbar of the carrier (1) is a vertical, serrated plate (10) with notches that determine the number of ready-made hangers that can be hung on the carrier. The serrated plate (10) is replaceable, so that one carrier of ready-made hangers can be used to hang different numbers of pieces of ready-made hangers, as needed. The toothed tile (10) can be fixed in the lower vertical position - the basic position when all the teeth on it are filled, as well as retain in the horizontal position or the upper vertical position when inserting the ready-made hangers or when removing the ready-made hangers. The notched tile (10) is locked in the lower vertical position by means of a notch on the slider (5) which prevents its movement, thus preventing the fall of ready-made hangers from the bar when transporting goods by truck.


Područje na koje se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Ovaj izum odnosi se na nosač konfekcijskih vješalica sa ugrađenim brojačem istih. This invention relates to a carrier for garment hangers with a built-in counter.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

(za čije se rješenje traži patentna zaštita) (for the solution of which patent protection is requested)

Manipulacija konfekcijskom robom koja počinje u skladištima proizvođača, a završava u maloprodajnim dućanima, zahtjeva stalno brojenje kod preuzimanja između subjekata. Potrebno vrijeme za brojenje većih količina takvih proizvoda treba skratiti, a pogreške kod brojenja što je moguće više spriječiti. Manipulation of ready-made goods, which starts in the warehouses of manufacturers and ends in retail stores, requires constant counting when taking over between entities. The time needed to count large quantities of such products should be shortened, and counting errors should be prevented as much as possible.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Sadašnje stanje kod manipulacije konfekcijskom robom svodi se na držanje takve robe na stalcima raznih veličina i visina sa većim ili manjim brojem konfekcijskih vješalica. Broj vješalica na pojedinom stalku ovisi o vrsti konfekcijske robe (kaputi, odijela, hlače, haljine, majice,...). Pogledom na bilo koji stalak sa konfekcijskom robom na vješalicama nismo sigurni koliko ima komada na njemu, dok ne izvršimo brojenje pojedinačno svake vješalice. Problem sa brojenjem komada vješalica na stalku pojavljuje se već na samom početku to jest u proizvodnji. Roba iz proizvodnog pogona odlazi u skladište i skladištar mora prebrojiti svaku vješalicu da bi bio siguran koliko komada je preuzeo. Daljnje brojenje nastaje kada skladištar izdaje robu iz skladišta na prijevozno sredstvo - kamion za prijevoz konfekcije. Tom prilikom vozač kamiona je taj koji mora prebrojiti svaku vješalicu koju stavlja na prečke u svojem kamionu. Kada doveze robu u skladište kupca, kupac je taj koji tu robu prebacuje iz kamiona na svoje stalke i tada opet mora svaku vješalicu prebrojiti. Preuzetu robu sa kamiona u ekspeditu ponovno preuzima skladištar koji mora prebrojiti svaku vješalicu da bi bio siguran koliko je komada primio. Problem je u tome što se količine koje se preizimaju kreću u relacijama od nekoliko desetaka do nekoliko tisuća komada vješalica sa konfekcijom. The current state of ready-made goods manipulation boils down to keeping such goods on racks of various sizes and heights with a larger or smaller number of ready-made hangers. The number of hangers on each rack depends on the type of ready-made goods (coats, suits, trousers, dresses, T-shirts,...). Looking at any rack with ready-made goods on hangers, we are not sure how many pieces are on it, until we count each hanger individually. The problem with counting pieces of hangers on the rack appears already at the very beginning, that is, in production. The goods from the production plant go to the warehouse and the warehouseman has to count each hanger to be sure how many pieces he has taken. Further counting occurs when the storekeeper issues the goods from the warehouse to a means of transport - a ready-made transport truck. On this occasion, the truck driver is the one who has to count every hanger he puts on the crossbars in his truck. When he brings the goods to the customer's warehouse, the customer is the one who transfers the goods from the truck to his racks and then has to count each hanger again. The goods taken from the truck are picked up again by the warehouseman who has to count each hanger to be sure how many pieces he has received. The problem is that the quantities that are taken over range from several dozen to several thousand pieces of clothes hangers.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Primarni cilj izuma je pregledan način prikaza broja vješalica sa konfekcijskom robom na stalku za vješalice. The primary objective of the invention is a revised way of displaying the number of hangers with ready-made goods on a hanger rack.

Sekundarni cilj izuma je olakšano prebacivanje vješalica sa konf. robom sa jednog stalka na drugi stalak bez dodirivanja rukama sa ciljem sprečavanja prljanja robe. The secondary goal of the invention is to facilitate the transfer of hangers from conf. goods from one rack to another rack without touching with hands in order to prevent the goods from getting dirty.

Daljnji cilj izuma je zaštita takve robe od gubitka pojedinih dijelova robe na vješalicama, a što se postiže korištenjem jedne transportne zaštitne najlonske vreće za cijeli nosač vješalica. A further goal of the invention is to protect such goods from the loss of individual parts of the goods on the hangers, which is achieved by using one transport protective nylon bag for the entire hanger carrier.

Prazni nosači vješalica mogu se vješati jedan na drugog tako da zauzimaju manje prostora. Empty hanger brackets can be hung on top of each other so that they take up less space.

Nosač vješalica u osnovi se sastoji od prečke nosača standardne dužine 50 cm koja na oba kraja ima kuku za vješanje. The hanger bracket basically consists of a standard length of 50 cm, which has a hanging hook at both ends.

Iznad prečke nosača između dviju kuka na krajevima, je postavljena četvrtasta osovina sa izmjenjivom nazubljenom pločicom koja ima na svom donjem dijelu ureze iznad kojih su naštampani redni brojevi od 1 - 5 minimalno i od 1 - 50 maksimalno. Above the crossbar of the support between the two hooks at the ends, there is a square shaft with a replaceable toothed plate, which has notches on its lower part above which are printed serial numbers from 1 - 5 minimum and from 1 - 50 maximum.

Svaki nosač vješalica može imati set od 6 komada nazubljenih pločica sa urezima (sa min. 5 ureza, do 10, 20, 30, 40 i max. 50 ureza-mjesta), što ne znači da se kroz praksu taj broj komada u setu nazubljenih pločica ne može i povećati na broj komada potrebnih korisniku. Svaki urez na pločici određuje jedno mjesto za konfekcijsku vješalicu sa artiklom-robom. Each hanger support can have a set of 6 pieces of serrated tiles with notches (with min. 5 notches, up to 10, 20, 30, 40 and max. 50 notches-places), which does not mean that through practice that number of pieces in a set of serrated the tile cannot increase to the number of pieces needed by the user. Each notch on the plate determines one place for a ready-to-wear hanger with an article-goods.

Položaj nazubljene pločice sa urezima i brojevima iznad ureza, može se pomoću bočnih klizača fiksirati u donjem okomitom položaju iznad prečke nosača. The position of the serrated plate with notches and numbers above the notches can be fixed in the lower vertical position above the support bar using the side sliders.

Okomiti položaj nazubljene pločice sprečava da konfekcijske vješalice ne iskoće sa prečke nosača prilikom prijevoza vozilima za prijevoz konfekcije. The vertical position of the serrated plate prevents ready-made clothes hangers from jumping out of the crossbar during transport by ready-made clothes transport vehicles.

Vodoravni položaj nazubljene pločice omogućava lagano stavljanje konfekcijskih vješalica sa robom na prečku nosača kao i lagano skidanje konfekcijskih vješalica sa prečke nosača. The horizontal position of the serrated plate enables the easy placing of ready-made clothes hangers with goods on the crossbar of the carrier, as well as the easy removal of ready-made clothes hangers from the crossbar of the carrier.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Popratni crteži koji su uključeni u opis i koji čine dio opisa izuma, ilustriraju najbolji način za izvedbu izuma, i pomažu kod objašnjavanja osnovnih principa izuma. The accompanying drawings, which are included in the description and form part of the description of the invention, illustrate the best mode of carrying out the invention, and assist in explaining the basic principles of the invention.

Sl. 1 prikazuje nosač vješalica Sl. 1 shows the hanger bracket

Sl. 2.1 prikazuje detalj A sa slike 1 Sl. 2.1 shows detail A from figure 1

Sl. 2.2 prikazuje kosu projekciju detalja A sa slike 1 Sl. 2.2 shows an oblique projection of detail A from figure 1

Sl. 3 prikazuje sve dijelove od kojih se nosač konfekcije sastoji Sl. 3 shows all the parts that make up the ready-to-wear carrier

Detaljan opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarivanja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Sada će se uputiti do u pojedinosti ovog pretpostavljenog ostvarenja izuma, čiji je jedan primjer ilustriran pridruženim crtežima. Reference will now be made to the details of this proposed embodiment of the invention, one example of which is illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

Upućujući na sliku 1 i detalj A, može se vidjeti da se nosač vješalica za konfekciju sastoji od prečke nosača 1 sa dvije kuke na krajevima 2. Obje kuke imaju na sebi pomični prsten 3, oprugu dvostruke namjene 4, klizač 5 sa okomitim urezima na obje strane i navojni zatik 6. Referring to figure 1 and detail A, it can be seen that the clothes hanger bracket consists of a bracket bar 1 with two hooks at the ends 2. Both hooks have on them a movable ring 3, a dual purpose spring 4, a slider 5 with vertical notches on both sides and threaded pin 6.

Prečka nosača na krajevima ima čepove 7, sa navojnim zatikom 8 na imbus ključ. Kuke su na gornjem okomitom dijelu povezane sa četvrtastom osovinom 9, na koju se kvači nazubljena pločica 10 sa urezima i naštampanim rednim brojevima iznad svakog ureza. The crossbar of the support has plugs 7 at the ends, with a threaded pin 8 on an Allen key. On the upper vertical part, the hooks are connected to a square shaft 9, to which a toothed plate 10 with notches and printed serial numbers above each notch is attached.

Podizanjem klizača 5 prema gore iznad nivoa navojnog zatika 6, pri tom savladavajući otpor opruge 4, oslobađa se zub na boku nazubljene pločice i na taj način se pločica može zakretati rotiranjem prema gore. Istovremeno četvrtasta osovina 9 koja nosi nazubljenu pločicu 10 svojim bridom potiskuje pomični prsten 3 prema dolje savladavajući oprugu 4 i na taj način omogućava zadržavanje nazubljene pločice u vodoravnom položaju. By lifting the slider 5 upwards above the level of the threaded pin 6, while overcoming the resistance of the spring 4, the tooth on the side of the toothed plate is released and in this way the plate can be turned by rotating upwards. At the same time, the square shaft 9, which carries the toothed plate 10, pushes the movable ring 3 down with its edge, overcoming the spring 4, and in this way enables the toothed plate to be kept in a horizontal position.

Zakretanjem klizaća 5 u jednom ili drugom smjeru kada je iznad nivoa navojnog zatika 6 omogućeno mu je zadržavanje u gornjem položaju. By rotating the slider 5 in one or the other direction when it is above the level of the threaded pin 6, it is enabled to stay in the upper position.

Okretanjem nazubljene pločice 10 u donji okomiti položaj i ponovnim zakretanjem klizača 5 na način da sa prorezom na vanjskoj strani nasjedne preko bočnog navojnog zatika 6, automatski će drugi prorez klizača na suprotnoj strani nasjesti na zub nazubljene pločice i tako je fiksirati u donjem okomitom položaju. Nazubljena pločica 10 je izmjenjiva tako da se može zamijeniti istom takvom ali sa brojem ureza ovisno o potrebi. By turning the serrated plate 10 to the lower vertical position and turning the slider 5 again so that the slot on the outside fits over the side threaded pin 6, the second slot of the slider on the opposite side will automatically fit on the tooth of the serrated plate and thus fix it in the lower vertical position. The serrated plate 10 is replaceable so that it can be replaced with the same one but with the number of notches depending on the need.

Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Ovaj nosač vješalica sa konfekcijskom robom je u biti novo pomoćno sredstvo koje se uvodi u način rada kod manipulacije konfekcijom. Danas se konfekcija pomoću konfekcijskih vješalica premješta sa stalka na stalak na način da radnik uzima sa obje ruke bunt konfekcijskih vješalica sa robom i premješta ih na drugi stalak imajući problema kod stavljanja tog bunta vješalica na prečku drugog stalka jer se neke vješalice uvijek pomaknu pa je zbog njih teško staviti takav bunt na drugi stalak. Svako premještanje konfekcije zahtjeva brojenje komada vješalica sa robom. Korištenjem ovog nosača vješalica jednostavno je prebaciti robu sa jednog stalka na drugi i uz to u svakom momentu je vidljivo da li koja vješalica sa robom ne dostaje jer je odmah uočljivo prazno mjesto na nazubljenoj pločici. Redni brojevi iznad ureza na nazubljenoj pločici s jedne strane su štampani s lijeva na desno a na drugoj strani nazubljene pločice štampani su sa desna na lijevo. Razlog tome je taj da ako na nosaču nisu popunjena sva mjesta za koliko je predviđen, sa jedne i sa druge strane nosača vidljivo je do kojeg broja je nosač popunjen. This ready-to-wear hanger carrier is essentially a new auxiliary tool that is introduced into the mode of operation for ready-to-wear manipulation. Today, ready-made garments are moved from rack to rack with the help of ready-made hangers in such a way that the worker takes a bundle of ready-made hangers with goods with both hands and moves them to another rack, having problems when placing that bundle of hangers on the crossbar of the second rack because some hangers always move, so it is it is difficult for them to put such a rebellion on another shelf. Each movement of clothing requires counting the pieces of hangers with goods. By using this hanger support, it is easy to transfer goods from one rack to another, and in addition, it is visible at any moment whether any hanger with goods is missing, because an empty space on the toothed plate is immediately noticeable. Serial numbers above the notch on the serrated plate are printed from left to right on one side and from right to left on the other side of the serrated plate. The reason for this is that if not all the slots on the carrier are filled as intended, on one side and on the other side of the carrier it is visible up to which number the carrier is filled.

Claims (7)

1. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem, naznačen time, što se sastoji od prečke (1) spojene s kukama (2) za koje je spojena četvrtasta osovina (9) pri čemu ista sadrži nazubljenu pločicu (10) koja je zakretna zajedno sa osovinom1. Hanger support for ready-made goods with a counter, characterized by the fact that it consists of a bar (1) connected to hooks (2) to which a square shaft (9) is connected, wherein the same contains a toothed plate (10) that is pivoted together with axis 2. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu sa brojačem prema 1. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što kuke (2) sadrže opružne mehanizme koji se sastoje od: pomičnih prstena (3), opruga (4), klizača (5) i štiftova (6), pri čemu klizači (5) imaju izvedene okomite ureze na obje strane.2. Hanger carrier for ready-made goods with a counter according to claim 1, characterized in that the hooks (2) contain spring mechanisms consisting of: movable rings (3), springs (4), sliders (5) and pins (6). , where the sliders (5) have vertical notches on both sides. 3. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem prema 1. i 2. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što se opružnim mehanizmom fiksira nazubljena pločica (10) u okomitom ili vodoravnom položaju.3. Hanger holder for ready-made goods with a counter according to the 1st and 2nd requirements, indicated by the fact that the toothed plate (10) is fixed in a vertical or horizontal position by means of a spring mechanism. 4. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem prema 1., 2. i 3. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što nazubljena pločica (10) sadrži: • na donjem dijelu niz ureza, ovisno o broju vješalica koje se žele postaviti na prečku; • na gornjem dijelu pregib kojim se kvači na četvrtastu osovinu; • na bočnim dijelovima zube pomoću kojih se pločica, uz djelovanje opružnih mehanizama, fiksira u okomitom položaju; • iznad ureza niz rednih brojeva i to s obje strane.4. Hanger holder for ready-made goods with a counter according to claims 1, 2 and 3, characterized in that the serrated plate (10) contains: • on the lower part, a series of notches, depending on the number of hangers to be placed on the crossbar; • on the upper part, a fold that hooks onto the square shaft; • on the side parts, teeth by means of which the tile, with the action of spring mechanisms, is fixed in a vertical position; • above the notch, a series of serial numbers on both sides. 5. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem prema 1., 2., 3. i 4. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što nosač sadrži set od više komada izmjenjivih nazubljenih pločica (10), pri čemu se iste razlikuju samo u broju ureza5. Hanger support for ready-made goods with a counter according to claim 1, 2, 3 and 4, characterized by the fact that the support contains a set of several pieces of replaceable serrated plates (10), where they differ only in the number of notches 6. Nosač vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem prema 1., 2., 3., 4. i 5. zahtjevu, naznačen time, što se jednom zaštitnom najlonskom vrećom zaštićuje i roba i nosač vješalica prilikom transporta6. Hanger carrier for ready-made goods with a counter according to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th requirements, indicated by the fact that both the goods and the hanger carrier are protected during transport with one protective nylon bag 7. Primjena nosača vješalica za konfekcijsku robu s brojačem, naznačen time, što se nosač postavlja na stalke kako bi se: • na pregledan način prikazao broj vješalica s robom tj. istu lako prebrojavalo, te • olakšalo prebacivanje vješalica sa jednog na drugi stalak bez da se konfekcijska roba dodiruje rukama.7. Application of hanger supports for ready-made goods with a counter, indicated by the fact that the support is placed on racks in order to: • presented the number of hangers with goods in a reviewed manner, i.e. it was easy to count them, and • made it easier to transfer hangers from one rack to another without touching ready-made goods with hands.
HR20040589A 2004-06-28 2004-06-28 The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter HRP20040589B1 (en)

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HR20040589A HRP20040589B1 (en) 2004-06-28 2004-06-28 The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter
EP05702169A EP1765125A1 (en) 2004-06-28 2005-02-04 The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter
PCT/HR2005/000012 WO2006000838A1 (en) 2004-06-28 2005-02-04 The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter

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HR20040589A HRP20040589B1 (en) 2004-06-28 2004-06-28 The stand for garment hangers with a built-in counter

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